#Laila Winston
chaotic-starlight24 · 1 month
Dally's Siblings
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Here they are! Back in New York a couple months before their mother died. From oldest to youngest there's-
Ghenrih or "Henry" which is what he goes by, at age 17 Elizaveta or "Elizabeth", at age 16 Dallas at age 9 Finn at age 7 Laila at age 4
If you want all his siblings stories and what happened to them after he left, look under here :) TRIGGER WARNINGS: S**cide, Abuse Mentions
Henry squinted in most photos he's been in since he was a kid because he desperately needs glasses. He got them once he got out of the house and got a job.
He's quite handsome now, he works as a reporter and kinda gives Milo Thatch vibes. He also has a very loving wife named Lucy May.
He's always had real big ears and when he was young kids would make fun of him for them.
His actual name is Russian but there was a lot of prejudice against immigrants at the time so he mainly goes by Henry. Same case with Elizaveta.
He and Elizabeth were the only ones for a solid 7 years so they were really close. They went through a lot together. They both protected each other a lot from gangs and their father. At the time, their mom was ok enough. So they spent a lot of time around her side of the family. 
He taught Dally how to play cards and how to play marbles. He really loved him but Henry was honestly not around too often since he was trying to make a living. It made him extremely nervous to leave his siblings at home and to leave Elizabeth alone as well. He didn’t trust either of his parents. Especially once the gunshot was fired.
When Dally bolted after their mother was shot, Henry grabbed his coat immediately and bolted after him. But he wasn’t able to catch him. He just stood in the streetlight with shock. He knew just how broken his brother was. Why didn’t he do anything about it?! Now he was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.
He helped Elizabeth a lot more after that and took Laila and Finn to his apartment quite often. But he was slowly becoming more busy though it broke his heart to leave Elizabeth to be with them all the time.
Their father ended up in jail for killing their mother and he went to visit him. Henry had to be restrained by officers after he lunged for his father, screaming at him. His father had said things like “She didn’t deserve to be here anyways” and “You think you and your sister didn’t deserve those bruises?!”
They never really had a lot of money so nowadays he still is a bit sensitive about money and food. Even though he’s got a really successful job and lives comfortably.
When he found out Elizabeth died he sobbed and wailed for hours upon hours, days upon days.  He’s still not over her death and can’t even hear her name without tearing up.
Elizabeth always wears giant, clunky boots. She just likes how they look.
She was the one Dally was closest too. She loved him a whole lot and always told him he was extra special (in a loving way, don’t be weird) he felt kinda bad about joining the gang cause he knew she would be worried, but it was what he had to do.
She was always worried about Dally getting caught up in gangs. She never wanted to have to go down to the police to get any of her siblings out! And she never had to…
She sang all the siblings lullabies at night. They all shared a room and she was the one who knew all the lullabies in their parents’ native tongues. Henry would join in with the ones he remembered, but she was mainly the one singing. The rest of them still hum some of the tunes to this day.
She had such a soft smile. It was beautiful and breathtaking. 
She had a boyfriend that she liked, his name was Teddy. But she became too stressed out about everything and started to shut out everything else. So she broke it off. 
She was honestly the most depressed sibling. She was the main caretaker of them all since their mom was an addict and their dad was barely around except to yell at them all and be violent. It took quite the toll on her but she pretended to be happy for her siblings.
When Dallas ran off after their mother was shot, she was worried sick. She couldn’t find him anywhere and didn’t even know what to do with herself with all that went down.
She worked several jobs while being the main parental figure for all the kids. But it was too much for her.
She felt incredibly guilty for what she was about to do. But life was becoming too much for her. This was her only way out in her eyes. So when she turned 23 she went to the Brooklyn Bridge, and jumped.
Laila was 11, Finn was 14. They got the news from the police. They sobbed as the news was delivered and they were hauled off to an orphanage.
Laila and Finn
Laila is the only one with brown eyes. They’re real big too. 
She used to carry around a beat-up wolf stuffed animal everywhere she went. It used to be Henry’s but he got too old for it. She still has him to this day. His name is “Terry” if you care.
Whenever she and Finn ended up in the orphanage, she was extremely sad. She barely had a clue what was going on and was just terrified. She became a lot more shy and anxious.
Dallas was always Finn’s hero when he was older. He thought he was so cool and tough because of little brother stuff. He was honestly the spitting image of Dallas as he got older. Except Finn has always stayed positive. So he looks like Dallas, if Dallas was happy and not hardened by the world. He also has shorter hair and dimples.
He loved his raincoat so much as a kid. He wore it all the time because he thought it made him look bigger and tougher.
Henry didn’t have the stability to take them in after Elizabeth’s death so he and Laila were taken to an orphanage. In turn Finn became extremely protective of Laila and had very little trust in everyone. He still managed to stay positive for the most part.
They did get adopted though, an older couple named Jeremiah and Kira. They were from North Carolina and came to visit family in New York. Kira wasn’t able to have kids so they gave up on having them a while ago. But then somebody in their family mentioned adoption and they decided to look into the process. Which led to them meeting Finn and Laila.
They now live happily in North Carolina, Finn is slowly adjusting and Laila is coming out of her shell. 
In the Survival AU, Finn and Laila were visiting Oklahoma and while stopping in Tulsa at Cynthia’s soda fountain, they saw him. Talking to his girl, laughing at something his friend said. Finn couldn’t believe his eyes. Laila didn’t even recognize him but was the one to point him out. Cynthia noticed the kids staring at them and brought Dally’s attention to them. Dally’s jaw dropped as soon as he saw the two of them. (I may draw this later) They didn’t even know how to react.
After they met again they told him about Elizabeth which he was not really in the state to take it, it was literally a year after everything went down with Johnny and such. But Henry found out and immediately roadtripped down to see them all.
Dally always thought if he ever saw his family again they would hate him and he would hate seeing them as well. He thought it would remind him too much of the day he ran off. But he honestly started crying with joy when he met eyes with Henry. He tried to keep up the tough guy attitude but when they all hugged he actually started crying. It felt nice to see his family again, the good ones.
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culturedirectory · 2 years
With its frequent references to an underfunded NHS, grim bursts of hedonism and explosive misdirected rage, Nil By Mouth (Gary Oldman, 1997) is a masterclass in British realism which not only deserves, but requires a remaster in 2022 (and a wide release in every British cinema if I had my way). Inspired by Oldman’s youth in New Cross, the film focuses on a working class family terrorised by the alcoholic patriarch Ray (Ray Winstone) and held together by the stoic matriarch Janet (Oldman’s sister Laila Morse) whose factory job provides for basic necessities including her son Billy’s (Charlie Creed-Miles) heroin addiction. Ray is the husband and abuser in chief of Janet’s horrifically mistreated, despairingly strong, pregnant daughter Val, portrayed sublimely by a haunted Kathy Burke in one of the greatest British performances ever put to screen. 
The film places viewers directly into the action, leaving the messy web of relationships to be discovered as we are drawn into the films extraordinarily detailed and dizzying world of depravity. Starting in a large and blue dimly lit social club, an aura of menace arises from the first shot. In a close up we first see Ray demanding the barman for a insane amount of booze as the camera, in close up shots, whips from detail to detail, capturing and mirroring the heady drunken night in full swing. Children and families are present as a comedian on stage spits the most misogynistic jokes imaginable, in a place you’d hope would be a refuge from the oppression its inhabitants suffer in the outside world. The camera, snapping between extreme close ups of punters’ faces, is eternally spinning and we follow Ray back to the table where Val and some friends are sat. He plonks some drinks, grunts vaguely at them and then walks off to join his bloke mates with the rest of the alcohol. Once there his sleazy friend and favourite enabler, Mark (Jamie Foreman) mirrors the discourse of the comic with a hedonistic tale of an orgy he once attended. The audience, not yet grasping the lengths of the two mens violence against women, is compelled to laugh at the absurd crassness of the tale. 
 At some point after this introduction into their world, the family (Ray, Mark, Val and Billy) are sat in Ray and Val’s flat and Mark and Ray are entertaining Billy with stories of their youth, this time focused on extreme senseless violence. A murder commited by a clearly mentally ill former classmate is remarked upon by Ray asking rhetorically “Who the fuck gave him a gun?” leading us to question why instead of being helped, the classmate was given a tool for violence which, obviously, he used. When Val tries to enquire about the story, watching with hollow eyes from the kitchen as she makes the men tea, she is told to shut up, belittled and called a cunt (as of 2019, the movie contains the most uses of this word in any film). She can never become a part of their sick world even when she attempts to be complicit in it. Their conversation also swings to their incredibly excessive substance abuse, Mark and Ray’s potion of choice in their youth being prescription pills and booze – “blueys, reddies, greenies, uppers, downers” – a desperate attempt to self medicate with a subversion of the tools given to them by the NHS. Mark is also surprisingly candid, although dismissive, of his experience with depression, claiming the “happy” pills they gave him to treat his case made the user violent, “likely to murder your parents”, one of the many markers of distrust in the film in relation to a decaying social system and a demonstration of the neo-liberal American grip tightening on the throat of the NHS. Even if the pills don’t provoke such an extreme reaction they are entirely numbing, leaving sleazebag Mark unable to “fuck” to his absolute dismay. The soundtrack, written by Eric Clapton, aids in this air of faux Americana as his blues riffs spiral and repeat throughout the film, providing an engrossing trance-like state whilst also being reminiscent of the sparse arrangements of a Morricone backed Western. This talk of medical imagery, present in the title of the film itself, conjures the writing of Mark E Smith as part of The Fall, their ballad “Mr. Pharmacist” being a damning takedown of the hypocracy around legal drugs and their sedating, numbing effects on society. This distrust in the of the NHS under its state of managed decline also extends to the female characters in the film, the people most vulnerable and in need of refuge. Potentially the most shockingly violent and unflinching scene in any kitchen sink drama, which for the sake of it’s pure cinematic and social power and already available discussion I will not be exploring explicitly, occurs around the halfway point of the film. The scene afterwards masterfully dismantles the shock value of the violent episode, using the viscerality to its benefit, lingering on the emotional, micro-structural implications rather than upping the ante. A horrifically disfigured Val lies to Janet that she has been run over. It is evident Janet is not buying her story but in an act of conditioned British foolishness refuses to press further. When asked why she didn’t go to the hospital, Val responds “you know what hospital is like at night.”. One can only imagine the kinds of violence fuelled by social mismanagement and underfunding which could provoke such a hesitancy to seek help in the exact place one should find it. 
