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tech-obssessed-shark · 10 months ago
I knew Megatron was Tall but DANG
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Ratchet is going to get neck cramps looking up at him, god
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director-yomi-hellsmile · 3 months ago
Jesus fucking christ so many times someone makes a post saying "stop calling and armchair diagnosing your abusers as narcissists, your dickwad dad did not have npd just because he was self-centered he was probably just an asshole" and there's millions of comments like "well CHECKMATE cuz MY abusers were actually diagnosed narcissists <3 so you are wrong and I don't count and I have the free pass to say anything I want about npd <3" "but im pretty sure my mom was a narcissist and it was so so scary i don't mean to say all people with npd are like that but im pretty sure my mom actually had it and it was so scary :((( i don't think all narcissists are abusive it's just. my mo-" "that is so true op!!! not ALL narcissists are abusers :)) most of them are but some of them do make an effort to not bother anyone with their nasty symptoms and go to intensive therapy to get cured and become normal!!! however we shouldn't erase the very silenced and overlooked experiences of narc abuse victims as many experts from quora can confirm it is indeed real". or even like "i agree and im not ableist and dont hate pwnpd!!! my mom was a narcissist though but its not the npd's fault but her own actions that made her abusive <3" like WHY ARE YOU TELLING US THIS. WHY WOULD YOU BRING THAT UP ON THAT POST. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE. PLEASE SHUT UP NO ONE CARES .
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moonshynecybin · 2 months ago
For the promptsss: rosquez and chives (building a home together. Badly) OR daylily (parenthood: prepared for and not).
daylily: parenthood, prepared for and not
as luck would have it i already had smth like this written so i’m gonna just post that thang… this is part one of a story that i am currently like halfway-ish through atm (i made an OUTLINE…) and who knows if i ever finish it but i am certainly having fun writing a lil melodrama… i am who i am what can i say
August 3, 2020:
“What is it? My arm, there isn't nerve damage, is there? I thought the scans were good.” Marc shifts, a nervous hand cupping his elbow. He’s keeping utterly still– breathing through pain, trying to keep his head on straight.
Dr. Xavier Mir, uncharacteristically hesitant and containing an odd energy in his posture, peers at Marc. He has a clipboard in his hand, and he keeps glancing at it.
“Marc, you are– you are a carrier, yes? Honda had you tested, I can see it marked in your medical file.”
“Yes,” Marc says slowly, and Mir nods, flipping over the pages in his hand. He shifts on his feet, and a bolt of fear shoots through Marc’s stomach like a rabbit. They told him there was no nerve damage. Opening a glass sliding door cannot be the thing that gives him nerve damage.
Mir keeps going.
“Well, Marc,” He makes an odd, placating sound. “I checked the blood sample that we collected from you for your pre-operative labs, and then I had them run it again to be sure, and it seems that the sample we took from you indicates that you are, well, about four months along.”
Marc blinks.
That isn't what he expected.
“What do you mean?” He asks, slow and loud.
Dr. Mir clicks his pen, Marc guesses he doesn’t deliver this kind of news too often, which explains the tone. “I mean that you are almost certainly pregnant, by the look of things.”
“I—“ Marc gapes. He tries to make his mind work, arm burning. He’s not— he’s here for emergency surgery. Dr. Mir is already dressed in the awful, washed-out toothpaste color of his scrubs. He’s about to usher Marc into pre-op. This is about his arm, all of this should be about his arm.
“Four months? That’s not possible, they would have tested me before my last surgery, it was negative. The doctors at Honda told me, they told me that it wasn’t something I would have to worry about, that I don't have enough body fat.”
Mir nods. The ringing sound fades a bit from Marc’s ears.
“False negatives are rare, but I’m afraid to say that they’re not impossible. And if you can get pregnant, there is always a possibility for conception when having penetrative sex. Have you been experiencing any symptoms? Nausea, weight gain, fatigue—“ Mir peers at him sideways, talking briskly. The shadow of anxious feet move outside the door, Álex and Jose must be pacing. “Strong emotional responses?”
Marc stares at him. Strong emotional responses. The arm that he uses to ride motorcycles is broken. This is his second surgery on it in the space of three weeks. The plate snapped this morning, three hours ago. Brno is in six days, and he will miss it, 25 points down the drain.
“No, yeah— eh. I mean, yes.” He makes himself say.
He puts his good hand to his stomach.
Four months ago. Pre-season testing in Qatar. They hadn’t used a condom, and then the world had shut down and he’d been stuck without his motorcycle until July, the longest he’s ever gone without riding competitively since he was 12 and still in school. Lately, he’s had other stuff on his mind. He’s been rehabbing his shoulder, he’s been training for the season, he’s been doing— he’s been doing motocross.
The truth is, he hasn’t noticed anything. The last few weeks, when he supposes it should have been becoming more and more obvious (four months along obvious, Jesus Christ) he’d been focused on noticing his arm, mainly, and the bike, as well— both more delicate things than he’d anticipated, and there had certainly been some strong emotional responses.
But this is.
With Vale in March, he honestly didn’t even think it was possible with the sort of life he led, and when he was 20 and his doctors all told him he didn’t have to worry about it, he’d just assumed that was the end of it. That will probably be a funny story in about ten years.
It’s not, in the moment. In the moment it just feels mystifying, terrifying— like waking up and finding out the sky had turned purple overnight, only with an additionally fucked-up impact on his life and more importantly, on his career. He bites hard at his bottom lip. A baby.
He remembers— Vale’s hands on the small of his back, hot as a brand. Vale’s hands lower. The question, knifed out between strained breaths as he thumbed slickly at where Marc was hot and wanting: Do you have one? and then Marc gripping him tighter, swallowing around the words. No, he’d wanted to say, so he had. You should just, it’s okay, and then Vale was there.
“Fuck.” He says now, with feeling. This is crazy.
His eyes dart around the sterile white of the room. When he’d come in, he’d caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sterile little sink, and hated the way he looked. Washed out and pale, small in the bundle of his jacket, his useless arm hanging out of its sleeve, but cradled close. His eyes were drawn with pain above the material of his mask, and his shoulders were postured unevenly, warped protectively over his shoddily healed fracture. He’d thought that he looked old. He turns over the feeling. Old enough?
A baby. An actual baby.
Marc is a practical man, when he wants to be. He runs down the list.
The season is still young, and he wants to be back to win—but it’s shortened because of Covid, and with him already missing two races, he realizes, with a sinking feeling in his chest, that a ninth championship at the age of 27 is looking less and less likely.
Which means that he has an actual choice here, not just the illusion of one. The doctor, having given him a thin breath of a moment, picks up on his line of thought.
“You do have— options, Marc. We have you at around four months along.” He sighs. “The injury, if all is normal after surgery, should heal in six to eight weeks, but this is not a normal injury, it has been retraumatized, and you’ve put a lot of stress on the bone,”
You let me do that, Marc thinks but doesn’t say. It's unfair to say it out loud, he’s the one who decided to ride.
“Now, if you want, there are precautions we can take for the baby, or we can see about going another route with that. We need to decide soon, though, because I want to get you into surgery as soon as possible, and I’m sure you’re in a lot of pain.”
Marc ignores his comment about pain— pain usually goes away, eventually, and he’s good at ignoring it. In a few minutes, once he doesn’t need to think clearly, he’ll ask for painkillers that are safe. Six to eight weeks. He would be back by— god, Misano. There goes his season.
“Another route?” He croaks out.
“You are past the 14 week cutoff for an abortion in Spain, but there are a few other countries where it is less of a problem— Sweden, the Netherlands. I’m sure that I can get you in contact with some people that are, ah, discreet, once we get you through today’s procedure.”
Fabio Quartararo already has 50 points more than Marc. He considers the neat zero next to his name in the standings. What’s worse— P10 in the championship or nothing at all. What’s worse— sitting out, or, or a child.
“My arm, six to eight weeks, you said,” He confirms, and the doctor nods.
“If everything goes well.”
Including the initial break, he will have been out around eleven weeks in total by the end of the healing, but the doctors will usually give him what he wants if he looks like he can stand the pain. If he tries to come back in four weeks, instead of six— no, even then the next grand prix would be in September. It’s still half the season, no way around that, and no one can DNF for half the season and still win a title, not even him.
The baby would be six months along by September, and here by November. That would give him the full offseason to heal. A nauseous, unsteady little thrill runs up his spine.
He could be the first rider to win after giving birth.
He takes a shuddering breath. He finds, even still, that he suddenly wants to cry very badly. He doesn’t.
“But, um, this surgery— the baby will be fine?”
Mir tilts his head, like that’s not what he expected Marc to say. “There are always risks this early into pregnancy with surgery, especially after the amount of stress your body has undergone these last few weeks, but it’s not unusual. There are ways to mitigate that risk as you heal, as well.”
His brain keeps catching— back on the bike in six weeks.
His brain keeps catching— 50 points already.
