tsubaki94 · 3 months
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Phantom Comic Ch.5
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troubldteenz · 1 month
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me when someone yaps for too long
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acroagoraphobe · 6 months
How would the fallout new vegas people react to being booped do you think?
Like you boop them like you would a kitty
Boone: Shock and would freeze up for a second like a shark , then would likely say "Don't touch me."
Rex: Happy bark, would lick you.
Ed-e: Beep?
Cass: She would hit you with a whisky bottle.
Lily: Doesn't mind, would be like "Oh thats sweet <3"
Veronica: Hope she doesn't accidentally boop you back with the power fist accidentally. Because she *will* boop you back.
Raul: "I'm too tired for this shit." He doesn't have like a nose to boop so good luck trying to boop him I guess.
Arcade: "I suggest you don't touch me, the gay might be contagious." (And if you are gay he'd say "Too late I guess You'll have to be quarantined.")
Benny: "I ain't no pussycat, ya dig?" (And then he swats your hand away like a cat.)
Joshua: "Do not touch me." (And you would get a glare from him. that's about it.)
Yes man: "What did you do that for? Im sure you had a great reason, you always do!"
(Im gonna include OWB characters now soemtimes because I like them)
Dala: Would go crazy because she just had her screen touched by H U M A N F I N G E R S. Heavy breathing, if she could foam at the mouth she would.
Borous: "How dare you touch me with those greasy COMMIE FINGERS." and then would go off about how people used to poke him in highschool or something.
Dr. Zero: "Why did you touch me?! Get your nasty.. unclean fingers off of my screen."
Dr. 8: @_[%##@]?! (You have no idea what he said but he didn't like it.)
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firerose · 9 months
Shin not only getting a new found family after her redemption……..but also a big one
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omgitsbeewave · 11 months
i love it so much
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ask-crow-aus · 8 months
I want to be around the Crow fam so much but idk what to say so I'm silently sitting in a corner and being happy about your presence :D
*Corvid is trying to figure out how to work a TV. Crow is sitting back watching him fumble. Armored is sitting with you. Siren is just staring blankly out the window from his screen. Blue is sitting down at the dining table scrolling through his phone. Villain is trying to cook, and failing. Hound is just being the bean he is. Dr. Crow is chugging an entire soup pot of coffee. The child is just standing awkwardly in a corner. Revived is joining Villain in cooking and actually doing well. Mourn is sitting in the closet that he was locked in. There’s a lot of them. Lichen is just sitting with Neo and “Creator” playing a game, and the other deities, Naga, Valen, and Salem, are trying to help Corvid figure out how to work the TV. Maria is busy fistfighting Hivemind. Hantu is banging his head against the wall. System has Lichen and Neo’s kid and is playing with them. Charlie, Pyro, and Jack are busy yelling at each other. Foxguide, previously known as Neo, or Charlie, but now both names are taken, is just looking around.*
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homosapiennns · 1 year
I’m not sure if I posted this before or was it another 4K HD dream of mine but here is a AmeGer Detective AU:
Ludwig is invited to a corporate party by Toris, and Toris likes him very much so he introduces Ludwig to a lot of people. Alfred is one of them. What is interesting about Alfred is that he is loved by everyone, even though he is younger than the others, he is far from being immature . He is easygoing and he amuses people around him. He gets lots of attention. He “shines” But something about him disturbs Ludwig.
When everyone is tipsy and at the pinnacle of happiness , the murder happens.
Ludwig : if I had to guess Alfred is the murderer.
Toris : what? No way!
Ludwig : I disregard everything you say because you have a crush on him.
Toris (blushing) : how do you even—
Roderich (loosening his tie, scoffing) : The party was horrifying! I have never attended such a disastrous party before!
Ludwig : yeah not many parties has a murder in it. I saw you can’t even cut a fruit, I think you can’t stab someone. You are very rich and annoying. And you are not the murderer.
Elizaveta (with wet eyes) : I know him and his brother since they were children. I love them.
Ludwig : More than his father’s heritage? Because of Mr. Vargas’ death, you will inherit some of it.
Romano : I never really liked my brother to be honest. I couldn’t even cry at his funeral. My father always compared us, and he was always his favorite. We grew apart, but I still hated him so much.
Ludwig : Your honesty astonishes me but I respect it.
Alfred : hey
Ludwig : I’m going to keep things short. Did you stab Mr Vargas?
Alfred: No
Ludwig : fuck you
The CEO, Arthur (holding a glass of bourbon) : I’m glad you were at the party, Detective Beilschmidt. I believe God has sent you for us. I trust you to solve this mystery. Alfred can help you request it. He is a trusted friend of mine.
