iznsfw · 1 year
Fic idea: Mommy contest eunbi vs irene
Predator & Prey
Part Four of Dulce Periculum | Previous Part | Next Chapter
Red Velvet's Bae Joohyun (Irene) x IZ*ONE's Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader Smut
7,994 words
Categories | principal!Irene x (jealous)girlfriend!Eunbi x student!You, mommy kink, cunnilingus, oral double blowjob, snowballing, cumswap, degradation, female cucking
Surprise, it was a spoiler! Had to move the time to avoid posting in the night lol So... this is dedicated to @subfortwice, who ignites the Dulce Periculum universe, @idevian whose tutor Eunbi ask started it all, to my birthday twin @eunbisrabbit who had the idea of the collarbone thing, and to best boi @sinswithpleasure. I appreciate everything and every one of you guys! And again, sorry for the usual self-indulgent style that the whole Dulce Periculum series is based on XD and the barely edited fic. Eunrene just drive me crazy
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“You little brat.”
That’s the first thing you say the next time you see Eunbi at school. Not even a “hi” or a “how are you,” but when she’s set you up to fuck her teacher and led you into a trap, it’s definitely a nice way to open your little story. This tiny little thing of a story going down, down, down the rabbit hole. 
It’s all her fault. She’s conveniently fended off your questioning of the incident at the Kwon household. Now, however, with her parents nowhere to save her from your schemes, you’ve got your eyes on her. Soon, your hands will be, too. She can’t escape now. 
Eunbi squeals in fear and excitement when you run after her. Alright, so maybe she can escape. That’s fair. You bump through masses of walking students, trying to find her in the crowd. It's impossible to not identify her when her glasses and wavy hair give her away, so your eyes remain locked on her like a sniper. Your hands just itch to get on her. 
Students pass you weird and amused looks. You and Eunbi, after all, are always on some dumb shit. However, you care not for it especially if ignoring them leads you to finally cornering your girlfriend in the backyard school garden. It's a dead end—no windows or doors are here for her to attract help. She's laughing, too, and screaming a little as you pin her to the high school building wall. 
"Mmm, oppa," she giggles between her squirms and struggles, "stop—"
"You think you were slick, Eunbi?" you ask. Your fist keeps her wrists above her head. What a pretty little twist of fate—if she lured you into the trap that's Kim Taeyeon, now you're the one tying her up into your makeshift trap. It's more satisfying than seeing Jo Yuri get scolded. "For whoring me out to that teacher you're so obsessed with?"
She nods mindlessly. "Yesss."
"Brat." Kiss her. She giggles. Of course, that prompts several other kisses. "That's what you are, you know. A little fucking brat." 
Your chest fills with happiness at how she smiles and laughs despite your teasing words. She knows you'd never do anything to hurt her. It's all a little fun play of words. A little skit, to be more truthful. 
Speaking of, there's some factualness to your words, too, and she knows it. Eunbi's crushed on Taeyeon for too long and sees her as an actual mommy that she isn't jealous of your little getaway with her at all. She's probably prouder than you'd assume of her idea. 
But of course, she denies it. Denies it with every inch of her annoyingly gorgeous body.
"Can you please forgive me, oppa?" Eunbi's eyes gleam. "I promise I won't slut you out to mommy again, I pinky promise!"
She's wearing the uniform Taeyeon borrowed, and thinking of how there's still some of your teacher on it, that there's a good amount of your cum embedded into its fabric, makes you more turned on than you should. Eunbi with her arms up in her tiny uniform is an added factor. 
But then there's also a few more classes to attend. You can't fuck her here. You'd love to more than anything, yet Eunbi has her priorities, and you don't want to hold her back.
Release her hands. "One day I'll get back at you," you warn. "You're really gonna get it."
You let her off with a warning. You can be the cop here—you'd cuff her hands with your fingers, tack them to a wall or mattress, teach her a lesson. Tear that cheeky smile off her face and replace it with the lewdest expression. But you're a good cop, or at least, as good as one can get. You know it's what she wants: to be punished incessantly, so you're not giving it to her. It would be putting out fire with fire.
You turn her heel to leave. Like so, you leave her unfulfilled and needy, which is exactly how you want her to be.
"Oppa!" whines Eunbi. She runs after you. "I'm sorry!"
You shut your eyes and laugh. In hindsight, you really shouldn't have. It would have shown you a dash of a shadow mooring and watching, and prepared you for what will happen later on. 
Let's just say later on a letter is written. You and Eunbi don't know it yet, but there is a letter—it's written in rehearsed formality, sent to the principal's office, and given by a person who's got more control than they should have. 
So, again, just for context: there's real parchment sent to her that ties this whole story together. There's a dual meeting, and a whole lot of evidence. Keep that in mind.
It's one giant teenage hell in the classroom.
The boys are gaming on their phones with the Filipino exchange student, who introduced them to League of Legends. The girls have flocked to the bathrooms arm in arm, while the others stay behind to braid some of their classmates’ hair. There’s messy chalked writing on the blackboard, some too explicit to even be allowed (“Wan-pipty for wan subo," courtesy of the Filipino student, of course, and although you don’t understand his language, you have a good idea of what it means), and others promoting their favorite K-pop groups (“stan BLACKPINK, you uncultured fucks!!!!!”, to which someone has replied: “Doesn’t everyone?”).
But what else can you expect from a batch of eighteen-year-olds, especially when it’s vacant time? 
That's right: exactly this.
Either-which-way, it’s a complete mess, is what you’re saying. There's no one around to keep the noisy mess contained, not even Eunbi, who's trying to vent her frustration through doodling on her notebook. She’s already drawn several plotless comics and a rabbit named Bi, but the noise still gets to her. It irks her soul so much that her hands squeeze up and loosen too much of a grasp on her pen.
Click. It bounces back up. You catch it with one swoop of your hand. You could be Spiderman in another life. Watch out, Tom Holland, or whatever. 
“God,” she says, looking up from her notebook with a frustrated, sarcastic smile, “do these people ever shut up?”
You chuckle. You’re an open fan of Eunbi breaking her kind, forgiving character and just growing tired of everyone’s bullshit. It’s an occurrence rarer than thunder coming before lightning, a once-in-a-lifetime show only a select few are allowed to see. She’s too kind, really, that although she's the lead role, she bails out of it often.
Gesture to the messy classroom and say, in a matter-of-fact voice: “Welcome to senior year.”
“Can you tell them to be quiet?” she asks.
“Miss Myoui said only you can.” Quote her: “‘You’re the president, right? You go tell ‘em.’”
Right, Eunbi says to herself. She’s been wrapped up in too many responsibilities—captain of the volleyball team, president of every school club you can think of, plus end-of-the-year valedictorian just to name a few—that she forgets that these positions even hold meaning. It’s the norm for her to be given the highest positions in each category that it’s quite tiring, if she were to be honest. But she has her mother to please, along with herself. She can’t let either of them down.
Sighing, she leans back into her chair. “I just wish everything would, like, stop for a moment.” She closes her eyes, as if to dream of that being possible. Unfortunately, the world goes on with or without the fantasizing. “I wish I could get a break.”
“Hey.” You pat her thigh and caress it above her short school skirt. “Cheer up. You don’t have to be so excellent all the time. You can just,” wring a hand in the air for emphasis, “you know, be okay. Average.”
“But my mom…” 
Sigh. You realize it’s easier said than done. While your parents are lenient and have gotten used to your low grades, your girlfriend’s aren’t that nice. You know that from your visits to the Kwon household. Her mother and father try to be subtle about the pressure, but there’s something in the air that passes and tenses that tells you there’s a lot more to the situation than you think. Whatever it is, it's clear that being a Kwon isn't that fun.
Sometimes you wish you could trade places with Eunbi and withstand her problems for her. You hate seeing her like this. 
“Your mom?” a menacing new voice asks. “Or would you rather say… mommy?”
Eunbi’s eyes open suddenly and enlarge. She recognizes that word, and unfortunately, she remembers using it on someone she shouldn't have been with. So do you, for which you turn your gaze upwards. 
Of course it’s Jo Yuri. She’s your mortal enemy dressed in deceiving innocent school uniform. She’s wearing a knowing smile on her face. It always means bad news, and right now, the main topic of it is you. 
What does she know? Most importantly: why did she say that? 
In your anxiety, you can’t even defend yourself or your girlfriend.
“Y-Yuri—” stammers Eunbi, the look in her eyes being one of a deer caught in headlights. She’s a terrible liar at heart, so even if she were able to finish her sentence, it would have come out oddly. Probably even add up to proof of her guilt.
Yuri smirks proudly. “I know all about your dirty little secret, Eunbi,” she says. “About what you did with professor Kim while everyone was at the Intrams… about what you called her…”
Every step she takes rounding your cluster spells trouble, and you can’t say you didn’t bring it upon yourself. However, you're still scared to death.
“Cut it,” you say. Even for a troublemaker, your voice trembles. Not a good look… er, sound, rather. “We don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Your head races with anxious thoughts and distress. How did Yuri know about that little session you had with Taeyeon? Were you guys that loud? Perhaps she had a source or spy nearby? You've no idea which one it is, and that's what scares you more than the consequences.
Eunbi's silent, refusing to speak. She looks anywhere but Yuri's eyes. Her ears are red and it's impossible to denote anything from the two of you but obvious guilt.
