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qtrym · 1 year ago
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yanmagotchi · 5 months ago
Fixing the Creaking
I spent the afternoon coming up with ideas for the creaking and what I would do with it, how I could make it feel more integrated with the game, and how to avoid it becoming Sniffer 2. I love the sniffer's model and it's personality, but it's hard to deny it's the least functional little guy in the game. I typed all of this up to my friends, and now I'm also gonna post it on Tumblr because I'm proud of it :).
Also I say 'Fixing' as if I already know everything about it and it's bad, that's obviously not the case. But I don't like what I've seen so far.
Mob Changes: -Creaking cannot move when in a players FOV, this accounts for F5 cameras. -Creaking move slightly slower than a player's base sprinting speed. -Creaking can move through all Oak, Dark Oak and Pale Oak blocks, including Logs, Wood, Stripped Logs, Stripped Wood, Planks, Double Slabs, Pressure Plates, Doors, Fences and ALL Crafting Tables and ALL Leaves blocks. It treats these blocks like a player uses scaffolding. This excludes Trap Doors, Half Slabs, Stairs, Chests and Barrels. -Creaking that pass through Oak or Dark Oak Logs or Wood change those blocks into their Pale Oak counterpart, and passing through Oak or Dark Oak Leaves blocks changes those blocks to their Pale Oak counterpart as well. -Creaking will not go straight for their target, instead trying to move from tree to tree, preferring to hide behind or inside. However, they will always be trying to decrease the distance between themselves and their target. -Creaking will attempt to hide in 2 block tall Oak wood structures if more than 1 player is within a 32 block vicinity of it, to prevent exploiting it's inabilty to move when observed and to encourage players to hunt for hearts alone. -Creaking are hostile to all mobs that drop 3 or more EXP, and will try to not be seen moving by any of these mobs when within an 8 block vicinity. (Mobs that drop 3 or more exp include almost all hostile mobs and I think villagers). This also means Creakings will not be hostile to players with less than half a level. -Any mob killed by a Creaking drops no items, and no XP. -Players killed by a Creaking drop no XP, although their items still drop. -Mobs cannot be hostile towards Creaking, as they cannot see past it's camouflage. -Creaking attack by being within a 1 block radius of a mob it is hostile towards, and dealing 'Cactus' type damage with a very short cooldown, dealing half a heart per 0.5 seconds, with no knockback. Similar to cacti, this damage is reduced by armour but also damages the armour. -This damage takes place just being within range, and is not changed by the direction the victim is facing. Creaking will damage all entities they can be hostile towards at once. -It's now called Creaking, not The Creaking and DEFINITELY not the creaking. -For all these changes, I am anticipating that Creaking look the way they did in what we saw at Minecraft Live. I don't dig the design personally, but I'm sure I'll come to be ok with it eventually.
Pale Oak Tree Spawning changes -Pale Oak trees spawn at a 5% rate in Dark Oak Forests, and 10% of those have Heart in their foliage. -Pale Oak trees generate with the same structure as Dark Oak trees (2x2 base, large canopy) -The Heart can only spawn in the top two layers of a Pale Oak, and only in the center pillar of the tree (i.e. it can't be a branch)
Pale Oak block changes -Pale Oak Logs, Wood and Creaking Hearts can corrupt Oak and Dark Oak Logs and Wood at a rate similar to Mycelium and Dirt, but must be in contact through one of the six faces of the block to do so. -Similarly, Pale Oak Logs, Wood and Creaking Hearts and Pale Oak Leaves can corrupt Oak and Dark Oak Leaves at twice the rate, although to do so they must be within 4 blocks of a Pale Oak Log/Wood/Heart. This prevents infinite corruption without player input. -There are no Pale Oak Saplings, with the only way to gain more Pale Oak trees is to grow Oak/Dark Oak trees and corrupt them. -Pale Oak Leaves have a chance of dropping Silver Apples, a food item similar to a regular apple but cannot be used in crafting. Gives four food (2 full food icons) and a small amount of XP when consumed. -All blocks crafted with Pale Oak behave the same as other wood objects.
Creaking Heart block changes -The Creaking Heart, as mentioned earlier, spawns in the top two layers of Pale Oaks that were created during world generation. There is currently no renewable way of obtaining them. -A naturally generated Creaking Heart allows for Creaking to spawn within 64 blocks or a 4 chunk square radius of itself. -A naturally generated Creaking Heart reduces spawning of hostile mobs other than Creaking within 64 blocks of itself by 50%. -A player-placed Creaking Heart can still allow for the spawning of Creaking in a 64 block radius, as long as a Pale Oak Log is above and below it (like in the trailer) -A player-placed Creaking Heart will reduce hostile mob spawning to 0% in a 7-8 block radius (7 South and East, 8 North and West, essentially making a 1 Chunk Square) when there are Stripped Pale Oak Logs above and below it. This extends up and down from bedrock to build limit. Mobs are still capable of entering the space. -A player-placed Creaking Heart will be entirely decorative if these conditions are not met. -All effects of Creaking Hearts do not stack with others in the same radius. -As shown in Minecraft Live, a Creaking Heart will act as an anchor for all nearby Creaking. I think if they stray out of range of their Heart, they become vulnerable to all forms of damage, and perhaps are quite fragile.
Pale Garden biome changes -Pale Garden renamed to Pale Grove (cause it's not a fucking garden). -Pale Grove is a microbiome that can generate within Dark Oak Forests, roughly 100 blocks across. -A Pale Grove microbiome is recognizable by having a Pale Oak tree that is 4-5 blocks taller than the regular tree canopy in Dark Oak forests. -All trees that generate in a Pale Grove will be Pale Oaks, and each of these trees has a 20% chance of having a Creaking Heart. -Trees are much more spread out in a Pale Grove, but there is still the same amount of leaves canopy in the microbiome. -Typical farm mobs spawn with increased frequency within the biome. -Hostile mobs still have their normal spawn rate, however are likely to be reduced due to the closeness of the Creaking Hearts. -The sky in Pale Groves is paler, as it is in the Minecraft Live trailer.
