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dixvinsblog · 9 months ago
Pascal Depresle -Le chevesne en hiver
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transmutationisms · 7 months ago
idrc about whether a building is aesthetically pleasing in context of Using it but i do think it's valuable to learn how to read architecture and in that sense a lot of it is truly reprehensible LOL like i truly hate the eiffel tower technocracy cultural capital of the world universal exposition situation. analogously some of the worst fucking architecture on the planet is the neoclassical we <3 athenian democracy dogshit in washington dc and then there's like the various gothicisms that university campuses loooove to put up for the medieval apprenticeship fantasy while apple store locker room-ifying every computer lab or whatever. ideology innit. obviously this is all contextual and not the forms in-themselves like modular housing i think could be really tidy but there's sometimes an element of disingenuousness on those plans that just comes out more as like, good news we've designed taylorist housing :). and then there are forms that are already blatantly polysemic in practical use like people on here love to post about brutalism as thee socialist aesthetic but also the literal fbi hq is famously an extremely imposing brutalist slab and a lot of the training buildings at quantico have that as well and i do think they cultivate that aesthetic on purpose, like kind of the le playist thing of basically branding the agency via its architecture. which ofc most everyone does but you can see it more blatantly in some institutions than others, like eg prisons and schools and art museums and abattoirs are often quite blatantly opinionated about themselves in this sense. anyway since it's categorically impossible to make an aesthetic judgment that isn't a socially and politically contextualised judgment i do think it's both edifying and kind of necessary to investigate these kinds of considerations, else you're just expressing ideology you accepted without knowing or noticing which is generally worse i think
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readythefanons · 3 months ago
Kim voice lines + chill music
this one doesn't have a theme really it's just Kim voice line + chill music. That makes it more aligned with the original vision of the DE audio project, which was intended to be, like, music to play in the background while doing other things.
duration: 4:58
Put together in Audacity.
Kim voice lines from GrandFrance on YouTube (link)
Music by Johnathon Horner from Pixabay
More voice lines+music from the DE audio project
If you enjoyed this, please let me know :)
transcript below the jump
I don’t know. I’m not a philosopher.
(sigh) Right.
Maybe we should circle the building first and look for another way. The building has seen enough mistreatment.
There used to be seven stave churches on the coast. Les Sept Soeurs they call them -- The Seven Sisters. Only one remains. The rest were burnt in the Revolution, or used for building materials.
It's Dolores Dei.. "The old woman was right. This is the Dolorian Church of Humanity in Martinaise. Or the Small Pinewood Church in some records.
I've noticed that, yes. And I must say I find it troubling.
It’s been a long winter, long and cold.
Interesting question.
Justice, union, prudence, and force.
I think you can gauge what they want you to think of them from that.
Love, compassion, self-discipline.
They're not all that bad. In my twenties I considered myself a moralist. A blue forget-me-not, a piece of the sky. But the years have changed that. I don’t know what I believe in now.
You will have to look elsewhere for opinions. The Moralintern are a fact. I try not to have opinions on facts -- until they change.
No, there’s nothing else. I just haven’t gotten a lot of sleep these past few days.
This is one of those times where you're just going to keep talking no matter what I say, isn't it?
Alright, detective. Your turn.
No need to be melodramatic.
Then the world will turn away from you and leave you behind.
Mmhm. We have a real museum here. Of battles, wars…
I don't know who died here, lined up beside that horrible wall. It could have been any of the parties involved in the Revolution. Perhaps the ones executed here were the loyalist-conservatives -- killed by the communists at the start of the civil war. It could even have been the employees of the Feld R&D Center down the coast, as their building was taken over by the revolutionaries.
Nothing for us to do here. Let’s move along.
I don’t know.
That’s my position: the abattoir.
And… was it all worth it?
The subject of humanism is too abstract for me.
It’s alright. Don’t worry about it.
Hm. Let me think about it.
In Elysium. Behind our eyes. Like all human beings, detective.
It all seems unreal, detective. In actuality, the pale is no more unreal than, say, water. Or death.
It’ll come to you sooner or later. Is that secret enough for you?
After life, death. After death, life again. After the world, the pale. After the pale, the world again.
Who could say it’s not true?
It’s a… mystery.
The world is what it is. So am I.
Okay, and something happened in that brain?
I’m listening.
You did well.
I’m glad to see you’re stable. Keep it that way.
You know, detective, there's... something admirable about that, in its own way...
I’ve never heard of a species like that… The nervous system could be spread out like that… Over the extremities, like a cuttlefish.
I think you should back away from the unstudied species now.
Like a water strider… only… I’ve never seen anything like that in my life... Maybe it has left some proof.
