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hime-bee · 1 year ago
So if Leu's dad was single.. Would he start dating again? 🥺 And how would he respond to flirting??
I'm literally holding myself back from eating you alive rn, anon, I hope you know that :))))
BUT. IN THE EVENT THAT LUCIEN WAS SINGLE... Then yeah, I don't think he'd mind dating again, but he's also not the type that has a ton of free time so I doubt he'd seek out a new partner on his own. You'd have to make the first move- and the way he responds to flirting is about what you'd expect from a 56-year-old surgeon. My guy is literally the epitome of that one meme "I want you, doctor" and the guy is like "this isn't covered by your insurance" 💀
But by all means, anon, feel free to shoot your shot! :)))
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this-orange-anon024 · 20 days ago
(for the qna) Why did orange decided to go to Leucothea when she offered? Did they regret going? Especially when the others were upset?
(ooc: OOF-welp, I'll try to answer this the best I can to make sense. So fair warning
(⚠️lots of rambling⚠️)
(⚠️ character insight if not interested ⚠️)
(⚠️Rp lore⚠️)!
( Insight from 🍊: )
When Poseidon and Amphitrite left without giving any explaining, orange, like the others, didn't take it well.
Everyone handles grief and loss differently, so orange went a certain route.
Run away.
After all, they're still a kid, and they were confused and hurt at the sudden absence without knowing what happened.
But more, that their considered siblings and family were completely DRIFTING away. Something that they watched, and could do nothing about.
So, when they were given a chance to have what they lost again, by Leucothea, who reminded of a mother for a scared lost child they were, they didn't hesitate. Especially considering the offer of having their siblings back together. As a family.
They regretted leaving, especially their closest, Lotus. But at the time, they were desperate to try to get a family again. since they couldn't stand the idea of being alone at Poseidon's castle, only to face bitterness of Poseidon leaving. Saying he, someone they looked up to, was only one thing now-
So they waited in down the depth of the ocean, at Leucothea's castle. A home. At least until the home above will repair and be back to normal.
The plan was to try to persuade their siblings to join Leucothea, and wait until their mom and dad returned. But rightfully so, they all declined and didn't trust her.
Even when offered to leave by Rio, somewhere away in a town and away the drama, they decided to stay anyways. As a way saying, "I'm not going to leave thinking he is a monster. I still believe good in him. "
determined to try to figure out what caused this and try to at least help, so Rio and Coral and their sibling could at least have a family to come back to.
But the one thing they didn't regret was being with Leucothea, even though the child isn't aware she started the mess (AHEM) And they look up to her like a child to a mother after how she cared and nurture them.
It helped ease the lost they felt with something similar. So why would they want to leave something like that, when they left like they lost it before?
And before they knew it, orange found themselves wishing a future more with the mother figure they grew fond of. So it'll be hard to say goodbye to the goddess they consider a mother now.
(FUN FACT: In this post , I had the headcanon to say both Leucothea n Orange shared the similar experience. that's what drawed them close and why orange went with her, without orange knowing-)
-they both lost something from Poseidon.
Leu lost her children, along the love and trust from the god after breaking s promise and killing her children. Breaking a family. Feeling alone
While orange, had to watch the one they considered a father figure disappear without a explanation. Leaving them feeling betrayed and lost. But also watching his action caused their sibling and mother go separate ways, and be upset. Breaking a family. Feeling alone.
So in conclusion..
