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olivereliocorcordium1983 · 10 months ago
You know what the worst thing about knowing something to be true is? Is the fact that you know you saw it with your own two eyes. Yet, everyone else around you says that it's a rumor.
So what am I exactly talking about? well, Law and Order SVU season 11 episode 5 the episode where Christopher Meloni and Lee Tergesen are reunited for awhile since OZ.
Now why am I bringing this up? well, people are claiming that it's a rumor that those two end up kissing in a blooper reel for that episode. And I am hear to tell you, that Yes, indeed they do kiss however, the part where they do is cut out. it does not show in the bloopers on youtube.
Why do I know this? Because I saw the entire original Blooper video for that episode by accident. it was posted to Twitter a long time ago 2021 I believe (dont quote me on that) and I swear it was like seeing Beecher and Keller in that room again.
I screamed and fanboyed so damn hard I knocked my book off the couch that I was reading at the time. SO I am here to tell you that it is not a rumor at all! it is true and yes, the video does exist.
I was going to share the video so other svu/ oz lovers of these two could see it. However, when I tried to do so the next day the original video was completely gone and the original posters account was completely deleted. Which tells me that the person who posted it worked for the show and got busted for doing so.
But here is basically what happens in the one that is on youtube.
Together: "Lead us not into temptation."
Chris: "You smell great."
Chris: "and deliver us-"
Lee: "Are you feeling this?"
Chris: "mhm."
Lee: " I am feeling this."
This is where the video cuts off and goes to Olivia smacking or grabbing Elliot's ass. which is hilarious XD.
The original unedited version of blooper.
Together: "Lead us not into temptation."
Chris: "You smell great."
Chris: "and deliver us-"
Lee: "Are you feeling this?"
Chris: "mhm."
Lee: "I am feeling this."
Chris: "sword fight."
Then they end up kissing each other then the video ends.
But it is the moment that Lee says "I am feeling this." that for me Christopher Meloni completely breaks out of Elliot. you can clearly see it happen in the blooper obviously but the whole "Sword fight" thing is such a completely Keller thing to say!
Clearly it was no longer Elliot Stabler and crazy ass preacher dude in that room anymore. That was Keller and Beecher reunited for a split second, just for a moment. Because Elliot would not be kissing another man, but Keller for damn sure would!
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It pisses me off that they didn't keep the entire blooper in for us as fans to see! It also breaks my heart to know that the person deleted that video, knowing that fans were going to speculate about this very thing!
I think it's kind of cool, that I accidentally stumbled upon this just searching through oz stuff trying to find pictures and all that to manipulate for my stories. But the fact that I couldn't share the video does hurt me.
This was something that many of us OZ fans were looking forward to myself included when that episode was to come out. But they should have kept the entire blooper in there, because it would have made an entire fanbase happy.
In fact, it is because of OZ that I got into Law and Order Svu in the first place, because everyone from OZ has been on Law and Order at some point. Including Beecher aka Lee Tergesen which I believe was twice? anyway, enough of my ramblings.
Seeing the new short film for OZ or ZO as they are calling got me hyped up and back on the Oz train again. And got me missing all these characters again, that I wanted to post this.
All that to say, Yes, It does exist. Yes it is very much real. The video is out there somewhere with the original poster, and Yes. Christopher Meloni and Lee Tergesen really did kiss each other in a Law and Order Svu blooper.
