#Laila Tara H
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Laila Tara H, I WILL HAVE YOUR NOSE. WILL TICKLE YOUR SOLES. I'M HOLDING IT FOR RANSOM, watercolour, pencil, natural pigmnet, 24k gold on hemp paper, 2022
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Laila Tara H
via her Instagram Post
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Then I sewed a little more and chose one of the endemic flowers of Cyprus - the Akamas Tulip - to add to the design. I chose to paint it to see what it was like to paint on the Lefkara Lace linen (Irish Linen) and I looked at the work of Laila Tara H to help as she often paints beautiful nature as well as characters.
I really like the combination of lots of different elements ! And slowly adding in colours too. I wonder if I could add different colours behind the portraits? Or maybe dye the big piece of fabric if there will be a big piece in the background?
The Akamas Tulip
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Freedom Riders
Generation Me
Errol And Fidel
Errol and Fidel, Generation Me, and Georama were among the big winners of the 2017 New York Musical Festival Awards for Excellence. Freedom Riders won for both outstanding music and “social relevance and impact.”
The complete list below:
OUTSTANDING MUSIC Winner: Richard Allen and Taran Gray, Freedom Riders
OUTSTANDING BOOK Winner: Julie Soto, Generation Me
OUTSTANDING LYRICS Winner: Matt Schatz with Additional Lyrics by Jack Herrick, Georama: An American Panorama Told on 3 Miles of Canvas
OUTSTANDING OVERALL DESIGN Winner: Jason H. Thompson, Whitney Locher, Scott Neale, Ann Wrightson, Georama: An American Panorama Told On 3 Miles Of Canvas
OUTSTANDING CHOREOGRAPHY Winner: Justin Boccitto, Errol and Fidel
OUTSTANDING ENSEMBLE GENERATION ME. Cast includes Addyson Bell, Jenna Bergman, Laila Drew, Ian Ferrell, Mateo Gonzales, Brett Hargrave, Celia Hottenstein, Milo Manheim, Will Meyers, Julia Nightingale, Anthony Norman, Dante Palminteri, Oscar Revelins, Anabella Ronson-Benenati, Deandre Sevon
BEST MUSICAL SPONSORED BY PLAY-BY-PLAY GENERATION ME –Book by Julie Soto; Music by Will Finan; Lyrics by Julie Soto; Story by Julie Soto & Ryan Warren
SPECIAL CITATIONS: Building a Movement Through Musical Theater: Sheryl Berk, Carrie Berk, Jill Jaysen, and Rick Hip-Flores of PEACE, LOVE, AND CUPCAKES for their partnership with NoBully.org
Theatre for Young Audiences: Matthew McElligott, Tuxbury, Brian Sheldon, and Michael Musial, BACKBEARD
Extraordinary Festival Costume Design: Kurt Alger for BEN, VIRGINIA AND ME (THE LIBERACE MUSICAL)
Social Relevance and Impact: Richard Allen and Taran Gray, FREEDOM RIDERS
Festival Achievement in Projection Design: Kevan Loney for his work on BEN, VIRGINIA AND ME (THE LIBERACE MUSICAL); GENERATION ME; NUMBERS NERDS; and THE CADAVER SYNOD
NYMF Awards for Excellence 2017 Errol and Fidel, Generation Me, and Georama were among the big winners of the 2017 New York Musical Festival Awards for Excellence.
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Flat Earth...?!?!?!
Ini jawaban mengenai Teori Bumi Datar yang disampaikan oleh Pak Awang H. Satyana… (sumber diambil dari laman Facebook beliau yang di post tgl 12 Juli 2017. (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1229336263879659&id=100004098920754)
Sebenarnya saya malas sekali membeli buku Eric Dubay (2014, The Flat-Earth Conspiracy - terjemahan bahasa Indonesia tahun 2016 -foto 1), apalagi membacanya. Tetapi karena saya telah berjanji kepada diri sendiri untuk mengumpulkan dan membaca buku apa saja, sekalipun itu yang bertentangan dengan pendapat saya atau nalar secara umum, saya membelinya juga.
Saya dengan malas juga membacanya, dan benarlah dugaan saya: isinya tak lebih dari sebuah buku pseudosains -seolah-olah sains padahal membuat saya tertawa saja dengan argumen-argumen ilmiahnya (seolah ilmiah). Dan Eric juga banyaknya mengutip para pendapat pendahulunya di Flat Earth Society. Sedangkan fakta-fakta dari organisasi atau ilmuwan mainstream dituduhnya sebagai penuh konspirasi. Memang yang mainstream itu tak selalu benar, tetapi yang diajukan dalam ilmu-ilmu mainstream sudah terbukti secara metode ilmiah.
