mushibashiraas · 9 months
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interpret this however you want. bonten, canon timeline, kanto manji timeline, final timeline. kokonoi hajime, inui seishu, haitani rindou, imaushi wakasa. sano manjiro. shinichiro sano. hanemiya kazutora. baji keisuke, matsuno chifuyu, hanma shuji. whomever, whichever. these are just a few of my own faves. (no queen shiba yuzuha tn, folks. maybe next time)
watch out for genderneutral pronouns. "cutting" (just clenching their fists too tight.) um cursing? but it's the tokyo rev. boys. u cannot tell me they didn't curse a lot. i tuink that is all though.... 🤍
dividers by @benkeibear their dividers are the goat 🖤🩶
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one line.
one note.
that's all it took to trigger the memories flooding in. wave after wave: going to the movies as the summer evening chill tiptoes in. waking up ajs rising in the early hours of the early morning as footfalls on the creaky, old stairs rouse them from their deep slumber. playfights and the banter of a secret language between father and child as said older man wearily comes home from work. a heavy hand landing on the top of their head as goodnights are exchanged.
many more invade the mentally, emotionally tired mind sending them spiraling further and further—
“i can hear you pacing again. relax your shoulders and hands.”
the gentlest, lightest of touches on their shoulders reminds them they are not alone anymore. large, warm hands move to their hands flexing their fingers and massaging the nail marks out of their palms. their chest moves up and down at an alarming pace, deep breath after deep breath unknowingly matching his own breaths.
“that's it... slow your breathing down. in for four. hold... one, two, three, four... out for four. and again. in for four....”
a low, soft voice grounds them as the intrusive thoughts of finally giving up and accepting that they will never climb out of the darkness they are in and see their life be normal again.... nevermind. breathing exercises aren't working tonight—
“(name)! hey! look at me, (name)!”
the soft pads of his thumbs brush away stray tears drying on their cheeks, pooling in their eyes.
“you're getting over being sick, love. don't be so hard on yourself; give yourself a break, okay?”
“why do you stay with me? no matter how awful i can be or how long i've neglected myself. no matter how sick i can get and how much i worry you.... why do you stay? there are other people out there who certainly have more normal lives than me. i'm just dragging you down, keeping you from living your life the way you like— mPHh!” a hand over their mouth cuts them off from their negative rambling.
“what the hell are you saying?” a squeeze to their cheeks. “you're one of the coolest, strongest people i know. super stubborn too. and cute. and silly. and of course, only those with a good fashion sense are allowed to hang with us. and i'm not talking about your clothes or hairstyle — don't listen to ran. you... you know i'm not good with my words nor do i like watching, doing, no less even saying corny shit.” a sigh, almost like he's embarrassed or flustered which makes his next words more meaningful. “but when i'm talking about a good fashion sense, i mean a smile. and do not!” he places a finger over their open mouth, shushing them. “do. fcking. not. say your smile is ugly. ugly is that hairless cat at that petshop near musashi shrine.” he huffed and shyly grinned happy to see his precious partner choking out a laugh between their sobs. “nah, your smile is beautiful. it's all toothy and big and... er... well, expressive— hey, don't laugh!” contradictory to his words he chuckled and gave their cheek a playful pinch. “you know i'm shit at words, dumbass.”
“anyway, (name), i chose you. out of all the girls, guys, and nonbinary hoes in japan i.” peck. “chose.” peck. “you.” peck. “even before we started dating. remember how you were the one who knocked out on the train late at night on the roppongi line? ran called me on the way back from getting food. something about bringing home a guest for some reasok. not the most conventional way to meet someone. but he and i have been keeping an eye on you for a while.” leaning back to stretch, he rubbed the back of his neck finding it hard to keep eye contact. as he said he hates anything cheesy and isn't good with words sometimes if not all the time. but for them, he is so in love that he'd do anything to see his favorite smile again. “you know, you're not the only one who's been silently observing the one they love. i had no idea you were struggling so much with your illness. mikey may be called ‘invincible’ but you're just as strong. i remember always seeing you laughing or smiling at something. plus your episodes make life interesting. the haitanis like people who make their lives thrilling and exciting. and that's not a bad mindset for us delinquents to have. (name), you make my life fun. there is always something happening with you. you and your mom joke about getting into all these adventures. well, i want in. so let me join you, 'kay? and if you ever do or say something dickish, i'll call you out. only me and my gang can snap your head on straight. you're kinda stuck with me — with all of us. there ain't no getting away! love you, snoopy.”
“now,” standing up and stretching he smirked down seeing them blush as they stared at his defined stomach making a surprise visit when his shirt rose up. “i'm ordering us some take out. fuck the late hour. you're gonna eat food and drink water. knowing you when you get upset and spiral you forget to take your meds. go do that while i run a bath. you can use my soap just this once.”
“ah! and one last thing, (name): you lost someone close to you on top of getting sick. again, give yourself a break, dumbass. don't fall so deep that you forget you to rely on others. i'll drag you back up if you do, doll.”
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ider mylayouts hahah been so long since i posted. but i am not dead, buddies! feeling sad though. so this is more for me. still, i hope you enjoy this and that it brings you comfort. 🤍 (i totally didn't post this at 5:30am without proofreading it. hahahah ....looks away....)
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reanbowful · 2 years
hey hey Rean, can i have a request for teddy with a pretty tall gf reader? (bcs I see how he reacts to tall people like Gerard ;)) ). And she also teases him a lot
I'm fcking inlove with ur works 👺❤️
Ahh this is so cutee! Reminds me of lovely complex (if you dk what that is go watch it rn!!) And thank you sm!! I’m so happy that you enjoy my writings hehe
Also ngl, I react the same way as Teddy whenever I see tall ppl T_T (the dread of short ppl)
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if you’re taller than them
(gray, alex, teddy, eugene)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
Honestly, Gray is not that tall to begin with. He’s like 158 cm (or around 5’2).
So I don’t think it would be such a surprising thing if you’re taller than him.
Tbh, I don’t think he would mind it at all. Gray is not really someone who’s super conscious about his height or anything.
In fact, you two would be that cool short boy/tall girl couple.
He might actually even prefer it if you’re taller than him.
If you tease him about it, like for example, you ruffle his hair and pull on his cheek.
Instead of getting annoyed, Gray would get shyy. And it would be the cutest thing ever.
He would try to pass it off as annoyance, but the redness on his cheeks tells you otherwise.
He will get back at you though.
I can totally see him pulling off that, ‘Hey you have something on you, come here.’ and when you bend down, he’ll give you a peck on the cheek.
Oh and how he will be smirking to himself once he saw how flustered you became.
Payback successful 😈
alex go / go hyuntak
Hm. I feel like Alex wouldn’t really mind that much either.
He would be super impressed with your height though. He’s 173 cm or 5’8, that’s already pretty damn tall for a girl. If you’re even taller than that, that’s quite something.
Alex would make sure to make use of your height for every single purpose that he can.
“Babe, can you get that for me? Yeah, that one at the top shelf.”
“Babe? The AC’s rattling, can you check it for me?”
“Babe, we need to clean the top of the cupboard. Can you help me with it?”
Of course, if you get mad at him for always asking you to do stuff for him, he will laugh and tone it down.
Just to impress you, he will bring a freaking ladder to get you books at the tallest shelves.
“Wasn’t I so cool just now?”
Just smile and nod :)
He also enjoys those moments when you guys are at a public transportation and he can just lean against you since you’re so tall.
He also like being hugged by you. He likes the feeling of your chin on his head, and the sound of your heartbeat right by his ear.
teddy jin / jin taeoh
Teddy! Oh boy. He would be a total wreck.
When he saw how tall you were, he would just outright REFUSE to stand next or anywhere in close proximity to you.
If you show him a sad face, he will immediately feel bad. Swallowing his pride, he would walk to approach you.
“Hey.. um. Look, I don’t really mean that-“
Then you will go and put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair.
“AHAHAHA I was just kidding!”
You betrayed him.
Once you let him go, he will stomp away immediately. Face flushed and a series of curses muttered under his breath.
He wouldn’t show his face for a couple days after, you actually thought you angered him for real. But then he came to see you.
You were walking home from school when you saw a certain blonde crouched on top of a wall near your neighbourhood. (he’s just like a cat fr)
“Hey lamppost! I don’t appreciate what you did to me last time. I was caught off guard.”
You looked up at him in amusement when he jumped down, dusting off his pants.
“I’ll consider us even if you come with me to a nice pizza place I reserved.”
You crossed your arms. Smiling deviously.
“Alright, let’s go.”
You walked over to the pizza place with a trashing Teddy on your arms. Yea. You carried him all the way there like the sadist you are.
Expect to not see him again for at least a week after that. Give him time. He needs it to recover.
eugene gale / seo juntae
Ahh Eugene would be the absolute sweetest.
When he saw you for the first time, he will be mildly shocked to see just how tall you are.
But after that, Eugene would be the best boyfriend ever.
He wouldn’t care if you’re taller than him or if you’re shorter. He just.. likes you.
He would be such a supportive and caring boyfriend.
You were at the mall to look for shoes to go to your cousin’s wedding and saw a cute pair of heels. You tried them on and they look so perfect to go with the dress you have at home.
But, then you remembered Eugene. You were already taller than him, so wearing heels would only accentuate on your height difference. What would the family say?
“Ah! Y/N, those heels look so good on you! You should get them!”
“But, Eugene.. I’ll be so much more taller than you if I wear them.”
Eugene would be so confused honestly. It’s your shoes and how it makes you look good. Feel good about yourself. Why should you be concerned about him when you’re the one wearing those shoes.
“Don’t mind me! I think you look very pretty wearing them!”
We love a secure man✊
He will end up convincing you to just buy the heels and wear it for the wedding.
Throughout the entire night, he made sure to compliment you and let you know just how perfect you look.
If not in the eyes of others, at least you are to him.
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rhazimpulsivelyposts · 2 months
The Aquarius~
When I was like 16 I used to play MMO RPG games and I met an Aquarius Male on one of these games. We would talk all the time for hours, we never ran out of things to talk about. Aquarius people are good at this. But what they are also good at is talking you into things you didn’t really want. This Aquarius Male talked me into being like an online girlfriend to him that I wasn’t really sure about but went along with, it didn’t last long because a different cuter boy caught my attention. Luckily it was all long distance with no sexting and honestly we stayed friends. I’m still friends with this Aquarius Male and we talk ever year or so, this story isn’t about him, but adds context.
I’ve also worked with Aquarius Males, before the one I’m going to talk about, and again super great conversation, but they aren’t too great at taking criticism or someone else thinking they have a better way of doing something. Every Aquarius Male I’ve known in a work setting always takes the long way around, and if you try to show them they are doing too much, they don’t like it and argue their way is not extra and that your way just doesn’t make sense. It breeds innovation and thoughtful debates so I enjoy them in work settings. I’m not talking about an Aquarius I have worked with in this story, but this adds context.
Onto the actual subject:
In 2020 my Sagittarius and I were broken up but still seeing each other for about 6 months or so, 2 of those months were completely no contact. It was near the end of the 6 months and that is when this takes place.
My Leo, who is very helpful at offering up meat for me to devour when I’m hunting, mentions a guy she went to school with who inquired about me. I look at his profile and he is kinda cute. Tall and skinny , I love those. Blue eyes , brown hair, freckles. But he has a kid. I don’t like kids. I love my Leo’s kid because it is her kid and she’s raising a pretty well behaved child, but I don’t want kids. I don’t wanna be a step mom to any kids. So I say thank you no thank you.
Then a few weeks later my Virgo messaged me, she is someone I’ve known since I was 9 and is in a completely different friend group and social circle from my Leo. She messages me about THE SAME GUY , inquiring about me… bro really went to two different friend groups to get my number.
“Omg FINE!” I thought to myself, “ maybe he’s a good fck and that’s all I want anyways” . But does that not show you the determination on the Aquarian .
