#LMFAOOOOOO fuckin god
ventcode · 2 years
i feel a bit better atleast
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I posted 1,757 times in 2022
That's 1,750 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (2%)
1,718 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,756 of my posts in 2022
#humor - 343 posts
#about me - 322 posts
#the witcher - 136 posts
#adhd and autism - 123 posts
#queer shit - 113 posts
#quotes - 100 posts
#fandom - 90 posts
#art - 74 posts
#music - 62 posts
#writing - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#not me just realizing the other day that my imposter syndrome is usually not 'what if people realize i'm not a real [artist/writer/whatever
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh "I'm so old mimimimi" my first music player was a Walkman I had a treasured copy of Michael Jackson's "Bad" on cassette how was your FIRST an mp3 player you tiny person. XD sorry I'm just like. THAT makes me feel old. I always forget how young you are XD XD XD bless.
i also do in fact know how to work cassette tape stuff. it would take me a minute to like, remember all of that if handed a player/cassettes because it's not ingrained like CD and later stuff is BUT. i do know.
ALSOOOOO i was going off the first thing that was Just Mine when i was a kid 😂😂😂 first portable music anything at all was the portable CD player w/headphones.
15 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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Saint Clementine Chasseur, Patron of Lost Faith and Impossible Decisions
rewatched season one and Clementine definitely deserved better, despite the atrocities. anyway this concept wouldn’t leave me alone. on deviantart as well
15 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
merry timezone, i have finally watched The Old Guard
i am about to rewatch it, about twenty minutes after having finished it
i am not okay and i will not be normal about this
good day
19 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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inspired by this comic, i experienced an extreme desire to see lambert in a tassel jacket and a “baby slut” t-shirt good thing i can technically draw and refuse to use this skill for reasonable things, instead i make bastard art with my bastard hands and make that everyone else’s problem
50 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i keep seeing posts about how people are nervous to accidentally like an old post/video/whatever, and how “annoying” spam likes/reblogs are or whatever and just
neurotypicals: here are all the weird, complicated, nonsensical rules for interacting with other people. if you mess them up you’re weird and wrong and people will hate you social media: i am a totally new way to interact with people!!! brand new, no need to follow entirely arbitrary social norms about it as this is so innovative that they don’t apply! neurotypicals: i am going to make weird nonsensical rules about this too (:
476 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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erwinsvow · 6 months
Pope + JJ + reader = my favs 💗💗
god please stop... theyre my bfs in my head... the dynamic.. the banter... esp with shy reader STOP!!!!!! and if rafe ever cornered her for a conversation theyd both swoop in so fast !!! and then he realizes what's going on here and rafes like these pogues are disgusting double teaming a girl like this.... strengthens his hate lmfaoooooo
but seriously just to briefly expand; early mornings with pope and making breakfast to bring back to sleepy jj, not going anywhere without one of them at your side, dinner with pope's family and his parents don't know the dynamic but jj lets something slip or calls you 'their princess' or something so goofy and cringe mr heyward is like.. son. what is going on here. sitting in between them in the front of pope's truck (!!!). sitting on the dock all pretty when they help out pope's dad or are making deliveries waiting for them. they use their tip money to buy you something pretty n you put it on for them at night <3 constantly searching for somewhere to sneak off to that can hold all three of your since each of you have tiny bedrooms.. have been caught fuckin' in the back of the twinkie at least twice.. you go to john b when you're mad at your boys and he's like "nah, you guys fucked up, she's mine now. ain't that right sweetheart?" and you nod but you laugh bc noooo !
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analogboii · 15 days
my gm just told me they're opening a new store up near her place. it's also next to the kc speedway (racetrack) and in the legends shopping center (iykyk) they offered her the store and she's thinking about it. but she wants me to take over our store if she does because she doesn't want our hard work to go to waste.
i have turned down every gm offer i've gotten over the seven years i've worked here on and off. and i always told them im never going to be interested. bc i know how fucked over gm life can get. i prefer to just be the agm where i can do a lot but am not the fall guy lmfaooo. basically all of my gms (except the one i have now) were basically figureheads and i ran the store.
and i plan on moving next year anyway. i'd only be gm for like six months before i leave. that being said. six months which most is over summer - our busiest time of year. where i get my biggest bonuses which would move from 30% to 60% if i become gm (all my other stores were never busy enough to make a bonus that even mattered, here, they're pretty fuckin' hefty sometimes) hmmmmmm. she's the one that reminded me of this part. she knows my weakness is my greedy little brain (she's the same)
god i love money so ig we doing this lmfaoooooo
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softhairedhotch · 10 months
HAHAHAHA NO WORRIES PLS TAKE UR TIME TO ANSWER MY ASKS!!!! hope u are had a good sleep n are taking care of urself 🫶🫶 and AWWW THANK U pleaseeeee i wish i really did actually Write Write 😪 i just have a very active imagination n too many thoughts...
