#like the current issue is that 2 out of the 3 pins inside the Charging ports just dropped out of the laptop
faaun · 6 months
£140 to fix my laptop episode 294738 this laptop has probably cost me an additional like...at least £500-600 in repair/replacement costs on top of the original price ♡
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Heyy woah what the fuck it's an actual
☆~◇Pinned post◇~☆
Now with a DNI list!
You know who you are. Blogs dedicated to troubled media (for example, TCOAAL), Nazis, TERFS, etc. will be blocked on any interaction. You have been warned.
Anyway moving on.
Turns out Toasters like some things. Who woulda knew?
List (of course) will be updated periodically. Golden stars represents how insane i am for that particular piece of media
☆~◇The stuff that fuels my evergrowing brain rot◇~☆
SS13 ☆☆☆☆☆
Baldurs Gate 3
Lethal Company
Rimworld ☆
Team fortress 2
Titanfall 2
Dungeon Meshi ☆
MOTHS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Risk of Rain 2
Good Omens
Lancer TTRPG ☆
Doctor Who ☆
Bee and Puppycat ☆
Cult of the Lamb ☆
Rainworld reblogs go to my side blog, @toaster-without-a-wifi-router, everything else is dumped in an unorganized mess here
Shitty Laptop: a Saga
What the current state of my rapidly dying laptop is:
Battery refuses to charge
Fans are skew and sometines clip the inside casing
Trackpad unresponsive (Fixed)
Denting of the keyboard (Fixed (with help of the Gnome))
GPU unresponsive on sensors
Random unexplained bluescreens (long running issue)
It's a fucking Dell + Alienware laptop (Terminal, cannot be fixed)
Attempts Die upon being mentioned as Son by anyone
Secondary main fan unresponsive (New, VERY BAD SIGN)
Due to complaints all Ultrakill reblogs have moved to a sideblog
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WW2GI and the saving private ryan TC for duke nukem 3D: a level-by-level breakdown
the first half of the game starts off with a bang as you're dropped right into it with the omaha beach landings; from there you'll go on through the hedgerows and villages of normandy, killing nazis left and right and dying... again... and again... and again. according to the credits, we can thank tuoma "tuco" korva and lado "icebreaker" crnologar for the level design, but i've no way of telling you who did which.
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E1L1: d-day what's more iconic in united states military history during WW2 than omaha beach? this recreation of the bloody battle might not be as lethal as the real thing, but it sure is nearly as nightmarish. the game throws you in deep real fast and you're forced to learn, through trial and error, the basics of the game, all the while random explosions and bullets out of nowhere will cut your gameplay short. you'd think they'd at least give us some basic training... even medal of honor frontline was more forgiving.
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E1L2: atlantic wall omaha beach, part 2. you're alone for this one, you and several dozen enemy troops as you work your way through a complex of shattered bunkers and rail lines. not much sense to the layout on this one, though cool carnage as a row of parked trucks are annihilated in an artillery explosion -- along with all the nazi goons hiding behind them.
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E1L3: defend you meet up with some friendlies just in time for a panicked radio message -- a squad is pinned down under enemy fire and need help. working your way through a flooded village and a forest infested with nazis, you eventually come upon the squad, hiding in some foxholes as a couple dozen enemy mysteriously teleport in by a hedgerow on the far end of the field. aside from some extra ammo, you also get access to an artillery strike via radio and a mortar launcher. hold out long enough and a gate will open with reinforcements behind, and the exit beyond.
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E1L4: hunt for the 88s jesus christ. if you managed to get through the d-day map without getting too frustrated you may wind up throwing in the towel on this one, an extremely dark night mission in the woods where the enemy can see you but you can't see them, and they always have insanely good aim. the one thing it has going for it is a pretty cool scripted sequence where you and a squad of guys traverse a bit of forest, exchanging some bad banter -- very cool for the build engine! and then they all die in an ambush, leaving you to play audie murphy -- again.
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E1L5: finding private mccurkee first of all, lol. second of all, this mission is actually almost fun. a ruined little town teeming with enemy, you'll have an opportunity to use a rifle to pop enemies from a distance, which will be useful as there's plenty of snipers. a mortar team will make your life hell near the end. it's fun working your way through the ruined buildings and finding ways to climb up into otherwise inaccessible rooms.
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E1L6: saving private mccurkee did you like e1l5? how would you like to do it again, only this time in reverse, in the dark, and with an NPC in tow that you have to babysit -- assuming he doesn't get his dumb ass stuck in the foxhole right at the beginning of the level and then you don't notice he's done it so you save your game like a dumbass and now you have to noclip through the gate at the end because the idiot doesn't know how to climb?
yeah. i didn't like e1l6.
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E1L7: mop up the final mission of the d-day episode is a mercifully daytime shootout across a semi-detatched military complex in which you shoot a bunch of nazis, blow up some tanks, dodge some artillery fire and, in the end, lay waste to a small, fenced-in compound guarded by SS, who distinguish themselves from regular grunts by their distinctive black uniforms and red nazi armbands. just hanging around them lowers your morale; ignoring the fact that the morale system makes no sense, this does amusingly give rise to the idea that the SS are so evil that they can sap you on a psychic level.
i mean, that's true of nazis today.
final thoughts: not a good first half. maybe three or four of the levels are salvageable; the rest are unmitigated shit, especially e1l4. while this is very likely the first-ever WW2 FPS to feature the omaha beach landings and the normandy invasion at large, it's a novelty at best, an exercise in frustration that shows the limits both of the engine and the designers' talents.
not sure what exactly distinguishes this episode from the previous, except that it's perhaps a continuation of the battle of normandy? who knows. regardless, it's another 7 levels of this shit, because they couldn't see what they did in episode 1 and think "we've done enough damage."
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E2L1: hell from above a much more sensible first level, this is essentially a sweep-and-clear mission as you work your way (alone, of course) through a cute little village along a river. lots of wide open space means little cover for you, but it also makes combat a bit of a turkey shoot (especially with auto-aim on.) oddly you get tons of MP40 ammo -- even maxing it out -- before you ever actually get the MP40.
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E2L2: seaside sweep a quick jaunt through a seaport. lots of nazis, and lots of BAR ammo to perforate them with. would actually be a decent level if not for an issue i ran into -- i don't know if it's endemic to the game or if it's a bug introduced by eduke32 -- that placed two very large wall texture sprites in the map that blocked my view of the final building, forcing me to god mode just to be able to approach the place.
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E2L3: under fire similar to "defend" from the first episode, the first half of this mission involves you facing off against endlessly respawning waves of germans until such time that you're called to retreat through the village, which is swarming with germans. clear your way through it and you're treated to a grisly scene of SS troops forming a firing squad to execute captured allied prisoners. definitely feels like a precursor to the early call of duty levels. it's not *too* bad a level i guess.
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E2L4: paperwork it's time to attack an SS-occupied chateau in this quick little mission. it starts off surprisingly easy with a short, linear path that takes you through some countryside. a heavily fortified bridge serves as the main defense of the chateau and every window bristles with guns. get inside the chateau walls and it's wall-to-wall SS, draining your morale with every burst of their MP40s and having the infuriating tendency to have your shots (especially your BAR) go right through them.
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E2L5: railroad typhoon you've been tasked with rescuing a bunch of captured allied troops who've been put on a train, which means storming a trainyard. it's mostly wide open spaces here, though there is a cool part in a connecting tunnel where you're checking train cars. the trainyard itself is comparatively vast, and enemy fire comes from all directions. relatively fun map.
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E2L6: a game of bridge like the name suggests, the key feature of this level is a bridge, currently occupied by a tank and a large contingent of nazis. to get there you'll have to fight your way through the town; across the river are rows of windows from which the enemy shoots at you (a common feature in this episode that i'm starting to suspect may be a favorite feature of one of the mappers.)