Ludwig : You really don’t care about the murder because the victim was from the rival company. You only care about your company’s name which is at a huge risk in the moment. But of course Mr. Kirkland. He is my number one suspect anyway.
Francis : I’m just shocked and afraid.
Ludwig : why?
Francis : because again they might kill one of us.
Ludwig : but why would you say something like this?
Ludwig : finally, we are alone.
Alfred : I feel like you don’t like me very much.
Ludwig : I’m just keeping things professional.
Alfred : do you want to have dinner with me tonight? I want to take you to an expensive restaurant with an ocean view. Professionally.
Ludwig : Fuckkkkk you are hot why not. Sure
Alfred : I think Romano is the murderer. It’s the only thing that makes sense. There are witnesses that say the two were talking minutes before Mr. Vargas was murdered. And he is his brother. He will inherit the money.
Ludwig : It confuses me too, but I have a feeling its not right.
Alfred : the ocean is beautiful isn’t it?
Ludwig : yes.
Alfred : Do you have a wife? A girlfriend perhaps? You should take her here.
Ludwig: No, I don’t have neither.
Alfred : I guessed it. (Smiling)
Ludwig : That’s it! It’s your smile. Its pretty evil.
Alfred : aww, do you think I’m pretty?
Ludwig : That —
Alfred : I think you are the one being pretty. I mean look at you, your ironed black and blue suit. Your tie. Its the same one you wore during the party. I remember. You like attention to details, right?
Ludwig: yes.
Alfred : like a good boy. Will you solve the mystery?
Ludwig : what did you call me? Also its not a ‘mystery’, a man has been killed.
Alfred: was he your type?
Ludwig : what?
Alfred : would you..?
Ludwig: I don’t understand what you mean.
Alfred : No you wouldn’t, because you like to get fucked, not the other way around.
Ludwig (gaping) : Fuck you, you hot piece of shit if only you weren’t good lucking. (Cleans his mouth with a napkin) I should— (Alfred pulls him and kisses him. They make out) I must go.
Ludwig : I don’t understand, if Alfred was the murderer, Mr. Kirkland would see it. Unless? Unless! When is Alfred born? The 4th of July. Where is he born? United States. Where was Mr. Kirkland? In 4th of July 1923? He was staying in the United States! He is his father! He invited him to the company. He is covering the murder! And Francis is his secret lover. That’s why he is afraid! They are all covering for him!
Alfred: Congratulations, Mr Detective. I knew you would do it. (Smiles as he gets handcuffed)
Ludwig : fuck, you are still so hot.
Alfred: I wish I could fuck you :(
Ludwig: I will never admit it but me too
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So warlord Twitch will also explain her logic to Mirage because besides Twitch he really only has arcee because he's not allowed in the prison area. So of course Mirage is young enough that Twitchs twisted logic makes sense to him as she just continues the circle of gaslighting herself into thinking this is okay(this will have consequences for Mirage) and yes you're probably right Twitch is probably far more insane than Megatron was near the end of earthsparks war
So Tara and Prowls history, they dated before and during the war until Prowl found out Tara lied about being neutral in the war because Tara was a con, so of course they had an awful break up and Prowl was angry for years
Smokescreen gets along really well with drift he likes his uncle
Yeah Starscream 100% feels betrayed by Novastorm and Skywarp he feels like he's been replaced with Arcee. He's not happy about it, Skywarp has debated talking about the issue with Starscream but she won't because she knows he won't listen
There are nights where Nightshade will sit infront of the three Stasis bots and tell them about what's happening and sometimes they'll just stare at Megatron and wonder what he would think about this situation
Ratchet will have Jawbreaker help him in the med bay to help Jawbreaker focus his anxious energy
Damn no yeah, poor Mirage. This will definitely influence his upbringing and his future role in the war not gonn as lie
oh twitch... this will not go well for you girly
Ohhhoh now that's an interesting taraprowl history, because I can see why Tara lied about being neutral (based on what i saw in canon i full well believe that Tarantulas never wanted to be a Decepticon and that he was forced to be one), and i can see why Priwl was pissed and heartbroken
Oooo on the trine drama because yeah.
ohhh nighty, yes. They're the protector of them, but that doesn't mean Nightshade has to forget they exist. I'm betting sometimes Nightshade contemplated bringing the trio out of stasis early.
Ooo, JB in the medbay and JB getting close to Ratty? That's gotta be interesting considering Ratchet's personality
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Why do weddings last so long?
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camp-mithril-lake · 1 year
The Pharma is a Dratchet Baby is an old thing I loved the idea of and I am going with Pharma is born during the Outlaw Time and the Drift continued to visit the Clinic awhile in this AU.
