mandachuart · 7 months
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Here's the art companion piece to mine: We dream in colors and the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54391945
When you're finished with mine check out these fantastic creators and their works!!
@angelabsol: Chapter 5 & 6 of "Another No Good Very Bad Semester" https://archiveofourown.org/works/53542807/chapters/137774080
@furretd0ll: "Gothic Surfarama" https://archiveofourown.org/works/54391819
@kyokokusakabe: Chapter 4 of "Dipplinshipping Ficlets" https://archiveofourown.org/works/53005093/chapters/137774674
@dipplinduo: Chapter 15 & 16 of "Sweet and Sour Dipplins" https://archiveofourown.org/works/52511173/chapters/137773480
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voidheartkisses · 2 months
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Character who never wears pants suddenly having swimming trunks at the beach is one of my favorite tropes
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bluepallilworld · 3 months
Hehe 4th edition of...
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After the summer vacation, the kids are invited to join the dark cream shipkids school! For their first day and class, all ages are mixed in one singular classroom... Will everybody stay quiet while waiting for the teachers or will chaos arise???
What's that?
3 years ago, I hosted a big collab for christmas, 2 years ago it was for the new year then last year we had an halloween celebration and now the fun continues!
This year, I'm hosting a big collab with a theme of "going back to school" to make some kind of a "family picture" with some of the dark cream ship children ! Nor Cross or S!Dream will be in the final picture as there aren't exactly the same depending on the child.
How to participate?
1- You need to have a dark cream/dark xunshine ship child (Cross x Shattered Dream kid). I'm making an exception for post dark cream kids ;). As long as Dream has been Shattered at one point, the kid can participate.
2- Draw your kid wearing a proper school outfit! (They will be indoors so you may choose to have them sitting on a chair, on a table or standing up, you can give them a school bag and anything you can think of! You can draw accessories aside if you want me to put it on their table or something (pens, notebook...) but no obligation here ^^)
3- Send me the drawing or tag me on it so I can get it! The drawing must have a transparent background so I can easily edit it. If you put a watermark, please put it on the inside of your drawing so that I don't have to erase/move it to make place for the other children.
You need to send me the drawing before the 10th of august so I have time to edit it properly before the big day and in case there are some problems. (It can however be discussed if needed, exceptions will be accepted or refused case by case)
I'll post it the 1st of september (probably early in the day) !
If you have any questions, please ask!
If someone without a kid wanna participate (or just want to participate more for funsies), you're welcome in the background+ team ^^
(being in the background+ team means drawing some elements of the background like all the lil' things you can find in a class, desks, posters, books... or some other stuff. It's usually me and music fairy @diofasolia (if you've got some free time to participate of course, solia) on that team)
PS: You can't use a kid belonging to someone else for that event ! You must be the creator of the kid and send me a drawing you did at least mostly by yourself (it doesn't mean you can't have help or collaborate with someone however) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
PPS: Be creative or more classic with the outfits! Have fun! Do as you wish!
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If it helps, the kinda perspective I'm going with (same as every year ;3). I'll adjust the size of the room depending on the number of kids. The kids are not obligated to be staring at us, from the side, showing their back... Also the pov will be from the white board ✨
Pose ideas for those who aren't inspired: awkwardly standing in a corner, reading a book criss-cross applesauce, tripping and falling on nothing (or something), chatting with someone, writing stuff on the wall, perfect student sitting pose, already asleep, climbing, fascinated by something (might be a poster, might be the class pet), showing something that really shouldn't have been brought here to someone, I'm late!, what an insteresting window, staring at the clock...
If you need a special accessorie/furniture/thingie to make the pose work, tell me and it'll be added in the background ^^
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jev-urisk · 3 months
Beach Episode OG Tag ✨️
It's gonna take a long, long time but I just realized with horror and glee that I will eventually have the opportunity to write a 'beach episode' in my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐 😂
So with that on my mind have another new tag game:
What would your ocs do in a beach episode? 🌊⛱️
Can they swim? Any activities they would particularly love or hate?
Kazimier 💋
Can't swim, never learned. Hates the sand. Doesn't like bright sun. Would spend her time under an umbrella drinking and judging people. Would shapeshift into a feminine body for the sole purpose of wearing a racy sexy swimsuit.
