#LOVED hyacinth and gregory!!!!!!! so much they were so cute
bougainvilea · 3 months
watched bridgerton part two. having thoughts
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savedbythedrafts · 3 months
I have many thoughts about Bridgerton.
Was it the perfect season? Absolutely no.
But it quite honestly is my favorite season so far because it made me realise how the enemies-to-lovers trope has rotten my brain when this is what I want to see. Gentle love, best friends becoming partners.
Things that I absolutely loved this season:
-Pen's arc: In the book she gives up whistledown to become a romance author which is nice, but now we have a legitimate journalist in the house who has proved her accuracy at such a young age. People who are worried about how she's gonna get her info now that people are guarded? Um her main sources were always the maids and footmen and she is observant enough to run a column. Plus now that everyone knows who she is, people might anonymously send her reports (as happens in journalism) which gives her SO MUCH POWER. I am a journalist and I can't stress enough how incredible that is. I know book fans expected the last speech by Colin but imo her taking full control of her decisions and willingness to face the consequences makes it so much better.
-Eloise and Pen patch up: Both of them going to each other for comfort and support when the shit hit the fan made my heart warm. When Eloise comes back, I hope she knows herself a bit better and actually brings her grand ideas to reality.
-Benedict going about his viscount duties in absence of Anthony without the rage of responsibility whilst discovering his sexuality 10/10. Man was also fully involved in all of his siblings feuds, mainly whatever the fuck Gregory and Hyacinth were upto. CUTE. Actually shoutout to all the Bridgertons, they were so perfectly chaotic.
-THe FEATHERINGTONS OMG: I am the youngest daughter of my family as well as the black sheep- so unpredictable, unconventional that no one in my family gets me. That's why I relate to Pen so much and I'll defend her to death. To see the sisters and Portia realise Pen's worth made me sob. Phillipa saying I hope my daughter becomes a writer? Cherry on cake. But Portia opening up to Pen and being vulnerable and proud at the same time was so bloody well done.
-Polin: Fans being livid about the lack of spice in part 2 (minus the incredible sex scene in ep 5) is understandable but I blame the marketing for it, not the showrunners. Over the course of part 1, we saw Colin's relationship with intimacy change drastically. His want for connection becomes a necessity and if they just jumped into angry sex without actually resolving anything, it would have ruined his character development. I think it's the incredible chemistry between Nic and Luke in general and the heavy emphasis on the horniness during the press tour left the fans understandably wanting for more. But in general, their romance felt quite authentic. The Pride and Prejudice 'dancing in the room alone' callback, goofing around in the church, Colin coming to terms with what Whistledown meant to the ton and himself, Penelope's newfound confidence thanks to Colin's frequent words of affirmation, it was all good.
Things I would change to make this season better (this is turning into a full article now but read ahead if you have been here so far):
-The bloody editing: Pardon my french but why the fuck Benedict's prolonged threesome scenes not edited out? He has a whole season coming up so I don't understand so much focus on that weirdly edited scene amidst the drama. Just one shot of establishing his pansexuality (or bi but I am hoping it's pan) would have been enough? I love Ben, he is my favorite brother but this gave me the ick. To think these 3-4 minutes could have been used to extend the last Polin intimate scene. We could have had a good 5 minutes of Pen topping Colin after the BIG REVEAL but noooo. Even the subplots should have been kept short and sweet. Unlike some fans, I am not completely against the inclusion of the Mondrich family, Cressida's back story, the build up to Benedict's and Fran's actual stories, and more. But I believe too much footage was given to these even though the show clearly focuses on one couple per season. Get your shit together Shonda, this is not 20 episode Grey's anatomy, we can't focus on EVERYONE.
-Colin's anger after the wedding: Now I understand why he didn't want to have the wedding night given the stressful circumstances but him being angry till Francesca's wedding made no sense. How I would have written the resolution would have been something like this- In the hours before Rae leaves the house at night, Colin would have been reading the letters, figuring out how Pen is so whistledown at core (like he actually does the very next day but in absence of Pen). And instead of coming into the room to get a blanket, he could have brought in his own manuscript, asking her to read it as promised and taking up her offer to let her edit. This scene was literally in the book and was so easy to adapt. I would give my left kidney to see Colin sitting near Penelope, watching her powerful writing in action. Again, no spice required, just this. This would have made Pen's 'just love me' speech to Colin so good, but alas!
-Cressida: This is the arc I am most pissed off about. Eloise's reconciliation with Pen was great but completely abandoning Cressida to misery was so outta pocket. I realise Eloise is still not a fully realised character and is barely 20 (she's just a girl) but she was always kind. If I was writing Cressida's arc, I would have had Eloise come to her rescue at the end by borrowing some money from Pen and helping Cressida escape to Vienna or better Scotland. I highly doubt Pen would have minded if she knew how similar both of their circumstances were. I detested Cressida in the books because I'll be honest the books were pretty two dimensional with no real character development and just grand gestures (I'll understand if you come for me but this is how I feel, sorry). But the show made me care for her and I wished she could have found some happiness in life.
Overall, I'll rewatch it because the tiny details were so good this season I believe I can relish those till the next season. And I'll miss Polin immensely. But Shonda please, you can do better.
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 4 months
Episode 1: out of the shadows
Portia just walking and waving to buy stuff is so funny
Aww pen admiring the debutantes is so cute
Gregory is a king
Hyacinth you are amazing
I love how no one knows it’s Francesca playing except for kate…
I do wish there was a “wow Bath really changed you” or something
Benedict knowing what Fran was playing is amazing
Ya know I knew he traveled and you can’t get out of England at that time without a boat but seeing Colin walk off the boat sparked something in me
Aw poor pen just wants love
“Squawking” hyacinth you’re lovely
Colin is a whore I’ll say it now and no doubt I will say it again
I don’t think Colin actually saw her,,,, he would have gone across the street to speak with her if he did.
I love how they change the intro with each season
MMMMM half naked Colin yay
“Sturdy” I love it
The queen being bored is so me
Those poor debutantes
So miss Stowell is the one who uses BSL but then is hearing for the rest of part 1? Maybe HOH? Idk but slay for representation
Colin where were you
The shock with “style of the season” is fantastic
Aw poor violet seems so sad with Fran wanting to leave
Fran is so lovely. Beautiful and relatable.
Brimsly slays always I can’t ever hate him
Colin what????? stop winking you weirdo
Poor aunt petunia
“Without any man telling us what to do!” -Finch and Dankworth looking at each other 😬😐
“Hiding jars of coin under the floorboards!” -like your daughter, Portia????
My poor pen, you deserve so much better with that outfit and hair
Cressida makes me want to scream idc how much they make me sympathize with her
Pen baby you can’t hide behind that bird thing I’m sorry love
Kate is as always ABSOLUTELY STUNNING I love her and her bond with violet
“Lady Bridgerton” “yes?” I LOVE THEM
Colin no doubt practiced those lines in the restroom or something
Him wearing green and pen’s colors is KILLING MEEEEEE
“Flowers in bloom. Each one of you.” The only flower you care about, my dear, is the WALLFLOWER who you’ve known your whole life SHUUUUT UP
The cowpers always sucked
The Featherington girls always steal the show I love them
Colin you think you’re not flirting with her? You absolutely are.
prudence shut up
Philippa makes me so happy I love her
Again, dankworth just being pretty and in love is fantastic
I love pen just laying in bed restless about her wardrobe cause that was me this past month and I just bought so many new clothes and I love them so much
Does madame Delacroix know about pen’s love of Colin?
“I lost count, in truth” -no you didn’t you liar
Wait don’t Colin and Pen name their daughter Jane after Jane Austen???? (In the books????)
“And what of Penelope?” -you’re obsessed
Eloise very heavily implied that Pen was LW and Colin didn’t catch on, the beautiful idiot
also Rae is a queen I love her
“I wish you very well, Penelope” kills me
Ben says “Purpose” and Colin wants to cry
“A very cold lady.” “She is colder now, im afraid.” I love him idc
Anthony is a munch yet again
She is so gorgeous I can’t even begin to describe it
I love how everyone looks at pen except Colin. And Eloise being in awe. AND ALBION BEING A PROUD BIL
Colin your jaw is on the floor stop drooling
Pen, baby love, maybe you should have practiced the chitchat before you got there
Eloise just wants to talk to Pen I can feel the yearning ugh
Colin you idiot you should have gone to talk with her before she left the ball
How did the Queen not recognize Pen? Wasn’t she on those cards last season for unmasking LW?
I would like to see a zebra ball
Fife and those other assholes talking to Fran makes me want to SCREEEEEEAM
Kate what did you to do Anthony he’s so calm
I love seeing pen and Fran together
Ugh Nicola Coughlan is so short I love her so much
The way Debling read her so quickly is so funny to me
Cressida, as always, an asshole
Colin saw pen run away and IMMEDIATELY had to find her. Couldn’t continue to make conversation while she was in distress
“Charming dress” “the color rather suits you” GURL SHUT UP
yes you tell him, pen
I wish they spoke about the letters more this season
pen really shouldn’t have gone home so angry,,,, she needed to BREEEEEATHE before writing that Whistledown
Dundas talking to portia like that is kinda confusing,,,, isn’t this situation kinda similar to the Mondrich situation?
What happened to the cherry pit, dundas?
Cressida why are you boasting about being a bitch
I don’t think we’d heard Cressida talk this much
I love Anthony’s little ear flop
That’s a strong desk.
The house is so large that Fran and violet in the drawing room can’t hear kanthony fucking is so silly
I love violet making music metaphors without knowing much about music
Fran it’s ok I love you
the way his voice wavers a bit at “ashamed” kills me
“Very good friend” as he looks down and can’t make eye contact. That is a sign of a man in love. He doesn’t understand his feelings and he’s so confused
The smile and second hand wrapping around hers? Killer.
She’s so happy and relieved and then
Mondrich family slay
Poor little baby lord Kent he’s so shocked
I love the tennis references. Cause tennis goes at least as far back as king henry VIII
so Philippa knows that pen loooooves colin?
Eloise not telling Colin is noble but also really stupid????
Colin calm down you drama queen it wasn’t that bad
“I will never forgive her” and Eloise trying to see if he knows that it’s pen, knowing that he will forgive her.
HELL YEAH YOULL RUIN HER (not in the way you think,, buddy boy)
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bisexualfemalemess · 3 months
Live reaction episode 5:
I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see Penelope’s answer to colin’s proposal but in my head she just straight up faceplanted outta that carriage. On another note, colin constantly looking back at her to check on her is peak protective husband. Colin ‘my wife’ bridgerton indeed. Also Penelope’s so loved by his family and not him being willing to fight Eloise, his own sister, like hold your horses buddy. El baby she’s loved him since you guys were children. Both are honestly valid and i love them both so much, i just need my peneloise besties back right now. Like so expeditiously. Awww, colin checking up on pen. He’s truly already so far gone. I’M SORRY THE TREE???? What the actual fuck???? Lady tilley arnold needs to get the fuck off my screen. I’ve never read the books but booktok and twitter made me love sophie already, i need her. Not pen listening to her family reading LW Lmaoo she seems so smug about it. EY LADY DANBURY HAPPY ABOUT POLIN THEY’RE SO LOVED BY EVERYONE. KANTHONY MY BABIES. MY PARENTS ARE GONNA BE ACTUAL PARENTS STFU. Anthony’s so feral for her 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 aww hyacinth is so excited to tell them about polin’s new engagement my daughter fr. HYACINTH OMG IJBOL NOT HER SAYING GREGORY’S THE FAMILY PET I’MMA DIE. Eloise baby she did not use you, she loves you and you love her so make up bitches. Cressida is so gay for eloise no one can tell me otherwise. OH MY GOD NOT THE BOOK LINE ABOUT HIS LOVE BEING A THUNDERBOLT FROM THE SKY SOMEONE SEDATE ME (might need to make a part two and i’m only 10 minutes in) they’re not even married yet and Benedicts like “your wives” she’s always been a bridgerton for real. PORTIA I AM INDIFFERENT TOWARDS YOU BUT BACK OFF FROM MY GIRLY AND DON’T MAKE HER DOUBT HER RELATIONSHIP. COLINS SO HOT TELLING PORTIA OFF SOMEONE GET ME SOME HOLY WATER OR SOMETHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. HE’S BEEN WITH HER FOR LESS THAN 24 HOURS AND HE’S ALREADY THROWING AROUND THE L-WORD OH HE FELL SO HARD FOR HER IMMA THROW MYSELF IN FRONT OF A MOVING TRUCK. MIRROR SCENE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ALRIGHT ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING OH HIS SPEECH IMMA KILL MYSELF IM SO SERIOUS. THIS IS PERFECT OH MY GOD, NICOLA COUGHLAN IS A GODESS AND THEIR CHEMISTRY IS SO PALPABLE. “LIE DOWN” THAT WAS SO FUCKING HOT, COLIN BRIDGERTON CAN COMMAND ME AROUND ANY DAY. Sex scene, sex scene, sex scene….TO POV???? Oh, that’s such a beautiful song choice. This is literally so intimate, i feel like I’m intruding. Colin bridgerton is a canon consent man and as a woman i think that’s so sexy. That was the cutest sex scene of my life, cute, hot, awkward, everything a first time is supposed to be (i wouldn’t know🙊) KANTHONY SCENE. HES THE CUTEST ALL KISSING HER STOMACH. Newton and Anthony always beefing. Their so cute 😫😫😫. Awww John and Francesca are so cute as well. Awwww him asking about marriage 😖😖😖. VISCOUNTESS KATE IN ACTION MY BABY GIRL. She’s working overtime being pregnant, viscountess and giving eloise advice. She clocked peneloise’s tea. AWW Post-sex polin is the cutest with the book line too 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and the teasing!!! They’re truly so friends to lovers. NOT HER GETTING INTERRUPTED WHEN SHE WANTS TO TELL HIM SHE’S WHISTLEDOWN. FUCK ASS SERVANTS. Oh poor pen having to listen to her fiancé trash-talk her without knowing he’s taking about her, like i wouldn’t tell him i’m Whistledown either after this, bet. Also they literally have no sense of personal space and it’s too cute. Aww a colin and eloise talk. THEY WERE INSEPARABLE AND THEY NEED TO BE AGAIN SOON OR IMMA DO SOMETHING SO DRASTIC I SWEAR TO GOD. Peneloise as bestie sister-in-law’s is something that i need so bad it’s like not even funny anymore. Penelope’s sister need to leave her the fuck alone and portia needs to leave her ulterior motives at the door even penelope was like what the hell is going on. I don’t really mind will and alice plot honestly they’re just a cute married couple, much like polin will be. OH MY GOD NOT BENEDICT CALLING KATE SISTER IM DYING IM DECEASED. THAT FUCK ASS TOP HAH OH MY LORD. NOT COLIN CALLING PENELOPE HIS BRIDE TO BE 🫠
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strangedreamings · 4 months
S3E3 (spoilers abound)
I knew that was a dream, it was too romantic. But good, Colin needs a wet dream or two about Pen. It's sad that it takes this to get him to realize he's attracted to her but hey, whatever works.
So Gregory didn't break his arm from being in the balloon like everybody guessed, interesting. Still chaotic, but not in the same way.
Colin, please, promise me you'll never play poker -- you couldn't bluff convincingly if your life depended on it. I'm glad Hyacinth is supportive of Pen, even if Eloise isn't.
"Must be rich, must be handsome, and he must be of high rank." John Stirling is an earl, one of the upper ranks of the nobility. Just saying...
Philippa really is dim. Let's hope that in her and Prudence's case, intelligence skipped a generation and any kids they have inherit Portia's brain. She's not perfect but she's leagues smarter than those two.
Mrs. Varley says Pen has a visitor and I assume it's Colin or Debling. It's El and my response? An out loud "What the fuck?"
Oh, El. She's maturing (slowly) but she's not ready for them to be friends again yet. Maybe by the end of E4? And can I just say that I LOVE that blue dress Eloise has on? She looks lovely AND SHE HAS HER FLOWERS BACK! So, the show's costume designer was holding back her flowers until she became more herself, got it.
Pen in a park and everyone's talking about her. Ugh. Honey, none of them are worthy of you. Take note of who's talking down about you now and when you're on top, see which of them kisses your ass. They're the ones to avoid like the plague.
God, I love weeping willows, they're like natural gazebos. And this one is HUGE.
Sorry, Pen, but the tulle in your hair looks stupid. It looks too much like you accidently left a curling rag in.
So now they're both nervous, so cute. Colin's world has been rocked to its foundations and he needs to find his footing all over again.
So, Debling is a vegetarian and a naturalist. He seems to prefer animals to people. Considering the ton, I can't say I blame him. Lady Cowper is threating to arrange a marriage for Cressida if she doesn't get married this season. No unconditional love there, that's for sure. Cressida, get yourself a husband whose estate is far from your father's and tell your parents the roads are bad, so they can never visit. That should keep contact with them restricted to letters and the Season.
I really hope this earl who just introduced himself to Francesca isn't John.
God, I love Alice. She's a sweeter person than the ton deserves. She's right about Colin being gallant, too bad he's only just starting to realize how badly he messed up.
Debling uses odd animal metaphors and his humor is a little whack but I like the guy. As long as he's honest about why he wants a wife, I'll support him. He's cute too. Beards were unfashionable during this era, so it's another sign that he doesn't care about what other people think.
Aww, Cressida. Yeah, your family doesn't support you at all. I'd ship her with Debling if they weren't so obviously wrong for each other. She does need a good man to marry her but I don't think she'll find him this season.
Oh, Colin, you are so far gone for Pen. Do something about soon, please, before you lose her forever.
I do not like Eloise's outfit. It looks like a modern business suit with an extra-long skirt.
I take it back, I think I do ship Debling and Cressida, but if what he's after is just someone to watch his estate while he's gone, I think she can do better. Still, isolation might be what she wants, who knows?
