#Laura's giddy face is all kinds of adorable
canadachronicles · 7 years
Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt VII
Laura: [as Carmilla is reading the Giant Sumerian Book; girls who read Sumerian are so hot] So... Thanks, by the way, for coming with us to the library.
Carmilla: I thought we were never speaking of that again?
Laura: [chuckles] Yeah. [attempting another ouverture] You came along 'cause you want to know what happened to her, didn't you? [Yes, bring up the ex, very smooth, Sundance, very smooth!] So you're hoping that you can save her somehow?
Carmilla: [sighs] Don't start expecting heroic vampire crap from me, Cupcake. If I know better than to mess with my mother, I sure as Hell know better than to spit in the eye of something old enough to think it's a god. Besides, the wench is dead.
Laura: [raising her eyebrows, sassy as fuck] So are you, doesn't seem to be putting the death in your social life! [sighs an adorably infatuated smile] Besides, if you want me to stop having heroic notions about you (I legit heard "erotic notions" the first time I watched this episode, because Laura thought it so loudly, Ed.), you should probably stop saving my life. [But please don't stop, please don't stop!]
Carmilla: [raising an eyebrow, sultrily] Then, who would buy the cupcakes?
[Laura *swoons* in the most adorable manner, the giddiest of giddies]
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please-buckme · 3 years
A Broken Heart.
Lee Bodecker x fem!reader
Chapter 4
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Chapter warnings: none.
Chapter summary: You and Lee try and hash things out but there’s more to Lee than meets the eye.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
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The drive started off very awkward and completely quiet. You both cleared your throats from time to time to defuse the tension, which didn’t make a lick of a difference. It’d been years since you rode in Lee’s cruiser and the last time you sat in that very seat he’d broken up with you. Your chest heaved at the memory. You still felt the phantom tears against your cheeks when he drove you to your house. Never would you have guessed you’d be right back here at his beck and call. You thought you were stronger than that, clearly not.
You thought Lee’s hold over you had disintegrated a while after you left town, but clearly it hadn’t. He says jump and you say how high. Your breath hitched in your throat at the thought of it. He looked over at you which made you look over at him. His eyes were still that piercing blue that always left you speechless. His teeth were just as white as you’d remembered as you watched him toss a piece of candy in his mouth and grin.
“What’re you thinkin’ about, girl?”
You swallowed hard, “Heard you ain’t drinkin’ much these days. That why you’re eatin’ t candy now?”
He scoffed, “How did you get from drinkin’ ta candy? I can’t just have candy for no reason or just because I like the sweet taste on my tongue?” He smirked and suck the piece of candy into his right cheek. You watched him toss it around cheek to cheek before he spoke again, “And who told you that, anyway?”
You followed your arms and turned your gaze out the passenger side window, unable to answer him while watching him seductively eat a piece of candy, “I have my sources and I don’t ever remember you keepin’ a whole fuckin’ bag of candies in your car, is’ll.”
“Fuckin’ Karl.” He mumbled under his breath, trying to stay out of ear shout but you still heard him, “I stopped by Sandy’s on my way in and she gave me the candy, happy?” He asks rhetorically with a hint of sarcasm.
“Elated.” You answer him dryly anyway, “Why’re we goin to Ruby’s when there’re plenty of diners in town and are you even allowed to take the cruiser this far outta town, Bodecker?”
He sighs, “Why so many questions? I feel like I’m being interrogated.” He asks, already knowing the answer. When you’re nervous you can’t stop anything that passes your lips. You don’t like awkward silence and you’ll do anything to not have to sit in it. He always found that kind of annoying but aslo adorable at the same time. Eventually you’d start messing with his pens and steal a piece of his candy.
“Because I don’t trust you and I sure as hell don’t believe that bullshit about us ‘talkin things out so we can live in the same town again.’”
“Well, can you believe that maybe I just wanna catch up?” He asks, becoming a little frustrated.
“Why Ruby’s?” You repeated, stealing a piece of candy as Lee predicted. He missed having you around, he just wished it were under different circumstances.
“Because it’s your favorite.”
“Am I supposed to be flattered or something, that you remember my favorite diner?”
“Okay, you win. I officially regret this.” He sighs, slapping his hand down on the steering wheel. He seems annoyed but not angry. You watch his annoyed expression fall on you as he sighs. For some unknown reason you burst out laughing, leaning against the passenger door.
He laughs, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing it’s just.. you’ve changed so much and yet not at all. I still know every look and every sigh and.. every move you’re gonna make before you even do it. It’s kinda refreshing.. but I still hate you.” You watch his face turn up into a smirk, displaying his gorgeous teeth. He almost looked pained as if he hadn’t smiled in decades.
“God, I missed you.” He admitted, immediately clearing his throat. He didn’t mean to say it aloud but it clearly wasn’t up to him anymore, his heart was speaking for him too. He watched you fiddle with the candy wrapper as you processed what he said.
You could feel his hesitance. Did he really miss you or was it just him trying to make you feel comfortable? You didn’t know how to respond, so all you said was, “Okay.”
Once you got to the diner, Lee rushed you to the back booth. You knew why, of course. Everyone in town seemed to be appalled with your very existence, as if you’d done something. You wondered if they actually knew why they didn’t particularly like you or if they were just following the crowd. Like if one person were to speak on your behalf and say you’re a nice girl if people would treat you differently. You just have to find that one person.
Lee sat across from you in the sparkly red, plush booth, you thought he looked kind of silly, big, professional man in a tiny glittery booth, but you kept that to yourself. The waitress came by and gave you both a menu, taking your drink orders before walking away. You scanned over the many different food items, suddenly remembering you hadn’t had anything to eat all day. It was eight in the morning and all you could think about was the pancakes.
You eyed the pancake special, becoming a bit more giddy than expected and Lee noticed.
“What’re you so happy for?” He asked with a goofy smile of his own.
“Nothing, I just haven’t had breakfast and the thought of pancakes excites me, is’ll.”
Lee chuckled, “You can get whatever you want, doll. It’s on me.”
“Damn right it’s on you. This was your idea.” You remind him just before the waitress comes by with your drinks; two waters and a coffee.
“What’re we havin’?” She asks.
“Just coffee for me and pancakes for this one.” He says with a tilt of his head towards you.
“S’at all?” She asks, both of you nod. She takes your menus and walks away again.
“So, what did you wanna talk about, Bodecker?” You ask, taking a sip of your water.
“First of all, you’re killin’ me with this ‘Bodecker’ and ‘Sheriff’ shit just say my goddamn name.”
“Hmm, remind me what it was again?” You pretend to think, tapping your index finger against your chin.
“Lee!” He’s genuinely annoyed now.
“That’s right. Um, no. I think ‘Bodecker’ and ‘Sheriff’ work just fine, more professional, if you will.” You begin to fidget with the straw in your water, twirling it around in the ice. You didn’t like how this conversation started, you felt suddenly pressured to do something you didn’t wanna do and that made you nervous.
“Why are you bein’ like this?” He asked with a confused expression on his face.
“You wanna know why?” You came on a little stronger than expected as you felt your cheeks heat up. For being the one to cause your awkward situation, you didn’t think Lee would need an explanation. You were a little applaud he’d even ask for one, especially knowing what a touchy subject it is for you.
“Well, if you’re gonna get all pissy, then no.” He put his hands out in protest, giving you a bewildered look, wouldn’t wanna upset the Sheriff, now would we..?
You sighed, “I’m sorry, it’s just- I haven’t said your name once since.. the last time we..” you trailed off.
“’The last time we’ what? What do you mean?”
“Can we just drop it? I wanna talk about how we’re gonna deal with me living in town. You gotta get people to stop ignorin’ me or actin’ like I’m some exotic animal they ain’t never seen before.”
He chuckled, “what do you mean? How they act like you’re ’some exotic animal’?”
“They stare at me in awe, mouths wide open, along with their eyes. You’d think I’m famous or somethin’.”
“Well, I guess in Knockemstiff, you might just be famous.” He grinned.
“Thanks for that. Just put on my tombstone ‘here lies the girl who got dumped by the Sheriff’... that’s my legacy.” You fade off, thinking of how tragic that actually sounded. You suddenly felt a burning in your chest. Your anger was building and you knew just who to let it out on.
“No, that’s not your lega-“
“Why me, huh?” You ask before letting him finish. “Outta all the girls to torment, why me?”
“Because I loved you.” He said with glossy eyes as if he’d wanted to say that to you in particular for so long.
“You sure as shit coulda fooled me. I’ve wasted a lot of time on you, Bodecker. I mean when we dated and after we broke up. I was a mess and the only person to make it better was you and.. and you never showed up.”
“You don’t think I wanted to?” He asked, losing his temp on you.
“No, I don’t, not because you loved me, anyway. If anything you only would’ve showed up as a way to forgive yourself.”
He scoffed, “How could you possibly think that?”
“Because.. you gave up on caring about me and my feeling the second you chose her. The second you agreed to be with her, behind my back, and dump me, is the second you lost the privilege of being my person.”
“If I could go back in time and undo what I did, I would. I’m sorry, y/n. I really am.”
“For what? For what you did or for how it turned out?”
He sighed, “Both.”
“I know you’re miserable and I know you don’t love her. So, did you really give up on us because you were power hungry? Being Sheriff meant more to you than our future together?” Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall.
“Yes, but I regretted it the second I saw the first tear you cried that day. I wanted nothin’ more than to take it back, say I was jokin’ or somethin’ but I couldn’t. The look you gave me in that moment.. I knew I’d already lost you. And yes, I think about where we’d be if I didn’t completely ruin us.” He faded off as he told you the daydreams that never leave his mind, “I picture us renovating your momma’s house, puttin’ up a white picket fence, havin’ a couple babies on your hips, my babies. Everyday I imagine it’s you I drive home to, not Laura-Jean. Sometimes I just picture you sittin’ on the porch with me on a hot day drinkin’ your momma’s famous sweet tea. And if I close my eyes I can see you laughin’ and with sun shinin’ right down on you, kissin’ your beautiful skin.”
You look around awkwardly, trying so hard not to make eye contact. If you make eye contact you’re done for, he might as well take you out of the diner that second because you’re good as fucked. You wanted to believe every word Lee said, you wanted to chop them up and eat them with your pancakes, but you can’t. He did you so wrong in the past that you just don’t think you’ll ever believe him or trust him in the future.
Lee looked at you pained but you couldn’t see it.Your eyes counted the speckled dots on the table in front of you, desperate not to look up, until. “Y/n, look at me.” And you did. Why did you look up? “You loved me in a way no one ever had and I fucked it up. I’m truly, deeply sorry for that, y/n. Whether I’m sayin’ it more for me or you, I don’t know but just know that I live with this mistake everyday of my miserable life. But, hey, at least I’m the Sheriff right?” He joke, giving you a sad smirk.
The sadness in his blue eyes made you want to crumble, get up from your seat and wrap him in your arms, but you don’t. All you can think about is how he reacted when you wore the same except look.
“Yeah, at least you got what you wanted, besides the picket fence and two healthy boys to call your own, and me. Happily married and sun kissed” You brushed it off as if his daydreams of you being married with children meant nothing to you, when really your entire body was buzzing. “And, just so you know, I’m way past needing to hear your apology. Right now I wanna eat my pancakes and work this shit out. Being gawked at like an exotic animal has gotten old. I’d like to be invisible again.”
He gave you a weak smile, “Okay.”
“Alright, here’s your pancakes and syrup. Can I get you anything else?” The waitress asked after handing you the warm plate of pancakes.
“You chocolate milkshake for the road, Doll.” He smiled up at, making you miss the loving smile he used to give you.
“Comin right up, enjoy.”
You talked, well, Lee talked while you ate and came up with a plan. Anytime he heard someone in town gossiping or spreading rumors he would interfere and steer the conversation in another direction. He said he couldn’t exactly defend you because it would look bad, especially during the campaign season and word would get back to Laura-Jean.
“Has she asked you not to talk to me yet?” You asked, stuffing your face with the last bite of pancakes.
“How’d you know?” He wondered.
“I was her best friend for 15 years, I know how she is.”
“You know about her crush on me when we was datin’?”
“I can’t believe you never saw it. I knew she liked me before I knew you liked me.” He admitted.
You felt a blush creep across your cheeks, “Why not date her then? Woulda saved us a lot of heartache, don’t ya think?” You grinned but felt the pit in your stomach expand, again.
“Girl, I knew I loved you the second you said my name. That’s why I wanna hear you say it so badly. It sounds so sweet comin’ from your lips.”
You cleared your throat, desperately trying not to fall for his games, “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. Sayin’ your name is like a sin to me.”
“You never minded sinnin’ a little when you were with me, what changed?”
“Check please!” You motioned for the waitress. “I’m not feeding into this, Bodecker. I’ve played your mind games and I lost. You just worry about gettin’ everyone off my back and Laura-Jean won’t ever hear of us speakin’ or seein’ each other again, because we won’t be doin’ either.”
“You’re no fun.” He frowned.
“I used to be and look where it got me; Heartbroken and alone.” The waitress brought the check and the chocolate milkshake to go, “I’ll be in the car.” You said before standing from the booth and leaving the Diner.
The car was locked when you got there, so you stood and waited, twirling the straw around in the shake. You could help but think about Lee. How could he be so nonchalant about your past relationship?
Yours and Lee’s relationship meant everything to you. He was your first serious boyfriend and the love of your life. You felt like that meant nothing to him. Like you were some chick he had on the side for those 3 years y’all dated.
You sighed, taking a sip of your milkshake. Even with how angry he makes you, your mind slips away to the daydreams he has about you. He pictured y’all being married, which was no surprise to you because you guys talked about getting married all the time when you dated.
You closed your eyes, picturing it all. Two rowdy, little boys playing in the front yard, Lee sitting next to you on the porch swing with his arm wrapped around your waist. You could hear his boyish life ringing in your ears.
You were so lost in the daydream you hadn’t heard Lee walk up. You didn’t even know he was near you until you smelled his familiar musk and felt his hand touch your waist. Now you knew he was close, but before you could even think to open your eyes, Lee gently pressed his lips to yours in a quick peck, resting his forehead against yours when he pulled away. You hadn’t reacted the way you thought. You thought you’d recoil, spit in his face or throw your milkshake in his face. Instead, you felt the milkshake slip from your fingers, falling to the dusty ground as you grabbed his face, bringing him in for another kiss.
This kiss was deeper. You both felt every emotion you’d had bottled up for so long. Every tear that you shed and every crack in your heart was being mended just by the feel of his lips. You missed the feel of his freshly shaved, aftershave covered skin against your hands, the feel of his lips and how ridiculously plump and pink they were, or the little grunts he makes when you scratch at the nape of his neck.
You felt his protruding belly press against yours, pinning you up against the cruiser. The kiss became deeper once his tongue entered your mouth, causing you both to moan at the familiar tastes you both shared.
“T-take me home.” You pant against his lips.
“I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go.”
