#Leah Williamson x Alessia Russo
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Without you

Alessia Russo x Leah Williamson x child reader
-A part of the müsli universe
A/N: Thank you to anon for this request. I think we are past the writes block???
Warning: mentions of fostering, social services, panic
Summary: After an accident in the kindergarten, Leah decides that you need to be a part of their family. Alessia however, doesn’t get on board with the thought.
A woman with a set of white clothes comes in. She tries to smile softly at you, but it scares you more than it comforts you. Her clothes dosent help one bit. It reminds you of the people you met when your foster father broke your arm. He insisted that it was a freak accident, but you know the truth.
Your eyes are glued to her every move as she walks across the room and comes over with a white spinning chair with wheels. The chair makes a loud screeching noise, similar to the sound trains make which really dosent help the situation at all.
“Alright, loves I’m Miss Shonda, and I’ll be here until we find your parents. How are you feeling y/n? Better?” She asks sitting down next to you. Your head dosent hurt anymore, and you think that’s good. Then you realise that you are not feeling good. You feel absolutely terrified, and shake your head violently. Shonda gives you a sad smile again. You look at her shoes, hot pink crocs. You like pink. Like your mom did. But, then you realise that she told you that she was gonna find your parents. “I-l, I don’t really have parents, or anyone anymore” you whisper out, hands trembling of anxiety. Shonda gives you a small smile again. “We’ll figure it out together, okay?” She insists. But, it’s true you think. You don’t really have anyone anymore.
“Your teacher had to go back to kindergarten” she comforts you, reaching her hand out to you on the bed. Instinctively, you retract your hand. She gives you a sad smile. Kind of like the smile your social workers give you when she picks you up from a foster home. Then, you realise that you have forgotten what the nurse said. Right, your Miss Evelyn is gone. You frown, the only person you knew was now gone. The thought of being left alone makes your eyes sting. You rub your eyes violently to the point of having fuzzy vision in response.
“I’ve tried calling your social worker, but she’s sick today too, how silly is that?” Shonda says as she reaches towards her pocket. The only info she could find in your file was the number of your old family, who told them to call the social services and never to bother them again. It made Shonda’s heart break, just like your story has broken multiple other hearts. This is her attempt on making the situation a tiny bit better. When her hand pulled up a sheet of paper, your eyes caught a glimpse of what seems like a sheet of glitter.
The natural curiosity of your four year olds mind takes over, and your gaze is now glued to her. “Whats that?” You whisper, barely audible, but just enough for Shonda to hear.
“This,” Shonda says as she turns the sheet towards you, “This is a very special prize for brave girls like you. You can pick whatever sticker you want”
Your eyes move across the sheet. There is flowers, dolls, princesses and even a cat. When you move closer, you see that the cat resembles a ragdoll. The same kind of cat your mom and dad used to have, and the same cat that you fostermoms have, musli. Your eyes dosent move away from the cat. He is white, with blue glittery eyes and glittery paws.
You eagerly point to the cat with one hand as you bit the tip of your left pointer. Shonda looks to the sticker you are pointing to, and she breaks out in a smile.
“A cat girl, huh? Do you have a cat at home?” She asks removing the sticker from the paper before handing it towards you.
“Musli” you respond taking the sticker from her staring at the cat in awe. The sticker sits safely in your hand. You don’t want to use the sticky side already because you want to keep it as a toy for as long as possible.
“What color is Musli?” she asks, observing at your reaction to the sticker. She’s clearly caught onto something, but you can’t figure out what. After all, you are only four.
“White, and he has blue eyes like Leah” you mumble, sentering the sticker in the palm of your hand while studying it closely. You can see how his tail is grey in the ends, just like Musli. You touch his tail with your other hand.
“Oh, is that so? Who is Leah?” Shonda questions again. The urgency of her question makes you feel uneasy, you suddenly feel like the attention she’s giving you is simply too much. Perhaps she’s testing you, like she’s trying to find all your mistakes. Your eyes look up at her again, and suddenly she dosent look as kind anymore. She looks scarier, like she’s upset with you. You feel the pit of fear growing in your tummy. You squeeze your eyes shut, in a desperate attempt to wake up from this nightmare you’re stuck in.
Then it dawns upon you; your fostermoms are not there. You haven’t seen them, yet your teacher promised you that they were coming. Your eyes practically fly open, a panicked look forming in them.
“Where is Leah? And Alessia?” You whisper, eyes tearing up of the thought that they have abandoned you. Being abandoned isn’t new to you, it has happened before. You’ve been abandoned at kindergarten, in the car, at home and in malls. It’s not new. But, you never thought your foster moms would abandon you. Not without good reason. You don’t think you have done anything wrong, then again: you are being a burden by hitting your head at kindergarten. They need to take time off their day to pick you up. It scares you more that they might think you are too much, then that they have abandoned you already. Leah promised to never leave you, but here you were without your two carers with nobody to comfort you.
“Who is Leah and Alessia, sweetheart? Is it your sisters or maybe your aunts?” Shonda asks while patting your back in an attempt to comfort you.
“M-my.. my fostermoms” you whisper out tears silently rolling down your face. “Or, just fosters, I don’t really know”, you whisper the last part scared that if you speak too loud; it might become true.
The sticker is now curled together in your fist. When you look at it, you feel an overwhelming sensation of disappointing Shonda by ruining your new sticker. Quickly, your hands shove the sticker into your pocket of your sweater. But in your pocket, you feel something familiar. Your hand brushes towards guardian angel mouse. You don’t hesitate to reach your hand around it while holding it as tight as you can. It’s not the same like your old mouse, but it’s as good as it gets. You hold on to it for dear life.
“I’ll go call them again, okay? I’ll be right outside your room” Shonda says getting up while waddling towards the door before she disappears into the hallway. You take the mouse out of your pocket before grabbing its tiny hand, which you quietly stroke across your chin with.
You don’t know it yet, but your foster moms are blissfully unaware of what is going on. The two women haven’t been registered as your guardians which leads to the hospital not being able to find them. They know their names; Leah and Alessia. They google their names with your last name without any success. Then they google Leah and Alessia before an article about them pops up, making the nurses confused. It’s an article about how they have adapted to having a fosterchild. Shonda decides it’s worth a shot. They go onto the Arsenal site, and find the two women in the squad’s homepage.
The nurses come into your room with a laptop in their hands, seeming to be in a hurry. They turn the screen towards you to see your reaction to the picture. Your eyes soften at the sight of Alessia, and you let out a tiny sob before whispering her name.
It dosent take long for the nurses to understand that she is your carer. But, getting a hold of a famous football player isn’t exactly the easiest. Her phone number isn’t available to the general public, and they don’t find her in their systems. You can’t remember it, and somehow they lost the name of the kindergarten you came in from. It’s seems like it’s all dead ends. That’s until one of the younger nurses tries to call the number of the front desk at Arsenal, and she immediately gets through. The woman at the front is reluctant to involve the players, as crazy fans call in all the time making up crazy stories. Instead, she calls the assistant coaches who confirm that Alessia and Leah are caring for a girl. Not just any girl, their little girl.
Leah gets pulled aside as she is the one closest to the assistant. She thinks it’s just a question, or some feedback, so she smiles attentively. The assistant has been given with the mission of breaking the news and getting them to go to the hospital.
“Leah, you and Alessia; you care for a little girl, right?” The assistant asks with a forced smile on her face. Her body seems strained which makes Leah feel odd.
“Yea, yea, y/n, why?” Leah replies, feeling proud. She loves to talk about you, about the steps you are taking in the right direction and how you are setting in as a temporary family. That’s until she sees the uneasy look on the assistant’s face. Her blood freezes immediately, while her heart skyrockets and her face fills with blood. Her instincts take over, she knows that something isn’t right. All she can hope, is that it isn’t too bad.
“Oh my god, is something wrong with her? What has happened to her? Where is she? Is she injured? Is she even alive? Oh my, wait, Alessia!” Leah panics, clearly missing out on the stay calm during emergencies memo.
Alessia immediately turns around, a shiver going through her body when she hears the urgency in Leah’s panicked voice. Her feet take her across the field at the speed of light.
“What is it?” Alessia asks, eyes wide in confusion. Her breath is fast, not because she’s tired but because she’s terrified.
“It’s y/n, she’s at the hospital in Great Osmond street. She’s been there for a while, but they couldn’t disclose what happened or when; just that you needed to come down” the assistant barely finishes the sentence before the pair of them are reacting to the situation. Leah and Alessia’s eyes meet. Leah feels the pit in her stomach grow when she thinks of you sitting alone in the big hospital bed while all the other kids have their parents, toys and balloons around them. She swear she can feel her eyes tearing up.
“Oh my-shit, we need to go” Leah says pulling her hair in distress.
Leah and Alessia both sprint towards their car, not bothering telling anyone about what’s happened. Not even bothering to change into fresh clothes or grab their bags with them. The only thing on Leah’s mind is to get to you as fast as possible so she can protect you.
“Wh-Sorry, what do you mean we can’t see her?” Leah stutters out staring at the young nurse as if she is equipped with two fully functioning heads.
“I’m sorry, you are not on her emergency contacts. By protoc-“ the young nurse tries her best to stand her ground like her professor’s have taught her, but Leah clearly isn’t having it.
“Have you gone absolutely mental? She’s our daughter, our terrified four year old daughter alone without her moms! And you are refusing us entry?” Leah feels her blood boiling with anger. She knows it isn’t the nurses fault, but why can’t they make an exemption? She knows she might’ve crosses a line, calling them your moms. But she can’t help herself, she feels like you are settling in as their daughter. Alessia tries to place her hand on her shoulder, hoping it will calm her. That is however unsuccessful.
“Her carers are listed with first names Miah and Henr-“ the nurse argues back, a bit firmer in her voice this time. The firm reaction gets picked up as having an attitude by Leah, and she can feel her palms sweating.
“It’s her parents. Her parents that died last year. We take care of her. She came to us through the foster system. She’s ours!You have to let us see her” Leah tries to calm down, trying her best to be reasonable in front of the waiting room. She can feel people’s eyes burning through her back.
“I’m sorry, I wish I could-” the nurse says, crossing her arms. That makes Leah fire up even further. Alessia tries to tug on the back of her sweater, scared she might make a run for it.
”Wish? God, just let us in will you! You’ll see it in her reaction, I can prove it. Sh-she, she has a mouse in her jacket, with wings. I promise” Leah pleads, hoping that the gardian angel mouse will help. That it somehow will not only solve all your problems and worries, but that it might let her in. After all, how many kids walk around with a mouse with wings on it in their jacket?
“I’m sorry m’am, I know this is frustrating. Have you adopted her?” The nurse says, moving to the back of her desk. It eases Leah, it feels like she’s going to let her in.
“Adopted? No, no, she’s in the foster system, but she’s ours” Alessia insists, trying to stear the conversation into her favor.
“Then, I’m sorry. I can’t let you in unless authorised by her paren-“ The nurse says, putting the file she’s carrying down. She’s made up her mind, and it starts a fire in Leah.
“Oh really? Sorry, just let me get a shovel so I can dig up the poor girls mother and father” Leah spits out, fists clenched while her spit is practically flying. She feels better when she can hear the low giggles from the waiting room. It makes her feel like she’s right.
“Leah, stop. You are gonna get us kicked out. Come sit” Alessia says, pulling on her hand in a desperate attempt to stop the situation from escalating into a security issue.
Alessia gives Leah a stern look before offering an apologetic smile to the nurse at the station. She takes Leah’s hand fully into hers and pulls her in direction of the waiting area. Leah forcefully moves with Alessia to a nearby chair, her whole body feeling tense.
“I’ll call the social services, Lee. They’ll help us, they’ll know what to do” Alessia assures standing up with her phone in her hand typing in the number of your social worker. Leah taps her fingers nervously on the wood of the chair watching the nurses around her. One of them, busy with answering a call. The other one taking more time looking at her phone than doing actual work. Alessia points to the phone and mouths a sentence that Leah doesn’t pick up on before moving towards the vending machines in search of some privacy.
Then, it hits her. Alessia is not paying any attention. The nurse that they talked to earlier, has now gone to help another nurse. The last nurse that’s left at the station doesn’t look like she is paying attention to anything but herself. Leah’s eyes flutter around her, scanning the area once more.
She gets up from her chair, slowly walking around the station into the hallway. The coast is clear. She swears she can hear your voice, but she isn’t able to pinpoint exactly where it comes from. She decides that it’s worth taking the risk of being kicked out when the reward is high.
Her feet takes her past room after room, listening as best as she can without eavesdropping. Then she hears your voice again, and she instantly freezes.
“Are they not coming?” You say with a break in your voice. Leah recognises it, it’s like when you first came into their home and you asked if you could have milk. Leah said you didn’t have to ask, and it caused you to cry because you thought you couldn’t have any.
“I’m sure that they’ll be here soon” Shonda says, brushing your hair behind your ear. You don’t like it, you flinch.
“But, did they forgot about me? Am I bad?” You whisper out, tears quietly rolling down your cheeks. Shonda tries to comfort you, but you look down again.
“No darling, I’m sure that they are just lost trying to find their way in here. It can be confusing to walk around the halls of this big building, okay?” She resonates.
“Okay” you whisper, wanting the conversation to end.
“How about some cherry juice? It will make you feel better” Shonda insists; you don’t know what cherry juice is, but you can see the red color and to do like red cool aid. You nod, hoping that it’s something similar to the cool aid that Leah’s mom gave you earlier.
Leah can’t help herself as she moves towards the opening of the room. She knows that cherry makes your tongue burn, that you don’t like the feeling of the cherry on your tounge and that you felt ichy.
She vividly remembers you talking about how spicy the juice was, making Leah laugh at the found memory of your first allergic reaction. Then, panic strikes her. The nurse is about to give you cherry juice, she’s about to sent you into an anaphylactic shock. Leah feels her heartbeat rapidly increasing, and she can feel her breathing becoming heavy. She’s conflicted. She isn’t supposed to be here, but she cannot let you sit there and drink your poison when she knows that she can stop it.
«Stop!» Leah suddenly yell making the whole hospital ward freeze. Her hands become sweaty when she realises what she has done, but when your eyes look up to see her; she dosent care about anything else. She instantly moves towards you, in the big hospital bed with the little hospital gown making you look so small her big arms stretched out towards you. She’s not thinking about your needs right now. It’s kind of selfish. Alessia has told her to let you come to her, but she can’t help it. She needs to hold you, to feel your frame into hers so that she knows that she can protect you.
You look up at her blinking, not sure if she’s upset with you or disappointed in you. Your lip starts to wobble as you whisper out at her. “Im sorry, i didnt mean to-" you are cut off by your own sobs, rubbing your eyes again.
The words breaks Leah’s heart, as you have done multiple times in the last few months. She lets out an audible sob. She thinks it’s strange, how some little girl has broken her heart more times than any girl has. Her big arms fold around you, leaving your body to stiffen up in her arms. It’s weird, but it’s not uncomfortable. But she dosen’t let go, and eventually you relax into her arms with your head leaning onto her shoulder. Her embrace is warm, like your mom’s hugs was. She gave the best mommy hugs, and Leah’s hugs are strangely similar. She holds you, and she dosent let you go. She eases herself down into a sitting position at the bed you are sitting in, and pulls you gently over into her lap. All without letting you go. She rocks you gently, holding her hand on the back of your head. The last thing she wants to, is to let go. A part of her considers to retire from football, all to keep you safe. But, she knows it’s silly and that you need to have normalcy.
The moment is broken by Alessia’s soft hums while walking into the room. Leah’s head shot up, immediately feeling her cheeks flood with blood and the emotion of embarrassment showering upon her.
“Lessi, I’m sorry but I ha-“ Leah whispers, not wanting to wake you up again.
“It’s okay, Lee. We are cleared” Alessia assures, sitting down next to her while softly stoking your hair. Your soft occasional snores linger in the room. Leah wishes the moment to last forever. To hold you in her arms without letting go, without you fighting it or feeling scared. She thinks that you feel safe, and you probably are considering you are sound asleep in her arms.
Shonda stand awkwardly in the corner, not really sure what to say. She’s already moving silently towards the door hoping to give the moment the privacy it deserves. When she’s almost made it to the door, she kicks a table and some equipment falls down to the floor. It startles you, and you practically jump in Leah’s embrace.
Your eyes meet Alessia’s before moving towards Leah’s gaze. “It’s not normal” you think to yourself, because people doesn’t really care about you. When you see the look on Leah’s face, your body relaxes even though you don’t want to relax. It’s like your body feels safe, and is trying its best to make you understand that you are safe with Leah and Alessia. But, you can’t trust them fully. Not yet, but maybe you give them the benefit of the doubt today. Just for today.
“How is she?” Alessia asks Shonda who is scrambling to pick up all the items she dropped earlier. “Oh, hi! I’m Shonda, and you are her mom’s?” Shonda says standing up and reaching her hand towards them.
Leah and Alessia share a sad look before Leah drops her gaze towards you who are safely in her arms. “No, we’re fostering her” Leah responds, feeling like the words are burning in her mouth.
“Oh, sorry..She’s good, she had a mild fall and hit her head towards a slide in kindergarten but it isn’t anything serious or major. She’s cleared to go home, but you’ll have free admission if she needs to come back in” Shonda resonates, not really comforting Leah. Alessia places her hand on Leah’s back, and rubs in gently hoping to ease her strained body.
“Thank you, Shonda” Alessia says with a polite smile, almost laughing when she takes notice of Leah’s sarcastic halfassed smile. Leah just sit with you in her lap while Alessia and Shonda discusses the things to look out for and how much painkillers you are allowed.
Leah strokes your hair gently, mesmerised by the protective instinct she’s feeling. You relax into her frame, closing your eyes more and more by each stroke. It feels nice, like someone actually cares. It’s odd too because you can’t really remember the last time someone held you like this and stroked your hair.
“Alright, Lee. Let’s get our girl home”’she whispers careful not to wake her up. Leah dosent let her eyes off of you for a second. She wonders if this is how it feels to hold what one day will be her and Alessia’s newborn. “I can carry her, your injury is still not healed completely” Alessia insists, moving to scoop you up from Leah.
Leah resists, she just holds you closer. “It’s fine, I don’t want to wake her up. I’ll carry her.” She says, admiring your relaxed face. Alessia frowns, she doesn’t want Leah to become further injured. But, then she remembers that you are not the size of a four year old. You are still small for your age, a little too skinny and on the lower percentiles.
“Fine, but tell me if anything hurts and I’ll take her in a heartbeat.”
The duration of the ride home, you sleep soundly in your car seat. You sleep soundly against the soft fabric; your teddy, meow in your lap. Leah makes a note to always let you bring Meow with you when you go out, and to leave him in the car. It’s just in case of emergencies, she decides. Leah has never driven this careful before, steering away from any holes and bumbs not wanting to wake you up just yet.
