#LH: Salvador
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turnandface · 9 months ago
Name: Sol, but you can also call me Adrian!
Pronouns: He/him
Most Active Muses: Jean and Salvador are the most active. Miles and Kieran are also pretty active rn, too, though!
RP Pet Peeves: I actually can't think of any right now. Mainly because I think I peeve other people more than they peeve me /lh 😅
Experience/ How Many Years: Ten years, I started on pinterest, but I've been here on tumblr for three years (with you all for two 💖)
Smut, Angst, or Fluff: Angst and smut are my favorite to write, but I enjoy writing fluff, too!! They all have their place in my roster. I've come to really appreciate slice of life writing, too. I love writing characters interacting in their day-to-day lives
Memes or Plotting: Memes for now, I love plotting, but I've been so busy recently. I also have some open starters that I'm still moving over from ye olde blog. Don't be shy, I worked hard on them!
Long or Short Replies: Long just because I like my prose, but not too long, my writing length is pretty versatile
Time to Write: At night and on weekends. Though recently I've been very busy with the semester so I've been doing more school work
Are You Like Your Muses? Some more than others, all of them have little bits of my trauma though.
Tagged by: @downs1de (this took forever to get to but thank you 🥺)
Tagging: @niekwrites @duck-writesfm @hcartsleeved @inhaunts and you (reading this, of course!!)
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thedortbag · 6 months ago
1- helios: cake
Amon: cornflake cereal
Evelin: cobb salad
Cass: worms or just sandwhiches
2. Helios definetely picks blueberries
Amon picks nothing
Evelin picks apples
Cass picks celery
3. Helios- 3
Amon- none
Evelin- plain yogurt
Cass- 3
4. Helios- blueberry or apple juice, they like the pulp
Amon- his ass doesnt drink juice
Evelin- cranberry juice, no pulp
Cass- apple juice, no pulp
5. Amon can only eat cereal for health reasons because whenever he tries other foods he gets nauseous and throws up
6. Yes, Cass and Helios would pick random bugs off the grass, eat them, and literally rate them off taste
7. Amon unironically likes pumpkin spice latte from starbucks (tho he cant drink it much cuz of eating problem)
Helios likes coffee, and cold or hot chocolate
Evelin likes tea hot
Cass likes cold choco
8. All of the salvadors prefer bland food except for Evelin (she likes spicy)
9. Helios and amon dont like seafood, cass has a neutral opinion and evelin loves it
10. Evelin is the only one who knows how to bake, and she usually makes cake or cookies, but she ironically doesnt eat pastries alot. Cass likes cookies and cake i guess, Helios likes cake ALOT & amon doesnt eat pastries
11. Evelin is also the only one who knows how to cook, and she usually just makes cobb salad or something for herself. she cooks alone
12. Evelin- sourdough
Helios- slice/sliced?? bread
Amon-occasionally slice bread
Cass- wheat bread
13. Helios LOVES cheese, he tries using it on everything that is edible
14. Amon likes tequila and carlo rossi wine alot. And no he doesn't know how to mix a cocktail
15. Helios is OK with fastfood, and so is cass sometimes
16. Helios- french toast
Evelin- uhhh poached egg i guess with radish,,,,,.,.,.??????
Amon and cass wouldnt do that
17. Amon barely eats, Evelin doesnt rly have breakfast that much, Cass just gets leftovers from the fridge and eats inside evelins room while shes still in bed, and Helios eats bread alone.
18. Amon doesnt eat egg or tofu
Evelin eats poached or boiled eggs
Helios likes em dippy
Cass likes dem fried
19. Helios wakes up at 4am to eat breakfast
Cass wakes up at 10am
20. Helios is inviting everybody he knows or is friends with
22. Helios likes bologna sandwhiches
23. I answered this in an ask before so im not gonna answer this idk bruv
24. Helios: cake
Ok i cant i failed to complete all the questione 😔
food themed oc asks 🍅
food preferences tell a lot about us and the same can be said about our ocs. And so, here's a funny ask game.
🍎 What's your oc's favorite food(s)?
🍊 Your oc is brought to the fruits and veggies aisle of the grocery store. What do they pick?
🍌 If your oc would pick a yoghurt or something like it, would they rather 1) eat plain yoghurt 2) eat flavored yoghurt or 3) eat yoghurt with the fruit bits in it.
🥭 Does your oc drink juice? What's their favorite kind of juice? Do they mind the fruit pulp that can sometimes be found in these?
🥝 Does your oc have food restrictions? Is the reason related to health, culture, ethics, preferences or something else?
🫐 Would your oc eat something they found outside? (for example: berries, mushrooms, not eaten chocolate bar, stuff like that)
🍇 Does your oc prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Do they prefer them hot or cold? What would their usual order in a cafe be?
🧄 How much spices does your oc use when cooking? Do they prefer bland taste or spicy/rich in flavor meals?
🍤 What's their opinion on seafood?
🧇 Do they enjoy baking? What's their favorite thing to bake? What's their favorite pastry to eat?
🍳 Do they enjoy cooking? What's their favorite thing to cook? Do they cook alone or with someone else?
🥖 What's their favorite kind of bread?
🫕 Do they like cheese?
🍾 Does your oc drink alcohol? What's their favorite drink(s) (can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic)? Would they know how to mix a cocktail?
🍟 What is your oc's opinion on fast food? How often do they buy it?
🥐 Your oc is given a chance to order a breakfast from cafe - what do they order? Would they actually do that?
🥯 What's their usual breakfast like? Do they eat breakfast, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would an ideal breakfast for them be?
🥚 What is your oc's preferred way to eat eggs? If your oc doesn't eat eggs, what do they think about scrambled tofu or the equivalent in their world?
🥓 At what time does your oc eat breakfast?
🥨 Brunch picnic time with friends/partner(s)/companions/[insert your ocs' close people here]! What is your oc bringing?
🥗 Your oc is now at a salad bar (a buffet-like place where you can do your own salad). What do they put in there? Do they add some kind of protein? Some sweet fruits? Some seeds or bread?
🥪 What kind of sandwiches does your oc like/would like to eat? If they could eat it for lunch, would they only eat it or something else, too?
🍣 What's your oc's typical lunch like? Do they usually eat lunch, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal lunch be like?
🥟 What's something your oc would love to eat for lunch almost every time?
🥙 They are having a lunch date. Which place do they pick and what are they ordering? Do they hurry or would they rather be late from whatever happens after lunch?
🧆 Would they rather eat a stuffing lunch and light dinner or vice versa? Why?
🍚 They have been invited for a dinner by someone close to them! Where are they going, what are they ordering, what are they drinking and what do they talk about?
🍛 What's your oc's typical dinner like? Do they usually eat dinner, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal dinner be?
🍜 Do they love cooking dinner or would they rather eat somewhere else or order takeout?
🥘 Does your oc prefer a quick, calm dinner or would they rather have a very long one?
🍩 What is their favorite dessert? Do they get it often? What is their go-to dessert?
🥕 They are packing some snacks because they're going to be away from home for a while. What do they take with them? What's their opinion on trail mix?
🍒 How often do they eat berries and other kinds of veggies?
🥞 Your oc is ordering food from a fast food chain. They can also pick something else than the main meals. What do they buy?
🍦 Your oc wakes up at night, feeling hungry. Do they go eat? If yes, what will they eat?
🫖 Does your oc eat anything between dinner and going to sleep? How often?
☕️ Does your oc eat anything between lunch and dinner? How often?
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zouljazz · 2 years ago
Salvador Sobral Da Eurovisão ao desejo do Grammy (o 8.º nome que pode definir o futuro do país)
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saru034 · 7 years ago
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Otros dibujos del Inktober
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muyextra · 3 years ago
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1. Centroamericanos
2. Panchito shuar
3. Pedrito avergonzado 
3. lucianito modo futbol playa
4. primitos guayguay
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monvria · 3 years ago
Potpurrí de anécdotas y otros engaños.
Advertencia: Au, solamente eso.
Resumen: En la localidad de Las Vueltas, en Brunca, se le asignó a Salvador Hugo el desvelar cierto acontecimiento suscitada en la comunidad hace 8 años atrás.
—¿Fernanda? Hombre obvio que la conozco, somos vecinos. . . Bueno, éramos. Desde que desapareció el esposo ¿O lo mataron fue que entendí? No la he visto. A Feña, porque así le conocí y así me referí a ella desde que estaba de este porte— Dice el señor, con la palma en suspensión a la altura de la rodilla, sentado en una posición relajada en su silla de madera y cuero, ya desgastado y solo sujeto por lo remaches de hierro recién pulidos —Solo soy qué ¿10 años, quizás 15 más viejo que ella? La recuerda aquí con su madre. Su hermana era amiga mía también. Cuando ella venía acá con Feña, porque su mamá se fue al pueblo o tenía sus trabajitos en tal lugar, ella jugaba con las gallinas guinea que tenía en el patio. Mire usted allá— Entonces el hombre, contento, señaló al costado un gallinero cuyo interior habitada el animal que él mencionó. Salvador Hugo, atento a lo que decía el hombre, en su pequeña libreta escribía cada pizca de información por mundana que fuera de la señora Fernanda.
Mientras que el joven Hugo escribía todo lo que narró el hombre, el dueño del lugar se levantó para acercase a el gallinero viendo como la gallina guinea se echaba a dormir. —Por aquí no hay mucha gente joven. Solo en el pueblo. Así que no tenía con quien jugar ella, su hermana era muy mayor, casi de la misma edad que yo y por alguna razón eran como perro y gato a pesar de ser muy uña y mugre. Así que más de las veces cuando venía acá me pedía que le abriera el gallinero. Cuando solicitó eso la primera vez la vi un tanto consternado. Quiero decir ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué quería ella que abriera el gallinero? Y tenía miedo ve, no tanto porque saliera un hurón de los matorrales de allá y me comiera las gallinas, no, sino que estas malditas son peor que el demonio. Bravas que son. Son como los gansos, ¡ay esos malditos!, cuanto te agarran enojo es para toda la vida; te persiguen y te pisan, que no es pisar como “ya sabe usted”— Ante lo último éste volvió a ver a Luis, dirigiéndole una cara entre el umbral de la cizaña y la perversión y éste, Luis, rezaba que por primera vez en tantos años su cara no le fallara en hacer que su rostro se mantuviera impasible, estoico, y no un carnaval de colores rosas y rojo en los cachetes. —Sino que tratan de clavarte sus garras de las patas, incluso sus espuelas que tienen en alas. Lo mismo pero con gallinas guineas pues. Entonces le corrí el gusto, porque hasta cierto punto me visualizaba como un hermano suyo y no quería verla media tristonga cuando estaba aquí; se hacía querer la verdad. Abría esto —Señalando el latón de zinc que, en la parte media del mismo y al lado izquierdo poseía un pequeño agujero donde pasaban una hilera de cadenas entrelazadas entre sí, haciendo de seguro.—Y entonces ella esperaba que alguna gallina saliera y, cuando lo hacía, la molestaba incitándola a que la correteara. Cuando le pregunté por qué, decía que jugaba al toque y queda. Si la gallina le picaba, perdía. Si en cambió logró escapar de ella y ésta se cansó de corretearla, ganaba. Era lo más cercano a lo que tenía por compañero de juego, digamos. Y entonces viera usted que, ya condicionadas, cada que veían a la Feña querían saltarse la valla para corretearla. Hasta muy tarde dejó de hacer eso, o se murieron las gallinas que odiaban a Feñita. No recuerdo— El hombre en cuestión ya no tenía la vista enfocada en su invitado sino al infinito, en lo profundo de sus pensamientos, recabando y reconstruyendo aquellas memorias tan distantes que estuvieron al borde del olvido, al abismo del infinito. E incluso Hugo, sino fuera por el humo que de tanto salía de boca y nariz del hombre gracias a la cachimba en boca, pensaría que presenció el momento exacto del desfallecimiento del hombre ante el nulo estimulo que emitía; incluso pensó él, Luis, que el hombre frente suyo dejó de pestañar.