BUTTT i have to admit.. i did come up with a male oc last time.. may have dumped many thoughts about him n aaron... the premise is that oc joined the BAU and somewhere along the line, aaron and him became FWBs 🤭🤭 n they text A LOT which forms the basis of their friendship n closeness.
i think some of these scenarios r SOOO FUNNY EMBARRASSING bc there's so many ways where i picture them getting close calls and ALMOST getting caught. like they're both super intelligent n responsible men but the moment they're insanely horny... their brains fly out the window 😭😭... but i'd say it'll be AGES before i ever publish something concrete bc i need to brush up my Descriptive writing skills first LMFAOOO (bc i'm more of an academic writer which just focuses on getting to the point so my vocabulary is like. Horrible.) but lmk if u ever wna hear any of them bc i'll be more than happy to share HEHEHE .
maybe one day i'd just come off anon n create an account to actually talk Talk to u but I'm Shy 😪👉👈 LMFAOOOOOO SORRY this is SOOOO funny thinking abt how i literally said the most god awful filthiest things abt aaron n im yapping abt being embarrassed
I WANNA ANSWER YOUR ASKS IMMEDIATELY OUGH THEY'RE JUST SO GOOOOOD!! curse stupid silly tumblr app formatting asks so that i can't read it when i'm tryna answer </3 and GOD I GETCHA, that's how i used to be and sometimes get with some characters/fandoms but with aaron i just gotta WRITE !! i have way too many ideas though so i only get the short one-shots out and not the stuff i really wanna write, like the multi-chapter fics n angst and stuff with my ocs </3 i'm praying i can sometime soon
YESYESYEYESYESYESYSEY I LOOOOOOOOVE MALE OC'S HOLY FUCK PLEAE PLEASE PLESAEEEE LEMME KNOW ANYTJHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR OCS!! like i live off of oc's, ESPECIALLY MALE OC'S oh my god i have SO MANY and so many plans for aaron x male oc fics. i have some mostly written but ending them is HARD.
i looove the idea of FWBs hehe that's sooo good. like they get stressed on a case and end up fuckin somehow (even better if it's the classic one bed trope) and oop it just becomes a habit hehe :') LMAOOO I LOVE THAT THO, THEM CONSTANTLY ALMOST GETTING CAUGHT BC THE MOMENT THEY'RE HORNY THEY BECOME DUMB NEEDY MEN LMFAOOO. i can imagine them just being silly n super casually walking to each others rooms at the hotel and like dave sees aaron walking toward's oc's room one night and is just like "you sure that's your room, aaron? 🤨" and aaron is just like "oh... right... yeah... wrong room" and walks back to his own room in embarrassment LMFAOOOO. dave cockblocked him fr BUT YES PLEASE TELL ME ALL OF YOUR THOUGHTS I WANNA HEAR THEM FOREVER AHHH ANYTHING ABOUT AARON N OC'S WOULD MAKE ME SO HAPPY
omgomgomg if you did that i would DIE i'd be SOOOOO EXCITED SDKHFKSDFJ but don't feel pressured to !!!! like i understand that you're shy hehe (me too!!!) but just know i would LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE to talk to you!! but i do love talking to you over anon too, so do whatever you feel comfortable with <3 feel free to carry on sending the filthiest asks, it makes my day lol (and feel free to talk about literally anything you want as well, i'd love to get to know you!!)
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
Vi is currently screaming in headspace from their seat on the bus about this. The whole time she had tried talking to her ex friends about it back in middle school, they acted like how some people do about Rick and Morty (ie. "It's far too complex for you to understand." or whatever). This info literally clicks so many pieces together kekw.
– Quackity 🎲
the literal tl;dr we give people is "four kids play a game and end their world, and meet twelve aliens who did the same, and now they have to work together to make a new world" like thats the most basic premise it can be boiled down to imo
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yvningshowers · 3 years
My sister has been married for five. Five years. She is three. Three years older than me. And she is inquiring me. Me. About the taint. Her poor fucking husband.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Stopppppp. But also - yes.
