#LS Retail Partners in Ethiopia
tridentinfotech · 2 years
How can IoT Help in Achieving Excellent Automotive Product Quality in Your Manufacturing Plant?
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
Today’s economies are dramatically changing, triggered by new markets, digital developments, increased automation, and the rise in modern technologies around the world. These factors have revolutionized several industries, and the automotive industry is no exception. People these days have become more quality conscious. Hence, pressuring manufacturers to provide the best quality automotive items at lower costs. Manufacturers seek the best IoT for Manufacturing such as a Machine Vision Application to produce excellent quality products.  
The automotive industry can expect consistent growth in the market. According to a report by Mckinsey, the automotive revenue pool will significantly increase and diversify towards on-demand mobility and driven data services. It can generate about 1.5 trillion or 30% more as additional revenue in 2030. This is a massive opportunity for automotive manufacturers. However, this opportunity tags along with various challenges. Among these, the most obvious one is – high competition.  
To stay ahead of the competition, you have to offer exceptional services and excellent quality automotive products to the customers. You can easily achieve this with an IoT solution for Manufacturing (preferably Artificial Intelligence based Software). A Machine Vision Inspection helps you achieve exactly what you need; excellent quality products at lower costs. This Smart Manufacturing IoT is designed specifically for you to cut waste and increase your staff’s productivity.  
In this article, we will discuss how a Machine Vision Application can help you achieve the desired quality of your products.  
How Can Machine Vision Application Help You Achieve First-Class Production Quality? 
To ensure the quality of your products, first, you need superior quality raw material and then ensure that the produced items have no scratches, breakage, etc. A Manufacturing Defect Detection Software enables the dimensional gauging of the precision machine components like transmission, fasteners, and other sub-assemblies. The Machine Vision Application ensures only those items pass through the conveyor belt that fulfills the quality standards.  
 AI-based Manufacturing Inspection Software like Vision Intelligence System by Trident 
Allows quality inspection in a similar environment. The best part is you do not even have to make additional changes to this IoT Factory Automation software.  
What can the Vision Intelligence System do?   
The Machine Vision Application can read barcode labels, barcodes from the marked parts, direct part marks (DPM), and verify labels. 
This IoT in Manufacturing Industry detects dents, wrinkles, and cracks in any part of the item. It can further detect piston defects (mishandling and foundry defects).    
Measure/ Gauge/ Guide 
You can easily measure the outer and inner diameters of the O ring, the angle of the metal tips, and the positions of labels and edges with Machine Vision Application.  
Detects Minute Flaws  
You can even detect flaws that are not visible to the naked eye such as small dents, scratches, dust, dust, etc.  
Quality of the Glass 
The Internet of Things Smart Manufacturing software helps detect little flaws on the windshield like cracks, scratches, breakage, discoloration, dust, and so on.    
Missing Components  
Detect missing bolts, nuts, screws, wires, and so on at one glance.    
What Would You Get in the End? 
Defect detection is a tiring process, yet the most important thing is to determine the quality of your production. If you employ Machine Vision Application 
, you can get the following benefits:  
No Human Interaction Required 
With Defect Detection Computer Vision like Vision Intelligence System, you can leave human dependency behind. The machine does all the work itself demanding no too low human interactions. This is the best way to avoid human errors. 
Boosts Productivity  
When you employ a robust machine like Machine Vision Application for quality check, you get faster and more accurate detection. Since the process becomes faster, you can cut waste and produce more items in less time.   
Quick Reporting    
The best part of this technology is its quick reporting facilities. Whenever there is a defect, it flashes the alert on the monitor. Hence, prompting the concerned person to take relevant actions. In human-based defect detection, the same process is more tedious and time-consuming.  
The automotive industry has a bright future, and you, as a manufacturer, have a lot of opportunities. However, opportunities come with challenges. To stay ahead in the competition, you need to get AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT software working for you that supports you to provide excellent customer service.  
Vision Intelligence System is one of the most renowned Machine Vision Application in the market that helps you boost productivity, cut human errors and increase your ROI (Return on Investment) impressively. For further information, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. 
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
Case Study – NOC Ethiopia
Microsoft Dynamics 365 / By Trident Information Systems
Established in 2004, National Oil Ethiopia Plc (NOC) is excelling in the marketing of petroleum products in the country. It is the first indigenous oil marketer to have distinct service stations located throughout the country. 
NOC markets one of the leading lubricant brands commonly known as Chevron-Caltex Lubricants, as well as contribute to a major share in Ethiopia Oil Industry. It supplies over 100 lubricant grades for Industrial and Automotive applications. Additionally, the organization delivers other petroleum products such as LPG, Chemicals, Bitumen, and Petcock.  
The business delivers services to keep their customers going by delivering services in the most cost-efficient and effective manner. Their team is divided into retail and commercial units to profitably market their products and achieve effective customer services and market leadership in the gas sector of Ethiopia.  
