#LEX Nightclub
kallystah · 1 month
~~of fruit and wine~~ mihawk x reader
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4780 words
Everyone who was in that category knew that waking up early in the morning was a different feeling than at any other time of the day. There was this extra feeling that you didn't get when you went out late at night with your friends. And I'm not talking about coming home from a bar or a nightclub at six in the morning, but waking up at that time to enjoy the peaceful calm and witness the first ray of sunshine of the day.
Unfortunately, for a certain woman, waking up at not six but five in the morning every Thursday made her very tired. It wasn't because of a neighbor coming home from a party completely drunk and making noise in all the corridors of the building, nor because of a baby begging for milk immediately, and even less because of work that had to be done at that time so as not to block the road in day. Hell no.
The young woman was simply a merchant. So she was forced to wake up at five in the morning every Thursday to get ready and set up her stand. And God, it was no easy feat. Not to mention the negotiations that took place every year to get the best spot, it was necessary to prepare all the food in very large quantities and set it up by putting the product she wanted to sell the most to her advantage. For today's date, which was the last week of May, cherries were the number one item on the stand, and what better than her favorite fruit?
The thirty-year-old took her time and turned off her damn alarm clock, one day she would throw it out the window, she was sure of it. But it was not time to complain, the alarm clock showed five thirty, and not five o'clock.
-Shit. The woman swore as she had barely woken up.
Fortunately, she had been woken up by her second ring, which forced her to move quickly, the first at five o'clock allowing her more calm and less stress. Her real problem in the Thursday market was that her shop was located at the other end of the big city, she was the only merchant in her small village so she earned a good living, but to reach the city she had to walk for a good hour and two hours when she carried her things. Fortunately, she was always accompanied by the young Lex, a twenty-something who had strength to spare.
Barely out of the shower and dressed when a drumming could be heard on her front door.
-Old woman, move your ass, it's six o'clock, we should already be gone! Said the said Lex.
-I'm barely thirty-eight, you brute! She answered him, taking her bag to open the door and walk in front of him.
-The important part was "move your ass" now let's go!
The Thursday morning race. It was called that by the young assistant. To reassure you, it wasn't like that every Thursday, there were just a few times a year when the woman forgot to come out of her dreams at five o'clock. And today was one of those days. But Lex wasn't just pissed off because she was late today, but rather because last week because of her delay she hadn't had her entire stand. Two weeks in a row had had the gift of pissing him off.
Luckily for them, they arrived at the market square at eight o'clock sharp, five minutes later their place would be given to another person from a more distant stand or the stand to her left would eat up part of his place.
She stuck her tongue out at the young woman from the said stand, this young pest, sorry, woman and Y/n had a less than friendly relationship. She had arrived barely a month ago and had joined the market vendors two weeks ago. They had never gotten along and the fact that the thirty-one-year-old was so unpleasant and stole half of her space, as the old fool, i mean, her father, had taught her, every time she arrived just five minutes late didn't help.
Once her stand was finally set up, it was eight forty-five, she had been fifteen minutes late compared to the first customers but it didn't matter, even despite her lack of punctuality the regular customers had bought her punnet of cherries or her melon while the stand was half done.
It was at ten o'clock sharp that a certain customer appeared, but it wasn't just any customer. He was even the main reason why she had hurried despite her delay that very morning.
Indeed, every two weeks, a very tall, handsome man would arrive at ten o'clock sharp on Thursdays for the market. His pale complexion, his moustache and his eyes had made the merchant's heart skip a beat. And his eyes, how magnificent they were, every time she saw him coming from afar she was absorbed by their colour and the circles present. Absolutely sublime.
But once again, now that she thought about it, if she was able to see his sharp pupil so well, it was because he could also see her beautiful eyes very well. How should she explain herself this time? She was not at all checking him out so openly by neglecting a customer asking her for a kilo of peaches, of course not, she was just reminding her thoughts that there were women, or men, in this world who had been able to enjoy this dream body for a whole night, or more. This dream body, she would almost drool. But a sweet voice that came to her like a melody interrupted her saliva, note the irony.
-Dad look at the man over there. He's been looking in my direction for a while now. At the end of the year I'll be married and pregnant count on me.
Seriously? Y/n had realized the stupidity and the naivety of her neighbor. Plus, the end of the year being in seven months, it would be a bit tight to seduce the man. And then, he absolutely did not come for her.
A second thing shocked her in his sentence. As if… No. Impossible. In East Blue, or even in all the seas, everyone knew the name and reputation of this man. Afterwards, it was possible that the woman overestimated the intelligence of her neighbor.
Finally. The man arrived in the row where she was, passing in front of her neighbor who displayed a dejected look, she noted in her head to make fun of her once the swordsman left, and she adjusted a sweet smile for her favorite customer.
-Mihawk. What a pleasure to see you again, you did not come two weeks ago.
-Good morning Y/n. I was unfortunately busy that day because of the government and the person I sent must have go to another market. Do you have what I'm going to take?
-Here. She said while taking out a huge basket previously hidden from customers.
It contained about twenty vegetables and at least fifteen kilos of fruit. A rather heavy package for the woman whose quality of each food and component of the trays she took care of.
-But tell me Mihawk, you've been asking a lot more than usual lately.
-I have a- He pauses as if he didn't know how to define the relationship. I've had a guest for a few weeks. And she is quite loudy when she has'nt her favorite food.
'She'. Well, however this woman was, she must have been very lucky to have the unique and spectacular Mihawk by her side. Someone had to take care of this swordsman, even if she had less chance of making him her lover. Y/n wasn't stupid, just because he had a woman at home didn't mean she was his wife. Maybe she was even a child. But a part of her couldn't help but be saddened to think of her handsome client with a woman in his arms, him who had always ordered for his one and only person.
-Well, I hope she eats all my vegetables. If I spend time in my fields, it's not so that their food ends up in the trash. She said in her strong voice.
She was horrified to see all the leftovers from people in restaurants, or the quantities that some merchants threw in the trash if the products were not perfect. A tomato that is not round is still edible, such was one of her mottos. For this reason, her and Lex had decided to send all the leftovers of their products, which they knew they would not eat before the expiration date, to associations or orphanages.
Then after a brief but friendly goodbye, the swordsman left without forgetting to tell her the quantities he wanted for two weeks from now, although these quantities had only changed once during all his visits.
-So, the forty-year-old? You still haven't seen your beautiful stallion today either? What a shame! I'm surprised that this handsome customer doesn't come to see you anymore! Said the annoying voice of the competitor.
-I heard forty? Ah, you were talking about the number of refusals you received this month. It's clearer in my head now but bring it up again next time darling. The beautiful merchant replied with a smile.
But well, she wasn't wrong. Today was one more day to add to her list. One more day where while the bells rang noon and the merchants put away their goods, she no longer saw the handsome swordsman. And to say the exact number, that made eight. Not eight days, but eight Thursdays where the swordsman should have come to get his basket, and knowing that he only came every other Thursday, that made four months.
From one day to the next he had stopped coming, leaving a full basket waiting to be picked up for the first month. By the third Thursday, the woman had stopped preparing his basket for him. And by the eighth, she was starting to lose hope, he wouldn't come back.
A part of her wondered if it was because he had grown tired of her fruits and vegetables, the other thought that he had noticed her feelings and therefore preferred to avoid her. The young woman wrinkled her nose at these thoughts, not even knowing which one saddened her the most. With a sad sigh, she packed up her stand. But a voice emerged from far away in front of her.
-Y/nnnn…! The voice said with all her breath.
She knew this voice only too well, since it was that of a friend of hers who had made a habit of visiting her every Thursday morning. Finally, their relationship was pretty much like Mihawk. The young woman arrived every Thursday morning between ten and twelve o'clock and she asked for the equivalent of food for four people. So apart from the varying time, the fact that she came every week, and the astronomical quantity of food, she filled the gap that Mihawk had created when he left.
-Perona. You seem a little late today. She smiled at her friend.
-The other cactus head's fault. She said out of breath.
-You often tell me about cactus head but I still don't know who he is.
It seems that an idea has germinated in the mind of her pink-haired friend.
-Would you like to come to my place? Just a few days!
-I have the market to hold.
-Oh come on, you see that at the moment there is no one. The war that took place made everyone want to travel, and if you're afraid for your home and your fields there are plenty of marines to watch over the cities because of the rise of pirates.
-As you said, I have fields. Which will die if I don't take care of them.
-Don't worry, my little Y/n. I'll manage your fields if you're only going away for a week. Interrupted her neighbor on the right.
-Old man, I can't leave you in charge of my work, but I appreciate your gesture.
-I have no problem with that, my little one. My wife and I will take turns going to your village. And we are the second closest merchants to your home, so all your customers will come to us. He finished, laughing.
-Come on, please Y/n. Said her friend with sparkling eyes.
-Very well. But only for one week.
-Yes! She jumped for joy. Here, the change for today's basket. I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon, I flew here this morning. You'll see my roommates are nice, they're tiring and never think about what I'm going through but nice. Anyway they're always out. See you tomorrow!
A bit contradictory all that, thought the woman. But hey, that's how her vacation had been forced. She hadn't had one for three years, always staying in her small village. The last time she had left, it had been to negotiate seeds on an island further away.
The two women had met at dawn so as not to be disturbed whether on land or at sea. From the location of the small island where Y/n lived to Kuraigana they had about four hours. The woman thought that it wasn't such a long trip to go on vacation, but that from now on she would understand the delays of her friend who made all this trip for her every Thursday.
-Perona are you really traveling eight hours to buy my basket?
-Horo-Horo-Horo. The ghost woman laughed. By flying I only take two hours, and don't worry I'm happy to come see you. Besides I have fun with the Navy ships or pirates that I come across, they can be so scared. Horo-Horo-Horo.
Well, if it didn't bother her friend then it was fine. Now that she thought about it, during the many small discussions she had with Mihawk, he had never told her where he lived. She had never tried to spy on him through the newspapers, although she followed the pirates' routes. There were rarely any cases concerning the corsairs, once they became one they generally didn't go on adventures anymore, so she currently had no idea where her handsome swordsman was.
Hours passed and from the small ship we could see a misty island with strange large shapes surrounded by ruins and forests.
-Perona reassure me, you still live an hour away, huh? The woman said with a little voice.
-No no. Look, we can see the island in the distance. Besides, I didn't warn you but we never see the sun, on the other hand it's always nice and we've developed part of the lake!
Her friend seemed on the contrary very happy to live on such a gloomy island. Maybe the inhabitants would at least be nice.
-I called the other Marimo, the monkeys don't usually attack me because they're afraid of the master of the castle, but since it's your first time here it's better to have an extra force. Not that I doubt your fighting skills. She mocked.