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femmchantress · 4 months ago
Teenage RFK Jr training his hawk morgana le fey to hunt rats at the abattoir where he deals mescaline: “Maybe if I kill enough Samoan children, daddy and uncle Jack’s heads will unexplode”
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aurevoirmonty · 28 days ago
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À supposer même que le néant triomphe, dans la pire de ses formes, une différence subsiste alors, aussi radicale que celle du jour et de la nuit. D’un côté, le chemin s’élève vers des royaumes, le sacrifice de la vie, ou le destin du combattant qui succombe sans lâcher ses armes; de l’autre, il descend vers les bas-fonds des camps d’esclavage et des abattoirs où les primitifs concluent avec la technique une alliance meurtrière; où l’on n’est plus un destin, mais rien qu’un numéro de plus. Or, avoir son destin propre, ou se laisser traiter comme un numéro: tel est le dilemme que chacun, certes, doit résoudre de nos jours, mais est seul à pouvoir trancher.
Ernst Jünger, Traité du rebelle ou le recours aux forêts (Der Waldgang), 1951
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peekaboorpg · 8 months ago
Idées de lieux de rp originaux
Salle des profs
Passage secret
Derrière le gymnase
Salle de perm
Salle des casiers
Couloir des trophées
Boutique mystique
Garderie pour enfants
Étable, écurie
Blanchisserie, pressing
Rails ferroviaires
Office du tourisme
Bureau de poste
Cabine téléphonique
Prêteur sur gage
Fast Food
Aire de jeux
Kiosque à journaux
Mondes + étendus
Portail magique
Île flottant dans le ciel
Territoire d'une bête
Tour de guet
Épave de bateau, vaisseau abandonné
Maison de sorcière
Cercle de pierres
Sources chaudes
Abri côtier
Grand arbre sacré
Autel à un/des dieu(x)
Lac aux lucioles
Falaises escarpées
Piège (genre un gros trou)
Cavernes & souterrains
Caverne à champignons
Caverne à stalactites
Mine de cristaux
Mine pleine de lave
Caverne à peintures rupestres
Caverne submergée
Caverne glacée
Tunnel mal éclairé
Rivière souterraine
Weirds +++
Maison close
Fight club
Derrière un tableau avec des trous
Quartier des pestiférés, zone de quarantaine
Antenne relai, antenne radio
Freak show
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secicrexe · 3 months ago
... Hier, la sorcière m'a dit : "Tant que les patients sont soignés, que peut bien faire un masque de démon ?"...
Je peux me couper en deux, et ça sera intéressant pendant trois mois… pas d’inquiétude, il suffit d’un courage qui ne prend jamais rendez-vous… et je tomberai sans être poussé… coupé en deux par une ancienne scie rouge, encore !... offerte le jour où j’ai allumé pour la première fois la lumière de la salle de pain…
Puis, sans cérémonie, la chair craque sous mon propre poids… comment imiter mes hurlements sans fausse note et sans être puni dans un autre abattoir ? … et les craquements de ma mâchoire ! … les os doivent être dévorés sans être mouillés… tout ce qui est délicieux dure toujours plus longtemps…
Et le ver restera accroché, suspendu et humilié par la gentillesse… peut-être son attente est un moyen pour approfondir mes lettres de motivation… les salles blanches sont des endroits où se prennent les meilleures décisions… je ne suis jamais invité mais j’ai une licence…
Khalid EL Morabethi
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redroomquotes · 3 months ago
Dès que j’ai commencé Eraserhead, j’ai cessé d’assister aux cours. Je passais de temps à autre à l’AFI pour regarder un film. Le projectionniste de la grande salle était mordu de cinéma, un type comme on n’en fait plus, et quand il me disait « David, il faut que tu voies ce film », je savais que ce serait une œuvre spéciale. Il m’a montré Le Sang des bêtes, un film français. L’histoire oscille entre un couple flânant dans un village et un immense abattoir aux portes de Paris. Cour pavée, grosses chaînes et instruments en métal. Les employés amènent un cheval. On voit de la buée sortir de ses naseaux. Ils lui masquent les yeux et BAM ! – ils l’abattent. Ensuite, ils le suspendent à l’aide de chaînes enroulées autour de ses sabots, et le dépècent en un rien de temps. Le sang coule à travers une grille. Puis, retour au couple qui se promène tranquillement. Fabuleux.