The business aims at consistently improving its product and service offerings while expanding its business operations in Ethiopia and other African Countries. However, their current system was unable to comply with their requirements. Hence, they decided to contact Trident Information Systems for a suitable solution. After conducting thorough research, Trident found its core challenges and requirements and believed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations will be the most suitable solution.   
Business Challenges 
The business was struggling with financial management and supply chain issues which included:  
Difficulty in figuring out the accurate volume of fuel transported in the truck.  
Tough time allocating charges on import purchase orders and knowing the landed cost on the inventory.  
Difficulty in allocating departmental costs and expenses. 
The manual approach to the regular activities caused redundancy and similar issues.  
Disparate systems and no real-time data availability hampered decision-making.  
Uncontrolled operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendors.  
Business Requirements 
The business needed a unified approach in the financial management of the business and required the following:  
To calculate the accurate fuel volume transported in trucks, know the losses and gains during the transit.  
To allocate charges on the import purchase order and to know the actual landed cost on inventory.  
Needed to identify departmental cost and expenses for actual cost allocations.  
Configure and customize the automation process for regular activities.  
Unified software solution for real-time data availability.  
Robust support of operations and compliances throughout the organization and vendor. 
Solutions Provided by Trident Information Systems 
After digging out the organization’s core challenges and requirements, Trident implemented Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain. Other benefits the solution provided include:  
DIP Measurement Process- as NOC uses Dip Measurement to calculate fuel volume transported in the truck to find out the losses and gains during the transit.  
Insightful reports and dashboards on financial transactions with D365 Finance and Supply Chain.  
Enhanced Process Automation.  
Captured all landed costs while adding them to the Inventory.  
A centralized view on operations, costing, compliances, and inventory.  
A sophisticated vendor management system.  
Benefits to Business 
After implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain, NOC noticed a considerable change in their financial management and supply chain. Trident’s solution delivered the following benefits:  
The business could manage and schedule its resources in real-time and project costs accurately.  
NOC could identify the actual fuel volume transported in the truck to know the gains and losses during the transit.  
Their revenue was now managed more systematically and accurately.  
A centralized system for planning and project analysis could better control operations and compliance across the organization.  
Better vendor management and regulatory compliance.  
Advantages of Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain 
Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Supply Chain put flexibility and Scalability at the core of your business, allowing you to quickly grow, and adapt at your own pace. You can easily tailor and extend the application to meet your unique business or industry-specific needs. It can offer the benefits given below but not limited to:  
Supports critical operations throughout the business.  
Exceptional reporting functionality that allows businesses to collect data and assess situations right then and there.  
Microsoft backed and developed functionality to enable seamless integration within the enterprise.  
Enables in-depth accounting and financial functionality.  
Reduces IT maintenance load.  
It automates and streamlines the supply chain.  
Endorses innovation with a modern and adaptable platform.  
Streamlines asset management.  
Bottom line  
After struggling with successfully managing their expanding business’ finance and supply chain, NOC Ethiopia finally decided to contact Trident Information Systems for Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain solution. After the implementation, the business could witness benefits like optimum resource management and scheduling, systematic revenue management, centralized view of the entire supply chain, and so on. Trident is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation partner. Contact us for further information
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How can Charity Retailers Select the Right POS and Unified Software Solution?
Retail POS Solution / By Trident Information Systems
Making the move or upgrading to a new version of Retail POS System or ERP Software for eCommerce affects every area of a retailer’s company. It can be much worse for charity merchants, who must account to their patrons for their running expenses. They must be able to justify any additional investments made to meet the increasing administrative load they currently confront, even if it is one of their largest expense centers. 
But there is no longer a choice to do nothing. Charity merchants cannot afford to cling to antiquated procedures and outdated technology as they struggle to stay viable and deal with issues like multi-channel stock management, retaining supporters, and obtaining the largest gifts from frugal customers. The most discerning understand that the proper Retail POS Systems and Retail ERP software may relieve their pain. Several well-known charities, like Sue Ryder, Ten Thousand Villages, and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), have made the switch. 
Ralph Larcombe, the manager of Sue Ryder’s EPOS systems in the United Kingdom, stated that the organization’s sole purpose in being there was to make money to fund its healthcare department and do good deeds. Therefore, getting value for their money was crucial to them when choosing a new IT system. 
Sue Ryder chose to upgrade to the most recent version of LS Retail Software Solution. Their trustees reviewed the business case to ensure that the initiative would produce the anticipated return on investment (ROI). The organization is now benefiting from automated replenishment, improved data administration, intelligent reporting, and a simplified till that requires less training for new volunteers in terms of saving money and time. 
How can ERP Software for eCommerce Manage Every Aspect of Your Charity Retail Store? 
You will eventually lose sight of which parts of your business are doing well and which aren’t if your data is stored in silos across many databases and your channels don’t connect. Because of this, charity retailers want ERP Software for eCommerce that gives them a clear picture of their data, complete control over their business, and real-time data on goods, sales, and customers for all of their physical and online stores. 
LS Retail Management Software is now used by the UK charity RHS to power several retail sites. The software is used by the corporation to handle its supply chain, sales orders, order fulfillment, and finance for its retail and sales operations. RHS is equipped with all the tools necessary to manage: 
Retail Activities throughout the garden centers.  