So I go to my Virgos to meet him and … oh I have already met him … he went to my Trade School .. he already knew me! Small world? Kinda weird. He’s into cars I’m into cars, he’s into drugs (so he says at first) I’m into drugs, he’s into video games I’m into video games, he’s kinky I’m kinky. He had a kid but I don’t want kids , he’s into guns but I don’t like guns.
On the second meeting, my Virgo says we are all going swimming at his house. I take my motorcycle and I get there a little late and guess who isn’t there, my Virgo. This btch and our other friend show up 3 hours late, I know it was on purpose, so the Aquarius and I would have alone time to chat. Fine it worked, we vibe a little. He’s into Magic I kinda am into Magic enough to have a deck.
I give it a shot and we start fcking. This man’s dck is sooooo big like I can’t even take it 🤣 like sir you should be making money online with this. The sex was good. But his house was FILLED with pictures of his wife who died and his kid and going over there made me physically nauseous from the awkwardness I felt fcking him in a house laced with these photos. It kinda creeped me out. It bumped the sex down from great to good or ok.
Then I had to meet the kid, I didn’t want to, I was forced. And he talked me into it the whole way with reassurance and manipulation. He wanted us to date. He wanted me to be ok being around his child. My personality is not fit to be around children. I have basically no filter and I drink and take drugs and children shouldn’t be subjected to that. He is stifling my personality every time this child is around. The kid is adorable and well behaved , but I don’t feel like I can be myself around children because I care to much about what they are exposed to.
He told me how they go to Disney land all the time (another red flag for me , no Disney Adults ok, y’all have weird trauma I don’t want to work through with you. Same with people who LOVE Christmas. Y’all have family trauma I don’t want a part of) , I made the joke that if I can’t take acid at Disneyland I don’t want to go. It didn’t go over well, because well he has a kid to look after. I don’t want that responsibility . But he continued to try to talk me into it, talk me into being the girlfriend.
The scary part is I feel like he was sooooo close to talking me into it. I was texting my friends like “idk maybe it won’t be so bad, the kid is nice?” And all of my friends were like “where the fck did Rhaz go?! Who is this?! You have never wanted kids what is this ?!” It was manipulation, from a smart man who could articulate and argue against every point I had about not wanting a child . Aquarius are really good at this. Very logical so they have an answer for EVERYTHING. This man was going to change me, into someone I wasn’t. It was making me very uncomfortable.
My last straw though, like the nail in the coffin for this situationship :
We were eating dinner, me, him, his kid. The kid couldn’t finish the meal. He’s like 4 or 5 or something, small baby child. Small stomach. But the Aquarius wouldn’t let the kid leave the table until he cleaned his plate. Bro I was flushed with so many trauma flash backs. It’s not my kid, I had no right to speak on the matter so I didn’t. We went outside to the pool, and the kid was still at the table, we could see him through the sliding glass. This made me so sad. This gave me anxiety.
This kid walks up to the door and opens it and asks if he can go play and the Aquarius goes “no I told you to finish that, you can go play after you finish your dinner. Look we finished our dinners and that’s why we are allowed to play” . He said it so sternly . This gave me anxiety. After the kid shut the door I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“You know, kids have small stomachs, maybe that portion was too big for him?” - me
“No he always does this , he won’t finish it and wastes food and then in like an hour he wants more” - Aquarius
“Maybe because his stomach is small and his metabolism is fast, so he digests the food in about an hour and is hungry again?” - me
“I guess i never thought of that” - Aquarius
“Speaking for myself, i have a lot of issues with food. Sometimes i have to snack a little and then put it in the fridge and come back to it. Sometimes i really like a food and then I don’t like it anymore randomly. I feel like forcing him to sit and stare at food he isn’t hungry for, as a punishment for not eating that food, is going to cause an eating or anxiety disorder in your child” - me
He didn’t like that I was questioning his parenting. Or even suggesting that something he is doing was going to cause the kid to have issues later. Most parents don’t. But that interaction gave me so much ick, so much anxiety. It snapped me out of the talkitive spell he had me under.
I broke it off with him and he kept asking me why and i told him “look we just don’t vibe well. We don’t have the same life style and wants. I could go down a small list of specific reasons why but there is no point. You will just hyper focus on those reasons and want to change when realistically we are just two different types of people in this world and that’s ok.”
See fellas that’s how you communicate when you are done fcking around with someone . Men suck at this. Most either don’t communicate at all or they give people that list of shit that they will rumminate on.
I have never felt so manipulated by a partner before and I have never felt that since. He wasn’t abusive or evil, he was just very good at debating for what he wanted in life. That’s a good skill to have, but don’t use it on me. It gives me the ick. 
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prettypinklass · 4 years
I might start posting oneshots on here, like this one. Maybe.
The Queen's Songstress, the Songstress's Queen
Author: Pink
Word Count: 2513
Warnings/Notes: Fluff, Petra Works too Hard, orphans, Dagda OC, implied/mentioned racism, implied homophobia
Prompt: Paired Endings (Intertwined Destinies event from the Fire Emblem Amino)
When she had first returned to Brigid, she had acted as a translator for her friend, who despite pleading to join her, knew nothing of the language. 
Now, years later, Dorothea could speak the common language of Brigid as easily as she could Fodlan's. 
"It's because you're such a good teacher, Petra," she teased, after Petra had praised her skills. 
Despite her grandfather's approval, the people of Brigid had been skeptical of their marriage at first. Dorothea's Fodlanese heritage didn't help. Nonetheless, they didn't argue. Their new queen was happy, and that was what mattered.
Now, years later, the people praised them as one of the best pairs of rulers they had. 
Queen Petra worked tirelessly to improve their relationship with Fodlan after declaring independence. Her wife, the Lady Dorothea, used her connections with the Opera to help. It was hard work, but they succeeded eventually. 
Now, Petra lived her life working tirelessly to help her citizens. Everyday she could be found holding public hearings to address their problems, or in her room, signing paperwork, and on some occasions in a meeting, dealing with the other nobles. It was tiring work, but she would endure it for her kingdom.
Dorothea had built an Opera house in the capital city of Brigid, after extensively studying the nature of Brigid's fine arts and music. She ran the place on her own, wrote their plays, and held weekly singing practices that were open to all, where people could gather and and sing together. Her troupe became famous throughout not only Brigid, but Fodlan as well, eventually even receiving audiences from Dagda and Almyra. 
Today in particular had been a hard day. 
The queen had visitors not only from Fodlan, but from Almyra and Dagda as well. The meeting had been… tiring, to say the least. Seeing an old classmate again after so long on strictly professional terms had been… difficult, the man from Almyra was beefy, and loud, which was a stark contrast to the noble from Dadga, who was posh and professional.
Petra had collapsed into her desk chair after the meeting.
Dorothea had been laying on their bed, humming. Her day had been rough as well, having to deal not only with racist participants in the day's open singing practice, but also guide visitors from the foreign countries in the song. Though she had seen one familiar face, it had still been… difficult.
She jumped up when Petra entered though, before her face fell. The queen had sat down at her desk, and immediately reached for her paperwork. 
"Petra…" the singer stood up with a small sigh, walking over, "Come on, you need to get some rest." 
"I don't have time for rest," Petra replied, "I must get this work done…" 
"Love, you're exhausted…" Dorothea sighed, resting her hands on the queens shoulders and  beginning to rub slowly, "Why don't you take a break? Let me sing for you." 
She hesitated, "Are… you sure? I must get this paperwork done…" 
"You can do it later," the songstress insisted, "Take a break, love. You need one."
Petra frowned at her, shifting to face her wife. Dorothea smiled reassuringly at her, and smiled wider when the queen began to relax, "I have a day off tomorrow…"
"You can finish the paperwork first thing tomorrow, and then we can go out together."
It was quiet for a moment.
Petra sighed, and stood up as she gave in, "Okay… Will you sing for me, Thea?" 
"Of course," Dorothea smiled even brighter in response, and pulled her wife over to the bed. The two laid next to each other, as she hummed softly. 
"What song would you like me to sing?" 
"No preference." 
"Hmm… okay," Dorothea sat up, and began humming. The humming went on for a few moments, changing pitch and tune to match a song, and then…
"Reach for my hand," she began to sing softly, "I'll soar away. Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay." 
Petra rolled over and smiled at her. 
"In cherished halls, in peaceful days, I fear the edge of dawn… knowing time betrays." 
Her voice was soft, soothing, and before long… the queen had fallen asleep. 
And when she had finished the song, as she was never one to leave something half done, Dorothea fell asleep too.
As promised, Petra finished her paperwork early, and Dorothea had dragged her off to see the town shortly afterward. 
People waved as they passed by, and the pair waved back happily. Brigid's capital really was a lively and friendly place.
Just after noon had come, Dorothea brought her wife to the opera house. There was a public singing session today, and even half an hour before it started, people were beginning to gather. 
A certain indigo haired woman was there already, looking around. Dorothea smiled. 
Shamir looked up, and grinned, "Well well. We meet again, kid. Your Majesty," she bowed to Petra, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" 
Petra fumbled for words. She still wasn't the best at Fodlanese…
"This day- er, Today, is my free day. I am not having work to do." 
"Lucky you," Shamir replied, "It's good to see you both again." 
"Am I assuming you came with the Dagda noble?" Petra asked. 
"Fodlan actually," she shrugged, "Mercenary life gets me plenty of jobs. Just so happened I was in town, and the lord was looking for a suitable guard." 
"Interesting," the queen hummed. 
"Are you here for choir?" Dorothea asked, tilting her head to the side with a happy smile. 
"I guess so. Lord Aegir wanted to come and I'm kind of obligated to follow him everywhere unless he specifically says so," Shamir shrugged, "He's talking to some of the singers, along with that guy from Almyra. Nader or something." 
"You didn't tell me Ferdie was the visiting noble!" Dorothea turned to pout at Petra. 
"It never came up," Petra admitted, laughing a little.
"Anyway, I'm going to go find something to do… singing isn't my thing." 
"You joined yesterday," Dorothea blinked at Shamir.
"I was exploring town and got caught up in it somehow," Shamir sighed, "Lord Aegir's over there if you want to talk to him." 
"Alright then… bye!" The songstress waved. Petra waved as well. 
The pair turned, and walked over to the ginger haired noble. 
Ferdinand turned, and broke into a huge smile, "Dorothea! The ugly maiden!" 
Everyone paused to stare at him. 
Someone in the back began snickering. 
"Ferdie," Dorothea frowned, "Um… Do you know what 'aklos' means Brigid?" 
"Why, I was told it meant lovely!" Ferdinand replied, smiling brightly, "Impressive, right?" 
Dorothea began giggling, as Petra sighed. 
"Ah, Ferdinand… The Brigidian word for 'lovely', is 'akLAS'. Aklos is our word for ugly." 
The noble blinked. 
His face turned pink. 
"B-by the goddess! Please, accept my sincerest apologies!" He bowed, "I have been tricked it seems…" 
"Don't worry about it," Dorothea laughed, "Are you here for choir?" 
"Why yes! I heard from Manuela that you run your own opera house here! She misses you by the way, and is hoping to one day collaborate with your opera." 
"Oh, I would love to! I'll have to send a letter to her!" Dorothea exclaimed happily, "Thank you Ferdie!" 
"But of course! It is my duty to assist!" 
One of the actresses, a young woman, called over, "Miss Dorothea! We're ready to begin!" 
"Oh! That's my cue," Dorothea smiled, and giggled slightly, "Have fun Love," she pecked Petra on the cheek, and waved at Ferdinand, before running up to join the singers at the podium. 
Choir was always a joy for Petra to attend. Not only did she get to hear her wife's beautiful voice, but the act made her feel… closer to others, not only to her Dorothea, but to her citizens as well. The same citizens loved it when she would join them as well. 
Ferdinand sang loudly, and he sounded well enough. Nader on the other hand, sounded like a dying bird. The look Dorothea gave him at the end of the first song would've scared the pants off of even the most fiercest soldier.
He ended up being asked to sing... quietly, so that the others could be heard over him.
Even Shamir participated, though at the request of Ferdinand. She seemed to enjoy herself though, if only for one song. 
