#LED Operation Theatre Lights
morbrosindiaweb · 7 months
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moriseteam · 1 year
led ot lights in india
Leading LED OT Light Manufacturer in India. Contact us for LED OT Lights, LED Surgical Light, LED Operation Theatre Lights, Shadow less Lamp, LED Examination Lights, OT Lights
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hospediamedicare · 1 year
Wall Mounted Examination Light - Hospedia Medicare
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The Wall Mounted Examination Light, provided by Hospedia Medicare, is a high-quality medical lighting solution designed for use in clinical and hospital settings. The light features advanced LED technology that delivers bright, clear illumination to aid in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients. It is compact design and easy-to-mount installation make it a convenient and practical option for healthcare professionals. Visit our website to learn more about our products.
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If we talk about modular operation theater, then it is a bacteria-free area and it is also known as modular OT.
Modular Operation Theater is a space in hospitals that is designed for the safe treatment of patients. The more advanced it is, the more positive patient outcomes it provides. Today's operation theater includes a small equipment to large machines such as X-ray, anesthesia system, Operating table, Surgical lights, Electro cautery machine, Surgical microscope, Ventilator, Infusion pumps etc.
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whencyclopedia · 28 days
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Dunkirk Evacuation
The Dunkirk Evacuation of 26 May to 4 June 1940, known as Operation Dynamo, was the attempt to save the British Expeditionary Force in France from total defeat by an advancing German army. Nearly 1,000 naval and civilian craft of all kinds, aided by calm weather and RAF air support, managed to evacuate around 340,000 British, French, and Allied soldiers.
The evacuation led to soured Franco-Anglo relations as the French considered Dunkirk a betrayal, but the alternative was very likely the capture of the entire British Expeditionary Force on the Continent. France surrendered shortly after Dunkirk, but the withdrawal allowed Britain and its empire to harbour its resources and fight on alone in what would become an ever-expanding theatre of war.
Germany's Blitzkrieg
At the outbreak of the Second World War when Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, France was relying almost entirely on a single defensive line to protect itself against invasion. These defences were the Maginot Line, a series of mightily impressive concrete structures, bunkers, and underground tunnels which ran along France's eastern frontiers. Manned by 400,000 soldiers, the defence system was named after the French minister of war André Maginot. The French imagined a German attack was most likely to come in two places: the Metz and Lauter regions. As it turned out, Germany attacked France through the Ardennes and Sedan on the Belgian border, circumventing most of the Maginot Line and overrunning the inadequate French defences around the River Meuse, inadequate because the French had considered the terrain in this forested area unsuitable for tanks. Later in the campaign, the Maginot Line was breached near Colmar and Saarbrücken.
To bolster the defences of France, Britain had sent across the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) under the command of General John Vereker (better known by his later title Lord Gort, 1886-1946). Around 150,000 men, mostly infantry, had arrived in September 1939 to strengthen the Franco-Belgian border. The BEF included the British Advanced Air Striking Force of 12 RAF squadrons. The aircraft were mostly Hawker Hurricane fighters and a few light bombers, all given much to the regret of RAF commanders who would have preferred to have kept these planes for home defence. The superior Supermarine Spitfire fighters were kept safely in Britain until the very last stages of the battle in France. The BEF had no armoured divisions and so was very much a defensive force, rather than an offensive one. More infantry divisions arrived up to April 1940, so the BEF grew to almost 400,000 men, but 150,000 of these had little or no military training. As General Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976) noted, the BEF was "totally unfit to fight a first class war on the Continent" (Dear, 130). In this respect, both Britain and France were very much stuck in the defensive-thinking mode that had won them the First World War (1914-18). Their enemy was exactly the opposite and had planned meticulously for what it called Fall Gelb (Operation Yellow), the German offensive in the west.
Totally unprepared for a war of movement, the defensive-thinking French were overwhelmed in the middle weeks of May 1940 by the German Blitzkrieg ("lightning war") tactics of fast-moving tanks supported by specialist bombers and smartly followed by the infantry. German forces swept through the three neutral countries of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The 9th Army punched through the Ardennes and raced in a giant curve through northeast France to reach the coast around Boulogne. The BEF and the northern French armies (7th and 1st) were cut off from the rest of the French forces to the south. Germany had achieved what it called the 'Sickle Slice' (Sichelschnitt). By 24 May, the French and British troops were isolated and with their backs to the English Channel, occupying territory from Dunkirk to Lille. Although there were sporadic counterpunches by the defenders, Gort had already concluded that the French army had collapsed as an operational force. Gort considered an attack on the Germans to the south, which he was ordered to make, would have achieved very little except the annihilation of his army. The BEF must be saved, and so he withdrew to the north.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
Favourite Nurse
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I stood in the surgical theatre sweeping, scrubbing and cleaning the place down in the early morning light, my cheap scratchy nurse dress around me as I tried to remove blood stains from the table. I heard the door creak open and a voice spoke up.