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E2L7: urban rush the finale of WW2GI involves fighting your way through a massive urban area to rescue a captured general. this is probably the largest level in the episode; with an enemy around every corner. while it's otherwise an interesting, intense level (a small legion of semi-invincible SS notwithstanding) there's a frustrating bit where you must go through a no-man's-land of sorts that's constantly being bombarded by artillery.
final thoughts: a significantly better second half, but the problem is, that's not saying much. it still suffers from issues endemic to the game, like the insane reaction times of the enemy, the massive damage they do to you, and so on. however, the gameplay is much more straightforward for the most part, with no NPCs to babysit, no weird trial-and-error "wtf do i do next" issues, just pure nazi slaughter. now if only the game didn't suck.
platoon leader is a free expansion for WW2GI that adds three more levels to the game and several additional features. two of these, inexplicably, are set during the vietnam war, a throwback to TNT team's earlier outing NAM (which itself was a sequel to their earlier free mod for duke nukem 3D 'platoon,' based on the movie of the same name.) the remaining level, however, is set in the pacific theater of world war 2. the result is that the armory is a mix of WW2 and vietnam war-era weaponry, with the level design such that you won't receive weapons that don't belong in the era you're playing. speaking of level design, no clue who did this one, but i want to punch them.
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PLT_E1L1: hill 41 eeeuuugh. you start at the base of a hill. while you have a radio that can call in both a tank assault as well as an air strike, your main strategy is going to be charging up a hill swarming with IJA troops. while the hill is actually rather realistically constructed, with varying slopes and flat planes, this is about the only interesting facet of the level design as the entire hill is covered in invisible land mines and enemy shooting at you. making matters worse is that the game seemingly arbitrarily will declare the mission a failure and cover the screen with a failure notice, forcing you to restart. i even god-moded my way up to the top, killed everything i could, blew up the tunnel entrance, and still failed. this level sucks.
"saving private ryan" is a landmark war film that changed how war movies were made and inflamed the imaginations of game designers everywhere. imagine storming omaha beach from the comfort of your own home; imagine fighting through the hedgerows. while the commercial game "WW2GI" was the very first world war II-themed FPS that wasn't wolfenstein with its abstract mazes and mad science, "saving private ryan TC," released a few months after WW2GI (and using some stolen assets from it), was an attempt by a small group of duke 3d fans to recreate their favorite war movie. in this mod for duke nukem 3D are five levels, each one representing a key scene from the film. an archived version of the mod's website lists two people as level designers: jeff (using the name eXtreme-Rush) and jody (using the name kissle.) i couldn't tell you who did which maps, not that it terribly matters.
* note: TC stands for total conversion, an older term for what we'd now simply call a mod
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SPRL1: ohmaha beach yes, that's how it's spelled. basically a worse version of ww2gi's d-day map, it can be done in a matter of seconds. once you blow the shingle and get up onto the ridge it's just nazi city in the trenches beyond, and ammo is scarce -- you're better off just running towards the crater with the movie poster in it.
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SPRL2: vierville very short little jaunt through a war-torn village, with a squad of useless soldiers following you. the ruined applecart from the movie is here, as is the half-blown out house; a lone enemy up in a tower is easily dispatched, but figuring out how to get past the invisible wall blocking your further progress is tougher.
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SPRL3: bunker another short level, a charge up a hill with the enemy already firing at you. the bunker itself with the radar is cool-looking, at least.
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SPRL4: the fields basically "bunker" but with tall, semi-transparent grass sprites everywhere. kill all the nazis and then go talk to the US soldiers hiding near the burning halftrack, and you're on to the finale.
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SPRL5: last battle probably the closest this thing gets to a real level, and it sucks ass. you'll not hurt for ammo, and health items actually show up here, but the place is teeming with enemy and cover is light. get across the bridge and you're done.
final thoughts: whoof. while it's true they recreated the setpieces, it comes at the expense of gameplay. the levels are, in a word, ugly and simple, with little in the way of anything distinctive. the whole thing can be gotten through in about 10-15 minutes; wouldn't it have been more fun to simply mix the movie's story beats into a broader game that more closely resembles WW2GI? sometimes i wonder what happened to the mod team; it's clear they were young when they made this (weren't we all, back then...) i guess in the end i admire what they were trying to do, and i appreciate that they were young and didn't really think this through. but it just doesn't work.
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dragonnan · 4 years
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The work I thought it would be fun to share is an in-progress unpublished work that will likely take a while to put together.  I was incredibly inspired by the brilliant writing of both @hanuko and silentsaebyeok who both have stories about Wilson Fisk.  Here is my take on that character in an Avengers fic!
Untitled Fic
Setting: near the end of Homecoming and just prior to Tony reconciling with Pepper
AU of Daredevil season 2-3 (Karen didn't murder Wesley as Fisk's mother didn't remember her visit.  She only remembered Ben)
Late afternoon sunlight had turned every pane of glass into a pool of gold.  The patio doors of the tall office building had been left open – allowing the haze of late day warmth to coil upwards; carried on drafts of air heated from the concrete below.  Rubber soles squeaked softly against marble that knew mainly Italian leather and the rare alligator hide.  Two-hundred dollar sneakers were incongruous to the wealth of the man sporting them, but then, Tony Stark had never been a fan of the expected.    
“So what wrong side of the bed did I wake up on this morning to earn this clandestine meeting before my Kai Jiew has had time to settle?”  One hip resting on the edge of the railing, Tony managed to shudder back a yawn before it became embarrassing.  Behind him, the familiar snap of a briefcase lock barely drew a glance as “Dilbert” pushed up his glasses and withdrew a thick file from the depths.
Further in the shadows, the larger man, silent, stood with his head at an oddly subdued angle.  Often reticent in the blessedly few interactions Tony had ever had with the man, it was little surprise that it was his assistant who spoke.
“Apologies, Mr. Stark.  I assure you this won't take long.”
The unstated request, of course, was that Tony sit at the table positioned within the large room.  Tony raised an eyebrow.  “You didn't say please.”
A smooth, tight lipped smile, followed his quip.  Meanwhile, the still silent other member of their trifecta finally stepped forward – grasping one of the stuffed leather office chairs and rolling it back before seating himself.  Wilson Fisk wove his hands together above propped elbows.  “I appreciate your willingness to meet me so early, Anthony.  I felt it best to speak with you privately given the... delicacy... of the issue at hand.”  He gestured towards the single remaining chair.
Well that wasn't at all circumspect.
Returning the tight lipped smile in kind, Tony grabbed the chair facing the head of the table and sat; leaning back and settling his arms on the padded rests.  “You know, usually I let Pepper handle SI business.  Not sure if you got the memo but I'm not actually CEO any longer.  How was prison, by the way?  I heard the kitchen got a new chef.”
Ignoring the comment, Fisk tapped his thumbs together and kept a close study of the polished inlay before him.  “That is something we share in common,” he looked up, then, finally, “I, too, find that most business affairs tend to be... tedious.”  Fisk grinned, a flash of small, even, teeth, before he nodded towards his assistant... Wilbur?  Weston?  “Mr. Wesley, if you would please?”  He turned back to Tony – also leaning back and resting his thick hands over his thicker waist.  “I can assure you, however, that what we're here to discuss is a matter that falls somewhat outside the purview of Stark Industries.”
While his employer spoke, Wesley neatly stacked the pages of the file before sliding the bundle across the polished tabletop to Tony.  Eager to just get everything done with, Tony pressed his hand flat on the cover to slide it close, flipped it back... and froze.
Across from him, Fisk continued speaking.  “I have found that I have an over-abundance of pressure on me as I attempt to rebuild was was lost during my incarceration. Aside from the judgement of the good people of this city I also have faced an ongoing assault from a number of vigilantes.  This city, for all of its potential, has the unfortunate side effect of breeding these... vermin... faster than the rats that inhabit the sewers.  As it is they are beneath the notice of those who claim to protect the people of this city.”  His hands stilled – lying one on top of the other as Tony silently turned to the next page.  “Too busy protecting the rest of the world, perhaps.”
