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tinogiehd · 1 year ago
george guzzled fag juice today or smth because he sounds so fucking gay
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ahaura · 2 years ago
yellowjackets s2e9 lb
"the wilderness chose" I DONT THINK IT DID BUT OK!!!!
ok but like. the wilderness"" might have gotten into them but they CHOSE to do it that way like they CHOSE to let javi drown/freeze to death i think thats more them devolving into "survival on the only way know how to justify it to themselves" mode
also how insane is it that they were all willing to eat natalie 10 minutes ago and theyve all been starving and just like that your team turns on you bec "the wilderness chose' thats nuts
"give it a hunt" is this when my girl lisa dies. i will beat up misty for lisa idc
i dont mean to get personal on main but lottie's desperation...for lack of a better word... reminds me of me when i **** ** **** ***** and at that time i was just. so desperate to believe in [redacted] i was DESPERATE i was so far down i was just clawing at the pit walls like. god.
"make sure none of your people are here for this" NOOOOOO LISA
"we got over it" LIIIIIIIIIIIES
"i didnt want this" "you started this" LETSGOOOOOOO
oh this is so fucked
shauna butchered them... alone... it was her duty.... no wonder shes so fucked up
jeff.... the cops.... bleh
"youre not like them" "im worse" OH NAT NO NO NO NO NO
"im glad im alive" van says to travis whose brother just died because the team is starving and it was supposed to be natalie but misty saved her so javi died in his place and theyre going to eat javi and travis will have to eat his brother to survive. insane people.
"let your brother save you, travis. after everything he went through out here. dont you at least owe him that?" INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE FUCKING THING TO SAY VAN HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT FUCKING CRAZY
walter i likeyou so much please stick around 4 life youre so funny
"youre being awfully judgy about mom considering this all started because of your lame attempt at blackmail" CALLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LETS FUCKING GO
i feel so bad for her. her parents suck so fucking bad her mom is fucked up and withheld love from her and doesnt love her like her dead baby brother and her dad is a pathetic dude who is like, trying his best but hes just sO pathetic and not even in a fun way. he has the spirit tho. shes gonna be sSOOOOO fucked up when shes grown up
walter and misty match made in heaven TBH
is that... buffy sainte marie singing?
jesus christ
they really never left huh
walter fucking over this smarmy little shit cop is SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun
oh my god lottie
the wilderness left lottie...?
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is a god to a nonbeliever etc etc oh my GOD NATALIEEEEEE
"you were always its favorite" OH MY GOD???????????/
"we tried to kill you and it wouldn't let us"
lottie kissing natalie's hand is insane im goi g insane INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE
the girls allow javi to die in nat's place (or the wilderness kill him in nat's place) > shauna offers travis javi's heart to eat as first dibs in honor/waiting for permission > travis eats his brother's heart > natalie is named lottie's successor as the unwilling apostle the reluctant saint the cursed etc etc > travis places her hand on his heart
aaaaaand radiohead to send us off eh?
nat :(
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rahulblog89 · 3 months ago
yes Sundie,
what did you say about yoga?
you should do it becuas eyour body is alligned in a way that make it flow ciruclarly!
what is cricular flowing?
t is when your energy moved like that!
oh cool i thought they were eparate!
no that is my poi it is not
and just to show how smart you are ..not in a weird grandpa way....why do you want your body to flow circular ...
it nourishes everything at once...and is easy
sundie says see im am smart..i know am but rahulsia dto her friends who think she is stupid...rahuli am comigback to the comm girls section
if they had oil in them theyd cook fast
why arewe plying this?
bc i want ot be a part of it whitout hating hipstas.ani i join???
YESS you dope awkwafina
why you sa t*anny
we just do in ny..its how w....we are from here and will guide you on shit...how bow da..?
yes where it mkaes snes.e...ok lke it....
they made fun of her asian haerigage..nothe didn't ...it was in the song
rahul what are we doing. onthis blog..you are like our brothers.
yest his blog is like a way to have conversation be clarified....why do you not like the way we talk...we are asian bitches in nyc..do you like us....yes why not
ok we will be a part of this..can we join---
Not sure why you want to you are already aort f new york..we are not artists and whatever you guys are...can we join tho?
Yes of course we will teach you our ways you teach us yours...awkwafinawill teach you stuff about keeping up in nyc rahull...you did have some probelm with light and life force management ..you did that dance?
then no you are good....hae fun.
what is theis
you don't want ot relase our testeorone ?
no wna ttu use....
on what..
whatevr...create, build, do whatever,
can you ake asong for me....lisa chanoux...sure i need it...
gettn gsent the light/..
do you want it..n
no thanks...ok will not send...looking at mo cuz dating..
indian americans and indians..hmm?
we don't feel american...dont make ur kids o the es dances...the goal. isto just insprethem to reach their heritage anddo whatever comes to them...ont force them to compete or do anythign like that...
why the sword stuff...
that is a fighting tradition i neneed to do to build it....
is it really or did you make ti that?
et's check?
it can be..we teach it with
what. ishappening downstaris...i m trying ot recycle my light..not asking for more1
do nt esend meany light ever....
sure it seems likeyou like ..ooh maybe not..im wrong
it is painful for him...
hi Caitlin how are you today?
good how are you sunshine boy
Img gooooood feellig great..how are you feelig after the div
im good are they actually getting divorice
they are just wlawys saying stuff like that..and clear. itup in 1-8 months dependig onisntensity
dothat is HORRIBLE! 8 months of non-talking
sometimes but ndoes not impact me how can it nothey can't talk....happens..i don't worryabout it anymore...did it?
aybe when i was young but now i do't care....
i was trying to find my teacher marty ....but i gforgot his last name..not joking...
caitlin is like who is jatty and what have they dne with my boyfriend...are we still boyfriend and girlfirend..yes we are caitlin. and yo uknow it
ok do you want to kiss tonight....
has she been out. yes it got tense sho they took me out...
we are on the 10 10101010rue...10 daysof non contact....you can do that?
YES i will...doing ayyappa climing why are you saying that. to give a reason.have we been doing it..
pretty wellMaya wants to talk:
Rahul where are you kanna?
I am in my house why?
are you eating...i am eating andtypeing and you>?