-Already, I help my donkey carry the cart every Thursday, I am a master of the art of staying under the sun for my crops all day, and I handle the axe very well, so I can defend myself. But who is this master of the castle? And how many of you are on this island? And what is this monkey story? She said, becoming more panicked.
-One question at a time Y/n. Here, we are three humans, well if we consider the other two monsters as humans, and four with you. There have been no more inhabitants for a long time but there are still the Humandraks, they are not bad but they are strong and seek to prove it. So cactus head is going to join us so that they are afraid. Oh also! Don't worry once in the castle we are safe, they never come near.
The two girls continued to talk, the youngest telling the story of this island to occupy the last twenty minutes that the small ship had left to reach the river, river that connected the sea to the lake surrounding the castle, and thus moor at the mini port.
-Huh ? He didn't come back. Said the pink woman under the questioning gaze of her friend.
When the boat was securely tied to the port, step by step, a shadow came out of its hiding place, ready to pounce on the two women.
-Monkey, get out of there. Said a voice.
The beast that seemed to be an improved monkey scowled and returned to its bush.
-Perona is that a Humandrak?
-Yes. He must have sensed someone weaker than him. Said the man.
-Nice to meet you, you must be Marimo? I've heard a lot about you. Says Y/n before being cut off by his friend's laughter, she couldn't catch her breath.
-I'm Zoro, he said after hitting the ghost, Roronoa Zoro.
-Oh! Like the second of the Straw Hats? My name is Y/n.
After a brief discussion about the merchant's arrival on the wasteland, they arrived in front of the castle's doors. Then, the apprentice swordsman returned to his training, saying not to disturb him until nightfall.
The two friends were lying on the huge bed filled with the rose's plush, when a huge scream was heard.
-What was that Perona?!
-Just Zoro who must have lost to the king again.
-You are the master of the castle?
-No, he should be back tonight. He left early yesterday morning.
-… Perona, by any chance I'm asking anyway, but you did warn this master that I was coming, huh? Said the woman, unsure of herself.
-No, but he's used to surprise visits now.
The huge and heavy door of the castle opened, no matter where in the castle you were, you would always hear the dull, metallic sound of the gears opening. Then a voice rang out, asking Perona to come down.
-Let's take the opportunity to introduce yourself!
So the two girls went down to the large living room on the ground floor, one enthusiastic about the meeting but afraid of what he was going to reproach her for, the other having the impression of having heard this voice before.
-Mihawk! Did you catch a big pirate this time? I'd like to go buy myself some new clothes.
-… Mihawk?
-Do you know each other? The pink woman screamed.
-Yes, he was a regular customer. She said, emphasizing the "was" slightly more. It seems that seeing him again like that after he left without explanation and living with another woman disgusted her a little.
-What is she doing in my castle?
-I thought she could spend a few days with us here for a change of scenery.
-And without asking the main owner's permission? Am I going to discover a new intruder on my island every month? Mihawk said, seeming angry. Perona get out of here I have to talk to our guest.
The tone Mihawk had used meant that there was no room for argument. So the ghost girl left for her apartments, if she stayed behind the door Mihawk would feel it.
-You can explain to me the reason why you are here. He continued more calmly as if he did not believe the words of the rose.
-Like Perona said, I needed a vacation. But I did not know that she lived with you and I thought that she had warned the "master of the castle" of my visit.
-No she did'nt, i was'nt even here.
The atmosphere had softened since Perona, and the swordsman's anger with it, had left. For the sake of the merchant who could not bear this part of the man.
-You can stay here. I don't know for how long she promised you, but it doesn't matter how many days as long as you don't come and disturb me when I'm with Zoro. I have to train the new era.
Y/n knew little about pirate, she certainly read the dedicated newspaper every morning of publication, but she didn't know much about it. However, if Mihawk himself admitted that this young man had potential in the new era, and that in addition he was training him, then she was also sure that he would do great things.
Just as Mihawk had told her, the merchant on vacation stayed on the island of sadness. At first glance, the island seemed to be the opposite of a paradise island where to spend your holidays, but Perona had been able to show her the good sides of the place.
First of all, the lake. They had developed a part of the lake near the castle to make it a mini beach. Fortunately for the girls, all the bodies that had previously littered the castle had been pushed back by Mihawk when he arrived, so the foul odor they smelled around the island was not present in their developed beach. The girls lounged like this every afternoon under the correct temperatures of the place.
Then, the top of the hill. You could observe the view, but also beautiful bodies. Not to mention those that appeared on the ground but rather the two charming ones of the master and his apprentice. The two women would sit there in the morning to watch the two swordsmen train together, baring the top of their clothes. Better than the view of the island.
Then the last place was the castle. Whether in the kitchens to prepare sweets, in the infirmary for yet another injury of Zoro, or in their room aka the only really warm place filled with stuffed animals and cushions on the island.
But as a reminder, Y/n has feelings for Mihawk. So how did their relationship evolve during these six days spent together? Well the feelings increased, so much so that the guest even thinks that her feelings are mutual.
First of all, about the lake. Of course I said that the two girls lounged there in the afternoons, but did I add that Mihawk joined them to read his newspaper and taste his wine while his apprentice did his series times a thousand? During these moments, she and the swordsman talked together while the ghost grumbled that he was stealing her friend.
As for the place on the hill, the two swordsmen knew they were being watched, Zoro's observation haki had already been manifesting for a while, not to mention Mihawk. But where was the connection Y/n was thinking about in this case? It was simply in the fact that Perona had already complained several times that Mihawk never trained shirtless. However, since Y/n had been watching them from the hill, she had never seen the man wear a shirt during his training.
And finally, the castle. No Mihawk wasn't hurt so she never had to help him in the infirmary, yes he cooked but only his breakfast which he had at dawn when everyone was asleep so they never cooked anything together, and more important than anything else, he never entered the girls' room.
So when did they see each other in the castle? There was the evening meal where they all ate together to discuss the day, make fun of Zoro, talk about the world… But the most important thing was that every evening, or rather morning, between midnight and the first hour of the day, the master swordsman would sit on his balcony and think while looking at the view, something she saw from her friend's balcony.
Y/n would never know what he was thinking while looking at the horizon like that. She then saw his beautiful eyes of all degrees of orange-yellow sadden without understanding why. He was just there, looking at the red moon with that darkened look. But one night, at the end of her third day, he called her.
-Normally, it's not great to observe people like this for so long. He told her without looking at her.
-Sorry Mihawk, I'm leaving.
But as she was returning to her room, he called her back.
-No, you can stay. Your presence doesn't bother me.
Back to the present, the merchant only had one day left on this island. Then, she would join her beans and cherries and start her boring routine again. In fact, she loved her job very much and it allowed her to live, but she simply couldn't take it anymore. The moments of joy and good company she had here must have widened the gap against the solitude of her house which only welcomed Lex on Thursday mornings. Of course she got along well with most of her customers, but none of them could compete with the love she had found in Mihawk.
The bell of the old church spared by the war rang, so it indicated midnight. The woman got out of her bed where she could not find sleep, while Perona slept like a log, and went to sit on her balcony. It would be the last time she would see the swordsman lost in his thoughts. But unlike other times, he spoke to her.
-So you're leaving at the end of the day?
-Yes, that's it. I had a great time here.
-You can come back if you want.
He said this sentence while looking at the horizon, but Y/n was even happier to hear it.
-I'll come back with pleasure.
For the first time in all the moments spent together, the silence was awkward. Y/n had this feeling of unease mixed with her sadness to leave, but she didn't dare and especially didn't know what to say. Fortunately for her, Mihawk seemed determined to talk to her.
-Would you like to… He seemed to be searching for his words. ' to, to stay here longer?' He said, turning his head towards her.
-Um, yes, I'd like to come back. She replied, disconcerted to see the swordsman so uneasy and hesitant, then he had already said the same sentence to her just before.
-No but, to stay here. For a long enough time that would allow you to have time to make a vegetable garden and see it go through all the seasons.
Was that the way of invitation that Mihawk used to ask her to live with him on this island ? For 'several seasons' ?
-Mihawk why did you always come to my stand at a market that is four hours sailing from your home.
He paused, then looked back at the horizon.
-I enjoy your company.
It seems that she wouldn't get the words she was waiting for today.
-And, I had the impression that you also enjoyed mine a lot. He continued with a mocking smile.
Was Hawkeye really making fun of her?
-Well if my dear Mihawk is willing to find me a room all to myself, or one that is not shared with the snorer, and he shows me the place where I can plant all my seeds, it would be possible that I agree to stay here a little longer.
-I think it will not be complicated to do, there is a perfect place to build ten of your fields and clean sheets already laid behind this window. He said while giving a head butt towards the door of his room.
After that, he jumped onto the balcony of the merchant, put one arm under her knees and the other behind her back, then before returning to his balcony he murmured.
-But only if my dear resident accepts the company of this room over a drink.
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yellow-couch · 3 months
absolutely obsessed with the cuts between clark straight up jorkin it at nightclub and lex fighting for his life against a psycho (his own issues) marooned on an island. very fitting i think
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inkedroplets · 7 months
Songbird: Nightclub AU please?! :D
So, there's a gifset that it's based on. I think I've had it technically "done" for a year but I haven't touched it in an edit which it desperately needs. Essentially the story is that Kara is a lounge singer hoping to one day make it big working at a shady club owned by Mike. Lena is working there to pay off a debt that Lex racked up by borrowing from some very shady people *cough* Mike.
For as frugal as she is and for as generous as some of the regulars tip Lena, she never pays off more than the smallest amount possible which vexes Mike but what does he care when the interest on the debt just keeps piling up. And anyone who hears Kara sings knows that she's meant for much bigger and better things than singing at a tiny club choked with cigar smoke. But her reasons for staying are much less loyalty to the venue and all to do with Lena... Which is why when Lena presents Kara with enough cash for a fresh start, a chance for something better she initially refuses. The only future that Kara has envisioned is one where Lena is able to watch her from the audience instead of behind the bar. But after much convincing Kara relents with promises that she'll pay off Lena's debt one day. But after Kara tenders her resignation, the cash that Lena has given her goes missing and their plans change...
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yjano · 2 years
Who I am now?
Part 9.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Genre: Angst, comedy, dark romance.
Warnings: Strong language, angst scenes. 18+ content can be found.
Words: 8.6k
Author's note: This story contains mature topics and is not fully related to the duskwood game. A different parallel with different personalities. Thank you everyone for following and liking this! lly.♡
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Jake focus.
I walked into the busy nightclub, and my breath was momentarily taken away. The large club is overrun with many people drinking, smoking blunts, dancing, and singing along to the bass-heavy music playing in the background. A purple neon light fixture hangs from a metal structure above-there is no ceiling, just a silver metal structure that also acts as a walkway where people can walk on and lean over the rails haphazardly. The floors and walls were shiny white surfaces that illuminated a neon glow due to the set lighting.
