#LeAnna Callahan
lilyssims · 8 years
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lValentines Day Surprise 3/3
“Anna talk to me. What is going on?” the uneasy feeling was starting to eat him up from the inside. Was it another of her drama stunts or was she being serious this time?`He couldn’t tell. He never saw this kind of reaction from her. Let alone the fact that she wasn’t able to hide her red eyes and dry cheeks well. To him it looked like she didn’t even make the effort to try. Or maybe she wasn’t thinking about it. Reaching out for her shoulder he gently tapped it as she kept sobbing. 
“Can you just leave me alone” it was not as though she did not appreciate his concern, but she did not need him right now.She didn’t want to have to face him.
“Absolutely not! What’s the matter with you, Anna? You’re never like this.”
“Because I didn’t ask to be like this in the first place!” she nearly screamed as she jerked away. Oliver, however, didn’t let her as he had a gentle grip on her wrist in order to stop her. Something was wrong; this wasn’t like her at all. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t find any words. He was at loss for words to tell her. Nothing was going to help. 
“Oliver I--” she finally began, her voice was raspier than he had ever heard it. “I’m....I... I’m pregnant!” for a moment he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to laugh or not. She was joking, wasn’t she? It was a lame excuse for something. However, as he watched her shoulders shake continuously and her sobs never stopped it was probably not a joke. 
“Are you serious?” he took her silence as a yes, but still, something told him this wasn’t supposed to have happened. Yes he wanted children, but LeAnna kept saying she wasn’t ready and now she was pregnant. Something wasn’t adding up. “That’s... wonderful news!” his arms wrapped themselves around her from behind. 
“I am not ready for this,” she whispered.
“I know, but... do you want to keep it?” he was not sure if she was actually going to answer him on that, and her answer was so low, almost deaf. “Maybe when we start shopping for it, you’ll feel more ready.”
“I hope so...I’ve been so sick all day and I still feel like I’m going to puke again” turning around she sniffling, buried her face in the nap of his neck.
“It might be to soon to ask, but...”
“Do you want to know what it’ll be?” maybe he should just have stuck his shoe in his mouth, but he was so happy inside although he knew she wasn’t and it was killing her, but seeing she wanted to keep it, he thought it was a relevant question.
“I think so... If I must keep it I hope it’s a baby girl...” LeAnna said bitterly. 
Part 1 | Part 2
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dramartyakumar · 8 years
Hey Leanna Callahan thanks for the follow!
Hey Leanna Callahan thanks for the follow!
— Dr. Amartya Kumar Bh (@DrAmartya) February 24, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/DrAmartya February 24, 2017 at 10:03PM
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lilyssims · 8 years
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Valentines Day Surprises 2/3
LeAnna’s eyes slowly drift over the dinning table’s edge. A huge flash red, heart shaped box was almost as huge as the roses that stood next to it. The small bowl of roses, the box of chocolate - none of these had been cheap. When he had set his mind on something, Oliver was not the kind of guy who asked for the price. The box covered for a black handbag of the brand he knew LeAnna loved. The pralines were probably bought in a chocolate store who only sold handmade chocolate. 
Her stomach did another flip.
“Happy Valentines Day love,” Oliver smiled at his girlfriend. A small meek smile crossed her lips as she looked at her gifts. It was just so him to do all this. 
“I didn’t get you anything because...” LeAnna trailed off. She bit her tongue not to say anything else. How was she even supposed to give him the news without he would misunderstand? She knew they would not be on the same page. 
“It’s okay. You know you don’t have to as long as I can do it for you,” although she was not looking, she could hear there was a smile in his voice as he spoke. She felt like she was drowning; it was hard to breathe. 
“Anna, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting strange since I left this morning. Don’t you like it?” concern filled his usual calm voice. Damn it, she was losing it! ‘Don’t cry’ don’t cry!’ 
“I do! It’s just... I... I don’t know to tell you...” her voice cracked, and before she could gather herself, tears started to roll down her face uncontrollably. 
“Anna wha---” she threw her hand up, signalling him to stop talking. “Tell me what’s wrong! Look at me,” Oliver’s voice was filled with worry. What was happening right now? What did he do wrong? 
Feeling restlessness surge through her entire being, LeAnna stood from the table and headed towards the kitchen all while she was shaking her head furiously between heavy sobs.
Part 1  |  Part 3
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dramartyakumar · 8 years
Hey Leanna Callahan thanks for the follow!
Hey Leanna Callahan thanks for the follow!
— Dr. Amartya Kumar Bh (@DrAmartya) February 24, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/DrAmartya February 24, 2017 at 10:03PM
0 notes
lilyssims · 8 years
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Valentines Day Surprises 1/3
How she had managed to drag herself out of bed and to the local mart and back, was beyond her knowledge. Ever since she woke up she had felt sick to her stomach. Not just a little flu sick - but really nauseous and dizzy. Oliver had left for work early in the morning because he had an early appointment, so so she was glad she had the whole place to herself. After have built up some courage she found herself dragged her feet towards the bathroom. Had the small wrapped test in her hand not been solid plastic, it might have broken from the way she clenched it. 
Taking a test was the easy part, but the waiting part was killing her. LeAnna had merely managed to flush the toilet before she found herself launched at it, spilling her guts into the bowl. Tears dripped from her eyes. The taste of stomach acid was not a taste of heaven. Standing up on shaky legs, she flushed the toilet once again, all while looking at the small plastic thing on the bathroom counter. 
Two small lines were clearly showing. LeAnna swallowed a thick lump in her throat. Her worst fear had come true. She was pregnant. She found herself staring at the plastic tool unaware tears was streaming down her face uncontrollably. She knew Oliver would be more than delighted with the news, but she wasn’t ready to be a mother.
She found herself curled up next to the bed, staring out of the window. She had spent the past couple of hours pacing back and forth, trying to wrap her mind around what was happening right now. She had looked forward to Valentines Day; just like any other girl. Oliver always went all in on this day and she loved him for it, but within a blink of an eye, all the happiness was stolen from her. 
A while before Oliver came home, she had managed to dress herself in a wine red dress. She had looked forward to wear it, but now it was heavy for odd and unknown reasons - even to LeAnna herself. After Oliver had come home, she had locked herself up in their bedroom, on the small couch next to the closet. Her entire body screamed at her. Her stomach did flips as she fought the nauseous feeling back. 
Part 2 | Part 3
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