If he does this, he won’t be able to ride until next season, which is undoubtedly the worst and scariest part of the whole thing. He doesn’t do well with boredom, or with waiting, and he can already feel the need bunching under his skin, that gut-wrenching want to get from wherever he is to his bike as fast as possible. Whatever can get him to the top step, he’ll do it, he’ll do it fast, and if it means pain, then well, he can bear it.
But the thing that makes him pause is, if he doesn’t do this, he might never get another chance.
And the idea of that, of losing that, is also scary— scarier than he thought it would be. There’s a part of him that thought he wouldn’t get to do this at all, and it’s reaching towards the realization of the idea with a greedy sort of hunger he hardly seems aware of. If he followed his initial plan, he wouldn’t have a family for probably another ten years, once he retired. And that is only if he finds someone to do it with. He never thought he’d get to do it now, so soon, and with— he finds that he likes the idea.
Especially not with someone that he— he makes himself stop, and a pang shoots through his stomach.
That’s a stupid, childish thought. Vale’s made himself clear, best to nip that part of the fantasy in the bud.
He reviews. 6 months off of his bike.
He reviews. 50 points already. A baby. Blue eyes and curly hair.
“Marc, I know this is sudden, and it is hard to think clearly.” No it’s not, Marc thinks, a little distantly.
“—But I also know you’re in pain, and we do need to get you into surgery, so I need to know what you want us to do.”
He looks up at Dr. Mir. He swallows. He’s never been one to avoid what scares him.
He goes with his gut.
“I’m keeping it.” He says with conviction.
And twenty minutes later they put him under to fix the plate in his arm.
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marvelous-slut · 1 year ago
Rekindle - Opie Winston x Reader
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Y’all I’ve underestimated just how sexy Opie is. Like, stop for a minute and look at him. I’ve literally had this in my draft forever and I’m glad to finally get her out.
Warnings: MINORS, as always DNI! 18+ ONLY! Smut head folks.
You turn the engine to your car off as you finally made it to the familiar garage. Teller Morrow. It had been at least 10 years since you’d gotten out of Charming and never looked back, even sitting in the garage brought back too many memories for your brain to count. Most were horrible memories, your father Otto being arrested right outside the club house/garage. Your mother coming in late into the night, drunken and loud. Knocking over things she didn’t need but wouldn’t throw away. If she didn’t come home, you knew she was right inside the club house sobbing for your father who was constantly in and out of prison. The more you thought about the horrible memories, the more pissed off you felt yourself becoming. You decided it was time to go in and face the members of SAMCRO, find out exactly what had happened to your mother. A part of you figured she’d gotten killed due to something with the club, or maybe one of her porn costars had beaten her to death. Whatever it was, you couldn’t allow yourself to feel one hundred percent sad about it. Your parents were never really parents, who could be when they were so invested in the club life?
You walk in to the club house, not much has changed since 10 years ago. The same smell of pussy and booze, the same mug shots hanging on the wall with the exception of a few who you assumed to be members. One struck you, taking it in as you looked at the familiar face. Harry Winston.
“Jesus Christ Ope.” You say softly, before you have any time to think about what he did or if he was still in, a voice brings you out of your thoughts.
“Well look at who’s here!” Piney, it was so good to see him. Even if he looked sick with the oxygen tubing sticking out of his nose. You walk over to him, opening your arms for his warm embrace. “How you doin’ kid?” He asks, smiling largely.
“I’m good Piney, how’d you end up with that shit hanging from your nose?” He chuckles deeply, letting out a cough once he’s done.
“Lung issues, too many Marlboros I guess.” You laugh and he pats you on the back, before you can ask any questions about Opie you get your answer. He stands outside the door of the chapel, leaning up against it and seeming like he’d rather be anywhere but here. Seeing you wasn’t something he was looking forward to like the rest of the club.
“Well, glad to see you made it out for someone’s funeral.” He speaks coldly before walking out of the club house completely. Piney can see the discomfort on your face and speaks up.
“Ignore him, he’s been a real prick since Donna died.” Donna, it had been two years since she passed. He was still mad about that? You sigh and shake your head. You didn’t attend Donnas funeral and maybe you should have, maybe you should have been there to support Opie. He’d called you after it happened, drunken and slurring almost every word that come out of his mouth. You felt it was disrespectful to Donna to come to her funeral and comfort her husband, who you dated for years and considered your first love. It didn’t feel right no matter what way you thought about it, so you didn’t come. That was the last time you’d heard from him until today.
“I guess death can do that to a person. I’ll see you later Piney, I have to go get started looking for a dress to bury mom in.” He hugs you once more, this time a little more tight than before.
“He still cares about you kid. He loved Donna, but he loved you too.” He whispers, making you go cold. You break the hug and smile at him softly, heading out the club house doors as fast as you could. Hoping Piney didn’t notice the grief written all over your face.
You had been through many challenges before, but trying to find your mother an outfit for her funeral that wasn’t completely revealing may be something you weren’t able to do. She’d turned the house into an even bigger dump than it was before you left, ashtrays filled to the brim with butts, beer cans and bottles scattered everywhere. Clothes thrown to the side, on the tv, in the floor. It was a wreck. You prayed it wouldn’t be yours to deal with now. You move a pile of books on the bed to the side to lay out what clothing looked appropriate to bury someone in when a stack of photos falls out. You pick them up, looking at each one. A photo of you and Otto on his Harley, you were maybe 6 years old in the photo. It made you smile, even if there was a lot of shit memories connected to your father you did know he loved you. You knew it was shitty not to call or even visit him, if they’d even let you. You look to the next picture, feeling like someone had just hit you in the chest. A photo of you and Opie on your senior prom night.
“God, my hair. My face.” You say softly, laughing at how much different you looked. Your eyes roam over to Opie, he was much smaller than he is now. Hardly any hair on the poor boys face compared to now. You sigh, folding the picture and sticking it in your pocket. Maybe you’d get to show it to him, if he lets go of the issue of Donnas funeral before you leave. The knock at the door takes you away from reminiscing. You’re in shock at who stands behind the white, dirt covered door.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for earlier. I guess I’m bad at letting shit go.” Opie says, he leans against the frame of the door, before you can suggest for him not to do it. “Can I come in?” You move out of the door way, noticing him looking around the disaster of a house.
“It’s a fuckin’ dump. Luann couldn’t keep a house up worth a shit apparently.” You say, he laughs a little bit. “There’s no way I’m staying here. Guess I’ll get a hotel till I go home.” You say, moving around some clutter, scared to sit on the couch even after it’s gone.
“If you need a place to crash, I’m sure the club wouldn’t mind if you stayed at the house. My house is pretty empty too, wife being dead and all.” You weren’t sure how to react to the last comment, so you didn’t acknowledge it.
“Thanks Ope. I found this going through moms stuff.” You hand him the photo, as soon as he looks at it he laughs. You feel your chest tighten when he does, even after all the years apart he still had an affect on you.
“Jesus, look how fuckin’ scrawny.” He says, you remember the first time he’d ever put his kutte on, how it was so baggy on him. He’d definitely grew into it over the years. “You were pretty, still are.” He says, you can’t help but smile at the comment.
“Don’t kiss my ass just cause you were being a shit head.” He grins, knowing you were half right. He felt awful for being so cold toward you, especially this being the chance to let you know that he’s never forgotten you. How you’d haunted him nearly everyday for the last 10 years.
“Listen, I gotta get going. Got some shit with the club that needs handled. If you need to crash at my place, you know where I am.”
“Thanks Ope. I really appreciate it. I’ll see you later?” He nods his head and closes the door behind him. You place your back to the door, hanging your head down. It shouldn’t be this way, the high school sweet heart still having some stupid affect on your mind years later. You look up, opening your eyes to a large rat sitting in front of you.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You scream, grabbing the dress you’d found for your mother and slamming the door behind you.
The porch light is barley shining when you step up to the door. You knock on the door, not having to wait long before it’s answered. Opie stands in the door way, only in a towel. Hair still wet from showering. You feel your eyes widen, looking him up and down. You knew it was obvious even if you had been praying it wasn’t.
“Sorry, didn’t think you’d stop by.” He says, moving out of the door way. You step in, the place was much different than your mothers. Clean, neat, no reason to be scared of being on the couch.
“So you just answer the door for anyone half naked?”
“Just the pretty ones.” You feel your face heat up at the comment. Embarrassed that you’re blushing like this. You place a hand on his thigh, rubbing it gently.
“Ope, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” You say softly, he brings your head up to face him. Looking into his eyes makes your heart go faster than it had in years. He places his hand on the side of your cheek, caressing it gently.