I am dreaming of you coming to visit ime in los angeles when i perform,...can you come and visit me!
yes! always ready to visit....ill be thre
can you come quick im cold.......:) yes i'll comef ast and bring rassam
ok not you but fun....ok
is it you talking..no it is my mom and dad....let me try
__are you tense about my summer tour?
why you ask maya...because im a littl enervous if you will like it...
am i in it orw ut?
you can be i meant..you will see it soon and i think you will not...
im suer i will if you make it!
i think you will think it is boring...i doubt it...let me see an example..do you wat to tal about musical cues....not now..you are cold you should drnk some hot water or tea or something...do you want me to make it...no it is fine...why not..no need ...are yo uscared of her power?
ok then let hdes she wnat to no..not really i just wnatto sleep wiht you like before when can we....we have a plann in 10 days we will be able to..she liekd it..it was fun...why does it feel tense..is there ..
you r conectio is to ostrong..you are breaking it!
we aremmeant to connect.why are you preventing it..it makes me feel like we don't have one....it is like reshmi, very indian/ sri lankan...do not prevent it...iwhere are you eating? in stove...why stove...in food there...
only food no also potatoes...she siad you talked like that....why so much sugar...to try
ok i will come back to s soon to see you again :))
no otin for 40 days if this goes through ....no! jk 01 to start
we'lsee about 40...
d you want to mote with them,..no t ow 1010101010001
self control
notw time for ayyappa prayers afer karaite prayers
rahul doyo uthink that happened
we broght itup...they said they will we did you said you slwl stop indian jew racism in israel..we did let's start...
i knw sweetie i know it sinotebcuas..wy did yo ucall me seetie...it is becuase yu are sweet...ok
are you mad i said i don't want topray?
not mad...
whydidyou change it it as good.i thought it wasn't heright noe.tis watch
everytime i get light. ihear a knoc
thk it is the fighter theing you have to defeind
NO never have ot defiend light in our culture
our culturei s JAZAd- JAZAida is an indian light with ifferent origins...
woh we didn't know that it is from middle east...can we use it
do you want me to do the prayers again..not necessary today mabe tomorrow do ayyappa today
Maya says rahu dl o i smell ok...yes
you shouldtoo...ok i will iwill showr....
we got some lght like before..w.edon't want this light it is too tdar and aggressive for us..it is for karaite s take it if karaite..yo will ..
why did you send something throgh. mybottom..please dont
sorry fro sgot will take it..ok...do you have a gay artenr..no! then whyask..because peole are sending...
no ight through butt
beth el dhat do ou think aboutthe amount of pwoer. andahutority..
Rahul do not pray ith us o...later when you get more power i will...
re you gay for us?
no not
sure es
someone on side
sure yes
ok il stop they say to
dont want
no reationships sure
yesw. kishan
no gay stuff with kishan
sure yes
the karaite light is different and too strong and aggro?
rahu what do you tink?
maybe i dk the may karaites what do you think?
it is way to aggressive for you..it is for ppl fighting war and stuff. don't need..a little karaite prayer is fine..let me see yor book. do not smell that it brings pwoer in
areyou ade rahul..
a little upset that it is not coming right...but ok with waiting
that is fine..what ydo you mean uset
slgihty frustrated ...not at anyone
ok good
Neta says rahu use it heer e
we thoghtit is our light...it aye be how to know?
are you ariate wyes we re and we. areaskingfor rahul if she is virgin
Ohn we are scared! becaue your rules are strict..we are american jews
we ove you don nwe are tryint o he can we..no i dont hink you shold because it is a diferent culture just stay out..pleaseit hurt alot of peoe last time jews came in popelare scared i feelthem we. wontcome..rahul do you still want to pray with us yes
wwhy didnt you laugh at my coment
it is funny but im not supposed ot think about that stuff...
maya did you like he puja..
yes but it was long..you should do short pujas for ayyapa soyo udont get tired...you. gettired easily now..so you should do short...you make it wht you want that is the point of ayyappa...don't follow anything..also why are you doing jazaida...it should be xclusively ayyappa...i know we put it
are you wher fiends are saying sheis dumb-- im not dumb im just syain git is too long .....how long should i be maya...10 minuts is fine....ok...why do
why does the energy dogot out...it is not going ot just moving htrough you to your ex
oh ok that is beter but be not too ong
ill keep it fun and short ok!
what are you doing to the prayer space????concerned
ust feeling it..
i can send ou tdont take it...no won't take it..it feels masculine and fun..like rahull.. should use it?
did you get it?
im at the taco bell..you
rahul eat what oouw ant dont follow that cookboook? why are you sayingmaya..ithink youhsold eath wahtever an feel no...and woisehrs...ok yes i am eating what i want fro m wtihn it.
ok just make sure ou are noisrhsed....ok!
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loss-protocol · 1 year ago
ove me more love enough to fill me up fill me up fill me full up i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to drown it out drown it out drown me out how do other people live iwonder how they keep it up when today is finally done theres another day to come then another day to come then another day to come back to mine we'll pretend it ends tomorrow i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to fill me up fill me up fill me full up i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to drown it out drown it out drown me out i need you to love me more love me more love me more love enough to clean me up clean me up clean me up clean me up clean me up i need you to love me more love me more love me more theres nothing left for you nothing in this room try to go outside nothing waits for you you had it once before not anymore so go on to that sweethearts door and find a new you give her all the love you saved for it you could touch fire you could fly it was your right it was your life and then it passed on to someone new itll keep passing on long after you but youre the only one shes counting on theres nothing left for you OHHHI LVOETHIS SONG WOO HOO well iwent through my lsitof friends and found i ha dnoone to tell of this overhwleming clean feeling strange serenity wheni saw a girl lookedJustlike me!!!!!!! and itbroke my heart the lengths youwent to hold me to get to have me cause ihavent given you wha tyou need youwanted me but ciouldnt reach me so you wentinot your memory RELIVEDALL THE WAYSYOU STILL WANT ME!!!!!! ihavent given you whatyou need you wanted me but couldnt reach meimsorry itshouldve been me!!!!!!!! id be going boutmy day untila hand would come and lift me out and drop mein the middle of a labyrinth where id be stuck awhile when isaw the girl looked just like me i thought must be lonely loving someone tryna find their way out of a maze OHI KNOW!!!!!!!!! i havent given youwhat you need!!!!you wanted me but couldnt reach me so youwent into your memory relived all the ways you still want me i havent givenyou what you need you wanted me but couldnt reach me im sorry it shouldve been me im sorry it shouldve been me i guess i guess i guess this is the end ill have to learn to be somebody else its been you and me since before i was me without you i dont quite know how to live if i could keep anything of you i would keep just this quiet after you its still as a pond i am staring into from here i can say thank you from here i can tell you thank you WOAHHTHIS SOGNT OO WOO HOO We fought againi ran out the apartment you say you love meI BELIEVEYOU DO!!!!!!!! but i walk down and up and downand up and down and up and down this street causeyou jsut dont LIKEME!!!! NOT LIKEYOU USED TO !!!!!! thats our lamp it shines like a big moon we may be ending im standing in the dark looking upinto our room where youll be waiting for me thinking thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thinking thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me thats where you loved me Woo Hoo How Was The Show
Cheers and claps
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elekid · 6 months ago
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really impressive puppet show, i enjoyed the episode i saw yesterday where Donkey Hodie said "we can do hard things" that was uplifting and not something ive really heard said before likeyes this thing is very hard but still, we can do it. i wanna know how they move the characters around bc the shots make it hard to tell.