Eloise is third- and fourth-wheeling. I'd feel sorry for her but hell, she deserves this.
I just had to look it up -- yeah, "marriage whisperer" is a phrase that could have been used back then since "horse whisperer" was a phrase that was already in use. Still, it sounds too modern.
So, Lord Samadani's a marquess, not an earl. Is his first name John? Does he have a first cousin named Michael?
Debling, you're the one who insisted on this three-way conversation, figure out how to end it politely. Colin is so jealous. Do something about it.
Prudence's husband really is dim. She married him for his looks, didn't she?
Rescues all around. Debling's going to have to make his decision soon, this is getting ridiculous.
Another ball. A handsome man gives Violet her accidentally dropped glove. I assume this is the "unwanted" visitor Agatha was complaining about. Blood relative? Widowed in-law? He's the right age bracket for Violet, so that's good.
Cressida looks ridiculous and miserable. I have to wonder whose idea these gowns are -- hers? Her mother's? The modiste's? Whoever, they have no idea what they are doing. This one looks more like modern haute couture, and ugly haute couture at that.
Pen and Cressida in a literal race to Debling, good lord.
Okay, so Samadani is apparently not John. Good, he doesn't understand what Francesca's after.
BROTHER?! Interesting. He's hot. I love his voice and his thoughts on having grown children. Wow, if this is Violet's "gardener," she'll be fucking the brother of the woman who fucked her father. England really is a small country.
Who took a bunch of spoon handles and put them in Agatha's hair?
Agatha is in her own personal hell, I love it.
Is THIS John? He's not Scottish, going by what little he's said. Disappointing, but not the end of the world. Loves the quiet, understands that people need quiet, he's perfect for Frannie.
Shonda, Shonda, Shonda. Yes, a Lady can be a married woman HOWEVER, the daughters of dukes, marquesses, and earls are also addressed as Lady, so Benedict assuming Tilley is married is wrong.
This dance Tilley and Benedict are dancing looks like a cross between a waltz and a tango. I'm sure the choreographer was told to just give them whatever moves look best on camera.
Cressida really looks like she's going to cry. Ugh. I don't want her to suffer her book counterpart's fate.
Colin looks like he's about to kiss Pen in the middle of a crowded ballroom then in comes Debling to steal her away for a dance. Colin, please, move faster next time.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
I've been listening to ' All my exes moms' by Brooke Alexx on repeat.
it just got me thinking about how the entire song could just be the Bridgerton partners talking about Violet.
Like imagine that Simon, Kate, Penelope, Sophie, Phillip, Michael, Gareth and Lucy used to date the Bridgertons but for some reason or another broke up with them. That doesn't mean that they broke up with Violet!. Who is the kindest nicest mom ever.
And the Bridgertons finding it supremely awkward that their exes just refuse to cut contact with their mom.
Kate be like ' I broke up with you, not with your family, I can take your mother out for dinner if I want and my mom agrees' Anthony has no refutal for that because he was the one who pushed her away untill they broke up since he was too close to falling inlove. And whenever Kate feels too lonely, she just calls up Violet and just tells her all about her life, and the things she feels she can't tell Mary. Because Violet is a 'cool mom' and she gets Kate
Phillip, Sophie and Penelope would so rather spend Mother's day with Violet, and frequently overdo it with the mothers day gifts. Because Violet is the only mother figure who's ever made them feel warm and accepted. To the point where Violet tells Eloise, Benedict and Colin to keep their mothers day visits short because her favorite adopted kids are taking her on a cruise for mother's day and really she doesn't want to make those sweet children uncomfortable.
Simon often hangs out with Violet whenever she's visiting lady Danbury and Simon low key brag about how he's doing in the recent performance reviews at work and his recent wins at the boxing ring, Violet thinks its cute and she's the good cop to Lady Danbury's bad cop. Because Anthony is just as workaholic as Simon, her darling ex son in law really needs a break, 'dear Simon have you heard about Yoga. Or maybe Kapoeira is more your thing. Much more relaxing than boxing'
Gareth and Lucy like to bring Violet their report cards and University awards because at least she gets excited when they get good grades. They usually join Violet Saturday mornings for brunch to tell her all about how much their families drive them crazy and how hard Lucy is working to get a scholarships to some Ivy league school, far away from her uncle. While Gareth moans about how Uni is actually the worst because of how hard his teachers are. Violet understands them, because she had to scrape by in school too, mom Violet will help with homework!
Meanwhile there's Violet actual children who have to listen to her talk about how sweet their exes are and really she doesn't understand why the breakup happened before those darling children are angels. Because it's obvious that Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Hyacinth and Gregory are still pinning after the one that got away
'Mom may I remind you she broke up with me, not the other way around'
'telling a girl you're incapable of loving her will get you that reaction Anthony, really I raised you better than that, Kate is an absolute Gem'
'We just wanted different things in life mom'
' Sure you did, darling Sophie wanted stability and you just wanted to keep everything ambiguous, Benedict if only you had just....'
'He just doesn't want to start a family'
'Did you think to ask why? Daphne, this is Simon we're talking about, his definition of family might not be the same as yours, why if you knew....'
'I'm the victim here mom! Penelope is the one who picked her career over me'
'Well to be fair, her career isn't going to wake up and hightail to Tahiti the moment she asks for a wedding ring Colin, that sweet girl, I can't believe you broke up over that '
' We just weren't right for each other, everything happened too soon and he didn't even tell me he loved me'
'You ran scared because he was too good to you and you were afraid that the other shoe would drop. Poor Phillip, he's still wondering what he did wrong '
'Well Michael did hightail to India to avoid me'
'He was obviously avoiding his feelings, you didn't need to be so harsh on him Fran'
' he's the one who broke up with me for being too much of a trust fund kid, ugh, I can't help it if my family is rich'
' Gareth is a mature person Hyacinth, the boy just thought you didn't take his money problems seriously!'
'Haselby is gay mom, Lucy seriously would rather go to prom with a gay guy than date me'
'Gregory for the last time, stop mopping, she isn't dating Ricky Haselby to spite you, she's just helping a friend save face Infront of his father, you were the one who blew things out of proportion'
And for the Bridgertons it just feels like Violet is taking their exes side. But really she's just trying to convince them to get back together, because she knows they all still love each other.
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milkbaer · 1 year
Love to Hate you | Part 5
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„Small summary“
My dearest and gentlest Readers, it’s impossible to thank you all for the love and support you’ve given this series and characters over the years, and even now despite the story being study and old. Really, I cannot thank you enough 😌💖. It really has been a pleasure.
Maybe you’ve read about the new plans for the two “German” idiots, and i can’t really say when they will reappear, but they will.
This might seem like an end, and it kinda is. But only for now! We’ll see each other again, soon (or so I hope)! 👋🏼
Hyacinth Bridgerton was beyond excited when she heard there was a prince in town. A real prince with a stunning uniform and good looks. A man who could turn her – or rather her sister, since the youngest Bridgerton was a bit too young – into a real princess. She was even more excited when Lady Whistledown announced the arrival of a princess. A young one, a foreign one, not one of Queen Charlotte’s acquaintances or daughters.
This season got even better for Hyacinth when her mother read in the newest Lady Whistledown that Mr. Colin Bridgerton had been seen laughing with the foreign princess. Her brother was courting the princess? How exciting!
Not one but both her siblings were entangled in the red amorous web of royalty.
This season couldn’t get any better, Hyacinth highly believed so. But her expectations were exceeded when she found herself sitting beside the noble young lady, she had heard so much about.
“You’re a real princess?” Hyacinth asked. You nodded, smiling down at the beaming girl. Probably it has been the fifth time she had asked you that … or even more, you had lost count after the third time. Usually, such questions would annoy you but the little Bridgerton with her cute brown curls was too adorable, and excited to bother you. How could you be mad at such a brilliant, little girl? “And you’ve crossed the sea?”
“Yes, I did.”
Your answer made her gasp, even though it wasn’t the first time she heard it. “And you’re really a real princess? You live in a castle like a–“
“Hyacinth!” her mother, the dowager viscountess Bridgerton, interfered. “Please, stop asking if she is a princess. It is not proper.” In truth she was just as annoyed as the other attending Bridgertons were. But for Colin, who couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling, no one looked much annoyed ü. Daphne smiled the never-ending excitement of questions simply away.
“Oh no,” you told the older lady. “It is fine, Hyacinth is such a smart and lovely girl. She’s no bother at all.”
Being called lovely by a princess felt better than any compliment a fairy-tale prince could have given her. The girl smiled and blushed in excitement, making her brother Gregory groan in displeasure. Hyacinth leaned towards you, pushing Colin even further to the side of the settee. When you had arrived, Colin had meant to sit by your side, but his sister was swift like a slick weasel and shoved herself between you two, taking more and more space every second. By the way he got shoved and pressed to the side, Colin started to feel a bit claustrophobic. His sister was small, not even twelve years of age and yet he had no idea where to put his limbs on the furniture.
“Would you allow me to ask you another question?” she asked, making her mother tighten the grip on her teacup and Gregory scrunch up his face in annoyance. “Princess Y/N, it is really a question of importance!”
Warmth found its way into your heart. In truth the feeling surprised you, but Hyacinth’s tone made you think that your title was really of importance, even though you had zero chances sitting on the Bavarian throne. In Bavaria princess was just a title for you, a word that didn’t hold any promises. Unwillingly your mind wandered to Friedrich. He too was a prince only by title, not a serious heir in line … unless his uncle, several cousins and his father died. Looks like the two of you had something in common after all. And like Hyacinth princess had a different ring to it when he used the word. Immediately your mind wandered to the time at the park, Friedrich making you fall, taunting you by calling you meine Prinzessin – his princess. How his breath tickled your skin and how that bastard almost kissed your ear … And yet you felt your face heating up by that memory.
Well, Hyacinth meant it in a sincere way. She made it sound like you stepped out of a Grimm’s novel. “If she asks her yet again if she’s a princess I swear to god,” Colin mumbled, words swallowed by his palm.
“If Prince Friedrich marries Daphne, she becomes a princess.” At the mention of his name your lips pressed together. “So does that mean if Colin marries you, he becomes a prince?”
“Well,” was all that left your lips before you pressed them tight in an awkward smile. Colin wasn’t doing so good either. When your eyes shifted towards him you only saw him trying to hide his blush with his hand. Looking back into the eyes of an overly excited Hyacinth, you didn’t know how to break it to her without disappointing her, or really anyone.
“Hyacinth, only a prince can turn a girl into a princess,” her mother Violet explained. You were more than glad, that it wasn’t you who had to disappoint her. “If a princess marries a commoner, she isn’t a princess anymore but a lady like you and me.”
Her eyes grew wide, one could see the gears churning in her head and disappointment fell upon her fast. No one needed to explain it to her twice. Hyacinth turned to her brother with a look on her face, where one could assume that Colin ate the last crumbs of her desert. Without a word she turned back to you and declared: “You can’t marry Colin.”
The cheeks of the brother in question turned even redder and he was unable to hide his blush. Did this come from sheer embarrassment? Now, you’d be lying if you’d say you weren’t intrigued to know his plans, if there were any.
Hyacinth took your hands in hers. “I’ll marry you instead!” Her small hands squeezed yours – and maybe she was a bit too strong for a small girl. But she sounded just as exciting as she looked, and began rambling, explaining to you, why she was the better choice for you than her brother. “When I marry you, you stay a princess and I become a princess! Then we both are princesses! Oh, isn’t this exciting?”
Gregory, her other brother, groaned and tried to sink even deeper into his chair. Violet simply chuckled. What else should a mother do in this situation? She could let her daughter dream as long she could. You couldn’t help but chuckle and smile at her yourself. That young Bridgerton was just too endearing. “Oh, Hyacinth. It would be an honour.”
She gave Colin a last look. One that looked proud but also accused him of the worst felony: robbing a princess of her title. When she turned back to you, her face was beaming. Hyacinth was absolutely delighted. However, Violet couldn’t ignore the small sense of fright kindling inside of her. Hyacinth was only ten, yet she felt the need to calm her down before she would drag you to Gretna Green. “You’d make a fine princess Hyacinth. But you must be patient, ten is a bit too young to marry.”
Hyacinth opened her mouth to protest. But all was muffled by a loud knock on the door.
. . .
Despite another morning fanfare Friedrich had a good morning. The loud tune of the trumpet didn’t wake him but drops of warms sunlight did. He wasn’t so keen on hearing such a loud instrument that early in the morning, but the sun made up for it. Enjoying the bits of sun, that managed to find their way through the drapery and kissed his skin, the young prince decided to savor this tiny moment of peace a little more.
Today he felt unusual chipper and motivated. Maybe it was due to the fact that his day started off well and just got better. Friedrich had nothing on his agenda today, no soiree and no ball. Only the breakfast had been suspiciously quiet. Neither Marie nor Karl, and even better, you had attended breakfast. It was weird and he didn’t feel like he could trust the silence but at least he was free of dragging you along. Yesterday had been enough for his nerves. Parading through the Queen’s own garden, showing you around, his aunt’s and Lady Danbury’s eyes glued to their backs, while he had wanted to visit one of the Gentlemen’s clubs.
But today he was free of any duty and even better he was free of you.
Filled with a delicious breakfast Friedrich called one of the valets to accompany him. His mind was filled with an excellent idea and a place, where he would never ever cross paths with you. Motivated by the golden sun Friedrich called for a small carriage taking him to the streets of London. It wasn’t the usual princely procedure but how couldn’t he stop at a florist today? Friedrich almost jumped into his valet’s arms when the doors of his carriage opened. As his boots hit the ground he was hit by the sweet scents of different blossoms. Huge bouquets of blue, pink and purple, but also white and yellow flowers stood before him, parading next to the glassy door. Friedrich bent down to sniff at a bouquet of purple and pink hyacinths. They smelt lovely.
“We take some of these,” he told his valet, not caring that people were staring at him. A prince, dressed in military blue, bowing down to flowers wasn’t something you saw daily.
Out of the corners of his eyes Friedrich caught some lilacs and pink carnations. They were all so beautiful and reminded him of one girl, and one girl only, that he couldn’t help but take all of them.
“Do you think four bouquets are a bit much?” he asked his valet, who didn’t say much. One could only see the horror in his eyes for having to carry multiple big bouquets at once. “Maybe she feels overwhelmed when she sees them. But they fit her so well.”
Friedrich pondered for a while – should he take them all or not? He stared at the soft colours, sweet scents dancing around his nose. All was decided when he bent down to pick a pastel carnation and tuck it into his uniform, it was tedious work threading the flower through the buttonhole. Pleased he smiled at his reflection in the shop’s window, the small pink carnation shone against the blue of his uniform. “Please get me the florist and tell them, we’ll take four!”
. . .
Friedrich’s happiness was unbroken when he followed one of the Bridgerton’s attendants through the bright halls. He himself was followed by scurrying feet, all footmen carrying the bouquets he ordered, as his eager, cheerful steps almost fell into a joyful trot. The thought of surprising Daphne with all these flowers, spending some time with her, and her family, simply filled Friedrich with joy.
Maybe he would invite her to a walk-through Hyde Park or just their gardens. Anything he could do with her on this mild, sunny day.
The attendant knocked on the doors of the drawing room and Friedrich’s smile got even wider. Quick he gave the flower on his chest a last glance, checking if it was still in place and not dangling sadly from his button. When the valet opened the door and announced the presence of the prince, Friedrich followed swiftly with pride.
Never he looked more like a prince.
But soon the voice of the attendant sounded distant and dull, taking all of Friedrich’s joy with him. Everything seemed far away when he saw the one thing he hadn’t thought–no, hadn’t want to see today.
Shades of purple, pink and blue passed him as the valets brought in the rest of the flowers. The delighted squeal of Lady Bridgerton and another voice rang in his ears. Desperately he had wanted to witness Daphne’s reaction, hoping the flowers brought her as much joy as him. But it all was meaningless now. All his plans were destroyed, merely by your presence.
What were you doing here?
“Oh, hello Friedrich,” you managed to say after having frozen in place. To him it was clear that your words didn’t sound as nonchalant as you had intended. So, regarding your reaction he would suspect you hadn’t expected him either? That was hard for him to believe. “The flower looks good on your uniform. Cute, almost. Tell me, Your Highness. Is it your Prussian blue or cornflower blue uniform?”
He stared at you. “I only have one.”
“Oh, maybe you should change that.” Friedrich grunted, it was hard to keep his face in front of Daphne and the other Brigertons when you were around. Obviously trying to vex him to the fullest. Even worse, the little girl next to you giggled at your words and even Colin seemed to have difficulties to hide a grin. Humiliating him in front of Daphne was just so you. He should’ve expected that the second you opened your mouth.
Silence followed swift but it wasn’t long lived. It took some minutes after Friedrich was awkwardly seated beside Daphne’s brother Gregory – he had learned that much – for conversations to spark. In the end, it was like Friedrich never interrupted anything. Hyacinth was very curious about his status as a prince and how he would turn her sister into a real princess. He’d love to do that but only if Daphne allowed him to.
He didn’t like to think about him, but Simon was still there, and he was too scared to look at Daphne when he told Hyacinth that he would love to make her a princess. What if she wasn’t as thrilled as her sister or he were? Instead, Friedrich focused on your face and the more he looked at it, the more it irked him that you were here. Especially since you looked so casual in your interactions with Colin and Hyacinth. Had he missed something?
Before he knew he suddenly stood on his two feet. The Bridgertons weren’t the only ones who were surprised to see the prince jump off the settee. He didn’t know why he did that either. But he knew that he needed to talk to you.
“Pardon me but I need to talk to the princess.“ Surprised but not impressed did you look at the hand he was holding out for you. You didn’t want to talk. You just wanted him to leave. Annoyed by your silence Friedrich grabbed your wrist and simply, but carefully, pulled you up. “Please excuse us for a moment.”