Tony made himself turn to the next page; his eyes blinking rapidly.
“Of course it isn't in my nature to harm innocents.  I find it distasteful to involve women and children in such matters.  And, yet, I find that it is, in fact, a child at the center of my current dilemma.  Of greater irony is that this child has both power and connections that would, under normal circumstances, place him outside the reach of those who would wish him harm.”
The forth page was a photo – clipped from a newspaper and a duplicate to the framed image that sat on the worktable in Tony's lab.  In the grainy image he stood, one arm slung around a young man's shoulders, as the kid received his certification for completing the “Stark Internship”.  Tony licked his tongue across his teeth before closing the file once more.
Fisk let out a soft hum.  “As it is, prison has a way of creating strange bedfellows.  I met someone – a man you may know.  Adrian Toomes.  After some persuasion he had something very interesting to share with me.  Something that, I can only imagine, you would wish to keep out of the hands of certain individuals.”
Tony wanted to clench his hands – his fingertips twitching before he pushed them flat against the wood beneath them.  “Just to clarify you're threatening my intern?”
Fisk leaned forward; hands folding tight before him on the table.  “I was hoping we wouldn't have to play any games but given your refusal to read the rest of the documents Mr. Wesley provided, I will summarize them for you.” Here he stood; walking to the open doors facing the patio.  “I know who Peter Parker really is.  I know about his aunt.  I know the names of his friends, where he goes to school, and where he buys his favorite sandwich every afternoon.”  He rested his hands behind his back; squinting in the sunlight.  “If he continues to disrupt my affairs in Hell's Kitchen, the consequences could be... unpleasant.” He glanced back at Tony; his face serene.  “You realize I'm asking for very little.  Keep your new pet leashed and allow me to conduct my business in peace.  The child will never have to know my name. Other than what he may learn from news reports; of course.” Tugging his cuffs, Fisk turned to more fully face into the room.  “I never wanted to involve you.  This is the sort of attention I have spent a fortune to avoid.  As it is I find myself in a position where reticence could cost me even more.”  
Pushing to his feet, Tony could no longer stop his hands from fisting at his sides – though he managed to control the tremor as he joined Fisk.  Side by side, the other man practically loomed over him.  
“So you aren't just threatening a kid – you're threatening everyone he cares about.  Little bit budget TV villain but you do you I guess.”  Pulling off his tinted glasses, he stared up at the other man.  “The thing is this little weekly drama you're playing?” he waggled his fingers back and forth, “way above your pay grade.  Maybe stick to collecting on gambling debts and playing whack-a-mole with the other lowlifes in your contacts list.”
The smallest of smiles twitched at the corner of Fisk's lips.  “I know you're someone who prefers visual aids,” his voice became guttural – losing the soft quality, “perhaps a demonstration would help to convince you.”  
A glance to the side, the barest nod to Wesley, and the other man typed into his phone.
There was a moment – silence this far above the city.
And then an apartment complex, three blocks away, exploded into flame.
Horrified, Tony gave Fisk a single look, seeing the purpose in that cold gaze, before twisting the dial on his watch and backing up just enough to turn and take a running leap.  One foot caught on the railing and with a surge of his muscles, he launched himself out into open space.
Terrifying free fall – the ground racing towards him at breakneck speed.
And then smooth metal wrapped his body and he shot towards the blaze.  
:Cutting things a little bit tight, aren't we, Boss?:       ��  
      “No time to chat, Fri.  Emergency response status?”  He twisted his body into an angle as the building grew large in his visor – too few residents stumbling free out onto the pavement.
:Fire and Rescue are three minutes away:
“Shit.”  Aiming for a top floor window that had been blasted out with the explosion, Tony shot through the opening and made a quick scan of the room.  He winced at the sudden burst of heat that briefly enveloped his suit.  “Anyone on this level?”
He almost swore he could hear his AI sighing.  :Apologies, Boss.  I am unable to differentiate life signs from the ambient temperature.  Also the heat is steadily rising and will soon be at levels exceeding this suit's tolerances.:
Ignoring the warning, Tony finished his check of the room and moved on to the next apartment.  “Yeah, let's put a pin in that.  Adjust audio input and scan for human voices.”
In the second apartment he found a single person – deceased.  Same for the next two.  In the forth apartment there were two dead but he also found a child – burned and terrified but alive – buried beneath the blankets in her parent's closet.  Tony kept her wrapped to protect against the flames and rushed her to the sidewalk and into the arms of one of the firemen who had just arrived on scene.  
“Explosion – multiple charges – there's still people...”  He coughed at the black smoke boiling from the ruined building and dropped his visor back into place before returning inside.
Even with the protection of his suit the heat was breathtaking.  There were no more survivors on the top floor so Tony proceeded to the next level down.
:I'm detecting instability in the surrounding structure.:
“We got three apartments left on this floor.  Stop listening to the walls and keep listening for voices!”
The next sign of life he found, however wasn't a human but a howling dog still locked in its kennel.  Tucking the kennel under one arm, Tony finished his search of that floor – finding three additional people and four more pets.  With everyone holding their respective creatures he didn't risk another flight but, instead, soaked several blankets in a shower and guided them to a stairwell FRIDAY had located that was still relatively flame free. Then, turning back to his task he set out to locate more survivors.
Another five minutes in – fire and rescue now dousing the building as fireman began going door to door on the bottom two floors, Tony took the last one remaining.
It was then that disaster struck.
He'd just entered the first apartment – already racing towards the elderly man collapsed on the floor when there was a sudden burst of flames across the ceiling above – overlaid by a warning from FRIDAY.  
:Boss, there is a weakening of the...:
“Shit!”  His heartbeat was a drum in his ears as hooked a thick blanket from the ratty chair in the living room – slow motion tornados of smoke lifting up from the surrounding dry surfaces.  Propulsion would actually take longer – factoring in the time to slow his speed before reaching the man.  It was a fast paced eternity bolting across the ancient carpet.  The blanket billowed out ahead of him and cloaked the man just moments before he wrapped arms around him – knowing that even inside the blanket he was burning the old man with the super heated surface of his suit.  
He managed two steps to the window.
And then the world shattered in a concussive blast.
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plotflock82 · 4 years
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chirpingtiger · 6 years
Five reasons why Tony is more of a villain in the MCU than Loki
1.) Kill count.
Pure and simple, Tony has a higher human kill count than Loki does.
Loki is responsible for summoning the Chitauri army to New York, and thus all the deaths caused by that.
We are told in Avengers that “he killed eighty people in two days,” and shown in Civil War that the kill count from the battle for New York is seventy-four, (although some of those deaths were shown to be caused by the Hulk).
This makes Loki’s total 154 people.
In canon, Loki is punished for this by being sent back to Asgard in chains and imprisoned there.
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Tony is responsible for creating Ultron and unleashing him on the world, and therefore is responsible for all of the deaths that Ultron caused. Now, we are never given a specific number on the people that Ultron killed while resource gathering for his big hit, but we know that there were at least three significant ones. The civilian death count from Sokovia was shown in Civil War to be one hundred and seventy seven, and we know that Pietro died there as well.
Looking ONLY at the Ultron fallout, Tony’s total is up at 181 people.
27 more than Loki.
Now, I could count all of the people Tony killed in the first Iron Man movie even though a good number of them were terrorists, however that gets into a bit of a moral grey area. For the record, however, there were about forty kills shown on screen for this category.
There were also a number of deaths caused by Tony’s fist-fight with the Hulk in Johannesburg, however I don’t currently have a clear number for that, so we’ll pass on those kills for now.