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wherever-i-look-blog · 1 year ago
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Tracker: Character Guide and Noteworthy Information https://tinyurl.com/277gbbvl
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1991movierewind · 2 years ago
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In Episode 88, we discuss #pointbreak where an undercover FBI agent who is tasked with investigating the identities of a group of bank robbers who happen to be surfers while he develops a complex relationship with the group's leader. Starring Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, Lori Petty, Gary Busey and John C. McGinley. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow and released on July 12, 1991. #kathrynbigelow #keanureeves #patrickswayze #loripetty #garybusey #johncmcginley #jameslegros #johnphilbin #leetergesen #anthonykiedis #tomsizemore #1991 #1990s #1991movierewind #90saction #90snostalgia #90saesthetic #90smovies #90sfilm #90s https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEXtEjOCjV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elizapdushku · 4 years ago
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Wayne's World, 1992 #waynesworld #mikemyers #danacarvey #tiacarrere #roblowe #laraflynnboyle #edoneill #briandoylemurray #colleencamp #kurtfuller #chrisfarley #michaeldeluise #leetergesen #mikehagerty #frederickcoffin #frankdileo #donnadixon #ioneskye #alicecooper #robertpatrick #charlesnoland #penelopespheeris #ripchrisfarley #ripfrederickcoffin #ripfrankdileo #moviemonday #moviemondays #moviesilove #favouritemovies https://www.instagram.com/p/CTN3iEfqikk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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themsmichele · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday @kevinbacon 🎬 #billycrudup @sebastiancomedy 🎤🤣 #leetergesen @michaelmweatherly 🎁🎉🎉🎂 and @beck 😊 #kevinbacon #sebastianmaniscalco #michaelweatherly #beck #actors #comedian #singer #birthday #like
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adafine · 4 years ago
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Horror Movie Marathon (2020) October 6th 15. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) Directed by Jonathan Liebesman #thetexaschainsawmassacrethebeginning #jordanabrewster #mattbomer #diorabaird #taylorhandley #rleeermey #andrewbryniarski #leetergesen #kathylamkin #leatherface #jonathanliebesman #bluray Turns out I’m watching this on its 14th anniversary. Funny story: I had arranged a date of sorts with a girl I had a long-standing crush on and we were supposed to see “The Departed”. We went to buy tickets and they were sold out. She asked if I wanted to see “the new Texas Chainsaw” instead. I agreed. Yikes, that was uncomfortable. (at El Apartamento De Sweeney) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGByxoSA7pe/?igshid=1aufqjvz0pgvp
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darthtalon89 · 5 years ago
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#TheCollection#psychologicalslasherfilm#psychologicalhorror#slasher#TheCollectionMovie#TheCollectionFilm#RandallArcher#EmmaFitzpatrick#ChristopherMcDonald#LeeTergesen#HorrorMovie#HorrorFan#horrorgirl#HorrorAddict#HorrorLover#horrorgram#horrorobsessed#terror#peliculadeterror#JoshStewart#MarcusDunstan#Horror https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1lymFnfnd/?igshid=11acn8wgzqb25
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zacharystertz · 6 years ago
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I had the incredible opportunity to photograph the cast of “Long Lost” for Manhattan Theatre Club @mtc_nyc. It was great working once again with Annie Parisse and for the first time with Kelly Aucoin @kellyaucoin77, Lee Tergesen @leetergesen and Alex Wolff @alexwolffofficial. I’m really looking forward to seeing the show. . . . . . . . #mtc #nycitycenter #longlost #annieparisse #kellyaucoin #leetergesen #alexwolff #nyctheatre #theatre #nycculture #profotousa #canon (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGVDSHH2Rr/?igshid=wesmi8si2maj
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therealmrpositive · 3 years ago
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
In today's review, I head back to the start, as I attempt a #positive review of the 2006 origins of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning #AndrewBryniarski #R.LeeErmey #JordanaBrewster #TaylorHandley #MattBomer #DioraBaird #LeeTergesen #TerrenceEvans
The age-old question of what makes these unspeakable people do unspeakable things is a lucrative quandary. Podcasts, Documentaries, and deep criminological studies all dedicated much thought to the discussion, Fiction also devotes a lot of thought to this, with origin stories aplenty attempting to shine lights on what made their captivating characters so bewitching. In 2006, a prequel film was…
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olivereliocorcordium1983 · 3 years ago
I fucking fanboyed so goddamn hard when I saw this!
Okay you guys know how much I am a fan of Beecher and Keller from Oz. Well, I was just looking around and I found this! it is from the episode “Savor” from Law and Order SVU it is the bloopers of the episode. now, when I originally saw this on youtube it cut off just before Christopher and Lee got intimate. This version however, shows the whole thing and I fucking screamed when I saw it! my little oz fanboy heart started beating so fast you guys and I literally was like “Oh my god! they just channeled Beecher and Keller up in that interogation room! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! X...D anyway, thank fucking you to whoever posted this on Twitter you are my fucking hero man! 
