#Late Jurassic Period
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blueiscoool · 8 months ago
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Billionaire Ken Griffin Buys Stegosaurus Fossil ‘Apex’ For Record $44M
Stegosaurus skeleton, nicknamed 'Apex,' sells for record $44.6M
A nearly complete stegosaurus skeleton sold at a Sotheby's auction in New York on Wednesday for a record $44.6 million -- the most ever paid for a fossil.
The dinosaur, nicknamed "Apex" -- which lived between 146 and 161 million years ago in the Late Jurassic Period -- was originally expected to sell for between $4 million and $6 million, according to the auction house.
Sotheby's has said Apex is the "most complete and best-preserved Stegosaurus specimen of its size ever discovered."
The skeleton was discovered on private land in Moffat County, Colorado -- in northwestern Colorado and on the border with Utah and Wyoming -- in May 2022 by commercial paleontologist Jason Cooper, with excavation completed in 2023, according to Sotheby's. The county is an area where many other dinosaur fossils have been discovered and is home to the Dinosaur National Monument.
Apex measures 11 feet tall and 27 feet long from nose to tail. The skeleton consists of 319 bones -- 254 of which are fossils and the remainder being either 3D printed or sculpted. It's unclear if Apex was male or female.
Stegosaurus sp. Late Jurassic (approx. 161-146 million years ago) Morrison Formation, Moffatt County, Colorado, USA
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makairodonx · 18 days ago
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A Brontosaurus valentine -two Brontosaurus excelsus bonding, male at the left and female at the right
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shattersaurus · 2 months ago
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collection of all the prehistoric ocean period sets
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redlikewinter · 4 days ago
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Gorgosaurus! Inspired by the gorgosaurus from walking with dinosaurs.
Not one of my favourite pieces.
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ancientfrozenglaciershark · 7 months ago
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Museum of Natural History of Utah!
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frenchyfoxy · 8 months ago
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Fubuki doodle!! Also dino doodles past the break ❤
Stegosaurus is literally my favorite dinosaur, but I also drew a parasaurolophus and therizinosaurus. They're just quick doodles, nothing super accurate
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extinctworld-ua · 1 year ago
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Thalassiodracon — вимерлий рід плезіозаврів з родини Pliosauridae, що існував у пізньому тріасі – ранній юрі і відомий виключно з Нижнього Ліасу Англії. Типовий і єдиний вид — Thalassiodracon (Plesiosaurus) hawkinsi (Owen, 1838).
Повний те��ст на сайті "Вимерлий світ":
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mineralsrocksandfossiltalks · 9 months ago
Fossil Friday: Barosaurus or Supersaurus?
During my short time volunteering in the prep lab at the BYU Museum of Paleontology I was given one of the last jackets they had stored away from the Dry Mesa Quarry back in the 60's.
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Here's a closeup as I was trying to piece the sucker back together.
It was a massive cervical (neck) vertebra and there were two dinosaurs paleontologists believed it could be: Barosaurus or Supersaurus. Both of these sauropods come from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation, both can be found in Colorado and in the Dry Mesa Quarry (located near Delta, CO) and both are diplodocid sauropods.
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Barosaurus, meaning "heavy lizard", averages about 82-89ft (12-20m) in length. The cervical vertebrae were up to 50% longer than Diplodocus cervicals while the caudal vertebrae were shorter. This meant Barosaurus had a longer neck but a shorter tail than Diplodocus. It also had shorter, more complex neural spines than Diplodocus.
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Supersaurus, or "super lizard" averages about 108-115ft (33-35m) in length with at least one individual housed at BYU estimated to have been 128ft (39m) long. It was similarly built to Apatosaurus.
Now the vert I was working on (along with another one that had already been prepped out) are about 4.5 ft (1.4m) long which brings this animal's size up considerably, closer to 150 ft (45m) long.
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So what do you think? Barosaurus or Supersaurus?
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joitiks · 2 years ago
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graysexual ceratosaurus & questioning allosaurus !!
they can both be found here ~
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nickysfacts · 9 months ago
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Pteranodons use to be falling with style, with their sexy crests and always being high on oxygen!
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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Large Kranaosphinctes Ammonite Late Jurassic Period (approx. 160 million years ago), Madagascar
While dinosaurs ruled the land during the Late Jurassic, the ammonite genus Kranaosphinctes could be found flourishing in the oceans.
Ammonites were a type of cephalopod — the taxonomic class that includes today's nautilus, octopus, and squid. Much like a submarine, ammonites employed gas- and liquid- filled chambers to regulate their position in the water column. The animal itself lived only in the outermost compartment, employing its tubular siphuncle to connect its chambers along the shell's ventral surface.
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makairodonx · 3 months ago
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As the sun sets upon a redwood forest 154 million years ago in what is now the Morrison Formation of Colorado, A lone male Stegosaurus stenops takes one of his juveniles to feed on some fern leaves as a few Mesadactylus chase fleeting insects around the tree trunks.