Se le solicitó a Salvador Hugo que investigara el caso Las Vueltas en la región Brunca, de una desaparición que se dio por perdida pero que años después se encontraría con una bolsa río abajo que, en su interior, daría con el cadáver de Rodrigo Áyala, ciudadano del lugar y denunciado por desaparecido hace 8 años. Cuando su superior le dijo que comenzara por entrevistar a la gente cercana al señor Áyala, buscó a quien ponía como persona más cercana a él en su registro civil, su pareja Fernanda Vázquez de Coronado. Pero cuando se acercó en la inmediaciones de lugar que se especificaba como su residencia, halló que la muchacha en cuestión se había ido del lugar hace tantos años, tras lo cual, sabiendo que Rodrigo no era originario de la zona, truncó los avances de la investigación. No quedándose de brazos cruzados, Hugo decidió entonces interrogar a la gente cercana a ellos y, entre preguntas y preguntas, le fue remitido con el señor Vicente.
Vicente de las Casas, un señor de estatura media, compostura robusta pero un poco pasado de peso, fue quien le abrió y dio paso a su morada para contarle lo que sabía de Fernanda. Entre charlas primerizas de cortesía pasaron el punto crucial y, gracias a lo que había hablado hasta el momento, Hugo pudo captar el cariño que el señor Vicente tenía para con Fernanda. Cuando dijo “me visualizaba como un hermano” no mentía al respecto. 
—Así que la joven Fernanda era un poco “pilla”, eh, pero ¿Había algo más en su adultez, digo, algo que caracterizaba a ella durante esa etapa, recuerda usted?— Puntualizó Hugo, queriendo entrar de lleno a lo importante. Vicente en cambió se tomó su tiempo, como analizando qué podría ser “eso” que buscaba el joven Hugo. Ante una atenta mirada, más cabizbaja, Vicente comentó —Para entenderlo tengo que contarte parte de su niñez y familiares. ¡No soy un viejo chismoso lo juro!— Y a diferencia de la mirada cabizbaja de hace segundos, ahora se tornó altiva antes de reír estruendosamente. Volviéndose a poner la cachimba en labios prosiguió —Siento que Fernanda nunca pudo superar lo de su madre. ¡No, no, no! ¡Nada de eso hombre! La señora sigue vivita y coleando, creo. La cuestión es que su madre se fue de aquí. Verá, su hermana Ana Camila se largó hace tiempo del lugarcito este ya que se sentía estancada estando aquí. Tampoco era una “citadinofila”, nada de eso, pero acá, dice ella, no lograría nada así que se largó a la gran ciudad y allá se metió a esto del boxeo profesional y no sé qué más. La cuestión es que pudo salir del país, le iba bien, pero se metió en problemas en no sé qué país y su madre salió huyendo de acá para ver y resolver a su hija en el extranjero. ¡Oh, eso! Creo que también le dolió eso a Fernanda, su hermana en problemas en el extranjero y ella sin poder hacer nada. Pero lo que le afectó dentro de todo fue la soledad. Mire usted, su madre, la señora BriBri, que dicho sea de paso no es su nombre sino que así nos referimos a ella porque viera usted que ella es de los indios Bri Bri, allá en el Caribe, pero ella llegó acá porque se enculó con este españolito llamado Antonio que tenía tierras por acá; los indígenas más cercanos son los borucas, es más, Curré, donde viven, está a unos cuantos kilómetros de aquí. En fin, que la señora vino acá, tuvo a sus hijas y todo, pero la parca acechaba y en eso de lo que canta un gallo se llevó al gallego Toño, bien jovencito. Solo quedaron las tres. Tres mujeres, dos niñas y una viuda en el campo ¡Cosa más grande! ¡Y no es joda, ni mofa, ni regocijo u otras palabras similares! ¡Es que en verdad es todo un acontecimiento! Solo se tenían a ellas tres porque el resto de personas solo las veían como apestadas y algunos solo miraban en plan condescendencia pero jamás daba mano de ayuda. Por eso, creo, Feña era muy cercana a su hermana con quien en público peleaba y con su madre, que siempre fue muy reservada cuando llegó y a la muerte del esposo más todavía. Cuando ambas se fueron, quedó ella sola y solo con un par de amigos y ya. No daba para nada una exposición de melancolía, al contrario, era muy orgullosa y altiva sacado de su mamá seguro, pero yo la conozco bien y sí, poseía una tristeza interior que nunca supo conducir a buen puerto. —
Hugo seguía escribiendo todo lo que le había dicho don Vicente, pero parando en seco ante lo nuevo que empezó a contar éste último —Cuando él desapareció, a Feña casi le da un patatús. Llevaba ya la semana desaparecido y nada que lo encontraban. Cuando ya pasó las dos semanas la escuché decir “Me volví a quedar sola” y yo ya no pude más y me autocité en su casa. Toda esa noche fue consolándola, aunque nunca lloró, eso sí le puedo decir y recuerdo vívidamente bien. — Y ante esto Hugo alzó las cejas, desconcertado. — ¿Por qué? Puedo preguntar, cierto, entonces ¿Por qué?— Vicente volvió a perderse en sus recuerdo, mirada al infinito hacia la copa de los árboles, pero contestó tajantemente. —Pues no sé. Siempre ha sido orgullosa, se lo dije, sacado de su madre que era otra igualita porque recuerdo yo, cuando fuimos a dar el pésame y todo con mi papito, ella nunca lloró ni dio muestra de lágrimas o que hubiera llorado. Los ojos los tenía pulcros, totalmente blancos. La cara impasible. Seguro de ahí sacó todo eso, sabe. — En eso, Vicente vuelve a chocar miradas con Hugo y ya, sabiendo lo que le preguntaría el muchacho, añadió. —Si quieres saber de Rodrigo y tal, de mí no sacarás nada. Lo conocía de cara y ya, no charlábamos mucho como para decirte “¡Ay sí, qué gran hombre!” o “¡Pedazo de maricón!” Quien puede contarle era su compadre de joda y parranda, este chico, cómo se llamaba, ¡ah sí, Gregorio no sé qué! Bueno, con él. Ese tipo vive ya en el pueblo, Potrero Grande, regenta su cantina y todo. Es más, por eso eran compadrotes porque Rodrigo iba allá a los bailes que formaba Gregorio.
—¡Claro que sí, mi súper pana Rodrigo! ¿Sabe algo? Le cabreaba que lo llamaran “Roro” porque era el mote de mascota con el que se su hermana se refería a él. — Comentó Gregorio bien alegre. Cuando Hugo entró al lugar, viendo que había clientela, pensó que Gregorio Duarte le negaría la entrevista pero, en cambio, se halló con una hospitalidad inmensurable del dueño del local, expidiéndole un trago gratis cortesía de la casa y otro más en honor a Rodrigo. Y los chismosos del pueblo, de esos que nunca falta, poco a poco iban moviendo sus sillas para quedar más cercano a la barra, donde ahí se fraguaba el intercambio de palabras entre ambos hombres. —Él no era de aquí, de Costa Rica digo, él era de Panamá. . . Eso dice él, pero es bien vivo porque su hermana tenía era ciudadanía colombiana. Él nunca me enseñó eso, su ciudadanía e incluso pasaporte o esas cositas en libretitas que te dan cuando cruzas el país, sabe pues. Así que no sé, será colombo-panameño qué se yo. Pero él decía “vengo de Panamá”. Esos dos, si mal no recuerdo, se conocieron allá en Paso Canoas, que eso es la frontera entre este país y Panamá, pero es que viera que allá cada quién transita como le pique porque tiene muchas trochas donde ninguna autoridad vigila así que cada quién anda de pilluelo y cruzando de un lado a otro como perro por su casa. La cuestión es que Roro era vivaracho, y Fer también, porque Rodrigo pasaba ganado de un lado a otro y compraba cabezas de ganado acá para llevárselo allá, sin pasar por controles sanitarios; lo mismo Fernanda. Así se conocieron. Uno hacía esos chanchullos y la otra le seguía la corriente, vendiéndole cabezas de ganado o pastoreándole las vacas a Roro acá. Por ahí en eso fue donde nació el amor entre esos dos. No sé qué hizo Fernanda para engatusarlo pero se lo trajo acá. Le hizo los trámites y toda la cosa y se quedaron viviendo acá. — Y en eso Gregorio suelta una carcajada, “¡ay el amor, ay el amor!” se escuchaba de los otros presentes, ya cómodos en la barra, escuchando de primera mano todo lo contado.
Hugo en cambio estaba atónito, pasó de una imagen casi angelical de la señora a una menos pulcra. Claro es que Vicente, con una imagen sesgada o quizás, sabiendo la verdad pero defendiendo hasta lo último la reputación de quien consideraba y era familiar suyo también, fue la razón por la cual enmielo sus comentarios, porque Salvador Hugo dudaba que no supiera esa parte de la historia de Fernanda. 
—Años después se trajo, Rodrigo digo, se trajo a su hermana Catalina Gómez la cual le decíamos ¡Catalina la Grande! Sí, como la emperatriz rusa que le usurpó el poder a su marido. Y mire usted, Catalina se apellidaba Gómez mientras que Rodrigo era Áyala. Yo digo, teorizo, que ambos eran hermanastros o medio hermanos y como dicha condición, también tenían esa relación tensa entre los dos, porque ya le digo que cuando ambos se encontraban en un lugar, o terminaba en joda o terminaba con sillas volando de aquí pa’llá. Aun así, Rodrigo le solicitó a su pareja, Fer, que le diera ese chiquero que tenían detrás de su casa, que era una casita pequeñita para que Catalina se quedara viviendo acá porque allá de donde es hizo sus chanchullos malos y quedó con grandes enemistades. ¡O sea que ambos hermanos son igual de tremendos! — Y nuevamente Gregorio volvió a reír a carcajadas, ahora, acompañado de los presentes. —Aquí hizo oficio de prestamista ¿Con qué plata? Ni idea pues. Es más, yo no sé cómo le hicieron con los trámites acá, si Fer soltó plata o ahora sí fue Rodrigo, pero siempre sentí como que la tipa andaba en algún limbo pero como acá jamás viene la gendarmería como que le valió mierda todo. —
Hugo seguía anotando y anotando lo que estaba contando Gregorio, lo mismo con ciertos comentarios que tiraba uno que otro presente en escena “Ella me prestó mucho dinero, ¿Dónde lo sacó? Ni idea y no importa; me sacó de apuros” “Lo mismo me hizo a mí, ¡ah!, pero a mí sí me trabó un interés del 2%” “Eso te pasa por mala paga, cabrón”. —Cuando llegó Rodrigo acá, creo, vendió todo lo que tenía allá en Panamá y con la plata, hablamos de dólares hermanito, se hizo con una bodeguita en el pueblo que regentaba todos los días. De mañanita hasta la tarde, porque para él la noche era sagrada y tenía que divertirse “y cumplir sus labores maritales, también” y en eso guiñaba un ojo el cabrón. Bien pilluelo. Ahí lo conocí, porque iba a la bodega y me suplía de todo para esto. Y poco a poco nos fuimos haciendo amigos y me daba descuento y me regalaba cosas, a cambio, yo le daba tragos gratis y todo eso. Y él fue el que me recomendó traer artista para que cantara e hiciéramos un baile. Como estaba de moda las rancheras esas mexicanas, él me movilizaba gente que cantaba dicho género de otros lugares del Brunca y me lo traía acá. Cobrábamos la entrada y todo. Yo ganaba y él también, porque de él dependía esto de la logística; incluso en uno de los terrenos de Fernandita va y puso una casa donde alojaba a la gente que traía, por acá no hay moteles u hoteles, ni siquiera pensiones, todo es campo y el único lugar para cobijos era o la hospitalidad de la gente o la iglesia, y la iglesia no quería gente que incitara al pueblo “a la degeneración y degradación del lugar, alabando al demonio”. En pocas palabras, no quería putería, por acá esas fiestas eran tremendas, hombre, ¡tremendas! Y gente de pueblos cercanos venían también. Duraba hasta el amanecer. — Y en eso los demás personajes de la barra empezaron a aplaudir, riéndose y recordando aquellos momentos “Y yo saqué a bailar a aquella moza, y me casé” “Y yo, con señora y todo, me saqué la lotería también” “Y por eso a ti la señora te dejó, se llevó a los hijos y te quitó las tierras, perrón” “¡Mentira es!”.