Klaus 🌻
He grew up in a desert and has probably never seen the ocean. His fae side would take over and he would be playing in the water, watching sea critters with wonder, and having (literal) magic moments with local plants while soaking up the sun.
Valian 🐁
He can doggy paddle, his thin little tail acting as a clumsy rudder. He can eat a surprising amount of watermelon and happily monches on slices- seeds, rind, and all- while watching the waves. Might pick a fight with a crab (he'd win though).
Seeker 🌠
Can swim, but struggles with cold seawater. Seeker spends time with each of the three others; laying out towels to lounge with Kaz, squealing as seaweed moves like snakes to Klaus' magic, and slicing watermelon to hand to Val. I think Seeker would be into building sandcastles and the other three would help in one way or another.
@katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open tag!
(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list, I periodically make up new ones like this here)
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earthfluuke · 2 years
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“Since we’re here, we should eat like the locals.” NEVER LET ME GO (2022)
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s2 episode 16 thoughts
damn. this was another episode i had to stretch out over TWO DAYS because a storm RUDELY interrupted me, but to say i was at the edge of my seat was an understatement. i was entirely invested. every beat was excellent. and most of my notes were asking the question: what is going on? so join me as i walk you through every single time i was confused (but in a good way)
so i read the synopsis and saw there was a mulder's sister mention........ interesting....
it opens with mulder monologuing about his quest in life to find the truth, and i'm into it, and then we see a helicopter... but it's HIM in the helicopter being medevaced?? so this monologue must be taking place at a later date? or is a sort of cosmic narration of his coma thoughts??
he is beat to hell and back and they are putting him in a TUB
scully bursts onto the scene and they try to be like "who are you" and she is NOT playing around, she's all "there's no time for this, a man is dying" queen.......
so he's still going on- either cosmically or in a sort of post-event narration- about "what happened on the ice" justifying his every belief. and also that he thinks that aliens are HERE and they are COLONIZING? which i feel is a bit of a jump. like aliens being a thing, okay, possible. colonizing earth? i mean, also possible, but like... don't they have better things to do?
they have him in the tub to prevent hypothermia but scully is yelling that THE COLD IS KEEPING HIM ALIVE and i'm wondering if she knows that because 1. it's obvious medical knowledge and she is simply out-doctoring these other doctors or 2. they're doing what you would normally do for a patient in these circumstances, but she knows there has been some sort of alien fuckery that needs to be addressed in a different manner
then, right as we hear that HIS HEART STOPPED, we get the little spooky song and the intro. my notes consisted of: HUH?? WHAT IS GOING ON??????
okay. jump back in time. two weeks earlier. yeah let's figure out what led up to this.
(i do get hooked when we jump right into the heart of the matter though. as a plot device i will be Sat for this convention sorry)
but my notes were still lingering on what i had just seen. first, that his face was broken as hell, and that makeup must have been unpleasant, and i can't imagine that being filmed being placed in a tub was much fun either
BUT, on the other hand, i think it's good that we're evening out the scales of each character almost dying. while he did get kidnapped in the s1 finale and almost die in the s2 premiere, scully's coma arc was a lot more dramatic, so it is good that it was his turn. we need to see them worried about each other in equal measure.
okay okay. back to the start of the episode. for real. two weeks before this whole ice bathing event, a ufo sort of thing crashed above a ship in the arctic. and the news is saying that a russian agent was rescued from a ship crash. because you can't just say it was a ufo.
cutscene to a women's health center in scranton. and my first thought was, please do not say we are gonna see some character come in with an alien pregnancy. and thankfully that is not where that went. because s2 is too early for that. work up to it a little bit, you know?
the doctor at the health center is watching the news, and he clearly recognizes the man they are shown being lifted from the crash. and he goes to run out the room.
oh? as soon as he escapes from the room.... he is being BEATEN by the dude he just saw on the tv. OH??? BIG NEEDLES???? foaming with green liquid??? the place is set on fire after that?? we have seen these needles with liquid used on aliens before....
dude, what's going on, i wrote in my notes... the girls are scared
okay, so here's what we have so far: three doctors who perform abortions have had their clinics set on fire, and their obituaries forwarded to mulder
(at this point, we see the credits which i'm used to ignoring, but this one has more names on it.... because DAVID wrote the story with MR. CARTER???? okayyyyy putting that yale degree to WORK!!!!!)
wait. we get visuals on the three newly deceased doctors. and they. all have the same face??? and no records on them at all.