She’s breathless, giggling as Harry holds an imaginary microphone to her, “Mrs. Styles, how would you rate your recent dick down?”
“Oh my god,” She laughs, pushing his wrist away, and acting like she’s considering it, “Eight out of ten.”
“Eight? You fuckin’ kidding me?” Harry remarks with a low growl. His hair was matted to his neck from the sweat of his exertion.
YN huffs with a humorous eye roll, “I literally had to pry y’mouth of me to get you to finally stick it in. You got distracted right when I was about come by my tits bouncing.”
“First off, y’pussy is like gold and I can never get enough of it. Second, when you were ridin’ me, they jiggle right in front my face, ‘course I’m gonna pay attention to ‘em,” He shrugs unbothered, rubbing the pad of his thumb against her nipple to prove his point.
“I don’t know how, I’ve breastfed three of your hungry children and now they don’t look like they use to,” YN frowns, looking down as he caress them.
“Now our babies are strong and healthy because of it. Y’so fucking hot it’s stupid,” Harry murmurs with a kiss to her neck.
“I stand by my eight.”
“Bloody unfair! How would y’rate my cock?” Now he’s just reaching for a compliment.
“Ten out of ten,” YN hums, brushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead, “No improvement needed there, perfect for me.”
Harry preens boyishly, “S’perfect f’you? Fill you up nice, darling?”
“Five out of ten on your dirty talk,” YN cackles when his face falls and he grumbles.
“Y’fibbing, both know it gets you off. Now what were the highlights?” He prods as he reaches over for their clothes because the don’t have the luxury to sleep naked.
“Hmm. I liked when you lifted my thigh up when you were on top. It felt good when you were sucking on my neck when you teased me before putting it in. What were mine?”
“Where do I start, mama? Ten out of ten ‘cause your fucking gorgeous. Ten on how fuckin’ good y’feel around me. Ten for perfect and pliant Y’got underneath me. Ten because I’m fucking in love with you,” He lists of, leaning down to place a trail of kisses in between her sternum.
“You could have anybody. So many girls want you,” YN murmurs because she liked hearing his reassuring response.
“Doesn’t matter, you know that. Showed you that, made you m’wife, put three perfect babies in you, and made y’my baby mama.”
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dream-to-be-frog · 3 years
small things i adore about dil dhadakne do:
how farah picked ayesha to dance with and how in scenes they are both in they genuinely get along and seem to talk and enjoy each other’s presence....
the way they seem like real people..... when ayesha asks for a divorce her voice starts off hushed and choked..... when she tells her family she doesn’t want to be with manav anymore (the first time, on accident) she walks out and her freakout walking seems natural.. like i walk like that when i am sick and anxious after an outburst....
the sibling interactions are actually SO GOOD... when kabir is laying on ayesha’s bed and steals her ice cream just to mess with her and in gallan goodiyan when they hook arms and are just being silly goofy together without it seeming weird or forced or weirdly sexual between sibling banter (a trend that fills me with fear and makes me want to puke) and how they support each other, especially against their parents
the couples all have like. really good chemistry. (noorie and rana we see less of but they’re genuinely cute too.) like sunny and ayesha have so much shit they haven’t even discussed but are so very obviously in love with each other. like how farah and kabir are in such a new relationship but everything kind of clicks for them but the arguments and fights seem natural for how new it is while also showing their closeness.