Ray and Val are the two characters we see the most of, their respective actors delivering the richest performances. The character in the family we see the least of is their daughter. Raging desire to feel anything has left Ray with many children, a precise amount never given. Is her absence a sign of his lack of care? Most likely not, rather forcing audiences to identify with this tabula rasa of consciousness, who has only been privy to violence from her Father in her life. The harrowing radial point scene is ended by Ray saunters off the hellish, paranoia fuelled assault on his wife and in a wide shot constricted by a flight of stairs, sees his daughter at the top of them. Viewers have to speculate whether this pillar of innocence in the film was actually present during the beating and by extension, whether the point of spectatorship in the film is behind her eyes. This would certainly address the theme of cyclical abuse which Oldman is intent on exploring. When someone is exposed only to violence and witnesses only violence, they are likely to be violent. This much applies to Ray, who in a perverse therapeutic lapse in his utterly derranged macho demeanour,  speaks to Mark of his Father putting down his beloved dog whilst on holiday with his Gran and being the same kind of violent drunk as himself. This childish scene of regression where he longs for the affectionate yet shallow displays of a Father, demonstrates the eternal scars that abuse leaves and the frigid and facistic men it can create. His cries are so childish and unlike the exterior we’ve witnessed that we realise this man, whilst being frank with Mark, is not deeply understanding the root of the psychic and politcal conditions that create such infernal scenes of poverty. Thus the cycle continues. This makes it easy to view the ending with its disturbing, reunion of the family due to Billy’s recent incarceration as unfathomably precarious. Everyone is smiling and in good spirits, but Billy is now in prison and being threatened to have his head cut off for snitching and siding with the powers that be. Val’s promise to have fun and be happy by leaving Ray and his patriarchal, objectifying acts of pathetic control is now in tatters. This can especially deject audiences when considering how full of joy she was in previous, brightly lit scenes without Ray anywhere near her. She is living her dream to not be “someone people feel sorry for”. Possibly to the detriment of the film, this is nearly all her character has been up until this point. The attention given to Billy and his heroin odyssey could be better spent on Val’s internal monologue. This includes a bizarre hand held long take where a fellow addict recites a scene from Apocalypse Now. This does not seem a politically relevant movie and more of a way for Oldman to insert Brechtian meta commentary and flex his directing chops, although I understand the commentary on dehumanisation and isolation. This makes the moments of lightness unbearably sad. Viewers that long to see her as a fleshed out character and identify with her will have this immediately snatched from them only a few scenes. And therefore, the final scene offers only the monochrome darkness of their flat, now mended by Ray after completely trashing it. Again, the only work Ray can put in is the literal physical reconstruction of his damage, rather than anything deeper. 
This is a world where violence exists as a given. However, due to being a deeply personal piece of work, it doesn’t point fingers as explicitly at the causes of violence beyond the family. Yet this political imprecision is powerful because the viewer, through the grainy handheld camera, is a part of the family. We are forced to deal with the same reality that they deal with, including a structural inability to confront the governmental forces which have fostered such evil, without the physical means to create an environment of love. When seeing the world through the humanised and pharmaceutical-cloaked camera lens, viewers are left numb to the despicable suppression of the British working class, focusing on the misdirected cycle of rage and abuse that it leaves in its wake. The film ends with a dedication to Oldman’s father, his mother’s voice is dubbed in the scene where the family’s grandmother sings, his sister plays the matriarch holding the family together and his real Dad sat in the same armchair used in Ray’s flat. It is my opinion that we must congratulate Oldman for creating such a resonant piece which stands the test of time whilst being so deeply personal. The film is never dissatisfying in what it intends on achieving and the ambiguity of the ending is simply heart-shattering many years on.
0 notes
daemxnium · 2 years
for: kade winston / @qvietinfvrno​ location: woods outside of town
The dense tree line surrounding the heart of Grand Manan had formerly felt like a safe haven– but now as she realized that she wasn’t the thing that roamed with the biggest and baddest bite, Laila felt on edge: as if her bones had quieted and under her skin lay nothing but hot blood. She bore the scars of being what she was, but the moon whispered down to the ears of the wolves that often crooned her song and in response received nothing but deadened silence. Her boots tramped down tall grasses and her scowl spoke volumes– Laila was all too aware that her hearing wasn’t what it should be and that her senses felt deadened: like she was heady with a summer cold. It was why, when she finally saw Kade he was close enough to spit at, startling her until she saw him flick a cigarette butt towards the earth. “Asshole,” she snorted, “You’re going to burn the whole fuckin’ forest down.”
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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britishchick09 · 3 years
the best and worst books i read in school!
ever since 5th grade, i’ve been reading novels in school. with the end of high school looming (and today being the last day of classes), i’ve decided to list the ultimate show stoppers and the bird droppers. let’s begin! :D
the best of 5th grade- maniac magee! i don’t remember much about it besides the twinkie things (which actually exist at walmart!) and shipping maniac and the girl character. my 5th grade teacher reading it made it so much better :D we also read ‘chains’, which is about a slave girl names isabel going to freedom. it’s a very powerful book and the sequel, ‘forge’, which is about a freed soldier boy named curzon, is just as amazing! ‘esperanza rising’, the story of a girl named esperanza who moves from mexico to california during the great depression, is pretty great too from what i remember!
the worst of 5th grade- idk what else we read in 5th grade besides those three (technically four) books. it could’ve been an iconic book year! (it was already an iconic school year)
the best of 6th grade- drums, girls and dangerous pies! it’s an interesting story of a high schooler named steve dealing with a crush and his little brother’s cancer, yet there’s actually a happy ending! the end is really iconic since steve says ‘i-’ to his brother jeff and it’s clearly ‘i love you’ but it cuts off! bonus points to ‘the cay’, a story of a boy named phillip who ends up on a raft with a man named timothy and a cat named stew cat. it’s a neat adventure and timothy saying ‘malar!’ is an earworm of a phrase
the worst of 6th grade- HOLY FRICK ‘THE HATCHET’ IS THE MOST BORING BOOK EVER WRITTEN!!! it’s about this kid who gets stranded in the forest and there’s this skunk pal, so you’d think it would be like ‘the cay’ BUT IT’S NOT IT’S SO FREAKING DULL OMG!!!! bonus points to ‘the gadget’ which starts out cool BUT THEN THE MAIN CHARACTER(also called steve!)’S FRIEND ALEXI TURNS OUT TO BE A SPY AND TRIES STABBING HIM LIKE WOAH THESE KIDS ARE ELEVEN YEARS OLD STOP DOING THAT WTF!!!! if you thought the double digit chapter was bad... oh boy! also ‘boy in the striped pajamas’ was good but very depressing! :(
the best of 7th grade- tom sawyer! this is about a boy and his southern adventures. it was a great story, but the movie is one of my fave live action movies ever!! they say the book is better than the movie but the movie is miles better and it’s so cute!!! bonus points to ‘the giver’, which is about a boy named jonas who meets an old man who shows him life in a better world (and there’s a baby). jonas and the giver were very sweet together and i love how jonas and the baby escape their dystopian society at the end!
the worst of 7th grade- call of the wild! it’s about a sled dog named buck who goes on a wild adventure in the arctic. it’s not a bad book, but the movie was so cheesy and it focused on the humans WHY THO???
the best of 8th grade- the outsiders! it’s about a greaser named ponyboy who runs away with his friend johnny after johnnycake kills a soc named bob. pb and the other greasers were such great characters and the story was so interesting! i also liked how the story is set in tulsa, where my grandpa lived. the outsiders fandom is a lot of fun and i’m so glad the story became one of my faves! :D bonus points go to ‘the diary of anne frank’, which we only read the play, so i sought out the whole book and wow anne’s story is so tragic and inspiring! more bonus points to ‘the good earth’, which is about a man in china and has an awesome movie to it (despite having white actors) and ‘twelfth night’, which is a funny shakespeare play about a girl named viola who disguses herself as a man named cesario. it’s full of romance, laughter and a hot feste singing voice (in the 1987 audiobook at least). and olivia is definitely bi ;)
the worst of 8th grade- animal farm! it’s about an orwell dystopian society (hmm...) but in a barn with animals. it’s not bad, but many of the animals were jerks except old major and the 1999 movie we watched was so cringy! (and the beasts of england song was changed which wasn’t cool)
the best of 9th grade-  the odyssey! it’s the ancient greek story of odysseus, a soldier who goes on an epic adventure to get home. the book was alright, but the movie was awesome and the movie ‘o brother where art thou’ (which is based on the story) is really great too! harrison burgeron, a dystopian society with a bad boi, was awesome too because i remember seeing the short film of it in 7th grade. ‘to kill a mockingbird’, which is about a girl named scout living in the segregated south, is really great as well! i loved how it was set in the 30s and scout was so much fun! (i’m a bit bummed at how we didn’t get to see the movie tho). ‘romeo and juliet’ is shakespeare’s most iconic work, being a tale of two star crossed lovers in fair verona. i really enjoyed the story(not the d jokes tho) and it inspired me to write a story set in 1596 (when the play was made)! i take back what i said about 5th grade being iconic 9TH GRADE WAS SO ICONIC YAS!!!!!
the worst of 9th grade- the scarlet ibis! it’s about a boy who takes care of his sick brother named doobie and tries to make him ‘normal’. it’s sweet how the iris symbolizes the brother, but how they die at the end is so sad! ‘the sniper’ wasn’t that good but the plot twist of the sniper guy shooting his brother was neat (also the ‘romeo + juliet’ movie wasn’t that good besides mercutio)
the best of 10th grade- a thousand splendid suns! the most recent book i’ve read, it’s about two women named mariam and laila who live in the afghanistan as the taliban take over. their story is so inspiring and i love how laila was able to be happy after all the horrifying things she went through with rasheed. mariam sacrificing herself for laila by killing rasheed was very powerful and i wish the stage version had her in it. bonus points go to ‘lord of the flies’! a group of boys are stranded on an island and there’s much boy chaos involved. it’s a great story and the fandom was too!
the worst of 10th grade- where are you going where have you been! this is about a girl named colleen who meets a guy named arnold friend. he’s very creepy and it’s an uncomfortable story to read (even more than rasheed!). equal bonus points to ‘the red bow’, a confusing story of a dead girl, a dog and red bows that i still don’t understand!