Eric berangkat menulis bukunya dengan penuh kecurigaan bahwa umat manusia secara ilmiah telah ditipu oleh konspirasi global dalam dunia ilmiah oleh negara-negara, organisasi-organisasi, dan para ilmuwan yang kita kenal selama ini. Apa nalar semua orang di seluruh dunia sudah tertipu, seperti sangkaan the Flat Earthers ini -para kaum Bumi Datar.
Ingat Eric Dubay saya jadi ingat Pak Kamtib Aming dalam sinetron komedi favorit saya di RCTI “Dunia Terbalik”. Aming adalah kepala keamanan dan ketertiban Desa Ciraos, Jonggol yang sangat terobsesi dengan konspirasi global -bahwa desanya tengah menjadi target kejahatan konspirasi global. Aming adalah security yang senewen…kata Pak Ustadz Kemed, salah satu Ketua RW, ustadz, dan sesepuh Ciraos. Jadi saya meskipun malas membaca buku Eric, ya membuat saya tertawa juga seperti saya terkekeh sendiri melihat ulah Aming yang senewen sendiri. Sebaiknya Eric cukup jadi guru yoga dan wing chun saja -profesinya yang sebenarnya, boleh percaya Flat Earth secara pribadi, boleh menulis buku atau web. Tetapi saya juga berhak menertawakan buku Anda dan berargumen menentang Anda.
Di Indonesia juga ada saja penganut Flat Earth yang suka disebut Kaum Bumi Datar. Lalu kata itu jadi ikon untuk menyebut semua kaum yang tak bernalar sehat. Begitu yang saya ikuti di media sosial.
Saya juga sebenarnya malas menulis posting ini (he..he..), tetapi berkali-kali ada kawan-kawan, entah para geolog, mahasiswa geologi, atau non-geologi yang suka bertanya bagaimana pendapat saya tentang Flat Earth. Saya menjawabnya singkat saja: bumi kita bulat, tak perlu membahasnya lebih jauh sebab banyak sekali hal lain yang jauh lebih penting untuk kita bahas atau kita cari solusinya.
Banyak yang dikemukakan Eric di bukunya ini. Yaitu yang hampir semuanya menentang ilmu pengetahuan selama ini yang kita tahu dan diajarkan kepada kita, fakta-fakta yang nyata. Eric mencurigainya sebagai hasil konspirasi global lalu dia mengajukan argumen yang sebenarnya tidak ilmiah, tidak nalar, tetapi seolah-olah ilmiah yang bagi saya tak jarang ingin membuat tertawa saja.
Ini yang disimpulkan Eric dan Flat Earth Society: Bumi itu datar, Bumi itu diam tidak berputar (geosentris), kaki langit selalu datar, permukaan Bumi tidak melengkung tetapi datar, tidak ada kutub selatan, Bumi itu bukan planet, planet itu bintang, bintang bukan matahari, tidak ada relativitas itu, tidak ada gravitasi itu, manusia tidak pernah mendarat di bulan, pendaratan wahana luar angkasa di Mars juga tipuan, tidak ada evolusi, tidak ada hominid, tidak ada dinosaurus.
Saya bisa mengajuan argumen kontra atas setiap kesimpulan kaum Bumi Datar itu, mungkin akan menjadi buku tersendiri, tetapi buat saya hanya membuang waktu saja sebab banyak sekali yang harus saya kerjakan.
Satu saja saya ingin tampilkan yaitu peta perjalanan laut Spanyol di bawah pimpinan pelaut Portugis Ferdinand Magellan selama tiga tahun Agustus 1519- September 1522 mengelilingi dunia (foto 2). Magellan mendapatkan tugas dari Raja Spanyol Charles I untuk berlayar ke barat mencari jalan laut guna mencapai Kepulauan Maluku yang terkenal akan rempah-rempahnya yang terletak di timur. Mengapa Magellan yang diminta, sebab Magellan pernah mencapai Kepulauan Maluku pada 1505-1512 saat ia berlayar ke timur dari Spanyol. Dan Raja Charles I kemudian memintanya berlayar ke barat untuk nanti mencapai Kepulauan Maluku dari timur.
Berlayar pergi ke barat kemudian kembali lagi dari timur hanya bisa terjadi di Bumi yang bulat. Saat itu memang pengetahuan sudah menyatakan bahwa Bumi itu bulat. Misi Megellan berhasil, meskipun ia sendiri terbunuh dalam suatu peperangan di Filipina dua tahun setelah berlayar. Tetapi misi kembali ke Spanyol setelah berlayar dari timur di bawah pimpinan Juan Sebastian Elcano. Perjalanan Magellan-Elcano selama tiga tahun berlayar ke barat dan kembali dari timur membuktikan bahwa Bumi bulat.
