#Lanque x Mallek
sludgewolf · 11 months
Hc of Trolls being a Very Vocal Species
Just a personal hc I have of trolls making different insect like noises and how that affects their communication (+ some x reader hcs)
Characters: Chixie Roixmr, Polypa Goezee, Tyzias Entykk, Lanque Bombyx, Mallek Adalov, Marvus Xoloto
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
The longer you've spent on Alternia the more you learned about the hell murder planet and it's inhabitants
A thing that you can't believe you only noticed once you got yourself some quads filled was that trolls are a surprisingly vocal species
they're always somehow making some kind of noise to better express themselves
it's so common for them to do so that it even snuck into their speech patters, specially with your more chill friends since you discovered it's considered very informal to do so
Galehk once lent you a book to help you understand it better but to no avail, so you just went back to observing and sometimes asking your quads some questions
Through that you discovered that they found it weird that you were so quiet and thus very difficult to read during conversations
once you explained that humans just can't make some of those sounds they grew more understanding, but now you do make an effort to make some noises like clicking your tongue or sighing
you even told them the ultimate human secret of talking with your eyes and concealed facial expressions
Chixie, Polypa and Lanque taking it much quicker than Mallek and Marvus did
sometimes having whole conversations with you from across the room while your dear Skek Boy and busty clown were just lost
Mallek even getting a bit salty for not understanding you for shit
But it wasn't easy for you either, troll language wasn't one size fits all and each of your friends expressed themselves differently
Tyzias swears to you those are just different accents but you say it's their little special ways
Chixie Roixmr
She's very musical, usually putting them in her songs
her chirps resemble the ones from crickets, though much longer making her able to sing with them
Some of the songs she wrote for you are made only for chirps and purrs
even if you can't understand the lyrics you love them with all your heart
Strangely when Chixie is angered or any of you are in danger you hear a deep rattle noise coming from deep into her chest
it almost doesn't sound like her, the rattles make her sound much bigger than she is
usually making whoever is attacking her exitate giving her the change to either run or take them out
Also, when she rapped as The Mask this rattle frequently snuck into her performances
Polypa Goezee
Though very quiet, especially for a troll, once you gained her trust you saw how vocal she is
She purrs a lot, and I mean a lot
the loudest being while she tells you the plots of her favorite romance books, the purrs giving the tiniest distortion to her voice that's just the cutest thing in the universe
Buzzes and chirps when talking about things that can't be explained through words
and sometimes even with things that can be explained but she claims clicking just conveys it better
Strangely she doesn't growl or hiss, claiming that it would be unprofessional of her to do so
or maybe it's because she doesn't want to scare you
Considering her line of work and outer personality it would make sense, that is, only if you didn't know the real Polypa
Tyzias Entykk
Doesn't vocalize this way very often since it can become a bad habit and sneak on her while with a client
but on some extreme circumstances the most she will allow herself to do is growl at an attacker or click when she's almost passing out from exaustion
You drag her back to her coon as she melts to your touch , her clicks making you reminisce of a long forgotten memory of summer nights by the riverside, nature bringing the world alive among the darkness that surrounds you
Lanque Bombyx
Also very musical, will and did use this to flirt with you
Squeaks when frightened though he tries to hide it with his life
if you heard him squeak, no you didn't
Sometimes he'll let out these high pitched hums almost inaudible to you
this is a subtle way for Lanque to tell you how he feels without him actually needing to go through the embarrassment of doing so
Mallek Adalov
One of the most vocal trolls you've ever met
clicking and chirping while casually talking, even on the day you met
They're not shy about it and was one of the first trolls you noticed vocalizing like that
When lost in thought or upset that a code won't work for no apparent reason they click like a cicada
and you started associating this sound to spending the night laying at the sofa next to Mallek's table messing with your palmhusk as you wait for them to finish whatever they're doing
Their hisses and growls are kept only for situations that really call for it, none of them ever directed at you even during big arguments
thankfully you don't hear them too often but those are the moments you're remembered that trolls are in fact predators
it would seriously scare you if you saw anyone else doing it like Mallek
Their purrs on the other hand are for you and you only
Mallek purrs a lot and it vibrates their whole body
the purrs are just the perfect volume that you faintly hear when next to them but once you rest your head on Mallek's chest or under their chin you can hear them loud and clear
and you know those are the sounds of their love for you
Mallek will use said purrs to lull you to sleep on the regular
especially when you're sitting on their lap while they code
also voice warble,there's been multiple nights when you just play around with how Mallek's purrs modify both of your voices
Marvus Xoloto
A lot of clicks, almost being able to talk with only them
and Marvus has more than once tried to have whole conversations with poor clueless you this way
maybe as revenge for excluding him in your concealed facial expressions conversations
or maybe he's just doing it to pester you, who knows
You regularly see him talking to his lusus only with said clicks
The most musical of all and almost sings through his rasps and wrirrs
he uses them as his not-so-secret weapon during concerts making his fans go completely off the rails into a totally different mode of transportation
But off stage they sound so, so much different
the rasps that almost sound like growls and the wrirrs that are high pitched and sharp will soften once you're alone
almost like a lullaby just for you
though when Marvus is feeling silly he will sneak a honk in with them just to startle you awake
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Luxii’s master list!! X33
Ships: (I don’t do ships with canon trolls like this anymore but if ppl still wanna read em they’re here!)
