#Laya Yoga
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michelleberrybliss · 2 years ago
Choosing a spiritual path is an incredibly personal journey. We are all on a different journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to spirituality. We must take the time to really reflect, soul search, and discover what our own needs require.
Being in India, I have been thinking a lot about my spiritual path and trying to be more intentional, devoted and laser focused. If you are a yogi, then chances are that like many of us, you have sought to lead a life full of purpose and happiness – free from suffering. You may have read about the philosophies which make up yoga teachings. But there is something fundamental and underlying in…
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anjali12 · 1 year ago
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Laya & Hatha Yoga classes in USA
Elevate your yoga practice with Samsara Veda, a leading provider of Laya and Hatha Yoga classes in the USA. Immerse yourself in expert-led sessions that seamlessly blend ancient traditions with modern approaches, promoting holistic well-being. Samsara Veda's classes, available across the United States, offer a harmonious balance of dynamic and meditative practices. Enhance your journey towards mindfulness and strength with Samsara Veda's transformative Laya and Hatha Yoga experiences. Discover the path to wellness in the heart of the USA.
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talonabraxas · 2 months ago
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Kundalini - Cosmic Fire Snake Talon Abraxas
"Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. [...] O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. "Kundala" means "coiled". Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini." - Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga
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majumdarbookreviews · 3 months ago
The Breath of Life: A Book Review of Light on Pranayama: The Definitive Guide to the Art of Breathing
Original Article Published on My Book Recommendation website: https://majumdarbookreviews.asia and then published at https://majumdarbookreviews.blog
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Photograph of the Book, ‘Light on Pranayama’, written by B.K.S. Iyengar
In the ancient cultures of our world, the art of maintaining physical health has always been revered. The philosophy of India profound in its understanding of life, declares that while the body may return to dust, life is sustained by the forces of air, transformed through the element of fire into energy, light and radiance.
This transformation of matter into finer forms is the very source of our strength. Yet, true strength lies not merely in the transmutation of matter but in the complete cycle where air and light are taken in, transformed and returned to the universe.
Yoga, as taught by the seers of India transcends mere physical postures. It is a scientific and systematic discipline for the harmonious alignment of all the energies within the human being leading one towards communion with the Divine. In its various forms – Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga – yoga remains a pathway to the ultimate reality.
Among these, Pranayama, the control and mastery of the life force is central to the yogic discipline.
In this remarkable book, the author brings to light the profound significance of Pranayama. Sri Aurobindo, the great sage of Pondicherry shared from his own experience how Pranayama amplified his mental faculties, enabling him to compose and retain vast amounts of poetry – an astonishing feat of mental clarity and focus. Such is the power that resides within the breath or prana.
Prana, in the yogic tradition is far more than mere air or breath. It is the essence of life itself, pervading both the animate and inanimate. It flows through us as the vital currents – prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana – governing the energies of our body and mind. Pranayama is thus a sacred practice not just a technique but a way of aligning ourselves with the cosmic life force.
The ancient texts starting with Patanjali treat Pranayama as an indispensable part of the spiritual journey. In today’s fast-paced world where life is fraught with stress, anxiety and illness, many have turned to fleeting and harmful distractions like smoking and intoxicants in search of relief. Yet, as this book reveals, Pranayama holds the key to lasting peace and health. It begins by easing minor ailments such as colds, headaches and mental unrest and gradually leads the practitioner to a state of balance and harmony. However, it is not something to be grasped through mere intellectual discourse. It must be practiced with patience, care and devotion.
The author wonderfully expounds upon the true meaning of yoga. Derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” yoga means to bind, to join, to unite. It is the union of the soul with the divine, the alignment of the scattered forces of the mind into a state of reflection and clarity. The eight limbs of yoga – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi – are the steps on this sacred journey and each is explained in great detail within this work.
The section on breath, its nature and how few truly understand the art of breathing is especially illuminating. Some times I feel like asking myself a simple yet profound question: “Do I know how to breathe?”
The author further points out that poor posture, emotional imbalances and neglect of our respiratory muscles all contribute to improper breathing, which in turn diminishes our vitality.
The author also delves into the intricate systems of nadis and chakras, which govern the flow of prana within the body. Of the 350,000 nadis mentioned in the Siva Samhita, fourteen are considered significant, with the three most vital being Sushumna, Ida and Pingala.