"We are the same you and I, (I)"
(Scylla - Thunder Saga (Epic musical)
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zoinkshaggy · 3 years ago
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stats --
name: remus russell rogers
faceclaim: ricardo hoyos
age: 21 years
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: bisexual, biromantic
birthday: february 4th
zodiac: aquarius
abilities: none
occupation: college student
traits: boyish, committed, selfish, sarcastic, caring
likes: fallout, drums, allison, pumpkin spice, picnics, smoking, sneakers, camping, swearing, taco bell
dislikes: papercuts, feeling stupid, mustard, celebrities, lavender scents, urinals, peeps, set times, baseball caps, skinny jeans
biography --
remus didn’t know stability until he was eleven years old. dropped off at the police station with no explanation the year he was supposed to start kindergarten, he bounced from foster home to foster home until he landed in the rogers’. no one wanted the angry kid. and the longer that he went on feeling unwanted, the angrier he got. he assumed shaggy and velma were just another stop along the way, already accepting of the idea he’d end up aging out of the system and he’d be in someone else’s house next year. but they were different. their kindness from the beginning never wavered. they didn’t see a stubborn, rebellious, broken preteen. they saw a sad, lonely little boy. he didn’t need to be fixed, he just needed to be loved. he fought the love at first, waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never did. eventually he was able to accept that this was his family. instead of changing homes in a few months, he changed his last name. and his first, because he didn’t want to be the namesake of the man that abandoned him. trouble always found its way in, though, and just as he’d allowed himself to believe everything was okay, his new parents shipped him off... with no explanation, the way his birth parents had. he’d noticed that his father had stopped joking as much, wasn’t eating, sleeping in too late, but he still managed to convince himself it was all about him. it was his fault. his family had come to realize how much they didn’t want him, and instead of admitting it they decided to get rid of him by sending him and his sister to a school in another city. they kept in touch, but remus began to become reserved and angry all over again. it was a slippery slope. it led to alcohol addiction before he was legal, outbursts at the people that were supposed to be his friends. he was destroying everything he knew, including himself. but he reached a point where he realized he needed help. it’s been over a year now since he’s picked up a drink. therapy has helped some, but it’s the support system that made him able to get through it. now he can see with a clear head that everything isn’t always about him. shaggy had been struggling too. it wasn’t that he was a burden, it was that sometimes things aren’t okay and you have to work through them. people make mistakes and bad decisions. the world doesn’t revolve around him. his family is still his family. he’s still loved. along with his sobriety, remus has been turning to healthier coping mechanisms --- apologies to the other people who live in his apartment, he bought a drum set --- and being more open and honest. he’s in love, in a healthy relationship for the first time. life is all around better than it ever has been before. except for one little thing. the person that keeps trying to contact him and broke into his home, insisting they’re his birth mother. his birth mother, whom he recently found out died seven years ago.
connections --
*annyoance: any gender, any age. he’ll try his best to be nice to them. but this person just gets on his very last nerve. he doesn’t wish them any ill will, he just wants them to leave him alone. childhood friend: jordan bellefonte. now that the angst has died down from him practically abandoning her when they were foster siblings then pushing her away, he considers jordan one of his best friends again. family, even. dad: shaggy rogers. his dad is pretty lame, but it’s the coolest thing about him. he’s glad he’s doing better now, and he knows that he can come to him whenever he needs to. *ex girlfriend: female, close in age. before his relationship with allison, remus was definitely toxic, and there’s plenty of room for angst and regret on his end. maybe he even loved her, but they just couldn’t work. ex, kind of: perry van dort. they had a... thing. shortly after remus was adopted and realizing he might be into boys too. it’s safe to say perry was his bi awakening, but he was too afraid to make anything public, so to this day he’s his biggest secret. *foster family: any gender, any age. either fostered by their parents and it didn’t work out or someone else that was in the system and ended up in the same home at the same time. girlfriend: allison hawkins. remus has no idea how he got so lucky. from the moment he met alli, he was drawn to her. now that he they’ve been official for over a year, he still can’t wrap his mind around being able to call her his. honorary friends: mystery inc and van dort kids. his parents are loyal to the people they care about. it’s only natural he’d also care about their friend’s kids he grew up around. mom: velma rogers. remus is definitely a mama’s boy. he had a lot of distrust coming into yet another new home, but it was easy to warm up to velma. he loves her so much. probably his favorite person in the entire world. *music buddy: any gender, any age. they can come over and sing or play guitar or something while he bangs on the drums. fair warning, he isn’t that great, but he’s getting better. past drinking buddy: aya leu. the two of them partied hard when they partied. he kind of abandoned her, because he can’t be around that kind of life and stay sober. *tutor: any gender, any age. remus has never been good at school. his grades have been better lately, mostly thanks to this person taking the time to explain things how he can understand it. he’ll pay for the service. he just wants to graduate. sister: olive rogers. remus wasn’t sure he ever wanted siblings because that would draw attention away from him, but he got over that hurdle and he’s glad olive came around. she’s the best big sis he could ask for.