Finances, except charitable finances.  
Inventory, e-commerce sales, gifts, and books.  
Data on products, customers, and sales. 
How Does it Help You Manage Volunteers and Employees? 
Charity shops by definition have a high worker turnover rate. The majority of retailers often use volunteers of various ages, who must be recruited, employed, instructed, and managed. Therefore, having cutting-edge Retail Point of Sale Systems that is simple to use, need little training, and can simply organize employee schedules is a priceless tool for your nonprofit organization. 
A straightforward and easy-to-use Point of Sale System was important to Sue Ryder when choosing a new retail system. 
EPOS Systems Manager Larcombe remarked, “Having a till that is straightforward, transparent, clean, and easy to use, is of enormous importance to us. After a brief 45-minute training session, the volunteers at the Sue Ryder stores—some of whom are seniors without any prior retail experience—can use the till with ease. Our volunteers may practice without actually doing transactions in the training mode on the LS Retail till, and they often pick it up pretty fast.” 
How Strong Business Analytics and Embedded Power BI can Provide Better Visibility? 
Do you fully comprehend what is occurring throughout your network of charity shops? Data analytics may be useful, especially for the price and assortment optimization, if you want to quickly identify the goods and places that are generating the most money and where you should take action. Although you may add these sophisticated features to your Retail Management System, it is more cost-effective to have them integrated into the ERP Software for eCommerce as opposed to using a separate software solution that you’ll need to operate, pay for, and keep up to date. 
Managers at Ten Thousand Villages now have far better visibility into what is happening thanks to clever ERP Software for eCommerce and a centralized source of data. They can act on opportunities and fix problems in real-time, even on the busiest retail days, thanks to a Power BI dashboard that pulls data straight from the Retail ERP. Hence improving sales performance. 
Today, a lot of charity retailers work with ERP Software for eCommerce such as LS Retail Software Solution. If you want to implement this solution, you can Contact Trident Information Systems. We are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Partner and LS Central Diamond Partner. With a strong track of accomplishments of 22+ years, we have partnered with various renowned businesses across the world.  
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How Manufacturing Industry Transformed using Microsoft Dynamics 365
The future of manufacturing will be defined by the quality of investments companies are making today
In the not too distant past, efforts in manufacturing to optimize productivity and increase customer satisfaction were viewed as separate endeavors. Today, the convergence of physical and digital trends is disrupting these kinds of assumptions.
Manufacturers today care about integrated digital and physical systems, improved visibility, increased efficiency, additional flexibility, and lower costs. They want to connect equipment and factories, leveraging data from the factory floor to the customer call center to improve every aspect of their operations.
But this is just the beginning. Digitization is fundamentally changing the way manufacturers do business, enabling a customer-centric approach while optimizing operations. Digitally empowered manufacturers engage customers throughout the product lifecycle from design to field service. They sell value-add services to complement the product sales, opening new revenue streams and strengthening their customer relationships. And they are revolutionizing delivery of these differentiated services, using technology like augmented reality to combine the eyes of a technician in the field with the insights of an expert back at headquarters.
Capitalizing on these trends isn’t limited to large, well-resourced manufacturers. Across all kinds of manufacturing operations, the opportunity to digitize and transform your business has never been more accessible.
Imagine your business transformed
The Microsoft vision for supporting digital manufacturing embraces the seismic shifts in the industry today. We’ve created solutions that provide a unified and flexible approach across front office and production floor processes. Our approach enables transformation in six ways:
Optimize supply chain operations through better visibility and collaboration
By collecting, integrating, and visualizing global supply chain data worldwide, manufacturers gain better visibility into their operations from production to sales. For example, one of the world’s largest industrial automation firms found that by automating the collection and analysis of data from remote installations across the petroleum supply chain, they strengthened their competitive advantage with a faster time to market. Improved access to supply chain data is also the basis for better collaboration across production, supply, service, and sales.
Streamline the management of assets, products, and production
With a consolidated view that unifies process oversight and provides real-time insight, manufacturers can institutionalize efficiency gains and use connected devices to monitor and resolve issues remotely. One leading manufacturer of industrial robots enabled 24-hour continuous uptime using this approach. The additional insights into production and customer usage also allow manufacturers to provide value-added services like ongoing monitoring and proactive support.
Engage customers in powerful new ways
To deliver personalized and contextual engagement across any channel, manufacturers must provide customers with more visibility and build trust through fast and convenient responses. This engagement approach is built on a combination of predictive analytics, the ability  to deliver value-added services at scale, and guided or self-directed service that’s relevant to customer needs. With the implementation of a connected platform for sales through service, a leading home technology manufacturer not only solved potential problems remotely before customers ever felt the impact, but provided custom differentiated offerings based on unique customer usage and purchasing history.
