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i don't ship peterick because calling whatever is actually wrong with them "romance" is a disservice to how genuinely insane they are for each other
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strokingbooks · 2 months ago
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abarelysapientpairofshoes · 10 months ago
Something about the erasure of Siffrin's country being so total that no one seems to know anything about the fucking stars in the sky just because the country was probably known for studying them and for wish craft is absolutely devastating.
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gierosajie · 2 years ago
Do you think Dvalin ever felt horrible about himself, how his wounds and the poison left permanent marks on his form, left him feeling like he's lost his former lustre
And Venti reassuring him still, "you're so beautiful," always looking at him like nothing could compare
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princesaltines · 2 years ago
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guilty pleasure
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musclesandhammering · 1 year ago
Ok but wait the reason Lokis are so interested in theatre & Shakespeare & literature etc (fiction in general) is because their prime variant is the God of Stories 😭
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lammydraws · 1 year ago
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lizardlicks · 1 year ago
I've been having this thought that I haven't been able to really articulate? And I still don't think I'm going to do it right, but here goes my attempt anyway:
BROADLY SPEAKING, yes, the trope of everyone gets hetero married and has lots of kids at the end of the story is over done, and YES we absolutely badly need other versions of happily ever after because there is no one path to life fulfillment, and no one true way to find or build a family, or even one definition of family!
HOWEVER: it rings a bit hollow to me when I see other people taking this bit of generallized story crafting advise and applying that to katara and sokka specifically. Because they're not the ethnically dominant race or culture in the AtLA setting, not even close. They're based off circumpolar native populations. Their people have survived a century of genocide. Their story repeatedly echos themes of family, community, tradition, being forcefully stripped of it by imperialist colonizers, and the trauma there in. There's pieces of themselves they lost before they were even born, and both siblings are acutely aware of that, though they choose to deal with it in different ways.
I'm not saying that they DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY must get hetero married and have a million babies to have a fulfilling ending, I hope no one reads this that way. I'm only saying that I think there has been a gap in the critical analysis responses of the broader fandom when they start reflectively sneering at stories that do have them content to stay home and raise the next generation, or whenever anyone laments about post show canon/LoK seems to neglect mentioning sokka having any family at some point it gets push back on with that exact argument.
Consider that it might be better applied to people for whom getting to raise the next generation in some way isn't itself an entire victory fanfare.
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sadaveniren · 2 years ago
This is your reminder that “fandom friends” are just as valid and lovely as “real life friends” and anyone who says otherwise can shove it
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cinematicnomad · 18 days ago
i want to pat myself on the back for having such insanely perfect timing that i texted my pregnant friend last night who’s due this month to ask if her baby had arrived yet and she replied to let me know she was IN the hospital for labor rn.
i have not seen or spoken to her since her baby shower in november (other than generic holiday wishes) but i randomly thought of her last night and decided to reach out. it’s like my personal spidey sense was tingling.
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angelnicknelson · 2 years ago
actually, there's not enough talk about how nick literally called charlie my love in french, like...
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pockykierra · 1 year ago
sometimes I just think.... man.... the kiss really, truly happened. Regardless of the circumstances, what happened before and after, the general reason.... we got A KISS! That's pretty neat!!!
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princeblue · 1 year ago
No but seriously I truly think Alastor was genuinely caring for the hazbin hotel group pre the battle, the personal talk with Charlie? There’s no way he would have had that conversation with say, husk, or Rosie, maybe Mimzy because the way she talked about him inferred that they were/are really close despite the way she runs to him for protection. Hell’s greatest dad was definitely a tactic and a jab at Lucifer, why I’m not sure. Probably because he wants to be the ruler (once again why? Why would a mortal soul want that? We know Alastor is ambitious but I can’t see him wanting to be bothered to deal with overlords and seven deadly sins and angels. The only plausible reason I can think of is so it would get him out of his deal but then again that seems like an insane trade off for your freedom which he mostly seems to have.) but every interaction he had with Charlie & Rosie & Mimzy seemed so genuine.
Watching him so obviously be alastor (wanting to guide Charlie and probably not in a good way) and speaking fondly of the group with nifty and calling them his friends during such a vulnerable moment where no one could possibly see and him speaking openly about such a secret, such as him being shackled to a deal and nearly losing his life for them (which I think was partially of his own free will with wanting to challenge Adam and we seen how that went, but him being at the hotel 100% wasn’t out of his free will AT FIRST imo) is such an interesting conflict in Alastor and the best part is that you can believe it or not believe it.
Characters who keep you guessing like this are always just so fucking fun, I can’t wait to see more of him if they keep this direction of Alastor having moments where he cares for them and then snaps back to the Alastor who wants nothing more than power.
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ghostsoot · 2 years ago
i find it so silly that you go the whole game thinking damn sissel really forgot everything he doesnt even know how to read or what science is etc. and it turns out he didnt fucking know any of that in the first place because he was a god damn cat
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milaisreading · 7 months ago
When I tell u, this man is so fine!!!
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