"Humm... There's my favourite nurse." He slyly smiled,
I looked up seeing Doctor Jack Dawkins leant on the wooden door frame that led into the prep room, in his usual brown trousers, white faded shirt with blood-stained sleeves, blue waistcoat and tattered green tie, his blonde hair dusty and dirty as usual. His arms crossed smugly over his chest and that stupid sly smile on his lips. 
I turned on my heels to face him moving a strand of hair out my eyes and setting both hands on my hips, "Ah Doctor Dawkins,"
"The Very same my darling," 
"Just the man I've been looking for, I have a bone to pick with you,"
"ohh really?" he smirked as he moved his hands behind him and swaggered over with an air of teasing playfulness, "Umm... Go on then my darling, But I think we both know what bone I want you to be picking at," 
"You left the surgical theatre in an utter abhorrence!" I complain, "Tools used and all over the place, floor blanketed in blood, if you are going to do surgery in the middle of the night you could at least tidy up after yourself!" 
His tone soured, "I don't have time my darling," He rolled his eyes, "If I hadn't acted quickly the man would be dead by now. So I had to perform an emergency operation late last night or early this morning... not confident which it was."
"That's not an excuse not to clean up after yourself."
"But I was tired," he pouted, 
"I am not your maid Jack, as much as you like to think I am," I told him as I took my bucket out with me to the courtyard, but he followed me. 
"I know you're not. I just needed your help. We are the only ones working round the clock here. It's not my fault my body won't let me stay up past 10 anymore."
"That doesn't mean I'm your maid," I told him as I tipped my bucket over the stairwell and set it down with the others, but before I could scamper back inside he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"But you're a brilliant cleaner you get all the spots I'm too blind for."
"Or too ignorant for." 
"Both," he chuckled, "I like you being my cute little maid girl,"
"I am not your maid." I told him poking his chest with my finger, "As much as you may like it."
"And how did you know I had a maid fetish?" he whispered,
"Because you have an everything fetish," I glared as I moved away and cleaned off my hands, "You're a very horny boy Jack."
"Well yeah? You spent ten years in the navy where you're lucky to see one woman per six months, You can't help getting excited for every girl you see." he smirked sitting himself on the edge of the stairs, "And how can I help it with you running around my darling? "
"Some days I really do wonder how you are such a smart doctor, your brain rarely gets any blood it's always down your trousers." I sighed as I began to hang the washed sheets on the lines in the courtyard, 
"I can't help it, you're too captivating," 
"Umm... You're lucky you don't get a damn slap. Escpaily after I caught you peeking down my dress the other day."
"And up your dress," he muttered,
"What was that?" I glared,
"Nothing my darling," He cooed, "You're such a little smart ass, aren't you? The girls at the cat and bagpipes don't give me such sassback."
"That's because you're paying them jack they have to pretend to like you,"
"They do like me."
"do they? do they ever actually want to talk or be near you before you hand them a pound?" 
"Sometimes," He lied, "They like my stethoscope, and hearing stories about work."
"AHH yes your stethoscope I'm sure all rottys girls at the cat and bagpipes just love your... Stethoscope"
"Well and because I'm so handsome,"
"You good looking I think you're very handsome just... Too confident for your own good sometimes" I rolled my eyes as I finished hanging the newly washed sheets and gathered in the dry ones from earlier, 
"Oh? you think I'm handsome My darling?" he teased, 
I finished gathering all the dry sheets and headed back towards the door, "You can be when you have a bath and some clean clothes Jack" I said tugging on his stained sleeves and giving his hair a tussle as I walked up the steps seeing visible dust fall out of it, 
"So you're saying I'm attractive? Like you are actually attracted to me and you think I'm handsome" he gave chase of course following behind me like an excited puppy, 
"If it makes you feel better. Yes," I rolled my eyes kissing his cheek before I headed into the storage cupboard to start folding the dry sheets and putting them away, 
"Wait. You're actually serious, no joke and you're not just saying that to make me stop bugging you?"
"I'm very serious you can be very handsome sometimes," 
"Ohh? Well, what makes me so handsome then my darling?" he cooed leaning his elbow on the shelf, 
"you're a very handsome man Jack. You have a toned slender body, you're tall, you have very handsome soft blonde hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, a striking jaw and a very cute smile and you're are adorable when you get mad or jealous and you frown all pouty, so yes I do find you attractive and the times when you clean up have a hot bath and some clean clothes I admit your very lovely" I explain as I fold sheets, 
He smiled and slightly blushed at my compliments "So... if I had a bath and some fresh clothes I wouldn't just be cute I'd be... sexy?"