“It’s okay.” Before you can respond, you feel yourself move closer, kissing him. He moves his hands to your hips as you stratal him, gripping them tightly. You run your fingers through his damp hair, the last time this had happened was when the two of you were 19 years old, what you’d thought would be the last time you ever got to be this close to him. You break the kiss and head down to the towel that covered him, uncovering his hardened cock. Turns out, everything about him had grown some in ten years. You lower your head down, running your tongue up his cock as he moans out. One thing you love about Opie, he never was afraid to be loud. He’d let you know how good you made him feel. You wrap your lips around his cock, moving your head up and down. Slowly, trying to get him going and eager for you. It worked very fast, he grabs a fist full of your hair, tugging it gently trying to get you to pick up the pace. It was hard to take him in your mouth without choking, you hadn’t been blessed with no gag reflex like most. Taking him little by little however, was driving him insane.
“Too big for you to handle now?” He asks, you can just in-vision the smirk plastered across his face. You decide to take it as a challenge, taking him until he hits the back of your throat. You hold in your gags, but the tears forming in your eyes can’t hide that you’re struggling with taking every inch of him.
“Fuck.” He mutters out, leaning his head up to watch the sight in-front of him. A sight that as much as he was ashamed to admit, thought about from time to time even while he was married to Donna. You pull your mouth off of him, slowly, letting him feel every movement as you do. He groans out, as you straighten yourself up, he’s pulling at the waistband of your shorts. Silently, he begs you to take them off. You begin to unbutton them and he helps get your underwear and shorts off swiftly. Eager to be inside of you. You reach your hands down to discard your shirt before you slide yourself down onto him. Your walls stretching with every inch you take of him. Moaning out, you rest your hands on his chest. He places his hands back onto your hips, helping you move and watches your face as you adjust to him.
“Oh my God. Ope.” You whimper out, moving yourself faster and more steady onto him. A hand finds its way to your breast, grasping it firmly. He moves his hand farther up to your mouth, he drags his thumb over your lips slowly. You open your mouth far enough for him to graze it over your teeth. Before you know it, you’re flipped onto your back. The feeling of him reinserting himself makes you whine out, arching your back as he picks up a steady pace. You turn your head, closing your eyes and taking in the feeling of pleasure that’s overwhelming your senses. He uses one of his hands to turn your head back to him, holding it there.
“I want you to look me in the eyes. I want to see how good I make you feel.” The words make you even wetter than you were, which at this point you’d thought was impossible. He feels your nails digging into his back, using your hands to pull him closer to you. Looking at your face and the way you tightly had your legs wrapped around him, he knew you were close to cumming. He speeds up, thrusting into you faster and a touch harder than before.
“Fuck! Ope-“ You’re unable to get another word out before you feel yourself tighten around him. You grab him, pulling him down and smashing your lips against his. You grind against him, making sure to ride the orgasm as long as possible. Feeling you grind against him sends him over the edge, he groans out as he releases into you. You would thank God later for the birth control pills, but right now that was the last thing on your mind. He pulls himself out of you, laying down beside you as you both try to catch your breaths. You try to make the shaking in your legs stop, but it’s useless. You decide to just lay there until you don’t feel shaky or hazy.
“So much for small talk huh?” You ask, he chuckles and stretches out his arm for you to come over. You do so, resting your head on his chest. The feeling feels so good, so familiar and you hate to think about it ending. Suddenly dreading going back home.
“Yeah. Maybe we can do that in the morning.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
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quasi-normalcy · 11 months ago
Actually, you know what? Ever since I learned that Ira Steven Behr signed that grossly unfair letter against Jonathan Glazer, I've been forced to kind of reevaluate some of my interpretations of things in Deep Space Nine.
Like Section 31. I was willing to suppose that it was always and only intended to be villainous. But knowing as I do now that the showrunner who included it is perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to genocide, I'm forced to wonder...was it critical? Was it?
Like, let's consider canon here. In "Statistical Probabilities", Bashir and the other augments calculate, in no uncertain terms, that the Federation can't win its war with the Dominion. Their model even accurately forecasts things that happen later in the series: the Romulans declaring war on the Dominion; a full-scale revolt on Cardassia Prime. The end of the episode kind of pooh-poohs their model, like, "Well you couldn't even forecast what Serena would do in this room" but like...(1) the premise is basically lifted from Asimov's psychohistory concept, which works on populations rather than individuals, and (2) there's even a line of dialogue in the episode saying that the models become *less* uncertain the further you go in time. And indeed, the Federation ultimately wins the war not because any of their assumptions were wrong, but because there was another factor that they weren't aware of: the Changeling plague. The plague that had, of course, been engineered by Section 31 to exterminate the Changelings.
So again you have to ask: *was* this critical? Or was the real message that a black ops division willing to commit genocide is necessary to preserve a "utopian" society, no matter how squeamish it makes a naïve idealist like Bashir? And yeah, the war is ultimately won by an act of compassion, but only *after* Bashir sinks to S31's level by kidnapping Sloane and invading his mind with illicit technology. So...is this really a win for idealism?
And then we have the Jem'Hadar. They're a race of slave soldiers, genetically engineered to require a compound that only the Changelings can give them. By any reasonable standard, they're victims. And yet, the series goes out of its way, especially in "The Abandoned", to establish that they're irredeemable. You can't save them. Victims of colonialism they may be, but your only choice is to kill them, or else they--preternaturally violent almost from the moment that they're born--*will* kill you. And of course, I've long assumed that this was just a really unfortunate attempt to subvert what had become the standard "I, Borg" style Star Trek trope where your enemies become less scary once you get to know them, but like. I would say that there's pretty close to a one-to-one correspondence between this premise and the ideology excusing the mass murder of children in Gaza.
Or the Maquis. There's this line at the start of "For the Uniform" where Sisko tells Eddington that he regards the refugees in the Demilitarized Zone as being "Victims of the Maquis", because they've kept alive the forlorn hope that they would ever be allowed to return to their homes and...Jesus, when I write it out like that, Hello, Palestinian Right of Return. [The episode of course ends with Sisko bombing a Maquis colony with chemical weapons, though it is somewhat less objectionable in practice than I'm making it sound here].
And you know what...I get that DS9 is a show that's intended to have moral complexity, and to be kind of ambiguous in a lot places, and not to give you simple answers and so on. And I'm *not* trying to do the standard JK Rowling/ Joss Whedon/ Justin Roiland thing where a creator falls from grace for whatever reason and people comb through their oeuvre to show that they were always wicked and fans were stupid for not seeing it earlier or whatever. But I will say that these things hit different when you know that the series was show-run for five seasons, comprising every episode that I've just named, by a man who would go on to sign his name to a letter maliciously quoting Jonathan Glazer out of context to drag him for condemning an active genocide. And given that I've been a fan of DS9 for basically my entire life, this is deeply unsettling to me.
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luthordamnvers · 2 months ago
ficwip - ‘promise’
Thanks for the tag @nostradamus0
Just as you, I have to search by file, because I've been using ellipsus for a few months now. Alongside libreoffice, so, same difference.
[link to OP]
Spoilers from my own fics, I suppose????
keep on waiting (underneath the mistletoe) Chapter 2
In all honesty, Lena might be desperate enough to find someone to take to the Christmas party she had promised her best friends. "Oh, shit." Jess said, seconds later. "What?" Lena lightly jumped in her chair. "You already have three happy cupcakes." Jess announced. "That means that there are three whole humans that want to meet you." She explained. "Imagine if it had been an actual good pic. You have to go to the next party. There's a holiday mixer this Friday at a member's house. I'll text you the address. Promise me you'll go." Lena grimaced. "Promise!" "Fine. Okay… Jesus. I'll go."
Supercorp : Can we always be this close (forever and ever)? (Don't ask me what this fic is about, I have no clue, but that's the title of the doc)
Esme was staying with her while Alex and Kelly were on their honeymoon. And while she did know English, and she was technically born on Earth, while they were around each other (and presumably they would be a lot given Kara’s relationship with Alex; the kid was her niece for Rao’s sake), Esme was as Kryptonian as Kara herself. And she needed to learn to control those powers. Kara promised herself that she would try her best to teach her niece how to handle them, while her mothers were out of town. Thankfully, she didn’t need to try alone. Eliza was also staying with them for the weekend before returning to Midvale. 
The HoTD Supercorp AU (Have I watched this show? no... And what of it?)
“We will survive, Kara.” Kal said, when they mourned her parents, and they became ashes by dragon fire. The crown sitting heavy on his head. “You and I are the future of our house. It won’t die with us, I promise.”
"It doesn't really matter if you don't need to produce an heir, we are all destined to marry after all, Kara." Lena commented, reading a book, sitting under the Weirwood tree at the palace's garden. "Unless you become a priestess…" "Or a knight…" Kara offered, frowning. Her head resting on Lena's thighs. "Kal promised." Lena sighed, like always, closing her book to look directly at Kara. "I know he promised, Kara. And he will probably be true to his word, but you know that the usual rules wouldn't apply to you." Lena said.