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Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @haydens-moles , @c00lkidvibes , @tcc-gizmachine , @buckysm3talarm , @gogolucky13 , @cryptidcasanova , @heavenlyseb , @writersbuck , @teddy-bearbaby , @bbmommy0902 , @sweetllamaparadise , @thereblogcrusader , @aleemendoza2425-blog , @frostbytebaby , @jessyballet , @emotionallyandphysicallydone , @sarge-barnes-sir , @generalbagelcookieslime , @lady-loki-ren , @dime-piece-xo , @greeneyedblondie44 , @cherryblossomskye , @amelia-song-pond , @thedaughterofwandavision , @vghz82 , @vintagepigeon , @bxmaaa @steverogers123-blog , @quxxnxfhxll , @rhislean , @pinecrest , @jackiehollanderr , @girlfriday007 , @fanofalltheficsx , @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable , @krazykatkay456
Dm to be tagged :)
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moonelf19 · 4 years
C2E111 Widofjord Highlights
You know, it would probably be cool if I learned how to like... screencap the show or insert clips. But hey. Not yet. For now just my rambling notes.
Right out of the gate Caleb is explaining that there are other planes and then he skips his gaze around before landing on Fjord. He grins and welcomes everyone home without looking away from Fjord, who grins in return. Jester/Laura look between them and smile.
It might be because Fjord/Travis is just so excited and reacting so much, but Caleb keeps returning to meet Fjord's gaze and explain things at him - "The nine schools of magic," he leans towards Fjord and smiles again.
Caleb smiles more this episode than I can remember him ever smiling before.
He leans up and points and looks at Fjord who looks up as well. Continues to skip his eyeline around and land on Fjord when explaining.
Travis points out it's a bit like Hogwarts, which explains a lot of Fjords adoration of magic. Fjord continues to hype man for Caleb. "There are globules all around the room." He explains to Fjord. Looks around the group before landing on Fjord again and explaining the room.
"This is the salon," points to Fjord "where we will spend a lot of our time together."
Fjord: These are all books in your mind?!?!
Caleb: Yes. Well, there might be some duplicates. It's a lot of books.
Caleb: ...but not many.
Fjord: Caleb, this is amazing! How long have you been working on this???
Caleb: Well... since I was not able to stop the three of you from being taken from us.
Fjord: UP
Matt: I love how Fjord says it- UP!
Travis: I say Eldritch Blast out loud what did you expect
Travis/Fjord after they see Cad's room has the SOFTEST look of fondness on his face as Caleb gets nearly GIDDY he's so excited to show them everything
Caleb describes the fireplace and stained glass window scene in Fjord's room before remembering something he forgot to mention, then stopping himself and saying "another time". Fjord insists they don't have to rush, he can take his time. Caleb ignores him in his excitement to show more.
Each of the sitting rooms has the same stack of books on them- except for Fjords. If Fjord looks closely he will see that under his stack of books Caleb has hidden something special- runes from the Dashillas lair, where they made a blood oath to each other. "Just as a reminder." Caleb says, and smiles before turning away. Fjord/Travis flush and say "oh shit".
I imagine it's A Lot to have a manic wizard like Caleb focus on you so intently :3
Fjord's second room is a meditation room. As Caleb explains that Fjord/Travis bites his lip and tilts his head, clearly impressed. Grins. Next Caleb describes an old, yellowed map of the islands off the Menagerie coast. At this point Fjord/Travis presses his arms into his sides and twists back and forth looking like he's two seconds from SQUEEING out loud.
Caleb takes them to Fjords bedroom. Nothing exciting here- except the hammock, because it's what Fjord might be more accustomed to. Fjord looks elated. As Veth ribs Fjord about some 2 lb weights, Liam takes a drink and stares at Fjord with an intense look. Gauging reaction.
At the end of the tour of Fjords rooms Caleb says "You can get jacked later, Captain."
As Caleb shows Veth's rooms Jester points out Caleb should have added some sex toys and other objects. Caleb immediately turns and points to Fjord. "I suppose you could lend her your sex swing?" with a wry grin. Fjord counters that he doesn't know if that's going to be possible, unless everything cleans itself every time they leave. Caleb grins and tells him it does.
When Caleb is describing the kitchens for the two that just HAD to see what was behind the doors, Fjord asks if the cats shed and Caleb gives him a SUPER SOFT FOND LOOK with a little head tilt like "what kind of idiot do you take me for?"
Travis gets a little distracted at this point with a message on his laptop but Liam still darts his glance over there to make sure he isn't actually missing anything. Travis is a multitasking master, or he has a sixth sense because at the right times he still looks up and nods and smiles and is, in general, impressed with whatever Liam is describing- which at this point was the idea of them having a party.
Fjord: You said my room had three portholes but you can't see past the glass, and you said there was something down below, but “never mind”, what were you talking about?
Caleb: When?
Fjord: When we were in my room- about me? *points to self*
Caleb: Oh, just the view from the entryway
Fjord: Oh *tries not to look disappointed and fails*
Fjord: Can we be influenced by the outside world?
Caleb: No, we are apart from reality till we walk through the door.
Fjord: *looks relieved*
Caleb tells them that they are amazing when they compliment his work. He says it wouldn't be that long ago that he couldn't admit that. I still struggle to discern who he is looking at when he's looking at people at the bottom table but my money is on Veth. Turns to Fjord and says that he wouldn't be here without them, and he values them. Unfortunately Travis was still half paying attention and half doing something on his laptop but he did make eye contact before Caleb looked away.
Later, after another heartbreaking Caleb moment that NONE OF THE NEIN SAW, morning comes and Fjord asks if Caleb can make his hammock sway like it was on a ship. Caleb tells him it will be done next time they are here. Fjord reiterates that everything was brilliant. Brilliant. Caleb makes eye contact and lets out a quick smile. They stand there for another few seconds before they seem to realize the silence is lasting and move on to the days schedule
In Zadash Travis is back on the laptop but the second Caleb asks Jester to keep an eye out for anything he might like, Travis looks up at Caleb and starts nodding. Fjord is, after all, a dedicated book hunter for Caleb.
After that the team splits the party. At Pumats, he tells them he got his hands on an Ioun stone of Fortitude. He speaks very reverently of it and tells them he will sell it for 5500 gold. Travis/Fjord looks over to Caleb/Liam and instantly says he will buy it. When Jester asks how he has that much money, Fjord says he doesn't spend it much and he knows at least one of them who could use it.
Right after the break the team rejoins. Fjord excitedly tells the others about all the cool stuff Pumat had while Jester returns Caleb's money. Fjord mentions the other things they bought before saying they got an Ioun stone. He offers it to Caleb and perhaps Yasha but quickly reiterates that Caleb is "particularly susceptible to damage" and wants him to have it. Caleb counters that it must have been very expensive and Jester agrees and says "It was he spent so much money on you". Fjord tells Caleb it was about 5000 gold pieces and Caleb looks shocked. He looks over at Yasha then back to Fjord, who nods in a "go ahead and take it" way. Caleb argues that he can't repay Fjord, he doesn't have that much money. Fjord shrugs and says thats fine but others start chiming in that Caleb made the tower. Instead of saying anything else Fjord pretends to bobble the Ioun stone and tosses it to Caleb. Jester suddenly remembered to ask Pumat a question about who ordered the Ioun stone originally so Caleb doesn't get a chance to thank Fjord. After she comes back Caleb insists on giving Fjord 180 platinum in partial payment.
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dearest-alexander · 4 years
Hither and Thither- 365 DNI fanfic
Summary: She saved him, in so many ways a man could be saved. Massimo x Laura. 
Author’s Notes: I’ve uploaded this on AO3 & FF. I’m more active there, than here. Please check the sites for updates. 
Read it here:
Archive of our Own
The Don was talking about something.
The gentle, raspy voice was contrary to the cunning, dangerous man his father could be.
"Molto bene, molto bene, Mario." His father exclaimed in that giddy tone and slapped the man's shoulder, sitting in the front passenger seat. The man gave his father's hand a reassuring squeeze.
He couldn't help but wonder if his father's animateness was a good or bad thing. Being in the family business, the terms are sometimes... interchanged, by certain and normal people anyway.
"What would we do without him?" His father, the Don Torricelli, continued, looking at him for acknowledgment.
"A couple of fun things, for a start." He jested, earning a chuckle from his father and Mario.
Mario was his father's most loyal friend and confidant. He was there ever since he can remember. He was practically family, almost like a second father to him. But he was the strictest man he knew, even stricter than his father. Though, not more dangerous.
He gave a deep sigh and settled in his seat, switching his attention to the familiar scenery of Cefalú.
The familiar streets and alleys blurred as they passed. Locals and tourists alike flooded the white sandy beach. Their big umbrellas providing color to the already-rich scenery. Food carts swarmed the shore, providing refreshments in the scorching Italian summer heat. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the heat.
Everyone one except him.
It was the heat. If there was one thing he hated more than disloyalty and disobedience, it was the fucking heat. He almost didn't want to come today because of it.
But he had to.
"It's part of learning the trade." Mario reminded him this morning— just as he had done on more than one occasion.
Not that he wasn't interested in what his father does—which he was, a hundred percent. But there was this, sort of, defiance. Knowing that the choices he wanted to make have already been made for him, gives him a compelling urge to rebel. To break free and try his own luck in the business.
He wanted to step in, take over, show his father what he's capable of. Show him, without words, that his son was ready to take over. He wanted to see the notorious Victorio Torricelli actually grow old.
He wanted his father to finally surrender his gun in exchange for a quiet life. Because, he was aware that a lot of people in their way of life don't and won't have the same option.
But, like a young cub, he's shunted of his efforts.
"Learn how to walk first before you can run, figlio."
Despite his personal afflictions in anything that involved emotions, he loved his father. He revered him more than anyone else. His father might be the only thing in this world he truly cared about.
And money, of course.
The car stopped at their destination; a restaurant in the middle of a marketplace, right at the heart of the town. He exchanged a disapproving look with Mario through the rearview mirror. It was unusual for the Don to pick such a public venue for a meeting.
He was not hiding his objection and tried persuading his father to change location since the day he knew.
"Pa, it's too public. You can't be serious."
"Ah, figlio. Always worrying about me."
And why shouldn't he?
When your father's the most feared, most dangerous man in Europe, you learn to sleep with a gun in your hand.
As accustomed, they waited for a few minutes for their detail to secure and check the place. He usually assisted them, but under this weather?
No fucking way.
Mario and his father fell into a quick conversation about when they were teenagers. His dad had retold countless stories about his and Mario's prime. Just two privileged Italian legacies, against the world.
"You remember those girls at the beach?"
"Ey! Didn't you sleep with one of them?" his dad chirped.
"No, I didn't!"
"You did! You son of a bitch!"
"I slept with two!" Mario carolled, making him think of something gross.
They laughed, that good-natured laugh, he could aways expect from them.
He only half listened and continued to ogle at the mundane events happening before him.
The crowd was a river of people from all walks of life. A riot of colorful clothes under a huge tent of different loots and merchandise.
Everyone seemed to move from all different directions. The cacophony of blabber outside reverberated even on his tinted windows. Heat radiated their jolly faces. He could easily spot the tourists by their awful hats and big ass cameras hanging around their neck. And the locals, with their loud and rude gesticulation.
There was music coming from the makeshift stage on the beach. A few sunburnt, drunk, and barely clad guests were swaying to the bass. If everything went as planned today, they could stay the night here and he could slip to the rave.
His eyes fell on the bookstand a few feet west from where their car was. A couple of skateboard punks wheezed through the stand. One of them nudged the corner of the table and mountains of books toppled on the sandy pavement. He could hear the owner screaming at the kids, who didn't even turn back. His face was crimson with anger, a book threatening to fly from his hairy hand.
A petite woman with dark hair scrunched under a floppy hat, approached him. Her light skin was a fair contrast to the blue summer ensemble she's donning. She squatted down to help the poor man.
It startled him for a second.
Kindness has always been a mystery to him.
To him, kindness was the coercive reaction and result to fear.
Nothing in this world has been ever genuine—he realized that from a very young age.
Must be a foreigner. He thought. No local could be that generous.
He watched as the man, who appeared flushed all of a sudden, stood up, books recovered under his arms. The lady, who still had her back to the car, offered her gathered books back to the vendor. She must have said something because the man was nodding in a very vigorous manner. She then proceeded to slide her fingers on the display of books.
The merchant was still staring at her with a stupid smile on his wrinkled face. The woman picked up a book. She showed it to the man who nodded and grabbed a bag from under the table.
He observed, with an amused and curious expression as the people passing by the tent all did a double take at the woman. Some women narrowed their eyes, as if envious while all men have sheepish grins on their faces.
He sat straighter in his seat.
Turn around, baby girl.
The woman was and completely in her own element. He found himself transfixed by the way she's skimming her slender fingers on the book stacks
He caught himself and frowned.
What the fuck?
"Cosa pensi, Massimo?" His father asked.
He whipped his head back to his father, and tried to look anything but distracted.
A knock rapped Mario's window, saving him from his father's inquisitive brow. Outside, Domenico, his half-brother, gave them an assuring nod.
Mario got out first, before him and his father. Perspiration trickled down his neck in an instant. His hair clung in clusters on his nape.
He cursed.
He couldn't understand how anyone could enjoy themselves when the weather was dry and as hot as a desert. He could feel the gravel smoldering beneath his shoes. He might as well ask one of his guards to fry an egg on the sidewalk to prove the point to his father.
His father knew how much he hated the Italian summer heat.
"Whoa! Hot! Hot" His dad smirked at him, a teasing glint in his eyes. He was fanning his hands with an exaggerated flair before an umbrella came to his aid.
He groaned and rolled his eyes at his father. Taking pride in himself that he was the only person allowed to do so.
Six men from the entourage, stood beside them as they walked towards the restaurant.
Upon entry, they're welcomed by the loud blabbers and aroma of Mediterranean dishes.
"Buon pomeriggio."
A tall, lean, olive-skinned woman greeted them, her dark eyes lingering on him the most. He removed his sunglasses and tucked in on his dress shirt.
He heard the woman's breath hitched.
He couldn't help the smug smirk that formed on his lips.
Mario stepped in. And the woman bowed her head, as if finally recognizing the dangerous men before her. In an instant, she cast her eyes down and moved out of the way.
May be I'll have my fun with her later.
Domenico lead them to a wooden staircase and outside the balcony. A couple of diners were there, seated under their own umbrellas. Cocktails, appetizers on hand.
Great. More parching heat.
He walked to a secluded tent in the corner, away from the impertinent eyes and ears of civilians.
Two men were already sitting under the canopy, waiting, looking angst.
As they should be.
They're negotiators for a new venture his dad was looking into.
They lowered their eyes as they shook his father's hand. Their adoration was plain on their faces.
But were they real though?
He learned that love and fear, like good and bad, have interchangeable terms.
In this lifestyle, anyway.
Their men spread out and around the perimeter. Their authoritative presence was alarming some of the guests, who didn't hesitate to up and left.
His father and Mario sat down across the two men. While he maintained his distance.
This particular time, he wasn't allowed to join them. Considering what happened last week, he's banned from all negotiations until further notice.
He stood over the railings to past the time and asked for the binoculars from his guard. He occupied himself with the arid and suburban landscape of Cefalu. The heat was emanating from all surfaces and buildings. It's making him even more thirsty than he was
"Get me a bottle of beer. Ice cold. Have that beautiful lady receptionist bring it up to me."
Alek, his guard ever since he was sixteen, nodded and left.
He was looking out into the water when he heard the heightened pitch of his dad. He put the equipment away and observed.
From the pronounced scowl on his father's face, he could assume that it won't be getting any better. His future plans to sneak out later this evening was automatically canceled.
His father stood up and raised his hand in a dismissive wave.
That was the end of the discussion.
He looked pissed.
But as soon as the Don met his gaze, the old man smiled, the corner of his eyes shining with mischief.
