Leia Organa: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don't murder someone right now. Winter: There is no WiFi in prison. Leia Organa: Thank you.
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rubixcuby · 4 months
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Poor Leia 😮‍💨
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from-a-legends-pov · 4 months
Star Wars Legends Spotlight: The Wedding of Luke and Mara
In this last week of writer signups for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event, we’ll be celebrating Legends by spotlighting some key events, characters, and moments from the Legends continuity.
Writers: Help us add to the story! Sign up to write for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event now through June 2. Together, we’ll build a collection of Star Wars Legends fanfiction set during the time of the Original Trilogy. Use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines available here) and please encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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Our first spotlight is the wedding of the galaxy’s most eligible Jedi bachelor, Luke Skywalker, with former Emperor’s Hand and current Jedi Master Mara Jade in 19 ABY on Coruscant.
Why is this important?
Luke and Mara are in many ways the power couple of Star Wars Legends (along with Leia Organa and Han Solo). While Leia and Han were shown as a committed couple by the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker spent a fair amount of the Legends continuity in various ultimately doomed love affairs. Mara Jade, one of the most prominent characters to originate in Legends, was introduced in the Thrawn trilogy and clearly had some chemistry with Luke from the start, as well as going on her own journey from Emperor’s Hand to smuggler to Jedi knight to Jedi master before ending up with Luke.
How does it happen?
The engagement takes place toward the end of Timothy Zahn’s novel Vision of the Future, appropriately happening in the middle of a life-or-death situation. The room they are in is filling up with water, and Luke asks Mara to marry him. She says, “You mean, if we get out of this alive?” and he says, “I mean regardless.”
The wedding and the leadup take place in Star Wars: Union, a four-unit comic series written by X-Wing series writer Michael Stackpole. Most of the series deals with the more mundane events leading up to any wedding— choosing a dress, the bachelor / bachelorette parties, the wedding itself, and moments from the reception— but the happy couple being who they are, of course there is danger, intrigue, and shenanigans. There are actually two weddings: a Jedi wedding only attended by members of the Jedi Order early in the series, and a formal wedding that serves as a major event for the New Republic.
The Jedi portion of the wedding largely goes off without a hitch, but the New Republic ceremony is where the shenanigans come in.
We see Mara attempt to “say yes to the dress” only to be confronted with some of the worst fashion crimes imaginable, then find her dream designer out in the alley, having been originally prevented from preventing her designs by her evil boss.
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Luke’s bachelor party at the Red Rancor (attended by Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Gavin Darklighter, Talon Karrde, Wes Janson, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, Tycho Celchu, Kam Solusar, Corran Horn, Booster Terrik, and Lando Calrissian) ends in a bar fight instigated by a Moff who is trying to kill Luke / prevent the wedding.
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Meanwhile, the women (Mara, Leia, Tionne Solusar, Winter Celchu, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Iella Wessiri Antilles) have a spa day and then kick some ass in a slingball game.
The day of the ceremony is a major New Republic event, with people like Mon Mothma in attendance and Admiral Ackbar presiding. A Moff is determined to interrupt the ceremony and violently prevent the festivities, but Chewie, the Jedi, and the Rogues take care of that while those with parts in the ceremony carry on. Meanwhile, Booster Terrik has been tasked with keeping the children quiet during the ceremony, including his grandson Valin Horn as well as Myri and Syal Antilles and Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo.
Finally, we see the happy couple wed:
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…And various other couples at the ceremony get nostalgic about their own weddings as they enjoy the reception.
