#La Fiancée de Dracula
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weirdlookindog · 9 months ago
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Brigitte Lahaie and Sandrine Thoquet in La fiancée de Dracula (1999)
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giftheplanet · 1 month ago
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Céline Mauge
La Fiancée de Dracula (2002)
Dir. Jean Rollin
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La fiancée de Dracula
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title777 · 1 year ago
Brigitte Lahaie
Les raisins de la mort 1978
Fascination 1979
La nuit des traquées 1980
to watch:
Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat 1979 !
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Die Nichten der Frau Oberst 1980 !
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Gefangene Frauen 1980
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Sechs Schwedinnen von der Tankstelle 1980 !
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Julchen und Jettchen ~ die verliebten Apothekerstöchter 1982 !
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Les paumées du petit matin 1981 !
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L'exécutrice 1986 !
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Dark Mission: Flowers of Evil 1988
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Faceless 1988 !
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La fiancée de Dracula 2002
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lemagcinema · 1 year ago
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Dracula de Francis Ford Coppola
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Le comte Dracula, un vampire âgé de plusieurs siècles, se rend en Angleterre où il va séduire Mina Murray, la fiancée de son avocat, et faire des ravages dans ce pays lointain. Notre avis: ***(*)
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/gerardmer-2024/dracula-de-francis-ford-coppola/
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letsstudieren · 2 years ago
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I was going to make a post three weeks ago to keep track of my bookclubs. Better late than never, right?
From the minimmersion discord:
La passe-miroir: Les fiancés de l'hiver (yes, I read it last year. This time I'm doing audiobook 0w0)
Rubinrot (reading + audio)
Elatsoe (normal reading. I'm suffering having to stop each week! Yes, I could ignore the schedule but...)
From the seitokai's nihongo discord:
The easy life in Kamusari (Forest) - more than half-way through and it's growing on me
One day we'll go back to かがみの孤城
E-mail editions:
Daily Dracula + Re:Dracula (yes, again)
Arsène Lupin (done! It's great! go read it if you haven't)
If anyone wants a link to one of the discords, let me know!
If you want to know about any of the books in specific, I can write a little something. Ideally I will either way once I finish them but, you know.
What are you guys reading? Anything fun?
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alfredsnightmare · 4 years ago
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La Fiancée de Dracula (Jean Rollin, 2002)
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mariocki · 3 years ago
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La fiancée de Dracula (Dracula's Fiancee, 2002)
"A figure in white. She was moving."
"She's dead, but retains a semblance of life, thanks to him."
"He loves her that much?"
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musidoro · 3 years ago
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LA FIANCÉE DE DRACULA (2002), directed by Jean Rollin.
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emisaris · 5 years ago
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Les Raisins de la mort (1978)
La Ville des pirates (1983)
La Fiancée de Dracula (2002)
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giftheplanet · 1 month ago
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Stills from La Fiancée de Dracula
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detournementsmineurs · 3 years ago
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Cyrille Iste dans “La Fiancée de Dracula” de Jean Rollin (2002), décembre 2021.
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oceanofbooks · 3 years ago
🩸"[...]Vous voulez aider ces hommes à me donner la chasse, à contrecarrer mes projets! Vous savez à présent ce qu'il en coûte de se placer en travers de mon chemin!"🩸
Maître des tempêtes je me fonds dans le brouillard, commande aux êtres de la nuit que vous, hommes, avaient condamné comme étant les enfants du diable. Laissez-moi entrer en vos demeures et vous deviendrez mes enfants, refusez ma venue et vous en subiraient les conséquences.
"Dracula" de Bram Stoker, version traduit par Jacques Finné et publié ici chez @panini_fr
Jonathan Haker, jeune Solicitor, est envoyé en Transylvanie dans les Carpates. La raison? Le Comte Dracula. Ce dernier a fait l'acquisition de plusieurs demeures à Londres et Jonathan est là pour finaliser et faire signer les documents à ce mystérieux Comte. Mais durant son séjour Mr Haker se sent peu à peu pris au piège et doute de plus en plus de sa santé mentale.
À Londres le Docteur John (Jack) Seward, directeur d'une clinique psychiatrique, s'occupe d'un bien étrange patient décrit comme maniaque zoophage du nom de R. M. Renfield.
Quant à la Douce Mina Murray, fiancée de Jonathan Haker, elle décide en attendant le retour de ce dernier de séjourner chez son amie Lucy Westenra. Cependant celle-ci semble souffrir d'étranges crises de somnambulisme qui l'affaiblisse peu à peu.
Et si tous ces événements étaient liés ?
