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La new wave del jazz italiano
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?te (Whyte) presents: "Finally"
March 2023 - ?te (Whyte) is an artist with a passion for creating music that extends far beyond the reaches of entertainment. In other words, she wants to reach deeper in the hearts and souls of her audiences, going for a diverse and one-of-a-kind experience.Listeners who enjoy the work of artists such as LNDFK, Yume and Bjork would find it very easy to connect with "Finally" by ?te (Whyte). Much like the artist named above, ?te (Whyte) is all about capturing the essence of her emotion and artistry. "Finally" is a great example of what it means to make music that’s deeply personal and spontaneous, while also very immediate, like some of the most inspiring Chill-Hop music out there!Find out more about ?te (Whyte), and listen to "Finally". This release is currently available on Spotify and many more of the best digital streaming services out there.
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Napoli, quattro giorni di musica per Capodanno 2022
Napoli, quattro giorni di musica per Capodanno 2022. Il programma Capodanno 2022/2023 è parte integrante del progetto avviato lo scorso giugno, "Napoli Città della Musica", che ha l’obiettivo di mettere Napoli al centro dell’industria musicale nazionale e internazionale e farne una capitale della musica anche per favorire il turismo nella terza città d’Italia. I quattro giorni di musica a Napoli, iniziativa unica in Italia, saranno la declinazione della tradizionale festa di Capodanno in una lunga festa popolare che soddisferà sia i partenopei che il milione di turisti attesi in città. Un’occasione per tracciare nuove buone pratiche di sviluppo in chiave economica, sociale e culturale, in linea con la programmazione culturale del Comune di Napoli e della giunta Manfredi. L’idea artistica generale è raggiungere più target possibili, grazie a spettacoli trasversali e policentrici, gratuiti e dal vivo, in diversi luoghi della città, con un programma che pone grande attenzione ai giovani, senza dimenticare bambini, anziani e chi è in situazione di fragilità. Si inizia giovedì 29 dicembre con "QUALCOSA ARRIVERÀ AUDIOVISUAL LIVE PERFORMANCE": evento live fatto da giovani talenti, selezionati da Accademie e Conservatori, in memoria di Pino Daniele che coinvolgerà altre figure artistiche simbolo di Napoli come Eduardo De Filippo e Massimo Troisi. Il secondo giorno di eventi inizia la mattina di venerdi 30 dicembre nel segno della positività con un pensiero agli invisibili come i ragazzi dell’Istituto Penitenziario Minorile di Nisida. Con uno spettacolo musicale, ideato e diretto dal Maestro Carlo Morelli, dal titolo That’s Napoli Live Show gli ospiti del penitenziario potranno ascoltare il Coro della Città di Napoli con in scena giovani cantanti e musicisti per un fantastico viaggio dalla canzone classica al soul partenopeo, delle villanelle al blues. Sempre la mattina , per la prima volta a Napoli, un "Capodanno dei bambini" con il Castello Musicante: attraverso il gioco, le bambine e i bambini saranno accompagnati in un lungo percorso di apprendimento e di intrattenimento educativo grazie alla magia della musica. La sera ci si sposta a Piazza del Plebiscito, dove il protagonista è Rkomi. Il cantante milanese, con mamma di Fuorigrotta, è tra gli artisti più rappresentativi della nuova scena pop e rap. Icona televisiva è soprattutto una figura centrale della discografia italiana grazie ai suoi record di streaming e vendite. In apertura del suo concerto, che sarà in full band, sono state selezionare alcune delle figure femminilədella nuova musica napoletana di matrice cosmopolita come La Niña, al secolo Carola Moccia, ibrido perfetto fra Rosalía e Teresa De Sio; LNDFK, ovvero Linda Feki, figlia di due diverse culture: