ao3commentoftheday · 3 days
I'm over 350k words into writing a very long fic that's about halfway done, and lately, I feel like quitting. I've considered posting the outline as a final chapter to give people closure and then just walking away from it.
But I also really want to be able to actually finish it because the story means a lot to me. Whenever I think about calling it quits, I can't do it.
I feel trapped between not wanting to work on it anymore and wanting to finish this story that I've already poured so much time and love into. I want to finish it as much as I want to quit. But the idea of going on is almost agonizing.
Part of why I've been wanting to quit is because my health went downhill about 8 months into working on it, and it has only got worse since then, and that makes chapters take a long time to finish. I'm very slow to update and it makes me feel bad for the readers who are waiting for more. It's not like that many people are waiting, there isn't too much pressure in that sense. It's a rarepair and the fandom isn't as active as it used to be. But there are some people who are excited to know what happens next, and I feel like I'm letting them down by taking so long. I'd probably let them down even more if I didn't write the rest of it, though.
Another reason I've been wanting to quit is that I've been working on this fic for a few years already and it's going to take a few more years to finish, and that is overwhelming. I'm exhausted from such a long commitment to something creative. I've never spent longer than 6 months on a fic before and didn't think this one was going to take so long.
The final reason is that my writing style has changed in small ways over the course of working on the fic and I feel like older chapters are not as good as the newer chapters and I'm sort of losing confidence in myself. I don't enjoy reading my old fics because all I see are the things I'd change, and I feel like that's starting to happen with this fic.
This is supposed to be fun and I'm not having fun right now.
I don't know what to do.
Do you have any advice?
*hugs* the first thing I want you to do, anon, is take a deep breath. hold it. let it out.
It's going to be okay. ❤️
You've got a lot of different emotions going on right now and a lot of different reasons for feeling them. You need to stop trying to push them away and "get on with things" because that's just like shoving your mess into the closet. Eventually that door isn't going to shut anymore.
You also need to take care of yourself before you worry about your readers. They'll still be there later. New ones might come by in the meantime. If you're putting your readers' presumed wants and needs ahead of your own, you'll eventually start to feel resentful towards them for "forcing" you to do something you don't want to (or just can't) do right now.
First and foremost, I think you need a break. You're exhausted and you're pressuring yourself to do more than you're capable of. The way you describe things, it sounds like you're pretty burnt out and in need of some recovery time. Berating yourself and forcing yourself and pushing yourself so hard is only going to make it all worse.
You know that old Snickers commercial where the person turns into an ogre or something and their friend gives them a chocolate bar? The tag line is something like "You're not you when you're hungry." Well, you're also not you when you're exhausted. Your brain is currently a toddler in need of a nap, and if it doesn't get that nap then it's just going to have a tantrum and ruin your whole day.
Take a moment and think of this story that you're writing. Why do you want to finish it? Is it because the readers are excited for it? Is it because you've put a lot of work into it already? Is it because you've already spent a lot of time on it?
All of those things might be true, but you said the most important part yourself, right up front, "the story means a lot to me. Whenever I think about calling it quits, I can't do it."
It's not about the readers, and it's not about the effort, and it's not about the time. It's about the story. That's the important thing. And if that's the important thing, then you can write it at your own pace. You can enjoy the writing process of it. You can spend your time imagining scenes that might or might not make it into the final version.
Writing fic is a hobby, and like you said it's meant to be fun. Take it off of your list of responsibilities and put it onto your list of daydreams instead. The only person you're accountable to with this story is yourself. The next time you catch yourself thinking, "I have to-" or "I should-" when you're thinking about this story, stop and recognize that thought. Where is it coming from? Why are you having it? Is it actually true or do you just feel like it is?
Then take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it out. This story is for you first. Take your time with it.
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Alexia Putellas x reader
Warnings: really shit short writing I’m so tired I don’t know if I spelled anything correctly
The scent of sweat and determination hung heavy in the air as you watched Alexia storm past the practice field. Her fiery ponytail bounced with every frustrated puff of her breath. Since you joined the Barça Femení squad, You'd known she was stubborn. It was practically a team legend. But dating her, a fiercely competitive Catalonian had brought it home in a whole new way.
Her ACL injury had been a sucker punch. Watching her, the captain, the heart and soul of the team, reduced to frustrated sideline observations was agonising. Every missed practice, every specialist appointment, fuelled the inferno within her. The pressure of leading her childhood team to another championship, now seemingly out of reach, only added to the inferno.
One evening, you found her in the physiotherapy room, a grimace on her face as she battled through a particularly gruelling exercise. Sweat beaded on her forehead, mirroring the frustration in her eyes.
"Hey," you said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're pushing yourself too hard."
She shot you a fiery look. "I have to be ready. The team needs me."
"They do," you agreed, "But not broken. Take a breath, Alexia. What good are you to them if you re-injure yourself?"
Her jaw clenched, but after a moment, she released a shaky breath. "It's just... this is my team. I've been dreaming of this championship since I was a kid."
You pulled up a chair beside her. "I know, and nobody wants it more than you. But trust the process, trust your teammates.They're holding down the fort while you heal."
There was a flicker of doubt in her eyes, a vulnerability you hadn't seen before. It ignited a fierce protectiveness in you. You knew her drive, and her talent, but right now, she needed someone to remind her of her strength beyond the field.
"We'll get you back out there, stronger than ever," you vowed, squeezing her hand. "But for now," you leaned in, brushing a kiss to her temple, "let your body heal."
The road to recovery was long. There were setbacks, tears, and moments of despair. But through it all, you were her rock, her cheerleader, and sometimes, the voice of reason. Slowly, steadily, Alexia fought her way back. The fire in her eyes never died, but it was tempered with a newfound patience, a trust in her body and her team.
But now as you sit in the changing rooms tying your boots and watching Alexia wince at the noise of the room and Mapi's usual giddy persona you can't help but start to worry again, like yo had all those months ago.
You tugged your laces tighter, the knot mirroring the knot of worry tightening in your stomach. Glancing at Alexia across the room, you saw her wince at Mapi's booming laugh, a stark contrast to the fire that usually burned in her eyes. Here you were, months after her injury, and the old anxieties bubbled back up.
Mapi, oblivious, launched into a story about a stray cat she'd befriended, her voice bouncing off the lockers. Alexia tried to force a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. You knew the changing room noise, usually a comforting pre-game buzz, was likely an assault on her still-healing knee.
Maybe it was the flashbacks to those grueling physiotherapy sessions, or the memory of the desperation in her voice when she'd pushed herself too hard. Whatever it was, a familiar protectiveness washed over you. You stood, boots slapping against the tile floor, and made your way over to her.
"Hey," you said softly, crouching beside her. "Need a minute?"
Alexia met your gaze, her usual fierceness replaced by a flicker of vulnerability. "Just a little overwhelmed," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
You squeezed her hand, the warmth a silent reassurance. "It's okay to feel that way. Just breathe, and focus on yourself. We'll get you in the zone."
Alexia brought your hand to her lips kissing your knuckles gently "Gracias mi amor."
You thought once Alexia got on to the field and started to train that her head would clear and she would be ok instead you notice she's struggling, you look around to see if any of your other teammates notice but they don't seem to or they just ignore it to scared to say anything in fear of getting their head torn off by the captain.
Alexia is slow, on every pass, every shot and goal and every decision she makes during training. Like previously you are the only one who seems to notice but you, only you don't get to say anything to the older girl until the water break.
Placing your hand on her shoulder you give it a squeeze turning her to face you, you frown at the sight. Alexia's dead eyes and scrunched forehead, she's in pain and you panic thinking it's her knee cursing the thought that you should have caught it sooner, only you are surprised when your stubborn, competitive, professional athlete, your captain throws herself into your arms.
You don't hesitate or care about the sweat dripping off the taller girl you wrap your arms around her just as tight "Ale, you feeling ok." Alexia buries her head further into the crook of your neck "My head and throat hurt, I...I want to go home amor." You stoke Alexia's hair nodding "Ok if you're sure Ale."
You race off to tell Jonatan who looks more concerned than anything at the thought of stoic and strong Alexia looking to leave training early. Once you get back to Alexia she hides away in your neck as you walk her into the changing rooms, putting her in your cubby and gathering your things.
Alexia doesn't talk for the entire ride home instead she simply holds your hand right until the minute you have to get out of the car. Alexia isn't clingy she's never been clingy in fact when she tore her ACL she pushed you away, time and time again so this behaviour is odd and a little worrying.
You run Alexia a cool bath and gently help her decompress from training even if it was only short, before picking out some comfy clothes for her to wear and getting her ready for a lazy day.
You and Alexia crash on the couch the midfielder lying on top of you coughing and growing every now and again while you try to soothe her.
"Come on Ale, let's go get you some medicine." You try to coax her into the kitchen to take her medicine but you forget momentarily that no matter how. dedicated your girlfriend is to football and Barcelona she's also a big kid that you have to look after more times than not. This is one of those many times.
Alexia refuses to take her medicine stating it doesn't taste nice and you can't help but let out a huff and roll your eyes "Ale please if you want to be better then you have to take them." Alexia shakes her head and so you have to come up with a solution "Take the medicine and i'll give you a kiss, don't take the medicine and you don't get to see me naked for a very long time."
Alexia looks at you shocked "How long is a long time amor." You smile slightly " Until I see fit." Alexia doesn't hesitate any longer instead taking the medication from your hand and taking it herself before she moves forward to kiss you only for you to step back "Wow, I didn't say I'd kiss you now I'm not getting sick." Alexia let's out a huff pulling you to the couch.
Once you are lying down Alexia goes to ly on top of you once more before lunging her head forward and kissing you softly. "It's only a matter of time till you get sick amor, i thought I'd just speed up the process, that way we can do it together, Vale." You let out a soft laugh lying back down. Of course your girlfriend wouldn't suffer alone no no she had to bring you down to rolling your eyes you pulled out your phone firing off a text to Jonatan.
"what are you doing Amor?." Alexia asked moving her head to see better "Calling us in sick for the rest of the week seen as how you wouldn't suffer alone." Alexia smiled "why would I do that when I can have you."
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barcaatthemoon · 2 days
guiding hand || fridolina rolfo x reader ||
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you and frido sleep together for the first time.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead.
it wasn't often that you found yourself in barcelona. frido hated pulling you from your studies, so she often found herself making the trek to sweden to see you. this little vacation to barcelona was like a dream come true. you had been waiting for months for frido to take the step and introduce you to her club teammates.
everybody on the swedish national team knew you. you were one of them, zecira's baby sister. it had been a huge deal when frido let it slip that she liked you, and an even bigger one whenever the two of you had started dating. you didn't care about the age gap, and it had taken a lot of work to prove to frido that you were mature enough for things to work.
you hadn't begun to worry about that until one of your teammates brought up sex. zecira and frido had rushed to make sure that you didn't have to answer the question during a team bonding truth or dare game. afterwards, it had been awkward when both your sister and girlfriend separately cornered you that night to ask the same question.
it wasn't a big secret, but you hadn't exactly been jumping at the chance to tell the team that you were a virgin. zecira had been somewhat relieved at the news until she saw how distraught you looked. frido had been great in reassuring you that things would move at a pace you were comfortable with. however, that didn't stop you from the terrifying thought of her not wanting to be with you anymore.
"good morning gorgeous," frido greeted you with a kiss to the cheek. you blushed as you pushed yourself back into her arms. she wrapped you up snugly, moving you along with her as she made coffee and breakfast for the two of you. "how did you sleep?"
"okay, but it would have been better if you stayed in bed with me," you told her. frido bit her lip as she turned you around to face her. "i know that you're being a gentlewoman, but things don't have to move at a snail's pace. i want more, i just need you to show me."
"i wouldn't want to overstep," frido said. she could see the frown forming on your face as you took in another rejection. it was starting to feel like maybe frido wasn't interested in you sexually. you felt like your relationship was closer to a friendship at times.
"it's not overstepping. i know you. i trust you. i like you. i want to give myself to you," you told her. frido swallowed nervously as she tried to back up, only to realize that she had trapped the two of you between the counter and island. "it doesn't have to be right now, but i'd really like for us to try something soon."
"i just want you to be sure." frido leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head. she slid past you to get out of the kitchen, leaving you to stand there with what felt like another rejection.
"(y/n), i need to ask you something, and i need you to be honest with me. the sex, is that something that you really want? you don't feel pressured by anybody else or even me, do you?" frido's tone had your heart racing with fear. you didn't think that you had heard her that serious before outside of a big game.
"of course that's what i want. i've been thinking about it for weeks. honestly, the last couple of times that you've stayed over and didn't try anything, kind of made me wonder if you liked me," you told her. frido's eyebrows knit together as she stared down at you.
"don't think like that, i want you so badly that my heart aches. sometimes, i don't know how i keep my hands off of you," frido said. she moved forward a little as she pulled you to sit on her lap.
"you don't have to keep your hands off of me." that seemed to be all that frido needed. she coverd your body with hers, pressing you down against the couch. you felt safe pinned beneath her body as she kissed you. each kiss that you shared on the couch was sweet, but once frido picked you up to carry you back to her bedroom, the kisses became rougher.
frido started to press a little harder, leaving your lips bruised as you tried to suck in deep breaths. you were never given a chance to catch your breath, not that you wanted it. you were more than happy suffocating if it meant that frido would keep kissing you. you loved every bit of it from the firm press of her lips against yours to the little bites that she left in between kisses.
"lay back for me baby. you're doing so good already," frido told you. there was something about her voice that was driving you a little crazy. her words of praise made your stomach flutter pleasantly while her tone sent shivers down your spine. you doubted that she would even have to touch you if kept talking to you like that.
"frido please, i need you," you whined. you had never felt such an intense craving for somebody else before.
"okay, i just need you to do a couple of things for me. you can handle that, can't you?" there was something condescending about the way she spoke to you, but all it did was turn you on. you had spent so much of your life trying to be hyper-independent that you forgot what it was like to sit back and let someone else take over for you.
"i want to try. i'll try anything for you," you said. it felt so natural, despite what you had told yourself for years.
"that's what i like to hear." frido leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. it was a small reward, one that left you wanting more. "first, i need you to take off your clothes for me. it doesn't have to be all of them, just what you're comfortable with, okay?"
you moved quickly to undress yourself. frido's gaze on your body was intense and lingering. she seemed focused, as if she was memorizing exactly what your body looked like. you stood in front of her naked, unsure of whether or not she would be okay with you covering yourself.
"it's not fair to make you stand like that alone," frido said. there was a teasing lilt to her voice that put you at ease almost instantly. frido made sure that you were relaxed as she stood up from the bed. it was a simple touch of her hand on your arm, but it felt like every single time that she had checked up on you before. frido wanted to protect you, no matter what the setting was.
"oh my god," you muttered as you forced yourself to look away from her. frido chuckled as she grabbed your hands and placed them on her hips. you glanced down at your hands, unsure of what to do with the mental image of your hands on her very naked body. "i don't know what to do."
"nothing right now, let me take care of you. think about all the things that my hands are doing to you, and then, later, if you're up to it, we can do this again, but you can touch me." the promise of touching frido was almost too much for you to handle.
frido seemed to understand that you were feeling like it was a lot, so she guided you back to the bed. you felt a little more comfortable sitting in her lap. you didn't think of the full skin contact, but rather the familiar warmth of being curled up with frido. she lured you away from your own racing thoughts with soft kisses and gentle touches.
