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crowsofdarkness · 2 months ago
Soldat: Chapter Two
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-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader. Slight Steve Rogers x Female Agent! Reader
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, kidnapping, violence.
Summary: Agent Y/N has worked alongside Steve Rogers at SHIELD for some time all while keeping a dark secret from everyone. Until one day that darkness faces her head on and she's forced to make a choice. Continue fighting along side Captain America? Or find her home once again with Soldat?
Authors Note: This was originally published on my old blog as a trilogy so I will be in the slow process of adding it to this blog. This is the first of the trilogy and will take place during The Winter Soldier. If anyone is interested in being tagged, let me know!
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog
Soldat Masterlist
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People always say that losing someone is never easy, especially someone that you looked up to and respected. Nick Fury was gone, not surviving the three gunshot wounds to his chest, and all I could think about was the shooter; the man responsible. 
The muffled voices of Nat, Steve, and Maria Hill were a mere annoying pest in my ear as I burned holes into the ground of the hospital hallway. 
54, 55, 56. 
Snapping my head in the direction of Natasha’s voice, I stopped counting the tiny squares in the floor and let out a deep breath. 
“Did you say something?” I questioned. 
“You haven’t said one word since you guys arrived an hour ago,” Nat pointed out with a creased brow. 
“I’m grieving, Nat.” I shrugged. 
Steve shook his head before stepping closer to me. “You’ve been distant since we chased the shooter.” 
“Jesus, can you just give me a damn minute!” I snapped while pushing myself off from the wall. “I just watched my friend get shot and die right in front of me so sue me if I’m not my chatty self!” 
Running a stressed hand through my hair, I turned on my heel to leave however felt a tight grip on my elbow. My eyes glanced at Steve's worried ones and I felt my attitude lighten. 
“Y/N, what’s going on? You froze on that roof and almost got yourself killed.” Steve spoke softly, so the others wouldn’t hear. 
“Steve, please drop it,” I begged while clasping my shaking hands together. 
His soft mouth opened to speak but shut it when a voice stopped him. 
“Cap, you’re wanted at Shield Headquarters.” 
We both looked over to Rumlow and Steve nodded. “I’ll be a minute.” 
“Now,” Rumlow demanded. 
“I’m having a private conversation.” Steve nodded towards me. 
“They want Y/N too.” Rumlow announced. 
I squinted as I tried to read his body language, my specialty, but when I couldn’t get a good read all I did was nod before looking at Steve. 
“Don’t want to keep the boss waiting,” I joked, speaking of Alexander Pierce, and walked past Rumlow with Steve trailing close behind. 
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Feet scurried as I sat in the uncomfortable chair outside of Pierce's office waiting for Steve. There was an unreadable, thick, tension the second we stepped through the door of headquarters and we were worried what exactly was going to happen. My mind tried to think of what Pierce could want with Steve and I, however, all I could think about was the man from the roof. 
I squeezed my eyes shut, covering them with my hands hoping that would keep the past memories from playing in front of me like I was sitting in a movie theater. It has been almost three years since those thoughts have haunted me, giving me nightmares, so I would be damned if that happened again. It was the worst 5 months of my life. I couldn’t go back to that. I wouldn’t. 
“Time to go.”
Steve, not too gently, pulled me from my chair as he exited Pierce’s office and dragged me down the long hallway. 
“But I haven’t talked to him yet.” I tried to turn back towards the office but he continued to pull me down the hallway. 
“Trust me, you shouldn’t say one more word to him. We need to leave.” Steve demanded. 
“Wait, Steve. Slow down.” I intertwined our fingers and gave a gentle tug of his hand. “What happened?”
Steve came to a halt before looking into my eyes with a sigh. “They think I killed Nick.” 
My mouth dropped while I shook my head. “You didn’t! I was with you when it happened!” 
“Pierce doesn’t care. They’re just trying to find anyone to blame, which is why we need to get out of here.” 
We started walking again and as we turned the corner, Steve’s shoulders straightened and his face became hard as we walked past a familiar one. 
“Captain,” the blonde started. 
“Neighbor,” Steve snapped, fingers still intertwined with mine. 
I ignored the way my heart fell to my stomach when Steve dropped our hands as we stepped onto the elevator. As we waited for it to descend, I studied his back as it tensed under his suit while he stared outside. Steve was carrying so much guilt on his shoulders for what happened to Nick, I could practically see the words my fault sitting on his shoulders. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” I spoke softly. 
He nodded. “It wasn’t yours either.” 
We smiled at each other before the elevator doors opened with a ding, Rumlow and two other men from the Strike Team stepping inside. Sliding into the corner of the elevator, Steve remained in his spot; the middle. 
“Cap, I just got word that forensics got a fiber from the roof where the shooter was. Want me to get the tac team ready?” Rumlow suggested. 
Steve shook his head. “No, let’s wait to see what they find.” 
Rumlow gave him a curt nod before silently having a conversation with one of the men he stepped on with. I studied the way his lips barely moved, almost knowing that I would be watching. The other man had his hand close to his holsted guns; not directly on them but close in case he needed to use them. Biting my lip, I remained calm as the doors opened again, more men from The Strike team stepping inside followed by a few more men dressed in business suits, one of them clutching a briefcase close to him. 
Steve looked around himself, studying intently the way one guy couldn’t help but sweat in the cool elevator, and suddenly pulled me closer to him, his lips grazing my ear. 
“You have your knives right?”
Ignoring how much I loved feeling his breath on the back of my neck, I gave him a slight nod. 
“Good, get ready to use them.” 
Steve looked into my eyes and I gave him another nod, understanding what was about to happen. 
“Before we get started, does anyone want to get off?” Steve questioned the group of men. 
An eerie silence flooded the elevator before all hell broke loose. Bringing my elbow back into the man’s stomach behind me, I sent my heeled boot into the man’s face in front of me. Arm’s wrapped around my stomach and threw me into the glass windows of the elevator. Landing on the ground with a groan, I reached for the knife in the side of my boot but Rumlow was a step ahead of me, grabbing my wrist and wrenched it behind my back while pulling to my feet. I screamed out in pain as I felt him press his body into my back. 
“Leave her alone!” Steve bellowed from the other end of the elevator. 
Some of the men had him trapped, making him unable to move. 
“You know, I’ve always wondered what Cap saw in you, Y/N. I mean you don’t have that cute of a face but your tac suit does wonders for your ass,” Rumlow groaned in my ear. 
“Fuck you!” Steve spat after landing a punch to someone’s face. 
“You know what I’ve always wondered about, Rumlow?” I ignored the way his hand slowly ghosted over my leather covered ass and continued. “I’ve always wondered how the hell you got on Shield’s Strike team when you didn’t even notice when a girl had reached for the knife she had hiding in her hair?” 
“What?” Rumlow questioned. 
Bringing my head back into his nose, immediately hearing a crack, I pressed my forearm into his throat and my eyes sliced into his.
“If you ever touch me like that again, I’ll make sure your sex life is nonexistent,” I seethed, pressing the knife into his crotch.
By now Steve had broken free from the grasp of the other men and we fought back to back, throwing kicks and punches. Soon it was just Rumlow and us, him holding his taser charged batons. 
“Easy there, big guy. I just want you to know this isn’t personal.” Rumlow said, out of breath. 
Steve blocked a few of his punches and threw him up into the ceiling, Rumlow’s body falling to the floor with a thud.
“It kind of feels personal,” Steve breathed, kicking his shield up towards him, catching it with an attractive ease. 
“Are you okay?” He asked while cupping my face.
“I’m fine.” I assured him with a smile. “But we need to get out of here.” 
He nodded before pressing the button to open the doors, more men dressed in black and guns drawn surprising us. 
“Drop the shield and the knives and put your hands in the air!” Someone ordered. 
I frantically pushed the button to close the doors as Steve broke the wire to the elevator, dropping thousands of feet in mere seconds. He pried the door open but cursed, quickly closing them. 
“Give it up, Rogers. Open the door! You’ve got nowhere else to go!” Muffled voices shouted. 
Steve looked out the window before locking eyes with me. 
Rolling my eyes with a groan, I slipped my knife back into my pocket. “Fuck you, Rogers. I’m still picking out the shards of glass from my hair from last night.” 
I didn’t have time to register the bluntness of Steve’s flirting because he pulled me into his chest and we both jumped out of the window falling straight through a ceiling. Steve’s body landed on top of his shield with a thud while his arms were wrapped tightly around me to protect my fall. 
Scream echoed around us as I shook the shards of glass out of my hair and just for a fraction of a second, I marveled at how blue Steve’s eyes actually were. 
“We need to go,” Steve breathed. 
“Right,” I nodded, pulling Steve to my feet with me before running out of headquarters, a group of men following close behind. 
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rogue-durin-16 · 7 days ago
HEAD-TO-HEAD (part IX/?)
Summary: Joe thought she was pretty. Had he just said that, things might have been different for them. Maybe they wouldn't have gone head-to-head at each other for three years like it was a contest.
Pairing: Joseph Liebgott x Reader
Genre: angst splattered with fluff/rivals to lovers
Head-to-head: @derersketnoget @ladystardustfromarss @lanadelray1989 @chanshugsaretherapy @hoddystark @sxalbatf
Band Of Brothers: @fernando-jpg @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world @clumsy-wonderland @lordndsaviorwinters @lanadelray1989 @chanshugsaretherapy @hoddystark
Permanent taglist: @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
Warnings: PTSD, slight gore (blink and you'll miss it), warfare, language, smoking
A/N: I'm gonna say this once. If you know the gif creator, tell me. Beware of the fact that I nearly didn't post this today bc anons annoyed me THAT much. Anyway, enjoy ig? <3
Head-to-head masterlist
Band Of Brothers masterlist
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Shoot. Get down. Live grenade. They got us zeroed. Move. Shoot. Move. Keep moving.
Keep moving. Shoot.
Smoke. Blood. Gunshots.
A shell. Move. A blast. Shoot.
Move. Gunshots.
Blood. Death. Pain.
Blood. Blood. Blood gushing.
"Jesus Christ."
There was no training for that part, was it?
We all had heard it from veterans— battle fatigue, shellshock; whatever comes after combat, when the silence is too loud and the peace too stifling. No one in their right mind would toss and turn and sweat and shake here.
After four weeks of nonstop fighting, Regiment had pulled Easy to the camp set at Utah beach. Warm food, beds, hot showers and the soft waves of the ocean lulling us into a deep sleep for a couple of nights. Then, England. A well-deserved rest.
No one was actually resting.
We all pretended we were, though. The few who didn't bother on feigning it had found different activities to busy themselves. Some read, some cleaned their M1s, some polished their boots.
No one spoke.
I turned to lie on my back, stare fixed on the canvas above our heads. A welcomed anomaly, compared to what we had grown accustomed to.
The cot was too soft. I shuffled on it, once, twice. A frustrated puff escaped me. I turned again, this time on my right shoulder, facing the tarp serving as doorway. It flapped with the wind, allowing my view to reach a figure standing by the shore.
Maybe picking out who it was would have been harder if she had been wearing, at the very least, a damn jacket.
If we had learned something from France, it was that the nights weren't warm, and the English channel's influence didn't do us any favors regarding the temperature.
I had a foot set out of the tent before I could think better of it. Toye and Guarnere, standing right outside, spared me a nod of acknowledgment.
"What's she doing?"
Toye quirked a brow. Whether it was at my question or at my tone, I didn't know. "Didn't ask her."
"She's gonna catch something."
"She's a big girl, alright." The Irishman countered.
"She's an idiot."
Guarnere pulled a face and motioned at the dark silhouette of Y/n, contrasting with the refracted moonlight. "you go tell her that, buddy. We'll wait for ya right here."
Instead of exchanging another word with the two men, I turned heel and reached Y/n's bunk in a couple of strides. My fingers curled around the fabric of her jacket, and, after throwing it over my shoulder, I crossed the distance to the beach.
At first, I didn't call her name— didn't speak at all. The last thing we all needed was to get spooked and, although I highly doubted I'd have managed to take her by surprise, I didn't want to tamper with my luck.
The late night hours, the exhaustion from the last weeks, and the way the sand seemed to swallow my footsteps weren't the best combination.
She still noticed —of course she noticed— that she was no longer alone. The slightest change of posture gave her away. By the slight widening of her eyes when she turned to check the source of movement, whoever she had expected to come get her clearly wasn't me.
"You made it through Normandy just so you could catch pneumonia?" I questioned, holding out her jacket.
"It’s not that cold." It was a dismissive whisper. 'You worry too much'. But she took the piece of clothing nonetheless, slipping it on with slow, careful motions.
"You'll thank me later." I shoved my hands into the pockets of my pants, watching her with an inquisitive look. Y/n must have noticed, because she made a point not to spare my a single look, her attention elsewhere. "What are you even doing out here?"
"Couldn't sleep."
"No shit."
"I thought I'd go for a swim."
"You're full of great ideas, aren't you?" I waited for a comeback; an annoyed response that matched my sarcastic pitch. She didn't take the bait.
Her scoff, barely there, lacked humor and strength. "Well, I'm not getting in the water, if it's any comfort."
"Changed your mind?"
She glanced at me then, skimming over my face before looking past my shoulder. "Guess you could say so."
My gaze exchanged her form for the soft waves. The water stretched out endless in front of us, dark and calmer than it had been when we'd arrived in the morning.
Maybe Y/n was right and I couldn't shut up to save my life, which was why I opened my mouth in the first place. Whatever stupid thought I was about to voice died, transforming into a sucked-in breath I poorly hid by clearing my throat when a busted helmet hit my unlaced boot.
A month had passed since the Normandy landings, yet the tide wasn't done dragging pieces of the dead— gear, guns, torn fabric.
Worse things than torn fabric.
Y/n's back was now to the Atlantic, her arm brushing my own for an instant.
"My ma used to say it's bad luck to turn your back to the ocean, you know?" It was almost an afterthought, my eyes lingering on the half buried helmet.
"I'll take my chances." She muttered uninterested, patting her jacket in search of something she didn't find. "You got a cigarette?"
My hands mimicked her previous actions, with enough luck to find a crumpled pack.
I pulled out two, placing one in her palm. "You got a lighter?"
She snorted, shaking her head as she reached into her pocket. Her fingers set the flame, the amber light illuminating her features for an instant. She held the lighter out to me, her free hand protecting it from the wind, and I leaned in until the end of my cigarette caught the soft glow.
We stood like that for a moment, quiet, Y/n facing the camp and me facing the waves.
The tide rolled in.
"Don't dwell on it, alright?" I said.
She took the cigarette to her lips, still not looking at me. "I'm not."
I didn't even let myself entertain the thought that she was lying. She sounds unbothered, I told myself, she must be.
That surely wasn't a lie of my own, was it? An excuse crafted by my selfish mind, one that would help me sleep better at night after choosing not to dig into it.
But then again, what consolation could I have offered to her, anyway? When, on a good day, we tolerated each other.
Y/n took another drag of the cigarette, then pulled it away to inspect it with a small frown. "What's this?"
I glanced down to pull the pack out of my pocket again. Her fingers clasped my wrist to twist the little box in the camp's lighting direction in order to read the name.
"Chesterfield." Her brows twitched, like that wasn't the answer she expected. "Since when do you smoke Chesterfields?"
"Got a problem with them?" She set me free just as quick as she had gotten a hold of me, allowing me to put the cigarettes back into their assigned spot. "'Cause you can always give it back."
She didn’t say a word, just put the smoke back to her lips and took another drag, slow and pointed. Stubborn.
"You like it?"
Y/n gifted me a tight-lipped smile. "Love it."
Oh, she hated it.
I didn't push it. We shifted slightly, the movement sending our biceps to bump again.
"You did good." She exhaled, watching the smoke dissolve into the air before saying, "Thought you'd get yourself killed before shooting a round."
I blinked. I wasn't sure how to take that from her— something that wasn't sarcastic or backhanded; just an observation, maybe even a compliment of some sort and, for some reason, that made it harder to respond to.
My instinct kicked in. "Yeah, well. You've been decent so far."
She rolled her eyes. A reaction easier to place.
A beat of silence passed, the distant, almost nonexistent murmur inside the tents and the steady rush of the tide filling the space between us.
Too quiet.
"What's in your head?"
Y/n inhaled through her nose, flicking the ashes onto the damp sand. "I'm starting to think I should've stayed home."
It wasn't self-pity, and clearly wasn't looking for a response. Just a thought said aloud.
Just a thought that didn't sit right with me.
"Yeah. I don't think so." It took me a second to meet her gaze. The surprise that simple sentence pulled out of her was almost funny. "What would you be doing at home, anyway?"
"Don't know." Y/n gave me a shrug and a thoughtful pout. "Marrying a good man?"
I gave her an skeptical look.
She squinted her lids. "What's that face, Liebgott?"
"Nothing." I raised my hands in surrender and clicked my tongue. "I just don't think that would've worked for you, since, you know, all the good men are overseas."
"That's not true." Her furrowed brows were a stark contrast to her amused smile. "My brothers are in the States."
Brothers. Plural. Huh. "Why?"
"Two 4Fs, one conscientious objector." The corner of her lips pulled upwards at my blank stare. "You think it's funny, don't you?"
"It is funny." The statement came through a snicker. "You're here to— what? Salvage your family's reputation?"
That earned me a lazy kick of her boot. "Yeah, 'cause me being here is gonna do a lot for their reputation."
The cigarette burned between my fingers, and the question I had been dying to ask her itched at the tip of my tongue.
If there was a time to ask, it was now.
"How the hell did you even get into the Airborne?"
Y/n turned her head slightly, just enough to give me a side glance. She was weighing her possibilities.
"You've been holding onto that one for long?"
Of course. I quirked my brow at her, prompting her to give me something real. A sly grin escaped her before she could look away again.
It was strange. For a moment, the war felt a world away. No mud, no rain, no dead bodies washing up on shore. Just a woman with sharp eyes, standing too close and not moving away. It almost felt like San Francisco again, like she was just another pretty girl at my local bar.
Wishful thinking, worth nothing.
Just when I thought I wouldn't get a reply, she settled for, "Lying, bribing, and being stubborn."
"Sounds about right." I scrunched my nose, losing my gaze to the ocean momentarily. "You sure you'd be equipped to stay at home and marry a good man?"
That got a laugh out of her. Short, but real. The stitches on her face pulled, making her wince slightly, and I caught myself looking a second too long.
I smirked, tilting my head at her and teased, "Thought you couldn't laugh.", because asking if it hurt meant I cared.
Y/n halfheartedly glared at me, her fingertips pressing the soreness away from her scarred cheek. "Thought you weren't funny."