the best of 11th grade- the crucible! it’s about a girl named abigail who gets swept up in the salam witch trials. it’s a fascinating story with real life elements (rip giles) and the movie was pretty good. ‘the great gatsby’ was also a great story about how the roaring 20s wasn’t as fun as it seemed through the story of gatsby, all told through the eyes of nick
the worst of 11th grade- into the wild! this is a study sync thing, but we did a lot of those compared to novels. it’s about chris mccandles, a guy who tried surviving in a van in alaska and died, making a terribly tragic tale. ‘an incident at owl creek’ was ok but the best part was the plot twist of the guy running to his wife and being hung right before he can touch her (we saw the twilight zone ep instead of reading it and the twist was *chef’s kiss*)
the best of 12th grade- 1984!!! it’s the story of a dreamer named winston, who lives in the dystopian world of oceania. he meets a girl named julia and the two have a secret love affair, but they soon find out that no one is safe under the eye of bb. it’s terrifying tale that’s a bit depressing, but there are so many little moments that make me smile and the movie is even better. winston is relatable in some ways, julia is awesome and julston is a pretty great ship! it’s a big improvement over animal farm and it’s definitely my favorite adult story. bonus points go to ‘rime of the ancient mariner’, which is about an old sailor recounting his unfortunate journey at sea. the mariner telling his story to a random wedding guest was funny and it was an adventure like the odyssey! another round of bonus points to ‘beowulf’, an ancient norse tale of a warrior who fights a monster named grendel. the parts of the 2007 movie we saw sucked, but the story was really cool! wiglaf gets a shout out because he’s the best warrior :) another half bonus point to ‘hunger games’, which we saw the movie of. it’s about a girl named katniss who competes in a competition called the hunger games, which makes for a thrilling adventure!
the worst of 12th grade- hamlet! all of what we read this year was really good, but someone had to be last. this shakespearean tale is of hamlet, a prince who seeks revenge >:) it’s an ok story and i like the ghost dad!
now for my all time favorites! (and least faves)
the worst of the worst- the hatchet, the red bow, where are you going where have you been and the gadget
the best of the best!- 1984, the outsiders, a thousand splendid suns,  the diary of anne frank, the odyssey, romeo and juliet, to kill a mockingbird, twelfth night, harrison burgeron, rime of the ancient mariner and the good earth (along with the tom sawyer/1984 movies and hunger games)
good or bad, the books i read throughout school were amazing and i can’t wait to see what college brings! :D
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pinkchocolatesims · 4 years
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I feel like I may have shared these before but #ohwell. They are too cute.
(L-R) Nehemiah, Winston-Jacob, Laila, Harley, Aurielle, Aracelli
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xxsimschallengesxx · 4 years
100 Not So Berry Baby Challenge Masterlist - Pt. 1
Mint Generation
Babies 1 - 4: Kayden, Nelson, Annabella, and Hallie
Babies 5 & 6: Julius and Bridgette
Babies 7 & 8: Heath and Benson
Babies 9 - 11: Melanie, Weston, and Shaun
Babies 12 - 14: Annalee, Patrick, and Gunnar
Babies 15 - 17: Azure, Cruz, and Hector
Babies 18 & 19: Cedric and Kendrick
Babies 20 - 22: Lyle, Peter, and Sienna
Babies 23 - 27: Imani, Trenton, Aylin, Dax, and Carly
Babies 28 - 32: Frederick, Troy, Sylas, Joelle, and Callista
Babies 33 - 35: Conrad, Stanley, and Argus
Babies 36 & 37: Mara and Cynthia
Babies 38 - 42: Bradley, Rainn, Natasha, Marley, and Dallas
Babies 43 - 46: Kourtney, Tatum, Octavia, and Lorna
Babies 47 - 49: Bailey, Jerry, and Karina
Babies 50 - 52: Annabelle, Dave, and Chance
Babies 53 - 55: Magdalena, Matty, and Leonel
Babies 56 - 58: Yadira, Dana, and Stuart
Babies 59 - 62: Gloria, Tyrone, Alyse, and Maya
Babies 63 & 64: Jovan and Wanda
Babies 65 & 66: Malakai and Kari
Babies 67 & 68: Karson and Wilson
Babies 69 - 72: Ken, Adrien, Anne, and Jenny
Babies 73 - 77: Judy, Hank, Pedro, Tabatha, and Devon
Babies 78 & 79: Tania and Jolene
Babies 80 - 83: Jay, Abel, Martina, and Hayes
Babies 84 & 85: Lizette and Janice
Babies 86 & 87: Lindsey and Drew
Babies 88 & 89: Mauricio and Blaze
Babies 90 - 92: Minkz, Darnell, and Timothy
Babies 93 - 95: Marissa, Judd, and Sammy
Babies 96 & 97: Atticus and Lillie
Babies 98 - 100: Destiny, Mike, and Alan
Rose Generation
Babies 1 & 2: Kyla and Omar
Babies 3 - 5: Ciera, Ted, and Devante
Babies 6 & 7: Averie and Angelo
Babies 8 & 9: Sarai and Otto
Babies 10 - 12: German, Staci, and Elise
Babies 13 & 14: Kody and Princeton
Babies 15 - 17: Dorian, Lea, and Raylan
Babies 18 & 19: Samantha and Maegan
Babies 20 - 24: Antwan, Caitlin, Archer, Alaina, and Lillian
Babies 25 & 26: Kenya and Stuart
Babies 27 & 28: Lee and Gina
Babies 29 - 31: Amina, Ashly, and Anton
Babies 32 - 34: Lyssa, Esteban, and Jaron
Babies 35 & 36: Azura and Draha
Babies 37 & 38: Watson and Waylon
Babies 39 - 41: Garrison, Evan, and Bria
Babies 42 & 43: Dana and Shayna
Babies 44 - 46: Raven, Ember, and Raiden
Babies 47 - 49: Zane, Darwin, and Axel
Babies 50 - 52: Julie, River, and Elvis
Babies 53 - 55: Myron, Bailey, and Jayleen
Babies 56 - 59: Kambria, Emmalyn, Tucker, and Leo
Babies 60 & 61: Joy and Krystal
Babies 62 - 65: Carmelo, Stephany, Jeanette, and Juniper
Babies 66 - 68: Jacklyn, Keri, and Nasir
Babies 69 & 70: Lynn and Aileen
Babies 71 - 73: Susan, Marielle, and Journey
Babies 74 - 78: Keaton, Tyler, Blake, Nina, and Mabel
Babies 79 - 81: Berjes, Paola, and Cali
Babies 82 - 85: Layne, Piper, Justice, and Marie
Babies 86 - 88: Cassiel, Liberty, and Ralph
Babies 89 - 91: Trace, Dwight, and Laurel
Babies 92 - 94: Juanita, Rhiannon, and Argus
Babies 95 - 99: Gladys, Amara, Thalia, Laila, and Lakshmi
Baby 100: Betsy
Yellow Generation
Babies 1 - 4: Daisy, Noelle, Tim, and Nicolas
Babies 5 - 8: Gem, Alondra, Lilit, and Edgar
Baby 9: Mara
Babies 10 - 12: Gordon, Winston, and Myla
Babies 13 & 14: Brennan and Abraham
Baby 15: Krysta
Babies 16 & 17: Alyx and JoAnna
Babies 18 - 20: Agustin, Audrina, and Knox
Babies 21 & 22: Makenna and Beejey
Babies 23 - 26: Zaiden, Ronnie, Scott, and Yaritza
Babies 27 - 30: Meredith, Norman, Devon, and Celeste
Babies 31 - 33: Kallie, Elisha, and Kieran
Babies 34 & 35: Art and Alvetta
Babies 36 - 38: Raquel, Melina, and Don
Babies 39 - 42: Vernon, Catherine, Kimber, and Ramiro
Babies 43 - 47: Roshon, Lola, Israel, Jazlyn, and Bella
Babies 48 & 49: Daphne and Elmer
Babies 50 & 51: Seth and Clarence
Baby 52: Kirsten
Babies 53 - 56: Tara, Janay, Kyleigh, and Samson
Babies 57 - 59: Celina, Hadley, and Tevin
Babies 60 - 62: Johnnie, Hun, Khali
Baby 63: Destinee
Babies 64 - 66: Martina, Shawna, and Briston
Baby 67: Trent
Babies 68 & 69: Bristol and Finley
Babies 70 & 71: Tyrell and Finnegan
Babies 72 & 73: Saul and Breanna
Babies 74 & 75: Shirley and Fatima
Babies 76 - 79: Noe, Raina, and Chaya
Babies 80 - 82: Bowen, Lester, and Salvatore
Babies 83 & 84: Priscilla and Tyson
Babies 85 - 87: Marybella, Kaston, and Ayla
Babies 88 - 91: Dayna, Aleah, Gunnar, and Lawson
Babies 92 - 94: Izaiah, Janine, and Major
Babies 95 - 100: Kelvin, Shelly, Jimena, Antwan, Kaelin, and Giancarlo
Grey Generation
Babies 1 - 4: Taryn, Lorenzo, Gordon, and Rocio
Babies 5 & 6: Ullal and Marc
Babies 7 - 10: Angie, Haeju, Aldo, and Regina
Babies 11 & 12: Cristina and Serenity
Babies 13 - 17: Silas, Shelby, Nancy, Gracelyn, and Gemma
Babies 18 & 19: Colt and Neveah
Babies 20 - 22: Hayes, Gabriella, and Frank
Babies 23 - 26: Parker, Jaime, Farhan, and Austen
Babies 27 - 30: Ramin, Monique, Pelham, and Cullen
Babies 31 - 33: Soren, Erich, and Xzavier
Babies 34 & 35: Kellan and Chad
Babies 36 - 38: Celia, Latisha, and Alina
Babies 39 - 41: Ervin, Kala, and Danica
Babies 42 - 44: Julie, Charmer, and Cason
Babies 45 - 48: Beau, Brooke, Clifton, and Matias
Babies 49 - 52: Suzanna, Krystle, Gavin, and Waldemar
Babies 53 - 56: Daphne, Simone, Dave, and Leah
Babies 57 - 61: Shayne, Jonas, Boston, Kayson, and Cynthia
Babies 62 - 65: Vivek, Izabella, Kamden, and Venkat
Babies 66 & 67: Caiphus and Veronica
Babies 68 & 69: Gene and Vera
Babies 70 & 71: Kacie and Elle
Babies 72 - 75: Bianca and Malachi
Babies 76 - 78: Porter, Adriel, and Edwin
Babies 79 & 80: Rex and Dean