He smirked and grabbed my hand spinning me around before pulling me into his chest, "So? how would I rate all clean and lovely?"
"Out of ten?"
"Yep," he smirked not letting me move in any way,
I smiled and set my hands on his waistcoat moving on my tip toes to be inches from his lips as I spoke, At the moment eight. When you have a bath eleven."
"A-an 11? So you're saying once I've had a bath and worn nice clothes, I'll be stunningly handsome and an 11 out of 10?" he blushed, "You... really mean that Y/n?"
"I do, You're a slender little smart-ass jack. And I think you're the most attractive man in the hospital... I mean, that's kind of a hollow complaint though given my options for doctors are you, Dr sneed and Prof. And prof is in his 60s and Sneed looks like a snail" 
"Well, it's lucky for you that I'm so good-looking and have such a captivating personality," 
"It is," I giggled,
"I always knew I was your favourite nurse darling," He smiled stroking my cheek and pulling my lips to his own.  
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whumpy-daydreams · 10 months
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CW: brief medical whump, injury reference
They'd gotten the call two weeks ago - they were going to raid the Voscland Human Research Facility. Mark knew the plans had been going on for over a month, but he wasn't part of the planning process, just a soldier to do the job.
He wasn't sure exactly what to expect. The floorplan and technicalities he'd memorised perfectly, but inside? None of them knew exactly what they'd find.
It turned out to be like a hospital, all white and pale green and grey, with linoleum floors and fluorescent lights and the smell of antiseptic.
The raid had gone smoothly, almost all the staff at the facility rounded up in the gravel yard outside, the first few sections cleared, the prisoners gathered in reception to be checked by medical staff.
Mark wasn't part of that group though, he was headed to what had been described as the laboratories to gather evidence for what would be a very long court case.
But the laboratories weren't full of work benches and test tubes. Instead there were rooms more akin to operating theatres, with metals tables complete with staps and what looked like torture instruments. He thanked the gods they were empty.
As his team rounded the corner, they realised not all of them were empty. There was a guard in the corridor, still at their post despite the alarms blaring. They neutralised him quickly, handcuffing him against a wall.
Mark took position on one side of the door, someone else on the other side.
There was panic inside the room as they burst in: scientists and doctors scrambling to get out, to protect their research. But that wasn't what caught Mark's attention.
There was a girl strapped to the table. Tubes and wires led from her body to machines, an oxygen mask barely misting as her chest rose and fell. Bruises and burn marks scattered her white skin. Because it was white - not pale. The skin of someone who hadn't seen sun in a long, long time.
"I need a medic in here!" His voice cracked a little as he yelled.
The doctors and scientists were easy to round up, lined up against the wall outside to make space for the paramedics. Mark felt sick as he watched them work.
More medics were called to bring equipment. They took out tubes and pulled off wires just to put more on, someone intubating her as another person took off the restraints.
"Mark?" He looked round, where one of his teammates was waiting for him. "Come on, we need to search the rest of the wing."
Mark nodded, swallowing. He hoped there was nothing left to find. Looking back he saw the girl being wheeled away, back down the corridor. He probably wouldn't see her again, but he hoped she found a new life - one where she would be happy and safe.
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sixth-light · 2 years
With the advent of 4- and 5-watt LED bulbs, I had genuinely started to roll my eyes at “turn off the lights when you leave the room” advice for energy saving…until I moved into this house with seventy-four (I counted) incandescent bulbs inexplicably still in place even though it is 2022. That’s, conservatively, nearly 5 kW of lighting. An OVEN would struggle to draw that much. The main bathroom has six ceiling lights. The kitchen/living room has 21. What were these people DOING, that’s operating theatre levels of brightness
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narangmedical · 3 months
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ELED10S - LED Examination Light is an economical, compact, and ultra-high brightness focused, flexible light with an integrated On/Off switch in the handle, featuring an articulated arm and extended handle for easy positioning, and utilizing IR-free technology to reduce heat sensation. https://www.narang.com/operation-theatre-lights/led-ot-lights-orange-series/ELED10S.php
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catchy-technologies · 4 months
Modularcleanroomindia - Modular Operation Theatre
What is a Modular Operation Theatre?
A modular operation theatre is a prefabricated, highly customizable surgical suite designed to meet the highest standards of hygiene, safety, and efficiency. These theatres are constructed using prefabricated modules that can be easily assembled, disassembled, and reconfigured to suit the specific needs of a healthcare facility. The modular approach allows for rapid installation, minimal disruption, and cost-effective scalability.