Peta perjalanan Magellan-Elcano itu telah ditaruh oleh para kaum Bumi Datar di peta dunianya, dan karena dipaksakan nampaklah bahwa ada perjalanan jauh ke laut lepas ke arah utara, padahal Raja Charles I memerintahkan Magellan berlayar terus ke barat. Ya namanya pemaksaan fakta agar cocok jadi terkesan kasar sekaligus menggelikan.
Secara astronomis, skala Alam Semesta, Bumi itu sama sekali tidak unik, ia hanya setitik kecil berwarna biru pucat (a pale blue dot, kata Carl Sagan) di keriuhan Alam Semesta. Dan kebanyakan benda langit itu ya bulat bentuknya karena efek gravitasi dirinya masing-masing pada saat pembentukannya. Lihat saja Matahari dan Bulan yang kita lihat sehari-hari dan pada saat bulan sedang purnama. Bulat juga toh mereka. Maka tak terkecuali Bumi. Apalagi susunan Bumi itu terdiferensiasi secara gravitasi dari Inti Dalam ke Kerak terluarnya, dengan densitas makin berat dari luar ke dalam. Kok berani-beraninya para kaum Bumi Datar bilang tak ada gravitasi. Ha..ha..dasar pseudosaintis…
--- (additional post, 12 juli 2017 sore)
Buat yang menekuni agama, sudah cukup jelas juga bahwa baik dalam Alkitab maupun Al-Qur'an diindikasikan bahwa Bumi bulat.
Yesaya 40:22a "Dia yang bertakhta di atas bulatan bumi yant penduduknya seperti belalang". Dia yang bertakhta di atas bulatan bumi itu dalam bahasa Ibrani: Hay-yo-seh al hug ha-a-res. Hug itu dalam bahasa Ibrani masa kini khug artinya bola/sphere. Jelas secara tegas Alkitab menyatakan Bumi bulat.
Surah Luqman:29 "Tidakkah engkau memperhatikan, bahwa Allah memasukkan malam ke dalam siang dan memasukkan siang ke dalam malam..." Alam tara annallaha yulijul-laila fin-nahari wa yulijun-nahara fil-laili. Ini maksudnya terjadi pergantian hari saat cahaya menggelap atau menerang secara bertahap. Tentu ini hanya terjadi bila Bumi itu bulat dan berotasi berganti hari seperti kita ketahui sekarang.
Ada beberapa ayat di Alkitab atau Al-Qur'an yang mengatakan juga Bumi dihamparkan, tetapi jangan sekonyong-konyong menginterpretaikan bahwa Bumi datar, lihat konteks ayat dan lihat ayat-ayat yang lain secara lebih menyeluruh.
Kitab-Kitab Suci pun bersaksi bahwa Bumi itu bulat.
Untuk kawan-kawan saya para geolog tak usah meragukan bahwa Bumi kita itu bulat. Saya bisa menulis satu paper tentang efek pergerakan lempeng tektonik pada Bumi yang bulat, yang akan tidak nalar pada Bumi yang datar.
Semua pergerakan lempeng itu mengikuti teorema Euler, yaitu setiap pergerakan benda padat pada permukaan bola adalah sebagai rotasi mengelilingi kutub rotasi yang terkait (kutub Euler) - foto 3. Para geolog telah menggunakan teorema ini untuk memahami pergerakan lempeng-lempeng tektonik. Apa yang terjadi pada batas antara dua lempeng bergantung pada arah pergerakan dan orientasi batas lempeng. Kecepatan lempeng juga akan bervariasi pada jarak lempeng itu dari kutub rotasinya. Bila Bumi kita datar tak mungkinlah semua palung di seluruh dunia itu membentuk pola melengkung cembung ke arah samudera seperti sekarang, itu juga bisa dijelaskan dengan teorema Euler.
Seorang kawan ada yang pernah berkata, agar para kaum Bumi Datar itu percaya bahwa Bumi Bulat ajaklah mereka naik wahana luar angkasa agar mereka melihat dari jauh Bumi itu bulat atau datar… Masalahnya mereka juga tak percaya penerbangan antariksa sebab katanya semua itu hasil konspirasi global. Foto-foto Bumi bulat itu kata mereka hanya bikinan NASA, rajanya konspirasi.
