#Large modern open concept living room idea with a carpeted floor
howyaben · 2 years
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Living Room Music Room
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dodie-snk · 1 year
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Living Room Paris Living room - large modern open concept carpeted, brown floor and exposed beam living room idea with a bar, white walls, a ribbon fireplace, a concrete fireplace and a concealed tv
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mattlauzon · 2 years
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Living Room Open Los Angeles Living room - large modern formal and open concept carpeted and brown floor living room idea with beige walls and a media wall
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zeearchitect · 2 years
Zero Degree Design - Interior Designing Institute
Zero Degree Design is Best Interior Designing Institute in Patna. Some Interior related points are:
Ceiling Height Ceilings are not just for decoration; they play a major role in a room's interior design. While some people may prefer having low ceilings while others may prefer high ones. One thing that is certain is that ceiling height affects the way we view our surroundings. A higher ceiling makes us feel taller than usual. If your house was designed before the Industrial Revolution (circa 1750), then you probably have low ceilings. Even if your house was built after the Industrial Revolution, then you still have lower ceilings. But what about modern home designs? Most modern homes are built with higher ceilings. We live in a time where we need to stay tall in order to get out of bed! So it’s a good idea to choose a higher ceiling because it helps make you look taller than usual.
Lighting Lighting plays a big role in how we view spaces. When we view things at night, we tend to see them differently than we do during the day. As humans, we naturally rely on visual stimuli to help us navigate around our environment. Because of this, lighting often dictates how we perceive a space. Now, when we think of lighting, we usually imagine lighting fixtures and bulbs. But did you know that lighting could make a huge difference in how we see an entire room? Light colors and brightness are two different ways that lighting can affect us. Let's take a closer look at these concepts.
Color You've heard about color psychology before. You know that red is associated with vitality and love, while blue and green symbolize stability and security. These associations exist because the human eye responds best to certain wavelengths of light. Red, orange, yellow, and gold are warm colors, meaning that they cause the body to release endorphins. Endorphins are neuro-transmitters that create feelings of happiness and well-being. Cooler colors, such as blue and greens, produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that creates emotional comfort. Warm lights and cool lights work together to influence our moods and emotions.
Brightness Brightness (Best Interior Designing Institute in Patna) refers to the amount of light that hits our eyes. In general, we want bright lighting in rooms. That means that we don't want dark or dim lighting. However, brightness can actually have a negative effect on our perception of a space. Too much brightness can make it difficult to focus on details. On the flip side, slightly dimmer lighting provides enough illumination without overwhelming our eyes.
Texture Texture adds interest to any space. There are many ways to add texture to a room. Wallpaper, carpets, rugs, furniture…all of these items add visual interest and depth to a room. Some materials like glass and ceramics have unique textures that are interesting to look at.
Scale Scale is related to proportionality. The scale of something defines the size and proportion of its parts relative to each other. Large objects appear larger than smaller ones. In terms of interior design, scale can mean the number of steps between doors or windows, or the distance between columns and beams. Small objects take up less space than large objects, so rooms with more small objects feel more open. Rooms with lots of columns and beams feel closed off and enclosed.
Depth Depth occurs when the viewer sees three dimensions in a picture. Two-dimensional pictures only show flat surfaces. Objects with depth appear to extend beyond the surface of the image. Think back to your last visit to the museum. How did you feel when you entered the room? Did you feel like the experience was real? Or did you immediately notice everything else going on? Our brains interpret depth in images the same way. When we enter a room, we instantly recognize the depth. We understand that the floor is flat, and the ceiling is above us.
Zero Degree Design is Best Interior Designing Institute in Patna.
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waynejenkinswj54 · 2 years
Use an Area Rug to Define Your Room
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Area Rug Cleaning Hopewell NJ
These days, most houses are built with an “open concept,” in which different areas of the house may be seen and used without interrupting one another. Because of this, it may be challenging to establish clear boundaries between the various rooms in your house. Here’s how you use an area rug to demarcate a location without disrupting the flow of the space around it.
The Front Door. If your home lacks a foyer, an area rug can easily make it seem like one. Find a rug with a pattern that contrasts with your floor and is made of a durable material. Add a small bench or chair if you wish to make better use of the area.
Your Living Area. Room sizes in modern homes are much larger than they were in the past, and open floor plans make it challenging to create a cozy gathering spot for friends and family to have a chat. Put down a patterned area rug to take the eye away from the room’s high ceilings and large windows and to make the space feel more intimate and welcoming.
Your Dining Area. These days, many houses lack a dedicated dining room; instead, an area rug serves as a makeshift table. When you don’t have a wall or a chandelier to act as a divider between the kitchen and the dining room, you can still create a functional eating space by placing something sturdy under your table and chairs.
Areas with Heavy Foot Traffic. One way to define your home’s circulation patterns and protect high-traffic floors is to use area rugs. The carpet or flooring in your home can last longer if you place heavy-duty or washable rugs in the entryway and in front of the patio doors. As a result, it serves as a demarcation between separate rooms.
The use of an open floor plan in the design of both renovated and newly built homes has become increasingly popular over the past two decades. The use of an area rug not only helps you transition from one room to another but also makes the space feel cozier overall. If you live in a rental home, purchasing a new area rug is a cost-effective option to add color to your space without making significant alterations, such as painting the walls. You can get reasonably priced area rugs for every room in your house by shopping online. On Pinterest, you may find dozens of different ideas for interior design that incorporate the use of area rugs. Make your home uniquely yours by utilizing the area rug in such a way that it defines your sense of style.
Continental Carpet Cleaning
174 Nassau St, unit 305 Princeton NJ 08542
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rabid-heart · 4 years
Good Bones
For @sefikuraweek Day 2 - Prompt: New Beginnings
Sephiroth asks Cloud to move in with him and Cloud says yes. But once the house hunting starts and Cloud rejects every possible suggestion, Sephiroth begins to doubt if Cloud’s heart is really in this relationship.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Notes/Warnings: None really, other than one tiny brief mention of sex.
Inspired by the song "The Bones" by Maren Morris.
AU – Everybody Lives! Shina is no more, Sephiroth and Cloud have been dating for a few years, and now their biggest argument is about finding the right place to start this new chapter of their lives together.  
(There is angst, because Sephiroth is just an angsty guy, but really the whole thing is just purely indulgent fluff.)
Read on Ao3 | See Previous Day
Sephiroth sighs, exasperation, exhaustion, and annoyance evident from the crease in his brow. He moves his hand away from his face and points at the laptop screen, while turning to his very stubborn boyfriend. “What’s wrong with this one now?” he asks.
Cloud simply huffs, as if that sound were enough to explain everything, and then walks away to the kitchen, leaving Sephiroth once again a little more than frustrated. It is not as if the former General himself was perfect at vocalizing his own thoughts and needs, particularly after a lifetime of being forced to suppress them, but Cloud’s pointed lack of clarity around this whole escapade had long begun stressing Sephiroth’s discipline and patience.
He pushes his chair back away from the desk and leans to watch Cloud dig into the refrigerator and pull out one of the soft-drinks that the blond had stocked in Sephiroth’s apartment. Those drinks are one sign, but there are many others – pieces of Cloud everywhere in the two bedroom condominium he had bought with his Shinra savings years ago: a blanket strewn on the black leather couch; junk food on the kitchen island (Sephiroth was never allowed junk food in his former life, but even after obtaining freedom from Shinra and Hojo’s strict meal plan, he had yet to develop a taste for that stuff); a toothbrush in the bathroom; some clothes and underwear in one of his dresser drawers. Even beyond those facts, Cloud himself arguably spent most of his nights with Sephiroth here, instead of in his actual living quarters in the house he shared with Zack, Kunsel, Aerith and Tifa (a place that Genesis not-so-affectionally dubbed the frat house).
They had been dating for over two years, though they had known each other for longer. In the end, Cloud Strife had now become invariably and inextricably woven into the fabric of Sephiroth’s life and space. He would either wake up to the blond in his arms or to a text message from Cloud. Most dinners they shared together, holding hands huddled in a restaurant booth or making a game of distracting each other while cooking. When Genesis and Angeal sent their wedding invitations, Cloud and Sephiroth’s names were on the cards together, as one. So, while Sephiroth had, admittedly, little relationship experience before this, asking Cloud if he would like to start living together seemed like a natural progression of the dance.  
He did, on the advice of Aerith and Tifa, try to make the actual asking a romantic affair. He bought Cloud’s favorite whiskey, lit candles in the apartment, asked Aerith for her best roses. Cloud had seemed thrilled at the prospect, the usually scowling face instead blushing brightly throughout the evening. When Cloud had said yes, it started such a swell in Sephiroth’s heart that he was sure there was nothing else he could ever be more grateful for in his life. He had carried Cloud to his bedroom and made sure that the blond knew just how much he loved him, well through the night and into the hazy hours of the morning.  
Then, something changed. They had agreed to find a new place, something that would let them have a true fresh start, something that they could turn into forever. But every open house Sephiroth suggested, every listing he found online had gotten summarily shut down. That would not have bothered Sephiroth as much had the blond provided more thorough explanations for his rejections, or at least explanations that were not so contradictory. Too far away from everything. Too close to the city. Too traditional. Too modern. Not enough space. Too much space. I don’t like the carpeting. I don’t like the kitchen. I don’t like the bathrooms.
Sephiroth had studiously jotted down the curt notes that Cloud had offered and then tried to adjust, come up with new possibilities. And yet, nothing seemed to please Cloud, not in the slightest. It became bizarre. Cloud did not act picky about anything other than his motorbike or his hair. And it did not make a difference that Sephiroth offered to finance renovations on an existing property to make it perfect. Cloud would shake his head, say it was too troublesome, and then move on to something else.