Babies 81 - 82: Mariana and Roy
Babies 83-92: Maci, Talon, Stella, Bill, Jabari, and Ryland
Babies 93 - 95: Luca, Marina, and Cale
Babies 96 - 102: Anya, Carlie, Jennie, and Trace
Plum Generation
Baby 1: Irving
Babies 2 - 4: Nikita, Maggie, and Colten
Baby 5: Kendall
Baby 6: Mollie
Babies 7 & 8: Jalisa and Lance
Babies 9 & 10: Joelle and Silas
Babies 11 & 12: Darrius and Rudy
Babies 13 - 16: Marci, Sierra, and Seth
Babies 17 - 19: Lorena, Jim, and Mariela
Babies 20 & 21: Miles and Brenton
Babies 22 & 23: Francesca and Audra
Babies 24 & 25: Skyler and Hollie
Babies 26 - 29: Kristian, Raphael, Adonis, and Edmund
Babies 30 - 32: Estrella, Huy, and Raul
Babies 33 - 35: Kara, Dorothy, and Gunner
Babies 36 - 38: Valentina, Brittany, and Travis
Babies 39 & 40: Jaxen and Remington
Babies 41 & 42: Jena and Margaret
Babies 43 & 44: Royce and Precious
Babies 45 & 46: Jalisa and Cody
Babies 47 - 52: Marcella, Phillip, Jocelyn, Aria, Gilbert, and Kareem
Babies 53 & 54: Berjes and Kasen
Babies 55 - 57: Daphne, Isaias, and Tanvi
Babies 58 - 60: Rhea, Vivek, and Ken
Babies 61 - 64: Gem, Carmen, Tylor, and Vincente
Babies 65 - 68: Alma, Herbert, Alexandrea, and Keisha
Babies 69 - 72: Argus, Rosalie, Nadine, and Anastasia
Babies 73 & 74: Marilyn and Tatum
Babies 75 - 77: Aarav, Milton, and Sade
Babies 78 & 79: Rogelio and Karina
Babies 80 - 84: Marisol, Carina, and Clarence
Babies 85 - 87: Leilani, Roxana, and Elyse
Babies 88 - 91: Odin, Carla, and Hallie
Babies 92 - 94: Preston, Jacobo, and Rowan
Babies 95 & 96: Donald and Chana
Babies 97 - 100: Greta, Betsy, Keegan, and Brynn
Orange Generation
Babies 1 & 2: Chelsea and Ashlee
Baby 3: Paige
Babies 4 & 5: Kyla and Iris
Babies 6 - 14: Aili, Lawrence, Steve, Marjorie, and Chaya
Babies 15 & 16: Cason and Clarence
Baby 17: Heidi
Baby 18: Kerri
Babies 19 - 22: Vikram, Manu, and Nestor
Babies 23-28: Allie, Lillie, and Keenan
Babies 29 & 30: Lauren and Megan
Babies 31 & 32: Deidre and Peppino
Babies 33 & 34: Genesis and Carley
Babies 35 - 40: Rez, Britney, Dina, and Misty
Babies 41 - 43: Catalina and Melina
Babies 44 - 46: Jordon, Branson, and Nikita
Babies 47 - 51: Randy, Araceli, Lee, Melvin, and Grant
Babies 52 & 53: Peter and Dave
Babies 54 & 55: Earl and Eva
Babies 56 - 58: Hector, Amir, and Aniyah
Babies 59 - 61: Jack and Chester
Babies 62 - 65: Layne, Silvia, Myra, and Elmer
Babies 66 & 67: Donte and Ruby
Babies 68 - 71: Archer and Arron
Babies 72 - 76: Joyce, Enzo, and Ruben
Babies 77 - 80: Pawel and Lorena
Babies 81 - 88: Piper, Eve, Braxton, Judas, and Rhett
Babies 89 - 91: Waylon, Nico, and Dulce
Babies 92 - 95: Casey, Georgia, Pearl, and Princess
Babies 96 - 101: Connie, Shaina, and Gilbert
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wikitopx · 5 years
Here are the top 500 baby name meaning!
1. Top 500 baby name meaning
Rank Male name Female name 1 Liam Emma 2 Noah Olivia 3 William Ava 4 James Isabella 5 Oliver Sophia 6 Benjamin Charlotte 7 Elijah Mia 8 Lucas Amelia 9 Mason Harper 10 Logan Evelyn 11 Alexander Abigail 12 Ethan Emily 13 Jacob Elizabeth 14 Michael Mila 15 Daniel Ella 16 Henry Avery 17 Jackson Sofia 18 Sebastian Camila 19 Aiden Aria 20 Matthew Scarlett 21 Samuel Victoria 22 David Madison 23 Joseph Luna 24 Carter Grace 25 Owen Chloe 26 Wyatt Penelope 27 John Layla 28 Jack Riley 29 Luke Zoey 30 Jayden Nora 31 Dylan Lily 32 Grayson Eleanor 33 Levi Hannah 34 Isaac Lillian 35 Gabriel Addison 36 Julian Aubrey 37 Mateo Ellie 38 Anthony Stella 39 Jaxon Natalie 40 Lincoln Zoe 41 Joshua Leah 42 Christopher Hazel 43 Andrew Violet 44 Theodore Aurora 45 Caleb Savannah 46 Ryan Audrey 47 Asher Brooklyn 48 Nathan Bella 49 Thomas Claire 50 Leo Skylar 51 Isaiah Lucy 52 Charles Paisley 53 Josiah Everly 54 Hudson Anna 55 Christian Caroline 56 Hunter Nova 57 Connor Genesis 58 Eli Emilia 59 Ezra Kennedy 60 Aaron Samantha 61 Landon Maya 62 Adrian Willow 63 Jonathan Kinsley 64 Nolan Naomi 65 Jeremiah Aaliyah 66 Easton Elena 67 Elias Sarah 68 Colton Ariana 69 Cameron Allison 70 Carson Gabriella 71 Robert Alice 72 Angel Madelyn 73 Maverick Cora 74 Nicholas Ruby 75 Dominic Eva 76 Jaxson Serenity 77 Greyson Autumn 78 Adam Adeline 79 Ian Hailey 80 Austin Gianna 81 Santiago Valentina 82 Jordan Isla 83 Cooper Eliana 84 Brayden Quinn 85 Roman Nevaeh 86 Evan Ivy 87 Ezekiel Sadie 88 Xavier Piper 89 Jose Lydia 90 Jace Alexa 91 Jameson Josephine 92 Leonardo Emery 93 Bryson Julia 94 Axel Delilah 95 Everett Arianna 96 Parker Vivian 97 Kayden Kaylee 98 Miles Sophie 99 Sawyer Brielle 100 Jason Madeline 101 Declan Peyton 102 Weston Rylee 103 Micah Clara 104 Ayden Hadley 105 Wesley Melanie 106 Luca Mackenzie 107 Vincent Reagan 108 Damian Adalynn 109 Zachary Liliana 110 Silas Aubree 111 Gavin Jade 112 Chase Katherine 113 Kai Isabelle 114 Emmett Natalia 115 Harrison Raelynn 116 Nathaniel Maria 117 Kingston Athena 118 Cole Ximena 119 Tyler Arya 120 Bennett Leilani 121 Bentley Taylor 122 Ryker Faith 123 Tristan Rose 124 Brandon Kylie 125 Kevin Alexandra 126 Luis Mary 127 George Margaret 128 Ashton Lyla 129 Rowan Ashley 130 Braxton Amaya 131 Ryder Eliza 132 Gael Brianna 133 Ivan Bailey 134 Diego Andrea 135 Maxwell Khloe 136 Max Jasmine 137 Carlos Melody 138 Kaiden Iris 139 Juan Isabel 140 Maddox Norah 141 Justin Annabelle 142 Waylon Valeria 143 Calvin Emerson 144 Giovanni Adalyn 145 Jonah Ryleigh 146 Abel Eden 147 Jayce Emersyn 148 Jesus Anastasia 149 Amir Kayla 150 King Alyssa 151 Beau Juliana 152 Camden Charlie 153 Alex Esther 154 Jasper Ariel 155 Malachi Cecilia 156 Brody Valerie 157 Jude Alina 158 Blake Molly 159 Emmanuel Reese 160 Eric Aliyah 161 Brooks Lilly 162 Elliot Parker 163 Antonio Finley 164 Abraham Morgan 165 Timothy Sydney 166 Finn Jordyn 167 Rhett Eloise 168 Elliott Trinity 169 Edward Daisy 170 August Kimberly 171 Xander Lauren 172 Alan Genevieve 173 Dean Sara 174 Lorenzo Arabella 175 Bryce Harmony 176 Karter Elise 177 Victor Remi 178 Milo Teagan 179 Miguel Alexis 180 Hayden London 181 Graham Sloane 182 Grant Laila 183 Zion Lucia 184 Tucker Diana 185 Jesse Juliette 186 Zayden Sienna 187 Joel Elliana 188 Richard Londyn 189 Patrick Ayla 190 Emiliano Callie 191 Avery Gracie 192 Nicolas Josie 193 Brantley Amara 194 Dawson Jocelyn 195 Myles Daniela 196 Matteo Everleigh 197 River Mya 198 Steven Rachel 199 Thiago Summer 200 Zane Alana 201 Matias Brooke 202 Judah Alaina 203 Messiah Mckenzie 204 Jeremy Catherine 205 Preston Amy 206 Oscar Presley 207 Kaleb Journee 208 Alejandro Rosalie 209 Marcus Ember 210 Mark Brynlee 211 Peter Rowan 212 Maximus Joanna 213 Barrett Paige 214 Jax Rebecca 215 Andres Ana 216 Holden Sawyer 217 Legend Mariah 218 Charlie Nicole 219 Knox Brooklynn 220 Kaden Payton 221 Paxton Marley 222 Kyrie Fiona 223 Kyle Georgia 224 Griffin Lila 225 Josue Harley 226 Kenneth Adelyn 227 Beckett Alivia 228 Enzo Noelle 229 Adriel Gemma 230 Arthur Vanessa 231 Felix Journey 232 Bryan Makayla 233 Lukas Angelina 234 Paul Adaline 235 Brian Catalina 236 Colt Alayna 237 Caden Julianna 238 Leon Leila 239 Archer Lola 240 Omar Adriana 241 Israel June 242 Aidan Juliet 243 Theo Jayla 244 Javier River 245 Remington Tessa 246 Jaden Lia 247 Bradley Dakota 248 Emilio Delaney 249 Colin Selena 250 Riley Blakely 251 Cayden Ada 252 Phoenix Camille 253 Clayton Zara 254 Simon Malia 255 Ace Hope 256 Nash Samara 257 Derek Vera 258 Rafael Mckenna 259 Zander Briella 260 Brady Izabella 261 Jorge Hayden 262 Jake Raegan 263 Louis Michelle 264 Damien Angela 265 Karson Ruth 266 Walker Freya 267 Maximiliano Kamila 268 Amari Vivienne 269 Sean Aspen 270 Chance Olive 271 Walter Kendall 272 Martin Elaina 273 Finley Thea 274 Andre Kali 275 Tobias Destiny 276 Cash Amiyah 277 Corbin Evangeline 278 Arlo Cali 279 Iker Blake 280 Erick Elsie 281 Emerson Juniper 282 Gunner Alexandria 283 Cody Myla 284 Stephen Ariella 285 Francisco Kate 286 Killian Mariana 287 Dallas Lilah 288 Reid Charlee 289 Manuel Daleyza 290 Lane Nyla 291 Atlas Jane 292 Rylan Maggie 293 Jensen Zuri 294 Ronan Aniyah 295 Beckham Lucille 296 Daxton Leia 297 Anderson Melissa 298 Kameron Adelaide 299 Raymond Amina 300 Orion Giselle 301 Cristian Lena 302 Tanner Camilla 303 Kyler Miriam 304 Jett Millie 305 Cohen Brynn 306 Ricardo Gabrielle 307 Spencer Sage 308 Gideon Annie 309 Ali Logan 310 Fernando Lilliana 311 Jaiden Haven 312 Titus Jessica 313 Travis Kaia 314 Bodhi Magnolia 315 Eduardo Amira 316 Dante Adelynn 317 Ellis Makenzie 318 Prince Stephanie 319 Kane Nina 320 Luka Phoebe 321 Kash Arielle 322 Hendrix Evie 323 Desmond Lyric 324 Donovan Alessandra 325 Mario Gabriela 326 Atticus Paislee 327 Cruz Raelyn 328 Garrett