There are an additional fifty nine kills that Iron Man makes on screen in the other movies, whether it be blowing people up, smashing them through walls, or firing a repulsor into their face at full power.
Additionally, I could go into detail about all the people killed by Tony’s weapons when he was selling them to make his billions, but that would take me far too long to total up, and many of the fans will argue about which ones he did and did not sell himself. (Though in the end he technically signed off on all of them, so really, if he didn’t read the paperwork, it’s still gross negligence, and it’s still on his head...)
Keeping in mind that Tony’s creation of Ultron behind his teammates’ backs was the cause of 181+ deaths...If we then include all of the other human casualties that Tony has caused, his total is 280 people.
126 more murders than Loki.
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In canon, Tony is excused for all of these deaths without question.
2.) He ratted out Clint’s secret family
Loki brainwashed Clint in the first Avengers movie, and spent half the film inside his head, poking around through his deepest darkest secrets.
He knows everything about Clint.
And yet, Loki never once uses Clint’s family as a bargaining chip against him. In fact, he never tells a soul about Clint’s family.
It would have been the perfect bargaining chip - the ultimate “do what I say OR ELSE” - and Loki never touches it. He sees that this man has a wife and two kids that he wants to keep safe, and has gone to such extreme lengths to make it happen, and he decides to let Clint’s family stay a secret, even when Clint comes back to himself and is fighting against Loki.
The others find out about Clint’s family in Age of Ultron. Clint brings Tony and the others back to the farm in AoU to get them off the radar, trusting the secret of his family to his teammates so he has somewhere safe for the Avengers to stay for a while as they regroup.
In Civil War, at the Raft, Tony mentions in front of everyone that Clint has “a wife and kids” to berate Clint for showing up to help Steve fight the super soldiers. Tony knows that Scott and Sam weren’t there in AoU and probably don’t know about Clint’s family. Additionally, he reveals this information while knowing that Ross and the UN security guards are actively listening in, looking for something to hold over their prisoner’s heads - he scrambles their sound feed a moment later to convince Sam that it’s safe to tell him where Steve went.
Tony knowingly and intentionally reveals the existence of Clint’s wife and kids - putting them all in grave danger - for the sake of punishing Clint for picking what he feels is the wrong side of an argument.
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3.) Daddy Issues Are an Explanation - Not an Excuse
Now, neither of them had stellar fathers.
Howard was always distant and busy, and was said to have been too absorbed with his work to take time to “say he loved me to my face” to Tony.
Odin slaughtered Loki’s race, found him abandoned in the rubble, and took him home in disguise as a kind of war prize, letting him believe that he was truly his son until it came down to who would inherit the kingdom, where he chose a (then) inept and bull-headed Thor over a calm and competent Loki for no apparent reason other than favoritism.
Loki blames Odin for his fall from grace, because everything he did was to prove himself to a father that was never even going to consider putting him on the throne. But that’s where it ends.
All of his other mistakes he blames on himself or his nature. He is the monster that parents warn children about, so it makes sense that he would act the part of the monster. (And even then, it’s only for a short while, until he is able to grow past his issues and get his act back together in Thor 2 to help out. He’s still a bit mischievous and a touch backstabbing, but at this point it’s a personality trait, and he always winds up coming around to the side of good in the end.)
Tony blames every mistake he makes on “Howard’s A+ Parenting,” refusing to take responsibility because not getting along with his father while growing up is apparently a valid excuse for the constant bad life choices of a 40-something year old man. He never grows out of this either, and makes no attempts to move on. It is his go-to “get out of jail free” card. “My father never loved me, therefore everything awful I just did is excused.” “Maybe if I’d gotten more attention from my father, I’d be better at dealing with Peter, or being a team player, or not treating Pepper like garbage.”
4.) Knowingly Endangering the Lives of His Allies
In the first Avengers movie, when they’ve all gathered together aboard the hellicarrier for the first time, we find out that Banner is essentially a bomb waiting to go off in the form of the highly-destructive Hulk - a bomb that is triggered by Banner getting mad or startled or threatened.
So naturally, what is the first thing that Tony Stark does, while on an enclosed airborne ship with hundreds of innocent people and his allies?
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He purposely tries to set off the Hulk by prodding at Banner with sharp and electrified things, just to see how good a hold Banner has on it.
Tony actively tries to set off the Hulk, knowing full well that it may cause the deaths of many if not all of the people on board the craft, and he doesn’t give a damn.
For another example, Tony gets drunk in the iron man suit and starts shooting things.
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At a party.
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With hundreds of people packed into a tiny space.
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Now it could be argued that he was having an emotional breakdown at the time because he thought he was dying, however that’s like trying to excuse someone bringing a loaded machine gun into a crowd because “they were  under a lot of stress at the time.”
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It’s not excusable.
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It’s selfish.
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It’s saying ‘my method of coping with my problems is more important than the lives of everyone else.’
In the process of this, he nearly winds up killing Rhody.
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And, to further prove that he has no regard for his allies:
He invites a man with a known grudge against him to “hit me with your best shot, here’s my address” and almost gets Pepper killed as collateral. He also turns on Steve at the drop of a pin at the end of Civil War, and tries to kill him, and Bucky as well, until Steve is forced to manually power down his suit. Tony is also firing live explosives at Clint and Wanda in the airport battle (of a large enough caliper that Clint stops to shield Wanda from the giant chunks of debris falling around them cause he’s afraid she’s going to get hurt) and has his repulsors at a high enough charge that he puts a giant hole in solid asphalt from 90 yards away while firing at Clint. He also shoots Sam Wilson point blank in the face with his repulsors for failing to take the shot that knocked Rhody from the sky, despite the fact that Sam risked his life nosediving to save Rhody without any armor to protect him at all and has previous trauma from watching a flight partner lose their life from being shot out of the sky.
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Tony has no loyalty to his allies, and sees them all as expendable so long as it suits him at the time.
To quote The Avengers: Steve: “You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.” Tony: “I think I would just cut the wire.”
Loki, on the other hand, tends to switch sides a lot, but he always stays true to the side he’s currently on, and never knowingly endangers his allies.
The people he brainwashes in Avengers aren’t used as cannon fodder - they are kept safe and protected while they do his work for him, and he personally sees to it, to the best of his abilities, that they are not harmed or captured by SHIELD or the Avengers.
In Thor 2 he teams up with his brother and stays loyal to him, helping protect Jane through the length of the film, including two scenes where he shields her with his own body and another where he almost gets himself killed while trying to take out the baddie.
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In Thor 3, Loki returns to what he’s pretty sure is going to be a death match with his big sister in order to save the people of Asgard, even though most of them view him with nothing but scorn, and even tries to offer his brother a way out of the arena despite the fact that it will endanger his position with the Grandmaster and potentially put him at risk.
Loki is incredibly loyal to his allies, and wouldn’t ever actively try to harm any of them, regardless of grudges, if they are working on the same team.
5.) Committed Genocide
At the end of The Avengers, the UN sends a nuclear warhead at New York to prevent the spread of the alien attack, and Tony redirects that nuke up through the wormhole as a convenient way to dispose of it.
Once through the wormhole, he aims it at the home ship of the aliens before letting it go and allowing himself to fall back to the safety of earth a few seconds before the Avengers close off the portal.
The nuke hits the ship, and every alien immediately drops dead.
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No matter where they are, no matter the fact that they’re galaxies away or possibly in different realms, every single alien drops dead the minute that ship is destroyed.
Their species no longer exists.
Down to the last male, female, and infant on every planet in every galaxy in all of the universe, Tony Stark has effectively wiped them from existence.
His reaction to this? 
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The closest counterpoint I have to this is at the end of Thor, when Loki makes a final play to win his father’s favor by trying to finish his brother’s quest to wipe out the Frost Giants - what he mistakenly believes is the final goal for the King of Asgard.
Unlike his brother, however, he plans on doing so by using the Bifrost to tear their world apart.