“Oh, is that so?” Yuri pouts mockingly. "Guess you'll have no reason to talk to principal Bae right"—she checks her watch, then smiles widely—"now."
The speaker attached to the wall of your classroom buzzes, catches the attention of everyone and says: "Will miss Kwon from 12-A and her boyfriend please come down to the principal's office?"
Okay, so maybe you are scared of the consequences just as much as you're scared of how Yuri found out.
Everyone's looking at you now. How could you feel so cold yet so hot at the same time? Everybody's eyes are burning holes in your skin, and your spine's undergone several chills that you feel numb already. 
Are you even alive? 
Your breaths are bated and Eunbi's shifting in her seat nervously. You should have seen this happening. Yuri's had a vendetta against the two of you ever since you and Eunbi got together. She's haughty, she's proud, she's rich—and for that, she's got her sources everywhere, can even manipulate official school results through pure influence. You hate yourself for being a terrible boyfriend and letting this happen to Eunbi. 
Yuri smiles as you and Eunbi rise from your seats. She waves goodbye at you coyly, and leaves everyone in the room confused. Each one of them, even the boys gaming at the back, are wondering the same thing word-for-word: what happened?
You don't speak while taking the stairs with her, and neither does she. You don't tell her that you're dizzy from the curving paths and she doesn't say how cold her hands are. However, you both know so, since you're both reluctant and afraid to meet the principal and didn't expect it to reach this point. It's your fault and hers, equally split, the modern day Adam and Eve. Could Yuri be the snake? Would God banish you? 
Probably, but you had it coming.
The steps you take are slow. You're afraid of what might come. But you suppose nobody's more afraid than Eunbi. She's the face of the school for the honors she's achieved. Everything can go wrong with one wrong move, and that's what this is. She put everything on the line, not expecting anything to happen, only for it to be taken all away.
Once you reach the ground floor, Eunbi suddenly grabs your wrist. Her small hand can only wrap around half of it, but her hold is tight. It carries meaning in its tightness, urging you to look at her.
"Oppa, j-just want to say…" She looks down at her school shoes in shame. "I'm sorry for pulling you into this."
You're not mad at her. You can never be. You're just… regretful. If you hadn't let lust propel your actions, maybe there wouldn't be reason for the two of you to be down here. You've been sent to the principal's office countless times, but this is the first time you're actually scared. What more when it's with Eunbi? She's never gotten in trouble before.
"Don't be," is all you say. "Let's just get it over with, okay? Together?" 
Mold your hand to fit hers, and she's smiling again, in spite of what's about to come.
You make the first move to knock. Eunbi nearly cries as she watches your knuckles meet wood. You wrap an arm around her and enter.
Long time, no see. Bae Irene's office is as grand as ever. Seems like this is where the tuition fees go: grand marble floors, a statue of a naked Greek goddess, and a fine desk that sits in the center of the room. Certificates, awards, and medals stack the shelves and walls that put even Eunbi's achievements to shame. Perhaps they're what intimidate her more than the woman standing in front of the desk.
"Good afternoon, miss Bae," you say. 
In certain angles, the principal looks just like Eunbi. Or maybe it's the other way around? The glasses don't help differentiate them. That makes you understand why people have a theory that there's a kind of narcissism in Irene that made her put Eunbi as the face of the school. 
What else can you expect from Irene, anyway? She's older, wiser, and tougher. The last one bears repeating. That by itself should be good enough justification as to why you shouldn't have fucked Taeyeon, why you shouldn't be such a troublemaker. God knows she's tired of seeing your face in here. She’d expect Eunbi would have a good influence on you, but instead, you've turned your poor girlfriend into a nymphomaniac. 
Maybe everything about this is your fault after all.
Irene knows this. "You've turned your girlfriend into one of yours, hm?" she asks. Rhetorical question or not, all three of you know the answer. "First time seeing you here, miss Kwon."
"Miss Bae," says Eunbi timidly. She's trying a diplomatic approach here—it's all she knows in navigating life. Unfortunately, it won’t work here. "We're sorry. It won't happen again."
She smiles condescendingly. "So you know why you're here."
Irene's peaceful yet scary tone is exactly the reason for her English name, derived from the goddess of peace. She looks the part, too. Her pale skin can be the marble used to carve her most holy altar, and her sharp gaze can be replicated in it. She's like an older and more intimidating counterpart of Eunbi. She's smart as well, but not afraid to show it.
"I—I’m sorry," Eunbi says, realizing she's cornered into confession. It's as if all her speaking skills have evaporated in this room. It makes her nervous; you know so because her hand’s almost deathly cold in your touch. "We'll do anything to make it right." 
Irene clicks her tongue. "It doesn't work that way, miss Kwon. You two had sexual relations with a teacher. It isn't something that can be resolved with community service."
How did she know? You think and think, and all your suspicions, though they jump from Taeyeon (she's in the wrong here, too, so why should she be suspected when she's at as much risk in getting trouble?) to Minju (why the angel, out of all people?) to anybody else, all lead to one person: 
Jo Yuri. Of course it was her. But how?
You suppose that doesn't matter now that you're in Irene's office again. What's worse is that you brought Eunbi with you, the one person you swore you wouldn't toss into all your trouble. It feels like betraying her and everything your relationship has promised.
"Look," you say, taking a step forward, "we're sorry. Really. But please just let me take the blame. Suspend me or something. Just please don't hurt professor Kim or Eunbi, miss Bae."
"How touching, Kim Taeyeon's got you head over heels for her. I wonder what made you like her that much."
"Nothing, miss Bae. It was… just a one-time thing."
"I see, so the word 'mommy' doesn’t ring a bell?"
You stiffen. So does Eunbi, suddenly losing grip of your hand and losing her balance a little. In conclusion: yea, that word rings not only a bell, but a whole fucking gong in your mind.
Of course, Irene sees through this and rolls her eyes to heaven, as if she were making fun of you telepathically to an unknown deity. "Oh, so it does, huh?" she says, lifting her hands in the air. It's obvious, really, and she should have expected it. "Of course. One woman treats you like shit during sex and you drool for her. Of-fucking-course."
Your professional principal daring to curse in front of her students catches you off guard. But you know that, despite this, she's right. There are a lot of deeply internalized issues in you and Eunbi that would have reserved the right to be connected to the fling. These issues are the reason you like Taeyeon after all, but justifying the situation using them won't help your case at all. Irene doesn't take kindly to beggars of pity.
She walks over to the two of you. You subconsciously back away. It's instinctive, and you really should have gone through with what your gut tells you when the woman continues.
"I wonder how you ended up with miss Kwon then, if that's your type." Irene approaches her lookalike and laughs a little. "This little girl can't even get on top without begging for your dick five seconds later."
"That's not true," Eunbi stutters. She tenses up when the older woman strokes her shoulders. "I, I take control all the time, miss Bae. You can't just assume…"
If whatever's going on weren't putting your life at stake, you'd let out the biggest laugh to ever be heard by man. It's just insanely untrue. Eunbi's the most passive girl you've had the blessing to be with. It's just not in her to dominate in the bedroom. Debates and civil arguments in school are all things she tops, but when it comes to you, it's just out of the question.
"Then show me," Irene says. Massaging the girl's shoulders, her smirk creates a new punishment for you to abide by. "Show me how you control your bad little boyfriend."
The anxious, whimpering Eunbi has no time to think about how fucked up this is. She grabs your shoulders and pushes you to Irene's desk. She kisses you clumsily, tearing your uniform with shaking hands. 
Her lips create a path downwards your chest. She unbuckles your belt and drops to her knees. You breathe through your teeth when her mouth works itself on your cock. Down, up, down, up, and a sweet little kiss at the tip. Perfect for you, but not for your principal, who has higher standards, apparently.
Irene smirks, shaking her head pitifully. "Darling," she says before she kneels before you, too, "you really don't know how to do this, do you?"
Eunbi shakes her head. The fact that she's ashamed is, unlike her claim earlier, not a lie.
"Ah." In a sudden affectionate and motherly act, Irene rubs the student's thigh. "You're better off being a good little girl, is that it?" 
"Mmm. Yes."
“You’d rather be your oppa’s submissive little doll? Do anything he wants?”
“Y-yes, miss Bae.”
"That won't do here. You have to pay for what you've done, or else it wouldn't be fair."
Eunbi whines. Is it in protest or pleasure? Irene's fingers have crept under her skirt and to regions they're supposed to be restricted from. The cause is probably a mix of both, but you can guess what they're doing when you see Eunbi grinding down on your principal's hidden hand. 
"How about this?" Irene offers to you. "Miss Kwon and I will take turns on you. We test out who can dominate you better, and whoever does gets to do whatever they want to the rest."
"Miss Bae—" 
Irene pulls her fingers out of Eunbi and spanks her. Your girlfriend gasps and her hips flinch. Yeah,  apparently, there's no way to back out of this. "Close the door, slut. Lock it. You, shut the blinds. I don't want to get in trouble for fucking you spoiled brats."
There's truly no resistant bone in Eunbi's body with how quickly she scampers to the door. You can't say you're any better. You and your girlfriend obey the principal's orders like you're her pets, and perhaps that's a little true. Maybe this is the beginning of something new. Something a little screwed up, yeah, but new.
Whatever this is, you hope it'll get you out of getting your life royally fucked over. You used to not give a damn if that ever happened, but when Eunbi's on your side, you become more cautious. 