Madilyn 329 Hector Paris 330 Angelo Makenna 331 Jeffrey Kinley 332 Edwin Gracelyn 333 Cesar Talia 334 Zayn Maeve 335 Devin Rylie 336 Conor Kiara 337 Warren Evelynn 338 Odin Brinley 339 Jayceon Jacqueline 340 Romeo Laura 341 Julius Gracelynn 342 Jaylen Lexi 343 Hayes Ariah 344 Kayson Fatima 345 Muhammad Jennifer 346 Jaxton Kehlani 347 Joaquin Alani 348 Caiden Ariyah 349 Dakota Luciana 350 Major Allie 351 Keegan Heidi 352 Sergio Maci 353 Marshall Phoenix 354 Johnny Felicity 355 Kade Joy 356 Edgar Kenzie 357 Leonel Veronica 358 Ismael Margot 359 Marco Addilyn 360 Tyson Lana 361 Wade Cassidy 362 Collin Remington 363 Troy Saylor 364 Nasir Ryan 365 Conner Keira 366 Adonis Harlow 367 Jared Miranda 368 Rory Angel 369 Andy Amanda 370 Jase Daniella 371 Lennox Royalty 372 Shane Gwendolyn 373 Malik Ophelia 374 Ari Heaven 375 Reed Jordan 376 Seth Madeleine 377 Clark Esmeralda 378 Erik Kira 379 Lawson Miracle 380 Trevor Elle 381 Gage Amari 382 Nico Danielle 383 Malakai Daphne 384 Quinn Willa 385 Cade Haley 386 Johnathan Gia 387 Sullivan Kaitlyn 388 Solomon Oakley 389 Cyrus Kailani 390 Fabian Winter 391 Pedro Alicia 392 Frank Serena 393 Shawn Nadia 394 Malcolm Aviana 395 Khalil Demi 396 Nehemiah Jada 397 Dalton Braelynn 398 Mathias Dylan 399 Jay Ainsley 400 Ibrahim Alison 401 Peyton Camryn 402 Winston Avianna 403 Kason Bianca 404 Zayne Skyler 405 Noel Scarlet 406 Princeton Maddison 407 Matthias Nylah 408 Gregory Sarai 409 Sterling Regina 410 Dominick Dahlia 411 Elian Nayeli 412 Grady Raven 413 Russell Helen 414 Finnegan Adrianna 415 Ruben Averie 416 Gianni Skye 417 Porter Kelsey 418 Kendrick Tatum 419 Leland Kensley 420 Pablo Maliyah 421 Allen Erin 422 Hugo Viviana 423 Raiden Jenna 424 Kolton Anaya 425 Remy Carolina 426 Ezequiel Shelby 427 Damon Sabrina 428 Emanuel Mikayla 429 Zaiden Annalise 430 Otto Octavia 431 Bowen Lennon 432 Marcos Blair 433 Abram Carmen 434 Kasen Yaretzi 435 Franklin Kennedi 436 Royce Mabel 437 Jonas Zariah 438 Sage Kyla 439 Philip Christina 440 Esteban Selah 441 Drake Celeste 442 Kashton Eve 443 Roberto Mckinley 444 Harvey Milani 445 Alexis Frances 446 Kian Jimena 447 Jamison Kylee 448 Maximilian Leighton 449 Adan Katie 450 Milan Aitana 451 Phillip Kayleigh 452 Albert Sierra 453 Dax Kathryn 454 Mohamed Rosemary 455 Ronin Jolene 456 Kamden Alondra 457 Hank Elisa 458 Memphis Helena 459 Oakley Charleigh 460 Augustus Hallie 461 Drew Lainey 462 Moises Avah 463 Armani Jazlyn 464 Rhys Kamryn 465 Benson Mira 466 Jayson Cheyenne 467 Kyson Francesca 468 Braylen Antonella 469 Corey Wren 470 Gunnar Chelsea 471 Omari Amber 472 Alonzo Emory 473 Landen Lorelei 474 Armando Nia 475 Derrick Abby 476 Dexter April 477 Enrique Emelia 478 Bruce Carter 479 Nikolai Aylin 480 Francis Cataleya 481 Rocco Bethany 482 Kairo Marlee 483 Royal Carly 484 Zachariah Kaylani 485 Arjun Emely 486 Deacon Liana 487 Skyler Madelynn 488 Eden Cadence 489 Alijah Matilda 490 Rowen Sylvia 491 Pierce Myra 492 Uriel Fernanda 493 Ronald Oaklyn 494 Luciano Elianna 495 Tate Hattie 496 Frederick Dayana 497 Kieran Kendra 498 Lawrence Maisie 499 Moses Malaysia 500 Rodrigo Kara
2. Meaning of name "Liam" and "Emma"
Liam's name is the name of a boy of Irish origin meaning "resolute protection".
Liam originated as the nickname of Uilliam, the Irish variant of William. William is an English name from German origin brought to Ireland when the British fled England after the conquest of Norman.
The Irish began to use English names, including William, which led to the development of Uilliam and its short form, Liam.
Liam is the top US boy's name for 2018, joining the elite group of names to top the list. Liam started out as a short form of William but has long stood on his own and for several years has become one of the most popular baby names for boys.
Now it is the fastest-growing Irish name in the United States, first entering the Top 10 in 2012 and before climbing to No. 1, holding No. 2 for four consecutive years.
Initially, a short form of the German name beginning with the ermen element meaning "whole" or "universal". It was introduced to England by Emma of Normandy, who was the wife of King Ethelred II (and by him the mother of Edward the Confession) and later King Canute.
After the Norman conquest, this name became popular in England. It was revived in the 18th century, perhaps in part because of a poem by Henry Prior Henry and Emma (1709). In the United States, it ranked third in 1880 (after Mary and Anna were omnipresent).
It declined steadily over the next century, beginning another rise in the 1980s and eventually becoming the most popular name for girls in 2008.
At this time it also experienced similar levels of popularity elsewhere, including the United Kingdom (where it began rising a decade earlier), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.
More ideals for you: Top 500 Arabic Names
From : https://wikitopx.com/name-meanings/top-500-baby-name-meaning-711994.html
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dannyreviews · 8 years
Nil By Mouth (1997)
South East London; a place of drugs, poverty, grittiness and pure depression. Gary Oldman’s directorial debut “Nil By Mouth”, acts as a firsthand look into living among the downtrodden in dark gray colored council flats. Charles Dickens could not have imagined up a bleaker look of London poverty in his heyday. Neither could John Osborne or Alan Sillitoe in their kitchen sink realist stories. Oldman has them beat by a ten foot pole.
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Ray Winstone plays Ray, a short tempered drug abuser in the worst part of South East London. He lives with his suffering wife Valerie (Kathy Burke), their daughter and Valerie’s heroin addicted brother Billy (Charlie Creed-Miles). When Ray catches Billy stealing drugs from him, he kicks him out of his home, leaving Billy on his own in the dark and dirty streets. Billy and Valerie’s mother Janet (Laila Morse) tries to get Billy off of drugs, but initially takes him everywhere for his next high. She also tries to get Valerie to leave Ray, because of his abuse. All of this leads to an endless array of dysfunction that is constantly tearing the family apart.
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As an acting showcase, Oldman has assembled a top notch cast of amazing actors who all mastered playing these challenging roles. As a cohesive film, it falls short. There are times when scenes last longer than they should, such as the opening shot at the nightclub, which could have had about 5 minutes taken out. Then there is the collage of moments involving Ray’s temper and Billy’s drug abuse, that didn’t connect well. Then towards the end, we think that the family has overcome their baggage and yet there still is a lot of burdens that still befalls this family. This is most likely Oldman’s message that living in poverty has its laundry list of negativity that is endless, but in a film where everyone is miserable, I think it would have left the viewer with a sense of optimism that everyone will be fine. Oldman shows that a little bit, but you still feel that the “happily ever after” scenario is light-years away. For a film with outstanding performances, it should have had a better screenplay to accommodate them.
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Ray Winstone, in his breakthrough role worldwide, is excellent as the abusive, hotheaded Ray. He gives everything, from his body language to his emotions to perfect his character’s descent into the worst possible situations imaginable. Kathy Burke acts as the perfect counterpart to the abusive relationship as the battered wife. For a woman who just a few years before played a recurring role in the sitcom “Absolutely Fabulous”, does a complete 180. As Valerie, it appeared like she took pointers from actual abused women to tackle her performance. Either that, or just an actor’s intuition. Whatever the case may be, Burke aced everything. Charlie Creed-Miles lived and breathed the life of a drug addict as Billy. Everything from his negative attitude to his vulnerable person just spelled out a convincing portrait of someone who’s only concern is where to score more drugs. And then there was Laila Morse (Oldman’s sister) in her film debut as the suffering matriarch Janet. Having grown up in the environment with her younger brother, Morse is a natural fit to South East London’s decadence. Other noteworthy performance included Jamie Forman as Ray’s friend Mark and Jon Morrison as Billy’s drug buddy Angus.