the way all of the family is shown to have problems... kabir is an ass businessman and doesn’t know what he wants out of life besides that it is not this...... ayesha hates her marriage and can barely stand her husband and has so many unresolved feelings for sunny...... neelam kind of sucks but i DO feel bad about how awful it must have been to know your husband was cheating on you but not be socially or financially in a place or society to leave him and how that makes her binge eat....... how kamal definitely sucks but he has anxiety and shit... like i may not like the parents but at times i can sympathize and they are both very human even in their badness... anyway y’all all therapy please my fucking god
the FRIENDSHIPS.... you can tell even in limited interactions how much kabir and noorie love each other, how close sunny and ayesha used to be, how well ayesha and divya get along even though they probably don’t see each other so often despite being cousins, how divya and rana and noorie are all friends now,
they have some really fucking good dialogue.... once again it flows very naturally and this is a very repressed group of people so whenever something comes to the surface they have to make sure it’s done right and it always is... the ayesha and sunny arguments are always so real sounding.. yo
the way that ayesha followed farah out when the fake noorie news came out... BESTFRIENDISM
kabir holding sunny’s entire head and saying seriously into his eyes: “i love you” (and then running off yelling “ayesha is getting a divorce” so true bestie)
kabir jumping off the fucking cruise ship like booboo the fool and sunny yelling right before he jumps “NO NO THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT” LMFAOOOOOO
mixed feelings on priyanka chopra as a person but she is SO BEAUTIFUL THIS WHOLE MOVIE her outfits her makeup her hair flawless i am so gay
the way that when kamal goes to attack the ship people to get a lifeboat all his friends are like okay i guess we are holding these random authority men down despite yelling at his son who he is trying to save like 3 minutes ago
neelu saying let me come with you! if not now then when! and the way ayesha fuckin’ dives under that man’s arm right as sunny comes barrelling towards him trying to help her get past and him asking are you okay. listen this whole scene is so good
“sunny? mera intezaar karoge?” “HAMESHA KE LIYE”
how this scene doesn’t wrap the movie TOO perfectly? it’s like: they are all trying to do better, but they are still working on it, and there are a lot of things they’ll need to learn to communicate through and work on together but maybe things can be okay
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
decided i hate myself enough to rewatch nancy drew. nd became a hyperfixation for me realllllllll quick and i invested way too much emotion in it because lbr i have no idea how to regulate that shit. anywho #ndthoughts that no one asked for (and dont fuckin ask me either i dont wanna explain)/(block these tags, seriously)
i have several Unpopular Opinions™️ about nancy and most of them are due to the fact that i think she and i are similar in veryyyy many ways and not a lot of good ones. for starts the emotional vs intelligent aspect. nancy is highly intelligent but it's my personal opinion that intellect and social aptitude are trade offs, ie you have one and lack the other. i identify with nancy as a combo of "my way is the only way" combined with "she's the best there is at what she does, but it's so fucking annoying to admit bc shes kinda arrogant about it"
anyway. onwards: AUGUST 25, 2019 // the pilot
-i wonder who nancy's high school bf is and if hes relevant (its a small town after all)
-i fuckin knew lucy wasn't actually murdered bc there was no body, thats like step 1
-my HEART for her hairstyles that aren't body waves with a middle part (god i miss s1 hair looks)
-"it's like that but with no shark" LMFAOOOOOO TIFFANY STOP
-also, who was she on the phone with in the beginning? laura maybe?
-"why does he say your name like that"/"you mean do it for you?" --> these girls are sooo hype to the fact that nancy/mcginnis is a thing (and he's soooooooo eager to pin her w/ something #weirdobsession #intimidated) don't ask me about my nancy/mcginnis thoughts honestly
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: nick is a total asshole for forcing nancy to confess their "relationship" in front of the crew
-^and him following her was a tad creepy but it worked in her favor so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-LOVE the nail polish thing, need me one of those
-"this time next year i'll be in college"/"oh, and i won't?" nick we're not FUCKING TALKING ABOUT YOU
-"like i know more than you?"/"we're helpful" nancy: i'd rather die
-honestly, how the fuck did karen/carson even happen (looking for honest takes here)(i'm not honestly i'm not)
-"hooking up" like father like daughter 😌
(i have a literal venn diagram of nancy's similarities to carson, ryan, and both carson's is called "irony" and ryan's is "foreshadowing") dont even think about asking me about it pls
-nancy is kind of a dick for still asking about jail in the car
and my final thought (about time, bitch🙄): when do nancy's inner thoughts stop? i know they do but ive never actually pinpointed when. to investigate
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
ALSO ALSO lmfaooOOOOO my mentioning of Dog The Bounty Hunter in my last post made me suddenly wonder who the fuck Dog The Bounty Hunter even IS, and if he would in fact fit the stereotype of his appearance - an obnoxious and violent racist. lmfao i was SO hoping to be surprised but uhhh