Sephiroth had considered himself an intelligent man, but this behavior tore at the boundaries of his understanding. He had begun to think that he had done something wrong, something to cause Cloud to suddenly grow cold on the idea of living together. He wracked his photographic memory for something – an offhand comment or gesture, a sign, even discussed the possibility with Genesis and Angeal over their weekly lunches together (Genesis called him a paranoid shithead, and while Angeal was much nicer about it, he essentially hinted at the same idea) – but could not find anything suspicious.
It had then dawned on Sephiroth that perhaps what Cloud was getting cold to was not the concept of moving in together – that maybe it was him. When that thought arose, he had quickly tried to push it down, bury it with all the other dark parts of his mind that he worked very hard to control. But try as he might to ignore it, it continued to nag away in the corners of his mind.
Even now, as he watches the blond kick close the refrigerator and wander into the living room to sit in front of the television, Sephiroth cannot help but wonder. Did Cloud really love him? Sephiroth had said it first, had felt it really from the moment Zack introduced them, and he was stunned into silence by the brilliance of those sky-blue eyes. Back then, Cloud was shyer and sweeter, but he had a stubborn streak a mile wide that often clashed with Sephiroth’s arrogance and tactlessness. They had fought often in the beginning, stumbling over misunderstandings and insecurities. But after a few honest and true conversations, things began to blossom. Sephiroth found himself being less afraid of being truly known and more willing to be honest and emotionally open. And Cloud in turn became more confident, less doubtful of his worth. They began fitting perfectly into each other’s lives, like pieces of an unusual, but beautiful puzzle.
Or at least, that had been what Sephiroth thought.
He turns to the computer screen, opened on a lovely four bedroom home just at the edge of Midgar proper – close enough to enjoy the central city, but far enough for peace. It has the large master bath, hardwood floors and open concept kitchen that Cloud had requested, and the laundry room, gas-range stove and garage that Sephiroth desired. Sephiroth had thought he struck the right compromise and had been excited at the idea of showing Cloud this new listing. But when they finished dinner and Sephiroth had pulled open his laptop, Cloud was simply as dismissive as he had been before.
Resignation begins to creep on Sephiroth now, like spiders crawling up his back. Dread, too, starts to mount in his chest. The weeks of this, the stress, the wondering, the doubt, the fear – it is too much, like an itch under his skin that he could not scratch for relief. He had pushed this conversation out for so long, under the guise of his own paranoia, but now, enough had become enough.
Sephiroth stands and walks into the living room. He reaches down for the television remote and shuts the program off, turns to face a perplexed Cloud and says, “I believe we need to talk.”
Cloud pauses, soda halfway to his lips, before putting the can down on the coffee table (no coaster, Sephiroth notes with a mild hint of irritation). “I was watching that, you know,” he responds casually.
“Cloud, I am serious.”
“You always are.”
Sephiroth closes his eyes, wills himself to breath, to calm, to still. “Do you still want to do this?” he asks, looking down at the blond sitting cross legged on his couch.
“Do what? Move in together?”
For a moment, Sephiroth considers taking the out – letting Cloud admit that he is not ready to live with him and allowing them to just resume their relationship as if nothing had happened at all. But Sephiroth knows that would not be enough for him now. He loves Cloud, wants to spend the rest of his mornings and nights with this man, but if Cloud does not feel the same, if he wants his freedom, then maybe it is best to let the blond go. Even if it means breaking open his own heart.
Sephiroth decides to push forward. “No. I mean our relationship.”
Cloud’s eyes suddenly widen in shock. “What?”
“Do you wish to continue this relationship?”
"I heard you,” Cloud says, standing up now. His face looks flushed, with anger, with embarrassment. “What I don’t understand is why you are asking this. What happened?”
Sephiroth looks down, for he knows if gazes in those blue eyes, he could never gather the necessary strength. “For the last few weeks, you have shown disinterest in every option for a new home together. I have tried my best to listen to your comments, but nothing seems to be right. I thought perhaps the true issue is that you no longer desire a life with me. I simply— I just…”
The words become trapped now, blocked by the swelling sorrow and fear in his chest. Is this it? Is he going to lose Cloud? Will he never hear that bell-like laughter, watch those blue eyes glaze with love and pleasure, dance in his living room to imaginary music with that lithe body, kiss that beautiful neck and those happy lips ever again?
He does not notice that Cloud has stepped close to him, until he feels a warm hand on his chest. Cloud glances upward, and the eyes Sephiroth loves are tinged with fear. “You don’t want to end this, right? You don’t want—”
“Of course not,” Sephiroth insists suddenly, grasping onto that hand tightly. “I love you. I love you more than anything, more than life itself and I--”
Then, Sephiroth stops, because Cloud, inexplicably, strangely, starts laughing. The blond presses his face against Sephiroth’s chest, and he can feel the vibrations of Cloud’s amusement and relief running through his body. It leaves Sephiroth feeling all the more mystified for it, and in his confusion, he finds himself locked in place and unable to move.
Finally, Cloud pulls back and looks at Sephiroth with slightly misty eyes. “You scared me, for a moment. I thought that you…oh, Gaia, Sephiroth. I’d never leave you, not for anything in this world or the next. I just needed another few weeks, that’s all.”
Sephiroth blinks at him, tilts his head. “I do not understand.”
The blond pauses for a moment, biting his lip in the way that he does whenever he is considering something. Then, he reaches down and tugs on Sephiroth’s hand. “Go get your jacket.”
“I don’t—”
“You won’t regret it, I promise.”
Sephiroth’s mouth opens to protest, to question, but Cloud is already moving, shoving his feet into his boots and slipping into his coat. The blond fishes into the ceramic bowl on the table next to the front entrance of the apartment and takes Sephiroth’s keys in his fingers. “I’m driving,” Cloud explains. “Now, c’mon!”
There appears to be no other option. Though his mind is still reeling from the whiplash of the last few moments, Sephiroth takes his jacket from the coat closet and follows Cloud down the hall, into the elevator and into the parking garage. Cloud is at his car quickly, with a springing nervousness to his step that Sephiroth only sees whenever the blond is excited about something. That recognition only serves amplify Sephiroth’s bafflement.
But he goes along anyway, watches as Cloud hops into the driver’s side of his car and complains again about having to adjust the seat for Sephiroth’s “impossibly long legs.” They drive in relative silence, Cloud with one hand on the steering wheel and the other entangled in Sephiroth’s own. It only takes a few minutes (with Cloud’s borderline reckless speed) for them to reach the edge of the city proper, and another ten or fifteen to reach the outskirts. Sephiroth recognizes their route. Since the deconstruction of the plate, the reactors and the wall, more and more residential districts have cropped up on the land surrounding Midgar, especially now that the Planet had begun to heal, and the ground had begun to repopulate the grass and flowers that used to be so scarce.
Finally, Cloud pulls up in front of a plot of land, with an unfinished two-story house sitting atop it. Some of the roofing had yet to be completed, windows installed, and outside walls painted, but the construction appeared strong and in good progress. Attached to the house is a large garage, and there is an unpaved path winding from the front door to the street. Though it is far from finished, looking at it now, Sephiroth can image the quiet, peaceful beauty of the place – the flowers they could plant along the walkway, the welcoming double-doors of the entrance, the little mailbox they could stand at the end of the path to the street. The house is slightly larger than most of the ones Sephiroth had been considering, but it still seemed comfortable all the same.
Sephiroth turns to Cloud now, bewilderment on his face. It is his turn to ask, “What?”
Cloud glances at him quickly, skittishly, then releases his hand and jumps out of the car. “Now, I know it’s a mess, but you should see the sketches Genesis gave to the contractor.”
“Genesis?” questions Sephiroth, as he steps out of the car. His mind flickers briefly to the lunch he shared with his two oldest friends earlier in the week, to Genesis’s teasing of his suspicion. He almost wants to sigh in mortification.
Cloud takes Sephiroth’s hand again, begins leading him up the path. “Angeal, Tifa and Aerith helped too, with picking out designs of stuff, making sure it would be things you’d like. Zack was useless, though, said we could just use him to help us move in.”
Us? Move in? His mind craters on the verge of shutdown. He stops abruptly, halfway to the front door, and Cloud turns to him with worry on his face.
“I’m sorry,” Sephiroth begins. “I’m sorry.”
Cloud is in front of him now, his hands around Sephiroth’s shoulders. He leans forward on his toes and closes the distance, kissing him gently but insistently, as if trying to push back the doubt and the fear that had been spilling from Sephiroth these past few weeks. He keeps going, tugging on the lapel of the man’s jacket to bring him even closer.
Then Cloud breaks the kiss, almost too soon. “I love you, Sephiroth Crescent. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He then walks backward, and with a guilelessness that seems so at odds with the ferocity and skill of that kiss (but that was Cloud, that special contrast of sweetness and steel that made him so appealing, so seductive, so irresistible), he motions to the house behind him.
“So, I built you a house. Well, technically, it’s still in progress.”
Sephiroth tries to say something, but nothing comes out of his mouth. And yet, when the realization hits him, relief floods through his body like water over fire, and he can’t help but feel his cheeks tug into a wide smile. He pulls Cloud back into him, kisses him again and again, trailing his lips down that delicious jawline, the lobe of that ear, that wonderful neck. In between kisses, Cloud breathes out words in delight.
“It was an old building partially torn down and they said renovations would be done in six weeks, but they kept delaying things and finding issues and I was getting so nervous and I—”
“Mmhm,” Sephiroth hums, just kissing Cloud again. He can feel the blond laugh against his lips, but he merely takes the opening to explore the blond’s mouth, and almost rumbles in pure thrill at the way that Cloud’s laughter melts into a soft moan.
Then, the blond pushes him back, blushing red. “Stop, we’re in the middle of the street!”
The former General finally backs up, but can’t stop himself fully, can’t bring himself not to nip that adorable nose. “Alright.”