* open connection, this could be you !! hmu.
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asagi-s-garden · 7 years ago
Ok but listen, can we talk for a second about how both Joey and Kaiba are intimately familiar with abuse and are Not Putting Up With That Shit?
Has it yet to be properly discussed that they're both very aware of the signs and signals and whenever they see even the smallest red flag they are ON IT to tell the potential victim that hey, you know, this is probably a bad thing and here's why and here's what you do?
Has it been addressed yet that they're both willing to go to war for someone who's in an abusive relationship and no- it doesn't matter who it is, no, it doesn't matter if they know them or not, no, it doesn't matter what the relationship is or who it's with or what the consequences might be- IF SETO KAIBA OR JOEY WHEELER FINDS OUT THAT YOU'RE ABUSING SOMEONE YOU ARE DEADER THAN DEAD THE END
And they have no idea, initially, about this ... quality that they share, maybe they have suspicions in the back of their minds because they can spot the signs pretty easily but honestly their own stubbornness and biases about eachother makes it hard to see deeper than what they let on the surface so they're mostly oblivious to it until one day they end up helping the same person, maybe Joey's neighbor happens to have started an internship with Kaiba Corp or something, and Joey knows what her boyfreind is doing to her and trust him, BELIEVE him, the guy is going to be ground beef by Friday but the biggest thing is getting her out right now, maybe she's not financially independent enough to leave or something, anyway, so he goes to see her at work to make sure she's ok and sees Kaiba talking to her AND SHE'S CRYING OH HELL NO WHAT DID RICH BOY SAY NOW?!
He stomps over, being hot-headed as usual, and starts to tell Kaiba off, when the girl quickly interrupts and says that she was crying from joy because Kaiba is advancing her pay so she can get her own apartment and he set her up with a driver and two of his bodyguards for the day so she can pack up and leave and Joey is just a little.... wut.....
She leaves, it's just the two hot-heads now, and this parachute of awkward silence between them, before Joey- in leu of apology- "Sooooo...... how'd ya' know?"
Kaiba's eyes roll all the way into the back of his head
"I'm not an idiot, that's how,"
"No no for real,"
Kaiba has work to do, he doesn't have time for this
"I know how to pick up on the signs, now drop it," and then a pause
"How did YOU know?"
Because the girl was very soft-spoken and kept to herself, always wore alot of make up, Kaiba isn't a psychologist or anything by ANY means but he's pretty sure that most people wouldn't know from a few random conversations with her so maybe Joey walked in on something he shouldn't have or-
"Yeah well... I can pick up on signs too,"
Kaiba definitely puts the peices together first because he's a little more aware of it than Joey is, in the way of purposely trying to read people rather than stumbling upon information about them, and he sort of... stacks up all of the information he has about Joey in his head for a minute, forces himself to take a critical look instead of leaning on his biases and-
And it's silent for way too long and Joey still never apologized for stomping up to Kaiba and calling him a "filthy spoiled dick-weasel who GETS OFF ON MAKING PEOPLE CRY FOR SOME REASON-" and he's not exactly going to apologize but
"That was uh..... pretty nice.... what ya' did..."