Without another word he led you out of the drawing room, you had no choice but to follow. But as he dragged you through the halls, without any real destination, you began to protest and shift your weight to your feed. It truly was an act to maneuver you into this tiny room, which could be a bureau with its wooden desk and rows of filled bookshelves. And as soon as you entered you tried to yank him off, but Friedrich didn’t let go.
“I don’t know what your problem is, your highness,” you said in German, spitting out his title like it was venom. “But you’re ruining my perfectly well afternoon.”
“My problem? I should rather ask what yours is,” Friedrich answered, matching your level of excitement. “Are you out of your mind? Your father is a prince–“
“He lost all rights to the throne when he married my mother.”
Friedrich groaned mentally. Couldn’t you just let him talk once? “Which doesn’t make him less a prince. But that’s not the point,” he said. His grip on you not only angered but frustrated you. Who knew that he could be so strong? You still tried to get rid of him but even with the help of your hand there was no chance.
“And what is the point, Your Majesty?”
“You just can’t visit a young man’s home.”
You huffed. “I wasn’t visiting Colin. I was visiting my friends, the Bridgertons. He was just a coincidence. – Oh, kruzifix! Let go you, Saupreißn!”
Oh, Friedrich didn’t believe in coincidence with you. Neither did he like to be insulted by you, and he had enough of your constant pulling and wrenching. He tugged at your wrist, pulling it closer, but this time you hauled your arm back with all the force you could muster. You hauled your limb back like it was a fishing hook and Friedrich was nothing more but a pesky creature with gills. Surprised by your own success your feet tumbled backwards, almost tripping over themselves, but before you could hit anything serious, Friedrich yanked you back on your feet. Just like you the prince had underestimated his own power, pulling you into his firm chest. He could feel your face and smell your perfume, something flowery and something else he didn’t recognise. He just hoped that you couldn’t feel his heart through the uniform. It was beating treacherously loud but only because of the sudden chain of actions. Nothing else …
“Tell me, why are you here?” Friedrich muttered almost gently. His one hand still held onto your wrist like his life depended on it, while the other hung limp at his side. It was itching to touch you, to hold you, to caress you gently. But only because you were so absurdly close and there was nothing for it to do. “Were you following me?”
“Excuse me?” You pushed yourself off him, but were unable to free yourself from his grip, looking just as offended as you sounded. “I was here first. I should be the one asking you.”
Friedrich scoffed. Seconds ago, you had been much more bearable. “It’s not an unlikable thing for you to do. Afterall you were like a burr as a child.”
Something from his words must have hit you, he could see it in your eyes, but he couldn’t tell what it was. Maybe it just annoyed you that he was right and both of you knew. Or maybe you just remembered how annoying you were as a little girl, always following him and turning up when he had better things to do. “You really must think you’re Napoleon,” you hissed. “But sorry to disappoint you Friedrich, the world doesn’t revolve around you.”
Again, he pulled you closer; how could you think of him as Napoleon? “Neither does it around you.”
With one strong tuck, and a careless moment of him, you freed your wrist from his glove. His fingers weren’t cuffs but you still rubbed and soothed your skin with your other hand.
“No, of course it doesn’t. It rotates around the sun, everyone knows that! Or do they not teach you that in Prussia? – Mei, go read a book for once!”
“I– Er – Pardon?” What – or how should he retort after that? His brain was unable to process what had happened just now. Friedrich couldn’t do more than watch you stomp away, muttering unintelligible words – probably Bavarian profanities – along your way.
. . .
When Hyacinth had suggested to play a game of pall mall you agreed without knowing what she meant. But as Friedrich and you watched them putting up tiny gates and saw all these different mallets in a basket you knew what game you were going to play.
“Ah, pallamaglio,” you said knowingly.
“You didn’t know we were going to play palle-malle? It’s literally the same name,” Friedrich said, only to vex you. He hadn’t known either what game you all were going to play. For his Mr. Know-it-all comment he earned nothing but an annoyed flick from you. Since your abduction you were more miffed than ever. Most of the time you tried to ignore the stupid prince. Sadly, it wasn’t always possible.
You watched the Bridgertons set up all the gates in their small but neat town garden. Watching them putting them up at sheer impossible angles and corners made you think that this wouldn’t be a normal game. After everything was nicely – or wickedly – put up Hyacinth returned to you with a smile. She looked cute, very enthusiastic but her smile had something malicious in it.
“Shall I explain you the rules?”
Smiling you declined her offer. “Thank you but I think I know the rules of palla – pall mall.”
Hyacinth smiled even more, resembling a fairy-tale witch who would offer you powerful but deadly things. “But do you know the Bridgerton rules?”
The Bridgerton rules?
Before she could explain to you the specific rules Daphne took in that part. Hyacinth looked a bit upset as her sister explained their wicked way to play this usually harmless game. It was important to hit all the gates with one’s ball. But it was even more important to get your fellow players of the track. The Bridgerton way of playing was dirty, but you liked it. It sounded much more fun than a usual game of pall mall.
“Usually we play at Aubrey Hall,” Colin said, eying the mallets. He turned to you with a smile and said: “Guests first, please.”
Both Friedrich and you looked at each other briefly before grabbing a mallet, without losing eye contact. With annoyance you realised that you both had grabbed the same one. You did this again and again, only to always grab the same piece of wood. In the end you agreed on a game of rock paper scissors. After three rounds Friedrich finally had won.
The prince didn’t need to think long, he simply grabbed the mallet painted in your favourite colour. You knew what he was trying to achieve but you could bother less about a coloured piece of wood. Since your favourite colour wasn’t available anymore you simply grabbed anything without much thought. But as you did all Bridgerton children gasped. Bewildered you looked at them, was that mallet bad or holy? Should you put it back?
“The mallet of death!” Hyacinth murmured in excitement. But its title didn’t help you either.
“Shall I put it away?” You asked. The whole reaction to this mallet deeply unsettled you. Had you done anything wrong or was it a bad omen?
“No, no! It’s the Mallet of Death, the best one!” She explained, sounding very proud of your choice. “I knew playing this game with you would be fun.”
Colin elaborated further but his words didn’t make you any smarter. His brother Anthony usually chose this mallet and never let anyone use it. “I was hoping I could use it this time…” Colin sighed, and you offered it to him, but he declined. “You were chosen by the Mallet of Death, it is yours to play.”
The youngest, Hyacinth, was the first to hit her ball. She positioned herself and her mallet but before she made a hit, she turned proudly to you. “We will be the greatest team and crush them all, Your Highness.”
You didn’t doubt it.
Hyacinth’s ball didn’t go through the first gate but landed very close to it, which made Colin chuckle. “Don’t believe her, she’s never won a game.”
“Only because you never let me play!”
“Only losers make excuses,” Gregory said but didn’t hit the gate either. Daphne was the first to make it through gate one with a gracious but powerful hit. Her ball basically flew through the gate, a bit too far maybe, missing the second one by a meter. Friedrich applauded her. Colin played great as well and when it was your turn, instead of aiming for the gate, you prioritised getting Hyacinth’s ball through. She looked at you as if you were a saint and said something like I knew you were a good match.
“How do we play this game again?” Friedrich asked, feigning innocence. “We shall make it hard for the others, right?”
Daphne nodded with a smile. Probably it was the sign he had waited for because as soon as he saw her smile, Friedrich swung his bat with vigour. But not to get a point. No, his target wasn’t the actual goal but your ball. With one hit he send your ball meters away. You didn’t even see it land, only fly above a small shrubbery.
What a great way to start a game.
Angered you shot him a deadly glance, which he answered with an innocent and friendly smile. You had forgotten how dirty that man could play but you wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Hitching up your skirt you stomped after your ball, or rather you stomped towards the direction you assumed it to have flown. Hyacinth ran after you immediately, not caring or forgetting that it was her turn next. “Princess Y/N, this calls for vengeance!”
“Oh, it surely does.” You fished your ball out of bush, its branches scratched you, leaving tiny marks on your arm. Pallamaglio used to be one of your favourite games but oh, how you just hated it right now. The Bridgerton House garden certainly wasn’t huge but big enough to need too many rounds to get back on track. Friedrich and the Bridgertons were still visible to you, especially Friedrich’s mocking eyes, you could also hear them. Well, you could hear their voices but not make out what they were saying.
“Hyacinth, isn’t it your turn?”
“Right, don’t worry.” With that Hyacinth sprinted away, hit her ball and you didn’t know what she did, but Friedrich didn’t look too enthusiastic about it. Whenever her turn was over, she would sprint back to you and report the ways she was making Friedrich’s life miserable.
Ah, the sweet taste of revenge.
When you finally arrived at gate two all the other players were much, much further. There was no chance for you to win this game. Neither was for Hyacinth, who had been too occupied by helping you, that she let the goal of this game out of her eyes. However, to your sweet surprise you hit Friedrich’s ball by accident, straying it far away from the next goal. Thanks to Hyacinth he couldn’t taste the win either, but he was closer to it than you ever will.
Honestly, you still wanted to win this game, but it was nearly impossible. To win you would need lots of luck. Instead you focused more on making Friedrich’s game insufferable, together with Hyacinth. Just like everyone else he didn’t like it when he got hindered in his game. But seeing him try to keep contenance, all because of Daphne, was just too sweet.
“Play the game,” he hissed after you made his ball stray, yet again.
“Oh, but I am playing the game,” you cooed, hearing Hyacinth snicker beside you. “Isn’t that the Bridgerton way of playing?”
“Oh, it is.” Friedrich groaned after hearing Hyacinth’s words. The two of you were making it painfully hard for him to play, and Daphne was already far ahead of him. Anything he could do you could do batter, or so you had thought. To your surprise you missed his ball quite a lot.
It didn’t take long for Friedrich to abandon the win as well. It was only a match between Daphne and Colin anyway. Just like you and Hyacinth he tried his best to sabotage you the finest.
“I thought you wanted to play the game.”
“Oh, but I am playing the game,” Friedrich mimicked you, satisfied that he had kicked your ball back into a bush. However, his joy wasn’t for long. Hyacinth made it perish it with pleasure.
“Dearest Hyacinth, what have I ever done to you?” He asked desperately, almost whining. “Why’s she even helping you? It’s unfair.”
“Do not speak in such a tone to the future princess of Bavaria.” Like a true monarch you hold your chin up high.
Friedrich blinked in confusion. “The future what of what?”
“The future princess of Bavaria.” Friedrich stared at you as if you had lost your head or grew a second one. It didn’t matter. But it was fun to see him so confused.
„Yes, I’ll become a princess, just like Daphne.”
“Have you lost your mind?” He hissed in German. “You can’t promise a child such nonsense, only because we both — no, everyone knows, that no man with a clear mind would ever want to wed you.”
It hurt. You hated to admit it, but it did. You didn’t even intend to marry any man, but his words stung. His words in the bureau had hurt but they were just a little butterknife compared to the dagger he had now stabbed you with. You felt the alarming sensation of tears welling up and tried to swallow all your emotions. It took you some breaths to seal it all away and bury it in the deep. You can’t believe that you ever had the desire to marry this vile man.
“Well,” you said in a calm, almost cold tone, hoping that your feelings wouldn’t betray you. “We can all just hope that Daphne choses Simon. After all, it would be such a pity having her to spend the rest of her life with a buffoon like you.”
Thanks to you his ball hit a statue. He looked at you, a blushed hat creeped onto his face. „A buffoon?“
„A buffoon.“
Friedrich turn his nose at you, looking more like a petty nobleman than ever. „The only buffoon I see is you.“
At his poorly executed revenge you simply scoffed, shaking your head in light amusement. „You used to be better at this Friedrich. Much better.“
„Maybe they should’ve sent Will instead,“ you begann walking to wherever your ball was right now, without looking at the prince even once. „After all he knows how to treat a lady.“
Fuming he trudged to his ball, despite Hyacinth‘s efforts it didn’t flew far. Instead it had nestled itself inside a shrubbery, which was now slightly damaged. But nothing their gardener couldn’t fix. Friedrich couldn’t tell why the mention of his brother bothered him that much. It was not like he hated him, not at all. Neither did the taught of his brother courting you bother him.
Not that Will would ever court you.
No man with the right mind would.
However, if his little brother would do so, it would only confuse Friedrich — nothing else.
Will was not a problem, not at all … maybe if he would fall for Daphne as well, then he’d be a problem. But not with you, never.
„He doesn’t know how to treat a lady.“
Still, why was Friedrich so annoyed by this, by you?
The prince set the ball on the ground, took a long swing with his mallet and hit the ball hard. He wasn’t angry, even though your words continuously rang in his ears. He wasn’t bothered at all. The ball flew wide, wider than Friedrich had anticipated. He couldn’t see where it was goig, he only heard someone scream.
. . .
Queen Charlotte watched her nephew carefully over the top of her teacup. The news had spread quickly, that her guest has sprained her leg. No one seemed to know what happened exactly, not even Lady Whistledown, and even more important, not even her majesty herself — it was bothering her a lot. But her blonde nephew looked unbothered.
Not one word has left his lips regarding the incident at Bridgerton House. Not even to refute your bad accusations.
„The princess must suffer from a sunstroke,“ Charlotte said.
Friedrich, who had been lost in his own world nipping at his own teacup way too long, looked up. „Hm? A sunstroke?“
„What else could’ve led to her delusion of accusing you?“
Now she had the attention of her nephew. Surprised he asked, „accusing me? Of what?“
„Of hitting her ankle like a maniac,“ she explained, after taking a sip of her tea. „She’s screaming like a fury that you did that to her.“
Queen Charlotte looked at him with narrow eyes. „I assume you had nothing to do with it?“
Quickly his eyes shifted back to his tea. Of course he had nothing to do with it — well, he didn’t hurt you willingly. Seeing you hissing in pain, holding your ankle had made him feel bad. Though he had to admit that it was also slightly satisfying. And after he heard that you basically pestered every visitor you got by telling them multiple times, that he hurt you deliberately, he didn’t feel so sorry after all … not anymore.
Since they carried you back to the palace you acted as if the ball hitting your foot had been an active attempt to murder.
„No, must be a sunstroke, like you said.“ Friedrich sounded as innocent as a child, hiding a slightly mischievous smile in the body of his nearly empty teacup.
The Queen clicked her tongue. „That girl never went with a parasol. No wonder it happened to her, it was only a matter of time that the sun got to her. — must be a Bavarian thing.“
Tag list 🔖 @sumsebien @onlymexsarah @awesomebooklover17 @verygardenerbanana @bxnnywatts @freyagallileaevans​ @bicyhot1​ @tomhollandisabae @thatchickwiththecamera @notahappystan @abysshaven @acupnoodle @blurpleuni-squid @idonotcareaboutyouropinion @abysshaven (sorry if I forgot to tag someone … it has been a while)
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Some first reactions to episode 5,, spoilers!!
All the polin scenes awww, Colin is so soft 🥺 legit got tears in my eyes!!
The mirror scene/first sex scene was hot but also sweet 🥺
The scene with the 3 brothers talking, so lovely and funny!
Colin standing up for Pen 🥺🥺💜 Portia doing a 180 after that.... lol pls
Eloise being delusional about Pen and Colins relationship, she has clearly not been paying attention lmao. Also she's so brutal god...
Lowkey feel bad for Cressida,, interesting to see her plan unfolding to keep her independence
I'm so curious about Lady Danbury's relationship with her brother.... she is not pleased with his presence
Lord Kilmartin is so sweet! The scenes with him and Francesca aww
Gregory and Hyacinth,, love them 🤭
I like the Mondriches but idk I don't care much for their plotline, would rather have cut it for something else tbh 🙈
Kanthony scenes were cute!
A dramatic cliffhanger as well I'm dying for the next episode 😭
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alrightsnaps · 5 months
what do you think they’re going to do without Lady Whistledown to narrate in s4? Like still keep Julie Andrews because who doesn’t love her???? But I feel like just like in the books, having the gossip paper was such a nice outline for the story.
i agree that it was a great narrative device (as were the letter excerpts in frannie’s story imo).
problem is, shondaland doesn’t know the meaning of the words narrative device. she couldn't simply use LW to provide an outline for the love stories. nope, she just had to made up some weird detective storyline for eloise and a feud with the fucking queen of england! you can't make that shit up istg.
so LW went from a cute narrative tool (elevated by the voice of the julie andrews!) to an annoying subplot that needs to be put to bed asap. not just that, but it even stopped serving its purpose (moving the story forward) once whistledown’s identity is revealed. while in s1 LW is involved in daphne and simon’s romance and continuously reports on their love story, in season 2 there's a complete disconnect between the narrator and the main story. whistledown is completely useless and barely reports on kate and anthony.
now, i have no idea what deal shondaland has made with julie andrews, but i assume they’re keen to keep her on the show for the long run. after all, any appeal whistledown holds to the audience is just that: her iconic narration.
my guess is that if they manage to bag her for the rest of the series, one of two scenarios will come to pass:
a) penelope will remain as a regular for the rest of the show, as bridgertons come and go, to report on every sibling’s story.
it sounds tedious and boring, her arc as LW is already tired as hell and i’ve no idea how they can possibly keep up with shoving her down the audience's throats....but i wouldn't put it past them.
we know production loves her character and i don't see why NC would leave a show that's shown its willingness to treat her as the main star, no matter whose turn it is to lead a season. they could always make her a fixture among the matrons and have her doing promo with ruth, golda and adjoa all the way to gregory’s love story.
b) (the more sustainable but not necessarily more likely scenario)
a new lady whistledown takes over and julie andrews’ voiceover remains.
penelope is outed as lady whistledown, chaos ensues for a while until the queen forgives her and sings her praises (we know it's gonna happen cause they're dying to redeem penelope without her working to earn it), giving pen her happily ever after. roll credits.
except... just as the season ends, a new whistledown paper comes out! someone has decided to continue what was pen started and keep reporting on the ton’s shenanigans; conveniently providing an excuse for julie andrews to stick around for the rest of the bridgerton family's love stories (this is just how gossip girl ended btw!)
this scenario i’m not necessarily against, in that i love julie andrews as a narrator (who doesn't?).
it's just that i don't trust shonda to treat whistledown as a narrator without making up more shitty subplots, as if this is pretty little liars and we need to find the identity behind A. i don't want to watch hyacinth going on a merry chase to uncover new whistledown’s identity!
i just want to listen to dame julie andrews narrate regency love stories in her posh accent, and absolutely nothing more. is that too much to ask?