Thor stops him by shattering the Bifrost, and in the resulting explosion Thor and Loki are both nearly thrown into space, Odin showing up in the nick of time to grab hold of Thor’s foot.
Loki pleads with his father that he was only trying to do what he felt was his job as upcoming King:
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To which his father simply responds “No, Loki.”
And at this - realizing that he nearly wiped out a species because of his own mistakes and ambition - he lets himself fall into the depths of space instead of allowing his brother to save him.
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And so, given the above points as well as the fact that Tony always seems to weasel out of all of the consequences for his actions whereas Loki has been punished and imprisoned multiple times for his similar transgressions, I believe that Tony Stark is far more of a villain in the MCU than Loki ever was, or will be.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Are Republicans More Corrupt Than Democrats
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-more-corrupt-than-democrats/
Are Republicans More Corrupt Than Democrats
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Republicans Give More To Charity Than Democrats But Theres A Bigger Story Here
Whos More Corrupt, Democrats Or Republicans?
November 3, 2018; New York Times
The political differences between Republicans and Democrats dont play out solely at the ballot box; they also predict how likely people are to donate to charity. This finding from a newly published research project reflects a key difference, one tied to political affiliation, about how our nation should take on critical social issues like homelessness, poverty, and health care. The data also suggest that in times of political strife, both parties supporters pull back, making problem-solving harder.
Using voting and IRS data for the residents of 3,000 counties across the nation, the four-professor research team found, according to the New York Times, that counties which are overwhelmingly Republican report higher charitable contributions than Democratic-dominated counties, although giving in blue counties is often bolstered by a combination of charitable donations and higher taxes. But as red or blue counties become more politically competitive, charitable giving tends to fall. The full study was recently published in the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Importantly, the study did not find that in Republican counties, private funds replaced public funds so that social services were equally supported.
Privilege And Entitlement Starting On Third Base Is Deserving A Home Run
The elites of certain churches, universities, private schools or ethnicities may unconsciously accept their position as any crowned head assumed the divine right of kings. Growing up inside such an elite seems natural and right; those in power enable others like themselves. If they studied hard and played on the football team, compared to their classmates who did not work as hard, they know they are deserving. For one in that position, its a forgivable failure of imagination to not consider that the student across town who also worked hard and perhaps did not achieve the same SAT scores, may have often gone to bed hungry, may have surmounted far greater obstacles to achieve a lot capacity and determination which should be counted in. The privileged may not see the distortions that benefit them. This is not confined to one party, one class, one ethnicity, one gender. Some of us simply benefit from a surfeit of privilege.
Off with their heads is not an answer. Possible answers include: wealth tax; higher marginal inheritance taxes; and crediting overcoming the privilege deficit, without demonizing people who won the birth lottery a 21st-century rework of affirmative action.
Looking to make a difference? Consider signing one of these sponsored petitions:*Rantt Media may receive compensation from the partners we feature on our site. However, this in no way affects our news coverage, analysis, or political 101’s.
How To Explain The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats
Politics are confusing, even for adults.;This years political cycle is even more confusing than most. ;Anything that confuses and parents is sure to raise questions in children.
As the primaries roll on, many children are asking questions about the two major political parties and what all the arguing means. ;This years political cycle is more emotionally charged than most. ;Those emotions can make it difficult for parents to fairly explain political differences to children. ;Goodness knows, as an avid sports fan, I could not objectively describe the rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.
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Across The Four Countries Surveyed More Trust The Government Than Not
Half of adults or more trust the national government to do what is right in each of the four countries surveyed. But, whereas only a slim majority trust the government in the United States , France and the United Kingdom , 80% in Germany express this view. And, in Germany, 47% say they trust the national government a lot more than twice as many as say the same in any of the other surveyed countries and more than three times as many as in the U.S., where only 13% have a lot of faith in the government.
In the U.S., trust in the government has remained largely unchanged since the question was last posed in 2017. But who trusts the government shifted notably over this period. In 2017, when Donald Trump was the newly inaugurated president, Republicans and independents who lean toward the Republican Party were more likely to trust the government than Democrats and leaners toward that party . In the most recent survey, fielded in November 2020 after the election was called for now President Joe Biden, Democrats trust the government at higher rates than Republicans, 59% vs. 49%.
Across all four of the countries surveyed, trust in the government is higher among those who say the economy is in good shape and those who say they have adequate opportunities to improve their own standard of living. For example, in the UK, those who say their current economic situation is good are about two times as likely to say they trust the government as those who say its bad.
Republicans Beat Democrats 17 To :
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A recently published Rogues Gallery of the top 20 most corrupt members of Congress has Republicans winning by a landslide.
Not that congressional corruption is news. It’s always been clear that Congress consists of one-third scoundrels and crooks; two-thirds idiots; and three-thirds “poltroons” , with a nod to H.L. Mencken.
Little wonder that disdain for Congress is at its highest level since 1994 when Republicans captured 52 seats to end 40 years of Democratic control of the House and retook the Senate as well.
Only 16-25% of Americans approve of Congress, according to recent CNN – NYT/CBS polls. Respondents say that members of Congress are too tied to special interests. No kidding!
As Norman J. Ornstein, a conservative, said earlier this week at a Washington Forum, “Who are these 16 percent? And What Meds are they on?”
Top 20 Most Corrupt – The lineup with links to backup documentation of unethical behavior:
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Elected Officials Seen As Out Of Touch In Us France And Uk
Nearly two-thirds of Germans say the statement elected officials care what ordinary people think describes their country well. However, fewer than half of those surveyed in France, the U.S. and the UK express this opinion.
The share of Germans who say elected officials care what ordinary people think has risen precipitously since 2018, when only 44% held this view. In France, too, the share saying elected officials care has risen 9 points . Indeed, all partisan groups in France studied registered an increase in the percentage who say this.;
In the UK and U.S., however, the share who say elected officials care about ordinary people has remained largely unchanged since 2018, although it has risen in the UK among those who identify with Conservative Party and decreased among those who identify with the Labour Party. Today, Conservatives are more likely to say elected officials care than are Labour Party supporters. Those who have a favorable view of the Brexit Party are also more likely than those who have an unfavorable view of the party to say elected officials care what ordinary people think .;
Partisan identity colors opinion about whether elected officials are seen as caring in each of the countries surveyed except for Germany. For example, in France, about two-thirds of those who identify with President Emmanuel Macrons party En Marche say elected officials care, compared with fewer than half of supporters of the Socialist Party and the Republicans .
Proof That Republicans Are Way Way More Criminally Corrupt Than Democrats
I learned something important and am sharing it… Feel free to copy and paste so others can learn “non-alternative facts”, i.e. the Truth: I made a comment recently where I claimed that Republican administrations had been much more criminally corrupt over the last 50 plus years than the Democrats. I was challenged to prove it, so I did a bit of research — and when I say “a bit” I mean it didn’t take long — and there is just NO comparison. When comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations, it’s so lopsided as to be ridiculous. Yet all I ever hear is how corrupt the Democrats are. So why don’t we break it down by president and the numbers?
Obama – 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. So the next time somebody describes The Obama administration as “scandal free” they aren’t speaking wishfully, they’re simply telling the truth.
Bush, George W. – 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.
Clinton – 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. That’s right: nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.
Bush, George H. W. – 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.
Reagan – 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.