(If you were in a better state of mind, you’d recognize how having sex with your principal can and will contribute to your cautiousness going to no avail, but you’ve got two gorgeous women kneeling in front of you. What else is better than this?)
"Sit down." Irene pushes you down her swivel chair. "We're gonna have fun with you first. Call this a little," she winks, "practice session."
Your heart almost stops. You're thrust down even more into the cushion, and the foreign feeling of the principal's tongue provides an aching rush of blood to your cock. Meanwhile, Eunbi attends to your heavy balls, licking and sucking at the sensitive flesh. 
Your skin is on fire. The two beautiful women smear their salivas on your erection. Their tongues collide at times, making Eunbi recoil in shock at times, but not for too long that your penis is devoid of attention. Irene doesn’t mind at all. She’s fine with the occasional dab of her tongue on Eunbi’s mouth, and coating the sheen of saliva she’s left with more. No inch is left needy—while Irene teases your base with sharp licks between smirks, the other girl sloppily makes out with your dickhead. 
"Stop. You don't want your boyfriend here to think he can do anything he wants to you.” Irene’s rough fist stiffens the mast of your erection, and although it's pleasurable, it's also painful. Her speed is too much for a start to the show. "You need to put him in his place. Do it because you want to feel good about it, not him."
"I'll show you."
Eunbi departs from your crotch and Irene does… well, nowhere near leaving, that's for sure. It's like your cock was just liquid streaming down her throat with how fast she takes you in. Her mouth is small, but she swallows it all expertly. Her hands tie your thighs down to the chair.
Being in Irene's mouth is a wet dream. Literally. Her slick tongue and cheeks rub your tip. They're just appetizers for the main course: her delectable throat that's thin and tight on you. She's almost forcing you to deal with her relentless blowing, betting her career that you can't withstand it. She doesn't need innocent, Bambi eyes to make it appealing when she has that goddess-like face, yet you have to prove her wrong.
But then she wraps her soft, jutted lips around your base and elegantly slides them up with puckered suction. She's not even fucking your rod with her throat anymore and you automatically say something you shouldn't have:
"Mommy, please."
Irene stops and smiles at Eunbi. "See what I'm saying?" she says with overflowing satisfaction. "It just comes naturally to him, doesn't it? Now it's your turn. Make me proud."
The pupil obeys. When has she ever done anything but that? You aren't complaining, though; her pretty mouth ranks up in their competition. 
The two women are so different in so many different ways. Eunbi's gentle blowing, her eyes glimmering with broken innocence that always dart to your face to see if you're enjoying, is far from Irene's harsh one. She bluntly licks at your tip, sparking precum to drip into her mouth, before she slowly takes it all in. Again, widely different compared to Irene's experienced swallow, but who's keeping note? You sure aren't; you're just glad to have the best of both worlds.
"That's a good girl," Irene says. She gathers Eunbi's hair into a makeshift ponytail to help her out. "Don't be afraid to go a little crazy. If you do a good job I might just play with your cute little pussy."
Eunbi shuts her eyes and moans. Your breath is long gone with how her soft, pleasured sounds vibrate on your cock. If that weren't enough, she's lifting her head up and down with a pace that's a little quicker than before, nudging your cock deep inside her mouth. It's past that, actually; your cockhead slips down the end and bears the overwhelming feeling of her airway blocked by your girth.
"Aw, poor girl's choking," Irene remarks mockingly. "What's the matter, miss Kwon? Can't take it?"
Eunbi tries to surprise her by taking it all down. Unfortunately, it’s too much for her. Instead, she whimpers and chokes. 
While she gags, you moan without shame. "I'm gonna cum, baby," you announce. Your cock feels like it's going to burst with her throat spasming around it. 
Her lips tighten around your tip. It successfully manages to flow your cum directly into her mouth. Irene jacks you off to help out. The younger girl's mouth is soon flooded with the natural waterfall of your cum. It could turn into a natural disaster; Eunbi’s already struggling to save all your load. 
"Don't swallow it. Come here."
Irene forces Eunbi's face to hers and kisses her deeply. Your girlfriend's hands are frozen in the air as they share your cum. The older woman’s hand imprisons her jaw in place so she can greedily collect your cum from the passive mouth. You see the shimmer of your semen as it’s passed from one tongue to another, hear the breathy moan of your girlfriend, feel your cock become more solid.
Irene swallows whatever she's gotten and, as an end to the makeout session, licks the other girl's plump, cumstained lips. "Ah, you’re really delicious," she says. "And your girlfriend's so cute. No wonder professor Kim likes you two so much."
You’re still in shock at the sight, but the mention of your professor gets you to make another comparison with said woman. She and Irene are alike, too, but differ so much as well. They’re both violent, but at least Taeyeon has a nice streak in her; she attended to you after the violent copulation in the classroom. Irene's gentle gestures are done only to please her will. But even with those contrasting traits set in the Venn diagram, you can't choose between the two of them: the dominant principal or the quietly pretty professor? 
Irene pulls Eunbi's hair mercilessly, yanking her head backwards and exposing her beautiful neck. "It's just too bad that she's terrible at being a mommy," she murmurs. Her fingers trace the large tits threatening to burst out of the buttoned fabric. "Such a perfect body for it, but completely useless."
"Oppa, that's not true, right?" asks Eunbi, squirming. "I'm good at being your girl, aren't I?"
"Who was a better mommy, baby boy? Me or her?"
It's not even a question. As much as your heart is biased towards the girl who owns it, it's obviously—
"You, mommy."
"Oppa!" Eunbi protests. She looks genuinely hurt. It's the first time she's ever been second place in anything, and it hits her right where it's already sore.
Irene's grin is smug. It's beautiful, but actually terrifying. It's a sign that everything will only go downhill from here. "What should I do with you two now, hm?" 
"Please,” says Eunbi. Struggling to compose herself now that the principal is playing with her breasts, she fights to say anything without moaning. “Please give me one more chance, mom– miss Bae… please, I'll be good—oh, I'll be so good—"
Your principal drags Eunbi up by her hair. "Stand over there if you're so good, mommy." One swift push sends her stumbling to the edge of her desk. 
Eunbi, sniffling through her tears, awaits her next order. There's something in her face aside from the wet tears; it's a tale of how much she wants to be as good as Irene at using you that competes with her desire to please her. She's been a people-pleaser all her life, and it's hard to break its shackles, especially when Irene orders her to grind herself down the end of her desk, with one rule:
“Don’t cum until I say so.”
The panties slip off her plentiful thighs. She closes her eyes as she settles her nub over the edge of the wooden desk. Slowly, she starts to move.
"F-fuck." Eunbi places a shaking palm over her mouth.
"Exactly what your boyfriend's going to do to me," quips Irene. "See, this is how you put a man in his place." 
She tears her pencil skirt apart with no hesitation. After, she confidently sits on your lap, filling her cunt to the hilt. You tense up; her round ass on your lap is a blessing alone, but when it comes to her cunt, it’s a whole heavenly reward. Although Irene speaks and acts with nothing other than confidence, if not arrogance, her pussy is too tight for your cock to even pulse. When it barely does, her textured velvety walls cease it with a firm clench.
“Holy shit, mommy. You’re so”—between gritted teeth, you groan and rest your hands on Irene’s ant waist—“fucking tight.”
“I know,” says Irene. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
The whole situation is sinful. Watching your girlfriend having nothing to do but touch herself on the inanimate object and helplessly watch the two of you fuck is one thing, but Irene’s perfect ass on your lap is in another world. Galaxy might be more accurate. The melody of their moans causes you to struggle in keeping yourself from cumming too fast, but it’s already a challenge with Irene’s pussy fucking itself on you. She’s as tight as she looks, and probably would have been the ruinable type if she weren’t the way she is.
She leans back into your chest and caresses the side of your face with a surprisingly gentle hand. With timed movements, she lifts herself off and on your erection. Her folds splay apart to welcome you inside, into a whole, slick world. “I guess he’s all mine now, yeah?” she asks Eunbi. “He seems to like mommy better, Eunbi-ya.”
When she’s fingered and forced the girl to sexually stimulate herself on her table, there’s no need for even the polite formalities. There’s not even a chance for it to resurface when Eunbi’s already tearing up. 
“Oppa likes me, too,” she says. The jealousy brewing like a potion cauldron inside her drives her gyrations on the desk to go faster. It’s a fucked up coping mechanism for the sight in front of her. “You still like me best, don’t you, oppa?”
“Of course… fuck”—forget what you’re saying when Irene grinds her hips in circles and bounces her ass cheeks into your lap—“of course I do.”
She certainly knows her way around a dick. Her seductive rounds on your crotch and the measured riding just tell you that she’s had way more than enough experience in this realm, which, in terms of that, places her first. Eunbi’s a sore loser who doesn’t like that fact, but you can’t rig her a place anyway.
“But listen to how he’s moaning, babygirl,” Irene points out. You really don’t intend to moan again in order to avoid hurting Eunbi’s feelings, but Irene keeps a consistent squeeze of her vaginal walls on you and makes all go awry. “He loves my pussy. He loves it when I use him. I presume it’s not the same when it’s with you?”
Try to shut her up by rubbing her clit, but she only murmurs a series of “yes”’s. Besides, the damage, although fired from simple words, is already done; Eunbi’s quivering bottom lip is as clear as day.
