dekirufran · 6 months
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Drawing I made for this Christmas
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vulturandes · 16 days
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"Los Novios del Invierno - La hermana" ❄️🏰✨
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little-lyco · 5 months
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A lil' sketch of Ophelie from 2020 ~
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elelandia · 2 years
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Non l’avevo ancora postata qui m quale modo migliore per augurarvi Buone Feste se non con il nostro Sireh?! [ho un lato debole per papà Farouk, e temo che venga bullizzato da Vittoria in 3…2….1] #lpm #lapassemiroiraddict #lapassemiroir #dabois #farouk #vittoria #fanart #christmas (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmj_zsgq67Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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colourmanic · 2 years
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#EzRepost @anja.netzkatze with @ezrepostapp Berenilde‘s manor in Citacielle 🍂🍁 Another coloring inspired by The Mirror Visitor book series by @christelledabos which I loved reading so much! #smycketskrinet #jewellerybox #hannakarlzon #coloringbook #vangoghwatercolor #polychromos #poscapens #lapassemiroir #themirrorvisitor #christelledabos https://www.instagram.com/p/CkyqlChD2Em/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amoralmorel · 1 year
i was and continue to be so gay for Gaëlle Lapassemiroir.
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chocomog-mogi · 3 years
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lunali-moon · 2 years
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Sorry for the long absence and hold the sunshine - Renard
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pomone-is-happy · 4 years
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Still don't know what they're talking about.
Well... At least I feel better after chatting with my sister :')
And I forgoooot the scarf la la la ~~
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dekirufran · 8 months
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It still feels surreal that now Christelle owns the original drawing aaaaaaa best experience ever! _______________
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vulturandes · 2 years
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"Los Novios del Invierno - El oso" 🌧️🐻‍❄️
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little-lyco · 5 months
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Old (already!) fan art from 2020
That's how I imagined the meeting between Thorn and Artemis in the first tome of The Mirror Visitor ~
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elelandia · 1 year
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La scorsa settimana odiavo questo disegno, questa qui invece lo trovo passabile. COMUNQUE, su Ao3 trovate il nuovo capitolo de “Il Sesto figlio” mentre per Cordelia mi sono ispirata alle foto della crisi del ‘29 nelle campagne americane. Buona lettura, link in bio o stories! #oc #attraversaspecchi #lapassemiroir #ao3 #ao3fanfic (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0md4FoJ7N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tealbuttercup · 4 years
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Lil Update
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constancebertoux · 4 years
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Ophélie galopante Ma soeur m'a demandé si c'était Meliodas et je me demande ce qu'elle a dans les yeux #lapassemiroir #themirrorvisitor #ophelie #fanart #ink #inkdrawing #hatching #traditionalart #characterdesign #art #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CALWZMbj7_D/?igshid=yexjsvrrg4z9
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altorinaart · 4 years
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Favorite book series, favorite characters.
The sketch of this illustration was made in may, but thanks to a competition from the publisher, there was a reason to finish it.
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