Gregorio salió de la barra, rumbo al cacharro medio alto a mitad del local pegado a la pared. Lo empezó a palmear y se volvió a reír, recordando. —Esto de aquí es una rocola. Aunque los cantantes que traíamos y los bailes que formábamos con ello estaba bastante bien, también era un gasto considerable. Hubo veces que la movida salió más mal que bien, hablo de esto. — Restregó la punta de sus dedos, signo de abundante dinero. —Y él pensó que, mejor sería traer esa hojalata de aquí, que reproduce música por medio de discos a costo de un precio fijo de dinero. Todos podrían poner la música que quisieran, ya no solo sería rancheras, por un módico precio. Los artistas, dijo él, los traería en épocas especiales y así sacábamos más ganancias. Aunque era su idea, él no lo trajo; mandó a su hermana. Ir a San José por una de ellas salía peor, me dijo, el camino era malo e intransitable en cierta época, la de lluvia pues, y ya estábamos ahí, así que dijo que a carreta tirado por caballería iría él con su hermana, hacia el sur. Y yo pensé, “bueno pero pasará él a Panamá” pero no. El muy cabrón mandó a la hermana. No sé cómo hizo, pero pudo pasar con todo y carreta al otro lado y le compró un pasaje en ferrocarril a Catalina en ese poblado llamado Progreso. De ahí partía hacía David. Y así lo hizo. Salió de allá a las 7 de la mañanita y regresó a Progreso, con todo y rocola, a las 5 de la tarde. ¿Cómo hizo para subir ésa cosa al tren? Bueno. . . sobornó y metieron eso al vagón este llamado “Repollero”. Las autoridades “Bien, gracias ¿y usted?”.— En eso Gregorio metió un par de colones, eligiendo una canción que, a oídos de Salvador Hugo, era un bolero. —Creo que después se quedaron en Ciudad Nelly toda esa noche y en la madrugada partieron acá. Cuando llegaron molesté a Catalina, diciéndole si no se lo robó, porque esa cosa que tiene, el prestamismo y eso, es un negocio medio turbio ¿no? Y bueno, ese día estaba de buenas, porque se río y por ahí mismo me “estrangulo” de broma. Otras veces, con dichas bromas, se enoja y replica. Replica. . . ¿Sabe? Entre los más letrados del lugar estaba ella y Vicente. Vicente porque el papá era de Cuba y seguro eran de esos ricachones antes que llegara el barbón ese que tienen por “presidente” o “dictador”, no sé qué es, pero seguro que el señor De las Casas metió a Vicente a la lectura y se nota, porque el hombre podrá hablar así, todo mangajo y tal, pero viera los temas que toca; música, historia, literatura; en un rato me habló de un tal Bakunin y Marx y no sé qué más. Y Catalina, pues, no sé, ella también era de tener temas así todos raros como Vicente, pero se centraba mucho en literatura; me contaba de la singularidad en la escritura de un tal Juan Rulfo y cómo había influenciado a compatriotas suyos en el arte de la literatura ¡Incluso me narró uno de los cuentos del señor!—
La música había acabado y le proseguía otra, igual del triste que la anterior. En canto de lamento sonó “Dale gracias a Dios que tú, has encontrado un nuevo amor, y no quiero saber ya de ti. . .” —Roberto y su Zafra se llamada el grupo— Comentó Gregorio. —Lo cual me hace recordar. . . Llegó esta muchacha de Puerto Rico, Blanca, que de una congenió bien con Rodrigo. Y conmigo también, todo sea dicho, aunque tenga días en los que quiero estrangularla. Pero cuando digo que congeniaron bien, es muy bien. Ella se trajo de la isla unos discos de música, de salsa y merengue, y le enseñó a Rodrigo a bailarlas. Esos géneros, no sé si ha escuchado, yo creo que sí, pero se baila muy pegadito; casi, casi hebilla con hebilla y cachete con cachete. Y esos dos, cuando bailaban, parecieran que fueran siameses recién nacidos porque estaba juntos restregándose el cuerpo. Y Fernanda vio. Recuerdo un día que Rodrigo le dijo “no te pongas así, no es nada malo, solo ocio” y Fernanda lo vio con una cara que se la llevaba el demonio. ¡Ay Fer! Fernanda, en cuanto a baile, era como un loro caminando por asfalto caliente y, sumado a sus dos pies izquierdos, en los bailes se quedaba en una esquina, sentada frente a una mesa, libando guaro y poco más. Cada que Rodrigo la sacaba a bailar era un sonreír, todos al borde del colapso antes los “magníficos pasos” de Fernandita. Obvio, bailaba mal y cayó en cuenta. Más nunca Rodrigo logró sacarla a bailar. Y en aquellos bailes, muy descarado él, sacaba era a Blanca y no a Fernanda, aunque sea solo a dos vueltas, antes de volver con su señora a la mesa. Y Fernando siguió viendo. Y ahí creo que todo se derrumbó. La relación no fue la misma, pero es que Rodrigo era descarado, Dios, descaradísimo. A veces bailaba con Blanca de tal forma que no me dejaba más opción que gritar “¡Busquen cuarto!”— Y, como anteriormente sucedió, los presentes se echaron a reír a carcajadas y Luis, ya un poco incómodo por todo, quería recopilar todo lo importante e irse ya. —Él me dijo que nada de eso, que todo bien con su relación, que el amor seguía a llama viva. . . Llama viva era lo que vivía tras las puertas de su casa y entre medio de los pantalones cada que veía a Blanca, y. . . —.
—Y deberías callarte, porque buen amigo no eres y no respetas la vida privada ni siquiera de tus amigos cercanos ni mucho menos del pobre difunto, Don Bochinchoso.—
—Y en eso llegó el comandante y mandó a parar. René, jodido René, que solo sabe matar la diversión y decir calumnias.—
El recién llegado, René, rubio y de ojos felinos, con una risa de comemierda solo dijo, sentenció de hecho. — ¿Quieres que diga algo divertido pero cierto, y que no es calumnia porque no me lo he inventado? El jamaiquino este, me contó una cosa de ti, de esa vez que con sus Sound System hizo tremendo baile, y que tú y él tras los árboles. . .— Antes de acabar la oración, Gregorio fue y le puso de forma violenta una mano en la boca, callándolo en cero coma. Viendo a Hugo le dijo. —Creo que ya eso es todo lo que te puedo decir de esos. . . ¿Cuatro? Si quieres saber más, ve donde Blanca, aquí en diagonal vive. Y tú. . .— Volvió su mirada a René, y Hugo captó de una vez que tenía que salir de ahí antes que se tornaba en una típica pelea de cantina.
A diferencia de los dos anteriores entrevistados cuya característica estuvo en lo tan parlanchines que eran, cosa que en cierta medida agradecía Hugo por facilitar su trabajo de investigación, con la joven Blanca fue todo lo contrario. Desde temprano la interceptó en plena entrada de su morada y, a pesar de parecerle sin educación por cómo se presentó, Blanca Ruíz no emitió ninguna queja al respecto. Al contrario. De forma educada lo dejó pasar dentro de su vivienda en el pequeño sofá de la sala de estar, de madera de mangle y colchones de seda, junto con un pequeño vaso de agua panela para que se refrescara el invitado.
Escuchó atenta todo lo que le dijo Hugo. Desde lo comentado por Vicente sobre Fernanda, hasta los mil y un cuentos expedidos por Gregorio. Dentro de ese marco de temas Salvador Hugo pudo notar que, a cada tanto que mencionaba el nombre de Rodrigo como el de Gregorio, la muchacha frente suyo dejaba que su rostro se tornar melancólico con toques de tristeza tintando su cara. Incluso pudo captar ciertos tintes de añoranza. Antes de seguir diciéndole todo lo que ha hecho hasta el momento, Blanca pidió la palabra.
—Osado de Gregorio decir que lo podía ayudar. . . Lo peor es que es verdad. Mire, yo llegué acá por simples azares del destino y me quedé anclada aquí por motivos externos a mí. Ya me hubiera ido, si tuviera los medios. Pero cuando llegué. . . La cosa era diferente. Todo era diferente. Era la primera vez que salía de mi isla, y aunque citadina de la misma, del viejo San Juan, igual quedé embobada antes la exuberancia de los paisajes de aquí. La gente, como siempre, muy amable. Pero tiene truco. Como todos los pueblos pues parece una regla universal, la hospitalidad es ley, no así los lazos. Quiero decir ante un extraño extenderá su ayuda, pero hasta ahí. Eres un extraño, un foráneo, como no eres de aquí es mejor que te vayas rápido al menos que algún lugareño te presente con los otros. Así que cuando llegué, pese a la hospitalidad de la gente, me sentía sola y extraña. Rodrigo cambió eso. Fue el primero que, más allá de la hospitalidad pueblerina, me extendió un lazo de amistad. Y gracias a él, otros. Y así fui dejando de ser “la extraña” del lugar a ser una más de aquí. — Un gran suspiró salió de sus labios, como queriendo, desde hace mucho, ventilar todo la información que sabía a un tercero. —Aunque hice otros amigos como Gregorio y Vicente, posteriormente el raro de René y de ahí, más pues, seguía teniendo un lazo más fuerte con Rodrigo. Y no, no eran lazos de amor, no por mi parte; no sé él. Así que constantemente lo buscaba, quería ensañarle lo que tenía puesto a que él era muy amante de la música, el baile. Cariño, vengo de Puerto Rico, allá sobra lo anteriormente dicho, como hija de la isla soy digna heredera de su legado y así pues le enseñé mis discos de vinilos, de diferentes autores repartidos en el género de salsa y merengue, que aunque no es puertorriqueño, también me gusta. Y le enseñé a bailarlo, y fue un buen parejo. Y entonces, como siempre, vino la cizaña y los chimes. Que si yo le robaba la pareja a Fernanda y que era una rompe hogares. Esto se decía tras mis espaldas, obvio. — Blanca se estaba tocando las manos, en un movimiento como de lavado, una maña de la ansiedad que por su cuerpo corría. —Yo a él le dije que dejáramos la cosa así, que ya está bien, por su bien y de su pareja, y por el mío en parte. Repito, no tenía ninguna intensión amorosa con él. ¿Qué nos pasábamos con los bailes? Pues lo admito, pero tonta yo en creer que el campo sería tan indulgente conmigo como lo era la ciudad. Él decía que ya lo había hablado con Fernanda, que nada pasaba. No le creí, pero ya no sabía qué hacer, así que a veces cedía y otras no. —
Salvador Hugo ya no sabía qué pensar. Estaba claro que el asesinato de Rodriga iba en torno a toda esta problemática que cada vez se iba destapando más y más, con más actores en su escena, pero sin un ejecutor claro. También pensó, claro, en un externo puesto a lo prominente que era el muchacho en el tema de negocios. ¿Un mal manejo, entrometerse con la gente equivocada? Tantas preguntas. Y cada que se la hacía saber a Blanca, esta negaba algún tipo de información. “Un externo no puede ser, al menos no cercano aquí. De allá de donde viene, quizás eh, pero imagínate pagarle a alguien para que cruce todos estos potreros solo para meterlo en una bolsa y tirarlo al río. ¿Raro no? Con lo fácil que es dar un balazo, y mire, aquí se trasiega armas que da gusto”.  
