#Lab diamonds in Swift Current
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spookygondolier · 4 years
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I drew my Fallen London characters!
My first character is from when I very first discovered the game back in high school in what must have been like 2011. I only played for a little bit before stopping because I got frustrated with only having 10 actions at a time (glad they’ve changed that!) and came back when I re-discovered it a few years later. Captain Emery Morris, the Fierce-Eyed Hunter, is a thrill-seeking monster hunter who craves the glory of taking down the biggest monster of all, the Vake. Proud captain of a swift zee-clipper, married to a lovely diplomat with alarming table manners, recently returned from some time at zee investigating scientific discoveries, reluctantly serving as governor of Port Carnelian, and hanging out with tigers. Gets along well with dock-workers and zailors, also reasonably comfortable around devils (as might be expected from one currently lacking a soul). Currently hunting weird dream birds in Parabola for fun and profit. Pictured mid-hunt on the trail of yet another seven-throated warbler.
The next character is actually the one I’ve spent the most time playing. Ambrose Blake, the Esoteric Aesthete, is a charming and artistically-inclined gentleman with a dangerously curious side. Won his heart’s desire in a card game, recently became director of the Great Hellbound Railway (and keeps appointing his former opponents to the board), a Correspondent and Poet-Laureate of the Neath, happily married to a master jewel thief, can occasionally be found hosting lavish parties at zee on his majestic pleasure yacht. Tends to run in Bohemian circles or spend time swanning around with high society types. Currently holed up in his university lab until he can figure out a formula to develop railway steel. Pictured in front of his lovely suite at the Royal Bethlehem Hotel.
The last character is my newest, created a little over a month ago so I could try out a new ambition. Robin Locke, the Illusive Rascal, is a thief with a heart of gold who’s trying to find out more about this diamond that is allegedly the size of a cow. A master thief, amateur magician, not bad in a duel, prefers the music hall performers of Mahogany Hall to the high class artists that hang around the Empress’s Court. Most comfortable around criminals and urchins, has a somewhat complicated relationship with the revolutionaries. Recently spent some time feeding an octopus and some hyenas while waiting for the Tiger Keeper to finally show up for work, currently on an expedition to learn more about the Correspondence. Pictured skulking around in Spite, trying to find out more about the spooky orphanage without attracting so much attention that Poor Edward comes back to bury them alive again.
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pinkseas · 2 years
ooohhhh my god aly u r... Soooo so gcclever i am sooo ^_^ <#33 hugging u hugging . U UAGHHH i lovee lovee pictureing scenes in my head that havent happened yet <3 aly .. N ratm.. in da valley... omgomgomgomg ok so. the first like section of the song will be ramts backstory. w the lab n nukes n stuff. Then the instrumental between that n the second verse will be him travelling/arriving at cove , talking to codes n aly n lab for the first time, gettin his first assignment from cherry w the blackstone. the second verse will then be him mining and his time in the nether, a pan out of ramt on a cliff with lava pourin from da sky as u are more beautiful by far plays,, n learning . then it gets faster from there,, his swift downward spiral. hiseyes r darker n he writes out . a book and leaves it in a chest at codes's hause. codes arrives , there's the construction of the nether lab in the background .him fighitng w aly, (one frame) the second book, (one frame) codes coming back and getting put in the box, (three frames) then aly coming through, (like 4 frames v v silly, clear portal -> aly's hand -> aly -> pan out of the box in the background with ramt turnin around in fear, codes's hand against the glass, aly in shock); aly leaving with codes as ramt looks on (one frame), the fight at the dock (one frame) , then as the instrumental begins again it's ramt talking to cherry (two frames, ramt and cherry at the portal -> the shulker full of netherite n diamonds with ramt n cherry 🤝 in the background) cherry and ramt going to codes (one frame) codes back at the lab in the box, ramt and codes leaving the nether, codes escaping, ramt back at the lab with lynx in the foreground as the cresendo n the lyrics pick up again , cap looking up from a book in his treehouse, cherry waiting at his portal. as it gets louder, you have ramt's eyes softening, him talking to cap, cap and lynx standing side by side in that one pose i took a ss of after codes n aly showed up again,,, and at the second to final peak of the lyrics that are "and now i hear a symphony" it's cherry and ramt's discussion and him promising . not to die and then immediately after that at the highest note . its ramt in the box and aly in the foreground, then throughout that its his progression into fadin out, him giving aly a book, aly back in the overworld giving it to cherry, cherry and lynx and cap recievin their things from ramts will . n then the very last frame is ramt stepping into cove curiously for the first time ^_^ again ehehehehehe. v v silly . porrobbaly bwont be able to do All of it before m brain goes Bleguh but i will Definitely try beoccoz ... Very Very HEHEHEHE momence... HEHEHEHE an all this . will cover ramts current . like season ig :] hehhehehe v vv <33
