#Swara Yoga
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Choosing a spiritual path is an incredibly personal journey. We are all on a different journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to spirituality. We must take the time to really reflect, soul search, and discover what our own needs require.
Being in India, I have been thinking a lot about my spiritual path and trying to be more intentional, devoted and laser focused. If you are a yogi, then chances are that like many of us, you have sought to lead a life full of purpose and happiness – free from suffering. You may have read about the philosophies which make up yoga teachings. But there is something fundamental and underlying in…

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Khám phá sức mạnh kỳ diệu của hơi thở trong Swara Yoga #SứcMạnhHơiThở #SwaraYoga #BíMật
Bí mật swara yoga: sức mạnh kỳ diệu của hơi thở cn “Swara Yoga: Bí Mật Từ Cổ ĐạI ĐAnh thức SứC Your browser does not support HTML video. Bí mật swara yoga: sức mạnh kỳ diệu của hơi thở cn #Bí #mật #swara #yoga #sức #mạnh #kỳ #diệu #của #hơi #thở
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Sushumna Nadi
Berjalan di sepanjang tulang belakang dan sampai ke puncak kepala, Sushumna Nadi adalah saluran energi utama yang dilalui Kundalini Shakti . Diterjemahkan sebagai'Pikiran gembira' atau 'pikiran yang paling baik hati', namanya menyiratkan bahwa ketika saluran energi ini jernih dan mengalir bebas, kita mendapatkan manfaat dari kondisi mental dan emosional yang lebih bahagia dan lebih bersemangat. Kadang-kadang Sushumna Nadi disebut sebagai Brahma Nadi, dengan 'Brahma' yang mewakili yang ilahi, absolut, atau wujud Tuhan. Beberapa orang mungkin merasa bahwa ketika mengalami kondisi ekstase dan kegembiraan, mereka dapat terhubung dengan pemahaman mereka tentang keilahian atau Keilahian.
Sepanjang saluran energi halus utama ini terdapat tujuh cakra utama dari tulang ekor hingga puncak kepala. Cakra-cakra tersebut adalah: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddi, Ajna, dan Sahasrara. Ketika cakra-cakra tersebut 'berputar' dengan baik dan dalam keadaan seimbang tanpa hambatan apa pun, energi Kundalini Shakti potensial di pangkal tulang belakang bebas mengalir ke atas sepanjang Sushumna Nadi. Bermeditasi pada cakra-cakra, melakukan asana untuk merangsang energi agar mengalir melalui cakra-cakra tersebut seperti gerakan memutar, memutar balik, dan menekuk tubuh ke belakang, serta mentransmisikan berbagai bentuk pranayama (teknik pernapasan) semuanya bertujuan untuk melatih jalur yang jelas agar energi dapat mengalir. Jika Anda pernah mengikuti kelas yoga Kundalini, Anda mungkin juga pernah berlatih Kriya – serangkaian latihan yoga khusus yang dimaksudkan untuk menyeimbangkan cakra dan membangkitkan energi potensi kewanitaan di pangkal tulang belakang.
Bernapas melalui hidung
Pranayama melibatkan latihan pernapasan yang hampir selalu fokus pada pernapasan melalui hidung. Ini adalah kemampuan yang kurang mendapat perhatian tetapi sangat penting yang kita miliki. Pentingnya hal ini semakin dikenal luas dengan dipopulerkannya yoga, serta metode seperti Oxygen Advantage karya Patrick McKeown, dan bukuBreath karya James Nestor dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
Manusia bernapas melalui hidung, menyaring kotoran dan bakteri melalui saluran hidung saat menghirupnya, dan memungkinkan penyerapan oksigen yang tepat. Kita juga mampu bernapas jauh lebih efisien, meningkatkan saturasi oksigen dalam darah, otak, dan jaringan, serta memengaruhi sistem saraf. Tindakan bernapas melalui hidung itu sendiri berfungsi untuk memperlebar saluran hidung dan meningkatkan fungsi pernapasan. Inilah sebabnya mengapa mereka yang menderita masalah pernapasan sering kali menganggap pranayama bermanfaat .
Lubang hidung kiri atau kanan?
Bukan hanya latihan sederhana bernapas melalui hidung yang bermanfaat bagi kita. Namun, lubang hidung yang kita pilih untuk bernapas juga dapat berdampak besar pada kondisi kita. Latihan yoga tradisional Swara Yoga adalah rangkaian syair yang agak rahasia tentang gerakan, pola, dan kekuatan pernafasan. Dalam bukunya Breath, James Nestor menjelaskan; Shiva Swarodaya menjelaskan bagaimana satu lubang hidung akan terbuka untuk membiarkan napas masuk sementara lubang hidung lainnya akan menutup dengan lembut sepanjang hari. Pada suatu hari, lubang hidung kanan menguap saat bangun untuk menyambut matahari; pada hari-hari lain, lubang hidung kiri terbangun saat bulan purnama”.
Tulisan tersebut menyatakan – dan penelitian anekdot menunjukkan – bahwa ritme aktivasi lubang hidung kiri dan kanan (dikenal sebagai 'siklus hidung') ini dialami oleh seluruh umat manusia, dan terutama dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas matahari dan bulan. Studi juga menunjukkan bahwa lubang hidung benar-benar mengubah dominasi sepanjang hari, biasanya terkait dengan perasaan emosional kita, serta lingkungan kita.
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Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati – Swara Yoga: Exploring Pranic Body Rhythms
Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati – Swara Yoga: Exploring Pranic Body Rhythms Description Of Swara Yoga: Exploring Pranic Body Rhythms Swara Yoga ia an ancient science of panic body rhythms and explores how Prana may be controlled through the breath. Traditionally a closely guarded science, it has been rarely taught outside of India. Swara Yoga enables us to understand the nature of the breath, its…
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Yoga Tops For Women The Best Styles For Every Body Type
Yoga is a gentle workout ideal for people of all ages and body types. So, outfits for yoga have to be crafted while keeping in mind every body shape. The collection of yoga tops for women at Proyog is just about that.