Hadeeuh, terserah kalian sajalah pekerjaan saya masih banyak.***
karena sudah belajar geologi, saya masi yakin, klo bumi itu bulat, tidak bulat sempurna sih, tapi pepat pada kutubnya karena rotasi bumi (masi inget…).
Di Kitab Weda juga ada sloka yang menyatakan bentuk bumi, rotasi dan revolusi planet (Atharwa dan Rig Weda, juga Purana). tidak usah saya jelaskan, silahkan di cari sendiri (boleh donk kritis pada agama, tanya semua bahkan sampai pada keyakinanmu...kenapa begini, kenapa begitu..).
Cuma memang kaum ini pasti selalu ada alasan untuk mempertahankan teorinya.. (Ternyata ada loh satu orang di kantor saya… karena sudah kasi alasan logisnya, ya sdh tak tinggalin aja.. yang penting sudah diberi info, percaya atau engga terserah dia… hahaha) itu orang perlu nonton dokumentarinya Carl Sagan, atau klo mau yg lebih baru dan update oleh Neil deGrasse Tyson, muridnya Sagan (NatGeo: Cosmos).. favorit deh itu...
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Warner Bros. is bringing 20 series to San Diego Comic-Con next month, including faves like The Flash, Supergirl, and Supernatual! Take a look at the full #WBSDCC schedule below.
We are just a few weeks from this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, and Warner Bros. TV is helping us get even more excited by making a pretty creative reveal of the shows they’re bringing to SDCC 2017!
PUPPIES!!! WB’s Puppy-Con 2017 is too adorbs! Who doesn’t love adorable puppies all dressed up to represent our fave WB shows?! *giggles* And now we know that WBTV is bringing 20 TV series to SDCC, promising to deliver the ultimate experience for fans with screenings, panel sessions, free autograph signings, and media appearances.
Series stars participating in all the Comic-Con action are fan favorites and new additions including: Arrow’s Stephen Amell; Black Lightning’s Cress Williams and China Anne McClain; DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s Brandon Routh, Victor Garber and Caity Lotz; The Flash’s Grant Gustin; Gotham’s Ben McKenzie; The 100’s Eliza Taylor; iZOMBIE’s Rose McIver; Krypton’s Cameron Cuffe; Lucifer’s Tom Ellis; The Originals’ Joseph Morgan; Riverdale’s KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes and Cole Sprouse; and Supergirl’s Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood.
Starting on Wednesday’s Preview Night, there will be world-premiere pilot screening of midseason thriller Deception, exclusive video presentations of Krypton and Black Lightning, a brand-new hour-long episode of Teen Titans Go!, and an exclusive preview of Unikitty!.
Then between Thursday and Sunday there will be 21 panels, along with autograph signings and the Studio’s 2,400-square foot, multi-level booth (#4545). See below for more details and the full schedule!
6:00–10:00 p.m. Special Sneak Peek Screenings (Ballroom 20)
Deception: From Chuck co-creator Chris Fedak, the Blindspot creative team of Martin Gero, Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, Emmy®-winning director David Nutter and renowned magician/puzzle creator David Kwong, Deception is a thrilling crime drama that combines FBI counter-espionage with the mysterious world of magic and misdirection. When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black (Jack Cutmore-Scott) has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, illusion and influence — the FBI. Using every trick in the book and inventing new ones, he will help the government catch the world’s most elusive criminals while staging the biggest illusions of his career. Deception stars Jack Cutmore-Scott, Ilfenesh Hadera, Lenora Crichlow, Amaury Nolasco, Justin Chon, Laila Robins and Vinnie Jones. From Berlanti Productions and Quinn’s House in association with Warner Bros. Television, Deception premieres midseason on ABC.
Krypton: Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos. Based on DC characters, Krypton is from Warner Horizon Scripted Television and is executive produced by David S. Goyer through his Phantom Four banner, along with Damian Kindler and Cameron Welsh. Krypton is based on characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, published by DC, and will debut in 2018 on SYFY.
Black Lightning: Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) is a man wrestling with a secret. As the father of two daughters and principal of a charter high school that also serves as a safe haven for young people in a neighborhood overrun by gang violence, he is a hero to his community. Nine years ago, Pierce was a hero of a different sort. Gifted with the superhuman power to harness and control electricity, he used those powers to keep his hometown streets safe as the masked vigilante Black Lightning. However, after too many nights with his life on the line, and seeing the effects of the damage and loss that his alter ego was inflicting on his family, he left his Super Hero days behind and settled into being a principal and a dad. Choosing to help his city without using his superpowers, he watched his daughters Anissa (Nafessa Williams) and Jennifer (China Anne McClain) grow into strong young women, even though his marriage to their mother, Lynn (Christine Adams), suffered. Almost a decade later, Pierce’s crime-fighting days are long behind him…or so he thought. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang The One Hundred, Black Lightning returns — to save not only his family, but also the soul of his community. Based on the characters from DC, Black Lightning is from Berlanti Productions and Akil Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti, Salim Akil & Mara Brock Akil and Sarah Schechter. Black Lightning premieres midseason on The CW.