they go to visit a suspect, who had a "have you seen this man" ad in his pocket for a local newspaper, so they go to that city and try to investigate
she thinks it's a setup because they have been given weirdly little information, and he thinks there are more doctors out there with the same face that need rescuing... lowkey agreeing with her but i know how these plot devices play out. so.
she's calling the number they gave her and serving looks on the phone, work, but a tip has been made that the next guy is in syracuse, so they're off on a new york road trip
an fbi agent is sent off to the scene, and we see the next same-faced doctor in syracuse, where he is talking with someone about "sharing the planet"... but. well. here's what my notes had to say:
so we see the fbi agent is very dead, but then he comes right back on screen, and we are dealing with a shapeshifter!!!!! the dead guy has been placed in the trunk of a car with some funky markings on his face. using the likeness of the dead fbi agent, he tells our duo that there was nothing to see at the address they located. and the killer shapeshifts again, leaving me thinking about how cool being a shapeshifter would be.
cut to skinner cam, who has become something like a strange cousin to me. he is PISSED that mulder went on a side quest without his permission because an agent DIED but mulder is very confused because he talked to the agent and he was very much alive? (but it was actually the shapeshifter, of course) and for once mulder is too stunned to speak
scully is at hooooome checking her compuuuuter and she is wearing a flannel!!!!! yes casual wear let's hear it for comfortably scully!!! make some noise!!!
despite looking very comfortable she is not pleased because someone sent her a disturbing email, and she wants to know if mulder got one, too- it's another of the same faced doctors, and this one is in washington. right in their area!
on his way over to her apartment, we run into.... A NEW CHARACTER???? his name is ambrose chapel, and he is allegedly from the CIA... do we trust him? what was he doing outside her place.
they go into scully's apartment and i'm like, dude, we couldn't have done this in a place that wasn't her apartment? but well. why not welcome a strange man in there?
he's going on about the soviet union and the genetic anomalies from twins being studied and turned into clones, who will be used to sabotage the medical system. and all the clones- who are called gregors- are being systematically eliminated in exchange for the knowledge that created them.
pause. no i actually don't want to analyze the alleged soviet gregors who will somehow poison the medical system. i'm looking at scully's apartment. she must have moved back into DC after being reassigned from the academy. so is this the same apartment as her first one? i can't tell. this gregor stuff is complicated and i'm admiring the art on her walls- it looks like little watercolors or postcards of beach scenes. that's so sweet.
so it turns out that this ambrose chapel is the one that placed the ad they had called earlier, and he says the gregors are trying to reach mulder, and they need to work together to protect them, i guess. weird cross department alliance. i don't buy it.
scully is sitting on her couch looked confused as hell. me too girl i'm just trying to figure out if this is the same apartment from s1. sorry to the gregors.
we next see someone in a room full of green liquid that looks like those big tanks of lemonade at the mall. it appears to be a gregor. i imagine that this is NOT lemonade and is instead sustaining some sort of alien creature....
but now we're back with our agents and ambrose chapel visiting a new gregor in a hotel. when gregor opens the door, he is really scared of ambrose. and there's also another lady in the room with him who is hiding. things were going real rapid fire at this point. my notes were just a series of questions, or statements followed by question marks to express disbelief:
"gregor JUMPS OUT of the window but somehow GETS BACK UP? and now he's running away??? so we get a chase scene. WHO IS THIS AMBROSE FELLOW??? and why is there a lady in the room hiding behind a curtain???"
mulder is going after gregor on foot when he gets HIT BY A CAR????
but he says he's fine and tells scully to keep going. ambrose is stalking this gregor like a cat, and gregor has no choice but to climb something to escape.
but noooo!!! the shapeshifter is back!!! the shapeshifter WAS ambrose?? the gregors must be able to sense who the shapeshifter is.
"ambrose chapel" tells scully that the gregor got away, but she steps in some familiar green goo that indicates things are not looking great for our gregor, and he is likely gone. too soon.
"how are you feeling?", scully asks mulder. "like i should have taken the crosswalk", he says LMAOOOOOO
scully is pointing out the obvious: this ambrose fellow is sus as hell. "what happened to trust no one?" "oh, i changed it to trust everyone, i didn't tell you?" LMAOOOO this man cannot stop running his damn mouth
he's all, i ran a background check on ambrose, and he is totally clear, he's been working at the CIA for 17 years! and she asks so WHY, if he has been working here for 17 years, does he need OUR HELP? and also the gregor was CLEARLY running from him, and not us!
he accuses her of being paranoid which 1. kettle calling pot black and 2. rude as hell??? she is speaking total sense here
OHHHH THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!! and again she is NOT wrong.