These can embrace all body types while exuding maximum comfort and style. So, just scroll down for some amazing designs and choose the suitable one!
Yoga Tees
Yoga tees are the most versatile options in our workout upper wear section. Available in beautiful feminine shades like peach and pink, the Taara yoga tees can match any bottom wear. The best thing about these comfy tops is that they are made with Bamboo Organic Cotton, ensuring an easy flow of movements and high absorption.
Yoga Bras
Sports bras have become wardrobe staples owing to their impeccable fashion statement and sheer comfort. The Bharni bralettes are specially crafted for yoga and low-impact workouts. Designed with pockets for removable pads and moisture-wick technology, these are the ultimate choice for all the comfort-seeking yogis out there.
Boxy Crop Tops
Boxy tops are back in fashion as casual and athletic wear for women. And so, the super-cosy Guna boxy crop tops can make any body type look chic during yoga. The Organic Cotton fabric makes these tops extremely comfortable throughout the day.
Boxy Tees
To stay rejuvenated during your yoga sessions, the Yuga boxy tees can be the perfect option. Designed with layering and raglan sleeves, these airy tops look fabulous on all body types. The hi-low hem enhances it’s statement style while the Organic Cotton gives added comfort.
Tank Tops
To keep your neck and arms cool while practising, check out the Pari and Vajra tank tops for yoga. Crossback layering is the highlight of both these tops but the designs vary slightly. While the semi-snug Pari top features an exaggerated armhole and a longer back length, the fitted Vajra top comes with a round neck offering enhanced coverage.
Sleeveless Tops
Looking for a simple yet stylish sleeveless yoga top? Then, check out the Swara top that’s made with pure Organic Cotton offering maximum stretchability. Featuring a racerback and hi-low hem, it’s an easy fit with any bottom wear of your choice.
Bat Sleeve Tops
Anyone with an S to an L size will look sculpted in the Nava bat sleeve yoga tops. These loose-fitted tops are ideal for hiding imperfections while giving your best in asanas. The bat-winged sleeves and hi-lo cut to make these tops extremely voguish while the Organic Cotton fabric ensures comfort.
Racerback Tanks
To sweat it out while flaunting your beautiful curves, Chin and Bhuj are two great options among yoga tops for women. These tops are made with Bamboo Cotton to let you stretch comfortably. Both come with a hip-hugger length and a beautiful neckline to elongate your torso.
Wrap Tops
For a graceful look in your practice sessions, the Mayur yoga top can be your ultimate choice. It comes with light gathers at the shoulders, a longer asymmetric front and a vee neckline. Made with Modal and Organic Cotton blend, it is available in two pastel shades.
Kimono Tops
Inspired by the Japanese traditional kimonos, the Hamsa kimono tops are practical options for yoga. Comfy, baggy and simple, there’s something really special about these yoga tops. The buttoned neckline and deep pockets make these tops ideal loungewear as well.
Kimono Jackets
If you love to be in your yoga outfit all day long, all you need is this gorgeous Japa Kimono jacket for stepping out in style. Designed with patchwork and pockets, it’s the perfect outerwear for summer.
Summer Jackets
The Chitta summer jackets are available in pretty hues and are super comfy and stylish. Whether you sport these pure Linen jackets over your yoga tees or simply wear them for a day out, you’ll be spelling fashion.
The above yoga tops for women are available only at Proyog, your reliable online store for all kinds of workout wear.
So, just check out all of these yoga tops and pick your favourite one! You can also explore our huge collection of yoga pants, mats and accessories to complete your workout ensemble.
Article Source: https://proyog.com/blogs/the-proyog-blog/yoga-tops-for-women-the-best-styles-for-every-body-type
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Ok, so, I found some stuff too:
In Halebidu Temple, Karnataka, Saraswati is presented under a tree performing a dance, called Natya Saraswati. She represents the three Vidyas, which are natya, yoga, and naada vidya.
Vac represents speech and creative expression. She inspires poets, scholars, and artists, allowing them to express their thoughts and emotions. Vac connects gods and mortals by transmitting knowledge and divine truths. She is associated with the sacred sound "Om." She is frequently depicted as a two-armed woman holding a pen and a manuscript. Her characteristics were absorbed into the concept of Saraswati during the Puranic period.
Astha Vac Devis
There are eight forms of Vac Devi, according to the Srikula tradition of Shaktism. These eight goddesses are the epitome of speech, and they wrote the Sahasranama, a type of stotra literature. These forms of the goddesses are also said to reside in the 7th Avarana of the Sri Chakra. These are the goddesses:
Some scriptures associate Saraswati and Gayatri, while some specify them as different entities altogether
Saptasarsawati or Saraswati in a group of seven forms can be found in different traditions. The Meru Tantra is an important Tantric scripture that emphasizes the worship of the celestial Mother and like many other Tantric writings, emphasizes guru-disciple relationships, initiation, and the transmission of esoteric knowledge through an unbroken tradition. The tantra also mentions Saraswati's seven different forms. They are:
Maha Saraswati: She appears from Parvati, wearing white, having three eyes, and fair skin. She sits on a white lotus or a lion and has eight hands, each holding a conch, disc, mace, plough, trident, bell, bow, and arrow. Demons like Shumbh, Nishumbh, Raktabeej, and Dhumralochan were defeated by her.
Neel Saraswati: She sits on a blue lotus, wears a red saree, and holds two blue lotuses in each hand in Abhaya and Varada mudra.
Chintamani Saraswati: She has a fair complexion and sits on a white lotus, wearing white with a crescent moon on her head. She carries a goad, a noose, a book, and a pen.
Ghata Saraswati: She is fair and dressed in white, with a crescent moon atop her head. She sits on a white lotus with a swan as her mount, holding a crystal rosary, pen, Vedas, and veena.
Kini Saraswati: She holds a goad, noose, and veena, and has three eyes.
Gyana Saraswati: She has a rosary, Vedas, and veena in her three hands and one hand in Abhaya Mudra, as well as three eyes and a peacock as her mount.
