#LOVE !!! XEM!!!
clownsuu · 1 year
What does a clown do when someone steals his identity?
…The ‘clownsuu’s.
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LMAOO HEHEH this gave a big ol giggle, thank u my guy, take some random ass doodles I was able to scrub up—
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Not a new character (a old one in fact- some of y’all may actually remember xem) but I had a undying (pun not intended) urge to draw my lil vampire goober as a muppet (and xem xemselves-)
for newer gamers, this is Xi! Xey go by xe/xem/xeir (xey don’t mind they/them, but prefers xe/xem)
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bread-cat-luna · 4 months
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good morning I am, in fact, back on my bullshit
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excymothoa · 4 months
umgm... ye...... lesbia s...
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chknbzkt · 5 months
And hence nothing remains except for our regrets
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Fool and Sideshow belong to @/venomous-qwille from their story Ghost in the Machine… it was live at first sight, that little clown…
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strikerangel · 1 year
mariana : ''out of all the creators i think that i like slime the best , hes very funny and very crazy and i get along with him very well , i want to make love with him ''
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guqqie · 1 year
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 3 months
help I wanna draw either otto or mj or both but ive been scrolling so long and i cant find any refs ughh please post them /gen /nf /neu
:D awww thanks for considering to draw my characters ‼️💥🐟
🐟Refs under cut🐟
⭐️ Otto ⭐️
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🚬 M.J 🚬
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The fish net is supposed to be on the left hand while the arm warmer is on the right. I just messed it up in the standing on
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forystr · 6 months
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Guess who lives rent free in my head
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xemnote · 2 months
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Me putting Hello Kitty plasters on Shin Godzilla and giving him a lil kiss moments before I'm accidentally crushed to death.
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cyellolemon · 7 months
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oc: Angel (xe/xem) xe's cool i think..
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custom-emojis · 1 year
You don't think the fact that neopronouns have been around since the 1800s but still aren't used commonly is a sign that they're not viable?
"arent commonly used" bestie bro/bros are used excessively in internet culture and they are by definition a neopronoun.
also this is really poorly constructed bait, and nobody cares what you think about neopronouns in the year of our lord 2023. At no point in time has them 'not being commonly used' ever stopped anybody from doing just about anything in history, them being around since the 1800s solidifies the fact that self-created pronouns / descriptors and gender divergence is a normal human experience, not that its "not viable", and your insinuation that something not being Common meaning it's Not Viable is actually hilarious and you are Actually Just Stupid. Like straight up, i'm not gonna try and pretend to be nice about it- you're just ACTUALLY an idiot and the funny thing is every person who see's this post is gonna also see that you're an idiot, and you're not even aware of how stupid you actually are. Good luck and godspeed to you brave soldier it must be hell living life like that. O7
I rate this anon hate a solid 2/10, Try harder next time.
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silbeni · 3 months
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Dante Aguilar 🧬 🧠 🌀
(Namesake: Dante Alighieri)
Pronouns: He/xe/they
Labels: Xenogender transmasc panromantic asexual!
Uses Masculine/neutral gendered words.
Age: 24 (Stone ocean)
Height: 4'11"
Nationality: Puerto rican 🇵🇷
Notable characteristics: Glossy black eyes, spike piercings, black lipstick, sharp metal teeth, small, upturned button nose, ear gauges.
Build: Short with a twiggy frame. Xe has top surgery scars.
Pairings: Electricplankton (Dante/F.F.)
Voiceclaim: 🎙️Alcryst FE!!
Dante’s biggest flaw is their cowardice, and the most prominent aspect of their personality. Simply put, he is the wettest beast - xir confidence has the constitution of wet 1-ply toilet paper. However, they will do anything if it means helping someone they love. Xe deeply values the few connections xe's got, so he is incredibly loyal. He loves fully and attaches easily.
Besides lacking bravery, they are also sensitive. They feel emotions with the wholeness of their being. When they are happy, anyone can tell. When they are sad, everyone will hear them bawling in the next room over.
On the flipside, it wouldn't seem so, but Dante is actually very competent. When xe needs to, he can be quite formidable. He may not be strong, or brave, but he proves to be a valuable asset where intellect and strategy is involved. Xe's a clever one under all of the anxiety.
Likes: Videogames, energy drinks, manga/comics, sour candy, junk food, cryptids, internet forums.
Representative animal: White-tailed deer.
Motifs: Intersecting lines like DNA strands, metal spikes, balaclava masks, spirals (brain symbology)
Particularities: Strongly believes in superstitions of bad luck. Likes horror media despite being easily scared. He struggles with spelling.
Skills: Computer/tech skills. Black hat hacking. Puzzle solving. Incredible Tetris and Minesweeper skills. Can name the list of 151 Pokemon. An absolute fiend for cyphers.
Education: Full highschool education. A tattoo artist apprenticeship that was never followed up on.
Was previously a pizza delivery person prior to conviction. Held several low paying jobs before that.
F.F. Quick friends who then became lovers. They are so sappy and corny that they make Jolyne and Ermes gag. Truly the silliest couple ever.
Ermes/Jolyne. They couldn't tolerate him at first, but they eventually developed a strong friendship through the events of Stone Ocean.
Emporio. They have a really sweet relationship. Dante is like an older brother to him.
Weather Report. Consider each other good friends. Weather cools Dante’s anxiety with his chill disposition.
Anasui. They don't get along. He is very rude to xem and xe is too afraid to stand up for xemself.
Jotaro. They don't really know him, but they admire his strength.
(Alt!DIU) Romeh. Xe thinks he is so cool and intimidating. Romeh feels responsible for looking after xem, which is sometimes exasperating - but he does it anyway. It's pretty clear to see he cares about the little guy.