It seemed like only a few minutes later when choir ended, though it had been at least an hour. 
"You were great Petra!" The songstress quickly began gushing, "Even better than before!"
"You're making me blush Thea," Petra laughed in embarrassment, "You sounded much better than I did." 
"Even so," she giggled, "Well, what would you like to do now?" 
"Why don't we visit the orphanage?" 
"Sounds like a wonderful idea," Dorothea replied, "Let's head there now, and then we can be home in time for dinner." 
"Right," the queen nodded, and after saying goodbye to Ferdinand and Shamir, they began walking to the orphanage.
The orphanage was as lively as ever.
Though the place was small, and the only residents were a few children and their caretaker, it was always lively. The children were often running around and playing together, making noise and sometimes causing chaos. The 4 of them were quite the handful for their caretaker, but they managed. 
A jingle sounded as they entered. 
"Just a moment!" Came a call from the back. A few seconds later, the caretaker appeared, carrying a box. 
"Oh!" She gasped, "Your Majesty, Lady Dorothea! What a pleasant surprise!" 
"Hello Chey," Petra smiled, "We came to visit." 
"The children were just wondering when they would be able to see you again," Chey laughed, smiling, "Children! You have a visitor!" 
Light footsteps were heard immediately. The quick pitter patter of small feet echoed in the building, as a group came tumbling out of the bedrooms.
First came Fiona, a 7 year old. She was quickly followed by the 8 year old, Darrell, who stumbled and tripped onto her. Fiona squealed.
Lily came next, the oldest at age 11, "Hey! Be careful, I'm holding Harry!" 
Harry let out a "Bubba!" and burst into giggles. He was the youngest of the four, being just barely a year in age. Fiona and Darrell fumed at each other.
"Now now,' Chey frowned, walking over to them, "Don't get into a fight. Look who came to visit!" 
"Kween Petwa! Dorufea!' Harry babbled excitedly, "Petwa and Dorufea! Yay!" 
"Q-Queen Petra! Lady Dorothea!" Lily gasped, and did a quick bow still holding the toddler, "It's a pleasure to see you again!" 
"Petra! Dorothea! Hi!' Fiona brightened up quickly and waved. 
"Idiot, it's QUEEN Petra and LADY Dorothea! Don't forget your manners!" Darrell hissed at her. 
"What do titles matter?" She crossed her arms with a huff.
"A lot!" 
"That's enough," Chey sighed, "No fighting. Apologize to Her Majesty and Lady Dorothea." 
The pair glared at each other. She nudged them.
Darrell was first. 
"I'm sorry Queen Petra, Lady Dorothea…" 
"Sorry…" Fiona mumbled quickly just after him. 
Harry babbled something that nobody understood. Dorothea laughed, and took him from Lily. He squealed happily, and pulled her hair. She winced, but laughed. 
"Your apology is accepted, little ones," Petra knelt down to smile at Fiona and Darrell, "It is a pleasure to see you again." 
The two smiled brightly at her in response. 
"What do you say?" Chey prompted. 
"Thank you Queen Petra!" The two chorused, before running off into the back playfully shoving each other. 
"Ah…" the caretaker watched them run off, "I'll have to scold them later… I'm sorry." 
"Don't worry about it," Dorothea laughed, "You seem to be handling them well." 
"Ah, well… I'm not quite sure how I ended up with four of them. I picked up Lily off the streets and since then… Well I haven't been able to say no to them like that," the caretaker laughed softly, "Will you be staying for a visit your Majesty? Lady Dorothea?" 
"Please?" Lily added with a smile. 
Harry babbled and giggled happily. 
"I'm sure we can stay for a little bit," Petra nodded. 
"Of course," Dorothea smiled brightly, "It would be a pleasure." 
Lily cheered, and Harry babbled. The royal pair followed her into the backroom with a laugh. 
The meeting room was silent. 
Dorothea suppressed a sigh. Shamir glanced at her from across the room.
"...and that is why I believe we should cut off trade entirely. I don't mean to be accusing, but recent affairs have proven my suspicions." 
The noble from Dagda would not shut up. He kept going on and on about how Fodlan's recent battles proved them unstable, and their rocky relationship with surrounding areas didn't help. 
"Lord Hanth, please," Ferdinand sighed, "I can assure you with 100% positivity that Fodlan is unified in all ways. I ask that you please refrain from this incessant blabbering about us being unstable, when it is not backed up by factual evidence." 
Hanth scowled, "Of course you would say that, Lord Aegir. You're FROM Fodlan-"
Petra sighed, "Lord Hanth, with all due respect, I can fully support Lord Aegir's claims as witness. Dorothea and I were present for the unification of Fodlan." 
"That is not the only issue!" Hanth snapped, "Her, for example!" He pointed at Shamir, "Why is a citizen of Dagda-"
"I'm from Dagda, yeah," Shamir crossed her arms, "I came to Fodlan as a mercenary. Lord Aegir hired me." 
Ferdinand raised an eyebrow at the Dadga lord.
"We were invaded once-" 
"You started that fight," Dorothea pointed out.
He scowled, "I refuse to do trade until both Fodlan and Brigid have proven their stability. With that, I believe this meeting is over." 
He turned and stomped out. 
"...Geez," Nader sighed, "What a guy." 
Dorothea jumped. She had forgotten about the Almyran general. 
"General Nader, thoughts?" Petra looked over. 
"I got no problem with trade, long as Fodlan doesn't interfere with our merchants," the general shrugged, "Might have to double check with the king on that though." 
"I see. In that case, do what you must," she nodded. 
"...Shamir, are all the nobles from Dagda like that?" Ferdinand asked. 
"Dunno," Shamir shrugged, "I haven't been there in years." 
"Well," Dorothea sighed, "I suppose not trading with Dagda isn't too much of a loss…" 
"I am sure we can manage," Petra nodded, "Ferdinand? Are you confirming a trade with Brigid?" 
"But of course!" Ferdinand smiled, "And I hope we can establish trade with Almyra as well!" 
"Hah! Sounds good!" Nader laughed. 
"Shall we shake on it then?" The nobleman asked. 
"Yes," Petra nodded, and held out her hand. She shook with Ferdinand, then Nader, and then the two shook hands with each other.
It was agreed. 
Ruling a country that once was a vassal to another wasn't easy. Especially not when there were relationships she had to repair with other kingdoms, but maybe… just maybe, she could do it. 
As long as she had Dorothea, the person whom she is said to have loved the most, standing at her side.
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causticsunshine · 2 years
so with fucking luck i thankfully tested negative in time for my concert but alas because the group’s blown up so much since i saw them for the first time just opening for lights in early 2018 i didn’t get to have my usual little chat + pic with them last night and even though i was so excited to see them for the fourth time—and the first time since 2019—i’m feeling a little bummed out rn?
idk i’ve had a hard two weeks building up to this so maybe my standards were a little high all factors considered and i shouldn’t be pressed at all but i’m just thinking about the past and how much has changed for them and despite how proud i am i’m also *wistful sigh* missing when they weren’t as big and unreachable
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Imma just become Kid Anon instead of Depresso Anon at this point but can I have Razor, Gorou, Thoma, and maybe Arataki with a kid mc who is a magnet for all animals? Like, a fcking lion just slept beside them once. Butterflies are attracted to her and cats, dogs, and hummingbirds go to them for food - Depresso Anon
Disney princess- got it-
And this is gender neutral
Genshin Child y/n attracts animals (Platonic)
Razor is used to animals. He usually attracts wolves.
I mean... he eats some of your animal friends’ species too.... BUT NO ONE WILL KNOW *play trumpets*
When Razor meets your little self surrounded by birds, rabbits and many other animals just swirling around you he just blinks.
"Your.. friends?"
Even if he's more comfortable with animals, he's still quite insecure if the animals want to even be close to him. Being friends with you helps him overcome that, and understands more and more about the environment he lives in.
Sure, he may know about the forests and its knicks and knacks, but the animals have their ways of living too that might be better than wolves.
Razor holds a little bird that perched itself on his fingers and his eyes just sparkles like a kid just got an ice cream.
Razor would do everything to protect you and the animal friends, since you all are his friends.
He sits right next to you in the middle of the plains.
"Razor thinks we bring Bennett along, too." <3
Well this is perfect! And super cute!
With your natural and enigmatic abilities to attract animals, you can help strays to trust in both of you!
He really wants to stretch out a hand to those stray who need a home, shelter, food and all the other basic necessities to give them all the love they need!
Some animals may be skeptical towards him, but he knows they'll very much trust you!
Thoma's not gonna lie, however, when some slimes approached you, he was really worried and was ready to attack them, but turns out they were just having fun with you.
Your befriending of animals also reduces the number of all those creatures attacking civilians. Like those slimes.
Resolved peacefully! Truly a blessing!
Thoma likes being surrounded by animals, too! So thanks to you, he's able to understand more about their body language, behaviors, and much more.
You may be a child, but Thoma sees you as an animal teacher, as well as a great friend!
"You're a really cool kid, y/n!" <3
Worried af-
The moment he saw slime coming up to you, a little child, he drew his bow so fast.
He was just ready to attack them and protect you.
But after seeing you enjoying and jumping around along with them he was confused.
Wait- you like them? They like you???
He's intrigued.
Look at all these animals that surround you everyday!
Well, at least he's reassured that you won't get hurt. But he still keeps his guard up for you.
You're still a child after all! You may have a special ability to attract animals, but even then some animals are really big and might hurt you child self.
He's not willing to let that happen.
But Gorou will admit that he also likes your animal friends.
And yes, even the slime.
Watch Gorou apologizing to two small slime friends for almost accidentally attacking them by instinct.
Your friends like the slime and some hilichurls help with his own clan too against the Shogun's.
He has to admit, your friends are really strong.
"You've made loyal friends of all shapes, species and sizes... you truly are a prodigy, y/n." <3
All the animals by your side like a clan of your own!
That's awesome!
Itto's usually really, well, rough and not gentle at all even when he shake hands with others, having a pretty tight grip and vigorous shake.
But when you give him a tiny bird to hold he all of a sudden realize his incredible strength and is really, REALLY gentle and cautious in handling your tiny, feathered friend.
Of course, he's careful when being with you too!
He's good with kids, not sure about animals, but he can try!
Though, he almost beat the heck out of those slimes and hilichurls who approached you, and they were shook and confused-
Apparently, they're your friends too.
Can you... ask them to NOT steal food all the time?
Itto managed to get along with them and he's actually nice to them. The ones who sees you as their friend, of course.
If not they'll get WHACKED-
Itto carries you on his shoulders as a big group of animals, along with a few slimes and hilichurls trail behind the two of you as Itto stopped at Sara, who looked at him and your innocent and clearly naive expression with a sigh.
"Listen Sara! I bet you can't beat the almighty y/n and their whole clan of animals!" <3
please have mercy on my tengu wife-
Reblogs help! ^^
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hotcat37 · 2 years
Things abt Trailer park boys I dislike. Disclaimer that it's completely okay to disagree with these takes! I'll make a counterpost to this as well with things I like abt the show
-Susan being outright abusive to Ricky and no one stepping in or mentioning it. They could've written something meaningful abt Ricky's need for a partner in his life and that blinding him to toxic relationships but instead it's just played for laughs
-the lack of T screentime 💔
-Bubbles never getting a love interest (to clarify I don't think any character needs a love interest, but it seems unfair that Ricky and Julian have multiple romances and Bubbles is the only one in the trio who doesn't. I personally see Bubbles as prioritizing his friendships much more over romance but it's very specific that he's the only one who has absolutely zero chicks interested in him)
-the artstyle of the animated series I'm sorry like it's not ugly but it's just so bland and uninteresting. I would've loved to see an Ed Edd n Eddy type artstyle or just something more stylized and dynamic
-Julian being continuously sexually harassed and it being, predictably, played for laughs. Like in the early seasons Sexian jokes and Lahey being like "you sexy shitbird....." are really funny but then it just becomes fucked up. Like the scene (can't remember which season) where Lahey forces Julian to let him kiss him on the lips so he'll sign the contract for the park made my skin crawl (he doesn't actually end up kissing him but it was super fcked up that Julian looked massively uncomfortable and no one showed him any sympathy)
-Jacob's character became super bland and was dumbed down so much in the Netflix seasons. He was such an interesting character to me in season 7 because we saw him have an actually fleshed out personality and his admiration for Julian was super cute. We don't see any of that post season 7 and it's just so frustrating because I rlly felt like he was a good addition to the cast
-on the topic of Jacob his relationship with Trinity came out of nowhere. Not to mention the weird age gap between them no one in the show seems to be bothered by.