Teen Titans Go!: The Teen Titans are back at it again, in Teen Titans Go!, with all new comedic adventures both in and out of Titans Tower, and we’ll have you covered by screening a brand-new, hour-long episode. Based on characters from DC and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! airs Fridays at 6/5c on Cartoon Network.
Unikitty!: Your favorite character from The LEGO® Movie now has her own show! Journey to a joyous kingdom full of sparkle matter, happy thoughts and the occasional rage-out in Unikitty!, an all-new animated series. As ruler of the kingdom, Unikitty has busy days full of royal responsibilities. Unikitty is most interested in making sure everyone is happy and ridding the kingdom of negativity, but don’t misunderstand her optimism — she is one kitty not to be crossed. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Unikitty! is coming soon to Cartoon Network.
10:00–11:00 a.m. Teen Titans Go! Special One-Hour Episode and Q&A — New episode! New episode!! New episode!!! The Titans are back at it again with another fun-filled panel to kick off your Comic-Con weekend. And did we mention that we’ll be screening a brand-new episode? Join producers Michael Jelenic, Aaron Horvath, Pete Michail and members of the voice cast, including Greg Cipes, Tara Strong and Scott Menville, as they answer your questions and premiere a Titan-sized special one-hour episode. (Room 6A)
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Unikitty! New Episode Premiere and Q&A — Your favorite character from The LEGO® Movie now has her own show! Journey to a joyous kingdom full of sparkle matter, happy thoughts and the occasional rage-out in Unikitty!, an all-new animated series. As ruler of the kingdom, Unikitty has busy days full of royal responsibilities. Unikitty is most interested in making sure everyone is happy and ridding the kingdom of negativity, but don’t misunderstand her optimism — she is one kitty not to be crossed. While she may be full of boundless energy and creativity, Unikitty is a force to be reckoned with if anyone gets in the way of spreading her positive vibes, especially if anyone makes her little brother and best friend, Puppycorn, sad. Also living in the castle are Dr. Fox, the resident scientist, and Unikitty’s trusty bodyguard, Hawkodile. Join producers Edward Skudder, Lynn Wang and members of the voice cast, including Eric Bauza, as they give a sneak peek of this new series and explain how Unikitty and her friends will make sure that every day is the happiest and most creative ever! (Room 6A)
12:30–1:30 p.m. Justice League Action Video Presentation and Q&A — Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman lead the DC Super Heroes against their most infamous foes in adventures packed with relentless thrills, fun and action in Justice League Action. Whether defending the Earth, facing invaders from space, or battling the bizarre forces of magic, the always-rotating team of Justice League heroes, are up to any challenge. Producers Jim Krieg and Butch Lukic will be joined by members of the voice cast, including Diedrich Bader, Jason J. Lewis, Rachel Kimsey, and voice director Wes Gleason to screen an all-new episode as well as participate in a Q&A. (Room 6A)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
10:00–11:00 a.m. The Big Bang Theory Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Join The Big Bang Theory as the show returns to San Diego to take you inside the biggest moments of season 10 and behind the scenes of TVs #1 comedy for a special 10th anniversary panel! From the introduction of Penny’s family, to the baby, to that season finale moment that left fans hanging (What will Amy say?) — cast members Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Kunal Nayyar, Mayim Bialik and Kevin Sussman will join producers and writers from the show for a lively discussion and special video presentation. (Hall H)
10:00–11:00 a.m. Young Justice Q&A — Young Justice is back! Do not miss the show’s triumphant return to Comic-Con as series producers Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti and key members of the creative team, including art director Phil Bourassa, will be on hand to answer your burning questions about the first two seasons of this beloved fan-favorite series and, if you’re lucky, you might learn a thing or two about the highly anticipated Young Justice: Outsiders. (Room 6BCF)
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. iZOMBIE Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Everyone’s favorite Zom-Com-Rom-Dram is back! After the heart-stopping events of the iZOMBIE season finale, the secret is out: The public is no longer in the dark about the existence of zombies. With Seattle now under zombie control at the hands of Fillmore Graves, Ravi’s search for a cure and vaccine for zombie-ism is now more dire than ever. Be among the first to get the scoop on what’s in store for Liv and the gang in season four. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders and Aly Michalka, as well as executive producers Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright. (Ballroom 20)
12:30–1:30 p.m. The 100 Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Following the surprising events of the season finale, join The 100 as the critically acclaimed series returns to San Diego for its annual appearance at Comic-Con. More than six years have passed since Praimfaya ravaged the planet, and killed most of the human race. As Clarke waits to hear from the group on the Ark, or in the bunker, a new mystery drops from the sky. Who is in the arriving ship, and are they friends or enemies? One thing is certain, Clarke is now the Grounder! Be among the first to find out what’s in store for season five. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropoulos, Lindsey Morgan, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon and executive producer Jason Rothenberg. (Ballroom 20)
