freemaryjane · 2 years
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give it a listen 🕸️
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openprogrammer · 2 years
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Programmer's valentine gifts 🤫😜 #programmer #coder #coderslife #programming #engineer #softwaredeveloper #webdeveloper #engineering #manojdeshwal #acer #lamron #hp #logitech #fingers #jbl #oneplus #noise #boat https://www.instagram.com/p/ComIbNkvrhl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mewtwoandme · 3 months
Do you take joy in destroying our hearts?
As a compassionate human being, no
As a writer and storyteller, yes, suffer
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leedoobles · 22 days
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couple of norm draws; first one's a redraw of the roxanne piece, second one's a hanahaki drawing i turned into the cover for the norm fic im writing 💖✌️
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phlurrii · 8 months
I’m a little new here, I’ve been wondering what kind of Pokémon Noe is? I’ve been reading older posts trying to catch up but I can’t figure out if he’s a true Ancient mew or if they’re like a hybrid with a ghost Pokémon
Also is Bad Egg Noe’s kid? They’re really cute
First, welcome to the floof pit!! I hope you enjoy your stay ;3
Noe isn’t so much a Pokémon as he is the physical and characterized embodiment of a glitch! That glitch being the infamous Missingno. Glitch from the original Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green Days! He simply takes the form of an ancient mew due to his time spent with Meau! With a wee bit of her power for… reasons… as well as his own unique glitch based abilities!
I recommend checking out his Chrono Link in my pinned post if you want more info X3
As for Bad Egg, thank you!! Decamark is not related biologically to anyone, but was adopted by Noe kinda on sight and by accident. Noe choosing to take a physical form and live like a Pokémon influence Bad Egg over their many years of 1 sided conversations. Eventually resulting in Bad Egg copying him and choosing to hatch itself into a being! But ended up as a baby, albeit with powers that are older then their current maturity. Given how long they existed before choosing to hatch.
Monkey see monkey do situation, so Noe adopted them and became a father with 0 warning XD
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mycitynowdotjpeg · 5 months
Starfish and Normal Lamron 🥺🥺
Starfish - Time Heals All Wounds
The Red House On The Shore
The sea rushed to meet the shore like long-lost lovers, waves cresting over sand as gentle as tender fingers against a cheek. The sun shone over the beach lined with a handful of homes on stilted foundations, made to withstand flood and high waves. Most were painted blue and white, though they’d been customized and changed over the years as residents had come and gone. One, though, was painted a rich red, near the far end, nestled between sand dunes that held a graveyard. The house itself had been expanded more than once, extra rooms built onto the sides closer to the cemetery than to the other houses, and additional levels bringing its total height to three storeys. The doors and windows were hung with rich tapestries of red and black and green, gold thread shining in the sun. The porch held several planter boxes lush with vegetation, providing fresh ingredients for the kitchen inside the front window. The smell of baked goods hung close to the house, permeating the air with the delightful aromas of fruits and sweets, and the crisp scent of fresh bread. 
Inside, a tiefling with ruddy brown skin and a long, spaded tail worked a dough against the counter with his clawed hands, nails too thick and sharp to be quite natural. There were several odd things about him, even for one of clear Infernal heritage. 
The first was that he glowed. Not all over, but his heart was like a beacon in his chest, shining golden light through his flesh, rippled with the shadows of his bones. His horns were curled with an age his face did not match: looping in ridged spirals, they rose above his head like a crown, the tips nearly grown entirely around a pair of golden rings. His legs were not that of a goat, but canine in nature, tipped with dainty black paws. He was dressed in the casual fashion of Mauelle, a loose sheer wrap tied around his waist, covering a bright red bikini bottom. His upper half was wrapped in red cloth, a baby sling holding an infant strapped to his chest. 
“Prosto zakroy glaza, solntse saditsya…” The Infernal melody slipped from his lips as he rocked the baby against his chest with the motion of rolling out his dough, slow and steady. “S toboy vse budet v poryadke, teper' nikto ne smozhet prichinit' tebe vreda…” Laying the dough over a tin, he began to shape it to form a crust. “S nastupleniyem utra my s toboy budem tsely i nevredimy…” 
Norm looked up as a gruff voice came from the doorway. He had to stoop, to peer into the room, even the ten-foot ceilings too short for his broad horns and enormous stature. 
“Voyage,” Normal said, smiling at the sight of his fiery beau, his arms cradled around a toddler tiefling girl, her riotous copper curls spilling over her face. She was angelic, her round face and orange skin like her father’s, with Normal’s intense blue eyes. “Is Cherish ready for school?” His tone was teasing, knowing his daughter was still fast asleep, not even dressed. 
“I’m waking her gently,” Voyage said, looking down at the four-year-old with a sparkle in his eye. His voice was hoarse as he said, “It’s her first day. I…” 
“I don’t know if I’m ready either,” Norm said softly, straightening up from the counter to hold the baby strapped to his chest closer. At nearly one year old, he was big for a tiefling baby, a hint of Voyage’s heritage already showing through his son. He was tawny in color like Voyage, too, his skin a rich tan, hindquarters like a lion’s. 