B.K.S. Iyengar, the author of this work, is widely regarded as one of the foremost teachers of yoga in the world, bringing this ancient knowledge to the West. His teachings have been transformative for countless practitioners and his insights into Pranayama are invaluable.
The book ‘Light on Pranayama’ is a treasure trove of wisdom, offering profound insights into the ancient art of breathing and life force control. It has deepened my understanding of Pranayama and how to practice it correctly. I would give it a rating of nine out of ten for its clarity, depth and the invaluable lessons it imparts.
These reflections are but my own humble interpretation and I welcome inputs and suggestions from readers. I thank you for your time and consideration of these thoughts and I deeply respect any differing perspectives that may arise.
You may also visit my Book Review and Book Recommendation website: https://majumdarbookreviews.asia
Thanks and regards,
Mainak Majumdar, Book Critic
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mountain-sage · 8 months ago
Mr. K. S. N. lyer said that he was not convinced how spiritual life could be reconciled to worldly activities.
The Master in answer cited some verses from Yoga Vasishta. (The original is said to be millions of verses, of which only 32,000 stanzas are now found in the Sanskrit
text. It was condensed to 6,000 and called Laghu Vasishta. The latter has been rendered in Tamil in 2,050 stanzas).
Devotee : Without the mind concentrating on it the work cannot be performed satisfactorily. How is the mind to be spiritually disposed and the work kept going as well?
Maharshi : The mind is only a projection from the Self, appearing in the waking state. In deep sleep, you do not say whose son you are and so on. As soon as you wake up you say you are so and so, and recognise the world and so on.
The world is only lokah, lokah = lokyate iti lokah (what
is perceived is the world). That which is seen is lokah or the world.
Which is the eye that sees it?
That is the ego which rises and sinks periodically. But you exist always. Therefore That which lies beyond the ego is consciousness - the Self.
In deep sleep mind is merged and not destroyed. That which merges reappears. It may happen in meditation also. But the mind which is destroyed cannot reappear.
The yogi's aim must be to destroy it and
not to sink in laya. In the peace of dhyana, laya ensues but it is not enough. It must be supplemented by other practices for destroying the mind. Some people have gone into samadhi with a trifling thought and after a long time awakened in the trail of the same thought. In the meantime generations have passed away in the world. Such a yogi has not destroyed his mind. Its destruction is the non-recognition of it as being apart from the Self. Even now the mind is not. Recognise it.
How can you do it if not in everyday activities. They go on automatically.
Know that the mind promoting them is not real but a phantom proceeding from the Self. That is how the mind is destroyed.
Excerpt from 'Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi'
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teamspirits · 2 years ago
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Yoga, an ancient practice rooted in spiritual enlightenment, has become a global phenomenon, embracing people from all backgrounds. It goes beyond physical exercise, encompassing meditation, breath control, and ethical principles. Its benefits range from improved physical health to enhanced emotional well-being and mindfulness. Whether you're seeking inner harmony, stress relief, or physical well-being. Laya & Hatha Yoga classes in the USA provide a sanctuary where you can tap into your true potential. Join us on this enchanting adventure, as we dive deep into the extraordinary benefits that await those who embrace the magic of Laya & Hatha Yoga classes in the USA.  Regardless of experience, yoga offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and connection to the present moment. Step onto the mat, breathe deeply and embark on this extraordinary voyage of self-transformation through the profound practice of yoga. Join Samsara Veda and know more about how this Ayurvedic journey of Yoga can lead you toward a healthy and fit life.  Visit:https://www.samsaraveda.com/post/master-your-mind-and-body-discover-the-magic-of-laya-hatha-yoga-classes
