#Le Mouvement
redfirerose-blog · 14 days
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The senshi are reborn after the final battle
This choreography was so freaking beautiful 🤍
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moodysm · 2 years
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"Someday... We will die. New Sailor Guardians will be born one after another. Sailor Moon... You are, eternally, the most beautiful shining Star of all."
– Mamoru Chiba
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landofanimes · 8 months
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☆ Three ☆ Lights ☆
Sailor Moon (Manga Stars Arc)
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (Anime)
Sailor Stars | Eternal Legend (Bandai Musicals)
Starlights ☆ Legends of the Shooting Stars | The Advent of Princess Kakyuu (Bandai Musicals)
Le Mouvement Final (Nelke Musical)
Sailor Moon Cosmos (Anime)
Updated from this post: [x]
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tsukiyon · 1 year
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ehohadele · 5 months
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i love you french novel for children <333
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chaos-cauldron · 8 months
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Galaxia disposed of Crow and Seiren after they betrayed her in Le Mouvement Final.
(Also it looks like Crow instinctively jumped in front of Seiren to shield her ugh I love them so much)
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gracemyheart · 2 years
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Sera Myu Ending Songs through the years
→ SERA MYU WEEK 2022 ~ DAY 7 I Free Day
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gay-impressionist · 6 months
déjà que je risque ma vie tous les jours rue de rivoli vu le nombre de cyclistes qui ont décidé que le code de la route ne s'y appliquait pas, si les voitures de police s'y mettent aussi je vais pas m'en sortir
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staarry-skies · 1 year
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hotaru nomoto as usagi tsukino
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elinaline · 1 year
après okay les bibliothèques les écoles blah blah mais le centre d’accueil pour enfants autistes/ les refuges pour personnes vulnérables… c’est assez violent comme images et oui, plutôt contre productif, et pas trop « symbole de l’état dominant »
Mais c'est tout violent hein, à aucun moment je ne dénie la violence des actes, une émeute c'est un soulèvement spontané violent, et sans organisation.
Bien sûr que parmi les institutions qui vont être attaquées il y en a aussi qui ne sont pas particulièrement des symboles de l'état ou du capital ou autre dans ce cas, mais c'est juste absurde de dire que c'est (comme je l'ai beaucoup vu) de la sauvagerie ou de la violence aveugle et stupide de s'en prendre aux écoles et aux bibliothèques, même si je suis aussi d'accord que ça fait bien chier quand une école ou une bibli crame. Et d'ailleurs même au sein des mouvements d'émeutes on a aussi eu des gens qui se sont tournés vers les groupes et qui ont dit "ok mais pas ça s'il-vous-plaît", c'est bien la preuve de l'absence d'organisation et de but précis du mouvement cette semaine. On est cons quand on est en colère, hein.
À un moment donné, c'est quand même nécessaire de prendre un peu de recul et de bien comprendre que cette explosion que l'on voit elle ne sort pas de nulle part, et que juste de condamner les violences matérielles sans réfléchir aux décennies de violences politiques et institutionnelles qui ont amené là c'est aussi cautionner ce status quo meurtrier, c'est ça que je souligne en choisissant ces textes partagé par des sociologues et un bibliothécaire.
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crazykacey · 2 years
And then there is the thing with the guests... AND I RECORDED THE WHOLE THING. And a interesting thing is that they actually had a small talk show... Not at the end of the musical like Anza & co. had the Special Live in the middle of the musical like they had with Riona in the previous performance I went to see. So it features the Amour Eternal & Le Mouvement Final Inners, Yume Takeuchi(Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury), Karen Kobayashi(Rei Hino/Sailor Mars), Kaede(Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter) AND Rimo😍Hasegawa(Minako Aino/Sailor Venus). Apparently Hotaru Nomoto(AE-LMF Sailor Moon) was supposed to come but wasn't able to due to time management issues but she wrote a letter which Yume read. So Ms. Frozen asked them few behind the scene questions from their performances(which I'll go intro greater detail on a later post) And gosh Rimo was being so chaotic I loved it💛💛
While I'm very happy about it, it makes me wonder why Anza & co. didn't have a talk show... What a missed opportunity
AND They performed Speed of Light at the end of it. (starts around 21:45) So while they may not have sang multiple songs like Anza & co. I think it's safe to say that the other guests also sang something (hopefully other songs than Moonlight Densetsu tho)
They also appeared at the end and danced the end part of Moonlight Densetsu!