Also Check: Republican Secret Meeting To Stop Obama
Voters Think The Trump Family Is More Corrupt Than The Biden Family
At a recent rally,;President Donald Trump said that the Bidens;are an organized crime family;and accused them of being corrupt.;;
According to data from the latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll, while many likely voters agree with the presidents charge of corruption against the Biden family, more still believe that the Trump family are corrupt .;
Combining responses to the two questions finds that;5%;of likely voters think the families of BOTH main candidates for president this year are corrupt.;
There are some unsurprising partisan differences. Nearly all Democrats believe the Trump family;to be corrupt,;but only 6% believe the Bidens are. Among Republicans, one in;10 think the Trumps are corrupt, while far more believe that the Bidens are.;;
Most Independents believe the Trump family is;corrupt, but this group;is;split on the Bidens.;While 43% think that this family is corrupt, a similar number say they are not.;;
When voters;are asked to compare the families head-to-head, most likely voters say that the Trumps are more;corrupt;than the Bidens.;About four in 10 believe that Joe Biden and his family are more;corrupt.;;
Virtually all Democrats, and half of Independents see the Trumps as more corrupt;than the Bidens. Just 7% of;Republicans agree. But 84% of Republicans, along with 39% of Independents and 4% of Democrats believe the Bidens are more corrupt.;;
Most Republicans think Joe Biden should be in jail;
Who Is Richer Democrats Or Republicans The Answer Probably Wont Surprise You
New report: Who trusts media more GOP or Dems?
Which of the two political parties has more money, Democrats or Republicans? Most would rush to say Republicans due to the partys ideas towards tax and money. In fact, polls have shown about 60 percent of the American people believe Republicans favor the rich. But how true is that? ;can help you write about the issue but read our post first.
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The Houses Balance Of Power Is Tipped Toward Democrats
The Democrats;have a narrow six-member margin in the current House of Representatives, meaning if just a handful of seats flip, Republicans can regain control of the House.
Democrats;advantage;will grow to seven when Troy Carter is sworn in;to fill a seat in Louisianas delegation left vacant;by Cedric Richmond, who left the House to join the Biden administration as the director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.;
Senator Lindsey Graham South Carolina Republican
Graham, a Trump confidant, said Stone was convicted of a non-violent, first-time offense and the president was justified in commuting the sentence.
Graham, chair of the Senate judiciary committee, tweeted on Sunday that he would now grant Democrat requests to call Mueller to give evidence before the committee in light of his op-ed for the Washington Post.
Apparently Mr. Mueller is willing – and also capable – of defending the Mueller investigation through an oped in the Washington Post.
Lindsey Graham
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have previously requested Mr Mueller appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about his investigation. That request will be granted, Graham tweeted.
Apparently Mr Mueller is willing and also capable of defending the Mueller investigation through an oped in the Washington Post.
Graham is leading an investigation by Republicans on the judiciary committee into the origins of Muellers investigation. Democrats say the investigation is a move to appease Trump ahead of Novembers election.
Don’t Miss: Are Republicans Or Democrats More Educated
How Do Trumps Republicans Compare To The Rest Of The Worlds Political Parties
An academic survey;shows the American Republican party ranks as one of the worst;in the world when it comes to standing up for the rights of ethnic minority groups.
On conventional left-right measurements, theres not much distinguishing Americas Republican party from mainstream conservative movements in Europe. In fact, when it comes to economic left and right, there are governing parties on the right in Europe who are more extreme.
On attitudes towards ethnic minorities and respect for liberal democratic values, however, its a different story.
The Global Party Survey , a project authored by Harvard Universitys Pippa Norris, has sought to allow international comparisons between political parties on a variety of issues by surveying almost 2,000 academic experts on their relative positions on various spectrums. Those include the social and economic views of those parties, as well as whether they are populist or pluralistic in outlook.
The surveys findings suggest Americas Republican Party remains mainstream in many respects but not when it comes to its defending the rights of ethnic minorities and standing up for liberal principles.
On those issues it is far more extreme than Europes centre-right governing parties and sits closer to the likes of Austrias Freedom Party, Turkeys Justice and Development Party, and Indias Bharatiya Janata Party the governing movement often accused of inciting hatred against the countrys Muslim minority.
Americans Are Especially Likely To Say Politicians Are Corrupt
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This report examines peoples trust in government and satisfaction with democracy, as well as their attitudes toward elected officials and political reform.
For this analysis, we use data from nationally representative telephone surveys of 4,069 adults from Nov. 10 to Dec. 23, 2020, in the U.S., France, Germany and the UK. In addition to the survey, Pew Research Center conducted focus groups from Aug. 19 to Nov. 20, 2019, in cities across the U.S. and UK . We draw upon these discussions in this report.
Here are the questions used for the report, along with responses, and the survey methodology.
As they continue to struggle with a public health crisis and ongoing economic challenges, many people in the United States and Western Europe are also frustrated with politics.
A four-nation Pew Research Center survey conducted in November and December of 2020 finds that roughly two-thirds of adults in France and the U.S., as well as about half in the United Kingdom, believe their political system needs major changes or needs to be completely reformed. Calls for significant reform are less common in Germany, where about four-in-ten express this view.
Trust in government has also increased slightly in the UK, although while it has risen among supporters of Prime Minister Boris Johnsons Conservative Party, is has actually declined among those who identify with the opposition Labour Party.
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The Democrats Need A Plan To Fight Corruptionthe Usual Kind As Well As The Trump Kind
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Its been a year of stunning developments. Heres another one to contemplate: suppose the Democrats took a stand against the power of organized money. Picture Joe Biden and his party getting behind a set of serious clean-government reforms. Imagine a code of behavior tough enough not just to serve as a resounding statement of disgust with the corporate handouts and self-and-crony enrichment of the Trump Administration but to signal a revolt against the routinized, lower-level corruption that was the norm in Washington before Donald Trump and his crew arrived.
The Democrats may be inclined to take it easy. Thanks to a wave of disasters on the Republicans watch, they can be their usual selves and, to judge from the latest polls, be back in control of the White House and Congress in January. But then comes the job of dealing with the profound problems brought into focus by the events of this momentous year. At that point, their usual selves will no longer do.
Democrats Or Republicans Who Do You Think The Happier Group Is Overall
Based on my unofficial research and that of some of our readers, the Republicans and Conservative Democrats appear to be the winners. Why do I say that?; Well, just by their demeanor. During interviews they generally seem to be the calmer, more respectable of the two. Republicans certainly arent perfect, and they certainly dont always have the right idea or say or do the right thing.; And, they tend to exaggerate a bit .
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Are Republicans More Ethical Than Democrats
It is easy to be cynical about the corrosive effects of power. ;No party has a monopoly on corruption and misuse of public office.; Yet cynicism is not the same as wisdom.; Such every day cynicism helps Democrats escape from the uncomfortable moral challenges posed to big government advocates by the slew of scandals erupting in Washington.;
What we are seeing involves systemic flouting of the law by Democrats, from elected and appointed officials to unionized bureaucrats, who have targeted ordinary citizens because they are political opponents, riding rough shod over our rights to free speech, assembly, freedom of the press and equal application of the law.;
There has not been abuse of power on this scale in this baby boomer’s lifetime.; This is beyond the ordinary, and ordinary cynicism will not suffice.; The debate over whether our President is guilty of active abuse, leadership by example, or incompetence is important.; But it is not the most important thing going on.; The problem is far larger than the Oval office, and will extend past this presidency unless there is significant government reform.
New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman daydreams of what he and fellow liberals could accomplish ruling America with all the powers of the Chinese Communist Party.; Republican politicians, no matter how power hungry and narcissistic, know that is a nightmare.; Their followers know that is a nightmare.; Democrats do not.;
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hcrystals24h · 4 years
These Healing Crystal Jewelry Retailers Wish to Help You Rock Crystals Each Day
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Healing crystals aren’t just decor in your home highlights (e.g. agate coasters) or Instagram nail artwork #inspo. Somewhat, to truly enlist their abilities wherever, every time, consider actually using some metaphysical minerals or gemstones by means of some super-pretty expensive jewelry. (If you’re in need of crystal 101, read this information which matches gemstones for your astrological signal.) Besides this eases the requirement to bring the unique rocks around along within a pouch (or perhaps your bra), additionally, it offers your thing a numinous feel for an effortlessly amazing but totally higher-vibe seem.