On the way here, I thought about Mc's claustrophobia for a second. Would she be able to breathe with all these drunk people pressing into her side? Would she be crushed by the people dancing around her, them grinding her into the dance floor? Would Lex be able to take care of Mc if she experienced a panic attack?
But I was surprised by the airy space surrounding the partying drunks. It was easy to walk through the crowd and there was probably enough space for Mc to breathe in without feeling constricted.
"Hey baby, can I buy you a drink?" The drunk woman whispered in my ear, her hot breath uncomfortably fanned against my neck. More than just pissed off, I stopped walking, stiffening and turning my head to face the woman with narrowed eyes.
"Get off me before I ended spreading your cheating self on the internet." I threatened darkly, and the woman's grin visibly froze upon seeing the anger etched on my face. She nodded slowly, backing away from me.
I'm so gonna kill Lex tonight. I surveyed the crowd of men and women around me, looking for the familiar faces of Lex and Mc. No matter how much food she feeds me, she's so gonna get it today for getting Mc here. I growled internally, pacing around the bar, and peering at the faces surrounding me.
I almost walked right past Lex but the brief giggle that was just about to meet my ears stopped me in my tracks. Recognizing that laugh, I looked over my shoulder, noticing her flirtatiously laughing with one of the guys. Mc was nowhere near Lex.
I locked my jaw in irritation, storming toward the bar where Lex was laughing giddily, and placing a firm hand on the table. I faced her, showing her my irritation.
"Hey, I was having fun!" She whined, trying to talk with that guy. But I just ignored her, glaring right into her eyes.
"She was talking to me man, chill." The guy jokingly protested Lex, making my already boiling blood boil more.
"Get out."
"You heard me." I gritted, boring holes into his face. "Get the fuck out," I uttered the last words making the guy take his drink and walk away. I turned back to face Lex who was glaring up at me.
"What the hell, Jake? I was having fun." She complained, looking at me annoyed.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" I questioned blankly, holding up four fingers. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
"Four fingers. I'm not that drunk." She muttered, picking up her drink and giving me a look. "You should worry about Mc, she was full-on drunk once she finished her three drinks." She laughed, sipping her drink whilst humming pleasantly.
"Oh? Speaking of Mc." I gritted my teeth. "Where the fuck is she? If she's been taken by someone, I will forget that you're my friend and-" I growled, tearing the glass out of her grasp so she could focus on my words.
"You worry too much. Look, she is right here, drinking with me." She smiled lazily, lifting a hand in the air to show the crumpled sleeve of someone's leather jacket in her hand, the owner of the jacket, however, was nowhere in sight.
"I kept holding her hand in case she tried to run away." She giggled, looking at me and tapping the side of her head with a finger. "Smart move yeah?"
"Whose hands are you holding?" I asked stiffly.
"Mc's hand, of course, look yourself." She hummed, looking to her side to see an empty bar stool. Lex's once proud facial expression dropped. "What the hell-"
"It's time to go home." I sighed, trying not to let my anger out just yet. "Hail a cab and go home. I will see you there later." I ordered with finality. Without a word, she nodded and gathered Mc's jacket in her hands.
"See you back home," Lex murmured, turning on her heels to walk away. I nodded and turned away, walking toward the dance floor where I prayed Mc was because if not. Ah fuck- Mc you better come out of where you're hiding. I mentally threatened her inside. Stepping on the slightly sticky dance floor.
Mc focus.
I had no idea how to entertain myself in a nightclub but thankfully Lex was there. She guided me and led me to the bar stool. Lex ordered cocktails while holding my jacket sleeve in case I tried to 'disappear'. Soon after a few cocktails, I felt tipsy or maybe drunk already.
We were dancing together, moving from side to side. Tangling each other's limbs and laughing loudly as we sometimes stepped on each other's feet. Suddenly Lex made me walk back to the bar because her feet started to hurt. Whining I had followed her midway before coming up with the idea of slipping out of my jacket.
Quietly giggling I slipped out of my jacket and watched Lex unknowingly walk off without me. Happily laughing I turned around, jumping along with the catchy rap song playing.
Perhaps half an hour later, I was completely sweaty and dizzy from trying to pull off all the moves I'd been doing in the past thirty minutes. Breathless and smiling hard I was ready to go back to Lex and apologize for my disappearance and maybe ask for one more cocktail.
I was about to walk towards her but someone appeared out of nowhere in front of me, causing me to slam my forehead into the person's chest. I staggeringly took a step back to inspect the person blocking my pathway. It was a greasy-looking man in his early thirties. He was shirtless and accessorized with thick gold chains around his neck. Typical thug.
He was looking angry, his thick eyebrows were tugged together in anger and his stained lips were pulled into a nasty sneer.
"Watch where you're going." He hissed, towering over me. Probably to show his dominance. Hell, I could step on him and run right now.
"Sorry, mister." I apologized slowly stopping midway. Why the hell am I saying sorry? Why doesn't this guy apologize?
"Excuse me?" I frowned, disapproving of the way the man spoke to me in the first place.
"You heard me." He grunted, rolling his eyes at me.
"No." I shook my head. "You watch where you're going loser!" I yelled over the music, pointing a finger at his chest.
"What did you say?" He growled, closing the space between himself and me. I wasn't fazed by his moves at all.
"You came in front of me. I was just walking, but you came bounding out of nowhere and you didn't even apologize-"  I explained, trying to stand straight. The world was blurring in my vision. Oh god, I feel like passing out.
"Hey who do you think you are?" He cocked his head, eyeing me with arrogance.
"I am Mc. The soon-to-be detective!"
The guy just laughed, grabbing me by the shoulders and surprising me with the suddenness of his moves. The man leaned into my face, snarling.
"Listen up, you little arrogant bitch. Say sorry right now, and I'll let you walk away-"
Fuck, fuck. Now's the time to be the better person to apologize, Mc. Don't let him get inside you hea-
"What if I don't?" I suddenly questioned, smiling at him sarcastically.
"I'll make you say sorry then." He spat out the words. Making me realize my stupid mistake. He's not chill like Jace what the hell I am doing? Now I'm gonna get killed by this gangster dude. Damn look at that girl's drink. I wouldn't mind getting it too.
"Ah- Lex where are you?" I whined throwing my head back, not liking how close I was to his round face.
"Lex is not here. Say sorry you little shit." The man started shaking me. I tried to apologize, realizing that the possible outcome of this situation would most likely be me getting beaten up. "Okay, okay. I'm sorr-"
"Sorry to interrupt but is everything okay here?" Someone drawled out, making me and an old hag look to our side where an unimpressed Jace was standing. His hands were shoved in his black leather jacket pockets and his eyes lidded in what looked like boredom. He blatantly disregarded the way hag's hands were tightly gripping my shoulders instead, he studied my appearance.
"Are you wearing Lex's clothes?" Jace commented dragging his eyes down my body. "They look nice on you."
"JD!" I smiled widely, struggling to get out of the death grip placed on my shoulders. The hag snorted, staring at Jace.
"The hell are you doing here? Fuck off, this ain't about you. It's between me and her." He spat out, harshly throwing me to the ground with a push to empathize with the word 'her'.
Jake focus.
I sighed before moving in front of Mc. She was out of this world for sure. Just the way her eyes lingered on every moving subject with awe said it all.
"Yeah, but you see she's my girlfriend so if you wanna fight with her. You're gonna have to deal with me first." I yawned, too tired to deal with this shit. I just wanted to go to sleep. Not to fucking fight or stand in crowded loud nightclubs, listening to trashy raps.
"Come on! JD! JD! JD!" Mc chanted, pumping her fist defiantly in the air. Her cheering seemed to attract the attention of a few nearby clubbers and they jokingly joined in.
"Show him your muscles, greek god!" Mc encouraged, clamping a hand on my shoulder and determinedly glaring at the gangster standing in front of us, looking very amused. I shoot her a warning look but Mc was completely unaffected, wildly cheering on despite the look on my face.
"What the fuck is this skeleton gonna do to me?" The man narrowed his eyes, now searching for my physique with raised eyebrows.
"Mc-" I gritted my teeth, looking over my shoulder at a red-faced Mc who was yelling mercilessly beside my goddamn ear.
She's so fucking drunk. So goddamn drunk. I'm gonna kill Lex.
"What the fuck-" My nose scrunched with embarrassment at her cheering.
"JD, I'm on your side, let me know if you need backup!"
I mentally facepalmed inside. What type of backup are you gonna give me? The only backup you're giving me is cheering my ear off. I sighed again, rolling my eyes, and turning around to face the angered man standing in front of me.
"Hey, I'm sorry about my girl, she's drunk and out of the senses. Can you just let her off this one time?"
"Hey!" Mc frowned at my words, nudging my back gently. Fuck.
"No way, I wanna see your muscles now. Come on skeleton boy, show me your moves." The man hissed, bulky body standing firmly in front of me.
Calm. Jake. Just stay calm.
"I'm in a shit mood, I don't wanna fight and worsen it so can we just be smart men and-"
"What are you? A fucking pussy? I said show me your moves." The man spat, shoving me backward hard. I stumbled back a little at the impact of his shove. My already dark mood darkened just a bit more.
Contain your anger. There is absolutely no need to fight him, be a sensible man and-
Fuck it, let me show him my godamn move if he insisted. With that last thought in mind, I swung a clenched fist back and brought it forth, hitting the man's nose directly onward. I managed to hear a quiet crunch and grinned at him satisfied. The man howled in pain, covering his bloodied and most likely broken nose with his hairy hands.
"Oh wow-"
I looked over my shoulder to see Mc standing stock still with mouth wide open, and eyes focused on the kneeling man who cried out in pain. Upon feeling my gaze on her, she tore her eyes away from the man and made eye contact with me. Her mouth broke into a huge smile, her eyes crinkled in joy as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Surprising the hell out of me.
"That's my man!"
I sighed, I will never let her drink again for sure.
"Fuck! What are you standing there for? Do something!" The man pathetically yelled at his few friends who watched me with glazed eyes. The man who had joined in the laughter aimed at Mc earlier, stepped closer to me whilst sliding a bony hand into his jacket pocket. When he retracted his hand, a glinting pocket knife shines a neon hue under the fluorescent lighting. I felt Mc's hand on my shoulder disappear.
"Better wipe that smile off your face, because-"
I didn't wait to listen to the man's words instead, I lifted a sneaker-clad foot into the air and harshly jammed the hard soles of my shoes against the man's ribcage, making him topple over backward from the impact. The tiny pocket knife fell out of the man's grip and landed on the slightly sticky dance floor, disappearing behind many people's dancing feet.