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Bridgerton Rewatch S1E1 - Diamond of the First Water (Part 1)
In the lead-up to Bridgerton season 3, I decided to do a rewatch so here I go.
I think it’s interesting to pay attention to the different positions and ranks of the families in the show so I just assumed for a while that Lord Featherington was just sort of a generic lord. Did not occur to me for a second that he held the title of a barony. I know it’s the lowest level of British peerage but it still seems too high, especially with the Bridgertons being one rank above them.
I will always find it charming that there are hyacinths decorating the outside of the Bridgerton house.
Speaking of Hyacinth, she and Gregory are SO TINY in the first season. Mini little babies, they are so cute.
I have a theory about Eloise but I can’t confirm it until I finish the rewatch so for now I’ll just say that she is an impatient queen.
People mostly talk about Violet and Anthony’s relationship as it pertains to the second season but it’s clear from the jump that Violet has very little, if any, respect for Anthony. Like, I get it but damn.
The Featherington girls debuting together doesn’t make sense to me. Penelope’s the youngest at 17, which is a normal age for a debutante. But Prudence is 21 and Philippa is 19. Why was it so important for all of the girls to debut at the same time? It’s really bugging me.
So I paused when the focus cut back to the Bridgertons while the Featheringtons were being presented and I was not disappointed.
Anthony is trying his damnedest not to laugh, mostly cause he has pity for Pen
Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth are all just trying to figure out why Pen, who is the same age as Eloise, is debuting before El.
Eloise feels so much pain and pity for her friend, the face says it all.
And then there’s Colin. This might just be my Polin brainrot but I swear Colin is eyeing Pen up. Like, that man is fully admiring his “best friend.” He’s so in love and he doesn’t even know it, I’ll die.
I think the way this episode is edited is really interesting, especially the debut sequence. What really caught my attention is when we cut back to Hyacinth looking awestruck as Daphne is making her debut. It says so much about their characters and how Hyacinth looks up to Daphne. All that to say, editing is an extremely underappreciated craft, especially in costume dramas and romance.
Knowing that Pen is Lady Whistledown makes a lot of the stuff she says earlier in the show so much harsher. Like, it was completely unnecessary for her to take cheap shots at the Bridgertons for the alphabetical names. IDK, that just made me a bit uncomfortable.
Another LWD thing. I’m not the first one to point this out but I do feel the need to mention that WD is the one to come up with the term “diamond” to refer to the Queen’s favorite debutante. 
Now we get Simon. I love Simon but I noticed something different this watch. I think a part of the reason Simon hates society and doesn’t want to participate in it (other than the whole marriage thing) is that he never got the chance to be a part of it when he was young. Basically, he can’t find anything about society to like because he was never exposed to it.
No real note here. I’m just admiring Lady Danbury. I am a Lady Danbury stan first and a person second.
Throughout this season and for the majority of season 2, Anthony Bridgerton is probably the most inconsiderate character. This isn’t to say that he’s a bad person (he can be) but more to say that he rarely thinks before he speaks.
Moment of silence for VSQ. I have thoughts on the soundtrack to this show but that will have to be another post, I think.
The character designs are fantastic. This is another thing I have thoughts on but will go in another post. I just wanna take the space to compliment the costuming and HMU departments for being able to tell so much story through character design.
This next bullet just says “Anthony, leave her alone.” Which basically sums up the entirety of his and Daphne’s relationship.
I don’t know who holds the singular brain cell in the Bridgerton family but it’s not Anthony, Benedict, Colin, or Daphne.
Watching Colin sneak up to Marina to dance with her during the Danbury ball is always uncomfortable and I couldn’t tell you why.
Tangentially related fun fact, Lord Berbrooke is played by the same actor who played Sarah’s “love interest” in Derry Girls.
So this is a weird one but Colin can partially be blamed for Daphne falling out of favor with the ton. I know this sounds insane, just trust me. The Bridgertons are a very influential family. Their opinion matters a lot, especially at the beginning of the first season. So, where one Bridgerton goes, the men of the Ton will follow. Colin’s infatuation with Marina shifted the spotlight onto her and away from Daphne. This is also compounded by Anthony being an asshole, which I will get to later. But I don’t think Colin’s pursuit of Marina exists in a vacuum, especially at first.
I wrote down “rewatching makes me think less of Pen” but I have no idea what that was in reference to so I’m just gonna shove it on here.
Tumblr is dumb and has character limits so part 2 will be up soon.
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fitrahgolden · 1 year
There's A World You Need To Know: 5 - Desire, not consolation
Anthony could hear laughter as Kate, Gregory, and Hyacinth practically fell out of their session room into the hallway.
“Kate, please never leave us for so long again.” Hyacinth pouted as she clung to Kate’s side.
“Aw, you know I can’t promise that.”
“Yeah, Hy. Don’t be daft.”
Anthony’s stern voice stopped the trio in their tracks.
“Sorry, Hy,” a forced apology that Hyacinth accepted by rolling her eyes.
“Anthony, look what Kate brought us back from Cork!” Gregory said as the pair proudly brandished tin flutes.
“We can play music with them and we can use them as…um…” Hyacinth looked up to Kate, who helpfully filled in.
“Breathing straws.”
“Right! They can help us take slow breaths.”
“It’s called ‘mindful breathing.’” Greg added haughtily.
“That sounds very useful.” Anthony looked up at Kate, who was still looking down at the kids. But when they ran off playing their flutes quite poorly, she had no choice but to finally make eye contact with him.
“Hi. I’m glad you made it back in one piece.”
“I told you I did.”
“Well, I wanted to see for myself.”
“Ah… Satisfied?”
He shook his head slowly. “No.”
Kate scrunched up her nose, “What do you mean?”
“Eh, ignore me. Sorry. Are we still on for tomorrow?”
“Oh, um, yeah. If–If you still want to.”
“I do. Do you?”
“Yeah,” Kate had to laugh at this exchange that sounded like they were 14. We’re just hanging out. Why is this energy so weird? “OK, well, see you tomorrow, then.” She started to walk away but stopped when Anthony called out to her. She turned and saw him dip into one of the house’s millions of rooms and come out with a copy of her book.
“I nicked this from El’s room. Can you sign it so I can slip it back before she notices?” He handed her the book and a pen.
“Oh, Anthony. Yeah, of course. That’s very sweet.” Their fingers brushed as she took the book and pen. She could feel him staring at her while she wrote on the inside cover. When she looked up to hand the book back, there was really no other way to describe how he looked at her except dreamy.
“Thanks so much. She will love this. She’s been afraid to ask.”
“You’re welcome. Um, I need to go. You have my address, right?”
“Yes. I will pick you up at 10.”
At 9:58 the next morning, there was a knock on Kate’s front door. Kate annoyed herself by checking herself out in the mirror on her way to the door. (Artfully) Paint splattered cut off jean shorts, black crop top, open white button down shirt. Perfect for hanging out with a friend.
After a ridiculously dramatic exhale, Kate finally opened the door. “Hey.”
She thought she clocked Anthony’s jaw dropping before he quickly recovered. “Hi.”
“You didn’t have to come all the way to the door. You could have just told me you were outside.”
“Well, I–I wanted to give you these.” He pulled a bouquet out from behind his back.
“Oh! Wow, they are–Oh, my gosh!” Upon closer inspection, she realized they were fabric flowers with paint brushes for stems. “That’s so cute. I love it.”
“I don’t know, seemed like something you’d at least get a kick out of–”
Her face fell. “Oh, it’s a joke?”
“No, no. Um, they were just, um, easy to make and I thought–”
“You made these?”
“Yeah–” His rambling was caught off by Kate hugging him. It took him by surprise, really touching her for the first time, but he returned the hug with fervor. Perhaps it was a bit too tight and it lingered a bit too long, but she didn’t seem to mind.
She slowly let him go. “Let me put these down and we’ll get going.”
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Once inside the car, Anthony asked, “So, where are we off to first?”
“Um… Let me look at the list I sent you.” She opened their text thread and Anthony caught it at just the right angle.
"Wait, wait, wait. What's next to my name?"
“What? Nothing.”
“No, let me see.” He reached for Kate’s phone and she held it on the other side of her body, away from him.
“No, you don’t have the proper security clearance.”
He faltered a bit when she made him laugh, but ultimately made easy work of taking the phone from her. Next to “Anthony” was a parrot emoji.
“It’s stupid,” Kate said quietly. “I was bored during the flight back. It’s from–”
“Face painting. I remember.” His voice was gentle. He pulled out his phone and showed her their text thread. Next to “Kate” was a butterfly.  "They don't make a moth emoji. Or maybe I’m just too old to find it. That cocky fucker is the closest I could get."
He handed her phone back to her and cleared his throat. “Um, shall we?”
It had been an idyllic outing. The weather was beautiful. After the first two sites, they had lunch at a charming Italian cafe. Anthony lost the battle to pay for Kate’s meal. “No, I really can’t let you do that, Anthony,” she’d said.
At every mural, Kate implored Anthony to talk about what he was looking at. “What does it make you think of, Anthony? How does it make you feel?” He tried to answer as earnestly as he could. It felt silly at first, like he was trying too hard to figure out what the right answers were. But eventually, it seemed as though she was able to get him to access parts of himself that he didn’t even know were there, words he didn’t know he could use to communicate what was going on inside of him, tools he didn’t know he had at his disposal.
The sun was starting to set once they made it to the last site on her list.
Unlike at the other murals, Kate said nothing about this one for a long time. She just stared at it, brick by brick, with familiarity etched into her expression. “This is my favorite one,” she whispered. “And what beautiful light to see it bathed in.”
Anthony stepped up beside her. “This is your mother’s,” he said with reverence.
Kate turned, looking at Anthony’s profile as he studied the sprawling work of art in front of them. “How did you… Wait, you read my book?” He nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off the wall. “Oh.”
“Will you tell me about it anyway?”
She turned back towards the mural, swallowing a lump in her throat. “Amma was pregnant with me when she did it. She drove Appa mad, going up and down the ladder every day. He said there was nothing he could do to stop her. She’d started it pretty late and was determined to finish before I was born. It’s a love letter, she said. Amma wanted it to be complete when she brought me to see it for the first time, which was the day after I was born. She made Appa drive us straight here from hospital.”
She walked right up against the wall and put her hands up against it, following the shapes that were within her reach.
“Writing the book, studying her work, it helped. But, I… I don’t think I’ve figured out what she’s telling me here. What this love letter says. But I like coming here and trying to figure it out. It’s like having a conversation with her. Appa used to come with me and be a part of the conversation. I don’t think he totally figured it out, either. Or maybe he did and wanted me to figure it out myself. I’ll never know.”
She continued to walk along the wall, her hands dancing across it. She didn’t realize Anthony was following suit until his hand touched hers. She looked over at him, the golden light hitting him in a way that overwhelmed her. She gave him a watery smile. “It’s time for me to go home, I think.”
The car ride was comfortably silent. Kate sighed as they pulled up to her house. "Thank you for coming out with me. I won't even charge you for the therapy."
"How grateful I am."
Anthony got out of the car and went around to Kate's side to open her door.
"I'm seeing Gregory and Hyacinth tomorrow. Will you be around?" She shouldn't have asked that. It doesn't matter.
Anthony looked regretful. "No, I have to be in London."
"I'm sor–"
"No, no, no. Please don't say that." She'd put a finger to his lips and didn't even realize it. Too familiar. Still, she let it linger way too long. When she finally moved it away, Anthony caught it gently between his teeth. She gasped and was sure her face betrayed her when he smiled smugly, releasing her with a kiss to the tip of her finger. She brought that same finger to her own lips.
Anthony leaned back against his car. "How did I miss you?"
Kate wanted to close the distance between them but stayed on the curb. "What do you mean?"
"It's so fucking unfair, isn’t it? We were in the periphery of each other's worlds for years. And I missed you."
Kate took a couple of ill-advised steps toward him. "Anthony, can we pretend for a second that your siblings aren't clients of mine?"
"Yes, please." He answered immediately and sounded dazed.
"It can only be for a second."
"Right." He wasn't even trying to be subtle about staring at her lips. 
"I mean it." She had to smile at how dumbstruck he looked.
He looked up and his eyes were sincere. "Whatever you want, Kate. I can leave right now. I don't want to put you in a difficult position."
"Too late."
Kate threw her arms around Anthony's neck and kissed him with all she had. There was no time to start tenderly. She had to pour everything into this. Anthony seemed to have the same idea, wrapping his arms around Kate's waist as his mouth opened for her. Her hands went into his hair, which was even softer than it looked. His mouth moved to her neck, alternating between biting and soothing. His hands moved down over her arse and grabbed on for dear life, forcing Kate up and her pelvis aligned with his erection. Her sharp intake of breath encouraged him to grab under her thighs and hike her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. He turned themselves around so Kate's back rested against his car.
"Fuck, Kate. Tell me the second isn't over yet."
"I don't want it to be."
"Please don't–"
"But it is." She pushed him back enough to put both feet back on the ground.
Anthony relented. He took a step back and he and Kate held either gazes for a few long moments, catching their breath. Anthony could already see the marks on her neck and decolletage developing and was grateful there was some evidence he had been there, even if it would be gone in a day or two. Then there'd be nothing. "I wish… I don't want to leave. I want you to invite me inside."
Kate moved away from his car and put her hands on either side of Anthony's face. She whispered, "I want that to. I want you to stay. I want you to spend the night. I want you."
Anthony pressed his forehead to hers.
"Shit. Shit. Is this it?"
Kate nodded. "There's a very clear line here. I just crossed it. I can't do it again."
"Can't the second last until tomorrow?"
Kate laughed softly, caressing his face. "Absolutely not. And it would be so much harder if we took this any further."
"It's already pretty damn difficult, Kate."
"That's my point. I can't abandon Gregory and Hyacinth. We're doing such good work. If I referred them to someone else–"
"They love you. They would understand."
Kate’s hands fell from his face and she walked past him a few steps toward her house.  "Anthony, please. I don't want to make any rash decisions."
"This feels rash? How long have we been circling around this?"
"I don't know! I don't… I've never been in this position before. My career is in its early days. What I do is really important to me." She started pacing on the sidewalk. 
"I know that. But this is one hell of an exception, don't you think?  You're not gonna fall in love with someone in every family you work for."
Kate stopped in her tracks. "Fall in love?"
Anthony didn't falter. "Am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you feel nothing, and I’ll walk away."
"Yes, I'm falling in love with you. Have been since we first met and you told me to fuck off. And you?"
For a horrible moment, Kate considered lying. But Anthony deserved the truth. “Face painting.”
He smiled ruefully. “And we can’t do anything about it? Really? I mean, I respect your work, regardless of me being a dickhead about it in the beginning. You’re amazing with the kids. I meant it when I said they love you. You would still be in their lives. Even more–”
“But I would have been their therapist, Anthony. I don’t know how to navigate that. If I even can.”
If we even can. Meaning, maybe we can’t. Anthony stepped back and leaned against his car. He stared Kate down, his face unreadable.
"Please get in the car." She sighed heavily.
He didn't move a muscle.
"Get. In. The car."
"How are we gonna handle this going forward? I can't see you and not want you."
"You know when I'm at your mum's. Just…don't be there when I am."
It was simple. It was reasonable. And it tasted acrid in his mouth.
"The kids are gonna talk to me about you every time I see them. They already do."
"I don't know what you want me to say."
Anthony looked down and kicked his feet against the curb. "Yeah. Me neither. Good night, I guess."
Kate walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. It felt cruel. It took everything in him not to turn to capture her mouth again, now that he knew what it tasted like. But through some Herculean effort, he kept still.
"Good night, Anthony,” she whispered against his skin.
Anthony didn't get inside his car until she was in her house with the door closed. And once he was seated behind the wheel, he let himself cry.
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austennerdita2533 · 2 years
My first and always beloved mutual!!! I hope 2023 brings you nothing but joy. I noticed that you like Bridgerton, aka my newest fandom addiction, and would love to hear your favorite/least favorite Bridgerton characters and ships?
Thanks you so much, lovely! I am starting off 2023 all smiles and I know it's largely because of wonderful mutuals like you. 😉 💜
And yes! I am also a Bridgerton fan. I've read all the books except for Gregory's, and my favorite couples go as follows: Kathony, Polin, Michael and Francesca, Gareth and Hyacinth, Eloise and Phillip, Daphne and Simon, and Sophie and Benedict.
If we're talking show-verse, though, I have to add Eloise and Theo. I fell for them HARD in season two. They were so cute! I'm always a sucker for a good forbidden love or class differences/station trope.
What about you? How do your fave ships rank?
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notmuchofatail · 1 year
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Flowers of Forgiveness: A flower bouquet snuck into the house and left on the kitchen counter for Aubrey Eeyore. 
Wild Daffodil: Prepare to see this over and over; however these fall under ‘flowers good for forgiveness’. Above that, wild daffodils grow seemingly everywhere. A hardy, cute little flower that always seems to be one of the first signs of spring. They’re always a gentle, hopeful reminder that warmer, better days are ahead - and to Greg, his mother is like that flower. Always a light at the end of the tunnel and a hopeful beacon of sunshine. 