"do you want to keep going?" frido asked as she held onto your hips. she was about to turn you around so that you'd be straddling her. it would no longer just be making you. you knew that, and with that in mind, you nodded. "if you want to stop at all, it's okay."
"i know," you told her. frido smiled as she flipped the two of you. you found yourself trapped beneath her body as she kissed you again. this one felt heavier than the rest. each of these kisses completely stole your breath as soon as you managed to catch it again. frido nudged your legs apart and gently stroked one of her fingers through your folds.
"do you like that? do you need less or more?" frido asked as she continuously stroked her finger against you.
"more," you told her. frido nodded and added another finger. she didn't dare try to slip them inside of you, just gently stroking. you weren't sure how far things would go. there was a somewhat familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach.
not that you had ever told anybody, but you had gotten yourself off a few times. it had always been rare before, but more frequent when you started dating fridolina. she was often the main thought in your brain whenever you found your hands wandering at night.
"stop that, i want to hear you." frido nipped at your neck, smirking against your skin when she heard the little yelp you let out. you had been biting your lip to keep quiet, unsure of how loud she wanted you to be.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled out an apology. you were careful to keep yourself unrestrained as frido touched you. her fingers worked your body up quicker than you had ever been able to do yourself. she wasn't touching you in a way that you hadn't attempted before. you couldn't believe how quickly she had you cumming, especially whenever you knew that she hadn't really done much.
"you've done so good for me. we're going to take a break, okay? i don't want to overwhelm you tonight," frido said. she ran the hand that hadn't been between your legs over your chest soothing, tracing little patterns into your skin with the edge of her nail. the fingers on her other hand slipped past her own lips as she got her first taste of you. "would you like a shower or should i come back with a washcloth?"
"shower please," you answered. frido started the shower up before she came back to get you. she let you go in first, and joined you a couple of minutes later. you were kept under the water while it was still hot. frido took her time in cleaning you up.
"i know that you brought your own clothes, but i thought you could sleep in something of mine tonight," frido said as she pulled you onto her lap. her fingers were dangerously close to your cunt, but frido was careful in never crossing that line.
"i like the sound of that." you let frido put a t-shirt on your body. you got up to put on the briefs that she had brought you. there was an old pair of sweatpants that frido had stolen from either you or your sister that you knew she had only picked out for you because you couldn't fit in them. frido pretended that she had no idea they were too small and just decided to sleep in them herself.
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celestiaxoxo · 2 days
Hello! If your requests are open would it be possible for you to write gn! Zhongli s/o for the overblot gang?
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CHARACTERS: RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS, LEONA KINGSCHOLAR, AZUL ASHENGROTTO. I the rest of the characters will be in part 2! ]
SETTING THE STAGE : Yuu could be considered one of the individuals from Night Raven College that just didn’t seem to quite fit in, whether it was their unsettling calm demeanor or the ‘bad luck’ that seemed to follow them in the form of overblots ( or the oppressing pressure those who tested their luck against the usually calm individual felt in their souls ) it seemed to many that Yuu was someone who could be considered a highly unsettling individual.
Not everyone shared this opinion on the student that became a teacher’s assistant over night, especially the past dorm-leaders who had the displeasure of facing them in combat through their overblot. However, one in particular seemed to know more about Yuu’s past and abilities than others—their fellow dorm students even seemed to speculate a romantic relationships out of all things!
Riddle wasn’t sure why he was quietly trailing after the prefect when he should have been chastising them over their reckless behavior once again throughout a dangerous overblot. Although he was more frustrated how the headmaster seemed to be so flippant over the amount of students that had almost died as a result of the various overblots throughout the school, including many of his own dorm students and Yuu!
Yet in this school where so many were regarded as wise due to their authority as teachers it seemed that the only one who was making an effort to give aid to those willing to accept it was the prefect themselves.
This was perhaps one of the traits that he admired the most from his partner, not only were they willing to learn more alongside him but they were also someone who seemed to always be able to resolve problems by themselves and with the help of others no matter what the situation was.
Whether it was a desperate ghost bride searching for a questionable looking groom or a life-threatening overblot, it seemed that his partner always was the one to resolve other’s issues ( including the ones Riddle made himself at the start of the school year ) and it was worrying.
Riddle did not want to let his own partner overwork themselves while trying to be dependable for others, especially after the small bits of information that Yuu had given to him about their past position as a sort of ‘protector’ for their country.
No matter how they tried to phrase it for Riddle it seemed like a big responsibility and was somewhat relieved to find out they managed to change job positions and relax, so to see how Yuu seemed to be continuously bothered by everybody’s else problems ( and be expected to fix things ) did nothing to soothe his worries.
As such he was determined to make sure to ease their burdens in one way or the other, especially after the spectacle that was Vil’s overblot.
“Yuu! I know you like the tea we serve at Heartslabyul, so maybe we should spend the rest of the day there without anyone bothering us.”
Both Riddle and Yuu enjoy similar interests, their favorite activity to do together is probably read a similar book then discuss it while drinking tea and occasionally adding a piece of strawberry tart.
Riddle enjoys some of the pieces of history from Yuu’s world, is quite surprised how well and detailed history is recorded and kept in the parallel world—to the point that Yuu was able to easily explain very detailed questions he may ask them.
Riddle holds no suspicion about Yuu’s past position as an Archon, he has rationalized their power in battle against overblots as something that is usually seen in their world due to the many dangers that were listed by Yuu in one of the many talks they had while drinking tea ( almost like something that is needed to survive in that world )
The couple both have somewhat made cooking strawberry tart as a fun way of spending time together. Even though some of the first years seemed to stick like a glue to Yuu in some sessions and make it a game to test Riddle’s patience it was a pretty relaxing experience when it was just the two of them, and Trey.
Although one of his main concerns initially was the lack of money that Yuu seemed to have ( while acting like they did ) it was quickly resolved seeing his partner’s unusual skill at bargaining for better deals, it almost reminded him of a certain restaurant owner who had not so long ago also overbloted. However that thought was quickly snatched out of his head by none other than the chill that went down Riddle’s spine just thinking about his partner having big similarities between Ashengrotto and them.
Their relationship hasn’t been one without its ups and downs as while Riddle has gotten considerably better at not putting unhealthy expectations on others then getting frustrated when others and himself don’t meet his expectations, Yuu had been of more help than he would like to admit.
Riddle looked at his side where he saw Yuu stare thoughtfully at one of the more in-depth history books that were in the library and looked down to match his partner’s steps as they walked back to their dormitories to enjoy a nice and peaceful evening.
The silence was perhaps one of the most comforting moments that could be shared between the two after the most recent overblot.
Oh sweet Great Seven they multiplied
He won’t say that he physically recoiled away from Yuu the first time they passed him in the garden but he sure as hell did not start giggling and skipping with joy on their first meeting, nor the second, and maybe not the fourth either.
In his defense the first encounter consisted entirely of Leona trying to figure out if the lizard’s long lost cousin had managed to spawn in the middle of the ceremony or if he had finally lost it.
And the rest of the meetings were less than pleasurable as it entirely consisted of Yuu sticking their nose where they shouldn’t while acting cocky and nonchalant towards everybody else, so similar to that bastard. ( while those first year snot brats hid behind them )
Leona had come to respect them once Yuu had managed to defeat him during his overblot while making sure nobody else was injured simultaneously. It was daunting seeing the aftermath of the frenzy rampage he had went through, seeing the damages and acknowledging the danger that he could have put everybody in.
The Savanaclaw Dormleader had perhaps become enamored more personally interested in the prefect after Azul’s overblot and the humiliating defeat that was delivered at that octo-bastard before he could even lend a hand.
And the rest is of course history.
Both of them prefer peaceful settings to spend their times together ( Leona might have something to do with the suspicious free amount of time they got together without being bothered ) although Leona preferred napping they were also both easily entertained through a good game of chess, or two, or seven.
Even though Yuu managed to squeeze Crowley enough into giving them a decent place to stay it was not uncommon to see them more than once a day in Savanaclaw, as Leona seemed to instantly spawn next to them once they arrived.
It got nothing of less than daily teasing from Ruggie and wriggling eyebrows from some of his more mentally challenged dorm mates which was quickly shot down with a disk to the face. The raised eyebrow he received from Yuu was worth it.
They are the couple that you see glued to the hip, although they both seem to think it’s more of coincidences than anything else.
Even while taking that into account neither are too big on PDA they both prefer to give affection in the privacy of their room. One of the ways that they both show affection is through spending quality time together, from chess matches, to sitting under a tree and quietly taking each other’s presence, or even going to practice matches together.
An unexpected couple to many if you take into account how their first interactions ended.
Although he knows that there is more than meets the eye in the ‘human’ teacher assistant however he is willing to wait as long as Yuu wants, to know about them.
Mentor and disciple type of beat
Azul was interested in Yuu as soon as he realized that they had somehow managed to drastically increase their status on campus from the strange individual who was given an ominous message by the mirror to being a teacher assistant. How did they do it? Was it money? Social connections? A dirty secret of the headmaster? What did the new prefect do to be able to not only be an assistant teacher but also get the authority of a prefect?
He wanted to know—no, back then he needed to know if he had missed a piece of information that he could hold over the headmaster’s head.
As such he may have resorted to first testing the waters himself instead of sending the twins, the last thing he wanted was for them to scare the new teacher assistant enough for them to refuse to see him ( that could also be solved however he preferred not taking more unnecessary risks ) and cause more problems.
So he decided to approach them in a more peaceful way, through a contract.
“Greetings, its truly a pleasure to welcome you into our academy — is there something that I could do to make your experience more enriching?”
What he didn’t expect was for the conversation to quickly deteriorate once he brought up the idea of trying an equal exchange between the two. At first, the prefect seemed quite interested ( even though the annoying cat seemed to be already giving him the stink eye ) even amused to a certain degree, however that quickly changed when he attempted to lay out the terms.
Azul had not seen someone pick apart his contract so quickly before.
It was humbling to a humiliating degree, at least at first. He had quickly assumed that this was Yuu’s way of making sure he knew his place compared to them, it certainly had occurred before by many individuals on the campus ( which he took great pleasure in paying back tenfold ) however something occurred that changed his view of the situation.
Quickly after Yuu formulated a better contract with tighter terms that allowed the loopholes that he hadn’t considered before while giving more benefits to him through the reconstruction of the contract.
He was honestly baffled for once, he wasn't sure how to take such an odd encounter. Yet after this Azul did let himself think that Yuu would accept this deal—he was once again surprised when Yuu shot him down with a calm look and told him they had no need for such a deal. Then left after saying they had to leave or else they would be late, and that “A good first impression always starts with being punctual.”
Azul was left there, in the middle of the hallway contemplating his decisions that got him there.
It didn’t take long for him to snap out of his contemplation state and for him to be strangely determined to tie down this person with a contract one way or the other.
He wasn’t sure why he had become so focused on this individual specifically, he could say it was due to how fast Yuu managed to get to the position of teacher assistant, or that he simply wanted them under his thumb to demonstrate there weren't many who wouldn’t take the chance to make a deal with him, however he could admit at least to himself in the safe space of his own mind that he was just a little interested on this odd individual who managed to turn the tables around.
It had almost become a game per se, not only for Azul but for Yuu too. It would first start with Azul coming up with a benefit that could perhaps benefit Yuu then twisting it into the most appealing contract he could then presenting it to Yuu. As if by schedule Yuu would quietly read the terms and conditions of the contract and then point out the mistakes, areas of improvement, then the obvious loopholes from both sides.
Even after they managed to get together this routine didn't quite go away if anything it increased when Azul not only brought possible contracts between the two but also contracts for others. Although once Yuu managed to skim them over it seemed as if they gave the other party too many benefits for his liking he couldn't deny the personal improvement in quality.
It led to him believing that it couldn't be the first time that his lover worked on making deals, maybe it was law reinforcement or maybe it was a more shady side that they had dealt with. Either way, his curiosity never seemed to deem when it came to Yuu.
From what their previous position was to how they managed to always have everything in control. It was important to also consider what they preferred when eating to also taking into account the ways that they preferred spending their time. It was all important information for the making of contracts of course.
Once together Azul takes it as a goal to have Yuu in the office most of the time, not only to demonstrate how far he has managed to come but also to give Yuu some time to be away from those idiots they like to call amusing companions.
After the small incident that was his overblot he wanted to demonstrate to Yuu that what they saw was not what he was ( and will never be ) and tried demonstrating it in different ways from giving more ‘fair deals’ as Yuu likes to call them and giving more attention to his own partner, in short spending more time together.
And sure yeah he had to live with the two menaces of twins constantly teasing him about his newer relationship with the prefect ( although perhaps their failed attempts at teasing Yuu were something of a personal favorite of his ) however he also avoided those interactions by piling work on their head as much as he physically could.
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bitchiswild · 1 day
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A Sweet Recovery
Mina Myoui x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: falling, fluff!
A/n: HAIIII THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1k FOLLOWERS 🥹🥹🙏 here’s a fluff for you! I’m also working on an angst rn so that will come out eventually 😫
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“Y/n, are those brownies done yet?” Nayeon groaned from the living room, while you were just now taking the freshly baked brownies out of the oven.
“Yes, they’re ready! God, you're so impatient,” you shouted back to Nayeon, then let out a chuckle. Nayeon had come over to your place and demanded you bake her brownies because, as she quotes, they're ‘the best brownies ever.’ So here you are, baking your best friend her favorite treat.
Nayeon walked into the kitchen. “You know how much I love them. They are the—”
“Best brownies ever. Yeah, I know. You tell me all the time, Nayeon,” you said with a smile as you cut the brownies into squares and handed her one.
Nayeon practically inhaled it, groaning and moaning at the taste. Meanwhile, you watched her anxiously, waiting for her praise. Even though everyone says you're an amazing baker, you still worry they might not taste good.
“Y/n…” Nayeon started. Your heart began to race. ‘Did she not like it?’ you wondered.
“Yeah?” you asked, a little fear in your voice.
“Y/n, this is the most amazing thing I have ever tasted in my life. I could literally cry right now,” Nayeon exclaimed. She got up, stood next to you, and shook your shoulders to emphasize how much she loved the brownies.
You let out a sigh of relief, feeling at ease since Nayeon loved the brownies. You took a bite of your piece and your eyes widened.
“Oh my god, you’re right. It’s so good,” you groaned at the taste of the brownie, grabbing another piece. Nayeon was already four pieces in, while you were just on your second.
“See, I told you!” Nayeon said with a mouthful, crumbs falling onto the counter.
“Wait, let me call Sana over so she can have some,” you told Nayeon while you went upstairs to get your phone, not without grabbing a piece of brownie before your venture.
After retrieving your phone, you had a brownie in one hand and your phone in the other. As you looked down, you noticed your sock was slowly rolling down. So you put your brownie in the other hand and reached down to fix your sock at the top of the stairs.
Oh, how that was a bad idea. Your other foot barely had any balance, and you ended up slipping at the edge of the step, causing you to fall down the stairs. As you tumbled down, you landed on your ankle, twisting it painfully, and both your phone and brownie went flying out of your hands, rolling down the stairs with you.
Nayeon rushed over as soon as she heard the commotion. “Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?”
You lay on the floor in silence, gripping your ankle tightly as the pain became unbearable.
“Y/n, I’m serious, are you okay?” Nayeon asked worriedly as you barely made a peep.