"Fucking opportunists." His father cussed, clapping him on the back.
"You want me to talk to them?"
The Don shook his head and glanced back. "Mario's handling it." He gestured to the binoculars. "We don't want you threatening them away again, do we, son?"
He simpered, "But it's so much fun."
"Figlio, sometimes, you have to compromise. We have to make sure that we have certain people on our side exactly when we need them to be."
"I don't think you need anything or anyone else anymore."
His father laughed, removing the binocs from his face. "Have I thought you nothing?"
That's when he realized what how he must have sounded.
"Non accontentarti mai, anche se hai tutto, Massimo." His dad reiterated, forcing another smile from him. "Don't ever-"
"Don't ever settle. Even if you have everything." he repeated. "I know Pa, I know. My bad."
His father grabbed his shoulders so he was facing him. "And you do your best not to forget it."
He beamed down at him. "Sì."
His father cupped his face, like when he was a kid. The dark eyes, feared by many, gleamed with a raw and familiar with emotion.
And he knew why; he has his mother's eyes. His father often told him that he could still see her stubbornness alight in them every time they talk. He placed a hand on his father's forearm.
"You're-" He heard a sharp whoosh of wind and his father's sentence abruptly stopped. The paternal smile faded and a shocked expression replaced it.
His mind and body went numb.
Behind them, someone shouted. And chaos breaks.
He held his father. One hand on his shoulder, the other on the gushing wound staining his chest.
What's happening?
He was trying to keep them upright, but he felt weak, like someone's, something, was sucking the life out of him. His father slipped from his hands and dropped on his back.
His world went into a complete standstill.
A tight, burning pressure permeated from his torso and he fell down. Arms splayed out, the bright, yellow sun, blinding him.
The men were running, their guns poised in the air. The guests on the balcony scrambled down the staircase, screaming their heads off. He saw a flash of blue before he heard Mario shouted different orders to the men.
He closed his eyes and tasted the rust on his tongue. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound ever came. A pain shoot from his side, like a thousand hot electric needles pricking him. His muscles were tense. He was sweating, but at the same time felt like someone poured a bucket of ice cold water on him. He coughed and thick, warm liquid spurted out of his mouth.
He became aware of his heartbeat slowing down, its weak thumps vibrating in his ears. The excruciating pain doubled, paralyzing him even more. His breathing became shallow, fast, gasps. He heard his name shouted over the dry wind.
Domenico crouched down and shook him. He slapped his face, his expression livid.
He and Domenico loved wrestling and kick-boxing, since they were kids. Being older and bigger than Nico, gave him a huge disadvantage; he always wins. Nico doesn't have a chance.
He almost wanted to taunt his brother and point out that this is the first time he couldn't get up to beat his ass.
"Wake up!" He grabbed the lapels of his shirt, pulling him up. "Don't you dare die on me!"
He winced, both from the pain, shaking his entire body and his little brother's trembling voice.
Leave me alone, Nico.
He never felt so exhausted.
Papa, Go to Papa.
He wanted to sleep.
Leave me be.
He just wanted to fucking sleep.
Domenico stopped shaking him. Somebody from behind grabbed his brother away. Domenico cried out, struggling to get back.
Get him out of here. Get both them out of here.
He closed his eyes and swallowed. He heard voices, so many voices. But they're muffled, like someone put cotton in his ears, drowning him out. He could feel each footfall vibrating on the ground. Somehow, he couldn't feel the heat he felt from it earlier.
He only felt the cold.
Good. I hate the fucking summer.
Everybody seemed to have abandoned him.
He wanted to rest.
Time to rest.
But then, a shadow fell above his closed eyes, blocking out the blistering sun. A warm, soft hand touched his, raised it and pressed it on his chest. He felt it ran over his face, leaving tingling, warm impression.
It surprised him.
Without warning whatsoever, the warm, comforting sensation pulled him back. Away from the cold, drab void sucking him.
Then, the warmth left him, as swiftly as it came.
Come back.
It was a struggle to open his eyes. But he did.
He blinked and sees someone, a woman, hovering over him.
Why does she look so familiar?
Then it hit him.
The woman in the bookshop.
The moment his eyes focused on her, she seemed relieved.
He felt it resonate through him.
Somehow, she appeared brighter, more unbearable to look at than the fucking sun above them.
She removed her floppy hat, placed it behind his head and used it as a cushion. She smiled down at him. Her mouth was moving, but he couldn't hear what she was saying.
He concentrated on her dark eyes, and even darker, almost, raven hair, flowing freely over the wind. Her lips were pink and soft as a carnation in full bloom. Her nose, tall and prominent. Her jaws, chiseled to look at but felt so delicate to touch.
He felt the remaining air knocked out of him.
He wanted to reach up and caress her beautiful face, but his body wasn't cooperating with him at the moment. Because everything hurts.
Everything fucking hurts.
The woman worked above him. He couldn't tell what she was doing. But his eyes bulged out of its sockets when he felt her, pressing her hand, hard, on his side.
He looked down and saw her holding a blood-soaked napkin on his torso. A sharp pain lanced through him, making him bite on his tongue. He closed his fist around hers.
Please, stop.
The woman cradled his head, soothing him. Her sweet, but firm voice, muffled by the pain. "We have to keep applying pressure. You're alright. You're okay."
The discomfort from his side was making it harder to think. He saw colorful spots flashed before his eyes, merging and splitting into thousand circular patterns. He let out a strangled scream and held the woman's wrist.
Make it stop.
"I'm sorry, I know it hurts. But I have to, okay?"
Her face swam back into focus again, clearer than everything and everyone else.
Her hair was falling around her face. He wondered what her hair would feel like wrapped around his finger. He wanted to tuck it behind her ear and see her blush.
He wanted to see it more than anything else.
"It's okay, you're gonna be okay." He heard her cooed through the haze before then she roared, "You work for him?!" Her voice as sharp as her face.
"Ye-yes." He recognized Alek's voice, the only one in his men who can speak English.
"Okay!... Bring me a flat surface... No… I don't care! Break the table, if you have to! He needs to be lying down!"
He never heard someone yelled at his men like that, not even his father, not even him. This tiny woman was barking orders to his people like she fucking owns them.
Atta, girl.
He felt his body spasm out of control; he was trembling again. This time, it's more unnerving than the last. The consciousness, he was trying his best to hold on to was slipping.
He was falling through the empty, dark space again; the space he knew was reserved for people like him.
"Hey! Hey! I'm here! I'm here!" she shouted at him, raking her fingers through his hair.
That felt good.
"Look at me."
And he did.
Her eyes were enthralling, it felt like they were the only thing keeping him here. It felt like it would hurt more to look away.
What color are they? He mused.
A flashback appeared before his eyes- a forgotten memory. He's eight again. He's baking. His mom was laughing beside him. He missed her laugh. She was letting him whisk the melted dark chocolate for the cake. She dipped her fingers in the bowl and bopped him on the nose.
"No, no no." he heard the raven-haired woman again. Her voice, disembodied like she's talking from behind a veil.
The wonderful slender fingers stroke his jaw again, like she did those books. "Stay with me." she said. Her tone was the borderline between a plead and a direct order.
He wanted to laugh. Nobody orders him around. But he did as he's told.
"That's it. Eyes on me." She uttered with her big, penetrating eyes.
Gray. Her eyes were gray, like the color of a giant sea storm.
"Where's that table?!" she howled again.
He kept his gaze on her, trying to name and decipher all the grays in her eyes.
If his life wasn't ebbing away, he would've found the situation ludicrous. The great Massimo Torricelli was finally taking his time gazing at someone else's eyes for the very first time.
And the last time.
How fucking twisted is that?
"Stay with me. Stay with me. They're coming." She whispered. One hand was holding his head up, the other was still in the gnashing bullet wound, applying pressure. The blood spilling from him was staining the blue romper she's wearing. He felt sorry. Why does he always have to destroy beautiful things?
I'm sorry. He almost wanted to say.
Dying really does bring the firsts out of people.
"Hurry up!"
He stared at her beautiful, angelic face, committing everything in his memory.
"Stay with me." she murmured again, flicking her eyes to his face and wound every now and then.
His dry lips cracked into an agonized smile. He wanted to comfort her, tell her it's alright.
But he knew.
He'd always known.
From the very first time he pulled the trigger.
Nobody's coming to save the devil.
He stopped believing in God decades ago. But in these few moments of limbo, he realized that this- seeing her for the first and last time- was the cruelest punishment he could ever have.
He clutched her hand with his shaky ones, rallied the remaining power in his body and choked, "Mio Angelo."
And the darkness welcomed him, like the prodigal son that he was.
5 years later.
Warsaw, Poland
-I'm so sorry. I'll come over tomorrow. I promise, B.
She received the reply a few seconds later:
-Girl, it's okay. I have my wine and a half naked Paul Wesley on tv. It's fine, I'm not thinking about whatishface.
She texted back, guilt shrouding her:
-Are you sure it's okay?
Again, she didn't wait a second for her response.
-I am! Go and kick their ass, Laura. x
The text elicited a smile from her. She shoved her phone in her bag and storms the elevator.
Furious was an understatement.
She's supposed to have dinner with one of her best friends tonight. But because David Sawicki can't do his job properly, she's stuck here for the next hour. She heard the echoes of her most prized heels on the floor tile. Her fists clenched beside her, her lips pursed in a straight line. She felt the anger emitting like, from her skin.
The employees on either side of her parted and flattened themselves on the walls. She made her way to the board room, avoiding anyone's judgmental gaze.
They don't know what happened. Let them look.
She reached the heavy wooden door of the conference room and pushed. There were only four people in the room.
"Good evening, Miss Biel." Oskar, the PR manager greeted. She returned his warm smile and sat on the empty swivel chair next to him.
James, the head of their security sat in the nearest chair by the door. Marissa, the senior head's secretary was eyeing up the bastard sitting across her. But Sawicki was ignoring her. He was ignoring everyone in the room, except her.
She met his belittling gaze.
"Have you packed your shit already, Miss Biel?"
She sneered back at him. "Shouldn't you be asking yourself that question?"
Before he could make a comeback, the doors opened and the senior head entered.
"Good evening." Hayden Marek addressed the room, his eyes glued on the stack of folder he's holding.
Without further ado, he took his seat at the center of the table. "Now, can anyone please explain to me what the hell happened yesterday-"
The room was quiet. Her eyes remained on Sawicki, challenging and unfaltering.
Marek raised his voice. "-And how the fuck did it happen?!"
Sawicki was quick to point fingers—as the child that he always has been. "Why should we ask Miss Biel? Excuse my language, but one needs to have balls to have this job."
The room turned to her.
"Miss Biel?"
"First of all, it's not my fault." She started, cool, calm, and collected.
"Listen, Ma'am-" Sawicki butted in.
"I haven't finished yet." She hissed at Sawicki. "As I was saying Mr. Marek, it's not my fault. I'm in charge of bookings and reservations. It has never been my job to temper rowdy customers."
She narrowed her eyes at Sawecki. "And I think you should explain to us, why in the entire building there are only two security guards in the building? I remember explicitly suggesting that we need more. Since the band is Beatles level famous. I remember telling you that at our briefing, Mr. Sawecki."
Beside her, she could feel her friend trying to hide his smile.
"I booked the band at our hotel on purpose. They're at the top of their game and we need the publicity. We gave them and their team the best rooms. We even closed down the bar and buffet room to give them their privacy. Me and my team went to them ourselves and asked for anything they might need. Even if it's not part of our job."
She continued, holding everyone's attention. "Everything was going smoothly, until a roadie got past security and caused a scene. One of the members got mad because we promised them privacy."
Sawicki was speechless. He knew the story himself, having happened before his eyes.
"The roadie sent messages, bragging how she got in. And before we knew it, a legion of slutty teenagers bombarded the lobby. The band barely got out. If it weren't for the efforts of my team. I dealt with the press and strategized a new approach so we wouldn't lose our loyal customers and patrons. I'm proud to say that we are now booked for the next four weekends." She slid the reports to Marek, whose eyes widened at the numbers at the bottom part of the paper.
Yes, keep the ugly, greedy man fat with money.
Marek averted his annoyance to Sawecki. "You, in my office. Right away." And he stood to leave, James and Marissa followed him.
She leaned forward, elbows flat on the table. "This is exactly you need balls for."
Sawecki glowered at her before turning his leave.
Oskar clapped a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Good job, girl." And he too left, leaving her alone in the big, cold conference room.
She gave him another amiable smile, hoping it'll ease the tension in her chest.
Unlike many, Oskar is different. She felt at ease with the old man. Oskar was probably her only friend in this building. Most of them either feared her or wished her out.
They were unsuccessful with that last part.
But she has to admit, she's tired of this. Men constantly disparaging her and her achievements.
Because of what? Her gender?
Unlike those dumbasses she met in med school, she presumed that men in the hospitality sector would be more... non-discriminatory. But no. All men appear to be the same sensitive, egotistical and easily threatened rats she experienced them to be.
Yes. Even her boyfriend fit the bill, sometimes.
Men always tell society that they need strong, intelligent, independent women. But what they really want were cheerleaders. Someone to boost and feed their ego.
She exhaled the deep breath she was holding.
Calm down, Laura.
To distract herself, she checked her phone for the very first time since lunch.
Still no messages from Martin.
"How surprising." she scoffed.
She has never been the clingy type, but a simple short text after a long day at work would ease her stress.
She and Martin had been dating for four years already.
He came up to her at a hotel event and made an actual fool of himself to get her attention. She thought it was cute. Two years into the relationship, she sold her apartment and moved in with him. One year of living together, he proposed. And to this day, she didn't know what came over her to say yes.
For the past few months, they've been having more arguments. His reason? She's spending way too much hours with her work and no time for him at all. And she felt guilty, because it's true.
Thus, she's been trying to redeem herself. She tried to come home early, prepare his food and do other stereotypical duties of a good fiancé. But still felt... insufficient. Like something was missing.
Olga was having none of it. She hated the man. Unlike Bianka, she has never warmed up to Martin, even after all theses years. "You fool, don't settle for that lazy, bald freak. You're not his maid. Let him wash his own smelly gartered underwear." and she added, for good measure,
"Passion is essential to every relationship, as important as love."
Olga was always the voice of reason- whenever she wanted to be,
But she loves Martin.
She felt passionate about him.
She loves him.
If that wasn't love, why did she buy their tickets to Sicily for her birthday weekend? Why did she booked those romantic getaways? Martin was pretty excited about it.
That's love.
"I love him." she convinced herself. "You love Martin, Laura. Stop overthinking it."
The door creaked open again and the maintenance guy went in, pushing his mop cart. The man stopped and apologized.
"Przepraszam, Miss Laura. I thought it's empty."
"No, no. It's fine. I was just leaving" She smiled and gather her things. "Have a good night."
"You too, miss."
The floor was now empty, except for the cleaners who waved in her direction. She waved back, sincere and friendly.
As she was about to press the elevator button, when Oskar called her from the doorway of his office.
She turned. "Mmm?"
"Marek told me that he wants to meet with you tomorrow. His office at 4."
"What?" She couldn't help but the thrill in ringing in her voice. But she toned it down. "Why?"
Her friend jiggled his eyebrows at her. "I don't know. Marek called me to say that Sawecki no longer works here. The General Manager position is open."
Laura squealed and hugged the man. She has not been working her ass off for four years to settle for the beta position. She knew she deserved so much more than what they're already giving her.
"Thank you, thank you!"