Antariksha Saraswati: She is clad in white and sits on a white lotus. She is holding a crystal rosary, a nectar pail, and the Vedas, with one hand in Abhaya mudra. A bird eats on her rosary, thinking it for pomegranate seeds.
Other notable forms of Saraswati counted as Saptasaraswati are Vakvadhini, Dhee, Gayatri, Swara, Akshara, Bharati, and Bhadrakalai, associated with happiness, concentration, Mantra Siddhi, speech, alphabets, creativity and calculation, respectively.
In some tantra traditions, like Brahmanda Tantra, and Kamadhenu Tantra, the goddess Saraswati is worshipped in eight forms, called Ashtasarswati. The following are eight recognized forms of Saraswati:
Vidya Saraswati: Vidya is a Sanskrit term that means "knowledge." The goddess is the source of knowledge. Vedavyasa, a sage, was able to compose the eight Puranas because of Vidya Sarasvat's blessings. Her iconography depicts her as having fair skin. Her hair is tangled in a jamukua and she is dressed in white. She carries a pair of books representing Vedas and other religious literature, an axe, and a rosary in each of her four arms.
Mahavijaya Saraswati: The word Vijaya means victory, hence this form of the goddess is associated with achievement and success. Her iconography depicts her as having a golden complexion. She is dressed in crimson and sits on a red/pink lotus. Her mount is a swan. She has six arms and displays the abhaya mudra while holding a lotus, conch, flag, sword, and lute.
Aadya Saraswati: Aadya is the Sanskrit word for "Primordial," referring to Saraswati as the primordial mother goddess. Her iconography depicts her as having a white complexion and eight arms, each holding a noose, goad, book, lute, lotus, sugarcane, and the other hands showing abhaya and vara mudra. The Tridev always worship her lotus feet.
Siddha Saraswati: This goddess's form is associated with advanced physical and spiritual development. She is worshipped my Devatas. She has a red complexion and twelve arms, which she uses to hold a disc, conch, sugarcane, mace, arrow, lotus, sword, trident, book, and pitcher, as well as abhaya and vara mudra. She has three eyes, and a crescent moon rests on her forehead.
Hamseswari Saraswati: According to her iconography, she has a yellow complexion and rides a swan-pulled chariot. She has three eyes and four hands. She holds a pitcher, a lute, the reign of the chariot, and the Abhaya mudra in her hands. Her brow is adorned with a crescent moon.
Vira Saraswati: She is one of Saraswati's furious forms, and she brings luck in every battle. She has four arms, each holding a bow, an arrow, a sword, and a conch. She has a third eye and a crescent moon on her brow.
Vaidya Saraswati: She is the Ayurvedic goddess, and Asvini Kumaras worship her lotus feet. Her iconography depicts her as having a white complexion, dressed in green clothing, and adorned with green jewellery. She has three eyes and four arms, holding a rosary, a book, and a pot, while the other displays the abhaya mudra. Her mount is a swan.
Putradayini Saraswati: She is who bestows offspring. She has a white complexion and wears a nagamukuta. She possesses six arms and holds a sword, shield, and two lotuses containing the moon and Sun, while the other hand holds a baby.
In Sharada Tilakam Tantra, eight forms of Saraswati are Vagishwari, Hamsa Vageshwari, Vagisi, Soubhagaya Vagheswhwari, Panchavaktra Sharada, Bhutalipi, Varneshwari, and Savitri.
Dwadash Saraswati
Twelve forms of Saraswati are mentioned in Vastu Vidya Diparnava. They are:
Jaya Saraswati
Vijaya Saraswati
Sarangi Saraswati
Tumburi Saraswati
Kamala Saraswati
Naradhi Saraswati
Vimala Saraswati
Sarva Mangala Saraswati
Soumya Saraswati
Vidya Dhari Saraswati
Sarva Vidya Saraswati
Sharada Saraswati
Forms of Saraswati in Thiruvaduthurai matha
Thiruvaduthurai Matha, a Saiva monastery, mentions fifteen forms of Saraswati. They:
Saraswati: She is depicted with four hands carrying a manuscript, rosary, kalasha, and lower right hand displaying Gyana Mudra. She is seated on a lotus in Siddhasana, on a lotus.
Bhrami: She is one of the Matrika goddesses depicted with four heads and six hands carrying Ankusha, Panchajanya, a manuscript, and a spoon*, and two hands in Abhaya and Varada Mudra. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana.
Raj Matangi: She is depicted with eight hands carrying a lotus, cane, Ankusha, Panchajanya, and parrots in two hands and the remaining two hands holding a veena. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana.
Thenu Vaheshwari: She is depicted with four hands carrying Ankusha, Panchajanya, manuscript, and rosary. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana.
Vidhya: She is depicted seated in Lalitasana on a serpent with five heads, she has matted hair and two hands carrying a veena.
Sutha Vidhya: She is depicted with four hands carrying a manuscript, and rosary, and two right hands in Gyan and Abhaya Mudra. She is seated on a lotus in Padmasana.
Vaspathi: She is depicted with four hands carrying a manuscript, a rosary, and the upper two hands carrying lotuses. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana and four sages are depicted honoring her.
Jana Saraswati: She is depicted with four hands carrying manuscripts in her upper two hands, and the lower hands carrying a lotus and a bouquet with a parrot seated on it. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana.
Vaheshwari: She is depicted with four hands carrying a manuscript and rosary in her upper two hands, and the lower two hands in abhaya and varada mudra. She is seated on a lotus in Siddhasana, on a lotus.
Gayathri: She is depicted with five heads and ten hands carrying various attributes.
Maha Vidya: She is depicted with four hands carrying a manuscript, lotus, oil lamp, and veena. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana and four sages are depicted honoring her.
Mahasaraswati: She has eight hands carrying an arrow, bow, trident, plough, cane stick, chakra, bell, and Panchajanya. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana on a lotus.
Sarada: She has ten hands carrying a lotus, square plate*, kalasha, chakra, noose, sword, bowl, and manuscript, and the remaining two hands in abhaya and varada mudra. She is seated on a lotus in Lalitasana on a pedestal.
