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bloodcoveredgf Ā· 7 months ago
longlegs is a movie about mother/daughterhood for real. throws up thinking about it actually
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ollierachnid Ā· 8 months ago
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close enough, welcome back silence of the lambs
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maikamonroesource Ā· 7 months ago
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Maika Monroe and Kiernan Shipka behind the scenes of Longlegs
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3-xenomorph-gfs Ā· 8 months ago
ive been thinking of seeing longlegs because the trailers got me hyped, but now i've heard rumors it takes inspiration from the worst part of silence of the lambs, i.e. using the nasty stereotype of "scary implied-transfem person that preys on women/children" for horror fodder. can you tell me whether this description is accurate to the villain so i know whether i should avoid seeing it after all? feel free to reply privately if you'd like!
iā€™d rather let trans women with a keener eye for what to look for speak to that, but i will say my transmisogyny hackles went up on the first look at the villain. longlegsā€™ gender is never addressed outright iirc, so thereā€™s conjecture to be had about intent and impact, but i donā€™t really have a place in that conversation.
i will say, though, that the more i think about longlegs the less i like it. the transmisogyny i sensed is disheartening enough (especially because osgood perkins of all people shouldā€™ve known to learn from psychoā€™s mistakes), but even beyond that, i donā€™t think the film is clever enough in its storytelling to merit even good comparisons to silence of the lambs. (one critic quote called a ā€œmodern-day silenceā€, which. yeah. no.) i loved the production design, but that was kind of it. i also sense this weird arrogance from oz perkins which i donā€™t think heā€™s earned ā€” for someone with such a blasĆ© attitude about contemporary horror, he has a lot of the same weaknesses iā€™ve noticed in directors like alex garland or david gordon green. so no, i donā€™t think i would recommend watching it, or paying to at least
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rabbitbonesandsheabutter Ā· 6 months ago
Going off your last post about dales nose surgerys making it difficult for him to breathe, i wonder if he has some form of sleep apnea?
obviously he got the fucked button nose special from his surgeon(s), there are corrective nose jobs for sleep apnea so iā€™m not sure honestly. but given that he seems to only mouth breath probably. iā€™ve seen a few people hc that heā€™s a light sleeper and that could be why, he literally just canā€™t breathe.
ok i went and read some more and inflammation may be one of the causes of sleep apnea. just in terms of the mouth breathing and his voice, iā€™m thinking either Daleā€™s had at least one poorly done so that heā€™s chronically inflamed , or when heā€™s seen in the events of the movie heā€™s had another surgery within the last year and theres still less visible swelling in his sinuses. so that may mean he ends up with sleep apnea either short or long term. either way someone get him a cpap machine stat
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starleska Ā· 14 days ago
i am going to ask a question, and i know how it sounds. but i need all of you to respond not from a horny-brained perspective, but one backed up by canon evidence:
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bjorkvespertine Ā· 6 months ago
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all of your things
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wordwizards Ā· 6 months ago
Watching a bunch of Nic Cage movies has unfortunately given me a bunch of weird fears. Like I watched Longlegs and I thought what if I went to my mom's place and Nic Cage was in the basement. Then I watched Face/Off and I was like what if my dad was suddenly secretly Nic Cage with my dad's face, and he licked me.
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gaygoat-irl Ā· 7 months ago
first watch of longlegs i said i could *somewhat* see the side of people not liking it but on my second watch. i dont understand the longlegs hate AT ALL!! that shit was SOOO GOOOD.