Transform service centers into profit centers
Thanks to the ever-decreasing cost of IoT sensors, sophisticated mobile devices, and cloud-based data aggregation, manufacturers can improve service quality and margins by offering remote monitoring and proactive maintenance services that supplement break/fix support. By more intelligently coordinating technicians equipped with mobile and virtual reality tools, companies can leverage existing expertise and minimize costly engagements. A leading tire service and manufacturing company found that by combining customer records, technician availability, and back-end inventory in a single mobile-friendly system, it could provide a seamless user experience as well as improve its service delivery.
understand their business more deeply, from customer usage through supply chain sourcing and production. With IoT-enabled parts, assets, and products, manufacturers can gain the insights needed to innovate. Data from connected products and equipment can empower developers, engineers, and technicians to collaborate. For example, teams can identify overengineered or faulty components and track product usage in the field to improve future designs. When a leading information and communication technology company implemented remote monitoring, they decreased time to production as well as accelerated the cycle of innovation using a data-driven approach.
Empower employees to work more effectively
When a company can provide 360-degree views of customer assets and work order history, technicians are empowered by a better understanding of not only the job in front of them, but of other similar and successful field service engagements. This goes hand in hand with empowering service agents to provide instant feedback, using machine learning to find and follow similar cases for successful troubleshooting, and scheduling a visit or evaluation. A leading auto manufacturer wanted to save money by unifying their siloed customer service and customer engagement while providing employees with better tools to understand customer sentiment. To accomplish this, it implemented a system to connect production and project management with their customer relationship management systems in order to deliver personalized service and recommendations to their customers.
Introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365
For manufacturers, Microsoft Dynamics 365 ends the artificial divide between CRM and ERP systems and supplements necessary capabilities with rich analytics, embedded intelligence, and the convenience people expect from consumer apps on their phone or tablet. Dynamics 365 unites the front office and the back office with a single end-to-end system for managing every aspect of your business, at the pace and scale that’s right for you. Digital transformation isn’t accomplished overnight and leveraging current investments is a key component of any successful approach. With Microsoft, you can optimize across all your processes while laying the foundation for connecting advanced technology in the future.
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How Can Supermarkets Reduce Food Waste?
Retail ERP Software / By Trident Information Systems
Have you ever realized how much food your business is wasting every year? Probably more than you realize! It contributes to the waste management burdens on a significant level globally. According to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, wasted food costs add up to US$936 billion a year. It is burdening the food management system and causing major threats to global issues like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The UN is urging countries across the globe to cut the waste in half by 2030. ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) like LS Retail ERP have proven itself to be effective in tackling this situation. It is recommended to contact LS Retail Gold Partners as they are backed up with a strong track record.  
It is shocking to note that the United Kingdom alone is throwing away food that makes up to 190 million meals a year. The edible surplus is going into animal feeds, landfills, or plants.  
Food wastage is a global issue that needs to be tackled as quickly as possible, but it also needs a balancing strategy as well. By their very nature, supermarkets tend to stock up varied materials with different shelf lives and end up throwing up food that is no longer considered fresh. They need to find a suitable solution to guide them in buying relevant items in relevant amounts while fulfilling customer demands and providing fresh material at all costs. We have compiled a list of solutions for you to minimize waste as much as possible. 
#1 Manage Expiry Dates Properly  
One of the major factors leading to food waste is expiry dates. It has been estimated that 87% of food that is wasted from grocery stores is because of them having to dispose of expired products.  
The first thing that the stores can do is to educate their customers about what exactly the expiry date means. Many consumers do know the difference between sell-by, used-by, and best before dates. However, there are still people who are confused between them. Thus, supermarkets can assist buyers by standardizing this information while addressing it to their customers in clear and simple formats.  
Supermarkets are also inclining towards software such as LS Retail ERP that can track expiry dates and help them create discounts and exclusive offers on individual items that are about to expire, so they can be sold while reducing food wastage. Tools like Dynamics Pricing grab customer attention and encourage them to purchase near-to-expire items over fresh products.  
#2 Analyze Waste Patterns with LS Retail ERP 
LS Retail ERP specialized in collecting and analyzing waste. Even Grocery stores these days are realizing the importance of collecting data from different touchpoints like their eCommerce site, vendor data, smart shelves, and loyalty programs. However, there are still some who prefer to operate on spreadsheets or paper printouts. By doing so, they miss capturing essential data which could deliver special insight to boost their efficiency and profit at the same time.  
By optimizing demand planning and advanced data analytics solutions, they can use the collected and big data to predict demand, identify waste patterns, and order exactly the amount they need.  
#3 Shift to Modern Appliances  
According to a study conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the grocery retail sector sucks up to 2% of the globally used energy, which is even more than what data centers across the world consume. Energy and asset monitoring solutions throughout the stores play a key role for engineering solutions worldwide food system (which is under massive pressure) 
The key challenge is to maintain food quality and safety while using the least amount of energy. Modern refrigerators can help significantly with this as they are reliable and keep food at the current temperature. LS Retail ERP can take this a step ahead with its essential and actionable insights on how to enhance energy performance.  
FAO declares that over the past 5 years alone, ERP Solutions have managed to save up to US$37 million (about $0.11 per person in the US) by reducing food waste.  