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lyn1tx · 2 years
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Merry Christmas from a galaxy far far away! ( a bit late but anyway)
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laanmoreira · 8 months
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Perfect shoot
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geonij31 · 9 months
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Yeah…this trend doesn’t really work with my comfort characters
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Writing a fic where the main changes are that Obi-Wan and Cody and Luke all moved to Alderaan with Bail and Breha and Leia after the war, and Vader never destroyed Alderaan. So post-Empire, Alderaan opens the first temple the galaxy has had in over 25 years and five years later Luke and Leia are going over the semester’s teachers they have to put into rotation (with Cody and Ghost Ben living with them at the temple because Breha and Bail can’t stand the twins being alone (either sets of twins, they have two sets, one of which is Obi/Cody war babies who were born nearly a year before Luke and Leia, and they’re off with Uncle Rex and Auntie Soka to see the rest of aunties and uncles rn) when Luke suddenly starts getting sick. Like throwing up all the time sick.
Well, Leia and Ben take one look at him and go ‘oh he’s pregnant’ and so they make him take a pregnancy test and Luke is so sad about it that Leia giggles and takes one in commiseration too, only to come out of the bathroom with her own positive test and it’s. So. Funny.
Also like ten minutes later Din gets there to pick up Grogu for hometime (baby is coming with him to Nevarro for a month at least they deserve to still have their house maybe a couple months out of the year Grogu solidly lives there with Din and they visit the rest of the year because they can holocomm into classes okay Grogu deserves both a home and schooling lmao) when he asks why Luke looks like shit (Ben gave him Stewjoni pregnancy tea and it’s the first time he hasn’t been clutching his stomach praying to keep something down all day so that’s saying something) and Luke is all ‘I’m pregnant’ and Din’s FIRST fucking reaction is ‘it’s not mine’ shfkeiejordjdonr ‘okay???? I have a wife it’s hers’ ‘oh thank god’ ‘why did you feel the need to tell me it wasn’t yours????’ ‘I have had some weird interactions in the galaxy and it’s really weird cause I don’t have a sperm making part’ ‘…you’re trans??’ ‘Yes.’ ‘…so am I.’ ‘…huh. I sorta just assumed you were Stewjoni like that ghost that follows you around…’ ‘…my relation to him is through adoption.’ ‘Oh. Well. It’s not mine. Congratulations on the new tumor.’ ‘Thanks’
And through this interactions they are now the bestest BFFs ever.
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buckymilf · 2 years
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what if we kissed in a galaxy far far away
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thisiseditsandstuff · 2 years
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WINTER CELCHU — The Thrawn trilogy comics
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Gavin Darklighter: How to "punish" my sons? Gavin Darklighter: My sons are biting hair! I'm a single father so I don't have the "maternal instinct." Calling all moms: What is the best way to tell them this is not okay without being too harsh? Mirax Terrik: Feed them a stew that makes them go blind. Sera Faleur: Feed them a stew that makes them go blind for *1 day*. Iella Wessiri: Stew that blinds them for a day. Winter Celchu: Feed them a type of stew that makes them blind for 1 day. Leia Organa: 1 Day Blinding Stew
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zlatokryletz · 9 months
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A very motley crew of ladies drawn in ballpoint pen, studying an assortment of garments🖊
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leia-organa-fics · 13 days
I just wrote something and it is either the funniest thing I ever wrote or the absolute worst. Will have to double-check once I'm not laughing so hard at my own jokes anymore
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lcngliive · 4 months
winter & leia ( @mcrcki )
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"I'm so sick of this kriffing place," winter muttered, throwing herself down onto one of the sofa's in leia's office. "haven't we been through enough back home? and to come here and go through more stuff,"
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incorrecthanleia · 2 years
he’s… he’s gay, but he has a special connection to the force- there’s many things that are interesting about him
— leia, when asked about her brother
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roseaesynstylae · 5 months
Heir to the Empire: Chapter 2
The voice came softly but insistently. Pausing amid the familiar landscape of Tatooine -- familiar but oddly distorted -- Luke Skywalker turned to look."
Something about the way this chapter begins sticks with me. Opening a story with a dream is cliche, but it works in this context, Obi-Wan reaching out for the last time to bid Luke farewell.
"'I've come to say good-bye, Luke.'
The landscape seemed to tremble; and abruptly, a small part of Luke's mind remember that he was asleep. Asleep in his suite in the Imperial Palace, and dreaming of Ben Kenobi.