"you'll pursue a case at the expense of everything, to the point of insanity, and expect me to follow you. there has to be somewhere to draw the line" and is she wrong??? she does not get paid enough to deal with all of this, and he's endangering them... and he seems to just assume that she will do anything he asks of her.........
"if the pursuit of this case seems like insanity to you, feel free to step away from it" he says, in a way that is very judgemental and accusatory and not at all understanding of how wild this whole thing sounds. and i'm taken back to his opening monologue, how he was going on about the pursuit of the truth interfering with his relationships... exhibit a!!
she points out that SOMEONE DIED and he deflects by saying "those are the risks you take! you either accept them or you don't"
(now, when signing up for the fbi, i do not actually think "murder by alien" was on the risk of disclaimers signed so.)
((ugh he's pissing me off here. i get it, the bloodhound need to sniff out the truth without regard for anything else, let alone something as simple as safety. but could we maybe LISTEN to our partner???? just once????? GRRRR))
(also they keep calling ambrose chapel by his last name and its making me think of chappell roan, my beloved above all else. this is not very h-o-t t-o g-o of mulder to be ignoring scully's concerns)
despite the high levels of tension and voices being raised, she pulls out her shoe that had stepped in the alien gunk and shows him how it has been burned through. his eyes light up in fascination and he says we need to go get this tested now and also can you prepare an autopsy bay? we can't figure out how the agent in the syracuse situation died. and then HER EYES expand with childlike wonder and everything is momentarily right with the world again.
he comes down to the autopsy- perhaps as a form of apology for his earlier rudeness- and watches while she goes over the stuff. and everything looks normal except his blood was clotted somehow??
"skinner's gonna wanna know why you didn't file your report... what are you gonna say?" "just the truth. i got hit by a car!" LMAOOOO okay honesty king
(it was at this point i lost power and had to spend the rest of the night wondering what the hell was going to happen next until i could finish it the next day.... i truly deserve compensation for this happening twice in one week. what sick and twisted force is out there trying to keep me from running this blog, huh?!?!?)
okay we're back. mulder is going into skinner's office.
he must have came up with a report real fast, because he goes to give it to skinner, and he says he didn't call him to talk about that:
"your father has been trying to reach you. there's been a family emergency"
(proving once again that skinner is serving the same functions as a high school prinicpal)
he calls his dad, and his mom picks up... and he asks why she was at "dad's place".... MULDER CHILD OF DIVORCE CONFIRMED?!?!?
scully stops by his office with an address she found to go on, and he says you go there, and walks out. she asks where he's going and he said "home" and did not elaborate. and said nothing else.
(this pissed me off because RIGHT before scully was kidnapped, he had similarly made an abrupt exit on here and i thought that he would stop doing that and start saying a proper goodbye but no. he has not learned. ALWAYS say goodbye and tell your friends you love them when you leave- it is NOT negotiable!!!!!!)
she drives to the address and it is... very creepy... it's the room full of tanks that aren't lemonade but they look like it!!!!! and ambrose chapel (NOT to be confused with chappell roan!) is pushing the tanks over and stepping on the chunks of stuff that comes out of them... very gross...
scully calls mulder and asks him to please call back because she thinks she is in danger, and someone is following her, sitting outside her apartment, BUT HE IS BUSY!!! WITH FAMILY EMERGENCY!!! which she does not KNOW ABOUT because he DID NOT TELL HER!!!!
he arrives at his dad's place and i am not shocked that man is either from or has spent a significant amount of time in massachusetts, specifically martha's vineyard. like yeah. this isn't shocking to me. it just makes sense.
(although if that were the case, he'd be MUCH more obnoxious about the patriots and the red sox, and before he mentioned going to dodger's stadium and having a shirt from the new york knicks.... so what's the truth?!)
his dad is on the porch and is being kinda weird- do BOTH our agents have a strained relationship with their fathers? and his dad shakes his hand and it's Weird. but he sees his mom is talking to someone inside.