Galekh x ♦️ Tyzias:
Lanque x Fozzer :
Lanque x Marvus :
Lanque x Tegiri:
Tyzias x Stelsa:
Jupitr x ❤️ Krispy (my fantrolls!!)
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tipsygnostalgy · 1 year
honestly another ship im incredibly into is mallanque and at that point i should probably take a moment to analyze why all my ships are vaguely just "kill yourself" x "fuck you" flavored
i don't know... lanque "crippling existential dread over pre-destined role manifesting in hypersexuality and being a huge bitch" bombyx meetcuting with mallek "my own awareness of my potential abilities burdens me to a path of danger and revolution oh hey look cool snake" adalov at some party and then mutually deciding FUCK this guy in particular... them jumping between quadrants like it's the world's worst game of hopscotch because they get it and they hate you and
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
Can perhaps write mallek and/or lanque with a sick troll s/o who is just completely fucking miserable when sick??
So sorry I'm late anon; I wanted to finish up my last WIP before getting into another. I hope you're feeling better!! I wrote a silly little Mallek drabble FOR YOU! I am also residenting absolute evil when I'm sick, so I totally get it <3 This was a super fun lil fic to write, thanks for the prompt!! EDIT: Sorry, I missed the troll part of this ask! I really don't write that for future reference, unless it's either a headcanons only post (i.e. not fic) or canon chara x canon chara.
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Osmosis Jones Was Blue, Too | G | 1426 words | AO3 link
It's a well known fact that an object in motion stays in motion. What they don't tell you is: an object at rest is rarely allowed to stay resting.
You, however, have found your ace in the hole, your golden ticket: the word sick? Hell, even just the implication: it always brings the conversation to a grinding halt.
POLYPA: hey * me and tegs are * having movie night * POLYPA: subs * not dubs * YOU: Sorry Polypa, but I don't think that's a very good idea... POLYPA: i think it's * a great idea * POLYPA: do you know * how hard * it is to get * teg to agree * to * subs * YOU: I think I'm getting sick :(
Bam. Nipped that right in the bud.
VIKARE: ~ Heigh-ho old chum! ~ VIKARE: ~ How fares the winds your way? ~ YOU: Not great. I feel like teeth are growing in my throat and my nose is runny and dry. VIKARE: ~ Ah, yes, the dentification of the swallow collumn. We've all been there sport chin up.~ VIKARE: ~ And my word guy have I got some advice for you! ~ MSPAR: I think it's just, you know... VIKARE ~ Hey now chum why the sudden reticence? ~ YOU: The "s" word... you know... VIKARE: ~ What on Globgolyb's shifting seas man you put that word away. ~ YOU: I'm S VIKARE: ~Cease this at once. ~ YOU: i VIKARE: ~ Skies above! You don't have to do this!~ YOU: ck :( VIKARE: ~You WHAT!~ - VIKARE'S HUSKTOP HAS EXPLODED -
Second time proves the hypothesis.
Zebruh: ♦️ Good evening, my lovely, hornless friend. ♦️ Zebruh: I saw the video of you and the Grandmaster on chitter earlier this evening. Zebruh: Might I say you managed to look raidant. ♣️ Well, as radiant as one can next to the splendor that is Marvus Xoloto? ♣️ YOU: Gee, thanks for the neg. It's not just my legs that are running... Zebruh: Ahem. ♠️ Pardon? ♠️ MSPAR: Would you like a sinus infection, free of charge? Zebruh: Depends, ♦️ which sinus? ♦️ YOU: I'm sick, dunkass
Even though he seems to be feeling particularly conciliatory this evening, Zebruh hasn't responded to you in the twenty minutes that have passed since you dropped the dreaded S word.
But, ah here's the tricky part.