Garden Tulip: Tulips are common, albeit PRETTY flowers. They are among Aubrey’s favorite kinds of flowers, and often the ones she grows in her window boxes. She’d always mention wanting to go visit one of those giant colorful tulip gardens one day, and Gregory hopes that if everything works out and he gets things back to normal that maybe he could take her to see one.
Moth Orchid: On the surface; this flower was picked just because it was pretty and pink. However, part of Gregory picked this flower because of it’s name. As perhaps the world’s most subtle nod to Zero, and how he hasn’t been able to tell his parents about the other - and how... nice it’s been to find someone like that again. Zero’s someone he wants to talk to his mom about. Wants them to meet. Wants to invite Zero over for a family dinner - but hasn’t been able to. 
Lily of the Valley: Gregory’s favorite flowers - and one that symbolizes love and luck. A flower you’re meant to gift to love ones, and Gregory wants nothing more than to gift his mother all the luck in the world. 
Rose: White roses were the flowers that Aubrey and Alex had in their wedding bouquets. The original flowers from their wedding were dried and framed and still hang in their kitchen - and so Gregory thought they were a fitting addition since he knows how much they mean to her. 
Hyacinth: Pretty and fragrant. A comforting scent that almost reminds Gregory of growing up. As with the rest, they are meant to symbolize a desire for forgiveness. 
Pink Carnation: While Pink is Gregory’s favorite color as well of his mother’s, a bit of a callsign, it is also (a theme here) a color of forgiveness. Not to mention a pink carnation can also be used to symbolize a mother’s love. So he placed these flowers front and center, because despite everything he still feels as though his mother’s love is one of the most important things in the world to him. Even if he’s struggling to come to terms with things and they’ve had their differences over the past year. He still loves her more than anything else. She’s still his hero. 
Cosmos: Pretty small and pink flowers, these little guys are also his mother’s birth flower! 
Aster: These flowers were tucked close with the cosmos, Gregory gently threading their stems together and keeping them towards the side of the display. This flower is his birth flower, and he picked ones that were also in white/pink tones. They’re also meant to symbolize wisdom. Which Gregory doesn’t think he has much of, but he knows his mother has an infinite amount of. So he feels she’s far more deserving of those. 
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weirdmorefics · 2 years
Hi! Could you do a Bridgerton sibling reader (youngest) where she has like ADHD and she’s like 7 or 8 and during an important dinner for the adults she comes down because she has something very “important” to show her mother and everyone just finds her adorable
A/N- This is such a cute request I love it!
Warnings- None
Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 663
Summary- Anthony has gathered the adults of his family to hopefully win over the Sharmas for a proposal when his younger sister interrupts.
Lightning Bugs
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“I am soooo boreeeed” I cry out throwing myself dramatically on the floor.
Eloise rushes over excitedly “We can always discuss some Lady Whistledown theories!” 
I roll over onto my face and let out an even bigger groan.
Colin hushes me “You do not want Anthony to come out and scold you, do you? He is very busy trying to win over the Sharmas with Mother and Daphne. ”
“Ugh, you guys are no fun! Come on Gregory and Hyacinth!” I say grabbing their arms and dragging them outside.
“Please do not stay out too long it is getting dark!” Colin tries to yell out to us but I am too busy to hear.
“What are we doing out here Y/N?” Gregory groans out.
“Going on Adventure of course!” I say with a huge smile causing Hyacinth to giggle.
I gesture for them to both follow me and we march off. Hyacinth is picking flowers for Mom as we go and Gregory and I are splashing in puddles. Then I make them follow me to the biggest tree in the yard.
“This tree is perfect! If we climb it we will see everything and find the best place for adventuring!” I yell out.
Gregory seems excited to be climbing the tree, Hyacinth sighs but still follows us to climb the tree. As we all climb the tree there are tons of lightning bugs gathering!
“We have to show the lightning bugs to the whole family!” I exclaim jumping from the tree and crashing to the ground. “I’m okay” I shout raising my hand up. I begin running to the dining room as Gregory and Hyacinth shake their heads.
I bust through the family room very violently catching all my siblings' attention.
Colin runs up to me “Are you okay Y/N?” He says quickly assessing my body for injuries.
I swat Colin’s hands “ I must speak to Mama it is urgent!” 
“No, no, no we can not interrupt Anthony’s dinner,” He said scooping me up.
I have to quickly think of a way to get out of his grasp so I do the most logical thing and bite him. Colin shouts in pain dropping me and Eloise is on the floor laughing. I take this opportunity to run past them and barrel into the dining room. 
The whole room stares at me but I have to focus on what's important. “You all must come outside it is urgent!” I shout. 
Anthony quickly stands up and rushes to me “Why is it urgent is everyone okay?” He asks very anxiously.
“Everything is fine you just got to see this!” I groan grabbing his hand and dragging him outside.
The rest of the Bridgertons follow us outside as well as the Sharmas. 
“See look isn’t it beautiful!” I say gesturing smiling widely.
The guests and Bridgertons all look at the lightning bugs with aw.
“They are quite beautiful Y/N,” Anthony smiles and messes up my hair with his hands.
Eloise nods “I must say they are beautiful but I much preferred when you bite Colin.”
Benedict laughed very hard at that but mom gave me the “you did what” look causing me to laugh. Benedict picked me up and dance me around. The Sharmas were smiling quite widely and reaching their hands out to the lightning bugs. 
Gregory quickly ran inside and came back with a jar to try to capture some while Hyacinth tried to stop him.
“The lightning bugs belong outside Gregory!” She shouts waving her hands.
Anthony steals me from Benedict grabbing me into his arms and tickling me while I try to escape him. Benedict grabs onto Eloise and forces her to dance causing Francesa to get jealous and pull Colin to dance with her.
It was a wonderful night full of dancing and laughter and I really hope Anthony marries one of the Sharmas because they fit right in with our family plus you can never have too many sisters!
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
We Used to Be
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Pairings: Benedict Bridgerton/ Female reader
Characters: Reader (last name Whittaker), reader’s mama, Bo (reader’s horse), Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Basset neé Bridgerton , Eloise Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Gregory Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Kate Bridgerton neé Sharma, Simon Basset, reader’s deceased papa (mentioned), Archibald (Bridgerton’s butler), Nigel (reader’s head servant), Maggie (reader’s maid), Lord Albert Ruttiledge (Rut-til-ledge), Lord Fauwix (Foe [like doe]-wick-sss)
Warnings: Fluff, angst, drama (I can’t help it), certain Bridgerton’s plus spouses are salty bitches, they care about you too much to let anything happen to you :), Benedict denies the truth about what he did, reader and Benedict are love blind idiots, Reader is a bit stubborn, cute nicknames (my dear, my muse, Ben, Benny)
Word Count: 11,573
Answers to WUTB
I'm a sucker for making my Bridgerton imagines dramatic [Lady Whistledown ain't got nothing on me XD jk, it's the other way around ;)]
Another season, another ball, another Lady Whistledown paper sold. 
Only this time, you and your family seem to be the talk of the ton. 
Why? One would ask, it could have something to do with the fact that you had left years ago and only returned just recently, something many have different ideas on (naturally). 
You and your mama have returned to the home, town, and ton you love so much… at least, you did but that was a while ago. 
Times have changed, as have the people. 
After settling into your childhood home and preparing your room for the evening, you relax and enjoy your slumber before you begin your adventure. 
The first (and only) destination you have in mind is the most obvious (to your mama and staff) the Bridgerton home, or more specifically, Aubrey Hall. 
Before you begin with your adventure, you let your mama know that it’s alright if she takes the carriage for the day while you ride your most prized pet, your horse Bo. 
You’ve done your very best to take care of the beautiful creature seeing as he was the first thing your papa had given you when were just ten and three, with you now being twenty and three it seems as though time is passing by so fast, too fast for your comfort. 
Bo reminds you of your father every time you see him, and you wish for nothing to happen to him. 
It’s hard enough to not see and hear your papa around your home but, if anything happened to Bo… you wouldn’t be able to bare it. 
The servants in charge of taking care of the two other horses your family owns have stopped trying to persuade you into allowing them to do their job; it became a hassle to ask you after a while and they don’t want to cause anyone any trouble. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay with Bo, today? I can take-” But still they try, and it warms your semi-warm heart so. 
You place your hand on top of your mama’s, drawing her attention back onto you, “Mama, you know I love you but, please, stop talking such nonsense. I’ll be fine. Bo and I can go for a ride without anything happening. We’ll be fine. The Bridgerton’s aren’t that far from here. It’s a delightful sunny afternoon and you should enjoy yourself and rekindle your friendship with a few of the ladies in town.” 
Your mama knows how stubborn you can be seeing as you got it from your papa (and herself, although she would never admit it). “We both know the only ones willing to talk to us were and always will be the Bridgerton’s.” 
“Yes, yes and it will be fine. You take the carriage. It’s time for me and Bo to go out and stretch our legs. This is going to be a good morning for the both of us.” 
Your mama sighs, “fine, fine. Promise me one thing.” 
“You’ll be careful.” 
“Of course.” 
“I love you,” she lets out a tearful chuckle, reaching for your cheek. “My beautiful girl has grown into someone I am most proud to call my child.” 
You smile and roll your eyes, “mama!” 
“Alright, off you go. But be back before it gets dark! And if you decide to stay, send a letter!” 
“I don’t see the reason for you to raise your voice, I’m still nearby,” you say, barely exiting the hallway. 
“Oh. I thought you had run off, child.” 
“I am now. Bye mama!” You wave, taking off. 
“Have fun my dear.”
You gallop into the front of Aubrey Hall, hoping that you don’t have to search for the family you’ve been wanting to visit for the past four months. 
You had talked your parents about coming down for Anthony and Kate’s wedding but then yours and your mamas’ lives took a turn; a few weeks before the wedding, your papa died.
“Does no one else hear that?” Eloise lowers her book from her eyesight, glancing around the room, studying everyone’s expressions. 
“What?” Benedict looks up from his sketch book. 
“The horse. Outside. Can someone go to the window and see who it is?” 
“Why can’t you do it?” Francesca asks. 
“Because I have more interesting things to do,” replies Eloise. 
“I’ll see who it is,” Daphne pushes herself off the piano stool, walking towards the window. She stares for a moment, focusing on the familiar horse and his rider. 
As soon as you lower your hood, checking out the home, she runs out of the room, speeding down the halls, and out of the house before the others can ask a thing.
You turn around, ready to go to the nearest town when a door opens and heels clacking against the stairs outside alert you of a female’s presence. 
You jump down off Bo, as soon as your heels touch the ground, Daphne latches onto you. “Daph! Daph! Daphne! You need to let go! I must breathe!” You giggle, holding her by her forearms. 
“You truly cannot expect me to remain calm when my dearest friend has come to visit.” 
“I was hoping you would be slightly calmer than you are now,” you joke. 
The smile never falls from her face as she continues, “come in, come in. We can have tea until the ball- the ball! Are you going to the Cowper’s ball this evening?” 
“Well, I suppose I am now.” 
“Good. Now, follow me. I’ll see to it that one of the servants can take care of Bo and then we can-” 
Daphne jumps, not expecting you to shout. “Is something wrong?” 
“I would- I would,” you take a deep breath. ‘Breath.’ “I would feel more comfortable if I were the one to bring Bo to the stable’s or at least see him make his way there… if that’s alright.” 
“Of course, it is. Give me one moment, I’ll be right back.”
The few siblings in the room Daphne had disappeared from, find themselves looking out the window to see what’s caused their sister to run out of the house like a mad man. 
“Oh, she’s returned home?” Eloise comments. 
“Who is that?” Gregory asks. 
“Daphne’s friend and Benedict’s not so secret crush.” 
“Yeah- what? No, Eloise, that’s not funny,” Benedict says. 
“It’s cute, you think I’m joking. We’ve all seen the way you look at her, brother. “The same way I look at a muse” or however Anthony phrased it.” 
“When did you and Anthony talk? No, better question. Why did you and Anthony talk about me and Lady Whittaker?” 
“Oh, it wasn’t exactly about you two. We were merely talking about how you should be finding yourself a wife soon since he and Daphne are married. They don’t want you to die alone.” 
“Anthony didn’t say that.” 
“How would you know?” 
“While you two continue to fight, Gregory, Hyacinth, and I are going to join Daphne and her friend,” Francesca interrupts. 
The two don’t pay much attention to the three leaving the room. 
“Why were you two talking about us?” 
��Mama and Anthony got a letter from Lady Whittaker and of course, I walked by at the right time…” 
Benedict raises a brow. 
“Alright, I was in here reading, hiding from Gregory and Hyacinth before they walked in here and started talking about the letter. Then mama went on about how she always wished for you and Lady Whittaker to wed ever since you were children or something. The conversation started to get boring, so I left the room.” 
Benedict sighs, exiting the room. 
“Was it something I said?” Eloise shouts. She smirks, already knowing that something will happen between the two of you (with or without her assistance- to which she would deny ever helping, if she’s ever asked). 
“I thought you didn’t like meddling with people’s love lives?” Violet asks. 
“I don’t.” 
Violet’s smile drops from her face giving her daughter a pointed look. 
“It’s not meddling if I’m helping my dear brother.” 
“You were going to do the same thing as I did.” 
“Maybe, but I would have been more subtle.” 
“I can be subtle.” 
“No, my dearest, you cannot.”
“Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth, hello all,” you greet the three with a smile. 
The eldest girl out of the three runs towards you, hugging the life out of you. “I have missed you.” 
“And I you, little Frannie.” 
She groans, “I told you to stop calling me that.” 
“It’s a cute nickname.” 
“It’s embarrassing.” 
“I disagree.” 
“Me too,” Gregory and Hyacinth add. 
“I leave for a mere few seconds, and you’ve already found a new group of people to talk to,” Daphne teases. 
“Of course, I am the favorite around here. I am to share my social skills with you all. Who else would stick around long enough to talk to me?” 
“He would,” Eloise chimes in, pointing to Benedict. 
You look up and find… him, standing there, watching you with that same so-called innocent expression he always has whenever you’ve looked at him. You blink owlishly, unable to comprehend that he’s here, standing a distance away. This time it’s not a figment of your imagination. 
“I… we can…” 
You turn to focus on Daphne and really listen to what she has to say, this time. “I’m sorry?” 
“As I was saying, we can take Bo to the stable ourselves. There should be someone there since Anthony and his bride Kate, went riding before you arrived,” Daphne explains to you once more. 
You nod, unable to say anything at this time, the words seem to be lodged in your throat and you decide it’s best to say nothing; save yourself from any further embarrassment. 
“Follow me,” Daphne intertwines her arm with yours, leading you away from the chaos that is sure to happen soon. She wishes to be ahead of it while she can.
“Are you alright?” The eldest daughter asks you. 
“I’m,” you hesitate, unable to find the right word. “Fine.” 
“You don’t sound so sure.” 
You sigh, “I know.” 
“May I ask why you’ve returned home?” 
“It seems as though you already have. One part of me wishes to say it was time and the other part of me wants to reveal the truth to you.” 
“Is something wrong?” 
“My papa’s funeral is to be sometime this week.” 
She stiffens, unable to reply. 
“I know, it came as much of a shock to us as it does to you now. You don’t have to say anything, I understand. I do.” 
The two of you are quiet as you continue your journey towards the stables, until… 
“Don’t forget about us!” cries out Gregory, Hyacinth and Francesca close behind him. 
“I beat you! HA!” 
“Don’t be mean Gregory,” you say. 
“But I did. I was the first one here.” 
“Don’t whine,” Hyacinth chastises. 
“You are lucky you don’t have to live with them anymore,” you whisper to Daphne. You had forgotten how easily the youngest would begin an argument over the silliest or simplest things. 
“I am, aren’t I.” 
“We are still here,” Eloise interrupts. 
“You weren’t with these three,” you point to the youngest siblings. 
“When they ran over, you somehow snuck away from,” you gulp. “Benedict and followed us.” 
“I… cannot deny what you know.” 
“Eloise Bridgerton has no rebuttal, I must say I am surprised,” Daphne teases. 
“Let’s not make a big deal out of this. Ah, look. Here we are,” Eloise extends her arm, dramatically showing the stable door. 
One of the few stable boys working, exits and takes Bo form you, promising to take care of him. 
You thank the kind employee before the siblings take you away, guiding you to their home.
“What if we play a game?” Hyacinth suggests. 
“A game?” asks Francesca. 
“I don’t know,” Daphne says, a bit apprehensive. 
“Why?” Hyacinth asks. 
“We are to get ready for the Cowper ball soon. Mama would not like to see us with grass stains on our clothes,” Daphne adds. 
“I suppose you are right but, what if we don’t play whatever game Hyacinth wants to play-” 
“And instead, we play a quick round of pall mall?” Eloise finishes. 
“When have you ever finished pall mall game before the day is over?” You ask. 
“When we played, we would still be on the round after dinner.” 
“Your mama wouldn’t send for you until the next day,” Daphne adds. “
Yes, only because she wanted to have lunch and go for our daily walk.” 
“The dreaded walk, you make it seem so boring. It was hardly as bad as you make it seem,” Daphne says. 
“Oh, like you were any better. I swear it was like our first-time sneaking,” you glance over your shoulder, observing the four little “ducklings” following you. “A bottle of juice into the library when we were younger.” 
“Yes, juice as if we don’t know what you actually mean,” Eloise adds with her normal level of sarcasm. “And look, pall mall is already set up. Let’s play.” 
“Did you all plan this in advance?” You ask. 
“I didn’t,” says Daphne. 
The three youngest siblings give you the same answer as their oldest sister. 
You wonder who requested to set up your favorite game.
“Are the newlywed couple going to join us?” You ask. 
“Look, who it is.” 
‘Guess that answers my question.’ “Anthony, so good to see you,” you bow, adding onto your inside joke with the eldest sibling. 