im genuinely speechless holy shit you have this so well thought out and planned im ?????????? ramt this is INCREDIBLE oh my GOD
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ranciddiva · 5 years
Oc bio for Thorn (She was made in 4th grade so somethings might be cringy)
Full name: Thorn Abyss Demonicus
Pronunciation: Dee mon I cuss
Meaning of Name: Thorn Abyss (Grandmother’s name) Demonicus
Hero/Villain Name: Lady Thorn
Aliases: Juliet Kingsworth
Nationality: French
Affiliation: ex criminal, now stay at home mom
Birthday and Astrology Sign: May 4th/ Taurus
Age: 13.9 billion years
How old do they look: 28-30
Mental Age: 47
Gender: Female
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: Lesbian
Birth date: May 4th 
Birth place: The Heavens
Death date: April 14 20XX
Death place: The Deminikai Manor
Eye color: Crimson Red
Eye shape: Deep set
Do they wear contacts or glasses?: n/a
Hair: Used to be long dark chocolate brown. Now shoulder length and dark chocolate brown
Height: 5’ 7
Weight: 115 labs
Body build: Lean
Body shape: Hourglass 
Complexion: Fair
Cup size: 32dd
Blood Type: o-
Handedness: Right
Hand type: Long fingers
Nails: Average length, usually painted red or black
Movement: Swift, elegant
How do they walk: Elegantly
Posture: Good
Flexibility: Very good
Voice: Professional, reassuring
Scars: Large thin battle scar on back
Birthmarks: small diamond on right shoulder  
Piercings: usually black studs
Tattoos: upper left thigh “Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare” in cursive
General face structure:  Slim
Defining physical traits: piercing eyes
Power: ★★☆☆ C     
Speed: ★★★★★ B     
Technique: ★★★★★ B  
Intelligence: ★★★★★ A     
Cooperativeness: ★★★★☆ D
Extra Explanation: Trained for hundreds of years learning everything she could about...well...everything. Her explanation was to be prepared for anything so she could never get hurt again.
Casual outfit: Pink-grey blouse with mom jeans
Preferred outfit: Anything stylish sexy in black or something she can do chores in
Hero/Villain costume: semi shiny Peacoat, thigh high black boots, dagger attached to thigh
Equipment / Support Items: Long silver sword with ruby accents
Personality: Nurturing, calm, a bit two faced, caring
Alignment:  Lawful neutral 
Big Five personality traits: Cool, clever, nurturing, intelligent
Enneagram: The reformer
Most prominent personality trait: Cleverness 
Best traits: Bravery, the ability to look death in the eyes and laugh
Worst traits: Committed treason on several occasions, cruel
Likes: Gowns, dancing on balconies, Paris at sunrise, running on buildings, car chases
Dislikes: Bland clothing, traffic laws
Quirks: Bird mom, protective
Fear: Losing everything again
Hobbies: Kitting, gardening, running 
Skills/Talents: master Sword Fighter, master driver, having amazing stamina, agility
Strengths: Slow opponents, fighting in open areas
Weaknesses: Her past, mention of her treason, her family
Reason to keep on living: Her new, accepting family
What is their self-image like: It can be summed up in one quote “I used to be one of France’s most feared criminals, now I’m in mom jeans, folding My little pony lingerie” 
Any religious or spiritual faith: Not religious but celebrates most holidays
How does this faith / lack of affect them: No
Coping mechanisms: Driving at night
Any life motto or quote they live by: “Don’t let your daddy issues hold you back babe”
Favorite things: Midnight slow dances, black roses
Physical: Very good!
Mental: Daddy issues, entire family issues, she’s messed UP
Emotional Stability: Flimsy
If faced with crisis, what is their go-to: Fight and Flee, depends
Nutrition: An apple a day keeps impending doom away
Habits: Pacing
Family History: In god form, her feathered wings are white instead of black. Thorn’s parents and sister had black wings.
History, Background, and Future:
0-400: Pouty, whiny child.
500-8,000: Shy, still pouty
9,000-110,000: Shy, a bit kinder
120,000-1400,00: Sweet, ambivert
15,000,000-Present: Two faced, cruel, uncaring, kind, considerate, nurturing
Did they like their upbringing: Yes
How has their upbringing shape them: Adulthood gave her more freedom so she could save her mother
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: Playing in the rose garden, reading and learning
What did they hate most about their childhood?: Her mother’s imprisonment and her father’s betrayal/disappearance 
Current Dream: Raise her adopted children
Long-term goals for Future: Get married and live out her life peacefully
Home Life as a Kid: Slightly neglected 
Home Life Now: Supported by her girlfriend and her friends
Quick Family background:
Any Friends: LD, Evelyn, Iris, etc
Any Family: Sister: Genesis, Mother: Zia, Father: Endorr
Thorn X LD
  Status: Best friend, partner
  How well they get along: Very well
  What LD thinks of her: Would end the entire universe to be with Thorn
  What she thinks of LD: Would go through all the horrible things again just to be with LD
  What LD calls her: Thorny corny, baby, babe, significant other
  What she calls LD: Idiot, darling, dear, significant other, love
https://izukulove.tumblr.com/ thank you for making such a cool template!