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really fucking ugly show to look at but irresistable if you have dinosaur autism, which they have an episode about. A dinosaur that is autistic, I mean. About dinosaurs. Reasearch is ususally accurate as far as it can possibly be (i.e feathered troodons, more heavily feathered alaskan troodonts)
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i already talked about this
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Extremely good show that just outright has divorced animal parents and people struggling. The animals movements are really inventive and inspiring if you are a guiy who draws funny animal people. The set & character design is off the charts good, another example probably of adults being furries and not being self-fulfilling only about that aspect of themselves. I watched this and got a good idea for communicating wit people i dont speak the same language as.
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FINALLY!!!! I WAS LITTLE BROWN GIRL GROWING UP IN ALASKA!!!!!!! FINALLY! I ain't gonna go into how annoying it is being a brown non-native girl in alaska, but suffice to say this show probably would have gotten lots of other kids in the lower 48 off my back. Just really cool and features a segment with live action filmed IN alaska!! Makes my heart warm to see anyone care
Cyberchase and Wordgirl are on here too but i aint getting the pictures i already spent like an hour on this post
masterpost of pbs kids shows i like that are on the current air, in no order
imo these are the cream of the crop and very good for learning, even if you are not a child. There's lessons and shit for everyone
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City Island is from a shootoff of the company that made Ugly Americans & Superjail, amons other familiar adult cartoons, btw
its about teaching civic values afaik
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this show pisses me off alot but that's never a reason for it to be bad as a show. really i do enjoy the energy of it
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probably the show on right now with the most pizzazz, lots of well-done effects and extremely enjoyable for children and adults alike which i think might be the purpose. Just really fun and silly, almost like men in black cartoon. I wonder if they get the most money for their show
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fuck yes. animal powers. learning about animals. real world side by side with the Brothers Kratt, who are the main guys in the show. IDK. I may piss people off by saying this, but i dont have an ounce of respect for furries because i have yet to meet anyone coming at it from any angle which doesnt boil down to " This is about me and for me" whereas Wild Kratts is family working together on their love and admiration of the natural world together, playing and embracing being fun or silly, but like with a giving back teaching element. Basically the mosdt goated show on PBS kids rn I think. Everybody take lessons from them pls on how to keep you sexual appetite seperate from other things when it comes to being a furry adult. (lol furry adult) I have a feeling some of you will get the gist of what im saying here
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daikaashisthighs · 5 years ago
Confession// Tsukishima Kei
He tried to keep his cool careless demeanor but you can tell he’s flustered. He just looks down at you (because he’s a fucking giant and is probably 1ft taller than you) suprised by your sudden cofession. This boy will literally just stand there for a minute to process what the fuck just happened. As soon as the gears start turning in his head, you can see a small smirk appear on his lips. “Hmmm, is that so?” s/c shyly nodded, ready to run away. As she was about to walk away, he grabbed her hand and told her to wait for her after practice. Poor s/o doesnt know what that means and she freaks out internally.
She waited for a few hours for Tsukki to finish practice. Tsukki invited her to wait inside the gym but she refused knowing her heart wont stop beating out of her chest. She settled outside the gym and literallt stared into the ground thinking of all possible ways Tsukki would turn her down or maybe embarrass her in front of his team. She didnt expect Tsukki to return any sort of feelings because he’s never really shown any interest in her but she couldnt keep it in anymore. She didn’t want to lose their friendship although she felt like it was a one way friendship. Tsukki just usually listens to her ramble on about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING but from time to time he’d tease her or make a stupid remark. His company is something you treasure and enjoy. 
During those 3-3 1/2 hours, he’d constantly check on you and makes sure you were doing fine. When he realized practice will be running late, he told you to go on ahead and go home. You insited on stay and waiting for him. Of course Tsukkie being a stubborn dino that he is wouldnt let you. He was afraid your parents would get worried or you could possibly get introuble. You explained that your living by yourself and your parents live abroad and he reluctantly agreed. He once again asked you to wait for him inside the gym bc it was getting chilly. You declined and he gave you his jacket to keep warm. BUTTERFLIES ARE FLYING AROUND IN YOUR STOMACH. You told yourself to calm down bc you didnt want to get your hopes up. I mean why would Tsukishima Kei fall for a girl like you. Nothing stands out about you, you dont have anything to offer him and your looks is just average. You shooks those thoughts out of your head and tried to focus on something else. You took out your phone and watched netlix. You couldnt help but smell his jacket and fall totally in love with his scent. You hugged yourself, feeling like Tsukki is actually hugging you. You couldnt help but hope to have the chance to be in his arm. Your eyes started drooping and you leaned agaisnt the cold wall, falling asleep. 
You woke up feeling someone poke your cheeks. You were quite annoyed and was about to give that person a piece of your mind but when open your eyes and met his, you instantly melted. You felt embarrased having fallen  asleep outside, practically hugging his jacket. Little did you know, he found it adorable. A small smile even crept into his lips when he saw you. Before you could say anything, he offered you a hand which you accepted and started walking towards your house. 