“None of that, we’ve known each other long enough to call each other family,” Anthony wraps an arm around your shoulders, giving you a side hug. 
You return the hug, gesturing to Kate when the two of you part. “And you must be the one who managed to capture this rake’s heart.” 
“I am not a rake.” 
“Not anymore.” 
Kate smirks, “why have you never told me about your friend? I quite like her.” 
“I take it you will be joining us?” You ask. 
“In pall mall?” Anthony clarifies. 
“Of course,” you answer him. 
“I would be honored, as long as we can talk,” Kate says. 
“About Anthony?” 
“Who else?” 
You two share a smile only the eldest Bridgerton would describe as “evil”. 
“Perhaps we should play with partners?” You suggest. 
Anthony and Daphne shake their heads. 
“Absolutely not,” the former objects. 
“For the first time in a long time, I agree with my brother.” 
“Is everyone out to get me today?” 
“Yes,” you and Kate answer him. 
“May I ask you something?” You turn to Kate. 
“Of course,” replies Kate. 
“Now that the rake is married, does he let you use the “death mallet”?” 
“Not usually, I have to get to it first.” 
“Of course.” 
“I take it, you tried to use it?” 
“I did, years ago. I was a child, and do you know what your husband did? He tripped me.” 
“You are joking.” 
“I most certainly am not.” 
“Yes?” He turns, facing the two of you. 
“How could you trip an innocent girl?” 
Anthony’s eyes widen, “you told her?” 
“Of course, I told you her. Your wife has a right to know who she lays in bed with.” 
“Can we play pall mall now?” Eloise interrupts, sounding bored. 
“Is everyone here?” Daphne asks. 
“I think so- oh, Benedict! Benedict, do you want to join us?” Hyacinth runs up to the house, tugging on her brother’s arm. 
He briefly glances over at you, “I don’t think I should.” 
“He’s joining us,” Hyacinth skips back towards you all, tugging on Benedict’s arm, forcing him to come closer. 
“I really shouldn’t-” 
“You’re playing.” 
“Alright, now that everyone’s here, grab your mallet,” Daphne orders. 
“When did you get so bossy?” You and Benedict ask. You don’t look at him, but you can feel him staring. ‘Look away.’ 
“I’m not bossy,” Daphne defends herself. 
“That tone suggests otherwise, sister,” Anthony teases. 
The duchess rolls her eyes, “on three?” 
Everyone agrees. 
“One. Two. Three.” 
You all reach for a mallet. 
Eloise got yellow, Hyacinth got blue, Gregory got white, Francesca got green, Anthony and Kate fought for the “death mallet” (your new bestie won) leaving Anthony with pink (again hehe), Daphne got gray, Benedict got purple, and you got red. 
“Look, your mallets match,” Francesca points out. 
Everyone of Benedict’s siblings plus Kate and Simon are rooting for the two of you to get married and start a family. 
“How so?” You ask, but you already know the answer. 
“Benedict’s mallet matches your dress and yours match his vest,” Eloise clarifies. 
“It’s merely a coincidence,” you walk away from the group, Kate and Daphne follow. 
The former gives the eldest Bridgerton daughter a “what am I missing?” look. 
“Who’s going first?” Kate asks, deciding not to put any pressure on you. 
“I will.” 
“No, me.” 
“Why not me?” The young trio begin to bicker. 
“Eloise will go first, then Gregory, Hyacinth, and myself; followed by Kate, Francesca, and Anthony, leaving our dear friend and brother to finish,” Daphne offers. 
The bickering ends. 
“That works,” Eloise lines up her mallet with the ball, successfully hitting it through the first iron hoop. “I’d like to see anyone else make this shot.” 
Daphne, Francesca, Kate, and Anthony make it through the first hoop, now it’s your turn. 
“She’s not going to make it,” Eloise whispers, attempting to throw you off your game. 
“We do not cheat,” Daphne scolds her sister. 
Eloise scoffs, “I am not cheating. I am merely making an observation.” 
“That is what you call an observation? Whispering while she prepares to take her shot?” 
“Yes, is there a problem with that?” 
“No, no.” 
You straighten your posture, hip jutted out, “are you two done?” 
“Of course,” Daphne and Eloise smile. 
You squint your eyes at the two, ‘troublesome duo,’ you think. You adjust your stance, pulling the mallet back and swing. 
The ball rolls through the first iron hoop without any issues. 
“My turn,” Benedict whispers, making you realize how close the two of you are. 
Your head snaps up, looking into his eyes, his beautiful… rich… enticing… blue eyes. 
His hand slowly inches closer to you, “I need-” 
You step away, walking over to the side, observing the few who passed the first hoop begin playing on the next hoop.
Kate leans closer to Daphne, “am I missing something?” 
“Mind explaining?” 
“It’s not my place to say.” 
“I may have just met her, but I can already tell how much you all care for her. I wish to know more about the one who has captured the hearts of the infamous Bridgerton family. I also believe she has more to tell me about my dear husband.” 
“You only wish to find out more about Anthony, have you no shame?” Daphne says with a teasing smile. 
“I want to get to know her and if she happens to tell me things about Anthony then I shall listen. Were her and Benedict-” 
“They both have feelings for one another but were never able to confess…” 
“Did something happen?” 
“I’m not sure.” 
“What do you know?” 
“She and Benedict were fine and then they weren’t.” 
“You don’t know what happened?” 
“Neither would talk about it.” 
“I don’t like that look.” 
“What look?” Kate feigns innocence. 
“Please, don’t do try to help them. I tried and it didn’t end well.” 
“That’s where we differ.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ve looked out for Edwina in the past and she managed to find herself- find who she’s meant to be. Maybe I can help them realize what’s right in front of them.” 
“Do you need a partner?” 
“Now, you want to help?” 
“All I want is for my brother and friend to be happy.” 
“Then we’re in agreement.” 
“It seems we are.”
“I’m winning,” Eloise gloats. 
“Not for long,” Francesca tells her. 
“This isn’t fair.” 
“What? The fact that everyone is slowly catching up to you,” you point out. 
She scoffs, “no.” 
“Yes,” you, Gregory, Francesca, Hyacinth, and Anthony reply. 
“There’s no need to add on.” “But it’s more fun to tease you,” you smile at Eloise.
“Shall we use our turns to take out two specific players?” Kate asks her sister-in-law. 
“That sounds like a good idea.” 
“I know, that’s why I thought about it.” 
“Now, you’re being cocky.”
“It looks as though we’ve slowly begun to break off into pairs,” he whispers in your ear. 
You brush him off, not in the mood to talk to him. “I’d say it was on purpose.” 
“You do speak. Here I was beginning to think maybe you didn’t want to talk to me, but that’s not true, right?” 
“I have hardly anything to say to you.” 
“Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?” 
“I no longer wish to speak with you.” 
Kate and Daphne briskly walk towards the two of you. “I’m sorry! It appears you both will have to search through the bushes and play from there,” Daphne informs you. 
Kate nods with pursed lips. 
You shake your head while turning around, “of course, we do.” 
“I’ll just-” Benedict cuts himself off before walking in the same direction as you.
You can’t stand to be here any longer as you rush to find your ball before you lose more sunlight and have less time to prepare for the ball. 
“I don’t think you’re going to find your ball there.” 
“Where do you think I’m going to find it then, Ben?” You squeeze your eyes shut at the use of his old nickname. 
“I feel as though I’ve done something wrong.” 
You spin around, angrily pointing your finger at him, “you feel as though you’ve done something wrong?” 
“I still don’t quite understand why you’re using that tone.” 
You close your eyes, raising your hands up, admitting defeat. “I can’t do this right now.” 
“Do what? You’ve barely said a word to me since you’ve arrived, and you act as if I am the very vermin that runs around certain streets. Please,” he reaches for you, cradling your hand in his. “Explain to me how I can fix this- fix us. We used to be so close, I always thought…” 
You gulp, “thought what, Benedict?” 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. “Never mind.” 
Your vision blurs as tears pool in your waterline, threatening to fall. You sniff, his head snaps up, his expression falls; unable to see you in such a depressive state, he brings his hand up to wipe away your tears but, you pull away. 
You pace in front of him, arms wrapped around your waist to protect yourself. “I truly can’t believe you could be so- so- so,” you grit your teeth, attempting to figure out the right word to use but find that this works too. “Idiotic. How could you be so idiotic Benedict?!” 
“Yes, you. I don’t see another Benedict running around, running amuck in my life.” 
“Running- how could I be running when I have no idea as to what you’re talking about?! Please, tell me.” 
“You honestly don’t remember how you humiliated me in front of your family?” 
“I humiliated you?” He asks with a softer tone. 
“What happened?” 
“You broke my trust and eliminated whatever bond we used to have.” 
“I would have never done that,” he argues. 
“I’m sure you didn’t, seeing as you were never that kind of person, but you did, and it almost ruined a business deal for my papa.” 
“Is this about-” 
“Yes! Yes! It’s about the fact that you purposefully ruined a potential future engagement for me. It appears you do remember after all.” 
Benedict’s eyes rise in surprise, and he had the audacity to laugh… in your face. Now, he wasn’t laughing at you, not even close; he found the whole situation very amusing. 
“I’m glad to see that you still find this funny,” you stomp away, tripping over something hard, it could have been a rock or an old, rotted tree branch that fell on the ground; you didn’t know. You were lucky to catch yourself on the nearest tree. You hiss as you push yourself up and away from the tree. 
Benedict takes your hand in his, checking over you before you could do so yourself (how he got to you so fast, you’ll never know). 
“Are you alright?” His eyes are on you; you can feel it. 
A blush creeps upon your cheeks before you know it and perhaps, out of embarrassment, you attempt to snatch your hand away from him. And, of course, you’re unsuccessful. 
“Stop wiggling.” 
“I am not wiggling,” you argue. 
“Well, you’re not helping yourself right now.” 
“Rude.” You stare up at him with a pout. 
The corner of his mouth tugs upward, “I don’t know if I’ve said this before but, I will now and I must admit that I’ve missed this.” 
“Missed what?” You hiss, your arm jerks. 
“Shh, I’m sorry, that was on me.” 
“All of this is on you,” you mutter under your breath. 
“What did you say?” 
“Still can’t seem to avoid trouble?” 
You scoff, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You huff, rolling your eyes, “can you let go and hit your ball so we can get out of here?” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
“I am tired of your games and the way you brush off certain subjects. If you are here to joke and point fingers, please, at least have the decency to find someone else because I. Am. Done.” You manage to escape his grasp and hit your ball, watching it roll, creating a path in the dirt. 
“Are you two done? You must make haste!” Eloise shouts. 
“Wait- wait,” his hand clamps around your wrist. “Don’t leave.” 
“We have played long enough and are losing sunlight as we speak. If we do not hurry back to the others, we will make everyone late for the Cowper’s ball.” 
“Since when did you care about going to such events? You never were the kind of girl to do so before.” 
“I was a naive girl who thought she had found a good friend and lost a potential-” 
“Future suitor, yes, I know. But I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal now.” 
“I have lost my papa recently and sooner or later the ton- or whoever else is going to come knocking on our door and kick us out because we don’t have the sufficient funds, we need in order to survive.” 
“Yes, oh. I am going to be a part of this season and I would like to be on time so, I may discuss such things with my mama.” 
“Season?” He whispers to himself. 
You’re too far away to hear his heart break, like the way yours had that night.
“Finally,” Eloise fakes a sigh of relief and worry. 
“As charming as ever Ellie,” you smile. 
She loses whatever happiness was on her face, “I told you not to call me that.” 
“You have but, I enjoy the nickname and I happen to think it’s cute, as I’m sure your family does.” 
“Good for them, I don’t. I like my name, please use it.” 
You exaggerate your sigh for dramatic effect, “okay, I won’t call you by your nickname if you don’t want me to.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Children,” Violet calls out. 
“It’s time to get ready.” 
“Coming, mama,” said a few of the Bridgerton’s. 
“Yes, mama,” the others reply. 
Daphne and Kate interlock their arms with yours, “you can get ready with us.” 
“Oh. Okay, I wasn’t expecting this.” 
“We ladies must stick together, don’t we? I mean you are practically family,” Kate says. 
“I suppose so?” 
“I have a hunch you’ll become a member of the family before the end of the season.” 
“What do you mean?” 
She and Daphne smile. 
“You’ll see,” Daphne adds.
“Are we all ready?” Violet asks, glancing over everyone, making sure everyone looks proper. Some nod, others answer her with a yes. She turns to you, “you can ride with-” 
“Us!” Benedict interrupts his mother. 
“She couldn’t ride with all you boys.” 
“Why not?” 
“I can switch with Colin,” chimes in Eloise. 
“Why me?” Asks Colin. 
“She clearly needs someone she can talk to about,” she pauses to think of a good enough excuse to make him quiet. “How hard it is being a woman in this world- cruel world.” Her plan worked well in her favor. 
“Lady Whittaker and Benedict can ride with us, if they prefer of course,” Kate suggests, slightly elbowing Anthony’s ribs to get him to agree. 
“Yes, let’s do that.” Anthony gives his wife a curious side eye glance and she smiles. 
“Of course, how could I forget you two would be traveling there on your own,” Violet mutters to herself. “Alright then, you four will ride together,” she points to Anthony, Kate, Benedict, and you. “The youngest and I will be together while Daphne and Eloise ride with Colin.” 
“Why do I have to be with Colin?” Eloise whines. 
“Come along Eloise before Daphne decides to leave you here,” Colin teases her.
The lot of you finally arrive to the Cowper estate. Your “group” was the last one to arrive with Violet and the youngest being the first then Daphne and her siblings. 
Your eyes wander around the room, taking in the decorations and musicians. Although a part of you doesn’t want to admit it, you slightly missed coming to these events but, you didn’t enjoy being asked to dance by pompous, arrogant men (very few did). And yet, being here brings back something you’ve been missing. 
You notice that Eloise has disappeared after finding her dear friend Penelope Featherington. 
“It seems as though we are alone now,” Benedict comments, hands behind his back as he observes the few lords asking ladies for a dance, signing their dance cards first, of course. 
“Not so alone, people are dancing and enjoying themselves.” 
“Aren’t we in a fun mood?” 
“No, just trying to pass the time until I can get away from you.” 
“You wound me,” he places a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. 
“I’m only returning the emotional pain you’ve done to me.” 
“I didn’t do it on purpose, and you know it,” he says with a serious tone, no longer in a joking mood. 
“How could I?” 
“Please don’t focus on something that happened in the past. We’re different people than we were then.” 
“I think it shows who you really are.” 
“You don’t mean that,” his brows draw closer together in hurt. 
“Who knows? I mean we’re different people than we were then, right?” You walk away from him unable to stay near him any longer. 
Being around him is not good for your health, perhaps a dance or a drink will help… you choose the later.
You find Daphne standing beside one of the few tables containing food and drinks. 
After grabbing the glass of champagne, you immediately throw your head back, swallowing the liquid in one gulp. 
“It seems as though we are enjoying ourselves tonight,” Daphne comments. She took notice of the brief interaction with her brother and understands- or at least, has some idea on how hard it is for the two of you to talk. 
“Yes, enjoying ourselves very much so. Do you think there is a number as to how many glasses you may have before you are kicked out?” 
“I don’t know, and I feel like I am going to have to stop you now. I would hate to see you thrown out; you’re wearing such a pretty dress.” 
“I’m sure all the lords will want to dance then?” 
“Did you and my brother have another conversation?” She asks, knowing full well the two of you did and knows she should stop you before you have too much to drink while you feel upset. 
“Is it obvious?” You hope no one asks about your attitude towards her brother. 
“To me, yes. To everyone else here, I’m not so sure.” 
“At least I can remain unseen by few.” 
“Do you plan on dancing with anyone?” 
“I didn’t come here for dancing.” 
“You can’t attend a ball and not dance.” 
“There is no rule that says so and I wish to be my own woman.” 
“You’re starting to sound like Eloise.” 
“Perhaps she has the right idea about becoming a spinster.” 
“What are you two ladies talking about?” Anthony asks, reaching for two glasses, handing one to his wife. 
“Nothing,” you quickly respond. 
“Seems as though we arrived just in time,” Kate smirks. “Anthony?” 
The man in question turns. 
“Would you be so kind as to dance with our friend?” 
He stutters for an answer. 
“There’s really no need,” you tell him. 
“You should dance at least once,” Daphne points out. 
“I wouldn’t want to give Lady Whistledown any ammunition for her next paper.” 
“You wouldn’t,” answers Kate. 
“The two of you don’t know that. We also wouldn’t want there to be such a fake scandal being brought to light do we?” 
“There would be no scandal. The guests here can clearly see us talking and will see me give you an encouraging nod,” explains Kate. 
You take a deep inhale before sighing, “fine. Let’s go.” 
Anthony looks slightly uncomfortable. 
But, when you think about it, he’s never looked normal or happy to be at these events so, his facial expression is normal. 
“One dance,” you add. 
“One dance,” the three confirm.  
Another song begins to play. “After this you may return to your wife,” you say. 
“What if I’m having a good time, dancing with you,” he teases, feeling a little better. It’s not as strange to dance with you, he remembers when you and his sisters would bug him and Benedict to help you with your dancing skills. 
“I’m not,” you say with a deadpan expression. 
“That’s not something your dance partner wants to hear.” 
“Words hurt, don’t they?”
“Benedict, so nice of you to join us,” says Daphne, sipping her drink. 
“Tired from your many dances with the eligible young ladies?” Kate asks. 
He huffs, “something like that?” 
“Or is it that the one person you truly wish to dance with is-” 
“Unavailable?” Kate finishes for her. 
“I was thinking more along the lines of the person who continues to push him away,” says Daphne. 
Benedict hums, a light bulb went off in his head. He thins his lips, the corners tugging upwards into a smile as he stares into the glass filled with a now unappetizing liquid. “You two should try to be more discrete with your gossip.” 