Furthermore, wearing healing crystals against or near to the chakra it may initialize can improve their energies, leading them to be a lot more highly effective, based on some woo-woo specialists. By way of example, an increased quartz necklace that is placed against your breastbone can help strengthen and mend the center chakra.
But, obviously, you can use your chosen rocks anyplace. Like at the moment, I have got an arm party loaded with jade, citrine, clear quartz, amethyst, moonstone, and rose quartz—because every one of these is my, go-to healing crystals. Skim through these extraordinary creative designers for sections that line up with your finances and your chakras, way too.
 Under, 7 expensive healing crystal jewelry retailers to find your chosen high-vibe pieces.
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1. Jemma Sands
Structured out of La, designer brand Jemma Sands stocks and shares her namesake precious jewelry shop with many different beaded bracelets and evil-eye talismans, in addition to beads and stones that array in substance from wooden to diamond with pieces both fragile or full-on statement. Sands also mixes her own natural oils and candles in their “Alchemy” e-tail area and helps to create curated bins (not unlike these membership ones). Everyone features a sizeable slice of universally healing clear quartz, white-colored howlite mala beads to aid in meditating, a crystal bracelet of choice (right now, Sands has increased quartz, amazonite, and moonstone iterations offered), along with a supporting, traveling-size candlestick that’s fragrant with aligning natural oils.
 2. Alex and Ani
Made with the underlying concept of power, anything from jewelers Alex and Ani aim to talk about intelligence and beneficial electricity, plus numerous purchases have another feel-good level in the form of charity contributions, as well. What’s particularly great concerning the brand name, even though, is the fact that meaning each item is carefully revealed with the covered explanatory put that happens to appearance pretty great pinned on to your eyesight table.
 3. Power Muse
Consider this retail outlet the unofficial Costco of online healing crystal jewelry merchants. The website exhibits countless parts for individuals, along with a selection of frequent and exceptional stones (unprocessed and tumbled), in addition, a selection of shiny gemstones handpicked through the owners from your recognized and current Tucson Gem Show. The knowledgable duo behind the e-tailer, Heather Askinoise, and Timmi Jandro, also recently penned a magazine, Crystal Muse, loaded with rituals, explanations, smudging tricks, and bath recipes—that transpires with look fantastic as design in a great-vibe house, way too.
 4. Anna Michielan
An avid meditator and healing crystal collector, Michielan gives a number of pieces—including more uncommon discoveries like anklets and belts—along with meditation malas, wedding rings, beaded bracelets, pendants, and the like. It is possible to store by one or all the seven chakras (which can be particularly valuable if you’re pondering any are blocked), and even though charges are somewhat steep, everything’s palm-privileged and crafted by Michielan herself, which means you know there’s been some significant TLC behind the curtain.
 5. Jacquie Aiche
Great crystal jewelry hobbyists and celebs are becoming obsessed with Jacquie Aiche’s spiritually motivated parts, using a devoted “JA Tribe” segment onsite showcasing the loves of Blake Vibrant, Selena Gomez, and yes, even Kylie Jenner, using her styles. The expensive parts are edgy but amazing. Think precious stone abdomen chains, sapphire-encrusted Hamsa hand or wicked vision single stud earrings, and faith-transcending amulets (a tiny trinket meant to offer the beholder defense) in the BlessLev series, which will come including an appreciation checklist to the proprietor to help keep accessible.
 6. Crystal Cactus
Although wellness “it girl” Audrey Kitching’s online-only retailer carries a litany of metaphysical products, together with a number of smudge sticks, tarot credit card decks, and blossom essences, her handcrafted crystal jewelry is arguably one of the most irresistible of these all. All her pieces are one of a kind, as no two stones are identical, and each and everyone has an unmistakable, property-manufactured top quality that’ll abandon every person asking the place you obtained that pink agate Aphrodite diamond necklace or this bad-vibes-banishing design, created from much less-commonly-seen rainbow tourmaline.
 7. Gorjana
Even though this design jewelry line is predominantly noted for its skinny, delicate stacks and tiers of pendants, bands, and charms, its Energy Gemstone collection is perfect for channeling your inside goddess. Based on the manufacturer, “each gemstone item symbolizes that greater that means, that further component of on your own, whether it is a struggle you’re going through or possibly a target you have, it’s the additional boost of potential you need to allow you to get by your day time.” Prices are cost-effective, with personal things generally priced at under $100.
 Never realize how to start with healing crystals? Try one of those woo-woo membership boxes or learn to detox the electricity at your residence using them.
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droneseco · 4 years
A Peek at the Pico, Raspberry Pi's Newest Petite Powerhouse
Raspberry Pi Pico
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Meet the new Raspberry Pi Pico; a tiny microcontroller filled with big possibilities.
Brand: Raspberry Pi
CPU: Dual-core 133Mhz ARM
Memory: 264Kb
Ports: microUSB
Powerful ARM Processor
Micro-USB Connectivity
Breadboard Mountable
Easy-To-Use Interface
Absolutely Adorable
No Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity
No Header Pins
I/O Port Labelling on One Side Only
No USB-C Connectivity
Buy This Product
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Raspberry Pi Pico other
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We’ve managed to get our hands on the coveted Raspberry Pi Pico. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most important features and putting it toe-to-toe with some of the biggest names in small electronics.
We’ll be showing you what the Pico can do, and we’ll get you started with MicroPython, one of Pico’s supported programming languages. We’ll even offer up some code to try in case you decide to buy a Pico of your own.
What Is a Raspberry Pi Pico?
Raspberry Pi Pico is a new budget microcontroller designed by Raspberry Pi. It’s a tiny computer built around a single chip, with onboard memory, and programmable in/out ports. Historically, microcontrollers are used in a variety of devices from medical implants to power tools. If you have an electronic device sitting in your vicinity, there’s a good chance that there’s a microcontroller inside of it.
Key Features of the Pico
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The Pico is built around the RP2040 microcontroller chip, which was designed by Raspberry Pi UK. It’s a Dual-Core ARM processor with a flexible clock that can run up to 133 MHz. The Pico also supports 1.8-5.5 DC input voltage, has a micro-USB input port, and an onboard temperature sensor.
Flanking the chip on all sides are a series of castellations that allow easy soldering to a Veroboard or breadboard. This dual in-line package (DIP) style form factor is stackable, and can also be used in carrier board applications.
Technical Specifications
21 mm x 51 mm
264kb on-chip RAM
2 MB on-board QSPI flash
2 SPI controllers
2 ISC controllers
16 PWM channels
Accelerated integer and floating-point libraries
3-pin ARM Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port
What’s So Special About the Pi Pico?
The Pi Pico is a different kind of microcontroller. It’s Raspberry Pi’s first, and it features ARM technology in its RP2040 silicon chip. Many technology companies are embracing silicon ARM chips, with major manufacturers like Apple leading the charge.
The punchy little Pico packs a staggering 26 multifunction general purpose input/output (GPIO) ports, including 3 that are analog. Alongside these ports are 8 programmable input/output (PIO) ports. Compare this to other microcontrollers like the Arduino Nano, and the Pico packs roughly 18% more GPIO capability.
The most considerable difference between the Pico and its competitors, however, is the $4 price tag. Low cost is the main selling point of this unique offering.
At launch, many online retailers sold out of the device due to the interest and Raspberry Pi’s favorable reputation. By setting the price so low, the Pico opens the door for a new class of high-powered, budget microcontrollers.
There are many potential applications for the new Pico. With its onboard temperature sensor, the device is an obvious choice for IoT projects.
One talented retro gaming enthusiast even used a Pico to build a gaming console with full VGA video support.
This means that makers who have been curious about Raspberry Pi, or microcontrollers in general, now have the ability to experiment for less than the price of a fancy cup of coffee.
