#Laptop maintenance
praiseinchains · 13 days
I've been MIA for what feels like forever, but let me tell you why.
I take morning medication for my thyroid and my heart. My bed is positioned RIGHT next to my desk, that way I can just sit up, pop open my medicine container, chug down some water, and then go back to sleep for the hour until I'm able to eat. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned one morning. I'd gotten out of bed and taken my medicine and then, out of the blue, my hand just loses its grip on my glass of water. This has never happened to me before (it was a result of my NMO - I've been feeling pretty weak lately, especially my legs). I wasn't all that tired, I wasn't readjusting the glass, I hadn't bumped into anything... I wasn't moving at all! My grip just loosened and I hadn't even realized it down it until everything was wet - INCLUDING MY LAPTOP!
I immediately shut my laptop off, ran to the bathroom to grab a towel and dried off the keyboard (which is where all the water went), dried the laptop off with my hair dryer, took out the battery, and then kept my laptop upside down for a full 24 hours. I was petrified the next day when turning it on. My parents and the computer repair guy we'd spoken to were all encouraged it would be fine since I took such quick action, but I was absolutely terrified it was going to be ruined. It took me 7 times to turn on my laptop. Once I plugged it in it booted up, then shut down again, then I was finally able to get it to stay on. All my files were still good. My keyboard on the other hand was another matter, which makes sense since it got most of the water. The keyboard worked, but none of the keys were what they should be, so there was no way for me to type unless I did it with the on-screen keyboard and I didn't want to pick through each key separately, so I just made a plan to take the laptop in and get the keyboard repaired.
Before I did that, I wanted to get an external hard drive just in case something happened when the repairman was working on it. I'd had another repairman completely DESTROY my hard drive when he was supposed to be taking it out for me so I could use it on another laptop, so I wasn't going to take any chances this time. We went to Walmart a few days later and got it and just as I was plugging it in to transfer everything, I automatically tried to rename it (I like to do that with my drives) before I remembered my keyboard wasn't working. Except it was. I opened up Microsoft Word and was amazed to find that my keyboard had fixed itself. I guess it just needed more time to dry. Since it was fixed, I didn't need to use the hard drive (I'm going to use it to store my videos on).
That was only one problem, however. I have a huge eBook library and I've been trying to organize it with the Calibre app. I wanted to be able to find a specific genre (like cozy mystery, thriller, etc.,) without having to look through every single one. Once I had all my books in Calibre I decided just to export a list of everything, so that it would take up less space. So, I did that and then got rid of Calibre. Somehow, and I honestly don't know how, my folder of 'books to read' was gone. I searched everywhere on my laptop for it until I realized that the entire folder had gotten moved to Calibre and that Calibre had deleted it when it uninstalled. I keep my books separated by series, title, etc., and no other folder was in there aside from the 'books to read'. I had my monthly books; books for October/Halloween; series I wanted to re-read/read... it was all just gone. I was able to pull most of it off my Kindle Paperwhite, but one series I couldn't get back.
If that wasn't enough, I was without Internet connection for the longest time. My parents both had it, and I had it on my phone, but my laptop just wasn't connecting. I'd tried turning it off and back on at least three times, which always works, but this time it didn't. Finally, after the last time, I decided to check for any problems and my laptop immediately found and fixed it and it was restored late last night.
(This is unedited. I've been dealing with so much inflammation lately that I don't have the energy (physical or emotional) to write a post and then edit it. Sorry for any mistakes, which I'm sure there are).
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replacebase · 4 months
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tim-it · 11 months
"Troubleshooting 'No Boot' Issue: Laptop Won't Start? Laptop Won't Boot...
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techtalkiz · 1 year
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lappystop · 1 year
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Fastest laptop repair service in Kolkata || Lappystop
Worried that your laptop will get repaired by an amateur? Then call lappystop and let the industry-leading computer engineers from lappystop take care of it! Get your laptop fixed today - hassle-free!
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rest in peace lizard webbedsite....