After the ride home takes 30 minutes longer than normal, you are parked outside your home. Leah practically runs to grab you before Alessia can, earning a dirty look from her wife. She just shakes her head in response and carries you into the house, up the stairs and into their bedroom with Alessia following behind.
Leah gently pulls off your sweater, leaving you in your t-shirt and your pink leggings before tucking you into their big bed. She pulls back to the end of the bed, and stands next to Alessia. Alessia admires you sleeping, wondering how she can ever let you go whenever your social worker finds a family for you.
It’s almost like Leah can hear her thoughts because she startles and looks at Alessia with panic in her eyes.
“We have to find a way to make her ours. She needs us” she whispers to Alessia. The thought of losing you making her face change from panic to a frown.
“She’s in the system, Lee. There are so many other kids needing our help. They’ll find someone for her” Alessia shrugs rubbing Leah’s back.
“She’s not like other kids. If you won’t make her a part of our family, then I’ll make her a part of mine. With or without you.” Leah spits before turning off the light, and leaving the room in frustration .
Alessia follows her through the hallway, into the living room. “Lee” she pleads, her face heavy with emotion. Leah turns to wards her in a whim.
“I’m serious, Alessia. I can’t her go into the system again. Either you get onboard, or I’ll do this without you”
“You can’t be serious” Alessia huffs, confused with Leah. Leah wasn’t the person to get attached, she even needed convincing to agree to foster.
Leah folds her arms over her chest, but she dosent reply.
“Lee” she whispers out, tears pressing in her eyes.
“I’m serious, Alessia. With or without you.”
#woso imagine#woso x reader#woso community#woso fanfics#leah williamson x alessia russo#alessia russo x leah williamson#leah williamson x reader#leah williamson imagine#leah williamson#alessia russo x reader#alessia russo#arsenal x reader#arsenal women#arsenal#engwnt
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hearts collide, souls intertwine
chapter one: my faith is shaking
pairing: leah williamson/alessia russo
tags: kid fic, forced roommates, getting together, slow burn
summary: the one where leah is a single mum and alessia is her newest teammate/roommate/babysitter.
"Leah had always wanted kids. From a very young age, she’d imagined a white picket fence, two kids and a big fluffy dog running around. She’d imagined what the day she became a mum would be like, even before she fully realised she wasn’t attracted to boys and realised kids might be harder for her than the average person.
When her cousin Jordan got pregnant and asked her to be the godmother, she sobbed, barely able to respond yes. She never expected that three lettered word to completely change her life less than a year later."
#woso#woso fanfics#woso imagines#leah williamson x alessia russo#leah williamson#alessia russo#arsenal wfc#england lionesses#hearts collide#country girls universe
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i mean, LOOK AT THEM🥹🥹🥹
#woso community#woso fanfics#woso imagine#lionesses#arsenal wfc#leah williamson#awfc#woso couples#leah williamson x alessia russo#woso
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i like the alpha alessia and omega leah pairing do you have any more hcs like pregnant!leah or them as parents? Or leah in heat? Nesting? Just anything!!!!!
Alpha Alessia x Omega Leah General HCs -
Alessia Coming to Arsenal -
Obviously they knew eachother from England camps
Obviously the attraction was there
But it wasn’t until lessis first week at arsenal that things really happened.
Leah was all needy and needed something someone
But everyone who usually helped her just seemed so blah
Then lessi was training particularly hard and sweated of her scent patch and WOAH
Leah’s eyes snapped to her so so so fucking fast and she was just dragging her away
Getting Together -
Sex. Thats how they got together.
Sex that happened in the back seat of alessia’s car
Hot, needy, messy, intense sex
Just lessi clapping leahs cheeks in doggy
They are just lucky that lessi had a nee pack of condoms in that car.
General Relationship Fluff -
Soft soft soft babys
So loving with eachother.
Lessi cooks and leah sits on the counter, not ti eat the cut offs because shes so picky but just to get kisses
Lessi caters to leah’s 4 year old pallet without complaint
Leah just looks so cute chomping on her potato smileys
Alessia does anything leah needs
Without her asking
Like she sees it, she does it.
She drives leah around, Leahs her passenger princess
Without complaint.
Morning with them are always difficult
Neither wants to get up so they are cuddling and kissing while they lay there
Eventually one of them pulls the other up and into the shower.
Lessi is always putting leah on her lap and nuzzling into her
Always sharing clothes.
Leah never admits it but when alessia was away for a while when leah did her acl and was recovering. she was in lessis old man u or unc gear
Just pouting her little pout missing her gf
So many sessions of playfull rough housing.
Heats & Ruts -
They are synced up
If ones in heat the other is in rut and vice versa
They are both so needy during this time
Noone can contact them they are just pound mf town
Rough sex or soft sex it doesnt matter they are going for hourrrrrs
So much oral and so many cream pies
Leah’s Nesting -
Leah nesting for the first time at Alessia’s was cute
They were planning a movie night and lessi nipped down to put in the potato smileys and start the pasta and came back to her room looking different
A pile of cussions and hoodies and pillows in the corner on a make shift mattress and a pouty leah saying “wrong”
Leah was just so cute right there lessi almost died.
The next day they got propper nesting supplies and did it right.
Alessia’s Denning -
She didnt originally have a den at leah’s
She didnt really need it
Leah wanted her to have one though
She wanted to make sure lessi was comfortable with her properly
She just bought a loud of stuff and set up her den in the living room
They fuck in it alot
Then they fuck in leahs nest
Pregnant!Leah -
When she found out she was pregnant she was purring like crazy
Just running to alessia and telling her the news.
Alessia cried.
She was always just as happy
The two were clinging to each other rumbling and purring all day.
Pregnant Leah always rubs at her bump when she looks at lessi like shes saying “thats ur mama”
The pup ALWAYS kicks when lessi is playing or an arsenal game is on
Shes always talking to the bump about them being england and arsenals next big player.
Ofc lessi sooooo does the lifting the bump thing.
Lessi would do the cooking a dish based on the babys size trend but leah wouldn’t eat it so instead she lets leah know the size as she kisses the bump
Ofc leahs sex drive is high too but lessis so so so scared to hurt them that she just eats her out.
Pup Stuff -
Mama lessi and mummy leah are such doting loving parents to their son.
Just always at there kids events
When the pup is young they spend afternoons at the training ground and often take naps in the nest there
That pup is raised as an arsenal supporter
Lessi failed the rock paper scissors so their next pup, a daughter, is man united through and through.
Much to her mama and auntie mary n ellas love.
Their son is a perfect mix of them, with leahs smile and now with lessis laugh and lessis eyes
Their daughter though is a mini lessi completely.
The last pregnancy was so tough on leah tho that lessi got a vasectomy
They plan to adopt tho
#woso omegaverse#woso x reader#woso imagine#omega leah#alpha alessia#alessia x leah#alessia russo x leah williamson#leah williamson x alessia russo#leah williamson imagines#alessia russo imagines#alessia hcs#leah hcs
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It's not a big deal (18+)
Leah makes sure Alessia knows how proud of her she is (with a bit of smut ofc;) This is very fluffy and cute and soft hehee
"Are you ready soon love?" Leah asked from the door as Alessia was hustling around the house trying to do the rest of her makeup and hair while also packing the rest of her stuff.
"Umm just a minute" Alessia answered quickly. Leah was used to her girlfriend being late often. Luckily the two made in in time to Meadow Park to meet the team.
The game was against Bristol City so it was most likely going to be a win for the gooners and both of the girls knew it. Still Alessia was nervous because she could only focus on the fact that it had been six games already without her scoring and she was getting critic from some of the fans for that. As a forward she had a lot of pressure on her. Tiniest mistakes could have a huge impact and she just wanted to see the ball in the back of the net.
Leah could sense the nervousness on her girlfriend but decided to not bring it up because she also know that the blonde would not wanna talk about it. She just took Alessias hand in hers and gave it a squeeze as they were listening to Jonas talking about the game. That squeeze meant more to Alessia than Leah even knew. Just the contact of her girlfriend made her mind melt.
Everything went smoothly, there wasn't any problems with socks etc. Soon enough they were warming up on the pitch. Alessia had a good warm up and Leah was watching proudly her while also focusing on her own warm up. They were both in the starting line up which was good.
Right before the game Alessia and Leah didn't really talk to each other. They both wanted to get into game mode and both knew that they could be distraction to the other one. They were a couple but they also knew how to be professional. Just like the other couples on the team.
Kim gave them the pep talk right before getting to the tunnel and heading to the pitch again. Alessia did her little pre-match ritual, jumping seven times before the whistle.
The first half of the game started strong with Beth scoring twice and Steph making also a goal. Alessia did have good chances but none of them hit the back of the net, she was getting a little nervous but tried to not let it show. When the half time whistle blew, she was happy that they were in a clear lead, but bit disappointed on her own performance.
Back in the locker room Jonas gave them a talk about how to improve in the second half, although they were already playing amazingly but there was always room to be better.
"Less I know your nervous" Leah whispered to her girlfriend after Jonas was done talking.
"Just know that if you score or not, you have played amazingly my love and I couldn't be more proud of you" Leah continued. Really meaning every word.
Alessia murmured a thanks and gave a quick peck to her girlfriends lips before they had to get back to the pitch. The second half started slowly, nothing major happening. Chances every now and then but they never upgraded to a goal.
14 minutes into the second half of the match Alessia was in a good spot with the ball and succeeded to put the ball in the net. Leah was smiling ear to ear as she watched her girlfriend putting the ball to the back of the net. Alessia was also buzzing with excitement as she celebrated the goal.
"I'm so proud of you" Leah yelled as she went in for a hug with her girl. They tried to not hug for too long.
The game continued steadily, some substitutes were made and soon enough another great chance came to Lessi when the ball came from McCabe. Once again it hit the back of the net and this time Leah couldn't hold back with her excitement and took her girlfriends head in her hands and caressed it. Going in for a hug with a proud smile on her face. She didn't want to let go of her girlfriend and was just so proud of her for scoring the two goals.
"I love you Leah" Alessia whispered to Leah ear in the hug.
The game continued and some more substitutes were made, Laura finally having her comeback and Katie Reid making her first senior debut. The athmosphere was amazing when the final whistle was heard. Celebrating together with the team in the locker room was always fun.
Soon Leah and Alessia were back in their car on their way to their shared apartment.
"I told you that you would play amazingly love'' Leah gently said to the taller blonde.
"It's not a big deal tho, we would have won either way" Alessia answered, always being critic about herself.
"It is a big deal love, I know how nervous you have been about scoring after a while so you absolutely should be proud of yourself" Leah assured. "Oh and buzzing" She teased. It was a known thing that Alessia overused the word and Leah loved to tease her for that.
"Oh okay I see how it is Miss Comfy" Alessia laughed, teasing her girlfriend back. "But thank you tho, it means a lot" She continued and felt Leah's hand coming to her thigh.
The drive was nice and fast and it didn't take long for them to be back in their apartment. They luckily had showered earlier after the game so they could just get comfortable on the couch together. Leah was sitting and Alessia was pretty much laying on top of her, just wanting to be close to her girlfriend. Leah's hands somehow found their way to Alessia's ass. Kneading the muscles there and eventually dipping lower and closer to Alessia's core.
"Mhmm Leah" Alessia just moaned tiredly.
"Is there something you want?" Leah started to tease but knew her girlfriend was just tired and needy and was pretty much just needing anything Leah had to give.
"Please" Alessia pleaded against her girlfriend's lips, just wanting to feel and be close to Leah.
"How about you get rid of all those clothes and get comfortable on the couch, I will be right back." Leah said and left the couch leaving Alessia pouting. She still started to get rid of her clothing just like her girlfriend asked.
She found a comfortable place on the sofa and laid back down. Soon she heard her girlfriend coming back and was not surprised when she saw her wearing a strap. It wasn't necessarily big but Alessia loved to have it inside her.
"Are you ready for this love? Oh what am I even asking I can see your wet pussy from here" Leah teased the blonde on the sofa.
"Mhmm please Lee I need it so badly" Alessia was already so vulnerable and needy.
"Don't worry love I will give you everything you want baby, you have been so good today I'm so proud of your sweetie" Leah whispered as she straddled on top of her girlfriend.
She was kissing Alessia's body and lips. Leaving little marks all along her body. All the kisses were making Alessia even wetter and needier. Little moans were finding their way out of Alessia's lips when Leah gently took one of her hardened nipples in her mouth, swirling it and sucking it just the way Alessia loved it.
One of Leah's hands made it's way to closer to their cores and lined the tip of the strap to Alessia's pussy. Just that made Alessia moan out loudly. After lining the tip to her girlfriend's dripping hole, she pushed just the tip inside to get a reaction out of her girlfriend.
"Fuck, more" Alessia pleaded. Her head getting all fuzzy with the pleasure and anticipation. Leah was happy to serve her girlfriend. Giving her what she wanted, pushing the strap deeper into her girl.
"I'm so proud of you love, you did so well today, I'm so so proud baby" Leah whispered as she started to move the strap in and out of her girlfriend in a steady slow pace.
"Leah I love you" Alessia moaned in her sex hazed voice. Leah just smiled at her antics. She loved nothing more than to be close to her girlfriend, making her feel good, feel loved and just enjoy every second with her.
Leah's thrusts were getting stronger and faster. She knew that in this state Alessia wouldn't last long but wanted still to take her sweet time. She didn't bring her fingers to Alessia's clit because she knew that would throw the younger girl over the edge way too soon for her liking.
The night was filled with lots of sex, loving whispers and sweet nothingness. The two girls just didn't want to let go of each other, not that they had to. At the very end of the day they fell asleep just curled naked around each other. Feeling loved, feeling like winners.
Sorry this was supposed to be longer but my motivation was just running out lol
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the christmas eve dash II l.williamson

second of my yearly christmas fics and part of the mila universe! the christmas eve dash II l.williamson
"lee? baby can you come here for a sec please!" you called out to your wife, hearing her footsteps change direction and head toward where you were holed up away in your shared home office.
"whats up babe? i'm just about to go pick up the gremlin." leah jingled her keys as she leaned in the doorway with a curious frown, mila at her weekly karate practice.
"christmas checklist!" you tapped your pen against the wad of paper in front of you as leah swallowed the dry witted comment lingering on the tip of her tongue.
"hit me with it." the blonde nodded encouragingly instead, moving into the room as you rattled off the last few remaining tasks on your list, forever having been the organisational mind between you and leah.
"-then you need to go pick up that spa voucher for your mum, i'll get the gift hampers for my cousins. we need to get some chocolate stockings for my nephews, the jersey your brother wanted is ready to be collected from JD-" you read off, leah humming to acknowledge each thing.
"-then we'll do mila's santa sack on christmas eve once she's asleep, or i'll do it." you paused to shoot your wife a pointed look as she winced, having had one whisky too many last year and falling into the christmas tree at three in the morning while the two of you were busy putting out your daughters presents.
"i said i was sorry! she didn't wake up, did she?" leah defended as you clicked your tongue. "didn't she?" you reminded, leah wincing again as she thought back to the two of you falling over yourselves to hide when little footsteps had come thundering down the hall.
"you are so lucky i can think fast dopey." you warned, having managed to commando crawl your way to your room and intercept your daughter from behind as if you'd been asleep there the whole time.
you'd rambled out an excuse about santa being able to turn invisible so he can hide from the police as the four year old questioned over and over why she couldn't go and say hi or open her presents now.
"-and then you got mila the barbie deluxe dream house. have you wrapped it yet? i couldn't find it in the closet with everything else for her." you spun around on your chair and quirked an eyebrow, leah freezing for a second.
"i got the what?" the blonde asked cluelessly as your eyes narrowed, hands moving to grip the arms of your chair as you exhaled slowly. "you got the barbie deluxe dream house with the swing sets, the slide, the elevator and the pool." you started, pushing to stand up.
"aka the only thing our daughter has been talking about for the last three weeks and the only thing she's asked santa for for christmas, leah." you spoke calmly but your wife could immediately pick up on the sharp scent of malice hidden behind your words.
now she needed to think fast.
"oh! that dreamhouse, the bright pink one with the little slide yeah yeah yeah." leah scoffed, smacking her palm against her forehead. "i got it ages ago babe, forgot all about it! you can tick it off your little list." the blonde grinned confidently with a wave of her hand.
"you did?" "well you asked me to, didn't you?" "well where is it?" "its uhh..." leah trailed off, wracking her brain for an answer, your foot tapping impatiently as you stared her down, arms crossed and hip jutted out to the side.
"it's at lia's! it was too big to hide and you know what mila's like." leah chuckled and you hummed. "mm nosy? wonder where she gets that from." you teased, relaxing a little more and leaning in to peck her lips a few times appreciatively.
"well thats a relief, it's sold out country wide. good luck to anyone who was planning on some last minute shopping, that stupid chunk of plastic would be impossible to find!" you chuckled, returning to your seat and your list as leah hid the panic building rapidly in her body.
"but what our little angel wants, she gets." you made a point to tick it off your list with a deep exhale. "mm and i wonder where she gets that from, princess." your wife teased, ducking down and stealing a kiss before you could argue with her.
"well i'm off! might take her for a kick around if she's got loose energy to burn off. bye babe!" leah sung out, practically already halfway out the front door before you could even look up, jumping in shock hearing it slam close after her.
alone in her car leah slumped into her seat, staring blankly ahead and running her hands down her face with a frustrated groan, moving to grab the steering wheel.
"-then we learned this one that went HIYA AYA HIYA!" your daughter chanted, punching and kicking at thin air as leah clicked the buckles of her car seat in, just ducking out of the way as little arms and fists began swinging.
"thats really great bubba when we get home you can show me everything, just give me a second to call aunty beth yeah?" leah flashed the girl a smile who shrugged, busying herself practicing her karate as leah shut the door.
"come on come on come on." leah chanted as she clicked call, tapping her foot impatiently as the dial tone rang and rang, right as she was about to hang up and move to her next option finally it clicked through.
"well well miss leah catherine, to what do i owe the ple-" leah didn't even let the poor girl finish before she was jumping in.
"imayhaveforgottentogettheonlypresentmilawantedandifidontgetitbothmydaughterandmywifearegoingtokillmeonchristmasandiamsoabsoloutelyutterlyfucked!" leah rambled out in one breath, beth going silent for a moment.
"come again? in english this time please if you would be so kind." "i may have forgotten to get the only present mila wanted and if i don't get it both my daughter and my wife are going to kill me on christmas and i am so absolutely utterly fucked." leah exhaled shakily, wiggling her fingers at mila through the window who knocked and pulled a face.
"so you've clearly called me to make funeral arrangements then? well i was thinking instead of a euology i could-" "beth come on man! i'm serious here, i need help."
"well that's quite the understatement. but right, whats the plan then captain?"