You let out a shaky sigh, tears now forming in your eyes. “I don’t know,” you whimpered.
Nayeon rushed to you. “Let go of your ankle, Y/n, let me see.” Her heart was beating fast with worry for you.
You shook your head, fear eating you up at the thought of possibly having broken your ankle.
“Y/n, I need you to let go,” Nayeon said more sternly, causing you to release your grip on your ankle slowly. You let out another shaky sigh, more tears streaming down your face. Looking off to the side, you noticed your brownie on the floor next to you. You pouted at the sight since you were really enjoying that brownie piece.
“My brownie…” you whimpered.
“Y/n, who cares about your brownie right now? You're injured. Do you think you can stand?” Nayeon asked.
You shook your head. “I’m not sure…” you whispered.
“Okay, let’s try, yeah?” Nayeon said as she got up from the floor, helping you up slowly.
“Do you think you can put pressure on it, Y/n?” Nayeon asked. You gently put pressure on it, winced in pain, and shook your head.
“Okay, okay, let’s go to the hospital, yeah? Get your ankle checked out just in case,” Nayeon said as she slowly guided you to the front door and to her car to drive you to the emergency room.
On the way to the hospital, Nayeon kept reassuring you, “It’s going to be okay, Y/n. We’ll get you fixed up in no time.”
You nodded, trying to stay calm as she drove, grateful for her support.
In the emergency room, you were quickly taken to a triage area where a nurse examined your ankle. Nayeon stayed by your side, holding your hand and offering words of comfort.
After what felt like an eternity, a doctor finally came in to see you. She was stunning, looking like a goddess with her radiant smile and calm demeanor. Her presence was both reassuring and awe-inspiring.
She carefully examined your ankle and ordered an X-ray to determine the extent of the injury. Nayeon waited with you, her worry evident but her presence comforting.
When the X-ray results came back, the doctor smiled reassuringly. “Good news, Y/n. It’s just a sprain, not a break. We’ll wrap it up and give you some instructions for care at home.”
You sighed in relief, tears of gratitude welling up. “Thank you, Dr...” you said softly, wanting to know her name, still a bit mesmerized by her.
“Dr. Myoui,” she replied with a warm smile. Her gaze lingered for a moment longer than necessary, causing a subtle tension between you. “Just take it easy for the next few days, and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
You nodded, feeling reassured yet inexplicably aware of a flutter in your chest. “Thank you, Dr. Myoui.”
Nayeon squeezed your hand again, breaking the brief moment of silence. “See? It’s going to be okay.”
After Nayeon reassured you, Dr. Myoui lingered for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. "If you ever have any concerns or if the pain worsens, don't hesitate to reach out," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of genuine concern.
You nodded, grateful for her kindness and professionalism. "I will. Thank you again, Dr. Myoui," you replied, a slight flush warming your cheeks as you met her gaze.
Dr. Myoui smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're welcome, Y/n. Take care," she said before turning to leave the room.
As she walked away, you found yourself stealing another glance at her, struck by how effortlessly composed she seemed, even in a busy emergency room. The subtle tension between you lingered in the air, leaving you with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.
Once you were discharged and back home with Nayeon, you settled on the couch with your elevated ankle, reflecting on the day's events. "Nayeon, do you think Dr. Myoui was... nice?" you asked hesitantly, unsure how to articulate your thoughts about the doctor.
Nayeon chuckled knowingly. "Nice? Y/n, she was practically glowing. Did you feel that tension too?" she teased, raising an eyebrow.
You blushed, feeling caught off guard by Nayeon's perceptiveness. "I don't know... Maybe?" you admitted, unsure of how to interpret the emotions swirling inside you.
Nayeon patted your knee gently. "Well, she did spend more time than necessary making sure you were okay. Maybe it's worth seeing her again for a check-up," she suggested with a mischievous grin.
You laughed softly, shaking your head at Nayeon's playful nudging. "Yeah, maybe," you replied, secretly considering the idea as you glanced at your phone, contemplating whether to follow up with Dr. Myoui.
As you and Nayeon were packing your things to get ready for discharge, Dr. Myoui unexpectedly returned to the room. Her presence caught you off guard, and you exchanged a surprised glance with Nayeon.
"Dr. Myoui, hi," you greeted, trying to hide your surprise behind a friendly smile.
Dr. Myoui stepped closer, her expression calm yet slightly curious. "Y/n, I wanted to make sure everything is set for you to go home. Is there anything else you need before you leave?" Her voice was gentle, and her eyes briefly met yours before glancing over at Nayeon.
Nayeon, ever perceptive, grinned mischievously. "Actually, Dr. Myoui, Y/n was just talking about how nice it would be to see you again for a follow-up," she said casually, nudging you playfully.
You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed by Nayeon's directness. "Um, yeah, I mean, if that's okay," you stammered, hoping you didn't sound too eager.
Dr. Myoui's lips curved into a soft smile. "Of course, I can arrange that. Let's make sure everything is in order first, and then we'll set up a follow-up appointment," she said warmly, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
Nayeon winked at you discreetly, clearly enjoying the unfolding moment. "Great, thank you, Dr. Myoui," she chimed in, eager to keep the conversation light.
As Dr. Myoui finalized the discharge paperwork and gave you final instructions, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about the prospect of seeing her again.
A week had passed, and it was time for your check-up with Dr. Myoui. Your heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves as you anticipated seeing her again. Over the past week, your ankle had shown improvement—you could walk better than before, though still with a slight limp and occasional pain. Pain medication and wrapping your ankle had helped significantly.
Arriving at the hospital, you couldn't shake the anticipation of the encounter. Nayeon had insisted on coming along for moral support, teasing you about your "doctor crush" the entire way there. Despite her playful ribbing, you were grateful for her presence.
In the waiting room, you fidgeted nervously, stealing glances at the door every time it opened, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dr. Myoui. Finally, her familiar figure appeared, and your heart skipped a beat. She smiled warmly as she approached, her presence once again calming yet strangely electrifying.
"Y/n, good to see you again," Dr. Myoui greeted, her voice soft and welcoming. "How's the ankle feeling today?"
You shifted slightly, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. "It's been better," you admitted with a small smile. "The pain has eased up, but I still feel it when I walk."
Dr. Myoui nodded understandingly. "Let's take a look and see how it's healing." She guided you to an examination room, where she gently examined your ankle, checking the range of motion and gently pressing around the affected area.
As she worked, you couldn't help but admire her focused demeanor and the gentle touch of her hands. Each moment spent together felt charged with unspoken tension, leaving you both eager and hesitant to break the professional barrier.
After the examination, Dr. Myoui reviewed the X-rays and nodded thoughtfully. "The sprain is healing well," she concluded, her gaze meeting yours with a hint of warmth. "Continue with the medication and wrapping, and we'll schedule a follow-up in another week to monitor your progress."
You nodded, feeling relieved yet reluctant for the appointment to end. "Thank you, Dr. Myoui," you said sincerely, meeting her eyes with a shy smile.
She returned the smile, her expression softening. "You're welcome, Y/n. I'll see you in a week." With that, she turned to leave the room, but before she could walk away, you found the courage to stop her.
"Hey, Dr. Myoui?" Your voice quivered slightly, and she turned around to face you, her presence causing your heart to pound in your chest.
“Yes, Y/n?” she asked with a warm smile, her eyes curious and attentive.
You gulped nervously, fidgeting with your hands. "I-I was wondering if you're busy this Saturday? Or, I-I mean, when are you free? Because you're a doctor and all, and I know you get busy and stuff, so..." Your words stumbled out in a rush, nerves getting the better of you.
Dr. Myoui let out a soft chuckle, her demeanor reassuring as she walked over to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder to stop your rambling. "I appreciate your concern, Y/n," she said warmly. "I'm actually free this Saturday afternoon. What did you have in mind?"
Relief flooded through you at her response, and you managed a small smile. "I was thinking maybe we could grab a coffee or something," you suggested, trying to sound casual despite the fluttering in your stomach.
Dr. Myoui nodded thoughtfully. "Coffee sounds lovely," she agreed. "How about we meet at that new cafe downtown around two o'clock?"
You nodded eagerly. "That sounds perfect. I'll see you then, Dr. Myoui."
She smiled warmly. "Looking forward to it, Y/n." With a final nod, she left the room, leaving you with a sense of anticipation and a newfound excitement for the weekend ahead.
Nayeon's jaw dropped as she stood there, witnessing the exchange between you and Dr. Myoui. "No way, you just asked her out!" she exclaimed, clearly shocked by your bold move. Her eyes widened in disbelief, but there was a hint of admiration in her expression.
You chuckled nervously, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride at Nayeon's reaction. "I guess I did," you admitted, trying to play it cool despite the flutter of excitement in your chest.
Nayeon grinned mischievously, nudging you playfully. "Y/n, I had no idea you had game. Kinda loser-ish, but hey, it worked!"
You rolled your eyes at her teasing, but couldn't help but smile at her support. "Thanks, Nayeon," you replied, feeling grateful for her encouragement.
As the reality of your upcoming coffee date with Dr. Myoui sank in, you couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy. Despite the initial awkwardness, you were looking forward to getting to know her better outside of the hospital setting.
"I can't believe you're going on a date with Dr. Myoui," Nayeon continued, still in disbelief. "You better dress to impress, Y/n!"
You laughed, shaking your head at Nayeon's antics. "I'll try not to mess it up," you replied with a playful grin.
Nayeon winked. "You've got this, Y/n. Just be yourself."
“I got this, Nayeon. I am a rizz master,” you declared, flashing finger guns in her direction.
“Y/n, please never do that or say that ever again, please,” Nayeon pleaded, her eyes wide as she shook her head vigorously.
You sigh “okay fine” you said with a sheepish grin, dropping the finger guns.
The two of you were heading out of the hospital when, to your surprise, Dr. Myoui called out, “Y/n, wait!” You turned around, your heart racing once again in her presence. “Oh, Dr. Myoui, hi!” you greeted, trying to appear nonchalant despite your obvious excitement.
“How can we go on our coffee date if you don’t have my number, hmm?” she asked with a smile, handing you a piece of paper with her number on it. “Oh, and no need to call me Dr. Myoui. Mina is fine too.”
‘Mina.’ Even her name sounded beautiful, you thought to yourself, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks. “You’re right, thank you, Mina. I can’t wait for Saturday to come,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Same here!” Then her pager went off, interrupting the moment. “Well, I have to go. See you soon, Y/n,” she said with a wink before rushing away.
Nayeon nudged you playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Y/n, did you see that? Dr. Myoui literally handed you her number!" she exclaimed in a hushed tone, barely containing her excitement.
You chuckled nervously, still processing the surreal moment. "I know, right? It's... kind of amazing," you admitted, feeling a rush of butterflies as you tucked the paper carefully into your pocket.
"She's definitely into you," Nayeon continued, grinning broadly. "And can we talk about how she said you could call her Mina? That's like... next-level, Y/n!"
You blushed, grateful for Nayeon's enthusiastic support. "I know, it's... unexpected," you replied, struggling to find the right words to describe the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling.
Nayeon bumped your shoulder affectionately. "You've got this, Y/n. Saturday is going to be epic," she assured you with unwavering confidence.
With Nayeon's infectious excitement fueling your own, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the weekend ahead. As you headed home together, you couldn't stop talking about Dr. Myoui—now Mina—and the possibilities that lay ahead.
The day of your coffee date with Mina arrived, and despite your best efforts to appear calm, you couldn't deny the nervous excitement bubbling inside you. Nayeon had been your cheerleader all morning, helping you pick out an outfit and offering pep talks to boost your confidence.
As you entered the cozy café downtown, your eyes scanned the room nervously until you spotted Mina sitting at a corner table, a warm smile lighting up her face as she waved at you. You couldn't help but notice how effortlessly beautiful she looked, her hair cascading over her shoulders and a soft glow about her.
Nayeon nudged you gently. "There she is, Y/n. Go knock 'em dead," she whispered with a playful wink.
You took a deep breath, nodding gratefully at Nayeon before making your way over to Mina's table. "Hey, Mina," you greeted with a smile, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Hi, Y/n," Mina replied warmly, standing up to greet you with a brief hug. "I'm so glad you could make it."
The gesture caught you off guard, but you returned the hug, feeling a rush of warmth at her touch. "Me too," you managed to say, your heart racing.
As you settled into your seats and started chatting, the initial nervousness began to melt away. Mina was easy to talk to, and the conversation flowed effortlessly between you. You learned about her passion for medicine, her love for traveling, and her favorite coffee blend.
Nayeon discreetly observed from a nearby table, occasionally sending you encouraging smiles and thumbs-ups whenever you caught her eye. Her presence was reassuring, a silent reminder that you had her support no matter what.
Throughout the afternoon, laughter filled the air as you exchanged stories and shared moments of vulnerability. You found yourself drawn to Mina's kindness and intelligence, feeling a growing connection with each passing minute.
As the sun began to set outside the café, Mina glanced at her watch with a soft smile. "I hate to cut this short, but I have an early shift tomorrow," she explained apologetically.
You nodded understandingly, though a part of you wished the day could stretch on forever. "No worries, Mina. I had a wonderful time," you assured her sincerely.
Mina smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling. "I did too, Y/n." She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Would you like to do this again sometime?"
Your heart skipped a beat at her question, a rush of happiness washing over you. "I would love that," you replied without hesitation, unable to hide your smile.
With a promise to text each other soon, you bid Mina farewell at the café entrance, watching her walk away with a sense of hope and excitement for the future. As you rejoined Nayeon, who was practically bouncing with excitement, you couldn't help but feel grateful for her unwavering support and the unexpected turn of events that had led you to this moment.
"Looks like someone had a good time," Nayeon teased, nudging you playfully as you headed back home together.
You grinned, feeling a sense of contentment settle over you. "Yeah, I think I really did."
As you reflected on the day's events, you couldn't help but feel optimistic about what the future held—perhaps a new chapter unfolding with someone as special as Mina by your side.
Who knew falling down the stairs and dropping your brownie could get you here, sitting across from someone as wonderful as Mina, feeling hopeful and excited about what the future might bring.