MALLEK: yo; MALLEK: sup; MALLEK: hey; MALLEK: i know you = there; MALLEK: i can see you through my viewfinder; you really need to update your passwords; MALLEK: wait; MALLEK: forget i said that; MALLEK: you = uh; typing a lot; MALLEK: i have a keylogger on your palmhusk; MALLEK: that = less creepy and invasive; MALLEK: right? YOU: No, not really. MALLEK: damn it; MALLEK: well i can see you through my viewfinder; MALLEK: and you look different; YOU: Yeah? Like what you see? MALLEK: did you secretly start the cyborgization process? YOU: Yes. That is definitely what's happening. MALLEK: without me :( MALLEK: actually can you ignore the frowny face; YOU: What frowny face? MALLEK: heh; MALLEK: so seriously; what = with the new look;
Ah. How do you drop the news without halting this conversation in its tracks?
YOU: Okay. YOU: Promise you won't freak out. MALLEK: "freaking out" =! in my vocabulary babe; YOU: I have noticed that trolls really do not like this word. MALLEK: uh-oh; MALLEK: = the word "intimacy" or "self-reflection?" YOU: Self-reflection is two words, Mallek. MALLEK: so; who = it exactly that you = getting intimate with; YOU: Besides you? This box of tissues is really getting a run for its money. MALLEK: heh; nice; MALLEK: i usually use a sock; YOU: OKAY?? That is not what I meant. GOD!
If you weren't flushed already from being sick, you are now.
MALLEK: okay; i = lost now; YOU: I just want to remind you that "freaking out" is not in your vocabulary. MALLEK: that = also two words; YOU: Yes. Glad we're on the same page. YOU: I am. YOU: Not. YOU: Unsick? MALLEK: what; YOU: I'm sick, okay?? And I'm miserable and nobody seems to care. MALLEK: i wish you would have told me; MALLEK: i could have spent more time with you; MALLEK: :( MALLEK: don't ignore that emoji; YOU: Sad face. Noted. MALLEK: should i get a hold of that rustie; MALLEK: you know; the one with the shovel? YOU: Unless he's the sole provider of benadryl and chicken soup on this planet, I think we can leave Fozzer out of this one.
And like that, the theory is concluded. Mallek does not text you back. You make a few silly faces into the view finder, but even that doesn't entice him to talk to you.
Frowny face. Not noted. Sigh.
You only realize you've been dozing when a knock at your door wakes you up. The fatigue is like a physical thing, a weighted blanket sewn into your body.
The knocking is mostly a formality; each strike against the wood pulp sends the door rattling forward a few centimeters. This unexpected guest must be a friend.
But, as you open the door, a scream builds up in you so intense that you just. Scream. There's nothing poetic about it. It's been a long time since you've seen ET, but you do know "aliens" and "the dominant population, now in a hazmat suit" is never a meet cute.
"Who is in here!" you shout on instinct. You grab a paper cup of water and throw it at the intruder. It splashes harmlessly against their hazmat suit.
"Whoa! Hey!" calls a muffled but distinctly masculine voice from within. It gives you pause for all of about five seconds; why do they sound so familiar? Until the six foot long forceps come out.
"Get the hell," you pause to wipe your runny nose on your sleeve, and then cough for good measure, "away from me!"
It doesn't work; the forceps are headed your way. They grab you expertly by your midsection, you you simply flail around until you flop on the ground. Like a rabid fish out of water. The intruder gets in your space. You stick your middle finger up at them.
Then you kick them square in the belly.
They makes a noise like "oooaauuugh," and then "damn, you kick hard. It's me!"
Mallek unzips the front of his ventilation hood; beneath he is wearing an n-95 mask with the zig-zag of scorist. How did he get that on such short notice?
"What are you doing here?" you ask as he zips his hood back up. If you weren't out of breath from your stuffed up nose, you certainly are now after the fucking alien escape olympics.
"If I tell you, promise not to kick me again?"
"No," you say through a wry smile.
"Well then, maybe this will explain it." He sets down a lock box of some sort, roughly the size of a six pack. He fiddles with the top for a moment before it lets out a beep, and then the lid opens with an outpouring of steam. He takes the forceps again, uses them to remove the contents, and then sends them your way.
A perfect, plastic bowl of chicken soup, a two pack of pink and green sludge that you suspect is Alternian day and nyquil respectively, and a cellophane package of spoon, salt, and pepper is thrust your way.
"I'm the sole provider of chicken soup and benadryl on this planet," Mallek says, full of lumpy pride in his ill fitting hazmat suit.
Oh, he wasn't freaking out because you're sick. He's freaking out because he isn't 100% your sole provider, and also anxiously desperate to prove how much you need him.