Cloud smiles but glances askew, apologetic. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to send you on a wild goose chase for a mystery home. I just wanted to surprise you, and I wanted to build something for us. For our new beginning.”
The two then turn to the building now, still empty and still incomplete. But with a bit of magic and imagination, Sephiroth could see it – the promises of comfort, of love, of peace, of a whole lifetime, held up by the good bones of this house. He could see the garden out front, Yule decorations hanging from the roof, the warm glow of fireplace light within. Most of all, Sephiroth could see himself happy here, for the rest of his life, with the man that he could hardly believe he had the good fortune to love.  
Cloud squeezes his hand, softly, gently. “I can show you the sketches, if you’d like?”
“No need,” Sephiroth whispers, as he dips down to kiss him once more. “If it’s from you, I know it will be perfect.”
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paul68nymand-blog · 5 years
Design Tips That Can Support You Out
Interior design is definitely a concern for any person that wants his or your ex property to have a new certain feel into it. Whether you want your home to be cozy, comfortable or perhaps pleasing, there are ways to send the fact that concept! Read this article to get more tips on interior design for any finances. In case you are re-decorating your own personal space, you need to pick the right colours. Consult color charts for being familiar with colors the fact that work very well together plus avoid using hues that will clash so that your current place is harmonious. Continue to keep daring colors separated, an individual shouldn't make use of more than one or two in a single room or it will certainly have too busy searching. Use mirrors when adorning your own home. Mirrors can turn out to be very handy, in particular in the event you live in a good small place. A good match on one or maybe 2 walls isn't just easy for fixing your curly hair on the run. They can also give the illusion involving more space. One rationally placed mirror can do charms for opening upward some sort of bedroom. Learn just how to paint a walls ahead of painting a wall. Which could sound like popular sense, but if a person do not know the quality involving your paint, how you can apply it properly, and how many you need, you could very well come up with a mess or lose a ton of money. Try going to a home-improvement store intended for some pointers on strategies and types of car paint. If you believe that interior style concepts avoid just arrive to you, gather delete word yourself. Many cities have got decorated showhouses designed by interior designers to guide the population gain understanding directly into making. If you no longer feel like visiting a new showhouse, look with several books, home decorating in addition to designing magazines or google search will find as inspiration. Have an individual also been wondering what to help do to make your current coffee table more nice to think about and less muddled? Think about putting some sort of few focal goods for the coffee table such while quite a few large books and even a smaller vase using some cut blooms, this specific is a new nice touch for any room. Generally obtain some sort of second viewpoint! Have you bought a carpet or chuck pillows the fact that you thought looked remarkable, only to decide later on they were a new tad tacky? Showing images associated with items you like to your good friends or even family members will help you avoid making purchases anyone feel dissapointed. Everyone has their very own own tastes, nevertheless some other perspective can help anyone observe things you may have missed. A new fine interior-design tip is not to get too crazy because of the pictures of your young children or your family. When folks enter your house, they assume to see some of these kinds of pictures. However, very many will creep everyone out, and it may come across as the shrine. Plants increase color, texture plus curiosity to any interior-design project. If you don't have the renewable thumb, may worry. At this time there are many on-line sellers that sell man-made flowers and flower plans. You can find surprisingly sensible and realistic specimens now available with regard to those which don't include the time or prefer to grow the real point. Clean up kitchen cabinets . If you can be such as many, your windows sills may be staged with items which keep light out of your house. Or you may have some sort of bit of grit and dirt covering your glass. In the cases, it's tough to get light to enter your own area! To get often the best light to produce the dramatic effect intended for your interior design, clean all these areas up. Even if kitchen cabinets love your external landscaping, give your trees and shrubs together with bushes a cutting every so often. Overgrown outdoor flowers in addition to trees can block light-weight from entering the home, resulting in dull searching interior design. Just simply along with a minimal amount of cutting, you can really brighten up the particular spaces in your home. Acquire the most away from your inside design budget by choosing home furniture and accent pieces that are timeless and even not necessarily trendy. Chances are usually you'll tire of all of us fashionable look a long time before the items you used to make it have put on out, causing you to spend even more money to replace items that are still functional. Typically the best insides designers have the strategy when that they are doing a reconstruction and even remodel. Part involving this plan is generating some sort of mood within the particular bedrooms. For a tranquil setting check out Asian models or if you are after a more current look, go with modern furniture and features. When designing the bedroom, pay attention to the scale often the bed. Your room will feel cramped and overcrowded when your bed fills the total area. A bed that will is too large can also be regularly frustrating when you try to maneuver close to the place each time. If you have domestic pets, you should make sure of which there is a place in your house for them in order to play in. This area should not have whatever is too high-priced plus should turn out to be very cozy for both your kids together with pets. This allows you to preserve the other areas in your house coming from harm. To include sparkle and distinction to be able to the family den, study, as well as bachelor sleeping pad, do your own personal interior-design purchasing at the junkyard. Really easy to find previous baby car seats that can end up being refinished and evolved into normal furniture. Be on typically the search for big counter seat designs from cars coming from the seventies or early on; they make superb loveseats and sofas. Make a drawing of the floor system that you want for you to install before you put any furniture in your current home. This will aid you in order to reduce the amount of shifting, which can acquire a large influence upon your back. Planning in advance is the best method for you to set up your interior design job. You do not possess to be able to the bank within order to make your home look nice. Adding several flowers, transforming the curtains or repainting can make a world of distinction. kitchen ideas should be anything anyone looks at when upgrading their home. Recall often the tips in this write-up for a new great appearance!
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deathbyseventeen · 6 years
Unknown to Us: C.2 A Million Nights Begin
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Title: Unknown to Us || Halloween 2018 || Haunted House / Ghost Hunting AU  { Part 1: C.1 || C.2 - A Million Nights Begin || C.3 || C.4 || ……. }
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Romance, Angst
Member/s: Joshua x Reader1 ; Woozi x Reader2
Words: 1.611
It all leads up to October. It always leads up to October.
‘Let’s go ghost hunting at Pact Mansion.’ You were never one to take up an opportunity to trespass on private property. But the puppy eyes of one of your best friends has never been something you’ve been able to resist. Now, you along with four men related by fraternity, are about to find out that some things…are just destiny.
A chorus of giggles traveled through Ledis Forrest accompanied by the crumbling of dead leaves. Through the foliage of the trees, slivers of moonlight traveled to illuminate the forest floor; and in those slivers the owners of the giggles could be seen momentarily, walking in pairs and pushing each to trespass even farther.
The animals of the forest, bright-eyed and alert, watched as they made their way through the forest, silently. It was their way to mourn.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this,” Joshua whispered to you, bending down as he walked so that he could whisper it into your ears.
You and Joshua walked behind the rest of the group, Minghao, Wonwoo, and Seungkwan. It had only been a couple of hours before that Minghao had walked into Joshua’s room and told him that Wonwoo and Seungkwan wanted to help him with his ghost hunting plan, even if the rest of the Brotherhood had decided they weren’t going to.
At first, he had said no to him because he knew Seungcheol would be mad if he found out. But it had only taken word that you had agreed to go if he said yes to Minghao, to get him to agree. Then, at exactly 12:00 am, midnight, the four of them got up from their beds, dressed from head to toe in black, made a bundle under their bed covers to look like their bodies, and snuck out through the basement.
You, outside your own residency building, waited under a streetlamp with your arms crossed. The sweater you had put on had turned out to be too thin, but just as you were about to turn around and head back to your dorm to grab something warmer, Joshua pulled up in his car.
“I know.” You laughed, nudging him with your elbow, “I was so sure you’d say no to Minghao.”
“What? You didn’t want to come?” He said quickly, a rose-like blush spreading over his cheeks.
“No. No.” You whispered back hurriedly, “I did! I just...well it doesn’t seem like you to go against Seungcheol’s decisions.”
Joshua chuckled hesitantly and rubbed the nape of his neck sheepishly, “Well you never know.”
“Guys we’re here!!” Seungkwan screamed as they neared the clearing in which Pact Mansion rested.
In the amount of time you had spent talking with Joshua, somehow, you and he had managed to get so behind the rest of the group that you could barely just make out their figures. You smiled at Joshua and nodded for him to follow before taking off in a sprint.
You came into the clearing of the home almost tumbling over your own two feet. For a second, you thought you had felt someone push against your lower back and that was what had caused you to nearly trip. But, with Joshua’s footsteps getting louder and the other boys lingering on the porch of the house...you wrote it off as a moment of clumsiness.
“That...doesn’t look much like a mansion.” You said, head tilting as you studied the building.
Joshua coming to a stop next to you, nodded, “That’s ‘cause it wasn’t built with our concept modern architecture.”
“Josh!” Minghao called out from the porch, waving at him frantically to come over.
You followed Joshua up to the house, noting how the paint had blacked and chipped, and how the wood looked worn out. Under the new found weight that you all added, the house creaked oddly and caused everyone to freeze. You gulped. A creak as strong as that made you feel like the house was just waiting for someone or something for it to finally collapse.
“We’re gonna die in this house aren’t we,” Seungkwan said, chuckling sadly.  
“Not if we can’t get in.” Minghao shot back, giving Seungkwan a funny look. “The doors and windows all have padlocks and deadlocks on them. People really don’t want anyone coming in here.”
You glanced at the door and sure enough, there was a second door frame with a metal slab over the original door, connecting them and closing off the house with a large iron padlock.
“That… doesn’t look like something that can be picked easily.” You said, frowning.
“No worries,” Joshua smiled coyly, “I have deadbolt cutter in my backpack.”
“And I,” Wonwoo smirked, coming up from being Minghao who was peering into the house’s window, “know how to pick all types of locks.”
“I won’t even ask.” You shook your head amusedly and walked towards the window to give Joshua and Wonwoo space to work.