"Hey, all you sweetheart." Oskar kissed both her cheeks. "As an early gift, I have my driver take you home."
"What, no-"
"No buts. Besides, I have a date. A very hot date."
"Oh! Where'd you meet him?" She teased.
"Now you know that I don't kiss and tell, Laura sweetie."
"Kinky! I love it."
"Now get your ass out of here, Conrad is already in the lobby."
"Thank you so much." She enveloped him another tight hug before hurrying down the elevator.
Her mind was still reeling from, the possibilities of her promotion. She went over her mental list of the changes she could make to the management. This was probably the best birthday present she's ever had in years.
As he promised, Oskar's driver was waiting for her. Conrad has always been shy around her. He was standing by the passenger door and opened it as she approached.
"Dziękuję Ci." She smiled.
The man turned pink and nodded.
She didn't need to tell him the directions since Oskar has offered to take her home countless of times. Most of those times were, when Martin forgets to pick her up.
It wasn't a long ride, only a good thirty minutes—including the traffic. She could take the cab, if they weren't too damn expensive this time of year. If the bus fumes wouldn't kill her, she would literally take the bus every single day.
She was in her third year of MED school when her grandmother fell ill and died. Due to debt and budget constrictions, she's forced to quit the one thing she cared about the most.
She loved medicine, she loved studying it. The lengthy explanations, crucial step by step procedures, the jargons appealed to her.
With the death of her grandmama and her quitting medicine, she had a relapse and fell into a mild depression.
That's when her body developed it.
She was out with Olga that day she first fainted. She thought it was only panic attacks but it became more frequent. She consulted her doctor and found out she has Supraventricular Tachycardia. In simpler terms, she has a heart palpitations. That meant that her heart was beating more than it normally should. Her condition causes her to, sometimes, pass out and hyperventilate. This prevented her from engaging in strenuous exercises, smoking, stressful situations and caffeine.
She hated it. Everyone who knew has treated her like she's something fragile, like, she'll break at the tiniest push. It was disconcerting. So, she decided to keep it a secret, that even her parents didn't know.
She had no plans to tell Martin because it might affect their relationship—which it did. He accidentally found out a few months after they moved in together.
She couldn't tell anyone at work, except of course, the HR manager. She couldn't let assholes like David Sawicki get the slightest indication that there's a chink within her armor.
The only persons who do know were her college best friends, Bianka and Olga, and her doctor.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.
Hey honey, I'm coming late from work. Don't wait up for me.
Wanting to prove to herself that what she felt for him was still valid, Laura smiled deviously. She glanced in the rear view mirror to make sure Conrad wasn't looking where wasn't supposed to.
She unbuttoned her blouse, down to the last three buttons. She recorded a video and captioned it with:
Aww. But they miss you.
When he didn't reply in the first three minutes, she sent him another. She hiked her skirt to her upper thighs, widened her thighs and snapped a picture.
I miss you.
She was feeling hot that she slid her fingers on her inner thighs. She kept her moans to herself.
She waited for his reply, but it didn't come. Not even when she reached their apartment.
The frustration was twisting her abdomen, evil and needy. Martin's coming off late ever since... she couldn't remember.
A few weeks ago, he's required to put extra hours for the insurance firm he's working for. It was a slap to her face; she's finally having a taste of her own medicine. But she didn't pressure him on it. Nor complain to him about it. She loved a hard-working man. Besides, that way, he could finally get off her back for doing the same.
But as a consequence, she's left… dry and unsatisfied. With only her toys and fingers for company.
She sighed and threw her bag on the hook, and shook her hair out of her bun.
She took a quick look around.
At least, he left the apartment clean before he left this morning.
Martin was the messiest person she knew. Seriously, how hard is it to throw your wet towel in the dryer? Or put the scissors back where he got it from?
The knot in her abdomen tightened and she bit her lip. She went to check on her phone.
Still nothing from Martin.
She called him, but it went straight to voicemail.
"Oh, fuck it."
She poured herself a glass of wine before going to their bedroom. Even though she's alone in the apartment, she closed the door as a form of habit.
Martin doesn't like it when she pleasured herself.
She pulled out her special drawer and grabbed the black toy hidden among her sweat pants. The sight of it alone made her insides clenched in excitement. She took s huge gulp of wine and began to undress herself.
Her fingers traced her curves, slowly. The pads of her thumbs brushed over her nipples. She let out the loud moan she's been holding in the car before she switched the vibrator on.
The buzzing filled her ears, making the fire in her belly burn even more. She grazed it over her bra. Her nipples erected in their lacey confine. She removesd the clasp of her bra, to her own slow pace, and shimmied out her drenched undies. She lay on the bed.
There were certain advantages of studying medicine. Aside from treating other people part, this was one of them.
Shew was gasping now. Her hand was rolling the toy over the sensitive spot. Just the right amount of roughness, if not, more. Something Martin could never do, no matter how many times she told him how.
Her moans rocked their stilled apartment. She arched her back as she pumped against her own palm, using her legs and feet to meet her strokes.
She bit the back of her hand as she felt the white heat dripping from her. Her back landed back on the mattress and she waited for her heart to slow down.
But she knew she could take more.
She could take so much more.
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Catfish {t.h.}
part 10
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gif by @peteparkrrs
Summary: What happens when you start to fall in love with a boy online, completely unaware that it’s Tom Holland behind the computer screen
Warnings: none; fluff uwu
part 9 | series masterlist
You were surprised at how different your mood had changed the last time you were sitting in this same seat staring up at Tom and the rest of the cast of Homecoming on the stage in front of you. Not long ago, you sat in this seat feeling a multitude of emotions from hurt to confusion to intense pain seeing Tom in front of you. But now, you couldn’t stop smiling as Tom talked adamantly about Spider-Man feeling an intense adoration blossom in your chest.  
It was like as soon as you and Tom finally hashed everything out, all of the negative emotions had melted away and were replaced by the sudden intense attraction that made you just drawn to him, and even though you weren’t that far apart right now, you couldn’t help but wonder why you weren’t touching. 
You couldn’t stop smiling, your cheeks getting tired from smiling so much but your eyes were twinkling. 
The amount of adoring fans that sat around you, made you feel giddy because of the secret you had that you knew so many of them wished were them. You wanted to scream to the world that Tom had kissed you and admitted that he loved you, but you kept your mouth shut, only smiling as Tom continued to talk about the movie. 
He glanced out of the corner of his eye, spotting you and smirking slightly as you both exchanged a message with your eyes, and your heart fluttered in your chest, causing you to lose your breath for a moment. 
At the end of the interview and after fans had the time to ask a few questions to the cast, the crowds began to file out. Tom had told you to wait in your seat and he’d come back for you, wanting to introduce you to everyone, and you were more than nervous. 
The theater began to filter out, and you continued to stay in your seat, bouncing your knee as your eyes flickered back and forth from the doors to the stage. Finally, when the fans were all out of the theater, Tom emerged from a door leading to backstage, and you jumped from your seat. 
Tom was grinning from ear to ear as he approached you, his arms open for you to run into. You felt a laugh bubbling in your chest as you leaped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I missed you,” Tom mumbled, nuzzling his nose in his neck. 
“Tom, I just saw you,” you laughed, leaning back so that you could look at him. 
“I know, but you were too far away,” he whined. 
You smiled, as he intertwined your fingers, and all you could think about was how you used to stay up late talking on the phone with this boy, imagining how you had wanted to so badly hold his hand like you were doing right now. You never thought you’d actually be able to do this. 
“Ready to meet the crew?” Tom asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed, mostly out of nerves, but also because Tom’s expression was too funny not to. 
“Ready,” you agreed. 
Tom squeezed your hand and led you towards the back, bringing you out to a black SUV waiting behind the theater. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, looking to Tom. 
“Everyone’s back at the hotel,” Tom said, with a sheepish grin. “I know it’s right across the street, but we’d be noticed too quickly to get there.”
It still hadn’t completely hit you that the goofy British boy you talked to for so long and had fallen so hard for, was famous, the up and coming star of one of the biggest movie franchises to ever be created. You didn’t even know how to process it. 
“Okay,” you said softly, letting Tom help you step up into the SUV and climbing in after you. 
“Hey,” Tom said, placing a hand on your knee. “Don’t be nervous.”
You laughed as the SUV pulled into the parking garage of the hotel across the street. 
“Kind of hard not to,” you said. “I forget that all your friends are celebrities.”
“They’re going to love you,” Tom said while taking your hand and pressing a kiss to it. A blush spread its way across your cheeks and dusted your nose as you inhaled deeply and smiled at him, feeling as though this was all too good to be true. 
You and Tom stepped out of the car and still walking hand-in-hand, you were led up to the elevators by security which Tom told you was only mandatory because some fans sometimes managed to sneak in. You were in the elevator, about to step out onto the floor when you tugged at Tom’s arm. He turned back to look at you, a smile on his face, but his smile faltered when he saw the expression on your face. 
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows and stepping closer toward you. 
“Nothing, I’m just...” you froze, trying to find your words. “I’m not like you or your friends...I’m not glamorous or famous or...”
“Hey, darling, stop it,” Tom said, resting a hand on your cheek. “You’re perfect the way you are.”
“But what if-”
“If you think that they’re all stuck up celebrities you’ve got another thing coming,” Tom laughed. “They’re probably the most humble group of people I’ve ever known.”
You smiled at his words and squeezed his hand. 
“Okay,” you said. “Let’s go.”
Tom led you out of the elevator with a smile and you walked towards one of the rooms near the end of the hallway. Tom knocked on the door twice, and sent you a grin while you waited, your heart hammering against your chest. 
The door swung open and Zendaya stood in the doorway with a grin on her face. 
“Hey!” she said, giving Tom a hug and then pushing past him to give you a hug which you weren’t expecting, but happy to hug her back nonetheless. “So glad you guys came by! You must be (Y/N),” she said, leaning back and smiling at you. 
“Yeah, that’s me,” you said, finally finding your voice. It helped to know that Tom had talked about you with his friends which made your heart swell. 
“Come on in,” Zendaya said, ushering you inside and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you away from Tom. “She’s ours now, Holland.”
Tom laughed from behind you as you were ushered into the large hotel room, much bigger than you had ever seen from the standard double bed rooms, but you walked into the common sitting area to see Jacob, Harrison, and Laura sitting at a large wooden table. 
“Guys, this is (Y/N),” Zendaya said, squeezing your shoulders. 
“So this is the famous (Y/N),” Harrison said. “We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh yeah?” you asked with a smile. “I hope good things.”
“Don’t worry,” Jacob laughed. “Only good things. In fact, he used to tell us how much he-”
“Shut it, mate,” Tom snipped, with a smile on his face as he leaned over the table to grab one of the M&M’s that sat in a bowl in the middle of the table. 
“Have a seat,” Jacob said, pulling out a chair for you. 
“Thanks,” you said timidly, feeling a little stiff in your seat, but as soon as Tom came over and stood behind you, resting his hand on your shoulder, you relaxed into his touch. 
“What’d you think of the group interview?” Jacob asked with a grin. “Were we funny?”
“Oh yeah, hilarious,” you laughed lightly. 
“Tom here, couldn’t keep his eyes off you the entire time,” Harrison pointed out. “I noticed, I was on the side of the stage.”
You cheeks flushed and you let out a nervous laugh, glancing at your lap in embarrassment. Tom laughed as well, looking away from his friends as his own blush danced on his cheeks. 
“So, tell us about yourself,” Laura said with a friendly smile, popping a few M&Ms in her mouth.
“Um, well I’m in college right now studying (favorite subject),” you said. 
“That’s so cool,” Jacob mused. “I wish I could’ve gone to college.”
“It’s fun,” you admitted. “A lot of work though.”
“I bet the parties are fun,” Harrison pointed out, taking a sip from his drink. “Frats are like...a thing in America, right?”
The group laughed as you explained to Harrison what a frat entailed, and you found yourself getting comfortable with the group of people in front of you, laughing along with them and learning about their lives as well. Tom was right when he said they were the most humble group of people you’d probably ever encounter given their circumstances. 
Eventually, after the bowl of M&Ms was gone, and you were tired from laughing so hard, you and Tom began to say your goodbyes to everyone before you followed him out of the room. Once you were in the hallway and the door was shut behind you, Tom pulled you into his arms and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. 
You smiled up at him, your heart beaming. 
“What was that for?” you asked gently. 
“I can’t kiss you just because?” Tom asked, his breath fanning over your face. 
“No, you can,” you said while blushing. “Just have to get used to it.”
Tom pressed another kiss to your lips and you smiled into it. “Used to it yet?” 
“Hmmm, no not yet.”
He kissed you again. “How about now?” 
You laughed and shook your head. “Nope.”
Tom began pressing kisses to your forehead, cheeks, nose, and once again your lips after you became a laughing mess in his arms, and he beamed down at you. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it,” you smiled. Tom hummed and grasped your hand in his. 
“Me neither, darling.”
Your heart fluttered and you squeezed his hand as you walked with Tom down the hall. 
“Where are we going?” you asked. Tom yawned as you approached another hotel room. 
“I mean, I’m exhausted and I was going to take a nap,” Tom said leaning against the hotel door. “If you want to join.”
Your heart began to hammer against his chest and you took a deep breath. You didn’t know if this meant...what you were thinking it meant, or if Tom actually wanted to nap, or both, but regardless, you smiled. 
“I’m pretty tired myself,” you said. Tom grinned as he swiped his key and unlocked the door, leading you inside. 
The bed looked so inviting and you wanted to wait for him, but when Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom, you couldn’t help yourself as you pulled the covers back and climbed into the comfy bed. Thinking back to the events that happened in the last few hours made your head spin. This morning you woke up in your dorm room, wondering why there was such a hole in your heart, and now you were here with the boy you loved who had managed to steal your heart a year ago. 
Tom came out of the bathroom and climbed into the bed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you towards him. You smiled, turning around in his arms and looked at him, feeling your heart swell in your chest. 
“You’re beautiful,” Tom whispered, his breath tickling your nose. You blushed at his words and pressed a kiss to his nose. 
“I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy,” you whispered. Tom looked at you and grinned tugging you closer. 
“Me neither, darling.”
You stared at him, watching as his eyes slowly fluttered closed and his breathing became more even over a few minutes. You got comfortable in your own space in his arms and felt your own eyelids becoming heavy. 
As you let yourself fall into a peaceful slumber, you couldn’t help thinking about how amazing the boy in front of you was. 
part 11
Taglist @slythxr // @greenarrowhead // @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl // @loxbbg // @didanyonesaybuckybarnes // @strang-ersclub // @roaringgoodshow // @skeletalwolfcat // @peterbrokenparker // @jackiehollanderr // @krispykreeme // @eye-of-the-owl // @  eternal-l-appel-du-vide // @lifeandloveandhappiness // @16wiishes // @snifelisnifsnif // @fxded-jackgyeom // @dxftprettyboys // @spookyconsultingcriminal // @yourwonderbelle // @too-much-spidey // @savethebabyseals // @apseventy // @starkslovebot // @binaruma// @lifeisabitchandsoareyou // @iloveyouthreethousand-o6 // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything // @sweetcoldpeach // @spideyyeet // @mlt2000 // @ being-your-average-fangirl // @asmilinghopelessromantic // @clairestarkparker // @ thedaydreamingwriter // @itsmejessicasstuff // @queenattentionseeker // @huiqingohuiqing // @thedanteofthe52ndstreet // @coach-vixen // @sweet-sunflower-ghost // @trust-me-im-joly // @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff // @americaswritings // @euphoniumpets // @gwiyomi-princess-trash // @pixiedustsupplyco // @nerdypisces160 // @yeahimcrying// @thenaturalbond // @cookinggurl43 // @rageyoudamnednerd // @bibliophilesquared // @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff // @justanormaltrashcan // @aestheticgaybish // @jackiehollanderr // @spidreling // @adi-angel // @yeahimcrying// @mrstaekim // @binaruma // @yeeterbenjaminparker // @clockblobber // @ distressedhollandfield @afictionaladventure16 // @spiderkat1248 // @popluckbih // @ophcelia // @ dreaalol // @adi-angel // @amb-q // @sweet-sunflower-ghost // @loyalholland // @kaylinicole25 // @viarogers // @fabinaforever11 // @spidreling // @lousimusician // @gmzparkr // @mybitchborky // @shiningstarsintheskye // @hereiamhereigo // @underoosquackson // @fancyxholland //
253 notes · View notes
Fjorester in episode 59
Cracks knuckles. Raises hands to the air. Yells. 