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starleska Ā· 5 days ago
hahahaha yes!!!! succumb to Dale's deeply off-putting charms~ šŸ˜šŸ’– can you believe it's Nicolas Cage under all that makeup?! i still can't!!! every little mannerism adds up to one of the most delightfully upsetting freaks i've seen in a horror movie in a loooong time. the way his voice trembles, dips and peaks has me shivering. what a choice šŸ„“ i'm sure you've finished the movie by now, but just in case of spoilersā€”there are reasons why Dale is the way he is, and his backstory is simultaneously awesome and tragic. as much as i wanted more, i think Longlegs succeeded because it showed us so little of Dale and made his Longlegs persona into something truly unknowable and frightening and sexy. oh rest assured, Dale would be thrilled to have you as the latest in a long line of sacrifices for his master šŸ˜‰
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soooo. having thoughts about Longlegs, are we? šŸ˜‰
Okay LISTENā€”
Iā€™m halfway through the movie rn and oh my GOSH HEā€™S SO FREAKY (/pos/wanton sexual intent)
The weird theatricality! The voice! The makeup! The satanic elements (Iā€™ll be a sacrifice for himmmmmmmmmmmm, idk if thatā€™s what heā€™s doing so far but PLS LEMME IN)!! The height! The posture!!! The behaviour!! Oh my god heā€™s so weird.
Iā€™m sure heā€™s gonna get nastier as the movie goes on and omggggg Iā€™m so excited šŸ˜³šŸ«£šŸ¤¤
I shall update once Iā€™m done the movie!!!
But so farā€¦
Hhhhhh Iā€™m having. Thoughts.
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superblysubpar Ā· 7 months ago
I watched longlegs too! Please please tell me what you thought of it. And what you thought about Nic Cage's performance
Okay I'm popping my thoughts under a keep reading / tagging spoilers!
Thank you for indulging me because I have THOUGHTS ā„¢ļø
I really really Really loved the cinematography of this movie. Like there were certain scenes that I was just "yessss" to the lighting, the shot, all of it. I loved how they framed the flashback sequences in the smaller/older film style. I loved the title sequence. Just overall, a lot of the movie making things about it I was literally the šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ emojis for the entirety of the film.
I really thought they cast it well, I did think Nicholas Cage was great, I just think he could have been much scarier/terrorizing. Especially after hearing he said he never wanted to do a role like this again because it was so creepy? I was like...sir. This is scratching the surface of creepy. I also don't know if I would have realized it was him until I heard the voice slip a few times, which I think was great. They really did the make up/costume good šŸ‘Œ
But I just overall felt like the movie was over hyped to be much scarier/keep you on edge than what it was/did. Like, there were definitely moments I was a little spooked, grabbed my husband in the theater, jump scares and really good build up. But then it felt like all that tension and amping would dissipate or fall flat.
I feel like the choice to have there actually be a demon/long legs wasn't in full control/etc was a bad one. I really really wish they leaned more into the serial killer/terror/suspense aspect of him and that, more so than the horror/supernatural theme. Like what if long legs was just a Satan worshipper but he had convinced himself this was the will of the devil and he was the one actually obsessing and killing. Like he was still in control? To me that would have been far more terrifying.
ALSO, what if Long Legs still convinced the mom to help, but there was no deal with the devil, it was just how convincing he could be?
Like isn't that more terrifying? Wouldn't that make you feel more creepy? This serial killer using dolls to get into people's homes and terrorizing you, making you think you're going crazy?
I don't know! It was compared to Silence of the Lambs SO MUCH so that's why I really wish they leaned more into the FBI Agent/serial killer of it all. Because now, to me, Silence of the Lambs isn't that scary because there's more like it out there. So it would have been cool to see more of a modern/scarier take on a story like that without so much supernatural/horror elements.
So I think, overall, I liked the movie, it just wasn't what I expected, so my view of it is a little critical!