As they worked on prying open the door, you copied Minghao’s actions and cupped your hands around your eyes to peer into the house.  The windows, both inside and out, were coated in a weird, yellowing dust. It stained your hands for a moment before you started to rub your hands to get it off.
“Here.” Minghao said, pulling out a stack of handkerchiefs from his pocket, “I brought a lot since I thought the house might be infested with dust.”
“Thanks, Minghao.” You laughed and took one  from his stack, “I’ll make sure to use it wisely.”
When you turned back to the window, you cleaned inside the marks that your hands had created. Then you peered inside, and even though you couldn’t see entirely since the other side of the window was still coated in dust, you found yourself staring in awe at the furniture that seemed to have been placed there when the house was constructed.
Wood paneled walls, funky chairs, carpeted floors, of which the previous two seemed to have been brightly colored, could be seen just in the living room.
“Wow.” You said, still studying the interior. From the corner of your eyes, you noticed that there seemed to be a black lump on the love sofa. You felt your throat close up— no air came in nor out.
A sliver of it, long and thin, seemed to protrude from it, growing longer until it seemed to be reaching out towards you. Closer. Closer.
“Y/N—” You jumped. The owner of the voice and the hand that had just been placed on your shoulder— Joshua, as it turned out when you whipped around terrified, let out a breathy laugh, amused at your jumpiness. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You grimaced and let out a small laugh yourself.
“Well, we got the door open, so…” He grinned.
You shook your head happily, forgetting about what you had seen through the window, and followed him through the door.
The inside of the house, you noted, looked just as bad as the outside made it seem. All of the furniture was either covered in dust or had moth-created holes in them — and you were only in the main hallway, you could only imagine the rest of the house.
“I’m telling you. I don’t think it’s such a good idea for us to be here.”
“Why not? You haven’t given us one good reason why.”
“We’re trespassing.” Seungkwan hissed at Wonwoo as you walked into the living room.
“What’s going?” You asked, coming up to Minghao who was staring at the both of them.
“Seungkwan wants to leave.” Wonwoo groaned.
“Why?” You asked Seungkwan, looking at him inquisitively.
He floundered under your gaze and hesitated to tell you the truth. But soon he sighed and gave in. “I’m getting a bad vibe, like….like there’s something bad here.”
“The house is old and decaying. I’m sure it’s just because no one has been here in a while. It’s cold and  desolate, no one has been here to make it warm.” You laid a hand gently on his right shoulder. “But if you want to go home, it’s alright.”
“What? No!” Wonwoo interjected, ready to start arguing.
You turned to Wonwoo and glared at him with eyes you had no idea could pierce through people's souls and thoughts.
Wonwoo in return stopped and glared at you too, his teeth biting down against each other by the look of his squared jaw and thin frown.
“No. No. It’s okay—” Seungkwan began, shaking his head as he spoke and trying to fall into your gaze, “you’re probably right. It's just the house being colder than normal homes.”
“Speaking of homes…” Joshua jumped in and handed Seungkwan a camera.
“I think it’s time for ‘Shua to give us a little history lesson. Isn’t that right?” Minghao with a small camera already in his hands aimed it toward Joshua. A small green dot and white light emanated from it. It was recording.
The hunt was on.
“Right you are, Hao.” He answered with a goofy smile, shooting finger guns at the camera.
You stifled a laugh.
“We are in Pact Mansion,” he began, smiling widely, “A house not home for the owners of this house never got to live in it.”
A slamming door hushed you all. You gulped.
“Wasn’t that the front door?” Seungkwan asked, his voice coming out in a whisper.
“I think so,” Minghao answered him although he had twisted around to look at in the direction of the front door. After a couple of seconds, he shuddered and turned around again, this time to point the camera back at Joshua.
“You don’t think it was a—”
“Ghost? Ghosts don’t exist, Seungkwan. But they might after I tell Seungcheol that you guys went against fraternity vote.”
Jeonghan’s came slithering in from the hallway and into the room, they sat in before he himself was seen stepping into the room. There was an iciness in his stare that sent shivers down your spines and sent you reeling into the couch behind you.
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architectnews · 4 years
Effective Communication Offices, Barcelona
Effective Communication Offices, Catalan Architecture, Spanish Modern Commercial Interior Images
Effective Communication Offices in Barcelona
25 Jan 2021
Effective Communication Offices
Locaton: Barcelona, Spain
The Swedish company Effective Communication approaches EL EQUIPO CREATIVO with a clear wish: to offer their young Swedish team a new fun and fresh workspace in Barcelona; a place where they can both “work hard” and “party hard”, and which allows them to celebrate their “after-work” events and “Friday barbecues”, important activities of their corporate strategy.
The design converts their workspace into a beach, bringing a fresh and fun atmosphere that invites the team to maintain a positive attitude, as part of their corporate philosophy.
In summary, the objective is that the design help lightens the call centre’s hard-working schedule by offering spaces to relax, socialize and play. Through a new spatial concept, the company envisions generating a happy and fun company culture, with one aim: to retain their staff by developing personal relationships beyond work and creating a small “Swedish family” in Barcelona.
Concept From the beginning, EL EQUIPO CREATIVO understood that the design needed to speak about the city of Barcelona since it was the main element of attraction for the Swedish staff moving to the company’s new headquarters. And more specifically a spontaneous and fresh Barcelona, full of colour and joy, which is the image that the city exports to northern Europe.
The offices are in the Poble Nou neighbourhood, an old industrial and workshop area next to the coast, today converted into the 22@ District, the new technological and artistic centre of the city: the new “place to be” for any young company. Its proximity to the sea, and the idea of creating a playful workplace for young Swedes in Barcelona, made the designers think of creating an office inspired by the beach. Who has never dreamt of working at the beach?
Design The main space of the headquarters is the large call-centre room, which requires very careful acoustics due to the type of work carried out there. EL EQUIPO CREATIVO used sound-insulation elements as one of the leading design strategies. The result is a lively acoustic ceiling simulating beach towels with an explosion of bright colours and sailor stripes.
The textured carpet flooring performs as the organic counterpoint to the ceiling. In different shades and grades of blue, the carpet simulates the seawater sweeping up on the beach.
The result is a dynamic space that generates an energetic and positive attitude among the staff, part of the company’s corporate philosophy.
The kitchen represents the alter-ego of the workspace. Strategically located next to the facade and directly connected to the terrace the other principal protagonist of the offices the kitchen is the place to socialize par excellence. The design in both spaces reflects the most playful and sporty beach aesthetic, offering different seating and socializing arrangements: intimate corners, more group-friendly surfboard tables, table games, pool and even a kiosk-bar for “after-work” parties every Friday.
The kitchen opens onto the terrace through large sliders, connecting both spaces on sunny days. To emphasize that “outdoor feeling”, the kitchen’s ceiling acoustic panels, in white organic shapes, simulate clouds under a blue sky.
Together with the meeting rooms and staff’s bathrooms, the primary access maintains the graphic strategy of beach inspiration, fresh and colourful. Metallic curtains with striped patterns, along with diagonally placed flooring and luminaires, help to create a casual and playful atmosphere intended to inspire a positive attitude. The bathrooms contain an extra surprise with the use of graphics of vintage sailor characters.
There is secondary access to the administration and coordination area, with a more neutral aesthetic, culminating in the luxurious management office, a little whim of the partners. Because life also deserves an occasional whim, right?
One of the principal objectives of EL EQUIPO CREATIVO is to make the person who inhabits or visits its designs feel positively inspired by them.
Through a design centred on the user experience, the company’s staff becomes the protagonist of the space itself, it’s activating element. The design strategy seeks to generate a rewarding work experience, active, optimistic, and, why not, fun! With this aim, the design introduces “play” as the counterpoint to the idea of “work”, as playing generates camaraderie among colleagues. The result could not be more favourable for the company: a highly productive, motivated team with a great sense of camaraderie.
Effective Communication Offices in Barcelona – Building Information
Design: EL EQUIPO CREATIVO _ Oliver Franz Schmidt + Natali Canas del Pozo + Lucas Echeveste Lacy Team Members: Cesc Buxó, Daniel Trujillo Client: Effective Communicacion General Contractor: 4retail Surface: 1000 m² interior + 150 m² Terraza
About EL EQUIPO CREATIVO EL EQUIPO CREATIVO is an interior design studio based in Barcelona and specialized in the design of gastronomic, commercial, and brand spaces.
Since 2010 they have worked for some of the most prestigious chefs in the world, like Ferran Adrià, and their designs gather 4 Michelin star restaurants. Their projects have been recognized in more than 40 international design awards, and are broadly published worldwide in the design, trends, and general press.
Photography © Adrià Goula
Effective Communication Offices, Barcelona images / information received 250221 from v2com newswire
Locaton: Barcelona, Spain
House studio of Alex March photo : Sandra Rojo Alex March Studio Barcelona
Address: Poble Nou, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Architecture in North East Spain
Barcelona Architecture Designs – chronological list
Barcelona Architecture Tours – contemporary Catalan capital city walks by e-architect focused on the best new architectural designs
Tánger 66, Poblenou Architects: BuckleyGrayYeoman photo © Peter Landers Tánger 66 Barcelona
Lycée Français Maternelle, Carrer de Munner Design: b720 Fermín Vázquez Architects photograph : Simón García Lycée Français Maternelle
A Barcelona Interior Design project by Alex March Studio on e-architect:
GSS Security Mataró Office Interior, Mataró, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain photo : Eugeni Pons GSS Security Interior by Alex March
Barcelona Houses – contemporary Catalan property design information & images
Barcelona Buildings
Barcelona Architecture – key new buildings in the Capital of Catalonia
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yeehanwritings · 7 years
Mchanzo Fixer Upper AU
Hi guys, so I volunteered to write a full-blown Fixer Upper AU for @jackieyaky who draws amazing art for mchanzo, you guys should check them out. Anywho enjoy the story.