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Jester: The haunting party is going to come back and they are gonna kill [the moorbounders]
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Fjord: Leave your animals behind for one stinking time.
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Jester: If they get hurt I’m gonna kill you.
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Fjord: No, you won’t. You love me.
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Really just:
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This whole:
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Is gold
I will sell my soul to whoever draws this whole thing with Fjord, Jester, and Beau because those faces give me LIFE.
Laura making sure to correct Matt when he said she was riding with Yasha because NOPE IT’S FJORD AND ME
Thank you our lady and savior 
because without it we would’ve have had the amazing moorbounder talk
Fjord: Finds 1 greater and 2 regulars.
Jester: What’d you find? I hear clinging.
Fjord: Just found somewhat looks to be healing potions.
Jester: Oh, that will be helpful.
Fjord: Yeah, for the non-clerics it’ll go a long way.
Jester: That was really cool how you found that stuff.
Fjord: Oh. Thanks.
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Fjord looks so genuinely surprised that he’s getting recognized by this accomplishment. I think it’s cute because “finding stuff” is not something that people usually get applauded, but it was very cool that Fjord took the time to find things for the party and that he got healing potions of all things and it goes to show how good of a leader he is.
Also, Jester is Fjord’s biggest advocate and has been calling attention to all the cool stuff he does from day one, so I think it’s very cute that she’s still doing that nearly 60 episodes later, you know? In her eyes, he’s still the best.
Fjord *playing it cool*: I mean I figured it was sitting waiting to be discovered, it just needed a keen eye.
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Fjord: Who do you think needs these healing potions the most?
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I LOVE THAT HE ASKS HER? Because this is something cool he’s found, but Fjord thinks about the team first and foremost... and when it comes to making this kind of decisions he still trusts Jester the most, and he fully trusts her judgment.
Jester: Uh, I don’t know. Caleb’s pretty weak. He goes down the most.
Fjord: Yeah... who else?
Jester: ...you know... I mean... I guess... I guess I could use one. I- I don’t have any.
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Fjord: *concern*
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Fjord: No- You don’t have any healing potions, Jester?!
Jester: Well, no, but I have spells so... you know. Beau could really use one too, she’s always up in the front.
Fjord: Yeah, it’s true.
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Fjord: *more concern*
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LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN tho. Jester has been very adamant about not taking healing potions for herself because she has spells and it’s a waste of money and she is constantly trying to put the other's well being before hers (no matter what Sam says). 
This has been happening ever since the first Gentleman mission, and you know who’s always been telling Jester to look after herself? FJORD. And you know who keeps giving Jester potions to heal her when she goes down? FJORD. And you know who always keeps a healing potion on himself even when he’s super hurt? FJORD. And you know who made a remark to Jester about how he’s put many healing potions into other party members when she commented he didn’t need them because he has two clerics? FJORD. 
Fjord: I tell you what, how ‘bout we use this regular for Caleb?
Jester: okay
Fjord: This regular for Beau
Jester: okay
Fjord: And we’ll give you this super powerful one.
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Jester: Fjord. Do you have any healing potions?
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Fjord: Nah, but you always look out for everybody, so you might as well have it.
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Sam and Marisha are me 100%:
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Jester: Yeah, but what if I can’t get to you?
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Jester: You keep it for yourself and, when you take it, just think of it like a spell from me, okay?
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Fjord: ...okay.
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Fjord: You sure?
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Jester: Yeah!
Jester and Fjord just pushing the life-saving potion at each other like NO YOU TAKE IT.
i also think this absolutely is Travis’s revenge for that time when Laura was like “no i’m sorry you weren’t protected earlier” because he realized he can use this against her and they are playing the same game now and I feel like this is no longer “you can’t romance me” and it's turning into “i’m gonna out-romance you!” and i am here for it
also look at these two watching fjorester happen:
Jester panicking a little after that heartfelt moment and turning to show Fjord the locket and Fjord immediately being flustrated by the “riské” picture in it
And then 
The awkward
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Fjord: What?
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Jester: Nothing! We just haven’t talked a lot lately, that’s all.
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CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FJORD WAS JESTER’S FIRST “REAL” FRIEND?! How she trusts and likes him the most?! How since the whole pirate thing they haven’t had much one on one time to talk because they had to go into crisis mode immediately to help Nott?
And now, Yeza is safe and they are back to their usual adventuring ways (more or less) and finally they can start bending some bridges and Jester is awkward at bringing it up but it’s nice and it’s important for her and it’s important that Fjord with his low-wis realizes he might be taking for granted and neglecting a relationship that is very important to him!!
AND HE DOES TRY to talk and fix it but now that it’s been brought up you can see the nerves boiling up and Fjord starts tripping over his words all over again
Fjord: Yeap. Seems like Yarnball has a good... you know... relationship with you.
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Fjord: What do you call it?
Jester: ...Yarnball?
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(I live for Sam’s face)
Fjord: Yeap. It’s a good... dog... horse... cat...
Jester *giddy*: Fjord you’re being really awkward!
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Fjord: No, I’m not.
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Jester: Yes, you are!
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Fjord: No. I’m disarming you.
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Jester: You’re being so awkward with me.....
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But also okay Travis what do you mean by “I’m disarming you”. WHAT. LIke, with your charm? Is Fjord saying he’s disarming Jester with his charm? Why does he want to do that, uh?
Jester and Yasha: *talking about the spider that made her sick*
Fjord: Yeah, I was gonna say, you looked kinda pale this morning, I didn’t quite notice.
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Jester: *panic* I WASN’T POOPING
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your crush knowing you had the runs is a nightmare but i want to focus on fjord yet again being concerned about jester’s well being
Also okay during the fight tho
Like how painfully foreshadowing was their moorbounder conversation??
Because they were both worried that the other would go down and they wouldn’t be able to help them
Fjord was taken by surprise and took a very big hit and Jester���s intention was going to his aid as soon as her turn came around but then she passed out on the spot
And you could tell how stressed out Laura was and how stressed Travis was that she was down
And then before Fjord could go to help her he went down
And these to dummies that care so much about each other were both about to go down mere feet away from each other, unable to heal the other, with their last intention having been to go to the other’s aid
I’m just
And then when they are finally okay, Jester is so DISMAYED when she hears from Nott how Fjord hurt is and she goes to him right away. 
And when Fjord talks about staying behind, Jester looks so concerned
A. Because leaving him alone means he might be even more vulnerable.
B. Because he’s doing very badly and if he goes into a fight he could go down for good.
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Also, this isn’t NECESSARILY Fjorester but I love that when Matt brought up the ghost jellyfish these two immediately jumped a little
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Anyway that was quite a rollercoaster. Sorry for the lack of screenshots for the second half of the thing but I spent like an hour unable to focus on anything past the Fjorester conversation and then being super stressed out about the fight. 
Let me know if I missed anything!
I’m pretty sure we have a big thing ahead next week! Fjord’s is super low in hp and a big fight still seems to be coming, so be ready for angst :D
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
The Girl Under the Mask CH10 (Final)
It is finished! The final chapter of my Ladrien Summer story that I started over a year ago. I hope you all have enjoyed this fluffy ride. Now that this is complete, what would you all like to see me work on next? Let me know if there is a WIP of mine that you’ve been dying to see updated, and I’ll try to work on it!
Read on AO3
Chapter 10
“Close your eyes.”
Ladybug eyed Adrien skeptically for a moment, observing his giddy smile and purposeful hands hidden behind his back. A small grin formed on her own lips, and she bit it back before doing as he’d asked. She felt him fasten something around her neck, heart skipping a beat as she felt a weight against her chest.
“Okay, open.” She blinked, finding herself looking into his affectionate eyes before she flicked her gaze down to the sparkling diamond necklace he’d placed around her neck.
“Adrien!” She gasped, eyes widening in shock. “I can’t accept this.”
“Why not?” His eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s too much. We only just started dating,” She said, closing her fist around it and glancing up into his eyes.
“But I want you to have it. I’m your boyfriend, and I can’t proclaim my love for you out in the open because we have to stay secret, so I want to do something for you.” He pouted, and Ladybug felt some of her nerves ebb.
“It’s beautiful, Adrien, and I love it. I’m just not used to receiving nice things like this,” She said, tracing her thumb over it. “Thank you, but don’t feel like you have to buy me such lavish gifts. I’m happy just spending time with you.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing a soft his to his jaw and leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Well, if I can’t buy you gifts then I will just have to tell you how much I love you a million times a day,” He said, pulling her in close. “Starting now. I love you, Ladybug.”
She giggled as he peppered her skin with soft kisses, murmuring tender expressions of affection with each one. He held her close, pressing his forehead to hers with a smile, green eyes locked on her with such unspoken adoration that she felt her cheeks warm.
“Tell me more about you,” He requested pleadingly. “I don’t care what it is; I just want to know everything.”
“My favorite color is pink,” She said, and he leaned his head back a little in thought.
“Pink, huh?” He remarked with a nod.
“Yep. I also like polka dots,” She added as they approached the couch, and Adrien pulled her down into his arms.
“A true Ladybug then.” He smirked, and she chuckled at the coincidence.
“I also love Jagged Stone,” She listed, resting her head on his shoulder.
“And Laura Nightingale apparently,” He added, pinching her side.
“Mmhm.” She nodded, biting her lip. “My favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry.”
“Because it’s pink?”
“And delicious.” He laughed at that.
“I’m gonna buy you a big pink house one day, lovebug. We can live there together, you and me,” He said, lacing his fingers through hers.
“That sounds nice,” She sighed contently. “We can get a dog or a cat or maybe a hamster.”
“I do like hamsters.” He nodded, shifting to see her face, and she beamed up at him.
“A hamster then,” She said against his lips, eyelids drooping, but Adrien didn’t close the gap this time.
“Will you tell me who you are one day?” He asked, and her eyes fluttered open once more and found his gaze.
She considered it a moment with pursed lips. “Someday. After Hawkmoth is defeated, and it’s safe.”
“I hope you and Chat Noir beat him soon.”
“Yeah,” She whispered, averting her gaze. “Me too.”
Marinette leaned against her fist the following morning adorned with a dreamy smile as she swirled a spoon in her yogurt. She toyed with the necklace, turning the gem over in her fingers with a giggle. Her first gift from her boyfriend Adrien. She could get used to that. Adrien, her boyfriend, well, Ladybug’s boyfriend. In secret. But Marinette was Ladybug, so by default he was her boyfriend.
If only Hawkmoth weren’t around, she could tell him who she really was, but until they fixed Paris’s pest problem, they would have to keep meeting in secret. It was kind of exciting in a way, but it was going to be hard to keep her cool around Adrien at school. Not that she’d ever been good at it before, so he likely wouldn’t notice the difference now that she thought about it. She would just have to keep her necklace hidden. If Adrien saw it, it would be a dead giveaway, and if anyone else saw it, well, she didn’t exactly have an explanation of where she got it.
“Adrien sure knows how to pick jewelry. The diamond is so shiny,” Tikki remarked while Marinette brushed her hair.
“I know. I’m never gonna take it off,” Marinette sighed, touching it tenderly. “Can you believe he’s really in love with me?”
“All of that time together finally paid off, but how do you intend to approach him now as Marinette? All of your friends work so hard to help you get closer to him, but you can’t flirt with him as Marinette when he’s dating Ladybug,” Tikki pointed out, and Marinette smirked.
“Not gonna be a problem. Marinette always fails when it comes to Adrien, so they’ll never know the difference if I flub on purpose,” She said confidently, setting her brush down and tucking the necklace into her shirt. “Now let’s go. We’re gonna be late.”
More so than usual, Marinette couldn’t help but steal glances at Adrien throughout the day. He seemed to be in high spirits, and she felt a giddy satisfaction knowing it was because of her. She found herself touching the necklace through her shirt frequently throughout the day, and she could only imagine what things would be like when he learned the truth about her. When he began directing those adoring eyes and soft smiles at Marinette, whispering delicate expressions of love in her ears while they snuggled close together. Then in a few short years they’d be married. She wondered how Adrien would like to decorate their house.
Lost in her daydream, she didn’t notice the cart filled with basketballs until her foot caught it, and she fell forward, launching her school bag across the locker room. She sat up with a wince, rubbing her knee and hissing as pain spread under her touch. That was going to be an ugly bruise. Pink flashed in the corner of her eye, and she jumped a little, glancing up to see Adrien standing over her with her school bag.
“You okay?” He asked worriedly, offering a hand to help her up.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just wasn’t paying attention, that’s all,” She said, allowing him to pull her to her feet.
“I’ve been a bit distracted today myself,” He admitted, returning her bag, though his eyes fixated on her chest, and she glanced down to see her necklace sparkling out in the open. With a gasp, she quickly tucked it back into her shirt, daring to glance up at him. She shrank under his suspicious gaze, eyes narrowing as he pursed his lips, and she stepped to the side, attempting to pass him to get to her locker around the corner.
“Thanks for helping me up. I guess I’ll see you later,” She said stiffly, shoulders tense, and his eyes followed her every move.
“Nice necklace,” He said, stopping her in her tracks, and she turned over her shoulder to see a thinly veiled smirk on his face.
Oh no.
“Oh, uh, thanks! I got it from-” She fished for a believable excuse, but Adrien simply cocked a brow.
“-my da-grandmo-father.” She winced, clearing her throat. “Yep. My grandpa sent it to me. It was my grandmother’s, and he found it while he was going through some stuff.”
“Your grandfather must have loved her a lot. That’s a high-quality cut, looks like a custom job. One-of-a-kind almost,” He remarked, stepping toward her, and she shrank a little.
“Uh, yeah. It was a wedding present, I think he said,” She fibbed, and he crossed his arms over his chest and nodded, pursing his lips.
“You should show it off more. I’m sure that’s what your da-grandmo-father would want,” He said, that playful glint she’d come to know all too well in his eye. “After all, he probably gave it to you because he loves you a lot.”
“Well, I don’t want it to get messed up or broken,” She said, placing her hand over it, and Adrien eyed her for a moment.
“Or seen?” He leaned down into her face, and she opened her mouth to make a retort, but his smirk made her stop short.
“I-” He cut her off with a kiss, cupping her cheek in his hand and kissing her dizzy. He’d never kissed Ladybug like that, and when he pulled away, she was breathless and flushed.
“Found you, lovebug,” He said with a breathy laugh. “You were right under my nose this whole time, and I found you.”
