#LTLM art
malady335 · 2 years
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Some art of Adult Cireth, child Cireth and Shelob.
First image is of all three of them to compare.The next three are of adult Cireth, her more casual wear to her full scouting/war gear. The fourth image is of her wolf fur mask/headdress. The last two are just of Shelob and child Cireth by themselves.
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malady335 · 2 years
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Some sketches for the Modern day AU of Lives Taken, Lives Made. I’ll probably not write anything for it but I might do some more art in the future.
Basically in summary Idhrenes divorces Raenor and marries Thakrak, a tattoo artist. Hura transations into a hot bird witch and is dating her neighbor Ur-Edin who works construction and coaches little league and other sports. Az-Bror works at a Big and Tall store and does tailoring on the side. Ronk trains wolves, coyotes and even bears for movies, he also has horses he rides in rodeos. Fubar is ex-military and runs a BDSM dungeon in his free time. Cireth is still too aggressive and when she grows up she becomes a wrestler for fun and even does some underground MMA fighting.
So if anyone is sad that Idhrenes and Thakrak didn’t make it don’t worry their relationship is great in this AU. I don’t think I’ll ever do any writing for it. I do have some ideas for oneshots with the original series that take place either when Cireth is an adult or even during the years they were in Seregost during that time skipped.
I also have a darker AU that I’m working on. It is basically an AU of what if Shelob didn’t help with Idhrenes’s pregnancy. It’ll be sad and go to some dark places but I don’t want to start posting unless I’m happy with it. While I love reading dark stuff I’m not the best at writing it and I’d rather make something good than just post an AU for its own sake and to keep the characters going. If I end up liking where it ends up I’ll be sure to post an update about it.
I also want to make a bit more art for LTLM, when I’ll get that done I don’t know since I want to jump back into Red Turns Black in the Moonlight. But I’ll be sure to make a post and put in a note at the start of LTLM about where I put any new art if I get some done.
I’m so happy to see so many people liked this little passion project of mine. When I started it I hadn’t an idea of where I wanted to take it other than a basic idea of the ending. I hadn’t the faintest idea people would like my characters as much as they do or that I would end up working on any AU stuff. So thank you everyone for coming along this almost 2yr journey with me and I hope it was as enjoyable for you as it was for me.
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malady335 · 2 years
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Some sketches of baby Felgrat. First image is of him asleep in Az-Bror’s hand and the second is of Cireth holding him. The last one is several sketches of Helhon I did ages ago.
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malady335 · 2 years
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Some more art for Lives Taken, Lives Mad arc 3
The comic at the bottom I made not long after I started writing LTLM
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malady335 · 2 years
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Some sketches for the beginning of arc 3. The first is of Thakrak as overlord and the rest are of Cireth.
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malady335 · 2 years
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Idhrenes in the dress she wears in Chapter  51(Arc 3: Ch 7) of Lives Taken, Lives Made.
I realized I’d forgotten to draw her with the scars Felgrat gave her in some of my previous sketches, but it’s here now.
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malady335 · 3 years
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Some more sketches I’ve done for Lives Taken, Lives Made.
The top image is Lorm and Orzu and the one below it(that’s not Thakrak) is poor old Felgrat.
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malady335 · 3 years
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Some more art I’ve done for Lives Taken Lives Made.
I’ve now learned babies are hard to draw and white out will not take colored pencil, it’s why Cireth’s face looks a little weird in the second one
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malady335 · 2 years
Stories Update
Lives Taken, Lives Made is finished(with the writing). I still need to edit the last several chapters but that won’t take long. It’s why I’ve updated the posting schedule from once a week to twice a week. What was going to be arc 4 I had thought was going to be really long but ended up much shorter. I’m very excited to share the end of this almost two years long project. I still have some art I want to do for it but outside of art and the edit Lives Taken, Lives Made is basically done.
This means I can focus on my other projects, mainly Red Turns Black in the Moonlight. I have the clearest idea for what I wanna do next/how I want to end it which is why I’ll mainly be focusing on that story next.
I might still work a bit on Where the Mountain Meets the Land but that’s more secondary.
There is still the unfinished other Shadow of War fic but I don’t plan to post any of it till it is finished. I haven’t worked on it since I made this last big push with LTLM but I am still invested in it.
Both Bard for the Unsung and Above One’s Station will be on the back burner but I would like to get back to them at some point. I have less of a clear idea of what I want to do with those two which is why I’ve been so slow with them.
I still want to do the Jem’Hadar half of the AU I wrote but that won’t be for a while.
Metamorphosis of A Queen is still on hiatus. I just haven’t gotten back into Transformers and haven’t had the inspiration to get any farther in part 3 of what I’d initially planned as at least a 5 part story. I’m not saying it’s dead since I tend to jump between fandoms often but do not expect any update anytime soon.
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malady335 · 3 years
My LotR/Orc Stories Update
Lives Taken Lives Made: Still in the works. I’m gonna split arch 3 so currently LTLM will have 4 archs total. I think the reason I got so burnt out with arch 2 was because I really should have split arch 2 since it was so long. So I’m gonna do that for 3 so I won’t get burnt out again. I’m also debating on shifting perspectives, Idhrenes is less the main character in the second half but I worry that it might be confusing to shift from her to someone else as the ‘I’ in the story. Red Turns Black in the Moonlight: The next chapter is ready but I wanna get some art done before I post it. I don’t know how I wanna end it but I know what direction I’m going in. I feel like it’s gonna end up long, hopefully not as long as LTLM but longer than most of my other writing. Where the Mountain Meets the Land: Still working on it. Bard for the Unsung: Still working on it(slowly). Above One’s Station: Still working on it(just slowly).
I have another piece for ‘A Ranger’s Sexual Misadventures in Mordor’ in the works but that might be a bit since I just can’t stick to one project, lol. I also have ANOTHER Shadow of War story in the works. I’m gonna try and finish it before posting it because I don’t want it to conflict with getting LTLM done. Overall I’ve got a lot of writing projects several of which have art I wanna make. So if anyone is waiting for anything specifically know that these are the stories I keep going back to work on and that’s why I’m going much slower than I was when I started LTLM which at the time had been my only writing project.
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malady335 · 3 years
If you follow me for Lives Taken Lives Made(my latest Shadow of Mordor fic) and want to avoid the art that’s a bit ahead of the story I’ll be tagging them as LTLM Spoilers and will be taking the tag off when the story reaches where the art is at.
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