In early October 2007, Chapman gained negative public attention after a private phone conversation between him and his son, Tucker, was leaked to the media. The conversation was about the relationship his son was having with a black woman. During the recording, Chapman can be heard saying "I don't care if she's a Mexican, a whore or whatever. It's not because she's black, it's because we use the word nigger sometimes here. I'm not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked for 30 years because some fucking nigger heard us say nigger and turned us in to the Enquirer magazine. Our career is over! I'm not taking that chance at all! Never in life! Never! Never! If Lyssa [Dog's daughter] was dating a nigger, we would all say 'fuck you!' And you know that. If Lyssa brought a black guy home ya da da... it's not that they're black, it's none of that. It's that we use the word nigger. We don't mean you fucking scum nigger without a soul. We don't mean that shit. But America would think we mean that. And we're not taking a chance on losing everything we got over a racial slur because our son goes with a girl like that. I can't do that Tucker. You can't expect Gary, Bonnie, Cecily, all them young kids to [garbled] because 'I'm in love for 7 months' - fuck that! So, I'll help you get another job but you can not work here unless you break up with her and she's out of your life. I can't handle that shit. I got 'em in the parking lot trying to record us. I got that girl saying she's gonna wear a recorder…".[40] Once the tape was made public, A&E announced it was suspending production of Chapman's TV series pending an investigation.[41][42] On October 31, 2007, Chapman issued a public apology,[43] but on November 2, 2007, A&E announced it was nonetheless removing the show from their schedule "for the foreseeable future."[44]
Have you considered??? maybe just???? NOT saying nigger???? is your compulsion to say nigger REALLY so inescapable and uncontrollable and all-consuming that it’s more practical to just disown your family if they bring home a black person than to just Not Say Nigger?????? lmfaooOOOo i cannot IMAGINE being so small and empty inside that the word nigger takes up THAT much space LMAOOOOOO oh my GOD!!!!! if you are REALLY so determined to Not Lose Everything.... THEN JUST DON’T SAY IT LMAOOOO JUST DON’T! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS NOT!!!! DO NOT!!! THAT’S IT!!! YOU’RE DONE!!!! bc CLEARLY people caught you saying it anyway lmfaooOOOOO it doesn’t matter if your kid dates a black person, if you say nigger, you gon get caught eventually! 
also???? apparently his Real Name is “Duane” and just
how you gonna be named Duane and not let your kids date black people?????? fuckin mooch ass poser. change ya name to Dennis or shut the fuck up! 
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its-nebula · 4 years
for the dr boys you simp for, what was the exact moment/scene you knew you started simping for them? like personally for me, i liked kokichis character from his intro interaction with kiibo, because i feel like you got a sense of his youthfulness so well. but it wasnt until the “its a lie!” scene that solidified my confidence, i was like...oh yea. this punk little shit gets on my fuckin nerves time to SIMP. i also liked nagis character from the beginning but ngl i did question if i rly did like him in or if i was just being influenced by the hype making me think i liked him bc i knew how many people loved him. but the final dead room sealed the deal for me when he played rr because i was like this mans really is so chaotic im kinda impressed? like??? big phat SIMP hours???
Nagi- I agree with you, I was skeptical because of how many people in the DR fandom love him so much, but like, this man was fine from the beginning. I'd say it was locked in when I found out he was dead and I literally wanted to CRY and I usually don't get so emotionally attached to characters like that.
Kichi- W e l l. Like I said, after playing the game I was still prreeeeeeetttyyyy ticked off about how he killed off my bug boy Gonta. Chapter 5 redeemed him a little bit, but the scales didn't really tip for me until after I started to really write for him. I'd say when I wrote "Self-Sabotage" is when the simpery was fully locked in. The reason I say this is because whenever I write, I like to get into the head of the characters; think about what they'd say, do, etc. Usually to do this, I open up a video of their voice files and free time events (it's kinda tough for me to write characters like Rantaro for example for this reason), and I started to understand him and his reason behind things better.
Chihiro- Alright, alright, alright, alright. So since I am bi, I already had kind of a crush on Chi when I thought he was a girl. Now mind you, this is the first DR crush I ever had and it's still going strong to this day! Unfortunately i had the reveal spoiled for me, but when I actually found out why he got killed and the moments leading up to it, my heart strings were TUGGED and I didn't want to leave my bed for the rest of the night. I respected him so much for wanting to become stronger, and I really FREAKING wish he lived at least a couple more chapters, god damn it. To this day, he's an inspiration to me, and I feel like we could all take a few notes about toxic masculinity from his trial. Real talk.
GUNDHAM TANAKA- when I heard his voice LMFAOOOOOO. Okay okay if we're being serious then I'd say during Chapter 4's trial is where I noticed that on the inside he's just a big softie and he rrally cares about his friends. He's more nice than he wants to let on, but he also wanted them to fight for their lives instead of telling them straight away. This struck me as he's a very complex character, much like his hard ass trial, and yeah.
