#japan sinks 2020
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 2 months ago
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Original title: Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 | 日本沈没2020.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years ago
You totally should watch the Masaki Yuasa movies!
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A couple of months ago, I did this thing where I watched a couple of anime movies, that had gone under my radar. Because let's face it: Outside of franchise related anime movies, we will mostly be aware of Studio Ghibli, Makoto Shinkai and Mamoru Hosoda. Other anime movies will often not be talked about in western anime spaces.
So, I consulted AniChart and just went through all sorts of anime movies, that were barely talked about.
The first of those was Ride Your Wave. And as @udaberriwrites, who got my life reaction, can tell you: This movie went places. It was one of the rare examples where there was a straight romance in an anime movie that I totally could get behind. A romance I found romantic. (Maybe not that much of a surprise, given the screenplay was bei Reiko Yoshida, who... just was a big influence on me. I loved so much of her stuff as a kid.) And then I looked at the timestamp of the movie. 25 minutes out of 96. And I went like: "One of them is gonna die, right?" And yes, I was right. So, I thought it was going to be a movie about moving on after loosing a loved person. Maybe about finding new love. But... Let me tell you, that was not were this movie went. Instead it just went on to be off the walls bonkers.
I am not going to spoil the movie for you. Just believe me: It is bonkers. And it is amazing. Really, really amazing.
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Now, the next movie on my watchlist was Inu-Oh. A movie in a really weird animation style that originally turned me off. But that had such compelling characters and in the end really alive animation, that it kinda just captured me.
Again, I do not want to spoil the movie to you. But it was certainly something.
Well, and then I realized that those two movies, that I just happened to watch one after the other had been made by the same director: Masaaki Yuasa.
Now I was intrigued and just put in the other movies by him over the next few days. One of them I had seen before: The Night is Short, Walk On Girl.
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And watching all those movies back, I could make out several things that tied them together. Mostly in terms of animation.
The characters are often very simplified, but the animation is very alive - actually following those old methods of animation, that would allow for characters to be off-model to show action. There is little in terms of shadows.
The characters are so lively. And it is just... nice to watch.
So, really. Watch the man's movies and anime. He also had done Devilman Crybaby, by the way. It is most certainly something else. Especially his movies.
The movies are:
The Night is Short, Walk on Girl Lu Over the Wall Ride your Wave Japan Sinks: 2020 Inu-Oh
Have fun!
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doyouknowthisanime · 8 months ago
Do You Know This Anime?
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queenrojpag · 2 years ago
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@animangacreators Challenge #3: Alphabet Challenge
N - Nihon Chinbotsu 2020
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unicornsvsglitter · 1 year ago
I just rewatched japan sinks with some friends and I have so many thoughts on that show. In just ten episodes this show manages to be absolutely devastating and make me cry… twice, but also leave me with a weird sense of hope and closure that’s hard to find.
1. Everyone who has seen the show either loves it, hates it, or didn’t finish it. Which I’m not one to dis peoples options, but the main reason people don’t like the show makes zero sense. The main criticism I’ve seen is that it kills off too many characters. But like… it’s a show literally about japan sinking, are you surprised that it’s a tragedy where lots of people die??? I mean I was a bit shocked, but I thought the show was going to be about more of a metaphorical japan sinking (like maybe some sort of political unrest) not a literal one, but simply reading the show’s description would have made me realize I was wrong.
2. Disability representation. They had every opportunity to kill of Onodera and just say he died because that’s what happens when you effectively in the apocalypse and mostly paralyzed, but the main group, specifically Kite it like fuck it, no man left behind, idc if I’m putting my life in the line for this dude who can’t walk, talk, or move anything other then his fingers and toes, he’s one of us and god damn it, he’s not dying on my watch. There were 2 main scene where it was almost set up to kill him, but the didn’t. In a show that, once again, as far as there characters are concerned takes place during the apocalypse, had everyone going out of there way to take care of the disabled character and saw him as just as important as everyone else.
3. Trans representation. I love so much that Kite is trans and they don’t really make a big deal about it. It is never explicitly said, and only shown in one scene. He’s just (I think, if I’m remembering correctly) the top YouTuber in Japan, a complete and total badass, many children’s role model, who also just so happens to be trans. There’s a few other examples of lowkey queerness in the show, but Kite is the biggest example.
4. (Major spoiler warning) To me, I think the big appeal of the show is it has just the right amount of hurt comfort. Other then the dad, every major character death has a reason, and for lack of a better term accomplished something. Like Koga has one of the most devastating deaths I’ve seen animated, and one of only two scene in a show that has ever made me cry, but he dies 1) while doing what he loves and 2) while saving a memory disk that is used later on to help rebuild Japan. The mom is another example is the moms death. Her death is the only other scene in a show to make me cry and 1) once again, she died doing what she loves and 2) she died to save her children. She went fuck it, imma die anyway, might as well have one last hurrah and be a total badass.
I have many more thoughts on this show that I may post at a later date, but these are the big ones.
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matt0044 · 3 months ago
Japan Sinks 2020 was what I needed.
In many ways... it has felt like the world as a whole is sinking proverbially. Seeing Ayumu's friends and family fight tooth and nails to survive their homeland's destruction was gut-wrenching to watch.
It really is a story what Anyone Can Die. No warning. No death flags until even minutes before. Hell, most are killed unceramoniously even after all their screentime and narrative prescense. I thought that even Ayumu, our protagonist, and Goh, her little brother, could snuff it.
God, Episode Eight was something.
In the end, Japan sinks but it's people, the tried and tested survivors, live on. We see their culture immortalized and not allow the catastrophe define their future.
And I hope it's something we can do.