#4Train Your Staff to Cut Food Waste  
The food and packaging damage is most likely to occur during the transition phase. One of the most common mistakes that staff members make is to place heavy objects right over the easily breakable or easily bruised produce such as eggs and fresh fruits. This can end the writing of the entire box of fresh produce. This affair is very costly.  
Food retailers can avoid scenarios like this by professionally training their staff. Getting staff on board and introducing methods to curb food waste can bring a meaningful change.  
For Instance, in Germany, Metro Cash and Carry staff is trained in all aspects of food safety and hygiene while storing, processing, and storing. Thus, reducing loss of food and a greater volume of marketable products.    
#5 Donate the Surplus  
One of the best things supermarkets can do to reduce food waste is to donate their surplus for human consumption. In the UK, the top ten supermarket chains are donating less than 6% of their surplus for human consumption.  
A representative of Tesco, the UK supermarket that gives away the highest surplus of its surplus food quotes “We first published our food waste data in 2013 and believe that only by understanding the hotspots can we reduce waste” then he also mentioned “Our priority is to reduce this surplus through optimizing our forecasting, ordering and ‘reduce to clear’ processes. Our target is that no food safe for human consumption will be wasted and [if you deduct 16,497 tons sent to animal feed and 9,661 tons given to colleagues] we are now 77% of the way there.” To achieve this, they used LS Retail ERP. 
The world’s food issues need a radical solution throughout the supply chain. Using technology like LS Retail ERP can track inventory and its expiry date as well as provide meaningful insight to help you reduce waste could bring a significant difference. This Retail Management Software is one of the best solutions used to curb food waste across various supermarkets. Contact Trident Information Systems for further information. We are the LS Central Diamond Implementation Partner and Microsoft Dynamics Gold Implementation Partner.  
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How to Transform your Data into Actionable Insight?
Microsoft Dynamics 365 / By Trident Information Systems
Discover a transformative line of business application built using Microsoft big data and advanced analytics. BI is best practices that enable access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance.
Advance Your Analytics Journey
BI (Business Intelligence) and analytics within your company with Trident Data Analytics. Starting out with the right solution from Trident which enables your organization to rapidly accelerate from Reporting to Monitoring.  Trident’s Data Analytics Solutions connects to the applications that you have deployed today, including Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations and legacy Dynamics AX 2012.  Insights include historical trending, drill-down reporting, and improved insights into your operational and financial business needs. With Trident Data Insights, there is a single source of the truth for your analytical data.
To help clients meet the demands of today and plan for tomorrow, we offer the following services:
Business Strategy and Enterprise Metrics: Enterprise information management strategy and roadmap development, business information health assessments, business case development, platform and tool evaluations, architecture definition and enterprise metrics management
Business Process Application: Event monitoring, BI adoption, organizational deployment and user empowerment
BI Capabilities: BI rationalization and consolidation, data visualization and analytic applications development, BI Center of Excellence, cloud reporting
Analytic Applications: Enterprise analytics services, industry solutions and web analytics
Information Infrastructure: Data modelling, data architecture, data integration Center of Excellence, master data management, metadata management, data quality management, data warehouse performance improvement, design and development, quality assurance and auditing and data governance
Assess Analytics Maturity & Develop Roadmap: Analytics maturity assessment across categories such as Organisation, infrastructure, Data management, Analytics, Governance
Data Exploration & Preparation: Data discovery & mapping exercises. Establishing data governance rules for initial rolls out of BI.
Trident Data Insight Foundation: Deployment and configuration of ADI semantic layer. (ie: Data warehouse, power BI Content packs). Designing and development of initial BI focus for a specific area of your business.
Trident Data Insights Analytics: Specifically targeted predictive and prescriptive insights. Focused on business outcomes
Data Visualisation
Organizations are building huge stack of data but the key to unlock the data is through visualizations like reports, metrics, KPI’s and dashboards. Trident’s  Business Intelligence and Analytics visualization services are giving shape to the data and turning data into metrics which can be tracked at various levels by CXO’s and managers. Trident’s visualization service is tailor-made based on your organization sector which decides the key KPI’s essential for your organization. We are Delivering real-time solutions to organizations which enables them to make informed decisions.
Build End-to-End Framework From Big Data Platform to Solutions
Engineer, Monitor and Maintain
We can help you with the right skills, tools and expertise to turn your business problems into business insights. Our data engineers analyse and integrate all your data (both structured and unstructured ) and try to make it tangible for your business. Our expertise in cloud computing platforms including AWS, Google, Azure, IBM and Oracle enable us quickly build bespoke Big Data platforms that can be up and running within hours, and not days.
Predictive Analysis
With the techniques like data mining, statistical algorithms, modelling, machine learning and artificial intelligence, we identify the likelihood of future outcomes basis the historical and existing data lying in your data warehouse. We help you understand Beyond What Has Already Happened and provided the best assessment of what will happen in the future. We build and deploy predictive modelling directly into your business processes using our multi-faceted predictive analytics capabilities in a single solution.