“He loves me,” she whines. She squeezes the table tighter, as if the vicinity of the wood can help magick up a proper way to get her to become the mommy she just isn’t. “Hnn. He, he likes me because I’m a good girl.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Irene says, her sarcastically rolled eyes unimpressed. “You’re young. You should know being good is outdated. If he likes it, then he shouldn’t be fucking me right now.”
“Alright, that’s enough,” you say. You stop thrusting upwards into Irene, but she keeps bouncing. The stimulation remains constant. 
You really can’t find your way out of this. Irene’s weight, though light, keeps you on the chair and void of anything to do to break it all up. Your legs already feel weak at her pace. It’s as if she’s completely unaware of how tight and wet she is and therefore subjects you to it, thinking that you can handle it. But of course, she’s an intelligent, self-aware woman—she knows her effect on you, and she isn’t hesitant to exploit it.
Eunbi sobs as she grinds down the edge of the table harder. She can’t take watching you and Irene fuck anymore. "Mommy, please.”
"’Mommy’? Not putting up a fight anymore, are you, pretty little girl?" Irene asks. She pouts mockingly. "Gonna give up?"
Eunbi shakes her head. "No…"
"Alright, if you aren’t, use me. Use your boyfriend. We’ll see what happens."
Your girlfriend bursts into tears. It’s no mere tear sliding down her cheek anymore. It’s a whole fiasco of whiny crying and childish protests. Of course, it’s not in her to fight Irene. She’s remained a diplomatic civil debater, not a physical one. At times she doesn’t even counter an argument, similar to now, when she weakly replies, "B-but I don’t know how.”
“Come on. You’re smart, aren’t you? You can win over me.”
“Mmm, please just let me cum, mommy. Please."
"Do it. I dare you."
"Do it."
"I—I can't!" Eunbi says this in a tone that’s nearly a scream as she struggles to keep herself standing. "Please don't take him away from me, I'm a good girl, I swear, I swear!"
“Oh, look at her, baby.” Irene strengthens the force of her riding. It draws you nearer to an orgasm. “She wants you so bad. She wants to be your mommy so bad.”
Eunbi’s explicit moans and Irene’s soft gasps contribute equally with the silken pussy in draining you. You fill Irene up to the brim. As she stands, white drips down her naked legs.
“You want to be a mommy so bad?” 
Irene slips her fingers inside herself, scooping out white liquid, then walks over to the quaking valedictorian. Under the guise of the skirt, she sticks the cum-stained fingers into the needy little hole.
“Then fucking be one.”
Eunbi screams when Irene stuffs her cunt and fingers her violently. Her legs close together, and suddenly she’s creaming all over the fingers moving unabashedly inside her. Wetness is wrung out repeatedly, and strings of arousal connect and disconnect between the joined fingers.
“Mommy, miss Bae, hnnn…” mumbles Eunbi, mind fogged with pleasure, “mommy—”
“Shhh, that’s a girl, miss Kwon,” Irene says as she offers the nectar-coated fingers to the girl’s mouth. Eunbi gladly accepts. 
To your surprise, Irene seems gentle this time. She pats your girlfriend’s back firmly, even wiping the drool on her lips. Maybe it’s the satisfaction of making both a girl and a boy orgasm. That’s all you can guess.
“You haven’t fucked me like you did mommy,” Eunbi protests. “I want you, too, please?”
“You heard the girl,” Irene says. She’s all for another go. She seems to be the only one not tired between the three of you. Her arrogant smile has not once lost its shine. “She wants to be fucked. Or do you not like her little pussy the same way you love mine?”
That triggers Eunbi to look up with tearful eyes. “Oppa, do you…?”
“Of course not. You can have me all you like.”
“Darlings,” pipes in Irene, “you seem to be forgetting someone here. That isn’t part of the deal.”
Of course. You’re still under the invisible contract she set. As the obvious winner of the battle of wills and domination, she gets to have the nicer end of the deal: to do anything she wants with the two of you. Whatever happens here has to involve her. No one’s going to be left out here.
How should it go?
“I want that mouth on my pussy, miss Kwon,” decides Irene, sitting on her throne (AKA as the swivel chair.) “And I want you to fuck her. Really fuck her. I want to see her break.”
So that’s how it goes, since Eunbi’s too kind to propose another way. She crawls between Irene’s legs, greedily eating the cum out of her, while you pound her from behind. 
Eunbi’s wide hips are just irresistible. They fit right into your hands and serve as anchors to pull you in and out of her. The skirt, instead of infuriating you with how much it blocks your view of her ass and grippy pussy, drives you more insane.
And when you look up, there’s Irene, with her legs spread wide for Eunbi to stay. It’s nice of the deities to create a world where there are so many beautiful women, and for two to be right by your side currently. Maybe you gotta thank the Greek statue that’s privy to the whole thing—you’re pretty sure she’s part of the whole god gang. Whatever. 
Irene’s hands aren’t sedentary. They tug onto the wavy hair for its owner to tongue her core more. The pussy-eating thing is an act of jealousy from Eunbi, really—part of the reason she agreed to eat her out is so she can drink your cum straight from where you deposited it. Safe to say it’s a win-win situation.
“Fuck, you’ve got a good mouth, miss Kwon,” says Irene. She bites her lip, and hisses. “Just like that.”
Even with all she’s done to her, Eunbi mewls in appreciation. Or maybe it’s your cock causing that. Yeah, definitely your cock. You make it a purpose to stretch her out and keep her pretty cunt stuffed. Gently stimulate her bundle of nerves for her skirted ass to reverse back into your crotch.
“Oppa—” Eunbi says, her voice reaching another high pitch due to the pleasure.
“I didn’t say you could stop,” Irene sharply reminds her. “Don’t stop or he won’t fuck you anymore.”
Eunbi gets back to work, moaning after you penetrate her again. You may have fucked Irene, but she still remains in control here. She just solidifies her place in the little contest she and Eunbi had. Your girlfriend, ever the grumpy loser, vents her frustration in eating her principal out, evoking broken gasps from her.
“Aw, don’t be too jealous, Eun,” you say to Eunbi. Her tight pussy is an everyday heaven you, a sinner, are given a free pass to relish in. “You’re still my good girl.”
You can feel her cunt tighten at your words. Eunbi closes her eyes and whimpers while she sucks on Irene’s clit. Her nose presses against the older woman’s flat stomach. 
“She really likes being called that, huh?” chuckles Irene, ruffling Eunbi’s hair. 
“She does.” Thrust into her particularly hard. “She’s a sweet girl.”
Eunbi’s body trembles. Unable to deal with the flood of praises, she tonguefucks Irene’s hole harshly, suppressing her heavy breaths in the pink flesh. 
“Is that what you want to be, miss Kwon?” Irene allows Eunbi to take a breather and lifts her chin up, but renders her breathless anyway with the next set of words. “Mommy and daddy’s sweet little girl?”
The girl’s walls twitch around you, and you hear her whine again. She’s always like that, the poor thing, but now, it’s urgent—it goes on, prolonged with need and desire, that you have to pull her into your lap, cock still lodged inside her, and say: “Use your words, baby.”
She’s a little taken aback, but she’s nodding. Breathing through her mouth in shaky little exhales, Eunbi nods. “Y-yes, please,” she says, as if in a trance. “Mommy. Daddy.”
You and Irene don’t get along too well due to your history of troubles, but you immediately understand each other when you gaze into each other’s eyes. You don’t say a word, but there’s no need for any when her lips are already on Eunbi’s. 
It’s a quick change of positions. You bring her over to the desk again. This time, she’s not merely here to watch, but to indulge in the pleasure of having the two of you at the same time. Buttons fly in the air as Irene rips the school blouse apart. She bares the bouncing tits of any bra then immediately goes to worshiping them. Eunbi’s nipple ends up in her mouth and hardens at the suckles. It was as if she were determined to draw out milk from them. 
“Look at you,” she says. Irene admires the round, full bosom before her, tracing a hand along the flesh. “Walking around with a body like this shouldn’t be allowed.”
“Mommy,” says Eunbi. She shivers when you fill her up. “Daddy, please. I’m yours.”
“Oh, you are.” Irene plays with the perfect collarbone for a while before edging her hand up to her throat. There, she squeezes tight. “Trust me.”
You squeeze Eunbi’s breasts and kiss them. You don’t think there would ever be a time you wouldn’t appreciate her beautiful tits. Irene seems to have discovered their beauty, too, for the two of you start to worship them. Irene takes left, you go right. Each one provides more than a supple amount of softness that with each bite, squeeze and suck makes Eunbi clamp down on your cock more. 
“Baby boy,” Irene whispers. She’s never looked this motherly, yet so seductive. “Remember when I said I wanted you to break her? I still expect you to do it.”
“I’d want nothing more,” you reply.
“Daddy, mommy, w-what are you going to do to me?”
“Bend over, miss Kwon,” instructs Irene, “we’re going to give you what you want.”
Eunbi happily does, and thanks her by slipping her fingers inside her. They immediately set a quick pace to keep her on her toes. 
“God, fuck her,” Irene says. “She’s earned it.”
Your girlfriend’s never been so glad to hear something from the principal. The praise earlier is a close competitor, but when these words are the cause of your cock to begin thrusting again, she still prefers these. 
“Fuck, daddy!”
You match the pace of her fingers in Irene’s pussy. You choose to go brutally, putting her out of her long misery by filling her over and over again. 
“Daddy, daddy, daddy, please!” Her eyes are shut, and her body is still except for the movements driven by your thrusts, but her fingers still fuck Irene’s waiting pussy. She’s a true multi-tasker, this girl. 