"Nerd," you say, throwing the cellophane wrapper at him. It sails about two inches through the air before floating pathetically to the fround.
Well, shit. You're floating pathetically down, too.
You eat your chicken soup on the group, Mallek hovering over you from six feet away. Every cough and sniffle sends him lurching for the door; you make sure to do it as often as you can.
About halfway through your soup, Mallek asks, "are you going to die?"
The only part of his face you can see are his eyes, as large and shiny as porcelain plates.
Only Mallek can out-drama you regarding your own illness.
"Yes," you say. His face crumples even as you smile.
"Is the soup helping? I made it myself."
"Hm," you slurp your way through a thought. Surely, for all the mess and nastiness in his kitchen, he must have invented some super strain of anti-sickess, alien mold by now, right?
Mallek keeps staring at you with his big ol' eyes.
You smile. "Feeling better already."
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Self indulgent hiveswap x soul eater au. Enjoy.
Blue name means that the character is a Meister.
Red name means that the character is a Weapon.
Purple name means that the character is a Witch.
Orange name means that the character is a Clown. (Yes there is an entire race in SE named clowns and you can probably guess who will they be in this au)
Mallek & Diemen
Marsti & Kuprum and Folykl
Fozzer & Skylla
Chixie & Marvus
Boldir & Vikare
Charun & Cirava
Azdaja & Konyyl
Tegiri & Polypa
Bronya & Elwurd
Tirona & Wanshi
Lanque & Daraya
Tyzias & Stelsa
Tagora & Galekh
Remele & Nihkee
Zebruh is a kishin because i fuckin hate him
Soleil Twins
Marvus is not of the clown race because i needed to pair someone with chixie (and also because marvchix, or marxie, is fucking peak ngl)
Zebede not included because i have no idea what he'd be, and tbh i don't really care about him so
I considered pairing ardata and lynera, with the former being the weapon and latter the meister, but i realized that they'd be better off as witches.
Ive considered putting remele with daraya but i didn't rlly want to pair nihkee with lanque.
Also considered amisia with chahut (platonic for very obvious reasons) but in the end one was better off as a little witch , while the other stayed as a clown
Also these pairings does not necessarily means they're a couple, i don't even ship half of those, i just needed a character to pair them with that they would most likely get along well with.
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Yo uh, I have a biology project where we have to mix three "couples" to get 3 babies, so anyways I decided to randomize which hiveswap character goes with who. Whichever 3 couples makes the cutest baby gets to be my project. Anyways, here's the crackships and my opinions on em. Each character is used once. Cirava x Marvus (Honestly? Crackship but kinda cute) (Redrom) Ardata x Lynera (I actually ship this one) (Blackrom) Folykl x Zebruh (Hehehe) (Blackrom)
Diemen x Vikare (Aww cuties) (Leave it to interpretation) Boldir x Fozzer (Actually ship this one) (Redrom) Marsti x Chixie (I never thought about it, but it's cute) (Redrom) Charun x Kuprum (Opposite energies, but sounds interesting) (Blackrom) Tegiri x Lanque (Hehehe) (Blackrom) Bronya x Konyyl (Cute, cute) (Blackrom) Chahut x Remele (I actually love this) (Leave it to interpretation) Elwurd x Galekh (Hehehe) (Blackrom) Polypa x Tyzias (Honestly? Slay) (Blackrom) Mallek x Skylla (E-boy and cowgirl) (Leave it to interpretation) Stelsa x Nihkee (Fun fun) (Just like Tyzias, Stelsa only has blackrom open for this project) Daraya x Azdaja (honestly? Another slay) (Blackrom) Tagora x Zebede (Last two! Last two! Anyways uhhhh) (Blackrom)
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morsartis · 2 years
Fic Masterlist
Thought I'd make a masterlist of all the fandoms I write for and the fics I've done so far.