3:15–4:00 p.m. [adult swim]: Mike Tyson Mysteries — It was a unanimous victory last time, but Iron Mike Tyson is taking on Comic-Con again and this rematch is sure to live up to all the hype. Currently in its third season of solving mysteries, the Mike Tyson Mystery Team has all-new episodes airing on Adult Swim. Join Mike Tyson, fellow voice cast member Rachel Ramras and producer Hugh Davidson for an exclusive look at upcoming episodes. (Indigo Ballroom)
6:00–7:00 p.m. People of Earth Premiere Episode Screening and Q&A — The TBS sci-fi comedy series People of Earth — from Emmy®-winning executive producers Conan O’Brien and Greg Daniels, and creator David Jenkins — brings an all-new season of less-than-perfect aliens, botched abductions and extraterrestrial investigation as Ozzie (Wyatt Cenac) and the StarCrossed group of alien “experiencers” living in the small town of Beacon, N.Y. continue their journey for truth. Complicating matters this season — both above and on Earth — is the arrival of a new alien on the spaceship as well as a smart and dedicated FBI investigator (Nasim Pedrad) who heads to Beacon on a mission to track down fugitive CEO Jonathan Walsh (Michael Cassidy). Join cast members Ana Gasteyer, Oscar Nunez, Michael Cassidy, Ken Hall, Björn Gustafsson and Nasim Pedrad, along with series creator/executive producer David Jenkins for an exclusive screening of the season two premiere episode followed by a Q&A discussion covering what’s next in this all-new season. (Room 6A)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
11:00–11:45 p.m. Riverdale Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Following the shocking first season finale, don’t miss Riverdale when it returns to San Diego for its second appearance at Comic-Con! Join Archie and the gang as they dive into the secrets that continue to loom over what once looked like a quiet, sleepy town. The circumstances surrounding Fred’s shooting kick off the mystery of season two. Based on the characters from Archie Comics and produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, this one-hour drama is a bold, subversive take on the surreality of small-town life. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsch, Ashleigh Murray, Casey Cott, Haley Law, Asha Bromfield and producers Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Sarah Schechter and Jon Goldwater. (Ballroom 20)
12:00–1:00 p.m. The Originals Special Video Presentation and Q&A — The Originals returns for a fifth season with more supernatural intrigue, romance and bloodshed in The Big Easy. Join executive producer Julie Plec and series stars Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Yusuf Gatewood and Riley Voelkel for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A. (Indigo Ballroom)
1:15–1:45 p.m. Krypton Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos. Join series star Cameron Cuffe and executive producers Damian Kindler and Cameron Welsh for a sneak peek at the upcoming series followed by an out-of-this-world Q&A. (Indigo Ballroom)
1:50–2:50 p.m. Lucifer Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Lucifer returns to San Diego to heat things up. The climactic events of the season finale left us wondering, where in the world is Lucifer and how did he get his wings back? Join the series stars Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Rachael Harris, Kevin Alejandro, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer and executive producers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich for a special video presentation and Q&A where they’ll discuss the sizzling second season and what’s in store for Lucifer in season three! (Indigo Ballroom)
2:50–3:50 p.m. Gotham Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Gotham’s origin story continues to unfold, and as the show enters its fourth season, the stakes will be higher than ever! With the Court of Owls decimated, the aftermath of the Tetch virus crippling the city, and every (surviving) villain in Gotham’s underworld jockeying for power, Jim Gordon and the GCPD will have their hands full. And that’s just the beginning! What threat does Ra’s al Ghul pose, and will Penguin regain his title as the King of Gotham? What new villains are in store for season four, and what does Bruce Wayne’s season finale reveal mean for Gotham City — and his ultimate destiny? Be among the first to see what’s in store for season four as Gotham returns to Comic-Con for a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A with series stars and producers. (Indigo Ballroom)
3:30–4:10 p.m. Supergirl Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Ridding National City of Queen Rhea and her Daxamite army was a major win for Supergirl, but one that came at a significant cost, as Kara was forced to sacrifice her budding relationship with Mon-El. When season three returns with all-new supercharged adventures this fall on The CW, Kara and team will come up against a new threat in the form of DC Worldkiller, Reign. Want to know more about Reign and what she has in store for the Girl of Steel? Join the series’ cast and creative team for a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A where they’ll discuss this hot topic and more! (Ballroom 20)