Tag: @keervah I got you keer :3
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joojeans · 3 days
Holy shit ur writing is insane, not to mention &team writers are so few on this app I feel like I've found a goldmine 😭
If your requests are open, could I request somnophilia where the y/n is sleeping with either hyung line or just euijoo~~?
tysm!! and ofc, here you are <3
&team hyung line: when you're sleeping
disclaimer: you should always make sure you + your partner consent to sleep play beforehand :)
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k: k's large hand slides under your shirt, seeking to feel the warmth of your skin as he strokes himself with his other hand. he's still sleepy, but it feels so good. the heat of your tummy under his palm feels so good, too. he leans against the headboard, his mouth open in silent pleasure as he jerks himself off next to you. you're none the wiser and somehow, that makes it all better for him right now. his fingers gently grip at the skin of your stomach as the tension in his body grows. he feels good, but he wants more. he slides down until he's laying next to you again, turning on his side to face you. he settles closer until there's no space between your bodies, panting softly against your shoulder. he eagerly attaches his lips to your neck, kissing up and down the length of it as his hand releases his cock. he reaches for your hand and guides it around his shaft, inhaling a contented breath at the feeling. he wraps his hand around yours, holding it tightly around himself to give him the sweet friction he craves. he groans with relief as he starts to thrust his hips shallowly, fucking your hand. he shivers–the softness of your hand, the risky nature of what he's doing, the feeling of your pulse beneath his lips and tongue. it's all extremely arousing. his hips pick up their pace as his sense of urgency grows, yearning for release. his lips kiss and suck at the skin of your neck harder, not worried about waking you at this point. "baby... baby, wake up." he whispers, teeth gently grazing. "y/n? baby." he almost sighs with relief when he hears you mumble something under your breath. he turns your head with his free hand and presses his lips into yours with an intensity that surprises you. you gasp into his mouth and he moans in yours, signaling his state of mind. that gets the gears in your mind turning and you realize what's happening, breaking the kiss to look down at your fist around his cock. you put your surprise aside, looking back up to k's pleading face. "i got you." you assure him, letting his hand fall away as you work your hand along his length. you watch as he melts into the pillows, now freely moaning, albeit softly. he looks so pretty and peaceful when he's being pleasured like this, trusting you entirely to take care of his body. you kiss his shoulder as your hand picks up its speed, adjusting the amount of pressure from time to time to keep him guessing. when his hips start bucking against your hand, you grin to yourself, knowing you've done your job. he proves you right when he covers your hand in his sticky release before going limp on the bed. you pull your hand off of him to avoid overstimulating him and move your lips across his jaw. "give me just a couple of minutes. it's your turn." he slurs dreamily.
fuma: you walk into the bedroom, ready to stay in bed for the foreseeable future, and come upon an already-sleeping fuma. you resist the urge to frown. the two of you had been sending dirty texts to each other all day, aching to be together, to feel each other, but it looks like that's going to have to wait. the blankets are pushed to the edge of the bed–too hot to be covered. he looks so good laying there–no shirt, just a pair of grey boxer briefs that leave fuck all to the imagination. he's on his side with one arm under the pillow, sleeping deeply enough that he didn't hear you come into the house, much less the room. you find the shirt he was wearing on the dresser and change into it. as usual, you opt for no underwear. his shirt covers enough. you carefully slip into bed with him, turning away from him so you can settle into a comfortable spooning position. you'd be lying to yourself if you said a part of you wasn't hoping he would wake up right now and fuck you, but you really don't want to disturb his sleep. he works too hard. you glue your back to his front and wrap his arm around your waist. you close your eyes, savoring the feeling of this closeness until you lose consciousness. / fuma wakes up in the middle of the night, rubbing the sleep from his eyes instinctively. he feels hotter than he did when he fell asleep, so he blinks his eyes open to investigate. he smirks, pleased, when he finds your warm body pressed to his. he tightens his arm around you and leans towards you, inhaling the scent of your hair as he kisses your head. he only gets a second to admire the purity of you inviting yourself into his arms to sleep before reminders of the texts you two exchanged come flooding back to him. he hisses, feeling himself growing hard against you. he glances down, cursing himself for doing so when he sees that, indeed, you're in his shirt and nothing else. that regret lasts only for a moment, though, replaced by a feeling of satisfaction and an all-too-confident smirk. she knew what she was doing, he tells himself. he pushes his tongue into his cheek and starts to grind himself against your ass, looking down between your bodies to watch the action. he lowers his hand from your stomach to your core, lightly stimulating you. he's happy to find that there's already a bit of slick waiting for him–was it the texts? a wet dream? whatever it was, he's grateful. he plays with you until he's certain that he can enter you without causing any discomfort, intent on giving you both what you've been wanting. he pushes his boxers down and out of his way before lining himself up with your entrance. he settles his chin over your shoulder as he pushes inside you, exhaling a sigh of relief. now that he's inside you, he's going to fuck you properly. he isn't worried about waking you now. he lets his instincts take over, fucking himself into you at a slow pace that will only escalate from here. "so pretty." "so tight." he praises to your unknowing ears. it doesn't take long before your body registers the pleasure flooding it, your consciousness returning to you with a whimper. "there she is." he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. his hand is flat on your stomach, pressing you firmly against him as he thrusts himself into you relentlessly, your body quivering from this much stimulation first thing. you quietly moan his name and it only makes him go faster, wanting to hear every sound you can make for him. "it's okay, kitten. you can cum." he soothes, placing a kiss or three along the side of your face. and you do, only a minute later, squeezing around fuma like a vice. he groans and gets a few final, deep thrusts in before he comes undone too, filling you. he squeezes you close to him in his strong, safe arms as you pant together, recovering from each other.
nicholas: nicholas winces as he tries to roll onto his stomach, grumbling to himself when his sensitive erection presses into the mattress. he pulls back slightly, considering with his eyes closed. the goal was to get comfortable and sleep more, but now he's having a hard time thinking of anything other than the warm, beautiful body next to him. you. i should probably just position myself properly and go back to sleep, he tells himself as he blinks his eyes open, his hand delicately brushing a strand of hair from your face. you're facing him, your pretty lips parted just slightly as you sleep soundlessly. his eyes settle on your lips and he fights the urge to kiss them. he slowly sits up, his hand finding your furthest shoulder and gently pressing it down until you're on your back. he smiles at the subtle adjustment of your mouth, but you're otherwise undisturbed. he maneuvers himself between your legs, practically salivating at the thought of you on his tongue. he holds your thighs open for him, needy lips french kissing the soft skin. his fingertips curl into the waistband of your sleep shorts, taking his time to pull them down without waking you, catching your underwear in the process. he places your clothes next to him on the bed–treating them as carefully as he'd treat you–before focusing back on your half-exposed body. he bites his lip. he rarely gets to just drink in the sight of you like this–there's always more to say, more to touch, more to taste. he lays himself down between your legs, brushing his hair back with one hand as he descends on your core. his tongue exploratorily drags down from your clit to your entrance and back up. he hums softly to himself, the taste of you always satisfying him in ways nothing else can. he sets to work–his tongue lapping at your folds, his fingers spreading you open for him, his mouth providing delicious, gentle suction. he is slow and careful as much as he can be, closing his eyes to put all of his focus into pleasing you. it's only when he hears your soft whimpers and feels your thigh twitch next to his head that he opens his eyes, looking up to see your brows knit together. your eyes are still closed, but he can tell that you're awake by the way you whisper "fuck, nicholas." he feels his cock twitch, watching your face as he encourages more slick with his tongue. he detaches his mouth to speak, replacing his tongue with the pads of his fingers. "i woke up so fucking hard." his voice is as soft as his touch, his head turning to press more kisses into your thighs. "so why am i the one being pleasured then?" he smirks, relishing the way you struggle to verbalize yourself through your shaky breath. "because you're my baby." he moves himself over you, his lips finding yours. he kisses you slowly but with such intention, emptying your brain of anything but him. he reaches down between your bodies and pushes his boxers down, finally freeing himself. his lips remain against yours even as he stops kissing you, grinding himself against your cunt. he clenches his jaw to stop from hissing at the sensation, wanting more. "may i?" he asks, nipping at your bottom lip. "please," you groan, needing him to give you more now that he's gotten you this needy. he smirks and pushes himself inside you slowly, letting his eyes close to fully appreciate the feeling of your tight warmth around him. the stretch of him is almost too much on its own, your arms coming up around his neck, your hands in the back of his hair. he seems to like this, groaning quietly as his head falls into the crook of your neck. he rolls his hips into yours, knowing that neither of you will last long. you're too worked up and too sensitive in the early morning hours, but it feels so good that neither of you can care. the two of you make the room humid with heavy breaths and light sweat, your bodies chasing each other, seeking release together. you echo each other's strained moans, your bodies giving out on you before you even feel fully awake. you cum together, eyelids closed tightly in sheer euphoria.
euijoo: euijoo rouses from sleep. he blinks slowly, his eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight coming through the windows. he assumes that his arm falling asleep beneath your head is what woke him because he can still feel the pins and needles. he carefully removes his arm, though he's not happy about it. he yawns and glances at his phone on the nightstand to check the time. you've been napping together for about an hour. it's just past noon. he looks back at your sleeping face. you look beautiful, but your features are contorted in such a way that it looks like you're having a bad dream. he starts to reach out to wake you, but his hand stops mid-air. he's got a better idea. he pulls his hand back and sits on his knees next to you while he thinks about the logistics of everything. all he knows is he wants to replace a potential bad dream with a tidal wave of pleasure. he settles onto his side next to you, brushing your cheek with his thumb as he holds your face for a moment, just looking. he feels lucky that he gets to be this close to you, that he gets to sleep next to you. he softly kisses one of your closed lids before shimmying down slightly. his hands push up the bottom of your t-shirt until it's resting just above your breasts, his hands smoothing up each expanse of skin as it's revealed to him. his tongue glides over his bottom lip, craving. he starts at the waistline of your shorts and kisses from one side to the other before moving up, taking his time. his kisses are so light that they would probably tickle if you were awake to feel them. his hands are in fists on either side of your body as he makes his way up it with his mouth. when he reaches your breasts, he presses a gentle kiss to your nipple before letting his tongue snake out to tease it. he looks up as he kisses and licks, watching you in case you wake. he lets his hand caress whichever breast his mouth isn't working on until he needs his hand for something else–the other busy holding himself over you. his hand wanders into your shorts, bypassing your underwear, and finding your clit. he starts to rub it tender circles, determined to make you feel as much pleasure as he can give you. wanting to focus more attention between your legs, he carefully falls by your side again. no longer caged in by his own body, his hand moves more freely–your clit, your folds, your entrance, all experiencing his deft fingers. he kisses the breast closest to him, latching onto it with his warm mouth. his fingertips test your readiness for him, dying to be inside you. he pushes one long finger into you with ease, pumping it rhythmically. his thumb lowers itself onto your clit, increasing the intensity of the simulation. your body twitches in response, your lips parting, but you don't seem to be awake quite yet. perhaps he is succeeding at replacing your dream? he pulls his finger almost all the way out, adds a second one, and plunges into you again. the fit is easy, but snug. he curls his fingers just right as he fucks you with them, his thumb steadily attending to your clit. he can feel your body twitching more now, your juices flowing more freely down his wrist. you're moaning incessantly before you even open your eyes, right at the edge of the cliff he's been working to bring you towards. your back is arching off the mattress as you look up at a smiling euijoo. "i want you to cum for me. do you think you can do that?" you don't know how to tell him you'll probably cum before you can get the words out, so you just nod, eyes wide and breath heavy. satisfied, he curls and scissors his fingers inside you until you're seeing stars, covering his fingers in your cream. he keeps working them inside you, gradually slowing them as you come down. "feel good?" he asks. "you've no fucking idea."
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cr. cafekitsune for mdni banners ♡
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the-golden-comet · 9 hours
Character Voice Tag 3🏴‍☠️
Thank you for the tags, @willtheweaver and @somethingclevermahogony !
My lines: “Don’t worry, I’m fine! (lie)” and "I refuse to apologize!"
Your line: “Don’t do that. Seriously. DO NOT.”
Characters from Peter Hart
Benjamin: “I-I’m fine, Peter—!”
Peter: “No, you bloody well are not. Let me have a look—”
Benjamin: “—Peter! I said—!”
Peter: “���I heard you, love. And I’m not sorry for what I’m about to do.” (Rrrrrrrrip)
Benjamin: “M-MY SHIRT!!!”
Peter: “We’ll visit a tailor. I need to check….”
Benjamin: “….it’s really not that—oh. That is a lot of blood….”
Peter: “Mmmm, okay. It seems to have slowed on its own. Doesn’t look too deep, will probably scar…but we can probably get you all covered up in ink at the next port.”
Benjamin: “You ruined my bloody shirt, you wanker…”
Peter: “….‘Tis a bloody shirt indeed. And I’m still not sorry. Right….take the end here and hold this firm, Benjamin.”
Benjamin: ….
Peter: “Okay, it looks like it’s stopped. Hah…gave me quite a scare, you did. Ah…I’m glad it’s let up on its own, at least—You alright, Benji? You’re looking quite pale—Whoa, HEY! HEY!! Ohhh, there he goes. I gotcha, love. Poor bird….Let’s get you to bed and we’ll have Doc Daniel fix you right up, aye?”
Going to (no pressure) tag: @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , @agirlandherquill , @unstableunicornsofasgard , @noxxytocin , @xenascribbles , @cybercelestian , @frostedlemonwriter , @corinneglass , @rivenantiqnerd , @ramwritblr , @rotting-moon-writes , @asassydork , @astramachina +open tag! ✨
Peter Hart tidbits tag list below cut 👇
Tag List for Peter Hart tidbits (lmk if you want + or -) @jev-urisk , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @wyked-ao3 , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @fortunatetragedy , @deanwax , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @theaistired , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin
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lolitasangel · 10 hours
Pink ribbon husband! Noah x reader nsfw MDNI 18+ pt2
I know I already posted one but I wanted to write about the night you and Noah get married and he shows you the pink ribbon
Taglist- @bluestdai @yarasdead @reyadawn @darling-millicent-aubrey @english-fucker
Tw-body worship, hair pulling, praise, spanking,
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•The first time he showed it to you was your wedding night, coming home together, he’s taking you straight to the bedroom, you don’t have a say in it.
•Noah just thinks you look so gorgeous in your dress, your makeup and hair look amazing but he doesn’t really care for that right now.
•He takes his time taking off your wedding dress, the more the dress slips off the more areas he’s trying to kiss and love on.
•”I got you a little gift,didn’t want the others to see it, just me” Noah reached over and under the bed, grabbing a somewhat small box, “I want you to go in the bathroom and put it on for me, doll” he whispered in your ear.
•”okay” you say back gently, you felt so hazy and dizzy, you didn’t realize it now but Noah was slowly easing you into that subspace, he wanted you to feel so loved and adored.
•You get up from his lap, and rip the gift open, pulling it out was a beautiful laced lingerie, white, fitting for the occasion.
•”Turn around” you shyly speak up, you always got so shy around him, especially during times like these, you still felt insecure sometimes.
•Not wanting you to feel pressure, Noah lays back on the bed, throwing his arm over his eyes, normally he would talk you through it, telling you how beautiful you were.
•Noah also knew sometimes you just needed that small privacy, and if today you wanted you were gonna get it, everything you asked for Noah was bound for life now to give to you.
•”okay, you can look now” Noah rising up from the bed, taking a long look at you, wanting to soak in every aspect of you.
•Noah wanted this entire night to be about you, and he was gonna make sure it stayed that way “you look divine, doll” he whispers.
•Pulling you closer to himself, Noah wraps his arms around your waist, leaving kisses along your body as he rose from the bed now towering over you.
•Tilting your chin up to make eye contact, you became flushed, you never felt so loved before, of course through out the relationship.
•Noah always made you feel this way, but now that you were married, it felt 10x more intense.
•Noah chose you to be his wife, no one else
•”Lay down, baby” he says, he gently lays you down, giving you one last kiss to your lips.
•Walking over to the dresser, fumbling around, still in his wedding suit, jacket thrown off now just in his slacks and vest. He looks so handsome you think to yourself, you couldn’t help but look at his wedding ring the entire night, he looked so good with it on.
•”Alright, baby doll” before continuing Noah walked back to the bed straddling your hips, “put your arms up for me please” he asks, lifting your arms up, Noah ties them to the head post of the bed frame. “You’re gonna look soooo pretty when I’m done tying you up”
•Speaking up, cutting Noah off before he could continue, “what about you? I wanna make you feel good too” you whimpered out, all this talk of him praising you, and making you feel good mad you feel a little guilty that he wasn’t receiving any of that kind of treatment from you, his wife.