Key Features and Benefits of Modular Operation Theatres
1. Enhanced Sterility
Sterility is the cornerstone of any successful surgical procedure. Modular operation theatres from Modular Clean Room India are designed with advanced air filtration systems, including HEPA filters, to ensure a controlled and contaminant-free environment. These theatres also feature seamless wall and ceiling panels that prevent the accumulation of dust and pathogens, reducing the risk of surgical site infections.
2. Customizable Design
One of the most significant advantages of modular operation theatres is their customizable nature. Healthcare facilities can tailor the design of the theatre to meet their specific requirements. This includes the placement of medical equipment, lighting, and surgical workstations. Modular Clean Room India offers a range of customizable options to ensure that each theatre meets the unique needs of the surgical team.
3. Rapid Installation and Scalability
Traditional construction methods for operation theatres can be time-consuming and disruptive. Modular operation theatres, on the other hand, offer rapid installation with minimal downtime. The prefabricated modules can be assembled on-site quickly, allowing healthcare facilities to expand their surgical capacity without prolonged interruptions. Additionally, the modular design allows for easy scalability, enabling facilities to add or reconfigure theatres as needed.
4. Compliance with International Standards
Modular Clean Room India ensures that all modular operation theatres comply with international healthcare standards and guidelines. These theatres are designed to meet the stringent requirements of organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This compliance guarantees that the theatres provide a safe and effective environment for surgical procedures.
5. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings
Modular operation theatres are designed with energy efficiency in mind. Advanced HVAC systems, LED lighting, and energy-efficient materials help reduce the overall energy consumption of the theatre. This not only contributes to a more sustainable healthcare environment but also results in significant cost savings for healthcare facilities over time.
6. Future-Proofing Healthcare Infrastructure
The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and surgical techniques emerging regularly. Modular operation theatres provide a future-proof solution that can adapt to these changes. The modular design allows for easy upgrades and modifications, ensuring that healthcare facilities can keep pace with advancements in surgical care without the need for extensive renovations.
Modular Clean Room India: Pioneering Excellence in Healthcare
Modular Clean Room India has established itself as a trusted provider of high-quality cleanroom solutions, including modular operation theatres. With a commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, the company has delivered state-of-the-art surgical suites to healthcare facilities across the country.
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the cleanroom industry, Modular Clean Room India brings unparalleled expertise to the design and implementation of modular operation theatres. The company’s team of skilled professionals works closely with healthcare providers to understand their unique needs and deliver customized solutions that exceed expectations.
Commitment to Quality
Quality is at the heart of everything Modular Clean Room India does. The company uses only the highest quality materials and components in the construction of its modular operation theatres. Rigorous quality control processes ensure that each theatre meets the highest standards of safety, sterility, and functionality.
Comprehensive Service
Modular Clean Room India offers a comprehensive service that includes consultation, design, installation, and ongoing support. The company’s dedicated team is available to provide guidance and assistance at every stage of the project, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for healthcare providers.
Modular operation theatres represent the future of surgical excellence, offering a versatile, efficient, and cost-effective solution for modern healthcare facilities. With their enhanced sterility, customizable design, rapid installation, and compliance with international standards, these theatres are transforming the landscape of surgical care. Modular Clean Room India is proud to lead the way in delivering these innovative solutions, helping healthcare providers create safe and effective environments for life-saving surgeries.
For more information about Modular Clean Room India and their modular operation theatres, visit their website or contact their team of experts today.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Happy 77th Birthday to Danny Glover.
Born July 22, 1946, He is an actor and film director. He is widely known for his lead role as Roger Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon film series. He also had leading roles in his films included The Color Purple, To Sleep with Anger, Predator 2, Angels in the Outfield, and Operation Dumbo Drop.
Glover has prominent supporting roles in Silverado, Witness, A Rage in Harlem, Dreamgirls, Shooter, Death at a Funeral, Beyond the Lights, Sorry to Bother You, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Dead Don't Die, Lonesome Dove and Jumanji: The Next Level.
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An Actor with a Cause
Daniel Lebern “Danny” Glover is an African American actor, film director and political activist. Glover is well known for his roles as Detective Sergeant Roger Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon film series and Mr. Albert Johnson in The Color Purple. A versatile actor on screen, stage and television, Danny Glover has also become known for his community activism and philanthropic work. In March 1998 he was appointed a United Nations goodwill ambassador. For more than 30 years, Glover has been trying to make a biopic about Toussaint Louverture, who led a successful rebellion in the 18th century.