madre napoletana e padre arabo. La sua musica subisce l’influenza del jazz, del neo-soul e dell’hip-hop. Lil Jolie, pseudonimo di Angela Ciancio, stella nascente del rap femminile nazionale che ha collaborato con artisti top della scena italiana, come Tauro Boys e Vipra (ex Sxrrxwland); NZIRIA, il nuovo progetto di Tullia Benedicta, natə a Ravenna da genitori napoletani, che integra le forme e i temi portanti della canzone neomelodica rigenerandone tuttavia lo scenario cis-eteronormato. Attraverso un cantato potente e androgino reinterpreta le storie stereotipate, quasi archetipiche, del neomelodico, cantando di amore queer e di tutte quelle identità non statiche ma in continuo divenire. In apertura di serata si esibiranno tre giovanissimə cantanti selezionate tra le tante proposte vulcaniche che la città offre: Ste, IOSONORAMA e Gaiè. Sabato 31 dicembre, terzo giorno e fatidico Capodanno, le iniziative iniziano sin dal mattino con le orchestre giovanili di Napoli. Dalle ore 11 presso il Palavesuvio di Ponticelli ci sarà l’esibizione de l’Orchestra dei Fiati di Città Metropolitana di Napoli formata dagli studenti di dieci licei musicali. A seguire l’esibizione dell’Orchestra Scarlatti Junior con musiche di M.A. Charpentier, J. Sibelius, J. Strauss, G. Gershwin e un particolare omaggio a Napoli e al grande Antonio De Curtis. Dalle ore 21:30 un equilibrato mix di leggerezza, buon umore e musica ci introduce al nuovo anno attraverso uno spettacolo trasversale che ci accompagnerà fino al countdown della mezzanotte. Il grande evento ha come mattatore Peppe Iodice e con lui il cast del Peppy Night (Francesco Mastandrea, Francesco Procopio, Daniele Decibel Bellini) con grandi e graditi ospiti: Belen Rodriguez, Stefano De Martino, Biagio Izzo, Gianni Simioli, Lina Sastri, Clementino, Andrea Sannino, Rosario Miraggio, Gianluca Capozzi. Dopo la mezzanotte gran finale con dj set Daniele Decibel Bellini e live di Lucariello e Franco Ricciardi. Per l’occasione è garantita la mobilità pubblica con un servizio no-stop di metropolitana Linea 1 e Funicolare centrale. Ma la notte del 31 dicembre Napoli diventerà anche "ETNICA" con due discoteche all'aperto sul Lungomare . Il progetto prevede l’unione di suoni e canzoni dei popoli che si affacciano sul mediterraneo, non ultima la canzone napoletana di ieri e, soprattutto, di oggi. Fino all’alba del 1° gennaio 2023 una originale e trasversale miscela musicale fonderà i ritmi, i suoni e le lingue delle diverse etnie che si affacciano sul "Mare di Mezzo" con l’elettronica e la dance prodotta all’ombra del Vesuvio. Alle consolle e on stage della Rotonda Diaz si alterneranno i set elettronici di Aüra; Da Believer, Fiona Kraft; Gianni Romano e il live del cantautore Emanuele Romano. In simbiosi con l’esibizioni live lo show del Circo Nero Italia, fatto di mimi, attori, danzatori, coreografi e atleti, e poi di costumi, luci ed effetti speciali, esprimerà tutti i codici dell'entertainment più contemporaneo. Invece il palco in Piazza Vittoria diventa un dancefloor con connotati pop, rap e dance. Si parte con la voce dell’astro nascente della musica italiana DADA’, del rapper Tueff e del cantante Andrea Settembre e si prosegue con i dj set dance, hip hop e rock di DJ Cerchietto, Danilo De Santo, Irene Ferrara e Rossella Essence supportati dal vocalist Goldie Voice. Prima della notte del 31 dicembre, Etnica sarà anche un party diffuso e itinerante nei luoghi simbolo della città, gli spettacoli sul Lungomare avranno infatti un prologo nei giorni precedenti il Capodanno: una serie di performance a sorpresa verranno realizzati nelle piazze e nelle vie più amate dai napoletani e dai numerosissimi turisti. Infine il 2023 inizia nell’insegna della tradizione classica. Domenica 1 Gennaio, nella splendida cornice della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore un concerto dedicato al Maestro