“Adrien-” He kissed her again, softer this time, tracing her jaw with his thumb tenderly.
“It’s you,” He said, pressing his forehead to hers. “It’s you.”
“Yes, okay, but you can’t tell anyone who I really am!” She shushed, pressing a hand over his lips. “I’m serious, Adrien. No one must know who I am.”
“I’d never do anything to betray you, Bugaboo,” He said with a wink, and she instinctively rolled her eyes.
“Don’t call me that,” She said with a groan. “And I’m not kidding. Even you knowing is dangerous. No one else can find out.”
“I won’t tell a soul, m’lady.” He vowed, pressing a hand over his heart and holding up three fingers. “Cat’s honor.”
She eyed him for a long moment, eyes narrowing, her jaw opening and closing as it sank in.
“No.” She shook her head.
“Yep.” He nodded, placing his hands on his hips proudly.
“No.” She turned abruptly and paced to her locker. “Don’t tell me that.”
“It’s only fair,” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “What am I just not gonna tell you that I’m Chat Noi-”
She clamped a hand over his mouth again, face screwed into a conflicted scowl.
“If I’m dreaming, now would be a great time to wake up.” She said, glancing up at the ceiling, but no matter how much she willed it, she couldn’t fly away, so she determined that she must be awake. “So you’ve been…him this whole time?”
“Mmhmm.” He nodded against her hand, and she threw her head back with a groan. “Are you disappointed?”
She snapped her gaze back on him, his face falling slightly, so she stepped forward and cupped his face in her hands.
“No, I’m just worried about everything now. This is dangerous, and if we aren’t careful then it’s possible that we won’t be the ones that win the battle with Hawkmoth,” She said, curling her shoulders, and Adrien placed his hand over hers, leaning into her touch.
“If there’s anyone who can pull this off, it’s us. I mean, look at everything we’ve done together. We’re an unstoppable team. Hawkmoth isn’t gonna know what hit him,” He said, lifting her chin. “We’re the cat and bug team, remember?”
A small smile curled on her lips. “You mean the bug and cat team?”
“Either way, I believe in us.” He gave her one of those adoring looks, and she felt her nerves melting.
“Okay,” She said finally. “I trust you.”
“Still love me?” He cocked a brow and kissed her hand.
“I suppose.” She rolled her eyes, flashing him one of her playful grins. “But only if you stop calling me Bugaboo.”
“I can’t help it! You’re so cute,” He defended, scooping her up and spinning her around. “Can I at least call you lovebug?”
“I guess that’s acceptable, but try to keep the bug nicknames to a minimal. You may as well tattoo ‘I’m Ladybug’ on my forehead,” She laughed, as he set her down and touched his nose to hers.
“So I take it ‘my radiant bug queen’ is out of the question?”
“Definitely.” She nodded.
“Can I call you princess? Purrincess?”
“My angel sent from heaven?” He waggled his eyebrows, and she let out a breathy laugh.
“You’re such a dork. Why was I ever scared to talk to you?” She giggled, squishing his lips between her fingers before stretching up to kiss them. “All these months spent crushing on you from afar, but you’ve been right next to me all along. Bad puns in all.”
“Hey, first of all, my puns are purrfect. Second of all, you had a crush on me?” He asked, cooing playfully, until she pushed his nose away.
“Don’t even get me started, ‘m’lady,’” She shot back, striking her best Chat pose.
“I am ashamed of nothing,” He bowed theatrically. “I’m only ashamed that I didn’t figure out it was you sooner. I mean, it makes a lot of sense.”
“You think?” She asked, tugging on a pigtail.
“Well, yeah. I mean you’re resourceful, smart, always helping people, you’re a good leader…If I had to pick a Ladybug, I would have picked you,” He said, and she felt her cheeks flush. “That’s why when I figured it out I had no issue falling for you in an instant. You really are Ladybug with or without the mask.”
“I suppose given all I’ve seen of you in our time together that you being Chat Noir makes a lot more sense than I thought it would,” She said, shifting her weight a little. “You’re my best friend, both as Adrien and Chat Noir, and I’m really glad that you’re the same person.”
Adrien stepped closer, pulling her back into his arms and kissing her hair. They remained that way for several minutes, breathing each other in, and processing everything that had happened. That the person in their arms was a partner, a friend, and a lover. Somehow Marinette wasn’t as shocked as she should have been, but Adrien and Chat were two people she had cared about deeply prior to this, so maybe it wasn’t all that strange for her to just accept it.
“You know what this means, right?” He said after a few minutes, pulling back with one of his cheeky grins. “We can finally tell people we’re dating!”
“Yeah, I suppose we can,” She chuckled as he took her hands.
“I can kiss you in public and hold your hands. Put my arm around you and give you my jacket when you’re cold.” He bounced a little with excitement.
“You can hold me in your arms and take me out on real dates,” She said, resting her head on his chest.
“I’m really glad that it’s you,” He murmured in her ear. “I’m glad that the girl I love turned out to be someone so amazing under the mask.”
“And I’m glad that the boy I love turned out to be my best friend,” She said, stretching up to kiss him. They remained like that for several moments, wrapped in each other’s arms and lost in their own private paradise until a throat cleared at the end of the row, and they jumped apart to see their best friends standing with equally bewildered expressions.
“Are we interrupting something?” Alya asked, pressing her lips together to hide her ‘You go girl’ smirk.
“Oh, uh, sorry, we were just…” Adrien fumbled, cheeks glowing red.
“I finally told Adrien how I feel, and he feels the same way, so we’re together now,” Marinette said, taking his hand as Alya perked up.
“No way! Scoop!” Her friend cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly.
“I didn’t know you were into Marinette,” Nino said in surprise. “I mean, I’m happy for you, but you never told me.”
“Well, I didn’t think that she’d ever look at me. She’s way out of my league,” Adrien said, rubbing the back of his neck and flashing her a grin.
“Oh sure, Mr. Front-of-the-cover model.” Nino rolled his eyes.
“This is awesome! We can totally double date now!” Alya beamed. “In fact, we were just about to go get some coffee, wanna come?”
“Yeah, we’ll be right there,” Marinette said, waving as their friends headed for the door, and Adrien turned back to her and offered a hand.
“Shall we, m’lady?” He winked, and she took his hand with a smile.
“Let’s go, kitty.”
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ritacaroline · 5 years
Bonz fanfic    Part 13
Record Shop Madness Ch. 13
It was one of those clear crisp Saturdays, and Laura was riding back to the house atop Gingy. The sun sparkled in the sky that day and Laura’s hair was ablaze as it flew haphazardly behind her. It bounced gloriously in ripples, glistening red highlights in the sun. She appeared to be a goddess to Jimmy, who had just arrived there with John Paul this morning. John Paul had already entered into the home, a few minutes ago, welcomed by John Henry. Page didn’t join them at first, in hopes of capturing a few moments with the lovely Laura. He had enjoyed
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 their private conservation so well a few nights ago. He was certainly unused to sharing verbally anything private and especially of such a personal matter. He was caught unaware of how good it could feel to share one’s worries or heavy thoughts with another kind person who totally cares. He was so comforted by her soft kindness, he strongly desired just a few moments of time speaking with her today. Laura stopped with Gingy just next to Jim. And she shown in the bright sun with a glorious smile which gave Jimmy a little jolt of happiness in his heart. His attraction toward her was not so much one of romance, well, maybe a tiny bit. He surely had no intention of ever lifting her away from his beloved buddy, John Henry. Not that he even thought that to be possible, judging from the strong bond he observed between them. She jumped down from Gingy in an agile way, while right in front of Jimmy, she landed in a thump gracefully and athletically. She stood there mortally as she came to a sudden halt. Sweet Rick was there to accept Gingy the horse and as they exchanged really nice smiles with each other, Laurie handed him the lead.  Her cheeks were ruddy and she smelled of the fresh outdoors. And of course her eyes and smile were so welcoming to Jimmy. He immediately and naturally stepped close and pulled her in for a nice close tight hug, her chin on top of his slender shoulder. “Mmmm, Laur, you look so bright and I’m so glad to lay eyes on ya !” he said in a giddy voice. She held him warmly right against herself and had her face pressed right into his thick head of shiny wavy curls. “Yes, my Jimmy,” she spoke warmly to him. He adored it, the love in her voice, the comfort she naturally emitted. He smelled clean and heavenly as he’d just had a shower. They walked to the house with their arms around each others waists. Once in the Bonham’s country kitchen, Laurie gave Jimmy a seat and fixed them each a hot cup of tea and next  brought over some freshly baked corn muffins. They sat together enjoying their snack as they heard the two Johns playing their instruments together in the den. 
Laurie asked him, “Jim, you seem lighter and less stressed since we last spoke, darling. How is it all going now ?”
He spoke, “Well, ultimately she left, Hilda did. I was much more fine with it after you and I discussed it that evening. Guess I realized we aren’t a good match. I think we brought out the worst in each others’ demeanors. I’m sort of relaxed now and peaceful. The incessant arguing and her little stinging comments were bringing me way down, I have to say. Sometimes we’re better off without a person, then to be in a constant struggle to keep them close. She was loving toward me in other ways, but certainly not a match for me. I wish I could meet a woman like you, Laur. So caring and easy to talk with, so loving. Where can I find one like you, girl ?” he said thoughtfully, while staring into her extraordinarily beautiful eyes.
“Ahhwww ! So sweet, Jimmy. That’s just speculation, though. You really have no idea what I’m like to live with, and perhaps one “like me” may be the worst thing ever for you. You really never know. Hilda wasn’t it, but your girl is out there waiting for you now, somewhere.  And you’re certain to find her one day. Don’t be in such a rush, you need to live your life as it presents itself, my darling.”  He sipped on his hot tea, and used a napkin to wipe a little off his red full lips. They were delicious looking.  Laurie knew for a fact that Jim was lusted over and heavily desired by any woman who had the pleasure of making his acquaintance. He was a magnet for the ladies. So sensitive and alluring, with his sparkling green eyes, perfect features and soft lovely voice. It was instantaneous in most cases. As in, now there’s a guy I can really make love with. Yummy. He just had “that” quality that drove the ladies wild. And Laurie suspected that he knew it, too.
Just then John Paul and John Henry walked into the kitchen. John Henry and Jim grabbed each other’s hands in a rough hand shake, John Henry saying loudly, “Hey mate, how’s life treatin ya ?”  Jim answered, “Not bad, not bad. And yourself ?” “Better than ever my friend. Things are going great. ”John Henry replied.  Jimmy noticed one of the guys had brought his guitar case into the house for him, along with his small travel size amp unit. He pointed to it, and said “Thanks.” to no one in particular. John poured a few mugs of tea for himself and John Paul, and they joined in for a snack as well. John Henry sat close to Laurie and kissed her a few times at the side of her forehead. He asked, “And how was your ride with Gingy, this morning, my love ? You look fetching as ever ”, even though they had been together much of the morning before she left for the ride.   “Thank you, angel. Oh, it was refreshing and bright, thanks. We’re working very well together, the two of us.”  she exclaimed. “Yes, I’ve observed that. It’s fantastic how you’re getting on. I’m very pleased about it.” John Henry answered.  
After their snack, Mrs. H. walked in, to tend to a juicy pork roast which she had cooking in the oven. She greeted them all kindly, and spoke, “Laurie, and men, this roast is nearly done. And after it rests awhile, I’ll slice it up into thin slices and it will be great for sandwiches. I’ll put out some mayo and pickles and some freshly baked rolls which I just picked up. And you all can enjoy it.” John answered, “Oh, wow, Mrs. H,-  that smells and sounds delicious. We all just ate some of your corn muffins and tea though, so maybe in a couple hours will be better. But thanks so much for the offer, you’re the greatest !” All joined in with agreement and thanks and nodding. She was touched. John went to her and gave her a sweet hug, similar to a mom/son hug. It was sweet and sensitive, as all were seeing the complexity of their bond. The guys decided it was time to play a bit in the den, where John’s home drum kit was set up, so they all headed for there. Jimmy stood up and took Laurie’s hand and gave it a tender kiss, and petted her hair a little. Then walked toward the den. He and Laurie had made quite their own bond together, as of late. She enjoyed it very much. Jim was serious as a heart attack when he told her he’d wished for a girl like her. But - her love for John Henry was as real and honest and overwhelming as love gets. So there was no chance of she and Jim ever being a couple, not as long as John Henry was there.  
Later in the day, once all visitors had gone home, John took Laurie by the hand and led her to their bed. They lay down peacefully together. He held her to himself, face to face with his arms encircling her. He kissed her on top of her head and the side of her face over and over again. In appreciation of her glorious spirit, and how proud she made him feel, especially in front of his crew. John and his love were so comfortable and satisfied to be in each other’s arms, that they fell asleep within moments. It was as beautiful as is earthly possible. 
They awoke several hours later and it was dusk now. John said, “Laur, sleeping here just now with you was the best feeling in the world to me. You’re my love and it couldn’t get any more perfect than this.”
With that, she began kissing his gorgeous lips and his neck, gently and enticingly. Kissing his wonderful warm neck and her soft breath against it, hit him like a bolt of lightning. Tickled him and set off his instincts, that yes, I’m going to need to make love to her. Most men, in fact, we’ve heard, have revealed that once a woman begins kissing his neck, he instantly feels a signal inside saying, yes, we’re making love. No two ways about it. As was very true for this manly man. So he began slowly removing articles of her clothes, and she was finding herself blazing hot with desire for him. She helped him slip his things off also, and then once naked, they were all over each other. Kissing, licking, nuzzling, massaging. John began squeezing her thighs, rubbing her lovely legs, caressing her hips. The passion was thick. He pulled her on top of himself and she took control. They made love there for hours and he said, in his love drenched voice, so sexily, “I was wrong earlier when I said that sleeping together and relaxingly was the best feeling in the world. My girl, a correction,  having your arms and legs wrapped around me while I’m inside of you, this clearly is what the best feeling in the world is.“ And she smiled a pleased smile as they continued loving each other. John later said, “Oh, my love, my Laurie, you make me so happy and I am so satisfied to the sky with the love you give me. I couldn’t be more satisfied than this, my angel, I love you so much.”   She was thrilled by his sensitive remarks, and said, ”And I feel the same toward you, my darling. Most beautiful sexy man in this world. And I feel fantastic too.”
Next Ch.(14) - https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/184605435236/bonz-fan-fiction-record-shop-madness-ch14
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Damsel in Distress
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Peter Parker x Reader
Damsel in Distress
Note: Here’s some Peter Parker x Hawkeye’s Daughter! reader
Warnings: Minor swears, adorable Peter Parker is adorable.
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” Clint said, leaning in the doorway of your room.
He had taken you in almost a year before when he found out your parents had kicked you out because of your powers. He and Laura didn’t even have to talk about it before they started setting up a room in the loft upstairs.
It didn’t take long to paint and furnish, and Stark was more than willing to fund your new room. Plus, having a teenager in the house was great. It was like having a built in babysitter every time Clint and Laura wanted to go out.
“Goodnight, Clint.” You said, jotting something down in your journal.
“You know (Y/N), if you want to,” Clint rubbed the back of his neck and walked into the room, sitting on the chest at the end of your bed. “You can call Laura and I Mom and Dad. If you want. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Thanks,” You smiled, closing your journal and setting down your pen. “Dad,”
“Well, I’ll see you in the morning, kiddo.” Clint smiled, way, way happier than he let on, and walked out of your bedroom. You counted to five, and as soon as you heard him walk down the stairs, you pulled your costume out of the chest at the end of your bed.