Glover was born on July 22, 1946 in San Francisco, California, to Carrie (Hunley) and James Glover. His parents were postal workers, active in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He attended George Washington High School in San Francisco, and the San Francisco State University (SFSU) in the late 1960s, without graduating. SFSU later awarded him an honorary degree. While attending SFSU, Glover was a member of the Black Students Union, which, along with the Third World Liberation Front and the American Federation of Teachers, collaborated in a five-month student-led strike to establish a Department of Black Studies. The strike was the longest student walkout in U.S. history. It helped create not only the first Department of Black Studies but also the first School of Ethnic Studies in the United States.
Glover trained at the Black Actors’ Workshop of the American Conservatory Theater. He made his Broadway debut in Athol Fugard’s production Master Harold…and the Boys, which led to his first leading role in the 1984 film Places in the Heart, which was nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. The following year, Glover starred in two more Best Picture nominees: Peter Weir’s Witnessand Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple. In 1987, Glover partnered with Mel Gibson in the first Lethal Weaponfilm and went on to star in three hugely successfulLethal Weapon sequels.
In 1994 he made his directorial debut with the Showtime channel short film Override. Also in 1994, Glover and actor Ben Guillory formed the Robey Theatre Company in Los Angeles, focusing on theatre by and about Black people. During his career, he has made several cameos, appearing, for example, in the Michael Jackson video “Liberian Girl” of 1987. Glover earned top billing for the first time in Predator 2, the sequel to the sci-fi action film Predator. That same year he starred in Charles Burnett’s To Sleep with Anger, for which which he executive produced and for which he won an Independent Spirit Award for Best Actor. On the small screen, Glover won an Image Award and a Cable ACE Award and earned an Emmy nomination for his performance in the title role of the HBO movie Mandela. He has also received Emmy nominations for his work in the acclaimed miniseries Lonesome Dove and the telefilm Freedom Song. As a director, he earned a Daytime Emmy nomination for Showtime’s Just a Dream.
Glover has had a variety of film, stage, and television roles, but as also gained respect for his wide-reaching community activism and philanthropic efforts, with a particular emphasis on advocacy for economic justice, and access to health care and education programs in the United States and Africa. For these efforts, Glover received a 2006 DGA Honor. Internationally, Glover has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Program from 1998-2004, focusing on issues of poverty, disease, and economic development in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and serves as UNICEF Ambassador.
In 2005, Glover co-founded Louverture Films dedicated to the development and production of films of historical relevance, social purpose, commercial value and artistic integrity. For more than 30 years, Glover has been trying to make a film biography of Toussaint Louverture for his directorial debut. According to Glover, the film lacked ‘whyte heroes’, and hence whyte producers refuse to financially support the project unless the lead is surrounded by fictionalized historically inaccurate whyte heroes. In May 2006, the film had included cast members Wesley Snipes, Angela Bassett, Don Cheadle, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Roger Guenveur Smith, Mos Def, Isaach de Bankolé, and Richard Bohringer. Production, estimated to cost $30 million, was planned to begin in Poland, filming from late 2006 into early 2007. In May 2007, President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez contributed $18 million to fund the production of Toussaint for Glover, who is a prominent U.S. supporter of Chávez. The contribution annoyed some Venezuelan filmmakers, who said the money could have funded other homegrown films and that Glover’s film was not even about Venezuela. In April 2008, the Venezuelan National Assembly authorized an additional $9,840,505 for Glover’s film, which is still in planning.
On April 6, 2009, Glover was given a chieftaincy title in Imo State, Nigeria. Glover was given the title Enyioma of Nkwerre, which means A Good Friend in the language of the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria.
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morbrosindiaweb · 7 months
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moriseteam · 1 year
led ot lights in india
Leading LED OT Light Manufacturer in India. Contact us for LED OT Lights, LED Surgical Light, LED Operation Theatre Lights, Shadow less Lamp, LED Examination Lights, OT Lights
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road-killdaydreams · 3 months
over the past two weeks I have been dealing with one of the worst experiences I have ever had with a community theatre.
I have a very strong suspicion that they are changing aspects of my design that they don't like without me there. As a designer I am offended by this. That's my intellectual property. I wrote that lighting program.
back in April I accepted a union position at a local venue - part of this agreement was to be able to design and operate a musical there. This show was opening the same night as a previous contract I had agreed to. (both would open the second week of june) As soon as I found this out I went to the producer of the non union contract, and let him know what had happened. I told him that I was willing to back off of the project because I was not likely to be available for evening runs during tech week. I offered to hire an assistant designer using the money out of my contract fee. He dismissed that offer and promised to be available to take notes for the runs and coordinate them with me, as long as I could be there during the day to do work notes. I agreed and continued to do all the paperwork and rehearsal prep that I could.