An even older Hallmark Christmas AU - Supercorp
“Are you ready, Aunt Kara?” Esme’s adorable voice asked. “Not quite, Esme,” Kara grimaced to her 6-years-old niece. Esme pouted, in impressively perfect Danvers form. “This is all she's been talking about all day,” Alex, her own older sister, informed her. “Wanting to get a Christmas tree with you for the bakery.” “I know, I know. I promised, it’s our tradition,” Kara apologized, looking at the post-it on her hand again. “I'm just running a little behind on my orders.”
Untitled - Rojarias (actual first fic I started of them, still sitting on 7k words)
"Last time, you drank two whiskeys and then started giving them to me, and switched to ginger ale. You are a lightweight." Andrea pokes fun at her, a smile threatening to settle on her lips at Samantha's silence. "Want me to send you some ice cream, then?" "I have ice cream…"  "I will buy you a drink tomorrow. After our big meeting, I promise." She says softly. "Hell or high water."
All three of them reconvened at Samantha's house, Andrea showed up to the suburban house with a newly-bought bottle of Macallan Sherry Oak.  Lena snickers at it as soon as she sees it. "You really need to update your moves." "It's definitely not a move," Andrea lifts a brow. "I promised Arias a drink last night. I'm just following through." 
That's all I got... I think...
No pressure tags @fazedlight @snowydragonscave @mycatismyeditor @tedgruver69 @thatonebirdwrites @fyonahmacnally
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beifong-brainrot · 6 months ago
What do you think of this?
Oh wow that's a lot of points. And it looks like the OP is living the cottagecore dream judging by all the cherrypicking and strawman building they're doing! Though I do think they make some good points, or at least they have the spirit. It's clear they're passionate about their ship and they want to defend it, which is understandable. I don't want this to come off as shading some random shipper, because I can respect their dedication and the gathering of references, even if they present points rather disingenuously and their use of references is incorrect.
In their first point, OP calls upon the very obvious reference of La Pietà, particularly Michelangelo's statue of it, as basis of their opinion that Katara is presented as Aang's mother.
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Now, Pietà is actually a term used to reference anything related to Mary mourning Jesus's death, so there are multiple statues and pieces of art depicting that biblical scene, however the most famous, and most refrenced one, is Michelangelo's statue, so much so that it had become synonymous with it.
While yes, the most obvious and straightforward interpretation of Pietà is a mother grieving her son, there are many other interpretations of it in fiction and art, due to how ancient the concept is.
One very obvious connection to be made is the similarity of Aang and Jesus. While atla is primarily based around non Christian media, the concept of a 'deity in a human body/human touched by god' suffering and dying to save humanity is hardly a novel concept. It just so happens that the Christian mythos is the most widespread iteration of this theme, with plenty of art and themes to reference.
La Pietà symbolises the death of a saviour, the destruction of a godlike deity by misguided humans. It shows us this deity's first and truest believer grieving their death.
The utilisation of a refrence to Jesus is also a nice reference to Aang's future revival, because that is also what happened to Jesus. The theme of rebirth is surprisingly prevalent in references to Pietà.
It's actually very interesting that this scene refrences Michelangelo's sculpture in particular, since one of the bigger controversies surrounding the statue at its time is how young Mary looked, much too young to be the mother of a 33 year old Jesus. Many believe that this depiction is meant to showcase Mary's purity, and some believe that this was a refrence to Dante's Divine Comedy, particularly a passage where Dante highlights not only Mary's role as Jesus' mother, but also her role as God's daughter and the spouse of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity be weird like that). Presenting her as the pinnacle of human virtue.
This is an interesting angle, because (even though this concept eludes a large chunk of the fandom) Katara is young. She is a child. And she's also pretty damn virtuous. Throughout the show, Katara is compassionate, determined, hopeful, strong and a myriad of other things. She is who keeps the Gaang going in the Desert, she is the one who saves Aang, she shows compassion to the people of the Fire Nation. She represents and embodies the goodness and hope of humanity in a way many female characters can't.
If we're gonna refrence the Bible, we can compare Kataang to the Holy Spirit being so taken by Mary's virtue, to the point where an aspect of it becomes human like her, by her.
(Does this make Bumi II Jesus? Maybe)
Boiling this reference down to "momther" seems like a disservice to Katara, because Mary represents a whole lot more than just that too. Or maybe I'm just an ex Catholic from Poland which is like the seed of the Cult of Mary.Now, don't get me wrong, many of the aspects of Mary's story do have some icky undertones, but the concept of her in Christian mythos and in popculture has evolved extremely.
It's also important to note that atla isn't unique in referencing La Pietà, even for romantic couples. The statue was quite a big infulence on art, even without its symbolism, to the point where it's sometimes heralded as the start of a short time period named the High Renaissance (which sounds much more fun than it actually was. Alas, no weed in late 15th century Italy.) Many media used it as a shorthand for grief, loss and sorrow, utilising many different pairings. Yes, even romantic.
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What, are we gonna say that the Batman and the Joker had a mother/son relationship now?
Pietà means 'pity' or 'compassion' in Italian and I think this perfectly sums up the essence of the theme, particularly in modern art. It is meant to invoke the viewer's compassion, our pity, our sorrow.
And the scene where Katara, a 14 year old child caught in a war, cradles the dead body of Aang, another child, who is burdened with the weight of being a godlike saviour, should evoke pity, should it not?
Also Op references that one interview where Bryke say that Kataang is like having a crush on a babysitter, which, if anyone has the link to the full interview, I'd appreciate it, because I wanna have the full context before I make a call. It could be a clumsy explanation of a trope, it could be taken out of context, etc. Op does not provide enough of the material for me to formulate a proper opinion.
Op's second point is that they believe that Kataang anti's claim that Katara never had romantic feelings for Zuko and that Katara was like a sister to him. They provide the scene of Katara examining Zuko's scar as evidence of potential romantic feelings from Katara's side. As they say, it is unusual for Katara to inspect a wound so closely before proceeding to heal it. Now, I don't think Katara had any regular water with her in the catacombs, which may be an explanation.
And when we see Katara usually heal, it's because someone is dying/freshly wounded. Like you don't have to poke around in the bleeding lightning hole in Aang's back to go: huh maybe this needs medical attention. And in the cases of her using healing to reverse Jet's brainwashing there really wasn't anything to inspect.
Now as a professional burn scar haver, I can say that, especially in the first few years, a lot of doctors inspected my many scars by physical touch. This is, from my understanding (do forgive me for not remembering I was like a toddler) is to assess the damage to the skin, whether or not certain glands are working properly and regulating the skin, etc.
ButI guess next time I go to the dermatologist to have my scars examined and they inspect the burn on my hand they're actually tryna hold hands romantically. Good to know. I'm gonna get railed by so many doctors. 🥳
Another reason for Katara stalling could be because... well, she did bond with Zuko, but he still does have a history of being bad™️. Like as kind as girlie is, there probably was a bit of a "should I really use all my super special magic water on the guy who tried to kill me like a few months ago?" type of questioning there.
I believe the creators also mentioned that Katara did experiments on the spirit water and determined that it only works on people with a strong spiritual connection, so she may be pondering if the water would even work.
As for Zuko and Katara being sibling coded, I think it stems from Katara and Azula obviously being foils and the very blatant juxtaposition of the Fire Nation Royal Family and that of Katara and Sokka's.
These two families have very obvious similarities and their dynamics are often used as foils.
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So it isn't a leap for people to put forth the idea that Katara embodies everything Zuko wanted Azula to be as a sister and longs to have the relationship Sokka and Katara want.
We don't see much of Katara and Zuko's interactions after they make up, but we do occasionally see her poking fun at him, not unlike she does with Sokka, but that is just an observation. The gaang banter between each other a lot. But the ending to the Last Agni Kai, where Katara literally heals the damage Azula made to Zuko also does solidify this point, at least symbolically.
The Op claims that another anti Zutara take is that Zuko and Katara's elements do not mix and can't work well together, and prove it to be false by showing how well Zuko and Katara work in combat situations. And you know what? They have a point there! Zuko and Katara are very capable together and they are honestly incredibly fun to watch when they team up!
....and then OP slides their way into the false eqivalence fallacy, which is a habit they seem to pick up especially for the last 2 points.
OP brings up the 2023 film Elemental, to back up their point, however, instead of utilising the comparison of tropes, they substitute their point with simply describing the plot of the movie and making loose allusions to zutara as a ship.
When bringing up references, it's best to pick out common tropes/storylines/themes. For example, they picked out the symbolism of fire and water, which is an excellent first step. However, then they proceed to describe an event where the characters of the movie touch, creating steam, which, if they want to make this comparison, they need to connect somehow to Zutara.
I assume they wanted to imply that Zuko and Katara could also create something new by working together? However, they'd have to explain this comparison, because one of the predominant themes of Katara and Zuko's relationship is healing the old. The idea of healing Zuko's scar, the attempt at retribution for Kya, Zuko and Katara healing their relationship being symbolic of them healing the great pain the Fire Nation caused to the Water Tribe, etc.