SISTER REVEAL??? it was the girl who was inside the house when the agents and ambrose showed up to find the gregor! AND i think it's the same girl that gave them the map back in binghamton... but i could be wrong?
in the morning he gives his mom a kiss and tucks her into bed. aww.
then he walks outside and it looks like he is either gonna start hyperventilating or crying, but his "sister" is on the porch and he goes over to talk to her- what do you say after 22 years?
she says she was returned around age 8 or 9, and placed with a family, and that she couldn't remember anything until doing some hypnotherapy a few years back, and the memories of her family and all of the horrific testing returned.
(and sorry i'm not buying it. idk it just doesn't seem to add up!!!!!)
but he's hugging her so it's probably best he can't hear me say that. my guess is someone is trying to distract him from the truth.
but, she already knows what is going on... she says a bounty hunter is after her "father" (which confuses mulder because... same dad?) but she corrects herself and says the man who adopted her is one of the gregors- and he is an alien- and they'll be after her soon, i guess for maybe knowing the truth?
at this point in the episode we begin a series of phone calls in which both parties repeatedly miss each other's calls and i was like whyyyyy. whyyyyy.
anyway scully is leaving. she's in a jacket and she's taking the bus and i love her so bad. she says where she is going on the phone but i assumed she was lying because it was in public.
and mulder's "sister" is saying that the hit man can disguise himself as anyone. so he's trying to reach scully, who is back at the site of the lemonade-looking alien tanks.
she pulls a lock picker out of her fanny pack because that is my baby.
and when she goes in all the alien stuff is smashed. she's looking at the alien meat on the floor. and she picks something up and. OH FUCK, i yelled at my screen. i hit pause SO FAST. she was holding a PULSATING ALIEN EMBRYO. but some guy is in the back!!!!!
she tries to get him to stop whatever it is he's doing but he says "you cannot hurt us" and then all of the remaining gregors with the same face are in the room!!!!!!
so she puts them in maximum security but the windows on the cars weren't blacked out and i feel that they should have been. and just as i make note of this we see the shapeshifter hit man... NO!!!
scully ACTUALLY goes to the motel she said she would, and they miss calls 2 MORE TIMES... i will start biting!!!!!
and back where the gregors are being watched, the guards switch, and a new fellow walks in... and i guessed it was the shapeshifter, and yes indeed it was, he busts out his needle that turns the gregors to acid....
there's a knock at scully's door at like 11:30 at night and she goes and gets it and it's mulder!!! where were you, she asks, when her phone starts ringing...
and who is on the other end but... mulder.........
no.... shapeshifter......
this is so unfair because had the power NOT been knocked off i could have seen this episode yesterday and then part 2 tonight. but now i shall be forced to wait until TOMORROW to see what happens. soooooo evil.
i should have known we were gonna get another two-parter when we were halfway through the episode and still no mention was made of any ice. you know, the ice we began with?
anyway. i really really liked this episode. the pacing was great, as much as i complained about their argument i thought it was excellent conflict, we learn more about mulder, but i do not believe that is really his sister. sorry. and if it IS her i'll be forced to issue a formal apology but until then i remain doubtful. has anyone considered doing a blood test. this predates 23 and me.
aughhh i need to know how he ends up an ice cube!!!!!! and i will have to wait until tomorrow. and while i technically COULD watch part 2 tonight i want to have a real good bit of time dedicated to breaking it down
(i saw the episode after the next one is about zoo animals and i was like hell yeah this is what i love about this show. we get some heartbreaking alien infiltration content and then some possessed elephants)
((WAIT. ARE THEY REALLY GONNA GET TO GO TO THE ZOO??? LIKE I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF?? but it's a zoo of ANGRY animals so it's not even going to be relaxing??? this is SOOOOO unfair...))
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hamable · 5 months
I’ve been so caught up thinking about the fight sequences and the animation styles and the writing and the antics aand the everything about Spy Family Code White that I forgot about the Ferris wheel. Oh my god oh my god oh my god the Ferris wheel.
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arsoniiii · 2 years
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Movie night!!
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respectthepetty · 2 years
There is something about the show beginning in a restrained purple
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And Nueng and Palm mainly existing in the purple...
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You know what? Never mind! It's likely nothing! It's probably just the lighting for nighttime. Let's not be excessive.
when Nueng thinks about Ben at night, he is lit by red.