•Letting out another whimper from the thought of being a bad wife already, and Noah, knowing you like the back of his knew you weren’t whimpering from the lack of touch but from the lack of something else.
•”What’s wrong, my love? Is it too tight?” You let out another whimper “I wanna pleasure and touch you too, it’s not fare” you grumbled out, pouting out the last part of your sentence “I wanna make my husband feel good”
•Noah stopping what he was doing, looking down at you now “don’t worry, doll, I’ll have my fun and pleasure too, don’t worry” he replies, leaning down giving you another kiss on your lips.
•Noah gets finished tying your wrists up against the headboard, running his hands up and down your body, “you’re finally mine” he whispers, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, making his way to your chest, reaching back up, to kiss you one last time before kissing something else.
•”you look so beautiful,baby, all mine” after finally making his way down, he brought your legs up over your shoulder.
•”I know you get insecure about your thighs, but god I love them, I love touching, kissing, biting, every little thing, I love your thighs so much.”
•Soreading your core wide open, lurking from your entrance to your clit, lapping slowly, not wanting to rush anything with you. Noah wanted to taste you for as long as he could. Sucking your clit, wanting you to feel every bit of pleasure he could give you. “N-Noah, please” you whimpered out, looking up from your core, “what, baby? I’m just trying to make you feel good” he says innocently. “I-I know, b-but I want you” you stammered out. “I know, baby, but you also know how to use your manners,correct?”
•When you and Noah first got together, he was so big on using your manners, any bit of attitude would either you be overstimulated from Noah eating you out or you not cumming at all for 3 weeks. One thing he was big on was he wanted you to cum atleast once on his tongue before he gave you his cock.
•”I- I have to let you finish” you stammered out, knowing the answer before the question came out. Noah smiling at this, “good girl, so you do remember?” You nodded your head, receiving a slap to your thigh “words, I need words from you,baby, not motions” Noah sternly told you. “Yes, I- I re-ah!re-remember” you stammered out. “Good, now, be a good girl, and your husband finish, okay?”
•Going back down to your core, Noah starts to slips two fingers inside, slowly pumping in and out, fucking you slowly. You slowly started to feel yourself, come closer to the edge.
•“P-Please, Noah, I-i wanna c-cum” you pleaded out, “okay, baby, you can cum, good girl, you used your words and manners”
•Deciding you deserved an award, Noah started stroking his fingers faster, liking your clit quicker, not coming off you until you cum on his tongue.
•Your legs shaking from the pleasure, going limp from the feeling. Panting out “Noah, please, now, I’ve been good”
•Noah agreeing with you, kissing his way back up to your lips, slowly kissing your hips, waist, tits, collar bone.
•Kissing every inch that he could except your lips, he kissed your entire face, body, hands, arms, whimpering from the lack of kisses to your lips “Noah, please” you pleaded out to him.
•Finally kissing his way back up to your neck, whispering your ear “my little wife, you’re so good to me, so small, and strong, yet you succumb to the lightest touch I give you.” Noah leaves one last kiss on your lips, before pulling your legs up to his shoulders, lining himself up with your entrance, “I want you to look at me, my pretty wife”.
•Before you could respond, Noah slides his cock all the way inside of your core, whimpering from the stretch and moaning from the pleasure, Noah slowly fucking in and out of you, “who do you belong to?” He asks, “hmm?” He hums, “m-my husband, my h-husband” groaning from your response, “you’re so wet, baby” squeezing him tighter from the pleasure, feeling yourself about to cum, “n-Noah I’m close again” whimpering out as best as you could from panting, “it’s okay,baby, you can cum for me”
•Your legs started to from the high you felt at your core, “good girl” Noah groans in your ear, feeling him slowly you fill you up. “You look so pretty tied in ribbon” he whispers to you.
I hope you enjoyed! Have a good morning/evening/night.
Much love-LP🫶🏼
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ancientschampionau · 3 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Static
This is a drabble I have been planning for a while and I finally know how I want to write it :3
Are you ready?
First Drabble here (with original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev Drabble here Next Drabble here
You see.... there was still something that hadden been addressed :3 Something about how Dust was dealing with the pressure and looks and backstory he has to follow :3
No beta and no edit. (also it is a big boy woops)
Timeline is that Nightmare was deaged like 4 months ago. One month in farmtale
Cross isn't sure how to deal with the tension in the air.
The bickering between Killer and Dust isn't making it any better.
Okay, Cross has got to be honest. It is much as much bickering as it is Killer being annoying and Dust trying to ignore him.
It had started this morning wiht Dust being more anti-social than usual. Easy to note by the fact that he had darkened the inside of his hoody.
Dust hadn't said a single word the whole day even as he went through the motions perfectly.
Cross is enver sure how to help in these moments. The moments which Horror once explained where most likely the times when the maybe ghost maybe hallucination of Dust's brother were extra loud.
Cross isn't even sure what that situation is. He asked everyone but Dust about it and no one really knows for sure if the Papyrus haunting Dust is actually a ghost. Or if it is a hallucination made of his own guilt. From what Cross heard from the others Dust isn't sure either.
The fact remains. They had tried to help in the ways they usually do. Cross tried to stay near in case he wanted something but mostly kept quiet. Cross tried to be a quiet reminder that Dust isn't alone and isn't whereever he was before.
Horror makes Dust's favourites and gently bullies him into eating and taking care of himself.
Killer tries to distract him.
Killer's tactis either goes very well or very wrong. At least Cross has been told that.
Cross has seen the two fight obviously but as soon as one manages to down the other the fight ends. The winner will be smug in their own way, Killer by loudly proclaiming victory while Dust will just have this smug little smile on his face.
The first time they just tackled one another to fight Cross had been worried. But after getting Horror and asking him what to do he had reassured Cross that this was just something the two did. For Dust it helps unload some of his large magic levels and overcharge and for Killer... welll Horror isn't sure about Killer, he assumes Killer just likes fighting or the attention with fighting.
Cross watches as Killer hangs all over Dust and yaps away about something. Cross can see that the fork Dust is holding is slowly but surely starting to curve under the pressure of Dust's phalanges.
Cross can see that Crop is a lot more nervous as he looks between the two worried before looking at Horror. Horror shrugs at the unspoken question.
Cross turns to check on Nightmare and sees him looking at the two with a frown. Cross grins and nudges him "No need to frown. Just them being silly again." he smiles.
Nightmare looks at him before looking back at the two. The frown not leaving "no... it isn't."
Cross is immediantly more worried, and he already was worried! He studies the two and notices that Dust is breathing very shallowly. Cross looks at Horror and signs it quickly to him.
Horror has a look of alarm on his face before slowly, and very carefully, inching closer "Come on Killer. That is enough. Not in the kitchen."
Killer grins cheerfully, completely unaware of the ticking timebomb he is hanging over "oooooh! here comes your knight in shining armour Dusty!"
Dust's fist twitches and Cross can see the fork fold over completely. Oh no.
Killer continues on as he leans on the other "Princess Dusty, getting saved and needing protection-"
And Killer flies over the table right into the stone wall, leaving large cracks on it. Dust follows two seconds after and punches him straight on the face.
Horror gets to Dust and tries to pull him off only to be turned blue and pushed away. Horror manages to fight the force but is still pushed away.
Cross doesn't think as he grabs Nightmare and backs up against the wall on the other side of the room. Even as Nightmare makes an unhappy noise and reaches for Dust. Nope! Not save right now!
Dust stands there panting heavily as mana and magic crack like electricity over him. Fuck. He is overcharged with magic. Fuck they are idiots to not realise that was going to happen soon. Fuck fuck fuck.
Horror somehow still looks calm even with the two different coloured eye lights staring straight at him from under the dark hood. "It is okay... we just ened to go out and-"
Dust huffs "Don't fucking bother." he sounds furious. He glances around the room and looks into Cross's direction for a moment. Dust looks away with a flinch and he is out of the room.
The front door slams shut.
Horror is by Killer as he helps him up. Killer groans as he rubs his skull "okay... maybe i was pushing it... again."
Horror gives him a 'no shit' look before checking his wounds.
Cross glances at Crop who had backed out of the kitchen and now inches back in "is everyone okay? what... waht was that?!" he waves at the front door.
Horror sighs as he rubs his skull "Overcharge... Dust has a lot of LV, EXP, magic and mana. Even with his buffed stats it gets a lot and he needs to release the steam or well... it goes off." he glances around "Sorry for your kitchen..."
Crop nods as he looks at the frontdoor "is it... safe for him?"
Horror nods as he looks into the same direction "It is... just dumb i forgot he would need to discharge...." he sighs.
Killer groans as he gets up "We all forgot. We have been busy and well... I think Dusty forgot as well."
A tug on his sleeve and Cross looks down at Nightmare. Nightmare just looks at him "Can I go to Dust?"
Cross feels panicked "no?! Just let him discharge Nightmare. You know he will be fine."
Nightmare shakes his skull as he looks at the frontdoor "It seemed different... I can't explain." a frown on his face of frustration.
Cross frowns as he looks at Horror and Killer. They share looks before moving towards the front door.
A loud boom of thunder and they open it to stare.
A large vortext of pure black clouds with purple lightning. SLowly but surely swirling to somewhere above the fields.
Crop whistles "Well then... I never saw that much magic before." he frowns and points "That normal?"
Cross follows the direction as he sees small zaps and static all in the air, all that same purple colour.
Killer shakes his skull "No that isn't normal... fuck I need to apologise..." he rubs his skull before quickly looking at Nightmare "don't repeat that." Nightmare shoots him an annoyed look.
Killer grins back before walking towards the stairs of the porch with purpose. only to get zapped as soon as he gets off the wood. Killer yelps and rushes back to stand behind Horror. glaring at the air "Rude! What the hell Dusty!"
horror frowns at him "hurt?"
Killer shakes his skull "More like a tiny zap when you are like static and stuff." he frowns and looks at the air "Though i don't know how that will be once that gets worse..."
Cross frowns as he follows Killer's sight. Cross can admit he is also worried. if this gets much worse it can spell very bad news.. not to forget that it has never been this bad before... Is this just what happened if they don't help him remember to discharge in time? Is Dust even okay with this much pressure and magic going on?
Cross frowns as he hands Nightmare to Horror "You guys stay here. Help Crop with the kitchen and keep Ngihtmare safe." just in case.
Ngihtmare glares as he is put down "I am safe!"
Cross nods and stares at Killer and Horror "I am going to go to help and try to get him to calm down and discharge safely." a spar usually works best.
Horror frowns as he shakes his skull "I will just come back if it goes wrong."
Cross shoots him a look "I got better stats and have the endurance to keep dodging to get through the worst. Killer has a straight up bullseye by his sternum and he annoyed Dust already. YOu may come back but do you really want to do that to Dust?" Horror frowns but nods his agreement. Cross nods himself "just keep an eye on Nightmare and-"
"See? Perfectly safe."
They all turn only to stare. Becuase Nightmare is just standing off of the porch. in the middle of the static. But nothing happens. the static follows along his body but never zaps him. Nightmare looks unamused "I will go to dusty and fix this."
Cross shakes his skull as he gets off the porch. Fuck the zapping is almost constant. He gets ot Nightmare and picking him up gives him a much much much larger and slightly painful zap. Cross breaths through it "No. You are going to stay here and wait. This is our mess so we will fix it ourselves." he nuzzles the small skull "We got this."
Nightmare looks unhappy to doesn't fight being handing back to Horror, Horror flinches at the zap but takes it in stride.
Cross nods to the others and goes into the direction of the large vortex of clouds.
The zapping is honestly just annoying. It helps that Cross can see none of his HP dropping even as he gets closer and closer.
He ends up finding Dust in the wheat field, well in a circle of completely vaporized wheat. the current and magic having turned the plants and part of the ground into ash. Dust just stands there. muttering as crackles of lighting go all along his body.
Cross gulps before stealing himself "Hey Dust!"
Dust freezes. Okay! Good news! Dust can still hear him! not too far gone!
Cross smiles and feels a bit braver "sorry we didn't realise... want to spar? Blow off a bit of steam?"
Dust tilts his skull but nothing. okay wait! Cross knows what this means!
Cross speaks louder "don't listen to whatever he says!" Dust doesn't react. Cross takes a step closer "please. whatever he says it isn't true or real oaky? Or at least not the full truth and-"
Dust chuckles and stares at him "What? Think i ened fucking protection from him?"
Cross blinks and opens and clsoes his mouth. Not sure what to say "I... euh... maybe?" is this a trick question?
Dust looks displeased by his answer. That is fair Cross couldn't commit to either answer. Dust huffs "Don't fucking bother. I am fine."
Cross frowns and feels braver again. No time for self doubt. Dust needs his help. Cross steps clsoer "You aren't fine."
Dust glares back at him "I am fine!" crackles and the ring of vaporized wheat grows bigger. Oh man Cross hopes Crop won't lose too much money thanks to that.
Cross gulps but keeps going closer "It is okay Dust... If it hurts i can heal you!" his healing is weak but he can still heal! "We just need to get you to use some magic and-"
Dust snaps "You want to see fucking magic!" and it crackles loudly as a snap of lightning crashed just by Dust's feet. Cross yelps and feels afraid it did damage but Dust seems fine even as the energy from the lightning travels through the ground. A loud whine of magic nad Cross sees an overgrown blaster right by Dust's shoulder.
Dust hisses "leave. me. alone."
The blaster blasts and Cross dodges. After the dodge Cross actually feels reassured.
You see?
If Dust wants to hit you. He will hit you. The fact he gave Cross enough time to get ready to dodge and didn't change the direction of the beam to still hit him gives Cross hope.
Cross glares back "I am not leaving." not again. He is not giving up on them again.
Dust glares as more blasters appear "You think I won't do it?! You think I am fucking weak?!"
Cross blinks "No? You are like one of the strongest mosnters I know..." Cross has seen Dust fight Ink 1v1 and win. Dust weak? Why would he ever think that? Who would ever think that?
Dust laughs and more crackles in the air as the static grows. Dust's face becomes visible and he smiles sharply at him "That is quite a different answer than you gave before!"
before? When?! Cross never said Dust was weak!
Cross doesn't really have a chance to dodge. Because even if Dust gives him time to see the attacks coming Cross sitll has to dodge them himself.
Dust growls as he charges more attacks "Helpless? Weak? Useless? come on! You can tell me! I already figured it out anyway! With the endless hovering and shadowing!" another blast.
It clicks.
They are fucking idiots!
Cross looks at him panicked "It is just an backstory!" Dust had said no. They still pushed and he had been unhappy wiht it.
They thought it was fine.
But then again. It isn't Cross who has to deal with it with every interaction he has...
Shit. They are assholes.
Cross barely dodges another blast and Dust frowns a tiny bit. He pulls his arm a bit back and a few blasters hold their fire "Well?! Still weak?! Still useless!?"
Cross needs to do something.
And well, the answer is obvious.
Cross gets ready for his sprint. He needs all the speed he can get. Dust sees him hold his own run and rolls his eye lights before shooting at him with a sneer on his face.
Cross runs straight at Dust, straight at the blast. Dust's sockets and eye lights widen and he has to pull hard at his own magic. the air crackles angerly as the blast changes directions just before it hits Cross.
Cross gets right up into Dust's personal space and locks his arms around the other.
Dust snarls and tries to free himself but Cross has more physical strenght than he has and Cross has a good hold on him with locking his arms to his side.