The set ended up being rather complex and the show required a good few specials, practicals, and an LED tape project. I have worked with all of these before but never had to tackle all of them on my own, but I was under the impression the producer would be willing to help me and be there. He was not.
I had to fight tooth and nail with my boss at the union job to get a day off to be able to be there for load in.
Anyway I am there load in day for 14 hours and dont even get to do a focus with my lights because the set is not complete. I focus on other things to do. As the set goes up I lose access to about half of my light fixtures. When the director comes in she tells me she would rather not deal with me at all that day and leaves before I can show her much of anything. When I leave that night my car battery dies.
Luckily my partner is able to take me into work the next morning to work for the community theatre, from 8am to 5pm, then I go to work the union gig from 6pm - 2am. I have a breakdown at the union gig cause I am stressing about how I am going to get both shows done with no car to get between the two.
basically the whole week is like this. I wake up early to go do community theatre, stay up late to do union work. on tuesday I am late to the theatre to get my car battery replaced. I am moving intelligent fixtures on my own on top of a ladder with wheels on the base (OSHA Violation). I am dealing with a data system the producer misrepresented his understanding of. the producer and director ar both over the age of 60 so they do not understand why I keep asking for them to record the rehearsals and they don't. So I am running blind on even the placement of people onstage.
Monday night they are just doing spacing so I give them just a full stage look. Tuesday I had a structure of all the blackouts and area lighting for the show. I let the stage manager know but she didnt hear me and just pulled up the same lights as the night before. On wednesday I text the director asking if the night had gone better on tuesday and she just said "a bit". I have no notes from the producer, because he has lost multiple operators and cannot take notes while filling in those roles. He takes no notes all week. The stage manager also does not take notes for me.
on thursday (the day before we open) I am finally given dark time to do my work. This is the first time i have been able to see my work under show conditions because the scenic team had to have all the lights on for safety. (that evening they throw a fit because I ask for more dark hours) I dont actually get that much done that day because the stage manager and i had JUST had time to sit and share cues and walk through the show (had to beg her to come in) the director was to come in and look at my stuff. She is over an hour late. When she does show up she is uninterested in what I have for her and talks the whole time about how unhappy she is to have had to come in. When she leaves I dont get to do any notes cause the scenic team is there and I can no longer keep the lights off.
Friday I complete all the notes. No one says anything and I feel really uncomfortable and I leave.
Saturday afternoon I get a text from the director stating that if I had watched the show i would have seen a million things wrong with it. I am very upset and send a screenshot to the producer who calls me and tells me he thinks the show looks great and that the director didnt mean it like that (gaslighting).
Monday night I get a call from him with multiple notes from the playwright about the looks that I had made. They claim because they did not see any of them till opening night that it was reasonable to ask for changes. I agree to some of them because they are basic illumination issues and some things I had also been unsure about if they would work for the scene. Others I can tell are just based on taste and spite.
on tuesday the producer texts me and asks if I can come to the theatre and do the notes. I tell him i have to be at my other job in an hour and I cannot come in. he says he will just do the notes himself. I tell him thats a violation of my intellectual property. He screams at me that it is his show and he will do what he wants with it. I tell him if thats how he feels he can pay out half of my contract and take my name off of the show. He screams at me he thinks I violated the contract anyway because of my absence at rehearsals. (he has not given me a contract)
I am absolutely over it at this point but I tell him I am willing to make some of the changes and i can walk him through how to do it over the phone so that I do not have to come in. He agrees and we do the changes I want to do. He says passive agressively "i guess I will go to bat for you with the playwright on the other changes" (this is his job)
The following day the performance report states that one of the gobos was obstructed during the final scene. These were one of the things the playwright wanted to cut out of spite and because of his bad taste in lighting. As a decent designer does I am talking to the stage manger about solutions when she abruptly tells me "it has been resolved". I email back asking how it had been resolved. Still waiting on the answer.
I have been vibrating with anxiety at the prospect of havinng to go to bat for myself with these people who have shown themselves to be both liars and passive aggressive. I want to just walk away entirely, but I dont want to have gone through all of that without getting somewhat paid for my work. I also left my tool bag there and it wouldnt sit right with me to not be there to strike the show.
My heart hurts a lot, and I feel very taken advantage of. My friend in the industry just keeps telling me to leave them in the dirt behind but I think its because she doesnt want to engage in actual problem solving with me. I feel so lost on what the right thing is to do. I dont want to deal with this producer anymore, and I am considering going to his board but I do not think they would even understand the situation
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Medical Surgical Pendant - OT Pendant at Latest Price | Altos Engineers
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Medical institutions perform a variety of functions. Out of all of them, one of its main functions is to perform surgical procedures. Hospitals are generally judged by the success of the operations performed by their surgeons.