“We don’t gossip,” Daphne defends both her and Kate. 
“Lying is not a good look on you sister,” he throws his head back and downs the champagne, in a very similar manner to your previous actions.
“You need to stop being so harsh to my brother.” 
“Which one?” You’re desperate to end this conversation. 
“Don’t play games.” 
“I am doing anything but.” 
“He didn’t tell us what he did because he thought it would be funny. He did it because-”
“It looks as though he is going to dance with her,” Daphne observes. 
“I hope so,” Kate adds.
“Mind if I cut in?” Asks Benedict. 
“She’s all yours, brother.” 
“Hello, my dear,” he greets you. 
The faint scent of champagne is on his breath, oddly enough, you slightly enjoy it… this could be because you’ve also had a glass (or two). “Benedict.” 
“Are you still upset with me?” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes to make sure you get your point across, “how could I not be?” 
The song ends. 
You bow, “thank you for the dance but I think it is time that I take my leave.” 
Another song begins, and you use the crowd to your advantage. 
After the dancer’s spin around a couple times, Benedict finds himself standing roughly in the same spot he had last seen you. He tries to search for you, but it was hard and the few doors he could enter were very limited. 
There wasn’t much else he could do besides wallow in self-pity and temporarily drown himself in alcohol.
You wouldn’t see the family for a few days, taking the time necessary to calm yourself and help your mother prepare things for the funeral and your future (your mama has yet to come to terms with you marrying someone you don’t love). 
“Please don’t ask,” you plead with your mama. 
“I wasn’t,” she denies. 
“You were, and no, I am not currently being courted nor will there be anyone coming to do so anytime soon.” 
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“That Benedict boy-” 
“No! No. Absolutely not.” 
“Sweetheart, he cares for you, and you know it.” 
“He only cares about himself,” you hiss. 
“If you cannot see what is and has been in front of you this whole time, I’m afraid you may never see it. What makes you so scared about love?” 
“Now, I know that’s a lie. You have always been transparent when it comes to the topic of these matters but…” 
“But nothing. I don’t like him, and he most certainly does not like me.” 
Your mama sighs, “fine. Are you going to visit them today?” 
“I’m debating on if I should or not.” 
‘This may be the last time she sees them before her marriage.’ “I think you should. It would be good for you.” 
“How would it be good for me?” 
“You would be visiting friends, getting out of this stuffy old house. It could be the last time you see them,” she adds. It appears she’s finally accepted your fate. 
You nod, understanding her hidden meaning.  
You arrive to find, what you believe is an empty house. 
“The others are outside,” Archibald informs you. 
You jump, placing a hand over your heart, “oh! Archie, it’s so good to see you. How have you been?” 
His expression doesn’t change, he continues to give you a bored look. “They are outside.” 
“Don’t you think I wish to speak with you. I miss our talks.” 
“By the looks of your dress, you seem to be in a rush to find them. I don’t want to keep you from having a good time.” 
You offer him a genuine smile, “you were always so sweet. I wish to speak with you soon!” You run down the hallway, aiming for the back doors of the home.
“Isn’t this a surprise,” says Kate as she walks closer to you. 
“Hello,” you rush to say before you take a deep breath so you can catch your breath. 
“In a rush, were we?” 
“I have no reply.” 
“I take it that’s the first time this has happened?” 
“Perhaps, you’ll never know.” 
"The others and I are playing another game of pall mall; would you care to join us?” 
“Another time.” 
“Alright, Daphne’s the only one not playing today. You can sit with her.” 
“Really? She doesn’t want to try and beat her streak?” 
“I suppose not.”
“Look who I found,” Kate taps Daphne’s shoulder. 
She turns, “isn’t this a surprise. We weren’t expecting to see you here.” 
You avert your gaze, “I know, I know.” 
“We’re just happy you’re here. You can sit with me while we watch the others.” 
“Okay, where is your mama?” 
“I recall her saying she was going to see your mama.” 
“I see,” you sit in the empty chair on the other side of the table from where Daphne sits. “You didn’t want to beat or add onto your winning streak?” 
“I thought it be best to give the others a chance to catch up.” 
“How kind of you.” 
Neither of you say anything further; you both enjoy the sounds of the children (none of them are acting their age so, they’re all children to you) as you sip the cup full of freshly poured tea. 
You observe the game, watching as Eloise and Collin would brag if their ball made it through the hoop, your eyes shift onto another player. 
"I see the way you look at my brother," Daphne lifts her cup, sipping her tea. 
You look away from... "I don't know what you mean. You must be mistaken." 
"I am anything but." 
"Well, then, you must get your eyes checked. I was curious to see who was winning. Nothing else." 
"If that's what you wish to believe." 
"I don't believe anything; I want to see who is winning so I may prepare my celebratory speech for young Eloise!" You shout the last part, catching the player’s attention. 
"I thank you for the support, but it is unnecessary at the moment," Eloise says. 
“You’ll be grateful for it when you win.” 
“Keep cheering me on them.” You smirk, shaking your head at the overly cocky girl. 
“Nothing, nothing,” Daphne says. 
“I mean it’s only…” 
“I don’t want to speak about this anymore.” 
“Alright. I promise I won’t bring it up again.” (That promise didn’t last long). “I only mean to say that you and Benedict have had eyes for each other a long time now and I wish to see you two happy.” 
“I know, I know but, surely you realize the feelings there.” 
“And what if I don’t?” 
“I only wish for you two to be happy.” 
“And I sincerely appreciate that but,” you sigh, returning your gaze to the- game. “Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be.” 
“What do you mean? Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” Daphne places her cup onto the table. 
“I suppose I am.” 
“Are you leaving?” 
“Soon. I am to marry this season.” 
“I didn’t- I didn’t realize you were also joining the season.” 
“I didn’t plan on doing so for a while but, things change, and you understand that you have to do what is necessary in order for you and your family to survive in this world. It was planned, there is nothing I can do to change it.” 
“If there is anything I can help you with, please tell me.” She reaches for you. 
You beat her and grab her hand, pushing her hand onto her lap, squeezing her hand in reassurance, “I am fine.” 
“I will help you no matter what, you mean too much to me and my family.” 
A smile stretches across your lips and the warm feeling of (temporary) happiness tugs at your heart. “I know and I feel the same for you and your family.” 
“Even the stupid ones?” 
You laugh, knowing exactly who she’s talking about. “Yes, even them.” 
Benedict turns around and sees you glowing, looking radiant as ever. 
But there’s something about the way you two look that makes him feel as though his life is about to change for better or for worse and fate has yet to decide. 
He would later find out, he was right, and a little wrong.
Benedict turns, looking back over his shoulder like the other faceless guests do. 
He watches as the bride walks by; her face covered by a thick veil. He can’t tell who it is. He stands and sits when he’s supposed to. 
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” says the priest. 
The unknown groom, lifts her veil and sets it down, letting it fall onto her shoulders. 
He can see her face; his smile falls once he realizes that it’s you. 
He stands up, trying to reach for you but, he can’t, he’s stuck. 
The faceless and nameless man moves closer to you, leaning down to finish the process and make you, his bride.
Benedict wakes, scared out of his mind that he was going to lose you. 
He sits in his bed, thinking back to before when things were good between you two. He can’t be in his room anymore, perhaps a cigarette, a walk, or something else would help. 
He puts on the shirt he tossed off to the side before he got ready for bed. 
He ventures down the hallway, down the stairs, and eventually made his way to the swing set, he and Eloise use for their chats. He sighs, thinking back to the dream. 
The thought of you getting married to someone else- seeing you with another is not ideal. He can’t come to terms with it, he didn’t before, and it seems his feelings about the matter will never change.
Getting out of his head, he sees you sitting on one of the swings. 
He sighs, staring at you in all your glory, taking a mental picture so that he can draw this beautiful moment as soon as he finds a sketchbook. 
The way the moonlight illuminates around you, your hand placement is perfect, not to mention the fact that you’re in your nightgown (not that he’s thought about you in a nightgown or had dreams about you… wearing such an outfit… only for him). 
For as long as he shall live, he will never forget the way you look tonight- or any other day. He takes careful steps, to not frighten you but, still does so. 
You jump, placing a hand over your heart, “Benedict. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” 
“I couldn’t sleep.” 
“I assumed so.” 
“Why are you out here?” 
“I don’t believe it would be wise to tell you.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Who knows who you would tell.” 
“I didn’t ruin your chance to be with- whoever he was for us to have a broken friendship.” 
You’re still hurt by the things he said and don’t hear his minor confession. 
He doesn’t realize he’s done the same either. 
“You ruined my chance to help out my family.” 
“I didn’t.” 
“You did.” 
“So, what if I did? Is it so bad to say that I didn’t want to lose you, that I didn’t want to see my- my best friend married off to some rake?” 
“He wasn’t a rake,” you argue. 
“He certainly couldn’t keep his hands to himself.” 
“I am a young woman, born into a world where a woman is to marry in order to survive. If a woman is not married by a certain age, then they are named a spinster and are seen as unfit to marry. You do not know and will possibly never understand-” 
“I stand by my actions, and I will not take back what I said.” 
“So, you admit that you did do something.” 
He says nothing. 
“Exactly and-” 
“Marry me.” 
You turn, eyes widen in surprise and shock, “what did you say?” 
“What if,” he gulps. “What if you marry me? You know I would take care of you. I would love and support you no matter what, even if it isn’t up to society standards. I would- I would,” he pushes himself off the swing, to kneel before you, holding onto your hands. 
Your breath ever so lightly quickens, your heart is about to drop down to your stomach; all you can do is blink owlishly at what, you can only assume a pity proposal and not a confession. ‘If only he meant it.’ “Benedict,” your voice barely above a whisper. 
He continues to ramble on about how well of a husband he could be. 
“Benedict… Benedict… Benny?” You reach for him, cupping his cheek, bringing his attention onto you. “I am sorry, but I cannot accept your proposal.” 
His face falls, he looks so sad, and it does hurt you but, you can’t do this to yourself. “Why? You know I would be a good husband.” Your vision slowly becomes cloudy, tears pool in your waterline; you do your hardest to not let them fall as your lips tug upwards into a sad smile. “I know you would, and I have no doubt that you would but, we cannot marry.” 
“I ask again, why?” 
“I am already to be courting another before the end of the season, perhaps even before tomorrow evening.” 
“When did this happen?” He whispers. 
“Before I returned to visit you and your family earlier today, my mama informed me of the promise my papa made before he passed. I am to marry Lord Ruttiledge by the end of this season. I’m sorry.” You lean closer to him, pecking his cheek before removing his hands from you. 
You force yourself off the swing as fast as you can before you break down and cry. It takes everything in you not to cry too loudly; you wipe your cheeks and run back to the Bridgerton home.
You close the door lightly so you don’t wake anyone else, leaning your back against the door with your hand over your mouth to hide any sounds that may escape you. 
There was hardly any way for you to stay in the house any longer. 
You quickly change into the dress you wore a few hours ago along with your hooded cape, careful not to forget your shoes. 
You made your way to the stables, luckily it was still dark out and none of the servants were around. Sneaking Bo into his rightful spot and sneaking into your family home was easy. 
The hard part was calming yourself down and trying to get some sleep. 
After tucking yourself into bed, you close your eyes and wait for sleep to come. 
It doesn’t for some time, all you can think of is the conversation you had with your mama earlier.
“You know your father was a good man, right?” 
“Yes, why are we speaking of him?” You ask, not wanting to see her cry. 
“He made a promise before his passing and- oh dear, I don’t know how to tell you.” She doesn’t want to tell you because she knows who your heart truly belongs to. 
“Tell me what?” 
“He- he- do you remember Lord Ruttiledge?” 
“Papa’s business friend?” 
“Yes! Yes, he would often come over when you were a child.” 
“Him and papa would drink and go into papa’s study to discuss some things, I don’t know what since they always told me to go play with my friends. It was a little rude if you ask me but, I wasn’t going to question papa.” 
“I remember, defiant little thing you were,” your mama smiles. 
“During one of Lord Ruttiledge’s visits he and your father made a promise to one another. If you and his son weren’t married by the time you both were twenty and four, you would marry him.” 
“What about when I was younger?” 
“That was the time before you entered your first season.” 
“Papa wasn’t trying to marry me off then?” 
“Oh heavens no. He wanted his one and only child to stay young and unmarried for as long as he could, that was the reason why he made the promise. We both hoped you were going to be married by now.” 
“Why did papa tell me he was talking to lord Fauwix due to business reasons?” 
“He thought you were talking about the Ruttiledge family. He had just finished discussing with young Albert’s father.” 
She reaches for your hand. “Please know that I don’t want this to happen but I’m afraid it’s out of my hands. The Ruttiledge’s have been planning on this marriage for a long time now. I have already tried all that I can to help.” 
You sniff, realizing that being so rude to Benedict all this time was pointless. “I know. I don’t blame you- either of you.”
You wipe your cheeks. The life you’ve dreamed of having… is gone.
Eloise manages to sneak up on her brother who slouches in his chair in his art room, “Benedict, how long were you out there for? And, why do you have stains on your clothes?” 
She wanted to go outside and sit on the swings but when she saw her brother and you talking, she didn’t want to disturb either of you. She returns to her room, until it was time to wake up. 
Benedict says nothing. 
He looks up at her, tears trickle down his cheek. 
She’s shocked, she’s hardly ever seen him cry. “What’s-” 
“She is marrying another.” 
“Oh…” She doesn’t have to ask who. “When did you find out?” 
“Last night… I proposed.” 
Her eyes widen, surprised that he would do such a serious thing so soon (even though he’s been in love with you for years). He sits up, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, the heels of his palms cover his eyes. “I didn’t plan on proposing, I said it before I realized what I said, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it, because I do. I- I tried to confess to her.” 
“You did?” 
He runs a hand through his hair before resting his chin in his hand, “I did but, she told declined the proposal and informed me of the potential suitor she is to have before the end of the season. She walked away before I could say anything else.” 
“What would you have said?” 
“Did you think that telling her she’s better suited for you was going to change anything?” 
“I don’t-” 
“Do you think that it was hard for her to say no to you?” 
“It didn’t seem like it,” he mumbles. 
“I planned on going to our secret place so we could talk but when I saw you two, I went back to bed, and do you know what I heard?” 
He glances over at his sister before staring at the wall once more. 
“I heard a young woman in love, with you of all people-” 
Benedict frowns at that even though he knows his sister is joking. 
“Crying her heart out because she cannot be with who she loves.” 
“You all say she cares for me but, I don’t believe it to be true.” 
“Maybe if you looked harder, you would see it.”
“We’re going to be having dinner with Albert Ruttiledge this evening,” your mother informs you. 
Maggie finishes up with your hair. 
“I’ll be sure, I’m ready by then.” 
“Are you going to visit the Bridgerton’s today?” 
“Are you going out today?” 
“Has something happened?” 
“Are you upset with me?” 
“No, mama. I… I didn’t sleep well. That’s all.” 
“Are sure? I’m sure we can-” 
“No, we’re having a dinner with the Ruttiledge’s this evening. I’ll be fine.” You turn, placing a hand on Maggie’s wrist, “thank you, Maggie.” 
“Of course, my lady,” she bows and takes her leave. 
“I’ll be going out today. Will you be alright here? By yourself?” 
“I will, have fun,” you peck your mother’s cheek before exiting your room, preferring to hide out in the library. 
You didn’t know it but, your mama went to visit the Bridgerton home and discuss a few things with Violet.
“Hello, Lord Ruttiledge,” you greet your soon-to-be fiancé. 
“Lady Whittacker.” 
“We should all sit down now, I suppose?” Your mother chimes in. 
“Yes, of course.” He sits in the chair besides yours. 
You and your mama share a “isn’t he charming” look. 
Before you can sit down or anyone could say anything else, there’s a knock on the door. 
“Who could that be?” You ask out loud. 
Your mother places her hands on the arm of the chair, prepared to stand up but stops when the sound of multiple footsteps and chatter echoes in the hallway soon entering the dining room. 
It seems as though everyone besides your mama is shocked by the group of guests. “Bridgerton’s! Bassets! Hello, hello. Come in, come in.” 
Your mama turns towards the head servant, Nigel. “I’m already on it, Miss.” 
“You are a saint, my dear.” 
“I wasn’t expecting more guests,” Lord Ruttiledge mutters. 
“Neither did I,” you add. 
Daphne and Kate make their way towards you. 
“We missed you yesterday morning for breakfast. Is everything alright?” Daphne asks. 
“Of course,” you answer. 
“And who is this?” Asks Kate, gesturing to the now uncomfortable man, who is still sitting. 
“A friend,” you answer stiffly.  
“A friend?” She repeats. 
“You must be good friends, if you’re here on your own.” 
“Please stop,” you mumble. 
“I’m only talking to him. I want to get to know him.” 
“Okay, I understand.” 
“Everyone, please sit,” your mama announces. 
“I’ve got it,” Benedict pulls out the chair from your grasp. He pushes it in once you sit down. “Thank you,” you whisper once he sits down. 
“At least some of us have manners.” 
“Benedict,” you sternly say. 
“I know. I know.” 
“How are well this evening?” Violet asks, attempting to make things slightly less awkward. 
Few answered with good, others with a longer reply. 
The youngest trio broke into a conversation of their own. 
The eldest brother and eldest sister along with their spouses kept an eye on the three of you, clearly waiting for something to happen. 
Eloise would chime with her commentary whenever one of her siblings would say something that catches her interest. 
A few moments later, dinner was served and hardly anyone spoke a word, but when they finished their meals that’s when things took a turn. 
“Are you going to discuss your interest in courting Lady Whittaker tonight?” Asks Kate. 
Daphne and her sister-in-law gave the lord their full attention. 