Dust screams and wiggles "Let me go!"
Cross shakes his skull and pushes close to the other "No. I am not letting go of you." not of you. not of nightmare. not of the others. No. He isn't letting go.
Struggling and more screaming. Blasters going off but without his arms he can't aim them right. Dust goes as far as trying to kick, scratch and even bite him but Cross just keeps holding on. Refusing to give up or give in.
The storm around them calms slowly and eventually Dust goes lax in his arms. still some uneasy crackles far above them but the vortex disappeared and the clouds turned more of a dark grey colour.
It starts to rain and this is when Cross thinks it would be safe to let him go. Not that he does. Cross keeps holding on.
Dust isjust lax in his hold. Not saying a word and Cross doens't even know how to say what he wants to say. That he is sorry for pushing. For not helping Dust think of a new plan. So being so okay with Dust having had to carry most of the burding concerning their back story. and later more responsiblity about money. and before that even with taking care of nightmare. All wihtout Cross even trying to help him.
Cross had just... liked the idea of the backstory. That Dust came to them for help, that Cross had a bit of the savior role in the story... Just like he had enjoyed the idea of some people thinking he and dust had a kid together. Just like he enjoys the idea that everyone knows the four of them are an unit and won't separate... Cross is a jerk.
He still isn't sure what to say "... We can probably change the backstory still..." Instead he just talks.
Dust just sounds tired "We can't..."
Cross shakes his skull and just tightens his hold "No we totally can!" think think think "We... we... we can just be that... that i was the one with the ex! But that i hadn't been sure about a kid... and so i just left but regretted it and found out about the bad stuff..." he is just rambling "So i went back and got you guys for help but nightmare had been so young so he didn't remember me and i was still weird about being a father but you were great at it so you and nightmare bonded and so we just kinda told him it was you and... and..." Cross doesn't know. he is stuck and can't think.
Dust snorts against his shoulder "People will hate that... they won't trust us in anyway if they 'found out' we lied..."
Cross gulps and knows he is right. still... "I am sorry... I should have told killer to stuff it when he oppered."
Dust shrugs "Could have done that myself..."
They continue to sit there in the rain. Cross trying to think of some way to fix this mess.
Dust sighs "It is fine... just... stupid... got the best of me... won't happen again."
Cross feels even worse "I am sorry..."
Dust tries to pull back, probably to shoot him a look of some kind but Cross just keeps holding him tighter. No. Not letting go.
Dust sighs and gives in rather easily "I know why... it is fine..."
Cross shakes his skull "you are overworked... and we were to dumb to see."
Dust lets out an annoyed sigh again "I don't need a babysitter. I should be able to take care of myself just fine cross."
Cross feels tears appear but pusehs them back "It isn't being a babysitter you moron! It is about being friends and looking out for one another and not being a dumb idiot to forget one of your friends also needs help!"
Cross just keeps going "We shouldn't have pushed the backstory. WHen you said no we should ahve just accepted that! You were uncomfortable wiht that plan. YOu are still uncomfortable wiht it. it isn't fair that we kept pushing and you had to brun for it."
Cross feels himself start to ramble and he doesn't bother to stop it "And then the tinkering! You like that and that is great but that doesn't mean it should be a must or have the pressure of being our solo income! You are overworked and tired and need rest and i don't want to hear any comment or self hating joke about you being lazy!"
Dust huffs and mutters "kill joy" but stays quiet otherwise.
Cross keeps going as if he didn't interrupt him "You are also the one who takes charge with Nightmare and that is fine as well as long as you don't have all the pressure! It is unfair of us to just assume you will decide or have the decision or even that you thought about it! Even if you do have the answers and you did think about it it isn't fair that we put that expectation and pressure on you! We are a team and we should share the burden of stuff!"
Cross pants as he just sits there. feeling partly mortified by what he just said and partly relieved he managed to get it all out.
Dust is quiet for a long time before answering "I don't mind it..." it is hardly more than a whisper.
Cross huffs and just keeps holding it "Even if you don't mind it now clearly it is too much or we wouldn't be sitting in a circle of vaporized plants."
Dust is silent but does give a small nod against his shoulder.
Cross nods himself "When you feel okayish. we will go back to the others. you are going to get cleaned up and sleep. actually sleep. and sleep in. No more trying to get up early wiht Nightmare."
Dust mutters "I sleep in..."
Cross huffs "Yeah. until like 8 or 9 compared to the 5 and 6 of Horror and me. But I mean you need to sleep sleep Dust. Sleep in untill at least 10. Don't even think I won't get Horror or Killer to tie you down to the bed!" Dust is almost always up until late at night. he needs rest clearly.
Dust snorts and mutters "Don't let Killer hear you say that. He will have many things to say about that implication about your preferences."
Oh god no brain don't think about that mental image when Dust is stuck in your arms. You don't want to have that type of conversation now when that image does things to you!
Cross feels himself blush as he stares striaght ahead "Very funny."
Dust snorts "I know."
Cross huffs before spekaing again "Well then! You are going to sleep in and get the rest you actually need. We are no longer going to allow you to plan your days full like you did before anymore."
Dust groans "Cross we still need money."
Cross nods "and so we will figure something out eventually! But you are no longer trying to earn enough for everyone. And please for the love of everything actually buy something nice for yourself for once!" so far he had only spend money on stuff for Nightmare. or clothes for any of them. Cross appreciates the clean clothes and things but please Dust just get stuff for yourself.
Dust mutters and mumbles some stuff but nothing that Cross can really make heads or tails from "Good! Now that we agreed to that... Ready to go back?"
Dust is quiet again but sighs "Yeah.... need to apologise to Killer for attacking him... and crop for probably breaking part of his house..."
Cross nods "Yeah... Good news though Killer didn't have actual HP damage so i think even when mad you were pretty controlled over what you actually wanted, which was just Killer to shut up I guess... as for Crop's house I only saw some cracks and Horror and I can do enough construction stuff to fix that." a moment of silence "Also Killer owns you an apology for annoying you the whole day."
Dust listens before sighing "Thanks..."
They sit a moment longer before they both get up. Cross can't help his curiosity as he sticks his phalanges into the lose sand.
Dust frowns at him "What are you doing?"
Cross looks away embarresed "Heard that... if lightning strikes sand like glass is made... I am curious..." he feels something but can't pull it out. Instead he pushes more sand and dirt aside and uncovers a giant glass electric strike in the ground. he can see how the electricity move and made the glass.
Dust frowns at it "Hopefully I didn't ruin his field... Will have to dig that out and any other stuff to make sure it doesn't damage his machinery when he does farming stuff." Dust already sounds tired as he looks around his large circle were Cross cna see multiple hits of lightning hit the ground.
Cross pats his back "It is fine. Horror and I got a lot of free time so we will get to that tomorrow."
Dust looks at him before sighing and nodding "fine."
Cross nods.
The two walk back as Cross looks at the sky "It is clearing... I didn't know you could do the whole sky thing..."
Dust shrugs "never did that before."
huh. Cross keeps looking up "Think it was because you have more charge or something?"
Dust shrugs "Could be..."
Cross nods as he taps his chin "We will need to make sure you don't overcharge faster than..."
Dust is quiet but Cross feels Dust nudge his shoulder. Cross beams at him and Dust shoots him a small smile back.
They near the house and find their other three boys waiting on the porch. Dust goes straight to nightmare nad hugs him before looking at Horror and Killer for just amoment before looking down "sorry... I.... sorry."
Horror smiles bakc and nods. Killer grins himself and shrugs "Euh. It is fine. Sorry to you for once again not picking up on your social clues." he rubs his cheek which has a large bruise "No hard feelings."
Dust nods and agrees easily enough.
After apologizing to Crop for the mess in both the kitchen and field and promising to fix it they get back to their attic. They take a moment to sit together and Cross explains what the deal had been about. Mostly because dust had retreated to hoody-city while hugging Nightmare and was refusing to admit himself what was wrong.
Killer and Horror both look deeply unhappy with this newly gotten information and looka t Dust. Dust manages to somehow look even further away as he mutters "Cross makes it sound worse than it is."
Cross glares. Rude! Because he actually thinks he is underselling the issue!
Killer must come to the same conclusion as he wiggles around until he is laying right up against Dust's side and looks at him begging "You know that I know you are like the strongest monster ever right? Like it is obvious. We all know that? You know that right?"
Dust shrugs and nods but Corss has his doubts. Seeing as he didn't seem to beleive so just moments ago. Killer pouts and has his scheming face on.
Cross sighs "Either way... we need to balance the work load better." he shoots Nightmare a look "You aren't allowed to share the load as you are a child and no child labor."
Ngihtmare huffs and crosses his arms "I can help"
Killer nods "You help by staying safe nad being a good babybones!" Nightamre grumbles even more and pushes closer to Dust.
Horror hums and nods "We will... need to calm down... Taking it easy with townvisits." he shoots Dust a look "Only when it is relaly necessary."
Dust huffs and mutters "Still need cash."
Horror nods "We will figure that out later. First taking things calmly. step by step."
Cross nods as he sees Dust relax a bit. Step by step. They can do this. They got each other and everything will be fine.
First Drabble here Prev Drabble here Next Drabble here
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swanshapedheart · 1 day
Poorlittlekoi’s statement
Disclaimer. I, the poster, am not Koi
I am someone putting her thoughts and response to her situation into the public as I was encouraged to do so. I feel it is also necessary to bring this up as well.
I do not want to be affiliated with controversy any further.
“this whole situation has messed with my head to the point where i cant even send a text to most people without worrying they are gonna leak it or use it against me in the future,, svlvnsore was just bored and found me really annoying shown in screenshot one…. not only that they also called me out for heavily referencing or tracing when they reposted an artpiece thats doing the same thing. Svlvn said they are on my ass because i didnt credit who i referenced, when the person they reposted didnt do the same either proof in screenshot two three and four. Another thing i caught on to is that they SPECIFICALLY said they didnt care that i self harmed or did horrible things to myself when they posted about me. i have anxiety, i overthink! of course im going to do bad things to myself, im mentally unwell. proof in screenshot 5… and for screenshot 6, this is only an assumption, but saying that svlvn "didnt know" is something that really throws me off. when someone makes a callout post on someone else, there will OBVIOUSLY be harassment. thats just my thought, i feel like they knew what they were doing since him and his bf arent very good people either. especially holding onto old dms and gathering them up to use it against me, when they could have handled the situation privately with me, rather than hide it behind my back.
all of this could have been prevented if they handled it differently, and that goes for me as well.
im fully aware im in the wrong, but these people are wrong in some places too. and i want people to realize that.
many artists in tcc trace, reference, all the time. i dont understand why im slandered for heavily referencing something, not tracing. theres proof of an artist doing this FROM THE ORIGINAL ARTIST BTW in my dms right now but i dont get them involved
am i handling this situation immaturely? maybe, but arent they doing the same by harassing me? absolutely.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
when it comes to someone being racist/homophobic, people feel the need to harass this person to make them feel worse about what they did. this isnt how you handle a situation. harassing someone to the point they attempt suicide is just as bad as what i did, possibly even worse.
now i have recover slowly until i have the chance to even feel comfortable with myself again. i understand what i said and did was wrong, and im sitting here attempting to change and apologize to the people ive offended and hurt, but throwing that apology under the rug and making it seem like im guilt tripping is ridiculous.
so they cant say i didnt try to apologize, but nobody is guaranteed to accept my apology and thats okay. but putting it out there as if im guilt tripping when im giving reasons why i said it is not even giving me a chance to change
when it comes to growing up with a HUGE racist family, these words and beliefs become apart of my vocabulary and thoughts. its very hard to change that especially when i was always told "its just a word" and i hear it daily! growing up with these slurs has become so normal for me to say it just slips out with no worry, but ofc im seen as guilt tripping when i say this.
its different for each person, i saw a comment saying they grew up in a southern family and they dont say it, but thats them, not me.
people at school and during family events would peer pressure me into saying this slurs multiple times because they found it "funny." i slowly believed that as well.
i was a young teen being taught the wrong things, and seeing other people in tcc say it made me feel like i should say it as well to fit in and be edgy, since thats what the community is like
this situation is another lesson for me to learn, but other people in it need to learn that harassing someone isnt okay, either. especially when im trying to change, it doesnt make it any easier.”
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narrans · 13 hours
My Borrowed Son | 34 | All On The Table
Chapter Thirty-Four | All On The Table
Parker continued to feel pressure all around him. It shifted from time to time, but he couldn’t command his body to react in any other way except to give into the darkness again and again. Parker’s senses were still on high alert. It was like a weird dream where he could hear and feel but had no control over himself. All he could do was wait and listen until this nightmare came to an end.
And, thankfully, it did.
When Parker finally gained control over his eyes, he forced them open and groggily looked around at his surroundings. He was on top of something that felt like a washcloth, and he felt completely and utterly drained. His blurred vision sharpened, but he wished it hadn’t because of what he saw.
Looming above him was Lyn. She was holding something in her left hand and a pair of scissors longer than the length of his body in her right hand. It sounded like she was cutting whatever she was holding, making Parker shiver.
He didn’t want to know what she was doing. Was she cutting up his tools and clothes? Was she preparing strips of tape to strap him down to the desk? Parker didn’t care.
The one thing he wanted to know was how to get out of there and away from this place.
The teen clenched his fists, which sent a shooting pain up his arm. The miniscule wince he gave was enough to gain Lyn’s attention. Immediately, those pensive green eyes locked onto him, and all color drained from Parker’s face.
He needed to act, and now.
With what little energy reserve he had left, Parker forced himself to roll over and stumbled onto his feet. A quick survey of his surroundings revealed he was on her corner desk. He’d seen it before when she did a room tour with him months before, so he knew where the electrical cords and books were – both being perfect hiding places.
Sucking in a pained breath, Parker lunged forward and dove toward the safety of the space behind the books. He slammed into the wooden back and spun into the shadows. Sadly, the electrical cords Parker remembered were no longer there; or, rather, they were behind a few new books he didn’t recognize. They were blocking his path and he was left trapped.
“Parker? Parker, hey. It’s okay,” said Lyn. Parker didn’t feel like he could believe it. Nothing felt real. This whole thing felt like a nightmare, and it wasn’t ending. The Borrower teen tried to move the books out of the way, but he was too weakened from his fight earlier.
It reminded him of how insignificant his strength was. It made him realize how easily his will could be overridden. All he wanted to do was hide in the walls away from everyone for the rest of his life.
Could he trust no one?
Parker slumped down and brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. It was only now that he noticed that there was part of a bandage on his arm. It was poorly placed, but it was helping him not bleed all over the books around him.
“Parker? Please, it’s me. It’s Lyn,” she said again. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Tears filled the teen’s eyes. Was it true? Was it a lie? Was Lyn just like her sadistic sister, Rachel, and trying to get Parker out so she could torment him with those scissors? A choked sob erupted out of Parker as he shook his head defiantly.
“No!” he shouted. “No! Just leave me alone!”
He heard a slight shuffle beyond the books, and it sounded like Lyn sighed, which wasn’t a good sign for Parker.
Was she getting frustrated?
Was she going to go after him? Pull the books away to reveal his hiding space?
Instead, she continued speaking in that same gentle tone Parker had come to know and love about her.
“Parker, I promise you’re safe with me. I was worried when you weren’t in class and didn’t respond to my messages. I thought something was wrong, but nothing like this,” said Lyn. Parker felt a pang in his heart.