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softtech2021 · 2 years ago
World Yoga Day 2021: Know the 7 major types of yoga
World Yoga Day will be celebrated on 21 June 2021. Earlier we had told that there are 84 yoga asanas but how many types of yogas are there? Come know important information in this regard. World Yoga Day Mainly there are 7 types of yoga 1. Hatha Yoga, 2. Raja Yoga, 3. Karma Yoga, 4. Bhakti Yoga, 5. Jnana Yoga, 6. Tantra Yoga and 7. Laya Yoga. 1. Hatha Yoga: Shatkarma, Asana, Mudra, Pranayama,…
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drhwenk · 2 years ago
#Spinoza Electrical Turn. Jesus, Budha,MOHAMED!!! kämen hier und heute als psychotisch in die PSYCHIATRIE!!(neuro-Max-Planck-Direktor)
#Spinoza Electrical Turn. Jesus, Budha,MOHAMED!!! kämen hier und heute als psychotisch in die PSYCHIATRIE!!(neuro-Max-Planck-Direktor) Alle  Yogis mit EnLIGHTment Anzeichen auch  1/4 der PsychiatriePatienten sind verkannrte KUNDALINI Erwclungs Kandidaten. C'OUP D'OEIL EBENE (anja,laya,bindu, chakren -AUGEN ds GEISTS #Spinoza) UNvollSTÄNDIG: DAMSIO - #SPINZA SCHLÄFENLAPPEN UN  RECG HINEkop FEHEL in dR REGEL - DESHALB in d PSYVHIATRIEpraxis statt enLIGHT²end, nich  immer aber viel zu oft!! JA, dasERWACHEN (weniggee bis ga ken sSchlaf BRAUCHEWN - die 40 Tage Nächte wach bleiben Übung ind Jeszs; Mohamed, Buddha; Yogi Nachfolge) Der voll Erwachte, vulgo SCHLAFlose, Buddha, Yogi  (wegen  seines  BUDDHI Kosha - die EWIGER!!!!!!! UNENDLICH ERVERTANDteil CONNECTION -AUGEN des GEIST"Es" #Spinozas) ist auch übe den Schlaf ERHABEN. DA dafür EXRA ENTWICKELTE YOGA NIDRA(SChlaf) ist deshalb extra was anderes als di Kopie autogenes Training. DDDA DA ALLES VEHEMENT  von d WESTLICHEN REPRESIVE ZWEITbestrafung DROGENkrimnlität -Alkohol dabei!! -PSYCHIATRIE  per 2. WELTkrieg"DRECK am STECKEN", INQUISITION, Kolnilosmus, Überbevölkerung, Ernähehehe "Dreck am Stecken"  2/ Geesellschaft abgestttimm,, BESTRITTENWIRD, haben z. B Jim Hendrix und Michael Jackson nach Scglaftabtten(mitten)  gheriffen, an den si gestorben sind (Jackson vn sein 100 000$ pro MonatArzt TOTgespritzt!) ERLUCHTUNG ist hier PSYCHISCH  krank, wel sie das KLEINhirn,"es"  für MORALISCHARAKTR, fast direkt für kriminell UNDZUGLEICH krank (sex& kampf,konflikt)  erklären. JA;AUS EINE in alle GEHEIMNISSE EINGEWEIHTE(ParamHAMSA) TANTRA Lehrbuch wo ich auch sehr lange mein Übungen  mit zu pesönlicher MEISTERbekanntschaft gemacht habe (Verlaufsform) Man hatt mir 2 mal ERLEUCHTUNGSausbildung (1 Jahr 5 Jahr in Indien angeboten mit wenigeb andern "Auserwählten"). 3 andere FORSCHUNSmathmtiker ohne YOGA - ab genauso "gejagt"!!( -brachte sich offizeöl pe Selbstmord um (mit festen Professorenst   -nach NASH  und 2 nach der DEKADE DES BRAINS auch in der Mathmatik)
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lowkeynando · 2 years ago
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achieve kundalini awakening, while lesser students may resort solely to one technique or another: "Mantra Yoga and Hatha Yoga. Laya Yoga is the third. The fourth is Raja Yoga. It is free from duality." [14] The Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad is a syncretistic yoga text related to the schools of Hatha and Mantra yoga. [15]
Other Sanskrit texts treat kundalini as a technical term in tantric yoga, such as the Sat-cakra-nirüpana and the Paduka-pancaka.
These were translated in 1919 by John
Woodroffe as The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga. He identifies the process of involution and its techniques in these texts as a particular form of Tantrik Laya Yoga.