You looked it over happily. You were going to see Spiderman tonight. You had met up with him at least once a week since you had run into him on accident the first time you had flown to New York to fight crime.
Of course, since Spidey had gotten an upgrade, there was a significant drop in crime. Luckily for the two of you, less bad guys meant more alone time.
You slipped into your skin-tight white and silver uniform, your blue cape drifted from your shoulders, brushing the floor ever so gently. You slipped your silver mask around your eyes and pulled your long blue wig onto your head, pinning it into place and adjusting it so it looked natural.
You were pretty sure Clint and Laura had no idea you dressed up and flew around the country at night as Damsel in Distress (your superhero alter-ego), but you hoped when they eventually found out they would forgive you for lying to them. Well, you weren’t necessarily lying, you were just withholding the truth.
You locked the bedroom door, clicked off the lamp beside your bed, and opened the large window, flying out into the open air, soaring away from the farm and off towards the city. You didn’t realize that like they did on most nights, Laura and Clint were watching you from the front porch.
“What do you think she does when she leaves?” Laura asked Clint quietly as you disappeared from their sight.
“I think she’s making the world a better place,” Clint smiled softly. “Takes after her father,”
“Yes she does…”
“Spidey?” You asked, touching down on the roof of your usual meet-up spot. It had been months since you met the wall-crawler and you still didn’t know his real name, nor had you ever seen his face. Though, judging by the sound of his voice, you assumed he was around your age, if not younger.
“Right here, Damsel,” He waved, walking to the middle of the roof. “You know, I was studying the way you came in, and I think if you raised your legs a little higher and positioned your arms differently, you would fly way faster.”
“It’s all about physics with you, isn’t it?”
“Yes. Yeah. That’s kind of my thing.” He shrugged, walking closer to you. “How’s your week been?”
“Good. Yours?”
“G-great, yeah. So um, I talked to Mr. Stark, and he said you can stop by the Facility , i-if you want, that is.”
“I’m going on a field trip there tomorrow with the superhero club from school. Or did I forget to tell you that?”
“You’re gonna be there tomorrow?”
“So I get to meet you tomorrow. Really, truly, in person meet you there tomorrow.”
“Well, I won’t be wearing my wig or anything, so, good luck finding me.”
“Aren’t you just going to tell me who you are?”
“What’s the fun in that?” You smiled, biting your lip teasingly. “Plus, my dad will be there, and he doesn’t really know about my little trips to the city in the middle of the night.”
“Is he chaperoning the field trip or something?” Spiderman asked. You thought for a second, deciding not to tell him who you were just yet.
“You could say that, yeah,” You smirked. You looked out over the city’s twinkling lights. “Any crime tonight?”
“Police scanner didn’t pick anything up,” he shrugged, going quiet for a little while. “Hey Damsel,”
“Do you think maybe tomorrow after your field trip you would consider, possibly, maybe going on a date with me? I mean, you like, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but-”
“I’d really like that,”
You walked out of the bus the next day, Clint following you closely. As soon as you stepped through the doors of the Facility, Clint gripped your shoulder, bid you farewell, and walked away, leaving you with the tour group.
It was a Saturday, which meant Peter Parker was at the Facility training. He found the group almost as soon as you walked through the door. You smiled at the sight of him. He was so subtle, wearing a red shirt with the famed Spiderman symbol smack-dab in the center of it.
It was the first time you had looked at his face. You smiled. God, he was cute under that mask. Really, really cute. Big brown eyes, tousled brown hair, and a nice build if you did say so yourself. You found yourself blushing. You almost lifted off the ground, giddy as a schoolgirl. You grounded yourself, focusing not to lose your balance or fly off on accident and blow your secret identity.
You watched as he scanned the crowd of high school students. Being in New York, there were quite a few students interested in superheroes. Suddenly, you were worried that he wouldn’t be able to find you in the crowd.
“Over to the left, we see the training facility of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers. Miss Barton.” Called the teacher, trying to get your attention. “Miss Barton!”
“Sorry Mrs. Carter.”
“It’s no problem, (Y/N). Didn’t your father agree to give us a tour?”
“He did. I’m not sure where he got off to…” You looked around. Peter’s eyes locked on you, a small smile growing on his lips.
“Here I am. Sorry for the delay, Mrs. Carter,” Clint shot you a grin. “I’m sure you all know my daughter.” He led the group onwards. Peter walked up behind you, hands shoved in his pockets.
“So, Hawkeye’s daughter, huh?” He asked, smiling before whispering. “Damsel,”
“Took you long enough,” You replied, jabbing him in the ribs with your elbow. He laughed. You pointed to his shirt. “Subtle, Spider-boy,���
“Well, I wanted to make sure you could find me,”
“I wasn’t sure you would be able to find me without the blue hair and the mask.” You joked.
“Well, it was a struggle, but I managed,” He rubbed the back of his neck. He looked more nervous than he was trying to let on.
“So, are you going to join the tour group or what, um…I don’t know your name.”
“Peter.” He introduced. “Peter Parker.”
“(Y/N) Barton,” You held out your hand and he shook it, smiling.
“I bet I’d stick out in the group though, huh?” Peter asked, tilting his head to the side a little. You slipped your hand into his, intertwining your fingers and pulling him on with the rest of the kids from your school.
“I think you’ll blend in just fine.”
It was weeks later that Clint took you to the Facility again. You had been there all afternoon hanging out with Peter, but it was just then that he found you, sitting beside him on the couch holding hands.
“(Y/N), Peter, whaaaat are you doing?”
“Um, holding hands?” You offered, holding up your intertwined fingers.
“I did not bring you here to hang out with your, um…”
“Boyfriend. Sir.” Peter stated awkwardly, a nervous smile on his face.
“And how long have you been dating my little girl?” Clint crossed his arms, trying to intimidate Peter. It was working.
“Daaaaad,” You whined, rolling your eyes.
“Um, a-a few weeks, Mr. Hawkeye, sir,”
“Ah. And when did you plan on telling me?”
“Dad, leave him alone,”
“Oh, I’m not done with you, princess. Or should I say Damsel?”
“Yeah, ‘shit’ is right,” Clint laughed. “You think I didn’t see you flying off every night. Wait, is he why you…It all makes sense now…”
“Well, would you look at the time,” Peter glanced at his watch-less wrist. “I’m really sorry Mr. Barton, but we have to go catch a movie, so.”
“This conversation is not over!” Clint started following you down the hall. You glanced at Peter, smiling.
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buttonholedlife · 5 years
This Week’s Essential Releases: Cosmic Death Metal, Techno, Jazz and More
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Welcome to Essential Releases, our weekly roundup of the best music on Bandcamp. Each week, we’ll recommend crucial new albums that were released between last Friday and this Friday, plus pick an older LP from the stacks that you may have missed.
Behavior Spirits & Embellishments
L.A. post-punk trio Behavior make deconstructed rock n’ roll, all odd angles, that fizzes with anxiety and burns with tension even in its most seemingly-languid, minimal moments. Take “Cheap Dive,” from their latest album, Spirits and Embellishments; a minor-key jangler in the vein of the ‘80s Boston suburban underground (think Native Tongue or Moving Targets), the track slowly breaks down to barely strummed guitar and abstract lyrics, only to gather up again and stutter to a stop. This is the group’s most playful work yet; sure, there’s plenty of their trademark bleakness to be found, but tracks like “Cute,” “Some Dear Sign,” and “Organic” have percussive shuffle and even, dare I say it, a little bit of pop’s cheeky charm (which has been peeking out from their sound for a while, but feels more fully acknowledged here). I’ve been fascinated by what Behavior do since their first album (the closest overall analog in my head is Swell Maps, which is a large compliment), and it’s a joy to me to watch them build a cohesive style and get comfortable within it across such broad, experimental terrain.
-Jes Skolnik
Jacques Greene Dawn Chorus
The list of collaborators on the latest album from Canadian producer Jacques Greene gives a quick indication of its breadth. Everyone from the rapper Cadence Weapon to cellist Oliver Coates to synth experimentalist Juliana Barwick turns up in the album’s credits, a suitably broad roster for an album that is relentlessly determined to pool out in every direction. Greene works from a general base of dance music, but the way he approaches it is almost defiant. The press line on this record is that he approached the songs as if he were working with a band, which would be nothing more than a clever hook if the music didn’t actually sound that way. But that rethink is clearly audible—mainly in the cavernous drums on songs like “Drop Location” and “Do It Without You,” which have a resonance that feels strikingly organic. Genre-wise, Greene is all over the map, from the ambient house of “Let Go,” where waterfalls of synth cascade down over Rochelle Jordan’s winding R&B-like melody, to the bright and blinking “Sibling,” where fat, twitchy synths seem to flirt with retrowave. The album is held together by a kind of gliding ambience—a soft fog of electronics that hangs over even rambunctious numbers like the album opening “Serenity.” Greene and co-producer Jonathan Ford of the techno duo Ford & Lopatin created and followed a specific production rule book while making the record; as a result, Dawn Chorus hangs together as a cohesive work, even when Greene is pushing genre omnivorousness to giddy new extremes.
-J. Edward Keyes
Laura Palmer’s DEATH PARADE Among Us All
Portland band Laura Palmer’s DEATH PARADE’s overlooked 2018 EP release, Among Us All, receives a cassette reissue on Seattle’s reliably cool Halfshell Records this month, giving dream pop aficionados a second chance to sink into the cloudy embrace of the band’s alternately sweet and doomy guitar pop. This band’s music is as spookily atmospheric and darkly insular as the mood conjured by the television show they so shamelessly reference both in their name and even sonically, but there’s so much depth and shape to these songs it’s impossible to get hung up on aesthetics—though they are, let’s face it, a huge part of the charm with this kind of music. But LPDP have something most dreampoppers don’t, which is soul. Laura Hopkins’ gorgeous, velvety voice winds in and out of her grief-stricken melodies, her yearning torch songs coated with soft shoegaze shimmer that only serves to make them feel even darker and more sad for being so pretty at the same time. The only thing this band needs to change is their name.
-Mariana Timony
Falon Sierra Damaged By System
Seattle-based R&B singer Falon Sierra is making music that transverses the line between soul and experimental. A self-proclaimed alt-R&B artist, her latest album, Damaged By System, is about self-definition and self-determination. On album opener, “What’s Wrong!?!?” Sierra sings, “I want to be adored,” to an uninterested lover over a piano-heavy beat with resounding synths. The track “CrazyInsane” sounds glitchy with light, airy electro pings that are expertly matched with Sierra’s syrupy vocals. On the hazy closer “Let Them [Sleep On You],” Sierra addresses listeners with a monologue about the struggles of making art in Seattle—a city undergoing immense and rapid gentrification. She’s clear about the weight of fighting to carve out a space for herself against the city’s current reality. The five songs on Damaged By System are a good introduction to Sierra’s sumptuous sound.
-Diamond Sharp
Vagabon Vagabon
The debut album from Laetitia Tamko, who records as Vagabon, was bare-bones and guitar-based, springing from the indie rock scene centered around the Brooklyn venue Silent Barn, which also nurtured artists like Long Neck, Fern Mayo, Waxahatchee, and others. But her new record—and first for the major indie Nonesuch—she leaves that rough-and-tumble sound behind, opting instead for sleek, synth-driven pop music that perfectly complements her stunning, haunting voice. The change of direction pays off from the outset: “Full Moon in Gemini” is a masterfully controlled narrative of love and longing that Tamko tells using vivid, specific details, and the way her voice rolls through the lush bed of strings and electronics is like fog rolling across the top of the water. On “Water Me Down,” she gingerly strings syllables together over sweetly piping keys. In our interview with her, Tamko cites Frank Ocean’s Blonde as a reference point, and while the two albums don’t quite sound alike—though both share a fondness for languid, luxuriant tempos—the primary area of overlap is in their unflinching intimacy. In “Home Soon,” as strings bend and sway in the background like trees in a breeze, Tamko repeats, “I give it all away/ but I’ll be home soon.” She sings it with a different inflection every time—first remote, then determined, then, finally sorrowful. The words are vague, but the feeling with which she sings them makes them clear she has a specific recipient in mind. There’s a subtle irony at work: there is a lazy critical shorthand that pegs underproduced guitar music—the kind Tamko used to make—as somehow inherently more “authentic” than other styles. To listen to Vagabon is to realize how foolish that thinking is.
-J. Edward Keyes
Xoth Interdimensional Invocations
Xoth’s Interdimensional Invocations, my penultimate Spooky Friday pick, is a searing homage to Lovecraftian horror: Cthulu’s cold, desolate universe pressed to wax so that we might witness its majesty without our heads exploding instantaneously on the spot, like grapefruits in a microwave, upon exposure. Xoth aren’t the first cosmic metal band to come along — not by a long shot — but they’re certainly the nastiest, their oozing riffs reinforced by maddening screams and live-wire solos redolent of early-’90s death metal. Exorbitant doomsday tales like “Plague Revival 20XX” and “The Ghost Hand Of God” are filled with lyrical references to space viruses and alien overlords, the stuff of Ancient Aliens wackiness — and yet, the instrumentally-grotesque, lyrically-perverse manner in which they’re presented is nothing short of terrifying.
-Zoe Camp
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Sensual World Feeling Wild
I’ve been waiting for the debut from Richmond dark punk band Sensual World (named for what I would say is an honestly underrated Kate Bush record) for a while now, and good lord, what a perfect album for the spooky month. Singer Julie Karr is possessed of a powerful voice, a country-soul howl that adds a particularly fascinating dimension to Sensual World’s sound. They’re clearly indebted to the Wipers (listen to those spindly, punchy Greg Sage-esque guitar lines, and the wash of reverb and delay over the entire album that makes it sound a bit like it’s transmitting from the bottom of a swampy lake), but Karr’s voice pushes them from a good band—enjoyable, smart songwriters, but not necessarily heads above the rest—to something ferocious and particular. When she recites “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming,” at the end of “United States of Bullshit,” it is both a threat and a thrill.
-Jes Skolnik
This content was originally published here.
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firethatgrewsolow · 8 years
Chapter Fifty-three
**Moving on to Wales … prepare yourself, sentimental fluff ahead.**
Robert shifted in his seat for the third time.  Christ, why am I so bloody nervous?  It had been building since they touched down in Birmingham, their physical arrival a manifestation of all the dreams and promises shared in a land so far away.  This is it.  No turning back.  Not that he’d want to, having finally procured what he’d longed for the past few years.  Will they like their new home?  Will they like it here at all?  As Bella snuggled into his lap, he stayed silent, the thread of apprehension growing larger.
The urban setting surrounding the airport faded away, endless rolling hills taking its place, and Michelle gazed in wonder. Churches that must have been hundreds of years old dotted the countryside, along with cottages likely no younger.  The pictures he’d shown her hadn’t done it justice, unable to capture the pristine beauty of the landscape, now the fabric of a new life.  “This is incredible.  Like a storybook.”
“It’s something, yeah?” Robert replied, trying his best to mask the tension in his voice.