Kameshwari: She is depicted with four hands carrying a manuscript, rosary, veena and kamandalu. She is seated on a pedestal in Lalitasana.
Neel Saraswati: She is depicted with four hands carrying a trident, bowl, skull and upper right hand in suchi mudra. She is seated on a pedestal in Lalitasana.
DAMN this is a LOT of forms! Like, there are so many variations, unlike the Ashtalakshmi and Navdurga. IDK which one people should agree upon, but idk why I think Saptasaraswati is so, so better, because yk, 7, 8, 9. Her having a form which is centered around dance is ALSO SO COOL, because yaaas slayyy multi talented queeennnn!
@zeherili-ankhein @priestessofuniverse @randomx123 @h0bg0blin-meat @kanya-saraswatism-academia
Ok so I got a thought
What if Saraswati also has different forms (other than Matangi and Tara) like Durga has the Navadurgas which signifies her stages in life like that
And Kanya Saraswati is her kumari student form (like Brahmacharini)
She definitely should. Even Lakshmi has the Ashtalakshmi forms too, after all.
Also, I was looking up "Six-armed Goddess yesterday, cuz I forgot Krishna Kali lol , and came across a Putradayini Saraswati (I still have no clue what)
Also, one of Saraswati's names happens to be Bhadrakali. Make of it what you will
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SwaraYoga : The Science of Rhythms from breath to the planets
Checkout my lifestyle blog at http://mysticeye.co and my youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXFr8bK7RWUKch_fKckzD0w
#spirituality#spiritual path#science of breath#astrology#new age#religion#philosophy#yoga#swara yoga#yoga of rhythmns#awakening#kundalini awakening#spiritual awakening#tantra#self actualization#authenticliving#ilovescience#metaphysics
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Soham is one of the most effective ways for self realization, it is also very easy to practice, it comes under swara yoga.
Swara yoga is an ancient science of understanding of breathing and by the help of Soham you can understand it in a better way. Soham is a natural rythem happening in our breathing, as we inhale the swara is SO and as we exhale it's swara is HAM , so SOHAM is one cycle of breathing which is happening all the time.
Soham means "I AM THAT" ( SO- that, HAM - me) so here I am that denotes that supreme consciousness which is also within us and you can connect to that consciousness by the help of understanding of your own breathing as told in swara yoga. When you practice Soham meditation you connect to your mind , then mind to consciousness and consciousness to supreme consciousness.
Practice of Soham-: Soham is very easy to practice just you have to follow few steps:
1) Adopt any comfortable meditative pose keeping your spine erect and chin parallel to the ground.
2) Now slowly close your eyes and focus on your natural breathing pattern for some time.
3) Now mentally chant so with inhalation and ham with exhalation with each and every breath . As you inhale concentrate on your inhalation and at the same time mentally chant so and as you exhale concentrate on exhalation and mentally chant ham at the same time.
This is the process of practicing Soham ,after practicing it for 15 to 20 minutes , now be still and don't focus on your breath just be still and relax and feel the calmness and peace and try to be like this as much as possible.
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Cum se practică tehnica Matrika Nyasa
Se începe cu rostirea celebrei mantre AUM (semnificația mantrei AUM are foarte multe conotații și înțelesuri; pe scurt, o putem numi fundația vibratorie a Creației), care are rol de deschidere. Se continuă cu pronunțarea fonemelor alfabetului, aplicându-se litera M (anusvara, sau punctul) la sfârșitul fiecărei foneme; așa se transformă sunetele din foneme în mantre.
Apoi, se continuă, după fiecare fonemă, cu adăugarea altei mantre foarte cunoscute, NAMAHA (rolul acestei mantre este de binecuvântare). Astfel, rezultă o formulă de felul: AUM AM NAMAHA (exemplul se referă la litera A).
În urma acestor reguli și a altora rezultă 49 de afirmații mantrice care se atașează anumitor părți ale corpului, de sus în jos și de jos în sus, așa cum spune tradiția yoga.
vezi cum se practica: https://www.shahadhim.com/yoga-matrika-nyasa/
Reference of Ang is found in Unadi Sutra where it is used with the meaning as a limb of the body. Ang also refers to any part of human body.
Vezi si cum se scriu literele alfabetului sanskrit:
Vocale: http://stepinside.ro/swaras/
Consoane: http://stepinside.ro/consoane/
ref: http://stepinside.ro/sanskritstart/
Traditia Sri Vidya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shri_Vidya foloseste Bija Mantras ale marii puteri cosmice Tripurasundari pentru resacralizarea si cosmizarea omului. Acestea sunt: http://stepinside.ro/aim/ http://stepinside.ro/kleem/ http://stepinside.ro/sauh2/ Exemplu: "Aim hail to the thumbs; Klim obeisance to the index fingers; Sauh hail to the middle fingers; Aim hail to the ring fingers; Klim hail to the little fingers; Sauh to the front and backs of the hands hail Thus the heart and other Nyasa are related."
https://www.themathesontrust.org/library/shiva-sutras Sanskrit Alphabet Shiva Sutras (Maheshvara Sutrani) cu audio
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Ujjayi Naad and Brahmand Yoga
Brahmand Yoga
This can be a manifestation of Rudra and Rudra at the same time, Rudra manifests from it
This face of Para Shiva which is dealing with southwards is named as Aghora. Aghora means that which isn't horrible or wrathful and thus this denotes the peaceful
face of Sadashiva. This face is of a Neela Varanam or blue color. Aghora face represents the macro-aspect of Fireplace and it is the facet of destructive regeneration i.e.
the method of rejuvenation. This face has the sound of Ahum or it holds the Ahum Naad within itself. Ahum denotes the I’ness of Maker’s Makings in addition to the
I’ness which is held by each animate and inanimate microcosm.
It was from this face that Rudra Deva had self manifested, and thus Rudra is a Swayambhu or in other phrases, Rudra is self manifested deity who has no guardian or
relationship. Rudra of Vedas can be the same as Allah of Islam.