-the awful celebrity cameos 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ They added absolutely nothing valuable or funny to the show
-the main trio getting treated like absolute garbage by the Swearnet crew during the Out Of The Park series. They're constantly put in uncomfortable situations for laughs, are starving and dehydrated half of the time and absolutely none of their efforts ever pay off. It was funny at first but then at some point it just became "watch these men get tortured by an evil company with no consequences for 10 episodes straight" and just,,nah. I can't even say I blame the boys for acting out of character and acting like dicks
-Donna's entire character....yikes 😬 I think the only way a trans character in Trailer Park Boys would work is if it was just mentioned and no one rlly cares abt it (like Randy and Lahey coming out as gay during that one episode. Everybody already knows and knows abt their sex shenanigans but they don't give a shit because they hate them anyways lmao)
-Julian's characterization specifically in the Netflix series. Like y'all know I fcking love Julian but I hate how extremely selfish and greedy he becomes. In the Out Of The Park series he never wants to try anything, while Season 1-7 Julian would absolutely sing karaoke with the boys if it means getting paid. He's done much much worse things for money than just singing Stayin' Alive lmfao. And there's also a moment in the later seasons where Sarah asks to stay in Julian's trailer (I can't really remember why?) and she literally asked to stay I think for like a night or two and he was immediately like "no👺👺" until she said she'd compensate him with something.
Like my man, she's asking to sleep on ur couch for 2 days max what is the issue here 🤦‍♀️ I know Sarah can be a bitch to him sometimes but he gives her the same energy and they've known each other for decades.
-the boys generally just becoming worse people as the show progresses. They've never been even close to Saints but they were regretful of their actions and did what they could to make up for their wrongdoings. Nowadays they do progressively terrible things, apologize, but then do the exact same thing again the next episode.
That's what I can think of rn but lemme know what u guys don't like much abt the show I'm curious
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13thdoodle · 3 years
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I posted 266 times in 2021
196 posts created (74%)
70 posts reblogged (26%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 451 tags in 2021
#13thdoodle - 79 posts
#asks - 68 posts
#danny phantom - 59 posts
#dp 31 - 53 posts
#dp kitsune au - 44 posts
#not mine - 38 posts
#dp levi - 36 posts
#kc rambles - 28 posts
#anonymous - 24 posts
#dp ocs - 22 posts
(huh.. only less than 200 posts this year? man im getting rusty :squint: )
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but in the 'i have way too many idea piling up since finals and now idk what to draw n whenever i tried to choose one my brain short circui
(of course my longest tag is me venting kasjndjkaasd)
My Top Posts in 2021
Cursed thought:
What if blob ghosts can't fully possess someone, at least not the normal way most ghosts do, so instead they sorta drive em around, like Remy from ratatouille?
Ok I know u said cursed thoughts and that it had the potential to be cursed
but also i cant help but think the blob ghost controlling ppl like remy sounds super cute ??? maybe not even actually possess just.. flop on people's head n nudge em to where they wanna go??
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they tryin their best uwu
998 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 05:58:06 GMT
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Phandom Truce gift for @the-random-phan
They wanted Danny meet Peter Parker so i hope i get it right?
I’m sorry this took so long i have no excuses orz
1109 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 07:50:54 GMT
(I'm glad this one made it here~)
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[ Dannymay Day 13 : Daydream ] cont. Nature
Kitsune Danny being the ominous cryptic lil shit that he is
1221 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 10:00:18 GMT
(HELL YEA Kitsune Au my beloved~ I'm glad this one got here too aksjnaksskdn somewhat surprised the animatic one isnt here tho)
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[ DP kitsune au : continuation from candlelight n midnite prompt ]
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sam n tucker : everything is sus
danny : shit i gotta gaslight gatekeep girlboss my way outta this
he maybe criptid but he's still danny so he work with two braincells at best
also i may or may not have tried to look up if green candles are normal or easy to get so thats why we're here lmao
1302 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 17:49:30 GMT
(the singular braincells trio)
Okay how about the au where its demons instead of ghosts x the au where danny goes to college and stops caring
so... like @louroalka's demon AU? hopefully its okay?
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Bad coping mechanism College Danny VS the demon on your shoulder telling you to take some fcking nap and eat healthy for goodness sake
I had the usual danny being sassy to demon but this is wayy funnier lmaoo
1538 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 18:00:37 GMT
(i cant believe its this one thats more popular somehow aksjadka i guess the ones with more notes are from 2020.. n this year i was more into ocs so maybe thats why aksjndkjads)
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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seungstarss · 3 years
since you asked to send more of these thennn give your moots a romantic trope(like opposites attract for eg) and any idol along with it?
yes I'm excited to do more of these! Lemme just add a few more moots! Imma end up writing scenarios for everyone tbh
@wonvelvet yes hello yeonie I'm starting with you again hello🥰 I can see the whole separated childhood friends trope?? Is that even a trope lmao? Idk but something like reunited friends. And the other party is like super whipped for yeonie but would keep it a secret bc they're tsundere af or sum??? LIKE I SEE LIKE YEONIE BEING THE SOFTIE AND THEN THERES THIS BROODY PERSON WHOS ALL PROTECTIVE AND GETS FLUSTERED EASILY???
@httpheeseung hellaur Emma 😌 so brothers best friend trope where you two are in a secret relationship without telling your brother??? Like I see heeseung for this AND I'M NOT SURE WHY. LIKE IMAGINE SNEAKING OUT FOR CAR RIDES AROUND THE CITY TGT??? QND JUST SPENDING QUALITY TIME STARGAZING OR SUM SHIT OMG 🥰🤩
@lunaflvms OKAY LISTEN STRANGERS TO LOVERS. SAUR luna you're a regular at a flower boutique and the new part-timer is really cute but constantly fcking up your order. you wanna get mad at the poor worker but they're just so clumsy and cute and y'all begin forming a cute relationship where you drop by the flower shop to watch them put tgt your order while you too chat?? THAT'S SO RANDOM IK BUT??? IT'S CUTE?
@won-vnl yui, I feel like I'm getting the idol au where the other party used vote for you on the survival show you were on and is a big fan, but now since they debuted, they have to hide their feelings for you?? But then you two keep bumping into each other at music shows and end up MCing or smth tgt?? HELLO YES
@enloveclub OML MIYU IM SORRY FOR THIS BUT IM GETTING ANGSTY VIBES. LIKE you've been crushing on the class prez or someone with an reputation and 1, You can't approach them, but now 2, They're dating your bestftiend. You two prob had some past tgt where u used to be friends but now you fell out so you can't approach them. You end up conflicted bc you don't wanna hurt your friend but at the same time you're in sm pain???? And you end up deciding to wish them happiness from afar??? HELLO LIKE THIS IS PERFECTION
@wonjaems omG ROSE LISTEN. SO LIKE you're a tired uni student and you don't frequent the schools café bc it's often crowded so you head to one that's around the corner of where your classes are. The worker there sees that you look stressed and scribbles like cute messages on your order (like on the coffee cup or the pastry bag) and it just brightens up your day??? So you come back and you guys start talking. PLS THEY WERE PROBABLY INTIMIDATED BY YOU AT FIRST AND DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO APPROACH YOU??? BUT AFTER YOU TWO TALK ITS JUST PURE FLUFF
@haechanhues byE IM SAYING THE WHOLE BAD BOY/RICH BOY, "I hate everyone in the world except you" trope bc I needa feed your thyme addiction LMAO😭 BUT LIKE IMAGINE LIKE YETERDAYS EP LIKE THAT VIBE??? WHERE THEYRE PROTECTING YOU FROM GETTING HURT AND ALL?? SO GOOD.
@jaesvelvet omg Saur..... my fav trope hoho.... ik it may be a disliked trope but... college student x prof?? IM SORRY I JUST LOVE THIS ONE SM AND CHA, I THINK YOU WOULD MATCH IT?? IDK IM JUST GETTING THE VIBES 😭😭😭
@atrirose SOMETHING IS TELLING ME E2L AND IDEK WHY??? like y'all are stuck tgt for some project and you absolutely hate each other's guts but then y'all warm up??? I'm a suckered for e2l as you might already know 😭 but idk, I just feel like you'd fit the trope
@jalnandanz oh xae 🥰 so soulmate au! Where whatever you write on your body appears on theirs too! But then your soulmate just wishes for your demise (not in a bad way but prankster type) and draws wonky shit on his arm so that it would appear on yours too? Idk I'm getting niki or jake vibes where he would draw smth stupid or write "deez nuts" or sum shit😭 but he actually loves you lots 😭🥰
@maiwon mai! I forgot to include u last time I'm so sorry but for this one I think the whole neighbours trope? Like you two both like each other but haven't made any moves? Where they get sick and you have to bring them the hw and what they missed to their house bc you live beside them?? And then there's the whole you bringing food for them and they get flustered when you feed them or test the temperature with your hand or smth? SO CUTE BC WHEN YOU'RE SICK YOUR FACE GETS FLUSHED BUT SINCE THEY'RE BLUSHING THE GET EVEN REDDER???
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highflyerwings · 3 years
do you think eventually kihyun gets brave and like, corners inguk when he's feeling needy and inguk is surprised because like. mild mannered kihyun is coming on strong. and he always thought the kid was cute but then he notices how broad kihyun's shoulders are in his dress shirt (*handwaves* they're dressed up for some kind of event--maybe not super formal but suits and ties, etc--or another don't ask just go with it) and is super fucking into it
also kihyun is wearing suspenders because he's cute and they're cute but they just make his torso look long af when he takes off his suit jacket and he's got this long thin skinny tie and the whole combination with like shiny dress shoes and everything is fucking appealing, okay. inguk is growing a new kink every time he sees this boy and like. his thirst. he's such a thirsty man around the kid even though he hasn't managed to nut up and act on it yet. and he doesn't know whether he wants to top the kid or be topped by him but the thought of like all that youthful energy at his back is fcking compelling.
(and at the same time, kihyun is mentally unravelling because inguk is all buttoned up in his usual hot af suit and tie and it's not like when they're working together alone and he rolls his shirtsleeves up and unbuttons a button or two and kihyun just wants to see him get messed up. kihyun wants to be the one to mess him up. like in the middle of the event he lost himself daydreaming about ruffling inguk's hair and taking off his tie and making him look sloppy but like in the best way... sigh. which is why he ends up cornering him in a dark corner somewhere because he can't take it anymore, hyung, god.)
i'm not sorry i feel like my goal on this earth is to tease the heck out of you it's so fun mwahahaha
At this point I don’t know which one of us has the bigger suit kink, but all I can say is this has fucked me up. And I can’t even be mad about it, because it gave me an excuse to google pictures of men’s suits to get a visual which I spent way too much time doing.
But is this them?
Is this Kihyun and Inguk?
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I like to imagine Jinjoo taking either one of them shopping for this special event they're going to.
Because the thing is, Kihyun likely just owns ONE suit, and it's what he uses for job interviews, and it's basic at best. And with the exception of that one scene, we only ever see Lawyer Ko in a suit. But they’re work suits. They look good on him, but they’re meant for the office, and the courtroom. But what kind of suit would he wear to something a little more formal, I wonder.
What would Jinjoo pick out for them.
She'd immediately pick out the suspenders for Kihyun. "Something modern and sleek, but not too...hipster. You know? With those broad shoulders of yours? Oof." And for Inguk, "A classic three-piece suit. Something that says 'daddy' but isn't obvious about it."