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badsweetener · 1 year
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hi lambda nation *shakes the 7 of yall*
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thunderboltfire · 6 months
I've tried to run BG2 again (I need to finish my modded playthrough) and my laptop is in such a bad state it prectically lags BG2. BG2, which could be run on a determined microwave, on a laptop that has 8GB of RAM! It is heavily used and it has a lot of apps, but I've uninstalled everything I didn't use and cleaned the registry awhile ago. I suspected the antivirus, but the system manager shows it actually doesn't consume a lot of resources. It's not the disk space, since it's got plenty. It turns out it uses 100% of its disk all the time, and the main culprits seems to be.... *drum roll* system and Windows telemetry service! I now have to spend the evening elbows deep in frankly confusing system settings to find a way to turn the telemetry service off, and it may or may not improve the situation.
Once I finish this playthough, I'm definitely switching the laptop to Unix.
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faaun · 6 months
£140 to fix my laptop episode 294738 this laptop has probably cost me an additional like...at least £500-600 in repair/replacement costs on top of the original price ♡
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ladyinthebluebox · 9 months
i can't fucking believe I was able to actually play games for hours on my old laptop. poor thing barely handles one tab in internet browser how the fuck wildhunt didn't make it explode is beyond me 🤣
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sealrock · 9 months
minor update, but I created a pinterest for my ocs. it's linked in my pinned and I'll slowly work on building up the boards over time :)
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infantisimo · 1 year
apropos of something
"In the design of objects, they’re trying to reduce the amount of labor, and that changes what the object is,” Bird says. “That produces cheaper goods, but it doesn’t necessarily produce better goods.”
Even as poor or cheap as that garment worker’s labor is, it’s still a significant part of the garment because there is no way to replace that labor. Some of what you’re seeing in that race to the bottom is that literally the time is not being spent in making the thing that would help the thing last longer.
Then there’s the classic way companies keep costs low: underpaying and overworking workers. The speed at which workers are expected to produce and deliver goods is faster than ever before — and speed will always be at odds with quality.
"There is an entire generation of consumers at this point that doesn’t actually know what high-quality clothing feels like and looks like,” Harrington says. “It gets easier, I think, for consumers to just not know any better. But 10 years ago, our clothing was higher quality than it is now. That is actually part of the point.”
It’s actually impossible to buy the same quality bra I had in high school for the same price. It’s simply more expensive to produce now than it was then."
"In reality, what is actually striking when you watch that video is not the cybernetic futurism but rather just how un-automated the scene is. Work has not disappeared from the restaurant floor, but the person doing the work has changed. Instead of an employee inputting orders dictated by the customer, customers now do it themselves for free.
One recent afternoon I stood waiting at a restaurant for a to-go meal that I had ordered the old-fashioned way—by talking to a woman behind the counter and giving her paper money. As I waited for my lunch to be prepared, the man in front of me appeared astonished to receive his food. “How did the app know my order would be ready twenty minutes early?” he marveled, clutching his phone. “Because that was actually me,” the server said. “I sent you a message when it was done.”
Federici’s response was bracing. She vehemently denied the premise of the question—that we must acquiesce to the idea that, come the great automated apocalypse, masses of people would have no productive work to do: “Don’t let them make you think that you are disposable,” she passionately proclaimed."
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fictionalred · 1 year
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Fan cleaning time :))
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lappystop · 1 year
Fastest laptop repair service in Kolkata || Lappystop
Worried that your laptop will get repaired by an amateur? Then call lappystop and let the industry-leading computer engineers from lappystop take care of it! Get your laptop fixed today - hassle-free!
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nominalnebula · 1 year
the contractor's here (again) working on the shower and it's been a week so it's like okay we're on cordial terms and all but I'm also creeping around the house trying to stay out of the way and interact as little as possible like "don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious"
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fantasticalleigh · 1 year
i’m having a breakdown (not really but this is frustrating as hell) deleting so much shit off my laptop, trying to make space to update it bc i haven’t updated my laptop in years and it’s still not enough space cleared no matter what i do lmao
if anyone has any tips PLEASE share :S
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