Lanque Bombyx
Masochism Tango- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/masochism-tango/suzv9jm8j3az
Mallek Adalov
Victory Spoils- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/victory-spoils/152xtvm80nwp
Cirava Hermod
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/whyd-you-only-call-me-when-youre-high/t0089xxv9lu2
Marvus Xoloto
Come Get Her- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/come-get-her/vizkenltfuz5
Lucky Shot- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/lucky-shot/x54inu5fasvs
Miss You- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/miss-you/ewen2twbm0y1
Lights Down Low- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/lights-down-low/ohj2wuzff6nj
Let's Link- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/lets-link/hx697kygcfoh
The Bets Are On- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/the-bets-are-on/918wjpbuivaf
That [Redacted]- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/that-redacted/bl3lkqf5sdoq
Built Like An Icecream Cone- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/built-like-an-ice-cream-cone/rigvlt2xspty
The Tweet Part 1- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/the-tweet-part-2/uqqt1es4h5n3
The Tweet Part 2- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/the-tweet-part-2/uqqt1es4h5n3
Marvus x Reader- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/marvus-xoloto-x-reader/rdan8fe7rxkv
Marvus Headcanons- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/hey-hey-i-would-like-to-req-some-headcanons-of/bg1acxxqi85p
Marvus Headcanons- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/hey-your-writing-was-awesome-ive-just/280001hqducz
Polypa Goezee
Together- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/together/08tzjvdvjasf
Polypa x Reader- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/polypa-goezee-x-reader/2c7odkvm2o2j
Tagora Gorjek
Tagora x Reader- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/tagora-gorjek-x-reader/653j7tepcqrf
Peter Maximoff
Compliment- https://at.tumblr.com/morsartis/compliment/08f2jjfpe3jj
Compliment Part 2- https://www.tumblr.com/morsartis/712465236316372992/compliment-part-2?source=share
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friendsim2 · 1 year
Personally what’s your favourite trolls and least favourite? (Reasons why would also be really appreciated)
Personally I like Elwurd and Lynera the best for reasons that are definitely not related to projection. Least favorite is hard for me to pin down because I've spent so much time thinking about these folks and trying to expand on areas where they're less developed. I guess Vikare because he's pretty one-note. -Jonaya, director/lead writer
my hs og fave trolls have always been the meteor ones bc im tragically unoriginal but i don't have strong preferences for friendsim (wait i forgot i do love chixie) -Sollay, artist
Love me some clowns, I've always had an appreciation for unhinged characters, but my absolute favorites are Chahut and Karako. Least favorite… I dunno, there aren't really any that I dislike in FS? In Homestuck in general I took personal issue with the Zahhaks because this is not how I want Sagittarius to be represented WHY -Hal Elsen, voice actor
I like Elwurd, Daraya, Lanque, Mallek, Tagora, Polypa, and Skylla. I'm gay. Not a huge fan of Zebruh, but damn do I love voicing him, and also not a giant fan of like. Fozzer, idk why. I'm a bad VA so I haven't played the game yet. -CL, voice actor
If we're gonna go with Friendsim- Elwurd, Chixie, and Tyzias all appeal to my typical Character Likes. Chahut also appeals, but I feel Incredibly Conflicted About It because of my stance on purple characters in general also Polypa is my Secret Homegirl Now because I can't help but develop attachments to characters I've voiced X,D Tagora's smug aura mocks me and I don't care for it -Juniper, voice actor
As a cancellable offense i will still admit Zebruh still holds my thoughts on a gorilla grip because his route is absolutely hilarious despite his yikes. But Galekh is my baby boy baby and skylla is the queen i would give everything she ask me to. for fs2. Marsti because how can you not? i mean gestures then dies of gay. -Mikky, artist
specifically referring to their canon appearances and not fs2, our favorite is probably Chahut? She's got a lot going on, we like her design and her relationship with Amisia is very cute And uh - We… Don't really care for any of the ceruleans tbh (Wait, append that: mallek is cool he can stay - The rest of the ceruleans we dont care for)
As for fs2… Control in volume 11 is great we wish we could take credit for her The murder victim in volume 1 always felt kinda flat to us, like they're more of a plot point than an actual troll so they're our least favorite -Lorelei, writer
Favorite - i like mostly any trolls but also… tirona. Shes a lik freak. Least favorite - tirona. She is like scrappy doo of the homestuck universe. I want to throw here baby soft spot head towards a wall -Fable, artist
i'm not well versed in the ~lore~ but i like diemen's character lol no particular reason -Seth, voice actor
Favorites: all the members of Daraya's Punk Band (especially tyzias, no need to explain, I am her canon voice), plus tagora (he's the honorary 5th member) Least favorites: Vikare. He bores me. -Anna, writer/composer
Eridan has always been my personal favorite. I'd say my least favorite would be Karkat--I get he's set to be redeemed but the team did nothing with him except make him whiny and force vriska into leading everyone -Valentine, voice actor
hmm, well for favs theres Ardata, then Daraya and also Chixie or Elwurd. Partial to Chahut and Cirava bc they make me go :DD Least faves: Tirona and Zebede, just not my type of characters :/ -DDP, artist
amisia because he's pretty chill -The Dandy Man, voice actor
My favourites are xefros (because he's a good boy doing his very best) and cirava (because they're a fucking gremlin) -Alex, voice actor
hmmm we wanna say favorite hiveswap troll are either folykl or mallek, but really it's more of a rotating cast and whoever we thought about last is our fave. least favorite has to be zebede on the basis that we forgot he even existed. -Breeoche, artist
I will have to say Marvus is certainly my favorite ! I love his design but also his whole presence and attitude in his volume.
