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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #horror #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #tobehooper #riptobehooper #leatherface #andrewbryniarski #jessicabiel #EricaLeerhsen #EricBalfour #mikevogel #jonathantucker #daviddorfman #johnlarroquette #rleeermey #riprleeermey #2000s #dvd #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow

Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #horror #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #tobehooper #riptobehooper #leatherface #andrewbryniarski #jessicabiel #EricaLeerhsen #EricBalfour #mikevogel #jonathantucker #daviddorfman #johnlarroquette #rleeermey #riprleeermey #2000s #dvd #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
#movies#movie#horror#the texas chainsaw massacre#texas chainsaw massacre#tobe hooper#rip tobe hooper#Leatherface#andrew bryniarski#eric balfour#Jessica Biel#erica leerhson#mike vogel#Jonathan Tucker#david dorfman#john larroquette#r lee ermey#rip r lee ermey#dvd#2000s#duran duran tulsa's horror show#duran duran tulsa#SoundCloud
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#MissKitty #CristiConaway #MaxSchreck #AndrewBryniarski #RedTriangleCircusGang #VincentSchiavelli #AlfredPennyworth #WarnerBros #MichellePfeiffer #MichaelKeaton #DannyElfman #PatHingle #OrganGrinder #Penguin #CharlesSchreck #DianeSalinger #GothamCity #MichaelGough #DannyDeVito #DCComics #BruceWayne #ChristopherWalken #OswaldCobblepot #BatmanReturns #IcePrincess #JamesGordon #Batman #PaulReubens #SelinaKyle #Catwoman https://www.instagram.com/p/CRyRbOksgxD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Dajaaaaaaaah! #omarepps #michaelrapaport #icecube #bustarhymes #queenlatifah #tyrabanks #colehouser #lawrencefishburne #jenniferconnelly #kristyswanson #reginaking #bridgettewilson #kariwuhrer #andrewbryniarski #higherlearning #malik #mrwilliams #peppermint (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaGjjQfrEVW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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LEATHERFACE baby!!! Texas Chainsaw the Next Generation!!! #RLS8GUY #Learherface #asylumrecords #andrewbryniarski #Halloween #horror #scary #movies (at Asylum Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_V3AKHuaB/?igshid=ait9izxwn856
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Horror Movie Marathon (2020) October 6th 15. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) Directed by Jonathan Liebesman #thetexaschainsawmassacrethebeginning #jordanabrewster #mattbomer #diorabaird #taylorhandley #rleeermey #andrewbryniarski #leetergesen #kathylamkin #leatherface #jonathanliebesman #bluray Turns out I’m watching this on its 14th anniversary. Funny story: I had arranged a date of sorts with a girl I had a long-standing crush on and we were supposed to see “The Departed”. We went to buy tickets and they were sold out. She asked if I wanted to see “the new Texas Chainsaw” instead. I agreed. Yikes, that was uncomfortable. (at El Apartamento De Sweeney) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGByxoSA7pe/?igshid=1aufqjvz0pgvp
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Here's my #leatherface for Day 27 of #monstober2019 @monstober_art @art.by.robin.mies @andrew_bryniarski #monstober19 #officialmonstober #monsterart #horror #texaschainsaw #texaschainsawmassacre #tobehooper #andrewbryniarski #monsters #horrorartist #horrorcommunity #horrorobsessed #horrorfamily #horrorfan #horrorfans #instahorror #horrornerd #horrorjunkie #horroraddict #horrormovie #horrormovies #horrorart #horrormoviefan #instahorror #horrorfilms #horrorhound #beckydoyon #maineartist (at Winslow, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4IOkJUFP15/?igshid=wmy80opndv1m
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
In today's review, I head back to the start, as I attempt a #positive review of the 2006 origins of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning #AndrewBryniarski #R.LeeErmey #JordanaBrewster #TaylorHandley #MattBomer #DioraBaird #LeeTergesen #TerrenceEvans
The age-old question of what makes these unspeakable people do unspeakable things is a lucrative quandary. Podcasts, Documentaries, and deep criminological studies all dedicated much thought to the discussion, Fiction also devotes a lot of thought to this, with origin stories aplenty attempting to shine lights on what made their captivating characters so bewitching. In 2006, a prequel film was…