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“Nil By Mouth” was a critical hit in the London press, but failed to make an impression here in the States. It won BAFTAs for Best Original Screenplay and Best British Film. The first award should have gone to one of the other three nominees (The Full Monty, Boogie Nights or Mrs. Brown), which had more superior plot setups. The latter should have gone to The Full Monty because it’s the one film in that year that has had the greatest impact on worldwide pop culture. Kathy Burke’s awards included the Cannes Film Festival and British Film Independent Awards for Best Actress. Ray Winstone won at the British Film Independent as well. Both received well deserved BAFTA nominations. “Nil By Mouth” should be more regarded for its acting than its screenwriting and I believe that Gary Oldman should be doing more work behind the camera and not so much in front of a typewriter.
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everyfilmisaw · 8 years
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Nil by Mouth by Gary Oldman, 1997
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
Which actor played Winston Churchill in the film 'Darkest Hour'?
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'Darkest Hour' is a 2017 war drama film starring Gary Oldman (born 1958) as Winston Churchill (1874-1965). It is about Churchill's early days as the British Prime Minister during the Second World War. Oldman won the Academy Award for Best Actor for the role at the 90th Academy Awards.
As well as an Academy Award, Oldman has won a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and three British Academy Film Awards. He has acted in many notable roles, including Sid Vicious in 'Sid and Nancy', Sirius Black in the 'Harry Potter' movies, George Smiley in 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' and James Gordon in 'The Dark Knight Trilogy'.
The 'Washington Post' and the 'Independent' regard Oldman as one of the greatest actors of his generation. Several actors have cited him as their inspiration, with Christian Bale saying Oldman was "the reason I'm acting".
Oldman is very private about his life, although his struggle with alcoholism in the early 1990s did not escape the press. He has been married three times and has three children. His sister, Maureen Oldman (born 1945), known professionally as Laila Morse, is an English actress known for her role as Mo Harris in the BBC soap 'Eastenders'.
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annethunderstorms · 3 years
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My Year in Books 2021:
12,230 pages read
37 books read
Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende
historical fiction, magical realism, slavery
set in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) & US (New Orleans, Louisiana) in late 18th century
main characters: Zarité, Maurice, Rosette, Toulouse Valmorain
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
historical fiction, family, religion
set in Nigeria in 1960s
main characters: Kambili, Jaja, Aunty Ifeoma
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
historical fiction (based on the Mirabal sisters), oppression, politics, revolution
set in Dominican Republic between 1930s-1960
main characters: Minerva, Patria, Maria Teresa & Déde Mirabal
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
historical fiction, race, family, identity
set in US (Louisiana and Los Angeles) between 1940s-1990s
main characters: Desiree Vignes, Stella Vignes, Jude Winston
The Captain’s Daughter by Alexander Pushkin
historical fiction, Russian literature, romance
set in Russia (Orenburg) between 1773-75
main characters: Pyotr Andreyich Grinyov, Marja Ivanovna Mironova, Yemelyan Pugachev
Of Stone and Bone (De pierre et d’os) by Bérèngere Cournut
fiction, inuit culture, nature, spirituality
set in Greenland
main character: Uqsuralik
A Long Petal of the Sea by Isabel Allende
historical fiction, migration, family, romance
set in Spain during the Civil War & Chile between 1930s-1990s
main characters: Víctor Dalmau, Roser Bruguera
The Mountains Sing by Nguyen Phan Que Mai
historical fiction, family, war, trauma
set in Vietnam between 1930s-present
main characters: Huong, Dieu Lan, rest of the Tran family
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
historical fiction, magical realism
set in Latin America (most likely Venezuela) between 1950s-1980s
main character: Eva Luna
Us Against You (Beartown #2) by Fredrik Backman
fiction, sports, coming-of-age
set in northern Sweden (fictional Björnstad)
main characters: Peter Andersson, Maya Andersson, Benji Ovich
A Mercy by Toni Morrison
historical fiction, slavery, African American
set in US (Virginia) in late 17th century
main characters: Florens, Lina, Mr and Mrs Vaarn
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
historical fiction, war, loss, family
set in Afghanistan (Kabul) between 1960s-2003
main characters: Mariam, Laila, Rasheed, Tariq
Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
fiction, dystopia, environment, nature
set in the future; Ireland, Greenland, Atlantic Ocean
main characters: Franny Stone, Niall Lynch, Ennis Malone
Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa
historical fiction, war, loss, family
set in Palestine (Ein Hod, Jenin, Jeruzalem), US (Philadelphia), Libanon (Beirut) between 1940s-2003
main characters: Amal, Yousef, rest of the Abulheja family
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
historical fiction, magical realism, slavery, African American
set in US (Georgia, SC, NC, Tennessee, Indiana), mid 19th century
main character: Cora
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
fiction, family, romance, coming-of-age
set on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska (fictional Kaneq) from 1974-1986
main characters: Lenora ‘Leni’ Allbright, Cora Allbright, Ernt Allbright, Matthew Walker
Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward
fiction, magical realism, family, race, African American
set in US (Mississippi)
main characters: Jojo, Leonie, Michaela ‘Kayla’, Pop, Richie
Dear Leader: Poet, Spy, Escapee - A Look Inside North Korea by Jang Jin-sung
nonfiction, memoir, politics, North Korea
set in North Korea, China
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present by David Treuer
nonfiction, politics, history, race, Native American
set in US
Portrait in Sepia by Isabel Allende
historical fiction, family saga, romance
set in US (San Francisco) & Chile (Santiago) between 1860-1910
main characters: Aurora del Valle, Paulina del Valle, Severo del Valle, Eliza Sommers, Tao Chi’en
Among the Lost (Las tierras arrasadas) by Emiliano Monge
fiction, crime, mystery, human trafficking
set in Mexico
main characters: Epitafio, Estela
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
historical fiction, magical realism, family saga
set in Colombia (fictional Macondo) between 1850s-1950s
main characters: José Arcadio Buendía, Úrsula Iguarán, rest of the Buendía family
Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi
fiction, gender, oppression, feminism
set in Egypt between 1950s-1970s
main character: Firdaus
The First Woman by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
historical fiction, coming-of-age, family, feminism
set in Uganda between 1930s-1980s
main character: Kirabo Nnamiiro
Heritage by Miguel Bonnefoy
historical fiction, family saga, war, migration, magical realism
set in Chile & France between 1873-1973
main characters: Lazare Lonsonier, Margot Lonsonier, Ilario Da
The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline
historical fiction, prison, exile, survival
set in England (London) & Australia (Tasmania) between 1840-1868
main characters: Mathinna, Evangeline Stokes, Hazel Ferguson
Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown by Anne Glenconner
nonfiction, memoir, royalty
set in UK
There There by Tommy Orange
fiction, Native American, race, identity
set in California (Oakland)
main characters: 12 Native Americans from Oakland
A Woman in the Polar Night by Christiane Ritter
nonfiction, memoir, travel, nature
set in Svalbard in 1934
The Soul of a Woman by Isabel Allende
nonfiction, memoir, feminism
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
historical fiction, loss, family, redemption
set in Afghanistan (Kabul), US (Bay Area, CA), Pakistan (Peshawar, Islamabad) between 1975-2002
main characters: Amir, Hassan, Baba, Ali, Rahim Khan, Soraya, Sohrab
A Sailor, A Chicken, An Incredible Voyage: The Seafaring Adventures of Guirec and Monique (Le monde selon Guirec et Monique) by Guirec Soudée
nonfiction, memoir, adventure, sailing
set in France (Bretagne), Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, Northwest Passage, Pacific Ocean
And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
historical fiction, family, identity
set in Afghanistan (Shadbagh, Kabul), US (Bay Area, CA), France (Paris), Greece (Tinos) between 1949-2010
main characters: Pari, Abdullah
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang
nonfiction, memoir, family, politics, Chinese history, oppression
set in China 1900s-1970s
The Yield by Tara June Winch
fiction, Aboriginals, colonialism, identity, family, environment
set in Australia (central New South Wales) 1800s-present
main characters: August Gondiwindi, Albert and Elsie Gondiwindi
How Beautiful We Were by Imbolo Mbue
fiction, oppression, corruption, environment
set in West Africa (fictional Kosawa, most likely Cameroon) in 1980s-2000s
main characters: Thula Nangi, Sahel, Bongo, Yaya, Juba, village children
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
fiction, fantasy, mental health, regret
set in UK (Bedford)
main character: Nora Seed
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wavepets · 3 years
Kitten Found as a Stray Determined to Win Cat Over When They Cross Paths
Kitten Found as a Stray Determined to Win Cat Over When They Cross Paths
An orange kitten who was found as a stray, befriended a family cat and decided to follow her everywhere she goes. Thor the kitten and Alani the catHaneen Alrabeah A few weeks ago, Laila D’Souza, founder of the Winston Memorial Foundation, took in an orange tabby that had been rescued from a park. He was just skin and bones and in need of help. The kitten kept looking for his mom at the park, but…
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Jan. 15, 2020: Obituaries
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     Ellen Lankford at 16
Ellen Kay Lankford, age 57
Miss Ellen Kay Lankford, age 57 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, January 13, 2020 at her home.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held 2:00 PM, Saturday, January 18, 2020, at Arbor Grove United Methodist Church on Arbor Grove Church Road in Purlear, with Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury Taylor officiating. Speakers will be Mr. Ken Welborn, Mr. Larry Griffin and Mrs. Janet Lael Wood. The family will receive friends immediately following the service in the fellowship hall of the church.
Miss Lankford was born August 1, 1962, in Wilkes County to Samuel Hayden and Willa Mae McNeil Lankford. She was a laboratory scientist with Guilford County Health Department and was a member of Arbor Grove United Methodist Church.
Ellen always excelled in school. She attended Millers Creek Elementary and West Wilkes High schools. During her senior year, she transferred to Wilkes Central High  School to take advanced classes, which allowed her to enter college as a sophomore. She went to Appalachian State University in Boone where she earned her bachelors degree in biology. She continued her education at Wake Forest Baptist Medical School and Appalachian State University, going on to earn her masters degree in biology.
During high school she worked for Winn-Dixie grocery store in North Wilkesboro and later for Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission under the late Betty Baker. After completing her college education, she worked at Davie County Memorial Hospital in Mocksville. Later, she went to work for the Guilford County Health Department as a laboratory scientist. She also worked part-time at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro in the same capacity.