I'd love to hear what you and other people think too, so please send more messages or comment! šŸ„°
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monsterslament Ā· 7 months ago
gonna see longlegs tomorrow im so excited :) im gonna tag any stuff i rb after with the movie name if yall dont wanna see spoilers or anything
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roguelov Ā· 7 months ago
Ok but your tags on that Longlegs post šŸ˜‚
I said what said and Iā€™m a proud owner of a dumbass brain šŸ˜‚ I even said it was jfk with my full chest then my sister (who saw it with me) was like ā€˜ā€¦ dude that was Bill Clintonā€™ and I was like ā€˜šŸ˜¶ ā€¦ youā€™re rightā€™
Iā€™ll put some rambling thoughts below so no spoilers
Like to be fair the movie was good but I thought it was going to lean more towards mystery serial killer thriller not spooks and shit (although once I did see it was satan I did play the game of trying to find that goat man in the background)
I can do thrillers and killers but demons/ghosts I donā€™t mix well (I blame paranormal activity given that was my first big horror movie after swearing to not touch a single horror movie ever cuz like I said Iā€™m a baby but Iā€™m slowly getting into horror like some of Mike flangans stuff)
I will be fighting the head of fbi in a parking lot because why the fuck was his daughterā€™s birthday never brought up???? MY GUY THE BRIGHT WARNING SIGNS ARE FLASHING AND YOU WENT ā€˜couldnā€™t be for meā€™ (it probably was like oh satan already has him so that why he didnā€™t say anything and blah blah blah bullshit)
Him: why did you tell me your birthday was on the 14th?
Me: ok so like your daughter apparently doesnā€™t matter šŸ¤Ø
Also was everyone uninvited to the party or was there no party to begin with? I like the former for shits and giggles like ā€˜yeah sorry Bethany the party has been canceled due to satan yeah youā€™re going to have to return your gift you boughtā€™
And like Harker just not stopping the dad from killing his wife was bonkers. Yeah yeah I know the mom was like ā€˜sheā€™s already deadā€™ while frankly I donā€™t give a fuck how about you stop that man cuz I sat there like ā€˜ā€¦ weā€™re just letting this happen?? Not even going to try??? Not even a lil bit????ā€™
I did not watch homie bash his brains in cuz he hit his head once and I went ā€˜you know what ā€¦ Iā€™m actually good on seeing thisā€™
I did love the cool upside shot of her on the bed and just the whole aesthetic and cinematography of the movie it was stunning
Also for some reason when they first showed Harkerā€™s cabin I swore her home as a child was in the background so I thought we lived near it for motivation and what not but alas it was just a random ass white house that held no importance
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undaughtered Ā· 8 months ago
i think we are very used to, predominantly, men making horror movies that use shock value to frighten, that utilize the mangled body as a tool to instil fear, because horror by men is coming from an authoritative position where you look down at the horror. you are not in and among the horror because you are not really subject to the circumstances of fear and vigilance. if we are talking about ari aster, midsommar and hereditary both approach fear objectively. they ascribe fear to situations, not contexts. outside of a situational context, there is no horror. horror is a room to be walked into and the circumstances are sudden: they could have avoided had you made better choices, and now you are changed because you had a choice in your experience. for someone like aster, horror is kind of a shrug. you made a bad choice. maybe you thought you had no other options, but there as a moment you could have walked away.
but fear is not really objective: fear is a subjective experience. fear is about context, and real horror is about not having a choice in your experience. this is where longlegs excels. the context of longlegs is terrifying. it is similar to twin peaks: fire walk with me because there is a sense of inevitability absolutely lacking in consent (but critically, there is nothing overtly sexual in the subject matter of this film, which makes it, to me, much more frightening than something overtly exploitative). its a very female horror, in the sense that what is frightening is that you never had a choice: you could never walk away from what you are currently enduring. you were always going to be changed. it was always hopeless. this is something i appreciate from oz perkins' oeuvre in general, because it doesn't talk down: it talks from in the middle, from the tar, from the quicksand. the worst horror is in medias res. you were never going to escape it. and you won't.
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i hate when men give their opinions on anything
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eileennatural Ā· 7 months ago
here's my longlegs review. i liked it, my sister did not. very aestheticically cool, plot that ummm is fine. i guess. really good sound design. spoiler-y thoughts in the tags
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gordonstanheight Ā· 7 months ago
GUYS LONGLEGS WAS ???!(/8 for the record i loved it. this will continue to be a spoiler free zone (UNLESS TAGGED OTHERWISE, BUT WILL ALWAYS BE TAGGED. MUTE LONGLEGS SPOILERS) until at least itā€™s on VOD but in the meantime . WHAT.
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