#Lady blue
strange-doll-child · 2 months
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I love these two, I finally genderbend Lady Blue hehe
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indigomarina · 11 months
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I was looking at the MLB wiki for transcripts when I spotted a picture of LadyBlue (that butterfly girl that supposed to appear in Miraculous World: Rio) and it turns out, she's a character belonging to this other show called Pixiegirl.
Honestly this picture is giving ChloNath vibes. But the girl (Pixiegirl) looks like if Chloe and Rose had fused together.
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virtualexpertanchor · 8 months
Lady Blue by CaseyTheCreative on @DeviantArt
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cassandramutu · 1 year
I can't wait to watch all the films in the World category! This is Lady Blue from “Miraculous World Rio de Janeiro” that will appear in 2025‼️🤍
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Lady Red and The Rainbow Legion (Magical Girl Story)
(There's still some concepts that are a work in process and you guys can give advice and ask questions about it if you want)
-In a different universe, there's a world with kingdoms of different colors. One day, The Lord of Darkness attacks the kingdoms. The rulers of each kingdom decide to send their children to earth so that they can one day take down The Lord of Darkness and restore their homes. Years later, our main character Àn Méi (Lady Red), a high schooler, is being raised her her human dads, Shuji and Tomi, in Japan where she arrived when her parents sent her to earth. While walking home from school, she meets a red bunny named Mei who reveals to her that she and other girls from school are magical girls. The characters and their colors are themed around different cultures. Àn Méi: Red. The red kingdom is based on China and Chinese culture since in China, Red is the color of good fortune (luck) and summoning. Àn Méi is very lucky and her powers are based around being able to summon creatures to help her fight. Àn Méi and Bella get along because they both like art. Àn Méi is a high school student who lives with her two dads who adopted her along with her little brother. She's very lucky and enjoys art and writing. Her animal friend is a red bunny named Mei. Kaira: Orange. The orange kingdom is based off of India since orange is seen as their most sacred color but also represents courage. Kaira is courageous and her powers allow her to summon fire since orange also represents purity because fire burns away impurities. She doesn't get along well with Lilou because of her water powers. Kaira lives with her adoptive mom and dad and her two older sisters. Kaira is a high school student who is a bit rebellious and a tomboy but still kind and cares about her friends. Her animal friend is an orange parrot named Mango. Bella: Yellow. The yellow kingdom is based off of America (Insert gun joke here) because in America, yellow represents creativity and happiness. Bella's powers let her summon a sketchbook and lets her draw whatever she wants and then have it come to life. Bella is raised by her single father. Bella is a high school student who enjoys art and other types of crafts like crocheting. Her animal is a yellow mouse named Sunny. Heba: Green. The green kingdom is based off of Egypt since in Egypt, green represents hope and spring. Heba has the ability to control plants like vines, flowers and grass. She doesn't get along well with Kaira because of her fire powers. Heba is raised by her two moms. Heba loves plants and wants to be a botanist. Her animal is a green hummingbird named Sage.
Lilou: Blue. The blue kingdom is based off of France since in France, blue represents trust, reliability and water. Obviously, Lilou has water powers. Lilou and Heba get along because Lilou helps water her plants. Lilou is raised by her mom and dad as well as her older brother. Lilou is a high school student and is calm and quiet and likes to play the violin. Her animal friend is a blue fish named Coral
Charlotte: Purple. The purple kingdom is based off of Europe, specifically the U.K. because purple represents royalty. She has the powers of magic including invisibility, teleportation, shape shifting and super speed. Charlotte is raised by her rich aunt because her adoptive parents passed away when she was seven. Charlotte is perceived by others as spoiled because she's raised in a rich family but she's actually a really nice person who loves animals and likes to collect dolls. Her animal friend is a purple cat named Ribbon. Other Characters:
Eiji: Pink. The pink kingdom is based off of Japan since in Japan, pink represents good health. Because of this, he has healing powers. I chose to make him pink because I mainly wanted to break gender norms. Also, pink is well liked by men and women in Japan. Eiji is an adult (Twenty Five) and his adoptive parents passed away when he was ten (Two years after e came to earth) which left him to be raised by his aunt and uncle (Not Fumiko's parents but his adoptive mothers family) who wanted to make him famous. He's older than the other girls and is an idol on earth. He's been aware of his powers for longer since he's older than the other girls (who are all sixteen and seventeen). He protected the city before the other girls could. The girls are big fans of Eiji because of his music. His animal friend is a Pomeranian dog named Candy.