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boardwalk-absurdist · 7 years
ALL OF THE QUESTIONS (you did this to yourself)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? The last person I messaged was Eclair ( @chaoticgoodlooking) so uh thanks but no thanks.2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Nope3. Have you taken someones virginity? I have indeed. At a party, no less. ;D4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes. Trust is hella important, though it comes in different levels, and I can count the number of people I trust completely on one hand with some fingers left over.5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? No, alas, my Cotton Candy is a great many miles away. (But I’ll see him in November!!)6. What are you excited for? The aforementioned seeing Cotton Candy in November, and also the show that I’m in!7. What happened tonight? Studying. I have a molecular genetics exam in the morning so I’ve been blowing off lab work to study all day.8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Of course not. I think it’s disgusting when people drink to the point of throwing up but that’s just because vomit is nasty, and I don’t find it any more or less gross depending on gender.9. Is confidence cute? Confidence, yes, arrogance, no.10. What is the last beverage you had? Decaf mocha~11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2, maybe 3 depending on whether someone I no longer talk to but still trust counts.12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? I am wearing a pair literally at this moment.13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Dude if you think I plan my life that far in advance, you are in for a Surprise.14. What are you going to spend money on next? Some nice pens and a notebook~15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Uh no. I am not. (Don’t worry, Cotton Candy and I are in an open relationship, all is well.)16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Of course.17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Cotton Candy, obvs.18. The last time you felt broken? Earlier today.19. Have you had sex today? Nope20. Are you starting to realize anything? Starting to realize that this test is gonna be fucking awful and I can’t wait to be done with classes and settled in lab.21. Are you in a good mood? Sort of? I guess.22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Sure, why not? Probably only in a cage, though.23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope. My mom’s brown eye genes were too strong for my dad’s blue eyes.24. What do you want right this second? Some motherfucking chocolate covered pretzels. Those good milk chocolate Flips ones, in the blue bag.25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? “Where they cute? Tell me everything~”26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yep~27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No. We gotta be able to laugh.28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Some silly joke that someone in my lab made, I don’t really remember.29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? *points to posts about Cotton Candy and sighs*30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Yes, although they need to demonstrate genuine effort and proof of change before they are forgiven/trusted again, and there is no requirement to accept said change.31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Nah32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? I sure hope he does~33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Yeah. Bubbles hurt my tongue.34. Listening to? Ambient Starbucks noise and my friendos studying across the table from me.35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Sometimes, yeah. 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? In line at Starbucks.37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really. I believe in connection and potential at first sight, but love takes more than that.38. Who did you last call? My parents, probably.39. Who was the last person you danced with? I genuinely do not recall. Myself?40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Cuz I was bored and stressed? And he’s fun to kiss.41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I do not know. That is sad, I should eat a cupcake.42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Nope, my parents are p far away from me.43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Oh dear god all the time.44. Do you tan in the nude? I do not.45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Nah46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope.47. Who was the last person to call you? Probably also my parents.48. Do you sing in the shower? Oh of course. I listen to music in the shower and sing along.49. Do you dance in the car? Duh50. Ever used a bow and arrow? I have, but only in gym class in middle school.51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? My friend took some legit pictures of me in a hair and makeup experiment that Sundae did~52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some of them are. But they’re still great.53. Is Christmas stressful? Yes.54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yes.55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Microbiologist. Which, hey, that worked out~57. Do you believe in ghosts? Not actively but I’m not discounting the possibility.58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Dude, who hasn’t?59. Take a vitamin daily? I should but I don’t.60. Wear slippers? Sometimes, if it’s chilly. Usually I just wear socks.61. Wear a bath robe? Sometimes.62. What do you wear to bed? My underwear?63. First concert? Oh man it was this Greg Brown concert cuz he has a CD of children’s songs that I listened to and I was the only little kid there and apparently he was really tickled that I liked his children’s CD.64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? I hate Walmart but I do go there more often.65. Nike or Adidas? Speedo.66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Neither, but if I gotta pick I’ll go with sunflower seeds.68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I think Love Story, or Welcome to New York.69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? ...nuclear engineer.71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? YEAH73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes74. What is your favorite book? I have several. I love Augusten Burroughs, I love the book Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, I love the Truth series by Dawn Cook...75. Do you study better with or without music? With76. Regularly burn incense? Nope77. Ever been in love? Yes. More than once, and I am right now.78. Who would you like to see in concert? Marina and the Diamonds79. What was the last concert you saw? BRUUUUUUCE80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot tea81. Tea or coffee? Coffee, but only if it contains things that are also not coffee (like chocolate).82. Favorite type of cookie? This is worse than the favorite book one, honestly.83. Can you swim well? Pretty well. Better than the average person, slightly worse than the average competitive swimmer. (Mostly cuz I’m out of shape but also I’m not that fast)84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? ...there are people who can’t?85. Are you patient? I can be. I don’t want to be, but I can be.86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Probably band? Though DJ would have more options...87. Ever won a contest? I honestly don’t remember. I don’t think so.88. Ever have plastic surgery? No89. Which are better black or green olives? Ew, I hate olives.90. Opinions on sex before marriage? It’s fine, live your life, be safe and respectful.91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room.92. Do you want to get married? Yes.