“Daddy, are you cooking pie for breakfast?” Peeking around Voyage was a tiefling boy, almost eight years old. His hair was a rich brown, dressed in a blue tunic and white trousers, a brown knapsack over one shoulder with a scroll poking out of it. He had amber green eyes, looking nothing like any of his parents, but beloved as their eldest child, followed by his two sisters and youngest brother. 
“I..am making a pie, yes, Gift,” Normal said with a chuckle, walking around the island in the kitchen to cup the side of Gi’s face. “It’s not for breakfast. I just…” 
“He bakes when he’s nervous,” Voyage said, smiling small and fond as he gently jostled Cherish, who stretched in his arms, mumbling in baby-talk under her breath. “It’s Cher’s first day of school, remember?” 
Gift nodded, but then asked, “Why does that make Daddy nervous?” Voyage arched an eyebrow at Norm as he set Cherish on the ground, her hooves clicking on the tile floor. 
“You know Cherish is special,” Normal began haltingly, and Gift nodded again. 
“You Wished for her,” he said seriously. 
“Yes,” Normal said gently, running his hand through Gift’s hair. “It was a long journey to that Wish, Gift. I lost her once. To have a day like today…” Norm smiled, sighing as he blinked back tears. “It’s just special. I want it to go well.” Gift puffed up his chest, brown and black tabby tail bristling. 
“I’ll protect her,” he declared. “Cher will always be safe with us, Daddy.” 
“I’m sure you will,” Voyage said, amused and warm as Cherish yawned widely, leaning against his leg. 
“School?” she asked, and Norm nodded, leaving his baking to follow his family into the den, where a human man with messy brown hair and soft white clothing was helping a six-year-old half-tiefling girl tie up her dress, her horns broad and thin like Voyage’s, her dark hair and bright eyes a striking contrast. 
“Charity, Papa and I are going to walk you to the school today,” Voyage said, prompting Medwin and their daughter to look up. She tilted her head curiously, and glanced over to where Cherish was climbing the stairs, Normal walking behind her. 
They ascended to the second level, Norm bending to take Cherish’s hand in his as they passed through the short hallway hung with mementos and paintings, the end of the hall bearing a grand artistic rendering of a phoenix, crimson feathers splayed over the canvas. They turned right to enter Cherish’s room, Normal letting go of her fingers to walk to the wardrobe and pull out an outfit for his daughter for the day. The baby on his chest fussed, and he soothed Courage with a kiss to his downy blonde hair. 
Normal turned to see Cherish standing behind him, her face pinched with fear. 
“What if…what if nobody likes me?” she whispered, and Normal’s face softened, and he crouched down to cup her face. 
“You’re going to make so many friends, Cher,” Normal said softly, ocean-sapphire eyes meeting her desert-sky-colored irises. “It would be a lie to say everyone will like you, but I promise, you’ll make friends, too. And you will always have your family.” Cherish looked relieved, and reached up to wrap her arms around Norm’s neck. He embraced her, careful not to smother Courage. When they broke apart, Normal helped her get dressed, a rose-pink colored dress edged in golden thread. They descended the stairs again to meet the others in the den, Gift and Charity standing by the door with Voyage and Medwin. Norm bent to kiss each of his children, making Gift squirm and Charity giggle. He cupped Cherish’s face in his hands as he bent to kiss her forehead, smiling at her as Medwin opened the door and Voyage took the girls’ hands to lead them out of the house. Normal walked out onto the porch to watch them go, the five of them walking along the beach to the gates, where Mauelle waited. 
Norm kept his eyes on a mess of coppery curls as they shrank with distance, a smile playing around his lips. Courage cooed against his chest, and Normal sighed, losing sight of Cherish and their family as they passed through the gates to the city at large. He looked down at his newest son, still smiling as he brushed his fingers over his cheek, and, intent on finishing his pie while waiting for his family to come back, turned to walk back into the red house on the shore. 
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Wait why would you need to say sorry to Noisette?
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Pep: "..."
Pep: "Reh ot deil I... I..."
(Flashback Begins)
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Noisette: "Is someone out here? We are open!"
Noisette: "Omigosh, hi there!!! Come in, come in! There's no need to be shy!"
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Noisette: "You're just in time for some fresh pie! Not that it was gonna go anywhere, since no one's come in today... But still! If that growl was you, you must be starving!!!"
Noisette: "Now you just sit right here! Don't move an inch! I'll be right back!"
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Noisette: "Tada!!! I hope you like cherries! It's on the house!"
Pep: "...?"
Noisette: "Are you asking if it's for you? Of course, it is, silly! D'you see anyone else in here? Now, eat up! There's plenty more where that came from!"
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Pep: *happy Pep noises*
Noisette: "Oh, I'm so glad you like it!"
Noisette: "Now, if you don't mind me asking, where did you come from? I haven't seen you around here!"
Pep: "..."
Pep: *uncomfortable gurgling*
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Noisette: "Oh, do you not speak...?"
Noisette: "Well, that's okay! Do you know any sign? I'm pretty good at it!"
Pep: "...?"
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Noisette: "Oh! I can show you some!"