"-baby are you sure you don't need anything?" you asked softly, knelt down by the bed and pushing a few loose hairs out of your wifes face. "nah just some rest babe, i'm so sorry i can't make it." leah croaked out as your lips curled downward into a frown.
"don't be sorry lee, i'm sorry you're feeling so miserable on christmas eve, of course today of all days your migraines come back. " you pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, nails scratching gently at her scalp as your wife sighed.
"get some sleep, i love you." you pecked her lips sweetly before you pushed to stand, hearing little foosteps come thundering down the hall as you did.
"woah! we have speed limits in this household little miss ferrari." you scooped her up before she could launch herself up and onto the bed like you knew she'd planned. "little miss aston martin!" mila frowned and poked at your chest, your wifes little cheeky smile up at you in response having your eyes rolling.
"say bye to mummy but be gentle please mils she's not feeling well. remember?" you set her back down as your daughter nodded. "one for you, one for me and one for your sore head." mila pressed three kisses to leahs cheek who smiled, stretching a hand out to pinch the five year olds cheek fondly.
"thank you bubba, you'll give nanna an extra big kiss for me yeah?" leah warned as mila nodded dutifully, squealing as leahs fingers dug into her side and she grabbed onto your leg hiding behind it.
"get some sleep baby." you chuckled, ducking down to peck her lips again, hearing some enthusiastic gagging sound behind you. "yuck!" your daughter retched as your eyes rolled again. "hey bubba?" leah called out, mila peeking out from where she'd hidden her face behind her hands.
"leah!" you laughed as your wife pulled you in for a sloppy kiss, mila falling to the floor dramatically and covering her face again, pretending to throw up everywhere as you gently smacked your wifes shoulder and she winked.
"come on trouble, lets go let you loose on that poor nursing home."
leah waited patiently in bed until she'd heard the front door shut, and then heard the car engine start, then till she heard it back out of the driveway, and then another five minutes just to be sure.
the two sharp honks in the driveway was all she needed, leaping out of bed already dressed and ready to go, grabbing a beanie and some sunglasses on the way and wrestling on her shoes as she hopped to the front door.
"stop honking you idiot my neighbours!" leah hissed as she hurried down the front steps, beth honking her hello and rolling her eyes at the way the blonde yanked the beanie down her head as if it would disguise her somewhat when she'd come flying out of her own house.
"good mornin to you 007! where we goin first then?" "tommys toy world, and step on it!"
"leah man how many more places are we going to be laughed out of? get the kid a samari sword and call it a day, she's into her karate now ain't she?" beth groaned, leah huffing impatiently and taking her hand, yanking her down the travelator mumbling apologies so everyone she pushed past on the way.
"i can't beth! i said i bought it months ago and-" "-and you'll be in the doghouse until next christmas. yeah yeah yeah, need i remind you got yourself into this mess leah? i told you ya memorys bad!" "yes beth i am well aware whose fault this is, which is why i need to get myself out of this mess! for the sake of my child and my marriage!" leah huffed, only letting go of the younger girls hand the moment they stepped into the toy store.
"sorry." beth apologised quickly to an older gentlemen who leah had nearly bowled over in her haste, the man grumbling about basic manners going missing this time of year as he walked off.
this store the ninth one they'd trekked to already this morning beth was well aware of the drill, rolling her eyes and trudging after leah who wasted no time sprinting off to wherever the barbies and accessories were kept.
she grabbed some toys for myle along the way, stopping for a second too long to admire a lego set before a hand grabbed the back of her jumper and violently yanked her away.
"don't you manhandle me williamson!" beth scoffed smacking her friends hands away but hurrying after her none the less. "oh for fuck sakes come on there's gotta be one fucking dream house left in london!" leah swore, eyes scanning the aisle which was assaulting bright pink and made beth wince at the sight.
"so sorry." beth apologised again but this time to to the horrified looking mother dragging away her toddler whose ears were firmly covered, beth sending a weak wave the girls way before she dissapeared.
"can i help you?" a worker appeared seemingly out of nowhere, concern ingrained into his features as leah grunted and grumbled to herself, riffling through the shelves as beth hurried to put back what she took off.
"god i bloody hope so mate." leah groaned, dragging her hands down her face with a stressed exhale as the worker chuckled. "last minute shopping huh?" the man chuckled as beth snickered. "you have no idea." earning her an elbow and a glare from leah.
"what are you after? we did just get a last minute pallet that hasn't been unloaded yet so i can check if its out back, we're about to restock the shelves since we're open until nine tonight for people like yourself." the man smiled kindly as leah perked up and beth snickered again in amusement, her shopping done weeks ago.
"barbie dreamhouse." leah hurried out, the man nodding and punching something into the little black box in his hand. "we have the malibu playhouse, the 60th anniversary edition, kens mojo dojo casa house-" the man read out as leah shook her head.
"no no, the deluxe dreamhouse. with the swingsets and the slide and the pool and-" leah couldn't even finish before it happened, the same response she'd gotten at every single store so far today and then some.
"that? you're looking on christmas eve for that? do you know how many have been sold country wide in the last week let alone the last month? its the toy of the year! not to mention sales have skyrocketed since-" the man laughed as leahs face fell, then very quickly distorted into a scowl.
"yeah brilliant. do you have it or not?" leah interrupted, crossing her arms as the man gave her an incredulous look. "of course not! its been sold out for weeks UK wide, you don't read the news?" the man laughed in disbelief, though his question fell on deaf ears as leah turned heel and stormed off again.
as much as beth tried the stony faced blonde didn't say another word until they were both back in the car. "fuck!" leah swore, smacking her hands against the dashboard and making her friend jump.
"oi! respect the vehicle. its not her fault you left all of this to the last minute!" beth warned, sticking her key in the ignition as leah ignored her and pulled out her phone, exhaling with a small amount of relief as she checked your location and could see you still weren't home.
"right. where to next?" beth sighed deeply, leah slumping back in her seat. "that was the last one." the blonde responded bluntly, beth wincing and whistling quietly under her breath.
"call it a day and head home then? i'll drive slow so you can practice your grovelling and begging for forgiveness." beth shrugged, grinning as leah shot her a dry unimpressed look.
"no, not home." "leah then where-" "it's time to pull out the big guns." "call your wife, explain what happened and take her anger on the chin?"
at that leah scrunched up her face with disgust. "god no." leah shook her head, leaning forward and punching in the address as beth watched on curiously, a puff of amused air leaving her lips as she recognized it right away.
"i've got no choice beth. i've gotta call in the godmother."
"-so you lied." alessia cocked an eyebrow, sipping at her tea as leah exhaled heavily. "not lied but-" she fell quiet at the fiercely withering look sent her way by the younger blonde across from her.
"okay yes. i forgot and i lied and i am so so so unbelievably screwed less." leah whined, her own cup of tea left empty on the coffee table as the defender slumped down into the couch burying her face in her hands.
"yes, yes you are." alessia agreed with a nod, leah peeking out with narrowed eyes. "i came here for advice! not for you to agree with me for once." leah mumbed moodily as the striker smiled, sculling her last mouthful of tea with a hum.
"i have a feeling things are about to look up for you lee." was all the girl said, squeezing her knee as she stood, grabbed their empty mugs and headed back to the kitchen.
"how!" leah called after her with confusion, attention grabbed by the sounds of a key in the door, eyes widening at the familiar little thump of feet which followed.
"aunty lessi!" mila squealed, ignoring your shouts after her to take her shoes, coat and scarf off as the five year old came barreling into the kitchen. "hello little marshmallow." alessia grinned, scooping up the small girl and kissing over her face making her giggle.
"i'm puffy!" mila smacked her coat covered chest as you arrived and rolled your eyes with a smile, alessia sitting your daughter down on the counter and helping her to shrug off her many layers as she babbled on and on and on about their day.
"shit! shit shit shit shit." leah whispered in a panic, crouching down and trying to peek over the top of the couch as her mind scrambled to try and think of an escape plan, groaning quietly as she realised that came to a screaming halt when she didn't have a car, beth dropping her off and leaving.
"hi babe." leah sprang up like she'd sat on an electrical wire, coming thumping back to the ground with a grunt, staring up horrified at your scarily calm smile which looked down at her.
"um i can explain! it is not what it looks like." leah tried, running a hand through her hair and stumbling over herself to think of a valid excuse. "save it leah, i knew you'd be here eventually. granted maybe not just yet, you hit the stores faster than i thought!" you shrugged honestly, rounding the couch as leahs mouth formed an o and she pulled herself to stand.
"sorry. pause, rewind, repeat. come again?" leah asked slowly, sure she'd heard wrong as you chuckled. "please. leah baby we've been together for years, you think i can't tell when you're lying? faking sick? my love you are a terrible actor." you laughed with a shake of your head.
"forgive me, i'm a little lost here." was all your wife managed to get out, the two of you glancing over your shoulder at a thump and the sound of laughter, alessia stood with mila sat on her shoulders, making the girl with a pit of a stomach a sandwich.
"hi mummy, mama and i missed you!" mila noticed, waving furiously at leah from the other room who cautiously raised a hand and waved back, alessia sending her a wink and recapturing mila's attention as you clicked your fingers to gain hers.
"come with me williamson." you patted her chest with a wink, nodding for her to follow you as you took off down the hall, leah following you slowly, feeling a little as though she was walking to her own funeral.
the older girl hung in the doorway, watching as you rummaged through the wardrobe in alessia's spare bedroom, which judging by the arsenal sheets and toys strung about anywhere was basically your daughters room, mila loving her 'big girl' sleepovers with her aunties, alessia most of all being her godmother and your closest friend.
"close the door please." you spoke with your back still to her, leah hesitantly stepping inside and doing so. "sit on the bed." you asked next, leah still highly suspicious but also quite scared to say no wasting no time following your instructions.
"eyes closed."
"if you're going to kill me i'd rather see it coming darling." leah sighed making you snort out in laughter, shooting her a look over your shoulder as your wife sighed but closed her eyes none the less.
she flinched a little feeling something touch her hands, making your eyes roll as you assured it wasn't a weapon. "open." you smiled, half the package in her grip as the other remained in yours.
it was rare the outspoken defender was speechless, however clearly the sight of the toy she'd just spent the last six hours hunting for in perfect mint condition, sat in her hands, had rendered her tongue and words void.
"but-but-but-" she eventually stammered out as you merely smirked and nodded. "yes, yes, yes." you countered, tugging it out of her hands and setting it carefully down on the floor, leah immediately sliding off the bed and dropping to her knees.
"the barbie deluxe dreamhouse. with the fridge, the swing sets, the slide, the pool, the-" "yep, everything, all the bells and whistles." you took her seat on the edge of the bed, leah giving you an incredulous look. "but how did you even..." she trailed off, eyebrows scrunched together in pure utter confusion.
"please. leah did you really think i wouldn't have everything organised?" you scoffed quirking an eyebrow as leahs mouth opened and closed and she shook her head back and forth.
"so you knew-" "that you were lying? yes." "and you already-" "bought it weeks ago? absolutely." "but then you-" "sent you on an impossible wild goose chase around london for something i knew you wouldn't find and i already had? i most certainly did." you confirmed with a confident nod as leah seemed to crumple into a heap.
"i'd encourage you choose your next words very very carefully my love, especially if you'd like to have a merry christmas." your tone sharpened as a scowl set into your wifes features, wiped away as soon as it appeared.
"oh leah, get off me!" you huffed as within seconds she'd pounced, pinning you to the bed and kissing all over your face mumbling her thank you's. "i'm still mad at you! you lied to me, and i gave you the chance to be honest." you warned, leah stopping with lips puckered hovering just over yours, wincing and sitting up.
"oh really leah!" you groaned as again she flopped down on top of you, now mumbling how sorry she was as again her lips rained down kisses on every inch of your skin she could reach.
"get off me you dickhead and put the dreamhouse away before mila see's it!" you warned with a roll of your eyes, pushing her off of you as the blonde hurried to do just that, slotting it back on top of the cupboard where it was well out of sight or reach of your overtly inquisitive five year old.
"i really am sorry. so so so so so sorry my girl!" leah winced as she stood in between your legs where you'd sat up. "oh you will be. you're on clean up duty, today, tomorrow, tonight, boxing day, new years eve, new years day-" you rattled off, words swallowed by your wife leaning down and pressing her mouth against yours.
"done. i love you." leah pulled away and promised, shuffling back a little to allow you to stand up as you hummed. "i love you too, even if you are hopelessly disorganized." you sighed with a small smile.
"well thats why i married you." "don't push it williamson." you warned as she grinned, stealing another kiss as a crash was heard and both of you looked to the closed door.
"we should probably go sort that out." leah sighed, starting to head for the door as you tugged her back, hand slipping up her hoodie and fingers playing with the waistband of her jeans.
"let less tire her out for a bit baby, the earlier she crashes tonight after some movies and the cookies you'll sneak her when you both think i'm not looking, the better." you smiled as leah chuckled, unable to argue the fact.
"more time to play santa." leah agreed with a wink, pecking your lips and tensing a little as your fingers poked into her abs and you leaned up to speak into her ear a little more.
"mm and once the presents are sorted, i'd quite like to sit in santas lap, maybe give her sleigh a ride if she's earned it." you whispered, leah jolting as your hand smacked against her ass and with a cheeky grin you were sauntering off leaving the door open after you and your wifes cheeks flushed red.
"dear god i love christmas."
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I feel like lovie can con Leah into anything so one day lovie ask for a dog and she goes up to Leah saying “mama you know how you said you would get me whatever I wanted well I want a puppy can you do it please mama” and Leah can’t say no to her so she comes home with a puppy one day
WEAK SPOT | alessia russo x child!reader x leah williamson

grumpy masterlist
leah always prided herself on being strong-willed. she could command a defence, lead a team and hold her ground during tough and important matches.
but when it came to you? yeah, she was absolutely useless.
alessia had warned her, of course. "she's four, le. she knows exactly how to get what she wants from you. you have to learn to say no."
leah had just waved her off at the time, convinced she had things under control and that she knew exactly how to say no, like come on it's wasn't that hard after all it was only two letters long.
that was, until one lazy saturday afternoon, a rare break in the footballing calendar where there wasn't any matches but as ever while you and leah enjoyed a relaxing day, alessia was busy running errands she hadn't had time to do through the week.
you climbed into leah's lap, your esme the elephant under you arm as leah was busy reading on her phone. you beginning to play with the hem of her hoodie.
"mama," you started sweetly, looking up at leah with those big impossibly big blue eyes — that leah couldn't seem to say no to.
leah placed her phone down on her chest as she glanced down at you, already sensing danger, "yes, angel?"
"you know how you always say you want me to be happy?"
leah hesitated, unsure at where this was going to go, "uh.. yeah?"
you beamed, inching closer, "well, esme the elephant thinks a puppy would make me so happy." you said resting esme on leah's chest, as leah raised her eyebrows a smirk appearing on her lips.
"esme thinks this does she?"
"well, esme and me”
"can you do it, please. mama?" you pleaded, as you blinked up at her in a way that should have been illegal.
leah was done for.
two days later, leah was walking through the front door with a squirming golden retriever puppy in her arms. alessia who had been peacefully making tea in the kitchen, a smile appearing on her face as she heard the front door open and close behind her knowing exactly who it'd be.
expect that big smile quickly disappeared as she turned around and immediately freezing as her face dropped. alessia's eyes darting from leah to the wiggling ball of fluff in her arms, her mouth falling open.
"leah cathrine williamson." she groaned out loud setting her mug down with excruciating precision, "that better be a friends dog-"
leah's face gave it all away in a moment as she winced at her girlfriend's question, "so, okay, before you get mad—"
"before i get mad?" alessia let out a breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. "you're telling me you just— just walked into a shelter and adopted a dog on your way home from the shops?"
"well, technically i drove there.." leah trailed off. alessia's face less than impressed.
leah sighed, shifting the puppy that was in her arms slightly, "listen, less. i tired to say no, i did i promise i really tried." leah began as she stuttered out her words, alessia following along her eyebrows perking ever other word.
"but she looked at me with those eyes and asked and well i admit it, i can't say no to her!" leah lifted the puppy slightly, "and i mean, look at him! that little face. i couldn't say no to that face either-"
alessia slightly amused that leah had finally admitted that she couldn't say no, but her unimpressed demeanour returning as she crossed her arms, "i can say no."
just then the puppy let out a tiny yawn, his ears flopping adorably as he nuzzled further into leah's hoodie, alessia's gaze faltered slightly, her lips twitching.
leah smirked, "mhm, that's what i thought!"
before alessia could argue her case, your little voice squealed from down the hall, probably realising leah was finally home.
"mama, mama, you got him!"
you came running into the room, your socks slipping slightly on the wooden floor as you skidded to a stop in front of leah. your eyes wide with excitement as you reached up to gently cup the puppy's face.
"you got me the puppy!" you gasped, bouncing on your toes before throwing your little arms around leah's leg, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
leah grinned, ruffling your hair slightly, "of course, angel."
alessia however, let out a dry laugh folding her arms, "she had and she's also bought herself some time to get some willpower lessons."
leah scoffed, feigning offence. "that's rude."
alessia raised an eyebrow, "is it cause at this rate, lovie could ask for a pony next week, and you'd be out the door before i even noticed."
leah opened her mouth to protest but you were already tugging on her hoodie again.
"mama, can we get a pony too?"
leah froze, opening her mouth to try and say the words but nothing was coming out from her lips.
alessia smirked, knowing she was right, "see?"
leah sighed, looking down at the puppy who licked her chin, "ok, okay, but admit it - he's adorable."
alessia sighed to, finally relenting. she crouched down scratching behind the puppy's ears, "yeah, yeah he's cute."
you clapped your hands excitedly, bouncing on your toes. "can we name him waffles?"
leah and alessia exchanged a look. leah smiled. "waffles it is!"
#alessia russo x y/n#alessia russo x reader#alessia russo#leah williamson x you#leah williamson x reader#leah williamson#woso writers#woso blurbs#woso x reader#woso community#woso imagine#woso one shot#woso fanfics#woso soccer#woso#arsenal wfc#england women#grumpy universe asks#grumpy universe#enwoso
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look at us now (2) II Renée Slegers x Reader
romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | part 1 | word count: 1695
summary: the team tries to figure out if Renée and reader are in a relationship or just friendly with each other. requested
author's note: hi everyone, we hope you enjoy the fanfic as much as part one. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
disclaimer: Everything in this fanfiction is purely fictional and nothing corresponds to reality.

Rekindling your relationship with Renée had brought back the same feelings that you had when you dated her back in Sweden. Everything was easy with Renée. You felt safe and secure, loved and cared for. And you loved taking care of her too by making sure she didn’t work until late at night and took enough breaks. The only difference to back then was that this time you decided to keep it a secret.
It should have been easy. You two were professionals after all. But seeing Renée so deflated after Arsenal just lost to Chelsea, made it really hard not to walk over and put your arms around her.