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years ago
Canti Orfici
Ieri @vivenda, a commento del post su Orfeo ed Euridice, si è ricordata dell'opera di Christoph Willibald Gluck, a lei molto cara, Orfeo ed Euridice (1762), che ha rivoluzionato l'opera musicale, introducendo tutta una seria di innovazioni che saranno fondamentali nel corso della storia della musica. Del mito, composero e musicarono anche Jacopo Peri, addirittura nel Sedicesimo Secolo, Claudio Monteverdi nel Diciasettesimo, poi Haydn, Liszt e più recentemente Stravinsky, in un balletto in 3 atti.
Quel commento mi ha spinto a pensare della musica più vicina ai miei gusti, quella rock, e a chi si è ispirato al Mito del cantore e della splendida ninfa.
Il primo riferimento che mi viene in mente è un brano dei The Herd che fu il primo gruppo di Peter Frampton, che nel 1967 pubblicano il singolo From The Underworld, che arriva in classifica nella top ten inglese.
C'è un sanguinoso Nick Cave che in Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus, doppio album del 2004, canta dello strumento caro al leggendario musico, la lira nell'omonima The Lyre Of Orpheus.
Hozier nel suo ultimo disco, Wasteland, Baby! del 2019, canta in Talk così:
I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus When her body was found (hey ya) I'd be the choiceless hope in grief That drove him underground (hey ya) I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee That made him turn around (hey ya) And I'd be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice Imagine being loved by me!
Gli Arcade Fire dedicarono un intero disco al mito, Reflektor del 2013, tanto che in copertina c'è un capolavoro dello scultore Auguste Rodin, che si intitola Orfeo ed Euridice. In particolare, ci sono due brani, Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice) e It's Never Over (Oh Orpheus) meravigliosi, specialmente il secondo che ha un groove indimenticabile, che addirittura ha un video musicale con le immagini di Black Orpheus, film di Marcel Camus tratto da Orfeu da Conceição, pièce teatrale di Vinícius de Moraes, vincitore della Palma d'Oro 1959 me dell'Oscar 1960 come miglior film in lingua non inglese in rappresentanza della Francia benché girato in portoghese.
Salman Rushdie fece una delle sue prime apparizioni pubbliche dopo la fatwa per i Versetti Satanici nel 1993 sul palco dello Zoo Tv Tour degli U2, a Wembley. Divennero molto amici lo scrittore e la band, tanto che Rushdie mandò a Bono qualche anno dopo una bozza del suo romanzo, che riprende il mito di Orfeo ed Euridice. Quel romanzo, La Terra Sotto I Suoi Piedi, narra la storia d'amore tra due stelle internazionali della musica leggera, Ormus e Vina, che vivono una storia d'amore simile a quella di Orfeo ed Euridice. Ad un certo punto, dopo la morte di Vina, Ormus scrive una canzone, il cui testo Rushdie lascia nel libro. A Bono venne l'idea di musicarla, e a oggi The Ground Beneath Her Feet è l'unico brano ufficiale della discografia della band con un testo non autografo.
All my life, I worshipped her Her golden voice, her beauty's beat How she made us feel How she made me real And the ground beneath her feet And the ground beneath her feet
And now I can't be sure of anything Black is white, and cold is heat For what I worshipped stole my love away It was the ground beneath her feet It was the ground beneath her feet
Go lightly down your darkened way Go lightly underground I'll be down there in another day I won't rest until you're found
Let me love you, let me rescue you Let me bring you where two roads meet Oh, come back above Where there is only love Only love
Sentitevi liberi di aggiungere tutte le altre canzoni che parlano di questo Mito, così intenso, suggestivo e potente.
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de-gueules-au-lion-d-or · 10 months ago
« Et puis des artistes en plus, de nos jours, on en a mis partout par précaution tellement qu’on s’ennuie. Même dans les maisons où on a mis des artistes avec leurs frissons à déborder partout et leurs sincérités à dégouliner à travers les étages. Les portes en vibrent. C’est à qui frémira davantage et avec le plus de culot, de tendresse, et s’abandonnera plus intensément que le copain. On décore à présent aussi bien les chiottes que les abattoirs et le Mont-de-Piété aussi, tout cela pour vous amuser, vous distraire, vous faire sortir de votre Destinée.
Vivre tout sec, quel cabanon ! La vie c’est une classe dont l’ennui est le pion, il est là tout le temps à vous épier d’ailleurs, il faut avoir l’air d’être très occupé, coûte que coûte, à quelque chose de passionnant, autrement il arrive et vous bouffe le cerveau. Un jour, qui n’est qu’une simple journée de 24 heures c’est pas tolérable. Ça ne doit être qu’un long plaisir presque insupportable une journée, un long coït une journée, de gré ou de force.
Il vous en vient ainsi des idées dégoûtantes pendant qu’on est ahuri par la nécessité, quand dans chacune de vos secondes s’écrase un désir de mille autres choses et d’ailleurs. »
Louis-Ferdinand Céline - Voyage au bout de la nuit, éditions Gallimard, 1972.