His tone gave her pause; he sounded stiff, almost aloof.  Is he happy we’re here?  Is he having second thoughts?  The goodbyes had been painful, as she’d known they would be.  Melody had been nearly distraught. Truth be told, Michelle still felt numb, the abrupt change of course leaving her breathless.  It’s only a matter of weeks … then everyone will be back for Earl’s Court.  Most everyone, anyway.  Her mom and dad wouldn’t be attending, not that she’d expected them to, particularly since they’d not been invited.  Her thoughts turned to Robert’s parents, and butterflies invaded her tummy.  God, please let them like me.  And Bella, especially Bella.  For all intents and purposes, the child didn’t have any grandparents, a fact that filled her with regret, having loved her grandmother so.  Well, there’s Nancy, I suppose, and of course, Laura and Mel.  
She’d read all she could about life in England and Wales, hoping for some semblance of understanding.  In the end, she’d have to rely on fate and Robert … and maybe a little John Henry.  She’d not realized that the farm in England was so close to the drummer’s family and caught herself wondering what his wife was like.  Will we be friends?  It was no matter, for the moment, as their first stop was Wales, but the doubt lingered.  Will I have any friends at all?  God, am I doing the right thing?  She swallowed, glancing to Robert.  Bella was still in his lap, his arm wrapped protectively around the drowsy child.  He caught her eye and smiled, the soft glow of it smothering the momentary indecision.  Yes, there’s no doubt that I am.  As they slowed to take a turn onto a small gravel drive, she peered through the window. “Are we getting close?”
There was a look on her face he couldn’t decipher, and Robert felt a pang in his gut.  “Well, this is it, actually.  We’re, uh, home.”
Bella squealed and pointed to their host, who was merrily greeting them, barking and running alongside the car.  Michelle couldn’t suppress a chuckle.  “Is that who I think it is?”
“The one and only,” Robert murmured as the house came into view.  He kept his eyes glued to hers, searching for any sign of acceptance.  Please, please let this work.
Michelle stared transfixed.  It was nestled between thickets of oaks, a fortress of sorts, the mighty gray stone walls likely impenetrable.  But warm, too, cozy and safe.  Just like him.  An expansive garden curled behind it with daffodils sprinkled along the edge, and her mouth began to curve as they rolled to a stop.  
“I know it needs work … I’ve always meant to … we’ll do whatever you want,” Robert stammered, helping her from the car.
She was still, so quiet that he almost missed his name on her lips.  Oh, Christ, I knew it.  She hates it.   “What, Belle?”
“I love it.”
She loves it.  He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath, and air rushed into his lungs as relief flooded through his body.  “Do you really?” he squeaked with a silly grin.
She draped her arms around him as Bella and Strider played chase.  “I feel like I’ve always been here.”
“Oh, honey, I’d hoped you would, I’d really hoped …”  He leaned into her for a kiss, stopping at the gentle clearing of the driver’s throat.
“Where should I put your bags, Mr. Plant?”
“Sorry, mate, ah, just leave everything by the door, thanks.”  Like the giddy boy he suddenly was, he scooped up Bella and took Michelle’s hand, whisking her away.  “Let me show you my favorite part.”
He led her to the side of the house and down a short trail covered by thick thatches of mossy trees.  The faint roar of rushing water caressed the air, and it felt quiet and cooler.  Secluded.  They approached what appeared to be a kind of room beneath the canopy.  A large hammock swayed between two of the bigger trunks, surrounded by makeshift tables and chairs formed from massive roots and rocks.  A rich Persian rug had been situated to provide a carpet of sorts, and candles were scattered about, most ensconced in ornate, metal holders.  It looked enchanted, pagan, like something out of one of his crazy tales.  It looked like him.  “Unbelievable.  This is just …” she trailed off as he coaxed her toward a curtain of stone facing an extraordinary view of mountains and the sea through long, leaf laden branches.  “It’s breathtaking,” Michelle whispered in awe, “I can see forever.”
Robert set Bella down, amused as she immediately scurried back to her new best friend. Gathering Michelle against his chest, he reclined on the rock, both of them mesmerized by the panorama.  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to see this?  For you to be here?”
“Yes, I do, actually.  Three years, six months and, um, about eight days?”
He laughed, laying his cheek atop the crown of her head.  “I adore you, Michy Belle Plant.”
“I believe that’s Grant.”
“No, not anymore.  I want you to marry me and make a passel of kids, maybe from this very spot.”
“Well, I like the sound of the last part,” she snickered, nibbling her lip. 
Robert sighed, his brow wrinkling.  “You’re not taking this seriously.  I mean it.”  He spun her around, looking into her eyes.  “I want to give you my name, Michelle.”  
“The one I have is okay with me.  All that stuff is such … what is it you say?  Bollocks?  It’s just silly and old fashioned.”
“Well, then I guess I’m silly and old fashioned.”  He cupped her face, tracing her features.  “I want to share everything with you, girl … give you anything you want.”
She ran her hands along his shoulders, tangling them in the locks she loved.  “I have everything I want and everything I need right here.” Her fingers tightened in his hair, and Michelle drew him closer.  As he opened his mouth to respond, she kissed him, softly at first, tentatively listening for Annabelle and Strider, but they were forgotten for a moment as the kiss grew deeper.    
He could feel a hum in the back of her throat and brought his hands to her hips, slowly sliding them up and around her breasts.  As his body responded, he began to contemplate all the different ways they could …  
Michelle abruptly pulled back at the sound of Annabelle’s giggle and Strider’s disapproving bark.  The collie jumped up, giving her a very sloppy admonishment across the side of her jeans.  “So charming,” she chided as Robert scolded him, brushing away the mud from her pants.
“He certainly has his moments … and I believe we have unfinished business.  Maybe we set a date for …”
“Kiddo goes to bed at seven.”  Michelle smiled as Bella protested with the best grimace she could muster.  “With jet lag, it should be six, honey.”
“What’s jet lag?”
Robert swooped her into his arms, settling her against his hip.  “Your mum’s being too hard on you, isn’t she?”  The girl’s histrionic pout was a work of art, and he glanced to Michelle.  “I think we may have an actress on our hands, yeah?”
“Or a very good grifter.”
Annabelle was, indeed, asleep by six, the long journey having exhausted her.  She lay nestled in her new bed between a wall of fuzzy stuffed animals and Strider, who wouldn’t leave her side.  After Robert’s third goodnight kiss, Michelle corralled him into the living room, settling on the sofa while he fetched some wine.  She gazed through the room, adorned with various paintings and books, pausing on the centerpiece, a broad fireplace framed by a beautifully carved mahogany mantle.  “Strider and Bella seem quite taken with each other.”
“Strider’s like me. He has a weakness for pretty girls.” With a pop, the cork flew from the bottle, and Robert poured them each some Champagne.  “Besides, I had a long conversation with him.  I told him to be on his best behavior.”
“Really?  And when would that have been?  Before you left for the tour?” she teased, shivering at the chill from the evening air wafting through the ancient plate glass behind her.  “I didn’t know clairvoyance was one of your many attributes.”    
“It was on the telephone, naturally.”
“Right.  Of course.”  Drawing a quilt over her shoulders, she scanned the pile of wood stacked neatly on the hearth.  “You know, I’d really love a fire.”
“It’s not that cold,” he countered, topping off the flutes.
“It’s cold enough.”  At his stubborn silence, she added, “I can do it myself, if you like.”
The singer smirked at her miffed tone, taking a step toward the sofa.  “You don’t know how to light a fire.”
Cocking her head, Michelle made a move to stand.  “I damn well do, you little … git!”
Robert froze, the stems laced precariously through his fingers.  “Did you just call me a git?”  
“I did,” she replied as menacingly as she could.  
A standoff ensued, each gauging the other’s course of action.  As the seconds ticked by, he watched a smile gradually form on her face.  That smile.  Delivering the wine, he dispatched himself.  “A fire it is.”
Exalting in her win of the battle of the wills, Michelle curled her legs underneath her.  “I think we should unpack tomorrow.”
He wrestled with the kindling and a few small logs, finally sparking a flame.  “Sounds good to me.”  Satisfied with his ministrations, Robert burrowed next to her.  “Lots of other things we can do to stay occupied,” he murmured, gliding his hand along her thigh.
As the blaze caught on, its snaps and cracks echoed through the room, nearly making her flinch. “You need softer things in here.”
“I’m off to a pretty good start.”  He nipped at her ear, his hand drifting north.
She playfully slapped it away.  “I mean things like thicker rugs … something to absorb the sounds.”
Not the least bit deterred, the corner of his mouth turned up.  “It’s an old house, love.  Lotta hard things in here.”
Shaking her head, Michelle rolled her eyes.  “Jesus Christ, don’t you ever get tired of …”
“Nope, never.  It’s a gift.”  He reached for his glass, ceremoniously clinking it against hers. “To us, Belle … to the beginning of the rest of our lives.”  As he toasted, his dimple deepened.  “And to christening every room in this house.”
“Mmm, big house … I suggest we get started.”
In an instant, Robert pounced.  Like magic, the flutes vanished as he nudged her into the cushions.  “At your service.”
She laughed, running her hands through his hair.  “You sure don’t waste any time.”
“There’s none to waste.”  He nuzzled her cheek, expelling a short breath.  “Christ, I’ve been lookin’ forward to this all day.”  A log shifted in the fireplace, dropping with a thud near the screen, and Michelle glanced to the burning embers trailing across the hearth.  “Leave it,” he whispered, his lips dusting hers.
With a purr, she draped her legs around his hips and thighs.  “You better hope Annabelle doesn’t wake up.”
“Strider’ll keep me apprised.”  Unbuckling his belt, he tugged at her top.  “We have an understanding.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know,” she breathed, wriggling out of her shirt.
“Pretty aware of that.”  Robert kissed her again, moving his attention to the buttons of her jeans.
She lifted her hips as he slid them off.  “Let’s just go to the bedroom.”
“No, uh-uh … gotta start here.”  Unclasping her bra, he tossed it aside.  “It’s, ah, good luck.”
“Good luck?” she scoffed, pressing her hands against his chest.
“You wouldn’t understand,” he mumbled, his fingers skimming the edge of her panties.  “Ancient Celtic ritual.”
With a snort, Michelle raised her brow.  “Ancient Celtic bullshit.  You’re just horny.”  She narrowed her eyes as he shrugged, giving her a sheepish grin.
“That too, love, that too.” 
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It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of summer. Not just the sun and the warmth but most importantly, the festival season. When the festival lineup announcements start popping up in the spring, I get all giddy and start drafting a schedule of the ones I’ll definitely be attending that year.
When one of our favourite radio stations, Rebel 101.7, announced they will be hosting the 7th Mountain Man Festival at Calabogie Peaks Resort only an hour away from Ottawa, it was pretty much a no-brainer to go and check out the weekend festivities.
The Weather Network was posting not-so-promising forecasts with thunder storms and tornado warnings, but what kind of festival goer would I be if I let that scare me from not attending?!
Darryl Kornicky of Rebel 101.7 at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Friday-Day 1
I headed over to Calabogie on Friday evening for the first night of festival well prepared with a rain coat and protective sleeves for my camera gear only to be greeted with clear skies and a small cheerful crowd. My only regret that evening would be forgetting to bring bug spray as the vicious black flies decided to attack my face as soon as I entered the festival grounds eventually resulting to a red and swollen eye and bloody face.  But physical injuries aside, the first evening was the night of rocknroll and beers, and no bugs were going to stop that.
Crossing Jane opened the evening with an energetic set of covers, before letting Toronto’s Diemonds loose on stage. The front woman Priya Panda’s powerful vocals and the extremely talented guitarists CC Diemond and Daniel Dekay’s guitar solos were bound to deliver exactly what the crowd came to see, badass rocknroll.
Diemonds at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Friday evening’s headliner was Saskatoon’s One Bad Son who have within the past few years been releasing a hit single after a hit single.  The band put on a one hell of a rock show on Friday night, and it’s hard not to have a couple of their songs stuck in your head for the rest of the week or two.
One Bad Son at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Saturday-Day 2
Still buzzing from the festival’s first night, I decided to allow myself to sleep in and headed back to Calabogie early afternoon on Saturday and sadly missed the first two acts, Kyle Lalone and Toronto’s The Owns.
Iconoclast at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
I made it to the festival right on time when Ottawa’s Iconoclast was starting their set. Having recently gone through some lineup changes after guitarist Dave Di Ubaldo’s move to British Columbia, the band was playing one of their first shows with their newest addition, bassist Fahim Rahman, who is also known from Aenigma. The charismatic singer Marc Bourgon and his band were able to wake up the afternoon crowd for the next act on the bill, Ottawa’s sleaze rockers, In Heat.
In Heat’s shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and I’m always excited to see which outfit the singer Lexxi Splitlip will be wearing for the show. Festival’s younger audience clearly found the band’s performance intriguing and parked themselves right in front of the stage, and were rewarded when guitarist Brent Walker walked over to get them help him play.
In Heat at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Next in the lineup was Hellbros, who not only have been branded Canada’s loudest rock band, but also spread their wings on their first European tour last summer. The singer Peter Just not only has an impressive set of lungs, but has clearly sharpened his comedy skills bantering back and forth with drummer Josh Roy in between the songs.
Hellbros at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The evening’s first headliner, Montreal’s The Damn Truth have been getting a lot of media within the past year, since singer Lee-la Baum’s heart wrenching rendition of Love is Blindness in the YSL commercial last year.
Baum’s amazing chops and style have been compared to none other than Janis Joplin’s and she has clearly chosen the right band to back her up, and they all played seamlessly together for the one hour set to adoring fans.
The Damn Truth at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Much anticipated The Glorious Sons closed off the second night of the festival with noticeably larger crowd from the first night and towards the first half of the set, the skies finally opened and sprinkled some rain on the  festival crowd who did not care.
Singer Brett Emmons paced the stage bare feet with a wine bottle in his hand and lovingly roughed up with his bandmates during the songs. The audience left the festival grounds satisfied with day full of some of Canada’s finest rocknrollers.
The Glorious Sons at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Sunday-Day 3
Hesitating for a split second on Sunday morning after seeing the tornado warning on the weather app, I packed up my gear for the last afternoon of Mountain Man Festival. I narrowly missed the opener, Infrared, and got on site for Ottawa’s metal band A Scar For The Wicked.
A Scar For The Wicked at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
All the tents had already disappeared from the camping area but a handful of most loyal fans were head banging in front of the stage in the scorching early afternoon sun.
Gatineau’s Inire closed the festival with an extra long set after the last band of the day was unable to make it, and they certainly gave their all, and the audience that was still left on site was ecstatic.
Inire at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
This year’s attendance numbers might have not been the highest, but the crowd was most certainly enthusiastic. Calabogie Peaks is a wonderful venue for a smaller scale festival like Mountain Man, and the organizers had done a great job with booking amazing bands and setting up the grounds.
Us here at Sound Check Entertainment are not alone hoping that Mountain Man festival keeps on going for us to enjoy for the next years to come.
By Laura Collins.
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Crossing Jane at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Diemonds at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Diemonds at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Diemonds at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
One Bad Son at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
One Bad Son at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
One Bad Son at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
One Bad Son at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
One Bad Son at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Iconoclast at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
In Heat at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Hellbros at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Damn Truth at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Damn Truth at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Damn Truth at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Glorious Sons at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Glorious Sons at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Glorious Sons at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
The Glorious Sons at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
A Scar For The Wicked at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
A Scar For The Wicked at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Inire at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Inire at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Inire at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Inire at Mountain Man Festival 2017. Photo by Laura Collins.
Rebels take over the peaks at the Calabogie Mountain Man Festival. It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of summer. Not just the sun and the warmth but most importantly, the festival season.
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