“So, what are your parents like style wise?” Hanzo asked his husband as the drove to the first house they were going to show his parents.
“Well Gabe, is from California so he’s used to the warm weather,” McCree said keeping his eyes on the road but started to smile as he talked about his family “And Jack is from Indiana and he grew up on the ranch farming animals, herding cows, all that good stuff.”
(Camera cutaway)
“So, Jesse parents have decided to move here to New Mexico,” Hanzo said, “To be closer to us and the kids.”
“Yeah, it was becoming a real hassle with them traveling back and forth from California to visit kids,” McCree said wrapping his arm around Hanzo “And at the time we lived in a what three-bedroom house.”
“Oh god don’t remind me,” Hanzo said hiding his face in his hands. “There was no space in that house.”
(Camera cuts to Jack and Gabriel)
“Hello, I’m Jack,” Jack waves.
“And I’m Gabriel,” Gabriel nods.
“And we’re Jesse’s parents,” Jack said.
“We’ve talked about moving closer to Jesse every since Hanzo first got pregnant,” Gabriel said.
“We usually come down to New Mexico for a month or two after Hanzo gives birth and we help out around the house, with the kids,” Jack said.
“And we try to come as often as possible, but the airfare is getting expensive,” Gabriel said, “So we decided to suck it up and move to New Mexico.”
(Camera cuts back to the present with Jack and Gabriel driving)
“How much faith do you have in Jesse to find us the perfect house?” Gabriel asked his husband.
“I mean, Jesse has never let us down before,” Jack said, “And I’m very confident in Hanzo’s design abilities.”
Gabriel started laughing. “So, what do you want in the house?”
“We need at least a five or six-bedroom house, Ranch style preferable, and huge backyard,” Jack stated his wish list for their home.
“I need an open kitchen for when we cook and have guests over,” Gabriel reminded “A large living room to entertain guest, and I need a separate barn or something as a shooting range.”
“Good thinking,” Jack said.
(Camera cuts to Hanzo and Jesse)
“My parents were apart of Overwatch like me in its heyday’s,” McCree explained, “And even though they're retired, they still like to have target practice.”
“Yeah, when they were staying with us, Gabriel brought his ‘Hellfire’ shotguns,” Hanzo said recalling the memory watching as Jesse flinch.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so mad about having weapons in the house,” McCree chuckled. “Not even with Peacekeeper.”
“There’s a difference,” Hanzo protested “You keep Peacekeeper locked away from the kids, Gabe encourages them to fire at will.”
McCree started laughing while Hanzo smiles and shook his head at his husband.
(Camera cuts to Jack and Gabriel pulling to the first house with Hanzo and McCree waiting for them.)
“Jack, Gabe,” Hanzo said as everyone hugs “Nice to see you all safe and sound, ready to see the first house.”
“Let’s do it,” Jack said.
The pair walks toward a ranch style home while McCree explains the property. “So, this is a ranch style home that’s about eighteen acres of land give or take a few square feet. It’s a six-bedroom house with four and a half baths, now this house was built in nineteen ninety-four. That means the overall property is selling for 895,000 dollars which is under your budget of 1.5 million dollars. However, since the house has been on the market for so long we can maybe pressure them down to 795,000 which would leave at least 705,000 left over for renovations.”
“Let’s check out the property,” Hanzo said as they walk up.
“What I’m noticing immediately is the outside is a bright shade of orange and blue,” Jack said, “It’s pretty tacky.”
“We call switch them out for more neutral colors like gray and white, maybe add some tilting on the bottom of those pillars to give it a more modern feel.” Hanzo said as they stepped onto the porch “And you can ask some flowers and shrubs in the front to give more curb appeal when visitors pull up, and I’m thinking you can add a porch swing for the night you just want to stare at the stars.”  
“Sounds great,” Gabriel nodded.
“Ok, let’s step inside to see what we’re working with,” McCree said opening the door before tipping his hat to Hanzo “You first darlin’.”
Hanzo chuckled as they walked into the house. “Something you need to know, this is a two-story house so three bedrooms are downstairs and two bedrooms including the masters are upstairs.”
“I don’t like how when you walk in there’s a wall right there and all you can see is stairs,” Jack said looking around.
“I agree with you on that,” Hanzo said, “So we can maybe we can move the stairs and take down the wall, opening up the living space so there would be more room and not so closed off.”
“Sounds good,” Jack said.
The four walked into the living area and Gabriel said “That fireplace has got to go. I want to put a giant TV and sound system there.”
“Gabe, I like the fireplace,” Jack stated.
(Camera Cuts to Hanzo and McCree)
“I knew this was going to happen,” McCree said grinning.
“The fireplace argument?” Hanzo chuckled.
“Yes, Gabe like firepits not fireplaces,” McCree said, “And even though Jack is the barbeque master, he like fireplaces.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I came prepared,” Hanzo said.
(Cuts back to the present)
“I have a solution for this,” Hanzo said “What I’m thinking is we can hide the bulk of the fireplace in the wall install some overhead light that can dim along with a sound system and instead of the TV we have a projector screen for sport games, movies night and everything in between. You should also repaint the walls, so it doesn’t have this weird shade of yellow, and maybe replace the windows so more natural light can come in during the day.”
“I like the way you think Hanzo,” Gabriel smiled at the idea.
“Let’s keep moving,” McCree said showing them to the kitchen.
“This kitchen really needs to be updated,” Gabriel commented.
“Right, and you wanted an open concept for the kitchen and living room,” Hanzo stated “So what we can do is update the cabinets and appliances, I think we take out the hardwood floor and do tilting instead, have granite countertops with a grey backsplash. And in the center, have an island counter with chairs for guest.”
“Now you're speaking my language,” Gabriel said, “I’m going to throw down in here.”
“He means it Darlin’,” McCree said.
Hanzo chuckles before the group moves to the master bedroom.
“It’s pretty spacious, however, the closet seems a little small for a master bedroom and the bathroom looks like something out of the nineties movie,” Jack said looking around.
“So, from the looks of the closet we can try and convert it into a walk-in closet with decent shelves, and for the bathroom, I’m thinking just gut the entire bathroom and bring up to this century.” Hanzo said making hand gestures to certain areas “So double sinks, a walk-in shower with a separate bathtub, new tilting and all of that good stuff. And while we’re at it lets at least add a vaulted ceiling to this master bedroom to make it look bigger with some crown moldings, add some light fixtures take out the hardwood floors and install carpet to be more comfortable.”
“I’ve got no problem with that,” Jack said while Gabe nodded in agreement.
“Ready to check out the backyard?” McCree asked.
“Yeah, I think we are,” Jack said.
“Alright let’s get to it,” McCree said leading the way.
The backyard was very spacious which Jack took an immediate liking too. “The backyard is huge, I like that.”
“Another thing you should know is that there is both a barn and a horse stable on this property,” McCree told them “So you can convert the horse stable into a shooting range and have animals in the barn or have horses in the stable and turn the barn into a shooting range. Either way, the world is your oyster.”
“I like that we have the option to have both a shooting range and place to raise animal instead of having to choose between the two,” Jack said.
“But if we had to choose, it would be a shooting range,” Gabriel chime in earning him playful smack on the arm.
“So, what do you guys think?” McCree asked.
“This house is definitely a contender,” Jack said, “However, I’d like to see some others before we make our final decision.”
“Fair enough,” McCree said, “I’ll keep searching.”
“Now, I want to see my grandkids after a long day,” Gabriel said.
(Camera cuts McCree and Hanzo again)
“Well, it’s back to the drawing board, babe,” McCree said.
“I’m sure you’ll find something for them, Jesse,” Hanzo replied.
“But for now, the kids will be excited that Abuelo and grandpa are coming to visit.” McCree said before grinning at Hanzo “And we can finally have some alone time.”
Hanzo starts laughing before giving McCree a peck on his cheek.
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jodybouchard9 · 4 years
‘Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles’ Reveals 5 Features That Make a House Look Luxe
The real estate agents on “Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles” have seen some hot properties, and the latest episode of their show is no different.
In the episode “Storm the Castle,” the houses up for sale may be out of the average buyer’s price range. (One is priced at $75 million!) Nonetheless, they provide serious inspiration for those looking to add some high-end California style to their homes.
Read on to find out which home features make buyers and guests go, “Wow!” Then, get some fabulous renovation ideas that might apply to your own home, though in a more modest way.
1. Go a step above a normal staircase
This staircase is understated but stunning.
Real estate agent Tracy Tutor may be in over her head when it comes to her latest home listing. With a difficult seller and a shocking $75 million price tag, she’s got to hustle to sell this house.
So, it’s lucky for her that the place is beautiful. With a massive great room, gorgeous views, and a secluded location, it’s a lavish, one-of-a-kind build.
One fabulous feature buyers love is the staircase. With inlaid steel and warm wood steps and banisters, it is minimalist and modern.
“To engineer this staircase was like a feat in and of itself,” Tutor explains.
Creaky stairs with carpet or outdated railings can make a house look old. But a staircase that’s sleek like this one can make any home look like a million bucks (or more).
2. Get a bathtub that stands out
The bathtub stands out in this white bathroom.
Another incredible feature in Tutor’s latest listing is in the master bathroom: a walnut bathtub. The walnut adds an earthy vibe to the otherwise white room, and the tub’s round shape gives the space a look of originality and sophistication. It’s a good reminder to think outside the box (or the tub) when it comes to designing a beautiful master bath.
3. Wood beams add style
With a soft wood tone, these beams bring a modern, stylish aesthetic to the house.
Another impressive feature in Tutor’s listing is the long row of laminated wood beams on the ceiling. There’s a total of 187 beams, and while this may seem like a lot, these beams add serious style. And with their muted color, they don’t overwhelm the space.
It’s a good reminder that natural wood-tone beams can add flair to any home, whether there’s one, two, or 187 of them.
