#LH Mexico
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raen-evy · 18 days ago
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pretty woman
Itzel con la playera de México (1998), nomas pq esta bonita
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medicallysilly · 2 months ago
WIP. I think I got a little carried away with the details in the flowers.
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acykatve · 5 months ago
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don`t worry, i`m fine if we are together
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year ago
✨ Happy 2024 ✨
🐲 Dragons' Empire 🐲
Portugal - China - Wales - Mexico
Water - Air - Fire - Earth
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where-the-sabia-sings · 27 days ago
A few crumbs and disconnect thoughts on BraMex:
* strap in for the new romance trope in the town bby, heirs in anxiety.
* But whereas Alejandro miseries are all born from the failed expectations he thinks he didn’t achieved as man “born” of empires
* Never mind that those expectations were made and put on him by Antonio who desired making Mexico the heir and son he wished he was for his own father (as you guys can see I’ve come back with a lot of daddy issues to unpack in those losers)
* However, Manuela’s anxiety is product of her desperation to achieve her place in the grand scheme of things, finally becoming the so long waited Country of the Future
* And believe or not, it’s in those contradictions that they met
* Usually, Manuela wouldn’t be considered his type. I mean the way Carlo’s describes their moony eyes cousin is not what Alejandro considers sexy and they only get to meet each other in middles of XIX during all these processes of independence occurring in Latam, is not exactly the most romantic thing for a pre teen nation
* But then he later see Manuela, perhaps after WWII and long gone is that stuck up sweet girl cousin. Now he sees a fuxking belladonna with the most gorgeous smile and a hot temper that got him on his knees envisioning the next top power couple to ever exist in the Americas
* And damn he finally found someone to share his love for diplomatics, another lover of using cultural soft power to sweep the old hags (and idiot Alfred) off their feet’s
* For Manu, Alejandro is that new wave of fresh air she much need
* He might not be charismatic as Cuba was, but damn the man knew how to be captivating as hell and is the only nation alive who wants to talk 24/7 of benefits of exporting one’s face to the world
* They dance to each other’s rhythm and they fucking love
* It might not deep as the clusterfucker thing she has with Paco, but in the end of the day girls just wanna have fun and kiss hot boys/girls i guess
* Then oh no
* We’ve reached the part where we kinda have to talk about how being heir of father’s empire only for not apparently getting to achieve all the glories who were sold to you from the cradle
* And having to “fail” in face of the evangelical brat almost abandoned son of England ugh
* Cause in the end of the day they are both children of empires trying to runaway from all the miseries, whether inflicted on them or by them on others, who also are so desperate to build their own apotheosis in spite of everything
* They sooo want to be their own thing and sometimes it seems incredibly impossible cause while they can’t renegade the vital influences of their other parents, the vices they inherited from their colonial parentes seem so hard to break free
* What do you mean waging war against a neighbor relative is bad? Dad made his legacy by defeating others and never looked back, why should I not crush those who are against me? Whaaaat? Does almost massacring my brothers/sisters/cousins/mother means I might not be so different from awful father???
* Anyways now back to the real deal
* They definitely they were all the rage after 1970 World Cup
* Manu was at her peak the girl being the first to win three championships at the time and finally getting a few days far way from the nightmare happening in home at the moment
* she was horny to the bone and bby Alejandro was more than ready to fulfill his belladonna wishes
* Nowadays humm 🤔
* He tries really hard to no sound so done every single time Manu insists making Chaves (El Chavo) jokes and memes
* telenovelas are prohibited topic amongst these two. We may watch tough, BUT we don’t talk about who does best and definitely we don’t argue who has the greatest villain
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francolapintogf · 1 year ago
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it's just pure magic
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mauvecherie-writes · 2 months ago
How does Lewis have all the upgrades but is still falling behind Russell ??? 🫠
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No se metan con Pedro e Itzel... literal te traerán toda la banda si te adueñas de sus tierras.
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mr-uru · 1 year ago
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Dibujo de los latinos que fueron al mundial Qatar 2022
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muyextra · 1 year ago
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Bocanada, Buen Soldado, Limón y Sal y Estrelar
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raen-evy · 18 days ago
Playing with hairstyles 🇲🇽🇲🇽
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medicallysilly · 1 month ago
No quiero morir sin antes haber amado pero tampoco quiero morir de amor. Calaveras y diablitos invaden mi corazón.
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I'm finally going to leave this thing like this, am I satisfied? Not really lol, but if I keep adding and adding detail I'm going to go crazy. I think it's very noticeable that this is more like a puzzle of drawings made at very different times and I pray to God that the saturation doesn't look weird. A quick look at the details;
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You can notice the difference in details in each one but my favorite is the super detailed portrait but the photo is a sketch that took me less than two minutes
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I have no idea how the hell to explain what is that
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Another portrait that is actually a sketch but this one camouflages better
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And finally a semi-realistic heart, just with a curious fact, talking to a friend about my drawing he said that the heart gave it a romantic touch, I didn't know how to feel about that haha
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acykatve · 2 months ago
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Argmex married
Somehow, even the simplest things are better when we are together
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sonlosnomeolvides · 1 year ago
Luna llena (Argenmex; AU)
Esto no estaba planeado, pero forma parte del mismo AU de hombres lobo que Balas de plata y Transformación, así que recomiendo leer esos dos primero.