Loin de ce que s'imaginer, tant par la manière dont Bram Stoker a choisi de raconter cette histoire que par l'histoire elle-même. C'est par des brides de journaux intimes et lettres écrites par divers protagonistes que nous avançons et apprenons la véritable histoire du terrible Comte Dracula. J'ai beaucoup aimé même si deux passages mon semblé un peu long. Je ne regrette pas ma lecture et vais de ce pas retrouver le Comte dans le film réaliser par Coppola 🖤
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La fiancée de Dracula (2002)
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tarry-a-lot · 5 years ago
French Musical Recommendations?/review (Part 3)
This is a mix between recommendations and shows I don’t like and shows I just know exist but don't know a lot about. Even if I’m not too much a fan of some of the show I would still check these shows out for the fun of it, maybe its not my cup of tea but it is for someone else. Again my French is lacking so if the lyrics aren’t great I wouldn’t really know unless I sat down and read them which I didn’t do.
Robin des Bois (2013): 
what to say about this show... I’ll start with the summary: Robin Hood and Marianne break up pre-show and have their own groups going on. Marianne also has a son with robin but robin has no idea about him. Sheriff of Nottingham starts attacking so Marianne asks robin for help. Also the sheriff figures out about robin’s son and so he imprisons the kid and surprise! there a romance between Nottingham’s daughter and Robin Hood’s son. 
Yep, haven’t seen the show, really don’t mind the plot sounds interesting enough. I’ve only listened to the soundtrack once and all I got to say is that it’s not great. The cast is lovely and look really sweet and friendly with each other, but all the songs really just sound like basic pop. To be clear without understanding the lyrics and just listening to it with not visuals, I found the soundtrack quite boring, so maybe I’m just missing something. My favourite songs are “Le flèche et la cible,” (the piano makes it sound like an anime opening or something, liked the drums too, and the vocals are nice) and “On est là” (it’s a really weird one, I couldn’t put my finger on it but after playing it for someone I got the decisive answer of it is very 80′s, the instrumentals really threw me off but hey it’s catchy). Also some songs had a bass line that also threw me off, just wasn’t expecting it. like the one in “la Providence,” maybe it’s just me. And one last thing about the songs, what the hell is ”Notting hill Nottingham” like that title is also the chorus and I’m just?? maybe if I understood the rest of the lyrics it would make sense? aside from the debatable chorus line, the drums are a blast in this song. Clips and music videos available on YouTube along with a behind the scenes two part video on the official musical’s channel.
Non-Music: well the costumes are ok, don’t love them but don’t hate them either, though friar tuck’s is debatable, from the bits I’ve seen most of the background is done with a screen which is fine, it’s more of a concert style show anyway, I’m a big fan of the ladder trees though, the dancing and acrobatics is probably the highlight of the show (again only saw bits but it looks good)
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Dracula l'amour plus fort que la mort (2012): This is different from the Frank Wildhorn Dracula musical, Dracula: A chamber Musical and the Swedish Dracula musical. Unsurprisingly this musical is based on Stoker Dracula telling which I never read so I don’t know how much it follows that text. It was also inspired by the 1992 Coppola film (which again I have never watched). I won’t be too helpful about plot summary but it follows the general novel plot with Jonathan Harker engaged with Mina Murray goes off to Dracula’s castle for work. Things happen, the issue with Lucy occurs then Mina is targeted by Dracula and Harker with the Dr. Seward and Helsing go to kill Dracula to save Mina. There also seems to be a subplot where Mina was Dracula’s lover in a past life, which is shown through dance sequences throughout the show.Music wise it’s mainly rock pop which is up my alley. Personally, just based on music and not lyrics I like “Encore”, “Elles”, “ Le Ciel et l'Enfer” “ La Dernière danse” and maybe “L'Amour et son Contraire”.  The full show is available on YouTube.
Non-music: This show goes hard on edgy imagery. I personally quite liked the general over the top modernish gothic vibe. The dancers are great and quite liked some of the limited palette scene. The opening shadow puppet scene was cool. The only part I really had issue with is maybe the CGI 3d video scene. It was cool at times but the CGI is not great which is not their fault, but kind of distracted me. Also if you watch it there is this scene where Harker is laying in a large Pieta statue (minus the Jesus) and it’s just great. Like edgy church imagery with vampires? sign me up. There’s also this Vampire dream sequence in a bed because of course every vampire musical needs one (Tanz der Vampire if you know what I mean). Harker is in bed and vampire women come out from the bed (the bed itself is a hollow prop where dancers are hiding within and pop out from the holes hidden by the puffy bedding), the bed itself could have been more decorative with posts (like tanz) but still a really cool scene, Almost forgot, Mina and Dracula are played by dancers so they don’t really sing, especially Dracula he does not speak at all. Costumes are fun to look at, some are the best but I appreciated the general look of the show so I’m not that bothered. I strangely grew to like the spiney Dracula costumes, I think the fact he didn’t talk and just danced helped me like the costume more.