It was meant to be a comeback, but it didn't land like that. She noticed a bit too late, with the grin spreading over my face. Too late to take it back.
"You think I’m funny?"
The thought of doing a u-turn flashed so obviously across her face, but to my surprise, she doubled down. "Sometimes."
Y/n scoffed, her body already angled toward camp as if to shield herself from the teasing. "When you're not an absolute dick."
"Aren't you sweet." I flicked my cigarette, glancing away.
"I am being sweet." She took a long drag, the smoke curling above her when she exhaled it.
The tide rolled in, dragged back out. I gently kicked the helmet back into the sea. She looked over her shoulder at the waves; her profile cut against the vastness of the clear night sky from were I stood.
For an instant, the quiet wasn't so bad.
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dazedvivenne · 1 year ago
GULLIBLE - Kevin Khatchdourian
Short summary: Kevin convinces you to do the dirty with him by making up a lie.
Warning: Smut, mentions of a religious things, dirty things happen in a church, DUB-CON.
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(It won’t let me add the photo so here’s a GIF)
The perfect balance to the point you only speak when your spoken to, he could picture himself with a girl as submissive as you. It confused him though, he never was really attracted to anyone before.
Of course there were girls at his school he wouldn’t mind fucking with a bag over there heads, but they were loose sluts that would throw themselves all over him.
But you… you were a Christian girl, which meant you couldn’t commit to such a sin. But Kevin doubted you even knew much about sex since of how innocent you looked.
Always wearing white clothes, either it be a white shirt with a long skirt or a pair of blue jeans or a white dress. You always wore a cross around your neck, he found it “cute” how you could worship someone you didn’t even know ever existed.
So much commitment for a man that may never respond, in a way it proved how dedicated you were to your religion.
Kevin watched as you walked through the church doors, wearing a floral jersey dress with a white cardigan over it. You dressed comfortably for the Sunday prays.
Kevin’s parents suggested he went to church with him on the weekends before, but he only started going when he realized you would he there. Now he was standing at the car with his parents and little sister Celia.
“I’m going to go inside.” Kevin spoke monotonously, not caring about his dad’s suggestions that they all walked into the church together.
Kevin’s slender legs made way to the church door, wearing a pair of navy suit pants with a black long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up, his veins visible as well as every muscle in his arms.
Kevin opened the door for himself, walking into the church, scanning it for you, once he saw you he went over to where you were sat with your family. “Hello.” Kevin said calmly, “Could I speak to you in private.” Kevin asked politely.
You looked at your family members for approval, once they looked okay with his proposition you nodded your head and stood up and followed Kevin.
Kevin walked you to the washroom, locking the door behind the two of you. “Take off your underwear.” Kevin demanded, he was surprised at himself for being so demanding.
Your face scrunched up, “No.” you simply said, of course you were not going to agree to lose your virginity in the church washroom.
Kevin thought for a moment, he quickly came up with an idea. “I had a dream, the lord was in it.” Kevin lied, of course you would never be able to tell since his voice and facial expressions were always so bland.
You stood there, looking up into Kevin’s dark eyes. “Go on.” You mumble, crossing your arms over your chest.
Kevin sighed, “You were in my dream… the lord told me I needed to get you pregnant or Jesus will stop looking over the both of us.” Kevin continued on with his lie. Praying you were as gullible as he thought.
You stood there shocked, unfolding your arms. “Seriously? Right here?” You questioned Kevin. Pushing some of your hair out of your face.
“Yes. Don’t you feel something between us…? A connection.” Kevin responded, his black hair being a mess. You found it cute.
You thought about it for a moment, you’ve talked to Kevin a couple of times. Whenever you spoke to him you felt like he understood you, maybe it was because he agreed with everything you ever said to him.
“I do, but… shouldn’t we wait for marriage?” You wondered, this seemed all to overwhelming in this moment.
Kevin shook his head, “It has to be now, you have to give birth before next year.” Kevin insisted, he wondered if you were acting dumb or if you genuinely thought he was telling the truth.
You reluctantly nodded your head, biting your lower lip. “Well…” you slowly slide down your panties, the fabric sliding down your thighs until they dropped to the ground, you kicked them to the side.
Kevin couldn’t believe what he was seeing, you would actually believe Kevin’s lie?
Kevin got back into action, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Kevin whispered into your ear, pushing your hips into the bathroom sink.
Sliding his pants down to his mid thigh, pulling his length out of his underwear. He softly wrapped his hand around your hair, pushing it out of the way and gently kissing your shoulders and neck.
Kevin bent you over the sink slightly, looking at your face through the mirror in front of you. You looked like you were enjoying this.
Kevin spit on his fingers, gathering his saliva on his two fingers. Lubing them up before sticking them into your vagina, slowly pulling them in and out.
You felt a slight burning sensation, it felt really pleasant though. You decided to enjoy this instead of having a fit about it.
“I’ll take care of you, darling.” Kevin husked, his voice deep and raspy. Whispering directly in your ear, nibbling on your lobe as he took his fingers out of your entrance.
Kevin lined himself up with your entrance, slightly jerking himself before slowly sliding himself inside of you. A sharp gasp slipping your mouth.
One of Kevin’s hands resting on your hip, gently massaging it. The other one covered your mouth as Kevin kissed the back of your neck. “You’rere so tight.” Kevin groaned.
Kevin slowly started to grind into you, hitting your g-spot you started to moan out loud. Good thing Kevin’s hand was muffling your moans. God he was going to hell for this.
“I want you to enjoy this as much as I do.” Kevin took his hand off of your mouth and brought it down to your clit, he slowly rubbed it in circles.
Lewd sounds coming from your mouth, moans, gasp, groans and whines all escaping from your pretty little mouth. Kevin only had a casually loud exhale, he wasn’t as vocal as you were.
Kevin started bucking his hips into you, loud slapping sounds now coming from the washroom. “Such a good girl.” Kevin praised you, still rubbing at your clit.
Kevin felt like he was about to come, “I’m close, sweetie.” Kevin warned you, quickening his pace.
You felt Kevin’s dick twitch inside of you, then a warm liquid cover your walls. You felt a warm feeling in your stomach as your whole body vibrated for a moment, reaching your orgasm.
Kevin saw your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth open with a loud moan escaping your mouth.
Kevin slowly pulled out with a slight whine escaping his mouth, his tip very sensitive. Kevin watched as he come dripped out of you. He grabbed some toilet paper and wiped your labia and vagina.
Kevin stuffed the piece of toilet paper in his pocket as he pulled up his pants. Once he was no longer exposed you turned around.
Your legs shaking as you picked up your underwear and put it back on. “I’ll let you know when I start to see some results.” You told Kevin.
Kevin nodded his head, watching as you left the washroom, he looked on the ground and saw some blood. He chuckled and left the washroom as well, of course you were a virgin.
Can someone please help me with the photo thing?
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itsthestutterforme · 1 year ago
I’ll Handle It (dark!Lloyd x dark!reader)
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Summary: After a night of clubbing, you spoke up to defend your friend which resulted in you getting jumped. Leaving you with a broken arm and internal bleeding. You called Lloyd to drive you to the hospital.
Prompt credit @tbgkaru-woh : “You need to stop making me pick you up in places. Someone might see,” “I want names. I want addresses. I’ll handle it,”
Notes: GIF is not mine, this isn’t beta’d, allusions to sex, sneakylink!Lloyd, this story is set in the city, dark themes (torture, assault, death), inspired by that one tik tok if you know you know
Lloyd was on his usual nightly run, jamming to ‘Rein Raus’ when you called. Initially annoyed that someone interrupted his run, he was even more confused when he saw it was you calling. You never call.
“Hello?” “Lloyd, can you pick me up?” You spoke softly.
He could barely hear you over the cars honking and people hollering. “Where are you?” “I’ll send you my location,” “Are you-“ you had hung up the phone and sent him your location.
You never were much of a talker. Normally Lloyd would enjoy that. He never liked a chick who talked to much when he was there for one reason and one reason only.
So it was refreshing when you kicked him out of your apartment right after you two had sex. You didn’t even give him the chance to get comfortable.
But it also meant you were a wild card. Completely unpredictable.
He sprinted back to his house and ran inside to grab his keys and wallet. The location was fifteen minutes from his house and you decided to sit on the curb while you waited for him.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I-I don’t know why I froze like that. Please let me take you to the hospital.” One of your ‘friends’ said from behind.
“Get the fuck away from me,” you snap, further tugging the hoodie over your face. You winced from the pressure of the split skin on your knuckles.
Despite your efforts to warn them off, your so called friends still stayed. Maybe it was the guilt of them watching a man and his friend beat the living shit out of you for telling them to leave you and your friend group alone. They saw you leave the club for the night and tried to get your numbers.
You had told them nicely that you and your friends weren’t interested but they continued to follow the group to try and change their mind.
The moment you got fed up and cussed them out for not taking a hint is when one of them punched you in face.
Not expecting the punch, you had fell to the ground and they kicked the hell out of you. You were surprised you were still conscious when an older restaurant owner stepped in and pulled the fight apart. You rolled over to cough up the blood pooling in your mouth when the older man knelt by your side.
“Jesus, do you need me to take you the hospital?” He offers and you shook your head. “I can call someone. But do you have a hoodie I can have to cover all of this?”
You motioned to your blood stained dress and swollen face. “Sure sweetheart. Is there anything else you want me to do? Maybe some water or a sandwich?”
“I appreciate that but,” you spit out more blood, “I think I would throw up anything I ingest right now,” he watched you lean your back against the wall and nods to you before going back into the restaurant. A few minutes later, he came back with a large hoodie, a bottled water and a sandwich anyway.
“Just in case you changed your mind,” you looked up at him appreciatively but could barely see through your black eye. “How much do I owe you?” “It’s on the house, sweetie. You deserve it.” He says, laying the items in your lap gently.
“And shame on all of you,” the owner snaps at your ‘friends’. He spares you one last glance and said, “Here’s my number. Anything you need, just give me a call. ” He writes his number down on a napkin and gave it to you.
“I remind you of someone, don’t I?” “My late daughter,” you nodded and took the napkin from him. “Thank you,” he walks back into the restaurant.
It took you longer than it should to put the hoodie on. That’s when you discovered that your left arm was broken.
You took a deep breath before standing on shaky legs and limping to your purse that was still in the middle of the sidewalk to call Lloyd.
The familiar rev of his Bentley pulled you out of your thoughts. He threw the car in park in front of you, not sure how he recognized you with the hoodie but it didn’t matter.
“Come on, Y/N. Please talk to us. We feel like shit.” “You feel like shit!?” You snapped and she takes a step back. “I-I’m sorry, okay?”
Lloyd ran a hand over his face as he waited for you to stand up and walk to the car. You tried to move as seamless as you could without giving away that you were in pain.
You opened the door and slide in the passenger seat like you normally would, biting your lip to conceal your whimpers.
“What the hell are you wearing?” He asks, but you chose to ignore him.
When you finally settle in the seat and close the door, he says, “You need to stop making me pick you up in places. Someone might see,” you chuckle dryly.
“My apologies for the one time I decided to call you, Lloyd. You know what? Forget it, I’ll call an Uber.”
You opened the door and Lloyd immediately felt like an asshole. “Wait,” he gripped your left arm and let out a shrill scream that made him jump.
“What the fuck!” He realized something felt out of place when he touched your arm. His narrow at the realization.
“Is your arm broken?” He asks. “Yes,” you mumbled. “Hey, look at me.” “Fuck you,” he unbuckled his seatbelt and reached over your lap to close the door and lock it. He tore the hoodie off you and you let out a pained groan.
His eyes didn’t know where to settle, your bruising cheek, your black eye, your busted lip or your clearly broken arm. And that’s just from what he could see. He had no idea what your body looked like under the hoodie.
The group you were with walked into the road, still trying to talk to you through the car window. His cold stare made the group take a step back from his car but that wasn’t good enough for him. He rolled down the window and grabbed his gun from the glove box.
When the group realized, they all screamed and turned to run. “Run and I’ll kill all of you,” they froze in their tracks, raising their hands in surrender.
“If I see you try to talk to her again, you’re going to wish I shot you.” Lloyd threatens through gritted teeth.
His finger pressed on the trigger slightly like he was debating on something. He looks at you when you gently push the barrel down until the gun was in your lap.
“Just take me to the hospital. I think I have some internal bleeding,” he clicked the safety on and threw the gun back into the glove box. Closing the glove box angrily, he threw the car into drive and sped down the road.
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” “Didn’t think you cared,” you turned to look out the window, holding your right hand to your chest.
“How bad is it?” “Don’t know. That’s why we’re going to the hospital,” you snapped and he let out a huff.
“I want names. I want addresses. I’ll handle it,” “I don’t expect you to handle anything,” “Then who were they?” “Why are you asking so many damn questions?” “Why the fuck aren’t you answering them?” “Because I don’t owe you shit!” You huffed and he rolled his eyes.
The car ride was silent until he pulled into the parking lot instead of unlocking the door and leaving you at the front of the hospital. He turns off the car and gets out of the drivers side. “What are you doing?” You asked when he opened your door.
“I’m walking you inside,” “Why?” His jaw ticks in annoyance at your stubbornness. “Get out of the car so I can take you inside,”
“Look, I don’t need your help. All I needed was a ride here. You can go back to whatever you were doing before I called.” “If I have to tell you one more time to get out of the car, I’ll-“
“You’ll what? Hit me? Go ahead, my left cheek is ripe for the taking,” “For the love of God,” Lloyd dips his head in and lifts you out of the car by your waist.
He picks you up with one hand under your legs and the other on your back as he kicks the car door closed. He looks down at you to find you already staring at him. You looked away and he walks to the entrance of the hospital.
He’s carried you before so it’s not like it was new for you. You just didn’t like him wanting to get involved in your business. He’s overstepping the box you put him in.
“Can I get a doctor over here!” Lloyd states, setting you down on an empty gurney. Two nurses came to your bedside and cut open the hoodie and dress you were wearing.
“Be careful, she has a broken arm.” Lloyd warns when they tried to pull the clothes off your arms. His gaze fell to your abdomen that was littered with bruises. He should have killed them when he had the chance. Not that he’s worried. There’s plenty of hours in a day.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” “Y/N,” “Y/N, can you tell me what happened?” “I’ve been jumped by two men. I-I can feel some bleeding in my kidney. That’s not normal, right?”
“We need to get you into surgery as soon as possible, okay. Book an OR and page ortho and neuro,” one of the nurses wheeled you to the nearest elevator while the other pages the two doctors.
“Is she going to be alright?” Lloyd asks, following the gurney. “Are you family?” “Yeah, I’m her fiancee,” he fibs.
You were about to say something when a sharp pain spreads in your back, causing you to cry out. “Stay in the waiting room. We’ll need you to fill out a few forms.” “Call my mom,” you tell Lloyd.
Shit, he thinks to himself. He doesn’t know why he said you were his fiancée. He didn’t want them to tell him to leave but he didn’t think it through entirely. He didn’t know much about you to fill out paperwork- not like he couldn’t make a call and figure it out.
But now he has to call your mom and make up some story about his relationship with his daughter that didn’t involve him blowing your back out a couple times a week. Letting out a deep breath, he logged into your phone and clicked on the contact that said Mom.
“I really don’t know how you managed to convince my Mom to let me stay with you,” you tell Lloyd when he saunters into his bedroom, his towel hanging dangerously low on his waist. “I’m charming, what can I say?” He snags one of your grapes and pops one in his mouth.
“Or just a really good liar,” you correct, “I mean fiancee? What were you thinking?” “Okay, I admit. I wasn’t thinking, alright.”
His bedroom had a cozy little set up. A king bed in the center of the room with a set of mirrors glued to the ceiling right above it and a love seat couch in the corner of the room.
The size of the room itself made the 80 inch TV seem small.
“What exactly do you plan to do with me?” “I decided to make you into a project,” he says, dropping his towel and searching through his dresser for a pair of boxers. You were discharged a few days ago but spent most of them sleeping in Lloyd’s bed.
With him, you might add. He’s never been much of a gentleman.
Why would he sleep on the couch when he has a king size bed to keep you both comfortable?
You two could sleep in the same bed and never touch each other. But that didn’t stop him from holding you from behind, occasionally grinding against you and kissing your neck.
Lloyd was definitely far from a gentleman.
Your eyes trailed down his lean, rippled back and down to his toned thighs. You pressed your legs together at the memory of his holding your legs open with those thighs as he drilled into you mercilessly.
Your nails scratched at his back while he lifted one of your legs around his waist to go deeper inside of you.
He met your gaze through his reflection in the mirror. “Looks like someone’s hungry,” he turned around, pulling his sweatpants over his legs. His eyes darkened when they fell to your thighs rubbing together.
Licking his lips as he neared you. Putting one hand on either side of you, he leans in close and you could smell his scented body wash.
“Sorry to break this to you, sweetheart. But given your injuries, you’re not getting fucked by me in a while.”
“You know better than anyone that I’m far from gentle,” he whispers in your ear. Goosebumps took over your body when his teeth graze over the pulse point in your neck.
“Unless you want to do you a solid and use my tongue,” “What do you mean you’re making me into a project?” He chuckles at the way you change the topic. He sat next to you and manspreaded on the couch.
“When you went into surgery, I had plenty of time to think about what I was going to do to those thugs who attacked you. But then I thought of an even better idea.” “Which is?” You questioned, annoyed with his theatrics.
“Why not train you to kill? That way, you never have to experience this again and you can make those sons of bitches pay for even looking in your direction,” he adds, resting a hand on your calf.
You looked down at his hand before continuing, “What makes you so sure I want to know how to kill?” “You’ve got that look in your eye,”
“What look?” He shrugs, sliding his hand further up your leg until it reached your knee. “You didn’t flinch when I pulled the gun out to threaten your friends,” he stated.
“They’re not my friends. And they deserved it,” “My point exactly,” “Regardless, it’ll take me time to hear from the surgery and this,” you motioned to your left arm that’s in a sling.
“So what are you going to do in the meantime?” His hands reach around to grab your ass, pulling you into his lap gingerly.
“I can think of a few ideas,” he slides his hands into your shorts, grabbing at your bare ass. “I thought you said you couldn’t fuck me anytime soon,”
“I’m going to use my tongue. Like I promised.”
The man lets out a pained grunt when you stabbed his leg and slowly twisted the knife, severing the muscle.
Lloyd sat in the chair to your left, watching with amusement as you worked. He knew his inkling was right about you. It took you a full seven months to recover and you were eager to learn once you saw some of his work.
“You really don’t remember me?” You asked, circling him and choosing to leave the knife in his leg.