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Possibly because Ben brings more of the same normal red Nueng is usually surrounded by to Nueng's life
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Well, at least until thoughts of Palm start to creep in
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Because Palm gives blue
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and takes red
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And the purple appeared in the background during the daylight when Nueng was watching Palm while playing piano
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Well, until he saw Maggie playing around with Palm. Then, Nueng blocked the purple
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And he tried to cover it up with red by drinking into the night
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While Palm remained highlighted by blue
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The whole time Nueng was yelling at Palm, the purple was stifled, and the purple wouldn't appear again
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Until Nueng called out for Palm
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And it began to creep onto Nueng as he reached out to Palm
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After the fight, Nueng woke up in the blue
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And his mother showed him love in the purple
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Something he has been missing from his mom since his father's death, and only gets from Palm
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So he tried to apologize to Palm by buying Palm the shoes he wanted, but Palm was strictly in the muffled blue and not willing to take any red
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But after Nueng was bullied at school, and Nueng verbally apologized to him, Palm was willing to give color love
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But when they got home, the purple faded (pay attention to the color as they walk in)
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As Nueng worried his mom would be disappointed in him as she sat strictly in the red
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But, as before, she surrounded him with purple love
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So maybe purple is love because we know blue boy + red rascal = pair purple and pink
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Why else would the credits be in the spectrum of blues and reds making pink and purple?
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Or it could all mean nothing.
Maybe cinematographer Rath Roongrueangtantisook who worked on 3 Will Be Free and A Tale of Thousand Stars just really likes purple. Maybe he likes it so much that hints of it were included in the OST. Maybe...
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shrimpchipsss · 2 years
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beach episode
created as part of Hamiathes’ Gift Exchange 2022
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evansboyfriend · 2 months
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buck is my absolute favourite character in 911 he's my most relatable character in anything ever just so we're clear. and i think he should take the backseat in s8. let the spotlight shine on someone else.
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booklove22 · 2 years
I just….
I’m never going to get over the fact that TIM BRADFORD IS SO FAR GONE that he would literally light the job he loves on fire rather that see Lucy less often than 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
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fighting for my life trying to color never let me go [2/?] finished sets: ep 6 / ep 8 / ep 9
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interstellar-elf · 23 days
Remember when cartoons had so many episodes you would have a Christmas and a Halloween episode and an episode that somehow involved dinosaurs and a lost world and another episode that involved the king of Atlantis and another where the gang go to the beach or another where everyone got lost on a deserted island and it turns into The Lord of the Flies or one that involved time travel for some reason that was never talked about again or ....
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tenuuchlegch · 3 months
“Let’s build a sandcastle!” From alphinaud :3
Fun in the Sun
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❃ "A sand castle?" Came Odtsetseg's query, as she tilted her head at the young elezen. Eyeing the pile of sand he was building up, xaela pressed a curled index finger against her chin. "I admit, I have never done this before."
- This was the truth, for her homeland did not offer much in the way of play for children. Neither did it possess much beaches, for growing auri to relish in. Twas not until she and her father began their travels that Odtsetseg beheld a proper beach for the first time. Regrettably, they had no spare hours to enjoy its splendors. Ever busy and eager they were, to arrive at continent the other half of their family was whisked away towards, duo rarely ever stopped working towards goal.
- But that was long ago, in a past which she can never go back towards. Twas best to set her sights forward now, onto a brighter tomorrow.
- The Island Sanctuary was truly a blessing for her. A place where she could rest beyond prying eyes and even let Luu finally fly about freely. Naturally, she kept its location a secret to most not merely because Admiral Merlwyb told her too but also so xaela may have some peace. Au ra had inadvertently become quite popular over the years, especially after saving the world multiple times. There was a growing concern that this side-effect would attract many unsavory individuals towards her, so having at least one place to get away from it felt comforting.
- Amethyst rimmed with lilac shifted towards clear, costal waters. Waves sloped up and down the white sand, like someone's hand caressing lover's cheek gently. Unclouded were the blue skies above, as a gentle breeze moved across skin. It was the perfect day for the Scions to have a beach party. Xaela in turn, was more than happy to host the festivities. Turning gaze back towards less fiery twin, she picked up a bucket.
- "Care to teach me the way of it?"
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koumeowkami · 10 months
it's funny that apparently no one ever bats an eye about ship fanservice until the ship receiving fanservice is kanallen
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