Overall, fun show so if pop rock is your vibe this show you should check it out.
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Cindy Cendrillion (2002): This show is not good, but I had a blast laughing about it as I watched it so I recommend it. Let me clarify, my dislike is not due to the cast, in general I thought singing and dancing and all that were really good, what gets me is how dated it is now (it is really early 2000’s vibes and some of the plot is debatable). Show is available split into two acts on YouTube.
So the plot is pretty much a retelling of the Cinderella story in a modern early 2000′s setting. Cindy (Cinderella) is the daughter of an recently disappeared Irish pilot. and she lives with her step mother and sisters who are mean to her. She has a passion for dancing the jig, I’m assuming they are referencing Irish step to a certain degree. She goes out in night to dance but her step-mother threatens to kick her out if she doesn’t come home before midnight. A super star named Ricky (Prince Charming) has a Birthday ball and sees Cindy and falls in love. Also Ricky had a model Fiancée Judy who he breaks it off with to pursue Cindy. Spoilers now... Ricky writes a song where one can dance “the jig” to so they hold a competition to find a dancer for it, guess who wins? Cindy.. they fall in love... but Judy realises it’s all over for her and Ricky ands faxes him so mean message then commits suicide by overdosing on drugs. Cindy gets scared and leaves Ricky to Ireland. Ricky tracks her down and they fly away in a spaceship?! honestly this plot is just sure something.
Okay.... um if you read the spoiler section of the summary you’ll know how wild this show is. For those who haven’t warning there is an suicide by overdosing on drugs in the show. Music wise it’s alright, I watched the show but all the songs are quite forgettable because I was so distracted by the plot. Again the vocals are nice so perhaps I just need to listen to audio only, though I’m unsure about some of the lyrics. 
Non-Music: I have so much to rant about this show. First off it’s just weird that her Irish pilot dad keeps appearing in like spiritual form. Also Cindy is not spectacular at dancing, which is hilarious during the jig dancing competition you have actual dancer ensemble members doing cool moves and in general good dancing but at the end Cindy comes stepping around and twirling a bit, the same choreography she does every time she danced the jug in the show and then wins the competition. Honestly, they should of just done full Irish step dancing and had the actress trained in it or to be more practical had a double for Cindy that was obscured to trick the audience into thinking this double was Cindy. The actress was lovely and maybe she can dance but “the jig” choreography was so pathetic compared to the ensemble’s part, even the ensemble part was weird.. maybe I just don’t understand what “jig” dancing is. Also the ending was so random to me, maybe it’s because of my lacking French, I get there were references to space throughout the show but WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ENDING. Well stage wise it was interesting at parts. I like the large center column piece that had platforms on it that moved around the pillar. Cindy’s love song to Ricky with her in front of a large Ricky Magazine and two screens showing zoom ups on Ricky was weird. Finally, costumes, really dated and tacky but I think they were quite fun. The only complaint I really have is Ricky, he wears this half tank top half leather jacket look, and it’s really a single tiddy out look.
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Starmania (1979): Let me start by saying I DON’T hate this show I just know little about it. I’ve watched bits a few years ago and only really recall one song. It’s one of THE French musicals, I mean I wouldn’t know for certain but you’ll see it’s quite popular and covered by newer musicals cast member (like Mozart L’Opera Rock). The photo is from a more recent production which is different from the original costumes. As a show it’s set in a futuristic society so there is some surreal techno outfits and set pieces, which are actually quite cool. It’s pretty much about a gang called the Black Stars who are trying to rebel against a billionaire turned politician Zéro Janvier. There is romance plots, the wiki has more info on that. In general, the singing is great and from the parts I’ve seen it looks interesting despite the show aesthetic being really not my thing. Full versions of the show are available on YouTube, the production done in English is also posted on YouTube. I would say if you are trying to get into French Musicals this is a good one to listen to as well as it’s kind of a classic but I hesitate as the visuals look a bit weird due to the futuristic element (kind of remind me if starlight Express when it comes to costume) but if this isn’t you cup of tea there are plenty of other shows as well.
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Résiste (2015): It’s a French Jukebox Musical. It’s one of those one artist jukebox musicals, so all the songs were originally sung by France Gall and written by Michel Berger. It’s about five friends (I think they’re friends), two of whom are sisters. The sisters work with their dad at the family bar/night club. The plot revolves around something tragic happening and the five friends trying to deal and grow from it? (probably something to do with the night club)I haven't seen it so I have no idea what the tragic event is. I didn’t know any of the songs before this musical but it’s quite catchy and fun. Clips of the show and songs are available on YouTube.
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