Operating rooms have been created for surgeons as well as surgical staff to perform surgical procedures requiring time, patience, attention and safety. A variety of equipment is required for use in the surgical operating room.
Surgical Pendant
Medical Services Pendants also referred to as Booms, are considered to be one of the most essential items of equipment in the operation theatre. They allow efficient utilization of space to offer staff with the ability to transport required medical care to patients efficiently and quickly.
The surgical pendant is available in a variety of configuration to meet surgical specific needs. Like -  Fixed Surgical Pendant, Double Arm Surgical Pendant, Single Arm Laparoscopic Pendant, Double Arm Laparoscopic Pendant, Modular Single Arm Pendant, Modular Double Arm Pendant, Modular Electric Single Arm Pendant, Modular Electric Double Arm Pendant
Wall and Ceiling Panels
Medical facilities require building materials with excellent durability, chemical resistance, low maintenance costs and affordability. Wall and Ceiling Panels, the plastic material PVC, also known as vinyl, meets these demands. Wall and Ceiling Panels are most commonly used in hospitals.
Scrub Sinks
Scrub sinks, also called surgical sinks or medical sinks and are imperative to the health and safety of patients. They serve as scrub stations for surgeons and others or staff to clean their hands and arms before a surgical or invasive procedure. Altos high-quality SS Scrub Sinks offer hands-free operation via either manual, knee-kick panels, electronic eye infra-red sensor or programmable automatic timer. The Series is available in single/double/triple basins and is made from the best materials, components and craftsmanship available.
Laminar Air Flow
Laminar air flow ventilation is utilized in operating t theatres of today to decrease the amount of infectious organisms in the air that could cause post-operative inflammation of the area. We manufacture and supply high-quality precession-engineered Laminar Air Flow Units for Operation Theatre and are made in accordance in accordance with international standards for quality.
Hatch Box
Hatch Box is extensively used to transfer the materials from to clean rooms without contaminating air in the clean room, and without needing to open the door of the room. The hatch box is constructed to be constructed in a manner to ensure that just one entrance could be opened at the same time. The UV light should be installed inside the chamber in order that it will remain open even when both doors are shut. The UV light must be switched off automatically when a door is open.
Peripheral Lights
Peripheral lights are lighting fixtures used in hospitals and other medical facilities to provide light to areas adjacent to a patient bed. They can be used to create a more comfortable atmosphere, provide extra illumination for medical staff, and help to reduce the risk of falls in patients. They are typically installed around the bed, but can also be placed in hallways and other areas. These lights are typically designed to be energy efficient and help to reduce the amount of energy consumed in the facility.
If you're looking for peripheral lights, you've come to the right place. We have a wide range of options available to suit your needs, from simple nightlights to more robust lighting systems. Our lights are energy efficient, long-lasting. We specialize in manufacturing LED Peripheral Light. We have developed an effective ceiling light that can be used in hospitals, hotels, commercial and residential projects.
X-Ray Boards
X-Ray boards are used in hospitals to support X-rays during a radiography examination. The board is made of a material that is highly resistant to X-ray radiation and prevents the film from being fogged. It helps to ensure that the radiologist can clearly see the images produced by the X-ray and diagnose the patient accordingly.
We offer a variety of high-quality X-Ray Boards that are designed to provide a clear and detailed image of X-Rays. Our boards feature a lightweight aluminum construction that is both durable and easy to move. Additionally, each board has a non-glare finish that ensures maximum visibility of the X-Ray. We have several options available to meet your specific needs.
Surgeon Control Panel
The Surgeon Control Panel is a computerized system found in many hospitals which helps surgeons better manage patient care. It provides surgeons with access to patient information, medical records, imaging results, and other data. It also allows surgeons to access and manage anesthesia, operating room equipment, and other medical devices. The Surgeon Control Panel helps to improve patient safety and the quality of care by providing surgeons with the data they need to make informed decisions quickly and accurately.
Writing Board
Writing Board is a tool used in hospitals to help patients communicate with medical staff. It is a whiteboard with a dry erase marker and space for patients to write their thoughts, questions, and concerns. It is a great way for patients to feel heard and for medical staff to better understand their needs. Writing Board can help bridge the gap between patient and provider, providing a safe and effective way for patients to communicate.