“I-I don’t. I swear,” “Wow, so you make it a habit of beating up women in the middle of sidewalks?” His eyes widened when he realizes and a sinister smile tugs at your lips.
“There we go,” “Look, we fucked up, okay. We’re sorry. Right, Chris?” The man looked at his friend who was blindfolded and gagged.
You did it intentionally so he could hear everything you were doing to his friend, knowing that he was next.
You gripped the handle to the blade and shoved it forward, creating a two inch deep gash in his leg. “Please,” “Please,” you mocked. You twisted the knife, watching his face contort in pain. “I’ll do anything. Just please stop,”
“Now, I can’t break your arm because your arms are tied behind your back. So I would need your break your leg. I hope you understand,” “W-Wait, please! Fuck!” He wails from his new given injury. “You broke me. Now I break you.”
Before he had the chance to say anything else, you rip the knife from his leg and sit his throat open.
Some blood sprayed across your face and you couldn’t help but laugh hysterically at how easy it was so subdue him. These men weren’t men at all. They were weak.
Lloyd started to fall for you in that moment. He stands from his chair and made his way over to you. “You are going to be my biggest asset, cupcake.”
He smeared the man’s blood across your face and kissed you warmly. Your eyes were closed but you could feel something cool being placed in your hands.
You pulled away to see Lloyd’s gun in your hands. “I placed a dinner reservation for us at 7 pm. Let’s finish it.”
Without blinking, you took the safety off and cocked his gun. You sent a shot through the man’s skull, introducing a new silence to the room.
He smiles when you met his gaze, “Atta girl,”
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gazs-blue-hat · 1 year ago
What REALLY happened at the end of MWIII
This is based off of convos I've had with @sofasoap about what really happened at the end of the game
(The gif is us BTW)
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The smack against Johnny's temple shook him quite a bit. Having a pistol go off right next to your ear isn't something very comfortable either. So while Price and Gaz disarmed the bomb, he lay on the ground his eyes unfocused and dazed. There was blood in his eyes, streaming from the cut on his head. Headwounds always bleed a lot anyway, and his shoulder wound was only adding to the crimson on the ground. After the bomb was taken care of and his ears had stopped ringing, he was able to hear the last bit of Price's sentence. "-KIA." "The fuck? I'm not dead!" He went to grab his radio but his arm burst into pain. Oh...that's right. His arm got shot. At least he would be symmetrical now. One shot from Las Almas, one shot from here. Great. "Stay down Johnny...don't mess this up..." Simon mumbled as he patted his vest and disconnected his radio. "Mess what up?" He started to say before Simon put a gloved hand over his mouth. Johnny rolled his eyes and decided that taking a nap would be good right about now. "Yeah...make it believable. Ghost, put some more blood on the other side of his head.." Gaz was getting involved now, a grin on his face. ----------- "You can't be serious.." Johnny was sitting in medical, his arm and temple being stitched up as he pouted. "Deathly." Price said while filling out the correct paperwork. His own death certificate.
Gaz snorted in the corner as he started filling up an urn with the ashes of some other poor soldier who didn't make it. "Makarov thinks you're dead. That's a win for us. We get a new guy and you work in the shadows." Price looked up at Ghost who patted Johnny's un-wounded shoulder. "Like in Las Almas." Simon said softly. Johnny was starting to understand now. The long game...that made sense. "Alright. I get it. But the urn? Seriously Gaz?" "Gotta make it look legit. Now...where do you want your ashes spread?" Kyle was smirking and Johnny rolled his eyes. "I don't fuckin' know. How about the highlands? Over the ocean? Sounds kinda interesting." Simon snorted next to him. "Basic bitch.." He grumbled while standing to grab a backpack to carry the urn in. --------
There they went, the ashes floating over the ocean.
"Well...looks like I need a new callsign." Johnny said while shrugging his shoulders and putting his hands in his pockets. he smiled and nudged Simon with his elbow. "Hey, you're not the only dead man on the team anymore! perhaps I should be Ghost now." Simon rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Nah, needs to start with S, so we don't get you confused. How about Sprit. With that haircut of yours, you look like that fuckin' animated horse." They all looked at Simon. "You watch cartoons mate?" Gaz asked while raising his eyebrow. "Sue me, the music was good." Was the sharp reply. There was silence for a moment before Gaz spoke up again. "When I pretend to die, I wanna be called Spectre or something. Something epic and scary. nothing like your basic ones." "How about none of you pretend to die anymore okay? Jesus, you're all twisted." Price sighed while putting his hat back on his head. "Oh! We need to give you a new name sir! When you inevitably need to fake your death too," Soap said while they began to walk away from the cliff. "That's not-" "Phantom." Simon. "Nah, too basic. Cash Money is better. Because his name is Price." Gaz. "Peepaw." Everybody froze and looked at Soap. "Peepaw?" Price repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Johnny, I'm only thirty eight." Soap shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands in mock surrender. "That's ancient by our standards sir. One foot in the grave already. Ghost has been planning your wake for months now and I just know your knees ache in the-" Ghost whacked him. His own knees had started to creak and crack when he rose from bed every morning. "Watch your fuckin' mouth Mactavish." "Aye L.T"
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emsgwenstan · 1 year ago
Personal or professional?
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
Chap 5| chap 6| chap 7
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Words: 3k
Warnings: insecurity’s, swearing.
Note: another fill in chapter… this gif☝️is the look she gives Violet about the door lol.
Well it’s official, It’s the 12th of December and my dreaded birthday, another year of being alive, I guess I should be grateful but only 2 hours until I can go home and sleep! Jesus I really am getting old. I do wish I could see Larissa today but I don’t want to disturb her, we have been texting since that day which was three days ago now, I drove her home that night and the next morning she sent me a message saying good morning and I thought that was really sweet, but this morning she hadn’t said anything, I don’t need to read into it though, I just hope I haven’t done anything wrong. My phone started to ring in my pocket and just when I thought it was her I was wrong.
“Happy birthday vi!” She yelled.
“Thanks Lou.” I said chuckling.
“Happy birthday vi.” I heard jades sultry voice say on the other line.
“Oh yeah jays here too.” Louise said.
“Wanna wish auntie vi happy birthday?” She added.
“Happy birthday auntie violet!” Lou’s daughter lily shouted.
“Aww thanks guys, how is everyone?” I asked.
“Yeah we’re all pretty good, how are you though? You’ve been pretty quiet… perhaps finally found someone?” Louise said teasingly.
My face burned, how am I supposed to say yes I’ve met and fallen in love with someone, we’ve had sex and yet we’re still in a what do they call it now? situationship? Friends with benefits? Let alone it being with a woman- not that they’d be very surprised.
“I have been getting out more and no I’m not with anyone.” I said.
“Let’s hope you find someone vi we don’t want you to be alone forever.” Jade said in a sing song voice.
“Shut the fuck up, says you your a hoe, a serial seducer.” I laughed.
“Ok lily go to your room for a minute.” Lou said.
“Oh my god sorry!” I said.
“Aunt of the year award goes to Violet.” Jade said mockingly.
“Agh, anyway guess what?” I asked.
“What?.” “Mhm?” From the both of them.
“I’ll see you guys at dads this year.” I said.
“What! You’re actually gonna show up!?” Louise said.
“Yeah but I’m not gonna be alone, I’m bringing my… friend Larissa.” I said awkwardly.
“Ooooo Larissa.” They said in unison. I could just imagine them looking at each other knowingly.
“Please… anyway I’ll be there for a week then I’m going to see my mum.” I stated.
“We haven’t seen you for ages, oh and by the way dad has been such a dick lately, all he talks about is fucking golf.” Jade said.
“When isn’t he a dick, and that doesn’t surprise me, I’m not going for him though I’m coming to see you guys.” I spoke.
“Yeah well we will be there for like 9 days I think, we really need to go out all together again, I know I need to get hammered.” Louise said laughing.
“Agreed I know just the place.” I said.
“We know.” They both said giggling.
“Ok well I’m at work so I need to go but I’ll see you guys then ok?” I said.
“Alright we love you sis.” Lou said.
“Love you guys, tell lily and Lottie i love them to.” I said.
“Will do, bye.” She said.
I went back to stacking lengths of timber in their designated racks and began to wrap up the rest of my stuff getting ready to come home.
Finally in the threshold of my house, I kicked off my boots and tore off my work clothes, it was so fucking hot I felt like I was suffocating. The heat was up so high last night because it was freezing and I forgot to turn it off this morning as well as having the fire going. Turning it off and keeping the fire going I went and jumped in the shower quickly to rinse off the sawdust and settle in for the night.
Hopping into bed I let my hair out of the tight ponytail it’s been in all day letting it fall over my pillow and just like that I passed out. It was only 6pm but I didn’t care it was much needed, although it wasn’t until a while later when I could feel my body slightly shaking that I awoke again. “Wake up darling.” A hushed voice spoke, I know that accent anywhere, why is she here? how is she here? I rolled over slightly with my eyes cracked open, Larissa was standing beside me with a hand delicately wrapped around my bicep.
“Good morning.” She teased. “What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” I asked sleepily. Larissa brought her hand to my face stroking my cheek lightly. “I did knock, but no answer. The door was unlocked, I should have rung you I’m sorry.” She said in haste. “No, no it’s fine you’re welcome you don’t even need to knock.” I said rubbing my eyes. Larissa smiled warmly. “Sit up for a moment I’ll be right back.” She said leaving the room. I’m still a little bit delirious wondering if this is even real or not, but the fact that I could feel her gave me every indication that it was. Slowly I sat up and realised I’m only wearing underwear, I clutched my duvet to my chest and sat cross legged against my head board.
Larissa waltzed back in with a large box in her hands, the sound of her heels clacking on the floor boards getting closer gave me more anticipation wondering what was going on. She perched herself on the edge of my bed and placed the huge box in my lap, it was a deep red with a crimson, satin bow on top. I looked at her with curiosity and a small smile. “Open it.” She said gesturing me to do so. Slowly I undid the ribbon and opened the box, I could smell it first, the large bouquet of red and dark red- almost black roses that lay on top. “Oh Larissa, these are beautiful.” I said plucking them out and smelling how heavenly they are. “How did you know these were my favourite… not just the flowers but the colours.” I asked jokingly. “I have my ways.” She said. I giggled at her and lay the roses next to me and continued to open the layers of tissue paper.
The next thing was clothing of some sort, pulling it up I gasped. “It’s beautiful.” I said astonished, the black dress was gorgeous, intricate black beads lined the off the shoulder cut out and strapped top, the thigh slit down the side and the cuffs of the sleeves. “Why did you get me this?” I asked incredulously. “Because you deserve it.” She said blatantly. “I’m afraid I don’t think it will fit.” I said solemnly. “It will, I promise.” She ensured moving the tissue further out of the way to indicate there’s more. Carefully I laid aside the dress as well and took out the next thing. A large black coat with fur around the hood, sleeves and bottom. My eyes lit up and I became speechless. Trying to catch a sneaky look at the tag, I didn’t find a price or size instead the words ‘Vivienne Westwood’ in scribed on it. “What the fuck.” I breathed, I looked at the dresses tag and the same thing was embedded.
“There’s more.” She said suggestively. I looked at her with wide eyes and put aside the coat. Underneath was a shoe box and another thing wrapped with tissue paper, I opened that first unraveling the fragile paper. My cheeks burned, when I came to relise it was lingerie, a set of scarlet red lace, a bra with matching panties. I admired them, running my fingertips along the intricacies of the material, I gave a shy and quiet thank you to Larissa and set them aside too. The last thing was the shoe box that made my breathing stop. ‘Cristian louboutin’ no fucking way.
Larissa could see my face at the sight of it, how much I was in shock and awe even without seeing what’s in it. I took off the lid and just about had a heart attack, slick black heels lay next to another adorning the familiar red bottoms. I turned to Larissa with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. “How- why…I. Larissa I’ve wanted these shoes since I was 17!” I screeched. She grinned and put her hand on my wrist. “Happy birthday darling.” She whispered sweetly. Again I melted. “Oh rissa, I don’t know if I can accept these.” I said softly. “Yes you can, I wanted to give you something to make you feel beautiful, and I know that black makes people feel slimmer- not that you need to of course! I just…-god, I thought I could help you feel better about yourself and show you how beautiful you are my sweet.” She said feeling horrible at how that sounded. “No I understand, it’s very thoughtful of you. Most of my clothes are black.” I said smiling.
“And I think red looks gorgeous on you too.” She said. I immediately remembered that I wore a red bra that day and that’s what she was pertaining to. Larissa was very close it was harder to not be under her piercing gaze, I put the box next to me and wrapped my arms around her neck, slowly I leaned in and hoped she wouldn’t pull away, I placed a chaste kiss to her lips grinning into it. “Thank you lovely.” I said into her ear still hugging her. “You’re very welcome.” She said pulling back. “Now I hope it’s ok with you but I made reservations for 8:00, so go get changed into these and we can go get dinner?” She said questionably. “You didn’t!” I said. She stood from the bed and reached for my hands to help me up, I stood and covered my stomach feeling a little self conscious again.
Larissa grasped my wrists, moved them away and looked in my eyes. “Don’t hide from me darling.” She said placing another kiss on my forehead. She turned on the spot and left me to get changed. In the bathroom I painted on some make up opting for dark eyeshadow and lipstick a few shades darker than Larissa’s, I curled my collarbone length blonde hair and put on my gold necklace with a ‘v’ initial and a few rings from the dish on the sink. I slipped on the red lingerie with a smirk and then the dress, for a moment my heart sank when the sip at the back wouldn’t go up, but turns out it was just caught on the material, it slid up my back with ease. I slipped on the shoes and couldn’t stop the excitement that spread through my body as I did so.
Looking in the mirror, I stared at myself, I hadn’t even realised I had a waist, the shoes are what I kept looking at and my calf muscles that sculpted due to the height. Larissa carefully opened my bedroom door and walked up behind me, I looked at her in the reflection giving a timid glance, she pressed herself to my back and gently put her head on my shoulder and moved her hands to meet around my front, her palms smoothed out the fabric and stopped at the swell of my stomach. “You look stunning.” She said kissing my temple. “Thank you.” I said. “Shall we go?” She asked. “Yeah.” I grabbed the coat and put it on.
Going past the kitchen and hallway I grab my keys from the dish. “What are you doing?” She asked. I dangled the keys giving her the hint I’m driving. “No, I’m driving.” She said plucking them out of my hand and putting them back down. Larissa walked out the door and I followed behind her, she stepped to the passenger side and opened the door for me, I giggled at her chivalry. She walked to the other side and sat in the drivers seat. “Ooo the woman knows how to drive stick.” I said as a joke. “Yes I do, something else we have in common.” She said turning on the car and reversing out of the drive way.
Once she went thought the gears, Larissa placed her hand on top of mine and curled her fingers into my palm, the butterflies in my stomach were alive and well at this point, not that they ever go away when I’m with her. When she down geard and sadly removed her hand from mine it must have meant we’re close, but when I saw the place my eyes just about bulged out of my head. Larissa killed the engine and stepped out, just as I open the door she glared at me through the windscreen, I laughed throwing my head back and closed the door again. She made it to the other side and reopened the door extending a hand to me.
I stepped out onto a gravel driveway and kept a hold of her hand. She closed the door and started to lead me in the direction of the restaurant. “Wait.” I said stopping. Holding her hand I took off my shoes and started walking again until we made it to cement and put them back on. I looked at her confused face. “I want to savour and look after these shoes.” I said. “Oh.” She chuckled, we made our way up the grand steps to the front door. This place was about ten minutes out of town and secluded by trees, the building was a tan colour and had pillars surrounding it, pot plans and ivy covered the exterior, a red carpet rolled down the stairs and the large double doors open wide with a ‘please wait to be seated’ sign on the wall outside of them.
Larissa glanced at me as a young woman greeted us. “Hello ladies, booking name?” She asked. “Weems.” Larissa said. “Yes, right this way.” She lead us into a massive dining hall, intimate tables with candles and silver alike, chandeliers vaulted from the ceiling, paintings, even live music with people playing violins and other sweet sounding instruments, a dance floor- for those who actually dance, it was beautiful and it felt right to be here experiencing this with Larissa, if I came here without her, she would be the one I’d tell this place about. “Here you go.” She sat us in a green velvet booth and placed two menus on the table then left.
“I didn’t even know this place existed.” I said. “Do you like it?” She asked shrugging off her cream coat, Larissa was wearing a plum coloured silk blouse and a matching cream pencil skirt, my breath hitched at the sight of her, somehow she seemed nervous, the woman who exudes power, authority and confidence is nervous, but then again I know its not the first time around me, but as if I do that to her, its probably just because she wants me to have a good night. “Absolutely, I really don’t deserve this-.” “Yes you do.” She said cutting me off. I took a deep breath and changed the subject. “Any idea what you feel like?” I asked. We both went through the menu together, decided on our choices and ordered.
Larissa and I were having a conversation about what we both did today when we were interrupted by a man who seemed to know her. “Larissa, I thought that was you.” He said. She looked up and let out a sharp exhale through her nose forcing a tight lipped smile. “Mr jones, lovely to see you.” She said speaking though here teeth. “Likewise, I don’t see you out of that school often.” He said. Larissa bit the insides of her cheeks quite literally refraining herself from spitting a very unkind insult his way. “Yes well Marcus, I do have a life.” She said bitterly, if looks could kill. His line of sight went to me. “And who is this?” He asked. If it were anyone else, She would have felt compelled to say ‘oh forgive me how rude I didn’t introduce you sooner’ instead she kept her back handed behaviour. “This is violet Hastings, my very good friend… now if you don’t mind we would like to enjoy our dinner.” Her voice sounding like venom. “Nice to meet you, I suppose I should get back to my wife.” He said awkwardly leaving.
The silence was killing me. “Ok what was that?” I asked chucking. Larissa let out a huff and turned to face me. “That was Marcus jones, a sleazy twit… also a board member.” She explained whilst simultaneously taking a sip of the wine the waitress brought over. “He did seem a bit smug.” I said sidding with her. “He’s an imbecile, all he does is make my job harder and tries to deny my advances for the schools funding and changes.” She said twisting the stem of the glass on the table. “Not to mention, every Thursday night he goes and screws his assistant, how cliche.” She rasped, throwing back the remaining wine in her glass. I raise my eyebrows in response. “I was a bit harsh wasn’t I?” She asked grasping my thigh under the table. “No, because if it were me id have been worse, you did a great job.” I said. Larissa laughed. A real laugh. It was loud and turned a few heads, but I didn’t care id love to hear it again and again and again. She covered her mouth with her fingers trying not to do it again. She never fails to make me weak.