By the end of the show, Tutor hasn’t received an offer on this mansion yet, but after hosting a successful open house, she’s at least hopeful.
4. Smart systems are a major draw
A high-end media room needs top-notch technology.
Meanwhile, real estate agent James Harris has been working for months with buyers Brittnie and Jeremy, who are looking for a perfect house for their growing family. Brittnie is expecting their first child soon, so the race is on to find their new home.
They want a new build, and fall in love with one home in the Pacific Palisades. This home is perfect for them because it has the modern look they want—plus plenty of modern technology.
The listing agent, Alex, explains the smart systems include music, lights, and security, making home life easy. Alex says these features are negotiable when it comes to the sale of the home, but, of course, Brittnie and Jeremy have to have them.
They decide to buy the house as long as the home’s updated technology comes with it. They end up paying $6.6 million for the property.
5. An open floor plan is still a must
This kitchen has a great view of the living room.
Real estate agent Harris knows that his young clients will also need an open, functional layout as their family expands. Luckily, the house they like has a large kitchen and open-concept living area.
“This is a great entertaining space,” Harris says. And while this space may be perfect for parties, Jeremy points out that being able to keep an eye on kids while they’re cooking in the kitchen is a great perk, too.
The post ‘Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles’ Reveals 5 Features That Make a House Look Luxe appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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15-or-so Signs You Sell Bedroom Glass Drawers for a Living
The Definitive Guide to venetian Glass Lcd stand
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A couple of things to remember when caring for your wooden furnishings are: Polishing and cleaning your pieces routinely keeps them in outstanding condition. Bring back https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=home improvements and dealing with any scratches on the surface area of strong wood is far easier than fixing a harmed composite furniture piece. Keeping your wood pieces out of direct sunlight is essential, as the sun whitens wood and breaks down the surface of your furnishings.
Using severe chemical cleaning agents on wooden furnishings is a bad concept as these can remove or stain the surfaces of your piece. Discover natural, gentle options instead. As wood is a sustainable item, and likewise provides the appearance of high-end, it perfectly complements your living room. When choosing furniture, know that if you're purchasing pieces made from either particleboard or MDF, they are an inferior product to natural wood.
The World Health Company has classified formaldehyde as a carcinogen. Health experts propose people have a direct exposure rate below 0.1 parts per million. Some individuals experience nose and throat inflammation and eyes watering at levels as low as 0.03 parts per million. Care.com reports that the fumes from particle board can produce for approximately 5 years.
We have actually already mentioned the significance of understanding your style, and there are many you can pick from that it's simple to become confused. If you're believing to yourself, "Which living-room furniture should I pick?", mirrored tv unit InteriorsInVogue.com the following are some of the most popular and extensively utilized furnishings styles in interior design: Contemporary furniture is renowned for its tidy and sleek lines.
Excitement About modern Mirrored furnishing
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Regularly than conventional woods, black lacquer, metal and glass are most frequently utilized. An Urban chair with your choice of fabrics or an Urban Loveseat would be excellent options in the modern-day living space. Typically speaking, standard furnishings is rather formal and sophisticated, and it can consist of magnificently ornate details such as skirted bottoms and rolled arms.
A gorgeous conventional half round table, such as the Buckingham Oak table, brings a touch of class and character to your space. This class of furnishings integrates Italian, Spanish and French style. Rustic searching in nature, antique pieces are also often utilized in the style of Old World-style living-room decor, and earthy, deep colors are favored.
Made to be extremely high quality, wooden Amish living-room furniture is handcrafted with authentic care. Amish fireplaces, for example, include a fantastic centerpiece to almost any living room. Popular design choices include Shaker and Objective furnishings. Amish solid wood furnishings is well-renowned for its strength, toughness and craftsmanship.
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Casual furnishings is comfortable and comfy, and it typically uses patterns, plaids and more. It's also functional, like this 48 inch bookcase available in multiple wood types. By now, you probably have a million and one ideas for producing the ideal living room. You have actually chosen your furnishings, and you are considering methods to make an excellent space excellent.
8 Easy Facts About invogue pair Of side Tables Shown
Accent pieces instantly bring more appeal and personality to your living-room, and they do much to separate the dullness. Adding a couple of thoroughly selected pieces, like a Trestle Objective Bench, can turn a nicely-put-together space into an amazing one. Having too lots of blank areas in your living area can make the space appearance uninviting regardless of the quality of home furnishings and decorations you already have.
Try including a plant stand, such as this 22" arts and crafts plant stand in oak with an ornamental plant or vase to among the corners of your living room, or a lovely solid wood rocker like the Bow Arm Slat Rocker. This quirky and enjoyable addition to any living-room and comes in a choice of woods, including oak, cherry and hickory.
Keep in mind that accent furnishings shouldn't be the focal point of your living space, however it needs to be an addition that assists bring whatever together. If your living room is a little on the little side, do not worry. There are a lot of ways you can make it look much more roomy and welcoming.
Here's how you can make the most of your more compact living room, along with some guidelines on how to pick the best living room furnishings: Pick a couch and armchairs that are raised from the floor on legs as this creates a sense of space and light. The upholstered Berkshire Sofa and Center Inn Gent Chair are the type of pieces you must be trying to find.
10 Simple Techniques For bedroom Mirrored chest Of Drawers
Keep drapes open throughout the day, and open the windows, too. Include either large drapes or ones that are the exact same color as your walls. This serves to trick your eye into seeing a bigger-looking space. De-clutter. There's nothing that makes a little space appearance even smaller sized than great deals of things lying around.
Purchase carpets and materials that are either plain or in little prints. Bigger patterns just drown a smaller sized space. Decorate in a neutral and light color combination as this aesthetically broadens your room. Purchase furniture that's multifunctional, such as an ottoman that can be used for seating and as a coffee table.
Consider including mirrors to your living-room. This reflection strategy tricks your brain into believing the space is larger than it is. Take an appearance at this rectangular Cabin Creek Mirror, which comes in a choice of woods, and this Antique Oval Wall Mirror, which also can be found in numerous various wood and stain varieties.
Avoid filling every inch of storage space in your space. If you leave some empty area on racks, it makes your room look more airy. Buy light-colored wood furniture that mixes in with your walls to create the illusion of expanded area. Think about positioning some of your furnishings pieces at an angle instead of versus your walls.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
oh yes, please do! i definitely see harry having a quite classic house interior wise - like wooden harringbone floors but mixed with modern elements like an open concept kitchen, huge ass glass showers and a nice garden with maybe an indoor or outside pool? and definitely a white mansion-y type kind of house with black roof
My descriptions could change a lot in the future so... it may take a while for me fully decide on what I like. 
I love the idea of them having different shades of grey in their living room with a dark grey carpet and a telly hung up on the wall and teal accessories scattered around to add some colour (like cushions and throw-blankets and show pillows and trinkets) and I imagine their kitchen to be black and white with a bit of grey thrown in (with matte red or cream accessories and marble counters with french doors to the patio and back garden) and I imagine their back garden to be full of flowers and an outdoor pool and lounge chairs and a nice section to the back that has comfy chairs around a fire-pit (for barbecues or when the family decide to eat outside, that also comes with a gazebo for the sunny days) and I imagine all of the bathrooms to be decorated the same with large showers and a bathtub and vanities that are full of face products and hair products. The hallway floors are hardwood and herringbone floors that follow a straight-lined pattern and the bathroom and the kitchen have tiled floors and the patio has brick-coloured tiles... 
I don’t really know. This could all change, haha. xx
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
New Construction Home Design Ideas
  Featuring any home built by Mike Stevens Homes is always exciting. I have noticed that you guys really liked the house tours I have previously shared with you and it’s easy to see why. This family-oriented building company is always building quality homes featuring the latest trends, and I am so grateful that they are always willing to share all sources, so you, my loyal readers, can get all insights so even if you don’t live in Tennessee and can’t have your home built by them, at least you can feel inspired by their work and get a similar look.
Here, the builder shares more details about this newly-completed project:
“Our clients wanted to build a modern farmhouse, but with a bit more refined and upscale finishes than what is usually found in this architectural style. The floor plan of the home is open concept and all the spaces flow into one another providing an intimate and warm feeling throughout. With 10 foot ceilings on the main floor, allowing for large windows & 8′ doors, as well as a double sided fireplace to emphasize the relationship between the interior and exterior, it permits the space to feel airy, grand and light-filled. The interior finishes are calming and subdued, but are warmed up with rich gold tones (in the lighting and plumbing fixtures) and warm tones in the stains. There are beams and wood accents scattered through the entire home to add some rustication to the otherwise elegant finishes, providing an interesting juxtaposition of styles and textures to add character.”
Make sure to share this post with someone you know that’s planning on building a new home because this house tour truly covers all the details of this new construction, from flooring choices to appliances!
See other inspiring New Construction homes by Mike Stevens Homes on the blog:
– New-Construction Home Ideas.
– Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
– Dark Modern Farmhouse.
  New Construction Home Design Ideas
What a stunning curb-appeal! Siding is Hardie, Board & Batten, Soffit, Fascia & Trim. Color is Aesthetic White SW 7035 by Sherwin Williams.
Exterior Stone: Coronado Old World Ledge in Cape Cod Gray – similar here.
Wooden Accents
Wood Elements: Porch Posts, Brackets & Custom Made Shutters – Color: Minwax Honey.
Porch Ceilings: Pine Beadboard; Beaded side down – Color: Minwax Honey.
Roof: Certainteed Landmark Series – Color: Weathered Wood.
Front Door & Windows
Front Door: TDL Doors; Tiffany 4 Lite – Color: Minwax Honey.
Windows: Pella; 4 over 1 – Color: Brown.
Exterior Lighting: Minka Sunnybrook Wall Mount Sconce in Alder Bronze w/ Seeded Glass.
Gutters: Dark Bronze.