Luna llena
Ser un hombre lobo es algo muy diferente a lo que Martín esperaba. Había imaginado que los cambios sólo se notarían en su resistencia física y en sus sentidos más agudos, o en la transformación que ocurría cada luna llena, pero iba más allá. Estaba preparado para descubrir qué tan distintos serían los aromas, los sonidos y los colores, o para correr a gran velocidad o tener una fuerza sobrehumana. Pero nada, absolutamente nada, lo había preparado para sentir el poder que la luna ejercía sobre él. 
Es incapaz de describir lo que siente en ese momento. Es una mezcla de dolor y temor: dolor porque su cuerpo intenta adoptar otra forma, y sus músculos se reacomodan de manera dolorosa pero sin llegar a completar del todo el cambio. Siente que su cuerpo es demasiado pequeño para sí mismo y quiere correr, alejarse lo más que pueda, llegar a un lugar abandonado y solo aullar, aullar, aullar. 
Tiene miedo. 
Las sensaciones son distintas a cualquier cosa que haya experimentado antes y teme a lo que está por ocurrir: su primera transformación completa en un lobo. Ha practicado su transformación parcial, aquella en la que solo sus dientes se hacen más largos, sus uñas se convierten en garras y sus ojos brillan en tonalidades doradas, pero desde que Pedro lo mordió, esta es su primera transformación total. 
El resto de la manada le habló al respecto. Itzel y Pancho le dijeron que solo se dejara llevar; Miguel, Coco y Blanca que sus propios instintos le dirían qué hacer llegado el momento. Gregorio le recomendó que no comiera nada pesado el día de su primera transformación porque podría vomitar del dolor, lo cual no le ayudó demasiado. Y Pedro le aseguró que lo acompañaría en todo momento.
Martín sabe que está rodeado de las personas que lo aprecian, que estando su manada ahí no hay nada malo que pueda ocurrirle, pero lo desconocido le aterra… y por eso su transformación no se puede completar, porque su mente sigue aferrada a pensar como humano y no a dejar que sus instintos lobunos hagan su trabajo. 
—Respira profundamente —dice Pedro mientras acaricia su espalda en círculos—. Necesito que respires e intentes relajarte. 
—Eso… intento —responde Martín entre dientes. 
—Yo sé —agrega el otro—, pero lo estás pensando demasiado. Solo deja que todo pase. 
Martín gime por lo bajo cuando el dolor aumenta y apenas es consciente de que Pedro lo abraza. 
—Déjate llevar. Yo estoy aquí. 
—Tengo miedo.
—Es normal, pero todo estará bien. 
Tincho cierra los ojos y decide concentrarse en algo que está ahí desde el inicio, presente y constante: el latido del corazón de Pedro. Se enfoca en eso y continúa respirando lentamente, inhalando, exhalando, inhalando, exhalando, hasta que logra relajarse un poco. No sabe exactamente cuánto tiempo pasa, pero después de un rato el dolor cesa y siente que hay algo distinto en él. Abre los ojos y todo se ve diferente: más brillante aún, más nítido a pesar de que es de noche. Cuando mira a su lado, ve que Pedro le sonríe. 
—Lo lograste —dice, y algo en su voz le transmite ese amor que sabe que Pedro siente por él. 
En esta forma lobuna no es capaz de hablar, pero acerca el morro al rostro de su novio, a quien escucha reír. 
—Muy bien. ¿Estás listo para correr?
Antes de que Martín-lobo pueda responder de alguna manera, Pedro comienza a quitarse la ropa y al estar completamente desnudo se transforma también: su pelaje es gris y su cuerpo es esbelto, pero fuerte. Es un poco más grande que Martín, contrario a como ocurre con sus estaturas humanas, lo cual probablemente se deba a que es el líder de la manada. 
Pedro-lobo alza el rostro al aire y emite un aullido fuerte, que resuena hasta en los huesos de Martín-lobo, quien siente la necesidad de responder, por lo que así lo hace. Casi al instante, los aullidos del resto de la manada se unen a ellos en un coro que resuena por todo su territorio Entonces Pedro comienza a correr y Martín lo sigue. Casi de inmediato otros lobos se unen a ellos y juntos (Pedro, Martín, Itzel, Miguel, Coco, Blanca, Pancho y Gregorio), bajo la luz de la luna llena, dejan a sus instintos fluir.
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where-the-sabia-sings · 10 months ago
Do you think portugal and spain have a favorite child?????
Hummm let’s see…🤔
The closest thing to a favorite child nowadays for Portugal is Timor Leste. He’s the baby of the family and Afonso kinda feels guilty for not paying attention to him for most of the boy’s life, and now he’s able to actually have a act more like a father to him. Although, in terms of personality he’s more closest to Cabo Verde
Spain always denies having a favorite child but he will raise hell if anyone speaks something about Cuba who he ignored for most of his life and used as bargains against France or England
Just kidding hahahah
I believe that for a looooong time Mexico was the apple of his eyes, the beloved heir who he spent so much time investing in his education than the tramp England has at north, but the independence wars definitely have shaken things up and now the two of them have a okay relationship that they trying to improve (key word: trying).
Peru would probably came in second place, the boy pretty much inherited Antonio’s slyness, a natural born politician and was the one who best managed things while he was away, but of course, Don Antonio could never forgive that Miguel was smart enough to see that they were better off without his decadent colonial father on their backs
Ahhhhh but don’t worry. At the end of the day these two old farts will always pestering their children with happy birthday messages at the worst time possible and sending this kinda of thing in family group chats:
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vannyqwea · 1 year ago
Chile siempre se siente seguro en abrir su corazoncito con mexico.
Pero a México le gusta weiarlo con eso.
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