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villasugandhala · 4 months ago
🛑 images réelles violentes
Pétition !
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indelicateink · 1 year ago
🎶✨Put 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 of your followers to do the same 🎶✨
thank you for tagging me @tiredmouse! i am slow, but I made it happen lol
tagging five of the songs that tend to come up in my--*checks smudged ink on palm* 38 iwtv playlists--while I work on my iwtv art
the most beautiful boy - felsmann + tiley reinterpetation - the irrepressibles
black black heart (feat. marie mai) - david usher
ghosts - single edit - ladytron
lights - ellie goulding
black dressed bride - michael amani, robbie rise
some of my WIP art. life happened/got in the way of completing this in May, on pause. les/lou/armand per the poll, with lestat as a shade in his last-seen murder!look. (but hey. the advantage of delay is NOW I KNOW TO DRAW HIM WITH LONGER HAIR lol)
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tagging @greatgams @alcassin @basquettcase @bayoubodycount @blueiight @cbrownjc @cher-horowitz @cocktail-party-in-an-abattoir @demonicgodarmand @devotedchauffeur @thefairylights @greedandenby @la-femme-au-collier-vert @laughingacademy @lesfleursrouges @mysoulforcoffee @nlbv @penguinsandbats @prouvaireafterdark @taste-of-blood-and-altars @the-rogue-of-london-town @waxedpaperdoor i'm forgetting people please take pity on my feeble brain and share your music even if i forgot to tag you pleaseeee (and also. as always: no obligation to take part ofc!)
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bbbesstia · 9 months ago
Après le Déluge (Illuminations I) - A. Rimbaud
Le sang coula, chez Barbe-Bleue, aux abattoirs, dans les cirques, où le sceau de Dieu blêmit les fenêtres. Le sang et le lait coulèrent.
Sourds, étang; — écume, roule sur le pont et passe par-dessus les bois; — draps noirs et orgues, éclairs et tonnerres, montez et roulez; — eaux et tristesses, montez et relevez les déluges.
Car depuis qu'ils se sont dissipés, — oh, les pierres précieuses s'enfouissant, et les fleurs ouvertes! — c'est un ennui! et la Reine, la Sorcière qui allume sa braise dans le pot de terre, ne voudra jamais nous raconter ce qu'elle sait, et que nous ignorons!
Blood flowed, at Blue-beard’s house – in the abattoirs in the circuses where God’s promise whitened the windows. Blood and milk flowed.
Rise, pond: – Foam, roll over the bridge and under the trees: – black drapes and organs – thunder and lightning rise and roll: – Waters and sadness rise and raise the Floods again.
Because since they abated – oh, the precious stones burying themselves and the opened flowers! – It’s wearisome! And the Queen, the Sorceress who lights her fire in the pot of earth, will never tell us what she knows, and what we are ignorant of.
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aurevoirmonty · 9 months ago
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« Il règne sur tout ce pays, au tréfonds de toute cette viande muselée, un sentiment de gentillesse sacrificielle, de soumission, aux pires boucheries, de fatalisme aux abattoirs, extraordinairement dégueulasse. Qui mijote, sème, propage, fricote, je vous le demande, magnifie, pontifie, virulise, sacremente cette saloperie suicidaire ? Ne cherchez pas ! Nos farceurs gueulards imposteurs Patriotes, notre racket nationaliste, nos chacals provocateurs, nos larrons maçons, internationalistes, salonneux, communistes, patriotes à tout vendre, tout mentir, tout provoquer, tout fourguer, transitaires en toutes viandes, maquereaux pour toutes catastrophes. Patriotes pour cimetières fructueux. Des vrais petits scorpions apocalyptiques qui ne reluisent qu’à nous faire crever, à nous fricoter toujours de nouveaux Déluges ».
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
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tournevole · 1 year ago
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Little Phœnix Sanctuary
2023 ; le santuaire existe bien
lpea.officiel sur facebook
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toutenmarchant · 1 year ago
19-20 octobre 2023
On se promène dans Toulouse.
Sculpture de parc, le Capitole, allée couverte et son plafond bien en couleur, canal le long de la Garonne, et le Pont Neuf de loin et le pont St-Pierre coloré et piéton. Cloître du couvent des Jacobins.
Musée des Abattoirs: expo de Giacometi et ses loooooongs personnages. Expo nature et musée Paul-Dupuys: expo de Maxime Leroy qui se spécialise dans la création d’œuvre en plume. Il était DA plumassier au Moulin rouge et a travaillé chez Dior😍
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