[16] In Hinduism, Kundalini (Sanskrit. romanized: kundalini, lit. 'coiled snake',
pronunciation (help•info)) is a form of divine feminine energy (or Shakti) believed to be located at the base of the spine, in the muladhara. It is an important concept in Shaiva Tantra, where it is believed to be a force or power associated with the divine feminine or the formless aspect of the Goddess. This energy in the body, when cultivated and awakened through tantric practice, is believed to lead to spiritual liberation. Kundalini is associated with Parvati or Adi Parashakti, the supreme being in Shaktism; and with the goddesses Bhairavi and JUNGLEWOODNETHERRACKNETHERWARTENCHANTMENTTABLECHORUSFLOWERREDSTONEREPEATERREDSTONECOMPARATORTRiPWiREHOOKCOMMANDBLOCKSTiCKYPiSTONALiENSSPECiESFAiRiESDEiTiESGODSCLOWNSROBOTSANDROiDSARTiFiCiALiNTELLiGENCESBRAiNSPOWERSiNTELLiGENCEQUOTiENTSWORMSTAPEWORMSTUBESTUMORSCANCERSHOSTSENTiTiESFUNGiSPARASiTESBACTERiASAMiCROORGANiSMSMUSHROOMSSURGERiESSCiENCESPHYSiCSWiTCHCRAFTSMAGiCSVOODOOSHOODOOSWiZARDSWARLOCKSCULTSSECRETSOCiETiSALTEREGOSiNNERDEMONSCROSSROADDEMONSMEDiCALTREATMENTS CLONES
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the-hem · 2 years ago
"Eventuation." From the Yoga Tattva Upanishad, the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Axiom of Yoga.
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Part 1 says we use yoga in order to become more calm and rational. Dissuasion of the mind from anxiety, hysteria, impulses and outbursts is required by persons of faith seeking to be yoked to or Baptized in the Holy Spirit. He will not respond to or interact with hysterical ninnies. Not even once.
Part 2 of this section says only a quiet mind will be able to understand how to prepare to receive the Holy Spirit, a process which can only take place after the scriptures are studied and then applied.
Application takes place during four types of yoga explained here:
1.15. And even Yoga becomes powerless in (securing) Moksha (liberation) when it is devoid of Jnana “the knowing mind”. So the aspirant after emancipation should practise (firmly) both Yoga and Jnana.
1.16. The cycle of births and deaths comes only through Jnana and perishes only through Jnana. Jnana alone was originally. It should be known as the only means (of salvation).
1.17-18(a). That is Jnana through which one cognises (in himself) the real nature of Kaivalya “the end of further transmigrations” as the supreme seat, the stainless, the partless and of the nature of Sachchidananda “truth, knowledge, happiness” without birth, existence and death and without motion and Jnana.
1.18(b)-19. Now I shall proceed to describe Yoga to you: Yoga is divided into many kinds on account of its actions: (viz.,) Yoga, Laya-Yoga, Hatha-Yoga and Raja-Yoga.
1.20. There are four states common to all these: (viz.,) Arambha “beginning”, Ghata “the event”, Parichaya “recognition” and Nishpatti “consummation, setting forth”.
1.21. O Brahma, I shall describe these to you. Listen attentively. One should practise the Mantra along with its Matrikas (proper intonations of the sounds) and others for a period of twelve years;
1.22. Then he gradually obtains wisdom along with the Siddhis, (such as) Anima, etc. Persons of weak intellect who are the least qualified for Yoga practise this.
-> 12 years are the first twelve years in life one is supposed to use memorizing the Upanishads. Thereafter one is to attempt their application and divine the nature of the underlying substratum of the creation called the Brahman. Without the second the first stage is worthless. This is what is meant by “initiate, eventuate, recognize, consummate” in the above.
The first stage of Yoga requires a calm, rational, patient approach to the time series of accomplishments of the path of the yogi. The second, the Laya, the dissolution state, challenges delusions with the truth learned during the first till they are burnt up by the Fire of Observation. Having watched one delusion burn under the scrutiny of the Witness, all delusions must also instantly burn.
1.23-24(a). The (second) Laya-Yoga tends towards the absorption of the Chitta “intentions” and is described in myriads of ways; (one of which is) – one should contemplate upon the Lord who is without parts (even) while walking, sitting, sleeping, or eating. This is called Laya-Yoga.
1.24(b)-25. Now hear (the description of) Hatha-Yoga. This Yoga is said to possess (the following) eight subservients, Yama (forbearance), Niyama (religious observance), Asana (posture), Pranayama (suppression of breath), Pratyahara (subjugation of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana, the contemplation on Hari in the middle of the eyebrows and Samadhi that is the state of equality.