4:10–4:50 p.m. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A — After crash landing the Waverider in a version of 2017 Los Angeles where dinosaurs roam the streets and the skyline is adorned with London’s iconic Big Ben clock tower, the Legends were quick to realize that “we broke time.” Last year, the loveable band of misfit heroes traveled throughout the timeline fixing a series of Aberrations. This year, they’ll be turning the crazy up to 11, as a wave of Anachronisms turns History on its head, leaving the Legends responsible for piecing it back together. What is an Anachronism you ask? For the answer to that, and many other questions, join cast members Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell, Caity Lotz, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano, Maisie Richardson-Sellers and producers at their annual Comic-Con panel. (Ballroom 20)
4:15–5:15 p.m. Westworld Panel and Q&A — HBO’s Westworld concluded its critically acclaimed first season in December and is currently saddling up for season two. The series — created, executive produced and written by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy — is a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Cast panelists include (in alphabetical order) Ben Barnes as Logan, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal as Armistice, Ed Harris as the Man in Black, Luke Hemsworth as Stubbs, James Marsden as Teddy, Thandie Newton as Maeve, Simon Quarterman as Lee Sizemore, Rodrigo Santoro as Hector, Angela Sarafyan as Clementine, Jimmi Simpson as William, Tessa Thompson as Charlotte Hale, Evan Rachel Wood as Dolores, Shannon Woodward as Elsie and Jeffrey Wright as Bernard/Arnold. The panel will be moderated by internationally renowned vocal artist/beatboxer/musician and comedian Reggie Watts. (Hall H)
4:50–5:10 p.m. Black Lightning Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Black Lightning makes its Comic-Con debut! Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) is a man wrestling with a secret. As the father of two daughters and principal of a charter high school that also serves as a safe haven for young people in a neighborhood overrun by gang violence, he is a hero to his community. Nine years ago, Pierce was a hero of a different sort. Gifted with the superhuman power to harness and control electricity, he used those powers to keep his hometown streets safe as the masked vigilante Black Lightning. However, after too many nights with his life on the line, and seeing the effects of the damage and loss that his alter ego was inflicting on his family, he left his Super Hero days behind and settled into being a principal and a dad. Choosing to help his city without using his superpowers, he watched his daughters Anissa (Nafessa Williams) and Jennifer (China Anne McClain) grow into strong young women, even though his marriage to their mother, Lynn (Christine Adams), suffered. Almost a decade later, Pierce’s crime-fighting days are long behind him…or so he thought. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang The One Hundred, Black Lightning returns — to save not only his family, but also the soul of his community. Join series stars Cress Williams, Nafessa Williams, China Anne McClain and Christine Adams, along with executive producers Salim Akil & Mara Brock Akil for an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming series along with an electrifying Q&A session. (Ballroom 20)
5:10–5:50 p.m. The Flash Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Running up against an evil time remnant version of yourself is something no one should ever have to do, but that’s exactly what faced Barry Allen (aka The Flash) as he fought to save the life of fiancée Iris West from the God of Speed known as Savitar. Barry’s victory was short-lived, however, as an unbalanced Speed Force began to wreak havoc on Central City, forcing Barry to sacrifice himself for the greater good. With The Fastest Man Alive now trapped inside an extra-dimensional energy, and unknown dangers lurking in the shadows, it will be up to Team Flash to free Barry from his own personal Hell. Join cast members Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Keiynan Lonsdale and producers of The CW’s highest-rated series at their annual Comic-Con panel, and be among the first to find out where things will pick up when season four returns this fall. (Ballroom 20)
5:50–6:30 p.m. Arrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A — With the future of the team left hanging in the balance, Arrow gave new definition to the phrase “blowing up the show.” The emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase was the perfect conclusion to a stellar fifth season of The CW’s gritty DC Super Hero series. Now, the focus shifts to uncovering the fate of each and every member of Team Arrow. Could anyone have possibly survived an island-wide explosion, or has the book closed on them, as it has on Oliver’s five-year flashback story? Returning to San Diego Comic-Con for a sixth consecutive year, cast members Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, Paul Blackthorne, Katie Cassidy, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Rick Gonzalez and producers will be on-hand for an eye-opening conversation about the upcoming season. (Ballroom 20)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
10:30 –11:30 a.m. Supernatural Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Join the series’ stars and executive producers in Hall H to answer questions about the shocking events in last season’s intense two-part finale, as well as what’s in store for lucky season 13 of this exciting series! Fans will also be treated to an exclusive video presentation featuring series highlights of your favorite guys from Kansas, and maybe a surprise or two! (Hall H)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
*EXCITE* Which panels are you most looking forward to?