How many times has she begged like this today? You don’t know, but it’s the first time that she’s calling you the name. It surprises even yourself that it turns you on. It drives a forbidden feeling deep in your chest that’s exactly what fuels your thrusts. 
She’s finally fulfilled after being kept at the side for practically the whole time, so her screams are also of relief. She squirts so goddamned easily that each thrust is slick and messy. Her folds spare not a second of releasing your cock. No, it holds on, and it’s all too messy. Sinful. Incredibly immoral. 
“That’s it, take my cock, Eunbi,” you groan. The words just come naturally to you, because when she’s absolutely writhing underneath you and her pussy is that tight, you become a philosopher with a way with words. You can write several doctrines about how fucking ruinable she is, how her body’s just fit for your cock, how her thin whines are strung out so deliciously that you could never think of stopping. 
After everything that’s happened, she’s still your girl. She’s still the one you want to take to bed. She’s just that good.
“Daddy, mommy, fuck—me!” she screams. Eunbi’s tears come flowing back. They pour down her pretty face and onto the desk. If there was paperwork getting done on this desk, they’re replaced by Eunbi.
You think she’s gone crazy. Her voice is strained and her fingers almost painfully shove themselves in Irene, like they’re machine-controlled. All different sounds are extracted from her sore throat: moans, screams, and gasps—you think you’ve broken her.
You guess that’s enough payment for Irene.
Irene’s groans and cries are loud; her legs squeeze around Eunbi’s wrist. “D-don’t fucking stop,” she warns. You sense that there’d be more than what punishment is if the girl dares to halt. Eunbi knows better than to, anyway. She continues fingering Irene, exploring the cave of her tight hole and pressing down on her G-spot. 
Eunbi closes her eyes as Irene’s cum sprays her. Now she really looks ruined. She’s already covered in her tears and drool. You guess that soon, she’d be covered in you.
You slip out to flick your cock against her clit. 
“Ahhh, daddy!”
“That’s right. Cum for daddy, baby.”
“Y-yes, yes, yes, fuck, daddy! Keep rubbing my clit like that, it feels so good… it feels so warm, please don’t stop!”
“Cum for me.”
“Daddy!” wails Eunbi. 
Everything is a mess of moans and squirting. Eunbi screams in pleasure, shaking as her folds remain determined to swallow every inch of your cock even after her orgasm, and Irene’s to your left riding her digits, crying out as if she were in a war. And you guess that yea, maybe it is a war—a war of good and evil, a war of the overachievers (that brings a chuckle out of you), a war of sex. 
But in the end, in a feat that no one’s ever seen, everybody wins.
Dear Ms. Jo,
This is regarding your recent concern about Ms. Kwon Eunbi. 
I find that the evidence you provided to me is altered and has been tampered with. After further questioning with teachers and staff, I can conclude that your concern is dismissed and shall only subject you to disciplinary action.
It is strictly prohibited to spread harmful falsehood about your fellow schoolmates. Please see me after class tomorrow.
Principal Bae Irene/Joohyun
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xxlemon-chanxx · 8 months
Why is it so fucking funny to me that your account and art in general has made me into a fucking Belos simp...😭😭💀💀and liking Belos in general... I WASN'T LIKE THIS BEFORE LMAO, and sorry if this is like out of pocket to your regular content with a bunch of drama and asks about said drama and shipping n other stuff, I just rlly like your account 😭😭😭😭
*Holds asker up by the collar of their shirt*
LOOK GUYS! I converted one!
Welcome to the dark side! We’ve got an old man with morals darker than how he drinks his coffee in dresses so scanty it’ll make you forget he tried to commit mass murder! 😃
Thank you so much for this ask! I'm gonna frame this and put it on my wall xD I know the last few posts have been nothing but the “Horse v Magpie” drama, but in all honesty, I think the drama has run as much of its course as it's able to. If anything new happens that I feel is update-worthy or if someone sends me an ask about it, I'm gonna talk about it, but I’ve been dying to get back into drawing some sexy old men.
I'm itching to hold a digital pen again lol. Time to draw some more stuff that will make Philip wanna lobotomize me 🥰👍
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kenobster · 2 months
I never know how to answer these when they appear in my inbox, but I do appreciate them, so have some mass answers to these asks now. XD
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Thank you very much, anon! I don't know who you are obviously lol XD but I'm sure I would send it back to you if I knew 😍 Since I can't, everyone reading this, I hope you have a fantastic day and that you are cheered up and living your best lives. 😊
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@fangeek-girl BOOPS YOU ON THE NOSEEE BACK 🐱🫵😈 (that means I think you're lovely.... OP said so, sorry, I don't make the rules 🤷)
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@willameena and @fangeek-girl again!! What if I attack you???? What if I think YOU'RE wonderful!!!! What then?!?!?!?!?
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@fangeek-girl agaiiiinnn 😍 lmao babe, there are not enough sunflowers on planet earth to send you 🥰🌻🫶
Also sidenote, I've had Sunflower by Post-Malone stuck in my head for about three weeks now. So watch out or I'll serenade you lmao
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now @willameena again hehe XD I love all of these, but my favorites are definitely the ones that tell me to only pass on if I'd like to. Very much love and positivity felt, thank you friend. Back at you! 🫂💞🫂
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Lol, so either one anon was concerned that I wasn't getting asks around November 13 to 14, 2024, or my followers REALLY love me😂 Either way, thank you anon(s)!!! YOU'RE wonderful. ✨ And I hope the abundant acts of kindness featured here maybe cheer YOU up if you need it. 🥰
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@starwalkertales "I would die for you" but would you accept the fact that you're wonderful, too, for me? would you smile for me? would you smile right now for me???? 👀❤️👀❤️👀❤️
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okay sorry i just think its really funny that my first post you saw was "my mom is googling lunches for autistic kids" and decided i was worth the time to go through my blog and follow me. that post didnt have anything to do with me really but you said . good enough !!! folow the faggot !!!!!
Lol I do stuff like that a lot. Plus I thought your pfp was cool so I was like.. 'Why not go and mass like this random persons blog?' Srry bout that btw XD
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kittlesandbugs · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @sidestepping & @askweisswolf, ty for thinking of me!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 62, but if you unstack the one shot compilations... 138ish? if I can math right.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 119,010, and the bulk is FHR lol
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Baldur's Gate 3 and Fallen Hero, previously TWC, Dragon Age, Mass Effect/Andromeda, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Gonna cheat a little and do one per fandom because this is heavily slated towards Mass Effect Andromeda just from age lol
Sleep it off - Mass Effect, Shepard/Aria T'Loak, Shep gets drunk at Purgatory and Aria babysits her
Little steps to the side - FHR, Chargestep/Argentstep/Chargentstep, currently 55? little one-shot fics, usually prompts, sometimes tiny ideas I get in my own head
Space snippets - Mass Effect Andromeda, Jaal/Ryder, a few prompt one-shots that picked up big steam when it finally went Explicit lol.
Bottles of Thedas - Dragon Age Inquisition, Solavellan, 20 short one-shots inspired by the collection of booze you can pick up off the ground throughout the game (minus the Warden mixes)
Business and Pleasure - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2, Exile/Luxa, a re-write/better ending for Luxa gift fic for an exchange
5. Do you respond to comments? I am absolutely terrible at responding to comments because I see them in my inbox and I'm like oh yeah I'll reply to that later when I have time and then.... six months go by... the shame happens... I love every comment I get and I am so sorry alkdsfjoajsdfl
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ehhhhhhhhhh most of my fics are in-between things, not really stand-alones on their own. Probably the one I milked the hardest for the ending of it specifically is Words not spoken (FHR, Chargestep, Ortega visits Riley's apartment post-Heartbreak)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again.... in-between things... the Mass Effect Andromeda and TWC fics are largely feel good fluff, so most of them?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not that I'm aware of, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Typically fluffy and/or hurt/comfort character exploration, although sometimes I feel a need to go for a whump
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't written a crossover since I was 13. I'm 37 now. I don't remember. It was pre-AO3 time for sure. XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I've written fanfics to fanfics by @ellstersmash and @sidestepping because they're both so talented and I Felt The Compulsion
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Whatever I'm currently writing for, in this case... any combo of Chargentstep aaaaaaaaaaand Durgetash lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Me, staring at my endless folder of WIPs, some of which having not been touched in five years
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16. What are your writing strengths? Character explorations, snappy dialogue, short and sweet and punchy
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Writing long-haul, we're here for a good time, not a long time
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Love it when other people do it! Very rarely do it myself!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Megaman X back in.................. 2000-ish? Very bad self-insert script fic lol
20. Favorite fic you've written? I think Time doesn't heal (FHR, Chargestep, all the Rangers and Riley experiencing the 3rd Heartbreak anniversary) is one of my biggest brain moments for writing fic, but Bottles of Thedas (mentioned above) has a special place in my heart for being the first and perhaps only large project I've finished.