Related: The Raspberry Pi Comes of Age With the Pi 400 Desktop
The Raspberry Pi Pico Processor
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The RP2040 ARM chip is an interesting choice for the Pico. At 133MHz, the chip is capable of leaving more expensive boards, like the Arduino Uno, in the dust.
Using ARM processors seems to be an emerging trend in the world of microcontrollers. In addition to Raspberry Pi, both Sparkfun and Adafruit also offer boards with similar ARM technology.
The industry-wide switch was made for a single reason—speed. ARM processors give a considerable boost over standard Atmel chips. In a board this size, using an ARM processor is like dropping a fully kitted Porsche engine into a Volkswagen. On the other hand, many microcontrollers don’t require that much processing speed. Yet.
Ramping up performance means that makers who want to push the limits of the Pico will have an abundance of power to do so.
The I/O Ports
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The GPIO ports on the Pi Pico feature several interesting functions for common uses such as operating a screen, running lighting, or incorporating servos/relays. Some functions of the GPIO are available on all ports, and some only work for specific uses. GPIO 25, for example, controls the Pico’s onboard LED, and GPIO 23 controls the onboard SMPS Power Save feature.
The Pico also has both VSYS (1.8V — 5.5V) and VBUS (5V when connected to USB) ports, which are designed to deliver current to the RP2040 and its GPIO. This means that powering the Pico can be done with or without the use of the onboard micro-USB.
A full list of the I/O ports is available on Raspberry Pi’s website in its complete Pico documentation.
Pico vs. Arduino vs. Others
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One question on the minds of many makers is whether or not the Raspberry Pi Pico is better than Arduino?
That depends. Pound-for-pound, higher-end Arduino boards like the Portenta H7 make the Pico look like a toy. However, the steep cost for a board of that caliber might be a tough pill for the microcontroller hobbyist to swallow. That's why the smaller price tag on the Pico makes it a win for makers who enjoy low-risk experimentation.
Along with minimal cost, the Raspberry Pi jams an extensive feature set into the Pico, comparable to boards like the Teensy LC, and the ESP32. But neither of these competitors manage to challenge the budget-friendly Pico on price.
That's what makes the Pico such a fantastic value, and a great choice for hobbyists and power users alike.
The Pi Pico: What’s Not To Love?
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Unfortunately, to drive the price of the Pico down, Raspberry Pi had to make a few compromises. The most notable of which is the lack of an onboard radio module. Neither Bluetooth nor Wi-Fi is supported without add-ons.
The Wi-Fi limitation can be eliminated by adding a module like the ESP-01. Bluetooth support may prove a bit more challenging. If you need an all-in-one solution for your products, you’re better off skipping the Pico, and spending a little extra for something like the Pi Zero W, or ESP32.
Additionally, many early adopters are complaining about the lack of GPIO labeling on the top of the board. Raspberry Pi provides an extensive amount of documentation on its website to address this, but pointing-and-clicking, or thumbing through paperwork when you have a hot soldering iron in your hands isn’t often desirable.
Lastly, the lack of I/O pin headers is something of an issue for some, as it means less convenience when swapping I/O components. This minor annoyance can be solved via the use of leads, soldering the component wiring directly to the Pico, or using a breadboard.
If you’ve been using microcontrollers or small electronics for any period of time, then an unpopulated board is most likely a non-issue. Of course, you could also add your own pin headers if you plan on regular experimentation with different external components.
The final rub with the Pico is the micro-USB port. With many other microcontrollers like the Portenta H7 moving toward USB-C, Raspberry Pi's micro-USB port seems dated.
Logically however, the decision to use micro-USB makes sense. It was done by Raspberry Pi to keep costs as low as possible, and to keep interface capability almost universal. Everyone we know has at least a few micro-USB cables tucked away somewhere in their homes.
However, with future versions, a USB-C interface would be a nice addition to an already spectacular package.
Related: A Beginners Guide To Breadboarding With Raspberry Pi
Programming the Raspberry Pi Pico
Interfacing with the Pi Pico can be done via C/C++, or via MicroPython in the Read-Eval-Print-Loop or REPL (pronounced “Reh-pul”). The REPL is essentially a command line interface that runs line-by-line code in a loop.
In order to access the REPL, you’ll need to install MicroPython onto the Pico. This process is simple and only involves four steps.
Installing MicroPython
Download MicroPython for Raspberry Pi Pico from the Raspberry Pi Website
Connect the Pico to your computer via micro-USB while holding the BOOTSEL button
Wait for the Pico to appear as an external drive
Copy the MicroPython file to the Pi Pico, and it will automatically reboot
You can access the REPL in a number of ways. We used the screen command in a macOS terminal window to access the serial bus connected to the Pico. To accomplish this with Terminal, you’ll first open a new terminal window, then type ls /dev/tty*
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From there, find the port where the Pico is connected. It should be labeled something like /dev/tty.usbmodem0000000000001. Then run the command:
screen /dev/tty.usbmodem0000000000001
Your cursor should change. Hit Return and the cursor will change again to >>>.
In the image below we've included the classic Hello World (Hello, Pico) command-line program in the REPL, along with a few lines of code that will turn the Pico's LED on and off. Feel free to try them yourself.
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For more information, we recommend you invest in the official starter guide to MicroPython that Raspberry Pi has published on their website.
Download: MicroPython for Raspberry Pi Pico (free)
Using the Raspberry Pi Pico With Thonny
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If you’re looking for a more proper coding environment, the Raspberry Pi Pico will also allow access to the REPL with Thonny. To enable this feature, first download and install Thonny. Once installed, connect your Pi Pico. Open Thonny and you'll see information indicating your Pico is connected in the Shell.
At the bottom right of the screen, you should see a version of Python. Click this version and select MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico) from the drop-down menu.
Now you can type commands into the Shell, or you can use Thonny’s editor to write or import multiple lines of code.
The abundance of interface possibilities make the Raspberry Pi Pico easy to program. For those who are familiar with MicroPython, this should be nothing new. For beginners, however, Thonny provides a powerful interface and debugger to get started with programming.
Download: Thonny (Free) Windows | Mac
Should I Buy the Raspberry Pi Pico?
The Raspberry Pi Pico is a powerful budget board that is perfect for hobbyists, or makers just starting out with microcontrollers. The documentation, low cost, and wide range of possibilities for the Pico also make it a great choice for seasoned small electronics wizards. If you’re a DIYer who loves to tinker, or you just want to challenge yourself to a weekend project, then you’ll love playing with the Pico.
On the other hand, if you don't have one or more projects in mind that need a microcontroller, then this board is probably not for you. Also, if your project needs Wi-Fi connectivity or Bluetooth, then the Pico won’t scratch that itch. And finally, for users who aren’t comfortable learning MicroPython, or exploring C/C++, the Pico isn't ideal. And remember: this Raspberry Pi is not like the others. It will not run a full Linux operating system.
But, if you dream in Python, or if you love the smell of solder, then you won't regret grabbing this tiny powerhouse. Most of all, if the sight of the sports-car-sleek RP2040 gets your creative gears turning, then we think you’ll really benefit from picking up the Pico.
Serving up Several Sweet Possibilities
While it isn’t perfect, the Raspberry Pi Pico is a strong entry into the world of microcontrollers. The reputation that Raspberry Pi has built for quality electronic components at a relatively low price extends to the Pico.
It’s everything a Raspberry Pi should be: small, sweet, and superb. It’s beautifully designed, and extremely inexpensive. But the best part isn’t the looks or the low cost.
The best part about this small wonder is picking it up, and holding it in your hands. It's feeling the tug of electronic inspiration. It's realizing just how powerful the Pico is, and what it means for microcontrollers going forward.
And truthfully, we think it's amazing that something as small as the Pico can offer so many unique possibilities.
A Peek at the Pico, Raspberry Pi's Newest Petite Powerhouse published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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