Fumiko: Magenta. Fumiko is Eiji's cousin (that he didn't know he had) and the youngest magical girl in the group, being nine years old. Her animal friend is a magenta frog named Bow. She has the ability to summon a ribbon wand weapon that she can disarm by tying one of their limbs up and causing their bodies to freeze. This allows her to use her strength (which she gets from tying the person's limb up) to toss them away or throw them against a wall. She's meant to be a play on the "looks like a little girl but is actually a one thousand year old demon or dragon" when in reality, she is actually nine years old. She's not very good at using her powers at first, but learns more. She was born on earth because her parents, the rulers of the magenta kingdom, were able to make it to earth and live as humans.
Emile: Teal. Emile is the cousin to Lilou. Like Fumiko, his moms were able to get to earth when he was only 4 years old (like the other girls). He has the ability to summon and control ice and freeze things. He doesn't get along well with Lilou because of that but, in exchange for not melting his ice, Kaira and him get along and prank Lilou by freezing the water she controls and then melting it. He's a highschool student like most of the other girls and his animal friend is a gecko named Snowball.
Junseo (The Lord of Darkness): He was once the king of the black and white kingdom, which is based off of South Korea, with his wife, Miyoon. Miyoon was killed by shadow monsters and after her death, one approached him and tricked him into becoming their king. In exchange, they promised to bring his wife back but said it would take time to do. They said he needed to take over the rainbow kingdoms to gain power to bring her back so he did but it wasn't enough to bring her back. Now that he knows the children of the Rainbow Kingdoms rulers are on earth, he's trying to take it over with the help of his children. He can control shadow monsters that feed off of the color and power from the world (Similar to the buffoons from Glitter Force and yes I know that's not the real name of the show but I've never watched the original series so lay off.) so they can bring Miyoon back to life. He's a surprisingly good father.
Mari: Resembles her mother with her long white hair and pale skin. Her appearance makes her seem innocent but she's secretly evil. She once believed the Rainbow Legion was evil but her father revealed his plans to her and how they were technically the villains of the story. She still helps him though because she's THAT evil. She can also summon shadow monsters but also can summon strings from her hands and uses them like puppet strings. She's a lot like Azula from ATLA. Suwon: He's a bit more complex than his sister. He resembles his father with black hair and black eyes. He doesn't know the Rainbow Legion is actually the good guys because he still believes they're evil. He can summon shadow monsters and has a scythe that was gifted to him by his father. Eventually he discovers the truth about the Rainbow Legion and leaves his father. He forms an enemies to lovers relationship with Eiji and joins the Rainbow Legion to fight against his father.
Yubin: The secret older sibling to Suwon and Mari. They look like a fusion of both of their parents with their gray hair and eyes. They replace Suwon after he leaves to join the Rainbow Legion. They're nonbinary (FTNB). They can summon shadow monsters but can also turn things into stone. They become really close to Mari over time. Once they see their father try to hurt their brother, they begin to reconsider being evil. Danyi, Yeorin and Heeso: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Essentially the gods of the world the Rainbow Legion are from. Seiu: Rainbow. Seiu is genderfluid and has the ability to change their color or become all of them once they gain enough power. Seiu was raised by rich adoptive parents. She didn't realize that she was a magical girl because she was homeschooled and not allowed outside because her parents thought she would be mugged or kidnapped because of how rich their family is. Her animal friend is a calico cat with rainbow spots named Natsu. They hide their genderfluid identity from their parents and strictly pose as a girl around their parents. They aren't human. They were created as a last resort by the rulers of the kingdoms in case their children couldn't defeat Junseo by themselves and needed extra help.
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artemisforster · 3 months
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Lady Blue & Igris
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naturuallysexy · 3 months
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hypnoticvamp · 1 year
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Jamie Rose as Detective Katy Mahoney
Lady Blue (1985)
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spongebobdennis · 3 months
Can you make spongebob au lady blue
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loveboatinsanity · 1 year
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strange-doll-child · 1 year
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You're not believing how I'm screaming on the inside rn out of a n g e r
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der-gitarrenkerl · 9 months
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cyarskaren52 · 2 months
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cyarsk5230 · 2 months
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Kamala Harris: she is Indian, she is black, and she's OWNING Trump 🔥
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havithreatendub4 · 6 days
Lady Blue 1985 tv series
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cyarskj1899 · 2 months
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