Im not saying this comparison can't be made, I just want OP to elaborate because they just yeeted vague concepts at us and expected us to extrapolate.
Where the theme of creating something new lays more with Zuko and Aang's relationship, as Zuko describes in his coronation speech if I'm not mistaken.
I think Op could've pulled this comparison off if they'd gone more in depth, because there certainly is a proper comparison to be made. (I assume. I haven't watched Elemental. Op just presented their point poorly. They could've just lied to me I just want them to at least lie well).
In the last point, OP attempts to debunk the claim that Zuko and Katara have no chemistry. And once again, I agree with them! I think Zuko and Katara have very good onscreen chemistry. Their banter is fun to watch, they work well in action scenes and their emotional scenes always hit pretty hard for me.
Whether or not this chemistry is romantic chemistry or not is left up to interpretation. Because when we talk about chemistry between characters, it can refer to things other than romance. It's, in generalisation, something that makes us care (for good or bad reasons) about a relationship between characters. For example, Katara has good chemistry with Sokka and Toph. But it isn't necessarily romantic chemistry (though I am a big Katoph truther).
Now the term chemistry has been mainly taken over by romance because we can't have nice things, so I don't blame OP for looking at this rather nebulous concept purely through the lense of romance.
Side note, I think OP mixed up IRL romantic chemistry and the different types on onscreen chemistry when pulling up a definition, but that's beside the point. But I'd perfer thek to specify exactly which type of chemistry they mean, like are we talking 'weird pickup artist chemistry' or 'these characters make me feel something chemistry'.
However, I think OP once again presents a very lacklustre example of this chemistry and utilises false equivalency to prove their point.
Instead of bringing up Zuko and Katara's actual chemistry, OP utilises a different movie as a crutch. They compare the ending of the movie Tangled, where Flynn Rider is injured and later healed by Rapunzel to the admittedly very similar scene of the last Agni Kai.
Where I can see where they're attempting to go with this, they're trying to point out romantic tropes that could be applied to Zuko and Katara's relationship, they kinda miss the mark?
They bring up a narrative, when the point is meant to be about chemistry. Where a good narrative and storyline can enhance chemistry, romantic chemistry is often more about character interactions.
As I pointed out previously, Zuko and Katara do have chemistry as characters. Whrm pointing this chemistry out, utilise the many similarities and mild differences of their ideals and personalities, point out where these differences clash and where their similarities intersect. Dissect their interactions, how they influence each other.
It may not force the reader to consider romance as much as building your argument around an established romantic couple like Flynn and Rapunzel would, but it will present your points genuinely and allow readers to slowly come around to your points instead of forcing the conclusion on them.
Going "oh pair A did this, and pair B did this too. Pair A is a romantic couple, therefore pair B is also a romantic couple" is literally comparing apples and oranges and proves very little.
I see what OP is trying to do and I appreciate the effort, and even agree with some of their points, to an extent. I would also like to know where they got a lot of these ideas about what zutara antis think because it doesn't really add up with what I have seen from this side of the fandom, but maybe I'm just not as invested as I used to be in the ship wars.
I also don't want to send any harassment towards OP, please.
From just reading their post, they seem rather young and other than the first point, their post consists purely of just pointing out tropes they enjoy and applying those tropes to a ship they like. Yes, they presented their points kinda clumsily but they were simply expressing their preferences and opinions.
Where they presented some of their points in a manner that was a bit disingenuous and leading, this is also not a crime. And I don't think they wanted to intentionally mislead people, just express their own thoughts without going too in depth with them. Which is fine too, we're all just screaming into the void here on tumblr.
As arguments for Zutara go, tqhis si probably the least egregious I've seen in a while. It's benign, just someone talking about their preferences and not being used to presebting their arguments in this form.
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moondustgleam · 7 months ago
⚠️⚠️ TDP S6 EP 01/(02 just a little) SPOILER WARNING SERIOUSLY LOOK AWAY ⚠️⚠️
-aaravos crying omg 😭
- lady's voice is pretty
-moon nexus??????
-giants on moon nexus????????
-Terry omg where have you been the whole divorce/death arc
-he continues to be too wholesome for this world (thay family)
-HES NOT DEAD??????? aaravos you little bitch
-he is alive! And free!
-that's a tone shift to Claudia's blood
-Jesus christ that's a lot of blood
-sir sparklepuff no!!!!!!!
-omg it wasn't her bloooooood
-Jesus christ
-her voice no :((((((((((
-his voice nooooo :(
-oh Jesus her leg
-nooooo his wingggggggg
-bro finally making a good choice in his life
-why didn't we notice sir sparklepuff wasn't in the trailer
-it's a little late to be a good influence on your daughter, dude
-that's a fucking tone shift
-opeli is relevant finally???
-lord breadsandwich 🤣
-the baitlings my beloved <3
-ayyy the sphere shot that came sooner than I thought
-oh shit they're looking at viren in the rain from that one shot
-barius why are you here. Like no offense
-head cannon destroying it releases him that was too suspicious
-fellowship of the pearl 😭 sorens becoming self aware in a 4th wall kinda way
-the lightings so pretty omg
-zym errands friendship <3
-bro is getting possessed. I can feel it.
-moonfam this season?
-the way jack said runaan 🤣🤣
-rayla called him king oooooh
-bro is getting possessed
-bro is getting possessed
-omg it's happening
-wtf is happening
wtf is happening
wtf is happening
wtf is happening
wtf is happening wtf is happening wtf is happening wtf is happening wtf is happening wtf is happening
-bro don't just drop it
-hair down rayla?????? Slayyyyyyyy
-the instant belief 😍
-he took their blankie 😡
-barius plot relevant???
-zym picked up cues from ava awwwww
-furry soren?????????
-let ezran sleep jesus
-barius is the chocolate guy canonically
-Ayyyy sorvus
-awwwww sleepy callum
-sleepy rayllum
-poor Terry. Deserves better
-maybe Taylor and Terry could be cute
-Terry why are you crawling u have legs (unlike someone oops)
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battlefrankies · 1 month ago
i'm in my marco era and by proxy my middle aged one piece man era so 🍍 is literally the most interesting thing in the world to me right now. and if you think about him for like .5 seconds too long it goes CRAZY 'cause he knows... everyone ??
the whitebeard pirates are one of the biggest crews around taking into account core crew of ~1.600, 43 allied crews, NUMEROUS territories. perospero has beef with him so he's had dealings with the big mom pirates, he's got ties to wano through oden and izou, ties to zou through nekomamushi and inuarashi, ties to fishman island through jinbei and namur and whitebeard's close friendship with king neptune.
he's obviously known shanks for a long time and they trade favors like old friends (marco saving luffy, shanks stepping in at marineford), he knew roger and rayleigh and were by all accounts on pretty friendly terms with them, we know CROCODILE has some history with whitebeard (lbr he came for pops's head and got spanked so hard he ran back to paradise), every single one of these dynamics is just loaded with history and potential for a character who's been around for so long and seen so much that he can drop into any arc and instantly become arc mvp just from how much critical support he's giving to the main players. and he's got such a weird cracked out fruit with so much potential.
after wano he's friends with at LEAST half the straw hats, luffy owes him and the rest of the WBPs a big favor for saving his ass at marineford, there's a good chance sabo ran into him on/near sphinx when he visited ace's grave, if there's any character at all that could conceivably have an interesting already established relationship to any other character, it's marco. and we don't even have his backstory yet
if i had to guess, marco's backstory is gonna be closely tied to shanks's, and oda's being so cagey about it because he actually does intend to cover it in the story at some point, otherwise he would've just offscreened it in an SBS (like zoro and kidkiller's LOL). but like jesus fucking christ there's so much story and mystery left in op i genuinely don't know how oda's gonna have the time to cover it all
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months ago
“You care more that she doesn't fit your perception of a young woman with a possible influence on her fans who doesn't "use" that power…..”
“Leave the girl alone and stop insulting her intelligence, integrity and take on the world.“
“She's just doing what she loves as her job. She lives her life and is not hurting anyone.”
Meanwhile she let her fans destroy her supposed “best friend” career and reputation and basically said he and his character wouldn’t be missed in her Vanity Fair interview or how she ignored their romcom they had together.
(I know OP is talking about her influence on politics and rightfully so, she could have a big impact on politics, just like how Taylor Swift’s influence and endorsement did.)
But she also has a big influence on how her fans act. And the fact that she doesn’t say anything on how they treated him and STILL treat him? And how they continuously insist that she’s gay even though she hasn’t said so? It’s disgusting and she rightfully deserves to be called out for her behavior.
I don’t give a flying fuck if all she does is care about her job, is a workaholic. The way you handle things in times of crisis or serious situations is a poor reflection of your character and self and she desperately needs to work on that, fire her PR team or both.
It’s truly changed the way I see her and I’m starting to not like Jenna as much as I used to. She’s become someone she isn’t.