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wherever-i-look-blog · 1 year ago
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Tracker: Season 1/ Episode 1 "Klamath Falls" – Episode Recap & Review http://tinyurl.com/22cvah8w
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bardo1129 · 7 years ago
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Happy to see #TOMFONTANA @sonofsicilia and #DavidMannis’s #funny and way too #relevant #read of #STALIN at @theactingcompany #stclement the #oz #gang back together #deanwinters #leetergesen and #zeljkoivanek (at New York, New York)
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judasinmymxnd · 8 years ago
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~You are beautiful on the inside You are innocence personified I will drag you down And sell you out Run away... I am cold like December snow I have carved out this soul made of stone I will drag you down And sell you out... Embraced by the darkness I am losing the light Encircled by demons I fight... What have I become? Now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ever loved I pushed them all away And I have been a slave To the Judas in my mind Is there something left for me To save in the wreckage of my life? My life I'm becom-I'm becom-I'm becoming I'm becom-I'm becom-I'm becoming Judas in... Judas in my mind! I'm becom-I'm becom-I'm becoming I'm becom-I'm becom-I'm becoming Judas in... Judas in my mind!~ I have found yet another song that works so well for these two. Personally, this song works for both Beecher and Keller. I had this thought randomly pop into my head as I was listening to it earlier. And now, I have another video idea! The song is Judas by Fozzy 🖤 #oz #ozhbo #chriskeller #christopherkeller #chrismeloni #christophermeloni #tobiasbeecher #leetergesen
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themsmichele · 6 years ago
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Happy Birthday @kevinbacon 🎉🎈 #billycrudup 🎬🎁 @sebastiancomedy 🎂and #leetergesen 😊🎈 #kevinbacon #sebastianmaniscalco #actors #comedian #birthday https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzp7TSVh08u/?igshid=5ffetf7rbiwk
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1991movierewind · 2 years ago
Anthony Kiedis cameo in Point Break (1991)
#patrickswayze #keanureeves #anthonykiedis #redhotchillipeppers #1990s #1991 #movies #film #filmlover #movielover #actionmovie #garybusey #loripetty #johnphilbin #leetergesen #surfing #surfmovie #favoritefilms #pointbreak #pointbreakmovie #classicmovies #classicfilms #fightscene #martialarts
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paperfacesllc · 5 years ago
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Class of 2020 The Blue Jacket Show! For the prevention and Awareness of Prostate Cancer. Top row (L-R) Lee Tergesen @leetergesen, Nigel Barker @nigelbarker, Carson Kressley @carsonkressley, Dr. Memet Oz @dr_oz, Yusuf Myers @yusufmyers, Simon Doonan @simondoonan, Buster Skrine @busterskrine, Elvis Duran @elvisduran, David Byrne @davidbyrneofficial and Billy Gilman @billygilmanofficial Bottom row (L-R) Alex Lundqvist @therealalexlundqvist, Ty-Ron Mayes @stylisttyronmayes, Richie Lamontagne @richiethemountain1, Dominic Fumusa @dominicfumusa and Mike Woods @mikewoodsfox5 (Missing Bill Nye @billnye “The Science Guy”. @bluejacketfashionshow hosted by Frederick Anderson @frederickanderson_designer The Blue Jacket Show was founded by designer Frederick Anderson and former Condé Nast executive Laura Miller to create a platform to openly discuss men's cancer issues with an emphasis on education, early detection, prevention and treatment options. Sponsors of the evening included Black Dahlia, Curious Elixirs, Lyft, Hennessy, UroGPO, U.S. Polo Association and Saratoga Water. Paper Faces T-Shirts available at Amazon.com All photos provided by Craig Barritt @getty Tags: #celebritystylisttyronmayes #superstylisttyronmayes #tyronmayes #celebritystylisttyronmayes #paperfaces #bluejacketfashionshow2020 #prostatecancerprevention Please follow The Blue Jacket at: Instagram @bluejacketfashionshow Facebook @bluejacketfashionshow Twitter @tbjfashionshow (at Pier59 Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ob_jXhSko/?igshid=1adfmw9gqfo1p
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