That's enough of an apology
"No, it wasn't nice, it was basic human decency, believe it or not, I AM capable of that,"
Ok yeah sure the amount of money and personal resources Kaiba just threw at the girl- who's name, Joey is pretty sure, Kaiba doesn't even know- is barely a drop in the bucket to someone as rich as Seto Kaiba but it still extends beyond "basic human decency", not that Joey is ever going to say that, but it does make him think
Kaiba isn't easy to read in the traditional sense but he's someone who always has a deeply explicit reason for everything he says and does, he's not frivelrous with his actions, Joey had finally come to learn that after he found out that Kaiba made huge donations to orphanages, at first he just thought "Eh, tax break" but then he found out and his opinion kind of... you know... shifted...
(It hits him, finally, about seven hours later when he's trying to sleep, as to why Kaiba might have taken such personal interest in this entire thing, and he lays awake for the rest of the night because of it)
So anyway yeah the thing is that Joey and Kaiba don't agree on much but this? This Very VERY Important Thing? They are in absolutely harmony over this, down the bones, they agree about everything, wich Joey finds out the next day when he goes to check on his neighbor at work again and runs into Kaiba a second time and they ... sorta.... talk
Not personally, not about their issues, but Kaiba is sour because the jackass responsible for this entire incident has skipped town and Joey is like "Ugh that's the WORST like as if it ain't hard enough to get these losers arrested...." and Kaiba just kinda snorts at that, because yeah, ok, "arrested", yeah that's what Kaiba was going to have done
And look, Joey has put his gang days behind him and he tries VERY. FUCKING. HARD. to keep his temper and his violent impulses in check 98% of the time but there IS that 2% when he'll happily go off and that 2% comes down to: 1% = When his freinds' lives/well-beings are threatened and 1% = When abusive pricks need to be taught a lesson
So, you know, Joey is kinda in agreement with what Kaiba is not-so-subtlely implying
And that's how these two idiots end up secretly becoming a protective force for abuse victims in Domino
Joey is usually the one who finds them, Kaiba is usually the one who has the problem "handled" (he insists that when he has a group of trained bodyguards at his disposal it's just stupid for Joey to go alone and exacerbate the problem, it isn't AT ALL about wanting to protect Joey's reputation and well-being) and they both pick up different ends of helping people get out of the situation, Kaiba takes care of the financial/practical end, Joey takes care of the emotional/personal end, and sometimes acts as back up when they go to pack up and move out even though there are usually atleast two Kaiba Corp bodyguards there (on exceedingly rare occassions Kaiba goes along but that's EXCEEDINGLY rare and Joey has yet to work out what makes those particular incidents special enough that Kaiba just has to go watch over it himself)
(Hint: It always involves kids)
So they become this, essentially, vigilante duo that no one really knows about except for people in these situations who spread the word to others in the same environment and eventually people actually start seeking them out, usually Joey because he's the approachable one
Joey likes to call it their "side business"
Kaiba refuses to call it their "side business"
(Joey kinda wants to have business cards made)
(Kaiba absolutely refuses to have business cards made)
Did I mention that about two or three months into all of this Joey ends up having a Bad Night and shows up the next morning more on edge and desperate to find someone to help than usual and Kaiba- because he's not a fucking moron- knows exactly what happened? And that, wile he keeps Joey busy with someone they're helping, he sends his two best men to Joey's apartment to clean it out, and two more to find a Pretty Nice apartment that may be closer to Kaiba Corp to put down a year's rent on and move Joey's stuff into?
Did I mention that when Joey shows up later that night exhausted from his two jobs and his side project but needs to pick up his keys- wich mysteriously vanished and he just assumes he dropped them at KC that morning- and Kaiba gives him .. wait these aren't his keys??????? And that Kaiba personally accompanies him to his new apartment because he "wants to make sure he's getting his money's worth" and absolutely neither of them acknowledge that Joey is on the brink of tears the entire time?
And did I ALSO mention that Kaiba "clears" the gambling debt (and by "clears" I mean "pays what's actually owed to the people it's actually owed to and has the loan sharks/gangs/con artists/etc promptly put in their places) and pays a very personal visit to Joey's father after leaving Joey in his new apartment that night?