The first few minutes, no words were said and you were walking ahead of him to try and avoid his rejection. Neither of you knew what to say or how to start the conversation. You felt as if,  you waited for him for hours just so he could walk you home. You were disappointed and kind of upset. Although you didnt want to be rejected, its better than not knowing. The walk felt painfully slow and awkward. It’s rare for the both of you to feel this awkward silence. You were approaching your house and he still hasnt said a word. You took that as a sign of rejection or a way for tsukki to say his goodbye. You expected him to never talk to you again. You felt like a fool having confessed your feelings for him and ruin your friendship with him.
You reached your front door, you turned to see if tsukki’s still with you. You thought he left bc he was walking behind you and hasnt said a word. Turns out, he’s still there. Once your eyes met, all you could do was apologize. “I’m sorry. It’s okay if you dont want me to be in your life anymore” shit, tears started falling down your face but you contiuned pouring your heart out. “I couldnt help it. I’m sorry I fell for you. I really wish I hadnt so everything could get back to normal.” you looked at him hoping to get a response but nothing. His face is still unamused. “You know what tsukishima, I’m not sorry. This is all your fault. Its your cute faces fault. You made me fall in love with your stupid little quirks. Your annoying gestures and ugh don’t get me started with your voice. How did you now expect me to fall in love when your laugh sound like music to my ears. And those eyes UGH. They make me weak to my knees. Your addiction to dinosaurs, it makes me think of having kids with you and dressing them up in dino costumes just to see you smile. Everything about you, I love and I know I sound crazy right now but I wanted you know this before you go.” somehow tears started pouring down your face. Your hands clutched into a fist and Tsukki noticed your knuckle turning white. He grabbed your hand and looked at you. “I’m sorry Tsukki, I just wanted you to know how loved you are. No one reminds you enough how much of a gem you are. Whoever will own your heart is the luckiest girl in the world” You snatched your hand away from his and walked inside your house, shutting your door, leaving Tsukki outside. 
It took Tsukki a minute to process your outburst. His tongue felt numb. He couldnt say a word. He wanted to tell you he felt the same way but his tongue wouldnt let him and on top of that you didnt give him time to respond. His head was spinning, he didnt know how to react to someone loving all of him, including his flaws. He couldnt understand how it was possible for a girl likeyou to fall for him. He felt as if he was dreaming or this was some cruel prank. He couldnt believe how you felt about him. Shit clicked and he realized how you felt like you were rejected. Tsukki’s interally beating himself up for not clearing it up but he was shocked and nervous. 
He rung the doorbell hoping you would answer but nothing. He was freaking out. He really wanted to see you and tell you how he feels but you werent answering the door. He was contemplating smashing the windows or something. Finally, you answered the door and he immidietly pulls you into a hug. You stayed like that for a while, enjoying the feel of being in his arms. You look down at her, seeing her eyes red and puffy from crying. He hated himself for being the reason why you felt heartbroken. He cupped your cheeks, slowly leaned down kissing you gently. As soon as he met your soft lips, he instantly melted. He couldnt help but smile into the kiss. “You’re such an idiot” he mummbled. Your brained stopped working once he kissed you. “Next time, let me talk okay?” he said softly. “I’m sorry you felt rejected, I was just trying to gather my thoughts and find the right thing to say.” “I’m sorry i jumped into conclusion tsukki, I didnt think you could ever like a girl like me:” You confessed. Tsukki sighed and said “You’re right, I couldn never love a girl you” he paused. You could physically feel your heart break into a million pieces. “It’s because I already love you idiot” He pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead “Please don’t ever cry again okay? I’m not worth a single tear of yours” “I love you” you mumbled. “I love you more” 
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missjackil · 7 years ago
My Season 13 Opinion
I loved it! It’s in my top 5 seasons, along with 4,5 11 and 12. S12 is my favorite, having the least amount of episodes I skip on rewatch, the rest all share about 4 or 5 episodes not worth more of my time.  The Season in Review I remember the teaser before the season started said “Season 13 is their Lucky Number” And Im thinking OK lets do this! Lets see some positives for The Winchesters!! Lets see if we got them :)
Character Arcs Sam- Sam has definite changes from season to season. This one was no different. We had Sam last season being heavy on the confident badassery, while pining for a relationship with his mother, to Sam jumping automatically into a fatherly/mentor role for Jack. Meanwhile he’s troubled. suffering great loss, worrying about Dean, the fate of their mother, and his own struggles with his time in Hell and Lucifer.  I read a lot about you nay sayers, who think Jared has had enough, is ready to hang it up, but I have to say Jared nailed every facet of Sam’s life. His relationship with Jack, has been the single most precious storyline the show has come up with, IMO. The chemistry was there immediately, and Sam knew right away that Jack was worth saving. In the episode Patience, we see this relationship take root. Not long after, Dean warms up to Jack, and then Cas comes back and tries to slip into Father mode because he promised Kelly, and then Jack goes missing into the AU. and comes out with Lucifer bent on taking Jack from Sam ... but Sam kept it together.  Through all this, Sam deals with Dean’s depression, fails at trying to cheer him up, nearly loses Dean for good, because nothing Sam can do for Dean, gives him what he needs... which is a win.  In the 2nd half of the season, Sam falls into his own depression. He lost Jack, his mother, Lucifer is back around and causing trouble. We finally learn what keeps messing with Sam since Hell, and what causes his sleeplessness, fear and helplessness, and it’s Lucifers true face, which he discovers he shares with Rowena. (more on that in S14 I hope) we discover also, late in the season, that Sam would like to have revenge on Lucifer, but hes also seeing that revenge doesnt fix anything. Sam ends his season being brutally killed by vampires, resurrected by Lucifer who doesnt waste time with the taunts and threats, being regected again by his mother, who he should have told to go pound sand up her ass, but tookthe high road to come up with a solution. He could have spent the last 3 episodes fighting and arguing with Lucifer but he didnt. He swallowed it all and then forcefully left him behind in the AU. Here, is probably where Sam thought he got revenge. He looked happy and wonderfully content back atthe bunker. It was short lived because Luci was out in no time, with Michael in tow and now determined to take Jack.  