For additional information about WBTV’s SDCC plans along with real-time updates during the convention, follow on Twitter at @warnerbrostv (official hashtag #WBSDCC) and visit http://comiccon.thewb.com.
Also make sure you’re following the official Facebook pages and Twitter feeds for WBTVG series, talent, and producers: http://comiccon.thewb.com/wbtv-social-media-contacts/.
Warner Bros. TV Shares Comic-Con 2017 Line-Up (#WBSDCC) Warner Bros. is bringing 20 series to San Diego Comic-Con next month, including faves like The Flash…
#[adult swim]: Mike Tyson Mysteries#Arrow#Black Lightning#Comic Con International 2017: San Diego#DC&039;s Legends of Tomorrow#Deception#Gotham#iZombie#Justice League Action#Krypton#Lucifer#People of Earth#Riverdale#San Diego Comic-Con#SDCC#SDCC 2017#Supergirl#Supernatural#Teen Titans Go!#The 100#The Big Bang Theory#The Flash#The Originals#Unikitty!#Warner Bros. Television#WBSDCC#WBTV#Westworld#Young Justice
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Alfabetik Sıra ile Köpek İsimleri
A Harfi İle Başlayan
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D Harfi İle Başlayan
Dali Dark Darwin Dayı Devil Dex Dexter Diablo Diego Dino Dobby Dost Dozer Duffy Duman
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Hades Hardal Haşmet Haydar Haydut Hayta Hector Herkül Hera Hero
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L Harfi İle Başlayan
Leo Limon Lion Lodos Lokum Lord Louis Lucas Lucky
Lady Laika Laila Latte Lazy Leia Lena Lessie Lex Lila Lily Limon Lina Linda Lisa Liz Lokum Lola Lopez Lora Lucky Luka Lulu Luna Lussy
M Harfi İle Başlayan
Maça Marco Marcos Mario Mars Maske Mavi Max Memati Merlin Messi Mike Mişa Minik Mocha Mozart Mösyö Müdür
Maggie Maia Mango Marilyn Marla Marry Masal Mavi Maviş Max Maylo Medusa Melek Mercan Mia Mika Mila Mimi Mina Mini Minik Minnoş Mira Missy Mişa Mocha Molly Mona
N Harfi İle Başlayan
Negro Neo Niko Nelon Numbar Nispet
Nana Nancy Nazar Niki Nina Nova
O Harfi İle Başlayan
Odi Odin Oğluş Oscar Otto Ozzy
Odi Oskar Ozzy Ozmo
P Harfi İle Başlayan
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Pakize Pamuk Panda Papi Paris Pars Pati Pekmez Pelüş Pepsi Pera Peri Pinky Polly Puppy Prenses Ponçik
R Harfi İle Başlayan
Rafi Rain Raja Rakı Ralf Rambo Red Reis Rex Rıfkı Ricky Rico Robin Rocco Rocky Romeo Rodi Roxy Rudi Rüzgar
Raja Raşa Reçel Rex Reyna Rita Rodi Roka Rose Roxy Roza Rozy Ruby Rüzgar
S Harfi İle Başlayan
Samur Sasha Sarı Sayko Serseri Sezar Shadow Simba Snoopy Star Susam Sunny Seko Salamur Sande
Safinaz Safir Sakız Sally Sam Sandy Sarı Sasha Sayko Seker Sera Shella Shera Shila Sıla Simba Sindy Sophie Stella Sultan Sunny Suzi Sushi Süslü Sütlaç
Ş Harfi İle Başlayan
Şanslı Şans Şarap Şımarık Şurup Şimşek
Şahika Şans Şanslı Şara Şarap Şeker Şerbet Şila Şimşek Şira Şiirin Şurup
T Harfi İle Başlayan
Taci Tango Tarçın Taz Tekila Thor Tiger Tim Tito Tobi Tom Tombik Tommy Tony Topak Toros Tosun Troy
Talya Tara Tarçın Tayni Tekila Tia Topak Toprak
V Harfi İle Başlayan
Viski Vito Verman Vuslat Vecihi Varto
Venüs Victoria Viski
Y Harfi İle Başlayan
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Z Harfi İle Başlayan
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