As if she was looking for your closeness, she appeared next to you in the tunnel.
“We were so close.”, she sighed.
You gently put your hand on her upper arm, trying your best to stay positive: “Don’t be upset. It was a good game.”
“I’m not upset. Our team did well but what am I going to tell them? They will be sad and disappointed because of the loss…”
You studied her for a moment, unsure if she was actually talking about your team or herself.
“You’ll find the right words, Renée. You’re never at a loss for words.”, you smiled gently.
Renée didn’t answer. She turned towards the pitch, making sure that no one could see the two of you hidden in the dark hallway leading towards the dressing rooms. And then she kissed you.
It was quick and grateful. A small gesture to let you know that she was happy to have you in her corner.
When you pulled away, you quickly realised that you weren’t alone anymore.
The Chelsea coach passed by, her assistant by her side and to your surprise she winked at you.
“I think your players are looking for you two.“, she said with her strong French accent.
“Oh… uhm , thanks.”, you stammered, the shock of being caught still lingering.
She left with a knowing smile on her lips: “De rien.”
“I think what she wanted to say was you’re welcome. Come on, the girls need us.”, Renée grinned, seemingly unbothered by the interaction and dragged you with her back towards the pitch.
“Hope you have some ideas for your speech now.“, you laughed.
“I do.”
Before Renée could gather the team, Kim came up to you. She frowned, holding herself like she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. You weren’t sure if you had ever seen your captain so devastated.
“I’m sorry, coach. I don’t know why I tried to stop Lauren James in the penalty area.”, she apologized, her voice steady but not free of frustration.
Your heart ached for your captain.
“It happens and it’s okay. You were trying to help the defence out. Yes, maybe we lost the match today but also showed that we can keep up with Chelsea. And this is what we should take away from this game.”, Renée said patiently as more and more players formed a circle around you.
Leah clapped her hands with a determined face: “That’s right. We get up and learn from it. Next time, we’ll beat them.”
“Exactly that.”, Renée nodded. The blonde defender's words of encouragement seemed to lighten the load on the players' shoulders a little. Only one footballer looked completely miserable.
As you whispered in Kim’s ear, you hugged her gently:” Don’t be too hard on yourself, Kimmy.”
“I’ll try to.”, she replied with an unhappy smile.
‘Sure,’ the captain shrugged before making her way to the changing room. It was heartbreaking to see her in this state.
On another evening you attended your first dinner with the team. Between the starters and the main course, Alessia asked you something private, to which you laughed awkwardly.
Reprovingly you clicked your tongue: “Alessia.”
“What I was asking you a simple question.”, she answered, sounding quite innocent.
“That’s not a question that belongs here.”, you stated.
The blonde immediately protested not without a smile:” If you’re seeing anyone? But you know everything about us.”
“Just because you tell her a lot about yourself doesn't mean she has to.”, Renée came to your aid.
With a teasing smile on your lips, you added: “And I never asked you to share everything with me. And I mean literally everything.”
“Hey, why are you looking at me while you said that?!”, Kyra pouted.
“Because I really don’t need to know what you’ve for breakfast. Every day.”, you chuckled.
The Australian midfielder couldn't help but burst out laughing too:” A girl likes to yap, okay?”
“Everyone here knows.”, Steph assured her, patting her lightly on the shoulder.
Caitlin, who was sitting next to them, confirmed it.
You needed a moment for yourself, so you went to the dimly lit restaurant’s bathroom, your girlfriend followed a few minutes later.
There was an amused twinkle in her brown eyes:” Our players are very interested in your love life.”
“I don’t know why though.”, you sighed as she hugged you from behind.
In a sincere tone Renée retorted: “Me neither.”
“When can we go to your place?”, you asked your girlfriend longingly.
“Not yet. They might notice.”
“Maybe we should leave around different times? So, it’s not too obvious.”, you suggested. co
The brunette thought about it for a second, then announced: “Good idea. I’ll leave first.”
After Renée was gone, Beth noticed: “Coach left early.”,
“You know her, there’s always work.”, you waved it off.
“And she likes to be prepared.”, Leah continued.
With a glance at the clock, you realized:” But it’s also late, girls.”
“Don’t say you’re going too.”, Kyra looked at you with big eyes.
“Yes, I am. Bye everyone.”, you told the players.
As soon as you were out of sight, Beth turned excitedly to her teammates: “Girls, did you notice how long the farewell hug was between Renée and our new assistant coach?”
“You’re overinterpreting here, Beth.”, Stina countered.
Quickly, Alessia disagreed: “I think she has a point.”
“Oh, please.”, the Swede rolled her eyes.
“But she didn’t want to talk about it either.”, the English striker reminded the fellow blonde.
A smile lit up Leah's face when she admitted: “Yes, that was suspicious.”
Stina shook her head: “They’ve been over it for a long time.”
“If you say so…”, Beth shrugged, ending the conversation but the sparkle in her eyes was evidence enough that she wasn’t ready to drop the topic yet.
A week later, Arsenal faced Manchester City. The game was chaotic and all over the place. You could barely stay in your seat watching your players move around the pitch. Subconsciously, you cringed. Finally, you had enough. You got up and joined Renée on the sideline.
“Oh, I can’t look. This is turning into a basketball game, no midfield to be seen.”, you complained to her, desperately pointing towards your defensive and central midfielders trying to gain control of the game.
You could tell that Renée followed the game with growing concern but she turned towards you and joked: “If it was basketball, they would use their hands, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes and bit back in smile.
“Yes but still, where is our midfield? Get Lia on.”
Renée who had turned back to watch the game only glanced at you this time: “Calm down.”
“I am calm.”, you replied without taking your eyes off of your girlfriend.
Discussion over. You both focused back on the game.
The minutes passed and nothing changed. Finally, Renée gave in and called Lia over to be subbed in. You both shared a look before she entered the pitch. You raised your eyebrow to signal your girlfriend that you had told her so, to which Renée responded with a playful roll of her eyes.
With Lia on, the game started to stabilise. But still, it went back and forth between both teams. When the final whistle blew, Arsenal was one goal ahead, winning the game 3:4.
You snuck up to Renée and grinned at her: “See? Getting Lia in was a good idea.”
“Yes, but it wasn’t only that sub.”, she said cooly, still staring out on the pitch and reflecting on the game.
“Of course not.”
Renée finally looked at you and nodded once: “But important three points.”
“Yes, we got a lot to take away from it too for when we play them again in a few days.”
“Yes, a lot of work for us.”, Renée agreed.
“We can do that.”
“I’m sure.” Renées face softened and a smile tugged on her lips as she dragged you along with her towards the player’s tunnel. She kissed you in the safety of the darkness as she so often did after games.
All of a sudden you felt the eyes of your players on you and began to clear your throat nervously: “Uhm Renée the team is staring at us.”
“What?”, your girlfriend followed your gaze with an alarmed look on her face.
Barely audible you whispered:”I think they saw the kiss.”
“Oh no.”, Renée began to curse.
With a proud smile on her lips Beth turned to her teammates:” I told you so, I was right girls!”
“They’re so cute.”, Alessi chirmed much to your surprise.
An amused chuckle escaped your lips:” You know that we can hear you, right?”
“Yes, we do.”, Leah smirked.
Renée ran her fingers through her hair flustered, trying to take her players’ minds off the kiss: “We should give our thanks to our travelling fans.”
“Come on, coach. It’s fine. You don’t have to distract.”, Beth assured the Dutch woman.
The England captain quickly added: “Yeah, we’re glad to see you this happy.”
Without words, Renée picked up Beth, while both started to laugh out loud.
“I think you can tell that she’s happy.”, you remarked smiling.
A teasing grin played around your girlfriend’s lips: “Oh, can you? But yes, I am What about you, love?”
“Our team won, and I got a gorgeous woman on my side. I can’t complain.”, you replied cheerfully.
And this much was true, if you looked at the two of you now, you wouldn’t change a thing.

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Full work mode || Leah Williamson x Alessia Russo x Reader
Request | Masterlist | Prompt list
Summary Your girlfriends see you in full work mode for the first time
It had been a calm day for you which was always a rare occasion.
You worked for the NCA which was always hard job but a very rewarding one.
You hadn’t been called into work today, there being no major cases so luckily for you, you got to stay home.
Your girlfriends, Leah and Alessia, had also been off today, having only played a match last night.
Although it had been relaxing, you knew it wouldn’t last for long.
Alessia, being the nicest person on earth, offered to host team bonding at your shared house.
Leah wasn’t present when Alessia planned it so she couldn’t intervene with the answer.
When Alessia told you, you didn’t mind too much.
Yes, it would loud and cause a mess, having twenty other people round, but you lived your girlfriend’s teammates as if they were your teammates.
One by one, everyone came round, bringing food and drinks with them which you were grateful for.
Everyone fell into light conversations, people asking how your work was and if you were coming to any games soon.
It had been a few hours and you were sat in between Alessia and Leah. Alessia had her head resting on your shoulder, whilst your hand rested on Leah’s lap, your fingers intertwined.
You were just about to put on a film for everyone to watch when your phone started ringing.
“Hi, Joe, what’s up?” You asked, hearing your bosses voice over the phone.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. A case has come to our attention and we need you here. It’s double pay for it being late.” Joe explained, you humming in agreement.
“I’ll be there in twenty. See you soon.” You hung up, giving everyone a sad look. “I’ve got to go. There’s a case where they need me.”
As you were leaving the room to get changed, you noticed Leah and Alessia high fiving each other.
“What’s got you two so happy?”
“We get to see you in your uniform.” Alessia responded, her face turning a light shade of red.
“Cheeky.” You muttered, winking at them both as you jogged up the stairs.
You were in your full kit, your vest on, your hat, everything.
You knew Alessia and Leah loved seeing you in your kit, hence why most times you wore it and had some free time, the three of you ended up in bed.
You walked downstairs, peeping your head into the living room.
“Go on, Y/N. Let’s see why them two won’t stop blushing at the thought of your uniform.” Katie said
You stepped into the living room, everyone’s eyes on you.
“I’d have my gun too, but it’s safe and sound at the office.”
Leah and Alessia got jealous as they saw everyone eyeing you.
“Alright enough staring. No more looking at her.” Leah spoke up, ushering you out the lounge and into the hallway so it was just the two of you, Alessia joining soon after.
“Jealous, ey, Williamson?” Katie joked, Caitlin smacking her shoulder to get her to stop.
“Stay safe, okay?” Alessia told you, pressing her lips to your cheek.
“I will, I promise. Have fun with the girls.”
You placed a kiss on Leah’s and Alessia’s lips before shutting the door behind you.
“I can see why you like Y/N in her uniform. God, she looked—” Katie began, clearly joking but stopped immediately once she saw the look Leah was giving her.
“Le…” Alessia warned, linking her hands with Leah’s as they sat down.
“Y/N’s ours, not yours Katie.”
“Awh, jealous are we, Leah?”
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Art // Leah Williamson

You loved playing football yet drawing and painting was your silent passion. A passion nobody really knew about.
It all started when you were a kid. After a bad day, lost match you would be so angry and disappointed that you would draw your anger away. It didn‘t matter if it was with pencils, crayons or acrylic, you didn‘t care if it was on paper or on a canvas. You just had to draw/paint.
Slowly, it not only started to reduce your anger but to become a daily thing. Over the years you got better and better and even sold some paintings.
When you moved to London, transfered to Arsenal from the german league you took your painting utils with you.
In your new apartment was an extra room which used to be a guest room - you didn't need it, so you set it up as a painting room. The floor was covered with foil as were parts of the wall while many canvases and tubes of paint stood on the newly built shelves. Your desk was full of paper, sketchbooks, pens, erasers, etc. everything an artist needed. It was your favorite room in your apartment.
As the weeks went on, you drew everything interesting. Such as the training facility, jerseys, the stadium and much more.
But If someone would have looked through your sketchbook they would‘ve noticed that there was one thing or rather one person which was drawn very often. Arsenals number 6. Leah Williamson. You couldn‘t explain why but she was incredible. Everything about her was perfect; her talent, her personality, her smile. You just could not not draw her. Often you only realized that you had drawn her after your drawing was already finished and when drawing number 12 of Leah was finished you knew you had a crush on her. What you didn‘t realize though was a) she also developed a crush on you and b) your face and hands covered in paint and pencil has not gone unnoticed. To find out why that was the team formed an alliance. When Rosa questioned why they simply didn‘t ask you her head was smacked from Kyra, Alessia and Vic. "It‘s much more exciting this way" Kyra replied mischievously.
Mission Colour had officially started.
On bus rides, plane flights, away games you would always have your 'away sketchbook' and one pencil with you just to calm down or to stay calm. Most of the time you sat next to Manu, your national teammate. She was like big sister to you and of course she knew about your drawing talent but what she didn‘t know was that a few teammates wanted to find out. As well Manu knew about your little crush, not because you told her but because she saw your sketch of Leah and connected the dots.
It was the next day when you came to training with a blue stripe on you forehead and hands covered with many shades of blue. This morning you worked on your current project (a painting of the ocean) and lost track of time. You hadn‘t had the chance to look in the mirror again after you rushed out of your flat to the car.
Fast forward, here you were in the training facility in bright red clothes while your skin was covered in blue.
"Looking like Papa smurf" Katie laughed, gently shoving you towards the mirror in the changing room.
Your eyes widened in horror, "Shit" aggressively you started to rub at the stripe of paint but it was too late. The stripe was already dry. Making your way to the bathroom, you wet the paper towel, not much hope about cleaning your face.
"Hey" you heard a voice beside you, your eyes locking with the blonde defenders through the mirror, "do you need some help?" Leah asked, already concerned by the way you aggressively rubbed your forehead, "hey, lemme-" the girl gently tugged at your wrist as she turned you to face her. She grabbed another paper towel, putting a tiny bit of soap on it before she put it under water. In silence, the taller girl started to clean your face. Her movements were slow and tender as she tried to stay cool while she was so close to you. In the meantime, you admired the blonde, scanned every feature of her face.
"Secretly a Chelsea fan, huh?" the gunner asked, trying to ease the obvious tension in the room.
"Gosh no," you chuckled, "I was working on my new proctect this morning and lost track of time" you admitted, Leah raising a brow in return.
"You must think I’m pretty unorganized, hm?"
"of course not!" She replied immediately, "i was just wondering, project? What project?"
"It‘s nothing much, just a painting project" you shrugged your shoulders, "the ocean."
"I didn‘t know you could paint" she stated, the dots connecting with all the paint stains that covered your clothes and body since you had arrived in London.
"Maybe you‘d like to see some of my works?" your voice was quiet, shy as you nervously scratched your neck.
"It‘s a date" the same moment, Leah dropped the comment, you heard Kim call, "training starts" which let Leah hurry out of the room, leaving you completely shocked and with a mix of nervousness and excitement alone. Was she serious?
"Leah, wait!"
Training had finished half an hour ago, the girls, including you, doing their usual routines, some had physio, some went straight to the showers or others that just changed their clothes happy to finally go home - Leah, one of the girls who preferred to shower at home after a particularly long cardio session.
"Were you serious about the date? Because if not that would be totally fine, but if so, I’d really like to go on a date with you" you rambled, "we could go out for dinner or i could cook for you or not, because I’m not the greatest cook, but maybe take out would be fine too?! whatever you like works for me!"
"Take a deep breath, love" she smiled, squeezing your hand, "i was serious" her cheeks slowly turning red, "sorry, could‘ve been a bit more romantic, i admit, but indeed, I’d be very happy to go on a date with you"
"Oh, really!" you were so surprised, shocked even that the Leah Williamson wanted to go on a date with you.
"Yes, really. What about this: I’ll go home for a shower and at-" she looked at her watch, "at 7, I’ll be at your front door with some food in my hands. Neither of us has to cook and we can have a nice and relaxed evening, how does that sound?"
"That sounds perfect, thank you"
"See you soon" she smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek as she felt brave enough to do so in that moment.
Like in trance, you watched her walk away while your fingers touched the spot were lips had been a few seconds ago. Wow.
On the other hand as soon as Leah sat in her car, she did a little happy dance, finally getting the chance to spend some time with you alone and even better, being able to call it a date.
5 minutes early the defender stood in front of your door, two bags of food in one hand while the other hand held a bouquet of flowers.
With confidence Leah rang the door bell, she felt untouchable. She had a date with the prettiest girl and nothing would stop her from trying to be the best version of herself for you. She really wanted this to work out.
In all honesty, Leah had been crushing on you for quite a while. It all started with an international friendly where you both were captaining your nations. You fell in conversation easily, the blonde friends with some of your national teammates.
Since then the Lioness followed you on your socials, also enjoying watching you play football - something about your technic and brain for the game made her fall in love with football all over again.
When the announcement was made that you‘d join Arsenal, she was excited, overly so. She wanted to talk to you again, be your friend. But soon the thought of just being friends combined with her little crush on you that was getting bigger and bigger day by day was long forgotten. She wanted to get to know you, on a deeper level than just the typical friendly one.
"Hey! Welcome in" you said with a wide smile, stepping aside.
"Hi, these are for you" the defenders cheeks turned slightly pink as yours did too.
"These are beautiful, thank you so much" the bouquet was big mix of multiple flowers in multiple colours, "i didn‘t know what your favorite flower was, so i bought one of each they had"
"I love it and I really appreciate it" shy smiles were exchanged before your attention was brought back, "follow me. So this is my living room and as you can see, there‘s my kitchen. I hope you like wine? I found this one in my cupboard" you pointed at the bottle on your coffee table. "Here let me plate the food, make yourself a home" as you wandered off to the kitchen, Leah admired your home. It was tidy yet looked very cozy. Then her gaze fell to various of pictures and paintings you had in your living room. One in particular caught her attention, it reminded her of something that she couldn’t form in words, an familiar warm feeling filled her chest as she looked at it closely - something about this painting was special.
The night went on with an ease, everything felt so natural. Dinner was great, the conversation flowing, the tv long forgotten as both of your attentions were on each other. Throughout the night the two of you had moved closer, knees already touching as you shared jokes and stories about everything and nothing.
"I must say, i really like the paintings in here. This one especially" she pointed at your favorite.
"Thank you, that‘s very nice of you to say"
"How much did they cost you? They look so expensive!" she admired, quickly realizing what an rude question she asked, "oh I’m so sorry, that‘s not something I should be asking"
"No, don’t worry, you’re good" you assured her, "they didn‘t cost me anything, i did them myself" you said, "well, that‘s a lie, i had to buy the canvas and the paint but other than that i didn‘t cost me anything."
"No way! You really did these? Are you joking?"
You shook your head.
"Wow! These are amazing. Like seriously, you’ve got some serious talent!"
Soon you furiously started to blush, getting all shy as you looked away from the gunner.
"Can i see the ocean painting which you talked earlier about?" she remembered, hoping to get see more of your work.