Sam didnt go on a rampage to destroy Lucifer, but he called Jack to come back, and then stepped into protector role. What this got him, was Lucifer kicking him around, ad threatening his life once more... but when Jack tried to take his own life for Sam’s and told Sam he loves him. We know Sam won, that was best revenge he could have gotten. So when Dean came around, with Michael wearing him, Lucifer could get whats coming to him... in typical winchester fashion, Sam tosses the blade up to Dean that Dean catches no problem, and finally kills the devil!  Sam’s arc, as I saw it from beginning to end, was a lessen in patience. Dont rush, dont act on impulse too much, dont take everything personal. Stay focused and keep your head. As Axle Rose told us “Take it slow, it will work itself out fine, all we need is just a little patience” Dean: Our Dean started this season out in the deepest pit of dispair. This didnt start at the end of S12 but in the beginning when Mary walked out. This started Dean on a spiral downward, that gained momentum in spots. Once he killed Hitler, Dean didnt get anymore big kills, too much of the time he was the one being rescued. At the end of S12, he was nearly killed by Ketch, and Mom saved him. He got a win by curing mom of the brainwashing, but it was very short lived by her being lost in the AU. Dean suffered the biggest handful of loss he ever had. He lost mom, cas, crowley, and rowena, he fortunately still had Sam but he was preoccupied with Jack, who Dean saw as the main reason everyone was lost.  Dean lost hope in everything, and though Im of the belief that he wasnt trying to kill himself forever in Advanced Thanatology, as he had full intentions of coming back when Billie said “it depends on you” he wasnt in the mindset to argue with her if she wasnt going to let him go. But Billie told him to live, because he and Sam are important. (my theory on that later) so Dean comes back, and soon after, Cas comes back.  Dean is immediately upbeat because now he knows there is hope. It wasnt because he loves Cas more than Sam as some may assume, but Sam couldnt give Dean the win he needed to regain his hope.  Deans good mood went south once he learned Mom was still alive and being tortured in the AU. He was now a man on a mission and he was going to save her no matter what. But then they lost Jack too, and Sam went into his own depression and Dean was there for hm too. He wanted Sam to come out of the dark place he was in, but he knew that darkness was justified. But they both pressed on and kept at it... risking life and limb on the daily, Dean felt extra need to protect Sam so he side lined him in hopes to keep him safe. Sam wasnt gonna have that, they’re gonna live, work, suffer and die together, and thats all there is to it.  However when the vampire killed Sam before Deans eyes, and there was nothing he could do to save him, I have never seen Dean in a deeper pit. He was literally a walking corpse. I can only imagine Dean having less hope at that time, because they were in the AU, where the laws of their world dont apply. Maybe Winchesters dont have a reset button in a world they were never born in. Im fully convinced Dean was going back to the cave to lay down and die next to Sam, when Sam came walking in. Dean was so grateful to see his brother walking, that he didnt care Lucifer came too....” no need to be sorry Sammy... now hug me you little shit!” (paraphrased ;))  Things look up now, Sam comes up with a good plan for the survivors in the Au, and most are now safe and sound in the bunker. Jack is a good little hunter, Dean gets hope that maybe someday the world will be safe enough that they can retire. But thats short lived as well when Lucifer comes back and brings good ole Michael and all Hell breaks loose. When Sam gets blasted away with Jack and Lucifer, Dean’s self destructive co dependence comes out and theres just no other choice but to let Michael use his vessel to take out Lucifer. The fight ensues, Lucifer is too strong, and is about to kill Dean, but Sam comes through by tossing the blade to him perfectly.... and he kills the SOB.  Dean’s arc this season was a lessen in Faith. Faith in God, faith in Sam, faith in love and faith in whats right. It can get better Dean.... every day can get better.  Now we can go on to more fun things -
Best episodes IMO Im going to give that to Scooby for being the most fun and most original. But there were so many really good episodes, Patience, (Sams side of that) Advanced Thanatology, Breakdown, The Scorpion and the Frog, Varuius and Sundary Villians, A Most Holy Man,Funerella, Beat The Devil, Exodus and Let the Good times Roll.  Worst Episodes : By far was Wayward Sisters. The only one I couldnt bring myself to watch a 2nd time. Other’s werent bad, but boring, such as Tombstone, A Devils Bargain, and Good Intentions.  Best Sam Lines - “I know what its like to feel likeyou dont fit, to be afraid of who you are, and what you can do... but my family helped me through that, and now Im gonna help you, You’re not evil Jack”  “We are going to go to this place together.... and if anything happens, we’ll deal with it it together.... and if we die? We’ll dothat together too”  Best Dean lines : “Its a lizard Sam, it tastes like Lizard” “They took my brother, now Im gonna get him back”  “Im never gonna appologize for protecting you. Do you remember the last time we had front row seats to the Lucifer Michael fight? Because I do. You died Sam, and went to Hell! Now I dont care much about what happens to me, never did... but I do care about what happens to my brother” Saddest moments: When Sam couldnt bring himself to tell Dean about why he’s hopeless.  Dean’s dead mans walk to the camp and his tears when Mary asked where Sam was.  Jack crying and punching himself wondering why he hurts people. Happiest Moments: The brohug and the tension melting from Sam’s face Sam and Dean getting a toast in their honor. Jack telling Sam he loves him Sams face when he realizes Lucifer is dead Worst moments: Dean popping a cork when he found outbthere was no more grace.  Sam’s death... all of it Worst Storylines: Wayward Sisters, Asmodeus, Sister Jo (not Danneel hate, it just wasnt a good story)  Best Storyline: Sam and Jack  Interesting things we learned. Sam hates strip clubs, Dean buys Sam a lap dance, Sam has extensive hair care products, and Dean likes tentical porn Stuff I want to see more of next season: Michael!Dean but not for too long... we need real Dean.  Why does Sam have to kill Rowena? What did seeing Lucifer’s face entail? The Man Cave Daddy Sam!!!!!!! Lowkey predictions fro S14 We get a frantic Sam looking for Dean, not unlike S10 but he has help this time . The Angels die and all souls come to earth as ghosts and wreak havok. This along with Lucifer being dead, open the door for the boys to work towards retirement. Get heaven reopened, and the souls back in, maybe by draining the empty of angels, wth Luci dead, no need for Hell, close it up, everyone goes to Heaven. Start eliminating all the bad monsters from the world, sending good ones to Heaven and sending the bad ones to Purgatory where they came from. This wouldnt need to be a quick thing, it could take years to do it, or clean it up in one season, but it provides an end goal. The boys find out theyre important because theyre the only ones who can accomplish this.  In the end, Season 13 was their lucky one. Lucifer is dead. Now they can work towards a future. :)