Joey absolutely does not thank Kaiba for anything because thanking him means acknowledging it and he's not ready for that and frankly neither is Kaiba, but that's alright because Kaiba feels a somewhat concerning amount of personal satisfaction from this and doesn't really need verbal gratitude anyway
A few months into it their "project" has blossomed into an actual thing, and it's stil something that 95% of the city knows nothing about, it's still something that only people who are in-the-know are at all aware of, even Yugi and the others have absolutely no fucking clue, and no, for the millionth time, they are NOT. PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS. It's by ZERO means anything official in ANY kind of way and if proper authorities- police, social workers, psychologists- ever ask they both deny it within inches of their lives because A. That is NOT a road either of them want to travel down, thank you, and B. It's private
It's private
Despite the fact that their good deeds have turned into some bizzare side job, it's still a very private and personal part of their lives that they don't want anyone knowing about except for the people they're helping, it's no one else's business, plain and simple
But anyway, this thing has kinda.. you know... started growing past what Joey can handle when you consider that he's still working two jobs and trying to have something resembling a personal life, and Kaiba's attention is divided in a way that it really shouldn't be because wile, yes, his mind is still mostly on Kaiba Corp, this is starting to take up more mental space than he's prepared to give and figuring out what to do everytime someone comes to him now is becoming a stress that he doesn't quite know how to handle
There's an obvious solution here and thank God Kaiba's logical mind beats out his emotional pettiness for once and he sees it sooner rather than later
By the time six months pass after that initial run-in with eachother, Joey has a very unofficial, confidential job at Kaiba Corp, absolutely no one knows what it is, not even Yugi- wich kind of scares Yugi a little bit- but Joey is ... really really happy?? And definitely well compensated
He has almost complete control over this .... thing... they started together with full access to Kaiba's resources, Kaiba started a bank account solely for this project that Joey has full access to and he very rarely feels the need to run anything by Kaiba anymore so Kaiba's head is once again cleared for mostly business, although he does check in on occassion when he can afford a moment and an inch of room in his mind, and Joey does have times where something is so intense that he isn't sure what to do and he just .. can't... and he and Kaiba work it out together
And it's ... kinda weirdly good? For both of them? They feel better, individually, and they come to develop alot more respect and trust and appreciation for eachother and work together much better and don't get me wrong, every single dueling tournament, it's the same: Insults fly and reckless dueling happens but over the years it goes from truly nasty cutting insults to something that's almost fond and amused- somewhere off to the sidelines Yugi and the others are afraid the world is ending but you know- (they never do find out what Joey's job is by the way and it drives each and every one of them absolutely crazy, conspiracy theories rise, someone poses that Joey has become Kaiba's personal hitman and although it was just a joke at first, the longer things stretch on, the more concerningly realistic that starts to look)- and just... things are good
They really never talk about their own experiences but they come to find alot of healing in what they're doing and alot of healing in connecting to eachother in this way without needing to talk about it
One day, a few years into it, one of their mutual freinds starts showing signs, and if you thought Joey and Kaiba were a force to be reckoned with when dealing with total strangers?
Let's just say that every vigilante duo you could possibly think of are put to shame from what blossoms during THAT occurance
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redemptionofthefallen · 3 years ago
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voice piece for kevin
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Name: Kevin Age: 21 Gender: male Date of Birth: October 15th Race: Human Occupation: Plays the Drummer and back up vocals for Justin's band.  Voice type (What it sounds like. If you like, list a voice actor who you think would best put life into your OC.):   Clifford Chapin Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: Whenever he is bored or listening to his music he will pad his beats to anything his knees the counter anything he can tap his hand to a beat on. he sees this as getting his practice in but he also does as a compulsive habit. he also will avoid people. to him People suck and he doesn't want to interact unless they seem to not leave him alone. he will keep to himself mostly unless someone else interacts with them and even then youd have to be persistent. he also will seem annoyed and angry more than he actually his due it being his defense mechanism to things.  