The dim lighting made her look even more delectable then she already is and I found myself staring at her. “What?” She asked noticing. “Your just…ethereal? I don’t even know how you real.” I said lowly. “Stop it.” She giggled looking down. “I don’t think you know how pretty you are Larissa.” I spoke. “I could say the same about you vi.” She said tightening her grip on my thigh. The waitress brought over our food and left us to eat alone again. Once we were finished a flurry of people went to the dance floor with each of their partners. “Would you like to dance violet?” She leaned in to whisper. “Oh I don’t dance.” I said. “Please?” She pushed. Looking in her eyes I tilted my head, I can’t say no to her. “Sure.” I said reluctantly. Larissa took my hand and guided me to the floor.
On perfect queue the music started, the tune was familiar, experience I think it was. Everyone began to slowly sway to the music as if their bodies were one, Larissa held onto my waist and brought my hand to her shoulder, I placed my free hand in hers and began to dance. She was wonderful, so free and loose, Larissa let herself succumb to the music and I did the same, the stronger the tune the more contrived the movements, Larissa spun me about like they do in those ridiculous romcoms but Christ it felt like I was in one, her gaze never faulted, eyes piercing into my own as if the whole world disappeared. When the music went softer Larissa braced her arms around my torso and I joined my other hand to her vacant shoulder and let my head rest in the crook of her neck.
"May I cut in?" A voice said behind my shoulder, as I turned there standing was that same halfwit Marcus, asking me to dance. I looked to Larissa for help, she said nothing only looking down at her feet. "Um...I-." I began about to reject his offer. "Great!" He took my hand and I was dragged of with him, as a new song started I couldn't stop staring at Larissa, she stepped away sitting back at the table hardly watching what was going on, like the big ball of anger I am sometimes, I felt obliged to peruse my next move, as he was twisting me around like a monkey on steroids, I leaned back and stopped on his foot with my heel and elbowed him in the face. "Oh! my apologies I'm a horrible dancer.” I said with faux forgiveness. Immediately I ran back to Larissa.
"Why didn't you save me." I said sternly and out of breath. "You looked happy with him." She said fiddling with her fingers. "I beg your pardon? I’m sorry but if that's what I look like when I'm happy with someone then I must look insane when I'm with you." I expressed sitting down again. "Did you not just see what happened." I asked. "Yes, I must say it was a little entertaining." She said giving me a meek smile. "good. But why didn’t you do anything?” I asked. “I don’t know… I’m sorry I just thought-.” “It’s fine, I mean he had that coming.” I said. We sat together for a while and before I excused myself and went off to find the lavatory leaving Larissa at the table alone again.
*Larissa’s pov*
I’m so glad violet likes the gifts I gave her, she looks breathtaking, I feel deeply saddened that she doesn’t see herself through my eyes, but I do suppose no one sees their own beauty like others. I hope I didn’t take it to far when i gave her the lingerie, i just couldn’t help myself. Violet is an incredible woman, shes smart and witty, she’s kind and full of skills i could only dream to obtain, she makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room as if i were so interesting, a 48 year old who lives and breathes to work and is unbelievably stubborn, something else we have in common i think. I adore all the things about her she views as flaws but somethings telling me that there’s still more to her, but in time i hope to learn them all.
I feel so guilty I did nothing to stop that asshole from taking Violet away from me, I thought we had a special moment, I guess my own insecurities came to play, the last time I danced with somebody I was with mortica and that didn’t end well, why would it with her?
I observed her as she came back to the table, her legs are stunning and she can definitely walk in heels, i do find that people our height can do a good job in them if i do say so myself, I’m pleased that she insists on taking care of them, even if she didn’t id just buy her a new pair. Before she sat i offered to take her home, we had been here well over two hours and thought she would appreciate actually going home. “Sure.” She said. I stood and draped my own coat over my shoulders and placed my hand in the small of violets back to go and pay. As already anticipated she tried to debate on who was paying but in the midst of it i handed the poor waitress my card, the glare i received when violet heard the beep on the machine was endearing, she did look as though she could physically hurt me but i kept my laughter at bay.
Exiting the restaurant, violet stopped and moved her head to gaze at the stars above, it was very beautiful, no light pollution, no noise, just the stars, moon, violet and I, although i found my view much better than hers. The reflection in her eyes and the soft glow of the out side lights from the restaurant made her impossibly more beautiful, that doesn’t even sound like the right word, but it will do.
*violets pov*
The sky was extraordinary I haven’t seen it like this for a while, but my gaze was cut short when Larissa ushered me to the car and opened my door again. On the ride home I placed my hand in her lap playing with the material of her skirt, I was so relaxed that I eventually fell asleep, the soft hum of the radio and the smell of her perfume lulled me to dose off. Larissa opened my door and gently coaxed me awake and let me rest against her side as she walked us inside.
By the time we made it to my room I had woken up a bit more and turned to Larissa. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I’m fine.” She said. I took off my heels and placed them inside my robe out of the way, I saw her looking down at the floor as she sat on the edge of my bed. Trying to find a way to lighten the mood I reached for my small speaker and turned it on, flicking through my phone I found a song to play, set down my phone and pulled her to stand. Larissa looked at me confused wondering what’s going on, I placed her hands around my neck and I locked mine around her waist and pressed my body to hers.
I hummed along to the tune and swayed to the slow rhythm, Larissa rested her temple on my forehead and sighed. “I don’t dance for just anyone you know.” I whispered in her ear, I could see the small smile across her face. “Violet?… why are you doing this?” She asked still wrapped around me. “Because you deserve to know that you’re cared for to, because you’re special and you would do the same for me.” I said. Larissa was quiet after that, but she did grip me a little tighter and breathe a little deeper.
After the song stopped I paused it and started to get changed. Larissa offered to drag down my zip, I stepped out of my dress and picked it up hanging it neatly inside the wardrobe. Just as I was about to enter the ensuite to change Larissa’s voice rang through the air. “Wait!” She said. I turned on the spot and looked at her flickering eyes and ridged stance, I was silent waiting for her to continue. “I-I… was wondering if you could just… stay- in what you have on.” She mumbled. My eyes widened at her ask, my stomach riddled with butterflies.
Larissa’s gaze met mine and slowly she stepped out of her heels, removed her coat and pulled off her blouse and skirt, only left standing in her underwear. My gaze never left her, not once, I don’t recall I actually blinked to be frank. “Is it ok if I stay?” She asked. I paced back towards her and discarded the clothes I’m not going to be changing into on the floor, I took ahold of Larissa’s hand and threw back the covers of my bed and crawled in before her. I found a comfortable position on my side and laid out my right arm for her to rest her head on, to which she did.
There were no sounds, no interruptions, no one else but us- half naked and left in only undergarments, Larissa’s long limbs were intertwined with my own and the way she studied my face made blood rush to my cheeks, I did the same though- studied her that is, stroking her hair and tracing unknown shapes along her jaw and lips, especially over her scar. “What are you thinking?” I whispered, Larissa’s eyes fluttered to mine. “It’s silly.” She hummed softly. “Tell me? I’m sure it’s not.” I said back. “I’ve not been this… close to a normie before.” She expressed. I adjusted my head a little. “And what does that mean to you, is that a good thing or a bad thing?… are you saying that your view on me would change if I were?” I said sitting up a little. “No of course not i just mean, I haven’t been exposed to any normie that has been… well, like you.” She said sheepishly.
I sat mulling over the conversation, on one hand it’s disheartening to hear that she hasn’t been accepted due to the fact of being an outcast, and on the other I suppose she still hasn’t… “I know that was rather odd of me to bring up but it was just something that I had been thinking about, it’s nice to see that normies and outcasts can be civil.” She murmured. I felt a tinge of guilt gnaw in my stomach, just wait for the right time Violet. “No I get it, really, especially since you dedicate your life to ensuring your students feel accepted for who they are.” I said laying back down.
For a while it was quiet and peaceful, Larissa was the one who fell asleep first, but as I rolled over she slightly roused earning an almost incomprehensible statement. “Happy birthday Violet, my sweet sweet girl.” She left her head against the back of my shoulder and pulled me by the waist to rest against her front. “I love you Larissa.” I breathed but with no response I knew she had fallen asleep.
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar
@giogwensversion @sabraaabra
@readingtheentrails @readingtheentrails
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01always14fanfic · 4 months ago
what ruined Harveys character?
I feel like this is a dangerous question to answer. I hope my answer doesn't offend, my thoughts are kind of strong on this.
Mostly it's the thing with his mother.
There is zero mention of Lily having a career while she was with Gordan, so I assume she was a stay at home mom. Which makes sense with a dad who is on the road, two kids who have school and activities.
There is zero indication that Gordan was unfaithful. He loved his wife and his sons, but he also loved his career (Sound like someone?). So while he was out making money to take care of his family, yes, on the road, Lily cheated on him.
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It wasn't like she and the boys weren't being thought of. If she's lying here, that's only worse. I wouldn't put it past her.
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You'll always be there for me?
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When you thought you had more stance as the cheating ex-wife; the mother who ruined my childhood; and spoke at my dad's funeral when you knew I didn't even want you here?
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When you asked me to carry the weight of my family falling apart?
When you expected me to be okay with it?
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When you justified that trauma?
When you bring the man, you ruined your family with to my dad's funeral.
When you stand your ground while I'm in pain and continue to justify it?
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And then you tell me I shouldn't have been angry.
The fact the writers had all this, then did this..
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No. Just no. I'm giving Harvey props for even going to the funeral at all. She repeatedly showed she didn't care about anyone but herself.
Then the bullshit with Faye. I can't even gif that out. That would be every time her and Harvey interacted. Harvey could have and should gotten rid of her a long time ago. Yeah they would have gotten someone else, but maybe not someone with a gun pointed at Harvey. Or maybe a different gun.
Suddenly Harvey is just a sad confused lawyer because his mom died. The mom he didn't care about until Donna kept pushing with her dad and the painting. Jesus. Let shit die. Yes, Harvey has some good memories. Let him have them! Sometimes that's all you have left.
Was any of that visit of finding out the man who ruined your family is playing grandpa for your brother's kids, worth it?
Was watching your family spit on your dad's memory SO healing?
Then the shit with Donna dad's. Donna gets offended for her dad, Harvey stands his ground for half a second then tries to apologize by doing something nice. Her dad's pride gets pissy with Harvey because it's a business connection. Donna gets pissed again, like she doesn't know this how Harvey says I care. Instead she make him feel like shit, only for her dad to ask for the same help anyway. And Harvey just moves on with life all happy like none of that happened.
The Donna and the mother thing, I can't express the level of hate, disgust, and betrayal. It was the grossest thing Suits did, and they had Harvey sleeping with his therapist.
If they wanted to give Harvey that extra vulnerability, it would made more sense to kill off Mike. He was in Seattle and anything could happened. Or Donna gets into a accident and they get married after. They should have picked someone who actually cared about Harvey and who Harvey loved back.
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i-heart-yellowstone · 3 months ago
50 - Similar than We Thought
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( gif belongs to @forcestruck )
Part 51
Raised Fair Share of Hell
Tag list @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @whatelsecouldgowrong @lover-of-books-and-tea
Alissa’s pov
He turned nearly jumping out of his boots, noticing Kayce Dutton waiting in the hallway. “Jesus fuck!”
“We need to talk you and me, Tommy Norris.” The cowboy spoke in a deep voice, lifting his head up so he could see his dark eyes looking at him underneath the black cowboy he was wearing.
The two men walked down the quiet hallway with the only sounds coming from the different types of hospital machines that we’re monitoring other patients that we’re staying there. The two stubborn men entered into an empty room seeing nobody was there. “Thomas Norris my name is Alissa Dutton. My daughter is dating your son, Cooper.” The door slammed behind them where they saw Kayce’s wife standing in the dark corner.
The man named Tommy Norris wore a straw colored cowboy hat, white tea shirt, jeans and black boots. He had dark gray hair and a beard on his face. “I’d say it’s nice to meet you if the circumstances were different.”
“As do I but yet here we are.” I scoffed at the elderly oil manager.
The Texas man knitted his brows. “What did we need to talk about exactly?”
“We want to help you get revenge for your kid and our daughter. Our daughter was nearly on the verge of losing her mind when she found out what happened to her boyfriend. Nobody hurts our family and gets away with it.” Kayce strides up getting in his face, hands clenched together into fists at his sides.
Crossing my arms over my chest I tilted my head up death glaring into his eyes. “Just so you know even if you don't let us come with you we'll just go behind your back and do it ourselves.” This man from Texas didn't scare me. Tommy stared at us briefly nodding his head and we took that as a sign to follow him outside to our trucks.
Tommy, Dale, Kayce and I all pulled up in our vehicles outside the trailer we were looking for at the man-camp site. Getting out of the car Kayce cocked his handgun sliding it into the pocket of his jeans then pulled out a Yellowstone branding fire poker. I picked up a baseball bat that Beth had put inside the truck while Tommy and Dale carried smaller to conceal weapons. Tommy’s boots made a noise on the porch where we heard one of the guys inside attempting to whisper. “Don't answer. Make like we're asleep.”
“I can fucking hear you.” Tommy declared sternly.
One of the two guys opened the door letting us inside the trailer. “What's up?” Tommy shoved him harshly back into the wall before he hit the guy upside the head with the weapon in his hand.
“This seem familiar, motherfucker?”
“Hey, man…” The second guy slowly backed away where Tommy hit him repeatedly with the weapon to his stomach causing the one guy to fall onto the floor.
“You get on your ficking phone and call your friends. You know, the ones that you called that put my fucking son in the hospital.” Tommy pointed his index finger seeing the guy didn’t move so he glanced at his black friend who clearly was in charge of these two. “No? He don't want to call his friends, Boss.”
“Me and these two will take him in the back.” The black guy responded, eyeing my husband who grabbed the second guy up from the floor harshly.
“Okay, I'd appreciate that.” Tommy responded watching my husband drag the guy towards the nearest bedroom.
“Oh, we'll convince you, you little prick!” Kayce growled in his ear slamming him against the wall before the door was shut in my face.
I heard the one guy in the room screaming and I knew more than likely Kayce and the other guy were beating the hell out of him by the way he screamed. “No. No, fuck.”
“Nobody said "get up," Manny.” The second guy that was left alone with me, Dale and Tommy, attempted to get up from the floor till Dale hit the back of his head and he collapsed on his hands and knees once more.
“Have a seat, Manuel. Here's how this is gonna go. Needless to say, you're fired. By noon tomorrow,you'll be on a "no hire" list for every fucking oil company in the Permian Basin. Sheriff's gonna be here in about five minutes, and he's gonna toss this fucking place. And I'm just guessing he'll add felon in possession of a firearm, possession of a controlled substance, and maybe possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute.” Tommy sat down at the small round table inside the trailer and the other guy sat down showing me a harsh bloody dent into the side of his head. Tommy threatened the man across from him while I clutched the handle of the baseball bat in my hands. “And any goddamn one of those violates your parole. And then you add on top of that shit, aggravated assault charge and kidnapping, 'cause when you shut the door on him, that's kidnapping. I ain't a goddamn mathematician, but that's, like, 30 years. That's what I do to people who hurt my family. You fucked with the wrong hillbilly.”
Hearing a siren I bolted forward yanking the guy up from the table swinging the baseball bat into gut repeatedly until he collapsed weakly onto the floor. “Manny, you listen here you asshole, his son is dating my daughter and you have emotionally damaged my child and for that you are going to pay. You messed with two wrong families buddy and you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life!” Grabbing the back of his head he winced when I pressed the bat to his throat, choking him with my knees on either side of his body, trapping him from escaping.
“I'm gonna take 30 years of your life away from you. And if you ever come back to this place, I'm gonna take the rest of it.” Tommy bent down on a knee forcing the guy to stand up weakly. The trailer door opened revealing the sheriff who must have been called by Tommy on the way here. “Have you met the sheriff?”
“Stand up and turn around.” The Texas sheriff pushes the guy against the wall handcuffing him.
“They're having a confession in the back room.” Tommy explained to the officer of law enforcement.
The back room door opened revealing his friend. “Tommy.”
“Did he have anything to say?” Cooper’s father asked.
“He gave up the names. Even wrote 'em down for you.” The man replied.
The sheriff asked him. “You think he'd repeat 'em to me?”
“Sure he would if you asked.” He responded.
Following the sheriff into the back room where I glanced over in the direction of my husband who was holding onto a bloody fire poker in his hands. “Would you confirm the names of the other assailants?” I didn’t even need to ask knowing my husband had a violent side from serving in the Navy. He knew when to correctly use it and when to not.
“You-you gonna take me with you?” The first guy was quivering in the corner bruised all over.
The sheriff put a hand on his other set of handcuffs. “Well, that depends. You gonna say something give me a reason?”
“I'll give you a reason.” He gulped minutes before the sheriff led him outside to his vehicle with the other arrested man leaving me, Tommy and my husband all standing in the small trailer.
“I gotta get my boy out of here before somebody kills him.” Tommy lit a cigarette placing it inside his mouth shaking his head eyeing his boots.
Spinning the baseball bat in my hands, turning on my heels and walking out the trailer door tossing the bat into the truck bed. “We thought we were sending our daughter to a safe state to experience life outside of our ranch. Apparently your son tracks trouble into her life.”
“There's something about that boy, just draws trouble to him like bugs to a light.” Tommy sighed, tossing his cigarette onto the dirt ground stomping out the last bit of fire with his boot.
Kayce tossed his poker into the backseat of the Yellowstone work truck crossing his arms over his chest glaring at the Texas cowboy. “He sounds exactly like I was when I was younger. I just hope he turns out better than I did and does it a lot faster.”
“He ain't mean enough for this place, Alissa. He just ain't mean enough.” Tommy slumped his shoulders running a hand down his face.
“Sounds like we have more in common than you would think, Mr. Norris.” Swinging opened the passenger seat climbing up inside of it before slamming it shut. “We ain’t heading back to Montana until we know as much about you as you seemed to want to know about my daughter.”
Tommy walked over knocking on the window so I pressed the button rolling it down. “What do you mean by that?”
“You’re bratty teenage daughter called my son a bastard because I’m not his biological mother.” I glared at him sternly into his eyes. “You wanna know how I found out. I heard it walking into the hospital before my daughter got into a fist fight with yours who completely deserved it.”
Kayce got in the driver's seat closing the door, one hand on the steering wheel. “What would we find if we looked into your family hmm.”
“Follow me to the bar and I'll explain why I was looking into your daughter and I'll tell you whatever you want to know about mine. Deal?”