"Sure, but it‘s not finished yet"
"That‘s fine. I‘d see anything you painted, really, this is so impressive"
"Stop" you buried your face in your hands, your cheeks as hot as ever, the tip of your ears a deep shade of red, "hey, no. Don’t hide that pretty face of yours" taking your hands out of your face, you stared at each other as everything around you fell silent. Both of you were so close, if you would just lean forward-
"Here follow me" you broke the silence, grabbing the lioness’ hand and dragging her to your art room, "don’t mind the mess" you said as you opened the door, showing Leah the inside of your heart.
For once, the defender didn‘t know what to say. Everywhere she looked where painting, sketches and drawings. It was like she not only stepped into your heart but also your brain.
"Wow" she whispered, in utter disbelief at what she saw. You did this. All of this!
Walking around the room Leah felt like she was at an art gallery, heavily impressed about the beauty she got to see in each painting.
"May i look in these too?" she asked once she was at your desk, sketchbooks across the table.
Slowly, you nodded. In that moment, you didn’t even think about the fact that you had sketched Leah too, and that more than once.
Every now and then, compliments slipped out while her fingers traced the lines and shapes of your art.
Then she stopped, silence deafening, "is that me?" she whispered, looking at more pages of herself.
"What? Shit, no, no, no." With a few quick steps, you slammed the book shut. Too embarrassed to even look at her, "you weren‘t supposed to see those" you muttered.
"So it was me?" she asked again, even though it was quite obvious that it was her indeed.
"Yes, I’m sorry. I‘m not a creep i promise! You‘re just- just so-" your brain went blank.
"you‘re… you‘re just so amazing and i- I really like you. And i only realized that i sketched you once it was too late. I‘m really sorry! You weren‘t even supposed to see them. I‘m not a creep, I’m just in love with you and i never thought you‘d like me back and now you‘re here with me on date. Well at least that‘s what you said it was. But it‘s totally fine, if you don’t want it to be a date anymore or if you want leave now or-" in the middle of your ramble, Leah cut you off, with her lips gently pressing against your own, a perfect way to shut you up. Your body relaxed immediately as your lips responded to the new sensation. Leah’s hands fell to your hips while yours laid on her stomach, your brain not knowing where else to put them as it was completely consumed by Leah kissing you.
Here you were in the heart of your art with Leah, the most beautiful girl, who was kissing you, the artist.
And even though, most artist are only known for their work by everyone after their death, you weren‘t most and Leah surely wasn‘t everyone. She was the one.
"Indeed wow"
You both stared at each other in silence, loving the tranquil atmosphere you had created.
"So what should i call you now? Picasso? Van Gogh? Michelangelo? Da Vinci?"
You laughed at her comment, playfully hitting her chest while she pulled you even closer in return.
"While i did like Papa smurf, I’d eventually prefer my girlfriend" she smiled, leaning in once again.
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Fix This
Leah Williamson x reader x Alessia Russo
Warnings: Basic writing first one back so be nice yeah
“I-I miss you, bo-both of you”
You feel your heart break as you watch tears pool at the bottom of Alessia’s eyes and theres nothing you or Leah can do about it over this stupid facetime call, but its not like Alessias only up the road, shes four hours away in Manchester, four hours away from a hug, a kiss a cuddle, a hand running through her hair telling her everything is going to be ok.
If this was any other night you would get in your car and drive those four hours to her, to hug her, kiss her, cuddle her, run your hand through her bright blonde hair and tell her its going to be ok but its not any other night, its the night before the new season, the night before you play Brighton at Meadow park.
Your heart hurts more and more as you watch the older girl wipe her red eyes with her (Leah's) jumper sleeve, sniffling and hiccuping still.
"We will see you soon love we promise."
Alessia knows thats the best the both of you can do but it still hurts, the distance still hurts.
"Don't hang up the phone please." You shake your head, "Never Less, we are on this end for as long as you need." Alessia nods softly her voice quite "Just until i fall asleep at least." Leah nodds "Of course Darlin as long as you need."
You fall asleep first, it happens every time, your head perched on Leah's chest so you could still see Alessia but the sound of the older pair talking in hushed voices always sends you to sleep sooner than you'd like, you've tried many times to stay awake for less's sake you say, but you can't, as soon as the hushed voices are brought in your out like a light.
"Go to sleep Darlin, you look exhausted.`' Alessia only hums at Leah's reguest her eyes fixated on you, she misses you, misses you falling asleep on her as she combs her fingers through your hair talking about the most random thing, she misses Leah too, she misses the way Leah entertains her random thoughts, how she always knows the right things to say, when she needs to be held and not let go of, or when she eventually does need to be let go of, she misses playing house with the two of you, misses lying around the house, running silly little errands, cooking dinner, movie nights, late mornings spent wrapped in bed together, the things she can only do during the short breaks the seasons allow.
"Don't hang up" Leah smiled softly at the younger girl "Never" Alessia nodds adjusting herself "Tell her I love her" Leah sighs her eyes flicking to you. "Trust me pretty girl, she knows." Alessia nods "But still." Leah agrees whispering a soft goodnight as Alessias eyes begin to shut.
International breaks were the best times for the three of you to get together, to be together happy in a relationship that wasn’t miles apart.
None of you shared rooms Leah stayed with Georgia, Less with Tooney and you with Alex. The girls had their roommates by the time you got called up to the senior squad, you being a couple years younger then Less and so even though you had all been together a couple of months you didn’t want to disrupt their camp routines and instead stayed with Alex, the older girl being sure to look after you at every opportunity.
Still during down time your teammates could find the three of you stuck together, either in the chill room, squished on someone’s bed asleep as a movie played in the background or wandering the grounds. These camps were no different and as you headed to your second last camp of the year you prepared to be joint at the hip with your blondies.
Only Less didn’t seek you or Leah out on your arrival like she normally did and when you found her she simply gave you a hug and a quick kiss before wandering off with her United girls.
As the days passed during the international camp, your heart ached with growing concern. Alessia's usual bubbly energy seemed subdued, her laughter replaced by a quiet melancholy. Leah noticed it too, her worried glances mirroring your own.
"Are you okay?" Leah asked one evening as you sat together in the team's lounge.
You shrugged. "I guess. It's just... why won't she talk to us."
Leah knew what you meant. The season was ramping up, and the pressure was on. But she also knew that something else was bothering you.
"I don't know love, maybe theres things happening with Marc that she just doesn't want to talk to us about yet, but she'll come when shes ready ok."
You hesitated. "hmm. I don't know. I'm worried about her Le."
Leah reached out and took your hand. "It's okay to be worried but Less knows we're here."
You sighed. "I just miss her. And I'm worried about her. She's been working really hard, and I know she's stressed."
Leah nodded. "I understand. I do. I feel the the same way."
You flop your head on to Leah's shoulder "I love you."
Leah kissed your fair squeezing you tightly “I love you too, she does too darling she’s just having a hard time showing it.”
The international break was supposed to be a respite, a chance for the three of you to reconnect and recharge. But the weight of distance and unspoken worries hung heavy in the air. Alessia's usual vibrant spirit was dimmed, replaced by a quiet melancholy that worried you and Leah.
The following day, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Alessia was still distant, her smiles forced and her laughter absent. During a training session, you caught her staring into space, a far-off look in her eyes.
After practice, you approached her cautiously. "Less, can we talk?"
She nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "What."
You found a quiet corner of the training ground, the two of you sitting side by side. "What's wrong, love? You've been off."
Alessia hesitated, her eyes darting away, but her voice harsh and cold. "It's nothing. Just a lot going on."
You knew that wasn't the whole truth. "Is it Marc? Something with the team?"
Alessia turns snapping immediately "It's none of your business!" You flinch at her harshness, Leah placing a hand on your back rubbing gentle circles trying to calm you. "I'm fine okay? Just leave me alone." She stands up and walks off, leaving you and Leah stunned.
"Less, please," Leah interjected, her voice gentle but firm. "We're just worried about you."
Alessia scoffed. "Worried? You? You're worried about me? You're worried about your own careers, your own lives. You don't care about me."
Your heart sank. You knew that wasn't true, but you couldn't argue with her. She was hurting, and she was lashing out.
"I'm sorry, Less," you managed to say, your voice barely a whisper. "We just want to help."
Alessia stood up abruptly, her eyes filled with tears. "Just leave me alone."
She turned and walked away, leaving you and Leah stunned and heartbroken.
The silence between you and Leah was heavy, the weight of Alessia's words hanging in the air. You both knew she was hurting, but her words had cut deep.
"I don't understand," Leah murmured, her voice filled with confusion. "We're trying to help her."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I know, but she's shutting us out."
"Maybe she just needs some space," Leah suggested, though her voice lacked conviction.
Alex watched you return heartbroken. "She…something is really wrong Ale, I…we don't know what to do." Alex lay with you as you racked your brain for every possible reason, tears streaming down your face as your heart broke for the younger blond.
You don't remeber falling asleep but you wake up tucked into Alex's bed, the older girl up and getting ready for the day. "Hey sleepy, I thought i'd let you sleep longer, but we should head for breakfast before I get a warning." You groaned rolling out of the bed you already hated today.
The weight of Alessia's words still hung heavy in the air, as you entered the foodhall. You and Leah exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to approach her. The tension between you was palpable, a stark contrast to the usual camaraderie you shared.
After training, you decided to take a chance. You found Alessia sitting alone on a bench, her gaze fixed on the field. You hesitated, unsure of how she would react.
"Less," you began, your voice soft. "Can we talk?"
She turned to you, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "What do you want?"
You took a deep breath. "I just want to understand. What's going on?"
Alessia stood up abruptly. "There's nothing to understand. I'm fine."
You reached out to her, but she pulled away. "Don't touch me," she said coldly.
Your heart ached. You knew she was hurting, but she was pushing everyone away.
"Less, please," you interjected, your voice gentle. "We're just worried about you."
By now half the team was watching you both as Leah stepped forward ready to mediate you both.
Alessia scoffed. "Why don't you go worry about your new girlfriend, was two not enough for you, you have to whore yourself out to Alex too."
The air crackled with tension as Alessia's words hung heavy in the air. You felt a wave of shock wash over you, followed by a deep hurt. You loved Alessia, and you knew she loved you back, but her words were like daggers, cutting deep into your heart.
"Hey, you better step the fuck down Alessia that is no way to speak to her no matter how hurt you are, Y/n's just trying to make sure your ok."
Alessia huffed "Like hell she is, to busy cuddling up to Alex, and stringin you along too, pathetic."
Your heart shattered into a million pieces. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You had always been honest with Alessia, with both of them. You loved them both, and you had never hidden that fact. But now, in her pain, she was accusing you of something you hadn't done.
"Alessia," you began, your voice barely a whisper. "That's not fair. You know that's not true."
But she wouldn't listen. She continued to lash out, her words cutting deeper with each passing moment. You felt a wave of despair wash over you. You had tried to help her, to understand her, but she was pushing you away.
"Oh, really? Then explain why you're always with her, why you're always cuddling up to her. You're just using me, using us both."
Your heart ached as you tried to explain, but your words were lost in the storm of Alessia's accusations. You felt helpless, trapped in a nightmare that you couldn't wake up from.
"Just leave me alone," Alessia finally said, her voice filled with anger and despair. "I don't want to see you anymore."
In the end, you turned and walked away, tears brimming your eyes as you will them not to fall. She doesn't mean it, she doesn't mean it.
You feel numb, You know shes hurting, that shes hiding something from you, but you never thought she would be so mean, shouting at you infront of your friends/teamates, accusing you of wanting to get with Alex.
"I can't believe she said that," you finally managed to say, your voice barely a whisper.
Leah stands against the wall in your room, her eyes scan your everymove waiting for you to break.
"It's not true."
Leah crouched down putting a comforting hand on your knee. "I know, love. It's not true."
"Will you go check on her please Le." Leahs eyes softened nodding "You sure."
You nod squeezing her hand, "Please baby she needs you, I'm ok"
Leah found Less in the rec room her head in her hands as Tooney talked to her quietly.
"Less," Leah began, her voice gentle, Alessia shot up throwing her self at the defender, Leah held her tight rubbing soft circles on her back. "I know you're hurting, but what you said to Y/n was unfair."
Alessia's eyes filled with tears. "I know, I know. I didn't mean it. I'm just so messed up right now."
Leah sat down beside her, her hand resting on Alessia's. "What's going on? Is there something you're not telling us?"
Alessia hesitated, her eyes darting away. "He won't let me leave Leah, I want to leave but Marc he..."
Alessia's voice trailed off, her eyes filled with fear and despair. Leah's heart sank. She knew Marc, the Manchester United manager, was a demanding figure, but she hadn't imagined anything like this.
"Oh, darling," Leah said, pulling Alessia into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry."
Alessia sobbed into Leah's shoulder, her body shaking with emotion. Leah held her tightly, offering comfort and support.
"We'll figure this out," Leah assured her. "We'll get you out of there."
After a while, Alessia calmed down, her sobs subsiding into quiet sniffles. She looked up at Leah, her eyes red and swollen.
"I don't know what to do," she whispered.
Leah sighed, pulling Alessia into another hug. "We'll figure it out together," she promised.
Alessia nodded, "I...I was so mean to her."
Leah nodded "You were, shes upset and hurt but you are too and she knows that"
"I'm going to go check on her." Alessia said gently pulling away from Leah.
Less found you sitting on the edge of your bed, your eyes red and puffy. You looked up as Less entered the room, quickly wipping your eyes.
"Hey" Y/n asked, her voice barely a whisper.
Alessia walked over to you and sat down beside you, taking your hand.
"Hey," Alessia replied, her voice soft. "I'm so sorry."
Her voice filled with remorse. "what I said was horrible, I was horrible."
You looked at her, your heart softening. "It's okay, Less. I know you didn't mean it."
Alessia shook her head. "No, I did. I was so selfish and angry. I took it out on you, and I hurt you."
You reached out and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay," you said softly.
The dam broke then as Alessia sobbed as you wrapped your arms around her tightly. "It's ok, we are ok."
Alessia hesitated, then took a deep breath. "It's Marc," she said, her voice barely audible. " He won't let me leave. i want to leave United, I want to move closer to you, to Leah. But i can't "
Your heart sank. You knew Marc was a tough manager, but you had no idea he was a straight up asshole.
Alessia sobbed into your shoulder. "I know. I'm so sorry for taking it out on you."
You held her tightly, trying to offer comfort. "It's okay. I understand."
After a while, Alessia pulled away. "I need to leave," she said. "I need to get out of there."
You nodded "You will, we will get you out of there, I'll get on to Luca, I..I'll talk to Jonas, Leah will to, we will get you out of there."
Less fell asleep a short while later head tucked into the crook of your neck.
Leah opened the door slowly scared to wake you but surprised to see you wide awake your hands softly combing through the younger blonded hair.
"Sorted?" Leah asked quietly, You smiled softly opening your other arm inviting her to join.
"not yet but it will be, we'll get her out won't we." Leah nodded kissing below your chin before kissing Lesses head "Of course we will."
"You ok though." Leah asked shuffling to lie down more comfortably with you both.
"I knew she never meant it, doesn't mean it didn't hurt but as long as you both know im not a slag i'll be ok."
Leah let out a soft laugh "You a slag, the girl who couldn't talk to either of us without stuttering, I think your safe."
"Good" you let out barley above a whisper as your eyes began to drop.
"Go to sleep love, we'll be here when you wake up."
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Guardian angel

Leah Williamson x Alessia Russo x child
A note from the author: Another glimse into the universe of musli.
Warning: Angst? Night terrors? Boys??
Summary: You try to start kindergarten, but Leah comes to a realisation.
You can feel your heart beaming in your chest. The beats are hard, almost painful. It feels like it’s about to fall out of your chest, and run away to a place of safety. A place that you have yet to find. You stand behind the corner of the hallway scared to peek out while Alessia and Leah is arguing. You had woken up hearing them argue. Their voices angry, both filled with rage. Your worst nightmare had cometrue. You made the two women hate each other. The only fosterhome you had felt somewhat safe in, was falling apart because of you. You remeber how your foster brother, Sebastian, would tell you that his parents was splitting up because of you. It makes your tiny hands tremble. You felt a gulp in your throat, but at the same time it was screaming for water. Tears linger in your eyes before you violently try to rub them away. You swallow a sob terrified to bring attention to yourself.
“I hate you! I hate her! Why do we even let her stay?!” Leah yells after Alessia who moves to stand behind the couch in the middle of the room.
“Stop being a bitch about it, we can just get rid of it!” Alessia hurries back at Leah.
Leah frowns.
“Oh, now, NOW, I know i understand! Where is she? Where is the problem??!”
They both turn to look at you as you tumble out of your hiding spot. You dont understand why you end up tumbling out from your hiding spot. Leah laughs in a way that immediately makes you want to cry. She sounds like one of the evil stepmothers on the princess movies.
“You! You are the problem! Y/N, come here! You are leaving now! Out!” Leah scream at you before they both start chasing you down the hallway.
Your feet picks up and you run as fast as you can before you reach the guest room that you remind yourself are only borrowing. Everything feels like a blur. Your hands try to cling to the door in an attempt to unlock it. But you can’t get the door open. It seems stuck. Your hands arent strong enough. You try as hard as you can. But it won’t budge. Not even when you use all the force in your body.
You turn around to face the two women who are slowly creeping up on you. They have devilish looks on their faces, and you cry hysterically in panic.
“Please, Please, Mrs.Alessia, I’ll leave! I promise, don’t hurt me!”
You cry back, but they won’t listen. They just keep their scary smiles plastered on their faces while slwly moving towards you. You don’t know what to do. Alessia’s eyes look kind of black, you notice. It scares you even further. You scream as the pair of them comes up close to you with the most intense smiles you have ever seen. You close your eyes in terror as you scream and cry. The panic sets in.
“Mommy!! I want mommy! Mommy, please, please! Please, come get me mommy! Don’t hurt me please, I’m-I’m gonna be good, I promi-
That’s when you feel a pair of hands on your shoulders, you can feel a sensation of someone shaking you gently. It startles you. You jerk in shock. You feel out of breath. Your hands are clinging to your eyes, terrified to open them.
“Y/N? Love, it’s okay. It’s just a dream”
Just a dream, you think. You are not sure if you believe it. You open one of your eyes slowly and see Alessia hunched down next to you on the carpet. Your body is feeling sweaty, and you are exhausted. Every part of your body feels tense. Leah is standing in the doorway with a sad look on her face while giving you a sad smile.
You look at Alessia with panic in your eyes. The realisation has hit you, you woke them up.
“I’m-I’m so sorry Mrs.Alessia, I didn’t mean too. Plea-Please, don’t send me away. I’ll be good, I’ll be quiet, I pinky promise” you sob as you wobble your lower lip.
Alessia sends you a sad, but comforting look before opening her arms to you. “It was just a nightmare, angel. We are not mad at you, not ever.”