She gives them a couple of different options each (they buy them all, of course). Some chic jackets and accessories for Kihyun. A nice charcoal grey suit with brown dress shoes for Inguk, because "The contrast with your dark hair...oppa, you need to stop wearing black suits all the time."
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In any case, neither of them really got a full look at the other one in the suits Jinjoo picked out when they were trying them on. Later on at the event is the first time they really see each other. And the effect is immediate.
Inguk had never really noticed Kihyun's shoulders before. Even Jinjoo's comment earlier had him confused, but she was right. With the suspenders on he was...broad.
And the three-piece suit was a genius touch for Lawyer Ko. Because when he sits down, and he unbuttons that jacket, letting the vest come into full view? it's...the word 'daddy' really is on the tip of Kihyun's tongue. Jinjoo-noona was right.
Inguk can't stop glancing over at Kihyun, and noticing how sophisticated he looks. A far cry from the shy intern he first met. But Kihyun has proven himself a lot more adept at maneuvering any type of situation than the scared baby deer Inguk initially thought he was, so this look suits him. And maybe the pre-dinner gin and tonic helped, but Kihyun looks relaxed and attentive as he gazes around the table, and Inguk wonders what he's noticing.
Kihyun can feel Inguk's eyes on him, and he's pretending so hard not to notice. Not to look at him every few seconds like he wants to so desperately. Because Inguk looks striking in that suit. The way his dark hair, and his dark gaze are thrown into contrast against the charcoal grey. He's wants to reach over and put his hand on his thigh, let his fingers catch on the inseam, and feel the way Inguk tenses and then immediately shifts to let his legs fall open, just enough so that Kihyun's hand slips up a little further. But he doesn't. He just let's the thought swirl around inside his head, and when Inguk quietly excuses himself from the table, Kihyun waits a beat and then follows.
He follows Inguk down a hallway, and watches him slip out a door that Kihyun assumes is a restroom, but quickly realizes is an empty stairwell when he follows him through the door and immediately finds himself pressed up against the wall with a strong hand against his chest.
"What the hell are you doing?" Inguk asks. He's panting a little, and the way his gaze shifts from Kihyun's eyes to his mouth make something snap in Kihyun's brain.
Kihyun uses his slight size advantage to push off from the wall and crowd Inguk backwards until he's slamming his back against the opposite wall with a soft gasp.
"What am I doing?" Kihyun asks in disbelief. "Hyung. God..." He falters for a second and lets his head fall forward. He deflates a little bit. He lets his fingers reach out and tug at the edges of Inguk's suit jacket. He lets his hand slip inside until he's got it wrapped around Inguk's hip, and he squeezes.
"What," Inguk asks. It's heated, and demanding. A challenge.
"I just...I want..." Kihyun can't seem to find the words. He's embarrassed now, and nervous. He can smell Inguk's cologne, and heat immediately pools in his belly.
"What," Inguk demands again.
"I can't...take it anymore hyung, god," and he reaches up to grip Inguk's neck with his other hand as he crashes their mouths together. It's clumsy, and desperate, and Kihyun barely has a chance to feel Inguk's mouth part, and his tongue dart out against his before Kihyun is pulling away to mouth along Inguk's jaw.
Words tumble from his mouth between kisses.
"I want you," he says. "I want you. Wanna feel you," he lets his hand slide around to quickly squeeze Inguk's ass. "Taste you," he slides it back around to palm him through the front of his pants. Feeling him up as he licks back into Inguk's mouth with a desperate whine.
"Yeah," Inguk nods, and pants against Kihyun's mouth. "Yeah. Yes." He repeats as he tugs on one of Kihyun's suspenders and grinds against the palm of his hand. "Fuck. Let's go," he says, and he pulls away from Kihyun and quickly tugs him down the stairs.
"But, hyung...dinner?" Kihyun asks breathlessly.
"Fuck dinner," Inguk says.
"I'd rather fuck you, sir." Kihyun says, and he laughs as Inguk shoves him out the door at the bottom of the stairs with a frustrated groan.
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edie-baby · 3 years
Les Fleurs du Mal Chapter 2 | Pierre Gasly
Summary: Sava Dvorakova had big dreams for Formula One. An opportunity of a lifetime comes around, so she takes it and runs. She proved just about everyone wrong, and is awarded a very controversial seat on the F1 grid. There’s smiles and grins, hugs and kisses, love and laughter. There’s tears and sobs, fights and break ups. There’s evil where you least expect it, hidden in the garden of eden. The Flowers of Evil.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, shitty parents (they’re a recurring theme), sexism, i ignored a lot of actual f1 rules because i couldn’t be bothered writing it into the story tbh, yuki is fcking adorable, a lot of smut eventually, like a lot.
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Sava woke up on Friday with no intention of getting out of bed before noon. And then realised that she wasn’t in her bed, it was a hotel room. The memories and realities of her current situation made her head spin, and with a shit eating grin on her face, she jumped out of bed and into the shower. Feeling as though she should stay on brand, Sava pulled on a white pleated skirt and tucked the oversized Carlin shirt into the waistband. She braided her hair while it was still a little wet, knowing it would be easier than the kerfuffle she had yesterday trying to walk, carry a helmet, and braid at the same time. Combat boots, a phone, and paddock pass later and Sava was leaving the hotel room to meet Amelia in the cafeteria-like space on the ground floor to have breakfast and chat about the agenda for the day before they headed to the track.
Unbeknownst to Sava, a number of the F1 drivers were staying at the same hotel, and when she stepped into the room, eyes focused on finding other Carlin shirts, many heads turned her way. Obviously, news about a girl in a Carlin race suit with pink hair had spread into the formula one paddock quite quickly. Sava gave up on trying to find her assistant when she had no luck, preferring to make her way to the coffee bench to make herself a very sweet black coffee over ice. While the coffee began brewing, she turned her back to the bench, taking another look out over the crowds of people at tables to try and find her friends again, only to see that 75% of the room was already looking at her, and those that weren’t were whispering to the people that were. The poor girl looked like a deer in the headlights, and apparently one man couldn’t see her like that, as he stood from his table and walked toward her. He was still metres away and Sava was already having to strain her neck to look up at him.
“Hi, I’m sorry to bombard you like this while you’re already quite overwhelmed. But I can tell you’re a bit lost. Would you like to come and sit with me until you find your team?” The man asked, his accent was distinctly French, and Sava kicked herself for not instantly recognising the man as Esteban Ocon.
“Oh my, yes please! This is my first time outside of karting, let alone in the actual F2 paddock, so I’m so lost and don’t know anyone.” Sava giggled, finishing up making her super sweet coffee and following Esteban’s stride toward a table of black and yellow clad people, along with the unmistakable grin of Daniel Ricciardo.
“I’m Esteban, by the way. I think I heard your name was Dvarokova?” The Frenchman questioned after a few beats of silence, realising that the 5’1 woman couldn’t walk as quickly as he.
“Ah, Dvorakova. Don’t worry about messing up the pronunciation, I misspell it sometimes. My name is Sava, but pretty much everyone calls me Bunny.” Sava replied with a giggle at the butchering of her surname. She couldn’t blame anyone, it was a hard enough name to most Eastern Europeans, she couldn’t even imagine how some of the nationalities in the paddock would pronounce it.
“Bunny. That’s quite cute.” Esteban mused, and they finally reached the rowdy table of Renault employees.
“Guys, this is Bunny. She’s going to sit with us cause she’s new and can’t find anyone from Carlin.” Esteban introduced, and a round of wolf whistles sounded as she threw up a peace sign, then took the seat next to Esteban, across from Daniel.
“Hi, I’m Danny. You’re such a little cutie.” Daniel introduced, leaning his arm over to poke at Sava’s cheeks that immediately heated up in a flaming blush. Another round of oohs and ahs went through the table and Sava giggled again.
“Pipe down, I’m only 17.” In immediate reaction to her statement, Daniel threw his hands up in surrender, his eyes connecting with a few guys nearby who all laughed at his expression.
“Way to make a man feel like a pedo.” Daniel mumbled, and more chuckles reverberated around the group who heard. The team all spoke to Sava with interest and respect, something she didn’t expect she would be getting before she had even gotten into a car. After about fifteen minutes, she spotted Yuki walking through the door with Amelia, and excused herself quickly, exchanging fist bumps with everyone she passed along the Renault table. When she got to the end, she met Yuki and Amelia with surprised looks on their faces before the three found a small table by the window to finally sit down and eat.
“How ready are you Bunny?” Yuki asked later on that morning while the two pulled their race suits up and made final preparations. Sava looked over at him nervously as she tucked her pink braids into the suit.
“Considering I’ve only ever driven a go-kart or a Hyundai I-20, I’m shitting myself. But I’m confident enough in my karting ability to do well-enough here. How about you? Amelia told me you have a seat at Alpha Tauri next season, are you still nervous about these races or are you a cool guy about it?” Sava hit back, smiling at her first friend in serious motorsport, who she could tell she would miss if she made it into F2 next year like Dr Marko had suggested.
“I still want to do well so that they don’t think they’ve made a mistake. But I’m not as nervous as I was when I didn’t know if I’d have a seat.” The Japanese man replied, and pulled on his balaclava, Sava following shortly after. They made eye contact, their mouths obscured by the fabric, and burst out laughing. Amelia guided Sava away so that she could get her helmet on and have one final chat with the engineer she would be hearing in her ears for the weekend. Yuki ran over just before Sava jumped in the car and slapped the top of her helmet, just like her uncle Sebastian had done before every race and she smiled the biggest she probably ever has. With a quick hug to Yuki and another scolding glance from Amelia, Sava climbed into her car for her first ever free practice in a single seater.
“Radio check.” Sava spoke, her voice wobbling slightly as she felt the rumble of the car beneath her.
“Confirm, Bunny. Hop to it.” Her engineer, Marcus, stated with amusement in his voice. Sava audibly laughed as she stepped on the accelerator, rolling out of the garage when she got the signal. Driving through the pitlane was surreal, and Sava knew she’d be feeling that a lot throughout the weekend. She ran two warm-up laps, getting acquainted with the car and testing the responsiveness of the brakes and the throttle. Once her tyres were at the right temperature, she got a radio message to give it hell, and so she did.
It was complete radio silence in the Carlin garage as everyone, including Yuki, sat and watched the rookie on her first hot-lap. She got a purple first sector, green second sector, and purple third sector, putting herself at the very top of the timing tower. While the practice session had only been active for around eight minutes, she had already beat two other drivers who had put in preliminary hot laps. Marcus relayed the time to Sava, and when she asked for the fastest time out of a qualifying session from the year prior, she groaned in frustration.
“Can I run a few more out laps and get comfortable with the responsiveness? I know I can do better.” Sava pleaded, and Marcus quickly agreed. If she thought she could get a better time than the one she had already given them, then hell they’d let her run all day. After four out-laps, she was brought in for a quick refuel and to look over the data of her hot-lap in comparison to Yuki’s. He was braking later, but Sava was getting better acceleration out of the corners. She knew now just how good the brakes were and considering she was known throughout the European karting scene for braking extremely late, she knew she could get better times, and maybe knock a few tenths off her entire lap. By the time she was finished looking at the data, everyone on the grid had put in multiple flying laps, and she was confident that whatever she pulled out now would be a decent comparison of her speed to the rest of the grid. With two more out-laps to get her tyres and brakes at the perfect temperature, she was off again.
Purple first sector, purple second sector, purple third sector.
As her name flew up the timing table, the Carlin garage waited with baited breath, to finally see Sava Dvorakova land at P1, four tenths quicker than the next fastest, Juri Vips.
“No fucking way.” Amelia mumbled, her eyes trained on the initials of the girl she had been following around for the past two days. Similar reactions were happening over in the Renault garage, many of the team who spoke with the girl earlier that morning tuned in to catch the first performance.