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shattersaurus · 11 months ago
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Apexpredator of the cretaceous oceans, Mosasaurus Hoffmanni
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redlikewinter · 4 days ago
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Oviraptor vs. Velociraptor. One of my favourite pieces yet.
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sallywitchartist · 11 months ago
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The first part of my dinosaur coloring-book series is finally out on Amazon! I would really appreciate, if you, lovely people, would go and check it out 💜
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zummmii · 14 days ago
Make A Wish
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Summary: You stay up late, and Spencer comes to find you.
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader, established relationship (no mention of yn)
Warnings: Sassy Spencer, mention of sleep deprivation, mention of case but not really, not proof read
wc: 960
You had always been invested in space. The thought that you weren’t the only living things out there. The thought that even if there was another living thing out there we’d never know because of light years separating our timelines.
If there was something out there, looking for a similar civilisation, they wouldn’t find people, they wouldn’t find you. They’d find the jurassic period, the ice age, the mosaic period.
And so in the dead of night you find yourself sat on the sofa closest to the window, a book in your hair as you stared up at the sky, clear and dark blue. Little twinkling stars starring back at you.
Your legs tucked under yourself as you sat perched on the couch, one of Spencer’s over sized shirts and panties. Nothing much but it was comfortable.
He was asleep, you didn’t want to wake him up, he’d just got home for a week long case. You missed Spencer, more than you thought you would.
You missed his voice, how soft he talks to you compared to everyone else. The soft brown eyes he gives you every time he looks at you, like you’re the most expensive piece of jewellery in the shop. You missed his gentle touch, the possessive but caring way he holds your waist at any possible chance.
It always worried you, when he left you didn’t know whether he’d come back safely and unharmed, or even come home at all. All these terrible people, horrible, cruel people- murderers, kidnappers, terrorists, he put them away with the BAU team, and as much as you are proud of him, you can’t help but worry.
The cool night time breeze drifted through the small crack in the window, blowing your hair gently out your face with minor hesitation, the little wispy strands that had fallen down from the hair tie dancing quietly. The stars twinkled through the dark blue sky, the moon not even half full glowing brightly in the middle of it.
You had the perfect view from Spencer’s apartment building. His window was right on the corner of the street, pointing exactly diagonally from the building across. There was nothing blocking your view from the endless abyss of space.
The apartment was silent, safe for the whistling wind outside. So quiet you could hear a pin drop from the top floor.
Foot steps, muffled and muted against the floor boards from socks approached from behind you, Spencer. He was supposed to be asleep, the case taking a toll on his sleep schedule. But still, you glance over your shoulder, your gaze landing on the curly hair Dr who was rubbing his eyes and blinding walking over.
His lips brushed against your ear as he moved to kiss the temple of your head. You only shudder, turning to catch his gaze with your own eyes.
Spencer’s brown eyes glistened in the dark light shining down on the two of you as he bends down to be closer, leaning over the sofa. “You’re supposed to be asleep.” He murmurs, his voice reminding you how much you missed him over the past week.
Your lips found his jaw. “I was.” You whisper softly against his skin.
Spencer stood up straight, a quiet groan leaving his lips as he stretched out his back. The sofa dipped beside you as he climbed over the back, claiming half the sofa as his own. “Was.” He repeats, rolling his eyes in feigned disappointment.
A small smile etched its way to your lips, you lean into his side, pulling a blanket up to cover your legs when the breeze got too cold. You don’t look at him, your gaze, again, glued to the dark sky. “Was.” You nod against his chest, repeating the word in the same tone. “Why aren’t you asleep?”
The glow of the moon shown down onto his face, defining his lips and jaw line into intricate beauty. Soft curls coiled messily over his forehead. “I was, but I woke up and couldn’t find you.” His excuse was lame but heart-warmingly sweet.
You lift your head from his chest, your fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns over the patterns of the shirt he wore. Your expression was purely unimpressed as he had given a lame extended version of your reason, just twisted into a different tale. “Was.” You roll your eyes, poking his cheek as a smug lazy grin makes its way to his face.
The sky shone brightly, a flash of light lighting up the room. The line disappeared just as quickly as it came. Spencer’s hand wrapped around your shoulder, moulding into the curve. “What did you wish for?” He asks after a few seconds of silence.
Staying quiet you stare up at the sky, your eyes looking for any other movement. “Can’t tell you that.” You break the silence.
“Well,” Spencer pulled you closer his arm slipping under your knees and the other under your shoulders. “I wished for you to come to bed.” He gave a flat smile standing up with you, your arm snapping out to wrap around his neck.
Spencer gave you a hurt look. “You don’t trust me?” He frowned, his lips curling upside down into a pout.
“You’d probably drop me on purpose.” You roll your eyes, and your point was proved when he jutted in the door way of his bedroom, his grip on you faltering.
But he caught you.
“I hate you.”
Spencer drops you onto his bed rolling over top of you to the other side. “Get off, you big child.” You hit his shoulder and he settles on the other side of the bed.
His arm curled around your hip and pulled you closer. “love you too.”
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