Front Porch Decor Ideas:
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The double front door opens into a two-story foyer. Wall paint color is “Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist OC 27”.
Hardwood Flooring: Palmetto Road, Riviera Bardot – Others: here, here & here.
Stair Spindles: Wrought Iron – Style: 2 knuckle; satin black & plain square in satin black; alternated.
Newel post and handrail color is Sherwin-Williams Black Fox SW 7020. Keep this color in mind if you’re thinking of updating your staircase.
Flex Space
This space can be used as a Home Office or as a formal Dining Room. How would you use it?
Ceiling Beam Stain: Minwax with custom blend to match hardwoods.
Unique Semi-Flushmount Lights: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
The Kitchen and the Breakfast Room feel open, spacious and it has a classic layout that works! A mudroom is located behind the hood wall.
Kitchen Cabinetry: Wellborn Forest; Boston Style Doors with Slab Drawers.
Kitchen Appliances
Appliances: Cooktop: Thermador 36″ Pro Cooktop.
Refrigerator: Thermador column – Freezer: Thermador column.
Countertops are HanStone Quartz, Mercer, Polished.
Island Size: 63″D x 108″L
Perimeter Cabinet
Perimeter Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Moonlight with Shadow Brushed Glaze.
Pantry Door: Custom Built Pantry Door with Custom Stain Mix.
Double Oven: Viking 30″ Double Wall Oven with French Doors.
Microwave: Viking 2.0CF Professional Sensor Microwave with Trim Kit.
Hood & Backsplash
Range Hood: CopperSmith, Cocina Mill, Mill Finish Aluminum w/ Brass Straps & Rivets – similar here.
Accent over cooktop: American Olean Candora Mini Arabesque Mosaic Tile, Vestal White Polished – similar here  – Other Beautiful Accent Tiles: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Backsplash Tile: here – similar – Other Backsplash Tiles: here, here, here & here.
Pot Filler: Brizo; Contemporary Pot Filler.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Kitchen Lighting
A pair of gilded iron pendants add some sparkle to this beautiful kitchen.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here & here (affordable options) – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Island Paint Color
The island paint color is Dunn-Edwards Harbor Mist Gray with Chocolate Brushed Glaze.
Wall Paint Color
Walls, trim and ceiling are “Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist”.
Breakfast Room
The kitchen also features a Breakfast Room with large windows.
Dishwasher: Dishwasher w/ Cabinetry Panel.
Sink & Faucets
Faucet: Brizo; Litze Articulating Faucet with Knurled Handle; Luxe Gold.
Beverage Faucet: Brizo; Traditional Beverage Faucet – similar here.
Sink: Elkay Quartz Classic 33″ undermount sink; Dusk Gray.
Family Room
In the Family Room, a wide cased opening with beams create a sense of separation from the kitchen without losing its connection.
Cased Opening with Beam – Solid beam with custom stain mix.
Fan: Fanimation Odyn 84″.
New Construction Decor Ideas:
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Paint Color & Doors
Walls and fireplace paneling are painted in Benjamin Moore Classic Gray OC-23
Patio Doors: Sherwin Williams Black Fox SW 7020.
Mantel: 8 x 10 timber beam and custom corbels. Stain: custom mix.
Fireplace Brick Paint Color: SW Black Fox SW 7020.
Fireplace: Fireside – Fortress 36″.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bedroom features an unique accent wall with spaced reclaimed beams. Stain color is Honey by Minwax.
Paint Color
Accent Wall Paint Color: Van Deusen Blue HC-156 by Benjamin Moore.
Carpet Flooring: Shaw, Platinum Texture Tonal; Sequoia Park.
Ceiling Fan: Monte Carlo, Mach One Fan Titanium.
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter HC-172. This neutral paint color is one of the most popular and often recommended by builders and interior designers.
Ceiling & Trim: Benjamin Moore Classic Gray OC-23.
Beams: 8 x 8; custom stain mix.
Ceiling Fan: Fanimation Odyn 60″
Pendants: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Refreshing Bedroom Decor Ideas:
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Master Bathroom
The master bedroom opens into a ensuite with a great layout. Vanities face each other, while a walk-in closet is located across the room. Bathroom Paint color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray OC-23.
Cabinetry: Dixie Kitchen Boston Style Doors & Drawers in “Benjamin Moore Oyster” with Chocolate Brushed Glaze.
Mirrors: here – similar.
Countertops: Cambria; Berwyn.
Floor Tile: Atlas Concorde: Eon; Eldorado – similar here.
Lighting: Savoy House Monroe 1 light sconce; warm brass.
Faucets are Delta Linden Widespread Faucet; Champagne Bronze.
The shower is spacious and it features a practical tiled seat.
Large Tile: Atlas Concorde: Eon; Eldorado – similar here – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here & here.
Shower Pan Tile: Atlas Concorde: Eon; Eldorado 2×2 Mosaic Tile – similar here.
Shower Fixtures: Delta Linden in Champagne Bronze.
Laundry Room
Cabinetry: Dixie Kitchen – Chiswick style doors and slab drawers; painted in Benjamin Moore Oyster.
Countertop: Butcher Block; custom stain mix.
Lighting: Millennium Lighting; Lakewood 1-Light Pendant; Vintage Gold.
Floor Tile: MSI Capella Taupe Brick.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – similar.
The open-concept basement features a kitchenette, a painted brick fireplace and a flex space that can be used as a Playroom or Games Room. Walls are BM Classic Gray OC-23.
Basement Flooring
Basement Flooring: Shaw Plus; LVP (Luxury Vinyl Plank).
Cabinetry: Dixie Boston Doors & Drawers painted in Benjamin Moore Moonlight.
Faucet: Moen Align 5923 Pull Down Faucet; Matte Black.
The mudroom features hardwood flooring, white cabinetry – a bench is flanked by tall cabinets – and black interior doors in Sherwin-Williams Black Fox.
Hardware: here – similar.
Screened Porch
Featuring white board and batten siding in Sherwin Williams Aesthetic White and a double-sided fireplace, this screened porch is perfect for relaxing or entertaining.
Ceiling: Pine Beadboard; Beaded side down – Color: Minwax Honey.
  Stone: Coronado Old World Ledge in Cape Cod Gray – similar here.
Fireplace: Fireside – Fortress 36″.
Ceiling Fan: Savoy Bluffton 72″ Fan.
The feeling you have is that you’re in a treehouse… but yet the screens keep all of the bugs away!
Screened in Porch: Diversified Enclosures – Black Frames; Charcoal Mesh.
Deck Railing: Diversified Enclosures – Black.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing the details above!
Builder: Mike Stevens Homes (Instagram)
Photography – @_chrissmithphotography_ .
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: An Epic Brownstone Remodel Hits the Reset Button
A couples own pied--terre in their townhouse is finally complete
Over a couple of years, Janet and Jerry, a couple from Long Island who bought a historic Crown Heights, Brooklyn brownstone, embarked on a bottom-to-top renovation. After remodeling two of the floors as rentals with Sweeten, (See blog posts for thethird floor and garden level) we get the details on the final apartment,a project high point indeed as it marks the completion of the townhouses top floor and the pairs own NYC pied--terre.
The backstory: The duo knew when they closed on the circa 1910 building, a bring your architect purchase in need of a total gutting, that a big job lay ahead. Janet, president of the New York School of Design, and Jerry, a doctor, posted the project on Sweeten, a renovation platform connecting homeowners to vetted general contractors, and hired a Sweeten architect and a Sweeten contractor. Read how a neglected and cramped one-bedroom gives way to a space with a loft-like feeling.
After photos byPixy Interiors for Sweeten
Blog post by homeowner Jerry as told to Sweeten
This is it. Our apartment. The pied--terre weve long waited to move into. We have a primary residence on Long Island, but we work in NYC and spend about half our time here. We decided to invest in a multi-family townhouse in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, rent the main units and keep the smaller, fourth-floor apartment for ourselves.
From the time we first saw the top-floor space, we knew it would be our nest. Like the other apartments, this one-bedroom unit needed work. It was dark and chopped up, the kitchen was a wreck and the bathroom was in disrepair. We started thinking about how to refresh the under 600-square-foot space and make it feel larger. Our goal was to create an open and airy studio. We planned to maximize natural light and use natural materials for an organic feel.
In our projects earlier phases, wed worked to preserve the buildings architectural features. But in this unit, previous renovations had removed most original detail. Hardwood floors had been replaced with linoleum. Moldings that might have graced the overhead plaster were forgone for a drop ceiling. Only the window moldings and the fireplace remained. Given this situation, we felt free to rethink the space. We decided to use modern elements, bringing in Scandinavian style and Californian mid-century modernism as influences to the new interior.
These subtle architectural elements bring the space together while simultaneously differentiating the sleeping and living rooms.
Our Sweeten architects worked closely with Janet to achieve several architectural changes. First, we moved the entrance from the fourth floor down to the third, making the stairway part of the apartments interior. This increased privacy and usable space, and also allowed us to increase the living rooms natural light with a skylight at the top of the stairs.
Next, we exposed the living-room ceiling. Opening it to the original wooden beams provided for more vertical space and a lofty room.Initially, we were going to paint the wooden ceiling and exposed beams white. Our Sweeten contractor suggested the beams looked really good unpainted and unfinished. The adjacent sleeping area, however, would have a new lowered ceiling, and an archway. Together these subtle architectural elements bring the space together while simultaneously differentiating the sleeping and living rooms.
A key facet of our design concept, the arch plays nicely with horizontal lines throughout the apartment, including the exposed beams and the long kitchen countertop. It also connects with a number of graceful curves, like the rounded mirror over the restored fireplace and the rounded lighting fixtures.