'No, I'm not a dream," Ben assured him, answering Luke's unspoken thought. 'But the distances separating us have become too great for me to appear to you in any other way. Now, even this last path is being closed to me.'
'No,' Luke heard himself say. 'You can't leave us, Ben. We need you.'"
This scene has always been bittersweet, but after the release of the prequels and spinoffs and all stories we've gotten with Obi-Wan, it's even more so. We've had all this detail on his life and now he's gone. Luke will never hear about Siri Tachi or Ahsoka or how he said "Hello there" to General Grievous. He won't know about Qui-Gon Jinn and all the adventures they had. I know the point is that Luke doesn't know any of these things, that he's basically winging it with the minimal training he got from Obi-Wan and Yoda, but it's still depressing. With all the expanded universe content, we know all of what was lost with the Empire's rise.
"Then I am alone, he told himself. I am the last of the Jedi.
He seemed to hear Ben's voice, faint and and indistinct, as if from a great distance. 'Not the last of the old Jedi, Luke. The first of the new."
I know that this was published decades before The Last Jedi was a twinkle in Rian Johnson's eye, but this is still a little distracting with hindsight.
My personal interpretation of Obi-Wan's final words is that, with so much lost, the Jedi Order Luke will build will be very different. It will try to follow the same principles, but it will take a different shape. Which it did.
"First Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru had been murdered; then Darth Vader, his real father, had sacrificed his own life for Luke's; and now even Ben Kenobi's spirit had been taken away.
For the third time, he'd been orphaned."
Luke doesn't know about Padmé at this point, but it just adds another layer of sadness. He can't even add her name to the list of parents he's lost because she's a cipher to him. He knows he has a biological mother, obviously, but it isn't like he has time to search for her. Later books in Legends make it clear that he had no clue that she was dead and tried to find her, which obviously didn't work out. The prequels just keep adding sadness to everything that was written before they came out.
"But for Leia, just over three months pregnant, to be spending the bulk of her time here...
[...] The really maddening part of it was that he couldn't sense any such concentration of evil in the Palace. The Council had made a point of asking him about that, in fact, when they'd first considered moving to the Imperial City. He'd had to grit his teeth and tell them that, no, there seemed to be no residual effects of the Emperor's stay.
But just because he couldn't sense it didn't necessarily mean that it wasn't there."
Knowing what ended up happening to Jacen, Luke's concerns seem quite justified, retroactively.
"Awakened in the middle of the night, dressed in an old robe with her hair in total disarray, Winter still looked more regal than Leia herself could manage on her best days. She'd lost track of the times when, as children together on Alderaan, some visitor to the Viceroy's court had automatically assumed that Winter was, in fact, the Princess Leia.
Winter had probably not lost track, of course. Anyone who could remember whole conversations verbatim should certainly be able to reconstruct the number of times she'd been mistaken for a royal princess.
Leia had often wondered what the rest of the Provisional Council members would think if they knew that the silent assistant sitting beside her at official meetings or standing beside her at unofficial corridor conversations was effectively recording every word they said. Some of them, she suspected, wouldn't like it at all."
Leia looks plenty royal. She just has that vibe, even when she isn't in formal dress.
Knowing how much trouble a certain Viceroy caused for Leia's biological mother, the fact that Bail Organa is referred to as a viceroy here is rather funny to me.
I haven't read much stuff with Winter in it, but the way she's described her sort of reminds me of Sabé for some reason.
"Whoever had taken over what was left of Jabba the Hutt's organization must have moved operations off Tatooine."
I take note of this line to say: Han, if you were in Disney's Star Wars, the answer to any questions would be that the man who took over did not move off of Tatooine, sarlaacs can be escaped via use of fire, and you should probably start running.
"As far as he was concerned, the only times when Wedge didn't stick out like a lump on plate glass was when he was sitting in the cockpit of an X-wing blasting TIE fighters into dust."
A wonderful description of Wedge.
That's all. I didn't find too much to comment on.
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