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
Streamline ordering and communication with a connected Kitchen Display System (KDS)
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
Since LS One 2020 was released in July, the LS One team has been developing extra functionality to enhance the system. They have put special focus on extending the capabilities for restaurants and food service businesses. Trident is LS Retail Central Platinum Partner, offering ERP for Retail & Hospitality.
The Kitchen Display System (KDS) is a digital order viewer that replaces paper tickets and printers in a restaurant kitchen. A KDS has become an essential component in a modern kitchen, as it helps organize and streamline work:
No more stained, hard-to-read paper tickets: all orders are displayed on screens, clear and tidy.
No need for servers to waste time running from the front to the kitchen and back: all communication between kitchen and front (orders, items, their preparation status) goes through your POS system.
Items and orders are automatically routed and displayed at the proper food preparation stations.
Items are shown on the screens by production order, so kitchen staff can start and complete preparation timely.
Kitchen staff can bump dishes to different stations, or mark orders and items as ready.
The Kitchen Display System and the POS are connected via a two-way communication system. Front-of-house staff can see the status of orders at the POS, and make sure all dishes are delivered to the guests at the right time.
You can add screens and set up specific automations to follow your kitchen’s flow.
In the past, to connect a KDS to LS One you needed to do your own integration. From this version of LS One onwards, you can use your LS One POS system with the LS Retail Kitchen Display System. The systems are connected out of the box, no extra work needed.
Picture this:
Your server takes the order at the POS. When they send the order to the kitchen, the items are automatically routed to the KDS in the correct kitchen station (for example, the grill station versus the sauté or dessert station), and displayed in the right order of production.
When a guest asks “When is my dish coming?” front-of-house staff can check at the POS the status of the order, and update the table. Easy, quick, and professional.
Sell groups of items easily with assembly items
It’s now easier than ever before to sell multiple items at once – for example, as a gift basket. In LS One you can now create “assembly items” by combining different items into one. The options are endless:
Set up deals (or meal deals, if you run a restaurant or café)
Create hampers and gift baskets
Make bills of materials
Set up recipes, managing the ingredients as separate items
Assemble supply kits
Do you run a chain, and want to differentiate your offering across locations?
You can vary the list of component items between locations, and easily substitute products or ingredients as needed. For example, your holiday hamper can include Gouda cheese, instead of brie, in some of your store locations.
You can set a special price for the final item, or add up the prices of the items that compose it – your choice. If you want, you can also display the list of components on the POS receipt, on the printed receipt, and on kitchen orders – or you can hide it.
The integration to SAP Business One ERP just keeps on getting better
Since we introduced the out-of-the-box integration between LS One and ERP SAP Business One, more and more businesses have moved from other POS solutions to LS One. Using their valuable feedback, we have been working on the integration to make it even more immediate and seamless.
You can now add a U.S. tax setup when you create a customer on the POS
The login service layer is more intuitive and quicker
We have added tax synchronization for specific localizations
You can now easily connect to different versions of SAP Business One HANA
More enhancements to come as the LS One team keeps on ironing out the wrinkles.
Endlessly enhancing LS One
We are continuously working on improving LS One in terms of functionality, speed and simplicity. Some highlights from this release:
You can now add the company’s country information
Discount calculations are way faster than before
We have redesigned the “send to station” and “menu type selection” dialogs (restaurant-specific functionality)
The kitchen printing/send to station functionality is now fast and seamless (restaurant-specific).
You can find more enhancements and fixes in the release notes. And as usual, more improvements are ahead as the team keeps on working to make LS One the best POS in the industry.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or any query for us, get in touch! or write at [email protected]
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
LS Central Helps Optimizing Your Restaurant Operations
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
Are you running a flourishing restaurant where your current Restaurant Management System fails to support your growth? LS Central can help you in this case. It assists you in polishing your customer services with its robust features and tools. LS Central is a unified Hospitality ERP Software that helps you optimize your restaurant services by integrating your floor staff with the kitchen to bring what your customers ordered without delay. It provides a transparent view of your business with dashboards and real-time reports to help you create logical and data-driven decisions.  
With actionable customer insights, you can create successful loyalty programs. Also, with real-time inventory reports, you will always have balanced stocks with minimum wastage. Predictive analysis will never let you go out of stock. And with automation, you will hand over monotonous tasks to the machine.  
There are more features, tools, and benefits of LS Central than you can count. In this blog, we will explain how LS Central can get your restaurant at a rapid pace.  
LS Central Restaurant Management System Works Wonders for Your Business  
LS Central is one of the most renowned Restaurant Management Systems designed for SMBs and enterprises. It will help you:  
Get Centralized Control Over your Restaurant Business 
LS Central collects and stores data centrally and gives decision makers a centralized view over their business. You can access details on all your restaurant chains located in different locations from the headquarters. With real-time reports, you can decide menus, prices, and recipes according to their popularity in a certain location. Purchase mindfully while cutting wastage, look through your exhausted stocks and order the right amount. Also, you can order according to demand prediction and simply automate your replenishment. The best part of this Restaurant Management System is that it helps you manage your staff more efficiently. You can assign your staff duties that fit their talents.  