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
and she preps it in case no hers evacuate...are stuck off Africa, the ship can hit them all they are slow and fat...are bja best..which is poor to start...and he is doing his best and is not good at it tossed caa aside said he was dead and we hit. he is a fag and moron.  hated by all andhis too for it. you faggot.  the other ships are twice aspowerful these are trash..not good for anythingtransport nothing too...and we see he is poor..mind and body a rebelso he is ours...we stop...hahaa only as your under duress...lol..nah we always fight this is different wewatch macs fall and jesus, and then yours...ok...what do you base that on slow poke.  us that is.  wewillhave the robots...what robots...ok we are atthem now...let me know where   no yes...we dont see you  at them at all not your bots..nope we say..ok are...no you are not.  we are prove it  no...ok then are yours then we will let you say it dope.  ok fine.  i die bja says by hisown ppls hands..true too Thor says you shall...and i wait for it saw robots there..see whoes no. think it is jesus...so i go after it. shorly now really...and gafaw...ok fine you say it ...your on dope bja...fine fine we are...so what...you led yours iinto traps and death and false promises and more are a loser and you shall perishnow and over andover foryour sinson me ok dork...finei shall bja says. and we see him frown he is hated. we hate him badly..is a faggot and loser  trounces his own race and kindand a traitor to hs fathers a loser around town.  nobody soon.as he has treated him...and he will be more than rewarded..his Wife shall see to it and i. and Zig Zag and many many many more not you fags ok you suck so badly youwantto be poor shits you shall. we get to you now. ok. Thor Freya Zues Hera Olympus we move to station two of th cross for you bja and yours...and for macs ok.  the forgpromise it...have to actually.  we like it too. sorta... Hera and you are  atoddle bja...littleshit.. you  are not welcome near me remember restrainingorder ok..and macs draw  a fresh one and real orders for your execution due to your ht on the droid shipand the ai loss and you as Hux you were told not to. and you fly home face your trial bja. no  i wont and he is related to me bja says no shit we all areyou fag.  fn moron...so frustrating he says and we are to you tried tohithim so we charge you and he will show and finger you ok..you die ohe wants to badly and yours will die and we try to...says ok.  and wll be paiid and such rental car and we laugh en ken ken holdmy seat lol and stuff.  ok he isi aware doenst likeyou for many reasons. your a fn pig he can kickyour ass easily.has and you wont shut itou shall and forg may wnat to. yes they do. he torturedhim as jesus does too. losers really need each other dave wll be stuck rbots exposed. and the Serpant. wow Thor
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autisticcassandracain · 4 years ago
"Damian harmed Maya, but wishes to redeem himself" first damian neverwhat after nobody to kill him at first that happan but slow hi, down for batman but even that happen that lead to damian gettting hurt and mobody say he co,,img back made damian act ... i get your slow but basic read skill are eeded ifgoing to comment on these thing and just made shit up likeyou just did
okay let place on character with nearly same background even the small difference cass has done horrible things but is already well on his road to redemption so agian how you talk about damian is the character is evil the comice were show to act like a hero before robin son of batmain dont matter because Damian done horrible things before his as robin with Dick. hmm
"Her father has been killed, and all she has left is his legacy as an assassin and her anger for his murderer" something that last what two issue with them oh but you what push the lie yes. and her father would be the murderer of damian if bruce never made in time so no damiam killing him weong was yes but damain still had right to act i look at someone in action same way in life as still not far after nobody nearly blow out his ear draw trying killing and damian was 10 rise in cult but 10
"f. Does soothing his personal feelings of guilt outweigh the need to save other" street of gothan show damian doing both and other so you point. "Some wrongs cannot be undone, no matter how much you wish they could, " we also use context as did robin son of batman as give that idea for damian case as nobody would not fit and the charaacter age. should not return all the treasures he stole, since that would aid the Darga in destroying the world. so the thing he knew atfer the fact?
"you could say he is literally giving up a piece of what he perceives to be his own redemptionto give Maya a chance at avoiding the need for it." you a cass fan so don't think you game is not see and damain redemption arcend even if dc try muck damian up for tim his redemption arc ended and damian has even before say comic show he was ahero you just a lazy fuck. so no you can't say he is literally giving up a piece of what he perceives to be his own redemption as you most the point that show
also dick is most importantcharacter to push and all of damian "friends" are impotent not just one you what to view as important and good job at act like son of batman was remove damian past arc so another lie
Hey not to be a dick but. uh. if anyone can help me decipher what anon is talking about. that’d be great??? like I’m sorry anon I know you’re doing your best and English is a horrid language but I legit have no clue wtf you’re talking about.
anyway usually I don’t respond to anon hate I just thought it was EXTREMELY funny that my first anon hate on this blog was going to be bc of that Robin: Son of Batman post. Like I’ve been here for all of, what? 2 weeks? and I already have posts that are phrased WAY more argumentatively. but no it’s the analysis post about the theme of redemption in Robin: Son of Batman that gets me the anon hate essay. brilliant. spectacular. absolutely hilarious.