Almost immediately, I took Mc by the hand and tugged her through the crowd, the grip on her wrist was tightening with every second.
"Ow!" I swiftly looked over my shoulder to see Mc was caught by one of the hag's men. A well-built man shoved Mc's head into the crook of his arm, forcing the girl's throat against the crook of his inner elbow. I wasted no time in advancing on the man, however before I could punch the fuck out of the guy strangling Mc. Sharp fingernails dug into my shoulders, yanking me backward into someone's chest. I gritted my teeth together in irritation, wildly swinging a punch into the air. It was a successful shot, I managed to connect my fist with someone's jaw. I jerked away from the hands holding me back to see a man cupping his jaw, face scrunched up in pain and howling loudly over the thump of music.
I threw a punch again but my fist got caught by the howling man's hand. The man yanked my arm behind, pulling hard as if he was planning on snapping the tendons in my arm. Despite the pressure and pain building in my shoulder joint. I searched for the gun shoved securely behind the waistband of my jeans.
'Getting a gun out in a club is a stupid stupid idea.'
A tinny voice in the back of my head called out. But my built-up rage violently quashed the voice. I slowly lowered the glinting gun to my side, pointing the mouth of the gun toward the guy's foot.
I shouldn't open fire in a nightclub full of people. I shouldn't shoot at anyone. I was supposed to grab Mc and leave but my stupid temper complicated things and I was fucking pissed. So without further thought, I allowed my anger to consume me and pulled back the gun's trigger, firing a clean shot into the man's boot.
He collapsed to the ground, screeching with pain and alerting the dancing people nearby of his state. A group of men having a party spotted the distressed and injured man lying on the floor and screamed at the blood trickling around their footwear. They stumbled away with fear in their eyes, noticing me and the gun in my hand. The guys yelped when I returned the gaze, turning around to violently push past people so they could reach the exit.
I dragged my eyes upward from my fainted victim and latched my eyes onto Mc who was now kneeling by the floor, coughing manically. The man who had her in the chokehold must've witnessed the scene and ran away before he could get hurt too.
I was feeling very unplayful and un-chill. I rushed to Mc and hoisted her up by grabbing Mc's upper arm. I didn't allow her to regain her breathing. It'd slow us down and get us in trouble. Even if they're drunk, people will take notice of the blood seeping onto the dance floor in minutes, perhaps seconds.
Quickly tucking my gun away in the waistband of my black jeans, I guided Mc towards the entrance where an unsuspecting bouncer nodded at us, pushing the door I exited the building alongside Mc and took a right, briskly walking into a side road and moving as far away as possible from the soon-to-be crime scene. I wasn't supposed to do that. Fuck!
Mc focus.
The cool night air is pleasant against my skin, it relieved the heat that clung to me. Jace marched me down several side streets and now sobering up I rubbed my bleary eyes and looked at him. He did not look like he wanted to speak. His jaw was clenched, making the bone prominent, and his eyes were set on the empty street. His dark brows were furrowed and the bruising grip on my wrist was painfully tight.
"Hey, JD." I hissed but he didn't even glance at me. "My wrist is hurting, let go."
Suddenly Jace slammed a hand in front of my chest, pushing me roughly against the brick wall of someone's coffee shop. I yelped when coarse brick pressed against my head and... When Jace pressed against my front face, undeniably close to me. He harshly slipped his thigh between my legs, keeping me in place. His hand that was holding my wrist was yanked into the air above my head and slapped against the wall.
Jace pulled his face closer to me, making me gulp down my saliva and look away from his glaring eyes. I stared down at the ground, nibbling on my lip hard.
"You shouldn't have left Lex's side, fuck. You weren't even supposed to be in a fucking nightclub!" He snarled loudly, "Who the fuck said you can go and create fights with fucking thugs? They're stronger and bigger than you. What do you think would have happened if I hadn't come?" Jace hissed lowly, his breath was fanning over my lips, making me feel nervous inside.
"I don't know," I whispered, looking down. Tears started to well up in my eyes, and salty tears threatened to spill out of the confines of my eyelids. I didn't want to cry, so I closed my eyes tightly trying to calm my breath down. Without thinking I tilted my head forward and placed my forehead on his shoulder gently, whilst hoping for the tears to stop welling in my eyes.
Jace stayed quiet for a while so I sat down on the ground with my head lolling forwards slightly. I saw him sit up too with his legs outstretched and hands resting between his legs, busily fumbling with his fingers as he was staring out into the distance.
He suddenly coughed breaking the silence. "We should probably go." He said casually, rummaging around his pockets for his phone.
"Did you have fun at least?" He asked, his phone screen lit up, showing the numbers displayed. It was way past midnight.
"It was fun yeah, we danced a lot," I mumbled lazily, letting my eyelids droop close and drawing my dress over to keep myself warm a little.
"It would have been more fun if you were there with me," I whispered, letting my head fall onto Jace's shoulder. I felt him tensing up so I reached out my hand with eyes still closed, to poke at his arm.
"No tense. relax." I smiled sleepily. "Don't leave me again." I yawned, opening my eyes slowly to look at him for a short a while before closing my eyes again.
"You remind me of someone and I only feel safe with you, so don't leave me again. Let's just stick together."
He stayed quiet for a while but finally, he got up, making me stand up gently.
"Alright, Mc. We stick together."
Jake focus.
Lex's apartment was only a seven-minutes walk. Seven-minute walk where a sleepy Mc clung to me like a koala, taking the phrase "stick together" quite literally. But my hell is finally over when I managed to push her up the stairs leading to Lex's apartment door. We climbed up the stairs and I fumbled for a second, looking for my set of keys before slotting the correct one in.
The door unlocked to reveal a dark apartment, the curtains were closed, dimming the streetlamp's light streaming in from the window. I had to drag a tired and slurring Mc to the guest bedroom whilst fighting my way through the thick cables and wires pooling at my feet. I nudged the door open carefully with the tip of my shoe. I wandered in with a mumbling Mc and halfheartedly seated the girl on the edge of the bed.
"Mc, take your heels off," I murmured, shaking her shoulder to wake her up. Mc sat up for a second, yawning, and then promptly she fell backward, splaying out on the bed and rubbing her eyes. I didn't bother to put up a fight with her, so I kneeled to match the height of Mc's legs. I rolled my eyes when Mc daintily lifted a low top-heel foot into the air for me to take it off. Gritting my teeth together I placed the sole of her shoe onto my thigh and started to take them off.
Once I took off her heels, Mc curled into a ball, gradually slowing her breathing and eventually drifting off to a deep slumber. I stood over there next to her for a second, softening my look at her peaceful face, and turned around. Walking out of the room and into the main room where dim yellow light was now filtering into the room.
Mc focus.
I stirred in my sleep for a second, hearing heavy footsteps creak against the floorboards, making me lift my eyes to see the back of Jace walking out of the room and into another. Leaving the door open whilst doing so.
I lazily watched him through the gap in the door, noticing him standing in the middle of the room for a second, then turning his head to look at someone approaching him. It was a small blurry figure who padded toward Jace, stopping just in front of him.
I blinked my eyes quickly to focus my vision on the blurry figure. I quickly recognize the person. It was Lex. I spotted Lex standing on her tiptoe, wearing nothing but an oversized long-sleeved top. She reached up to cup Jace's cheeks with her hands.
They exchange a few hushed words before Lex closed her eyes, leaning forward to press her lips against Jace's own. Lex pulled away after a few tense seconds and they both talked softly whilst standing close to one another. Her hands were still cupping his face, making him look directly at her as they spoke in low volumes.
My visions blurred and it didn't last long when my eyes closed. Pulling me into darkness.
The next morning, I woke up with head pain. The pain throbbed throughout my entire head, and punched the backs of my eyes. I sat up in bed slowly, aware of the pounding in my head and the emptiness of my stomach. My throat was dry and my limbs were sticky with sweat.
I blinked for a few seconds, focusing on my bearings. I recognized the room as the one Jace had dragged me into last night to let me sleep. Recognizing the room in which I was sleeping seemed to have triggered a set of fresh memories to flood into my head. My mind struggled to process the flood of last night's memories. Everything was clear yet so blurry. I saw scenes but I don't remember what happened to cause those particular scenes.
I plopped back onto the bed and frowned, furrowing my brows at last night's still images of a fight taking place and dancing to shitty songs.
Lex wanted to have fun so we went out to a party. She gave a USB stick thingy to someone and then we danced and got drunk. Then I ditched her to dance and got into an argument with a thug man. He was mad at me. I remember Jace popping up and trying to stop the fight. He punched the guy and I was cheering him on. Then we tried to run away after that but other people stopped us...Something happened and they ran away, scared. I don't remember what happened though.
Jace dragged me out and he was really angry. Did I rest my head... on Jace's shoulder? What the hell, Mc?
I remember we sat there silently and I ended up making promises to him. What was the promise again? The last words of last night floated into my mind.
"Alright, Mc. We stick together."
No. No. Hell to fucking no.
"Aw, she's awake!" Lex suddenly barged into my room cheerfully and flashed me a bright smile. She was holding a plate of omelet and apple juice. She set the food on the bedside table, turning her gaze to me.
"Ah, I forgot to do shopping this week so today I made you something simple!" Lex chuckled, slightly awkwardly.
"Don't worry." I shook my head, frowning at my croaked voice and sore throat. "I like an omelet."
"What happened to your voice?"
"She was put in a chokehold yesterday." Someone from behind answered Lex. I turned around to recognize someone as  Jace who was standing in the doorway shirtless, he crossed his arms rising an eyebrow at me.
"Chokehold?" Lex mumbled to herself before nodding. "Oh, yeah. You told me about last night." She hummed, her eyes suddenly narrowed. "Speaking of last night, why the hell did you ditch me?" Lex asked, picking up one of the bed's cushions and playfully whacking me over the head with it.
I laughed, weakly lifting my arms to protect myself from Lex's hits whilst apologizing quietly. "I'm sorry!"
"I forgive you only because I need someone to talk to other than the red eye. He tends to get a little boring sometimes."
"Fuck off, Lex."
"I love you too. Now-" Lex breakoff, looking to Jace. "Goddamn, wear a shirt."
"I tend not to." Jace shrugged, the muscles in his shoulders flexed as he shrugged them. I looked away quickly.
"Wear. A. Shirt!"
Whilst they bickered. I remembered something else about last night. It was a fuzzy memory but I remembered something about Lex and Jace...kissing?
I recollected faded images of Lex reaching up to peck Jace on the lips, doing the little action directly outside my room. Holding my breath in at the recollection of their moment. I looked up to look at both of them.
Are they in a relationship?