Gonna taaaaaaaaaaaag... @astarien, @the-rebel-archivist, @gingerbreton, @rab-bitly, @catastrofriend
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omaano · 2 months
hi!!!! this is so entirely random but: i ADORE your hades x star wars au, it gives me so much!!! seeing two of my absolute favourite fandoms combined in your gorgeous art style (and i know you're trying to replicate the hades style but some of your own peeks through and it is WONDERFUL; also i applaud you for taking on that mammoth challenge omg!!) gives me ALL the feels in the best way!!!!
i think i saw you mention somewhere that while you'd love to write more dialogue/story/interactions, it's not really your thing so you don't do it that often? if i'm remembering wrong please feel free to ignore me but: I AM A WRITER. I ADORE HADES AND STAR WARS AND THIS AU SO MUCH. I WOULD LOVE TO OFFER MY SERVICES IF YOU EVER HAVE NEED/WANT OF THEM!! (if not literally No Pressure but i love this au so much and would jump at the chance to help!!!)
ANYWAY sorry for the really long ask, know that i love your art and this au with all of my heart, and i hope you have a wonderful day!! :D
Thank you so much!! 💕💕 I’ve re-read this message trying to figure out what and how I want to answer to it so many times in the past couple of hours, but I still don’t know, I’m just so touched! I’m so very happy that you like my Hades AU project! (And yeah, good eye, I have been slacking a bit in the style replicating department ^^; at this point I’m just going by what I’d observed when I started with Boba and Din for drawing the characters, and now I just go with what I could make work with my style… I’m glad you like it either way! 🥰)
You saw that right too, haha, that was in another post from yesterday; I really didn’t go at this project with a coherent story, or writing in mind. I’m just not very good at that kind of thing anymore (if I’ve ever been lol), and I truly admire any writer who gathers up the courage each day to put out their stories and thoughts every day for us! Revealing that shit to the faceless masses is hard omg 😳 So I honestly could use all the help I can get (I’m already thinking and pulling a blank at what I will do with Echo and Fives… and all the Jedi in the god roles OTL they were the latest addition and it kinda shows, I have very little idea what to do with them 😅) thank you very much for the offer in advance! I might take full advantage of it (as long as the offer stands) ❤️
But in the meantime if you ever feel like you’d want to play around with or in the sandbox of this AU please feel free to do so and let me know!! Or just your thoughts, brain worms, anything! I’d be very happy to talk with people about this or what are all of your takes on this silly AU of mine ^^ (no pressure or anything, I’m just excited to possibly talk about something that is very dear to me, the art of which I really love to share. Even if we are slowly reaching the part in my notes that’s mostly made up by question marks and “need to look some stuff up for this” XD. Also I don’t think I’ve ever read a hades fic in my life, so I have no idea how that or the gameplay translates between various mediums XD)
I hope you have a wonderful day as well ❤️
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whimsycatcher · 2 years
Hello tumblr, my old friends.... I’m so sorry I keep saying I’m going to be active again, only to disappear after a few posts! It’s been well over a year since I last shared anything! I deeply regret failing to reply to so many messages, and I apologize if I’ve left some artistic obligations unfulfilled (please feel free to let me know if I owe you a drawing).
I'll avoid ranting too much about other things and just admit to this – I’m struggling to draw “for fun” again! I put so much creative energy into a studio job which is frequently burning me out, and even making art to sell at local conventions has felt stressful and dispassionate. I'm grateful I've gained these opportunities but am questioning my goals... My work/life balance is definitely a mess...
Less and less am I caring about getting my real name out to the masses in public or on social media – honestly, I miss partaking in fandom like I used to do! Drawing silly and perverted things for fellow fans of my favourite shows to squee about, lol. I’m just... slowly taking steps to have more free time to do so...
So, SOOOO... I still adore Merthur, and Stucky, and 00Q! But I must credit something new for pushing me toward being here again. I watched “The Sandman” on Netflix and then read a ridiculous amount of fanfic while home sick one day... and now I’m obsessed with the pairing of Dream and Hob Gadling! Another scrawny, dark-haired, magical immortal to be my muse, haha... I’m curious if any of my followers can relate? I’m hoping there’s a community here for it. If not, I was considering starting anew and giving “Pillowfort” a try? I guess I’d be allowed more naughtiness there, too... ;)
Well, if anyone I know is on Pillowfort, feel free to follow me and I will follow back! I have the same handle although it’s a very empty account atm. Not promising to be active very soon but I’m definitely feeling a spark of whimsycatching again. ♡
Much love to my followers, old and new. Hope I can bring some joy with my art again! I have to study how tumblr works these days, haha... what the heck is "Blaze"!? XD
TLDR: RL sucks but I really want to draw Dream and Hob Gadling flirting/loving/courting/fcking ... so this account might come back to life! XOXO
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 175 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the French tamarisk in my garden.
Ahh, love the sirens, they sound very similar to the typical nuclear alarm sirens. I really like that tone, it's relaxing I think... which is absolutely not what these were made for, lol... It also reminds be a bit of 28 Days/Weeks Later, because that song, In a House in a Heartbeat, is often mashed up with those sirens.
I think the idea of mainly describing what items or animals would look like in an post-apocalyptic wasteland is cool!
That warped sound of a croaking bird during the book section is really cool!
"Item: A laughable umbrella." This has to be the absolute best statement section there is xD That poor umbrella! What's it done to deserve this S1 prick!Jon treatment?
"A human bone, that much is clear; too big to be a child’s, at least. Can a bone seem familiar? The shape of it echoing through your mind, like a face seen only in dreams? It may be followed up to a ribcage." Oh, actually, that reminds me... What happened to Jon's rib when he exploded Jared? Did it just vanish with him? Probably, since it doesn’t come up again. Any funny headcanons?
[A STEP, SOME GROANING, THE JANGLE OF BAGS, AND CREAKING OF WHAT IS PRESUMABLY A COUCH AS MARTIN SITS.] JON: "How is it?" MARTIN: "Great! (creak from the couch) It’s great. Lovely couch." There is also liquid to be heard whenever Martin moves on the couch, though I don't know if there's just a puddle supposed to be at Martin's feet or if the couch itself protrudes some sort of liquid... Either way, there is so much regret in Martin's voice and he is just too stubborn to admit it XD
JON: "Right. Well, rest up, I suppose!" MARTIN: "It’s two-seater!" JON: (you are not getting me on that thing) "Yes it is!" [BRIEF PAUSE, IN WHICH THERE IS A SLIGHT AMUSED EXHALE AND ANOTHER CREAK OF THE COUCH.] JON (CONT’D): "Hard pass, thank you." Martin be like "Pls, share this regret with me!!!" xD Or maybe he genuinely wanted a bit of cuddle time with Jon... just maybe... xD
MARTIN: (creak as he shifts) "So it was real then, the Extinction?" JON: "Of course it was real – A-At least in the sense that – it was a thing people feared. Whether it was strong enough in its own right to be considered at a level with Smirke’s Fourteen, or – whether it was on its way to getting there, I – maybe. This sort of thing is always muddy." Still hung up on Smirke's categorization. I've heard theories/headcanons before, that it didn't even had to be 14 marks on Jon, and that just a bunch of them would have sufficed, since dividing the fears is really muddled anyway. So it wouldn't have mattered, if the Extinction had emerged in a bigger way, not for the mass ritual. I generally like that idea.
JON: "But – mostly he was just like anyone else who tried to take the scope of human terror and – (small inhale) package it neatly into little theories." Yeah, that.
MARTIN: "D’you know if – like – gods, religion, the afterlife, all that stuff. Do you know if any of that was real?" JON: (exhale, a bit amused) "Really rolling out the big questions today." MARTIN: "Sorry, it’s just – this place just brings it out in me, I guess." [SLIGHT STATIC KICKS IN AGAIN.] JON: "If there is a god, or gods, or an existence beyond this world, the Eye can’t see it. It sees the fear of it, but – nothing of its truth." Super cool, that this was acknowledged and got really good, believable dodge!
MARTIN: (cutting him off) "I, I know what you meant! I can still be keen to see our friends!" Friends, plural! So Martin does consider Daisy a friend? He did spend some time with her post coffin, so he definitely noticed she had changed, but still Jon spend a lot more time with her. Still nice to see, that it actually was the Lonely talking, when he pushed Daisy away, telling her none of them are actually friends... Also! Jon does prepare Martin here for what’s to come. I think if he already suspected Trevor to also arrive at the same time, he would have told Martin in time. Since that is something that Jon gets criticized for. I think it was actually just bad luck in timing. But yeah, we’ll get to that part in a bit. 
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vorchagirl · 7 months
i am so sorry this is so delayed, but here’s my fanfic asks for you - prepare yourself, my friend! ^•^
16 - 18 - 32 - 38 - 46 - 53 - 70 - 80
*80: what are some of your least favorite ships to read AND write?
16. Do you write by hand, on phone or on laptop?
I do the bulk of my writing on my laptop, but lately I've been writing more and more on my phone because I often find myself with spare time while I'm out and about. I do write by hand sometimes, but honestly, I find my phone more convenient now that I've mastered the art of phone writing, lol.
18. Do you enjoy research? Which fic of your required the most research?
I do not enjoy research, lol. But it's an important part of writing, so I do it when I need to. I think the fic that required the most research was Lights in the Sky - I had to do a lot of research for trauma (emotional and physical), different types of wounds, and I had to contact Spanish friends for some help with my Spanish for Vega, and I had to ask my Russian friends to do some transliteration for Rennah's Russian lines. I think Sweet Little Lies is a close second - I had to do a ton of research for that fic too.
32. Do you take fic requests? Why/why not?
Not really, though I hesitate to say definitely no because I never know when an idea will grab me. I'm always open to drabble requests and love when people send those in, but full fics? Not reaaaally.