Estando nuevamente en un callejón sin salida, intentó por la vía del lío amoroso. —Ya le dije que por mí parte nada. Él no sé, creo que sí pero tonto de él, mi amor ya le pertenece a otro que, mire ve, que me hallo en entre la espada y la pared porque sé que no será reciproco. Él está en un amor prohibido, sino pregúntele al padre. —Y en eso Blanca emitió una pequeña risa desprovista de humor alguno. —Pero sabe, ese no es el peor caso. Sé de uno mucho peor, porque ya no solo es lo prohibido sino lo degenerado. Cuando yo llegué aquí de una intenté aprender todo sobre los pobladores y la misma gente. Es fácil, no son muchos y los nombres y apellidos se repiten. La cosa es que a Fernanda siempre la vi muy cercana y alegre al lado de Catalina. Yo pensé, como todos, que se debía al parentesco, son cuñadas no. Bueno, pensé eso. Cuando sucedió esto, los problemas maritales y tal, cuando Fer estaba allá en la mesa sola se le acercaba Catalina a hablarle. “Hablarle” hombre. Si yo voy y me siento. —Enfatizó levantándose del lugar y sentándose al lado de Hugo —Y hago esto— Empezó a tocar los muslos del hombre, el pie izquierdo en cambio toqueteaba la pantorrilla del detective y, poco a poco los toques se volvieron caricias, pero no caricias castas, sino lujuriosas. —Si le hago todo eso, ¿qué cree usted cuáles son las intenciones? ��Levantar el ánimo? ¡Claro que lo levanta! Pero no por lo que cree. Lo divertido del asunto es que ningún imbécil de la cantina se ha enterado, ni Gregorio, y del pueblo mucho menos pese a que sus toqueteos no eran nada castos ni inocentes. No sé cuándo pasó eso entre ellas dos, pero ya a las finales, cuando a éste lo iban a desaparecer, ya estaban en esas cosas y yo me callé. Me callé como zorra porque no soy como el perro de Gregorio, a quien le gusta ventilar todo lo que sabe, el tontico ese. — Blanca volvió a su asiento. — ¿Quién fue? No sé. Y aquí quien más lloró a Rodrigo tras la aclaración de su desaparición fui yo, porque Fernanda hace años que no vive acá, vendió sus cabezas de ganado y un par de parcelas y se largó; Catalina desde hace semanas antes de la desaparición también se largó. Y los amigos de Rodrigo, aunque liberaron una que otra lágrima, tantos años, ¿ya ocho? Y siguen festinando con lo sucedido y todos estos líos. Qué cosas, no. —
Y Hugo en su despacho ya no sabía qué hacer. Aunque pudo recopilar mucha información, ninguna daba con algo tácito en todo lo respecto al asesinato. Como máximo todo el lío amoroso salido en los últimos meses antes de la desaparición. Los familiares cercanos de la víctima, idos de aquí. Sus amigos, nada que aportar más allá de lo ya recopilado. Pareciera, pues, que todo quedaba en un limbo, un caso sin resolver, otro más a engrosas los archivos. Pero Salvador Hugo sabía que algo con referente a toda esa relación Rodrigo-Fernanda-Catalina tenía algo que ver.
Paseando por Las Vueltas, en los predios que pertenecían a Fernanda, quedó cara a cara con la casa que fungió de hogar para la pareja. Ya de tarde, el sol bajando y el cielo anaranjado. Y cuando pensó en irse de ahí vio como un joven con la ropa mojada y un paño, no, una toalla venía en dirección a él. El joven al verlo lo saludó y, típico de la edad, preguntó quién era y qué hacia acá. “Acá, verá, es raro los turistas. No hay mucho que ver. Las montañas claro, y los ríos, pero más diversión e interés verá allá en Curré”. Y una vez explicado qué hacía aquí, puesto a que, para qué mentirle al joven, éste torno su cara a una de sorpresa y luego a una de temor.
—Usted me dijo que es detective y se le asignó este caso. Le voy a creer. Fernanda Vázquez era nuestra vecina más cercana. La casa anterior a esta, a casi 300 metros o más, bueno, esa es nuestra. Vivo ahí con mi abuela y anteriormente con mis dos primos, Luis Ángel y Efraín. En sí no hablábamos mucho con Fernanda ni su pareja, tampoco con la hermana de éste. Éramos, por influencia de nuestra abuela, muy huraños y tímidos. Lo máximo que hacíamos era ir al pueblo a vender nuestras cositas y ya, por eso nos tacharon de “loquitos”. Pues bueno, la noche esa iba yo camino al río este de dónde vengo. Esa noche la abuela enfermó, le dio fiebre y tos, le dolía los huesos y tal. Se había acabado el agua de la tinaja y no quedó de otra que salir a buscarla al río. Y mi abuela quería específicamente agua del río, porque de los riachuelos anteriores a él, dice ella, era agua sucia “y usted no me hará enfermar más que lo que estoy ¿verdad?” me dijo. Y tuve que ser yo, porque ese día tanto Efraín como Luis Ángel había ido a Potrero Grande a vender sus viandas y en eso cayó el palo de agua, un gran aguacero, y fue durante la tarde así que se quedaron por la noche allá. En casa de la abuela solo quedé yo y no hubo de otra. Cuando iba al río escuché una gran discusión en la casa de la muchacha esta. No puedo decirle qué discutían, porque ya de eso muchos años, pero era algo serio para darse el lujo de gritarlo a pulmón vivo. Yo me apuré a lo mío y me fui directo al río. De regreso ya todo estaba calmo. Incluso el candil estaba apagado pero pude ver como una sombra salía de la puerta delantera. ¿Quién era? No sé, porque todo estaba oscuro, y yo solo tenía mi lamparita de aceite y eso solo era un par de metros que me iluminaba. Pero lo vi, ese individuo y algo entre manos, ¿una pala quizás? Y fue en dirección a la parte trasera del lugar. Ahí sí, ahí había algo de luz, y si mi visión de joven no me falla, gracias al mismo, la luz digo, pude ver un vehículo ¿Una moto quizás? Pero ya más nada. El día después se dejó de ver al señor Rodrigo y a la semana se dio por desaparecido.— Y el joven de frente, quien se había presentado por el nombre de Benjamín, estaba de un tono pálido mientras narraba todo lo suscitado esa noche.
—Yo es que no dije nada porque le hacía caso a mi abuela. Ella siempre decía “donde vayas, haz lo que ves” y lo cumplía, porque aquí el chisme es deporte pero cuando son temas serio todos callan. Y esto era serio y yo me callé. Y aunque le dije a mi abuela, ella le restó importancia. Y así siguió todo hasta que el desaparecido apareció, pero muerto y ejecutado.— Benjamín ya estaba transpirando aunque estuviera empapado en un comienzo por el agua del río —Hay algo que caracterizaba a Fernanda y era que llevaba su pala aquí y allá. Era un poco gracioso si se pone a pensar. Pero ahora, más que nunca. . .— y Hugo, ayudándole a termina, dice al unísono con Benjamín. —Creo que fue Fernanda. Y sería hasta gracioso, y macabro, porque sé que en el pueblo solían burlarse de dicha característica “¿A quién vas a enterrar hoy, Fernandita?” Solía decir cada que la veía caminando con su pala.—
Y en eso Hugo ya había armado todo el esquema de lo sucedido. Salió corriendo de ahí, no si antes agradecerle al joven por dicha información. Ya en su despacho, armando todo la secuencia de lo sucedido, entrevió de un matrimonio roto que, uno de sus integrantes, aún pensó que estaba en buen puerto. Una relación prohibida nacida de ese momento crítico de pareja. Una revelación, posiblemente de la relación que mantenía Fernanda con Catalina. Una discusión derivada de ello que terminaría con la muerte de Rodrigo, tras un golpe contundente en la cabeza, tal como arrojó la autopsia del cráneo del muchacho. A esas horas no había nadie en el lugar, más allá de él y Fernanda. . . Pero Hugo pensó en otra variable, Catalina. Según el joven Benjamín la casa de detrás, aquella que Gregorio comentó como morada de Catalina, estaba con las luces prendidas y al costado un vehículo que el joven identificó como una motocicleta. Por lo visto, según lo dicho por Blanca, Catalina había abandonado el lugar semanas antes de la desaparición. . . Pero era totalmente plausible que volviera y por ello la motocicleta. ¿Después del golpe Fernanda fue a hablar de ello con Catalina que, supuso, estaba en la casita de detrás? Salvador lo vio posible, y el cuerpo, entonces, sería trasladado con la moto hacia el río donde sería tirado el cadáver envuelto en bolsas de plástico. Fernanda haría el paripé y, una vez cubierto todo ello, se largaría del pueblo.
En la búsqueda para dar con el paradero de Fernanda, halló Hugo, que la muchacha ya no residía en ningún lugar de Costa Rica. Por lo visto, con la venta del ganado y las parcelas más la venta de la bodega de Rodrigo y el remate de sus artículos, sacó suficiente dinero para salir del país. Los terrenos que dejó, vio en el registro civil, seguían a nombre de su madre y hermana al igual que ella. Cuando buscó los datos de Catalina, en cambio, se dio con la sorpresa de que dicha mujer no figuraba para nada en los registros civiles. Tal como había dicho Gregorio, llegó acá en un limbo legal y por lo visto, de forma totalmente ilegal. Sin datos de nada. Un fantasma más. Hugo sabía que su corazonada era cierta, pero todo fue por el gusto, Fernanda estaba fuera del país y Catalina a saber si sigue dentro o fuera del país, por su condición todo era posible. ----------------
—Es usted, Coco. Ya quítame las manos de los ojos—
—A veces digo que eres aburrida. ¿Y cómo averiguaste, eh?—
—Tonta, como si hubiera alguien más en esta playa. —
—Vale. . . pero dicen que hay yanquis ociosos por ahí que raptan mujeres y tal. Pudo ser eso eh. —
—Claro, claro. Estas de buen humor hoy ¿Qué es?—
—Sigo en fase de Luna de Miel, Fer. Quién lo diría—
—Andas leyendo muchas novelas románticas—
— ¿Y? No quita que te amo mucho—
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lettheknowledgejuiceflow · 3 years ago
Salvador Dalí 🤝 M.C. Escher
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normiienverkk · 5 years ago
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Part 3 lol
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blanze · 6 years ago
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Premios Promptatón 2k18 9 #5: @mile-shrud-7 ❤
SalvaHondu pal alma, yo. 
Me hizo FELIZ trabajar en este premio, gracias por la oportunidad!
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pear-tickles · 5 years ago
Short fic/Drabble para el primer bloque del Evento América de Latin Hetalia del mes de Agosto.