Noisette: "I-I mean, if you'd like! If you wanna just have the pie and go, that's okay too, of course! Hah."
Pep: "..."
Pep: "...!"
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Noisette: *happy squealing*
(Flashback End)
Pep: "Deneppah. Tsuj ti dna dekcinap I, eil ot naem t'ndid I..."
Pep: "Em. Gnieb yb gnihtyna niur ot tnaw t'ndid I, yppah dna dnik os tsuj saw ehs tub, reh llet ot gniog saw I..."
Pep: "'Lamron' eb ot retteb eb d'ti thguoht I."
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unetherian · 7 days
Before, I was ashamed of being considered weird, different.
Now I don't care.
Because now I understand.
Everyone is different. Everyone is weird, in their own way.
And that is a strength.
It's normal that everyone is weird.
But human society is weird,
They consider beings who understand this to be... weird.
But I now understand.
I'm weird.
I'm normal.
The norm is considered to be the order.
Weirdness is considered disorder.
But what is order if it is just another form of disorder?
What is the norm if it is just another form of weirdness?
I'm normal because I'm weird. Everyone is weird, so everyone is normal.
rnamlo normla nromal nomrla nomral romnal onrlam normal lamron monral ronmal anorml lomran lnmrao monalr
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So it starts off with Nick and Jess brushing their teeth side by side. And it's not weird is their whole point. Here's the thing, if you've like broken the seal, like as friends, like you've kissed, you've made out, you're grown. Is there always just gonna be like that? you know, like that? What's that thing Like the elephant in the room? -Hannah
Forever. Until you like, until you just go for it. You either go for it or establish a like aggressively that this is not, this ain't this ain't it. -Lamrone 
But it's always gonna be a little weird. They're just sitting there and then he makes a joke about like, we should just have sex. Like he says it. Big foreshadowing. Because it ends up they can't handle it. -Hannah
Right. I think ultimately he knows they, they both do. They both know they wanna be with each other. But Nick obviously can't express himself and he can't say what he wants. So he's, he beats around the bush a lot and she's just an awkward 13-year-old. -Lamorne 
There's a lot of lust. It's very lusty. -Hannah
Very, very lusty. -Lamorne 
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humannish · 23 days
(me talking)
Fuckers in school tellin' me, always in the barber shop
"Luther ain't 'bout this, Luther ain't 'bout that
My boy a BD on fuckin' Lamron and them
He, he, they say that nigga don't be putting in no work"
Shut the fuck up!
Y'all niggas ain't on shit
All you motherfuckers talkin' 'bout
"Luther ain't no human, Luther ain't this, Luther a fake"
Shut the fuck up
Y'all don't live with that nigga
Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet
Shootin' at the police and shit
Nigga been on probation since, fuckin', I don't know when
Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that
Them niggas savages out there
If I catch another motherfucker talkin' sweet about Luther Ivory
I'm fuckin' beatin' they ass!
I'm not fuckin' playin' no more
Know them niggas roll with Lil Ran and them
(Young chop on the beat)
Love Luther
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himawari-candyy · 5 months
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vent art (i reversed the text because i’m embarrassed but it’s something i just have to get off my chest)
.revo s’ti
.revo yllanif s’ti dna sraey lareves
.tliug yb demusnoc yltnatsnoc m’i .ecneicsnoc ym sevael reven lla ti fo thgiew eht .emit gnol yrev a rof ma i ekil leef reve t’now ylbaborp i ,eerf yllacinhcet m’i fi neve …ni knis ot nageb ti neht .eerf yllanif saw i taht gnikniht ,yppah saw i ,tsrif ta .tliug dna ssenwolloh si leef i lla .t’nod i tub ,yppah dna deveiler leef dluohs i taht wonk i
.laerrus lla si siht ekil leef i ?no evom dna gur eht rednu siht fo lla peews ?lamron ekil efil ym eunitnoc tsuj i od ,efil ym fo tuo er’yeht taht won .won trats ot erehw wonk neve t’nod i .flesym tcetorp ot evah i ekil leef yltnetsisnoc ton dna ecaep ta leef yllanif nac i erehw yad eht ees ot tnaw tsuj i
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thefagggot · 3 months
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onippep · 2 years
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.ekawa Peppino's fi rednow I !ynapmoc em gnipeek rof uoy knahT !worromot lamron ot kcaB !esolc s'taht dnA
(And that's close! Back to normal tomorrow! Thank you for keeping me company!
I wonder if Peppino's awake.)
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
What’s up with the spot on Hugo’s chest/stomach area
It's a birthmark :3
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leedoobles · 2 years
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hello yes im still obsessed 
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phlurrii · 9 months
So I was looking at the Mew Family tree, and I was just curious about why Circe is considered Bucket’s biological child, but Odysseus is artificial. Is there a reason for this that hasn’t been revealed yet?
Ody was an unfertilized egg taken from Bucket that had DNA missing, thus was spliced into a Mewtwo! While Circe was a fetus taken form bucket and mutated into a Mewtwo! Ya’ll figured that one out on me very suddenly one day, so I gave everyone a point X3
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