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warmdevs · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://warmdevs.com/blockchain-success-stories-show-valuable-opportunities.html
Blockchain Success Stories Show Valuable Opportunities
Over the past two years, we’ve witnessed the cryptocurrency market explode onto the scene, minting billionaires overnight, followed by an implosion that has wiped out up to 80 percent of the market’s value. All along, the true believers have continued to insist that this is just the growing pains of a new and dynamic financial industry even as instances of fraud have further damaged the market.
The silver lining of the whole experience has been the rise of blockchain technology, which is expected to generate the real long-term value of the cryptocurrency wave.
So far, however, much of the public attention given to the blockchain has focused on startups that have built proof-of-concept blockchain products. Early-stage research and development have many issues still on the drawing board — but they are continuing to answer the questions.
There’s no escaping the fact, however, that blockchain projects have an astronomical failure rate, with some studies putting the number as high as 92 percent. Looking exclusively at the topline numbers is enough to write the blockchain off as yet another technological flash in the pan.
The reality of blockchain is far more complex and nuanced than was understood before. Blockchain is not unlike many industries that have survived — coming long before this phenomena.
The Reality of the Blockchain
While it’s true that the majority of blockchain projects have failed so far, a more accurate way to describe the situation would be to say that the majority of blockchain startups fail. We already know that the majority of startups fail — the greater part of new restaurants fails — the bulk of any new industry — well — fails. But we still have startups, and we still have restaurants. Google made it, Microsoft made it, the Internet made it, the much-doomed auto industry is still limping along. So what can we learn from these tech and non-tech take-aways?
Top line statistics include projects that weren’t viable in the first place, had part-time developers that couldn’t commit the time that their blockchain side-project demanded. Some of the blockchain startups never attracted enough financing in the oversaturated initial coin offering (ICO) market to even get started.
When you eliminate the projects fitting those descriptions, what remains is a collection of legitimate startups that didn’t make the grade — just as you’d find in any other technology space.
None of that means, of course, that blockchain is a bust.
There are already countless examples of blockchain technology already in use today.
Anywhere from the medical industry to forward-thinking ecommerce businesses, the blockchain is gaining a foothold in our everyday lives, and showing no signs of slowing down. The problem is that most of the blockchain tech has been built by some old-line companies that technophiles wouldn’t expect to be leading the charge into such a bleeding-edge type of technology.
Heads-up Blockchain Entrepreneurs — you have an opportunity — grab it.
If you look past the origins of old-line companies, however, some projects display the breadth and depth of the ways that blockchain will continue to be adapted to solve some significant global business issues. That, in turn, can serve as a valuable primer for tomorrow’s blockchain entrepreneurs to point them towards the kind of products that stand a real chance of success. Data security everywhere has a more exceptional edge with blockchain.
Here are some notable examples that barely scratch the surface in the nitch of Blockchain. These few companies listed fit the bill where blockchain is quickly moving ahead: TradeLens
One of the most successful applications of blockchain technology to date has managed to fly almost entirely under the radar, owing to its nuts-and-bolts purpose and decidedly un-sexy industry: logistics. The platform, known as TradeLens, is a joint venture between tech giant IBM and global shipping behemoth Maersk. These two ventures aim to provide real-time information to every level of the worldwide shipping container industry.
Since its launch in August, the TradeLens system has already left the beta stage and is now in production use around the world, with more than 100 entities connected, including shipping lines, port operators, and even customs authorities in several countries.
At the time of this writing, the system had already captured close to 254 million unique shipping events, making TradeLens one of the most-used commercial blockchain systems to date. It’s also one of the few blockchain platforms that have seen enough success to have already attracted competition, in the form of new rival Global Shipping Business Network, built on Oracle’s blockchain technology.
Another blockchain-powered system that’s approaching mass adoption exists in an industry where you’d least expect it, but where it was most sorely needed. Tracr is the brainchild of long-time diamond industry giant De Beers group, and it’s designed to create certainty and transparency in an industry that has lacked both for centuries.
The system, which will track diamonds from the moment they’re mined, through the value chain, and into the hands of consumers, is aimed at curbing some disturbing issues in what many believe to be the oldest luxury business in the world.