That’s right. I had class. I missed a day of school, and maybe more with me leaving the way I did.
Regret didn’t begin to cover how Parker felt, but it was a start. Parker pressed his back against the back of the desk and looked up at the sliver of light he could see from the gap the books provided.
Then, Lyn said something that made Parker’s blood run ice cold.
“If… if you’re worried about me telling someone, don’t worry. I know the rules. I won’t tell your secret to anyone; and I know you’re not supposed to talk to humans or anything like that, but….”
Parker didn’t hear the rest. His ears were ringing too loudly.
Speak to humans?
Not tell anyone?
Parker felt himself threatening to pass out again as he slumped against the books, but he managed to stop himself. The Borrower teen’s mind was racing, but his impulses took over and forced him once again to his feet. Despite his instincts thrashing against his decision, Parker staggered forward and peered out from behind the books to look at Lyn.
The moment their eyes met, he knew she was being genuine. When he looked at her, the sense of imminent danger began to slowly subside. It felt like how it used to with his mom. His instincts hadn’t steered him wrong before, and for once it felt like someone who wasn’t directly involved in his life and history had answers.
“W-wait… do… do you know… what I am?” asked Parker. Lyn’s eyes widened ever so slightly at seeing Parker hiding behind her stack of books, but her features softened sympathetically as she nodded.
“Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t confirmed until now, but I had an idea that you were a Borrower,” stated Lyn. “A lot of us did, actually.”
Parker felt his head swirl. Whether it was because of the loss of blood or because of the realization, Parker suddenly felt his knees buckle and his vision darkening again.
“Parker?!” Parker registered Lyn sounding alarmed before landing on something soft. There was another moment of weightlessness as his senses came back to him. Parker felt something moving his body, maneuvering it so he was once again on his back, but it wasn’t until he opened his eyes that he realized he was back on the washcloth. Lyn’s fingers were mere inches from him, which made him flinch away.
The Borrower teen pushed himself up onto his elbows as he craned his neck back as far as he could to look up at her. Lyn looked genuinely concerned. There was obvious hesitation in her eyes, like she wanted to help and offer a hug or touch of consolation while also refraining because Parker obviously looked uncomfortable.
“I… I’m sorry. Are you okay?” asked Lyn. Parker shook his head and pushed himself up further, sitting in a crouched position and trying desperately to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth.
“No… I’m… not,” he said in between breaths. “How? How… do… you… know?” Lyn obviously shifted, disquieted, but continued explaining.
“It’s… just something some of us talked about. Remember me telling you about all of the Discord chats I’m a part of? Some of them follow you and your writing on, ‘Welcome to My Little Life,’ and, well, there’s been speculation on multiple occasions that you were a Borrower. Your profile picture shows a massive phone behind you. Some of the things you talk about with your experiences and dreams just seemed a little different. Even the name of your channel feels like a hint.
“You’ve also never come into class physically and none of your school friends have ever met you in-person. Your clothes fit, but the stitching is a bit off, and you can see if you look hard enough that it’s handmade. Plus, some of the things set up in your room are miniature versions of things I’ve found on Amazon and other craft stores like your journals on your bookshelves,” explained Lyn. Her eyes narrowed as she examined Parker’s features, which were filled with shock and disbelief.
“You… noticed all of that? How? How did you know, and I didn’t?” asked Parker more to himself than to Lyn. He slumped forward and caught his head in his hands, entwining his fingers in his hair as he fought the urge to vomit all over himself. The teen’s ears were ringing louder than a foghorn blast.
Parker heard Lyn get up and leave the room. He momentarily considered making another run for it, but why would he? He finally felt a little safe after being out in the open and then brought within inches of death, and someone had additional answers which he could learn from. He elected to stay right where he was.
What more could happen to me?
What else could bring me down?
Lyn returned after several minutes with a tray and said nothing as she set it down on a clear part of her desk. Parker’s nose could smell something delicious wafting through the air, which confused his senses more. He was starving and sick at the same time. The thought of food made him nauseous, but he felt like he could finish the entire bowl of whatever was steaming nearby.
“Here. Put this on your neck,” Lyn instructed as she dipped a piece of cloth into another bowl nearby and brought it close to Parker. “Can… I get this close to you?” Parker registered the cloth in her hands and forced himself to nod. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, so he might as well accept it and try to get better as fast as possible.
What Lyn placed nearby was an ice cold damp cloth, which instantly made Parker feel better when he slid it onto the back of his neck. His senses started coming back to him and only now did he realize how banged up he was.
There was a massive slice across his right palm where he had grabbed onto the lizard’s nose and mouth. His left arm was basically one big bruise with evenly spaced gashes in them. The bandage that was on his arm couldn’t hide the blood stains and the still seeping wounds. His pants were also torn in four distinct tare marks that undoubtedly came from the claws of the bearded dragon.
“Parker? Do… you want to get cleaned up? I can bring you to the bathroom and give you some privacy,” suggested Lyn. Parker thought about the suggestion for a moment. On one hand, he probably needed to clean the wound to keep it from getting infected. On the other, he would have to rely on Lyn to get him from place to place, which wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
At the end of the day, Parker came to one simple realization. Covered in mud, blood, and sand, Parker thought he probably looked like a complete wreck. His mom would undoubtedly lose her mind if she saw him in this state.
Just the thought of his mom seeing him like this was heart wrenching. Not only was he now missing for several days, but she would see him severely hurt. Tears sprung to his eyes again and he tried hiding his face in his undamaged hand. All of the thoughts from before about his mom not wanting him came back to mind. She was looking for him, but it didn’t stop Parker from worrying about whether or not his mom would forgive him.
“Oh… oh no… Parker,” said Lyn. “I’m sorry. Um… here… let’s get something to eat first, yeah? I made some chicken barley soup yesterday for meal prep and stuff. It might sound weird, but I like soup this time of year. Would that be okay?”
Parker swallowed dryly as his stomach rumbled hungrily at the mention of food. He’d been too anxious to eat before, and now it was all he could think about.
“Yes, please,” he said quietly. Lyn smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as she grasped a small bowl in between her fingers as well as a small plate with crunched up crackers on it. There was something that looked like a dollhouse spoon in the bowl, but that was far from Parker’s concerns at the moment.
Right now, he decided to focus on one thing that he could control at a time, which was finishing this bowl of soup. He blew away the ribbons of steam and sipped on the broth, which immediately ignited his appetite. Eating slowly didn’t feel like an option, but the heat of the bowl forced Parker to pace himself.
For nearly thirty minutes, the two of them ate in silence before Parker had his fill. The sense of nausea finally went away, and his senses started coming back to him. His vision was less blurry. His smell was sharpening. The ringing was finally subsiding. Sadly, with his senses came the intensification of his wounds.
The pain started like a dull throb but soon began to get a pulse of its own, making his muscles twitch and ache. On the bright side, he was starting to feel a little more at ease. He felt like himself, but he wasn’t out of the woods yet. Parker glanced at the contents of the rest of the tray and noticed other medical supplies like Peroxide, rubbing alcohol, bandages, Neosporin, and a few other miscellaneous odds and ends.
“I… thought you would want the full care package.” Parker jolted back to the present as Lyn spoke for the first time, breaking the silence between them. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. That’s why I was cutting the bandages earlier. One massive bandage was too much like a cast on your arm, so I was making a smaller wrapping by cutting the wrap.”
“N-no, that’s… erm… that’s good,” mumbled Parker as he dusted the crumbs off of his legs. “But… um… do you… think I could wash off first?”
“Yeah, absolutely. Would the sink be okay? Or do you want a bowl of water here, so you don’t have to be carried. Or I guess the tub would work too,” said Lyn. It made Parker smile seeing her slightly flustered. He was never able to get her off of her game during class or when they were working on a project together, but now she seemed nervous.
For just a moment, he felt like his old self and felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. She was still cute, and he still liked her, which he took as a good sign.
“Sink would be best, I think,” he replied. “If… you don’t mind that is.”
“No, not at all,” smiled Lyn nervously. She placed her hand palm up on her desk and waited patiently. Parker could practically see her pulse from where he was standing on the desk. His nerves were also going through the roof. He had imagined meeting his crush in person for so long, and this was never a scenario he had played out in his mind.
Though he had imagined being held by her.
Parker shakily stepped onto her hand, hearing her disbelievingly exhale at his touch, and crouched, giving a nod that he was ready. Lyn was already prepped and ready to go. She lifted her hand carefully, stabilizing it with her other hand, and walked down the hall to a full bathroom.
She set Parker down on the seashell themed counter and quickly filled various soap container lids with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. It took no time for her to sacrifice a few of her hand towels for a body towel for Parker and for some washcloths to be cut into perfect strips for him to use.
“In case you feel faint or anything, I can sit over here on the floor for you; but it’s whatever you want,” stated Lyn. The offer was a thoughtful one, and one Parker felt like he should take her up on. In the few minutes she was preparing everything, Parker felt himself get woozy three times to the point where he felt like he needed to sit down.
“Um… if you don’t mind. But no peeking! I’ll… I’ll give a shout when I’m done and in the towel,” directed Parker. Lyn smiled as if she already knew his answer and sat down after setting the water temperature on the faucet.
Parker’s heart was fluttering nervously as he slid down the edge of the sink into the main basin under the wide band of water. Taking his time pealing his ruined clothes away from his tender wounds, Parker finally managed to strip nude under the water. He looked at the deep bruises and punctures one his body. He was definitely walking away with scars. He couldn’t even begin imagining what his mom was going to say.
Now under the water completely, Parker let the warmth soak into his body. He let the worries of what his mom would think and the events from recent days wash away like the dirt and blood on his body. The feeling was refreshing and reminded him of his shower at home. Everything was starting to do that actually. The food. The feeling. Even being around Lyn was making him think about his mom and how much he missed her.
Parker knew he couldn’t do anything about it now and spiraling trying to solve the problem now while he was nude in his crush’s sink wasn’t going to help either. Instead, he focused on one simple task at a time. Scrubbing the shampoo into his scalp. Running his fingers through his unruly hair. Carefully scrubbing away the dirt and grime, careful with the wounds to make sure they were thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection.
Some of them reopened, leaving pink stains on the washcloth as he pressed it against the wounds. His entire body was stinging and tingling from his injuries. They seeped sluggishly, looking like red ribbons oozing out of him. Each little gash eventually stopped bleeding long enough for Parker to feel comfortable with getting out.
A little woozy, the miniature teen hoisted himself up onto the counter with a little bit of effort and wrestled himself into the nearby hand towel. It was soft, fluffy, and exactly what he needed as he began drying off his body. After thoroughly drying, Parker poked his head out from the towel.
He could see the top of Lyn’s head, which was several feet away. It looked like she was twirling something in her hands, but Parker couldn’t see what it was. Regardless of what it was she was doing, Parker knew he needed her help in order to get down. Unlike his old home, he didn’t have secure lines throughout the house.
What made it worse was that his clothes were in complete shreds and needed to dry. Just the thought made Parker’s cheeks pink. It changed nothing, so he took a breath and called out, “Lyn?”
She immediately looked over and spotted the top of Parker’s fluffy head of hair poking out from the top of the towel. She smiled warmly and stood up, turning off the water before addressing Parker again. She even chuckled as she got a full view of Parker hiding in a towel.
“Aww… Parker,” she cooed. It was completely involuntary, and her cheeks went scarlet the moment she did it. She looked away, totally embarrassed, as she scratched the back of her neck. “Sorry. I just… that’s really cute.”
Parker felt his insides flutter and flip. Hearing his crush call him “cute” made him jittery all over. The circumstances were a bit odd, but it still made him smile. Hopefully, she thought he was cute for the same reasons he found her cute.
“It’s… um… it’s okay,” mumbled Parker. There was an awkward silence for a few moments.
“Do you-”
“I brought you some-”
The two of them started talking at the same time, which made both of them chuckle.
“Here, me first. Do you think you could put my clothes over the air vent so they’ll dry? Or just tell me where it is and I can do it,” asked Parker as he readjusted the towel over him. He felt incredibly warm at the moment, and he was having a hard time concentrating. It felt like only parts of him had a strong pulse, and it made him squirm.
“Actually,” chuckled Lyn. “I have some extra clothing items that you might be interested. I usually use them for my photography models and they’re going to be horribly big on you, but… well… if that’s not weird or anything, you could use those. Um… here.”
Lyn held out the thing Parker suspected that she was playing with and set it downright next to him. Sure enough, it was definitely going to be too big. It was a matching pair of sweatpants, t-shirt, and a hoodie combination which were all black. Though the Borrower teen would’ve preferred his own clothes, he knew his own had been torn to shreds and the alternative was to not wear anything at all.
That wasn’t an option, especially with these weird warmth spurts Parker was going through.
He reached out and snagged the pants. They were incredibly soft and well made. It was the same quality his mom made sure he had when he was first learning how to make his own clothes.
“Are… you sure?” asked Parker.
“Yeah, absolutely. I’d say just put on the shirt and pants so we can bandage you up, but it’s honestly whatever you’re good with,” replied Lyn. Parker smiled sheepishly and pulled the clothes into the makeshift tent he had made when drying himself off and slide on the shirt and pants. His muscles ached and twinged as he pulled the cloth over his wounds, but they subsided after a moment or two.
Now dressed, Parker stood up and walked out of the towel. Sure enough, everything was horribly big for him, but it was comfortable regardless. Giving a bashful shrug as he looked up at Lyn, he asked, “So? Look okay?”
It was hard to disguise the look of adoration in her eyes. She knelt involuntarily and made no effort to hide her smile.
“Very good,” she grinned. Parker bit his lip nervously. Having her so close was intoxicating. She was even prettier in person than she was over the camera. When her eyes shifted to his arm and she looked nervous, Parker glanced down to see that beads of blood were once again starting to form on his arm and were even starting to drip onto the towel again. “Now, let’s get you patched up.”
Parker got onto her hand once again, having to shuffle a bit because of where the pants came down over his ankles, and watched Lyn quickly snag all of his clothes and remove all evidence that he was in the sink. Lyn poked her head out of the door, scanning her surroundings and listening for anyone in the house, before quickly retreating back to her room. Her feet were swift and her steps smooth as she whisked herself and Parker away behind her door, which she shut and locked behind her.
Setting Parker down on the desk, she found a small container that would usually be used to store berries for Parker to sit on top of while she worked. It was still a bit unnerving having fingers that were the length of his body approach when they didn’t belong to his mom, but Parker’s instincts had finally calmed and, from what he could tell, he was no longer in the danger zone.
In fact, he almost felt safer in his crush’s care. Applying the salve with the tip of her finger, Lyn’s fingers were incredibly nimble and gentle. Even as she wrapped the top part of Parker’s arm with the cloth bandage she cut for him, it wasn’t too tight, and it wasn’t too loose. Parker even helped tie the bandage at the ends when she was done.
“Feel good? Not cutting off circulation?” asked Lyn. Parker shook his head and gave his arm a few test flexes.
“Nope, all good. Thank you,” Parker said. Lyn beamed as she playfully tapped Parker’s leg.
“Good, then let’s get your leg bandaged next,” she suggested. Parker hoisted the pant leg up and watched as Lyn applied the salve to her fingertip and then spread it onto his leg. The cool gel made the slight burning stop, and the bandage she wrapped around it stopped the tingling. While she worked on his leg, Parker worked on his hand that was cut.