I used to take full fic requests, and I had some bad experiences with people acting like they owned my work or getting very obsessive with me and my fics. Mind you, I also have had some great experiences. I'm writing Distance because of a fic request, and the lovely person who requested that fic has been nothing short of friendly even though the fic has become much more than intended!
38. What is your most self indulgent posted story?
Lol, this one is easy. My Mass Effect Andromeda x Harlequin Mills and Boon style romance fic 'The Charlatan's Seduction Plan'. This was a labor of love because I genuinely love trashy romances, and my great friend Kit did the art for it. It was so much fun to write, but totally self indulgent!
46. If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life what would it be?
Probably mirror-verse fics where a good wholesome character becomes evil and obsessive. Like my Subject Zero Kaidan fic 'Through A Mirror Darkly'. I like when a good guy goes bad and gets obsessive.
53. What is the most used tag on yoru AO3?
'Romance' - which shocks me. I thought it would be 'shameless smut' XD
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
I'm subscribed to 15 or so writers - not as many as I should be, but I have a bad habit of following fics instead of authors. Though if you post a fic or chapter and I review rather quickly, it's probably because I follow you!
80. What are some of my least favourite ships to read and write?
Honestly, and this is not hateful at all because I love that some of my best friends are passionate about their ships and characters, but my least favourite is anything with a male Shepard or male Pathfinder Ryder, no matter what the pairing. I just don't especially gel with a male Shepard. I guess because there is such an overwhelming lack of female representation in media I gravitate towards strong female characters in fics.
If we're talking specific ships which I struggle to write or read, I suppose my top 3 are probably Ash x Kaidan, Male Shep x Miranda, or fRyder x Jaal.
Having said that, I can usually read anything if people ask me to - and sometimes I love fics which I never expected to. So I'm always open to everything.
Thanks for the ask - sorry this was so long!
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tealenko · 2 years
mShenko appreciation post...
So... I usually (ejem... better said always, if I'm being honest XD) choose femShep in Mass Effect.
Long story short, I like to play characters in my own gender... Kinda helps a lot with the immersion, despite the fact that I look nothing like my main Shep. And, in the wise words of my brother: "If I'm gonna have to stare at an ass for hours of gameplay, I prefer it to be a woman's ass" (Nothing against men ass' on my part though... I mean, I'm a Kaidan stan 😳😳😳 but I'm week when it comes to females curves ehehehehehe sue me XD)
Anyways... Butt thing aside, I always play femShep. And the same femShep, Mio Shepard. Because I got the fanfic writer disease back when I was like 13 years old and I haven't found the cure yet, so... All I play, write and draw (because I didn't have enough obsessions already lol) related to the main ME trilogy is about my main shep and Kaidan.
I swear I'm about to make my point, stay with me for a little longer XD
Thing is, with the launch of MELE, I decided to see the mShenko romance for the first time (yep, first time... I imagine you can already tell, but I'm that kind of person that once she likes a game, she plays it a 1000 times but always in the exact same way and making the same choices in every single run).
So here we are, a year later, and here's the post about it 😅😅😅
As I told you before, I tend to focus on fShenko. I love the Shenko fandom as a whole, but from what I've seen and from the people I follow, fShenko is in need of more help, support and content than mShenko (I may be wrong here... but the moment your femshep likes dudes people tends to scream at you why you shouldn't be with Kaidan and my mission in life is to always be there to reply that idgaf about how many aliens they think I should bang XD)
Said all that, mShenko.
It's fucking awesome.
Like... Truly amazing.
Tumblr media
(sorry... I had to XD)
I may be biased here, because Kaidan's arc with his sexuality is very similar to my own, but, the whole "At the end of the day, I'd love you no matter what gender you were" is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life.
I was also very surprised by the amount of differences there were between both romances... Both of them top tier. And, against all my expectations, I can comfortably say that they are equally good. So if you love Kaidan and you've only seen one side, I really recommend you to check the other (learn from my mistakes ehehehehe although I think I've enjoyed mShenko 10 times more than I would have before making a few discoveries about myself... so I'm kinda happy it took me so long. Now it feels more special to me <;3)
fShenko has all the young, pure~ish, forbidden, cute and heart-racing vibes in ME1 *chef's kiss* and then (after a bit of angst) you have the mature, long-lasting, I'd die for you romance that we all deserve.
mShenko, on the other hand, is more Kaidan focused in my opinion, which I truly like, and his realization of what is love (🎵) and what Shepard really means for him, which I find extremely cute and beautiful.
And I'll admit, I'm the first to complain about Bioware (perks of being a forever resident of the shenko vortex) but I have to congratulate them on the way they wrote mShenko in ME3.
I really thought it would be ultra cringy and forced, because that kind of evolution is not the easiest to write, but I was sooooooo wrong and I'm sooooooo glad that I was. So yay~ to Bioware on this one!
So, yup... I wanted to do a quick post and here we are now, an hour later ehehehehehe 😅😅
Anyways, and to wrap this up, just sharing an opinion (or ten) here... I was just thinking about it today and I felt like writing a post about it (there's always room for more Kaidan appreciation posts <3).
If you ever wanna talk with me about our beautiful canadian marshmallow pm me, tag me, etc. If you respectfully disagree, feel free to tell me how you feel about all of this in a comment. And if you disrespectfully disagree (I don't think that's a term that exists but I'm gonna use it anyways XD) feel free to ignore me and go on with your life, it's not that difficult.
That's all, I think...
Hope you have a lovely day/night.
Imma go to bed and read some fanfics before I fall asleep.
bye bye!!
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Ahh... So sorry if this is a difficult task, considering the potential backlog of images if you are to apply this suggestion retroactively, but what if you also tagged reaction images by what type of image they are? I.e. photo, mspaint, anime, videogame, etc.... It could be helpful for those who are looking for very particular types of images but not necessarily searching by emotion, i think. Thanks for your time and effort, keep up the great work 👍
This is... a REALLY good suggestion, and it's something I wish I'd thought of back when I first started this blog! xD
Alas, you've hit the nail on the head - at this point, the backlog is,,,, [peers at stats] well over 4,000 images at this point, and even if I knew of a mass tumblr post editor (which I don't lol) I'd still have to go through all of 'em manually to twig which one was from where :P
So, unless I get hit with some wave of hyperfixation to carry me through it (and also actually have the free time needed to DO that), I'm afraid I don't plan on making any reteroactive changes to the tagging system T_T
(Thank you so much for the suggestion and the ask, though! <3)
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
Oooh boy am i late to this!
🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool people✨🎶
I was tagged by @papermint-airplane thank you for the tag and I'm sorry it took me 21 days to write this, lol.
Because I've absolutely fallen in love with Baldur's Gate - there will be some game music here this is all game music. I haven't been doing much else but listen to those and play the game, and well write fics xD Songs are under the cut!
I absolutely love this one so much sooo much. Such a great song for the game. I previously loved Mass Effect's soundtracks but I felt Dragon Age wasn't as good. BG3 totally hit it out of the park in ever aspect of the game.
Just reminds me of all the times I sat on the title screen listening this xD
So this one plays when you have to go save a kid from Harpies. For those that don't know Harpy is a creature that can mesmerise you with a song like a siren. And let me tell you - i was ready to just walk up to their nest hearing this.
Probably the best song in the whole album and it's even better when you know who Raphael is xD
One of my favourite battle songs
And now I know no one is going to listen to these. And let's face it - it'll mean little to anyone who haven't played the game so no worries.
Anyways, I'm incerdibly late to this so I do not know if you guys did this already or was asked before but here goes the tags:
@echoweaver @simstryingtheirbestok @treason-and-plot @hazely-sims @tsims @ares-in-a-jar @kfvarela @kevinvoncrastenburg @weisskralle @lemontreesims
No pressure to do, read this, like this or anything as usual! Aand if you want to do it and wasn't tagged yet consider this your tag and go ahead and do it!
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
Damn last time I posted here I said I'd see you the next evening but now I'm here 3 days later. Sorry about that XD
Life really will screw you over like that.
Anyways, now to the points...
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"Also I agree with the user, show proof or shut your mouth you dumbass." Lol that sure is ironic, considering the fact you give no proof of any of the claims in your post, especially when I know the stuff about Club and Tri is wrong, and you're also supporting the Probium person when all they do is scream baseless slander and isn't even brave enough to fully admit they're against Club, when it's obvious they are. Probium, very much like you, doesn't want to hear anyone but themself and spouts whatever bullshit they want. (And I'm not sure what pronouns Probium uses, so I'm just gonna use they/them for them for now. If someone informed me what pronouns they use, that'd be helpful. Bc I'm not gonna unblock them just to check lol.)
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Nah the reason he was banned is bc you petty losers mass-reported him, smh. "I wont mention they are for their safety" You only care about their safety when they're on your side, hm? "Cuz tri twat stalks this blog like the petty bitch she is." Uhh no??? You're the ones who harassed her and the reason why her and everyone else against you looks at your blog is bc we want to prove your shit wrong and stop you. Keep crying over people defending themselves, lol. " those rp journals have been deleted, alongside his ‘pushing his special needs agenda woa is me boo hoo’ journals." Special needs agenda?? HELPPP these people are making up the new "gAy AgEnDA" over their bigotry LMAOOO. "Dont bother coming back, we will always be watching," Honey you can't say that then tell me you aren't creepy, obsessive stalkers lol. "WE WON." Yeahhh no you didn't, Club's friends, such as me, will always support him and remember him fondly. I'm still on DA and contributing to his group and also speaking up for him here, and you can't do nothing about it. Club also has amazing friends who miss him and still want to talk to him. And despite how big you talk, there's nothing you can do about it. It's pathetic.