This happens again and again. You have nightmares that won’t go away. You worry that they will get tired of it, tired of spending time comforting you, tired of being woken up by screaming. But she dosent get tired. She does this every night, hold her arms open. Secretly, she hopes for the day you will hug her back. To allow yourself to be a little girl. Because that’s what you are. Just a little girl that needs love.
Musli always follows them into the room when you cry. He always falls asleep next to you, and when you are sound asleep; he retrieves to get food and cuddles before he comes back for the night. He stands next to Alessia, and he purrs while bonking his head at her. You look at them. You remember what your mom always said about cats. If a cat trust someone and like them, then they are good people that you can trust. Cats are better at judging peoples charater.
You don’t know why, but one night you throw yourself to her. You hold on to her like she is the last flotie and you are in the middle of the ocean. Alessia silently hushes you while holding you tight and rocking you gently back and forth. Her hand resting on the back of your head while walkin gback and forth. It feels nice. Almost safe. Like one of the mommy hugs you would get when you hurt your toe outside. But you never dare to hug her back. Feelings come rushing down your throat, and you feel a sob sneaking out of your body. Then you cry, and cry and cry and cry until eventually pass out in exhaustion.
The following mornings follows the same rhythms. Night terrors in the middle of the night. Alessia and Leah takes turns in holding you and comforting you. You pass out from crying. Then, you wake up in your new bed with musli licking your face. Using his loud purrs, he tries his best to soothe you. He is always calm. It makes you wonder if this place might be safe.
You stumble out of your bedroom feeling frightened that your new foster moms might have left you alone for the day. It’s not unusual, plenty of families used to leave you alone. Claiming you were a big girl. But, your new guardians are always at the kitchen, always waiting for you with a warm breakfast. At first, you thought it was just for show. Like when your old fosters would dress you up all nice and give you a shower before your social worker would arrive. But by each day that goes, the care feels less than just for show. For a split second, you believe that perhaps someone might care about you.
You aren’t old, just four. Four fingers. All of your fingers except for your thumb. Just four. You already know you can’t trust anyone. People always turn on you, but that’s okay. It is because you always misbehave. But your last foster family would leave you alone for hours upon end if you misbehaved. Misbehaving would be things like not get yourself up in time, eat too much, make noise or complain. It scared you to the point of shaking, you never wanted to misbehave. There was always so many rules at every new house, and it was hard to know what rules belonged to what house. It was confusing. You wish you could write, that way you could note down the rules. But you can’t even spell your name. Because you are just four.
In your last family, you weren’t allowed to pet the dog. You weren’t even allowed to touch the dog. But here, at Leah and Alessia’s house; Musli gets to sleep in your bed. He even sleeps next to you after Leah and Alessia has said goodnight and you crawl to lay on the big carpet. It’s nice, you decide. It feels like somewhat of a routine. You think you like that. If things are predictable, then you won’t misbehave, and then they won’t kick you out.
But this morning; it’s different. When you wake up, you see Alessia. She is gently shaking you to wake you up, but you feel scared. You instantly shoot up thinking that you did something wrong. That you might have misbehaved in your sleep.
“I-I’m sorry, Mrs.Alessia. I’ll do better tomorrow, I pinky promise!” You beg as tears once again stream down your red cheeks. Your cheeks that are always painted with beautiful roses. The tears aren’t normally allowed at fosterhomes, so you wipe your eyes so hard that your vision becomes fuzzy. Because you cannot misbehave.
But Alessia isn’t angry. She smiles at you before tucking your hair behind your ear. She squats down, and seems like she is inviting you in for a hug. You haven’t had a proper hug for a long time, only the ones you get when you have nightmares. But, you barely remember them. The only hugs you’ve had from other than Alessia and Leah: was mommyhugs and daddyhugs. You decided that the hug from Alessia is a test, so you just look down into the ground hoping that you made the right choice. Because you are terrified to misbehave. To take up too much space. You worry about what your new moms are like when they are mad. A part of you thinks that they are gentle. Like if Leah and Alessia becomes upset with you, you think that they might let you have the bed. And if they take your bed away, you still have the soft carpet.
Alessia gives you a sad smile before sitting down on her knees. You give her your best smile while trying to silent your sobs. Alessia’s heart breaks into a million little pieces when she sees you, a four year old, trying to soothe herself. She can only hope for the day when you let them into your heart because she knows that you have already filled up theirs.
“We are going shopping for you today, love. We have the day off, and kindergarten is starting up soon”.
You look at them in confusion. First at Leah, then at Alessia. What things, you think. You feel worried, have you lost something? And why do you have to be sent away?
“But first, breakfast” Alessia encourages you, and you immediately go to find your special chair. This is a part of the routine that you know by heart. After breakfast, it’s the same routine too. You put your plate in the dishwasher, you go get whatever clothes you can find in your drawer and Leah helps you brush your teeth before Alessia does your hair. You decide that you like it. The routines. It makes you feel like you might be able to trust them. Like you can predict what will happen. When they pamper you, it feels like you are four years old and not some kind of mini adult.
When you get to the mall, it’s big. It’s much bigger than any place that you have ever been at. Alessia says that it’s called Westfield. You think it sounds fancy. Expensive. You feel scared once you realise that you do not have any money. You only have your little stuffie, Meow. He is the only thing you own and you hold him tight scared that he might be taken away from you.
Leah hops out of the car, and unbuckles you. The carseat they put you in feels soft and comfortable. Normally, your fosters never take you anywhere. You and Leah meet Alessia in-front of the car. It feels scary when you look around you. There are cars parked everywhere, and more people than you have ever seen before.
You look up at Alessia with a scared look on your face. She instantly squats down to your level.
“It can feel overwhelming to be here for the first time. That’s okay, Leah feels overwhelmed with going to the mall too.”
You look over at Leah who nods at you. It makes you smile shyly.
“Do you want to hold my hand?”
You look at Alessia before you nod. Holding hands. Normally, your foster family never lets you hold their hands. You decide to take advantage of the opportunity. Your mom would always hold your hand when going to the park. It’s a good memory. Perhaps you can go to the park with Leah one day.
You grab Alessia’s hand and look at Leah. You offer her to hold the paw of mr.meow that is safely in your left hand. She takes it, and it sneaks a slight giggle out of you. The giggle makes Alessia and Leah’s hearts flutter. It’s the first time they have heard you giggle.
You arrive at the store that your new foster moms have picked out for you to go to. At the front of the store, there are statues with clothes on them. You like the dresses that they are wearing. They are pink and with ruffles. It also looks like it’s a twirly dress, you used to love twirly dresses.
In the store, you don’t really know what to do. You never shop. People usually never get things for you. You just stand there with mr.meow in your hand looking around you. There are crying kids everywhere, it confuses you. Why are they allowed to leave the house if they cry? You decide that it’s because they got lucky with their parents than you.
“Here, what do you think about this dress?”
Alessia holds out a pink dress with hearts on it. It surprises you, but you look her way. You touch the fabric with your hands. It feels soft. You smile shyly and nod to Alessia. Leah immediately grabs it and puts it in the basket before you deny the gift.
“What about this skirt? Maybe with this top?”
Alessia holds out a skirt this time. It’s made out of the same material as your jeans, and it has sown in pink stars at the bottom. The top next to it is a sweater. It’s a white sweater with a little bow on the neckline. You nod.
This is how the whole shopping trips goes. They suggest something, and you nod. It’s not that you aren’t grateful, because you really are. You just don’t know how to tell them that you want something or not want something. Luckily, Alessia seems to know what little girls like to wear.
After walking through the clothes part of the store, you spot the toy department. It has a bunch of toys. Anything from teddies to trains to barbie dolls. Your eyes glides across the area, quickly scanning the toys.
Then you see it. You stop in your tracks. It’s a cupboard, a little taller than you in the shape of a house.It has doors and carvings, and windows. Inside the house is a series of mice from Maileg. Your eyes light up when you see them. It’s the same mice you got from your mom. She would collect them for you. You would call it your them your “little mouse”.
Alessia notices your sudden interest in the display, and takes a step towards it. Your feet follow along as you near the mice. You can see them. It’s all kinds of mice. Its a set with a mommy and daddy mouse in wedding outfit, it’s a kit with a wooden fridge filled with little realistic pieces of food, it’s a box shaped like a matchbox with three triplet baby mice in it. Then there is the princess mouse, she has atleast 10 mattresses. There is all kinds of accessories too. A kit with a bathing suit, swim giggles and beach towels. A circus kit with a circus ball and a clown. A mouse with a tent and binoculars. There are also clothes for the mice, and hangers for their clothes and beds and little furniture for the mice.
But at the corner of your eye, it’s a special box that catches your eye. It’s a teal box in the shape of a suitcase with gold dots and gold letters on it. Your right hand drop Alessia’s hand and left hand drops mr.meow who is still holding Leah’s hand. You eagerly open the box, and your hopes are confirmed. It’s a guardian angel mouse. Not just any kind, but the same kind your foster dad took away from you for not sharing it with your foster brothers. It’s the same kind your mom gave you to have in your backpack when you started nursery as a baby. You would also bring it to see your grandparents and when you went to the park. You open the box, and the same mouse that you had earlier is right in front of you. It has a pink dress, white wings and a little yellow halo. At the corner of your eyes, water is gathering. It makes you feel embarrassed, but also desperate. Desperate because you want it. You want it more than anything else in the whole world. Maybe not more than you want your mom and dad, but it’s a close call. You consider to put it in your pocket and take it. But that would be wrong. But you really want it.

Alessia and Leah seems to have catch on because Leah squats down next to you. She dries the tear that has escaped your eye.
“Take it, little miss. I’ll get it for you”
You look over at Leah. You want to smile and be happy, but you feel unsure. Is this a test? The mice is expensive. You know this because mommy told you so. She said it was lots of pounds for a tiny mice, that this was something you had to use your birthday wish to get it. But knowing your mom, she got it for you. Just like she knew you would need it one day.
“Maybe, it can be a birthday gift? Or Christmas gift? Or I can try to pay you back?”
You suggest out of desperation, not wanting to accept it without a play to repay them.
“Don’t worry about it, baby. We will get it for you. Is there anything else you would like to go with it?”
You look at the display, but shake your head. You only want the guardian angel mouse. The stupidly expensive mice with the little pink dress. Secretly, you want another mouse to keep it company. Maybe a little bed for them to sleep in, but you don’t wanna seem ungrateful.
“Thank you, Leah” you say as you choke a sob. You feel an overwhelming feeling of gratefullness. Grateful to be with Leah and Alessia. Grateful to have a memory of your mom. Grateful to be allowed a toy.
When you get home that day, you go through all your old clothes with Alessia. Leah had to go to buy groceries, so she isn’t helping out. Alessia lay your clothes out on the floor. It’s weird, you think. Your mommy would do the same thing. Your clothes aren’t much to brag about. Some of them have stains and others are too small. Some of them have holes and others are worn out.
The pieces of clothing are carefully sorted into piles before placed in bags. Your old clothes that are in decent condition gets put back into the dresser. Then, Alessia carefully folds your new clothes and place them into the dresser filling it up completely.
“All set for your big adventure tomorrow!” Alessia cheers at you. You feel confused.
“Am I being sent away? I just need a black bag and I-”
“No, we are not sending you away. We will never just send you away. Tomorrow, we are going to see your new kindergarten. Then, you will stay there for a few hours until we pick you up.”
“Uhm, why? Am i bad?”
“Me and Alessia will go back to work. Mondays and Thursdays, you will get to go to kindergarten to play with other kids. It will just be a few hours, I promise.”
Alessia confirms while carefully closing your drawers. You can’t help but feel scared that they will forget to pick you up.
You feel sad with the explanation. A part of you wonders why you can’t come with them to work. It feels safe to be with them at all times. That way, you can make sure to always be a joy to be around. However, if you aren’t there. You can’t keep track of what the adults are talking about. If they are talking about getting rid of you.
The next morning comes around, and soon enough you were standing inside of the kindergarten. You had been to kindergartens before, but your old foster parents forgot you there. There were plenty of kids. Some were crawling while others were running. There was even a girl in a wheelchair. Everyone seemed so happy busy playing with all the toys you could even dream of.
However, you don’t play with any of the toys. You had been placed at the little table next to the crayons and sheets to draw. But, you dont draw. You are just observing everyone around you. Everything around you. The buzz of the room is loud, and every know and then someone cries.
A young woman comes walking over to you, and sits down across for you. She has a name tag, and she is a grown up. She grabs a sheet and a pink crayon before she starts drawing. You look at her while she draws. You notice how she sticks her tongue out in concentration. Her hands are busy drawing at top speed. After a while, she turns the drawing around towards you.
“It’s a dandelion”
You take a look at it. Dandelions are yellow, you think. But you don’t dare to correct her. You nod while looking at her, your hand pressing the little mouse in your pocket.
“It’s pretty” you whisper back.
She smiles at you, but you don’t smile back.
“Do you want to help me color it in?” She suggests. Your eyes widen at the idea. Your mom would draw pictures for you to color in. You immediately nod, and she giggles before signing for you to come over to her side.
“Do you wanna sit on the chair?” She asks. You shake your head rapidly.
“Okay, do you want to sit on my lap?” You nod. That is what feels the safest. Not because you trust her, but because then she can’t leave you if you color outside of the lines.
You get handed a yellow crayon, and you carefully color inside the lines. Then, you grab the brown crayon, and color the middle. Eventually, you finish your Colouring. The woman lifts it up and smiles.
“You are an artist!” She cheers at you while rubbing your shoulders. You look down and blush.
After colouring, the group moves on to lunch. It smells like tomato sauce, it’s your favourite meal. You love tomato sauce, pasta and minced beef together. It was one of your childhood favourites, just like you mommy would make whenever you had a bad day.
A plate gets placed on the mat infront of you, and you get handed a fork. It’s like the one at home, the kids sized forks. It’s nice, it feels safe. But then you feel a wave of feelings hitting you. You tear up as your lower lip wobble, and you drop your fork in the heat of the moment. All the kids turn to look at you, and you feel terrified.
Your hand goes into your pocket, to hold your guardian angel mouse. It might give you some well needed soothing. But before you are able to hold it for long, a boy points to your mouse and screams something along the lines of “no toys at the table”.
The anxiety kicks in, and suddenly you launch yourself off your chair before sprinting into the warderobe hiding behind your jacket. You sit there and sob while an older woman tries to console you; but it dosent work. She tries to be gentle, but ends up feeling frustrated. When she asks you to place the mouse in your backpack, you cry harder and push your face towards the wall while the tears are streaming down.
Then, the young woman that helped you color takes over for the old woman. She sits down next to you; she dosent touch you, she dosent yell and she is whispering words of encouragement to you. After a while, you feel exhausted from crying and you start to fall asleep in your hiding spot. The woman gently touches your shoulder before scooping you up in her arms. You look at her, half awake with a puzzled look.
“Just sleep princess, I’ll call your parents”
Leah is out in physio when it happens. Her phone buzzes, and she stops the treatment on her knee to answer the call. She feels a lump in her throat when she hears the voice of the woman from the kindergarten, and she feels directly alarmed when she hears your sobs lingering in the background.
“I’ll be there in five, thank you for calling” she finishes before sprinting out of the session, not giving a care about the no running restrictions that she is on. Her feet takes her to the field where she immediately spots Alessia.
“Lessi, we have to leave! It’s y/n” she yells grabbing the attention of the whole group. Alessia’s eyes widen. Leah is never stressed. She only remember her being stressed when their cat disappeared for 24 hours. She knows that this is an emergency and she quickly releases herself from the resistance band that she has got herself hooked onto. The pair of the sprint to the car before speeding to the kindergarten, both women still in their kits.
By the time they pull up to the kindergarden, you are hysterically crying again. The pair of them practically abandon their car in the middle of the parking lot, they can already hear your cries through an open window. And the cries are heartbreaking. The girls share a terrfied look wondering what could possibly have gone wrong. Leah starts running towards the entrance getting a hand on the doorknob before Alessia catches up and holds her back by the shoulder.
"Lee, we have to be calm. She dosent need to see us worried or scared. I know you want to get to her, but we need to be calm." Alessia stressed at Leah. Leah crossing her arms over her chest before realising that Alessia was right. She takes a deep breath, trying her best to seem calm and collected.
"Let’s go get our girl" Leah says as she opens up the door to the kindergarden eyes immediately scanning the room to find you.
You are still sat behind your jacket, still crying. Nobody really knows what set you off, and you are not sure either. Perhaps its the overwhelming feeling of being one of 20 kids or perhaps its the lunch reminding you of your parents. The boy that called you out for having your mouse in your pocket, definitly played a part in it.
You arent sure why you feel like this, but when you see your fostermoms: you feel desperate . As Alessia is walking next to the teacher, Leah is practically jogging towards you. You only see her throught your tearsoaked eyes and reach your hands towards her begging for a sense of comfort. Leah's hands reach for you and scoop you up almost on autopilot.
Leah holds you tight as you sob leaning your head into her chest while your tiny hands are cluthing her shirt. She softly hushes you while bouncing you slowly back and forward in her arms. She whispers soothing words into the top of your head. The warmth of leah and the loud beating of her heart makes you feel sleepy. You yawn mid sob before falling asleep in Leah's arms.
"Leah, i can carry her. You need to be careful with your leg. Here, take her jacket instead." Alessia insists reaching her hands towards you. Leah instantly turns you away from Alessia feeling like you are too fragile to be removed. Leah dosent care that her leg hurts, she just cares that you are feeling safe.
"I'll carry her, shes my kid" Leah mumbles holding a hand on your head pressing it into her shirt while walking towards the exit. The only thing she can think of is how she wants to protect you. How she needs to make sure that you are safe. Alessia gives an apologetic look to the teacher before catching up with Leah. Alessia lays her hand on Leah's back.
“Leah, she isn’t ours. Not yet at least, and for all we know they might have a family for her” Alessia remind her sending shivers down Leah’s back.
"I dont care about laws and your opinion, im never letting her go back into another fosterhome. Or another home. Or to this stupid kindergarten. She’s coming with me to work. Im not asking, Alessia. Im telling you. She has been through enough in four years. She deserves the world, and I’ll give it to her. I’ll call the social worker first thing tomorrow.”
Leah holds you tight, sheltering your face from the wind. Alessia feels pride when hearing Leah speak about you, because Alessia wants to add you to their family too.
"Its okay Lee, we will find a way"
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NOTHING MUCH(Russo's sister X Leah Williamson)

Kay Russo had always been Alessia’s shadow. Since they were little girls, Alessia was the star of the family: the one who shined on the football field, the one who made her parents proud, the one who had a solid group of friends who seemed to want to crush anyone who didn’t fit into their perfect world. Kay, on the other hand, was “the other.” It wasn’t that she wasn’t talented; it just never seemed like enough.