Kayce and I replied in unison. “Deal.”
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years ago
Odd Good - Viktor
notes - here's that Viktor fic for that poll I did a couple days ago! I love this man so so much, but I am going to spoil it now and tell you that there is no kiss in this one. It's just a cute fluff fic of meeting Viktor and I could even make a part two if anyone would be interested, but we'll see. For now, this was just a super cute fluffy fic to write and I really hope my Viktor lovers enjoy it! I hope you all have a great day and stay hydrated!!!
word count - 1,499
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omg this gif is so hot *passes away*
"Ugh, Jayce, would you slow down?! This box is heavy!" you complained, said heavy box nearly falling out of your hands. "What's even in here anyway?"
"Oh, stop complaining, y/n! Just a little bit further! And it's not even that heavy, dummy, it's just filled with some metal bits for something I'm working on."
You rolled your eyes, but kept moving forward. You couldn't believe yourself sometimes, always falling into another one of Jayce's traps to get you to help him. Ever since he became such a big shot after creating HexTech, you've been nothing but his little helper. You would think you two would be going out for dinner, but then it would turn out that you would be carrying a ten ton box up to his room.
Though, that was mostly your fault since you decided to befriend him all those years ago.
"Alright, y/n, just down that hall and into that room over there." Jayce said, out of breath even though he didn't do anything but walk up a couple of stairs.
"You don't want this in your room?" you asked, actually out of breath as you looked at the unfamiliar room Jayce had pointed to.
"No, this isn't for me. It's for a friend."
"So you made me do a favor for you for a friend?! You lazy son of a-"
"Hey, you got dinner out of it, right?"
You mumbled some curses under your breath and walked over to the room at the end of the hall while Jayce slithered to his room quietly. Since you weren't really big on science or anything along those lines, this building was only known as two things to you: the place where Jayce did all of his work, and the staff lounge that had one hell of a coffee. Jayce never took you on a tour or let you explore any of the labs since you weren't super interested anyways, so if you got lost anywhere, you would probably be lost for days.
You knocked on the door at the end of the hall, hoping that you weren't interrupting anyone that Jayce didn't warn you about and all you heard was a quiet, "come in!"
You opened the door and finally set down the box that was going to be the death of your arms, taking some deep breaths. "Jayce told me to put these in here." you told the person in the room that you didn't get a good look at since you were literally heaving out of breath with your hands on your knees.
"Oh, well tell Jayce I say thank you. I've been waiting for those all week." When the man spoke, he had a thick accent and was very quiet. "You can leave those there. Thank you again."
You gave him a thumbs up, still trying to get the pain to leave your arms a bit before you left.
"Are you okay?" the man chuckled, standing up. When he walked over to you, you heard the sound of his footsteps, but something else to. Like a clicking sound.
When you finally looked him up to at least wave him off or tell him that you were fine, you froze.
Oh god.
So this must be Viktor, you thought. Jayce had always told you about his work partner, but the two of you never actually met each other.
Since when was he this attractive?
Jesus, you were losing your mind.
When you realized that you were standing in silence for way too long though, you cleared your throat, pulling yourself out of your mind.
"I'm fine," you laughed nervously. "Jayce just made me carry that god awful thing up some flights of stairs since the elevator was taking too long."
"And he couldn't do it himself?" He cocked an eyebrow, leaning on his cane.
"Right?! I mean, it's my fault really. I fell for another one of his 'hey, do you wanna go to dinner' tricks."
That made him laugh pretty hard for a second before his attention fell to your arms. "Are you alright though? That is a really heavy box."
"Oh, I'm fine," you admitted, squeezing your bicep. "I'm strong. I've had to carry heavier for that ass, so it's fine."
"I see. Well thank you again." He walked over to the box and started pushing it over to his station he was working at.
"You're Viktor, right?" you said before you left.
"I am."
"Jayce talks about you a lot, but never introduced us. I'm y/n."
"Oh, y/n!" Viktor's eyes lit up. "I know who you are now! You've helped out a lot, you know. Even if we've never met, Jayce tells me how much you've done."
"Oh, it's nothing," you said, slightly blushing. "Just favors for a friend, that's all."
"No, really, all of your help means a lot." He began getting back to work on whatever project he had going on. "You don't work here, right?"
"Oh, god no." you laughed. "This is definitely not my industry."
"Gotcha." He slipped on a pair of goggles and turned over a metal bit in his hand. "Well, I hate to cut this short, but it was very nice to meet you, y/n. Thank you for bringing up my pieces."
"Of course! And it was very nice to meet you, Viktor."
You went to step out, but heard Viktor's voice again. "I expect to see you here more often, y/n. And if Jayce starts putting you to more work, my lab can always be a good break room."
You laughed. "Alright. I'll see you around then."
You closed the door behind you and immediately felt your face heat. You ran to Jayce's room and threw the door open, scaring the shit out of the scientist.
"Dammit, y/n! What the hell?!"
"Why haven't you introduced me to Viktor sooner?!" you said, ignoring Jayce.
"What?" he looked at you with confusion and then smirked when he saw how red your face was. "Oh? Gotta little crush or something?"
"Sh-Shut up! I was just wondering."
"He's not big on talking to other people. Introverted little dude."
"So, when's the date?"
"Jayce, I'm serious, shut up."
"And y/n, I'm serious. When's the date?"
"There is no date." You rolled your eyes and pulled up a chair so you could sit on it, spinning yourself around a couple of times.
"I don't know, Jayce! I just met the guy!"
"Well take that dude on a date as soon as you can and get him out of his damn lab. I have found him asleep at his desk every night this week. Plus, I think it would be funny."
"Funny? God, you're such a child, Jayce."
He playfully stuck his tongue out to you and leaned back in his chair. "But seriously, I think you should really get to know Viktor if you like him already. He's a good guy and super smart. And again, I want him to go breath some actual air and get out of his lab."
You laughed. "Fine, I'll see what I can do. But no guarantees."
How did that work?! you thought as you sat across a dinner table with Viktor, both of you dressed nicely and asking for fancy food. You really were just flirting with him as a joke after that first meeting, almost expecting nothing out of it, and to your surprise, he ended up asking you on a date a couple of weeks later.
Literally how?!
"This is so odd for me," Viktor laughed. "I never really leave my lab. Even for occasional HexTech parties."
"Odd good, or odd bad?" you giggled back.
"Odd good. You look very nice by the way." You noticed the way his cheeks lightly flushed pink. Why was he so damn cute?
"Thank you. You look nice too. But I get the whole odd thing. It's odd good for me, but I don't really go on dates often. I found a lot of joy in work and nobody was really doing it for me, so I gave up. I mean... I didn't 'give up', but I... I don't know how to explain it."
"No, I understand. I never date either. I thought it was a waste of time."
"Well, what do you think? Is this a waste of time?" you flirted as the waiter dropped of both of your food.
"No, actually. I quite like this. Though, internally, something still wants me working for some reason."
"Well you're going to have to get used to not working, because I already want ten more of these."
Viktor thought for a moment, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Deal. I'll put down the work, but only if I get to see you dressed up like this more often."
The two of you shook hands in agreement with a smile on both of your faces.
There were definitely going to be more of these.
arcane masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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ghastlyfilters · 10 months ago
ain’t that somethin’ | al capone x fem!reader
pairing; al capone x fem!reader
warnings; mentions of facial scarring, a little angst
a/n; this version of al is entirely based on stephen graham’s portrayal of him in boardwalk empire! (also yo i’ve been fucking dying to write about boardwalk empire for AGES)
plot; imagine al deep down feeling insecure about his scars, and his girlfriend telling him how truly beautiful she finds him with them.
(au where al isn’t married to mae ofc)
gif by fancykraken!
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Al fiddled with his pen as he sat in his office within the walls of the Four Deuces. Johnny wasn’t around today. He was taking care of some business elsewhere. Thank fuck. Al didn’t exactly miss any of his demands or shitty remarks.
He leaned back in his chair, sighing to himself. Al was never really the type to often feel emotionally drained. And when he did, he hid it rather well. But today he was in no mood for putting on a false smile.
“Al?” Said that same old sweet voice. He lifted his head, now staring at the beautiful woman smiling at him from the doorway.
“What?!” He barked, wanting to curse at himself for sounding so harsh. But it seemed that he really couldn’t help it.
Y/n didn’t look too bothered. She was quite used to his outbursts and mood swings. In fact, she was the only one who put up with them. And Al secretly appreciated that.
“I’m sorry,” Al admitted. “What’s the matter?”
Y/n gave another soft smile. “Nothing it’s just.. well it’s getting a late.. that’s all. We should probably head home.”
“It ain’t late. You’ll last another half hour.” Al said, clutching the pen in his hand.
She glanced at the clock above him, ticking relentlessly. “Al, it’s almost ten at night..”
Al sighed again, rubbing his tired eyes. “I gotta sort out these checks for Johnny, doll..”
Y/n walked over to him, closing the door behind her. Her heels clicked on the hard flooring. A sound that irritated most, but soothed Al knowing it was her presence.
“You gonna tell me what’s the matter?” She asked, brushing his hair back with her fingers.
He knew that stern look meant she sensed something was up. But he still didn’t feel like talking. He put some of the papers away, beginning to finish up.
“Just.. just gimme fifteen minutes, huh? I’ll get my coat and hat from Billy. I Left it at the bar. Then i’ll bring the car around. After that, you can meet me out front.” Al’s eyes looked as though they were practically pleading for dismissal on the conversation.
She slowly nodded, walking away and closing the door once again. Al just sheepishly rubbed his nose and closed his eyes, knowing she’d somehow get this outta him when they got back.
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The drive home wasn’t as bad as he expected. She’d managed to take his mind off a lot of the things that had been pestering him lately. She never failed to do so.
Just this one damn thing.
The one thing that he was scared to admit in case she thought any less of a man about him after he’d spoke up on it. Al knew she was constantly understanding, but it was more the burning feeling of embarrassment he couldn’t stand.
They skipped dinner that night. No wonder seeing as it was even later now. He didn’t want her to bother cooking at this time. Not when the reason they were home so late was his fault. Johnny easily wouldn’t have minded if Al got up early the next morning to come in and sort the shit that needed done. But Al was trying to do anything to distract himself from the confrontation he’d soon face at home.
As the two lay in bed, Y/n turned to him, and he knew the questions would soon start dropping.
“You gonna tell me what’s the matter now?” She blurted out, nestling herself closer into his chest.
Al rolled his eyes. “It’s nothin’.”
“Sure, sure. So there isn’t a particular reason why you’ve chose to be Gloomy Gus all day?” Y/n pushed further.
He sat up a little, trying to avoid eye contact. “Cmon, doll. Lay off a bit, huh?”
Y/n wasn’t amused with his answer. “Alphonse, per favore aprimi.”
His eyes widened a little as she spoke to him in Italian, knowing she was now getting serious. But alas, he had no interest in opening up.
“Non voglio.” Al replied, closing his eyes.
She was getting frustrated, feeling unsettled by the awkward atmosphere. “Al, per favore!”
“Fine! You wanna know so bad? It’s these fuckin’ scars!”
The room fell silent, and the corners of her lips twitched downward into a small frown. She wasn’t expecting that answer.
“The scars,” Al said. “They’ve just.. I dunno.. been botherin’ me lately..”
Y/n raised a brow, trying to understand but was still very confused. “Are they.. um.. hurting?”
“No!” He spat. It was clear he himself was also getting frustrated, not knowing what to say next. “They’ve healed by now. They’re fine. It’s just.. I-I don’t like em as much as people think I do.”
She blinked. “You mean when people think you always take pride in the nickname Scarface?” 
“Yeah.” Al replied, fidgeting with his vest.
Y/n sat up to his level, gently pulling away from his touch. “Who said what.”
“Who said what.” She repeated. “You never usually care about them. What’s got you so upset like this?”
Al huffed, feeling that same old feeling of his cheeks burning hot with embarrassment. “Couple a’ guys on the business thing with Johnny. Smug little fucks. Ain’t ever got under my skin as bad as this..”
She gave him a gentle smile, wrapping an arm around him. “You’re still beautiful, Al.”
“I know.” He joked, giving a slight smirk, which soon fell back into a frown. Even right now he wasn’t in the mood to be as sarky as he always was.
“I mean it,” Y/n told him, taking him by the hand.
He looked up at her, those chocolate brown eyes sparkling with adoration. Something that never failed to make her melt.
“Your scars aren’t a weakness, Al. Neither are your feelings. Only you can be your own enemy here and treat them like they are. I’ve known you for fuckin’ years. With and without them,” she smiled, gesturing to the scars down the left side of his face. “They aren’t a flaw. Some may see them as hauntingly beautiful. But me? I just see the beauty part. Nothing else.”
Al began to chuckle, and that chuckle soon turned into a giggle, then his classic booming laughter that was practically music to her ears.
“Ain’t that somethin’..” He grinned, still laughing.
Al put his hand on her cheek, caressing it. “Is this the part where I say you’re the best little fuckin’ beauty i’ve seen in my life?”
She giggled, laughing along with him now. “I don’t think you’d be opposed to it.”
He pressed a kiss to her lips, inhaling her sweet scent. She had always been his little doll. And perhaps him being her Scarface wasn’t the end of the world. Atleast it meant he was hers.
“I love you, doll.”
“And I love you, my Scarface in shinin’ armour.”
Al kissed her again. “Some pair a’ cheesy fucks we are.”
man this has motivated me to write a shit ton for al in boardwalk empire now. if you have requests for him, SEND EM IN!!
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comfort-person · 2 years ago
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Publicity stunt
This GIF IM SORRY WHAT?!!!! 😩😩😩😩 anyways moving on this story is based on the ‘one bed’ trope. Yes I’m obsessed. I hope you all enjoy!!
Synopsis: you and Harry are forced to be a publicity stunt. He is your boyfriend for one year. A signed contract. But one problem… you hate each other.
Harry styles x fem! Reader
The lights of the paparazzis blinded you and Harry, Harry’s head bowed as his arm was wrapped tightly around you giving the impression of a protective boyfriend protecting his girlfriend his slender fingers wrapped around your hip as you both walked towards the doors of the five star hotel. Fans were screaming, shoving pictures and cd’s towards him attempting to get his attention but all he wanted to do was relax… what a day it had been. He was chewing a piece of gum, curly hair messy but driving the girls and guys wild as usual. His other hand was holding his water bottle, his sunglasses and his car keys… yes he did in fact have pretty big hands.
Once inside of the hotel, away from the eyes of the public you pulled away from Harry not saying anything to him as you walked to your guys’ hotel room. Eventually once at the right room you slid the card in before pulling it out abruptly the green light flickering slightly letting you know it had been unlocked before you pushed the door open, not holding it open for the man as instead it slammed into his arm “thanks.” He spoke sarcastically, you would’ve said something even more sarcastic if it wasn’t for the issue that had now made itself apparent to you… one fucking bed. Great! Just your luck, right? “Are you serious? Harry didn’t you say you got two separate beds?” You asked Harry dropping his stuff onto the desk
“Yes. I did. But clearly they didn’t listen… it isn’t my fault.” He spoke and you glared at him “not your fault? Pfft.” You scoffed, Harry’s cold green eyes boring into you as he stared an annoyed unimpressed look on his face “and earlier you called me childish. Grow the fuck up y/n.” He spat out, your attention now on him, a steamy angry emotion in both of you as you glared into each others eyes “it’s. a. bed. If you’re so unhappy with it sleep on the floor.” He muttered annoyed before sitting down on the bed, the outside world was already dark, and harry was just about ready for bed. You couldn’t believe what he was saying and hated the fact that he just didn’t seem to care… he was truly a fucking asshole. Gods could your life get any worse? “People describe you as a gentleman… apparently you’re not. Because if you were you would’ve offered to sleep on the floor… cliche but if you did I might actually like you.” You spoke, yet didn’t even get a response from him. He just ignored you. Blatantly ignoring you. It pissed you off. Yet you watched as he soon grabbed a hold of a pillow neither of you would use before he stuffed a pillow in between the already laid out pillows- the one pillow standing up right creating an invisible equal line down the middle of the bed, “there… better princess.” He spoke sarcastically and you glared at him annoyed “you stick to your side. I stick to mine.” He spoke and you just nodded your head, before hurrying into the bathroom with your pyjamas, Harry getting changed himself before the both of you decided to wind down for the night.
Harry’s back was facing you, your back facing him too, the pillow being a lot of help actually yet you couldn’t get comfortable whatsoever. It was as if something was bugging you… and you forced yourself to believe it was him that was bugging you. But in reality it was this whole entire situation… you liked harry… and hated the fact that you both had to go around hiding these stupid fucking lies. You had been fidgeting nonstop for a good hour and a half, Harry’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the wall blankly… he was really biting his tongue. But that’s when your cold foot touched the back of his leg his body jumping
“Jesus Christ y/n! You’re freezing… stop fidgeting and go to sleep” he spoke, voice laced with tiredness the deepness making his voice crackle slightly. “Okay. ‘m sorry.” You muttered before rolling onto your stomach before attempting to sleep again, Harry’s eyes fluttering shut as he sighed softly, relaxing all until a minute later you were moving again- bed creaking, foot colliding with Harry’s ass “ow!” He rolled onto his back neck craned to look at you “will you stop? You’re certainly doing that on purpose.” He spoke, your brows furrowed in discomfort “I’m sorry… I can’t sleep… can’t get comfortable. I miss my home… my own bed…” you murmured Harry’s eyes opening slightly wider as he listened to you “well… you’ll be able to go home sooner once you fall asleep.” He spoke before attempting to roll back over and sleep only to be grabbed by your gentle hand eyes full of sadness and worry
“Harry…” you whispered “y/n.” He spoke in the same tone “hold me.” Those words practically stumped Harry, as he froze, blinking- utterly baffled. Did he just hear you right. “What?” “Hold me Harry. Please… I- I can’t sleep unless close to someone… or something…” usually you had your back pressed against the wall but there was no wall either of the sides of the bed. All apart from Harry. Harry closed his eyes, exhaling quietly before shaking his head “fine.” He rolled over to face you, you rolling over again so your back was facing him before you backed up into his warm embrace- back pressing against his chest, his arms lightly wrapping around your waist hands closed into fists to make sure to not touch you without you wanting him to, your body soon relaxing as you closed your eyes, Harry relaxing too as slowly but surely the both of you fell into somewhat of a peaceful sleep.
Hours passed before eventually it was morning again, 6am to be precise. You would’ve slept in longer if it wasn’t for the fact that Harry’s fans were screaming his name… one side yelling ‘Harry’ another yelling ‘styles’ it was continuous. Annoying. Frustrating.