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#2006#Andrew Bryniarski#Cyia Batten#Diora Baird#film#films#horror#John Larroquette#Jordana Brewster#Kathy Lamkin#Lee Tergesen#Lew Temple#Marietta Marich#Matt Bomer#Movies#positive#R. Lee Ermey#review#slasher#Taylor Handley#Terrence Evans#Tim De Zarn
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Remake Vs Original: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Remake Vs Original: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
By: Justin Hopkins
When I was thinking about which movies to pit against each other this month. Kind of struggled to think of one. Was sort of leaning towards The Longest Yard, due to football being synonymous with Thanksgiving, but wasn’t sitting well with me. So, I kept thinking. What could be a good movie to go with the month, where we celebrate by having a massive family dinner, and soon it…
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People forget that Lattimer in The Program and Mad Man in Any Given Sunday are the same dude ... #staywoke #AndrewBryniarski
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🏈 Any Given Sunday (1999) "Four seconds is a lifetime!" #AnyGivenSunday #AnyGivenSundayFilm #AnyGivenSundayMovie #UnDomingoCualquiera #AlPacino #CameronDiaz #DennisQuaid #JamesWoods #JamieFoxx #LLCoolJ #AaronEckhart #MatthewModine #JohnCMcGinley #AndrewBryniarski #CharltonHeston† #OliverStone #SportsFilm #drama #Bluray #bluraycollection #cinephile #cinephiles #cinephilia #instacine #instacinema #instacinefilos #instamovies #cinema
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Batman Returns (1992) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #Batman #thedarkknight #batmanreturns #ThePenguin #catwoman #AlfredPennyworth #CommissionerGordon #batmobile #Batmissile #batskiboat #timburton #MichaelKeaton #dannydevito #michellepfeiffer #MichaelGough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #christophermauricebrown #andrewbryniarski #JanHooks #michaelmurphy #christiconaway #paulreubens #rippaulreubens #vincentschiavelli #ripvincentschiavelli #DebbieLeeCarrington #SeanWhalen #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
#movie#movies#action adventure#comic book movies#super hero movies#batman#the dark knight#batman returns#tim burton#the penguin#catwoman#alfred pennyworth#commissioner gordon#Michael Keaton#danny devito#Michelle Pfeiffer#Christopher Walken#Michael Murphy#christi conaway#pat hingle#rip pat hingle#michael gough#rip michael gough#andrew bryniarski#jan hooks#Vincent Schiavelli#rip vincent schiavelli#Debbie Lee Carrington#paul reubens#rip paul reubens
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#IcePrincess #DianeSalinger #Catwoman #VincentSchiavelli #OrganGrinder #DannyElfman #CristiConaway #DannyDeVito #BruceWayne #PatHingle #DCComics #Batman #MichellePfeiffer #CharlesSchreck #ChristopherWalken #WarnerBros #GothamCity #JamesGordon #MissKitty #AndrewBryniarski #MichaelKeaton #OswaldCobblepot #AlfredPennyworth #Penguin #PaulReubens #MaxSchreck #BatmanReturns #SelinaKyle #MichaelGough #RedTriangleCircusGang https://www.instagram.com/p/CRtYzF5sETU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Sorry about the pic being blurry but I’m just enjoying me some #thetexaschainsawmassacrethebeginning I haven’t a watch this in a long time . #andrewbryniarski #leatherface https://www.instagram.com/p/BsCMLZ2Axt0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9wf506hoathl
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
In today's review, I look back to a simpler time of chainsaw-wielding killers. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2003 reboot of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre #JessicaBiel #JonathanTucker #EricaLeerhsen #MikeVogel #EricBalfour #AndrewBryniarski
Nostalgia has been a powerful force for quite some time now. From fond memories of a past that never existed to the esteemed regard of classic characters. The dollar value in bringing back these recognisable elements in a new context will always be there, whether in the 2020s or even at the dawn of the century. In 2003, after a nine-year hiatus, Platinum Dunes resurrected Leatherface but started…

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#2003#Andrew Bryniarski#David Dorfman#Eric Balfour#Erica Leerhsen#film#films#Heather Kafka#horror#Jessica Biel#Jonathan Tucker#Lauren German#Marietta Marich#Mike Vogel#Movies#positive#R. Lee Ermey#review#slasher#Terrence Evans
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Batman Returns (1992) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #actionadventure #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #Batman #thedarkknight #batmanreturns #ThePenguin #catwoman #AlfredPennyworth #CommissionerGordon #batmobile #Batmissile #batskiboat #timburton #MichaelKeaton #dannydevito #michellepfeiffer #MichaelGough #ripmichaelgough #PatHingle #rippathingle #christophermauricebrown #andrewbryniarski #JanHooks #michaelmurphy #christiconaway #paulreubens #rippaulreubens #vincentschiavelli #ripvincentschiavelli #DebbieLeeCarrington #SeanWhalen #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
#movie#movies#action adventure#comic book movies#super hero movies#batman#the dark knight#batman returns#tim burton#the penguin#catwoman#alfred pennyworth#commissioner gordon#Michael Keaton#danny devito#Michelle Pfeiffer#Christopher Walken#Michael Murphy#christi conaway#pat hingle#rip pat hingle#michael gough#rip michael gough#andrew bryniarski#jan hooks#Vincent Schiavelli#rip vincent schiavelli#Debbie Lee Carrington#paul reubens#rip paul reubens
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