Aghora holds the Gyan Shakti or energy of supreme information. On account of this purpose, no aspirant can ever arrive at Atma Jnana or self knowledge by bypassing
Aghora face of Sadashiva. Gyan Shakti can be addressed as Goddess ‘Saraswati’ who afterward had self manifested right into a attributed form (or Sagun Sakaar
Awastha) from the mouth of Lord Brahma or the creator of allness.
from this face had been originated the Aghora Pravara, Atharvan Shaakha, Vartulakara Homagundam (altar of sacrificial fireplace which is spherical in form),
Nagopaveetam (the sacred thread of the snake), Varna Mala (50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet) and Dakshinagni (the fire of and from the south) . This face destroys all
sins, evil along with granting riches (of wealth of data and materials).
Aghora represents the sleep state or Sushupti’ stage of consciousness.
Among the many 5 basic sounds of the ‘Mridanganam’, ‘Thom’ sound was manifested from Aghora. Among the many seven Swaras (notes or sounds) of music
Panchama (pa)’ has manifested from Aghora. Among the five ‘Talas (rhythms)’ of conventional music and dance ‘Shatpeeta Putrika Tala’ has manifested from this
Aghora face of Sadashiva. Among the ‘Pancha Bhootam (5 parts)’ Aghora is ‘Agni (hearth)’.
Among the many chakras (or plexus’s) of our body Aghora denotes and in addition guidelines over the ‘Anahata Chakra (coronary heart plexus)”. Aghora denotes the
seed letter ‘SI’, in the ‘5 sylabled or Panchakshari Mantra (NaMaSiVaYa)’.
As per Agama Siddha lore, out of the 28 Shaiva Agamas which were revealed by the 5 faces of Sadashiva, this Aghora face revealed Nisvasa, Svayambhuva, Vijaya,
Agneya (or Anala) and Vira, and gave them to Rishi Bharadvaja who transferred this data to 2 celestials who afterward had been accountable for propagating this data
on Earth.
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This can be a manifestation of Rudra and Rudra at the same time, Rudra manifests from it
This face of Para Shiva which is dealing with southwards is named as Aghora. Aghora means that which isn't horrible or wrathful and thus this denotes the peaceful face of
Sadashiva. This face is of a Neela Varanam or blue color. Aghora face represents the macro-aspect of Fireplace and it is the facet of destructive regeneration i.e. the method of
rejuvenation. This face has the sound of Ahum or it holds the Ahum Naad within itself. Ahum denotes the I’ness of Maker’s Makings in addition to the I’ness which is held by each
animate and inanimate microcosm.
It was from this face that Rudra Deva had self manifested, and thus Rudra is a Swayambhu or in other phrases, Rudra is self manifested deity who has no guardian or relationship.
Rudra of Vedas can be the same as Allah of Islam.
Aghora holds the Gyan Shakti or energy of supreme information. On account of this purpose, no aspirant can ever arrive at Atma Jnana or self knowledge by bypassing Aghora
face of Sadashiva. Gyan Shakti can be addressed as Goddess ‘Saraswati’ who afterward had self manifested right into a attributed form (or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) from the
mouth of Lord Brahma or the creator of allness.
from this face had been originated the Aghora Pravara, Atharvan Shaakha, Vartulakara Homagundam (altar of sacrificial fireplace which is spherical in form), Nagopaveetam (the
sacred thread of the snake), Varna Mala (50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet) and Dakshinagni (the fire of and from the south) . This face destroys all sins, evil along with granting
riches (of wealth of data and materials).
Aghora represents the sleep state or Sushupti’ stage of consciousness.
Among the many 5 basic sounds of the ‘Mridanganam’, ‘Thom’ sound was manifested from Aghora. Among the many seven Swaras (notes or sounds) of music Panchama (pa)’
has manifested from Aghora. Among the five ‘Talas (rhythms)’ of conventional music and dance ‘Shatpeeta Putrika Tala’ has manifested from this Aghora face of Sadashiva.
Among the ‘Pancha Bhootam (5 parts)’ Aghora is ‘Agni (hearth)’.
Among the many chakras (or plexus’s) of our body Aghora denotes and in addition guidelines over the ‘Anahata Chakra (coronary heart plexus)”. Aghora denotes the seed letter
‘SI’, in the ‘5 sylabled or Panchakshari Mantra (NaMaSiVaYa)’.
As per Agama Siddha lore, out of the 28 Shaiva Agamas which were revealed by the 5 faces of Sadashiva, this Aghora face revealed Nisvasa, Svayambhuva, Vijaya, Agneya (or
Anala) and Vira, and gave them to Rishi Bharadvaja who transferred this data to 2 celestials who afterward had been accountable for propagating this data on Earth.
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Entire world has suddenly come to a standstill! World has changed completely because of a virus! Human beings are used to believe that they are in control of everything and that’s the reason that they are feeling helpless and frustrated. In the process of becoming an advanced race we have been destroying planet Earth and ignoring the rhythm of nature completely.
We need to slow down our fast pace and relax. Through this big blow nature is asking us to change our ways. Unfortunately most people are resisting this change. This resistance is expressed in the form of fear, negativity, anger, frustration or mental and emotional imbalance. This imbalance already exists within us but it is amplified during difficult situations. Change is the only constant so instead of resisting if we accept it gracefully, each challenging situation becomes an opportunity to learn and grow.
I am an Architect by profession and practising in Mumbai. I am also a certified counsellor and a Sound therapist. I have been trained and certified by my mentor Dr. Prem Nirmal. My masters Dr. Prem Nirmal and his wife Bharti Nirmal, both are Engineers by profession and spiritual scientists by temperament.
I have been initiated in Kriya yoga and have been trained in Swara yoga, Prosperity yoga, Laughter yoga, Seven Dimensional prosperity and many more practices by them.