I felt something inside of me crack. It was something small inside of me. Something so small and irrelevant that I almost dismissed the feeling as nothing. But I felt it. I wished I hadn't.
I took the juice and gulped down the waves of disappointment felt deep inside my chest. Are you seriously back on the idea of liking Jace? That's so stupid, Mc. He's your kidnapper, you shouldn't feel anything at all for him except strong dislike and disgust.
But how I was supposed to hate him when he keep doing all these nice things for me?
And so what if Lex and Jace are together?
'You like him, Mc.' A tiny voice retorted inside my head. 'And you're hurt by the idea of then being a couple.'
I didn't deny it, instead, I shoved the omelet inside my mouth and kept my thoughts with hurt feelings to myself.
I didn't know if any more kisses were exchanged or if anything more was shared between them. But when I went into Lex's bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. The idea of Lex and Jace doing 'couple' things behind the bathroom door makes my feelings go numb. I was upset but it's nothing that immensely affected me.
I don't have anything with Jace. My attraction towards him isn't a big thing. Just I was missing Jake and this idiot right there reminded me of Jake. I had thought of any possibilities if Jace was Jake. But why would he lie? Why would he use the hard ways to be with me? Why would he hide his identity?
But I could never feel romantically involved with the kidnapper, so why I am starting to feel like this with Jace when I am down to earth for Jake? Could he be Jake who is scared to reveal himself to me?
Jake focus.
Mc was being weirdly silent. I observed her listening quietly to Lex who complained about the viruses blocking up her computers. A freshly showered Mc was sitting hunched up on the couch, watching Lex working at her computers, hacking god knows how many files.
She's probably resting her throat, I nodded to myself and looked away from her at the window beside me. I was sitting on the kitchen bar stool, by the window. It was early in the morning. Probably the best time to leave Lex's apartment and get back on track. The track to get over her meanwhile making her hate the perfect image she created inside her about me.
"Mc, grab your shit. We're leaving soon." I ordered with an eyebrow. She looked up confused but followed my instructions and padded into the bedroom she slept in last night.
"Why are you leaving so soon? Jake, you don't contact me for months and then you appear out of fucking nowhere. Stay here for a couple of days at least before leaving, I've grown a liking to her too. Your plan fucking sucks." She whispered in a hushed tone, irritated. I sighed, feeling a bit of guilt building inside me.
"Lex, as soon as I'll be done with Mc. I will call you and we can go down to the beach alright?" I smiled at her kindly. "And about Mc. She's not made for our world. So it's best if I let her go with the worst image of me." I mumbled noticing Mc wandering back into the room with a plastic bag in her hand.
I took this as my cue and walked toward the hallway where I had dumped my backpack. I slipped into my boots, looking to Lex. "Goodbye Lex. Call me if you need anything." I smiled at her, wearing my black cap on my head.
"A day on the beach, remember," Lex confirmed, smiling tiredly at me before turning her head to look at Mc sadly.
"Bye, Mc. It's been fun while it lasted," She murmured, sighing softly. "Take care."
I sighed walking out of the door, I heard Mc saying bye and soon her footsteps followed me in a rush.
Mc focus.
As usual Jace made his way through the pedestrians that shared the sidewalk with him, his hand was, of course, wrapped around my wrist which he tugged at when I failed to keep up with his fast march.
I trailed after Jace blankly as we moved further and further down toward the area where he had parked the motorcycle yesterday afternoon.
Sighing and lifting a hand to my furrowed eyebrows, I shielded my tired eyes. The sun was way too bright for my eyes and my hangovers didn't make it easy either. Never drink again.
I groaned internally when Jace tugged hard on my wrist, almost dislocating my hand from my arm.
"Hey?" Jace called over his shoulder, sending a sharp look at exhausted me. "Hurry up."
I didn't want to make him mad, so lazily stumbling I tried to catch up with Jace's side. We walked together, no more likely he marched towards to when I was stumbling with my bruised feet. He suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence between us.
"Okay. What the fuck is up with you?"
I looked at his side to see him intensely staring at me as we walked down the bustling pavement.
"What do you mean?" I murmured, quickly looking away before I could, I don't know. Melt under his hard gaze perhaps?
"I said-" Jace started but stopped abruptly when something in front of him caught his attention. "What the fuck has happened to the motorcycle?" He asked with teeth gritted together, staring ahead.
I lifted my head to see the motorcycle which should've been in perfect condition and standing parked by the side of the road, was now lying across the asphalt road, metal parts strewn all over the concrete and paintwork dented and scratched up by something. My mouth dropped open, intaking the destroyed motorcycle lying just two meters away from us.
What the hell happened?
Jake focus.
I was not worried about the motorcycle's condition but I was slightly worried about the recognizable men that were standing by the now shattered motorcycle, casually swinging their baseball bats. The people of Duskwood didn't even seem fazed by their swinging baseball bats. Many pedestrians warily glanced at them but ignored them afterward, quickly walking away from the thugs.
All of them were looking down at the battered motorcycle, shit-eating grins etched on their faces as they admired their handwork. I recognized them, they were men from last night who had attacked me and Mc. But now it seemed like they have multiplied overnight. Becoming a group of a maximum of ten and not just five.
You've gotta be kidding me.
The one's nose I had broken was also there with his ugly bruised nose fixed up by a measly plaster that does nothing to help the injury. Just looking at the aggravating man, the ring leader of the group, makes my hands unwillingly curl up into fists again.
No, Jake.
You're not meant to engage in any fights. Last night was an exception but now, what you need to do is get moving and take Mc to a safe place.
No fighting.
Just then, Mc seemed to recognize the man as well. She gasped quietly, turning her head to face me.
"JD, aren't they the ones from last-?"
"Yeah." I breathed, cutting off her."Fuck yeah, they've tracked us down. I don't know how the hell they did that, but they did." I quietly murmured, speaking more to myself than her.
How the hell did these outdated gangsters find us in this city? I rolled my eyes back, irritated at the situation at hand.
"We have to go," I ordered quietly, pulling Mc's body close to my side and forcefully turning her around, I pushed her in the opposite direction we were supposed to walk. Because if we will try to pass by them, they will spot us in seconds and I don't want to have an encounter with these baseball bat-wielding thugs.
Despise wishes, the men noticed us with their beady eyes when I was pushing Mc to indicate her to walk. But she didn't even look where she was going and accidentally stumbled upon an elderly senior foot with her borrowed boots from Lex. The senior shrieked in pain.
"Fucking move, Mc. Move."
Due to the senior loud shrieking, the thugs crane their flabby necks to look at the sea of faces on the sidewalk where dozens of people walked. I looked over my shoulder for a split second. Bad mistake, Jake.
Fucking hell, you fucking idiot! Why'd you turned your head for?
My eyes immediately caught the attention of the man I'd wanted to dodge. Broken fucking nose narrowed his eyes in realization and scowled at my face before swiftly turning to face his men, barking a series of orders and pointing an accusatory finger in my direction. The group of ten men turned their necks around at once and began to run toward us.
"Fucking hell. They saw us-" I cursed, barging past the angered senior, and dragging Mc down the road, I ran past several pedestrians. Mc got the memo and surprisingly ran to catch up with my speed.
My eyes darted in all directions as we were running down the stretch of a sidewalk. To my right was a wide road where cars and trucks were stuck in traffic, and on my left was a fucking brick wall, and behind me, right on our tails, was a ten-member gang running to catch us.
Wherever we would go, people was surrounding us. Which is 50% good, and 50% not so good. Lots of people mean good coverage, we can use it to our advantage by hiding in and out. But it's not so good what with the number of people we're possibly endangering by getting pushed and exposed to the thugs.
Not wanting to cause an accident on this busy sidewalk, I quickly stepped onto the road and dashed in and out of cars stuck in traffic. I ignored the beep of horns and yells of drivers, jumping over bonnets and running past side mirrors, nearly knocking them off the cars. I looked over my shoulder to see Mc following me close by, simply running with all her might and not doing the extreme athletic jumping and dodging as I do.
I turned around, dodging a cyclist before climbing onto the opposite sidewalk which it's less busy with people. I hurtled down the sidewalk, tugging Mc along with me. Rounding the corner, I looked over my shoulder for a split second to see the thugs dodging in and out of the traffic, manically denting cars and smashing windows, making their war toward us.
Crazy fuckers.
Now's the chance to lose them whilst they're stuck in traffic. Panting hard, I quickly rounded the corner, slowing down into a jog as we assessed the new street. It was as crowded as the last, maybe even more. But there was something additional about this street. They had an old car park, a three-storey car park for a shopping mall nearby. It was the perfect hiding place. The inside was darkened to the max, the only source of light was the orange glow of the exit and entrance signs and the vague sunlight streaming through the gaps in the crumbling walls.
I speed up without alerting Mc, making her gasp at the sudden speed. I ignored her weak whines and forced her to run toward the car park where all types of cars were lined up. My backpack whacked me repeatedly and my heart was pounding against my ribcage, threatening to burst and split my chest into two if I will keep up with the intense running. Mc was in a similar condition but can't stop.
We ran to the entrance of the parking lot and ducked under the blocking pole that allowed cars to enter the parking lot. There was several shouts behind our back as we were running into the dark car park but both of us ignored them.
I have to keep her safe. At any cost.
Mc focus.
We ducked behind a brick wall for a few seconds, trying to regain a normal breathing rate.
"I'm exhausted." I choked out, feeling my chest rising and falling rapidly. I let my body slide to the ground pathetically. I felt Jace's hand massaging my shoulder as I was panting for more air to fill in my burning lungs.
"Come on, Mc." He urged breathlessly.
"I can't anymore." I breathed deeply, shaking my head. "My lungs are burning." I pant out tiredly, gazing at his...worried expression?
"Mc, we can relax as soon as we lose these guys but we're not gonna lose them if we're going to sit here." Jace panted, but his words seemed to not follow his body because he struggled to stand still himself. I pushed his enclosed hand away from my wrist weakly.
"I can't run anymore," I whispered, closing my eyes.
"Mc, I'm not gonna." Jace tiredly hoisted me up to his feet. "Get killed just because you can't handle a little more running." He gritted out, marching me down the pretty much desolate car park.
I groaned but staggered after him, following close by as we ducked behind cars and were running across open spaces with our hearts racing, fearing being seen by the thugs. After ducking behind another row of cars, I held my ground, refusing to follow his orders anymore.
"JD there's no one here. Can we just rest for a second?" I hissed, feeling sweat roll down my neck and my back. "please." I begged.
"Mc, we're-" Jace stopped speaking abruptly when he saw something behind me. Before I could react, he placed both hands on my chest and harshly pushed me to the hard ground. I fell backward onto the rough gravel, hissing in pain as my head collided with the ground. I looked up, angered by his sudden actions, wanting to yell at him for being such a fucking dickhead.