If I recall, she said it is a "weird redirect" and that "with so many new characters, it will get lost", re: Xavier's absence. Which to me — again, I'm not a White stan, but I'm preeeeetty sure you are — just tells me they're pulling the whole DISTRACTIONDISTRACTIONDISTRACTION! game with that shitload of new characters, and Ortega is playing along. As EP she didn't seem too concerned about saving Ogawa's or the Watsons' jobs either, so...her powers much more likely than not don't go that far. She may be The Face and Burton might love working with her, but not all celebrity EPs are given that much power. Sometimes it's in name/title only, or are lighter in responsibilities than the ones who have to do all of the gruntwork.
But let's talk about those politics. Ortega comes from a conservative Roman Catholic background. Her book has a whole ass faith (religion) section. She was indoctrinated good, because that's how it is in a lot of Latino families. Her father is a cop, too...not just a businessman, as some websites love to say. He's still a cop, as of 2023.
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Do people think Jenna's real wide on the left and subscribes to #ACAB? The girl was posting pro-cop/cop sympathy on her Facebook when she was a Disney teen. The Ortegas will always be on that side of the blue line, as well as on the side of Euro-colonization Jesus.
There's always some faith-based language saturating her mother's captions and comments, and Ortega has consistently stated that her mother is a very important figure in her life. Don't people who don't have faith or are non-believers comprehend those that do/are? I'm not sure that they do.
Well. We still have a few years to watch as she grows into real adulthood. I suppose we'll see how she continues to handle fame and the power that comes with it. Until then, I don't think we can blame her for anything surrounding the White situation, or the letting go of the others. She was more than likely told how the studio, the main showrunners, and the other actors should be handling it, since she's the big star of the show and can't be pissing off anyone else at the moment/souring people on such a lucrative IP (like Cynthia Erivo recently did).
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guardiangeologist · 9 months ago
Luigi's Uncharacteristically Large and also maybe Haunted House (3DS Edition): A Highly Professional Review
The entire time I've had this blog, I haven't really been sure what to use it for. I've settled on spewing my unscripted thoughts on whatever Game of the Week I've played most recently because, quite frankly, where else are they gonna go? I love my girlfriend, but these words are destined for a wider platform. I must expand my horizons. So here I am, talking about cartoon ghosts and green vacuum-wielding Italian men on the internet.
Now, let me tell you, this green man and his stupid house have been in control of my entire brain like some fucked up Italian Ratatouille for at least 10 years. I was a Luigi's Mansion Kid. What do I mean by that? I mean I roleplayed Luigi's Mansion on the school playground when I was in the 3rd grade. With the other Luigi's Mansion Kids. So it's safe to say I have some experience when it comes to this game. At times, he goes dormant. He waits patiently for another hyperfixation to pass. However, just when I least expect it, he returns from the grave (almost like a ghost?) to stage a military occupation of my frontal lobe to last the next few months.
So, there's my history. I ended up finally picking up the 3DS version of this game just before the eShop shut down (rest in piss) for shits and giggles, and only just got around to playing it this week while laying in bed with a migraine. (maybe not the smartest decision?) I mean, to start with, why was this game released for the 3DS? It came out in October 2018, at which point we were already an entire year post-Switch. I mean, I guess it would be fine, but it's just so obvious that being on the 3DS holds this game back in so many different areas (which I will get to, be patient!) and it's seriously a tragedy it hasn't been ported to Switch yet. Why put together such an amazing remake, and then bottleneck it with lackluster hardware and release it on a nearly out of service console?
In terms of positive changes? LOADS of QoL stuff. I might even go as far as to call this the definitive version of the game in spite of the few drawbacks it does present. Some examples include:
Re-fighting portrait ghosts: NO MORE RESETS!!! (Ok still some resets for speedy spirits because there's no way in hell I'm staying in the blackout for longer than I have to but that's just part of The Experience)
You can go back to the Lab from the Mansion by exiting through the front door. Finally, Luigi has learned how to open doors!
The tougher post-game Hidden Mansion, originally exclusive to the PAL version, has finally been made available to us worthless money-grubbing Americans! (Minus the disorienting flipped rooms, which I found pretty disappointing but some people will probably celebrate.) You can even get platinum ghost portraits from the Hidden Mansion which I have yet to obtain all of because jesus christ it is not easy to defeat a ghost with 150 health in a single attempt.
And now, the ghostly elephant in the room: co-op. I did try it, with my little brother as my Gooigi guinea pig. It's...I mean...honestly, it's not great. If you want to play LM1 with a friend, I can honestly recommend a ROM hack of the GameCube original more than I can recommend Nintendo's official multiplayer, which is pretty lame. For one, nothing is scaled up difficulty-wise to account for the extra player, so most battles in the game become trivial with the addition of a second experienced player (not my little brother.) But secondly, and most importantly:
the LAG.
I can testify that our internet is fine. The internet is not the issue, and even if it were, it shouldn't take any more bandwidth to play this game than it takes for two 3DS systems that are within 3 feet of each other and 10 feet from a router to communicate with each other. Yet, the game did not once run at full speed on either screen the entire time we played. Additionally, my brother complained several times that he couldn't even move his character. Luigi's Mansion with two players SHOULD be a chaotic mess, but adding the piddly framerate on top of it makes the game nearly unplayable.
That being said, the co-op is a disappointment, but it was never necessary for the game to be a satisfying package overall, it's better than having nothing. Though, as is typical, the work of fans definitely triumphs over Nintendo's official product in this department.
Oh, and they still didn't fix the oversight which causes you to lose the second gold diamond if you die after collecting it because the game prompts you to save while it's still on the ground... No A-Rank for me, I guess.
Mm, yes, the controls, yeah, those exist. This is one of those spots where I feel this game could have easily benefitted from just being developed for the Switch. Instead of forcing a dual-stick game onto a dying handheld with a single circle pad, maybe we could've, like, released it for the dual-stick console/handheld that was already out and had a perfectly established user base? They tried to substitute the c-stick with the gray alien nipple- or uhh..."circle pad pro"...that comes pre-installed on the New Nintendo 3DS, but it does not work well. The nub just isn't responsive enough to substitute for an entire stick, and if you want it to be a real circle pad, you have to buy an external attachment. Not to mention the nub isn't even available on every 3DS model! So like, yeah, I understand they made an honest attempt to work around the controller issues, but a better workaround would've been to just...not curse this game to irrelevancy by trapping it on a dying console.
All of that said, I spent all week playing this game, so they did something right. Curse my brain worms.
11/10 will buy this game and its sequels again every time Nintendo re-releases them.
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mamamittens · 2 months ago
can u do one where luffy before he left to be a pirate becomes a single teen dad to a daughter that he got from fooling around with a childhood friend that he would hang out with at the village she died in childbirth so he raised her she was born at least a year before ace left and can u show how luffy would raise her and how she would be in the crew i defiantly wanna see garp, sabo and dragons reaction to luffy being a dad
I'm deeply concerned by this timeline in connection with Luffy's fairly consistent lack of sexual motivation. He's gotta be like, 15~? When the sex happens, and unless this is super lucky (?) that usually takes more than one try. So he's actively having sex or sex adjacent activities by at least 14, assuming this wasn't one very, very, fast "fooling around" session.
I... Know people get pregnant early all the time, but considering how isolated Luffy's childhood is... It still feels weird???
Besides the point, I suppose!
Well, I hate to say it, but there's... A non zero chance Luffy pulls a Dragon (or a Garp or a "insert OP dad here") and leaves the kid with someone else to raise in relative safety. Perhaps under the impression that they, too, must wait until they're 17 to set off on their journey.
I'm... So concerned. Distressed.
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Maybe Garp had a point wanting them to enroll in the military Jesus Christ.
(that poor girl, unless this scenario is even MORE FUCKED she died so horribly young. The 'unless' being a horrible grooming scenario that is--jesus christ)
Uh... I can't see even Garp letting him keep the kid, being dead honest. Zoro will think he's FUCKING INSANE. NAMI WOULD HATE HIS ASS SO HARD--Ussop would be pretty envious tho, gotta love abandonment issues--Robin would... Have complicated feelings. Franky would be overly supportive but also skeptical? Chopper is just so fucking stressed. Brooks does have some concerns alongside Sanji.
Dragon is deeply disappointed cause that kid will have no fucking choice about piracy with her face plastered right alongside Luffy's, but he also forfeited his right to comment when he gave Luffy to Garp so...
That is a five year old on a chaotic, newly minted pirate crew. Her job is Not Die with Heavy Assistance.
Sabo, with his memory restored, is questioning how badly Ace fucked up in his absence that Luffy thought this was ever a good idea.
This is just the timeline Luffy inexplicably decides to overcompensate for the entire world's deficit of Actually Decent Dads by being The Most Reckless and Stupid Father.