1.26-27. Maha-Mudra, Maha-Bandha “binding to the Self” and Khechari “soaring power of the tongue, of speech to the mind,”, Jalandhara “bearing water”, Uddiyana “soaring up to the heart” and Mula-Bandha “deeply rooted down”, uttering without intermission Pranava (OM) for a long time and hearing the exposition of the supreme truths, Vajroli “male masturbation”, Amaroli “ejaculation” and Sahajoli “female masturbation” which form a triad – all these belong to Raja-Yoga, the yoking of the mind to “male ambitions.”
1.28-29(a). O four-faced one (Brahma), among (the duties of) Yama “the course”, moderate eating – and not others – forms the principal factor; and noninjury is most important in Niyama- what is avoided.
Yama is what we do, Niyama constitutes what we do not do under any circumstances.
Do adopt the intentions of the guru, follow the course he prescribes and study the scriptures and perform yoga in order to be free of delusion, do take care of the sexual and hunger needs of the body in order to keep it happy, do not tolerate violations of the Decrees which protect all from violence.
These together are the One Axiom of Yoga. They are the meeting place between all theories of existence, what is witnessed and what is experienced; what is premeditated by the rules of reality and what actually takes place in the body when the mind is completely tuned in.
Why do we become fascinated with other people, for example? Why is it not enough to say hello or compliment someone's appearance? What makes us want to taste their mouths and feel along the surfaces of their bodies and combine obscene fantasies together?
What falls short in conversation that makes us want to submit to the terms of the body reality with complete surrender, and why did God hide this urge inside all of us?
There is only one way to find out and it is not done by reading books, listening to others, or lowering the blinds of the ego to what is clearly preeminent about life.
To accept this meager proposal at the behest of the guru is to perform kaivalya, the unseating oneself between the former delusory chapters of one's existences and begin one final perfect chapter which tells the story of the discovery of Paratattva, the Supreme Axiom of the Self.
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anjali12 · 1 year ago
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Laya & Hatha Yoga classes in USA
Elevate your yoga practice with Samsara Veda, a leading provider of Laya and Hatha Yoga classes in the USA. Immerse yourself in expert-led sessions that seamlessly blend ancient traditions with modern approaches, promoting holistic well-being. Samsara Veda's classes, available across the United States, offer a harmonious balance of dynamic and meditative practices. Enhance your journey towards mindfulness and strength with Samsara Veda's transformative Laya and Hatha Yoga experiences. Discover the path to wellness in the heart of the USA.
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talonabraxas · 5 months ago
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Cosmic Fire Snake Talon Abraxas
"Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. [...] O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. "Kundala" means "coiled". Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini." - Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga
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punkylilwitch · 3 years ago
Yoga and Meditation History
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First, let’s talk about Meditation
Though I’m sure you all know, meditation is (according to Wikipedia mind you) “Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.”
“Some archaeologists date meditation back to as early as 5,000 BCE, according to Psychology Today, and the practice itself has religious ties in ancient Egypt and China, as well as Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and, of course, Buddhism.“ - https://time.com/4246928/meditation-history-buddhism/#:~:text=Some%20archaeologists%20date%20meditation%20back,and%2C%20of%20course%2C%20Buddhism. 
In the 1960′s, meditation began to be seriously researched and critically analyzed for it’s medical benefits. It was famously found that meditation calmed the person doing the meditating, slowing their heartrate and breathing a considerable amount as well as changing their brainwaves in a way that promotes and helps with sleep. The 1970′s-80′s, however, is when meditation was boosted into the mainstream when The Beatles got a hold of it. They began to partake in Transcendental Meditation, which is a form of meditation that utilizes meaningless sounds as a means of concentration. Once meditation became more mainstream, doctors picked up interest in researching it once more, and discovered that it is a wonderful mindfulness exercise that is good for your health, so now, today, doctors recommend practicing it to relieve stress, anger, and other such mental ailments. 
Then comes yoga
Yoga has heavy ties to meditation. Not only are you easily able to meditate while doing yoga, but yoga is a good way to link your body to your mind and soul, as you can focus on the slow and steady movements while meditating. 
“The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda. The Vedas were a collection of texts containing songs, mantras and rituals to be used by Brahmans, the Vedic priests.“ - https://www.yogabasics.com/learn/history-of-yoga/#:~:text=The%20beginnings%20of%20Yoga%20were,by%20Brahmans%2C%20the%20Vedic%20priests. 