Only to stop myself and words when I saw Jace hunched over a little, blood oozing out of a wound on his forehead. Thin crimson tendrils trickle down the side of Jace's face, coming to a stop by his clenched jaw.
"JD?" I whispered, seeing him straighten his body and glare at something behind me with a careful hand pressed against his wound. Following his gaze, I turned my head quickly to see the thug from last night. The same one I pissed off yesterday. The same one Jace had injured the face of with a heavy punch to the nose.
The lone thug was holding a baseball bat of his own, swinging the now blood-stained wooden bat maliciously in his hand whilst donning a smirk on his ridiculously ugly features. My heartbeat stilled for a second.
Did Jace push me down so he'd get hit instead of me?
I caught sight of the bloodied bat, gulping at the red- Oh my god, Jace. I quickly scrambled to get up and practically crawled to get to Jace's injured side, clasping a hand around his forearm. "JD," I repeated softly but Jace didn't reply.
"Knew you will come in here." The man chuckled sarcastically.  "My prediction is good." The man beamed, proud of himself.
The proud smile on the thug's face was soon overtaken by a dark sneer. Thug inspected the wet blood smeared on his bat before looking at Jace with eyebrows raised.
"Surprised you're not unconscious, skeleton." He mused. "Should I hit you again?" He questioned rhetorically, chortling and lifting the bat into the air.
"Which one do I hit? Skeleton or little arrogant bitch here?" Thug asked himself innocently. The man looked over at me trembling silently beside Jace.
"You annoyed me first so I'll hit you first." He decided, pointing the tip of the bat at me. Jace immediately reacted and pushed me behind him with a protective stance on.
I probably shouldn't have in this situation but I felt my heart skip a beat at the small action.
But I also felt that Jace's little action made him unable to stay standing up any longer and he was about to lose consciousness due to the open wound.
"Cute." Thug whistled before locking his eyes with Jace. "Then how about you? You have gotten all quiet. Last night, you had so much to say, same with you too, pretty but arrogant little bitch." He sneered mockingly, twirling his bat around to prove his words.
It was silent for two seconds before Jace quietly voiced out. "All bark but no bite."
"What did you say?" Thug growled immediately, he moved closer toward me and Jace with a firm grip on his bat.
"Hey, you hag." Jace started, smiling lazily despite the blood covering a third of his face. "I'm holding a gun." He mused, lifting his gun into the air and pointing the gun at the thug's chest. Thug stopped in his tracks, surprised at the sudden appearance of the weapon in Jace's hand.
Jace cocked his head. "How are you gonna bark now?" Jace questioned mockingly, running the pad of his thumb over the trigger.
"You little shit." Thug snarled but didn't make any further movement. As if he was waiting for Jace to make his decision. Jace half smiled, bringing a slow finger to the trigger. The thug might not see that but I saw the unsteady waver in Jace's raised arm.
Please. Just do it already, before you get hurt. I pleaded mentally, looking at Jace.
Perhaps Jace had felt my unease because he pulled the trigger, allowing a loud bang to follow the small bullet, heading straight deep into the man's chest, initiating spurts of dark blood to leave the bullet wound.
"You should know how to not mess with me after last night," Jace mumbled, looking at the struggling man with disgust.
The thug's expression resembled pain. His bat clattered to the ground shortly afterward, and the thug dropped to his knees and landed on the concrete ground. The maroon blood was flowing onto the ground beneath him.
I gasped at the sight, hurriedly looking away. Unknowingly burying my face into Jace's neck. He smelt like faint cologne and mint cigarettes. It was somewhat of a comforting smell for me.
Did he kill him?
'It was either him or you.'
A familiar tiny voice in my head reasoned with me.
I got snapped out of my thoughts when Jace suddenly tilted backwards onto me. His whole weight beared down onto me. I struggled to hold up his weight so I lowered him to the ground slowly. Setting the boy on the ground and sitting by Jace's head. I ignored the bleeding guy, cupping Jace's cheeks gently.
"Jace-" I called out for him with my eyes blankly wide. "Hey, wake up. We have to go! Hey!" I begged desperately, seeing his eyes closed and mouth parted the slightest bit. "Please, don't you dare die on me!"
Panicked I started looking around, needing help but all I could see was darkness. Faint outlines of cars, and the body behind me.
What do I do?
I raked a shaky hand through my dark hair, turning back to look at Jace. "Please wake up," I begged in a soft tone, patting his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.
"Jace, please. You said we have to stick together, please don't leave me alone now." Tears started to prick my eyes as I was staring at unconscious Jace. At the incessant amount of blood dribbling down his face, feeling utterly helpless and alone without his tugging and almost dislocating my wrist to him to follow him. Out of nowhere, someone suddenly yelled.
"Boss! you called for us!" I heard stomps of many feet sounding throughout the car park, sounding only a mere distance away.
"No, please no." I whispered, covering Jace with my hands, unsure about what to do "That's his men, Jace please wake up." I pleaded quietly with tears spilling down my cheeks. I heard the heavy footsteps, the footsteps belonging to people who'll beat Jace senselessly for killing their boss.
What to do, fuck. Think hardly Mc you don't have much time.
I gripped my hair, trying to think of ideas. I dragged my eyes upward to see a black jeep parked directly in front of me, my reflection visible in the sleek metal. The gap underneath the car looks spacious enough to fit a human. I checked the car heightened wheels. I gulped at the idea forming in my head.
Oh god, this is crazy.
I pushed Jace upright, my hands grabbed his backpack, and pushed the item under the car first before slowly lowering Jace's head to the ground and moving him inch by inch towards the ten-centimeter-away jeep but it was difficult with Jace's body weight. My own body also hurt badly from dancing and drinking last night and from running as fast as I could down two streets. My unathletic arms ache in protest when I budged Jace's almost lifeless form under a godamn jeep.
Despite my weak limbs, I managed to do the task just in time. Jace was pushed to the center of the car's underside. Holding my breath and laying beneath, I heard the shouts of the thugs as they were running towards their leader, rage filled in their voices as they crowded around the body, completely unaware of my and Jace's presence underneath a car beside them.
I was laying, not moving an inch beneath the car. I looked over at my side to watch the scene whilst opening my mouth to breathe through. The thugs feet are the only thing I can identify from where I am laying on the ground but I listened to the group's sharp cries.
"Boss! What happened? Who did this to you? Boss! Wake up!" Several of the men bend down by the dead body, trying to shake the man awake.
"I bet it was that couple! I'll break their bones for what they've done to the boss." One man yelled.
"Yeah! Let's go to hunt them down!" Someone grunted, standing to his feet and walked close to the jeep. I held my breath, feeling new tears fall from my face. Hot fearful tears which sear my cheeks as they rolled down.
I'm afraid. I don't want to die and I don't want this hag to die. Shitty thug or not, he had people caring for him. I don't want to be hiding under a polluting jeep with an unconscious body beside me. I don't want to be here at this moment.
"Something's wrong!" One of them cried, and I felt even shittier, watching from the bottom of the car. "I don't feel a pulse." The man choked out, making the men grow still and quiet.
"Bullshit, he's alive. Get him up boys, he needs to see a doctor." A man ordered but his tone wavered slightly. The thugs followed his order quickly.
Placing my palm over my mouth, I suppressed my sobs. Watching the thug getting lifted from the ground, gave me a clear view of the man's blood-engorged chest. It wasn't something I wanted to see.
"I'm going to skin those bastards alive and make them pay." a man emotionlessly stated and all of them walked away from the jeep.
Even when I was sure that I'd heard the last footsteps recede. Even when it had been five minutes of silence underneath the car, I didn't move, nor I stopped muffling my cries. I just laid there beside an unconscious Jace and breathed in pungent car fumes, crying pathetically. I patted around behind me for Jace and grabbed ahold of his hand, enclosing my palm around his index finger.
I turned around to look at him with teary eyes. I noticed something unusual about his neck. Something that I've never noticed. The red eye tattoo with words written under it.
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Red Kryponite Supergirl/Kara Zor El X Male Reader (Lemon)
M/R’s POV:
I’ve heard about how safe National City has now become a very safe place to live in & soon enough I end up moving to National City & in a few months I understood why people are saying this Supergirl. She’s been protecting the people of this city for a while now catching Airplanes, stopping muggers, fighting tornado robots & saving people from burning buildings. Speaking of which, while I’m at work mopping floors a giant explosion goes off *BOOOM!* everything is hazy & I’m fading in & out of consciousness I hear something whoosh in & feel them pick me up bridal style then everything goes blank, next thing I know I’m wake up in the hospital & Supergirl is staring at me smiling as she sees me waking up then saying “Hey, You should be fine, I just scanned your body & you don’t have any severe injuries. Do you remember what happened before the explosion?” “Umm not really, I was just mopping then everything went black. I’m sorry I can’t be anymore help..” “No it’s okay, you just get some rest & the doctor’s will let you out tomorrow-..” “W-wait, what my hospital bills I don’t have Health insurance!”- “It’s okay, I’ve already taken care of it for you. After all no one shouldn’t be financially punished just for unlucky enough to be in the wrong place, wrong time. Get well..” as she left I silently mumbled to myself “Oh, thank god for pretty Superfriends..”