She lived in Greensboro during most of her working career. She retired from the Guilford County Health Department. Ellen moved back home to Wilkes in August 2015.
Ellen had no children, but rather looked at her brothers, Mike and Jerry’s, children as her own. Later, when Jerry’s grandchildren arrived, she acted as a grandmother to those children as well. In return, they all loved her dearly.
Although she had many hobbies and interests – mostly dealing with more intellectual endeavors – her main passion and love was for her family, whom she treated wonderfully.
Ellen was also an accomplished pianist and vocalist. She could also play the dulcimer.
She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers; Gary Steven Lankford and Michael Grayden Lankford.
Ellen is survived by a brother; Jerry Alfred Lankford of Millers Creek, five nieces; Eva May Lankford and fiancé Robert Carlton of Millers Creek, Heather Renee Greene and husband Joven of Wilkesboro, Jennifer Osborne and husband Edwin of Millers Creek, Anna Lankford and husband Josh Church of Millers Creek and Gabriella Lankford of Hamptonville and two great nephews; Sammie Osborne and Charlie Church. Ellen is also survived by her two dearest friends: Janet Lael Wood of Wilkesboro, and Lisa Church of Millers Creek.
There are also four special people Ellen claimed as family. They are Destiny, Cassidy and Samantha Toliver - whom she considered nieces - and their father, Ken Toliver, all of Wilkes. They are the children and husband of Ellen’s dear friend, the late Carmel Toliver.
Special music will be provided by Gabriella Lankford, Destiny Toliver, Larry Griffin and Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury Taylor.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Window World Cares St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital 118 Shaver Street North Wilkesboro NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
Deborah Parsons, 67
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Mrs. Deborah Annette Walker Parsons, age 67 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, January 12, 2020, at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
     Funeral services will be held at 2:00 Thursday, January 16, 2020, at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Casey Walker and Rev. Tyra Eugene Martin officiating. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 Wednesday, January 15, 2020, at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home. Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens.
     Mrs. Parsons was born March 6, 1952, in Surry County to Bradshaw James Walker Sr. and Rebel Augusta Mitchell Walker. She was a member of St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Taylorsville. She was employed by Tyson Foods for over 25 years. She was also employed as a CNA for several years to follow.  
     In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Robert Parsons, a grandchild; Joshua Preston Fraser and a sister Margo Adams.
     She is survived by a daughter; Deva Waugh Fraser and her husband Shiles of Winston Salem, a sister; Jettie Walker of Roaring River and a brother; Bradshaw James Walker Jr. of Alton, VA. She is survived by nieces and nephews; Tianna Adams, Brian Adams, Meanna Adams, Bradley Walker, Greta Ferguson, and Erica Harper.
     She was loved by many and always greeted people with a smile and an infectious laugh. She was passionate about her gardening and had a remarkable green thumb. She never met a stranger and showed concern for all.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wilkes Senior Resources PO Box 2695 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Leatrice  Clonch, 44
Leatrice Ann Clonch, of Millers Creek, passed away on Saturday January 11, 2020.
     Leatrice was born on Sunday April 13, 1975 in Wayne County to Roger Lane Laws and Barbara Cecilia Clonch.
     Leatrice is preceded in death by her father; brother Daniel "Shane" Clonch and step father Roy Bare.
     Leatrice is survived by her mother, Barbara C. Clonch of Millers Creek, brother, Cecil Gordon Bare and wife, Amanda of Purlear and many nieces and nephews.
     The Family will conduct a celebration of life Thursday, January 16, 2020 at Church of God of the Union Assemble in Wilkesboro form 6-8 p.m.
     Rev. Ronnie Bumgarner and Rev. Chris Slane officiated
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Clonch Family.
 Martha Shaw, 77
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Mrs. Martha Jean Corley Shaw, age 77 of Wilkesboro, formally of Carrollton, Mississippi, passed at her home on Friday, January 10, 2020.
     Memorial services were January 13,  at Wilkesboro Baptist Church with Rev. Tad Craig officiating.  
     Mrs. Shaw was born December 13, 1942 in Pascagoula, Mississippi to Robert R. and Jimmie Lois Eubanks Corley. She grew up in Thebes, IL and considered her hometown as Chicago, IL. After moving to Itta Bena, Mississippi, she met and married Jimmie Bryant Shaw, Sr. while he worked as the Town Manager for her father, Robert R. Corley, the Mayor of Itta Bena. They married on March 12, 1977 and were married for 40 years prior to his death on September 10, 2016.  During her career as an Office Manager she was employed by The Greenwood Commonwealth, Scientific Telecom and Johnson Implements, all located in Greenwood Mississippi. She retired from Johnson Implements. Martha Shaw was an accomplished business woman, loving and doting wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She loved her family, loved to craft, sew and scrapbook. Her legacy is the love she gave to her husband, children and grandchildren as well as her extended family and friends.
     In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Jimmie Bryant Shaw, Sr.; a son in law, Wesley W. Gregory; a sister, Bobbie Johnson; and a brother, Robert Hal Corley, who died in Vietnam.
     She is survived by three daughters, Gia Amato Gregory of Wilkesboro, Michelle Amato Livingston and husband, Matt of Greenwood, MS, Stephanie Amato Morris; a son, Dr. Francis X. Amato, III and wife Gena Amason Amato of Blowing Rock; a step daughter, Loretta Shaw Langdon and husband Dirk of Smithfield, NC; ten grandchildren, Chase Alexander Wylie, Justin Brady Morris, DJ Langdon and wife Jodee Boswell Langdon, Gray Robert Brower, Madelaine Claire Amato, Lillian Nicole Amato, Abigail Leigh Amato, Shelby Layne Browning Warren and husband Caleb Warren, Sarah Landreth "Laila" Browning and Nathan Lewis; a great grandson, Finley Shaw Langdon; three sisters, Peggy Green Palmer and husband Alex of Red Banks, MS, JoAnne Williams of Cape Girardeau, Missouri and Mitzi Pittman Workman of Collierville, TN; a brother, Jack Corley and wife Doreena of Valparaiso, IN; and several nieces and nephews.
     In lieu of flowers, the family would like for memorials be made to the American Cancer Society PO Box 9 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to Aiden's Army c/o Sharron Amason, 322 Clawson Street  Apt. 108 Boone, NC 28607 to help Aiden Amason fight a rare childhood cancer.
 Clyde Brown, Jr., 87
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Mr. Clyde R. Brown, Jr, age 87 of North Wilkesboro passed away Friday, January 10, 2020 at his home.
     Funeral services were January 12,   at Lutheran Church of the Atonement with Rev. Roger Hull officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.          
     Mr. Brown was born August 1, 1932 in Rowan County to Clyde Roscoe Brown, Sr, and Mary Eliza Overman Brown.
     He was a member of Lutheran Church of the Atonement.
     He graduated from Catawba College and later served on the Board of Trustees for Catawba College.
      He was a long term member of the Elks Club, served on the Board of Social Services and Wilkes Cares.
     He also served as the Chairman of the Wilkes County March of Dimes, Vice President of the N.C. Lutheran men and served many years on the Atonement Lutheran Church's Church Council.  Mr. Brown made his career at Lowe's Companies where he retired.
     In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by two sisters and brothers-in-law; Madge Russell and husband Gilbert, Mildred Brown and husband Leo and brother-in-law Milton Crowther.
     He is survived by his wife; Anna Hughes Brown of the home, three sons; David Lewis Brown and wife Janice of Efland, Martin Andrew Brown and wife Leisa of Gastonia and Douglas Warren Brown and wife Melony of Lewisville, seven grandchildren; Matthew Brown and wife Jessie, Genavee Brown, Kristine Brown, Lee Brown, Marinn McKelvey and husband David, Jessica Brown and Noah Brown and one sister; Louise Crowther.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care At-Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Mark Anderson, 30
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Mr. Mark Alan Anderson, age 30 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, January 9, 2020 at his home.
     Funeral services were January 13th,   at Flint Hill Baptist Church with Pastor Kent Wood and Pastor Kevin Souther officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
     Mr. Anderson was born April 28, 1989 in Wilkes County to Danny Talmadge Anderson and Deborah Gail Eller Anderson. He loved video games and most of all he loved his family.
     He was preceded in death by his Father; Danny Talmadge Anderson and Grandparents; Troy and Twila Eller and Talmadge Anderson.
     He is survived by his mother; Gail Minton and step dad Roy Minton, Jr. of Hays, brother; Phillip Daniel Anderson, grandmother; Ruth Anderson of North Wilkesboro, Aunt and Uncle Frances Cleary and husband Brent of North Wilkesboro and two cousins; Matthew (Larrisa) and Martin (Patricia).
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice.
  Melissa Norman, 74
Mrs. Melissa Mae Joyner Norman, age 74 of Ronda, passed away Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at Rose Glen Manor in North Wilkesboro.
     Funeral services were January 11,   at Temple Hill United Methodist Church with Pastor Matthew A. Nichols and Rev. Clyde Holeman officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
     Mrs. Norman was born January 23, 1945 in Davie County to Wilson Joyner and Mamie Welborn Joyner. Melissa was a graduate of Appalachian State University where she obtained a Master's Degree.  She was retired from the Iredell County School System as a School Teacher and was a member of Temple Hill United Methodist Church.
     She was preceded in death by her parents.
     Mrs. Norman is survived by her husband; Benjamin (Benny) H. Norman of the home, a sister; Magdalene Pinnix of Booneville, a sister in law; Faye Cornog of Springfield,  Il, a brother; Woodrow Joyner of Ronda, a brother in law; Paul Norman and wife; Jean of Mint Hill and several nieces and nephews.
     Flowers will be accepted.
   Charles Miller, 70
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Mr. Charles Danny Miller, age 70 of Millers Creek, passed Thursday, January 9th, 2020 at his home.
     Funeral services were January 13,    at Union Baptist Church in the Wilbar community with Rev. Steve Faw and Rev. Julius Blevins officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 Honor Guard.  
     Mr. Miller was born February 13, 1949 in Wilkes County to Charlie Miller and Bernie South Miller. Mr. Miller served in the Army during the Vietnam War. He was retired from AEV and was a member and deacon of Union Baptist Church.
     In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his infant granddaughter; Jessica Miller.
     Mr. Miller is survived by his wife; Bobbye Griffin Miller of the home, a son; Guy Miller and wife Jamie of Millers Creek and two grandchildren; Jake Miller and Kaylee Miller.