[Prompts] Lingüistica [Author] Makster, makoto_hayama de antaño (yisusfishus @ tumblr) [Resumen] Las parrilladas se disfrutan mejor entre amigos.
Mi pequeño aporte para iniciar este evento.
Glosario para algunos términos: La raza (Méx): Grupo de amigos Chela (LATAM): Cerveza Gringo (LATAM): Extranjero, usualmente de EUA. Güero (Méx), Chel (Méx S), Canche (Guate): Rubio Chambear (Méx): Trabajar A huevo (Méx/Hon), Aguevo (Sal), Yeh (Bel): Expresión de afirmación. Bien (Guate): Sí Papalina (Guate): Embriagarse/Tomar alcohol Catracho (Hon): Forma q usan los hondureños para referirse a si mismos. Guanaco (Sal) Forma de referirse a si mismo de los Salvadoreños (significa hermano en lengua Lenca) Pijinear (Hon): Salir a divertirse Mara (Sal): Una persona en un grupo, o referirse a un grupo. Wehdi goan?(Bel): "what's up?" en creole beliceño... (Benji wtf XD)
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vinnival · 3 years ago
Alrlrlrlrksjf heres my request. Reader teaching the main 3 and torture how to draw i have been waiting for a long time and sjabehfbhc f
hello caffee. /lh
Probably noticed you drawing and just laid his chin on top of your head, rumbling slightly
"Hello, Hank" another rumble responded
You saw his large hand point to your drawing
"My drawing?"
He said "P... retty..."
Because mine would so yesss *bonk*
"Thank you... do you wanna draw with me?"
It was in this moment Hank went:
Achievement Unlocked: New Coping Mechanism
He loves drawing out his frustrations and feelings, even if it's in the form of... abstract art
Eventually you teach him about form, texture, value, etc etc
He slowly gets more and more into art and just... drawing
Since you're the only other art person in the area, he views you as extremely talented and really looks up to your work
He's surprisingly patient when it comes to learning !! He then shows off his learned skills with the next artwork he produces
When he experiences burnout, he gets kind of frustrated and nearly rips up his sketchbook in anger at why his art ideas evade him
But you manage to stop him before he does (good thing too because holy fuck sketchbooks are hard to come by in nevada)
Instead, you teach him ways around artblock, like listening to music, or looking at things from a different angle- and I mean that literally, like hanging upside down angle- and stuff like that!
He really aprreciates you for teaching him these things, and art in general
Definitely suddenly asked you out of the blue
"Hey can you teach me some art stuff?"
He shrugs, "looks cool,"
I can see him loving surrealism
Big Salvador Dali fan
His favorite thing to do is to make portraits but add a surreal twist, kind of like The Scream by Edward Munich but a bit more... prettier?
Idk he usually likes painting/drawing you <3
You can tell he's in artbloco when he's quieter than usual
In response you'll begin to hum one of his favorite songs and he'll immediately perk up and look at you
He gets struck with an idea at that and immediately gets to work, thanking you immensely after
He really likes doing clocks, Dali-style
Can you guys tell I like Salvador Dali
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Biiiiiig pop art vibes from him
He just likes the colors man
Though it's very difficult to get colors bc... well... no plants
But he manages to find colors n such
And even if he couldn't, he can use different tones of grey or maybe even grow his own flowers, who knows?
The way he approaches you for lessons is literally a "what are you drawing? is that me?" situation that All artists Hate
But you tolerate him bc He <3
Mfnfnfn yeah he learned about pop art and his brain was immediately like "yep. that one. can I get some more of these colorful bitches?"
His favorite pieces are the pop art ones with Marilyn Monroe, favorite artist is Kieth Haring
And yes I'll also have him do works involving you :]
Also because he likes doing robotics, I can see him as a make-statues-from-recycled-junk artist too!
He saves his garbage nuts and bolts and stuff and takes them later and builds a lil statue or smth with it
Definitely proudly shows you any of his works when he's done
When he's in artblock, he's also in robotics block (techblock?? idk in not a robotics fan), so he really is down in the ditch
You notice how he's struggling and approach him, trying to give him suggestions
100% one of those situations where you were like "have you tried x?" and he groans and is like, "Yeah, yeah, I've tried x, and it w- wait.... WAIT"
Grabs you and shakes you while he shouts excitedly
He got an idea !! Good for him <3
Probably the Hank situation but he's 5x bigger SKEK
Big man is TOWERING over you, grumbling to get your attention
His voice hurts when he talks? Too bad, he's complimenting ur drawings and skill an there's nothing u can do ab it .
Qtheres no pens or pencils designed for MAGs so you grab the thickest marker you could find find some loose paper to let him go wild
And oh boy. Landscapes. Definitely.
There's no true landscapes in Nevada, but, it's fun to imagine the terrain looking different
He's a little confused on how markers work and stuff like that
Otherwise he's really content with just sitting there, curled up next to you and gently scribbling on paper that's way too tiny for him
Definitely will go on adventures to get more art supplies just for u two <3
He'll first experience artblock and not ask you about it, he thinks it's normal that the harder he tries to will himself to draw, nothing comes to mind
You eventually notice he was deeply focusing, hunched over and holding a marker
"Artblock," you grin lightly
Tor looks at the direction your voice was in to meet you
"That's called Artblock"
"A... rrrrtt... blawk....."
You sit with him and pet him while he holds you and purrs in content
Doing this while drawing gave him a spark of motivation so he got back to drawing bc of you <3 hehe
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latinhetaliaoficial · 8 years ago
Regalo para Dash (da clic en el enlace)
Título: Third Wheel Rating: T- Adolescentes y adultos Resumen: Debió ser la maldita cita perfecta. Debió. Advertencias: Yaoi. Lime. OC. Posible OoC centroamericano. Pareja: Honduras/Malvinas + El Salvador
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incorrectlhquotes · 8 years ago
Salva: All right, Luis, get ready to scratch two things off of your bucket list.
Luis: Oh, I don't have a bucket list, dude, 'cause I'm not dying.
Salva: Everybody's dying, bitch.
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cockybusiness · 8 years ago
Buscando refs para El Salvador, me lo doodlé p/ practicarlo. Me di cuenta que no lo dibujé nunca. 
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lo cuál es una pena porque es un divino??? Amor. 
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ajuscotp · 4 years ago
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Solo a través de Jesucristo podremos llegar a Dios y tener por medio de su Salvación vida eterna. #Jesucristo #Salvador #Dios #VidaEterna (en Iglesia Tierra Prometida Ajusco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEb_xFSB-lh/?igshid=1ayq4gj3w2w8p
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specialtreatment · 6 years ago
2020 Democratic Primary Debate #1
Jose Diaz-Balart (JDB)
Chuck Todd (CT)
Rachel Maddow (RM)
Savannah Guthrie (SG)
Lester Holt (LH)
Elizabeth Warren (EW)
Cory Booker (CB)
Beto O’Rourke (BO)
Amy Klobuchar (AK)
Tulsi Gabbard (TG)
Bill De Blasio (BD)
John Delaney (JD)
Tim Ryan (TR)
Jay Inslee (JI)
SG: Warren: You’ve got a lot of plans, but 71% of Americans say the economy is doing well. Isn’t all this change risky?
EW: The economy is only doing well for a thin slice at the top. We have to make structural change to confront the corruption that’s been pulling us apart.
SG: Klobuchar: You’ve called programs like free college something for a “magic genie.” Are some of the government programs offered by other candidates giving people a false sense of what’s achievable?
AK: I get concerned about paying for college for rich kids. I’ll make community college free. I’d double Pell grants from $6k to $12k a year, and expand it to cover families who make up to $100k. And I want to make it easier for students to pay off their student loans.
SG: O’Rourke: Some Democrats want a marginal tax rate of 70% on people making more than $10 million a year. Do you support that, and if not, what would your top individual rate be?
BO: The economy is rigged towards corporations and the wealthiest. I support automatic and same-day voter registration. No PACs, no gerrymandering.
SG: I’ll give you 10 more seconds. Do you support a marginal tax rate of 70%?
BO: I’d support a fair tax rate – let’s tax capital and ordinary income at the same level. Raise corporate tax rate to 28%.
SG: Booker: Warren has a plan to break up big tech companies like Amazon. You’ve said we shouldn’t “point at companies and break them up without process.” What’s this disagreement?
CB: I don’t disagree. America has a problem with corporate consolidation. I introduced a bill about corporate consolidation in the agricultural sector. We’ve got to let the free market work.
SG: But you’ve said you don’t think it’s right to single companies out. Why?
CB: I’ll single out companies like Haliburton and Amazon that pay nothing in taxes. I’ll appoint judges who enforce anti-trust law. I’ll have a DOJ and Federal Trade Commission that will check this corporate concentration.
SG: Warren: Are you picking winners and losers?
EW: We have the laws in place but not the courage, because the system is corrupt. Monopolies shouldn’t be funding super PACs. I call out the names of monopolies to return the power to the people.
LH: Castro: What would you do about the gender pay gap?
Castro: I’d pass the Equal Rights Amendment and pursue legislation for equal pay for equal work.
LH: Gabbard: What would you do for equal pay?
TG: I have a lot of military experience and understand the cost of war. I’ll invest tax dollars in healthcare, a green economy, good jobs, and protecting the environment
JDB: DeBlasio: Your city has one of the biggest wealth gaps between rich and poor. How will you address income inequality?
BD: We’ve raised wages in NYC with a $15 minimum wage, paid sick days, and pre-K for all. I support a 70% tax rate on the wealthy, free public college for young people, and breaking up big corporations that don’t serve our democracy.
JDB: Delaney: Do you agree?
JD: I want to double the earned income tax credit, raise the minimum wage, and create paid family leave. We also need to fix the public education system, as well as tech training programs.
JDB: Inslee: How would you address income inequality?
JI: I stand up for unions and have a plan to reinvigorate collective bargaining. I’ll put people to work in the jobs of the present and the future. Carpenters, machinists, can bring us into the future.
JDB: Ryan: Trump said manufacturing jobs were coming back in places like Ohio. Can you promise that?
TR: Yes. We lost 4,000 jobs at a GM facility, and then GM got a bailout from the President. We’re shipping jobs to Mexico and China. We need to dominate building electric vehicles and to dominate the solar industry.
JDB: Warren: Are these manufacturing jobs coming back?
EW: Our industrial policy has been to let giant corporations do what they want – but their loyalty is to profits. I propose we should lead on green technology, going tenfold in our research in this area. And any corporation can come use this research, but they have to manufacture their wares in America. Then let’s double-down and sell those products around the world.
LH: Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan?
Only Warren and DeBlasio raise hands
LH: Klobuchar: You want to keep private insurance alongside a government plan. Why is an incremental approach preferable?
AK: Obama liked a public option, and so do I. I don’t want to kick half of America off health insurance. Trump gave $100 billion in giveaways to pharma companies – so let’s do something about pharma.
LH: Warren: You signed on to Bernie’s Medicare for All plan. Would you support it as president?
EW: Yes. People go broke because of healthcare as a profit-driven business. When politicians tell you it’s not possible to change this, they’re saying they won’t fight for it. I will.
LH: O’Rourke: You used to praise a bill that would eliminate private insurance, but now you don’t. Why?
BO: I want to get to guaranteed, high quality, universal healthcare quickly. This should also give access to women to make decisions about their own bodies. With our plan, if you’re uninsured or insufficiently insured, we enroll you in Medicare – but if you’re in a union, you can keep what you have.
LH: Ten seconds to answer. Would you replace private insurance?
BO: No.