Kara’s POV:
As I hear that cute guy mumbling “Oh, thank god for pretty Superfriends..” to himself as I left I couldn’t help but crack a smile. Soon after I started to get more agitated with My Sister Alex, my friends Hank/John, James & Win. I reached a point where I basically just chewed Alex’s head off & told her I never wanted to see her again then Hank/John, Maxwell Lord, Lex Luther, the entire DEO, my cousin, even my aunt & her husband all tried & failed to stop me from taking the city for myself people fear me, other aliens steered clear of my city but I still keep my secret identity a secret hidden in plain sight to maintain a sense of fear & paranoia all throughout the city that I could be anywhere knowing that I’m living amongst them ready to pounce at any moment & tonight I’m on the the prowl looking for- …why hello! 😏
M/R’s POV:
It’s been little over a year since I was last saved by Supergirl & I’m currently at a nightclub just having a casual drink just chilling when I’m given a drink from the bartender tells me “It’s on that hot chick over there!” While pointing towards the woman in question, she’s a smoking hot blonde woman with glasses that totally manages to pull off the Glasses look. She seems to have also taken an interest in me as well since she’s been staring at me since I took & drank the drink then she started strolling over to me with a devious smile swaying her hips side to side, she reaches her hand & seductively greets “I’m Kara, what’s your name handsome?” I stumbly replied “I-I’m M/R, it’s nice to meet you.” “What’s a handsome man like you doing in a place like this?..” I get soo flustered that I started blushing bright red “You’re bright red right now, ..I like that.” She whispers into my ear as grabs crotch & whispers “let’s go back to your place..” I eagerly nodded yes & she whispers into my ear “come with me..” as she takes my hand leading me outside where we then walked to my place
As we get into my apartment she shuts the door behind us & I see her squish the metal doorknob like it’s made out of play dough locking us both in then I realise it’s her “You’re Supergirl?!” “Took you long enough handsome..” she turns around, walks up to me, takes off & tosses her glasses to the side & pins me up against the wall with her big muscular arms holding me still, then seductively starts licking & kissing my neck making her way up my neck to my left ear sticking her tongue inside licking it all over before she licks her tongue along the side of my head, cheek before finally slipping her perfect tongue of steel into my mouth & dominates it. As our tongues are dancing for dominance Kara slips her hand into my pants & firmly grasps my rock hard member massaging it as we passionately make out until she feels my pre cum leaking & just rips all of my clothes clean off before pushing me onto the bed where she sped undressed herself so now like me she’s now completely naked & climbs on top of me, straddling my waist grinding her womanhood against my throbbing dick as she leaned down to whisper in my ear “You’re mine now..” then she lowered herself down onto my member until I was completely inside her causing us to moan in response & as we started slowly thrusting into each other I see her face starting to glow red as the more pleasure she feeling & as I uncontrollably moan Kara muffles it by starting to passionately make out with me as we’re rapidly thrust into each other. I feel her soft skin on her back with one hand while the other is squeezing her but cheek while she cups both of her hands on both sides of my face to deepen our make out session. Soon after we’re about to reach our end Kara huffs out “OH M/R, I’M ABOUT TO CUM!” & I moaned out “UGHH ME TOO!..” then we both simultaneously climaxed into each other while we moaned into each other’s mouths in pure ecstasy & continued to make out for a while longer before falling asleep together in each other’s arms..
The End!
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crmincls · 8 months
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⸻ ben barnes, 46, cis man, he/him ; ] welcome to the bastion, LUCIEN VOROS. we’ve had a problem with our system, please help me readjust your files. it says here you are 46 and have been around london for YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, correct? yes, i’ve read an article about you - they said you can be CHARMING and MANIPULATIVE, is that true? no matter, i’m sure your position as a SECOND IN COMMAND OF THE SAPPHIRE DEVILS will conceal all of that. all done now. i hope to be seeing more of your A DUSTY OLD PIANO FORGOTTEN IN THE CORNER, GAZING FROM THE TALLEST TOWER IN THE CITY AT THE BUZZ OF NIGHT, THE PERFECT POURING OF BOURBON ATOP ONE SINGULAR ICE SPHERE in the future. enjoy your stay, and remember the rules. / / lex luthor ( dc ), loki ( marvel ), the darkling ( grishaverse ), lucifer morningstar ( tom ellis version ). [ ⸻ honey, 29, cst, none ; 
full name . lucien xavier voros
nickname(s) . luc
age . 46
sexuality . bisexual
place of birth . london, england
occupation . second in command of the sapphire devils, nightclub owner
height . 6'2"
tattoos . he's covered but they stop at the collar of his shirt, his wrists, and his ankles. you only see them if he's undressed, since he's usually in a suit.
piercings . n/a
pinterest . here
( tw: terminal illness, alcoholism )
born to a lower class woman from a loveless arrangement, lucien and his twin never quite expected to amount to much. that is until the rich man who knocked their mother up came knocking, a deadly illness begging him to connect to those with his blood. they could be a happy family, so the two young children thought.
but they would be quite wrong, for that man who sired them had made his own life, had born his own children with his own wife, and had the wealth and standing to take custody of them away from their mother who couldn't keep a bottle out of her hands. the small life they lived would explode, and into a world of money and darkness they would be thrust into.
lucien embraced it, a teenager now eager to prove himself and make his own name. his twin took another path, but they ended up together again in the underworld somehow. dalliances, lack of commitment, and one night stands granted the man four children that he knows about, demanding he grow up and seeing that he never did. he's a good father, but he still plays and parties hard in his 40's.
the sapphire devils took his eye as a teen and soon enough the man would climb his way up the ranks. he's held the position of second in command for six years now with an iron fist. little happens that he doesn't know about, nothing happens without crossing his desk first.
he started his nightclub as a joke, but the success made it a constant. it has nearly nothing to do with the sapphire devils, but it certainly is a place they frequent. lucien lives above it, overlooking the city of london from floor to ceiling windows. he also owns a large residence in the country side, a gift from the father who would rather not acknowledge him these days. too bad his das gave him the taste for the finer things in life, lucien's trust fund gets quite the usage.
fun facts; he collects classic cars, but has a love of sports cars as well. he has a large collection of watches and a wardrobe bigger than his bedroom. bourbon drinker. can play paino, doesn't, it was something his mother taught him pre-booze.
on main : his kids, his baby mamas, his twin (to be added, i forgot about him)
exes that didn't result in kids : self explanatory
rivals : whether business or pleasure, a mixture of both or just underworld related they def have some snarky banter and very much try to best one another.
school friends : from any school point, they def have history
old friends : can have met anywhere, but their relationship dates back at least 20 years
work relationships : they only met through the underworld, their acquaintanceship is purely for work reasons or they never would interact.
hook ups : current bed warmers, can be multiple, and very much no strings attached. should all be 35+
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annikavelde · 2 years
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: Yomi - Marceline Fang: MOMOCHUU - Sian Fangs Ears: Swallow - S Gauged Ears
.:CLOTHING:. Kitty Ears: NANAO - Meows Neon Ears Earrings: Minuit - Suki Earrings Collar/Leash: Aloe - Lex Collar Jacket: MIWAS - Gaming Jacket *NEW* @ Equal10 Top: RENIE - Willow Tanktop Skirt: TRIGGERED - Evy Skirt Panties: RENIE - Bea Panties Leg Wraps: MIWAS - Tape On Me
.:SCENE:. Background: Paparazzi - Nightclub Entrance *NEW* @ Uber Pose: Mirinae - Kate *NEW* @ Reborn Event
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story-weavr · 11 months
Jerome Peregrine White
Jerome Peregrine White was the eldest son of Perry & Alice White.
His father was often absent due to Perry’s dedication to his career. Alice was a soft & constant presence. At times, the small family struggled financially. There have also been moments where Alice had to wake little Jerry up in the dead of night to go to a relative’s house until her husband called to say it was safe.
The situation at home gradually improved as Perry rose up the ranks of the Daily Star, eventually becoming editor-in-chief of the newly named Daily Planet. By that time, the couple had two more sons, Richard & Hank.
At that point, Jerry was going through a rebellious phase; unhappy with his father’s preoccupation with his job. He would often go to clubs in a bad part of the city. This worried his mother but attempts by either herself or Perry were met with anger.
Then one day, something truly terrible happened. Jerry was kidnapped. Kidnapped by gang members, they threatened Perry that if he didn’t retract an article he wrote of a crime lord posing as a Suicide Slums landlord they would kill Jerry.
In minutes, the gang was attacked by another. Jerry managed to get away in the confusion. Scared, he returned home to his tearful parents.
Later, he woke up & went downstairs. Unsurprisingly, his father was still up & on the phone. What was a surprise was what Perry White snarled into the phone.
That was the night Jerry White found out his father wasn’t his father. His real father, the infamous Lionel Luthor, was in control of the gang who had actually rescued him.
The young man became even more withdrawn, his anger that he used as a shield now replaced by a sorrowful aura. His parents assumed it was trauma due to the kidnapping.
Jerry questioned his identity & felt lost. One day, as he was brooding, he saw something familiar. A couple of men were driving a truck labeled for a fertilizer company. Jerry recognized those men as belonging to Lionel’s gang.
Jerry discreetly followed the truck on his bike. The truck stopped at a warehouse where men started unloading.
While Jerry observed, one of the bags fell. Guns spilled out. The young man felt sick.
Then, chaos occurred. A hooded man got the jump on the gang and started beating them up.
At first, it looked like he was winning but then reinforcements showed up. Seeing the man outnumbered, Jerry raced in on his bike. Managing to knock over several enemies, the young man with the black helmet yelled for the others to get on.
After a race through the Suicide Slums & other areas, the two managed to lose their pursuers.
Later, the vigilante those of the slums called Gangbuster introduced himself. Jose Delgado would become a mentor and second father to Jerry White.
With a new purpose, Jerry & Jose investigated Intergang, deterring them as best they could. The younger of the two realized they would need more help.
Jerry’s biker gang started small but it grew bigger as the investigations drew deeper into the criminal underbelly. Particularly when they finally came into contact with Cadmus and their inhuman experiments on people.
Members included Yango “Wild”, Jude “Hippie”, & Lucy “Diamond”. There were also auxiliary members.
Their go-to mechanic: owner of Lexor, Lex Jerome Luthor aka “Atom”.
Needless to say, it was awkward between the two brothers. But they soon became very close.
Enough so that Mockingbird and his lover, Clark “Ace”, sometimes help out on missions.
Clark’s nickname should have been “Oscar” or “Chameleon” given how scarily good he is at acting and infiltrating places.
But then, one day, Jerry “Cobra” White met his match.
Investigating rumors of drugs and human trafficking, Jerry went undercover at the nightclub, Blaze’s.
What should have been routine, business as usual, ended with the funeral of Jerome Peregrine White.
Over a decade later, Metropolis saw the rise of the mysterious Spencer Blaze. Owning several nightclubs and strip joints, Mr. Blaze’s establishments catered to every level of Metropolis. There were even rumors that several of his businesses were actually covers for services of the more carnal variety.
The more magically inclined denizens of Metropolis and the world, however, knew of the upstart demon lord who managed to supplant an ancient demoness. His army of lesser demons and connections with both the mortal & supernatural worlds made him a dangerous foe and valuable ally.
Few knew which side they fell. Of those few, they strongly suspected which side depended entirely on Blaze’s whims.
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hiddenschools · 1 year
Raymet had never visited Camlaan, and she loathed the Camlaander expat community in Agdel Lex, bunch of priggish drunken isolates, most of whom worked in necromantic geology for the big drilling Concerns south of the Wastes. Their homeland was a barbaric mess of stereotype and myth: undead queens, land-bonding, fertility rituals of the bloodier sort, sickles, wicker, and flame, grails and other theological cutlery. Raymet grew up, like everyone, on stories of Camlaan’s Knights, questing, determined, anointed sons and daughters of the realm sent by the Crown’s will to smite monsters foreign and domestic. They had been ginned up in a war by some divine monarch or other two thousand years back, and pledged oaths to succor the innocent and help all those in need, though in practice they had a selective sense of what constituted need, or innocence. Monsters had a convenient tendency to live on land that would be valuable if not for the monsters living there; the innocent had a convenient tendency to be oppressed by wicked kings and queens who ruled territory coveted by Camlaan’s Crown.