Qualifying later that day followed a very similar pattern. Finishing P2 behind Juri Vips, their times separated by one one-thousandth of a second. The real test was to see if the Czech could keep up the pace in their sprint and feature races over the next two days.
Those boys had hell to pay, and sure as shit, Sava was gonna come collect.
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nerdnonymousreads · 2 years
Live Reading Blog & Favorite Quotes from I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston
Start Date: July 20, 2022
Finish Date: July 25, 2022
note: wasnt able to write notes for chap 1-2 'cause i just discovered how to better use moonreader+ lol
◆ Chapter 3
▪ “Monster on the outside, but on the inside, he cares about her career goals!” Chloe says. “Call me old-fashioned, but a man’s place is in the basement, preparing vocal exercises for his more talented wife.”
◆ Chapter 4
▪ Sometimes, when Chloe is stressed, she pictures herself in another life.
Not as somebody else. She imagines herself in a universe where she gets to be cool and super hot and everybody appreciates how capable and smart she is, like if she were a vampire hunter in Edwardian England. It’s a coping strategy, okay?
▪ Nobody at Willowgrove actually wants anything to change, not even her own friends, who are all wonderful and queer and absolutely dead set on not coming out until after graduation.
▪ Chloe snatched the paper out from under Shara’s hands and told her to figure it out herself, and that was the end of that. (gurl, even i know she did that just so she can spend time with you lol)
◆ Chapter 5
▪ Shara’s cheeks going pinker and pinker with quiet anger the more Chloe recited without glancing at the page. (babes, its not quiet anger)
▪ As if our hands, our sides, voices, and minds,
Had been incorporate. So we grew together,
Like to a double cherry—seeming parted
But yet an union in partition—
Two lovely berries molded on one stem;
▪ Then, so quietly she’s not sure she’s meant to hear it, he adds, “I’m Rihanna.” (fcking cute)
◆ Chapter 7
▪ In the car, Chloe puts Bleachers on low and Smith leans against the passenger window. (love this entire interaction)
▪ Annotation by Chloe: (IS THIS ABOUT CHLOE???)
◆ Chapter 8
▪ Anyway, there’s something I—” (OH GEORGIA 😭)
◆ Chapter 10
▪ Humor me. (this cute rory and chloe moment)
◆ Chapter 11
▪ “Think of Me” was her big solo in Phantom; (i am forever grateful for this book for validating my phantom of the opera-loving ass hahaha)
▪ Jealousy is a funny thing. We spend so much of high school consumed by it, hating that another person has something we don’ t, wishing we could taste what it’ s like to be them. To take that feeling out of your hands for a second and pass it to someone else is a relief.
▪ what’s the point of wanting and being wanted in return if the person they want isn’t truly you? (oh wow, this line HITS)
◆ Chapter 12
▪ Rory looks up in time to watch Smith’s smile break out across his face. (look, i need rory and smith to kiss. like what if shara planned this all along, huh?)
▪ If Shara leaves town on the highway traveling west at sixty miles per hour, and Chloe spends the next three weeks chasing after her, at what speed will Shara be traveling when they collide? (oh wow, i love this line)
▪ I think that’s where this started to go wrong for me . There are things that don’ t make sense about me. I don’ t know if I belong here . How can that be possible, to feel estranged from a place where everyone loves you? To owe your life to a place and still want to run? I’ ve been trying and trying to figure out what it is about me that makes me feel this way and why it feels so deep and so big that it must be most of me, the skin stretching between my knuckles and across my shoulders and then the bones under them too.
▪ Knowing that I couldn’ t have you if I wanted to—that stings almost the same . It’s almost the same feeling. They’re right beside each other. What do they have in common?
▪ What if Shara is an evil shitbird who’s in love with her? (NO SHIT)
▪ Shara typed in white text. Invisible ink. (I KNEW IT!!! i mean, i do that all the time in school for the increased word count lol)
▪ A second passes, and another, and then Shara’s cursor disappears. (shara is WHIPPED for chloe)
◆ Chapter 13
▪ Shara is in love with her.
How embarrassing for Shara. (its either we're grasping for straws here OR poor gurl, she doesnt even know she's in love w shara too hahaha)
▪ Even if Chloe doesn’t want Shara back, (sure, jan 🙄)
▪ “Yeah, I think he’s looking forward to it. He bought a new shirt.” (yeah, i need ace, smith, and rory to kiss)
▪ Well, what did you think of the letter? (WHIPPED, I SAY)
▪ “I know,” he says. He touches his hair, then the side of his face. “But it looks fun.” (CUTE!)
▪ “I’m really sorry if this is a stupid question,” Smith says to Ash, “and you don’t have to answer it, but … the thing you said about gender. Can you explain the whole nonbinary thing to me?” (I WILL PROTECT THIS JOCK FOREVER)
▪ “You know … if being a guy feels like something you have to do, like it’s an obligation or something…” Ash says carefully. “Maybe think about that.” (1. MUCH TO THINK ABOUT 2. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS INTERACTION)
▪ “That’s nice,” Chloe says, checking her phone.
“I’ve kissed like, all my homies.”
Chloe glances up. “Even Smith?”
◆ Chapter 14
▪ “Do you wanna go get some snacks?” Rory asks.
“Damn,” Smith says, “yeah, I do.” (priorities, babes)
▪ “Aaaand now he’s gonna befriend a frog,” Rory says, smiling like he can’t believe it. (WHIPPED? 🤔)
▪ when I looked at her and Smith together, I was so jealous, and she seemed like the right place to put it. (OH???)
▪ “She’s not a place,” Chloe points out. “Or an idea. She’s a person.”
“Yeah,” Rory says. “But an idea can’t want you back. And I’m starting to think that was kind of the whole point.” (OH WOW)
▪ feeling an anxious, shivery type of envy and cramming it into a shape that doesn’t mean something’s wrong with him.
▪ “It would be okay. If you didn’t like Shara. If you didn’t like girls at all.” (YEAH, DUDE)
▪ none of them have ever had the luxury of running away from what they are. (OH HOW I FCKING RELATE)
▪ “There’s no beginning or end to your heart. That means you can be anything.”
▪ I still feel endless sometimes. Like I might have what she saw in me, but in different ways. I feel like there are different sides of me, like I could be anyone and touch anyone and love like that kind of Holy Ghost love—everywhere and everyone. Most of my friends act like they know exactly who and what they are, like there’s only one answer, but to me, that feels like putting a beginning and end on something that’s not supposed to have either.
◆ Chapter 15
▪ “But I do hurt people,” Chloe insists.
“Do you do it on purpose?”
“Okay, then, you’re human.”
▪ “What she means is that nice and kind are not the same thing. Plenty of people aren’t nice at all, but they’re kind. And that’s what matters.”
▪ “sometimes it feels like I’m gonna explode, like everything I’m feeling is the first time anyone’s felt it, ever, in the history of the universe, and then I get so angry when people don’t understand that I’m walking around feeling like this and still doing everything I’m supposed to do and making As and getting into NYU and putting up with all of the Willowgrove bullshit. I—I can’t even explain how I feel, and it feels wrong to say it without the right words, so I don’t say it at all, but then nobody knows, and I’m mad that nobody knows, even though I don’t even want them to know.”
▪ “That it’s hard. That I have to be like this, because it’s all so fucking hard.”
“I know,” her mama says. “It’s enough to get through it though.” (wow, this went for my fcking throat)
▪ Chloe got grass stains, but it was worth it to know that Shara isn’t who everyone thinks she is. (CHLOE, HONEY, ILY BUT NOT COOL AT ALL)
◆ Chapter 16
▪ “I think it’s fun. And kinda funny.” (okay, i do love shara)
▪ “What? No. What?” (OH MY GOD)
▪ “You mean valedictorian?” (WHAT?)
▪ “You did this to—to sabotage my chances at valedictorian?” (WHUUUUT?)
▪ When she kisses Chloe this time, Chloe’s ready. (EVERYONE CHEERED)
▪ And with one solid shove, she pushes Shara—prom dress and all—over the railing and into Lake Martin. (DESERVED)
▪ The loudest Christians I’ve ever met were the worst ones. I don’t believe doing something in front of everybody makes it more meaningful, anyway. If anything, it makes it stop belonging to you.
◆ Chapter 17
▪ But at the same time, if you’re not what Willowgrove wants you to be, and if your family believes certain stuff, it can make you kind of crazy. You know what I mean?” (IM TEARING UP)
▪ “See you on Monday.” (HOLY SHT)
◆ Chapter 18
▪ Shara huffs and leaves again. (GAYGAYGAY)
▪ I’m good, actually,” Shara says, (damn it, thought we were gonna recreate that meme)
▪ Warm that space cannon up, baby. (IM SCARED)
◆ Chapter 19
▪ Chloe will let Shara kiss her, and together they’ll dip into a quiet corner of the stacks (CHLOOOOEEEEEE)
▪ “Oh, this is awkward, but I’m not really into you like that.” (sure, jan 🙄)
▪ “I have to go,” she says. “Rory’s giving me a ride home, and he— I’m supposed to meet him—” (GAY PANIC)
▪ “Do you think love is just someone arranging their entire life around whatever you want?” she continues, ignoring Shara, whose face is as pink as her hair. “Do you have any idea what you even mean when you say you want me? No, you fucking don’t, because if you did, if it actually meant something to you, if it wasn’t about how much you get off on someone being obsessed with you, if you were actually willing to confront anything about yourself or sacrifice anything that actually matters to you, you wouldn’t be sticking notes on my window when I’m not looking! You would have kissed me when you had your chance in the library today!”
◆ Chapter 20
▪ Chloe shrugs and holds out a hand. “Taco Bell?”
Georgia nods again, letting Chloe pull her up. “Taco Bell.” (THE GIRLS ARENTS FIGHTING ANYMORE!)
▪ “And like,” Smith goes on, “if that kid had seen Summer, she’d be banned from graduation too. And Summer’s never broken a rule in her life, and I know that because I haven’t either, because we can’t, because me and her have to be perfect to stay on everyone’s good side, so there’s no room for anything. There’s no room to be anything except this one specific version of yourself that Willowgrove likes, and—and it’s so blatantly fucked up. All of it.
▪ It’s fucked up. It’s fucked up how they make us feel about ourselves, and we put up with it because we don’t think there’s anything we can do about it. We put up with it for so long that we don’t even know who we are, only what they want us to be. And I don’t want to put up with it anymore.” (HELL, TO THE MOTHERFUCKING, YEAH)
▪ The way Willowgrove has always worked, from what Chloe has seen and heard, is that there are enough students comfortable with the way things are to create the feeling that you’re the only one who doesn’t belong. It can be hard, when all the rules claim to be good and moral and godly, to feel like you can challenge them without admitting something bad and wrong about yourself. And if you can get past that, it’s a free-fall into small-town gossip, and you never come out the other side with all your best intentions intact.
But that’s a world where Willowgrove royalty doesn’t call you on the phone to say you’re not the only one, after all.
▪ Shame is a way of life here. It’s stocked in the vending machines, stuck like gum under the desks, spoken in the morning devotionals. She knows now that there’s a bit of it in her. It was an easy choice not to go back in the closet when she got here, but if she’d grown up here, she might never have come out at all. She might be a completely different person. There’s so much to it here, so much that nobody tells anyone about.
So, if she’s the only one in the class of ’22 who’s really out for now, if her existence can provide cover for half her graduating class to stand up for something without saying things about themselves they can’t yet say, that’s enough. That’s plenty.
▪ “Or maybe I should go get the Monster Fucker Collection from behind the desk? It kind of sounds like she’s the megabitch of your dreams.” (OOHHH POINTS FOR GEORGIA)
▪ “I never stopped thinking about you.” (HOLY FCK)
▪ If Smith starts reading love poems to Rory, she’ll never be able to look either of them in the eye again. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHQHQHA)
▪ “Depends if you don’t mind that they’re all about you.” (IM DEAD IM FCKING DEAD)
◆ Chapter 21
▪ Shara doesn’t throw things away because they mean nothing to her. She throws things away because they mean too much.