A least fav is harder because there is a number of trolls I don't "like" but they are such good characters that I still enjoy them a lot ! So I'll have to go with zebruh even if he is very entertaining as a bad guy xD -Herk, artist
Chiming in to say chixie is probably my favorite troll cause her struggles are relatable. Second place goes to Marvus cause he's pretty chill all things considered.
Least favorite is zebruh for because he's like THAT -Rainy, composer
Marvus! And I don’t have a least favorite cause I only really know the purple bloods and THEY ARE MY DARLINGS ALL OF them -Miranda, writer
I think Wanshi and Nepeta are my favorites for Cat Reasons, but also because I was a strange little catgirl before I was a boy and I appreciates them a lot. Zebruh seems like the obvious choice to dislike, but Ardata legit scares me and I am unsettled by ticks and leeches -Bucky, writer
I think this will be stupidly obvious but my favourite trolls are Terezi Stelsa and Tirona, basically just the ones I usually voice haha Terezi because I voice her and basically am her at this point honestly, and the other two are silly and dramatic and I love voicing them I also love Nepeta, Karkat, Aradia, and Tyzias Gamzee is my least favourite ever I hate him -Tex, voice actor
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daftlads · 4 months
@worldneeds said “i'm pretty sure i don't want to get married, but if you told me you did…” — for mlnq. He is flirting and being evil and having a laff x
mallek's spine straightens. he still doesn't know where they stand on this front. for a second he can't meet lanque's eyes, instead staring hard at the salt and pepper shakers on the table and trying to keep his hands from trembling. it's hard to describe, the feeling of selfishness and self-pity and fear, the feeling that one wrong move sends them both spiraling. they've been over it a thousand times and he still doesn't quite understand how he manages it, only that he does; puts his foot in his mouth and digs his own grave. he manages a smile.
"can we at least eat dinner first," he asks, trying not to sound as careful as he feels. when he does eventually look up, he sees the light in lanque's eyes, and the relief is like a sledgehammer to the spine. his voice gets far lighter. "i don't know how well i can deal with you on an empty stomach, babe."
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fishaaa6 · 2 years
what are they looking at🤔
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nsfhomestuck · 4 years
I have no rational for shipping Mallek x Lanque besides that they’re both hot and I also want to bang them both, so them banging each other works instead. 👌🏻
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sludgewolf · 2 years
How They Help You Take Things From Tall Places 2
Characters: Polypa / Lanque /Mallek / Marvus x reader
Warnings: maybe foul language, reader is short
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Polypa Goezee
She curiously watches as you look up at your favorite mug, safely stashed way too high for you to reach
that's what you get from having an assassin as a quad
As you start to drag a chair over Polypa finally asks
"hey * need some help? *|" while laughing at your antics
she puts you on her shoulders so that you can reach the mug yourself
Lanque Bombyx
You know Lanque is a not so little shit
so of course he puts everything up where you can't reach on purpose
When you do need something he exiled to the top shelf, you have to go all the way back to where he is holed up
and trying not to punch him in the face you ask for his help
The bastard then finally grabs it for you and just stands there staring at you holding your things still out of your reach with an shit eating grin only Lanque could pull off
no matter how much you jump up or ask him for it, he only hand it to you after you give him his "well deserved" thank you kiss
Mallek Adalov
No matter how athletic Mallek may seem, with that skater attitude and troublemaker face
they're a lazy ass bitch
if they can do something while laying down they will
And when it comes to helping you grab the bag you brought to their hive that you stashed in the only available place in the whole mess of a respriteblock , on top of their wardrobe, it's no different
They will watch you climb up to it, using anything around that you guess will hold your weight
but the thing you might not notice, too busy trying to balance over some random boxes they had lying around, is that Mallek is ready to bold up at any second to catch you if you fall
that is, if you're at a height that will hurt you if you fall, if not he'll look you in the eye and laugh at you
Sometimes, when they're as they say "already around" they pick you from your makeshift stairs once you reach your bag so you don't need to climb down
and when they know you're safe and being cute climbing around like the drossvermin you are, they will laugh at your attempt and help you get it
like it's the easiest shit ever and as if you haven't spent the last 15 minutes or so trying to reach it
Marvus Xoloto
Different from other inconsiderate trolls, Marvus will come to your aid whenever you need
he is extremely sorry for putting your books so high up
he really is, nvm him laughing, he just forgets how big your height difference is and puts things where it's easier for him
Marvus has better and more creative ways to tease you, such a prank is so under his level
But when you need help grabbing something, he lifts you up by the waist for you to reach it
and squeezes you into a hug before setting you back down
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unicorn-poop · 6 years
Pregnancy (and other things)
Trolls don’t have wombs so they don’t get pregnant but since AU’s and headcannons are big in this fandom and exist have a pregnant Lanque with his husband Mallek
Lanque and Mallek eating dinner.