Knights these days tilted against the Golden Horde; Knights faced Zurish Champions in Schwarzwald nightclubs; Knights ventured south into what the Thaumaturgist described as “the sectarian madness of the Northern Gleb,” drew shining swords and took up the armor of their faith and slaughtered in the name of truth, freedom, and so on, until their priggish drunken isolate compatriots could safely lease mineral rights to that no - longer - quite - so - monster - haunted wilderness. And so on until empire.
The Knights were a myth wrapped around naked bloody power: a neat clean story to justify destruction. Gross. If you wanted to make people bow before you, to conquer their homes and break them to your will, just do it and have done. Don’t lie to yourself that you mean all this for their own good. But Gal lived the myth. She never lied and rarely swore. She cared for her friends. She worked hard without complaint. Strong, immensely strong, she used that strength gently save in battle. She sweat and bled like any woman. Someone else had made her a weapon, but she made herself kind. Her calm, her patience, reminded Raymet of those High Family kids, holding back, waiting for a sure bet. But that wasn’t Gal at all. Not when she fought.
Ruin of Angels, page 151
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qnewsau · 9 months
Discover Brisbane's LGBTQIA+ swim club Aqualicious
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/discover-brisbanes-lgbtqia-swim-club-aqualicious/
Discover Brisbane's LGBTQIA+ swim club Aqualicious
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We discover all about Brisbane’s LGBTQIA+ swim club Aqualicious, from what level you need to be, to social events and how you can join. 
As the temperatures rise at this time of year, many of us will take relief in swimming pools and beaches across the country. 
Swimming is such a big part of the Australian summer and for a group of Brisbane’s LGBTQIA+ community, it’s more than just a quick dip in the pool.
Aqualicious is Brisbane LGBTQIA+ masters swim club. They are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and currently have around 30 members. 
Club President Dylan Carmichael, who joined the club 10 years ago said that everyone from the community is welcome to get involved. 
“Our club welcomes people of all abilities and we’re more than happy for people to join us for three or four sessions to see how they go, before deciding to join or not.” 
“Our members come from all the various parts of our community as well as our straight allies. Aqualicious welcomes all trans and non-binary swimmers.”
What level do you have to be to join?
For those worrying about their level of swimming, Dylan shares that just one lap is more than enough. 
“All you need to get your start in the cocktail lane is 50m freestyle without stopping. Bonus points if you can do backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly but, we’ll help you learn those if you don’t know them now,” he says. 
“As Head Coach I started 10 years ago swimming 50m and heaving my guts up at each end. Now my favourite race is the 1500m breaststroke! We also have the super fish lane [for more advanced swimmers] and everything in between, just like the rest of our community.”
Lex, the oldest member of Aqualicious, shared with us the reason he joined. 
“Primarily, I joined the club to meet other people in the LGBTQIA+ community after moving to Brisbane and to participate in the sport of swimming for fitness. I was not a pub or nightclub sort of person so Aqualicious was a social opportunity to meet other like-minded people,” he said.
For those looking for competition as well as social connection, there are plenty of opportunities.
“Our swimmers regularly compete at meets around the country – you can chase medals and records if you have a competitive drive, but most Masters’ members are looking for personal bests and celebrate those achievements as much. While it’s certainly encouraged, there is absolutely no obligation to compete. That’s completely up to you,” Dylan explains.
How to join Aqualicious
Aqualicious runs several sessions during the week. They take place at the Centenary Pool in Spring Hill and run for an hour on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. Social dinners and coffees after the sessions also take place. 
If you are feeling inspired and are interested in joining, Dylan explains what to do. 
“All you need to do is turn up to the pool with togs, goggles and a towel; tell the person at reception that you’re here for Aqualicious and they’ll point you to us! We’ll help you with the rest!”
For those feeling nervous, he has some advice. 
“Nervous? I promise that you don’t need to be. No one is looking at you, or what you’re wearing, and our coaches have never had to do paperwork for a drowning yet. We’re all there to swim and have a good time, and our people are all really nice!”
For more information on the club and how to join, visit: aqualicious.org.au
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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[ad_1] Introduction: Unveiling the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino You have arrived at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, a place of amazing grandeur and richness in the heart of Reno, Nevada. Guests of this wonderful resort will never forget their stay in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Located in the centre of the “Biggest Little City in the World,” the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino is a crown jewel thanks to its world-class amenities, superb service, and exhilarating entertainment options. Click for here casino news. Superior Lodging and Conveniences grand sierra resort and casino The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino is the epitome of extravagant hospitality. There is a wide variety of rooms and suites available at the resort, all of them are tastefully decorated and radiate comfort and flair. Modern comforts and breathtaking views of the nature beyond can be found in each of the rooms, which have been thoughtfully constructed to provide visitors with a relaxing retreat. When you leave the privacy of your room, you’ll find a wealth of services at your disposal. The resort’s massive, action-packed casino floor includes a wide variety of exciting gaming possibilities. There is a wide variety of exciting opportunities for those looking to try their luck, from traditional table games to the latest and greatest slot machines. A Delightful Dining Adventure At the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, your taste buds will be taken on a voyage like no other. The resort offers a wide variety of food options, making it suitable for guests with varying palates. There is a wide variety of dining options, from fine dining establishments to fast food joints, each with its own allure. Charlie Palmer Steak is where culinary genius meets great service, so come hungry. If you’re craving Italian food, head to the hip and happening Cantina, where authentic Italian fare is reimagined with a contemporary touch. Rim is an Asian-inspired restaurant serving a variety of scrumptious meals from different parts of Asia. Never-ending Fun and Excitement The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino is more than just a place to stay and eat well; it’s also a lively and exciting destination. Enter the exciting world of the casino and lose yourself in the countless game options available. There are countless games to pick from, from blackjack and poker to roulette and craps. If you need a vacation from the casino floor, the resort has plenty of other things to do. Enjoy a night out at the Grand Theatre, where world-class performers showcase their extraordinary abilities. Get a taste of the exciting nightlife in a place like LEX Nightclub. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU8vx7TR-LQ[/embed] The Grand Theatre, Home to Extraordinary Shows Get ready to be captivated by the spectacular performances on display at the Grand Theatre. A wide variety of captivating concerts and Broadway-style productions are presented at this state-of-the-art theatre. The Grand Theatre’s cutting-edge acoustics and lighting design ensure that every performance there is a sensory extravaganza that leaves its patrons fascinated and wanting more. Spa and wellness centre for rest and renewal The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino’s Spa and Wellness Centre is the perfect place to get away from it all and focus on your own well-being. Relax and rejuvenate with a variety of spa services like rejuvenating facials, therapeutic massages, and sumptuous body treatments. Relax in the pool or hot tub, or use the sauna and steam room. The Spa and Wellness Centre is a tranquil haven from which you can emerge feeling renewed on all levels. Memorable Conferences and Other Events grand sierra resort and casino The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino is a fantastic location for conferences and other gatherings because to its spacious event rooms and high-quality amenities. The resort has a staff of event professionals who will make sure your wedding, corporate event, or social gathering is flawlessly executed. The resort
has everything planners and guests may need, from high-tech AV to individualised food service. The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino’s unrivalled service and attention to detail make it the ideal location for spectacular events. Pros and Cons Pros Cons 1. Extensive amenities 1. Can be crowded and noisy 2. Wide range of dining options 2. Some areas may be dated or in need of renovation 3. Luxurious and spacious rooms 3. Resort fees and additional charges 4. Variety of entertainment options 4. Limited public transportation options 5. Large casino with diverse gaming options 5. Potential for excessive gambling 6. Outdoor activities and recreational facilities 6. Distance from downtown or other attractions 7. Multiple pools and a spa 7. Inconsistent customer service 8. Free parking 8. Wi-Fi can be slow or unreliable 9. Convenient location 9. Lack of natural light in some areas 10. On-site shopping and retail outlets 10. Smoking permitted in certain areas Final Thoughts on Reno’s Grand Sierra Resort and Casino The Grand Sierra Resort & Casino is a symbol of luxury in the centre of Reno, Nevada, and it provides an unparalleled experience for its guests. Everything about the resort is top-notch, from the luxurious rooms to the gourmet restaurants to the exciting nightlife to the relaxing spa. Prepare to enter a world of unrivalled opulence at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, where you may make experiences that will last a lifetime. This extraordinary location will make an indelible impression on your heart whether you’re looking for a luxurious escape, hosting an event to remember, or just looking for excitement. Explore the enchantment of Grand Sierra Resort and Casino and enter a realm of limitless opulence. For other games, refer to Casino Prediction Software. Common Questions and Their Solutions The Reno-Tahoe International Airport is only a short drive away from the resort (around 3 miles). The resort does, in fact, offer complimentary shuttle services to and from the airport. Pets are welcome at Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. For more information, guests should review the hotel's pet policy. Absolutely! The resort has several stunning ceremony sites and professional wedding planners to help you organise your special day. Guests may keep up with their workout routines in the resort's state-of-the-art fitness centre. [ad_2] CLICK HERE TO BUY THE SOFTWARE
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seira555 · 1 year
"Tokyo Nightclubs - New Lex Tokyo" を YouTube で見る
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celeboftea · 6 years
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Event Recap: Hip-hop superstar T-Pain performs at LEX Nightclub [Photos] - By Jack Barnes Global sensation T-Pain took the stage at LEX Nightclub inside Grand Sierra Resort and Casino (GSR) on Saturday, Dec. 8. The GRAMMY Award-winning artist made his return to the nightlife hotspot, where he performed to a packed house of enthusiastic guests.  Please Reblog!
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getmybuzzup · 5 years
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Event Recap: YG takes over LEX Nightclub [Photos] - Rapper YG took the stage at LEX Nightclub inside Grand Sierra Resort and Casino (GSR) on Saturday, Sept. 28. The Southern California native, known for hit singles including “Left, Right” and “Who Do You Love?” featuring Drake, performed to a packed house before kicking back to enjoy Reno’s hottest nightlife destination. YG’s debut studio album, “My Krazy Life” was released in 2014. He has since released three additional full-length studio albums including “Still Brazy,” “Stay Dangerous” and, most recently, “4Real 4 Real” in 2019. His latest release features guest appearances from G-Eazy, RJ, Tyga, Jon Z, Ty Dolla $ign, Valee and Boogie, among others. Please Reblog!
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troll-bridge · 2 years
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i was there, man
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des-dabbles · 6 years
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One of the first things that Lex did as a teen was to sneak out of the house. He meet up with Trey and Erick at the nightclub. 
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