▪ it’s the danger of being yourself at Willowgrove, in False Beach. Everything she likes about herself is a liability here. You hide the things that matter most before anyone can use them against you.
◆ Chapter 22
▪ “Because I was trying to work up the nerve to do it right, but you kept acting like it was still a game.” (points to shara)
▪ Do you get it? I wanted you to see me.” (I CHEERED)
▪ I realized that I didn’t just want you to see me. I wanted someone who sees me, and I wanted it to be you, because I think I always knew you were the only one it could be.”
◆ Chapter 23
▪ “How’d you say it?” she says. “You were the only one it could be.” (IM DEAD IN THE DITCH)
▪ It’s not the whole world. Just because everyone here knows who you are, and everyone talks about everyone else’s business, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to be the person you know you are. There are things out there for you that you haven’t even thought of yet, that you don’t even know how to think of yet. Who you are here doesn’t have to be the same as who you are out there. And if the person you feel like you have to be in this town doesn’t feel right to you, you’re allowed to leave. You’re allowed to exist. Even if it means existing somewhere else.
▪ Teacher self-evaluation written by Jack Truman, choir instructor, scrapped and accidentally mixed in with a packet of sheet music eventually burned by Benjy (this whole evaluation tho 🥺)
◆ Chapter 24
▪ She turns to her left, to Shara, who’s looking at her like she did on the bow of that sailboat, like the logic of the world all comes down to Chloe being there and she’d be disappointed to see anyone else.
▪ I learned that a lot of us—a lot more than I thought—are doing whatever it takes to survive in a place that doesn’t feel like it wants us. I learned that survival is heavy on so many of us. And on a personal level, I realized I’d gotten so used to that weight, I stopped noticing how much of myself I’d dedicated to carrying it.
▪ “The moment we told someone who we are and they accepted us without question.” (im starting to cry now)
▪ “Most of the things we’re feeling right now are things we’re feeling for the first time. We’re learning what it means to feel them. What we can mean to one another. Of course that matters. And this, here, right now—even if nothing changes, even if all we can do today is prove that we exist, and that we’re not alone—I think it matters a whole fucking lot.”
▪ “I have done some of the best work of my life because of you. And I know you have done some of the best work of your life because of me. I don’t know a better way to explain what love means to two people like us.” (😭😭😭)
◆ Chapter 25
▪ May they always come back to each other. (CRIES)
▪ I think you still mean it a little bit,” Shara says, squirming away as Chloe tries to pin her down. “That’s what makes this work.”
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
speaking on strangers things; i am happy hop is alive, but they way the wrote him surviving was too obvious of plot armor. oh he just jump onto the lower level, no major injuries or burns??? Like there was always another level below the machine, in the season 3 finale you literally see like 4 of the bad guys in hazzmat suits on that lower level be turned to dust. Also it would been more interesting to see him stuck in the upside down instead. But i did enoy that plotline over all, specially the prison breakout, betrayal, and monster fighting. The hawkings crew had the strongest arc, but i did genuinely enjoy all of them. the Bullyying though...... that was fcking extreme man and hard to watch ngl. Like who on earth bullies someone for grieving their dead father 😭 the skating rink...... like i dont condone violence but like somebody had to put her down. Also the van and dinner scene right after that were so fcking funny to me. also least favorite character this season is that one dude thats basically the archice andrews of hawkings. i know they want me to find him cute, but he just bothers me ksjdhfhdh. Also i liked vecna as a villian more when we didnt know who he actually was, like idk i just like itd be better if he originated from the upside down, but i do see why the connected it the way they did. My adhd brain doesnt mind the 294848 different plots tbh and long episodes, but i do hope the last two episodes is everybody coming together and staying together for more than that one group scene they have every season. Also i know its likely someone will die, i just hope none of the kids, i cant handle that, srry to the adults but yeah... anways i rewatched the first three season after finishing the 4th and season 2 remains my favorite
i agree. i think it would've been more interesting to have him stuck in the upside down, but I'm not sure how good the CGI would've been able to hold up having him there practically the entire time. but his plot was one of the more interesting, in my opinion! i liked it a lot, and as I've said previously, i still think the prison break where he fights the demagorgen is one of the best scenes in the whole season.
the bullying was SUPER extreme like it made me hate angela with a burning passion of course lmao and i did not feel bad one bit when she finally got knocked in the face with the skate but the dramatic reaction from the cops? it was almost funny because it felt so absurd to me after everyone saw what was happening to her on that rink. like talk shit you get hit sorry :/
NOT ARCHIE ANDREWS pls its so real. every time he was on screen (that poor actor... his line deliveries were so bad) my mom and i cracked up lmao
and yes?? i was way more intrigued with vecna as a character when i assumed he was just another monster. not a great villain, in my opinion, as his presence did not rock me the same way the demagorgen, the demadogs, and the mind flayer did in seasons past, but he was alright. him being a human who morphed into this demon/monster hybrid that... preys on teens regrets and trauma or some shit is so dumb I'm sorry like what's the point. i wanted more also i wanted a better monster design he kinda just looks like a similar design to Predator
people keep speculating that steve might die, but unless joe keery wants to leave the show and pursue other opportunities, i don't see that happening. the blowback from fans would be unreal, so i think it might be a main character that isn't as present (like jonathan jesus he doesn't even exist here anymore tbh) but i don't think it will be one that's TOO beloved just for the shock factor idk
i actually was planning on going back and watching the first three seasons as well! season 2 will always reign supreme in my mind, but I haven't watched the seasons back since I did the very first time so it will be cool to watch it all over again knowing where the story is in S4
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dandaelions · 3 years
finally some good fcking food aka "empathy" thoughts
I woke up bright and early, got dressed, made some coffee and cut up some peaches, warmed up a croissant that I got from a local bakery yesterday, and sat down to listen with a ksoo-state of mind. then my supervisor suddenly asked me to join a meeting (so much for blocking off my calendar 🙃) aaaaand then I got busy all day lol but now I've finally got some free time to soak this in
rose: a simple acoustic track – more brighter and upbeat than “that’s okay” but still in the same vein. it feels a bit run-of-the-mill if I’m being completely honest, but that's probably just me and the fact that I don’t usually go for acoustic songs like this lol. gosh the lyrics are cute though, songwriter ksoo came through with the romantics 😊🌹💕 can definitely see how they were gunning for widespread listenability with this one. also the mv was so whimsical and fun! it made me laugh in a few places, not to mention ksoo going about his day without a care in the world is all I really care about seeing. the animations were so cool!
I’m gonna love you: less folk, more contemporary pop with that guitar lick in the intro. I had to pause and replay ksoo’s first bit here, I just couldn’t believe that was him! whoa this kinda of pseudo-rapping is quite a different sound from him. his lower register is so smooth omg. oh yeah now that's a beat drop!! LOVE the chorus! not familiar with wonstein but I'm surprised to hear a rap feature on this album, I didn't think that would be something ksoo would go for but it sounds really good here! their little harmonies YAH. also adlibs yesssss!! for those of us hoping for an r&b song, here it is!
my love: he brought the whole soundstage for this one, mmm yes love this chill down-tempo vibe. oh gosh he's mixing just the perfect amount of falsettos and growl into some of these lines here, he's so good at creating those smooth-harsh edges if that makes any sense lol. not to bring bbh into this but I’d really love to see ksoo perform this song as a duet with him!
It’s love: oh man he sounds GOOD good! ooooh wow all those flourishes and accidentals and runs oh my god. THIS is the song for the live lounges! the stripped-back instrumentals let him be front-and-center on this one, oh I really hope he performs this one live!! the hushed strings add that romantic vibe that really makes it feel like he's serenading us 🥰 ooh when he goes down an octave in that last part and then back up again OH MAN
dad: this brought tears to my eyes, what a beautiful and touching tribute 🥺 oh no I looked up the lyric translations and now I'm crying 😭 my dad and I tend butt heads a lot, and growing up I didn't understand why, but as I've grown older I've realized it's because we're so similar, and at the end of the day he's sacrificed so much for me :((( anyways not to get super deep and personal but just hearing the raw emotion in his voice brought up a lot of my own emotions too. I'm sure his dad is very proud of him right now :)
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^^me going from "dad" to "I'm fine"
I’m fine: ALRIGHT HERE’S THE RIFF THAT’S BEEN HAUNTING ME FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS. oh god that intro 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️💆‍♀️!!!! a little darker than the previous tracks – the bass and guitar infuse some latin flavor here. hoo WOWWWWWW the way he weaves his voice (which he sounds just DIVINE here) around those instrumentals, also LOVE the way his enunciating the lyrics, like plucking guitar strings, and is this in a harmonic minor key? the way this ebbs and flows and goes up and down and the way he slips into falsettos oh my god this song alone fed me better than whole albums have this year, I cannot imagine anyone other than ksoo doing this justice. this song just is a big steaming mug of spiced hot chocolate. also can we just give it up for songwriter ksoo I looked up the translation and yeah big hit of sweet melancholia right here. my fave song on the album!
rose (eng ver): oh sheet I don’t know if anything would’ve prepared me for “your lips look so fine and you’re looking so cool” but the damage is done my hp is at -2 🤕 these lyrics are cute too! but I think I prefer his korean lyrics over these :) ofc he sounds like he's been speaking english his whole life adskjfdkj it's so amazing how he preserved all of those vocal details from the korean version
si fueras mia: the spanish ver of “it’s love…I really can’t believe that’s HIM singing this omg what I would give to see a live performace of this. I’m not a spanish speaker (all I have are two years of high school Spanish to my name 😔) but like he's actually blowing the pronunciation out of the water!! absolute mad props for putting a spanish song on his debut ep, that was a bold move and it paid off! if I had to choose, I like this version better. again, so blown away by how he sung this the exact same way as the korean version, that's not an easy feat!!
overall: I mean what more can I say, this is what people have waited YEARS for and it's finally here. in true ksoo form, it doesn't try too hard to impress or demand your attention. its simplicity is its charm, and in a landscape of blaring electronica, it's a warm soothing escape. I'm happy 😊
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raquellplanningwell · 4 years
TL:DR I loved it, it made the game even better, s/o to the creators for going back to it because I really think it makes SUCH a difference & develops the characters so beautifully, especially the three newer love interests, so many pleasant surprises throughout this play-through.  Longer Verison (If you’re up to it, please enjoy!)
Okay so when I say I’ve been aching for the creators to fix up the prologue I really mean it & this was beyond satisfying, like better than I could imagine.
There’s so many effective changes & they didn’t just fix one or two things here, they went INNN. The format has changed, things that were consistent in the story before are now in line & are much stronger with this new prologue.
Listen, I’ve tried to get multiple friends to play the Arcana & more than one have stopped at the prologue because it didn’t grasp them, this, this is a huge improvement & I got so hyped playing it.
Starting off even how Asra’s introduced feels so much smoother, not just a story thrown on you. The lost memories are mentioned & Asra delicately treats the apprentice, you see how he worries & care about them. Plus with this fun option, there’s a new chance to give your character some more personality, I love it. The Trouble option was worth it 👌🏻
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Truth be told I haven’t played the prologue in a while, so perhaps some details I’m re-appreciating from the previous version but I love that they went back & changed it, like that to me, shows how much they still care, & that the creators genuinely want to improve & nurture their game
Okay changes to Nadia introduction, ALSO GREAT, @ devs thank you for not just having the apprentice follow her blindly !! Like she explains the situation & lets the apprentice know exactly why she’s calling on their services right off the bat. Another detail I liked, is Nadia showing some vulnerability in this time, there’s a description of her sleepless eyes as well & I really like that! Like she’s not just the countess, she’s a person coming to you for help.