As they grew up, the differences became more pronounced. Alessia had a clear path: Manchester United, the English national team, and eventually Arsenal. On the other hand, Kay was stuck in mediocre jobs and awful comments from her parents and sister. “Why can’t you be more like Alessia?” was a phrase she heard all too often.
The relationship between Kay and Alessia was tense, but the breaking point came one night, when Alessia, along with a group of her friends, began to make fun of Kay in front of everyone at a family gathering.
“And you, Kay?” “What have you been up to lately?” Alessia said with a venomous smile. “Did you find a job or are you still living off of mom and dad’s money?”
Laughter echoed around the room, and though Kay tried to keep her composure, she felt her stomach churn with shame. That night, locked in her room, Kay collapsed on her bed with her eyes filled with tears. She knew she had to change something in her life and escape that toxic dynamic. It was then that while surfing the internet, she saw an ad for the Royal Navy: “Find a purpose. Discover your potential. Join the Royal Navy.”
Kay didn’t think twice. She knew that enlisting was her ticket out, but she also knew that her family would never understand. So she made a drastic decision: she didn’t tell them anything. The following week, the recruitment process began.
A few weeks later, Kay received confirmation: she had been accepted. The date to report was marked on her calendar, and as it approached, she felt a mix of nerves and relief. One night before she left, she decided she should at least tell her family something, but not everything.
“I’m leaving tomorrow, I’ll be gone for a while,” she said over dinner.
Her mother looked up from her plate with disdain.
“On vacation? With what money?” she asked sarcastically.
Kay took a deep breath, trying not to lose her cool. “Never mind, I just wanted to let them know.”
Alessia laughed softly and murmured, “Always so mysterious.”
Kay gritted her teeth, finishing her meal in silence. That would be the last dinner she would share with them for a long time.
The day Kay left, she left home early, carrying a backpack and leaving behind a short note on the kitchen table: “I’m gone. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Take care of yourselves.”
The months that followed were a whirlwind. Basic training in the Royal Navy was brutal, but Kay held on to it with determination. Every physical exercise, every lesson, every grueling hour felt like a step toward freedom. Here she wasn't "Alessia's sister," she didn't have to endure her family's hurtful comments. Here she was simply Kay, someone trying hard to find her place.
After completing her training, Kay was given her first leave. She decided to return home, even though she knew it would be difficult.
When she arrived, the reception was cold. Alessia wasn’t even there; she was away on a trip with her team. Her parents barely showed any interest in hearing about her experience in the Navy.
“So what’s next?” her father asked in an indifferent tone. “Are you going to be here long?”
Kay felt the knot in her chest grow bigger. That night, as Alessia posted pictures on Instagram with her teammates, Kay sat alone in the backyard, wondering if she would ever truly belong in this family.
It was during one of those visits home that Kay met Leah Williamson. Alessia had invited some of her teammates over for dinner, and though Kay tried to stay out of the way, she couldn’t help but run into them. Leah was kind, something Kay hadn’t expected. They had a brief but meaningful conversation, and in that moment, Kay felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time: connection.
Kay returned to her base after that brief visit home. The experience only reinforced what she already knew: her family would not change. But one thing remained in her mind: Leah Williamson. They had exchanged a few words over dinner, but there was something about her warmth, the way she seemed to see Kay as a person, and not as a shadow of Alessia. Leah didn’t know her, she was unprejudiced, and that made her different.
The day Kay had her first chance to visit London while on leave, she remembered that Leah was playing for Arsenal. She decided to take a chance and attend a match. It was strange to be surrounded by thousands of fans excited about something that, until recently, had been a source of insecurity for her: football and the shadow of her sister. Alessia was not on the team yet, which made the experience a little more bearable.
After the match, Leah, who had played spectacularly, was surrounded by fans and media. Kay watched her from a distance, trying to convince herself that she would simply leave without saying anything. But Leah saw her.
“Kay!” she called from the field, waving excitedly.
Kay froze for a moment before shyly approaching.
“What are you doing here babe?” Leah asked, clearly surprised but pleased.
Kay shrugged, trying not to look nervous. “I was in town and thought I’d come to watch the game.”
Leah smiled, and something in her expression made Kay feel less invisible. “I’m glad you came. Do you have plans now?”
Before she could stop herself, Kay shook her head. That night, they ended up having dinner together at a small, low-key restaurant near the stadium. It was the start of something unexpected.
As the months passed, Kay’s visits to London became more frequent. She always found an excuse to see her, and Leah seemed to enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed Leah’s. They talked about everything: life in the Navy, the challenges of being a professional soccer player, and, occasionally, Kay’s family struggles.
One night, as they walked through the quiet streets of London after dinner, Leah stopped and looked at her seriously.
“Kay, why don’t you ever talk about Alessia much? I know you are sisters, but you almost seem to avoid mentioning her.”
Kay looked at the ground, feeling her chest tighten. Talking about Alessia was like opening a wound that never healed.
“It’s complicated, Leah. I’ve always been… different to them. Alessia’s the star, the one who shines. I… I just exist on the periphery.”
Leah took her hand, an unexpected but comforting gesture. “That’s not fair, Kay. You shouldn’t feel that way.”
Kay looked up, surprised by Leah’s sincerity. It was at that moment that she knew this connection was something special.
As her relationship with Leah grew stronger, Kay knew there would be trouble sooner or later. Leah was a public figure, and although she hadn’t revealed details of her personal life to the world, speculation was constant. The Arsenal team was full of rumors about who Leah’s partner could be, but no one suspected Kay. Alessia, still playing in Manchester, had no idea that her younger sister was getting so close to one of her friends.
Kay also knew that her family wouldn’t approve of the relationship, not only because of who Leah was, but because the idea that she could have anything valuable in her life seemed inconceivable to them.
Everything changed when Kay received the news of a new deployment abroad. It was a high-risk mission, and although she was used to challenges, this time was different. Now she had something to lose. When she told Leah, the reaction was immediate.
“How long will you be gone honey?” Leah asked, trying to remain calm.
“I don’t know but it could be months.” Leah nodded and cuddled her, but Kay could see the worry in her eyes. That night, as they said goodbye, Leah hugged her tighter than usual.
“Just promise me you’ll come back, okay?”
Kay didn’t answer, because she knew that was a promise she couldn’t guarantee.
During deployment, Kay was severely wounded in an ambush. The bullet that hit her back damaged her spine, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. Doctors told her she would never walk again. The physical pain was immense, but the emotional blow was even worse.
When she was finally able to reach Leah from the military hospital, the conversation was brief but full of emotion.
“I’m alive,” was the first thing Kay said, her voice shaking.
Leah, on the other end of the line, let out a sigh of relief, but she couldn’t hide her worry. “What happened, Kay? Tell me the truth.”
Kay closed her eyes, feeling the tears begin to flow. “I’m in a wheelchair, Leah.” I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.
The silence on the other end of the line was painful, but when Leah finally spoke, her voice was firm. “I’m going to be with you, Kay. No matter what.”
Kay spent weeks in the military hospital, facing the reality of her condition. Doctors stabilized her, but the words she most feared hearing finally came: she would never walk again. She wasn’t ready to face it. Her life as she knew it had changed forever. The military, her only refuge, was also out of reach.
London became her next destination. The medical staff recommended that she be transferred to a civilian hospital where she could receive specialized treatment and subsequently begin the rehabilitation process. When Kay thought about where she could stay afterward, only one person came to mind: Leah.
Leah waited for Kay at Heathrow Airport, visibly worried. Even though she had received constant updates about her condition, seeing her in person would be an emotional challenge. When Kay appeared in the wheelchair, pushed by a hospital attendant, Leah felt her heart tighten in her chest.
Kay wore a stoic expression as if she was using all her strength to keep her emotions in check. Leah could see past that, though. Kay’s eyes, once full of life, now reflected exhaustion and pain.
“Hi my love" Kay said quietly as she came to her side.
Leah leaned in to hug her, ignoring the fact that they were in the middle of a crowded airport. It was a long hug, one they both needed.
“Welcome home baby,” Leah said softly leaning against her and kiss her deeply.
Kay wanted to correct her, reminding her that London wasn’t her home, but she couldn’t find the words. Maybe, after all, Leah was the closest thing she had to a home.
Leah’s London flat was cozy but small, and the modifications needed to accommodate the wheelchair made the space feel even more cramped. Leah had worked tirelessly to get everything ready, installing ramps and rearranging furniture. Kay felt grateful, but also deeply uncomfortable.
“You didn’t have to do all this, Le” Kay said as she scanned the space with difficulty.
Leah, who was making a cup of tea, turned to her with a calm smile. “Of course I did. I wasn’t going to let you go through this alone.”
Kay nodded, but inside, guilt and frustration were growing. She wasn’t used to depending on anyone, let alone someone as important to her as Leah.
The first few weeks were a mix of intense emotions. Kay tried to keep a routine, attending physical therapy sessions and learning to adjust to her new life. However, every little failure—not being able to reach something, needing help with simple tasks—felt like a monumental defeat.
One night, while Leah was cooking, Kay decided it was time to talk about what had happened at the military hospital. It was a weight she had carried alone for far too long.
“Leah, can you sit down for a moment?”
Leah stopped what she was doing and sat across from Kay in the living room. The concern on her face was evident.
“What’s wrong, Kay?”
Kay took a deep breath, her hands shaking slightly. “There’s something I need to tell you about what they did to me in the Navy before all the injuries happened.”
Leah nodded, her expression becoming more serious. “I’m listening.”
Kay began to speak, her voice shaky at first, but gaining strength as she went on. She told him about the treatments she’d endured: the electroshocks they justified as “experimental therapy,” the times they’d left her alone for hours without help, and the “rehab” sessions that often included pushing her physically to the limit.
“There were days I thought… I wasn’t going to get out of there. They yelled at me that I needed to be strong, that if I couldn’t take it, I didn’t deserve to be in the military.”
Leah clenched her fists as she listened, her face reflecting a mix of anger and sadness.
“How could they do that to you?” she finally asked, her voice cracking.
“It’s the price of being weak in their world, Leah. They couldn’t stand someone like me not being “useful” anymore.”
Leah leaned forward, taking Kay’s hands in hers. “Listen to me, Kay. What they did was inhumane, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are one of the strongest people I know.”
The tears Kay had been holding back finally began to fall. Leah didn’t say anything else, she held her, allowing her to release all the pain she had built up over the months.
Alessia’s arrival at Arsenal added a new layer of tension to Kay’s life. Although both had avoided any confrontation, Alessia’s passive-aggressive comments were quick to appear.
One afternoon, while Leah and Kay were at home, Alessia arrived unannounced. Leah had forgotten to lock her door, and Alessia walked in like she owned the place.
“So this is where you’re hiding, Kay?” Alessia said, with a sarcastic smile as she looked around the apartment.
Leah, who was in the kitchen, quickly came out upon hearing Alessia’s tone. “What are you doing here, Alessia?”
“I just wanted to see how my long-lost sister lived. It seems you’ve been busy… or should I say ‘well-kept’?”
Kay, who was in the living room, turned to face Alessia. “What do you want, Alessia?”
“I want to understand how you went from being a ghost to… this.” She pointed at Leah with a nod.
Leah, clearly upset, stepped in. “Alessia, if you come here to cause trouble, you can leave.”
The exchange escalated, and Kay felt old wounds reopening. Alessia had always known how to touch her weak spots, and Leah was caught in the middle. Eventually, Leah had to ask Alessia to leave, leaving Kay emotionally drained.
Despite the conflicts, the relationship between Kay and Leah continued to grow stronger. The emotional connection they shared was evident, and small displays of affection—a hand on the shoulder, an unexpected hug—began to evolve into something more.
One night, while watching a movie together, Leah leaned slightly toward Kay, resting her head on her shoulder. Kay, surprised at first, allowed the gesture and smiled.
It was a small moment of intimacy, but to Kay, it meant more than Leah could ever imagine.
Winter had come to the city, and with it, the streets of London were filled with Christmas lights and decorations. Kay, however, barely noticed the festivities. Her days were divided between physical therapy, medical adjustments, and increasingly intimate moments with Leah. However, the conflict with Alessia and the memories of the abuse at the military compound weighed on her like a constant shadow.
One morning, as Kay tried to adjust to the new exercise routine her physical therapist had recommended, Leah received an unexpected text from Alessia. She wanted to “talk.”
“Is it a good idea to give her space after what happened here?” Kay asked from her spot in the living room, as Leah checked the message.
Leah sighed, leaving her phone on the table. “I think it’s not just you, Kay. Alessia… she has issues to work out with herself.”
Kay raised an eyebrow. “Don’t justify what she does. She’s always found ways to make me feel like I’m worthless.” Leah walked over and knelt in front of Kay, placing her hands over hers. “No one has the right to make you feel that way. Not even Alessia.”
Kay wanted to believe her, but the years of emotional abuse she had endured were not easy to forget.
That afternoon, Leah went to Arsenal Stadium to meet Alessia after training. Alessia, who had been in a bad mood all day, was quick to spill the beans.
“What the hell are you doing with Kay?” Alessia asked bluntly as Leah closed the door to the meeting room.
Leah, trying to remain calm, replied, “I’m looking out for her. Something no one else is doing.”
“Looking out?” Alessia let out a sarcastic laugh. “Since when do you need to play savior?”
Leah frowned. “This isn’t a game, Alessia.” Kay has been through things that neither you nor I can imagine, and instead of supporting her, you--
“Don’t lecture me!” Alessia interrupted, slamming her hands on the table. “Kay has always been a burden. Every time I tried to stand out, she was there, ruining everything.”
Leah felt her patience wearing thin. “You know what ruins everything, Alessia? Your inability to see her as anything more than a reflection of your insecurities.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Alessia hadn’t expected such a direct response, and for a moment, she didn’t know what to say.
“This isn’t over, Leah,” she finally said, before leaving the room.
That night, Leah returned to the apartment emotionally drained. Kay noticed her expression and decided it was time to share something she had been holding back.
“What happened?” Kay asked as Leah plopped down on the couch next to her.
“Your sister… doesn’t understand anything,” Leah replied, massaging her temples.
Kay sighed and looked out the window. “It’s because she’s never seen me as her sister, Leah. I was always ‘the other Russo.’ The one with no talent. The one who didn’t fit in.”
Leah turned to her, surprised by the tone of vulnerability in her voice.
“You want to know why I joined the Royal Navy?” Kay asked, her voice shaking slightly.
Leah nodded, knowing Kay needed to vent.
“I saw an ad online while I was looking for a job. It seemed like a way to escape everything… from Alessia, from my family, from myself. I wanted to prove that I could do something for myself, something that no one could take away from me.”
Kay paused, her hands shaking as she recalled those days.
“But even then… it was never enough. And then… then came the hospital.”
Leah took her hand, giving it a gentle but firm squeeze. “You don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready.”
Kay shook her head. “I need to. Because if I don’t, those things are going to keep haunting me.”
Then, Kay began to speak, detailing the horrors she had endured. She described the time when she had arrived at the hospital very badly injured thinking that what had happened was her fault, or that it was all karma for being fragile and not facing things, where she would rather a thousand times have her die than have a partner who had a family that loved him.
“There was a doctor… I will never forget her face.” She told me I was a failure, that someone in a wheelchair was nothing anymore, that I was wasting valuable Navy resources that could be used on soldiers who would go back into combat, I… I can’t take it anymore.” Kay paused, taking a deep breath.
Leah hugged her tightly, unable to hold back her tears. “God, Kay… I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.”
“I don’t want you to see me as a victim, Leah.” Kay rested her forehead on Leah’s shoulder. “I just want to be someone who deserves… something.”
“You deserve everything, Kay. And I’m here to remind you of that every day.”
Despite everything, Kay began to find small moments of peace in her life with Leah. They began to spend more time together, sharing stories and laughing despite the circumstances.
One night, as Leah read a book on the couch, Kay leaned into her, resting her head on her shoulder. Leah smiled and set the book aside, putting an arm around Kay.
“You know?” —Leah said after a while. —I never thought I'd find someone I wanted to share so much with.
Kay looked up, surprised by the confession. —And me?
—You're that person, Kay. My person, my forever.
For the first time in a long time, Kay felt like maybe, just maybe, she had a place in the world where she truly belonged.
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May i request lessi x r x Leah & i feel like this is fitting for the times!! Lessi and Leah are truly the star girls on both a national and club level. Fans are obsessed with the two already being together but add r that isn’t a footballer ?? Oh boy
fans try sneaking into r’s section all the time to bother her but r is so secure in her relationship she purposely will show her hickies or smirk while being extra flirty with girls that envy her watching ;) she’ll make tik toks thirst traps with her girls or sit on their laps while smirking (giving Olga vibes)
Leah and lessi are obsessed with their cheeky girl & their egos boost when r constantly claims what’s hers & the girls match it ;) maybe even getting invited to do a media day surprising her girls with an award or showing a bts of the two being the softest gfs not only to each other but the moment they see r anyone would feel hella lonely
Think of princess brat house of balloons by the weeknd vibes 🤭❤️🔥
Ur amazing btwww
(I dunno why there’s no photos.)
Warnings: short, hickey?
Alessia Russo x Leah Williamson x Reader
- Cheeky Girl -
Leah Williamson and Alessia Russo had always been the talk of the football world. As two of England’s brightest stars, their on-field chemistry was unmatched, and their off-field friendship was just as captivating. But what fans couldn’t get enough of was the whirlwind romance the two had found themselves in—not with each other, as rumors once suggested, but with you, the bold, confident, and endlessly cheeky woman who had stolen both their hearts.
The world had been stunned when Leah and Lessi introduced you to the public. At first, some fans had scoffed, “She’s not even a footballer.” But as the months passed, your effortless charisma, razor-sharp wit, and undeniable connection to the star duo made you a fan favorite. Well, mostly. Some fans were still jealous and couldn’t seem to resist trying to sneak into your section at games, hoping to get a reaction out of you.
You, however, were unshakable.
Sitting in the VIP section for an Arsenal game, you noticed a few fans lurking nearby, their eyes full of envy as they whispered to each other, stealing glances at you. Instead of feeling irritated, you leaned back, smirking, and casually tugged your shirt collar down just enough to reveal the faint purple mark on your neck—a clear “I’m taken” statement. You could practically hear their gasps from your seat.
As the game progressed, you made it a point to cheer wildly whenever Leah or Lessi did something amazing on the pitch. At halftime, the camera panned to you, and you didn’t miss a beat. You blew a kiss to the screen, mouthing “good luck, baby” while holding up Leah’s jersey. Social media exploded.
After the game, the three of you reunited in the tunnel. Leah walked over first, her captain’s armband still snug on her bicep, grinning. “Did you have fun showing off, cheeky girl?”
“Always,” you teased, slipping an arm around her waist. Lessi joined seconds later, slinging her arm around your shoulders.
“You drive them wild,” Alessia laughed, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.