Operation theatre LED surgical lights
High quality lighting is essential to conduct operations. Appropriate lighting is important, especially in cases of difficult and complex surgical operations. Operation theatre LED surgical lights provide doctors with optimal viewing during the procedure. Operation theatre LED surgical lights or halogen lights are two types of surgical lights.
Hospital Door
Seal Swing and Automatic Sliding Door in hospitals are two different doors that serve different purposes. Seal Swing doors are typically used to prevent germs and other contaminants from entering a hospital or medical facility. They are designed to create an airtight seal when closed, which helps to keep the air clean and free of contamination.
Automatic Sliding Doors, on the other hand, are used to allow quick and easy access to the hospital while still providing a secure and safe environment. The doors are equipped with an automatic sensor that opens and closes the door as people enter and exit the hospital. Both Seal Swing and Automatic Sliding Doors are important components of a hospital's safety and security measures.
Pressure Relief Dampers
Pressure relief dampers are a type of safety device commonly used in hospital ventilation systems. They are designed to protect the system from high pressures caused by sudden changes in air pressure, such as when a door is opened. They are typically used on the exhaust side of the system, and can be either manual or automatic. When the pressure in the system exceeds the set point, the damper opens to release the excess pressure, preventing damage to the system and ensuring optimal air flow.
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Dunkirk Evacuation
The Dunkirk Evacuation of 26 May to 4 June 1940, known as Operation Dynamo, was the attempt to save the British Expeditionary Force in France from total defeat by an advancing German army. Nearly 1,000 naval and civilian craft of all kinds, aided by calm weather and RAF air support, managed to evacuate around 340,000 British, French, and Allied soldiers.
The evacuation led to soured Franco-Anglo relations as the French considered Dunkirk a betrayal, but the alternative was very likely the capture of the entire British Expeditionary Force on the Continent. France surrendered shortly after Dunkirk, but the withdrawal allowed Britain and its empire to harbour its resources and fight on alone in what would become an ever-expanding theatre of war.
Germany's Blitzkrieg
At the outbreak of the Second World War when Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, France was relying almost entirely on a single defensive line to protect itself against invasion. These defences were the Maginot Line, a series of mightily impressive concrete structures, bunkers, and underground tunnels which ran along France's eastern frontiers. Manned by 400,000 soldiers, the defence system was named after the French minister of war André Maginot. The French imagined a German attack was most likely to come in two places: the Metz and Lauter regions. As it turned out, Germany attacked France through the Ardennes and Sedan on the Belgian border, circumventing most of the Maginot Line and overrunning the inadequate French defences around the River Meuse, inadequate because the French had considered the terrain in this forested area unsuitable for tanks. Later in the campaign, the Maginot Line was breached near Colmar and Saabrücken.
To bolster the defences of France, Britain had sent across the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) under the command of General John Vereker (better known by his later title Lord Gort, 1886-1946). Around 150,000 men, mostly infantry, had arrived in September 1939 to strengthen the Franco-Belgian border. The BEF included the British Advanced Air Striking Force of 12 RAF squadrons. The aircraft were mostly Hawker Hurricane fighters and a few light bombers, all given much to the regret of RAF commanders who would have preferred to have kept these planes for home defence. The superior Supermarine Spitfire fighters were kept safely in Britain until the very last stages of the battle in France. The BEF had no armoured divisions and so was very much a defensive force, rather than an offensive one. More infantry divisions arrived up to April 1940, so the BEF grew to almost 400,000 men, but 150,000 of these had little or no military training. As General Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976) noted, the BEF was "totally unfit to fight a first class war on the Continent" (Dear, 130). In this respect, both Britain and France were very much stuck in the defensive-thinking mode that had won them the First World War (1914-18). Their enemy was exactly the opposite and had planned meticulously for what it called Fall Gelb (Operation Yellow), the German offensive in the west.
Totally unprepared for a war of movement, the defensive-thinking French were overwhelmed in the middle weeks of May 1940 by the German Blitzkrieg ("lightning war") tactics of fast-moving tanks supported by specialist bombers and smartly followed by the infantry. German forces swept through the three neutral countries of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The 9th Army punched through the Ardennes and raced in a giant curve through northeast France to reach the coast around Boulogne. The BEF and the northern French armies (7th and 1st) were cut off from the rest of the French forces to the south. Germany had achieved what it called the 'Sickle Slice' (Sichelschnitt). By 24 May, the French and British troops were isolated and with their backs to the English Channel, occupying territory from Dunkirk to Lille. Although there were sporadic counterpunches by the defenders, Gort had already concluded that the French army had collapsed as an operational force. Gort considered an attack on the Germans to the south, which he was ordered to make, would have achieved very little except the annihilation of his army. The BEF must be saved, and so he withdrew to the north.
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