Scars or physical deformities: none that i know of  
Mental illnesses: Social anxiety, and selective mutism. Height: 6 foot  Weight: 130  Favorite color: indigo  Favorite food: Hamburger and Mac and Cheese  Likes: playing the drums, Justin, Comics, and Music  Dislikes: other people, big crowds, Salad, and Tomato's.  Strengths: he will stand up from what is right when he needs to but if he can get away with not making the move he wont. hes very emotional, meaning he feelings everything so deep which means even if the bad emotions are powerful but that means the good one are too: happiness passion pride etc. 
Weaknesses:   he will stand up from what is right when he needs to but if he can get away with not making the move he wont. hes very emotional, meaning he feelings everything so deep which means even if the bad emotions are powerful but that means the good one are too: happiness passion pride etc.
Family: Mother Father that are both divorced and are a bit toxic to each other and without meaning to pulls their son into their bullshit.  Fears: not amounting to anything, failure, opening up to the wrong person.  Goals: to be beside Justin through thier music, to mend his broken heart.  Sexuality: Homosexual
Orientation: HomoRomantic Relationships/Love interests: is in love with Justin  Hobbies and interests: he loves Comics and is a Marvel fan but he loves Batman and Green Lantern from DC.  Bio: Kevin is a simple individual with simple tastes. he loves music and is great at the drums. however he has Social anxiety due to his past experience that makes it difficult for him to make friends or to want to make friends.  ever since he was little he has always had a lower register vocals for his age and everyone would always tease him for it. in leu of this he decided that he wouldn't talk to any of them. using his pissed off exterior to keep people at bay he also was dealing with the fact that his parents were splitting and would constantly use him to use against each other. he fucking hated everything until he met Justin. his bright and shining personality drug him out of his shell a bit and began to realize that not everyone would be like those that teased him in the past. so he began more patient with people but only if they proved themselves and he still was an introvert by nature. he now goes to an arts school with Justin so they could make their band great and at the same time trying to get over the torch he still held for Justin as he didn't return his feelings. 
by pixichi
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mypinkportfolio · 7 years ago
Tradução de Conto
The curtains
(M. R. James. In: The Locked Room)
 Mr. James Denton's greatest love in life was books, old ones most of all. His collection grew bigger and bigger every year, but he lived in his aunt's house, and she was not very happy about this.
Mr. Denton was in London one day to buy furniture for the new house which he and his aunt were building, and he was on his way to a shop to choose the curtains. His way took him, quite by chance, past one of the best bookshops in London, and he could not stop himself going in, just for a quick look, as he told himself.
He was just walking round the shop, looking at all the different books, when he noticed a small collection of books on the part of England that he came from, Warwickshire. He spent the next half an hour looking through these and finally decided to buy one that really interested him, called “The Diary of Mr. Poynter, 1710”. He paid for the book and then, looking at his watch, he realized that he had very little time before his train back to Warwickshire left, and he had to rush to the station. He just caught the train.
That night, his aunt questioned him about his trip to London and was very interested to hear about the furniture which was going to arrive soon. Her nephew described everything in detail, but still she was not satisfied. 'And what about the curtains, James?' she asked. 'Did you go to...?' Suddenly James remembered. 'Oh dear, oh dear,' he said, ‘that’s the one thing I missed. I am so sorry. You see, I was on my way there when, quite by chance, I passed Robins.’ 'Not Robins the bookshop, I hope,' cried his aunt. 'Don't tell me you've bought more horrible old books, James.'
'Well, only one,' he said, feeling a bit guilty, 'and it's a very interesting one, a diary of someone who used to live not far from here…' But he could see that his aunt was not really listening.
'You can't go to London again before next Thursday,' she was saying, 'and really, James, until we decide on the curtains, there's nothing more we can do.