Portia’s intro is in there!! Bless!!! My girl finally being put out as a main & I JUST CAME TO THE REALIZATION THAT MEANS SHE’S STAYING YAAAAAAAYY, VERY EXCITING STUFF 🎊🍾
This is gonna a long post, if you’re still reading, thank you as well. So next is Julian’s entrance, I appreciate the options that from my knowledge stayed the same in how you react & I choose ‘negotiate’ as my own apprentice would & the details were great lol like this breakdown from the apprentice 👇 yup that sounds like the dumbass doctor alright
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Another nice detail, they exchange names earlier! The apprentice states their name when they first meet & Julian is even surprised when the apprentice doesn’t know his. And!! These warnings that come from the love interests in the beginning, that’re new characters at first, they’re not so ominous! Isn’t that awesome, like they make so much more sense with the story & who the characters are & what they know.
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Like this ^ right here ^^ that is phenomenal. The wording makes sense, what he’s talking about makes more sense as you get to play the game, like it’s how it’s meant to be. Before I believe his warning was about how the “witch” cares about the MC but that they shouldn’t trust him & more than anything that made me feel confused about who to choose & what was true, even in a prologue so this change is very welcomed.
The portion with the voice in the dream & being able to pick whether to follow it or not, super glad about that like those feel like meaningful choices & even the dream scene being added, so cool! I’m assuming as of now the voice was Lucio & I think it was really well played
Muriel’s CG, I really yelled. when I say it’s incredible, like CRAZY GOOD, I mean it. The lighting, the mood, even the angle because yes he will likely be towering over the apprentice & that’s a lovely thing to consider, also his expression is so good & yes! No strange warning that sounds out of character to his route, it starts off with “...” as it should, the most Muriel line.
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Even the way it’s described matches up so well lol like yes you can see you’re definitely engulfed in his shadow, he looks huge. Plus “and I look up… and up.. and up” is very funny. Again the fact that his first lines are “…” that’s perfect. I feel like the Grinch when he’s auditioning Max for Rudolph, he says nothing & throws off the nose & the Grinch goes “BRILLIANT”, that’s me. Like even Muriel stumbling back & having trouble saying anything is great. It’s how he is throughout the story, & especially in his own route, he has trouble talking to the apprentice. I’m uwuing at the stuttering too, baby, just a glimpse into what he’s gonna be like in his route & that’s a good intro in its own! 👏 This is like world’s improvement. Also if you’re still with me bless, thank you for being here & congratulations. I’m thinking of breaking this down in parts as I didn’t expect it to go so long but here we are & enjoying each minute of it.
*taps microphone* The use of the word, “bamboozled” thank you for your time.
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I can’t believe this is now in the prologue, I am giddy
OKAY! Into the market we go, & Portia is introduced! She introduces herself! We don’t just accidentally bump into her! & she’s with the baker! Very cool! OKAYYYYY, lol mind you I’m typing my reaction as I play, & Portia already showing her interest in the MC being a magician like she does throughout her route, noice. She’s so cute, & you get to ask about herself right off the bat, really enjoying these changes, they add so much to the characters. It might just be me but there’s more sound effects too? The cards shuffling, the gate opening. I also really like that the charm is mentioned again. Like feels more tangible than how it was before, I wasn’t even sure we had hung onto it before & now it feels like a personal item that can actually protect the apprentice & connect them to something more.
Next Chapter, really liking how clear things are right off the bat. In the old prologue, I remember being unsure about Nadia’s relationship to Lucio, but here it seems quite apparent they don’t share the same tastes, & the apprentice gets a moment to take it all in. THE VOICEEEE, Oh that’s an awesome addition. Also @ devs thank you for mentioning some compensation for the apprentice as well. Playing the game, it’s clear Nadia takes good care of them but yeah in the beginning it was very much like, ‘why am I doing this again other than you being Countess and asking me personally’, I appreciate it. And Devorak isn’t just described as the dude who confesses, he’s introduced as the apprentice’s first lead in this investigating, awesome!! I don’t recall this from the previous prologue but we’re actually discussing more of the murder mystery of this, I definitely think this is one of the Arcana’s strong points & I’m glad they’ve added to it. The story & world building potential for this game extends infinitely. The way that the dinner with Nadia has been built upon & improved, it feels meaningful. It makes me like her even more as character, like she’s not just a political power, she’s a person trying to figure this all out, do what’s best for her people & bring them together, as well she makes the goals in this investigation very clear.
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Portiaaaaa, I like that you get the chance to ask her more & she shows you more, the CG is so nice & suits her so well!! & the situation is a perfect intro to what to expect while in the palace, because that happens a lot, secret passages in just about every route, Lucio even mentions it himself in his own route how there’s so many about the palace grounds. But Portia telling you a ghost story in the Count’s wing is right on brand & I think it prepares you well for the first chapter of her route. I know I wasn’t expecting going straight for ghost hunting when I started her route.
There’s a ‘snoop around’, option now. I choose it & wow it’s a great time, tea & snacks with Nadia & Portia, bless. The scene is so fun & almost feels like a tale, like it feels special & you get to enjoy more of the love interests personalities. The mention of pepi is sweet. + the use of puns, 10/10 I love my girlfriend ✨
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Nadia’s note, a lovely touch.
IV The Emeperor
The nightmares, woah!!!! Okay this !! this is super effective. When I first played the game I remember bring confused who the blond guy was, why his eyes were red, why he was even an option if he was the count that passed away but the nightmares & how they introduce him really feels full circle. It’s so cool getting the choice to interact in the dream as well, I keep finding myself impressed & amazed with these new additions. Hdbshsk he really said “What’s the matter? Goat got your tongue”. A legend, dedicated to his aesthetic 🙌
Asra’s talk in the fountain, mentioning Julian, much better. I remember last time it was him not speaking kindly of the doctor behind his back & now its more, ‘it is what it is, please be careful’ like ‘yes, thank you for the trust’. It looks better on their character when they’re a little more open & honest about the other, than to vaguely bad mouth each other. Perhaps I don’t remember it correctly but I think Asra used to call him Ilya right away & I know that caused some confusion for me in the beginning, so introducing like this is 👍 👍 👍
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MALAK POPPING IN, LOOK AT THIS GOLD, & more notes!! Yes!!! Very cool, MC is just going out seeking the truth too, as they ought to be. Also Julian’s trust in Malak is astounding lmfao. 
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I will say it’s very strange to take out the letter desk option but it seems like it’s good overall. The fcking Fylnn Rider moment, they’re not subtle! “They just can’t get my nose right!” 😂 something about this new dialogue feels more intimate or real, like lol yes Julian makes such a good point the apprentice could’ve just called the guards in there, that’d make sense for them to do so but they give Julian a chance & trust him, because they want to go after the truth. I gotta say I’m surprised the CG works so well even with the new content, like they got the mood just spot on.
I’m just speeding through Julian’s convo at this point getting really into it & wow soon Portia’s there then Muriel, ‘what the fuck is going on’, I said aloud at this point. I gotta say, as much as I’m loving hearing all these details right in the beginning, it got me thinking they’re things that’re revealed later. When Julian “breaks up” with the apprentice in his route, he explains the plague, like it really has got me wondering if they’re gonna adjust the rest of the story, to not avoid repetition. THE MURIEL INTERACTION HERE IS SO GOOD, I LIVE. There’s also another paid option with Muriel, this is GREAT & for some reason they’ve been already unlocked to me. (I’m guessing it’s because I had a prologue scene with Julian & a few books acquired) but either way I’m very grateful. Muriel is the best baby & honestly this is really introducing his character so nicely, him walking you, him questioning that you didn’t run away knowing about the ghosts, works well with his route’s path, all while maintaining the “Go away!” “B-but not too close!” tsundere preciousness, GOOD SHT. lastly I love that instead of saying “don’t trust the witch” they show you that Asra hasn’t told you certain events throughout the prologue, with Muriel & Julian being surprised that he wouldn’t mention these things to you.
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Okay so all done! Thoughts, I love that they went back to it, I’m curious to see if they’ll do anything else with it but the changes are very welcomed, I think they’ve improved it greatly. I will say it’d be nice to be able to maneuver through the prologue’s chapters but honestly that update was so remarkable, I’m very grateful.
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uhhh i headcanon that kokichi is an emotional size shifter and that’s why he’s constantly lying and covering up his feelings
Ya mind reader I too have always thought emotional shifter fits Kichi sooO well why isn't anyone else mentioning it???
(ill talk here a lil more in the context of the killing game cuz eh) I kinda headcanon that even as an emotional shifter, Kokichi would cover up the 'emotional' part and present himself to the others as a shifter who can control his power no problemo. no need to even try to hide his sizeshifting, one second you're greeting a short highschool boy then you quickly glance away and look back at him and— wtf did he just grow a whole foot taller?? Boy's super proud of his power. I imagine in his student profile on the monopads his height would be listed as '???' cuz he's such a dumb hyper kid he can't stay at one height he's always a few inches taller of shorter than normal so no one (not even himself) knows his actual height 😔. I especially think he'd almost always stay on the shorter side since he likes the image of 'cute but scary lil' dictator' and being just a tad shorter than his classmates brings him a little bit of comfort for some reason. But I also think he'd lie about the extant of his ability like he'd never grow or shrink more than a few inches— a foot at most around his classmates and says that it's hard to push any further. Since there's no other shifter around they have to take his word for it. In reality he has little to no trouble shrinking to a few inches of height or growing tall enough the academy wouldn't have enough room for him. It sucks that he can't use his shifting around his classmates to pull his pranks and mess with them, but he wants to keep his secret as his own little adventage against the mastermind.
I imagine in this context the only time he'd stop messing around with his ability and keep something close to his natural height would be during murder/investigation/trial/execution like you said he has to keep his emotions in check lest he curls in on himself from sadness and shrinks till he gets lost in the courtyard's grass or burst out from anger and outgrow the school and wreck everything. And being an emotional shifter, it really helps that he can push the reset button to his feelings. However if he ever were to fail to control his shifting he'd quickly try to regain a hold of himself and play it off as a bluff and rush out of the trial room before anyone sees him shift any further (im especially thinking during Gonta's execution he'd be such a mess ouch. Then when he has to play villain again he goes against his emotions and instead of letting himself shrink from being so sad and heartbroken he forces himself to grow to match his villain persona and it hurts his body so much and he can barely handle the pain but he has to it's too late turn back and he's already written himself into the role of villainous Kokichi Ouma and succumbing to his sorrow and guilt is a luxury he can't afford at this point.)
But even with all his lying and covering up his feelings around his classmates I think that when alone in his room he'd just like, instantly drop on his bed only a few inches tall and shrinking smaller still. Just knowing that murders are still happening out there and he's failing his classmates so much makes him feel so small and helpless, and maybe, just maybe, it's alright for him to be that helpless and useless if he's just a tiny lil guy who can't do anything, maybe if he just becomes small enough for his blanket to swallow him whole then he won't have to bare the guilt of his failures and sins anymore. That lie is the only comfort he can cling onto in the killing game. poor guy 😔😔 someone please slap him
ahh last but not least I just… if he was a shifter that lil fucker COULD have lived thru chap five. Still with the context above if he kept his most extreme shifting hidden, after getting the antidote and Maki running off then he could have like… just gotten really really small so that there's enough antidote for the two of them. Ohhh boy, the image of it,,, Kaito on his knees coughing from his illness and the poison pumping in his veins, eyes wide as he stares far far far far down at at Kokichi who's standing at barely three inches tall struggling with the antidote bottle, and Kokichi, pointedly ignoring the eyes over his head and holding a shudder back. The silent moment of trust, seeing each other at their weakest and most vulnerable. Fcking friends sob sob
As for the body that goes under the press uhhh cw kinda gross but Kichi could just grow real real big and ehm cut off his finger like the yakuza or something. And again not to blabber any longer but can you picture that?? Can you picture Kaito staggering back into a corner as Kichi grows so large he has to curl in on himself to fit in the room, and the look they share??? Cuz I can and it's beautiful. After that they tend to his new injury and share an exisal for the trial 😳😳 and since no one knows about Kokichi's true potential they don't even think of his shifting playing a part in the plan so in the end the body discovery announcement is just wrong and no matter who they vote for they'll be wrong and both boys get to live dammit (well Kaito still dies pretty soon after but you get my point)
Anyway stan emotional shifting lil liar for a guarantee 30 years of happiness
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