Climate Change is a disaster of our world leaders' own making and with the likes of Trump still refusing to keel over, it's only going to be a war until something like Japan sinking occurs. But I think seeing stories about survivors weathering the storm to end all storms helps me feel hope for the future.
That it really can get better after it gets worse.
Perhaps that's why disaster movies have endured. We wanna see people who can be tested by God himself and how we can win.
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yutamayo · 2 years ago
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aroundtable · 5 months ago
Dopo tanto tempo torniamo a parlare di anime in questa domenica off topic, onm un aggiornamento sulle serie animate asiatiche che ho visto nel tepmo trascorso dall’ultimo video a questo o meglio metà degli anime che ho visto, l'altra metà ve la presenterò in un prossimo video. Come sempre vi darò la mia personalissima opinione di semplice appassionato, raccontandovi pregi e difetti degli anime che mi sono piaciuti ma anche raccontandovi quelli che non mi sono piaciuti!
In questo video vi parlerò di: Call of the night, Japan Sinks 2020, Reincarnated in a Sword, Lamù, Urusei yatsura, Dr Stone, Mashle, Chainsaw Man, To your Eternity, Hell's Paradise, Reborn as a vending machine, Uncle form another World, Ranking of Kings Treasure Chest of Courage
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sluttyquarantinetheory · 2 years ago
i'm watching Japan Sinks: 2020 and like it's good, but this dude breaks his glasses and the solution is they just give him the glasses off some other guy. Truly unmatched. Worst solution I've ever seen.
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doodlenoodleboi · 6 months ago
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I just fucking read it apocalypse AU with Tsuki from Haikuu in it and all remind me of is my love here… AHHHHH I MISS THIS MAN!
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asian-character-of-the-day · 8 months ago
Day 80
Today’s Asian character is Go Mutoh from Japan Sinks 2020!
He is half Filipino and half Japanese.
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cannondisabledcharacters · 1 year ago
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Today's disabled character of the day is Mari Mutō from Japan Sinks 2020, who has a ventricular assist device
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a woman with short brown hair and black eyes. She is holding a camera in her left hand. She is wearing silver stud earrings, a necklace with an oval pendant, and white button up.]
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animerunner · 2 years ago
Finally finishing watching Japan Sinks 2020 after starting it ages ago. And all I can think right now is what with birds in this anime?
Like the cooks geoscience I was fully expecting. It comes with the territory of the genre
But the birds????
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unicornsvsglitter · 2 years ago
Sometime I think I’m just looking for reasons to suspect I have adhd, but this is day 3 of not being able to think about anything but japan sinks 2020. It’s literally 10 episodes and a combined 2.5hrs long. I’ve looked at literally every tumblr post about it. I’m currently crocheting Kogas hat.
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hibiscus02 · 3 months ago
Explanations for each one down below. Feel free to defend these in the reblogs/comments
Junji Ito Maniac: I mean, do I have to explain this one? It's not like this is an unpopular opinion. It looks bad and it's boring.
Adachi to Shimamura: There's nuance here. This anime suffers from the unfortunate disease that plagues pretty much every Yuri anime (and a lot of anime in general); the relationship between the characters just doesn't get developed in the first season and, being a wlw anime, it was never gonna get a second one, so the whole show feels pointless by the end when nothing of major significance happens.
Japan Sinks 2020: Not a lot to say about this one, which is exactly the point. I don't remember a single thing about this anime except 'art style pretty', which is usually a bad sign.
Aoi Hana: Suffers from the same disease as the previous Yuri anime, but with the added complication of just. also being boring. And more than half of the anime ends up being about one of the protagonist's relationships with a man, which is not what we came here to see.
Sing "Yesterday" For Me: Pretty sure I'm actually the problem here. Idk, it just didn't click for me, I wasn't invested in the characters at all.
Devilman Crybaby: Listen, listen. I know everyone loves this show. I will say that I haven't seen it since it was released, so maybe my opinion of it would change upon rewatch. But it was?? So uncomfortable and gross and mean-spirited??? I didn't even understand the story, it was just weird shit happening on screen and then most of the characters die and then it was over.
Terror in Resonance: It's been like, idek how many years at this point, so I don't remember why I don't like this show, I just know that I don't. I think I mostly had issues with the ending, but don't quote me on that.
Mirai Nikki: Another nuanced take! This is the only show on this list that I've actually rewatched, and that does count for something. Mirai Nikki is, objectively, a bad show, but it's also so goddamn hilarious when you're not taking any of it seriously. It's trash television, but I think any piece of media can be 'bad', so long as it's still entertaining.
Diabolik Lovers: ...I have no excuse for having watched two seasons (???) of this show, except for the fact I was 12 and repressed, apparently. Guilty of the crime of being cringy, but from what I remember, it's mostly harmless trash.
Hand Shakers: If you were in the same anime circles as I was when this thing came out, you know it's been decimated to hell and back, even having a roast video done by Mother's Basement. So I have no idea what possessed me to watch it in the first place, but I remember it being a guilty pleasure of mine. Not really as bad as everyone said it was, y'know? Then again, I'm known to have pretty mediocre taste for certain things.
Mekaku City Actors: Where's my Kagerou Project fans at? I was obsessed with the (so very convoluted and confusing) story of the music videos, and apart from also reading the manga, this was a natural step to take, despite the reviews. It's...alright? I think? Honestly, nothing about it stuck with me, apart from the banger opening song, so
Izetta: The Last Witch: Thought I would get some great gay subtext out of this, and hey, it does deliver, but said gay subtext comes wrapped in a war story with lots of made-up politics that did not interest me at all.
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someawesomeamvs · 1 year ago
Warning: Potential spoilers, depictions of natural disasters and aftermath
Title: In Flames
Editor: Akkiii
Song: In Flames
Artist: Digital Daggers
Anime: Japan Sinks: 2020
Category: Drama
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