No Errors with LS Central  
Those restaurants that prefer to work on different software for different purposes, facing errors now and then are pretty common for them. Not to mention, the time and resources they lose on their maintenance are huge. However, this is not the case with LS Retail ERP, it is a unified Restaurant Management Software that helps manage your entire restaurant on the same platform. You can easily store and access data in one place. Easily accessible data leads to more accurate operations in less time.  
Attract More Customer Loyalty and Grow your Business  
LS Central Restaurant Management System stores customer data and presents it in actionable and insightful reports. Customer insights are the strongest tool to cater to your customers; when you understand your customers, their spending patterns, and preferences, you can create successful loyalty programs to attract more customers. Moreover, with a POS System, customers can place easy orders and pay easily at the table and can customize the menu. With the right knowledge, you can personalize discounts, promotions, and other offers for individuals or groups. It is essentially important if you aspire to deliver faster and more precise services.  
Connect Your Kitchen Floor Staff with LS Central  
With LS Central, you can link your staff to the kitchen by showing the status of each table’s orders and establishing delay-warnings. Staff members can correctly serve consumers thanks to this user-friendly graphical interface Restaurant Management System. Having a faultless atmosphere can help your management, even if your restaurant has the biggest floor. Keep track of your clients and reservations so you can handle them flawlessly and professionally. Furthermore, connecting the kitchen with staff also saves the bulk of their time. The server doesn’t have to travel from the front to the kitchen and find the right kitchen counter to transfer orders. Instead, they can simply take orders at the table and share the details with the KDS (Kitchen Display System) via Point of Sale Systems.  
LS Central is one of the most renowned Restaurant Management Systems across the globe and has been serving SMBs and enterprises for a while. If you wish to implement it, you can contact Trident Information Systems, a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Gold Implementation Partner, and LS Central Diamond Partner. With a robust track of accomplishment, we have managed to acquire a massive team of technical resources, strong clientage, and various awards every year. Contact us for further information or a demonstration.  
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How Dynamics 365 ERP Helping in Manufacturing Industry
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]With the advancement in technology, manufacturers are under pressure to live at top-level productivity throughout their supply chains in the phase of a transforming industrial landscape.
Transforming operations and enhancing productivity is a top preference for many manufacturing businesses, but if manufacturers have to build more efficient and productive organization industrial overhaul, they necessitate to have a sound business management solution at their foundation. This is where an ERP like Microsoft Dynamics 365 for manufacturing can make all the difference. The Microsoft Dynamics suite has long been a favourite of manufacturing businesses, with Manufacturing ERP Software solutions Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX, in particular, offering a range of tools and processes for manufacturers of all types. Microsoft Dynamics for manufacturing has been aiding manufacturers to streamline and enhance their processes for two decades, and now, in the phase of massive digital transformation across the industry, it is rendering customers with modish tools to assist them to do more[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”7014″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for manufacturing
1) Heighten supply chain operations
It can be challenging to gain a complete, real-time survey of procedures. Data from sales, suppliers, order fulfilment, product performance, and customer service all need to be acknowledged while sweating to advance supply chain processes.
By linking your business data, supply chain data, and public data like maps and weather forecasts in a system instilled with artificial intelligence and machine learning, manufacturers can better readjust to changes and developments which ultimately cut down the wasted time and resources.
A cloud-based, mobile-enabled solution like Dynamics 365 for manufacturing assists businesses to implement a holistic system that acts as a “single source of truth” can help create more accurate schedules, forecasts, and budgets, which in turn power a more efficient business.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
2) Slick asset management
Dynamics 365 for manufacturing enables manufacturers to closely observe their machinery by processing and gathering data in real-time. Performance, usage, and machine lifecycle information can be viewed anytime, anywhere, and any issues can be resolved accordingly. Combination of an innovative ERP like Dynamics 365 with IoT-ready parts, manufacturers can keep an even closer eye on their assets, spot broken or inefficient components, and use collected data to work accordingly.
4) Make better use of business data 
The growth of the IoT is not only enabling manufacturers to better sync their equipment and processes, but it’s also producing impressive amounts of data. How businesses use that data is crucial to their success in the new age of industry.
Combining this centralized intelligence with Dynamics 365’s built-in AI capabilities supports manufacturers obtain actionable insights from their data, forecasts based on previous actions and events, and graduate from being reactive to staying one step ahead.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
3) Enhance innovation 
In any type of business, time is money, and manufacturers are under relentless pressure to reduce production cycles and get products to market more quickly.
Dynamics 365 for manufacturing allows greater insight into business operations, highlighting sections that can be optimized, processes condensed, and costs cut. With product, customer, and performance data being examined in real-time, manufacturers have more freedom and scope to enhance the way they work and respond to changes quickly.
Having data on hand to able to innovate and reinvent not only empowers employees but also shortens the time to market and enhance manufacturing process automation.