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Ain't no way DADramaNow expects Club to be able to identify every single one of Sam's THOUSANDS of alts lmao. How the Hell is someone ALWAYS supposed to know???
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Lol here's an instance of DADramaNow attacking a kid just bc he's friends with Club, and also calling him a "pedo in training"?? Ew. "hey robert, if ya hate pedos, why ya hanging with club pedoverse? " Hmm maybe bc he's not a pedophile?? And once again, if Club WAS a manipulator and groomer, that would be fucking horrible to blame and attack the kids for being manipulated. Face it DADramaNow, you aren't the good guy either way.
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Proof, lol? And remember sweetie, screenshots don't count!! <3
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Tbh I wouldn't want to be in those groups anyways if they believed your ableist bullshit.
Anyways that's enough for now, I'll HOPEFULLY be here again tomorrow evening, bye Tri!
Looks like those criticizing our existence just want leverage, as always.
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coffee-or-murder · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme!
Tagged by @beingatoaster and I am......so late because I just learned how to search for people tagging you in things sorry lovely >>’ 
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway / Most of these are dnd fics, but some are fanfic I’ve been noodling with yes Sig I’m getting to them leave me be you mad little beastie you
1. "Lemon was nearly breathless from dancing between strangers and friends and back again, the magic in her gut simmering low and pleased and warm.” ((Burning, Lemon centric drabble about her crush on Cael and why she’s so damn ashamed about it))
2. The conservatory was always Rosalind’s preferred place to conduct her daily routine of large meetings, grandchild wrangling, morning and afternoon teas, and one on one discussions. ((Teatime, Rosalind confronting Ursula))
3. “Lemon! I’m not leaving you!” Isgrac called back as she ran ahead. ((The Sewers, Nightmare of the parties time in the sewers that just....refuses to be finished idk why))
4. Tadhgán wasn’t sure if he’d done something truly awful in a past life, or what deity he’d crossed, but he really did not understand why the Bakhouzin family felt the need to keep threatening him. ((Danya’s Request, Tadhgan gets a letter from Danya requesting a meeting at her estate))
5. “Lemon’s gone Doran. Left town a week ago with Bells for her own fuckin safety. Her own mother did this to her.” ((Tidbits, Benji talks to Doran about Lemon’s situation. Well rants mostly.))
6. Panic settled in the pit of her gut like a stone. Her breakfast tray sat in the little cubby beside the door to her lab, loaded with food and a pitcher of hot water, but there was no note. ((Unnamed intro to Bell’s (an important NPC’s) backstory, was going to be posted as part of a homebrew campaign that crashed and burned >>’ ))
7. He was used to not being noticed, despite being nearly six foot five in massive clanking orange and silver armor. ((Moments Past, Robin/Kellum/Donnel fic that I’m writing purely for myself lol))
8. The air of Tuchanka burnt his lungs when he stepped off the transport. ((The Flame of Tuchanka, a Wrex/Shepard story taking place during Mass Efftect 2-3 with flashbacks to 1 that Sig keeps bullying me about >:( ))
9. The motorcycle raced down the narrow road leading down into the valley, its headlight casting strange shadows against the tall trees arching over the cracked pavement. ((Doesn’t have a name yet, super in production. Stardew Valley with a protag focusing on the magic/mystery side of the game with Seb romance))
10. Commander Jane Shepherd of the Ferngill Republic Special Forces was an interesting woman. At least, everyone in the valley assumed she was. ((Also unnamed Stardew Valley/Mass Effect crossover, done entirely as a dare by one of my beta’s who said they bet I couldn’t figure out a way to cross over the two and have a Harvey romance. I’ve been using it as a pet project of genre mashups and how they can work together. Mostly having fun pictuing a retried Shep settling down to farm and romance a cute doctor lol))
Tagging whoever wants to do this! Everyone I would have tagged on tumblr ie the whole dnd group who writes was already tagged I think XD 
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Hi! Just wanting to talk about the Shadows Of Rose DLC!
First of all, your talk of it was amazing, and I loved how you analyzed it completly- amazing work!! I found you while scrolling through the tags for Resident Evil 8, and you've earned yourself a follow!!
Secondly, I'm a little on the fence about them turning Redfield into a villain. I mean, at this point of the universe, he has already lost his younger sister, Claire and her (Boyfriend?? Fwb??? What is Leon to Claire?? Tbh I've played resident evil but I just know Claire died? I didn't get too far into her and Leon's relationship, I only say boyfriend as that's what it seemed like in Resident Evil 2) Friend Leon.
He's also seen that most of the big organizations, The B.S.A.A, The Connections, Umbrella, can't be trusted at all since all three are connected due to the megamycete. Tbh, it's all but fair for him to become a villan- but a villain who destroys things that those three companies are doing.
I never really liked Chris in Resi evil 8 (Coughs awkwardly at the fanfiction I wrote) because he was basically just hiding things from Chris. Why the hell did he not tell Ethan before idk fucking kidnapping his goddamn child?? Oh, and not to mention this whole thing probably wouldn't have happened if Chris LET ETHAN HELP IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
Also, what idiot puts Miranda- a person you know can connect with the megamycete and you don't know if she's dead or not cause you used regular bullets- In the same van as the two people she was trying to kill?! If that isn't the stupidest fucking move known to man then idk what is.
So on one hand, yes, Chris deserves to be a villain cause he's been fucked over by the system. He's lost his sister and Leon and possibly many other friends because of Umbrella and the other corporations. I feel f
On the other hand, Chris is already a fucking villan. He betrayed Ethan's trust, he 'killed' his wife infront of him, he didn't tell Ethan about the entire plan until the end, and after Ethan died, he apparently didn't tell Rose nothing of her. That's a shit move tbf.
Anyways, sorry for just ranting, I thought it was interesting that Capcom would be making Vhris the villain, when he's already halfway twords being one.
My only hope is that he doesn't drag Rose in on this quest for vengeance or whatever it is lol.
Hello and welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay, I love talking when I have a shit ton of feels, and I'm so happy when people enjoy my ramblings :D
Again, I have only seen gameplays of re7 and re8 (and played the main of re8 myself a bunch of times) and absolutely nothing else of Resident Evil in general so I don't know that much about Chris as a character. I tried to make sense of his actions in re8, even wrote a post about it, but this dlc really isn't giving me much to help. I don't even have any explanation as to why he'd put Miranda in the same van with Ethan and Rose in the first place, I'm guessing it was a second van? And she just killed everyone there and just attacked the other van that Rose and Ethan were in? Idk and at this point I don't know if I want to care XD
And yeah if you ask me, Chris did the exact opposite of what Ethan asked him to do. I saw so many people being like Daddy Chris! and I was like I don't know shit about him but it doesn't look like he's fit to be a good parent? Not exactly out of his own fault, like he has seen and been through a lot of tough shit, while trying to help kill bioweapons and focused on the greater good, and I understand the whole feels thing of him having someone to take care of, but if we're being a little rational here, he shouldn't be the sole custodian of a child who can potentially cause mass deaths if she doesn't feel loved enough.
Ethan said with his dying breaths that he wanted Mia to keep Rose safe, he wanted her to be with her mother, and what we got was Chris going like "I can use her to grind Mirander evil guys into paste!" and never reassuring her emotionally. Ethan got a few moments with her and it was all it took for Rose to accept herself, powers or not.
Yeah idk I'm not being here like hating on Chris or whatever, I'm just very between "They're gonna make him a villain" and "Should I care about him and be invested in him?" because on one hand it would make sense with all the writing choices, on the other I don't know if they're bold enough to make such a beloved character a villain. I don't know. Maybe they'll just go that way in re9 and we'll just realize we were being stupid for worrying XD
Never worry about ranting! As I said, the DLC touched me so much and I have SO many things to say about it, so I'm really glad when people prompt me to talk about it!
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shamelessrabbithole · 18 hours
Bunny, I got blocked by Larsen too XD WTF I use a private account to follow celebrities basically (I follow less than 30 people, I don't have a picture or posts) and twice today I checked who I followed and she kept disappearing from my follow list. I might have seen her story like... twice. And now I go to check her profile and I can't see a thing. I didn't even interact with her, not a like, not a comment. I don't get it, she has over 600k followers, is she blocking any random person who checks her stories? Or is there a way to block people by groups on insta? I think there's a way to do that on X (for instance, you can block people who follow a certain person). I'm pissed off now lol
Isn't it the WORST??? I've been blocked by people who have a small following and I assume they don't want to be stalked by an account like mine, (which is similar to the kind you're describing). Now, I've been blocked by Larsen, who is arguably a well-known celebrity that has no reason to pick off random accounts indiscriminately.
I think there might be weird triggers on instagram that follow an account's every move. Say, if a profile pic is updated or a name change occurs. And, then the automatic default to that is limiting the account's instagram activity or something. In this case, maybe it alerts certain verified accounts that they've got followers engaging in "suspicious" behaviors, and offers to mass block those followers because they seem like bots?
I really don't know, but it is so big-brotherly and invasive. And honestly, extreme bullshit. I feel like more of this sort of thing goes down in election years because Meta is pressured to increase its policing of content and such. Sorry you had to become a victim of it.
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