(DIU) Ryoma. Friends with sibling energy! They are very sweet together. Despite Ryoma being younger, they are like an older sibling to them.
(Jojolion) Kyouka. They exploit Dante’s gullible nature for amusement. They keep convincing him of silly things to scare him. Dante is wary of them, but he can't help but believe everything they say when they say it with such confidence.
(Battle Tendency) Nocera. She coddles him because she thinks of him as a baby. He generally doesn't mind this, but it gets a little tired sometimes.
-Brief mention of recreational drugs-
Dante’s life before moving out of their homeland was pretty uneventful. They didn't have a good relationship with their parents, their sense of self and choices were incredibly limited, but they stuck though it all until adulthood. He was sent off to the US to study dentistry, to which he attended for about a month before dropping out, unbeknownst to their parents. He began living wrecklessly. Couch surfing and chasing highs. Xe found friendship with a couple of black hat hackers, who taught xem their skills. He began breaching government databases, doing nothing with the information - he just wanted to see if he could do it. It was exhilarating, and the most fun they had ever had. They had hardships still, but this was one of the happiest times in their life.
Then, one night, they place they were staying at was seized by the cops. All their electronics were taken. As it turns out, one of their casual friends, who they trusted too much, had outed them to the police. Dante was been smart and no tangible evidence was found, but they had been sloppy otherwise. Since they were unable to be charged for cybercrimes, they were imprisoned for possession of weed with a sentence of 5 years.
Their hacker friends that were also snitched on, blamed them for everything. Especially since Dante received a much lighter sentence. They carried a lot of guilt because of that. His parents were notified of his imprisonment and he would be completely shut out of their family. The rest of their friends on the outside cut communication, either scared of being persecuted by the law, mutual friends wanting nothing to do with them, or simply not wanting to continue the friendship due to the circumstances. Xe made the news, and civilians rallied in favor of a heavier sentence for xem. Their peak was followed by what felt like an age of darkness. They were so alone.
Inside the prison, things were worse. They were routinely pushed around and taken advantage of. The absolute bottom of the food chain. They, again, were out of control of their life, powerless. That was until he acquired his stand. Ghost Train would retroactively help them navigate their day to day. Soon, a rumour would spread - that Dante was under the protection of a real life ghost, and the harassment would dwindle. The arrival of their stand would turn things around for them. Xe was still sad and lonely, but after that, xe had a much easier time behind bars. The string of fate that draws stand users together would eventually cause Dante’s and Jolyne’s paths to cross and thus their involvement with the plot begins.
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supernova351 · 3 months
As someone who also has a small beauty mark like Vash I think it deserves to be kissed more (like Vash)
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arecaceae175 · 4 months
Pride month request:
Heroes Spirit
Sparks POV using mirror pronouns
Legend is also present and maybe a Zelda to mix things up
Optional: Sparks using mirror pronouns is already established (i.e. they aren't just telling people for the first time) but perhaps it's been a while since xe's been around people who don't use predominately he/him and so it's a nice little "oh yeah... Gender :) " moment
Yes hi hello ily here you go
This is set in my smoothie AU or @heroesspirit. This is not technically canon to the smoothie AU because Sparks uses they/them in Heroes Spirit and in the smoothie AU. EDIT: I changed my mind mirror pronouns Sparks is now canon to smoothie au :)
I've never written from the perspective of someone who uses mirror pronouns before, so this was fun! The pronouns Sparks uses for xyr internal monologue change based on the last person xe talked to or the last pronoun used for xem :D
Sparks leaned on the counter with one elbow, and with their other hand they pointed at Sky. “I need a smoothie. It needs to be something weird.”
“Grassamel?” Sky suggested.
Sparks shook his head. “Nope. No. I need this smoothie to do something to my insides.”
Sky leaned back and gave Sparks a weird look. Sparks did not break eye contact. 
“This was the whole way here,” Zelda said. “I have no idea what her deal is.”
Sparks blinked. A flutter of euphoria burst to life in her chest. She glanced at Zelda, then back at Sky. Neither of them reacted to the pronoun. The casual, automatic usage made the euphoric feeling grow.
“Is that Sparks?” Legend called. 
Sparks flung themself onto the counter and leaned over to look at Legend. “Hey, c’mere!”
Sky threw his hands up in mock offense and walked away from the counter as Legend approached. 
“Hi guys!” Legend said as they wiped their hands with a smoothie-stained towel. “What can I make for you?”
“I want the fruitcake!” Zelda said. 
Legend nodded and tapped the ordering screen. “One fruitcake, got it. What about you, Sparks?”
“Legend. My friend. My roommate. My partner in crime.”
“That was one time and I didn’t even do anything, I just stood there while you-”
“Not in public!!” Sparks rushed to cut him off. He and Legend both glanced nervously at Zelda, but she just sighed with a resigned look on her face. 
“Anyway.” Sparks cleared their throat. “I need something weirder than the Grassamel. Charge me for whatever you need to, I don’t care. I need to feel something.” Sparks collapsed onto the counter. 
“Uh,” Legend said. “Are they okay?” 
Sparks groaned.
“There was a small mishap at the park. It was absolutely not worth being this dramatic about-”
Sparks groaned louder.
“-but you know how she is,” Zelda finished with a giggle. 
“Yes. Yes I do. I think I have something in mind.” Legend pat Sparks’ head twice. “Together or separate?”
“I’ll pay,” Zelda offered. 
“My hero,” Sparks mumbled into the counter. 
“Just remember this next time I need someone to help with my insect demonstrations.”
Sparks slid off the counter and collapsed onto the floor.
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origamihoshi · 5 months
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Evil girlfriends.
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 10 days
Doodles :3
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I think I’m very funny btw
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