agustina956 · 2 years
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"Smile~ You should be happy to see me."
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2023 // 2020
Redrawww but with their human versions 👌
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hmm... Your headcanons about Chara? I would be glad to hear em :D
((Sure! I have a few little headcanons for Chara that I can share!
So, Charas been poofed into the Void once before, and someone asked them how they felt about the geno route. They said that they did not like it, which implies that Frisk has done a geno route before.
A headcanon I've always had is that Chara wears a golden flower crown, and depending on which route Frisk takes, the flower crown either wilts away or it stays. (Geno route= Flowers will wilt and crown will fall off) (Pacifist route: Crown will stay healthy and they continue to wear it)
As I mentioned before, in this timeline (lr universe, I guess) Frisk has already done a geno route, so their crown is gone.
This is also the reason Chara is so sour in personality. At the start when Frisk first fell before any RESETS, they were probably a lot more gentle, but after Frisk decided to do a geno route, they became more steely, and probably hated humans even more than they already did.
If you meant specific headcanons about them and the other humans though, I'll just say that they didnt cling to any of their SOULs when any of the humans fell. The other humans didnt have enough Determination in them for Chara to do so. Though I'm sure if they would have been able to, they deffinately would have been giving Matthew and Justin a pretty hard time. :^
Thats really all I have! :)
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rocioam7 · 8 years
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Geno! Sans (+Speedpaint)
Aftertale Au
Undertale © Toby Fox
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nickprethesis · 7 years
Here are the citations for my research for this week: 
Galitz, W. O. (2007) The essential guide to user interface design : an introduction to GUI design principles and techniques. Wiley Pub. Available at: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Q3Xp_Awu49sC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=accessibility+design+principles&ots=I-36JZ7jZ1&sig=rERH935PoVsCOmxrtAyJdYgrx0Y#v=onepage&q=accessibility design principles&f=false (Accessed: 27 February 2018).
Bailey, I. L. and Lovie, J. E. (1976) ‘New design principles for visual acuity letter charts.’, American journal of optometry and physiological optics, 53(11), pp. 740–5. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/998716 (Accessed: 27 February 2018).
Barabas, A. P. (1966) ‘Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: associated with prematurity and premature rupture of foetal membranes; possible increase in incidence.’, British medical journal. BMJ Publishing Group, 2(5515), pp. 682–4. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/5912902 (Accessed: 27 February 2018).
Berry, P. A. (2007) ‘Migraine Disorder: Workplace Implications and Solutions’, Workplace Health & Safety. SAGE PublicationsSage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 55(2), pp. 51–56. doi: 10.1177/216507990705500202.
de Santana, V. F. et al. (2013) ‘Firefixia’, in Proceedings of the 10th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility - W4A ’13. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, p. 1. doi: 10.1145/2461121.2461137.
Dowson, A. J. (2001) ‘Assessing the Impact of Migraine’, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 17(4), pp. 298–309. doi: 10.1185/0300799019117017.
Dowson, A. and Jagger, S. (1999) ‘The UK Migraine Patient Survey: Quality of Life and Treatment’, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 15(4), pp. 241–253. doi: 10.1185/03007999909116495.
Dueland, A. N. et al. (2004) ‘The impact of migraine on work, family, and leisure among young women – a multinational study’, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 20(10), pp. 1595–1604. doi: 10.1185/030079904X3357.
Dueland, A. N., Leira, R. and Cabelli, S. T. (2005) ‘The impact of migraine on psychological well-being of young women and their communication with physicians about migraine: a multinational study’, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 21(8), pp. 1297–1305. doi: 10.1185/030079905X56394.
Friedman, M. G. and Bryen, D. N. (1991) Technology and disability., Technology and Disability. Andover Medical Publishers. Available at: https://content.iospress.com/articles/technology-and-disability/tad00242 (Accessed: 27 February 2018).
Galitz, W. O. (2007) The essential guide to user interface design : an introduction to GUI design principles and techniques. Wiley Pub. Available at: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Q3Xp_Awu49sC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=accessibility+design+principles&ots=I-36JZ7jZ1&sig=rERH935PoVsCOmxrtAyJdYgrx0Y#v=onepage&q=accessibility design principles&f=false (Accessed: 27 February 2018).