Your eyes fluttered open confused, a soft groan leaving your lips, yet that soon became the least of your worries as you soon realised you were not facing a wall anymore… but rather Harry himself… your chest pressed against his, face inches from his, your eyes widening slightly in shock…. You must’ve really gotten comfortable last night… Jesus. You stared shocked but didn’t attempt to move as you soon instead found yourself admiring him… his lips… his nose…. The way his eyelashes brushed against the tops of his cheeks… his hair sprawled out onto the pillow lips slightly pouted, arms still wrapped around you tightly and securely. His defined jawline and cheekbones making your stomach flutter. So much so you carefully reached your arm behind you grabbing your phone as you quickly but efficiently took a picture of him asleep, immediately posting it to Instagram keeping your eyes on him but also your phone to make sure he didn’t see you doing such a… romantic? Thing.
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A sudden “you know it’s rude to stare,” making you jump a small lazy smirk on Harry’s lips as he stared at you. You quickly turned your phone off dropping it by your side as you stared at him “sorry..” you smiled softly staring at him the feeling you had towards him was now of fondness rather than resentment. “Want to hear a joke?” He asked softly voice lazy and amused and you hummed watching as he smirked “right… okay.. what do you call a dinosaur who constantly kicks you up the bum?” You shook your head not knowing “a megasoreass…” your lips immediately upturned into a smile as you laughed “that’s so fucking stupid Harry.” You giggled out “okay okay I’ve got one…. What do you call someone who crosses the road to find a chicken?” Harry stared confused “uh I don’t know.” “Harry styles.” You spoke, Harry’s eyes narrowing as he glared at you playfully “well who’s the one who likes chicken here? I only eat fish… soo… I guess it’s really y/n y/l/n hm” he smirked at you your smile remaining yet both your faces began to relax as he began leaning in, you moving closer to him as well before the inevitable happened…
Your lips met with his, the pillow that once kept you both from being close to each other now was a place for both your heads to rest, Harry’s hand coming to cup your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek bone as he kissed you deeply but passionately, eyes fluttered shut, growing more heated, his free hand sliding down your waist and your hands grasping onto his shoulders tightly hands soon curling into his hair, tugging slightly before eventually you were both forced to pull away…. Breathing heavily… looking into each others eyes as Harry stared at you
“Shit…” he murmured
“Shit.” You repeated after him studying his eyes silently… there’s no going back now, right? “Fuck it.” You whispered, lips colliding with his again as you kissed him passionately, the kisses messy and sloppy as his hands travelled down your waist, until eventually you were pulled on-top of him the filthy make out session continuing… and well….
The rest is history.
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thewritersofdeceased · 1 year ago
can you write like fluff or smut with Billy Loomis? I dont rlly have a request on how I want it so go crazy with it !!
I'm so sorry this is so late, I've been busy!! I hope you enjoy <3
Prompt : “Come on! Late night drive?" Sleepy Billy x Reader <3 Gender Neutral/ They/Them pronouns
Gif credits to the respective owner <3
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Rain drops fell down the window, the comforting sound being the only thing Y/N could focus on. Staring down at the papers spread out on the desk. It was the best time of night. The rain was always comforting to Y/N. Seeing as it wasn't heavy. At least tonight. They hadn't heard the knocking on the window before hearing a heavy one. "What the..?" They paused in their writing before standing to their feet.
Who would be at their house at this time of night? Let alone in the rain? A sigh escaped the (h/c)'d individual, looking towards their window only seconds after. Taking a step towards it and opening the window, they only jumped when they heard a quick "Boo!" from right in front of them. Their eyes widened as they stared at the sight in front of them. Billy Loomis, their boyfriend, stood with a teasing smile across his face. "Jesus, Billy! You scared the shit out of me!" Y/N muttered, moving out of the way of the window so their boyfriend could climb in.
Billy was soaked from head to toe, at least due to the rain that had begun to fall much more harshly onto the streets and yards of Woodsboro. Shaking his head like a dog, Loomis held a smirk across his face upon scaring his partner. "That's my job. What are you doing?" He questioned, beginning to walk around the room his partner always seemed to reside in. He paused when he noticed all the papers that resigned on their desk. "School work? On a weekend?" He questioned after, raising a brow at the other.
"Why do work, when you can go on a late night drive?" He asked right after, picking up a piece of paper from the desk and looking to his partner with a smirk. "What- Billy, I can't." Y/N said after, shaking their head and taking the paper out of their boyfriends hand. This only led a dramatic sigh to escape the brunette, staring at Y/N with a calm look. "Come onnn! You can do the work later. Come on a late night drive with me." He spoke, taking ahold of Y/N's hands and holding them in his own.
After a couple seconds, a sigh escaped Y/N. Billy was convincing. "Fine. I'll go." They muttered, Billy letting a smile begin to form on his face as he looked to his partner. "Then let's get going."
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harry-styles-obsessed · 2 years ago
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Publicity stunt
This GIF IM SORRY WHAT?!!!! 😩😩😩😩 anyways moving on this story is based on the ‘one bed’ trope. Yes I’m obsessed. I hope you all enjoy!!
Synopsis: you and Harry are forced to be a publicity stunt. He is your boyfriend for one year. A signed contract. But one problem… you hate each other.
Harry styles x fem! reader
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
The lights of the paparazzis blinded you and Harry, Harry’s head bowed as his arm was wrapped tightly around you giving the impression of a protective boyfriend protecting his girlfriend his slender fingers wrapped around your hip as you both walked towards the doors of the five star hotel. Fans were screaming, shoving pictures and cd’s towards him attempting to get his attention but all he wanted to do was relax… what a day it had been. He was chewing a piece of gum, curly hair messy but driving the girls and guys wild as usual. His other hand was holding his water bottle, his sunglasses and his car keys… yes he did in fact have pretty big hands.
Once inside of the hotel, away from the eyes of the public you pulled away from Harry not saying anything to him as you walked to your guys’ hotel room. Eventually once at the right room you slid the card in before pulling it out abruptly the green light flickering slightly letting you know it had been unlocked before you pushed the door open, not holding it open for the man as instead it slammed into his arm “thanks.” He spoke sarcastically, you would’ve said something even more sarcastic if it wasn’t for the issue that had now made itself apparent to you… one fucking bed. Great! Just your luck, right? “Are you serious? Harry didn’t you say you got two separate beds?” You asked Harry dropping his stuff onto the desk
“Yes. I did. But clearly they didn’t listen… it isn’t my fault.” He spoke and you glared at him “not your fault? Pfft.” You scoffed, Harry’s cold green eyes boring into you as he stared an annoyed unimpressed look on his face “and earlier you called me childish. Grow the fuck up y/n.” He spat out, your attention now on him, a steamy angry emotion in both of you as you glared into each others eyes “it’s. a. bed. If you’re so unhappy with it sleep on the floor.” He muttered annoyed before sitting down on the bed, the outside world was already dark, and harry was just about ready for bed. You couldn’t believe what he was saying and hated the fact that he just didn’t seem to care… he was truly a fucking asshole. Gods could your life get any worse? “People describe you as a gentleman… apparently you’re not. Because if you were you would’ve offered to sleep on the floor… cliche but if you did I might actually like you.” You spoke, yet didn’t even get a response from him. He just ignored you. Blatantly ignoring you. It pissed you off. Yet you watched as he soon grabbed a hold of a pillow neither of you would use before he stuffed a pillow in between the already laid out pillows- the one pillow standing up right creating an invisible equal line down the middle of the bed, “there… better princess.” He spoke sarcastically and you glared at him annoyed “you stick to your side. I stick to mine.” He spoke and you just nodded your head, before hurrying into the bathroom with your pyjamas, Harry getting changed himself before the both of you decided to wind down for the night.
Harry’s back was facing you, your back facing him too, the pillow being a lot of help actually yet you couldn’t get comfortable whatsoever. It was as if something was bugging you… and you forced yourself to believe it was him that was bugging you. But in reality it was this whole entire situation… you liked harry… and hated the fact that you both had to go around hiding these stupid fucking lies. You had been fidgeting nonstop for a good hour and a half, Harry’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the wall blankly… he was really biting his tongue. But that’s when your cold foot touched the back of his leg his body jumping
“Jesus Christ y/n! You’re freezing… stop fidgeting and go to sleep” he spoke, voice laced with tiredness the deepness making his voice crackle slightly. “Okay. ‘m sorry.” You muttered before rolling onto your stomach before attempting to sleep again, Harry’s eyes fluttering shut as he sighed softly, relaxing all until a minute later you were moving again- bed creaking, foot colliding with Harry’s ass “ow!” He rolled onto his back neck craned to look at you “will you stop? You’re certainly doing that on purpose.” He spoke, your brows furrowed in discomfort “I’m sorry… I can’t sleep… can’t get comfortable. I miss my home… my own bed…” you murmured Harry’s eyes opening slightly wider as he listened to you “well… you’ll be able to go home sooner once you fall asleep.” He spoke before attempting to roll back over and sleep only to be grabbed by your gentle hand eyes full of sadness and worry
“Harry…” you whispered “y/n.” He spoke in the same tone “hold me.” Those words practically stumped Harry, as he froze, blinking- utterly baffled. Did he just hear you right. “What?” “Hold me Harry. Please… I- I can’t sleep unless close to someone… or something…” usually you had your back pressed against the wall but there was no wall either of the sides of the bed. All apart from Harry. Harry closed his eyes, exhaling quietly before shaking his head “fine.” He rolled over to face you, you rolling over again so your back was facing him before you backed up into his warm embrace- back pressing against his chest, his arms lightly wrapping around your waist hands closed into fists to make sure to not touch you without you wanting him to, your body soon relaxing as you closed your eyes, Harry relaxing too as slowly but surely the both of you fell into somewhat of a peaceful sleep.
Hours passed before eventually it was morning again, 6am to be precise. You would’ve slept in longer if it wasn’t for the fact that Harry’s fans were screaming his name… one side yelling ‘Harry’ another yelling ‘styles’ it was continuous. Annoying. Frustrating.
Your eyes fluttered open confused, a soft groan leaving your lips, yet that soon became the least of your worries as you soon realised you were not facing a wall anymore… but rather Harry himself… your chest pressed against his, face inches from his, your eyes widening slightly in shock…. You must’ve really gotten comfortable last night… Jesus. You stared shocked but didn’t attempt to move as you soon instead found yourself admiring him… his lips… his nose…. The way his eyelashes brushed against the tops of his cheeks… his hair sprawled out onto the pillow lips slightly pouted, arms still wrapped around you tightly and securely. His defined jawline and cheekbones making your stomach flutter. So much so you carefully reached your arm behind you grabbing your phone as you quickly but efficiently took a picture of him asleep, immediately posting it to Instagram keeping your eyes on him but also your phone to make sure he didn’t see you doing such a… romantic? Thing.
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A sudden “you know it’s rude to stare,” making you jump a small lazy smirk on Harry’s lips as he stared at you. You quickly turned your phone off dropping it by your side as you stared at him “sorry..” you smiled softly staring at him the feeling you had towards him was now of fondness rather than resentment. “Want to hear a joke?” He asked softly voice lazy and amused and you hummed watching as he smirked “right… okay.. what do you call a dinosaur who constantly kicks you up the bum?” You shook your head not knowing “a megasoreass…” your lips immediately upturned into a smile as you laughed “that’s so fucking stupid Harry.” You giggled out “okay okay I’ve got one…. What do you call someone who crosses the road to find a chicken?” Harry stared confused “uh I don’t know.” “Harry styles.” You spoke, Harry’s eyes narrowing as he glared at you playfully “well who’s the one who likes chicken here? I only eat fish… soo… I guess it’s really y/n y/l/n hm” he smirked at you your smile remaining yet both your faces began to relax as he began leaning in, you moving closer to him as well before the inevitable happened…
Your lips met with his, the pillow that once kept you both from being close to each other now was a place for both your heads to rest, Harry’s hand coming to cup your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek bone as he kissed you deeply but passionately, eyes fluttered shut, growing more heated, his free hand sliding down your waist and your hands grasping onto his shoulders tightly hands soon curling into his hair, tugging slightly before eventually you were both forced to pull away…. Breathing heavily… looking into each others eyes as Harry stared at you
“Shit.” He murmured
“Shit.” You repeated after him studying his eyes silently… there’s no going back now, right? “Fuck it.” You whispered, lips colliding with his again as you kissed him passionately, the kisses messy and sloppy as his hands travelled down your waist, until eventually you were pulled on-top of him the filthy make out session continuing… and well….
The rest is history.
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itsthestutterforme · 1 year ago
Good Company 1/2 (Rafe Cameron x black!reader)
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Summary: You and Rafe were together since you were in high school. But then Rafe fell into his addiction and he pushed you away from him so you could be safe. But for how long?
Prompt credit @literary-lesbo : “I did care. I used to care.”
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, dark themes (addiction, murder, suggestive themes), soft!reader, soft!Rafe, a mix of fluff and angst
Things between you and Rafe were painful. Complicated at best.
You haven’t spoke to him since he ghosted you, yet you’ve been seeing him everywhere lately. But it wasn’t always like that.
For a while, it was like he disappeared off the island. Until a few months ago when reappeared with a different style and a buzzcut, walking next to what you assumed was his partner in crime.
You’ve seen him at all your usual spots; the grocery store, your local gym, your favorite restaurant. You were starting to think that it was on purpose.
But then again, it is a small town so maybe you were reading too much into it.
You, Sarah, John B, JJ, Kiara, Pope and John’s dad were headed to Barbados to find El Dorado. You and John B approach the plane where Rafe and Sarah were arguing.
“Whatever, Rafe.” Sarah retorts. Rafe grabbed Sarah’s arm and pulled her close.
“That didn’t answer my question,” “Okay! Yes, I’ll make sure he’s safe in Barbados. Jesus, Rafe.”
Sarah rips her arm away from him, stumbling back a bit and John B caught her.
You brushed past him and stepped onto the stairs when you heard Rafe calling after you.
You turned around on the first step of the plane and Rafe approached you, looking at you slightly from the height advantage .
“Can you make sure he gets home safe?” He asks, his desperate gaze meeting yours. “Please,” he adds when you hesitate.
The engine roared to life, shaking the ground beneath your feet but Rafe’s gaze remained on you.
“Okay, I’ll do it.” You agreed and he nods softly. “What’s the point of asking me if you were just going to ask her?” Sarah asks.
“Because I changed my mind. And because I trust her.”
“Get out the way man,” John B says, pushing him to the side to walk up the steps to the plane but Rafe stops him.
“And you. If I hear anything happened to him. I mean anything. I will come after you.” Rafe threatens, shoving John B back a few steps.
“Not the best thing to say to a Pogue, Rafe. Who knows? Maybe the emergency hatch will open and Ward ‘accidentally’ slip out.”
“You son of a bitch!” Rafe grabs John B’s shirt and winds his arm back to hit him.
“Rafe, stop!” Sarah pleads. “Shut the fuck up, Sarah!” He was starting to spiral.
His yells caught Pope and JJ’s attention. You held a hand up to stop them when they try to leave the plane.
Sarah tries to pull Rafe’s arm back so he doesn’t hit John B and he shoves her to the ground.
You stepped off the stairs and approached Rafe and John B spewing threats at each other. “Rafe, you asked me to take care of Ward. Me, not him.”
You notice Rafe’s grip loosen the longer you spoke. “I will get him where needs to go. Just trust me.” You add, gently touching his arm.
Rafe lets John B go and you motion for him to get on the plane. Rafe smooths a hand over his head and started to pace. “Do you trust me?” You asked.
“I trust you,” he answers softly. “Then leave. Go back to whatever is you were doing and don’t stress over things you can’t control.”
“Okay,” he repeats to himself. You waited for him to turn and walk to his car before getting on the plane.
“What the fuck was that?” JJ asks when the flight assistant closes the door of the plane.
“It was just Rafe being Rafe,” John B explains. “But what I don’t get is why he trusts you?” He adds, eyeing you suspiciously.
“She always could calm him down when he got bad,” Sarah says, rubbing her elbow. “What the hell does that mean?” JJ asks.
“From the looks of it, he hasn’t gotten any better. Has he?” Sarah’s silence told you everything you needed to know.
“Are you okay?” You asked, sitting down next to her. “Yeah, it’s just a sprain. I think.” She says with a pained smile.
“You’re really not going to answer our questions?” JJ prods.
“Okay, fine. We had a history. We used to date.” You answer coolly.
“So you’re a Kook then?” JJ asks, adjusting in his seat. “JJ,” Kiara scolds.
“What? When you date a Kook, you become a Kook like them. They never want you to be you. They’ll want to change you to become more like them.” JJ explains.
“I’m not going to defend myself to you. I used to date Rafe and now I don’t. It’s that simple,” you said with a sigh.
Sarah knew a lot about the life you’ve had before you met Rafe. The only one who knew more was Ward. It wasn’t that simple at all.
Before any of them could respond, you stood from your chair and grabbed a bottle of tequila.
“Y/N,” Sarah calls after you as you head toward the back of the plane. “Great job, JJ.” Kiara says sarcastically.
You wiped your sweaty palms on your jean shorts, letting out a shaky breath. Your mind drifted to the haunting sight of Ward bleeding out below you.
Everything happened so fast. John Sr. fought one of the armed men for the gun and a shot rung out.
You were pushed out of the way, your shoulder skimming the rough bark of the palm tree on the way down.
The wind was knocked out of you when your body hit the ground. Your vision blurred a moment as you attempted to sit up on the ground.
Your eyes widened when your things came to focus. John B was yelling for his dad over the massive ledge the group was forced into by the armed men.
Kiara was holding a crying Sarah and you followed her gaze to Ward with a bullet in his chest.
He let out a pained wheeze, blood spluttering out of his mouth. He reached for you and your limped over to him, taking into his hand into yours.
Tears threatened to leave your eyes when you saw the torturous expression on his face.
He was in a lot of pain and there was nothing you could do about it besides hold his hand.
“I’m so sorry, Ward.” You whimper. He attempts to speak but it came out as a grunt. He squeezed your hand for dear life.
“Y-you tell Rafe that I’m proud of him. M’proud of you too.” His shaky voice rattled in your head since the JJ and Pope dragged you back into the plane after you begged them to help bury Ward.
A seagull’s call brought you out of your thoughts. You wiped away some stray tears trailing down your cheeks.
You were parked in front of the Tannyhill house but haven’t had the courage of getting out of the car yet. But delaying telling Rafe isn’t helping anyone.