(If using headphones, it only works on the right ear. Also there is a lot of clapping cause everyone had the time of their life. So yeah I didn't edit any of them at all cause I only have my phone with me. Also also if shared, please credit me!)
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thebusylilbee · 2 years
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Panneau vu dans une bibliothèque.... Les tentatives d'effacement constantes du terme bisexuel-le sont juste aberrante... Ça me dégoûte franchement...
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landofanimes · 2 years
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Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary Musical Festival -Chronicle-
The official flyer only features pictures of the main cast, but I wanted it to show the guests as well... So here they are!
As guests they will most likely not be in costume, but they will be performing, even if only 1 or 2 songs :)
The Sera Myu Festival is happening this week in Tokyo, from November 17 to 20, 2022
[ Update: It pains me but I updated the last day, as unfortunately Meiku Harukawa (2017 Star Fighter) had to cancel her appearance! ]
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tsukiyon · 1 year
I love Galaxia's writing in manga so much it gets on my nerves everytime I think about how 90s anime turned her into this wicked villainess controlled by Chaos that only wants to make others suffer and become the strongest :/ In manga she is a tragic character who has a backstory that is parallel to Usagi, the only villain that wasn't deceived by Chaos but the one that wanted to deceive Chaos and everything she did was only to find a star that is worth to have her own, or rather maybe a star that would make her feel worthy. And the fact that her mortal enemy she waited to meet and fight for years was the star she wanted to have all along. "Sailor Moon, i've finally found it. I found my star. It is so big and so bright, i can't reach it." Her hand tries to reach out to Usagi but she dies right before she could. She died at the moment that she wished for her whole life. And that was one of the most tragic deaths I have ever seen to be honest. Galaxia is a villain who was very unlucky and had her reasons yet also very selfish, and I think this complexity made her a great villain. I can't wait for Cosmos to do her justice.
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prasi-khroma · 2 years
Year-End Myu Gif Dump, It Never Ends! [Part 1]
Oh god, there's more! More Sera Myu gifs! It hasn't exactly been a while but since it's the holidays, it's gonna be a busy month for everyone! So here's the first part of my final batch of Sera Myu gifs for the rest of the year! I hope you all like it. Merry Christmas... And a Happy New Year!
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Gag fight scene between the Moon Kingdom and Dark Kingdom. With Queen Beryl, unintentionally(?) zapping everyone from both sides. If you look closely on the opposite side of the stage where the Shittennou are, you can see them also rolling, falling, and crawling on the ground. - "Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary: La Reconquista", 2013
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The Amazon Trio's entrance song, 'Viva, Viva Dead Moon Circus'. Everyone was amazing here and the song is just *chef's kiss*. You know what would be cool? An omake where Shuu (S. Uranus), Sayaka (S. Neptune), and Mikako (S. Pluto) covers this song. - "Amour Eternal", 2016
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Venus (Minako)'s bit in the song 「恋するSatellite」. I love everyone's entrance here where they quite literally stole the spotlight. I'll get that in the future. - "Amour Eternal", 2016
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My first Starlights gif! ...Or should I say 'Three Lights' as they open the musical with a bang with their performance of 'Wandering Stars'. Honestly, I got so used to the more chaotically comedic trio that it's actually quite nice seeing these versions of the three, considering these musicals lean more accurately to the manga (as best as they can). Everyone are all angry angsty precious babies this musical. I want to give them a hug. - "Le Mouvement Finale", 2017
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chaos-cauldron · 1 year
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UraNep vs CrowSeiren in Le Mouvement Final
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