[BD jumps in]
BD: Private insurance isn’t working for tens of millions, when you consider all the extra costs.
JD: A lot of people like their private insurance. We should give everyone healthcare as a basic human right, but we should give them the option for private insurance. At the Medicare rate, hospitals would have to close.
LH: Gabbard: What do you think about this?
TG: Medicare for All is the way to go, and it’ll save money by reducing administrative and bureaucratic costs. Other countries have this available while also having some form of private insurance.
LH: Booker: Where do you stand on this?
CB: Kids who don’t have healthcare won’t succeed in school. Healthcare is a human and American right, and I like Medicare for All, but we have to do things quickly and provide better care. Private insurance has overhead of 15%, Medicare has overhead of 2%. I’m for more access and more affordable cost.
[EW jumps in]
EW: The insurance companies got $23 billion in profit from healthcare last year. This industry wants things to stay the way they are.
JI: Insurance companies shouldn’t be able to deny the right of choice for women. I’ve protected those rights. I’m the only candidate to pass a law for these protections and to pass a public option.
AK: We all share the goal of universal healthcare. I support a public option with an estimated 12 more million people getting covered. It’s a start.
LH: Castro: All of you support movement to some sort of government option and a woman’s right to choose. Would your plan cover abortion?
JC: Yes. I support reproductive justice, meaning women and trans should have the right to choose, even if they’re poor. I’d appoint federal judges who respect Roe v. Wade.
LH: Warren: Would you put any limits on abortion?
EW: Women should have access to the full range of reproductive services, including birth control and abortion. Also, the courts aren’t enough to protect us. Most voters support Roe v. Wade, and it needs to be federal law.
JDB: Booker: 14 of the 20 largest pharma companies are in your state. Should these companies be held criminally liable?
CB: Absolutely. This is why I don’t take contributions from pharma companies or executives or PACs. And we can’t arrest people to get them out of addiction.
JDB: Booker: How would you deal with these big pharma companies?
BDO: These companies have acted with impunity. It’s time to hold them to account.
JDB: Castro: Last month, more than 130,000 migrants were apprehended at the Southern border. What’s your plan on this issue?
JC: I was the first candidate to offer a comprehensive immigration plan. I’d sign an executive order to remove Trump’s no-tolerance and metering policies. In my first 100 days, I’d put forward reform that would honor asylum claims and put migrants on a pathway to citizenship if they haven’t committed a serious crime. We also need a marshal plan for Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador so their people feel safe at home.
JDB: Booker: What would you do on the immigration issue?
CB: I’d end the ICE policies that violate human rights. I’d reinstate DACA and pathways to citizenship for those in protected status.
JC: Booker, Warren, and Inslee agree with me. I want to get rid of Section 1325 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. All other candidates should support this repeal.
CB: ICE isn’t just at the border, they’re ripping apart families in cities around the country.
BD: We all need to understand: immigrants have not created misery for those Americans who have fallen behind. The corporations and the 1% did that.
JDB: O’Rourke: What would you do Day One at the White House to address this issue?
BO: Follow our own asylum laws.
JC: But your policy already criminalizes the actions of these families. You need to repeal Section 1325.
BO: We wouldn’t detain any family fleeing violence. We’d implement a Family Case Management Program and then rewrite immigration laws to free Dreamers and make them citizens. Invest in solutions in Central America and work with the region.
JC: But Section 1325 is what makes their choices a criminal action, incarcerating the parents and separating the children. I have called to end that Section. O’Rourke hasn’t.
BO: I helped introduce legislation to protect those seeking asylum. I want a comprehensive rewrite of our immigration laws.
JC: But some migrants aren’t seeking asylum. You’ve said the reason you don’t want to repeal Section 1325 is because you’re concerned about human and drug trafficking — but those concerns are already covered by other parts of the US Code.
SG: Klobuchar: Castro wants it to no longer be a crime for people to cross the border. Should it be only a civil offense?
AK: I’ll look at his proposal, but we need to be able to go after law violators. We need immigrants and their ideas. I’d like to look at the 2013 bill that passed with GOP support and update it.
SG: Ryan: Should it be a crime or a civil offense?
TR: I agree with Castro. There are already provisions in the law, so there’s no need to repeat them in Section 1325. And the President should send doctors to take care of these kids at the border.
SG: Booker: If you’re President, what will you do with the families who are here? Will they be detained or not?
CB: We’d deal with this through a civil process, not a criminal one. No one should be profiting off their incarceration. We should make investments in the Northern Triangle. We should provide healthcare and dignity for those who come here.
SG: Inslee: What would you do on Day One for this issue?
JI: They should be released, pending hearings. Washington passed a law that prevents local law enforcement from being like ICE agents. I stood up against the Muslim ban. We welcome refugees in Washington.
LH: Tankers have been attacked and a drone has been shot down. Who as President would sign onto the original 2015 nuclear deal with Iran?
All but Booker raise hands.
CB: It was a mistake to pull out of that deal, and Trump is leading us into a dangerous situation. We need to renegotiate a deal, but I can’t unilaterally say I’ll sign the old deal. If we can get a better deal, I’m gonna do it.
LH: Klobuchar: You said you’d negotiate yourself back into the Iranian agreement. Was it a good deal.
AK: It was for that moment, but it was imperfect. I would’ve negotiated a longer sunset period. Trump told us he was going to get us a better deal, and now we’re a month away from Iran saying it will blow the caps on enriching uranium. He makes us less safe. We need to stand with our allies and stop giving leverage to China and Russia. I would also go to Congress before any authorization of military force.
LH: Gabbard: You said you’d sign onto the 2015 deal. Would you insist it addresses Iran’s support for Hezbollah?
TG: Let’s deal with where we are. I served in Iraq. A war with Iran would be even more devastating and would exacerbate the refugee crisis. We need to stand up against war with Iran, get back into the agreement, and negotiate improvements to it.
LH: But what would your red line be for military action against Iran?
TG: An attack against our troops would demand a response.
CT: Warren: You have robust plans to deal with guns, but what do you do about the hundreds of millions of guns already out there? Should the federal government play a role in that?
EW: Seven children die every day from gun violence, and it’s a national health emergency. We’ll do universal background checks, and we can ban weapons of war. But let’s also double down on research to find out what actually works to keep our kids safe.
CT: But should the federal government go and get guns?
EW: We need to treat this as a serious research issue. Guns in the hands of a collector is a different situation than guns that are sold and turned over quickly. This isn’t an across-the-board problem, it’s a public health emergency.
CT: Booker: You have a federal government gun buyback program in your plan. How will that work?
CB: We’ve let the corporate gun lobby frame this debate. It’s time for a bold agenda.
RM: Castro: School shootings are so common they don’t even always make the news. Will this problem get worse, or can you do something to turn it around?
JC: We don’t have to accept that. I think we’re gonna have a Democratic House, Senate, and White House. I think even though we haven’t seen legislative action yet, activism is working. If I have to choose between 60 votes, a filibuster, or passing common sense gun reform, I’ll choose the reform.
[TR jumps in]
TR: We need trauma-based care and socio-emotional learning in every school. Most shooters come from the school they shoot. We need mental health counselors in school.
CT: O’Rourke: You’re from a conservative state. What do you tell a gun owner who may agree with you on everything else but who believes Democrats will take his gun away?
BO: We know universal background checks save lives. We know assault weapons and weapons of war belong on the battlefield. We need red flag laws so people are stopped before it’s too late. These efforts have to be led by the young people who are making our democracy work.
CT: Klobuchar: If the government is buying back guns, is this a tough conversation to have?
AK: These proposals don’t hurt my Uncle Dick and his deer stand. Kids will lead this – as on gay rights, when kids talk to their parents, the parents listen.
RM: Booker: Mitch McConnell says his biggest achievement was preventing Obama from filling a Supreme Court seat. You’ve served with Republicans on the judiciary committee. Do you believe they’ll support your nominees?
CB: If you need a license to buy a car, you should need a license to have a gun. Also, concerning the Supreme Court: we will get to 50 votes in the Senate. Our nominee needs to campaign in red states and secure Senate seats so we can pass an agenda America already agrees with.
RM: DeBlasio: As an executive, you’re used to saying what you want and then getting it. If you select a Supreme Court nominee and McConnell is still leading the Senate, what makes you think he’ll allow you to have a nominee?
BD: On the gun issue, we need a different relationship between the police and our community. I have a black son. On McConnell, the Democratic party needs to stop acting like the party of elites and go into red states to support Democratic nominees there.
CT: Warren: What is your plan for dealing with Mitch McConnell?
EW: The way a democracy is supposed to work is to be driven by the will of the people. Short of a Democratic majority in the Senate, we’ll still fight from the White House. We also have to push from the outside while having leadership on the inside.
CT: Delaney: McConnell doesn’t seem to operate in your bipartisan manner. Why would he conform to your style?
JD: We need to get things done. This country’s transformative history has happened through majorities of the American people being activated.
CT: Booker: How do you deal with Mitch McConnell?
CB: As a black man from a black community, when I got to the Senate people told me we couldn’t get a criminal justice bill. Today we passed the First Step Act. I’m able to accomplish things.
RM: Inslee: You’ve staked your candidacy on climate change. Does your plan save Miami?
JI: Yes, and we need to take the filibuster from Mitch McConnell. We’re the last generation that can solve climate change. In my state, we passed a 100% clean Electrical Grid Bill. I am the candidate making climate change the organizing principle for the US.
CT: O’Rourke: What’s your message to a voter who doesn’t want government telling them how to live concerning climate change?
BO: We’re going everywhere, listening to everyone. We’ll mobilize $5 trillion in this economy over the next 10 years and pay farmers for the environmental service they want to provide.
CT: Castro: Who pays for the mitigation to climate change? Is this a federal issue? How much should the government bail people out on this?
JC: My first visit as a candidate was to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I’m one of the few candidates with executive experience. When I was mayor of San Antonio, we moved our public utility from coal-fired plants to solar and renewables, creating more than 800 jobs. When I was HUD Secretary, we invested in communities rebuilding from natural disasters. First thing I’d do as President is recommit to the Paris Climate Accord.
CT: Ryan: If pricing carbon is politically impossible, how do we pay for climate mitigation?
TR: In a variety of ways. The Democratic Party needs to be less Ivy League and focus on the “forgotten communities” to get those workers back on our side.
[Delaney jumps in]
JD: I introduced the only bipartisan carbon tax bill in Congress. A carbon pricing mechanism works. I want to put a price on carbon and give a dividend back to tax payers, and I can get that done in my first year, with bipartisan support.
CT: Gabbard: You issued an apology to the LGBT community for past statements on gay rights. Why should voters who care about this community trust you?
TG: My record in Congress shows a commitment to LGBT rights. I serve on the Equality Caucus and voted for passage of the Equality Act. I grew up in a conservative home and held views when I was young that I don’t hold today.
[Booker jumps in]
CB: Civil rights is a good place to begin. We do not talk enough about trans Americans, especially those of color, who are murdered. It’s not enough to be on the Equality Caucus – we need a President who will fight on this issue.
RM: Klobuchar: Democrats have long counted on African American turnout, and now the Latino community. What have you done for black and Latino voters?
AK: My career has been about economic opportunity. This means better childcare for all, better retirement, better schools, STEM jobs. One of the first of the 34 bills Trump signed where I was a lead Democrat was one making sure minorities could share in STEM jobs. In my first 100 days, I’ll work to make sure everyone can vote and will work towards criminal justice reform.
RM: Castro: Miami is a 70% Latino city, and you’re the only Latino running. Is Klobuchar’s answer enough to mobilize Latinos?