MALLEK: Pass the grub sauce p1ease
LANQUE: Baby, I got some neWs.
MALLEK: What is the news, h0ney pie? Did y0u fina11y ki11 that big0ted Vio1et B100d?
LANQUE: Yeah, but there’s other neWs.
LANQUE: I’m pregnant
Mallek was surprised then he cried tears of joy
MALLEK: I’m g0ing t0 Be a father? 😭😭😭😭
LANQUE: Yep And so am I
Mallek kisses Lanque. Months later...
LANQUE: I am really craVing some blood
MALLEK: What b100d sh0uod I buy f0r y0u t0day?
LANQUE: Indigo. I’m really craVing some indigo blood.
At 9 months
MALLEK: Are y0u 0kay my 1itt1e vampire prince?
LANQUE: No, I can’t sleep
MALLEK: What’s wr0ng?
LANQUE: EVerything hurts, afraid to take a dump in fear that i Will end up giVing birth right on the toilet. Did I mention my back hurts?
MALLEK: P00r baby. Hopefu11y, it’11 be 0ver s00n.
Then one day his water breaks. He is taken to the troll hospital in so much pain. Mallek was worried. He wanted to see both the ones he loved alive. Luckily for him Lanque delivered a Indigo baby girl 💎. The grub should be teal but eh.
MALLEK: He110, I’m y0ur daddy
LANQUE: No, I’m daddy, you’re mommy
They had fun with their daughter.
MALLEK: Shit, she’s crying again!
LANQUE: I got up and fed her already. It’s your turn. You might need to change her.
Malkek gets up
MALLEK: He110 1et me...
The smell....THE SMELL!
MALLEK: Oh gog! Feeding y0u that brand 0f baby f00d was a mistake! Damn, Tag0ra!
The day their princess said the words mommy and daddy
LANQUE: Spinel, say daddy. I am your dad.
SPINEL: Da....dadda
LANQUE: 😃😃😃😃
MALLEK: Now say m0mmy.
SPINEL: Ma...ma....
MALLEK: Yes....
From a distance
Both Lanque and Mallek shoot Tegiri a death glare
TEGIRI: Now I can ex/ain...
She then began to walk
MALLEK: 1anque! 100k! She’s wa1king! Quick, get the camera!
LANQUE: I’m posting this on Trollbook!
Then they’re little ray of sunshine said more words...even special words
Both Spinels parents were in the room with her. She was coloring when suddenly her crayon broke.
Lanque and Mallek look surprised. Their 1 year old said a cuss word. Lanque shoots a death glare at Mallek.
Later both Mallek and Spinel have pink soap in their mouths.
MALLEK: hmmmm tasty....
Now it was the time when they started toilet training their daughter. Mallek took his daughter with him to the male Troll room.
SPINEL: I d0n’t need t0 g0 p00 p00
MALLEK: C0me 0n at least try
Spinel ended up having a accident. Another time at Azdaja’s and Konyyl’s wedding Lanque needed to use the bathroom and took his daughter with him.
SPINEL: Daddy, you made a p00 p00 in the p0tty!!
LANQUE: Cupcake please keep it down
TEGIRI: Congratulations Senpai 🎈🎉🎊
TAGORA: Excellent 🎉🎊🎈
LANQUE: ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
SPINEL: Y0u’re g0ing t0 recieve a sticker 1ater
Then they take her to Trollmart (Walmart)
SPINEL: M0mmy! M0mmy! I Want this!
Lanque gets it for her
MALLEK: D0n’t sp0il her!
LANQUE: oops....
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I keep thinking about the hiveswap trolls reaction to the MC skating,, like not professional, literally them starting to get the hang of it and getting around town with their skateboard
so I'm going to write them<3
I'm not doing this because I started skating and got myself a skateboard, what? 😳🙄🤡
📳 He was probably on his way home from a party when he heard weels coming towards him. As he was about to move out of the way you stopped your skate "Hey Lanque!"