“Well, I can’t have anyone forgetting who you two belong to,” you replied, winking at them both. Leah shook her head fondly while Lessi leaned in, pressing a kiss to your temple.
The next day, the three of you made headlines again—not for anything on the pitch, but because of a TikTok you posted. You had filmed yourself perched on Alessia’s lap, your arms loosely around her neck as Leah sat beside you, throwing the camera amused glances. You ended the clip by smirking directly into the lens and mouthing, “They’re mine.” Fans went wild, some calling you a menace, others begging for your confidence, and the rest simply acknowledging that Leah and Lessi were the luckiest women alive.
Leah’s response to the TikTok only added fuel to the fire. She reposted it on her Instagram story, adding the caption: “Can’t argue with facts.” Alessia followed suit, writing, “We’re obsessed.”
But as much as the three of you loved teasing the world, there were moments when things softened. One of those came during a surprise media day you orchestrated. Leah and Alessia thought they were there for an ordinary interview, but you had worked behind the scenes to organize an award for their contributions to both club and country.
As the interviewer handed over the plaques, you stepped out from behind the curtain, grinning ear to ear. “Surprise!” you exclaimed, holding up a bouquet of flowers for each of them.
Leah blinked, her jaw dropping. Alessia gasped, pulling you into a hug before looking at her award. “You planned this?”
“Of course I did,” you said, leaning up to kiss her cheek. “You two deserve it.”
The cameras captured every second of it—the way Leah wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close, her usually calm and stoic demeanor melting into soft smiles; the way Alessia couldn’t stop grinning, her eyes bright as she kept one hand on your waist. For all your cheekiness and confidence, in moments like this, you were their soft, thoughtful partner, and they loved you for it.
The video quickly went viral, with fans commenting on how loved-up the three of you were. “No one could ever compete with R,” one fan wrote. “I feel so single,” another commented.
That evening, as you lay curled up between Leah and Alessia on the couch, you scrolled through the comments, laughing.
“People are so dramatic,” you said, showing Alessia a comment that read, “R is giving me Olga Carmona levels of ‘don’t mess with me.’”
“She’s not wrong,” Leah said, tightening her arm around your shoulders.
“They should be jealous,” Alessia added, nuzzling her face into your neck. “You’re ours, and we’re yours.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you replied, smirking.
Leah laughed, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Never.”
And as the three of you drifted into quiet conversation, it was clear to anyone watching that your love was the real victory—not just for the three of you but for anyone lucky enough to witness it.
#arsenal women#woso community#arsenal#woso fanfics#leah williamson#alessia russo#leah williamson x reader#alessia russo x reader#woso x reader#woso imagine#woso one shot#woso soccer#woso#wlw community#throuple
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Two idiots in love (with sex)
Leah Williamson x Alessia Russo.
I wanted to write smut so Leah and Alessia it is. This is literally just smut with a little bit of plot.
Warnings: smut. Bit of voyeurism, edging and umm many orgasms.
Words: 3.4k

Liked by Alessiarusso99, Liawaelti and 120.456 others
Proud of my girl❤️
Alessiarusso99: proud of you baby😍
Ellatoone: you stole my bestie kinda rude of you 😠 but like better not hurt her cos i got some mad karate skills😎
Alessiarusso99: don’t worry your still my bestie🤝
Leahwilliamsonn: Toone I have seen your ‘mad karate skills’. Not very promising😂😂 and excuse me less, i’m not your bestie?!
Ellatoone: your mean and no, i’m her bestie😙
Leahswife: WHAT IS THIS ??????? NO
Leahfan: Oh they are so cute together😍😍😍😍 didn’t see this coming.
Leah and Alessia were the new power couple of the women’s football world. The whole community was in a shock as the couple made a hard launch of their relationship in their instagrams. Obviously their teammates at arsenal knew about the two and most of the lionesses. Mary was the matchmaker to the blondes. She could see the longing stares in the pitch, the hugs of celebrations that lasted for a little while longer than with other teammates.
So she made a plan. She would always ask to sit with Leah and Alessia in the bus. Then apologizing for ‘accidentally’ telling both of then that she would sit with them. Then she just said something how the two blondes should sit together and she just left to sit with Millie.
It worked to a certain point. She got the two blondes a lot closer to each other and now they were hanging out all the time. The problem was that neither of them were willing to make the first move. So naturally, Mary made it.
“You two come here” She yelled two the giggling blondes after their prac had ended.
The blondes ran to her confused
“Okey so here’s the deal. You like each other and it’s so clear that I think everyone else knows it but you two. So I’m going to be the matchmaker and do the first move for you two. Now go have a nice rest of the night” Mary said and winked.
The rest was history. The pair quickly started dating before Leah asked Alessia to be her girlfriend, which she happily said yes to. They dated for 6 months before deciding to make it public. They wanted the whole world to know that they had each other and were off the limits.
“Baby can’t we just stay home” Alessia whined.
“No we gotta go to the dinner darling” Leah answered and gave a quick peck to the youngers lips.
“Well at least give me a proper kiss” Alessia said and frowned.
Leah gave another peck, smirked and walked alaway. Leaving Alessia frowning.
They were supposed to go and meet their friends in a restaurant for a dinner. It was nice but Alessia had something very different in her mind for what she wanted to do. She had been craving the soft lips of Leah on her skin. The strong hand’s exploring her smooth skin. All she wanted was to be thrown into a bed and be fucked senseless.
Leah obviously knew what her girlfriend was after. She made her task to tease Alessia during the night as much as she could so she’d have her as a needy mess at the end of the night. Leah started subtly. Walking with her hand on alessias small of her back. Opening the door for her and giving little kisses on her neck and cheeks.
Alessia was loving the attention from her girlfriend, and so was the sinful thoughts in her head. Alessia was happy that now she could kiss her girlfriend in public spaces without having to worry about someone seeing. She didn’t have to hide the not so subtle love marks on her chest if she was wearing a dress. She was just enjoying all of her girlfriend.
While driving Leah decided to took it up a notch. Putting hand on Alessias thigh and letting her thumb draw random circles on it. Leah was enjoying how she saw Alessia already being needy with the heat in her pants growing. When arriving, Leah once again opened the car door for her girlfriend and secured her hand around her lovers waist.
At the restaurant Leah made sure to pull the chair for Alessia which made the young blond flush red. She wasn’t used to PDA from her girlfriend since they had to hide their relationship for a while. She was now very happy that she could kiss her gorgeous girlfriend in front of the word.
During the dinner Leah had her hand on Alessia’s thigh the whole time protectively. As the waiter got a bit too friendly with the younger blonde Leah made sure to kiss her in front of him to send the message that she wasn’t available. They had overall a nice dinner until Leah leaned up to Alessia’s ear.
“Why don’t you go to the bathroom and take of your underwear so I can have some fun with you” Leah said and kissed her on the cheek innocently.
Alessia was dumbfounded and just quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom. She found an empty stall and took her black lingerie that she wore just for Leah from under her skirt. She noticed that the panties were already covered in her own arousal which made her a bit embarrassed. She put the panties to her blazers pocket, washed her hands and walked back to the table.
Leah had a knowing smile on her face as she helped Alessia sit back down. Leah out her hand back to Lessi’s thigh but this time a bit higher. It stayed there for a moment before moving higher and higher. At one point while Alessia was sipping from her drink, Leahs fingers found Alessia’s wetness. She swirled her fingers a bit which made Alessia almost choke on her drink. She just brushed it off to the other saying that she just coughed.
After teasing just her girlfriends folds, her thumb found the very sensitive clit. Alessia wiggled in her chair at the amazing feeling.
“Are you doing okay darling? Should we head back home” Leah said. Hand still circling gently her girlfriend’s clit.
“Umm I- I think we should go I feel kinda dizzy” Alessia answered. She almost whined when Leah took her hand away from where she needed it the most.
The couple quickly made their way to the car that sat in the parking lot. Leah once again opened the door for the younger woman and then went to the driver’s side. The ride was fast. Leah speeding through the roads so she could have the time with her girlfriend that she’d been longing for.
Leah would lie if she said that having Alessia sitting next to her without any panties didn’t get her all hot and bothered. She was feeling the heat inside her. The need to fuck her girlfriend in every possible position.
When they arrived back to their shared apartment, Leah was quick to pin Alessia to the door the second it closed. Leah’s mouth went straight to Alessia’s pulse point. Marking her girlfriend for everyone to see.
“You were such a good girl for me at the restaurant” Leah said before pressing a kiss to her lovers lips. She wanted Alessia to beg her to make her feel good. She wanted the blonde to be so needy that she had to beg.
“Please Leah, let’s go to the bedroom”Alessia started her asking.
“I think you can do better than that love, I want to hear you beg for it” Leah answered cockily.
“Fuck Leah” Alessia moaned when the older blonde brought her knee to Alessias pussy.
“That’s not begging” Leah reminded.
“Pleas Leah take me to your bed and fuck me. Please you’ve teased me this whole day” Alessia pleaded.
“Hmm that’s better but that’s not gonna take you to the bed” Leah simply answered before grabbing Alessia by her waist and walking to the kitchen before lifting Alessia to the counter.
“Maybe I should make you come with my tongue? Would that be good for you my dear?” Leah asked with a smirk.
“Yes please Leah. You can do anything you want to me” Alessia answered between the kisses Leah was providing her.
“Oh I like the sound of that” Leah said while unzipping Alessia’s skirt. She quickly got rid of it to see the wet heat in front of her eyes.
Leah moaned at the sight of her girlfriend being already so wet for her. But Leah still wanted to hear more pleading from her girlfriend. She decided that Alessia had to work for her orgasm.
”Please Leah, I want to feel good baby, been waiting for all day” Alessia moaned.
Leah decided that now was the time to bury her head to her girlfriend’s wet heat. She swiped her tongue through the folds and gathered the wetness to taste. Both of the women were enjoying every moment.
After a while Leah brought her tongue to the very needy clit of her girl. It was begging for attention and Leah was more than willing to give that to it
“Oh yes Leah, just like that love” Alessia moaned while throwing her head back. Her hands found her girlfriend’s hair to push her closer to her pussy.
Leah was working with her very skillful tongue to make Alessia come to the edge of her orgasm. She lapped the wetness before bringing her lips to suck the sensitive bundle of nerves. She kept going and going before Alessia was just about to come.
“What?!” Alessia panted as the pleasure was taken away from her. Leah just simply stood up and walked away from her very annoyed and confused girlfriend.
“You gotta work for it baby” Leah said and kept walking to their living room. She sat onto the couch and waited for her girlfriend to join her.
“Please I’ll do anything Leah” Alessia pleaded again.
“Make me come with those skilfull fingers and that amazing mouth, maybe then you’ll get the same favor” Leah answered and started tugging her pants off.
Alessia was on her knees in seconds, wanting to please her girlfriend. She helped Leah to take her pants and underwear off. After that she dived right into her girlfriend. She carefully slid two fingers to the waiting heat. Leah’s breathing picked up and she knew that she wasn’t going to last for long with Less.
Alessia worked her fingers in and out of Leah’s pussy and occasionally curled them so she would hit the blondes g spot. While the pair hadn’t been that long together, they had a lot of sex. Alessia know her girlfriend’s body inside and out. Same goes with Leah. She could make the other come in minutes if she wanted. Alessia was in mood to make Leah come fast so she could enjoy her own pleasure next.
“So good for me Less, please put that mouth to good use baby” Leah moaned and enjoyed the sight of her girlfriend eating her out passionately.
Alessia was now hitting that toe curling spot with every thrust. She couldn’t get enough of the sounds her girlfriend made. Her mouth fas flicking on Leah’s clit to make her come. She quickly brought her other hand to Leah’s tit’s to squeeze them. She wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for Leah.
She didn’t have to go much longer before Leah was coming around her fingers while they repeatedly hit that amazing spot inside of Leah.
“Oh good girl, you’re doing amazing baby. Oh that feels so good” Leah moaned as her orgasm shook her body. Alessia helped the older woman ride her orgasm to the end.
Leah grabbed Alessia’s hear and pulled her to kiss her. The older woman moaned at the taste of herself. Alessia’s fingers still inside her.
“Clean those fingers for me baby, suck them clen” Leah commanded Alessia.
Alessia took her fingers out before pushing them to her own mouth. Circling her tongue around the two digits to giva a show to Leah. She started to grind herself on Leah’s lap. Making it pleasurable for herself.
“Oh do you want to grind on my thigh? You need it that badly?” Leah laughed.
Alessia just nodded and continued the grinding. She moved a bit so her center was focused on Leah’s thigh. Making a mess on the older woman’s thigh. Covering it in her arousal.
Leah was laid back and just watched the show. She was amused how high her girlfriend’s sex drive was, also stamina. The younger woman could go for all night if she wanted. Not even needing many breaks.
Alessia found a perfect spot on Leah’s thigh that made her a moaning mess. Soon Leah flexed her muscles on her thigh and watched her girlfriend’s reaction. Her whole body jolted at the new feeling, eyes rolling and head thrown back in pleasasure.
“Keep grinding sweet girl” Leah said as she saw Alessia’s movements get sloppier. She was proud how she managed to make her girlfriend this close to orgasm without even touching her properly.
Alessia was once again at the edge of ther orgasm when Leah lifted Alesia up from her thigh. She watched as tears of frustration gathered in her girlfriend’s eyes.
“Please Lee, I’ve done what you asked just please. I need you so badly baby. Just want to come for you and show you that only you can make me come. Please baby please maka me come” Leah now truly begged.
“That’s what i’m talking about. You’re so pretty when you beg for attention. I know I’ve been unfair to you but I promise that next time you’ll get to come” Leah said and kissed the crying girl. She lifted her so Alessia was on her front with legs around Leah’s waist. Leah carried her girlfriend to their room and threw her onto the bed.
“What do you want? I’ll let you pick” Leah let her girlfriend choose.
“I want the vibrator please. And you fingers” Alessia answered quickly.
Leah was picking the perfect vibe for the occasion. She brought it to the bed and plased it on Alessias clit. It was one that went basicly around the clitoris to bring maximum pleasure. It was also easy to control with a little device.
Leah put it on in a low level. Alessia was moaning at the feeling between her legs.
“I’m gonna give you four. One for being good in the restaurant, one for making me come and one for each orgasm I took away from you” Leah stated as she climbed to the bed herself.
She laid behind Alessia and let her girlfriend get comfortable on leaning on her chest. Leah was kissing Alessias neck and shoulders as the younger woman kept moaning. Leah put the vibrations to the next level which made Alessia feel ecstatic.
Leah brought her hand to Alessia’s nipples and gently pulled and pinched them. That was all that it took for Alessia first orgasm come crashing.
“Yes Leah, so so good shit I’m coming” Alessia screamed as the long waited orgasm finally took over her body. Her legs shook with the pleasure and her mind was in heaven with her girlfriend’s hand all over her.
Leah put the vibrations once again to the lowest level so Alessia could calm down a bit.
“Thank you Le-“ Alessia stared but was cut off when the vibrations went up again. This time even stronger. Her leg’s immediately started to shake and the moans from her mouth were uncontrollable.
Leah brought her fingers to Alessias folds once again. This time sticking three fingers inside of her girlfriend. Alessia let an ungodly moan at the stretch. She was wet enough to take the fingers but it was just unexpected. Quickly she got used to them.
Leah started to thrust them in and out in crucially slow pace. Alessia turned her head to Leah’s side so she could find the soft lipst that were home to her.
“Oh Lee. I’m so close again” Alessia moaned to her girlfriend’s mouth.
“Make a mess Less. Cum on my fingers and let the whole building know who you belong to” Leah said before continuing her actions.
“Leah, Leah, Leah” Alessia repeated like a mantra. She screamed it so loud that the whole world must have heard it.
“That’s right. You’re mine and mine only. Only I can touch you like this and only I can see you like this” Leah said as she continued her actions. She loved how Alessia was coming around her fingers. Clenching around then so hard that they barely moved anymore.
Letting her girlfriend ride out the orgasm before turning the vibe to the lowest setting again. Alessia was panting. She was out of breath and her head was spinning.
“You okay?” Leah checked before she continued anything. The last thing she wanted was to make her love uncomfortable in the slightest.
“Yeah. That was amazing Lee, please more” Alessia smiled to Leah and kissed her. Leah laughed at her girlfriend. Not surprised that the girk was asking more already. But Alessia just couldn’t get enough.
“Who I’m I to deny you when you look so fucking gorgeous” Leah said and continued kissing Alessia.
“Hmm maybe I should give you a little spanking. I know how much you love that” Leah said and flipped herself from behind Alessia. She then sat at the edge of the bed and moved Alessia to her lap. Ass perfectly for her to access.
“Mhhmm, please spank me. Make me yours” Alessia was enthusiastic. Loving the feeling of some light spanking.
“You are already mine baby. Don’t forget that” Leah said and with that her hand came down to her lover’s ass.
Alessia buckled a bit and just moaned shamelessly. The vibrations were still on her clit. Not pressing even more to her as she laid in Leah’s lap.
Leah brought her hand the second time to Alessias back. And then again. She knew her girlfriend loved some spanking but didn’t know it would make her this wet. Leah felt as the wetness of her girlfriend was dripping to her own thighs. She just smirked proudly and gave another spank.
“Leah I don’t know what’s happening” Alessia said a bit confused. But Leah knew. Leah could notice the signs of her girlfriend getting close to an orgasm. The vibrations weren’t strong enough to make her come alone. So it was the spanking. The spanking was making her girlfriend come.
“Don’t worry sweet, just met it happen” Leah said and brought her hand to Alessia’s ass twice. That’s what brought the younger blonde over the edge. She wasn’t anticipating the strong orgasm that took over her whole body. She didn’t know she could come like this but she didn’t care. She just enjoyed the endless pleasure coursing through her vains.
“Fuck Leah. So good, god” Alessia mumbled. During her orgasm. Leah just watched in awe as her girlfriend came. The never ending orgasm was something new to them both. Neither knew that Alessia could come like that. Just by some spanking and bit of vibrations. Leah knew that this was something that she would love to do to her girlfriend more often.
“Holy shit” Alessia said when she finally calmed down.
“I didn’t know I could come by just spanking” She stated a bit embarrassed. Hiding her face with her hands.
“Don’t hide from me love”Leah said while moving Alessia to sit in her lap and face her. “That was fucking amazing” She continued while chuckling a little.
“Yeah it was” Alessia laughed with her girlfriend. They’re teeth clashed as they kept laughing to the kiss.
They continued that for a while before Alessia spoke. “So you promised me four orgasms soo now that we have fucked in the kitchen, living room and bedroom the only place left is the bathroom” Alessia said wiggling her eyebrows.
“Shower sex?” Leah asked but Alessia just jumped to her wobbly legs and yelled “grab the strap”.
Leah just laughed. She loved the high sexdrive of her girlfriend.
Umm yeah that was a lot of plotless smut.
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