Chief among those issues is the longstanding scourge of the conflict diamond trade which has plagued the industry for generations. Then, there’s also the task of authenticating natural diamonds at a time when lab-grown alternatives are becoming all but indistinguishable from their mined counterparts.
The system has already been used to track real-world diamonds on an end-to-end journey from mines to their eventual retail destination and is expected to be fully online early in 2019.
IBM Food Trust
There’s one company that’s been behind some of the most successful blockchain platforms to date, and it’s IBM. In addition to their partnership with Maersk that yielded the TradeLens system, IBM is also developing a number of standalone blockchain systems that are already seeing widespread use.
One of the biggest thus far is IBM Food Trust, a blockchain platform designed to provide transparency and traceability to the global food supply chain. The network was able to trace millions of individual food products from their origins to retail outlets during an 18 month testing period, and the system is now available for general use.
Already, global supermarket giant Carrefour has signed onto the project, making IBM’s Food Trust blockchain viable right at first launch. The system comes at a time when the global food industry faces some challenges, not least of which is a sharp increase in foodborne illness, making traceability a welcome feature.
According to early tests, the IBM Food Trust platform could reduce the time it takes to identify the source of a food-related disease outbreak to seconds — rather than days — which could save some of the estimated 3,037 lives lost each year in the US alone.
Interbank Information Network
Although cryptocurrencies were expected to revolutionize parts of the global financial system, it’s turning out that the blockchain is the real game-changer in the space. For evidence, look no further than JPMorgan’s Interbank Information Network (IIN), which is a blockchain-powered network that aims to speed up cross-border payments between global financial institutions.
It’s significant, not only because it’s the most adopted blockchain banking platform to date, with more than 75 institutions participating, but also because it’s one of the elder statesmen of major blockchain projects, dating back to 2017.
IIN’s developers are hoping it will be the eventual successor to the current interbank messaging standard, known as SWIFT, as it will facilitate international money transfers by decreasing the amount of time it now takes to resolve regulatory or other data-related delays. They expect such issues to be solved using IIS within hours, as opposed to the weeks required through manual processes like SWIFT.
The Blockchain Lessons Learned
Judging by these already-successful blockchain use cases, it would be tempting to draw the conclusion that there’s little room for entrepreneurs when so many moneyed interests are behind the biggest successes to date. The easy takeaway is that if you want to be among the 8 percent or so of blockchain projects that don’t fail, it sure helps to have billions of R&D dollars to invest (or to literally be IBM).
For everyone else, however, the real lesson to be learned here is that the most successful blockchain projects are those that seek to form a backbone service for a whole industry or market segment. In that way, it becomes possible to seek buy-in from multiple stakeholders, which increases the overall odds of eventual success.
That flies in the face of the ICO, go-it-alone route that so many blockchain startups have chosen over the last two years, and that in and of itself should be instructive. The bottom line here is if you have an idea for a blockchain solution, it’s best not to try and invent a new market alongside your new business. Instead, look for a market in need of efficiency or transparency facelift, and be willing to partner with as many industry players as you can. That’s the surest route to blockchain success in today’s environment – not riding the speculative wave that’s led nowhere for so many blockchain startups to date.
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parallel18universe · 7 years
Gemsona one shot: Purple Pearl
So I recently found out my one of my month’s birthstones is Pearl, so I made a Pearl gemsona, Purple Pearl (or should I say ‘Pearl-ple’)(no, I shouldn’t).
My issue is that I have the drawing skills of a drowned rat, so I wrote a one shot about her instead!
Here are some background details for Purple Pearl:
Gemstone: Pearl (duh)
Gem placement: Left shoulder
Personality: Quite scatterbrained and talks a lot, mostly asks questions. She is also quite clumsy. Likes puns, but her owner, a Holly Blue Agate, really doesn’t. She is very loyal to homeworld, and probably couldn’t survive without someone to guide her.
Looks: She has one if those body suit-things that Blue and Yellow Pearl have, but she has a see-through purple poncho over it. She also has very scruffy hair.
Weapon: riot shield
Likes: - looking out into space - pleasing her Agate - puns
Dislikes: - when she annoys her Agate - when her Agate stops her stargazing - when other gems don’t explain things to her
She works on a military research lab with her Agate, and although she doesn’t really know what they actually do there, she tries to understand.
The actual one shot:
“Open the door please Pearl,” my master commanded.
“With pleasure, mistress!” I replied to the Holly blue Agate that owned me, walking to the right of the orange door that stood in front of us, to the control panel. After a few swift movements of my hand, that I had done many times before, the door made a whirring sound before opening, revealing an orange corridor much like the one me and my Agate were currently standing in. Windows to the right of the corridor gave us a look out into space, and the curve of the station we were on meant that we couldn’t see the other end of the long corridor, but I knew that a door similar to the one we were standing before sat there, waiting to be opened. But alas, today was not it’s lucky day, since we were headed to a door that stood happily in the centre of the corridor, one that lead into the heart of the space station that we worked on.