Ratchet runs off with Orion Pax and runs the hideout in Nyon both because they need a place to unload and care for the newborns from Alyon and because Ratchet needs a hideout to raise his very illegal baby. Pharma being flight capable is a surprise for everyone, and the whole gang is very attached to him. On paper, Ratchet lies and says he is a new spark from Alyon to cover up his illegal creation, and not a single person ever says differently.
Lots of interactions with tiny Pharma and the Outlier Gang + Roller, who is more than willing to let a tiny jet to crawl up him and jump off. Baby Pharma happily trails after Ratchet and is eager to help treat their patients, and the doctor and the baby in the Nyon Ruins is a guarded secret.
Hot Rod definitely gets to know and plays with baby Pharma, fascinated with the differences between them and continuing to sneak in a visit Ratchet despite the doctor telling him not to. Hot Rod is absolutely enamored with Ratchet's "love story" and determined to find Drift for him, though he doesn't tell Ratchet as much.
He ends up encountering Arcee when he leaves Nyon and befriending the older mechanism who finds him a little amusing when he doesn't react badly to her threats and becomes accustomed to him. They hit it off and Hot Rod tells her is intentions and the fact he'd never traveled before. Arcee is certain the kid will get himself killed alone and comes with him.
Ratchet can not return to his position from his "sabbatical" until Pharma is grown and is lying and covering up the real reason for his departure. Not even Zeta knows as Orion agreed to keep it secret.
Hot Rod's quest does get distracted when he encounters a lot of other people and a young Impactor as well who is trying to find his missing friend. They are still hunting Drift, but now there are bigger things that get worse when Hot Rod stumbles upon the Matrix and gets Primed. They do find Megatron, the starter Decepticons, a very small bot named Infinitus, and make their way back to Ratchet in Nyon because Hot Rod is of the opinion Ratchet will be able to help and sees him as a kind of mentor.
Arcee had separated to track down Drift for Hot Rod when Infinitus was found and she recognizes him instantly and it is immediately on sight with the shady little bastard.
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warlock0103 · 1 year
So I allowed Twitter and a few discords I'm in to join the outfit meme I did here, and got a lot of results that would be too much to post individually. So here's the collection. (Minus the Loki's. don't feel like marking this as mature.)
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We all saw the Bular and Gunmar (outfits 54 and 55), Astolfo joined the fray in a dress (outfit 27), and then AstraCookieVT on twitter got a cow bikini (Outfit 24).
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Mirage is now from a sitcom of some kind (outfit 36), Kryarcyt on twitter and his stoat Maeve became a royal mage and familiar (outfit 57). Streamer officialninx on twitter doesn't know how to wear a jacket (outfit 8). And the bottom row, Elesa from pokemon models a new clothing line during a gym battle (outfit 3), and Ninx returns with fellow streamer Akuusumi (Wearing outfit 7). Both being very good friends. Nothing sus there.
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People really liked Akuusumi, so she returns in a demon outfit (outfit 30), Kryarc returns but his pants do not (outfit 11), Mordred from Fate is causing problems with a cool hat (outfit 61. Then Ninx and her husband Koji are pretending nobody else is in the room (outfits 9 and 37), Akuusumi and Kryarc are a happy couple (outfits 6 and 41), and look at that Turtwig! Him snazzy, and probably one of my favorites so far (outfit 42).
The couples requests face a problem of not being about the outfits to a point, but I'm not backing out on them. They're cute.
People are free to continue sending asks until next sunday, so don't be shy~ Added insentive, if you find the birthday suit option, I'll do it in my non toon style.
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canonkiller · 2 months
I just think everyone should take a moment to consider the question "what is your visual shorthand for cruelty?" and then follow it up with a critical "and who taught you that?"
specific examples include but are not limited to
why is an evil timeline character design disabled? (why do the heroes go through equally punishing battles and never lose an arm, a leg, an eye?)
why are the futuristic scifi terrorists uniformly darker skinned? (why are the heroes so much lighter?)
why is the greedy boss fat? (why are the heroes skinny?)
why is the criminal mastermind heavily scarred? (why is the brooding, traumatized hero unscathed?)
why is the predatory creep a bearded person in a dress and makeup? (why are none of the heroes trans women?)
who taught you that this is how things are?
how long do you plan on repeating it?
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hey reminder that connecting humanity is extremely low on esims rn and desperately needs esim donations and also that there are a lot of cool things you can get in exchange for a donation
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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angelicgarnet · 10 months
the way people online talk about autism is getting really weird, like do they know that neurotypicals still have interests? that someone being passionate about a hobby doesn't mean they're autistic? you guys know that right
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