In counselling sessions I come across people with various problems and understand that most people on planet Earth have problems related to Health,Wealth and Relationships.People suffer in these areas because of their own self sabotaging thought patterns, negative emotions, childhood conditioning, traumatic experiences or limiting beliefs.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, biologist and author of the famous book BIOLOGY OF BELIEF says that your environment including your emotions and thoughts control the character of every cell or your body. He says that ‘Your brain is the chemist. You change the picture and you change the chemistry.’ So with your own negative thoughts and emotions you invite disease, poverty and unhappiness. But you also have the choice to heal yourself, invite abundance and loving relationships in your life.
Research on laughter therapy says that laughter decreases your stress and improves your immunity. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins because of which one feels very happy.
Research on Kriya Yoga ( 49HB Nirmal Kriya and 6 step Nirmal Dhyan) shows that practice of 49 HB Kriya and 6 step Nirmal Dhyan increases your energy levels and vibrancy and removes depression and anxiety. It also activates an area in the brain ( area 23) because of which person becomes more aware, alert and happy. It also helps in improving memory and better neurological functions. It is very important to bring this shift within you and find solutions for root cause of your problem.
With the help of science and with right understanding you can get practical solutions which can be implemented and this will bring changes at mental and emotional level and this will also improve your physical health. Every human being is born to live happily and fulfill the purpose of his life.
Let’s make happiness contagious!!!
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key words for the spiritual beginner ~
active meditation: active meditation, as the name implies, is all about meditating while physically active. active meditations (sometimes called “dynamic meditations”) involves walking, dance and other exercises.
akash: akasha or space or ether is one of the world’s natural elements from which all is made. it is the most basic of all elements and is also the source of the other elements. through vibrations, akash interacts with other elements.
anapanasati: anapansati is “breathing meditation” and is one of the most important and oldest meditation types.
antaratma: the inner self, which is position inside the heart.
apana vayu: this is one of the pranas in the body, of which there are five. the pranas are energies. apana vayu is situated in the rectum area and flows downwards. it is instrumental in discarding that which is unneeded.
astral body: the vedas state that there are three bodies: physical, astral and causal. the astral body takes the same image as the physical body but is formed of finer matter. this is the link between cosmic energy and the nervous system.
aura: the aura is the energy field which resides in all living beings. those born with the skill are able to see it. when seen, auras appear as colours that reveal an individual’s spiritual and emotional personality.
avatar: an avatar is a person who had been born as a god and therefore is not in need of any spiritual training.
bandha: a closure or obstruction. in yoga bandhas are a combination of muscle contractions. these function as a way of changing blood circulation, nerve pressure and spinal fluid. bandhas flow psychic energy into energy channels in the body. they are important in self-healing.
bandhan: this is a specific technique which is performed at the conclusion of meditation practice.
bhakti: bhakti yoga / bhakti meditation is a type of meditation that involves focusing on an object of worship (usually a god or deity). bhakti brings the practitioner closer to the object of meditation.
bhramari: a pranayam. the technique is performed by filling the lungs on inhalation then closing the eyes with the middle fingers and ears with the thumbs. the index fingers then press on the forehead and the remaining fingers push on the eyes and bridge of the nose. while doing this, focus on the ajna chakra (between eyebrows). then hum while exhaling. this relaxes the mind and helps with hypertension and blood pressure.
bodhisattva: in buddhism, an enlightened being who no longer needs to be reincarnated and therefore helps others to achieve enlightenment.
body scan: a type of meditation in which the practitioner passes their mental focus around their body. heightens the mind body connection and relaxes both body and mind.
brahmachaya: this is the combination of the terms “brahma’ (higher awareness) and acharya (to live in). therefore, this refers to living with higher awareness. it also means control over sexual interaction.
buddhi: inner wisdom or intellect.
catch: an occurrence caused by the inefficient functioning of a chakra which prevents kundalini energy from flowing.
chakra: there are seven chakras in the body and they are energy centers. they are located in the crown of the forehead, between eyebrows, in the neck, heart, navel, genitals and rectum. they are linked to different mental states and colours. the word derives from “chakra” which, in sanskrit, means “wheel.”
dhyana: the sanskrit word for meditation.
dualism: refers to two distinct irreductible principles. these could be ideas and matter, mind and matter. there are various understandings in philosophy and theology.
ego: the cause of suffering, the delusional idea of the self as a separate entity.
enlightenment: awakening /becoming enlightened to ultimate truth (in buddhism). or, in hinduism, the state of divine experience which is represented by the god vishnu. this is the ultimate goal of buddhism. perhaps the most famous example is the buddha, who achieved enlightenment under the bodhi tree.
feng shui: ancient chinese spiritual art form which integrates spirituality into decoration and environment.
guru: a spiritual master.
uda and pingla nadis: two of the three channels located in the spine which refer to the two brain hemispheres. pingala is active (extroverted) and relates to the left part of the brain and the right side of the body. ida is introverted and relates to the right side of the brain and the left part of the body.
jalandhara bhanda: the “neck lock.” a bandha. this is a technique practiced by contracting the neck and throat.
japa: the recitation of a god’s name in devotion. may be done aloud or silently. this technique is seen in different forms in all major world religions.
karma: in jainism, buddhism and hinduism, karma is the idea that this life is the result of mental and physical actions in previous lives. in the modern day it is often used to mean that good or bad actions in the past have led to certain consequences.
kinemantra: a type of meditation in which a personal mantra is recited.
kundalini: derived from sanskrit to mean “coiled.” refers to the psychic energy in our being that is dormant at the base of the spine and which may be activated through specific practices.
laya yoga: the word “laya” means dissolution. laya yoga involved liberation and finding the “absolute.” related to hindu cosmology.
lotus position: sitting position with the legs crossed, originating in hinduism and used extensively in meditation.
manas: in buddhism, manas are the “general thinking faculty”.
mana0-vijnana: the seventh of the eight consciousnesses as taught in yogacara and zen buddhism.
mandala: a mandala is a diagram that is used in various meditation techniques, principally in tibetan buddhism.
mantra: spiritual words or sounds used in meditation and devotion. principally used in hinduism and buddhism.
meditation: observing your thoughts through deep breathing in order to have a healthy sense of perspective.