My Agate adjusted her bob, making sure it was perfect. I tried to do the same with the mess of hair on my head, but it was too scruffy to do anything with.
“It’s a lost cause,” my Agate said, “just leave it and follow me.”
I sighed, not wanting to give up, but I wanted to face the rage of my mistress even less. With a sigh of defeat, I adjusted my see through purple poncho, before walking after my owner.
I quickly caught up with my Agate, but I made sure to stay behind her, for that was protocol. I looked at her, frowned and posed the question: “how do you keep your hair so perfect?”
“I was formed this way. Maybe if you put more thought into your form you might actually have a nice hairstyle for once,” my mistress responded coldly.
“Well I’ll be sure next time I’m poofed to make certain that my hair is even more perfect than yours~” I replied joyfully, “or should I say… Pearl-fect?”
“We can arrange for you to be poofed if you ever say that again,” my Agate snapped.
“S-sorry mistress,” I gasped, giving the homeworld salute.
“You should be…” she muttered, I would’ve commented if I hadn’t been distracted by something.
I let out a gasp of wonder as the star the station orbited came into view, blocking out each of the windows with a bright flame one by one, getting rid of the millions of stars we could see before and replacing them with a blinding light. No matter how many times I saw it, it still didn’t lose the magic that it had the first time.
“You’ve seen it more times than I’ve scolded you, why stop and look EVERY time!?” my Agate growled.
“Because it’s magical!” I beamed, “it could be all I watch over and over again for the rest of my life and it’d still be just as beautiful as the first time I saw it!”
My Agate let out a large sigh before gesturing to the door at the centre of the corridor, I hadn’t realised that we were there already. “Pearl, if you would?” my mistress commanded.
I walked over to the control panel and after a second of fiddling around with the buttons, it opened, revealing a grey room, a stark contrast from the corridor.
Taking a step inside gave us a better look at the room. The wall opposite the door was made of glass, and in front of it sat a control panel, armed with a Peridot, who’s fingers were dancing across it as she monitored a cylindrical gap in the station on the other side of the window. Two Jaspers stood either side of the door. As we entered they both saluted us, but they seemed sad about something.
“What are you two crying about?” my Agate interrogated them.
“W-well yesterday,” one of the replied, their voice not filled with the power it normally was.
My Agate sighed, “oh, that one who got sent out the airlock…” Her face contorted into a snarl, “stop weeping about it and do your job! It’s her fault anyway!”
Both Jaspers looked at each other in shock and disgust, but my Agate didn’t notice, since she had already turned away. I gave them a sorrowful look. I felt awful for them about it, especially since it was actually my fault. I’d accidentally set off the airlock when my Agate wasn’t looking, sending the poor Jasper into space, probably to be incinerated by the sun, or shattered by an asteroid. The guilt nagged away at my conscience, but I knew I could never admit it, or I’d be shattered, and I feared that more than I felt bad for the Jaspers.
I walked up to the control panel, next to my Agate and the Peridot.
“The next test is ready to be performed!” the Peridot declared, “Let me just check for any gems inside the cores…”
Another twang of guilt rushed through me as I remembered accidentally knocking another Jasper into one of the cores, just before a test. The test being…
The Peridot pushed a red button with one of her fingers, a nasty grin on her face as four separate points on the station, all inside the cylinder, lit up. A beam shot out if each of them all meeting up in the centre, forming a sphere of energy.
A shiver went down my spine as I remembered the ear piercing screams of the Jasper as her gem was destroyed by the intense heat inside the core, but again I had to burden this guilt, or I might be killed myself.
“Another successful test,” my Agate laughed maniacally, “the Diamonds will be EVER so pleased.”
“The uses for this are endless!” the Peridot added, “waste disposal, rebel and off colour gem disposal, maybe it could be used for larger scale destruction!”
“We know the uses of this, Peridot,” my Agate sighed, “we’ve been working here for years.”
“Y-yes!” Peridot squeaked, saluting my Agate, prompting a sigh out of my mistress.
After the response, the Peridot’s fingers split up again to wander the world of the control panel.
“That sure looks difficult…” I stated.
“You would think so,” Peridot replied, “you were built as a servant for our Agate, it’s not your duty to know how this works.”
My Agate nodded in agreement.
“However,” Peridot added, “It is your duty to hand me that.” Peridot gestured to a small square device on a table across the room.
“Will do!” I replied cheerfully, picking if off the table and handing it to her.
“Thanks…” Peridot said, but her focus was already on the device I had given her. After a few seconds, she looked up from it, “I’ve taken the readings,” she explained to my Agate, “Now I’ll shut it down.”
“Good,” my Agate said bluntly, “come Pearl, we have other things to get on with.”