     In lieu of flowers, the family wishes for memorials to be made to Gideons North Camp PO Box 1791 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Union Baptist Church Cemetery Fund c/o Lanny South 165 Kingcross Lane Millers Creek, NC 28651.
  Helene Napoli, 69
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Ms. Helene Clara Napoli, age 69 of Moravian Falls passed away Thursday, January 9, 2020 at her home.
     A memorial service will be held at a later date.
     Ms. Napoli was born November 16, 1950 in Nassau, NY to Louis John and Evelyn Jane Callegari Napoli.  She was a member of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and a Licensed Practical Nurse at John J. Foley Nursing Home.  She also volunteered at BROC and Boomer Community  Center.
     She was preceded in death by her parents.
     She is survived by three daughters; Maria Coles, Patrina Brown both of Wilkesboro, Lisa Conroy of Cary, two sons; Anthony Coles and wife Bonnie of Mastic Beach, NY and Jason Coles and wife Cheryl of Moravian Falls, five  grandchildren; Tiffany Marie, Marc Anthony, Ebony Rianne, Logan Joseph, Mickenzie Lorraine and one great grandchild; Daniel Michael, two sisters; Joanne and Maria and four brothers; Louis, John, Peter and Paul and an aunt; Anne Easton of Mesa, AZ.
  Ted Nelson, 87
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Ted Carlisle Nelson, age 87, of Hays, passed away Thursday, January 9, 2020 at his home. Ted was born August 10, 1932 in Buncombe County to William Terry and Pansy Robinson Nelson. He was a member of Round Mtn. Baptist Church and a US Navy Veteran. Ted loved to garden and fish. Mr. Nelson was preceded in death by his parents; his loving wife of 58 years, Jessie B. Nelson; and brothers, Boyd and Bill Nelson.
     Surviving are his children, Thomas Nelson and spouse Delilah of Haleyville, Alabama, Alice Childress and spouse Paul, Susan Teague and spouse William, Terry Nelson and spouse Lisa, Ronald Nelson, Ellen Teague and spouse Larry all of Hays; sisters, Dorothy Hall of Castle Rock, Washington, Elizabeth Nelson of Asheville; eight grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren.
     Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 was  January 12,  at Round Mtn. Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Roger Jennings, Elder Anion Cole and Rev. Larry Teague officiating. Flowers were accepted or memorials may be made to Round Mtn. Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, Airport Road, Hays, NC 28635. Miller Funeral Service was in charge of the arrangements.
  Bruce Blackburn, 94
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Bruce Blackburn, age 94, of Purlear, passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at his home. Mr. Blackburn was born September 4, 1925 in Wilkes County to Levi Gentry and Celia Jane Holman Blackburn.
     Bruce was a veteran of WWII and was stationed in the South Pacific as a U.S. Navy Radioman. He was awarded the American Theater Medal, Asiatic Pacific Medal, Philippine Liberation Ribbon and the Victory Medal. Before retiring, Bruce worked as a full-time mechanic. He was an avid farmer, raising cattle for many years and then continued to find great joy in helping his son with cattle in his later years. He loved spending time with his grandsons. He was a member of Lewis Fork Baptist Church and also enjoyed attending church with his son and wife at Fishing Creek Arbor.
     Mr. Blackburn was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Helen McNeil Blackburn; brothers, Ray Blackburn, LG Blackburn, James Blackburn, Worth Blackburn; two brothers that died in infancy (David and Joseph); sisters, Arlie Blackburn Dyer, Vetra Blackburn Watson; half-brothers, George White Blackburn, Wintford Blackburn, Sherman Blackburn, Edgar Blackburn; and half-sister, Blanch Blackburn Elledge.
Surviving are his son, Benny Bruce Blackburn and spouse Anita of Purlear; daughter, Karen Blackburn of Peachland, N.C.; grandchildren, Daniel Bruce Blackburn, Esq. of Charlotte, Joshua Kirk Blackburn of Raleigh, Kristopher Ray Stanley of Asheville; and one great grandchild.
     Funeral service was January 11,  at Lewis Fork Baptist Church with Pastor Dwayne Andrews and Pastor David Wellborn officiating. Eulogy will be provided by grandsons, Daniel Bruce Blackburn, Esq. and Joshua Kirk Blackburn. Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 will follow in the Church Cemetery.  
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Lewis Fork Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 395 Lewis Fork Baptist  Church Road, Purlear, NC 28665. The family has requested no food. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
     Pallbearers were Daniel Bruce Blackburn, Esq., Joshua Kirk Blackburn, Kristopher Ray Stanley, John Dyer, Shelmer Blackburn, Jr. and Robert Blackburn.
   Carol Weaver, 76
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Carol Rebecca Weaver, age 76, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at her home. Mrs. Weaver was born October 27, 1943 in Tazwell County, Virginia to Charlie and Thena Sparks Waddell. She was a member of Northside Baptist Church. Carol was preceded in death by her parents; and brothers, Jim Waddell and Bob Waddell.
     Surviving are her husband, Sam Weaver; son, Steve Weaver of Elkin; daughter, Treva Prevette of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Noah Weaver of New York, Ronald Rhodes and spouse Sarah of Ronda, Harley Weaver of Elkin; great grandchildren, Haylee Rhodes, Aaron Weaver, Abigail Weaver, Emma Weaver; brother, Ted Waddell of Virginia; sisters, Joyce Crawford, Joan Alley, Mary Wood all of Virginia; several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral service was January 11,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Brother Jason Whitley officiating. Burial was in North Wilkesboro City Cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the donor's choice. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Jonathan Parish, 30
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Mr. Jonathan Lee Andrew Parish, age 30 passed away Sunday, January 5, 2020 unexpectedly in Raleigh.
     A Celebration of Life Service was January 11, at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Daron Brown officiating.   A private burial was be held.  
     Mr. Parish was born August 1, 1989 in Catawba County to Frank Tony Parish and Melissa Dawn Sheets Parish. He was employed by DoneRight Merchandising. He served in the United States Army National Guard Bravo 3-47 1st Platoon.
     He was preceded in death by his grandfather; Frank Parish.
     He is survived by his parents, his wife; Amanda Colene Pearson Parish, his children; Jameson LeeAndrew Parish, Trever Long, Jayceelee Diane Anderson, Isaiah Patrick and Jonah Glenn Parish, one sister; Anthea Dawn Parish, grandparents; Rick and Barbara Poteat, Barbara Parish, Tom and Shelba Sheets and Jeanie Francis-Hayes.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to a trust fund for his children at any State Employees Credit Union Branch.
 Raymond Schwind, 75
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Mr. Raymond Edgar Schwind, 75, of Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, January 4, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
     Raymond was born Saturday, May 27, 1944 in Oxford, New Jersey, the son of the late Gerardt Paul Schwind and Edna Wildrick Schwind Haper.
     He had served in the United States Army Armed Forces.
     Those left to cherish his memory include: his wife, Nancyann Mary Schwind; children, Tonyalee of Pennsylvania, Nancylynn of Jew Jersey, George of North Carolina, Chad of Pennsylvania; twelve grandchildren; sister; Dorothy of New Jersey; brothers, Alfred of Pennsylvania, Paul of Arkansas, Richard of Texas, Larry and Joseph, both of New Jersey, and John of Pennsylvania.
No formal services to be held.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services is honored to be serving the Schwind Family.
  Hubert Dancy, 91
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Mr. Hubert Everette Dancy, age 91 of Mocksville, passed away peacefully, Wednesday January 1st 2020 at Kate B Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston Salem.  
     Mr. Dancy was born December 28th 1928 in Wilkes County to James and Lala Dancy.  He was an avid wrestler in high school and college.  He lettered in the 9th grade and was a state champion.  He continued wrestling at Appalachian State University where he was on the Mountaineer wrestling team contributing to a national team scoring record in 1950.    He left college to serve in the Air Force during the Korean War later to return and graduate with a physical education degree. He retired after 30 years with Boeing as a production manager.  He was a member of Wilkes United Methodist Church where he enjoyed cooking with the Methodist Men during church functions. After marrying Mary Ann, he was blessed to become a father, grandfather and great grandfather.  He loved his family.  
     A skilled craftsman, Hugh spent lots of his retirement days in his workshop where he could create just about anything anyone asked for; but his passion was making knives.  His love for model trains was shared with his friends and fellow members of the Black Cat Station in North Wilkesboro. He also loved to cook, work the puzzles in the paper and watch sports especially Appalachian State Football.  He loved his kitty Ellie and Addie a small dog he kept during the day.  
He was preceded in death by his parents, two wives Rachel Anderson Dancy and Mary Ann Pennell Dancy and two brothers Harold and Willard Dancy.  
He is survived by his stepdaughter Michelle Rundle of Mocksville, step sons Michael Cooper and wife Margaret of N. Wilkesboro, and Jeffery Mark Cooper of San  Diego, California. Three step grandchildren Megan Fiedler and husband Jim of Pennsylvania, Michael Cooper Jr of Raleigh, North Carolina and Sierra Cooper of California.  Two step greatgrandchildren Mason and Madeline Fiedler of Pennsylvania.  
Memorials may be made to Wilkesboro United Methodist Church PO Box 197, Wilkesboro NC 28697 or Kate B Reynolds Hospice Home (Trellis Supportive Care Attention: Finance, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston Salem, NC 27103).  
Per his wishes, after cremation a private ceremony will be held at Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
  James Curry, 82
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Mr. James "Sonny" Albert Curry passed away at Curis Nursing Home in Wilkesboro on December 27, 2019, his 82nd birthday.
Sonny was a good hearted man and devoted father who was loved and well respected by friends and family.  Sonny graduated from East Mecklenburg High School and was in the United States Army. He graduated from Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, FL.  Sonny worked for Lowe's for 28 years as a commercial artist. He liked bowling and golf and was a fan of the Carolina Panthers and Duke University Football.  
He is survived by two daughters; Emily Moran and Brooke Curry, a granddaughter; Hailee Curry, a brother; Jerry Curry and a nephew; Jonathan Curry.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Sharon Presbyterian Church, 5201  Sharon Road, Charlotte, NC 28210.
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pinkchocolatesims · 6 years
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Please enjoy my babies. :)
For any new followers this is Gen 2. Left to right:
Winston Jacob, Nehemiah (heir), Aurielle Lee, Araceli, Laila Michelle, and Harley Foss (gen. 3 heir).
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bematthe · 7 years
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Laila and Winston wanted to share a bed and watch papa do his attorneying together.
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