He gets into too much shit, in all fairness most of it isn't on purpose. But there is a Very Good Reason Shanks was right to not recruit Luffy as a baby. He could raise Uta but even he dropped her off fairly young when the heat got too much.
Luffy will likely not have that option.
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best-overplayed-song · 2 years ago
Re: Take Me To Church in response to anon-- a take by someone who first heard it a bit After it came out at the age of 20, was concerned it was overhyped, and on listening had to admit that it was in fact good. (Also disclaimer, I've got less context about like, Irish/English history and stuff than OP so uhhhh sorry this is just gonna be my own personal vibecheck)
Tw: sex mention.
A lot of my feelings on the song are more related to this bit: Take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death and revolve around a. Possibly more sexual interpretation, so take that as you will (I was horny at 20 what can I say)
Okay first off let's talk about Why Church Is Horny. Religion and sex are both things that people often have a lot of feelings about. Christians specifically have even more feelings about sex, usually because they're saying it's bad. However, from a Catholic perspective, there's often a LOT of erotic imagery and stuff going on behind the scenes. See: lactating Jesus, saints' mysticism (for instance, Theresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena), and honestly just general medieval saints… people were SO horny for God. Plus, from an anti-sex Christian perspective, stuff still gets horny more often than you'd think. Milton was a Puritan, and that doesn't stop Paradise Lost from having originated Sexy Satan as a trope. All of which boils down to, coming from Christian, English-speaking cultural context a lot of your feelings about sex and religion, both of which carry enough baggage on their own, become intertwined.
So. All of that means you get the invocation of Christian stuff in the Bedroom anyway--lots of people say stuff like 'oh god' during sex, for instance. Think about the popularity too of the sexy nun trope, or even Destiel. A lot of people find desecration of the (Christian) holy, hot as shit, though it remains taboo.
For that reason! "Take Me To Church" being a song about sex?? About a woman referred to as a "lover," not a wife? Sex as worship? Get all those cultural hotbuttons pinged. (And that's just the first line we're looking at.)
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies Hoo boy. So, again, worship = sex? That's a lot as seen above. Invoking the dog imagery as part of deference to a woman also gets into stuff about gender roles, taboos, and the breaking thereof. There's a lot to unpack here-- deference of a man to a woman, of an animal to the holy, the admission that it is a shrine of lies, and tied into all that is the implied desire and consent to do these things. That's sexy!
I'll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife Shame is a strong feeling-- one that comes up a lot when we look at this religion/sex network. Telling of sins evokes the Catholic sacrament of confession. And then we get to the knife. I don't know how to explain my interpretation of this without getting real kinky so uh, let's just say that pain and blood can have significant associations with both Christianity and sexuality, and the use of the knife thing in this context brings in Yet Another hot-button thing.
Offer me that deathless death I always just interpret this as euphemism for an orgasm. But! That's not to belittle it. Could a deathless death also be an assumption to heaven? In the context of the previous line(s), it takes on so many alternate connotations it's insane. Has he been stabbed for his sins? (That carried penetration imagery with it fyi.) Has he been forgiven his sins and gets to go to heaven? Or is it sexual release? With the ambiguity the song leaves, all three are possible, keeping up all those threads of violence/pain, shame, ecstasy, sex, divinity, submission… there's A LOT here.
Anyway I'm gonna stop there cuz this is too long. I don't even like this song THAT much, I'm just here to explain why people do.
I loved reading your interpretation! Thanks for the breakdown!
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madraleen · 1 year ago
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The Promised Neverland - Season 2 The “...Why Though?” commentary of a manga reader (*manga spoilers)
tldr: me, starting s2: this isn't as bad as i've heard! me, finishing s2: *screams in rage* *kicks a wall* *wails in the darkness*
-i know s2 has a really bad rep, so i'm here to be amused, not angry. we'll see how that goes
-mujika <3 sonju <3
-i hope that third empty spot with emma and ray in the op gets filled with norman when we find out he's alive
-i'm on ep two. it feels like we're on a speedrun, but nothing ~bad so far
-why are the cookies moldy...? did they leave out yugo...? i don't like that. i don't like that at all. yugo raised them and they raised him for so long. 
-my god this place feels so empty without yugo. but for an anime-only, i guess it's fine
-excuse me, what about the seven walls? :)
-why did you not let them have the shelter's clothes...? what about their individuality?
-i'm sorry, you had time for an entire new sequence of slimees, but not other important things...?
-excuse me, why are we not going to goldy pond? :)
-wow, the raid holds so little weight, both struggle-wise and emotionally
-THIS RAID DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! they found this place but didn't scout it?! they didn't know about the extra exit?! KIDS BEAT THEM WITH A MUG AND A PUSH?!
-excuse me why is this demon promising isabella freedom, where is peter ratri? :)
-the goldy pond people disrespect
-i'm on ep 5 and so far i don't think the anime is bad anime-wise. rushed yes, not looking at things too closely yes, but bad? no. adaptation-wise it's terrible, but if you haven't read the manga, will you think "wtf?" i don't think so. it's just that anime-onlys are truly, truly missing out
-a demon went near them in the temple and they didn't flee? AND THEY DIDN'T FLEE?! on what, good faith?!
-all of the children being near/in demon town is fundamentally the opposite of the manga logic
-lol the exposition via prayer. okay.
-the emma-norman-ray reunion doesn't pack the punch that it does in the manga. emma and ray and us haven't gone through all of those things that led them to norman, that made you feel the time passing and the struggle and norman's absence.
-it's an understated reunion isn't it
-i see the lambda group escaped the erasure rampage
-i never thought i'd say this, but damn i miss minerva!norman. the sus. the uncertainty. the coldness. the facade. the "what now." the vibe that made him distinctly separate from ray and emma.
-low-key hate the "now that norman is here, we can move forward again" vibe. norman made the escape plan; then things moved to a standstill; now he's back and things can happen again. as though the others are just going through the motions.
-there's no emotional weight, they just say their lines and we move on, no time to breathe, no nothing
-here's the thing. having placed the kids in this situation, you're truly honestly saying that THE FOUR OLDEST KIDS are gonna just leave their young siblings alone near demon town to look for mujika? seriously? are you sure
-there's no pacing, and because there's no pacing there's no personalities, everyone just says what they have to say, one thing after the other, and there's no time for them to transition smoothly from one emotion to another
-at least they kept the essence of norman's arc...? but the norman-less arcs weren't fillers, they had a point!
-i am so sad, the lambda facility part is so good, why did they mess up so much with the rest
-far be it from me to comment on the VAs, buuut... norman's VA kinda stands out, ngl. she shines, even in this awkwardly paced dialogue
-norman's "i'll gladly become a god or a devil" IS SO BRUSHED OFF, oh my god, this should be A Moment!
-the wild demon looks bad, but who cares
-emma coming in with the telepathy, immediately knowing that the sound is the bang of norman's lies...
-but norman's plan and character in the manga had SO MUCH MORE DEPTH OH MY GOD! HE HAD HUMAN BLOOD ON HIS HANDS! HIS PLAN WAS MORE REFINED! and yes, i know "farms were attacked" here too, but the fact that norman actually had to make the choice to let humans die is not addressed or even hinted at
-there's really no time to breathe. one minute norman declares annihilation, and the next he's like, "no never mind :'(". the VA is the only anchor keeping him grounded
-these are the enhanced lambda group... which doesn't matter because they don't actually do much...
-the op song is nice tho
-no, vincent, the real peter ratri wouldn't have believed you so blindly, but. we make do what we can here in anime land
-it's a shame that peter hasn't really had a Presence as the Enemy
-but why do all the kids who know nothing randomly agree to play tag on shipment day?
-so uh. why is sonju fighting with the kids on the farm in this scenario? bc last time he said he wanted to eat humans... and now he's here...? because we're... friends? that's it?
-lmao the queen and the nobles make an appearance in the last ep. sure okay
-lmfao, most underwhelming return ever??? of emma and co in the human world???
-goldy pond and norman’s kids gave up their existence so that emma could keep her memories, isabella could keep her life and cislo could keep his leg. sacrifices were made. i'm not mad, why would you even-
-okay okay okay. as an adaptation, it sucks. had i not read the manga, would i still consider it a bad season 2? well... i would consider it a downgrade. i wouldn't sweat the basic premise, but the execution would probably disappoint me. the dialogue is perfunctory. they say their bit, change emotions and thoughts in an instant, there's no weight, depth or consideration. things get resolved almost as soon as they're touched upon. i would have no idea who most of the new characters were as people, and i would have learned very little about the ones we already knew. everything is incredibly rushed, and whereas s1 was full of tension and obstacles, s2 was handing the kids everything on a platter, including hot air balloons, mujika randomly spotting emma's necklace, the old demon randomly having that one part of the pen etc (i usually don't mind random coincidences for the sake of storytelling, but this a "compilation of too many issues" situation). the powerpoint presentation in the end would have left me confused and underwhelmed, and the emma-tachi return is incredibly lackluster for a closing scene. i don't think i'd consider it a disaster, but definitely disappointing.
but it is an adaptation and i have read the manga and it's all very sadge.