“Yes mistress!” I answered as we started to head out of the room, but before we could exit, a loud noise came from behind us.
“What was that?!” my Agate yelled.
Peridot squeaked as her fingers raced across the control panel, “a slight technical glitch may have occurred, mistresses!”
“What.” my Agate growled as she walked up next to Peridot to look at the energy, I quickly followed.
“What’s wrong with it?” I gasped as I looked up at the energy sphere, although I couldn’t really call it that anymore, it’s exterior was crawling like a creature in pain.
“A glitch!” Peridot panicked, “I already said!”
“But what kind of glitch? Whats making it go like that?” I queried quickly.
“Stop bothering her Pearl,” my Agate snapped, “let her focus!”
Before I could respond, Peridot let out a distressed yelp, and the orb of energy started deforming rapidly. I didn’t know why, but something told me that something bad was going to happen, very soon. Like now.
I let out a loud scream and leapt in front of my Agate, and just as I did I was blinded by a bright light, and deafened by a high pitched sound.
When my head became clear I realised I was standing in the middle of a barrage of light. I heard the Peridot and Jaspers scream out as their gems were disintegrated, but then I realised me and my Agate were safe.
I looked back at her and she looked at me, her face frozen in shock, “Pearl… You…” she stuttered.
I only then realised that the gem on my left shoulder was glowing. I frowned, was it reflecting the light? I then noticed that that arm was held out in front of me, almost as if I was holding…
“A shield!?” I gasped, looking at a purple riot shield right in front of me, protecting me and my Agate from the light.
A loud noise echoed across the station, and then the light disappeared, leaving only me and my Agate on the scorched remains of the chunk of metal floating in space.
“A shield…” my Agate muttered to herself, but my mind was on other things.
“We need to get you out of here, mistress!” I stated, “the station could blow at any moment!”
“You.. Saved… Me…” my Agate murmured.
She was obviously in shock from the event, so after lowering my shield, I grabbed my Agate and dragged her out the destroyed door, to the door at the other end of the corridor, the one I thought we wouldn’t use, but most importantly, the one with the escape pods.
After we got to the door I propped my Agate against the wall, the sun blocking out our view through the windows didn’t mesmerise me as it normally would have, since I was focusing on getting me and my Agate out of the time-bomb we were currently standing on.
I tried entering the code as normal, but it didn’t work. Weird. I tried again to no avail. The door must be broken.
Then I felt the station creak under my feet. My time was limited.
I focused and made my shield reappear on my arm, and I charged at the door. I stumbled back in from the impact, but much to my dismay, I’d only left a dent. But I had to get to the other side, to the escape pods that were in that room. So I tried again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
After what felt like millions of tries, each one bringing me closer to both life, yet also closer to death, I broke through the door.
I gasped in relief, before picking up my Agate, who was still in shock, and dragging her into the next corridor, over to a glowing circular pad.
I touched the pad, and a spherical escape pod rose out from the floor. I threw my Agate in it, before getting in myself, after a few seconds, the pod fazed back through the floor, launching us into space.
Launching us into safety.
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jewellerystorebrooks · 2 months
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jewellerystorebrooks · 5 months
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jewellerystorebrooks · 5 months
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jewellerystorebrooks · 7 months
Here's Why Lab Grown Diamonds Are the Gemstone of the Future
In recent times a lot of brides have moved away from natural diamond custom jewellery in Brooks, Alberta, and towards lab-grown pieces. Lab-grown diamonds have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties as natural diamonds with the exception of being made in a lab.
These diamonds are made using carbon-neutral equipment unlike natural diamonds that are mined using unethical practices. Here are some of the main reasons why lab-grown diamonds are the gemstones of the future.
They are more ethical
Even if a natural diamond claims to be conflict-free you can never be entirely sure. Lab diamonds in Swift Current, Saskatchewan are made in a lab and so allow you to maintain a lower carbon footprint. These diamonds can easily be traced back to the lab they were made from, unlike natural diamonds which can be tough.
Ethical diamonds don’t require to be mined, or transported across distances, and will not harm the planet and wildlife in the long run. Since natural diamonds need to be transported and undergo a manufacturing process it’s not sustainable and requires a lot more energy.
Lab diamonds are affordable
Lab-grown diamond engagement rings in Calgary, Alberta have the same properties and quality as mined diamonds but are much more affordable even at larger carat sizes. Since lab diamonds do not need to be transported across distances, this makes them much more cost-effective compared to natural diamonds.
Natural diamonds also undergo a lot of processes and costs, right from manufacturing to labor and even advertising which makes lab-made diamonds much more affordable.
Lab diamonds also come with next to no small flaws and imperfections which offer their wearer a brilliant shine and fire. These diamonds can easily be sourced in under two weeks, unlike natural diamonds that take years to form.