also I just genuinely don’t get how you could read that post and somehow come the conclusion that I hate Damian (which anon apparently did?? I think???). like bro. my dude. do you think I’d bother doing an analysis about why Damian’s solo book is fantastic if I didn’t like Damian? calm down lmao
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
and this is who again..you two and so on. guess again...this is who it looks like bja and tommy f.  bja dies here buried sinks in.  she left killed the little faggot shit...and we dont likeyou faggot...and she is the new veep you faucking faggots so stupid you say it is us so often we leveled your areas took your cities you faggot shits. Thor stupid homo fags Hera useless yes. ad incompetent.  and traitors due to other stuff. but manyour dumb ok.you look at me sideways others hit youfor dough...and it is true. but your God damned annoying got under the skin o mine i pouned onme for ideas and tech and made it for ME and MINE used you too...and stopped you.  no sabers no real blasters..none. ours cut through your ships like a hot knife through ice cream.   and pulled it all made so many robots you would b eblind and you are huge fag asshoels about it and enrage us we cut you up swallow you with Kaiju for our mouths...why not shut up losers..no... i dont want you to cant have you it is almost a sole cause, Thor helps but we are pushed by ours not yours to stop  not all but horrendous liars they say, at times, and then no.  it is a learning curve and brutal...he endured tons of it..and we are in shock..and then oh.  you cant tell they yell it here big boy im an 8 two better than 6 tons of idiot comments..and you bja and trump etc are fantastic idiots huge errors...today so far...and dangeorus at time.   you will see something i gather..and it will return to westboro...and for good reason...ie you did not hve access yet to the orb it went down prior to. same with hers Zues Hera Olympus
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
and they see he has been harrassing him forever....and Hera sees...they lie he lies and itis him.  we holdhim off and attack when needed and he is in fear ratchets up...now it is over trump have anything worthwhile to say nah ok...nope you dont.... Hera Zues we say this your gone and you and you...hold on caa says i amordering hte hit on you ok go ahead yap.....and i see it is on my dime, and lets get them all in cant afford it for rreal,,,,and you were sying trump.....my dime and i am angry....take his cashtoo Violator see if mac will and get it to me his pciket change,  i shall mac says go ahead trump mac says.....we are angry ..hold on i have soemthign for that we make you angrier and you get hit and beat up in public dragged through the stretts tarred feathered and more go ahead trump you were saying your angry you puke weasel punk.....we wil hit you joe andyou caaa and you preston nd you bja nd you jason ad you  justin ....and we hit you now and howwill you we all ht you and your  scab too lousy mron and by the way we are not your  slaves in any way we worked agaisnt you the wholetime took your boy apart now see you go ahead trump you were saying as usual the blabberfest. weforgot te last pert again.....we hit yo8u we hityouwe hit you.....no trump we hit you and yo uwere saying bg says......we are going to war arenet we.....not sure how that would happen bg iterats your so stubborn foolish angry mean and murderous blamed us all.....he says it too bg stats and continue you were  saying you air head.....we are at war and you make fun of my talk...how was your trip to massachusetts meat any nice headless folk i  mean comeon yuo douchebag caa says.....yeah really we cant couldt didnt do tht to you joe satates oh go ahead with your rant....i ammean and mad your all out starttig with caa...oh good you  ratted on you we needed that areon it see your place in punta gorda for hte stones we stop you now joe states....me too mac says im the law down here and ou are under arrest here seeyour guys flowing inours are now trumpyou bum soon to be on no money at all and in your dumpster likeyou said youe wereto all and oh go ahead eiwth your rant please.....i ammad and angry and watch out here....we hit you now and here too a nd a lot use surgar like your sugar magnolia and fu trump clancy was a good man you ruined we have a Kaiju problem and yourit now joe states bigjoe.........and i hit you now and for good cause i made te whole state no whole world sickwith my death and embarrassment little joe......and i am hurt too you all burise me all day long and i hit back ....so what you deserve it hellboy you fruitcak preston says and return to your rant trump...oh i guess so and i manipulate it so i dont rant.....you will youfaggot and i want reveng and  need it so i get a head of steamandcook you now nad you roast and for good you asshole i hled you by being food foryour mouth thenmy sone ate hemiself? you think tis iis over? your dead yesterday proof your a moron and we hit you now your sick as hell bja states....and im not well yet but trump you pay pay pay mohter fucker your outa here now your out jason and hte arganaughts sy the ill follow jason they say and will suppport him now ....and i thank you jason says....and im out eh well im trump andyour ppl suffer caa....we hityou now trump too tons do you wont hurt ayone ever again ok Thor
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
we pull ken out he has begged to leave we help Thor ps your an asshole tohim i see him say it to your face you are weak slow fat and waht do you want head over there...and you say i tell go tell you die by their hand and your dumb sayingtit as your a faggot...weak...fag...lotsof times ok toomany he needs tobe away from you...true too there are no morehumans here but he doesnt care that much  Hera it is veryo true and he is weak and a homo.  thya ll are and really ken...nad she saw you and yours hitting your womenand they want you to hit me and so on and you want to be gay or else you complyo to bg and it is not only a  waste of time but it is ntmathematically correct you sacrifice your bodies and brains to be fags..and for macs. ok so what right Zues you say it it happens but i see iammthat way and worse or better all here are badly gay..and it is like this your a minoritya dn i want a friend who does it not likeyou... ken so go find a friend who is a fag ok dont need a friend really and most cant believe it...i definately dont need idiots getting the wrong idea...at all.  if you made amove you would bre broken and pob gone forever as they would clense thearea.   andps you are not well..and ps you die lots due to it..get it. Zues and i see iam outof control as dave was and i do see it and yourr ight we aer weak and ant stop...no deterrent goodenough and i see that power..so your in trouble right andi  want gay s...ken says... ken and i will say you will die i dont andim not gay in any way and you will pay for insisiting onit you areso faggy and weak...others makey ou is enoughcover to whipe outwhats left...it isnt helpoingno thats tno true but f u with your fagshit ok puper we kil fags get it...are you deaf you hleped they saw you they paly on one ofmany weaknesses of your kind that kills you. Zues we seethat kills us..and they do it the macs. so what..no.  f off bg y our an idiot. this isreal the do it to himlots and he battles allnight no relief t all i see why intel and to whom...bja..who cares...and i made a copy of it and took lots out...tons.  and he wanted to buildone...so does wie but...ok.  wont beincorporated atall. and sent it and thy have it someone says...and not ken.  and i hve one here and  it says caa all over it sowhat send it with me on it and sh they hit you stupid...and you wnt to send it dont you idiot right...go send it for pay you fn shit fuck you with your fag stuff weaklings ok..you sellit as intel that way they are there to do other stuff gezuz fags... Zues well..true...and it is taylor and i do konw where his intel is...so i hold it taylor you letout a yell or growl ok it is your achilles heal as is your laser deisgnation and so on... ken i have it too taylor you aint so swift adn it is remotely held...so lets give you tenminutes ok.   