You slid out of the car and locked the doors, rubbing your arms anxiously as you neared the front door. You rapped on the door and took a few steps back.
Barry opens the door with a gun in his free hand. You’re not phased at all by the sight.
“Is Rafe here?” “Sure is, baby. What, you his girlfriend or something?”
You cleared your throat when his mocha colored eyes raked your form. “I’m.. just a friend,” you added softly.
“Come on in,” he opens the door wider and clicked the safety on before sliding the gun under his belt.
You followed Barry into the living room where Rafe had papers scattered on the table, separating his attention between looking at a paper and typing something in his computer.
“Who is it, Barry?” Rafe questions, his lips parting when he looked up from his computer to see you.
“Yeah, I had a similar reaction when I first saw her. You’re a dumbass for letting her go, Country Club.”
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” He looks back to the computer to key something in.
Your silence alarmed him; he watched as you continued to rub the sides of your arms.
“We need to talk,” You finally spoke and Rafe looked at you quizzically. He slowly shut his computer and stands from his chair.
“That doesn’t sound too good,” Barry retorts. “I’ll call you later to talk about the investments.”
“Alright man. Nice to meet you, Y/N.” You gave him a small smile when he looked to you before leaving.
Glancing at Rafe, who was leaning against the dining room table with his arms crossed and his eyes locked in on you.
“What happened?” He asks, breaking the silence. His heart spiked when you let out a shaky breath.
“We landed in the field down the way from Ward’s property. And there were armed men waiting for us when we got there. I don’t know how but they were able to trace your family’s funds to that property.”
“Fucking Singh. I’m going to kill him.”
“There were two men and they pinned us on a ledge. It took all of us to overpower one of them and John Sr. tried to take the gun away from the other one but a shot got off. Ward pushed me out of the way and t-the bullet hit his chest,” you continued with tears blurring in your eyes.
“No. No, I don’t believe you.”
“I held his hand until his last breath and I buried him. He’s gone, Rafe. S-so is Rose. Wheezie was the only one left alive.” You said, unable to keep yourself together at the last part.
“Where is she now?” “I called Rose’s sister. Turns out she was on vacation in Barbados.”
“I trusted you,” he says, baring his teeth making you grimace.
“He wanted me to tell you that he was proud of you. Of us.” You uttered, taking a step to console him but he stands from his spot.
“Get out,” “Rafe, I don’t think-“ “GET. OUT.” You jumped at his outburst and rushing out of the room.
“FUCK!” He yells followed by glass shattering and a loud thud. You swung the door open to run back to your car when the house fell silent.
Stilling holding the door in your hand, you looked over your shoulder when you heard faint sobs.
Against your own judgements, you walked back into the house. “Rafe?”
You took cautious steps down the hall until you reached the dining room where you previously stood.
Rafe sat on the couch with his face in his hands, his chest heaving as he cried. You repeat his name but he doesn’t acknowledge you.
You slowly approached him until you were standing directly in front of him.
“He had to be dying for him to say he was proud of me. I’ve waited my whole life for him to say that and he never did.” He pointed, pulling away from his hands to stare up at you.
“Hell he told you he was proud of you more than he told me.” “I never meant for any of this to happen, Rafe.”
“I know. And it wasn’t fair for me to blame you when it was out of your control. I’m sorry.” He apologized, throwing you completely off guard.
He’s never apologized to you before. “I don’t know why I turned around. I..” he pressed his face into your stomach, letting out a deep sigh.
Your hand naturally rested on the back of his neck, caressing the skin where his hairline starts.
“I guess it’s because I know what it’s like to lose someone and to go through the pain alone. And I don’t want that to happen to you.” You explained softly.
He lifts his head up so his chin was against your sternum. A breath hitched in your throat from how close your faces were.
“Y/N, I know I fucked up when I-“ “I’m not here to reconcile. I don’t need you to explain anything to me, Rafe. I found closure on my own and anything you say will just confuse me.”
You turned away to leave but he caught your wrists, holding them gently. As he stood, he pressed your hands against his chest.
“Just please hear me out,” he pleads, waiting for you to nod before continuing.
“I was addicted to coke and I was an alcoholic. A dangerous mix and I didn’t want you caught up in that. I knew you would fight to stick around because you didn’t me to feel like you abandoned me. But I had to change for myself and I needed to do that alone.”
You took in the weight of his words silence. You could feel his heart pattering under your hands.
This doesn’t mean we’re on good terms,” “That’s fair but you deserved to know.”
He looks so drained, and a part of you felt guilty for possibly being the reason why. A shimmer around his neck caught your eye.
You had first noticed it at the airstrip but didn’t think it was the right time to ask.
You pulled the gold chain from under his dress shirt. To your surprise, it was the necklace you got him for Valentine’s Day. A small plate with your first initial engraved into it.
“You still wear it?” You asked in a hushed tone. “Of course I still wear it,” “I.. I didn’t think you cared,” “I did care. I used to care.. I do care.”
“I’d like to stay with for a little while, if that’s okay.” You said after a long pause.
His body relaxed a bit from your words. You took his hand and led him to sit down next to you.
You laid on your back and opened your arms for him. He hesitated a moment before sliding in between your legs and eased his head on your chest.
He hums softly when you traced patterns on his back. His tears stained the crop top you were wearing. The sound of his sniffles became more prominent in the room.
You remained quiet for a long while, wanting to give him the space to be vulnerable without being judged. He slides a hand under your back to pull you closer to him.
If that was even possible.
“I’m here, Rafe,”
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strangerficsxx · 5 months ago
Chapter Three: The Monster and The Superhero
story: Midnight Rain wc: 3.8k jennifer, steve and dustin take max to talk to ms. kelley before traveling to the high school to retrieve answers on her condition and to find a way to help max.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ March 23, 1986 }
Jennifer sat between her brother and Max in the backseat. In front of her, Robin sits in the passenger seat whilst Steve sits in the driver's seat.
"Dustin, can you please scoot over?" Jennifer asks.
"If I keeping moving any further, my ass is gonna be out the car!" He exclaims.
"Oh, my God. You two are unbelievable."
Max earns a glance of annoyance from the Henderson siblings, rolling her eyes in the process. Jennifer holds two grocery bags full of various foods. From cereal to chips.
"Steve, how much longer?"
"A couple more minutes," He responds, glancing down at his wrist watch.
They arrive as Steve turns of the ignition. Dustin, Jennifer and Max slide out the backseat. Jennifer stretched her legs and body, feeling relief. However, the tension was still prominent in her head. She ignored it, reaching in and grabbing the bags from the backseat that she once had in her hands. The small group stayed at Steve's car, but Jennifer approached the little shack.
She checked through all the windows and decided that the coast was clear, quickly ushering from the house to the boathouse, slipping inside before the other's could see her.
"Eddie," Jennifer called, setting the bags down on a wooden stool.
Eddie appeared from under the tarp once again, the look on his face was between panic and relief.
"You look like hell, Munson."
"thank you." He smiled sarcastically at her. He playfully rolled his eyes, standing across from her and folded his arms to his chest.
A few moments of silence passed between them, but Eddie soon broke it. "Forgive me, for my meretriciousness. I should've asked if you were okay last night--"
"Eddie, it's okay. Really."
"Jennifer, if it's not, I'm a shitty person."
"Don't say that,"
"No, its true. You were my guest, and I should've treated you better. I'm really sorry for not being a better friend."
"Munson," Jennifer called. "I'm okay, you're okay. We're okay, and got out of there,"
"But you could be a suspect, and I don't want that for you."
"I exited out the back, and ran through some bushes so I wasn't seen. Who knows, I could've left prior."
With footsteps approaching, Eddie was skittish. However, Jennifer forgot to mention that Steve, Robin, Dustin and Max were bringing in groceries. She felt bad for not mentioning anything. The door is thrown open as it collides with the wall behind it, creating a loud bang in the process. Eddie curses as the gang shows up with more bags.
"Delivery service," Dustin beamed, holding his bags up higher for Eddie to see.
Eddie exhaled, stepping toward Jennifer. Steve gently waved at the other male, setting the bags down.
"Jennifer, what happened back there? Why didn't you help us?"
"I'm sorry, Dustin. I wanted to see if your friend was alright, that's all."
"That's all?" Dustin asks. "Why were you with him?"
"Jesus, Dustin, give the interrogating a rest. Please! I wasn't with Eddie all night. I was with Steve really late at his house cause I was afraid of what happened to Chrissy might happen to one of us."
"They've been at since we picked them up." Steve mentioned.
Eddie nodded, grabbing a box of Honeycomb cereal. He sat down and opened the box and bag, grabbing a hand full and shoving it in his mouth. Chocolate milk in his other hand. They all gathered around the boat. Jennifer shared a nervous expression with Eddie then Steve.
"So we got some good news and some bad news." Dustin said, nervously bouncing his leg. "How do you prefer it?"
"Bad news first, always." Eddie spoke nonchalantly.
"Alright, bad news... We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you."
Eddie's face dropped.
"Also, they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy."
Max nodded, chiming in. "Like, 100% kind of convinced."
"And the good news?" Eddied questioned, still hopeful for himself.
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet.” Robin replied, an optimistic tone in her voice. “But if we found out about you, it’s only a matter of time before others do too. And once that gets out it's only a matter of time before everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."
"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie asked, fear prominent in his voice.
"Exactly," Robin nodded.
"Shit!" He sighed.
“So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence.” Dustin nodded, explaining his plan.
“That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?” Eddie grinned sarcastically.
“Yeah.” Dustin nodded eagerly. “Yeah, no that’s pretty much it.” He wasn’t picking up on the sarcasm in Eddie’s voice.
“Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin’s saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kind of thing before.” Robin nodded. “Well, they have, a few times. And I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based, and theirs was more smoke-related but bottom-line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.”
“See, usually we rely on this girl who has superpowers. But those went bye-bye, so...” Steve shrugged.
“So technically we’re more in kind of the-“ Robin couldn’t find the right words to articulate what she was thinking right now.
“Brainstorming phase.” Max finished for her, Robin and Steve nodding in agreement.
“There’s nothing to worry about. We’re basically pros at this now.”
Eddie looked like he was about to explode at the statement. His eyes grew wide as he tilted his head at Dustin. His mouth opened to speak but he was cut off by the sound of sirens flying past the property. Anxiety and fear rose, afraid Eddie would be discovered.
Jennifer rushed to cover Eddie back up with Robin helping, laying the tarp over him as the other three tan to the window to see where they were headed.
"Who was it?" Jennifer questioned herself quietly.
Steve turned around, looking at Robin and Jennifer with a sense of urgency. “I think we should check it out.” He said, patiently waiting for one of them to agree.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Jennifer agreed before Robin even had a moment to discuss with her.
Dustin, Max and Steve were out the door before she could comprehend it.
“Eddie, we’ll be back!” Jennifer called, practically tripping over her feet in the rush to get out the door. “Lay low and use your walkie for communication, we’ll see you later!”
Jennifer slid in the backseat of the vehicle, squished between Dustin and Max. Steve drove off and followed as best he could behind the hoard of emergency personnel. Just a couple more miles, Steve was forced to stop, pulling off to the side of the road behind a police car.
The brunette scoured the area, seeing emergency first responders everywhere; cops, EMT's. firefighters, and reporters. And Nancy was right in the thick of it, being interrogated by a new police chief. The female thought it was weird, but since Jim died, she didn't think much of it. She prefered Hopper and didn't like Officer Powell or Callahan.
She examined Nancy's face. Fear was visible with panic, glancing over at Jennifer and the others, calming down immediately before practically sprinting toward the small group.
She fell into Jennifer's arms with hesitation, hugging her shoulders tightly.
"You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you." She mumbled into the brunettes sweater.
Jennifer embraces her back, trying to comfort her the best way possible.
"What the hell happened?" She questioned, soon pulling away from a shaken Nancy.
She stiffened up once again, eyes fluttering back and forth between the five of them.
"It's a long story," She shrugged.
“You wanna talk about it?” Jennifer asked, keeping a comforting arm wrapped tightly around Nancy's shoulders.
She looked to her, eyes softening. She nodded.
"Yeah. I think we should talk."
Nancy stayed close to Jennifer which she found a little strange since her and Nancy weren't the best of friends. However, she and the six of them weaved their way through the crowd of people, settling themselves on a picnic table in the middle of the trailer park.
Nancy went first, telling them everything that led up to her losing track of Fred in the trailer park. How they went to investigate Chrissy’s murder, ended up talking to Eddie’s uncle, and then he was gone. Nancy spent basically all night looking for him before she finally decided to go to the police about it, but by then it was too late, he was already dead. Dustin went next, accompanied by creative comments made by Steve.
Telling Nancy about how Jennifer and the other's searched for Eddie, they found Reefer Rick’s address through the video store’s database, and getting the real scoop from Eddie. And also their theory about how the murders were once again, linked to an Upside Down-related creature.
“So, you’re saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it’s from the Upside Down?” Nancy asked, still unsure of what they were getting at.
“If the shoe fits.” Steve nodded.
“Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell, or a curse.” Dustin shrugged. “Now whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer, or if he just likes killing teens? We don’t know.”
Jennifer glanced at her boyfriend uneased, bouncing her leg anxiously. Steve noticed as his hand rested on her thigh gently, making her stop tapping her foot. Her cold hand rested on top of his, gripping his hand.
“All we know is that this is something different. Something new.” Max chimed in.
“It doesn’t make sense.” Nancy shook her head.
“It’s only a theory.” Dustin responded.
Nancy shook her head again. “No, Fred and Chrissy don’t make sense. I mean, why them?”
“Maybe they were just in the wrong place.” Dustin shrugged. “They were both at the game.”
“And near the trailer park.” Max said.
Steve’s eyes widened a bit. “We’re at the trailer park… Uh, should we maybe not be here?”
They all became a little paranoid in that moment, each of them turning and looking over their shoulders in fear.
“There is something about this place.” Nancy said. “Fred started acting weird the second we got here.”
“Acting weird, as in?” Robin asked.
Nancy shrugged. “Scared? On edge, upset?”
“Max said Chrissy was upset too.” Dustin looked up at her.
“Yeah, but not here.” Max replied. “She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
“Why didn't anyone call and tell me about this?” Jennifer pressed.
“I don't know, maybe because we didn't know till after you got here?” Dustin questioned, attitude prominent in his voice.
Jennifer rolled her eyes.
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?” Robin asked. “So, maybe Fred and Chrissy say this Vecman-”
“Vecna.” Dustin corrected, almost as if on cue.
“I don’t know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” Steve said, shrugging.
“Maybe they did.” Max said. “I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelly’s office… If you saw a monster, you wouldn’t go to the police. They’d never believe you.
“But you might go to your shrink.”
“Anyone know where Ms. Kelly lives?” Dustin asked, getting up from the bench and strapping on his backpack.
“Yeah, I think over on Elk Road.” Max nodded, also getting up.
“Okay then, it’s settled. Roadtrip.” Dustin grinned, walking eagerly towards Steve and Nancy’s cars.
Jennifer lead the way as Max followed closely behind him. Nancy, Robin and Steve not far behind her.
Nancy cut ahead of everyone, almost sprinting towards her car.
“Whoa, whoa, Nance!” Jennifer called, stopping her. “Where you going?”
Nancy looked like a deer caught in headlights. “There’s something I just wanna check on first.”
“Something you maybe wanna share with the rest us?” Dustin asked, clearly feeling left out.
Nancy looked down at the ground, as if almost embarrassed.
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“Yeah, okay… Are you out of your mind?” Steve scoffed. “Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? No, it’s too dangerous. You need- You need someone to…”
Steve sighed, turning and tossing his car keys to Robin.
“Uh?!” Jennifer scoffed, shaking her head at him.
A burning sensation entered her heart, like someone tore it out of her chest and ripped it apart or stomped on it.
“Here, I’ll stick with Nance.” Steve smiled. “You guys take the car, check out the shrink.”
Robin looked at the keys like she didn’t know what to do with them. “I don’t think you want me driving your car.”
“Why?” Steve asked, confused.
“I don’t have a license.”
“Why don’t you have a license?”
“I’m poor-“
“I can drive.” Max perked up.
Steve’s faced paled. “No, no, never again, please! Anybody but you! No.”
Dustin grinned, winking at Steve. “No chance.”
Steve turned to Jennifer.
“You never liked me driving your car. And, I don't think you'll want someone as anxious as me to drive.” She shrugged.
Steve was shit out of luck.
“Okay, this is stupid.” Robin snickered, grabbing Dustin’s supercom out of his backpack pocket, and tossing Steve his keys back. “Us ladies will stick together. Unless you think we need you to protect us?”
Jennifer stayed silent as Max giggled at that as Steve’s shoulders slumped in defeat. Nancy and Robin turned, heading back to Nancy’s car.
“Be careful!” Steve called after them.
Max got into the car, Jennifer did too, beating Dustin to the front seat.
“You’re in the back, bud, don’t forget.”
She clicked her tongue at him.
“You gonna stand there and gawk?” Dustin snapped at Steve, from his seat in the back.
“Shut up!” Steve snapped, breaking himself from his trance and turning to get into the car.
Jennifer was becoming annoyed once again, rolling her eyes probably for the one thousandth time since she's been back. However, her mind was occupied by Steve throwing himself at Nancy, worried he may be falling out of love with her. Tears began welling up in her eyes, but she quickly dismissed it.
“Did you wipe your feet?” Steve eyed Dustin in the rearview mirror, wiping his feet inside Steve's vehicle. “On the outside, not the inside!”
He snapped, seeing Dustin’s mischievous smile. Her and Steve entered the car, him starting the engine.
“Always the babysitter. Always the goddamn babysitter!” Steve complained.
Jennifer wasn't complaining, but she was quiet due to the commotion she witnessed prior. Steve muttered incoherent complaints the entire ride across town to Elk Road. Max and Dustin sat silently in the back, Max staring out the window, lost in her own thoughts.
When they got to Ms. Kelly’s, Max barely waited for Steve to hit the breaks before she jumped out of the car.
“I won’t be long, okay?” She said over her shoulder as she crossed the street.
The three of them watched as Max rang the doorbell, and Ms. Kelly answered. Then Max went inside.
“Okay, she’s in.” Steve announced, as if they weren’t all watching the exact same sequence of events take place.
“I’m missing collarbones, not eyes.” Dustin mumbled from the backseat.
Jennifer stifled a chuckle, thinking what to say.
“So, we gonna talk about it?” Jennifer asked, visibly pissed off.
“About what?” Steve asked, clueless.
“Your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at Nancy Wheeler?”
Steve whipped around to stare at Jennifer. “Okay, first of all, that’s not what happened!”