Hovatta, I. et al. (1994) ‘Familial Migraine: Exclusion of the Susceptibility Gene from the Reported Locus of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine on 19p’, Genomics. Academic Press, 23(3), pp. 707–709. doi: 10.1006/GENO.1994.1563.
IWARSSON, S. and STÅHL, A. (2003) ‘Accessibility, usability and universal design—positioning and definition of concepts describing person-environment relationships’, Disability and Rehabilitation. Taylor & Francis, 25(2), pp. 57–66. doi: 10.1080/dre.
Jansen, L. H. (1955) ‘The Structure of the Connective Tissue, an Explanation of the Symptoms of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome’, Dermatology. Karger Publishers, 110(2), pp. 108–120. doi: 10.1159/000256442.
Kuzma, J. M. (2010) ‘Accessibility design issues with UK e-government sites’, Government Information Quarterly. JAI, 27(2), pp. 141–146. doi: 10.1016/J.GIQ.2009.10.004.
Lamey, P. J., Steele, J. G. and Aitchison, T. (1996) ‘Migraine: the effect of acrylic appliance design on clinical response’, British Dental Journal. Nature Publishing Group, 180(4), pp. 137–140. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4809001.
Lantéri-Minet, M. et al. (2005) ‘Anxiety and depression associated with migraine: Influence on migraine subjects’ disability and quality of life, and acute migraine management’, Pain. No longer published by Elsevier, 118(3), pp. 319–326. doi: 10.1016/J.PAIN.2005.09.010.
Liu, C. et al. (2010) ‘Design and implementation of a behavioral migraine management iPhone app for adolescents with migraine’, in 2010 IEEE International Symposium on ‘A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks’ (WoWMoM). IEEE, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/WOWMOM.2010.5534985.
McCarthy, J. E. and Swierenga, S. J. (2010) ‘What we know about dyslexia and Web accessibility: a research review’, Universal Access in the Information Society. Springer-Verlag, 9(2), pp. 147–152. doi: 10.1007/s10209-009-0160-5.
Ormerod, M. G. and Newton, R. A. (2005) ‘Moving Beyond Accessibility: The Principles of Universal (inclusive) Design as a Dimension in nD Modelling of the Built Environment’, Architectural Engineering and Design Management.  Taylor & Francis Group , 1(2), pp. 103–110. doi: 10.1080/17452007.2005.9684587.
Pepin, M. et al. (2000) ‘Clinical and Genetic Features of Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome Type IV, the Vascular Type’, New England Journal of Medicine.  Massachusetts Medical Society , 342(10), pp. 673–680. doi: 10.1056/NEJM200003093421001.
Rombaut, L. et al. (2010) ‘Musculoskeletal complaints, physical activity and health-related quality of life among patients with the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome hypermobility type’, Disability and Rehabilitation. Taylor & Francis, 32(16), pp. 1339–1345. doi: 10.3109/09638280903514739.
Stewart, W. F. et al. (1992) ‘Prevalence of Migraine Headache in the United States’, JAMA. American Medical Association, 267(1), p. 64. doi: 10.1001/jama.1992.03480010072027.
Straatemeier, T. and Bertolini, L. (2008) ‘Joint Accessibility Design: Framework Developed with Practitioners to Integrate Land Use and Transport Planning in the Netherlands’, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.  Transportation Research Board of the National Academies , 2077, pp. 1–8. doi: 10.3141/2077-01.
Sun, Z. and Zhang, J. (2009) ‘On Accessibility of Concept, Principle and Model of Educational Web Sites Design’, in 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science. IEEE, pp. 730–733. doi: 10.1109/NISS.2009.48.
Tinkle, B. T. et al. (no date) ‘The Lack of Clinical Distinction Between the Hypermobility Type of Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome and the Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (a.k.a. Hypermobility Syndrome)’. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.33070.
Welch, K. M. A. (1987) ‘Migraine’, Archives of Neurology. American Medical Association, 44(3), p. 323. doi: 10.1001/archneur.1987.00520150063024.