With the ceiling beautified, we moved to the problematic floors, which were covered in vinyl and old carpeting. We wanted natural wood and after much searching, we chose white-oak flooring and planned to lay it in a custom herringbone, or chevron, pattern. Unfortunately, there was a long lead time for the wood to be custom cut (nearly two months, as the supplier told us that it would require shipping the planks to Europe), not to mention a high price. Just before going back to the drawing board, we found a pre-cut herringbone at half the price. It came out fantastic.
Once the floors were down we were ready to build the kitchen. We wanted dark wood cabinets, and while we were planning, Ikea came out with a new style that not only looked great but pleased our budget! We wanted countertops that would compliment the cabinets and wear well, and considered marble, granite, and a few synthetic materials, but ultimately chose soapstone for its durability and appearance. The veined black goes nicely with the apartments other dark features and looks fantastic as a backsplash. To stay minimal, we hid appliances in cabinets; our washer/dryer combo, fridge, and pull-out freezer all fit under the counter.
The pendant lights over the kitchen counter, the chandelier above the old fireplace, and the bedroom fixtures are simultaneously industrial, modern, casual, and polished.
In the bathroom, we managed another stunning redesign thanks to our Sweeten architects. The shower, a vertical space with a skylight, is flooded by day with natural sunlight, making it feel almost like its outside. One disappointment that turned out fine was with the stone floor tiles. We spent a lot of time picking them out, but after accepting our order, the supplier said that only one box of tile was available. Our contractor solved the issue by taking a large slab of the same stone and custom cutting it into a single 3x3 shower base as well as a door saddle, and a stone shelf. We chose an in-wall toilet to maximize space.
Having knocked down walls and invited light in every way imaginable, we felt successful in our visual opening of the space. We went even further by creating an outdoor area. The roof had formerly been inaccessible but we replaced a window with a glass door; it leads to a new roof deck with views of the neighborhood and Manhattan in the distance.
Through it all, we felt lucky to work with Sweeten, which connected us with both our architect and contractor and helped us troubleshoot on many occasions. The process came with so many rewards. While Janet says she most appreciated the design work and creative discussions, Im just enjoying our apartment! Its like staying in a nice hotel with a feeling of being home. The best of both worlds.
Thank you, Jerry and Janet, for sharing your entire home with us!
LIVING ROOM RESOURCES: Wall paint in Cotton Balls: Benjamin Moore. Poolesville European white oak flooring: PID. Chandelier above fireplace: Schoolhouse Electric. Theresa Rand coffee table: Menu Design Shop. Doorknobs: Omnia.
DINING AREA AND STAIRWAY RESOURCES: Hackney marble dining table, storage bench: CB2.Rattan cane chairs: Industry West.
BEDROOM RESOURCES: Ceiling light, sconce lights: Schoolhouse Electric. Mill C bedside table with laptop tray: CB2. Spindle Nightstand: Industry West. Airisto bench/side table in ash: Finnish Design Shop.
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Paint in Cotton Balls: Benjamin Moore. VOXTORP kitchen cabinets and sink: IKEA. Ipanema Reserve countertops and backsplash: M Teixeira Soapstone. Faucet, #1959LF-BL: Delta . Undercounter refrigerator and freezer: Liebherr.Pendant lights:Schoolhouse Electric. All-in-one 2.3 cu. ft. front-load washer and electric ventless dryer: LG. Fellow Stagg Pour Over kettle: Williams Sonoma.
BATHROOM RESOURCES: 18 x 18 Marine Black Phyllite floor tiles: M Teixeira Soapstone.Matte white wall tiles 3x9:COLORI. Shower fixtures;Contemporary and Purist Line fittings: Kohler.Toilet:Duravit. GODMORGON vanity, ODENSVIK sink : IKEA. Faucet: Grohe. Hardware, lighting, towel bar, tissue holder, robe hook, Swedish utility rack:Schoolhouse Electric. Mirror: CB2.Waffle towels: Snowe.
ROOF DECK RESOURCES: Marvin Swinging French door. Automated shade: Shade Store.
Before you buy a townhouse, read our guide on buying and renovating a multi-story fixer upper.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each projects location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog,Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when youre ready to renovate,start your renovation on Sweeten.
The post An Epic Brownstone Remodel Hits the Reset Button appeared first on Sweeten Blog.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/an-epic-brownstone-remodel-hits-the-reset-button
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ploug16pollock-blog · 5 years
What exactly Things To Do Regarding Home Improvement
In modern-day economic climate, the best way in order to obtain a different household is usually to improve often the one anyone already own. Anyone may not get able to market your own home for the price tag a person ought to have. Instead regarding tackling the real estate fears, why not better your current home? Keep reading regarding some beneficial home enhancement tips. You can give your cooking area a great old modeled look simply by shopping for older tins. Flea trading markets and even music shops are usually rich in vintage caffeine, tea and even candy tins that make excellent minor hard drive spaces to get your own items. Employ them in order to disguise your utensils, snacks, flour as well as sugar. Add little homemade labels to the best labeling what each is made up of. Decals are a fantastic facelift for monotonous household furniture and appliances; getting them off is a new various story. If you're out of concepts on the way to eliminate old stickers coming from surfaces the right after suggestion is sure to help assist. Spray the stickers an individual wish to get rid of with WD-40 spray. Try to help lift the edges to be able to get the fresh directly below. Let the idea take a seat within the solution for some sort of moment as well as two together with then softly scrape typically the decal having an old credit rating card or a clear plastic cutlery. If you happen to be re-painting a smaller space, some because an undersized bed room or living room, make use of mild hues. Lighter colors in the partitions is going to reflect more light, making typically the space experience lighter and even larger. Furthermore, think about making use of two shades involving the same color in whipping, which will make the room come to feel much longer or even taller. Believe concerning installing some sort of bathtub if the home doesn't always have one. Not only are showers more accessible than bath tubs, you can certainly in addition save much whole lot more normal water by utilizing them, mainly if your household is substantial. Five small showers make use of less than a 1 fourth the water that this requires to help soak around typically the bath. If you are contemplating of getting a brand-new package, sit down in often the hot tub in advance of purchasing it. You might embarrass myself, nevertheless sometimes tubs may well seem much larger compared to that they actually are usually. Several récipient are could not end up being arrived or have a extremely high restocking price, so ensure you will be pleased with typically the tub ahead of buying. In case you have a large, wide open kitchen, consider construction or even getting a removable cooking area area. An tropical isle can easily be covered with tile, granite, or perhaps pebble covers, making it an ideal excess surface for setting up dishes, serving food, concluding homework, or as a good makeshift mini-bar that goes wheresoever you need the idea for you to. Quite a few models contain storage space features like drawers, hooks, and built-in lowering blocks. In the event you live throughout the sizzling climate, replace your own initial glass doors together with low-E a glass, which make that less difficult and more inexpensive to amazing your current property inside grilling summertime. Though the installation may be a little bit costly when you pay an individual to do it, you might recoup your own personal costs in energy savings by way of the conclusion of typically the summer. Simply by adding top molding, an individual will turn out to be upgrading the home together with a crisp and clean in addition to refreshing look that is definitely interestingly high-impact. At only around a dollar for each square foot, you may waste money about molding of which works with the window lean, floor in addition to baseboards. That glimpse will be timeless and effortlessly adds value for you to the home, even immediately after quite a few years. In case you are strengthening the appearance and experience involving your cooking area by adding a granitic counter top, look at individual mosaic glass as a substitute regarding a single bit slab. Granite slabs of countertop length can cost as much as $5000, and sometimes even more. Instead, install foot-long granite tiles. For often the same amount of room, adding stone tiles is going to only hit you up for a small amount of hundred dollars. Invest in porcelain tile flooring. Helpful Tips To Help Your current Home Business will be a thing that most people observe when in your household, when anyone want for you to capture their particular attention, employ ceramic tile. Corian, ceramic or even standing floor tiles are both equally interesting and even durable and even come in a variety of styles and surface finishes. Another as is of which they happen to be much easier to clean in comparison with carpet. As soon as repainting often the exterior connected with your residence, usage vinyl sheeting and even hiding tape to keep away from having paint on undesired areas, many of these as your windows. Work with drop linen to shield your drive, porch, in addition to shrubs through dripping color. You will also want to apply 3-inch masking cassette to be able to shield this trim whilst you might be painting them the home siding on the residence. Before you order an individual new kitchen cupboards, draw a plan of your current kitchen area that shows the spot coming from all plumbing, outlets, gadgets, microsoft windows, and just about all various other obstacles. This may make sure your new cabinets are a perfect fitting. A lot of retailers will develop a good design plan for a person cost free if you obtain your cabinets from them all. Here is Effective Tips To Help Your current Home Business for working along with contractors! If you happen to be obtaining work done, become sure to advise the top of the crew in the event that you are not really joyful! From the ideal earth, everybody would likely realize and do accurately what you would like, the way you want it performed! In the event that is definitely not necessarily the fact, communicate to the head with the crew! A person are paying out the particular expenses, and you will be in cost. In case you usually are content, converse up. When items may work out your specialist, there are tons regarding other individuals to decide on by. Learn where to switch the natural gas away before you begin almost any home-improvement job. You will need to know this in case there is a leak when compromising fireplaces, kitchens or anything of which uses the gas traces. Usually be very careful when working close to natural gas lines to stay away from risky problems. To boost strength performance in addition to conserve drastically on your bills, take into account upgrading single bout home windows using newer vitality successful ones. Helpful Tips To Help Your Home Business make in brand-new windows now will very easily buy itself over time period as your utility bills may be lower and, of course , your home will become more comfy. Guard surfaces with a new protecting throughout virtually any home improvement plans. Floors must be protected with the tarp as well as painters plastic in case a person can be painting. To get different plans that contain hammering or even tearing along walls as well as cabinetry, covers just about all areas to protect them by scratches and deterioration, like the walls. The concepts you've just read through will allow you to a lot as a person go with regards to enhancing your residence. Home improvement is more cost efficient than a person could understand.
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