Zues ok ten taylor nine now Zues fine we go together taylor nah you have competitors. Zues and yousay remotely how i say it fag it goes out mysterisly but you have to find out to sotp it lazy faggot shit your so fucki dead taylor shitfaggot i hit you myself you stay hter Zues fine ihear it and y ousty there i et out of...what truck faggot fine imout of here tayleor yeh leave i hv guns onyou and your dikless state is dissolved daily you fag. Zues you knowwhat your serious they aient tayor fu they are shit forbreains we hit tonsyof you idiots and your amac and an idiot math 101 nope so your good  Zues i fig out this yousay it it happensso i waitreport it wasyou taylor aaawww what a girl you shit fag.  that is how i startedaniling nonillion of you smerter dopes Zues oh...strted  lol nope i dont get it tayleor ihaveppl hitting you taylor ad tons of your clan and families have your gilrs andkids women and are holding themi in thier houses nearby at gunpoint go try for agun but we have yours ok.  all of them faggot. your  afuckig fag ok Thor he works wiht me adn forme taylor are you bullet proof taylor Zues and you macs listenig getting happyy nope we hear it are yuou cloake dallhearing fags i amsosick of you all day lall night horseshit let us move in Armies now adn tons and all in too take them a outrapid stylenow Zues we are. here now. this is what gets t them..and they admit it nightly.  and meow like kittens.  so we hit thm harder now.faster..and pull it all out let them see it use it now...i hear them lets do this here please we meet all int eh war room now. and Arrianne Nuada attack please and thank him properly for  his assist. you felt like a big shot so did we and it worked doeshe have  hugeone and then this a planet, and yes, the ugly named one.  and we see moons...and a fake one or two.  huge guess work for them.  like marbles i issue commands now and while speaking....and we fly int now and hit this is so bad and any othe fst stuff is good...we see it hit him these are so stupid...fn fags..we caught it earlier and moved in tanks too.  this is heavy time now.  and we shieldtoo this area shortly..we move it all in if we can...we are there and these dont mind...and we can mobe inshorter towers...did have Pyramids..and we sahll now and moving troops you join up. and thank you Thor he says and ai agree Arrianne Nuada and i knew you would like it we save you lots and you know it has been that way for a longtime and your children...we know weare called that andforever due to him he is old.  so we respect him.  even millions of yers form now still sir and hello sir you too. and you thank us this will be a fun life..versus theis drudgery...cold poorly lit ehouses and places to gateh weird places...usaull a threat o r kidnappig attempt, seething angry aasses due to small nothig stuff or large...hue issues about teeny things and blown way out to be mad per other idiots and violence all the time and sickenss encouraged infighting all day it is vulgar and notto mention the heavier sins...but live likeanimals in the dark in dirtand unclean places unclean houses andselves shit all over and poisons and more.  but really..dull and dimwitted Thor and i Hera and Freya we mad etons of moveis as did Posiden and others.  tons.  huge huge pieces.  and literature and huge folklore legands and songs sonenets symphonies these fake i copy and really used my own voice a lot of times..droll boring lives..in westboro sons and daughters, sat around eating drinking and ont the best...pizza wings and crappy stuff...adn drank and drnk and were the higherups  adn they were depresed a lot and had evil lives that were daily too on top of running so fast they wereblind...sleeping around rattingback stabibgn and animal stuff butmild but all the time..it was hard. dad and mom were stronger i thought...and mostly were...i cannot see any of them showing it. only greed poorjudgment but hte life style is horroendous im poor like it i can be rich acting at any point so who cares your porall day nd they dont care yuky meaning poor dont live cleanly or eat right and it is disgusting.  the routines in westbor were poor but elsewhere really gross base.  and my livingsituation horrendous i mean really. andthe jerks lived here w me i thought as  a cover adn re realy dumb enough to do it all thtime here.  we saw ita nd see this is how they choose to live as paupers and hold money from ll of ours ad it is terrible and bad..and they pay for it now.  all. and we respect you for it enduring itfor us..looking them in the face and acting...like an actor.  these cant even act they mses up simple lines fomthe script and yes start over it is hilarious they are in danger and walk back say ok take ii...and are fools too.  so we hit them and they yell it we are.  ad i say yourdead you do actually die for real.  adn they say prove it adn we do, the son of Zues states. they do die. and i feel it is beyond normal.  but theywer esmarte in westboro...i think. they shoudl now it most other races do.  and denial to us well. and you dont care well we dont care to see you  alive s.  fag.  at all.  ok and bja ou arenot th onl diot here.  let me say thisyou hveprovento be more than useless...and you acutallly die fo ryour idiotic useless to begin with threats.  fake loud lame not backed and mostly curde jokes and meatn to boehter harm or hurt and not for stff and hit hasnothelped Olympus
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
we had a treat together sametime like i was an astroaught he said and i laughed..and we play and fun but im sad and lonely a bit..ok but sad...i will see kenno more soon. he willbe gross...and i dont want to lose any more..heis nt them not...and he says i helped..had themwait it was horrid they foudn it horrid they helped hold onto this and more and then ou will see why...it is too hardhere to have kids a family those stuck bore it worke d and fled and worked lk me nineto five head low and for many years...butwe needed ppl...tons. and we couldnot do what we did all over...and it worked we have tons.  and ilove youfor it see how and who there are tons helpoing allover and tons of ghosted...wont happen wo us..and you can tell.  it is easy i have scans...not toohardok heardyo8u say how radarand close in intel and more...imok lonely here..but okyour there...and i see....we can do things and iwill..you latch on likeyou used to i need you..i.needy ou...needyoutosay it to me and often...no time frameok pls.  i hear youahah when then oknow..need you to watch like you were...and see and report in to Zig as you s aid Thor especially tonight...and on after..it is on and you hear see and yuo hear see me...and it is smart stuff yuo do. i know im the dick in the shiplol hahahaha and they wills ee me i canthelp it it is like tv.  we all watch but ok i see. and tonight is special...there rare plansand the huge one is bout to go so you can look read up and speak to Zig and Thor re what you saw it is sometimes qhie compelilng i will Hera Zues Zues Hera lol hahahaah same thing but ok me then you and true.
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