#n0va beloved
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static-x3 · 4 months ago
(Morgan now gets to experience the moth :333. Also implications of what happened the last time they interacted with static XD)
[N0va walks into the kitchen, visibly tired and limping a tiny bit, dressed in pj's and a blanket drapes over their body]
[Morgan is sitting slouched over at the kitchen island, playing on what looks to be a modded Switch, glancing over to N0va with vague interest]
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stormbreaker-290 · 1 month ago
So :3
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I heard some of y'all liked static :3333333
@capring @eternal-soup @bumble-the-sun-bee doodles for your gayness <3
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stormbreaker-290 · 4 months ago
Gay ppl >:333
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High quality lumoth art /silly
It's the homos
I'm loving this sm rn
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bonesybonez · 10 months ago
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brooklynisher · 9 months ago
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You mind watching her? I have to walk my fish
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I did it! It went well I think
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(Refs below!)
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steam-powered-chaos · 1 year ago
Family Time!
[A request by @zer0sgoldchain!]
The park was quiet this time of autumn, perfect for a certain little family of robots to have a nice time, just the three of them together, Rexy being pushed gently on a swing by Zer0, with N0va watching with amusement from a nearby bench. Rexy suddenly hopped off the swing when it slowed, trailing his beloved Whalie with them and bending down to inspect a snail making its way across and into its grassy home. Zer0 crouched beside it, watching the snail with the same awed expression, whilst N0va chuckled warmly, getting up and gently lifting up Rexy, giving his face a little clean.
Zer0 was still on the floor, staring at the snail as it disappeared into the grass, Rexy giggling and clapping, whilst N0va gently patted his shoulder to get his attention. He stood up with a grin, giving Rexy a kiss on their head, and giving N0va a kiss on the lips, the two of them gently pressing their foreheads together as they crossed back over to sit with each other on the bench, hand in hand, Rexy babbling and smiling up at his mother and father. The three of them bundled onto the bench, leaning into each other as N0va gently loses Ed her hold on Rexy to let it go crawling around curiously, but still keeping her eye on him.
A few pigeons landed nearby, as Zer0 gently tossed some seeds to them, Rexy clapping, giggling and pointing at the birds, and Zer0 gently passed them some seeds to give to the pigeons. The birds fluttered down, landing on Zer0’s arm and head, N0va quickly getting a picture of her family feeding the pigeons with gentleness that to the regular human would seem uncharacteristic of robots, but these weren’t regular automatons, they were a family and full of love for everyone, but most importantly, for each other. The sky began to darken with the cool autumn breeze and Rexy slowly fell asleep, crawling into Zer0’s arms for a nap. So the family got up, gathering their things and getting ready to head back home.
“Say bye to the birdies Rexy!” N0va murmured and Rexy gently waved, giggling as the family headed home, the baby slowly drifting into a peaceful, comforting state of stasis, surrounded by the ones he loved, and loved them very dearly.
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static-x3 · 3 months ago
[The door soon opens to an exhausted looking Morgan, who wordlessly allows the two inside, gesturing to the living room where Static appeared to reside]
(time to put the Robor in . Situations <3)
[Static sends both Malware and N0va a message asking for them to come over, seeming oddly reluctant as he states Morgan 'forced' them to ask, the whole thing riddled with typos and misspellings unusual for the bot normally]
[Both N0va and Mal respond with variations of 'on our way', a quiet 'vwoop' at their door from Mal's teleportation]
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os-hacknet · 9 months ago
<Tumblr> $Coel you're a niko
<Tumblr> tumblr (website) could give you money if you just asked
<Tumblr> you're beloved
<Coel> But hacking is fun! <Pixxe> PLEASE DO NOT HACK INTO A BANK. <N0va> This is so funny. <Pixxe> ENTITY. <Pixxe> $Coel i swear to this god if you try anything stupid i'm going to wipe your precious x-server off this damn planet <N0va> I think they already got traced. <Pixxe> . <Coel>
[ LINK.FILE // no.mp4 ]
<Coel> Jeez fine I won't do it. <Pixxe> this has to be a dream <Coel> Still no money.
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stormbreaker-290 · 1 month ago
Casually drops more doodles
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@capring @eternal-soup @coastxlwaters @bumble-the-sun-bee
I hope y'all know your bonkers reactions give me SO MUCH life and make me giggle very much and of course . Give me motivation for more art :3
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stormbreaker-290 · 4 months ago
G IGGLES :3333
Y . Yeah that's very accurate HDGSJ-
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static-x3 · 4 months ago
(new chain)
[N0va looks out the window but stays quiet, their tail wrapping around Static's, their antenna twitching]
[Statics expression turns blank as they look out the window, seeming to zone out, their body and tail twitching minutely, their display flickering as theyre suddenly very aware of their heartbeat]
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static-x3 · 4 months ago
[N0va bursts past the door, their wings vibrating, well moe of their whole body as they talk at 100 words per second, his fur ruffed in his panicked state. His lower half is also much fluffier than usual, same with the fur around his neck, seemingly denser]
[Static startles a bit and turns to N0va, audio receptors struggling to decipher his speech]
"whoa-! Hey, slow down a bit there- whats wrong? Is everything alright??"
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static-x3 · 4 months ago
(mod): Hey static, I have a very early Christmas gift for you >:3
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(I got a lil silly and added a bunch of his skin markings including the "constellation" scars on the shoulder and chest :333)
"O H- oh dear- oh stars- oh..."
"oh im gonna need to find N0va..."
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static-x3 · 4 months ago
(angst moth boi hours :3)
[something thumps in one of the nearby rooms late at night, any natural light being more than gone by now. There's a moment of silence before something patters against tiles then silence again]
[Morgans ears perk up at the sound, his attention diverting from the book they were reading, slowly slinking off his bed, navigating in the darkness just fine with his near night vision]
[He softly pushes open his door and listens further for any small sounds]
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static-x3 · 4 months ago
(static now gets to experience the moth :3)
[N0va just casually flops onto static, their pupils slightly bigger than they usually are and constantly purring.]
(he got into cat nip :3)
[Static huffs a bit, chuckling at N0vas state]
"hey there pretty boy, what's got you so floppy?"
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stormbreaker-290 · 4 months ago
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Smol scared moth boi :( (/silly)
Based him off smth called a mini Moon moth and they're so pastel and I love them
Anyway :3
B. :(((( BABIE :(((((((((
we must make Morgan experience The Moth™
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