JC: We’ll also have to recognize racial and social justice and the ways in which law enforcement treats whites and POC differently. I’m the only candidate to put forward legislation to reform our policing system. No matter what your color is, you should be treated the same.
LH: O’Rourke: Does America have a responsibility to protect other countries in the case of genocide or crimes against humanity, even when these atrocities don’t impact our core interest?
BO: Yes, but always with allies. This President has diminished our global standing by alienating us from allies. I’ll ensure we live our values in our foreign policy.
[De Blasio jumps in]
BD: What about the War Powers Act? We’ve too often gone to war without Congressional authorization. I think we should be ready to intervene, but not without Congressional approval.
RM: Ryan: Today the Taliban took responsibility for killing two American soldiers in Afghanistan. Obama and Trump both said they want to end involvement in Afghanistan. Why can’t we get out of there?
TR: I’ve been on Armed Services or Defense Appropriations Committees for 12 years. We have to stay engaged over there. But Trump doesn’t even have State Department appointments to deal with these issues.
[Gabbard jumps in]
TG: We need a better answer for families who have lost soldiers than “we need to stay engaged.” It’s time to come home from Afghanistan. That money should be directed to needs here at home.
TR: I don’t want to be engaged, but if we’re not, the Taliban will grow.
TG: The Taliban was there long before we came in and they’ll be there afterwards.
TR: When we weren’t there, they flew planes into our buildings.
TG: No, that was al Qaeda.
TR: I understand. The Taliban was protecting those who were plotting against us.
TG: Saudi Arabia is protecting al Qaeda right now.
CT: What is the biggest geopolitical threat to the United States?
JD: Biggest challenge is China, but the biggest threat is nuclear weapons.
JI: Donald Trump
TG: Risk of nuclear war
AK: Economic threat is China, but our major threat is Iran
BO: Climate change
EW: Climate change
CB: Nuclear proliferation and climate change
JC: China and climate change
TR: China
BD: Russia
CT: O’Rourke: The Mueller Report outlines multiple instances of potential criminal behavior by Trump. Pelosi resists any move to impeachment by the House. If the House doesn’t impeach, as President, would you do anything to address the potential crimes in the report?
BO: Yes. We can’t set a precedent that people with power are above the law. We should begin impeachment now. Under my administration, the DOJ will pursue accountability.
RM: Delaney: It’s possible Trump may be prosecuted for some of these potential crimes down the line. No US President has ever been prosecuted after office. Should Trump be the first?
JD: No one is above the law and this President is lawless. I support Pelosi’s current decisions, and she has more information on this than any of the candidates. The people aren’t overwhelmingly concerned with this: they’re concerned with healthcare and jobs.
AK: We need to do something about Russian interference in our elections.
JD: America has been lost through infighting. We can find it through real solutions, not impossible promises.
BD: We need a candidate who has already taken actions on healthcare and minimum wage and pre-K, like I did in NY. Put working people first.
JI: I want to be able to tell my grandkids I did everything to protect them from the damage of climate change. I’m the only candidate for whom this is a top priority.
TR: I’ve represented a forgotten community. The powerful have divided the working class, and it’s time to bring people together, especially in industrial America
TG: The government hasn’t been of, by, and for the people. It’s been for the rich and powerful. We need healthcare and clean air and well-paying jobs.
JC: My grandmother was an immigrant, and now my brother and I are both in significant office. I’ll work towards good healthcare, education, and job opportunities no matter what part of America you’re in.
AK: I listen and get things done. I’ve passed over 100 bills as a lead Democrat. I win in deep red districts and swing states. I have no political machine, and I don’t come from money, and I don’t make big promises.
CB: Activists stood up for my family, and I’ve fought as a tenant lawyer, and I will beat Trump. I stand up to bullies, and I also want to call us to a common purpose for each other.
BO: I’m running for my daughter and for kids across the US. We need a new kind of politics with the urgency of the next generation. We need a movement like mine in Texas.
EW: I dreamt of being a public school teacher, but my family couldn’t afford college for me. The government helped me into a commuter college and expanded my life. Let’s make our government and economy work for all. I’ll fight for you as hard as I fight for my family.
Michael Bennett (MB)
John Hickenlooper (JH)
Bernie Sanders (BS)
Kamala Harris (KH)
Eric Swalwell (ES)
Kristen Gillibrand (KG)
Marianne Williamson (MW)
Pete Buttigieg (PB)
Joe Biden (JB)
Andrew Yang (AY)
SG: Will taxes go up for the middle class in a Sanders administration, and if so, how do you sell that to voters?
BS: Under a Medicare-for-All system, the vast majority of Americans will pay less for healthcare than they are right now. They’ll have no premiums, deductibles, co-payments, or out-of-pocket expenses. So yes, they will pay more in taxes but less in healthcare for what they get.
SG: Biden: you’ve said “we shouldn’t demonize the rich. Nobody has to be punished, no one’s standard of living would change, and nothing would fundamentally change.” What does this mean?
JB: Donald Trump has put the middle class in a horrible situation with real economic inequality. We can make massive cuts in the $1.6 trillion in tax loopholes, and I would eliminate Donald Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy.
SG: Warren: Do you think Democrats have a responsibility to explain how they’ll pay for their proposals?
KH: Where was that question when Donald Trump and the GOP passed a tax bill that benefits the top 1% and contributes $1 trillion to the country’s debt, which middle-class families will pay for?
I propose to change the tax code so every family making less than $100,000 a year will receive a tax credit of $500 a month. And on Day One, I will repeal the tax bill that benefits the 1%.
SG: Hickenlooper: Only one candidate identifies as a Democratic Socialist. What policies of your opponents do you think veer towards socialism?
JH: If we don’t clearly define that we aren’t socialists, Republicans will call us socialists. The Green New Deal goes too far – we can’t promise everyone a government job. We can’t eliminate private insurance.
SG: Sanders: How do you respond to the notion that nominating a socialist would re-elect Donald Trump?
BS: Last poll I saw has us 10 points ahead of Trump. America understands he’s a phony, a liar, and a racist. He lied during his campaign and hasn’t stood up for working families – instead he’s tried to throw 32 million people off their healthcare. We need to expose him as a fraud.
[KG jumps in]
KG: Companies shouldn’t care more about profits than about people. The NRA and gun manufacturers are greedy, the drug companies are greedy. But we don’t have to disagree in this party – capitalism is fine, just not corrupt capitalism.
SG: Bennett: You’ve said “it’s possible to craft proposals that have no basis in reality. You may as well call them candy.” To whom were you referring?
MB: I disagree with Bernie’s Medicare for All solution. I want to get to universal healthcare, and we do that through a public option. We’ll get to Medicare for All more quickly if we do that. Vermont rejected Medicare for All because of Bernie’s taxes.
[KG jumps in]
KG: I wrote the part in Bernie’s bill that merges Bernie’s and Bennett’s POV. If you have a buy-in, over a four- to five-year period, we get to single-payer more quickly.
JDB: Buttigieg: Why don’t you support free college, as others do?
PB: I believe in free college for low- and middle-income students. But those families shouldn’t subsidize wealthy families. It should also be an option to not go to college and still make your life affordable. We need to raise minimum wage to at least $15/hr.
[ES jumps in]
ES: We can’t count on the people who have been around for 30 years in government to solve this.
JDB: Yang: You want to give every adult $1,000 a month (or $3.2 trillion a year.) How?
AY: It’s hard to do when companies like Amazon are paying no taxes while closing 30% of stores. A value-added tax at half the European level would generate over $800 billion in revenue, and that money would trickle up and create jobs. We could increase GDP by $700 billion. We’ve automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs in key states, and it’ll get worse.
JDB: But wouldn’t the $1,000 gift just go right back into the value-added tax?
AY: No. You’d still increase the buying power of the bottom 94%. The average family of 2-3 adults would have an additional $24-36,000 a year.
JDB: In this age of automation, what would you do to help people adapt?
ES: Invest in vulnerable communities. It’s time to pass the torch, and Joe Biden said that 32 years ago.
[JB responds]
JB: I want to focus on schools that are in distress. Let’s triple the amount of money spent on Title I schools. Let’s have universal pre-K, free community college. And if you get out of school and are making less than $25,000 a year, you shouldn’t have to pay school debt – the debt is frozen with no interest payment until you can pay it.
[BS jumps in]
BS: We’ve got to take on Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, and big-money interests.
[KH jumps in with “food fight” line]
KH: People shouldn’t have to be working 2 or 3 jobs if Trump’s economy is so great. The stock market isn’t a full measure of the economy’s health.
LH: Who would abolish their private health insurance in favor of government-run insurance?
Only Sanders and Harris say yes.
KG: With me, anyone who doesn’t have access to insurance they like can buy in at a percentage of income they can afford. We need to get to universal healthcare and then to single-payer. You get there by creating competition with the insurers. If given the choice, people will choose Medicare, and then we’ll get to Medicare for All. Single payer can be an earned benefit, just like Social Security, and you’ll pay into it your whole life.
PB: I want to do Medicare for All Who Want It. Put it up as an option against the corporate options. Even in countries with socialized medicine (like England), there’s still another option. But we shouldn’t rely on corporations for our primary care.
JB: Let’s build on Obamacare and make sure everyone has options and can buy in on an exchange.
LH: Sanders: You want to scrap private insurance and replace it with a government-run plan. But states who have tried that have struggled. How can you do it at a national level?
BS: Every other major country does it and they’re spending 50% per capita of what we’re spending. The function of healthcare today isn’t care, it’s to make billions for insurance companies. I will cut prescription drug costs in half in this country. We’ll do this by bringing millions of people come together to fight for it.
LH: Williamson: How would you lower costs of prescription drugs?
MW: The government never should have made a deal with Big Pharma that they couldn’t negotiate. We’re not going to beat Donald Trump by having plans. He didn’t have a plan. We don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sickness-care system.
LH: Bennett: Is building on Obamacare enough to get us to universal coverage?
MB: Yes, and quickly. Canada has a much smaller population than we do. Medicare for All won’t work here. Bernie’s plan will make everything illegal but cosmetic surgery.
[BS responds]
BS: Medicare is currently the most popular health insurance plan in the country. Our plan allows people to go to any hospital or doctor they want.
[KH jumps in]
KH: Families shouldn’t have to fear going into the ER because they’ll be out a $5,000 deductible.
[ES jumps in]
ES: We’ve got to have a system where if you’re sick, you’re seen, and you won’t go broke.
SG: Would your plan provide coverage for undocumented immigrants?
All hands go up.
PB: Undocumented immigrants pay sales and property taxes, so this is not a free handout. We have 11 million undocumented people with no access to healthcare, and no path to citizenship. The majority of the American people support these pathways.
SG: Biden: Obamacare doesn’t cover undocumented immigrants. Are you in favor of change on this?
JB: Undocumented people contribute to our country and increase the lifespan of Social Security. They would also reduce the overall cost of healthcare because they wouldn’t be waiting until it’s too late to get care. We should also be putting pharma execs in jail for their misleading advertising.
JDB: Harris: What would you do with the thousands in detainment looking for asylum?
KH: I’d start with DACA and reinstate DACA protection through executive action. I’d extend deferral of deportation for their parents and for undocumented veterans. I’d put in place a process for reviewing cases for asylum. I’ll release kids from cages and get rid of private detention centers.
JDB: Hickenlooper: What do you do for these migrants?
JH: What’s happening right now is kidnapping. We need sufficient facilities in place to keep families together. We need to reform ICE so it’s working in a humanitarian way – providing food, clothing, shelter, and access to medical care.