merkaba: a meditation technique. markaba is said to allow the practitioner to achieve “ascension” to the fourth dimension, thereby freeing them from the three dimensional limitations in which we live. this is the traditional belief of the merkaba meditation.
mettabhavana: meditation practice that leads to the production of loving kindness.
mindfulness: a type of meditation originating in buddhism. mindfulness is all about being aware of your thoughts and detaching from them. mindfulness involves practicing awareness of true reality.
nadi: derived from sanskrit and meaning “stream” or “channel.” the body contains 72,000 nadis.
nadi shodhana: the cleansing of nadis performed through various techniques, including pranayam.
namaste: i see the sacred in you.
nauli: in hatha yoga, a technique in which the innards are slowly rotated, removing laziness and stimulating the healthy working of the internal organs.
nati-neti: a mantra that literally means “not this, not this.” used to remove conscious rationalisation to achieve the meditative state.
nirvana: in hinduism, jainism and buddish, supreme bliss, liberation from suffering and ignorance and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
nirvikalp samadhi: supreme consciousness. the cessation of mental activity and attainment of the supreme state. when achieved, oneness is found.
om: the primordial sound and the root of sound and letters.
oneness: the realisation and condition of being in a state of oneness with all reality. cessation of self.
passage meditation: recitation of passages used in meditation.
prana: the breath that sustains life. prana is the essential energy that sustains life. in yoga, the cosmic life force. often called ‘chi.’ prana enters through the mouth andnose and fills the body, sustaining life.
prana vayu: “forward moving air.” refers to the air that sets things in motions and which creates the basic energy on which life is sustained.
pranayama: techniques that use prana.
pratyahara: from ashtanga yoga, pratyahara is “withdrawal from the senses”.
samadhi: “to place together.” the real purpose of yoga is to absorption, achieved through postures and techniques. in meditation, samadhi is achieved when the individual achieves oneness with the object of meditation.
samana vayu: “balancing air.”
samatha: a type of buddhist meditation which focuses the mind and improves concentration. used as an entry point to vipassana meditation.
sandhya: in sanskrit “to join together.” usually refers to sunrise or sunset, when day and night are joined. this is considered the best time for prayer and meditation.
shitkari: a pranayam technique. performed with the tongue sticking out between the lips then drawing air in through the mouth while hissing, then exhaling through thenose. cures fatigue, thirst and hunger.
shushumna: the great river of the body and the most gracious of all nadis. runs from the spine to the tip of the head, moving through each chakra. it is the channel through which kundalini energy is moved.
spiritual: relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
subtle body: one of the four bodies.
swara yoga: a practice which uses alternation of breath. in yoga, it related to the sound of the breath and utilises specific techniques for the creation and flow of prana.
tandra: higher consciousness between sleeping and waking.
tantra: a spiritual science now more than 7000 years old. known widely for sexual practices though in reality it is much more than this. tanta uses specific techniques to expand the mind and to achieve liberation.
taoism: chinese religion and philosophy derived from tao te ching, a book ascribed to lao tzu though believed to have been written prior to his life.
third eye: one of the chakras activated by meditation. activation of the third eye chakra leads to improved vision.
trataka: yogic gazing. in this technique the gaze is fixed on a specific object. the eyes are then closed and the object visualised. helpful for curing eye disorders and improving concentration.
trimurty: the trinity of the three gods of hinduism—brahma, vishnu and mahesh.
udana vayu: “upward moving air.”
udiyan bandh: diaphragm lock in which the muscles in the diaphragm are pulled up, massaging the heart and causing secretion of the thymus.
ujjayi: pranayam exercise in which the back of the throat is constricted while breathing in and making an “ah” sound.
vayu: air, which stimulates life and gives birth to the senses.
veda: hindu scriptures.
vipassana: originating in buddhism, vipassana is a type of meditation that is all about being aware of your thoughts and detaching from them.
vritti: movement of mind and thought.
yantra: a visual symbol which is used to help the mind to focus during meditation.
zazen / zen: one of the schools of mahayana buddhism which states that specific techniques can be used to achieve enlightenment.
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Benefits Of Yoga
Yoga is a fad in recent times all across the globe. And the main reason behind it is the multiple benefits of yoga.
Yoga: Art or Science
The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means Union which explains its fundamental aim. Usually, yoga's limit is restricted to techniques and postures. However, it does not consist of mere yoga techniques and postures. It is quite different than any other existing forms of a physical or spiritual thing.
It is because the Yoga is both; Art as well as Science. In yoga, one has a purpose to attain the union of the body; mind, spirit, and soul. The learning of yoga isn’t just theoretical, it is practical too. Therefore, it is also called prayogshastra which means practical science.
For instance, in gyming, one can bring its vigor but it can be tiring. On the other hand, yoga has the techniques that make you feel relaxed, calmer and rejuvenated at the same time.
How can Yoga Benefit Us?
Yoga is the only practice in the world which can train a human mind. Also, it can bring back the tranquility and serenity to the mind. All kinds of asanas and meditation make our mind and body healthy.
Furthermore, many pieces of research have shown that yoga helps in regulating anxiety, depression, headache and blood pressure. Besides, it aids in back pain, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, heart diseases and various kinds of other ailments and disease.
Some others are briefly mentioned below:
· As A Stress Buster
In most of the Western countries, yoga symbolizes calmness and peacefulness. Since it is the practice of unifying brain, body, and soul, yoga facilitates the release of toxins physically and mentally.

Moreover, regular practice brings peace to the practitioner. Also, meditation is a great stress buster. It soothes the brain and brings peace and stability within the heart, body, and mind.
· Prevents Muscle and Joint Problems
Perfect posture and balance of the body in Yoga go hand in hand. It makes your body flexible and strong. As we know, poor posture causes severe back pain, cervical pain or spondylitis et cetera. But yoga asanas like Tada Asana, Ustrasana, and Veerbhadrasana are really helpful in such situations.
· Helps in Weight Loss
Yoga gives all the benefits of a proper workout and exercise. Hence, there are many yoga asanas that help in substantial weight loss like Trikonasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanurasana, and Sarvangasana.