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room-surprise · 1 year ago
Dungeon Meshi Anime Season 1, Episode 1 Review
Spoilers for season 1, episode 1 of the anime below the cut!
I watched both the English sub with Japanese audio, and the English dub, on Netflix.
I think overall it's very good, has a good tempo and doesn't mess with the pacing or characterization in any major way, very faithful to the manga. I think there could have been SOME improvements or adjustments made, but I'm not at all surprised that it didn't happen, making 1:1 extremely faithful manga adaptations seems to have become the norm lately.
On the plus side, that means that if this current level of quality continues, that the anime will always be at least as good as the manga... which is already very good! So that's great.
But on the negative side, that means it won't ever be better than the manga, and that makes me a little sad, because I think an anime adaptation of Dungeon Meshi could absolutely surpass the manga, if they were willing to take some risks, and with Ryoko Kui's guiding hand. Anyway.
Love the OP song, love it's old timey tavern feel and that it's not a straight up jpop or jrock song. Soundtrack music was really nice. Animation was great.
Love that they show a closeup of Falin's open eyes in the OP so we'll know.... ;3 later
Things that I didn't like as much:
Almost all the background text is in Japanese when it wasn't in the manga. Kui often used glyphs or scribbles to indicate that things aren't in English or Japanese.... but they're just using Japanese as far as I can tell.
Netflix America doesn't translate most of it either. They also don't put in the English logo on the opening even though they have it on the show homepage... Don't know if they'll fix it later.
Personally, I think it would also be fine if all the releases had the background in-universe text appear in the target language so the implication is "this is in the viewer's language, whatever that is, but that isn't the actual fantasy language being used in-universe". But I doubt this will happen.
And there is SOME text in glyphs! The dungeon gourmet book isn't in a real language when it's shown... I think it's just laziness. I would honestly very much prefer nonsense text in a variety of languages than this.
In the Japanese I genuinely thought Laios was providing the narration, so I was totally taken aback when there was a different narrator in English.... and I honestly liked it a LOT better when I thought Laios was narrating, it felt really natural and good! So sad that it isn't actually what's happening. Don't really like the slightly snarky David Attenborough style nature commentary narrator. Feels weird and jarring at times.
Subtitles are fine, but there's some things that are randomly different for no good reason, subs say Senshi means "researcher" and dub says "seeker" and.... Senshi doesn't have a mouth, you don't need to match his dialogue to mouth-flaps, you can make him say ANYTHING you want so why have it be different?
There's some dub script choices I REALLY hated and am probably going to die mad about lmao:
Marcille saying that their "inventory" was wiped out, like they're in a video game, calling the scared adventurers "newbs" like they're in a video game, saying "as if" like she's a 90's California girl.
Senshi saying "delish" instead of "delicious" . There's no mouth flaps, why shorten it to a modern slang term that feels unnatural?
Laios also says "geez" which is short for "jesus" so they could have picked literally anything else for him to say, I'm sure the Japanese was probably "mattaku" which just means "Really?" (too lazy to confirm this lol)
Chilchuck says "god" and you could just have him... not say that. Or say "gods" because there's multiple gods in Dungeon Meshi.
Those were my major thoughts so far. Overall thought it was great and I enjoyed it! Looking forward to more!
It's not perfect, but I have seen much, much, MUCH worse adaptations lmao so I'm excited for when they get to some of the more dynamic action scenes in the second half of the manga.
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corporatefrog · 2 years ago
↳˗ˏˋ loose change ˊˎ˗ ↴ level 1 - new beginnings
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featuring: an overworked intern traveling to a new town for a new job opportunity notes: the first one AHHH! whenever a chatacter is introduced, they'll have a mini intro in the chapter and be added to the 'characters' page as the story progresses
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The sun rose over the peaks of Colorado’s mountains, casting shadows across the rocks as a car sped through the morning light. Fingers with chipped polish and tattered cuticles tapped on the steering wheel. Windows rolled down to let in the fresh breeze and let out the sounds of a local podcast into the empty mountainside. 
"In other news, it seems like the whole food turf war has ramped up again as the environmentalists continue to harass shoppers who buy almond milk-"
"Wait wait wait, I thought almond milk was the good milk? Why are they flipping the script on us the moment we start drinking the stuff?"
"Well, apparently when it’s produced, it’s terrible for the environment."
"So we can’t win?"
"Not unless we start crafting milk in laboratories that don’t use any electricity or water"
"This is why I said breast milk should become the nationwide standard and no one believed me."
"Clyde, you said that while wearing a “Daddy wants Milfy” shirt so excuse everyone for not seeing your genius."
A laugh caught in the driver’s throat, sending them into a coughing fit. They leaned forward into the wheel in an attempt to keep their eyes on the road while clearing the residual shock from the unexpected reveal from their system. 
They turned down the volume to avoid any further surprises while driving on a narrow mountain road. The voices of Jimmy Valmer and Clyde Donavan, host and guest of Walk the Walk with Jimmy Valmer respectively, grew distant as the volume lowered. Another laugh fell from their lips at the thought of what they’d heard. 
“Jesus, what kind of shirt is that and how do I get it?”
Name: YN LN
Age: 22
Status: Overworked Intern
Fun Fact: This is you! What’re we doing talking in 3rd person? Be yourself!
A chill ran up my spine as I glanced into the rearview mirror. 
I just got the weirdest feeling that someone was watching me and narrating my every movement.
I shook off the thought. Today was not a day for stressors. I’ve already got too much going on to worry about the possibility that someone somehow got into my car when I stopped for gas three hours ago and hasn’t made a single noise since then. Instead, my mind latched onto the reminder that I’d been driving for three hours. 
I groaned, leaning back in my seat in a feeble attempt to stretch my back.
“Why did I agree to this again?” I mumbled to no one in particular.
Because our boss told us to and if we want to turn this internship into a job we’ll do whatever we’re told. Even if it means driving to a nowhere town to try and network. 
Oh yeah, that’s why. What a great reminder. 
As the newest graduate intern at Retro Revolution, my boss tasked me with searching for local businesses that would be interested in renting out the retro arcade games the company owned. I’d be starting in this town for three months then maintaining whatever accounts I managed to open with the businesses I met. It was a huge step towards making a name for myself in the marketing field and I wasn’t planning on coming back empty handed. 
A miniature car chugged along the blue path of my phone’s gps, moving with a neverending vigor that I envied. The timestamp at the bottom of the screen reminded me that I still had another 45 minutes before I’d reach my destination. 
45 minutes is the perfect amount of time to slowly go insane and get lost in the Colorado mountains.
Can we not do this right now?
What? I’m just saying it’s a way to pass the time.
I turned up the car’s audio to drown out my thoughts, preferring to take my chances with whatever the milf lover could come up with over my own mind. 
"No way. You’re joking!"
"I am being 100% serious! They’re opening an arcade in town and they’re all co-owners. I wish I could write something this funny."
My ears tingle at the mention of an arcade. No fucking way. That’s exactly what my boss was looking for! If I could get in with the owners maybe this place can be the perfect way to expand production. I focused on the podcast, listening to the guest begin laughing as he spoke. 
"They’ll kill each other. There’s no way they survive a week."
"Oh absolutely. I already bet Craig fifty bucks they go bankrupt in the first 30 days."
"I want in on that. I’ve got a hundred on them not lasting 20."
"You are so on."
My hopes deflated as the host and his guest continued to joke about the eventual downfall of the business. The one thing that would’ve been worthwhile on this trip and it’s already falling apart. 
Feels like a sign of what’s to come. 
I push back the negative thoughts, focusing my attention back on the road ahead. It doesn’t matter if they’re bad business owners. I’ll just have to show them how a real business is run. And then make sure they keep running it that way for the duration of my trip. And then make sure they stay open after I’m gone so the one contact I bring in doesn’t immediately burst into flames the moment I’m not micromanaging.  
I sighed, deflating slightly in my seat. 
This is going to be harder than I thought. 
A change in scenery caught my attention. The mountains began to fall into rolling fields with mounds of melting snow morphing into a slush along the sides of the road. In the distance, houses began to rise as if being erected from the ground itself. 
A voice chimed from my phone, “In 2 miles, your destination will be on your left.”
I sat up straighter in my seat, hoping to catch the best first view of the town I’d be staying in for the next three months. As I grew closer, a sign came into view with the town’s name scrawled messily over some old wood.
Fucking finally. I thought as my car pulled past the sign and into the town of South Park.
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taglist [reply to be added]:@n0tangeliccc , @valstarroz , @kenanonsthoughts , @axteroiid , @hand-writxen , @that-kid-fromtheplayground  , @woahnotmecryingoverafanfiction, @h3artilly, @sula0kin
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