“Pretty sure that’s what happened.” She spat back, eyes avoiding his as she stared toward Ms. Kelly's front door.
Steve turned back to her. “Okay?!” He snapped.
“Should I be here for this?” Dustin questioned nervously.
“No. Step out the vehicle. The adults need to talk."
“Jesus Christ,” He curses, opening the door and stepping out. He shuts it, awkwardly standing close by.
Steve rolled up his windows, shuffling to where he's looking toward Jennifer. She was still staring out the window before she actually made eye contact with Steve.
“It was pretty public. There were a lot of witnesses.” Jennifer shrugged, shaking her head.
“Are you implying I still have a thing for Nancy?” Steve scoffed, eyes switching between his girlfriend and Dustin.
“Not implying, I'm stating. It’s pretty much the only logical explanation. If you don't love me, Steve, then just tell me. Please! Maybe I shouldn't of left. Maybe if I stayed, then you probably would still be in love with me... but you aren't. Are you?"
"Jennifer, that's... that's not it." Steve begins. "I love you so much, and was a wreck when you left for university. Ask Robin. Look, I've never loved anyone as much as I loved you, Jen."
"No, I'm serious. I know I've done and said that shit to Nancy, but I fell out of love after I slept with her."
"You don't need to explain."
He takes Jennifer's hand in his, gently gliding his thumb in soothing circles on her delicate skin.
"I saw the hurt in your eyes when you left my house that night in 1983. When you injured your arm in my backyard, and the other time when Wilhelmina died, and when Billy pushed you and made you hit your head and it began bleeding, and all the other times from the mall, Russians, other things. All the sympathy and yearning to comfort you filled my mind and body in ways that I can't understand or explain."
Tears well up in Jennifer's eyes as she knew the tone in Steve's voice was more resolute and sincere. He felt terrible, but owned up to his actions later on.
Jennifer used her other hand to snake it to the nape of Steve's neck. He softens at her touch as she does the same with him. Steve snakes his hand up to Jennifer's face, cupping her cheek gently. He then brings her lips to his. A few seconds pass before the pull back. A soft smile rests on Jennifer's face.
Suddenly Dustin enters the vehicle and a few more seconds later, Max reappeared. She raced toward the car. "Here she comes, here she comes!"
The red head got into Steve's vehicle.
"What'd she say?"
“Nothing, just drive.” Max said, slamming the door shut urgently.
“Nothing?” Steve asked.
“Steve, drive!” She snapped, warily urgent.
Steve put the car into drive, flooring it out of there before anyone could ask another question.
“Where am I driving to?”
“The school.”
The four of them weren't very far down the road when Dustin's intercom started crackling.
"Dustin, it's Lucas. Do you copy?"
“Lucas?” Dustin asked, frantically scrambling to dig the radio out of his bag. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Just listen!” Lucas said through the walkie. “Are you guys looking for Eddie?”
“Yeah, and we found him- No thanks to you!”
“You found him?”
“Yes, he’s at a boathouse on Coal Mill Road. Don’t worry, he’s safe.”
“You guys know he killed Chrissy, right?”
“That’s bullshit! Eddie tried to save Chrissy!” Dustin came to Eddie’s defense, yet again.
“Then why do all the cops say he did it?”
"This imbecile," Jennifer accidentally says aloud. She look around anxiously.
Max grabbed the walkie from Dustin’s hands. “Lucas, you’re so behind, it’s ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at the school, we’ll explain later.”
A few beats passed before Lucas responded. “I can’t… I think some real bad shit is about to go down.”
Kate’s eyes widened, she turned herself to face Max. “What are you talking about? What bad shit?”
There was no answer from the other end.
“Lucas? Lucas?”
Max looked at Jennifer, worry in her eyes.
“He’s fine, Max. He’s fine.” Dustin shrugged it off. “It’s Lucas, he’ll be fine.”
Jennifer knew deep down that Max couldn't shake off the looming feeling of dread for Lucas. It's scary not knowing the status of someone you love.
It was dark by the time they got to Hawkins High School. parking right out front. They exited the vehicle and approached the building. Steve tried opening the door but it was locked. Jennifer knew a way when she lost something and searched the grounds after it closed, finally breaking and entering. However, here wasn't much breaking which relieved her.
"Dustin, do you copy?" Robin asked through the intercom as they entered the school.
"Yeah, I copy."
"So, Nancy's a genius." Robin spoke. "Vecna’s first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bullseye."
"Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now."
"What are you doing?" Robin pressed, tone changing immediately as Jennifer can almost see her face.
"Breaking and entering into school to retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files." Dustin answered like he was discussing his nerdy game.
"Can you repeat that?"
"Just get your ass over here, stat!" Dustin ordered. "We'll explain everything."
Max was a ways ahead of them, already fumbling with the lock of Ms. Kelly's office. Jennifer approached beside her, flashing her light on the handle so Max could see. The door finally opened as the four of them pile inside. Max hded straight toward the filing cabinets in which Kelly stored her student's records.
"Its like a mini watergate or something," Dustin grimmaced, examining the tiny details of the counselor's office. "Hawkinsgate."
"Wait a second, didn't those guys get caught?" Steve questioned, following close behind the younger male.
"Holy shit," Max gasped, flipping through the files. "I founf Chrissy's file, but that's not all. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelly too."
Max grabbed their files, pushing past the other three to sit down at Ms. Kelly's desk. She opened the manila folders, browsing all the papers. Jennifer once again held her light over them, illuminating the paper. Side by side, the redhead laid the notes that Ms. Kelly had been taking during her sessions with the cheerleader and Fred. It appeared to be a list of symptoms.
Past trauma
Terrible sleeping
Difficulty sleeping
The anxiety rose. "Max, what's the matter?"
"Max, what is it?" Dustin questioned too, but it was like she was stuck.
Jennifer blinked as Max was no longer in the chair, and Steve and Dustin were still with her.
The door to the office was no wide open. The brunette took her guts instinct to leave, entering the dark hallway. Walking down the long corridor, it was pitch black as he light illuminated the way. She rounded a nearby corner, seeing nothing.
"Max!" Jennifer shouted once again, but there was no answer.
She kept moving, rounding yet another corner before finally finding the girl staring straight up at the wall as if something was holding her gaze in one spot. She stepped toward Max, a sinking feeling entered her gut, knowing that it was something bad.
She couldn't see Max's face but approached her, calling her name once more. She finally saw the red-head's face. It was like she was in a trance, shouting her name again before frantically searching for her brother and Steve, not knowing what to do as she stood there with Max, shaking her almost violently.
Wake up.
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magicalqueennightmare · 2 years ago
Sins & Amends Chapter 38
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(Gif by @ banditthewriter)
Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Frank's taken by Rawlins' men
Frank was in a conference room with Madani, Micro was sitting in a room with his daughter so that left you to pace the hallway while half a dozen agents watched you like you were an insane person. Your mind hadn't stopped throwing every worse case scenario at you.
What if Billy went after Alice and Kenzie? God what if he went after Karen? Matt could fight but every form of martial arts in the world couldn't stop a bullet. Why had he done this? What type of man was he to hold you in his arms, comfort you, all the while knowing he was at the very least partially responsible for your pain?
Your attention was drawn by the door of the conference room opening. You spun around and saw Frank walking out. "Finally. I need to double check my work on you" that was the only way you could think to get a moment alone with him but Dinah shook her head "I need to speak to you first then you can patch up anyone in this building for all I care" you cut your eyes at Frank and saw the anger flash through his eyes at her pulling you into the questioning. You touched his shoulder gently on the way by "I got this"
You knew he was standing in the hall but walked in the room and let Dinah shut the door behind you. The two of you stood there for a second whether you were sizing each other up or just catching your breath you weren't sure.
She finally waved a hand towards the table "Want to sit?" You crossed your arms "I have nothing to say that goes on record" she nodded and you could see her rolling her tongue across her bottom teeth which was probably just a habit. "If you have something to ask me, ask it. If not I'm walking out of here and going to check on Frank"
She must have taken you at your word because she finally spoke "Did you know Frank killed Zubair?" "Yes" your response didn't seem to surprise her that much. Her next question did surprise you however. "What's the story with you and Russo?"
"Excuse me?" You asked uncrossing your arms. "Just seems you're smack in the middle of this. You were dating Billy during their time on operation Cerberus. The two of you were serious enough you were mentioned in his paperwork he signed on his last tour. You grew up with Frank's late wife"
You laughed and shook your head "Jesus Christ, Dinah really? Yeah Maria met me when I was young, I was a kid with a shitty home life. She made friends with me and eventually her parents took me in. Meeting Frank and Billy both was just a side effect of basically being Maria's sister. I haven't spoken to Billy outside of him calling to see if I was dead or alive after the bombs went off since right after Frank's family was massacred. You were the one most recently fucking him so should I be questioning you here?"
She was silent for a moment then opened the door "Had to ask, just to make sure" you met her eyes for a moment then nodded and walked through the door. She stopped you with a hand on your arm. You looked from it to her and she held her hand out "Only agents are allowed to be armed in here" you rolled your eyes but handed the gun over nonetheless. 
You watched her walk to her office and saw which drawer she locked it in before going to find Frank.
You and Frank were in an empty office. He was sitting on the desk with his shirt next to him so you could double check the stitches you'd put in his side after the bombing at the hotel. "Y/N" you knew every tone of voice and what it meant from him so you shook your head "I don't want to talk about him Frank"
Once you were done you pulled your bag back on and started to walk out the room but Frank stopped you "Sweetheart, we need to talk" you could feel the tears stinging your eyes when you turned to look at him "About how I was dumb enough to fall in love with someone evil enough to allow our family to be killed?" He closed his eyes then pulled you into a hug "You aren't dumb. I trusted him too but I promise he will pay for every ounce of pain he's caused you" "I still can't believe he betrayed us" you spoke into his chest. "I know sweetheart, I know"
Frank asked to talk to you alone before him and Micro with the team to recover Sarah and Zach. 
Leo was watching you carefully after Micro explained she'd be staying with you at Homeland so you smiled at her before following Frank out into the hall. 
"Y/N you know you're like a sister to me" you got an awful feeling of a goodbye from his words but didn't voice that fear. He pulled you into a tight hug then said "I'm getting Sarah and Zach back and giving Madani enough to bring down everything. Promise me no matter what happens you won't let yourself have any guilt. Maria loved you. Our kids loved you. I love you" 
"I love you too Frank" you spoke into his shoulder before he patted your back once more then released you "Madani is keeping you here as the medic for their team once they get back. Here's hoping it goes well enough you're not needed" you breathed out a mixture of a sigh and a laugh "here's hoping. Kick their asses Frank"
You were sitting with Leo when Sarah and Zach were escorted into the room so you slid out while to give the family a moment alone.
You spotted Dinah and Micro walking down the hall but no sign of Frank "Where's Frank?" You asked Dinah who pointed at Micro "ask him" you turned to look at him "Ok, David where is Frank?"
He wouldn't meet your face when he said "I made him a promise to let him finish this his way" you tried to hold your anger, you really did but that meant Frank was knowing facing Billy, Rawlins and God knows who or what else.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN LIEBERMAN? WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" you screamed trying to stop yourself from throwing a punch.
You should've known that self sacrificing son of a bitch would pull something like this. He had been saying goodbye and you'd been too big of a coward to face it.
Dinah grabbed your arm and when you sent her a glare she quickly let go but pointed down the hall "Let's grab a cup of coffee. You need to calm down" "and he needs to tell us where Frank is before I shoot him for real" you didn't care that you'd just threatened someone in front of this many agents.
"How did you get your gun back?" She asked with a shocked look and you shrugged "I picked the drawer you locked it up in" she scoffed at that "I think Frank is actually your brother. Now let's go get that damn coffee and talk"
You looked at Sarah who'd just stepped into the hall stood by while you blew up at her husband "Please talk him into telling me. Frank is my family and I can't lose him" she gave the slightest movement of her head in response so you begrudgingly followed Madani down the hall.
She handed you a cup of coffee and grabbed one for herself. You were still watching Micro until him and Sarah stepped into the room the kids were in. "It's not your fault. None of this" you laughed and said "Stick with being an agent, I already have a shrink who's probably flipping her shit along with her fiancee and a few other of my friends at my sudden disappearance"
"Do you want to call them?" She asked and you nodded "I'll call one. He'll spread the word that I'm safe just unreachable" you stepped away from her to call Curtis but broke down crying when you heard his voice "Y/N? Is everything ok?" 
"It's a shit show Curt. Look I just called to say I'm safe, please let everyone else know that" you could tell he wanted to ask more but he simply said "Ok" "Bye Curt" you hung up before he could say anything else.
You were pacing the hall in front of the room the Liebermans were in. You felt like you were the only person here who cared Frank was being killed while all of you sat around.
You finally opened the door but before you could speak you saw the kids and Sarah was asleep so you jerked your head towards the hall for Micro to follow you.
Once he'd shut the door you didn't try to hold back the tears "David please. He's my family, he's the only tie to Maria I have left. I can't lose him. Please tell me where he is" he nodded "C'mon" and walked towards Dinah's office.
The three of you stood around the computer screen as Micro typed a thousand different things then a video from inside the hideout started to play and your stomach lurched. Frank was tied to a chair and someone who you were guessing was Rawlins was beating him while Billy stood by. 
You felt the pure dread that had been sitting like a rock in your stomach turn to rage. How dare he? He was just standing there while Rawlins killed Frank. Was he that big of a coward?
"Where is this?" Dinah demanded so you looked at Micro "If you don't tell her I will" then looked back at her "we're going with you" "no you're not" "bullshit we aren't"
She finally sighed and said "Fine but you were vests and you go unarmed" you shook your head "I'll wear a vest but I'm taking my gun" she stared at you then shrugged "NYPD knows you're licensed"
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You and Micro were supposed to stay behind Dinah but like you were going to follow orders. You weren't an agent. 
You saw Billy standing over Frank and Rawlins body and reacted without thinking. "Y/N!" Dinah hollered when the shot rang out. "Shit" you realized you'd simply caught his arm but part of you felt vindicated to know you'd drawn at least a little blood from Billy.
You ran to Frank's side then glanced over at Rawlins still form and felt an intense urge to shoot him even though he was clearly dead but your attention was on Frank. "He's drowning on his own blood" you knew you couldn't handle this. You needed a surgeon. Your hands moved quickly over Frank's chest clocking every injury you could see. You moved Micro's hand into position to take some pressure off his chest but there wasn't a lot you could do on your own.
"I can't save him David" you sounded broken even to your own ears.  When Madani said they called an ambulance Micro beat you to it by saying "No. hospitals mean cops. He needs help. My friend is dying for your justice. Why don't you give him some?"
You didn't know if it was just the culmination of the last few shocks to your system but you looked up from Frank your hands slick with his blood and said "If you're gonna let him die here Dinah..you're going to want to kill me too. His death won't go unanswered. He trusted you. Prove to be worthy of that"
Micro god bless him was trying everything to get Frank to wake up "C'mon Frank I betrayed you! I bought them here. I bought Y/N here! Wake up call me an asshole. Call me a son of a bitch. Come on!"
You laid your head over on Frank's shoulder that was closest to you "Come on Frank. I've already lived with thinking I've lost you once. Don't leave me too, please don't leave me too"
He coughed and jerked then opened his eyes. You started crying harder when Micro said "That's it you beautiful scary man"
"Help me get him up" Dinah finally said after you heard her talking across the radio. You shot her a questioning look so she said "I'm helping him. Trust me please?"
You didn't know where she'd taken all of you until you were going through the door and she was yelling "Dad! I need your help!"
Her dad and mom ran in "Dinah who is this man?" Her dad asked while her mom said "What you bought to our door?" You weren't above begging so you looked at her dad "Please help him!"
He nodded and pointed towards a door "Get him on the bed" 
After Micro told Dinah's dad how Frank had gotten his injuries you told him you were a paramedic and offered to help "Get gloves on" 
You were through gloving up when Dinah's dad looked up at you "His broken rib punctured a lung. He's got a tension pneumothorax" you grabbed a needle and handed it to him while everyone around the bed watched. He held his hand out for the syringe once the needle was in so you handed it over and breathed a sigh of relief when he drew the blood out and Frank started back breathing.
"Thank you" you said and he shook his head "He needs blood" "I'm a universal donor" Micro or well guess you should start calling him David volunteered. You shot him a small smile while Dinah's dad hooked him up.
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The next morning you were sitting in the windowsill when Frank woke up. The first thing out of his mouth was "Madani, did you get Russo?" She shook her head then glanced over her shoulder at you "Y/N did shoot him" "attagirl" he said weakly.
After he'd been given the ok to leave on his feet David asked for a moment to talk to Frank so you stepped in the hall. Dinah's mom walked past so you said "Ma'am, I'd like to thank you and your husband for helping us. He's not who the media portrays him to be" she nodded "You made an impression on my daughter it seems. She trusts you, so I do"
Dinah walked up and smiled at you "Feeling better?" You raised an eyebrow "My brother by proxy was nearly killed and turns out the one man I've loved knew my sister, niece and nephew were gonna get murdered. I'm great" 
You walked back in the room with Dinah. Frank and David looked up and you knew Frank well enough to know there was something he wanted to tell you but didn't ask since you were in front of other people. 
You walked down to the sidewalk with Frank. He didn't want to endanger you but he needed to talk to you so the two of you were taking the long way around to where the van had been left "Y/N.. I need to tell you something. I mean I heard Rawlins say something to Bill" you waited for him to say more so you finally asked "What did he say?"
"That Bill was a stupid grunt willing to do anything to make sure his little whore medic stayed alive" you stopped walking "What's that mean? How am I involved in this?" Your mind was reeling. Finally you shook your head "Nope. You must have imagined it" he stared at you for a second then said "Bill told me it wasn't supposed to be like this. Maria and the kids weren't supposed to be in the middle. He said he was trying to keep you out of it. Rawlins said it too more or less" 
"He's lying! He's trying to keep you from killing him! That's all!" You were fighting to keep your voice down. You refused to let yourself believe there was any good left in Billy. Frank finally said "Ok" so the two of you started back walking. Right before you cut off to head towards your apartment like he'd asked you to you said "make me a promise?"
He raised one eyebrow "depends" you made sure to keep your voice steady as you said "Don't let him use me to make you falter. I want you to have an after too Frank..you deserve it" you started to walk away but Frank's response of "I do think he actually loved you and you shouldn't feel guilty for loving him" made you freeze. You looked back at him and said "Even if he did love me and even though a part of me will always love him it doesn't change anything" then kissed him on the cheek "Make it out alive Frank" and walked away.
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