Zweers, M. C. et al. (2003) ‘Haploinsufficiency of TNXB is associated with hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.’, American journal of human genetics. Elsevier, 73(1), pp. 214–7. doi: 10.1086/376564.
After doing this research and the experiment the previous week, I’ve redefined my question to be about the role that empathy plays in accessibility design
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agustina956 · 3 years
Inktober 2021
Día 28: Crujiente // Day 28: Crispy 🍟
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Afterdeath de mi roleplay uwu ❤️💙
Es un redraw de un dibujo antiguo que me da vergüenza volver a mostrar ajaksjs
Afterdeath of my roleplay uwu ❤️💙
A redraw of an old drawing that i'm ashamed to show again akskksks
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agustina956 · 3 years
Inktober 2021
Día 27: Chispa // Day 27: Spark ⚡❤️
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El Geno que uso en un roleplay ❤️ es un robot y tiene poderes eléctricos⚡. Y al lado su futuro esposo Reaper uwu 💙❤️
This is the Geno I use in a roleplay ❤️ he's a robot and has electric powers⚡. And next to him, his future husband Reaper uwu 💙❤️
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agustina956 · 3 years
Esta versión de Geno (de mi roleplay) es un robot, así que no siente dolor cuando hace estas cosas xd por eso lo aprovecha para amenazar a los pretendientes de su hija jskabsksjsk
This version of Geno (from my roleplay) is a robot, so he doesn't feel pain when he does these things xd so he takes advantage of it to threaten his daughter's suitors jskabsksjsk
Geno: If you get involved with Rein like I think... i'll do this to you- ouch!
Geno: Ah, but I won't do it to me, i"ll do it to-
Geno: ...I'll do it to you, buddy.
[Audio -> "La casa de los dibujos"//Drawn together"]
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agustina956 · 4 years
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Hyde y NaJ!Hyde (aka "el papá soltero" kfndkdndk)
Hyde and NaJ!Hyde (aka "the single dad" kfndkdndk)
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agustina956 · 4 years
Inktober 2020
Día 24: Cavar // Day 24: Dig
Hice un meme dkbdkd // I made a meme dkbdkdbd
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When Geno and Error finally meet again and they discover that Hyde is still alive
Geno & Error: Okay, get in~
Sory pero Hyde les hizo cosas muy feas dkbskdj
Sorry but Hyde made horrible things to them jdbdj
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agustina956 · 4 years
Inktober 2020
Día 9: Lanzamiento // Day 9: Throw
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Contexto: una escena antigua de mi roleplay. Geno queria stalkear a Reaper desde encima de un árbol, al trepar se le cayó un zapato, Reaper lo encuentra y cuando Geno quiso escapar, Reaper se lo lanzó a la cabeza xd ay k buenos tiempos :")
Context: an old scene from my roleplay. Geno wanted to stalk Reaper from on top of a tree, when he climbed it, his shoe fell off, Reaper found it and when Geno wanted to escape, Reaper threw it at his head xd ah, the good times :")
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agustina956 · 4 years
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Geno: Hey dumbass, did you just f*ck my father yesterday?!
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Riph: *Uhum* First of all...
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Riph: Good morning, SON.
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agustina956 · 4 years
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Geno: Well "René", for your first day at school i'm going to give you the advice my father gave me once.
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Hyde: Geno, you're dumb like a rock and ugly like a blasphemy. If a garbage truck offers to take you, you get on.
Geno: Damn childhood traumas!
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agustina956 · 4 years
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Stop saying "uwu" to my father!
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agustina956 · 4 years
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Siempre de perrito faldero sjsbsksn
Reaper: *leaves for 5 seconds*
Geno, in front of him 1 milisecond later: u smell good :)
Always like a lapdog xd
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agustina956 · 4 years
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Recuerdos de navidad en mi rol xd
Christmas memories of my roleplay
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agustina956 · 5 years
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Reaper: what did I tell you about the kid?
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Geno: ...to not eat her.
Reaper: so?
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Geno: well, it's not my fault. Nothing I did managed to calm her down.
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Reaper: why when something does not work your first reaction is to eat it?
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Reaper: *gasp* GENO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
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Geno: I couldn't find the remote control.
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