☠️ Your cheerful voice caught him offguard, he didn't expect such a fragile alien to know how to skate "hey darlin', What are you doing out at this hour?" He asked somewhat concerned "I'm practicing on my skate board!"
🥀 Before he could start another sentence you gave him a marker "wanna sign my skate?" Oh you bet he does! "you can even draw your sign if you want!" He grinned, showing those pearly white fangs as he signed your board and drew his sign.
📳 You walked him back to his hive before starting to skate your way down some streets. That was until you started getting texts from Lanque telling you to go back home and not stay out too much.
🐍 This manz except for lifting weights barely does any sport. He prefers staying inside his hive most days. So it was a surprise when he saw you drop by with groceries on a fucking skateboard. "since when do you skate??"
🛸 "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FELL TWICE BUT THE GROCERIES = FINE!?" He literally doesn't want to let you set foot on that skateboard again. In a final attempt you show him that you do know how to use it.
🖥️ You flash him a grin as he sighs "look on the bright side, I didn't scratch my arms because I was wearing your hoodie" He ruffled your hair before starting to take care of your scraped knee.
🐍 You let the blue blood sign your skate as well since you pretty much painted it white,, it was because you already scartched it up so
🐐 You probably passed by him while he was drinking coffee and reading a book at a café. He literally called you to tell you to come back (as long as you wanted and could) to tell him why in the good heavens are you riding a skateboard.
☕ He wasn't too happy when he saw a few bruises on your arms but you reassured him it was part of the experience. After you drank some soda to cool yourself off you offered him to sign your skate.
🌀 "And why exactly would I want to do that¹? (¹it is not my property so I don't see a need in putting my sign on it)" You chuckled and explained is more of a reminder of all of your friends from Alternia.
🐐 He hummed slightly before accepting and signing your skate to which you grinned happily. Can't deny he felt proud that such a small gesture from him made you so happy.
⚖️ The queen himself, his majesty, our Lord and Savior Tagora.. he just wanted to have a nice shopping spree, damn you and your skateboard! You literally brushed past him making him drop everything.
💳 "LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE-" "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY GOR-GOR" what. the. fuck. "Why are you on a fucking skateboard!?" He asked, still angry, as you helped him gather his things.
📝 "well, I wanted to get around fatser... and look cool!" "you look stupid" You chuckled and offered to cary his bags for him. Of course he accepted. "your skateboard look awful, it's all scratched"
⚖️ So you explained to him how long you been skating for, that you're awful at tricks but you're working on it. As you drop him outside his hive you grin "wanna sign my skate?" "why would i-" "Galekh did, you can write over his-" aaand he already snatched the marker and made his signature bigger, somewhat covering Galekh's.
♑ Marvus:
🎤 He was taking a night walk, thinking about lyrics and calming his mind. As he made his way through an abandoned park he heard wheels of a skateboard coming towards him, but before he could see you coming towards him you slipped and fell backwards.
🐬 "AY, BABE U GUCCI??" He rushed towards you and you gave him a thumbs up while groaning in pain "I'm good Marv don't worry" Oh but was he worrying now.
🤡 He picked you up bridal style cradling you "so, wha'chu doin' out'n'bout at this hour :o)" You flashed him a smile and told him about how you started skateboarding but you're still learning but you really really like it and- and omg you look so cute to him.
🎤 He listened to everything you said, watching your face light up in happiness. The man had it pretty bad for you "as long as 's makin' ma babe happy I support u" And you bet he's more than happy to sign your skate, you even get a smooch because you feel and he feels bad!
Tegiri ♎:
🐶 Oh our poor weeb boy,, he saw you inside the manga shop he frequents talking with the owner. Out of curiosity he entered to hear the conversation, you wanted to get some anime themed stickers for your skateboard, oh!
🗡️ "Since when do you skate?" Came his confused question which made you jump a little before greeting him. You told him you just started a while back. "I hope you aren't skating on prohibited property, I wou/dn't want to arrest you"
⚠️ You started growing fond of the face expressions he made, even the slightly upset one. "don't worry, I only use it to get around faster" He nodded and offered to join him for patrol and you happily accepted.
🐶 After the patrol ended you asked him "wanna sign my skateboard please?" He was a bit confused why you'd want that but he obliged. You flashed him a sheepish grin and thanked him before skating away into the sunset.
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magicponies · 3 years
if you guys don't think that mallek grabs lanque by the horns to pull him down and kiss him youre wrong actually. they are The kismesis height difference couple there's no arguing with me i'm right
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bisectro · 5 years
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Yall are sleeping out on the potential Marsti X Bronya!  Morails or Flushed feelings? you decide
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