You close your eyes, deeply exhaling. ‘Why?’ “Must we do this now, ladies?” You ask, clenching your jaw so you don’t start an argument with your friends. 
“I want to know what the rake’s intentions are,” Kate answers. 
Lord Ruttiledge chokes on the drink, using the napkin to cover his mouth as he coughs. He clears his throat, “what?” 
She looks at him, “did you think none of us knew?” 
“Knew what?” 
“Of your secret lover.” 
“Don’t forget secret child,” Anthony adds. 
“I think you mean children,” Kate informs her husband. 
“I don’t- I don’t know what you two are talking about.” 
The two glance at one another and hum, returning their focus back onto him. 
“We think you do,” answers Simon, “innocently” sipping his wine.
“Is this why you invited us over?” Violet asks her friend. 
“Heavens no. I did not know this is what was going to happen. Although I can’t say I’m upset.” 
“You’re not?” 
“No, I want her to marry who she wants, marry for love. I think after this we’re going to be closer than ever.” 
Violet chuckles, she has the same feeling. “Should we stop them? Your daughter doesn’t seem to be very happy with her friends.” 
“It’ll pass, let them get it all out now.” 
“How many sips have you had?” 
“I think you mean cups.” 
“You see,” Kate begins. “He has at least three children, two girls and a boy with another on the way. Isn’t that right, my lord?” 
“His eldest is ten and one, the second child is seven, the third is said to be three, and his beloved has been with child since the middle of winter,” Anthony adds, raising his brows at you as he reaches for his cup. 
“How did you find out?” 
“We didn’t know for sure but now, you’ve confirmed it all,” Kate smirks. 
“You can take your leave at any time this evening,” Daphne tells him. 
Simon nods, agreeing with his wife. 
“You four are the rudest people I have ever known,” you hiss. “I thank you for “looking out” for me but this,” you point in a circular motion. “Is completely inappropriate. And you,” you turn to the lord. “Can leave. None of us will tell anyone about what has happened. I apologize if you felt as though you had to come here, you certainly didn’t. Our fathers made a joking promise years ago but, then they wanted it to be true and here we are. You may leave. I’ll walk you out.” 
The both of you get up, out of your chairs and head for the door. 
You grab his forearm. 
He turns around. 
“Find the mother of your children and marry. Do not wait any longer. It’s clear the two of you care deeply for each other. The children should be with their father more. You won’t regret doing so, I know it.” 
He lets out a sigh of relief and lunges at you, hugging you. “Thank you.” 
“You have no reason to thank me.” 
“I am sorry for putting you through this.” 
You offer a small smile, “go to your family.” 
“This means more to me than you know.” 
“Which is why you must go now,” you laugh, pushing him out the door. 
“Thank you!”
You take notice that it’s Maggie who’s closing the door. “Maggie-” 
“Don’t abandon the party.” 
You huff, turning to see Benedict leaning against the doorway that’s the hallway for the dining room. “Not now, Benedict.” You walk away, aiming for the stairs so, you can go to your room. 
“You can’t abandon your guests.” He follows you. 
“I have no guests to entertain. I only see a room full of traitors- protective and kind traitors.” 
Maggie shakes her, wondering when the two of you will get together. 
“At least it wasn’t me this time.” 
You stop, doing a one-eighty turn, standing before him. You poke his chest, “so, you admit you did something?” 
He nervously chuckles, staring at you, “no.” 
“Really?” The corners of your mouth tugs upwards, you don’t realize it until Benedict says something. 
“It seems as though now, since you don’t have to worry about marrying that rake-” 
Your smile disappears as you take a step back, “he is not a rake. He was doing what he felt he had to for his family.” 
“And which family is that? His mother and father or the one he created with some woman?” 
You scoff, briskly walking away from him. He’s persistent tonight, you’ll give him that. 
“I’m not done talking to you.” 
“You’re not. I am,” the door slams shut. You rub your face, keeping your face covered. 
“I’m not done talking to you,” he leans against the door, slowly closing it so no one disturbs the two of you or sees you, a young woman in the presence of a single man (who only has eyes for you) and gossip with others so you’re forced to marry… he does plan on asking for your hand but, Benedict would prefer if the both of you weren’t so much “forced” into marrying one another because of such a situation. 
“Please get out. I need some time to myself.” 
“I’m afraid I cannot do that.” 
Your hands fall to your sides, “why? What is so important that you must tell me right this instant? All you’ve done is mess up everything and I can’t take anymore.” 
“You…” He stops, unable to say another word. If he admits what’s in his heart, things may never be the same again, for better or for worse. He is tempted to mess with fate but, he’s downright terrified. 
“I- what?” You snap, your emotions begin to get the better of you. 
Benedict gulps. It’s now or never. He takes a step towards you, reaching out for you almost. He's in front of you, cradling your hands in his like he did the previous night. “You, make it ten times more difficult for me to be able to express myself… I can’t- I can’t tell you- begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I am a man of many talents but, when I look at you, I’m helpless. I can’t tell you everything I feel whenever I see you- think of you. I can hardly put into words how you are my… everything,” he whispers. 
He reaches for your delicate face, dragging his index finger across your cheek, tucking it under your chin, bringing you closer. He leans in ever so slightly, his nose brushes against yours as he continues to stare into your beautiful eyes while finishes his confession. “I will admit to you now that I ruined any future relationship you may have had with that lord from our youth.” 
You close your eyes, “why?” 
“He would have taken away the one thing that keeps my heart beating and my art alive.” 
“What?” You open your eyes, seeing his soft and kind eyes. A sight you haven’t seen for quite some time now. 
“My darling,” he breathes out. “You are my muse. I may sound selfish but, I would do anything to keep you near me. The thought of you being with another hurts me more than I care to admit.” He brings his hand up to cradle your cheek, “I cannot even begin to think of how terrible life would be without you.” 
“Why couldn’t you confess your love for me sooner and spare us this pain?” You sniffle, pulling your head away from him to lightly smacking his chest. He chuckles, reaching for your hand. You follow his lead as the two of you sway back and forth. You pause, “what are we to tell your family and my mama?” 
“That we are getting married?” He gives you a sheepish smile. 
“Really? I don’t recall anyone asking me.” Benedict kneels, reaching in his pocket. 
You laugh, shaking your head with your eyes closed. “Will you-” 
“Ben, you don’t need to-” you open your eyes and find him holding a ring. “Where did that come from?” 
“Have you had this the whole time? Did you plan on proposing before your family interrupted?” 
“Technically, our family but, yes? N- I won’t lie to you, my dear. The main reason I came here was to propose to you and tell you of my feelings.” 
“You’ve been planning on proposing?” 
“I tried once and was unsuccessful.” 
“And you wanted to try again?” 
“If it meant I got to see you, yes.” 
You slowly place your hand in front of him. 
“Does this mean you accept?” He asks, his heart beating much faster now… at the thought of you becoming his wife… among other things. 
“I wouldn’t offer my hand, if I was going to reject the man I love.” 
He practically jumps up, gingerly putting the ring on your finger, holding your hand. He looks at you, “did you tell me you love me?” 
Your free hand comes up to the back of his neck; your thumb rubbing gentle and comforting circles, “I’m going to have my hands full with you, aren’t I?” 
“I need to hear you say it again.” 
You hum, “no.” You walk away, aiming for the door when you feel a pair of hands on your waist turn you around. 
Benedict traps you against the door. “I’m afraid you can’t leave the room until you confess your feelings.” 
“I,” you pause to study his face. “Find your facial features very interesting.” 
“I don’t believe that is a confession.” 
You dramatically sigh, “Ben, I… love you. I could not stop thinking about while I was away even though every time I thought of you, I usually became upset. I couldn’t stop my heart from beating faster when I thought of your smile, watching you sketch whatever it was that caught your interest, anything that had to do with you.” 
“Even now your heart races?” 
“Even now.” 
“Do you want to tell them now?” 
“I have a feeling they already know.” 
“I have no doubt that you are right, my darling.”
One season later (summer)
The sunlight shining through the window begins to bug you. 
You roll over, hoping to cuddle with your husband for a few moments. You open your eyes to find him sketching… shirtless. It’s an enjoyable sight to see when you first wake up that’s for sure. “How long have you been awake for?” 
“Some time,” he vaguely answers you. You slightly crawl closer to him, leaning on your elbows, hoping to get a peek at what he’s working on today. “And what are we sketching this morning?” 
He leans away from you, “no looking.” 
You pout, “why?” 
“It’s a surprise. I’m- I’ almost done.” 
“If you think it’s bad, I can tell you without a doubt that it is amazing.” 
He blushes, “thank you, my muse but-” It’s one of those mornings, if he calls you his muse then he’s drawing you. 
“But nothing,” you push yourself off your elbows and sit up with one knee bent and the other leg tucked underneath. “You are an amazing artist. I love watching you work on your art and find myself lucky to see the finished work. Let me see it, please?” 
He hesitantly hands you his latest sketchbook. 
You don’t know what to say so, you smile. “You were drawing me while I slept?” 
He hums. 
“I must say, I never thought I would look so good in a drawing but when you’re married to the best artist in town, I guess that’s to be expected.” 
You return the sketchbook back to him. 
“How many times have we redrawn me this morning?” 
“Don’t sound so shocked, when I have an amazingly, wonderful, and beautiful muse lying at my side.” 
“Oh? Confident, are we?” 
He sets the book on the nightstand and wipes his hand on his charcoal pencil rag before spreading his arms, “come here,” he says. 
You cuddle into him, enjoying the warmth he’s emanating. “I wish we could enjoy moments like this more often,” you whisper. 
“Who says we can’t?” 
A thump, followed by Hyacinth and Gregory’s shouting outside the door. 
“Don’t answer my question.” 
“I wasn’t,” you tease.
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iikkeee · 2 years
Waiting for you || smut
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Bridgerton Benedict x Reader !!
Warnings: unprotected, oral, dirty talk (?) not much more just lots of fluff
A/n: i honestly just wanted to make a cute little story about Benedict because he’s my favorite character, but I hope you guys like this I also apologize for any misspelled words or such as I wrote this at night lmao
I looked in the mirror dusting off my dress “hmm” I hummed as I admired myself. “Who are you getting dressed up for?” My mother asked suddenly appearing behind me “my gosh, mama you scared me” I said as I clutched the fabric near my heart in shock. “Anyways, I’m not getting dressed for anyone.” I turned to her rolling my eyes slightly “I haven’t seen you like that since your season, love” she said taking my hands in hers “I think I’m too old to be courted at this point” I replied with a gentle smile. “Not at all, there’s always going to be a special someone. Just wait.” She said caressing my face with one of her hands, I smiled squeezing her hands before letting go of them and walking out the room. “Is it that bridgerton boy?” She yelled as I went up the stairs “oh my god!!” I replied going up them faster my cheeks flushed. I closed the door to my room plopping onto the bed, I was like a lovesick school girl and I felt a fool. I freshened up quickly and headed down once more. “Mama, i’m going to the bridgerton’s” “ah so I was correct” she replied winking at me “BYE!” I exclaimed before running out the door.
I opened the front door and walked to the main room, “ah, Y/n I didn’t think you’d come today” Violet said smiling as she layed her hand on my shoulder guiding me to one of the tables “how could I not when I have these two asking for me?” I exclaimed as hyacinth and Gregory ran to hug me, I laughed as I had them both in my arms. I rubbed both of their backs as I looked up seeing Anthony there “and how could I leave poor Anthony without my presence for far too long?” I asked smiling as I left the children opening my arms “Please you were here yesterday” he said rolling his eyes nonetheless returning the hug. “Uh, is Benedict in today?” I asked Violet “oh please he never leaves the house” she replied I chuckled at her answer “y/n are you going to the ball later?” She asked unexpectedly “oh no, I’d rather just stay home” I said settling into one of the chairs “perhaps you could keep Benedict company, I doubt he’d want to go anyways” Anthony said glancing from me to Violet “perhaps I should”
“Bye Y/n!” The bridgerton’s said as they left for the ball, I waved before closing the door. My heart was racing, I had never been able to stay alone with Benedict. I calmed down walking through the halls searching for him. He sat drawing in his sketchbook, his brows furrowed in frustration as he ripped a page for his book. I walked to his side crouching down to look at the sketch stopping his hand as he almost crumbled it. “Oh hello y/n” he said turning to me, I nodded at him “aren’t you supposed to be at the ball?” “I stayed to keep you company” I replied. He smiled before turning back to the book, i hesitated as I realized i still had my hand on his “your art is beautiful you know” I said smiling as I looked at what he had drawn “you flatter me, but this page is horrible” he replied “not at all, you see…” I paused as I lifted his hand up holding it at the angle he was drawing it “this drawing is almost perfect, all you have to do is get those extra details, just use yourself as reference” I said smiling, he peered down at me which felt like an hour despite being mere seconds my breath hitched. “You look beautiful today you know?” He complimented our faces close, I flushed “thank you” I muttered as I looked down at his lips. I gulped as we both turned our heads getting even closer our lips almost touching. I closed my eyes as he pressed his lips on mine, my heart racing.
I grabbed his shoulders pushing him away gently “what?” He asked his eyes shifting to see the expression on my face, I smiled at him “we can’t do this…I have to be married or else I’ll be dishonored” I replied caressing his face “so what? Nobody will see us” he said my face falling, how could I tell him that I wanted for people to see us together? He noticed the frown on my face “hell…I’ll give you a proposal right before you walk through that door” he whispered “Benedict” I said resting my hands on his shoulders “I’m not kidding, y/n you are the most beautiful women I’ve known. I’ve liked you for all these year we’ve known each other” he said picking up my hand and placing it on his heart, his heart beating as fast as mine “really…you’ve liked me too?” I asked shocked “of course I did, but you had all those suitors” he said rolling his eyes “none of them compared to you, you know?” I said putting my finger under his chin making him look at me “Why do you think I’ve stayed unmarried? I was waiting for you” I whispered. “You’re making it hard for me to not get on one knee” He sighed before wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me to his lap, as his lips met mine I had never felt more passion in my life. My heart beating so loud I’m sure he could hear it. I caressed his face as he slipped his tongue in my mouth, his hands wandering down my form.
We both pulled away catching our breaths, staring into each other’s eyes “do not jest Benedict” I responded “I’m being serious” he said kissing my shoulder as he started to unzip with dress, I gasped “is this okay?” he asked, “It’s just I’ve never done this before…” “it’s okay, we can take things slow” he said pulling away “no…keep going” I exclaimed he glanced at me before removing the dress off, his hands moving to take off the rest of my garments. I shuddered at the feeling of his touch, he kissed down my neck leaving small bites and marks down it before moving to my breasts he kissed my delicate bud sucking on it gently as he kneaded the other in his hands. My breath hitched as I felt the new sensation, a weird feeling in my stomach occurring. He moved to the other giving it the same treatment, my back arching at the feeling whimpers leaving my lips as I felt my cunt getting wetter. He smirked against my skin as he left my chest moving back to my lips pulling me into another deep kiss.
He placed me down on the table moving his sketchbook out of the way as he kissed down my belly “Benedict..” I whispered as I saw him going lower “I want to make you feel good” he whispered as he spread my legs kissing my thighs gently. I shuddered as his tongue met my cunt “you’re so wet for me” he said against me making me blush. He licked my folds and sucked on my bud, I put my hands through his hair wanting him even more. He moved his hand to my cunt putting his digits inside stretching me out as he moved them in and out, I moaned as he went faster. My stomach feeling warm as he continued sucking on my bud and moving faster, my body shaking as I released. He took his digits out licking them clean before taking off his shirt and pants, I blushed as I saw his toned build his hands moving to free his throbbing member from his underwear.
My eyes widened as I saw it, he kissed me before positioning himself at my entrance “this might hurt for a moment” he said against my ear as he inserted his member in gently. I hissed at the pain leaning my head against his shoulder he kissed my neck relieving some of the pain. “Benedict…” I whimpered motioning him to start moving, he moved slowly allowing me to adjust fully. I moaned as the pain went away his strokes were passionate, his love showing through them. I pulled him into another kiss our moans being suppressed as our lips moved together like they were made for each other. His strokes started to become faster causing my head to roll back his lips moving to neck kissing it. With each stroke my stomach got warmer my cunt throbbing and clenching on his member, “fuck y/n” he groaned going faster, I moaned as I felt myself coming undone. “Benedict” I whimpered before releasing, he cursed before releasing too.
He pulled out as we both caught our breaths, I sat up and put my arms around his neck “that was…amazing” I said smiling kissing him gently, he smiled before pulling me on to him. He nuzzled his head in my neck “I love you” he said softly “I love you too” I replied smiling widely. “Let’s get cleaned up before they come home though” I said remembering the situation “of course” he replied as we both cleaned up putting our garments back on, I zipped up my dress before seeing him fiddle with his collar. I walked to him adjusting it and putting my hands through his hair making it look presentable. “Ahh, you’re so perfect” he said picking me up “Benedict stop!” I giggled as he held me in his arms “mwah” he said as he kissed me.
We spent the reminder of our time cuddling together as Benedict sketched, we both looked up as we heard the door open “oh well I see you two are comfortable” Anthony said smiling as the rest of the family came into the room. Violet smiled at us before settling down a tone of the tables “Well I have announcement to make” Benedict said smiling at me, my mouth opened in shock as I knew what he was going to say “me and y/n are getting married” “what?!” Eloise said in shock “Well it makes sense but out of nowhere?” She added “Thank god” Violet exclaimed coming to my side “I thought you guys would never find out that you liked each other” Anthony said chuckling. “It’s unexpected yes, but I think it’s the right choice” I said smiling at Benedict as I placed my hand on his chest. “Oh! Does that mean that y/n is going to be like a sister to me?” Hyacinth exclaimed happily “Yes, we’ll be even closer than we are now” I said hugging her side. “Looks like we have a wedding to plan than” Daphne sighed. _______________________________________________
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