· Helps in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Disease:
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is the common disease among the women these days. Therefore, yoga asanas like Dhanurasana (bow-pose) and Bhujangasana (cobra pose) help in activating and galvanizing organs and their functions. It significantly treats the PCOS condition.
· Long Term Cure for Asthma
Including Pranayama in yoga can be a long term cure for asthma. It allows breathing easier by reducing the stress on the heart and lungs. On the other hand, it helps to control breathing too.
Some of the breathing exercises or pranayama is Anuloma Viloma, Mrigi Mudra, Bhastrika Pranayama, Swara Yoga Pranayama, and Ujjayi Pranayama.
· Helpful in Insomnia
Since yoga can affect energy levels of body, it proves to be helpful in insomnia. Actually, asanas reduce anxiety causing hormones that help to balance stress and anxiety. Thus yoga asanas like Savasana and Uttana Shishosana help to have a sound sleep and treat insomnia.
· Managing Diabetes
Though diabetes is incurable, blood sugar levels can be managed by some asanas. Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) is quite helpful in controlling sugar levels
· Hypertension
Yoga like pranayama can be helpful in controlling high blood pressure. Since yoga is a stress buster and can calm the body, it brings the blood pressure down.
· Healthy Liver
Basic yoga poses like Setu Bandhasana (bridge pose) or Marjaryasana (cat pose) can be practiced to keep the liver healthy. These asanas increase blood circulation in the abdomen area.
· Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease
Yoga can help to either reduce or prevent harm to the kidneys. To prevent the kidney from any chronic disease, one should practice Naukasana (Boat Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), and Padanagusthasana (Big Toe Pose). Such asanas keep everything balanced and normal.

The above-mentioned benefits are not even a fraction of the benefits which yoga practice can provide human beings. Every mentioned disease cannot be cured by yoga. Though practicing it surely help to reduce, manage, help or balance the diseases or its cause.
Moreover, if you wish to explore the world of yoga or want to deepen your practice then you can join a yoga teacher training. However, if you are a beginner in yoga then you can join a yoga studio or practice yoga at home.
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Yoga Tops For Women The Best Styles For Every Body Type
Yoga is a gentle workout ideal for people of all ages and body types. So, outfits for yoga have to be crafted while keeping in mind every body shape. The collection of yoga tops for women at Proyog is just about that.
These can embrace all body types while exuding maximum comfort and style. So, just scroll down for some amazing designs and choose the suitable one!
Yoga Tees
Yoga tees are the most versatile options in our workout upper wear section. Available in beautiful feminine shades like peach and pink, the Taara yoga tees can match any bottom wear. The best thing about these comfy tops is that they are made with Bamboo Organic Cotton, ensuring an easy flow of movements and high absorption.
Yoga Bras
Sports bras have become wardrobe staples owing to their impeccable fashion statement and sheer comfort. The Bharni bralettes are specially crafted for yoga and low-impact workouts. Designed with pockets for removable pads and moisture-wick technology, these are the ultimate choice for all the comfort-seeking yogis out there.
Boxy Crop Tops
Boxy tops are back in fashion as casual and athletic wear for women. And so, the super-cosy Guna boxy crop tops can make any body type look chic during yoga. The Organic Cotton fabric makes these tops extremely comfortable throughout the day.
Boxy Tees
To stay rejuvenated during your yoga sessions, the Yuga boxy tees can be the perfect option. Designed with layering and raglan sleeves, these airy tops look fabulous on all body types. The hi-low hem enhances it’s statement style while the Organic Cotton gives added comfort.
Tank Tops
To keep your neck and arms cool while practising, check out the Pari and Vajra tank tops for yoga. Crossback layering is the highlight of both these tops but the designs vary slightly. While the semi-snug Pari top features an exaggerated armhole and a longer back length, the fitted Vajra top comes with a round neck offering enhanced coverage.
Sleeveless Tops
Looking for a simple yet stylish sleeveless yoga top? Then, check out the Swara top that’s made with pure Organic Cotton offering maximum stretchability. Featuring a racerback and hi-low hem, it’s an easy fit with any bottom wear of your choice.
Bat Sleeve Tops
Anyone with an S to an L size will look sculpted in the Nava bat sleeve yoga tops. These loose-fitted tops are ideal for hiding imperfections while giving your best in asanas. The bat-winged sleeves and hi-lo cut to make these tops extremely voguish while the Organic Cotton fabric ensures comfort.
Racerback Tanks
To sweat it out while flaunting your beautiful curves, Chin and Bhuj are two great options among yoga tops for women. These tops are made with Bamboo Cotton to let you stretch comfortably. Both come with a hip-hugger length and a beautiful neckline to elongate your torso.
Wrap Tops
For a graceful look in your practice sessions, the Mayur yoga top can be your ultimate choice. It comes with light gathers at the shoulders, a longer asymmetric front and a vee neckline. Made with Modal and Organic Cotton blend, it is available in two pastel shades.
Kimono Tops
Inspired by the Japanese traditional kimonos, the Hamsa kimono tops are practical options for yoga. Comfy, baggy and simple, there’s something really special about these yoga tops. The buttoned neckline and deep pockets make these tops ideal loungewear as well.
Kimono Jackets
If you love to be in your yoga outfit all day long, all you need is this gorgeous Japa Kimono jacket for stepping out in style. Designed with patchwork and pockets, it’s the perfect outerwear for summer.
Summer Jackets
The Chitta summer jackets are available in pretty hues and are super comfy and stylish. Whether you sport these pure Linen jackets over your yoga tees or simply wear them for a day out, you’ll be spelling fashion.
The above yoga tops for women are available only at Proyog, your reliable online store for all kinds of workout wear.
So, just check out all of these yoga tops and pick your favourite one! You can also explore our huge collection of yoga pants, mats and accessories to complete your workout ensemble.https://proyog.com/blogs/the-proyog-blog/yoga-tops-for-women-the-best-styles-for-every-body-type
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