Kiibo- His love hotel scene! Not much to say here, but, boy oh boy. It was just so ridiculously cute that like how could I not fall in love with this man immediately? I'm not going to lie, I find 95% of the DRV3 characters to be attractive, but he just stuck out to me (no offense Kee-boy, I'm not robophobic I promise ;w;). I also like how he took up responsibility in trial 6, even though that trial blows, but he was definitely my favorite part of it.
Shuichi- Not just the fact that he's my favorite protag of the 3, but I feel a lot more of a connection with him. After trial 1 I was pretty bummed about the whole Kaede thing, even though I did NOT see that coming, but Shuichi stepped up to the plate nicely. I think when I started simping for him officially is when he gathered up the strength in Ch4's trial to finally admit to himself and everyone else who the killer really was. I've never cried during a game, book, or movie, but that trial got me the CLOSEST to doing it because I felt a tear starting to form, seriously, and it didn't help that Razz was crying while I was watching the video as well. It was all around just an emotional moment and I'm happy Shuichi was able to keep himself together for the sake of everyone, even though everyone loved Gonta.
Honorable mentions-
Ryoma- Kichi took his spot in the top 6 lmfaooo but he is right behind them all at the #7 spot. When I learned his backstory my heart melted.
Rantaro- I can see why so many people guessed him, because as Ive said before and will say again, this man is FINE. If ik more bout him then yeah.
Kiyo- I swear to you all. This man was going to be my favorite in V3, but then they just had to to go anD FUCK UP HIS CHARACTER LIKE THAT- i'm fine.
Kaz- He's great, don't get me wrong, his obsession with pale blonde princesses is a little bit concerning, but we all have our flaws baby.
Kuya- i was simping for this man very very hard a couple months ago, but then I realized he would probably see me as a peasant and that made me sad. plus what he did in ch2 was kinda fucked up looking back.
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no-droids · 4 years
Y’all I came here for the Mando smut months ago and love it and now you’re out here writing for all the Hot Space Babes in a galaxy far, far away and I feel like a proud mother. Like you disappear for school then drop some of the best writing I’ve ever seen (not just smut or fanfic but novel length stories) like some sexy bomb and watch safely from a distance as everyone spontaneously combusts. Basically you’re amazing and I’m so excited for all your content ❤️
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tbh I totally don’t even mean to disappear what ends up happening is I’ll set a drop date for a fic before I finish it and then I’ll spend all week working on it to get it out on time and I’ll put off all my homework, and then I’ll have to pull all nighters that weekend just to keep up with my schoolwork
anyways god bless you thank you for being so amazing and lovely and patient with me fjfksjfngkfe🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 you guys are so fuckin cool
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androphobias · 4 years
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@withmasks​ sent: 🌌 !! ///// some munday asks i’m fuckin LATE to
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
damn i can only choose one part? 
ok fr fr i. really do like meeting new people..... maybe it’s cheesy but pretty much all of my significant friends for the past few years or so have ALL been through rp. whether that was my old group of friends through..... well. coughs. h*mestuck rp or my current close friends whom i Adore ( hope’s beginning squad rise up ) with danganronpa. its just. nice :) 
and i like talking to new people on tumblr here too.... ive only been here forl ike what. one month? two? but everyone is so nice 2 me and my writing.... it’s fun!!! 
but i also like seeing people’s portrayals bc god knows the dangan rpc treats the girls better than k*daka ever did lmfaoooooo 
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reasons why Tumblr is a cesspool of hell
- extremely volatile userbase; they will drag your name through the mud and harass you if you make the smallest "mistake"
- no dissenting opinions allowed!!! you must join the hivemind circlejerk or you will be subjected to the above
- really good art but god forbid you draw something in a slight variant of the official design
- are you cis, straight, and white? or even... male, god forbid? then you might as well gtfo right now because they fuckin hate you
- drama. constant drama. this site is populated by mostly teenagers and immature adults, after all.
- everything is about sex. EVERYTHING.
and companies still want to buy this?! lmfaoooooo this is the worst userbase ever lmfao
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morethanmeetstheass · 6 years
hey hi i LOVE your blitzbee fic, it's the only thing getting me through finals
first of all, oh my god, thank you????? that makes me so happy to hear, im halfway through the next chapter but im taking a break to draw,, blitzbee lmfaoooooo
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