Roberto De Simone per cominciare nel suo nome l’anno in cui cadono i 90 anni dello straordinario compositore. In programma un’importante cantata composta per il Santo Natale, il Mottetto natalizio "Quem vidistis pastores", per soli coro e orchestra attribuito a Carmine Giordano (1685-1758). Si tratta di una composizione riportata alla luce proprio dal Maestro De Simone e da lui revisionata. Il Mottetto ripercorre la storia della produzione napoletana, un momento musicale al quale Napoli, segnatamente presso la Basilica di San Domenico Maggiore, non ha mai rinunciato sin dal 1737. La Cantata è legata all’insediamento di Carlo di Borbone e allude proprio al bisogno di rinnovamento culturale della Città. Direttore del concerto è Alessandro De Simone. Le prove del concerto sono aperte al pubblico nella Basilica dello Spirito Santo nei seguenti giorni e orari: mercoledì 28 e giovedì 29 dicembre dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 18.00, venerdì 30 dicembre dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 17.00. Info su https://www.comune.napoli.it/ Pagina Facebook: Comune di Napoli e CulturaNapoli... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Ecco le artiste di seconda generazione araba che stanno rivoluzionando la scena italiana
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Ceres per il future waves festival.
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An exclusive playlist about #music and #poetry @dlso_ x #LNDFK x @MGMTBLT x @Feelin_Music x @HUBFirenze ► http://www.dlso.it/site/2017/03/29/lndfk-linda-feki/
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Various jams. Assorted Flavors.
Tracklist: Sa-Ra Creative Partners - Hollywood (redux) Alfa Mist & Emmavie - Easily, I Forget Yasper & Philanthrope - Lost Amber Mark - On & On Men I Trust - Sorbitol Juicebox & Wes Wax - Upwards Jazmine Sullivan - Tragic Jordan Rakei - Bruises Elujay & Serpentwithfeet - Luvaroq Bonobo - From you feat. Joji Men I Trust - Before Dawn Moonchild - The Long Way feat. Chantae Cann & Josh Johnson Amber Mark - What it Is Arjuna Oakes & Serebii - Even When You’re Gone Silas Short - Queen of Paisley EEK - Leven Kali Benny Sings - Look What We Do feat. JONES Radiohead - Climbing Up the Walls (Zero 7 Mix) Jay3m/Northerndraw - Reposado Pilar Vega - Dear Men Sidibe - Ready Enough feat. Devin Morrison & Herb Alpert AGNEZ MO- Patience SiR - Jay Z Mary J Blige - Here with Me feat. Anderson.Paak Saba - Still feat. 6LACK & Smino Witch Prophet - Musa feat. Stas THEE Boss (Remix) Immy Owusu - Mantra Ego Ella May - Introvert Hotline Farnell Newton & Gxldxn Fxnch - Wednesday Erykah Badu (Happy Birthday!)- Bump It Sam Sparro - Outside the Blue feat. KING LNDFK - Smoke - A moon or a button Devin the Dude - Soulful Distance The Foreign Exchange - Happiness KeiyaA - Every Nigga Is a Star
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Linda from LNDFK shot by me in Naples
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Hug Fest: la nuova rassegna a Bari
Hug Fest: la nuova rassegna a Bari
Hug Fest, sito nella venue dell’Officina degli Esordi di Bari è una nuova rassegna musicale ideata e prodotta dalla collaborazione tra Playbrown Group e Bass Culture. Con l’attenzione posta sulla scena musicale attuale, l’HUG fest sviluppa l’idea dell’abbraccio che avviene tra artista e spettatore creando dei live unici in una location allestita in modo altrettanto unico e suggestivo. Sei…
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Puntine #40 - Canzoni da ricordare questa settimana
#angelo de augustine#best music of the week#best music september 2021#Jolly Mare#kate bollinger#LNDFK#marina herlop#musica nuova settembre 2021#Pink Siifu#playlist settembre 2021#Sufjan Stevens
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Dream: Gloom
Slept at approximately 3 AM on 7/7/17, recording at 10:09 AM on 7/7/17.