The Bottom Line
Keep in mind that lab-made diamonds also rate a tough 10 on the Mohs scale, making them tough, durable, and ideal for daily wear. Along with white diamonds, you can also get lab-made sapphires, rubies, and emeralds to meet your needs.
When investing in a lab diamond, make sure that you head to a reliable and trusted professional who can offer you a range of high-end metals and stones at an affordable price. You can also ask your professional if they can clean, repair, and maintain the piece for you.
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jewellerystorebrooks · 8 months
Should You Wear Your Engagement Ring to Sleep
Once you’ve said yes to your partner and now have that super sparkly engagement rings in Calgary, Alberta on your finger, you may never want to take it off. However, you need to remove your ring while exercising, cooking, or even cleaning, but what about when you go to bed?
Most professionals will advise you not to sleep with your ring on. Your engagement ring is valuable and a huge investment. So, it should be treated as such. Wearing your ring while you sleep means that it can get caught in your sheets or hair and snag.
Source: https://rosetjewelry.livejournal.com/264.html
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jewellerystorebrooks · 8 months
Should You Wear Your Engagement Ring to Sleep?
Once you’ve said yes to your partner and now have that super sparkly engagement rings in Calgary, Alberta on your finger, you may never want to take it off. However, you need to remove your ring while exercising, cooking, or even cleaning, but what about when you go to bed?
Most professionals will advise you not to sleep with your ring on. Your engagement ring is valuable and a huge investment. So, it should be treated as such. Wearing your ring while you sleep means that it can get caught in your sheets or hair and snag.
Reasons not to wear your ring while you sleep
One of the main reasons why a lot of jewelers will advise you not to wear your custom jewellery in Brooks, Alberta while you sleep is that constant wearing of your ring could break or chip your gemstone.
While diamonds are tough and durable, other stones like sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are a tad softer and could break or chip if handled roughly. Fragile stones should be put away safely at night and simply worn the next day.
If you tend to toss and turn a lot, taking your lab diamonds in Swift Current, Saskatchewan off is a good idea. You could end up sleeping on your ring and the pressure can cause it to lose its shape and warp.
Some women might even snag their ring on the bedcovers, or clothing causing the prongs to come loose. This could cause the gemstone to fall out and get lost. Large center stones or elongated cuts can also scratch your partner at night.
Your ring might even have smaller side stones or accent stones which can easily come loose and fall out while you sleep or get broken or cracked.
It’s always a good idea to invest in a jewelry box or a trinket tray to keep your ring in a safe and secure place for the night. If you do want to wear a ring while you sleep, simply wear your wedding band, and keep your ring away safely.
The Bottom Line
Make sure to take your ring to a professional every couple of months so that they can check and check your ring. Your jeweler will make sure that all your gemstones are secure and tight in their setting and that there is no damage to your piece.
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Cubic Zirconia vs Diamond: What's the Difference?
You love the way diamonds shine and shimmer in the light, however, if you’re on a budget, spending a lot of money on a diamond can be tough. If you’re looking for a more affordable option you can choose cubic zirconia or lab grown diamonds in Calgary, Alberta.
Lab-grown diamonds have the same chemical, optical, and physical qualities as a natural diamond with the exception of being made in a lab. These diamonds are eco-friendly and help you to keep a lower carbon footprint.
Cubic zirconia is also made in a lab; however, they do not have the same chemical makeup as a diamond. These pieces are beautiful and only professionals can differentiate them from a diamond.
Lab-grown vs Cubic Zirconia jewelry
Even though they may look similar, cubic zirconia and lab-grown diamond engagement rings in Calgary, Alberta vary in many ways. Lab-made diamonds are made by mimicking the same process as natural diamonds.
Cubic zirconia on the other hand is made from zirconium dioxide which does not have the same chemical makeup as a diamond. These stones are synthetic compared to lab-made stones that are identical to a natural diamond.
Your jewellery store in Swift Current, Saskatchewan is made in a lab and therefore does not need to be mined, transported, or shipped across distances. This makes them quite affordable even at larger carat sizes.
Cubic zirconia stones are even more cost-effective to produce as they don’t require recreating the same conditions as a diamond. They usually go for a small fraction of what diamonds would fetch.
Just like natural diamonds, lab-made diamonds rate a tough 10 on the Mohs scale, making them incredibly durable. You can even wear them while working with your hands and be sure that they do not break or chip.
Your cubic zirconia piece, on the other hand, rates an eight on the Mohs scale. These pieces can chip or break if handled roughly and aren’t ideal for daily wear and tear.
In Conclusion
At the end of the day, if you’re looking for something durable that suits your active and outgoing lifestyle, lab-made diamonds are the ideal choice. These diamonds, unlike cubic zirconia, offer the same value and rarity as diamonds along with a lovely shine and sparkle.
Make sure to head to a reliable professional who can offer you certified stones at an affordable price.
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jewellerystorebrooks · 3 months
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jewellerystorebrooks · 4 months
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