thisisustrying · 5 months
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I hate it here so I will go to lunar valleys in my mind
t.s. + the motif of space
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hope-ur-ok · 4 months
this was a personal attack
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cowboylikeyouu · 1 month
it‘s so good coming back to tumblr after chilling on tiktok for an hour bc everyone here has moved past the "hey, deadpool & wolverine was kinda gay" stage WEEKS ago, while on tiktok 50% are still being like "hey so, i think the honda fight scene is a teeny tiny little bit sexual, but only if you squint" and the other 50% are angry marvel dudebros who try to argue with you about how dEaDpOoL iSnT cOnFiRmEd QuEeR iN tHe MoViEs, NoT eVeReYtHiNg iS gAy!!! hE hAs A GiRlFrIeNd!!!!
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artelarium · 10 months
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long story short by taylor swift.
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stillgotscars · 9 months
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long story short - taylor swift
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rhaegalsblog · 2 years
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sweet nothing
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cametotheshowinsd · 2 years
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Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here...
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thingsarentgood · 4 months
There is a seed inside of you, an inkling you're not quite sure what to make of. It comes to you in short bursts like a fleeting commercial on TV, something too interesting to ignore but too scary to delve into alone. So you don't untill you find a friend. A friend has the very same seed as you and they decide to lead you by the hand, push you if necessary, and water you along with themself. Then that friend begins to bloom and they tell you how. They tell to truly break free from the soil, you must first become unrecognizable and kill the old you. It may be scary but they did it. So they offer you the chance to feel truly alive for the first time. You're addicted though, to time moving too fast and surviving off of an inhaler that barely saves you from the heaps of agony. But you are too scared. You have to apologize to everyone in the world for every second you've existed right or wrong or whatever. You must live and make peace knowing what you could have been if you were free, but still choosing to be an unsprouted seed suffocating under the dirt.
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chipper-smol · 6 months
you cant do this to me we’ve known each other for less than 30 minutes
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hope-ur-ok · 7 months
maybe now people will finally show long story short some fucking respect
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luimagines · 5 months
Broken Heart Broken Kingdom (1400 Follower Raffle)
Our second place winner was @sadlonelybagel and they asked for a reader who's partner was Link but Link is dead. This reader instantly doesn't like the chain for their similarities to their late lover. Enjoy.
Content under the cut!
When they first walked through the portal, they couldn’t help but see the state of the land. There was a reddish haze over the sky with broken trees and burnt grass and with the faint smell over smoke of the land.
“What happened here?” Legend’s jaw was slack. He had fought so hard to keep this from happening. But here it was, his worst nightmare come to life.
“War.” Warrior answers bluntly, not bothering to sugar coat the circumstance. “A bad one by the looks of it.”
“But how can it get this bad?” Four looks around in just as much shock coughing a bit to clear his lungs of the smoke that hangs around.
“They lost.” Wild answers with just as much fact as Warrior does. No one bothers to challenge his statement.
“Who are you?!” A stern voice calls out from the side. The sudden sound startles them and they draw their weapons on instinct. Their grips tighten at the sight of the weapon this new person holds. They viscerally react at the sight of the group but manage to hold their ground. They steady their hand and adjust their stance, albeit they look less angered and more heartbroken. “Who are you!?”
Hyrule raises his hand. “....Link.”
“Don’t mock me!” They hiss. “You can’t be Link.”
Sky looks around uneasily. “...But we are. All of us. You seem to know him. Do you know where we can find him?”
Their eyes well up with tears as they stare the boys down. “How dare you.”
“What happened?” Warrior interjects. “What happened here?”
Despair covers this stranger's face. They don’t seem to want to believe the implications of his words. “What happened? What happened? How can you not know what happened?! Ganon happened!!”
“We can gather that.” Time says gently. “But why is this the case? Where is your hero?”
“Dead.” They choke on a sob, righteous fury entering their gaze. “That demon killed my husband. I’ve been fighting in his stead.”
They group fall silent once again, shifting their weight awkwardly on their toes. Time in particular feels a heavy sort of dread drop his stomach through the crust of the earth, filling the void to the top of his throat. Part of him wants to vomit. He doesn’t think he’ll be allowed.
“My condolences.” Wild breaks the silence first. “I’m sure he was a very strong man.”
The stranger’s bravado wavers and the tears fall. This poor soul has clearly shoved aside their need to grieve for the protection of this land. But as they are not the chosen hero, their efforts are akin to pushing a boulder up a hill during a race. Progress has been made, but at the cost of much lost ground.
They lower their blade and use the hem of their sleeve to wipe away the tears. The water clears away the dirt on their cheeks. They look younger that way. “...You’re the first person to tell me that…”
Wind puts his hands on his hips and looks around the world once again. He asks for their name and they give with only minimal hesitation. They seem unable to look most of them in the eye. But Hyrule, Wind and Four get their full attention when they begin asking questions. Sky can almost get them to look his way but then they spot the sword on his back and scowl and look away again. Twilight pats his shoulder. He’s sure it’s nothing personal. They seem unable to meet more of them in the eye however, most likely due to the fact that they look the most similar to one another. Including Wild.
They can easily gather that they’re the ones that look the most like the hero.
Or rather- their dead husband.
It must be a bitter pill to swallow- and one that they clearly weren’t ready to so much as hold. It’s saddening more than it is insulting.
“...Well I guess we’re here to help.” Legend says solemnly. 
The local can only look at the ground and the blade in their hand- eyes haunted and heart heavy. “...You’re a little late for that.”
“We’re not here by choice.” Twilight says evenly. “But had we known the option and the circumstance, I assure you that we would at least attempt to help when you-.... When he needed it. But we were in our own homes, in our own worlds.”
They swallow harshly and look away, not willing to open their mind to the concept. This is an open and deep wound. Twilight sighs. He sees the signs of grief. There’s no getting through to them at this rate. “Just point to the direction of the threat and we’ll get out of your hair. I’m sure you could use a break.”
Something behind their eyes snapped. They grit their teeth, growling at the Rancher. “Do you honestly think-?!”
“We’re here to do a job whether you like it or not.” Time interrupts them. He can already see where this conversation is going. It’s not something he wants to entertain. “We can go head first into the danger with only our wits about us or you can help us at least know what we’re about to get into. This is bigger than us.”
His words strike a cord and they straighten- guarding their face once more. “Fine. This way. Try to keep up. I won’t slow down for you.”
“Lead the way.” Sky steps forward, looking back at the group nervously. Most shrug and follow this person through the war torn land and to what they can assume is a safe haven from the battles and from Ganon’s forces. They see more of the land and it’s just as bad as the first glances.
This person does not trust them, that much is obvious. They don’t like them, something that is abundantly clear. And this person does not want them here, but no one here can change what has happened.
Hyrule still needs a hero.
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evermore & ocean imagery
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stillgotscars · 4 months
oh hold on a second… “please, i’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy / don’t want money, just someone who wants my company” -> “long story short, it was a bad time / long story short, i survived” -> “dating the boy on the football team” -> “so make the friendship bracelets / take the moment and taste it / you’ve got no reason to be afraid”
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tolerateit · 8 months
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long story short // taylor swift
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taylor-swift-bracket · 5 months
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thecoldcoffeecup · 6 months
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fatefully, i tried to pick my battles til the battle picked me
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