Yoga does not adhere to any particular religion, belief system or community. Yoga is a multicultural phenomenon, but in yoga subcultures there can absolutely be religious ties. Some examples of these types of yoga are Jnana-yoga, Bhakti-yoga, Karma-yoga, Dhyana-yoga, Patanjala-yoga, Kundalini-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Mantra-yoga, Laya-yoga, Raja-yoga, Jain-yoga, Bouddha-yoga etc. Each subculture has its own individual principles and practices, and they each lead to the altimate aim and objectives of yoga as a whole. There are many religions and regions that claim to be the originators of yoga, such as Hinduism and Buddhism for example. Despite the debate, however, most believe that Hinduism is the overarching origin of the practice, and I’m inclined to agree. But regardless, it’s up to you to do your personal research and decide on your own what to believe.
Now, what does that all mean for witchcraft?
Well, in witchcraft, meditation and yoga have similar affects, as they both put you in a good mindset for practicing. They also are known to link the body, mind, and soul in a calming and secure way. Meditation is used in a grand handful of witchcraft ceremonies and rituals, as meditation can be centered around many differing topics and provide many differing results. Meditation is a wonderful way to do your shadow work, as it revolves around tackling one’s mind and taming one’s thoughts. Ergo, it can help you to calm yourself enough to unbury old memories, traumas, and fears so you can confront them in a healthy way. You can explore yourself thoroughly and delve into your inner mind, coming to terms with some of the reasons why you think and behave the way that you do.
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santmat · 2 years ago
Hathras Tulsi Sahibi Satsang Discourses: Sant Mat Spirituality
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Complete Mahatmas, Genuine Saints came to the world in their respective times and kept on emancipating the living beings who were connected with them.  On completion of their time, they left the body as per the will of the Lord and went to the Lord and left their work [their spiritual mission] to the other saints when departing.
** Actually God appears through the medium of the Master, the Guru, so we have to search for a living Master.**
"Complete and imperishable (permanent) benefit is available only through the living Guru. In him is the magnetic power of the Great Consciousness or the dynamic Consciousness, the touch of which creates power in us and connects our soul to the Current of the Word (ātmā ko Shabda) that rises to the spiritual plane." She (the Sound Current) helps us by being with our organs. [The Shabd/Sound Current is the vital life force of the body.] Very fortunate is that soul who takes shelter of such a supreme saint (param santa kī sharaṇ)."
INITIATION Into Surat Shabd Yoga: ** The Jivatma (soul) being given Shabda is the first step of Guru devotion (guru bhakti). **
"Mercy of Satguru Sahib
"Only with the grace of the master, the knowledge of the path of Naam is obtained. The Complete Satguru, the true Saint, is the real form of Naam or Word. That's why the Sound is revealed within them. Only by breaking the bonds of mind, illusion and time is one free from the cycle of transmigration. The Naam is only something the soul experiences, which is possible only through the Master (the guidance, teachings and mentoring of the living master).
"Sahib ji teaches the meditation of Surat-Shabd or Sound yoga.
1) Surat is called soul, the attention faculty of the soul.
2) The Sound creates and permeates the whole universe.
3) The Surat, the soul, carefully focuses upon that musical Naam (the Word), listening and merging into the Sound.
4) By holding the stream of that Sound, the surat-soul returns to it's core, it's essence.
5) This practice can be learnt through training by a complete saint, a Satguru. Only a present teacher, a living teacher, can teach this sadhana, this spiritual practice.
6) This practice is simple so it is also called Sahaja Yoga, easy or natural yoga, the yoga of Sound.
7) There is no boundary or barrier of country, caste, sect, etc..., for this practice. All are welcome.
There is no need to sacrifice the world or give up your worldly duties for successful meditation.
This path is the way to die while living, the body of the seeker starts to numb. Due to full concentration in Simran, the soul is concentrated in the third eye behind the eyes and one merges into the Sound. That's why the soul tastes the nectar, the bliss, and shines in the light of the Sound. In this situation, the the seeker becomes unaware of the outside world. This is the situation of dying while alive [death before dying].  Sahib ji says: 
"The stream of Sound is the Word of the Lord in the whole universe or cosmos. This Word is the consciousness stream that reaches everything in the cosmos from the creator (the Supreme Being). This is the stream he created to connect the whole, the All. This is what he is nurturing in all. The Word or Sound is our foundation. By holding the notes of the same tune, the Divine Sound, you can get back to your core, your essence, and merge into It."