I remember being in my neighborhood. It was a dark, gloomy day with no clouds in sight and was quite windy. It was about 6PM, the sun was going down. I remember being outside my house talking to the people in the house on the corner two houses down from my house.
The weird thing is, the occupants of the house were different from the real life counterparts. In reality, the people who lived in the corner house are a black family. In my dream, the family was switched out with my neighbors from across the street.
I only remember talking to one specific person. I don’t remember his name in real life or in the dream, but I talked to him like I knew him. Let’s call him Edward. I was walking outside the corner house, which was painted a dark yellow, when I saw Edward walking in and out of his house, to and from his car which was parked behind a tree, outside of my view. While he was walking in and out, he was talking to me about how depressing his house looks. A fitting conversation for the weather. “Can you imagine if my house was a nursing home,” he asked. “Man, if your house was a nursing home, I would probably...” I said. I don’t quite remember what I said at that moment, but he laughed, probably in agreement. I then remember a white man, approximately in his 30s, that shares a striking resemblance to John Luschek in the show ‘Orange is the New Black’ appears seemingly out of nowhere and is obviously displeased with what he sees. He tells us to stop talking and get back to work. Suddenly more people appear around us. I remember a black man, an Asian girl, and one more person that I can’t quite put my finger on; possibly a white guy; all were about 18 years old or older. We were standing in the same spot when suddenly, it was 7AM. Luschek then tells us that work needs to be done by 5:30. “In order for shit to be done, I better not hear any talking.” He gave us more anecdotes on what would happen if we talked and then we walked in the direction toward my house to work. There were 5 of us workers, each were paired. I remember thinking that if each worker was paired, then someone would be left alone. I looked around and realized that I was the one that was by myself. The sun was now shining prevalently, but was now really windy. I happened to be walking quite fast because, apparently, the wind was lifting my feet with each subsequent step. What was previously a fast walk, was now leaps through the air with insane amounts of hang time. I remember taking one huge leap, but had more hang time than I anticipated, which botched my landing. I landed with my hands and feet on the floor, looking in disbelief at my coworkers. They were just as surprised at what I had done and went to talk to me.
Not long after this, I remember I was paired with the Asian girl and we were now on a slow moving train with an open ceiling. Our job was to look for something. What we were looking for, I was unsure of for a while. I remember talking with her about certain things, but otherwise, we stayed silent for most of the time. We didn’t quite know each other that well, so we needed to build everything from the ground up. I didn’t even make any jokes for some reason. We went through urban areas and suburban areas; both of which had nothing of interest; as well as industrial areas; which, oddly enough, had the most interesting things. We saw an old building that was probably a restaurant. This is when I remembered that my cousin Jonathan was with us and said that the restaurant might have had spicy food. This was also when I realized that we were tasked with finding spicy foods. We travel more through the industrial area when we come across dirt mounds accompanied by dirt terrain. Among the dirt was an old, colorful, wall that stretched for a mile or so. On one part of the wall was a phrase ‘Kitty Poison.’ This is when I see that the wall, in addition to the colors, was patterned with cats as well. This piqued the Asian girl’s interest very hard. “What is that?!,” she exclaimed. We both wondered, what is Kitty Poison? And what did they do? We researched it on my phone and saw that Kitty Poison was a theme park that shut down quite some time ago.