Dark Oak Forest biome changes -Woodland Mansions don't spawn here anymore. They can spawn somewhere else, preferably a less flammable biome. -Pale Groves spawn at a frequency of about 1.5 per medium sized Dark Oak Forest. -If a Dark Oak Forest is above a Deep Dark biome, Pale Groves spawn with much greater frequency.
Before we get to the honourable mentions, and if you'll allow me to be a hater, I wanna say that that Minecraft Live was the most corporate one to date. I don't wanna blame the actual speakers but just, the way they were hyping up the most nothing stuff, like how exciting hardcore mode for bedrock will be. And bundles, which haven't changed in functionality since conception, they just took a long time to code. The stuff about villager rescue was... fine. The villager news segments were fine. But I gotta say, it being called 'A Minecraft Movie' and everyone in the Live very corporately saying the full trademarked ass name was soooo painful. Always nice to see Agnes though, she's very pretty and always sounds sunny. ANYWAY.
7. Additional changes that I think would be fun but wouldn't really fit with the game -Surrounding a Creaking Heart on all sides with Pale Oak logs enables the low render distance fog in an area around it. -If a Creaking kills a player with a LOT of XP (30+ levels), the Creaking will grow into a Pale Oak tree with a Creaking Heart. -Creakings can use a 2 block tall structure of oak wood blocks as a warp point, allowing it to teleport to another 2 block tall structure of oak wood blocks. If a Creaking moves fast when not watched, this ability could be on a long cooldown. However, if they move at regular walking pace, this could be an interesting way of allowing them to gain ground very suddenly. -Creaking irreversibly turn into a 2 block tall pillar of Pale Oak Wood when the sun comes up.
Thank you very much if you got through all of this, as I said I'm quite proud. Yay! Wahoo! Thank you so much for to playing my game!
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naked-covered-in-bees · 7 months ago
i've been watching misha and jensen panel videos for like 3 hours and now i just feel like i did way too much cocaine.
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compwetewy-bwaindead · 2 months ago
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how is he this ʟ ᴏ ɴ ɢ
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percephilous · 10 months ago
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they are discussing things!!!!!! wonder what
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andreabaideas · 6 months ago
Myself , I was 10 years :
In literature and language class:
Teacher : How do you think you would die?
Most kids : old age, cancer, ran over by a car.
Me: My cause of death will be either Sarcasm or The end of my time.
Teacher: ?!
Sarcasm because i would say : What are you gonna do kill me? And then i would get very very killed. The end of my time because Life is The unstopable movement of limited time that leads the human kind to the unavoidable end of It.
When you dont have time, death arrives, and when death is here we aren't there no more, obviously.
(I got an A+...And my teacher stopped asking me things aloud after that , coward XD)
“i am a monument to all your sins” is such a fucking raw line for a villain it’s amazing that it came from halo, a modernish video game, and not some classical text or mythos
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takaki2 · 4 months ago
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mellosghosts · 8 months ago
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that one the pacifier 2005 scene but it's laura annoying logan just a few days before he fucking dies
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anyataylorjoys · 1 month ago
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Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine. Of course the experience of it was... Somewhat different.
TITANIC (1997) dir. James Cameron
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tazmiilly · 1 year ago
I've always found the end of Journal 3 a bit strange, but one of the specific things is ford throwing his journals into the bottomless pit. It's kinda cool as a concept, but it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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The bottomless pit basically makes it so the fate is unknown of whatever goes in. it could come back, it could end up somewhere else, or it could continue falling for eternity.
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ford has attempted to hide his journals before, but they were all found. Gideon even dug up the 2nd one and used it to terrorize the town and even ford's own family.
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so I don't think ford would be blind to these outcomes, its happened before why wouldn't it happen again? I think the thought of the journals falling through the pit and wounding up in the hands of someone more powerful than an 8 year old would be enough to keep him up at night. the forever uncertainty would kill him.
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then I think, well maybe he would burn them with everything else?
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however, I think it's important to remember how much these journals meant to him. despite the memories they carry now, they were once his sole confidant in six years of solitude.
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even if ford felt any sort of connection to them now, he probably felt like he had to get rid of them.
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he probably felt that his work was a burden to those he cared about. that he would have to make the sacrifice to part with them.
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I think it would be a great dilemma for him. So I believe he gave them to someone. I think a lot of people would assume it would be Dipper, but to me what it comes down to is that it would have to be someone ford could fully trust.
it would be someone who could see the value in his work despite his mistakes. someone who could fully understand where his passion came from at the very start.
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so i believe he gave them to fiddleford
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I think fiddleford has had an interest in Ford's old journals ever since his memory started to recover. he remembers something new each time he reads them. fiddleford would be able to keep them safe, keeping ford's mind at ease knowing someone was keeping an eye on them.
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and I think that would be enough for him
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hellcifrogs · 6 months ago
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Team 7 warm ups from last week~ they're my comfort dum dums!
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feketeribizli · 2 months ago
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am i interrupting something
YOU ARRREEE 😁🫵‼️ alt version with charlies lipstick from this banger post of mine
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chaotic-minds-think-alike · 29 days ago
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occudo · 1 year ago
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Tall Jon -finished this post
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unashamedly-enthusiastic · 1 month ago
We have now completed 5% of the year 2025
10% will be completed at noon on the 6th of February
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wombywoo · 1 year ago
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