In our scriptures, there are many types of yogas like Hatha yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya yoga, Raja yoga, etc…, but all of these remain confined to the limits of body and mind, have not been said to free the soul from the trap of mind and illusion.
The true master practices the spiritual Sound and Light that comes from beyond. By these methods of meditation, the soul becomes introverted through regular practice and hears the Melodious Sound within, and the soul reaches where the Sound is emanating from. This is the goal of the practice of Surat-Shabd-Yoga.
Jai Sat Naam
Mercy of Satguru Sahib Ji
Satnam - Satguru  
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amokedas · 2 years ago
Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power. In reality it has no form. [...] O Divine Mother Kundalini, the Divine Cosmic Energy that is hidden in men! Thou art Kali, Durga, Adisakti, Rajarajeswari, Tripurasundari, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Sarasvati! Thou hast put on all these names and forms. Thou hast manifested as Prana, electricity, force, magnetism, cohesion, gravitation in this universe. This whole universe rests in Thy bosom. Crores of salutations unto thee. O Mother of this world! Lead me on to open the Sushumna Nadi and take Thee along the Chakras to Sahasrara Chakra and to merge myself in Thee and Thy consort, Lord Siva. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy (Shat Chakras), the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. This is an exact science. This is also known as Laya Yoga. The six centres are pierced (Chakra Bheda) by the passing of Kundalini Sakti to the top of the head. "Kundala" means "coiled". Her form is like a coiled serpent. Hence the name Kundalini.
Swami Sivananda
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bloggingforu · 3 years ago
Yoga: History, Benefits, What is Yoga, Types
A Brief History Of Yoga
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bloggingforu Provides You knowledgeable and Informational content.
The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj‘ meaning “to join” or “to unite”.
There are several types of yoga as well like gyan, bhakti, karma, hata, raj, mantra, shiv, hatha, naad , Laya and many more. Rig veda one of the most secernate and the oldest book of human history it is about 8 to 10 thousand years old and yog is a part of this vedic literature.
MAHARISHI PATANJALI considers to be the authority on yoga propounded and nearly 5000 years ago. Lord Krishna and many saints of India have also spoken about yog in the middle ages the practices of yog was confined only to the Royal and the scholarly class it was taught to students in gurukul after passing a rigorous test.
In the recent years by the effort of many spiritual and religious leaders of India the dose of yog have been open to the common man and to each and every human being on this planet.
Yoga is the union of body mind and spirit the individual to the universal you guys releasing the connection between the finite and the infinite the manifest and the unmanifest. Yog is bringing harmony in thought word and deed.
Somehow today’s age has become associated with only physical postures whereas the central teaching of yog is maintaining and equanimous state of mind. read more
What is Yoga?
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If you think that yoga is just stretching, bending your body, then you are wrong, you need to think again. Yog is a complete science it unites body mind and spirit and and the universe.
Yog brings that much needed and longed for peace and ecstasy in every individual not only that is it also make such a big difference in ones behavior patron, thought patron, once attitude for asen living or seen life these days. read more
Benefits Of Yoga
1. Improve your flexibility
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The practice of yoga through postures improves the elasticity of the muscles their strength yes, but above all their flexibility and poses and sequences helps to expand the body’s flexibility.
The practice of yog with a mindful mind and ensuring that stretching is safe and allows the body’s nervous system ease muscles into soft stretch that is effective and efficient.. Then you will start showing effect and you will feel better
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2. Yoga helps to improve self-confidence
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The practice of regular yog will improve your focus, concentration, clarity of mind as well as flexibility and posture, while strengthening the body. It’s the ideal method to reduce stress and create the feeling of confidence and that’s all you need to boost your confidence levels.
3. Yoga helps to improve your better breathe
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Each moment we live to settle down. A healthy breathing practice can ensure to healthy life and balanced lifestyle and better sleep, as well as more positive relationships, and a better shape it can change your lifestyle!”. Coming, so you can manage every through a more mindful breath and exhalation.
4. Get better quality sleep
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Each kind of yoga is likely to provide benefits to your body. There is one type that specifically enhances the quality of your sleeping. Yog Nidra is an effective method of relaxation which allows you to eliminate any mental and physical annoyances.
When you are in two different states of awareness (neither actually awake, nor asleep) We learn to relax all of our muscles and enter a sleep state more quickly. An assessment for insomniacs. read more
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