After some more time on the train, we stop at some stairs and descend. I can’t remember if Jonathan or the Asian girl was telling me about squares and this is where I would find them. We looked to be under a massive freeway underpass. No natural light was coming into the underpass, not even from the stairs that we descended. Very bright lights were set up at key locations, so it looked like night time with the lights on all the time. It was then I noticed that the walls were covered in graffiti and that there were people walking around with armored vests and assault rifles. I was genuinely confused and scared. Why were we here? Why are they packing so much heat? I then remember Jonathan and the Asian girl calmly walking around the corner that we were hiding behind. I was scared beyond disbelief, but nevertheless, I followed them. To my surprise, as soon as I turn the corner, there is a full cafe with all you can eat food and bottomless coffee and drinks. Despite this awesome deal, only 3 tables out of the 10 tables or so were taken. There were a lot of single chairs that were taken however. I get my food and get some drinks and sit down to eat when I notice that my uncle and my dad were sitting at a table, engaged in conversation. My dad was talking while my uncle was listening. This weirded me out, but not as much as I though apparently because I forgot about this immediately. This is when I learn from Jonathan and the Asian girl that this is an Army base. I then look around to see people who really don’t look like they are in the army eating at the cafe. I remember talking about this one guy’s duffle bag which has pixelated anime characters on it.
The scene then cut to a bunch of army personnel running away from something while shooting back. The commanding officer of the unit then runs toward the camera and talks into his comms. “Command, is drain 2 still operational?” More gunfire and men frantically shouting is heard just behind the commanding officer. Before command could answer, the commanding officer of the unit jumped into the drain and commanded his men to do so as well. Despite being only big enough to fit one person at first, the deeper you went into the drain, it got bigger. After sliding along the drain for about about 5 seconds, the commanding officer then found himself hitting something hard. Weird, because this is supposed to be a drain. He shined his light on what he landed on and looked in horror. Bones, some new, some old. Shortly after this, his men land in the same spot with him. Instead of successfully running away from what they running from, they went straight to it’s lair. The walls around them were not a metal drain anymore, but dirt. They could hear the monster shrieking around them. If anyone tried to dig, the shrieking got closer, as if the monster was right on the other side of them. One of the commanding officer’s men couldn’t take it anymore and killed himself by putting a gun to his head and fired a shot. The shot caused the monster to shriek loudly and more prolonged than usual. The men mourned their dead comrade and started to plan a way out. One of the men starts climbing out. For some reason, the monster did not shriek at the movement. It was then that the man started to feel a rumbling. Suddenly, water starts rushing down the drain that was thought to be inoperable. This causes the man to be pushed back down to the bottom with the rest of his comrades. He tries to climb back up and his hit with another stream of liquid, though with not nearly the same amount of force. Upon closer inspection, the liquid appeared to be yellow in color. He realized what this was and the terror in his head almost reached to the amount of terror he felt in the monster’s presence (or lack thereof). He climbed more and more until he saw the light at the entrance of the drain. The euphoria he felt was inconceivable. He made it.
This is all I remember...
#Nujabes#Fat Jon#Tsutchie#World Without Words#Force of Nature#Samurai Champloo#LNDFK#Think Beautiful#Kitty Poison
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Beats n’ Beans episode #18 is now online!
27:34 of good brand new music including LNDFK, Bastien Keb, Miloux, Fehdah, Equador, Lost Midas and Smerz.
Follow me on fb: https://www.facebook.com/beatsnbeans Youtube Instagram: osso_gh
#new music#djset#dj set mix#brand new music#kitchen music#nu-soul#nu-jazz#nusoul#nujazz#lndfk#bastien keb#miloux#fehdah#equador#lost midas#smerz
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Stasera 1am "Dopo il live di #lndfk la seconda parte di #musicalbox #radio2 è affidata alle mani di Dj Pandaj: gli abbiamo dato un tema, lui ha pescato dai suoi vinili. Overdubs by #vaitea #argentovivo
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'LineUp!', al Mattatoio di Roma i nuovi linguaggi del pop al femminile
‘LineUp!’, al Mattatoio di Roma i nuovi linguaggi del pop al femminile
Read More(Adnkronos) – LaHasna e Nava aprono l’8 ottobre, poi LNDFK, Joan Thiele, Elasispettacoli(Adnkronos) – LaHasna e Nava aprono l’8 ottobre, poi LNDFK, Joan Thiele, ElasiAdnkronos – ultimora
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Domande assurde e dove trovarle. Rido troppo. Sto aspettando che ci venga chiesto se sappiamo il numero della tinta usata da Gazzelle.
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