[MW jumps in]
MW: This is kidnapping and child abuse. State-sponsored crimes. Why aren’t we talking about healthcare and Latin American foreign policy?
JDB: Gillibrand: What would you do about the border?
KG: Fight for comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. Develop a community-based treatment center for asylum seekers, giving them lawyers and real immigration judges. Fund border security. Trump has diverted the funds from stopping drug trafficking and has directed the funds towards for-profit prisons to lock up kids and asylum seekers.
JDB: Should it be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation?
All hands go up except Bennett and Biden (who puts up a “give me a second” finger)
PB: Criminalization of this is the basis for family separation. The GOP cloaks itself in religion, but you can’t put kids in cages and pretend to be religious.
JDB: Biden: Would you decriminalize migrants who come without documents?
JB: I’d send help to the region immediately. I won a bipartisan agreement to spend $740 million to deal with the problem, but Trump rolled that back. We would reunite the families.
JDB: But the Obama-Biden administration deported more than 3 million. If living in the US without documents is their only offense, should they be deported?
JB: Yes, if they’ve committed a major crime. Let’s fix why they’d leave in the first place and absorb those seeking asylum.
JDB: Yes, but should someone here without documents, and with no other offense, be deported?
JB: They should not be the focus of deportation.
[BS jumps in]
BS: I agree with Kamala. On Day One, with executive order, we should rescind everything Trump has done on this issue. Also, Honduras is a failing state with massive corruption. We need to invite the leaders of Central America and Mexico together to solve this.
JDB: Swalwell: If an undocumented person has no other offense, should they be deported?
ES: No. And Day One, for me, families are reunited.
JDB: Harris: If an undocumented person has no other offense, should they be deported?
KH: No, and I disagreed with the Obama administration on this. The policy allowed deportation of non-criminals, by ICE’s own definition. I directed my state not to comply, and to make decisions based on public safety. A rape victim should feel safe to report the crime against her without fear.
LH: Bennett: US business says China manipulates currency and steals intellectual property. How would you stand up to China?
MB: Russia is a bigger threat than China. I think Trump is right to push back on China, but he should be doing it with the rest of the world beside us. Also, I wrote the immigration bill in 2013 that called for a path to citizenship.
LH: Yang: Are you worried about China taking jobs? What would you do?
AY: I agree Russia is a bigger threat. But the China trade war is punishing everyone. We need to crack down on Chinese malfeasance, but the trade war is the wrong way to do it.
LH: Buttigieg: What would you do about China?
PB: It’s is a serious challenge. Tariffs aren’t going to change China’s economic model – tariffs are taxes, and Americans are gonna pay $800 more a year because of them. Meanwhile, China is overwhelming us with better technological advancement. We need to invest in our own competitiveness.
RM: Buttigieg: The police force in South Bend is 6% black in a city that is 26% black. Why hasn’t that improved in your two terms as Mayor?
PB: I couldn’t get it done. There is a systemic wall of distrust, racially.
[JH asks to respond]
JH: Why has it taken so long to do something about it? When I was a mayor, we had a police shooting and so we created an office of the independent monitor, a civilian oversight commission, diversified the police force, and did de-escalation training.
PB: We’ve taken so many steps toward police accountability that the FOP just denounced me for too much accountability.
[ES jumps in]
ES: If the officer’s bodycam wasn’t on, and that was the police policy, you should fire the chief. You’re the mayor and someone died.
PB: It’s being investigated.
MW: This is all due to deep racial injustice. We should support reparations for slavery for this reason. Americans aren’t educated enough on race.
[KH jumps in]
KH: Biden, I don’t believe you’re a racist, but your comments about segregationists were hurtful. You worked with them to oppose busing. When I was AG, all my special agents kept their bodycams on.
JB: This is a mischaracterization. I was a public defender, not a prosecutor. And when I worked with Obama, we dealt with these issues. I support busing being a decision at the local level.
KH: But do you agree you were wrong to oppose busing then?
JB: I didn’t. I opposed busing being directed by the Department of Education.
KH: And that’s why the federal government must step in sometimes. There was a failure of states to integrate schools. We need the federal government – the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the ERA. Sometimes the states fail to support all people.
JB: I supported the ERA from the start. I’ve fought against denial of access to the ballot box. I extended the Voting Rights Act for 25 years…
CT: Sanders: You’ve said voters should focus on what people stand for, not a candidate’s race or age or sexuality. Are you saying diversity doesn’t matter?
BS: No. Diversity is valuable and that’s what our party is about. But we also need to ask why workers aren’t making more money than they made 45 years ago, while the top 1% has massive income increases. We need diversity, and we also need to stand up to power.
KH: We have to go to the root of the corruption in politics if we want to solve any of these problems. I want publicly funded, clean elections.
JB: And I introduced the first Constitutional amendment to do that.
CT: Bennett: Concerning partisan gridlock, Obama said that if he were elected, the parties would come together. That didn’t happen, and now Biden is saying the same thing. Will a Democrat magically solve gridlock?
MB: Not if Mitch McConnell is there. We need to run in all 50 states and win the Senate with broadly appealing policies. We need to end gerrymandering in Washington and overturn Citizens United. All this stuff happened while Biden was in the Senate.
CT: Biden: It seems as if you haven’t seen what’s happened in the Senate over the past several years. Why?
JB: We needed three votes to pass the recovery act to avoid Depression – I got three votes changed. I got Mitch to raise $600 billion in taxes. I sent billions into cancer research.
MB: But the deal Biden made with Mitch McConnell extended the Bush tax cuts permanently and was a victory for the Tea Party, after Democrats had been fighting against that for 10 years.
KG: GOP admitted the reason the Trump tax cut had to be passed is so the GOP could pay back its donors. I want clean, publicly funded elections to fight corruption.
RM: What is your plan if Roe vs. Wade is struck down while you’re president?
BS: I will never appoint any Justice who does not 100% defend Roe v. Wade. Constitutionally, we have the power to rotate judges to other courts, if we need to bring new blood in.
RM: But what if the court has already overturned Roe v Wade and it’s gone?
BS: Medicare for All will guarantee every woman in this country the right to an abortion.
[KG jumps in]
KG: Thirty states are trying to overturn Roe v Wade right now. During ACA negotiations, I had to fight to make sure contraception didn’t disappear. I’ve been the fiercest advocate for reproductive rights.
CT: Harris: What is your plan for climate change?
KH: I support the Green New Deal and will re-enter us into the Paris Agreement.
CT: Buttigieg: How will your climate change plan help farmers in the Midwest?
PB: I support a carbon tax and dividend in a way that is rebated out in a progressive fashion. Rural Americans, with the right kind of soil investment, can be part of the solution.
RM: Hickenlooper: You’ve said oil and gas companies can be part of the solution, but other candidates are moving away from that idea. Can oil and gas really help?
JH: Socialism isn’t the solution. In Colorado, we’re replacing some coal plants with wind and solar and batteries, and we’re working with the oil and gas industry to start the first methane regulations in the US. We shouldn’t be demonizing business.
RM: Biden: Democrats are arguing with themselves about climate change, but a lot of the GOP doesn’t believe it exists. How do you solve this with no support from Congress?
JB: Obama administration built the largest wind farm and largest solar farm in the world, and that drove the competitive price of both of those sources. I want 500,000 recharging stations across America to go to a full electric vehicle future by 2030. Let’s invest $400 million in new science and technology for an economy that will create jobs. And let’s rejoin the Paris Accord.
RM: Sanders: What would you do for climate change?
BS: We have 12 years before irreparable damage is done to the planet. Instead of spending $1.5 trillion on weapons and war, let’s transform away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy.
ES: Pass the torch.
MW: John Kennedy didn’t say he had a plan to get to the moon. He just said he’d do it. Gather the energy of the people.
CT: Obama wanted to address both healthcare and climate, but only got to healthcare. If you only get one shot, what’s your issue?
ES: Ending gun violence
JB: Climate change and economic mobility
KG: Family bill of rights, national paid leave plan, universal pre-k, affordable day care, making sure women thrive at work
KH: Middle-class tax cut, DACA, guns
BS: Political revolution
JB: Obama brought together 196 nations to commit to deal with climate change. But my first issue is defeating Donald Trump
PB: Fix democracy
AY: $1000 freedom dividend for everyone age 18+
JH: Collaborative approach to climate change
MW: Call New Zealand
RM: Swalwell: You propose mandatory government buyback of every assault weapon in America. How?
ES: The other candidates’ plans aren’t enough. I’ll approach it as a prosecutor and as someone who has voted on and passed background checks.
RM: Sanders: In an interview in 2013, you said, “Everything being equal, states should make decisions [on guns]. Has your view changed?”
BS: That’s a mischaracterization. In 1988, I ran on a platform of banning assault weapons. I have a D-minus voting record from the NRA. We need comprehensive gun legislation with universal background checks. We need to end the gun show loophole and the strawman provision. Assault weapons shouldn’t be on the streets. We will ban their sale and distribution.
ES: Will you buy them back?
BS: If the government wants to do that.
KH: I think Swalwell’s idea is great. As President, I’ll give Congress 100 days to put a bill on my desk. If they don’t, I’ll put in place the most comprehensive gun legislation we’ve had. I’ll have ATF take licenses from gun sellers who violate the law, and I’ll ban through executive order the importation of assault weapons.
RM: Buttigieg: You’re the only one on stage with military experience. Do you believe military families and vets will have a different take on this issue?
PB: Yes. Every part of my life experience informs this issue. Universal background checks are the right thing to do. Some weapons have no place in peace time.
JB: I’ve beaten the NRA nationally, getting the Brady Bill passed. We increased that during the Obama administration. I got assault weapons banned and the number of clips in a gun banned. I would buy back assault weapons. And we should have “smart” guns – no gun should be sold without biometric precautions. Our adversary is the manufacturers, not the NRA.
PB: But the manufacturers are giving orders to the NRA
LH: What do you see as important early steps in reversing Trump’s damage?
MB: We have to restore democracy at home and restore the relationships he’s damaged with our allies.
CT: Which relationship with an ally would you most want to repair?
MW: European leaders.
JH: China
AY: China
PB: We have no idea who he’ll have pissed off by then
BS: Rebuilding trust in the UN
KG: Engage Iran
MB: European allies and Latin American countries
ES: Break up with Russia, make up with NATO
RM: Biden: Your foreign policy chops are central to the campaign, but you voted for the Iraq War. Why should voters trust your judgment?
JB: Because we got elected after Bush, and Obama told me to get the troops out of Iraq. We shouldn’t have combat troops in Afghanistan. I’ve pulled together alliances to combat terrorism – we should never go it alone.
BS: Joe voted for that war, which was a disaster, and I led opposition to it. I also led the effort for the first time to use the War Powers Act to get the US out of the humanitarian disaster of Yemen. And I’ll do all I can to prevent war with Iran.
ES: Congress has been built for the wealthy, but this generation can change that
MW: We can beat Donald Trump not with plans but with love
MB: I bring people together, and we need a broad coalition to beat Trump
JH: I’m a scrappy businessowner and a successful governor in a purple state. No socialism!
KG: The rights of women are under attack. I stood up against the banks and the Pentagon
AY: I can beat Trump by solving the problems that got him elected, with a “trickle up” economy
KH: We need someone who can prosecute Trump. I have a “3 a.m. agenda”
PB: I’m a gay, married mayor and a vet. I want to be able to say I delivered solutions on racial equality, climate change, and endless war.
BS: We all have good ideas, but until we have the guts to challenge the system, nothing will change
JB: We need to restore the soul and backbone of this nation. I can unite America
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