It was only after a few minutes of quiet as the two of them worked on bandaging Parker’s bruised body that Lyn chortled to herself and, in a disbelieving tone, muttered under her breath, “I never thought my model clothes would be used on an actual Borrower.”
This statement brought Parker back and made him want to shy away. All of those questions started coming back to him, and now he had the energy and presence of mind to ask them.
“Um… Lyn?”
Her eyes flicked up to him as her cheeks pinkened.
“Sorry. I know. It’s weird hearing a human say the word and everything; but, like I said, I’m not going to tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me,” reassured Lyn. It made Parker’s chest clench in relief for one odd reason or another. He figured it had to do with his Borrower instincts, but that wasn’t what was important right now.
“Um… that’s… not what I was going to ask,” stated Parker.
“Oh?” Lyn asked as she finished tying the knot by Parker’s ankle for his bandaged leg and started cleaning up all of the supplies she was using. “Then… what did you want to ask?”
Parker swallowed nervously and, after wrestling his pant leg down, played with the drawstring on his pants as he calmed his fraying nerves. “I just… I wanted to ask how you know that word. I mean what I am. A Borrower. Where did you hear that?”
“The word? Oh, from a book series I read when I was much younger. It’s by Mary Norton and it’s called ‘The Borrowers,’ which is about little people who live in the walls and stuff. There’s a kind of spinoff series called ‘The Littles’ by John Peterson, but his characters are more mouse-like with tails and stuff.
“There’s also a ton of writing and art online from fanfiction about these two major series. There’s always been a playful part of the g/t community who want Borrowers to exist and a bunch of other stuff, but no one really ever knows until… well… until something like this happens,” explained Lyn. “That’s why it came up in some of our Discord chats about you. Well, a few of the Tumblr lurkers out there. I’m pretty sure there’s a few other Borrowers online, one being Karl or Karmal and another called Zel, but I don’t know for sure. There are just some things that seemed a little different and everyone was laughing thinking how cool it would be if you actually were a Borrower; which, obviously, you are, meaning some of the others might also be.”
This was very quickly becoming too much for Parker.
A community online?
Was all of this true?
“Do… you have these books?” asked Parker. Lyn nodded and slowly pushed herself up away from her desk to a bookshelf by her bed on the far side of the room. She hummed curiously as her fingers danced over the spines of the novels stacked onto the wooden frame. In no time, she found what she was looking for and brought the book back to Parker.
Immediately, Parker felt himself pale. The image right there on the cover looked just like the home of the other Borrower family who was living in his mom’s attic. From the thimbles and rubber bands to the hooks by the coat rack, everything seemed to match up.
Parker’s racing heart made him shiver involuntarily as a cold chill ran up and down his spine. He sucked in breath after breath, gaining Lyn’s attention.
“Parker? Parker? Are you okay?” she fretted. Parker had to calm down for a short time, which Lyn let him do, before nodding.
“I… I think so,” mumbled Parker. “It’s just… I don’t get it. I mean, she hid things, but how could I have missed?” He held his head in his hands as the weight settled over him.
Lyn, on the other hand, looked at him curiously for a few seconds longer before her eyes gleamed with remembrance.
“Parker, you said something earlier. You said, ‘how did you know, and I didn’t.’ What do you mean by that?” asked Lyn.
The unnamed emotions swirled inside of Parker and, now fully rehydrated, felt fresh tears spring to his eyes. Thankfully, it wasn’t enough to make him choke up entirely. Silence was his enemy right now, and finally he had someone who he could talk to about everything.
Lyn knew him.
She understood him.
He decided that, of all people, he could trust Lyn; so, he did.
He decided to tell her everything, right from the beginning.
“Lyn, do… you think I could tell you something? And you not get… mad or anything?” asked Parker.
Lyn didn’t even hesitate as she nodded and said, “Yeah, of course.”
Parker took a breath and, after another moment to brace himself, told her everything. It was time to put everything on the table.
Parker told Lyn that he always thought that he was a human. He explained that he had lived with his mom, Amanda, all his life and that he genuinely thought that he had an extremely rare genetic condition called Parvi Homunculi Syndrome. He lived as a human boy, homeschooled and under the care of his mom for the past decade.
It wasn’t until someone, a girl named Kit, thought that he was in danger and tried to “rescue” him that his entire world had turned upside down. He explained that he had talked to an entire family of Borrowers who told him what he actually was and how another Borrower named Kers had actually been keeping a close eye on him for he past four years.
He told her about the nightmares and how they all made sense with the drowning and being left behind in a storm. Parker confessed he had these odd impulses and instincts that let him sense things and anticipate movements, but that he had always attributed it to his so-called condition.
Then, and only then, did he tell Lyn about all of the awful things he said to his mom when he confronted her about keeping everything a secret from him for so long. He told her that he had run away from home and had been missing for the past few days. This is why he was at the park, and this is when that girl, Rachel, had taken him.
It was only at the last part that Lyn’s eyebrows raised, but she still said nothing as she listened to Parker’s story. After everything, Lyn stayed quiet for what felt like an unbearable amount of time until Parker couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Please, Lyn… could you… say something? Am… am I wrong? Am I crazy?” asked Parker.
Lyn immediately shook her head dismissively. “No, you’re not crazy or wrong, Parker. I... I’m sorry. I had no idea. So… you… really didn’t know?”
Parker shook his head. “No. I didn’t know. And it turns out my mom actually put search restrictions on my computer to keep me from finding out on my own. I just…” Parker pulled his legs up close to his chest and pressed his face into his knees. “I don’t know if I can trust her, but I miss her so much. And I said such horrible things to her.”
Lyn didn’t say anything for a few more seconds. Then, quietly, she reached forward and carefully pressed her fingertips against Parker’s back. The warmth of her fingers spread through Parker’s body, and then impulse took over. He turned around and threw his arms around Lyn’s fingertips, gripping as tightly as he could as he felt ears welling over the rims of his eyes.
Lyn’s thumb brushed against Parker’s back as he let himself cry. It wasn’t until Parker turned around, wiping his eyes with the cloth on the back of his right hand as he looked back up into Lyn’s thoughtful features.
“Thanks,” he muttered, overwhelming gratitude apparent in his voice. “And… I’m sorry. You didn’t need all of this.”
“Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” grinned Lyn. “And it’s okay. After everything you’ve been through, I’m impressed you’re holding yourself together so well.” Parker let out a choked chuckle but nodded.
“Hardly,” he mumbled. “I don’t feel like it.”
Lyn shrugged and shook her head slowly. “I’m sure it doesn’t feel okay right now, but you can start doing things now to make everything right.”
“Right?” Parker sniffled.
“Yeah, like letting your mom know that you’re safe and sound,” said Lyn. Parker felt himself involuntarily bristle, and Lyn noticed. “I know what you’re saying about trusting her and everything, but you have to see it from her perspective. She didn’t know about the series and I’m sure she didn’t want to tell you something wrong. Your mom was trying to protect you, even if it doesn’t feel like that now.”
“Protect me? She lied, Lyn! She knew the truth and kept it from me. She knew what she was doing. She… she could’ve just told me,” Parker said defensively.
“I’m sure she could’ve, but she didn’t. She thought she was doing the best thing for you, even though it seems wrong now,” reminded Lyn. “Think about it. You’re both very similar, but also very different. She probably didn’t want you to feel any different than any other kid just because of your size. It was a judgement call, and she probably could’ve told you something, and she did. She told you that you had a genetic condition. She just was calling it Parvi Homunculi Syndrome instead of being a Borrower.”
Parker thought about Lyn’s words and, slowly but surely, felt acknowledgement seeping into him. He had already thought of these things before, but there was saying someone was right and then accepting they were right.
Despite everything, Parker realized his mom had done everything she could to help him be the best person he could be.
And, just like the decision to tell Parker he had some made up genetic condition, Parker had made the wrong decision when he ran away from home.
He swallowed dryly and nodded.
“I… I know. I just… don’t know what she’s going to say. Will she forgive me? She was looking for me, sure, but… do you think she’s forgiven me?” asked Parker.
Lyn smiled and nodded without hesitation, saying, “I’m sure she forgave you the moment you said it, Parker. She loves you, and that’s never going to change.”
Relief, like the warmth of Lyn’s fingers, spread through Parker’s body and made him feel secure and warm once again. It was obvious what he needed to do next, and it was well past due.
“Yes, Parker?”
“Could… I borrow your phone? I… need to make a call.”
Continue | Coming Soon
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dinogoofymutated · 2 days
Hey hey! I've just been lurking for a while in your blog and just wanted to ask, any chance to get a small WIP for the upcoming wolverine fic ? or maybe even just an update on how the chapters are going? no pressure, just extremely excited! And just so you know lover your work, i think you're tge only person that has made me this excited when they post something lol💫
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Hi!! ahhh I'm trying so hard to get some proper work done on this fic, and I have bascically all of ch1 done, I'm just debating on whether or not I should tack on another scene onto ch1 or move it to chapter 2. It's about 3.6k words right now, but for some reason I feel like my ending of this chapter needs a little something. TBH I think I'm thinking about it too hard and worrying about what others think too hard and It's stalling me. Here's a super short WIP while I try to finish up that ending today though!
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“I just think I’d remember if I had seen a pretty nurse like you before.”  The words make you gape for a moment, that smile still showing as you shake your head at him and try not to laugh. He was a flirt- a rather smooth one too. 
    “Do you use that line on all the ladies?” You tease as you pull out your stethoscope to listen to his heart. You listen, and besides the fact that his heart rate is a little faster than the regular average, you don’t seem to notice anything too strange.
    “Only the ones as pretty as you.”
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stilljuststardust · 3 days
heyy stardusr, everything ok? wanted to ask something is in my mind a few days, i'm studying shifting since 2 weeks ago, and i understood that the main goal is to believe that its done and ignore the 3d, but what I didnt understood is, how can I know that i'm not just fooling myself? and assuming that i believed, my subconscious will work in reflect my 3d to my 4d? because i dont know if my 3d will just reflect randomly, like i take a nap and wake up in my DR, or just happens in any time. thank you a lot for your posts!!!
(I know I JUST posted that I was going on a break and I am but a break for me really just means I'm not putting pressure on myself lol)
You know it's true because you say it is. You decide what is and isn't true.
I know it can feel really unnatural at first because we're taught our entire lives that the physical world is king, it decides whats true, it decides what you have and what your are.
So trying to accept that it's really just a mirror your internal reality can be really scary because it goes against everything we're taught.
Your subconscious believes everything you tell it, it doesn't know the difference between "fooling" yourself and normal thought.
We often fall into patterns when thinking, most of the thoughts we think are ways we have thought before, so all I'm asking you to do is break the pattern and create a new habit. And the key to any new habit is repetition. Think your thoughts as if you have exactly as you want.
Flipping your thoughts
"It doesn't feel like I'm in my DR" to "I can feel my DR"
Change any thought that doesn't align with what you want into something that does
Robotic affirmations
"I shift so easily"
Find a phrase that implies you have what you want and just repeat it over and over until it becomes habitual.
I have a schedule for when to affirm in my master list under "challenges". It's pretty basic just when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
You can do other things while you affirm, you can do chores or shower or anything really you don't have to mediate on it.
Live in the end
I know you asked me about this before and it seemed to confuse you so I'll elaborate.
All you have to do to live in the end is think about your desire as if you already have it and live your life that way.
"Oh right, I literally shift all the time. Why would I worry?"
None of these techniques require emotion, you can feel like shit, you can feel discouraged or anxious, it won't stop you.
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pocket-watcher · 3 days
I have a request maybe like a 'love sting' (a love poison/bee sting) type thing?
Your wish is my command!
It was dangerous travelling this far into the woods alone.
Countless magical creatures lived here, half of which he couldn’t even identify. He didn’t really care though. There was only one he was looking for.
The Bee.
You’re probably thinking of a normal honeybee; stripes, wings, cute little buzzing sound…
But these? Oh, you do not want to be stung by them.
He trekked deeper and deeper in search of the sweet honey that was needed.
Doubling over in pain, sweat upon his brow, he stiffened his resolve and marched on forward towards his goal.
Towards the honey to save him from his illness.
The branches snapped under the pressure, harsh wind roaring and cutting through his thick coat. But he continued.
Deeper and deeper.
Before he heard the faint buzzing…
This is it, he thought. A terrifying creature ahead but if he was strong enough he’d come out with a new life to live.
A future.
He peered through the branches and spotted a woman.
Which was strange. No human could survive the sting of a bee.
That was when he noticed her fuzzy skin. The antennae protruding from her head. The wings.
The stinger.
He ducked down quickly as she turned.
The buzz of wings grew closer.
Right, well. It’s human-like, right? You can negotiate with it.
She parted the bush and revealed him.
“Oh, hello!” He said nervously. “Don’t mind me, I went on a walk and got very lost aha…”
Her bug-like eyes narrowed at him. He smiled weakly.
“Okay… you caught me. I’m here for some honey. I promise I mean you no harm!” He held his hands up in case she didn’t understand his words.
Her head cocked to one side.
Then she turned to move away from him.
He let out a sigh of relief before -
Her stinger was buried deep in his abdomen.
She smiled as he felt the poison seep into his vein. He writhed and screamed, thrashing about until.
Wait a second.
He should be writhing in pain, but all of his pain had disappeared.
His body felt healthier than it had in years.
The loud thoughts and worries were quiet, replaced with a soothing comfort.
She stretched out her hand to him.
She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
His thoughts were rewritten, transforming him from the inside out.
There was no pain. Not even where the stinger was still lodged inside of him.
He only wished to bask in her beauty.
No need for her honey.
Just her love.
Her gaze.
She pet his hair as he sleepily curled into her lap.
To stay with her.
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themboification · 1 year
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jori in 2023, what a concept
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
when people complain about getting like, a 98% grade on something because it was "so close to perfect" its like. i understand what you're saying on a technical level. but that is a line of thought so far away from my experiences and ways of thinking that i do feel like im from another planet. 100% isnt even a real number to me
#i kinda understand when its something like a multiple choice test or something where there is an objective answer#it might feel like u got so close but just missed one#again still a bit alien to me because my scholarly performance is mysterious and anything over 70 is great to me#but i mean ive had a 98 before once in a math test. i did get exactly 1 bit of 1 question wrong#but i didnt really care that it was one off from perfect i was too busy being happy because that was the highest mark id ever received#and the previous math test i had taken got a 53% . grade 11 was a wild time for me in math class GHJKSHFKds#anyway i kinda see where ur coming from with stuff with right or wrong answers like that#but i sometimes get friends in class complain that they got a 95 or something on an art assignment#because they think they got docked 5 points for one or two little things#but i dunno. thats not really how fine arts departments in university tend to grade things#you dont start at 100 and get docked marks for things you got wrong. i dont think ive ever seen a 100% on something like that#tbh the numbers are a little arbitrary i find. i do prefer to try to get em higher because that helps with grants and stuff#but the numbers dont mean all that much in fine arts or in art history (my two majors) a 75 and a 95 can function the same depending on lik#weighting and context and feedback and whatever. i dunno its a wild world out there#it might just be the perspective of someone who did really goodbad in school. (GoodBad (tm) its when ur good but also kinda bad at school!)#compared to someone who got a lot of perfects in mandatory schooling. i sympathise i really do that kind of pressure sounds insane#but while i sympathize i cant really empathize as much unfortunately with this specifically orz its a world very far outside my purview!#100%s arent real to me so they never cross my mind to be worried about LOL
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