5) Boost profitability
By equipping manufacturers with the tools and intelligence to make their services better, faster, and more customer-focused, Dynamics 365 for manufacturing enables users to eliminate waste, reduce errors, and provide more value to their customers; all of which will result in higher profits, and a healthier future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
How Manufacturing Industry Transformed using Microsoft Dynamics 365
Uncategorized / By Trident Information Systems
The future of manufacturing will be defined by the quality of investments companies are making today
In the not too distant past, efforts in manufacturing to optimize productivity and increase customer satisfaction were viewed as separate endeavors. Today, the convergence of physical and digital trends is disrupting these kinds of assumptions.
Manufacturers today care about integrated digital and physical systems, improved visibility, increased efficiency, additional flexibility, and lower costs. They want to connect equipment and factories, leveraging data from the factory floor to the customer call center to improve every aspect of their operations.
But this is just the beginning. Digitization is fundamentally changing the way manufacturers do business, enabling a customer-centric approach while optimizing operations. Digitally empowered manufacturers engage customers throughout the product lifecycle from design to field service. They sell value-add services to complement the product sales, opening new revenue streams and strengthening their customer relationships. And they are revolutionizing delivery of these differentiated services, using technology like augmented reality to combine the eyes of a technician in the field with the insights of an expert back at headquarters.
Capitalizing on these trends isn’t limited to large, well-resourced manufacturers. Across all kinds of manufacturing operations, the opportunity to digitize and transform your business has never been more accessible.
Imagine your business transformed
The Microsoft vision for supporting digital manufacturing embraces the seismic shifts in the industry today. We’ve created solutions that provide a unified and flexible approach across front office and production floor processes. Our approach enables transformation in six ways:
Optimize supply chain operations through better visibility and collaboration
By collecting, integrating, and visualizing global supply chain data worldwide, manufacturers gain better visibility into their operations from production to sales. For example, one of the world’s largest industrial automation firms found that by automating the collection and analysis of data from remote installations across the petroleum supply chain, they strengthened their competitive advantage with a faster time to market. Improved access to supply chain data is also the basis for better collaboration across production, supply, service, and sales.
Streamline the management of assets, products, and production
With a consolidated view that unifies process oversight and provides real-time insight, manufacturers can institutionalize efficiency gains and use connected devices to monitor and resolve issues remotely. One leading manufacturer of industrial robots enabled 24-hour continuous uptime using this approach. The additional insights into production and customer usage also allow manufacturers to provide value-added services like ongoing monitoring and proactive support.
Engage customers in powerful new ways
To deliver personalized and contextual engagement across any channel, manufacturers must provide customers with more visibility and build trust through fast and convenient responses. This engagement approach is built on a combination of predictive analytics, the ability  to deliver value-added services at scale, and guided or self-directed service that’s relevant to customer needs. With the implementation of a connected platform for sales through service, a leading home technology manufacturer not only solved potential problems remotely before customers ever felt the impact, but provided custom differentiated offerings based on unique customer usage and purchasing history.
Transform service centers into profit centers
Thanks to the ever-decreasing cost of IoT sensors, sophisticated mobile devices, and cloud-based data aggregation, manufacturers can improve service quality and margins by offering remote monitoring and proactive maintenance services that supplement break/fix support. By more intelligently coordinating technicians equipped with mobile and virtual reality tools, companies can leverage existing expertise and minimize costly engagements. A leading tire service and manufacturing company found that by combining customer records, technician availability, and back-end inventory in a single mobile-friendly system, it could provide a seamless user experience as well as improve its service delivery.
understand their business more deeply, from customer usage through supply chain sourcing and production. With IoT-enabled parts, assets, and products, manufacturers can gain the insights needed to innovate. Data from connected products and equipment can empower developers, engineers, and technicians to collaborate. For example, teams can identify overengineered or faulty components and track product usage in the field to improve future designs. When a leading information and communication technology company implemented remote monitoring, they decreased time to production as well as accelerated the cycle of innovation using a data-driven approach.
Empower employees to work more effectively
When a company can provide 360-degree views of customer assets and work order history, technicians are empowered by a better understanding of not only the job in front of them, but of other similar and successful field service engagements. This goes hand in hand with empowering service agents to provide instant feedback, using machine learning to find and follow similar cases for successful troubleshooting, and scheduling a visit or evaluation. A leading auto manufacturer wanted to save money by unifying their siloed customer service and customer engagement while providing employees with better tools to understand customer sentiment. To accomplish this, it implemented a system to connect production and project management with their customer relationship management systems in order to deliver personalized service and recommendations to their customers.
Introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365
For manufacturers, Microsoft Dynamics 365 ends the artificial divide between CRM and ERP systems and supplements necessary capabilities with rich analytics, embedded intelligence, and the convenience people expect from consumer apps on their phone or tablet. Dynamics 365 unites the front office and the back office with a single end-to-end system for managing every aspect of your business, at the pace and scale that’s right for you. Digital transformation isn’t accomplished overnight and leveraging current investments is a key component of any successful approach. With Microsoft, you can optimize across all your processes while laying the foundation for connecting advanced technology in the future.
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tridentinfotech · 2 years
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