Luckily, she decided to go to bed soon after that and James was left alone with his new book, which he read until the early hours of the morning. He found this diary, with its stories of everyday life at that time, very interesting. The next day was Sunday. After church, James and his aunt sat in the living room together. Is this the old book that made you forget my curtains?' asked his aunt, picking it up. 'Well, it doesn't look very good…, The Diary of Mr. Poynter. Huh!' But she opened the book and looked at a few pages. Suddenly, much to his surprise, she began to show some interest. 'Look at this. James,' she said. 'Isn't it lovely?' It was a small piece of paper, pinned to one of the pages of the diary. On it was a beautiful drawing, made up of curving lines, which somehow caught the eye. 'Well, why don't we get it copied for the curtains if you like it so much?' he suggested, hoping that she would forgive him for his bad memory of the day before in London. His aunt agreed and the very next day, James took the piece of paper to a company in the nearest town, who agreed to copy it and make it into curtains.
About a month later, James was called in to inspect the work and was extremely pleased with the result. 'Was it a difficult job?' he asked the manager.
'Not too difficult, sir. But, to tell you the truth, the artist who did the work was very unhappy about it - he said there was something bad in the drawing, sir.' James was thoughtful but still he chose the colors for the curtains and then returned home.
A few weeks later, the curtains were ready and a man came to hang them in several rooms of the new house, one of which was James's bedroom. That night he found that he could not stop looking at them and, although it was a still night, he was almost sure that the curtains were moving and that someone was watching him from behind them. He told himself that this was impossible and not to be so stupid. He explained to himself that the effect was caused by the curving lines on the curtains, which looked just like long, curling black hair.
The next day, a friend of James's came to stay and after dinner they sat up late, talking and laughing. At last they decided to go to bed and James showed his friend to the guest room, which was just along from his own. James, though, did not want to go to bed immediately and sat in the chair by the fire in his room, reading. He fell asleep for a few minutes and, when he woke, he realized that something was in the room with him. Putting out his hand, he felt something covered in hair and thought it was his dog, who always followed him everywhere. 'How did you get in here? I thought I left you downstairs,' he said, looking down. To his horror, he found it was not his little dog, but something almost human. He jumped and screamed and, as he did, the face of the thing came up towards him: no eyes, no nose, no mouth; only hair. He screamed again and rushed to the door, but was so frightened that he could not get it open. He felt the thing touch his back and start to tear at his shirt. At last the door flew open and he rushed to his friends’ room, terrified and breathing hard.
The next morning, early, James went away to the seaside for a few days to try to forget about his horrible experience. He took with him The Diary of Mr. Poynter. He wanted to read it again carefully to find out anything he could about the pattern pinned on to the page. When he turned to that part of the book he found that there were several pieces of paper stuck one on top of the other. He carefully pulled off the first two and found this story, written by Mr. Poynter in 1707.
'Old Mr. Casbury of Acrington told me this day of young Sir Everard Charlett, at that time a student of University College. The young man drank too much and broke the law many times, but because he was from an important family, the university never did anything about it. He used to wear his hair very long and curling down his neck and he wore unusual, colorful clothes. His behavior made his father very unhappy. One day, they found young Sir Everard dead in his room, with all his hair pulled out. No one could explain why or how he died, but the strangest thing was that, the day after he died, the body disappeared completely, leaving only a pile of long, curling black hair on the floor of his room. His father kept some of this hair and had drawings made of it, part of which I have pinned to this page.'
This is the strange story behind the curtains. Before he returned home, James Denton ordered his servants to take them all down and burn them.
 As Cortinas
(M. R. James. In: The Locked Room)
O maior amor da vida de James Denton eram livros, sobretudo os antigos. Sua coleção crescia a cada ano, mas ele morava na casa de sua tia, e ela não estava muito contente com isso.
O Sr. Denton estava em Londres um dia para comprar móveis para a nova casa que ele e sua tia estavam construindo, e ele estava a caminho de uma loja para escolher as cortinas. O caminho o levou, por acaso, para uma das melhores livrarias em Londres, e ele não conseguiu evitar entrar, apenas para uma olhada rápida, como ele disse a si mesmo.
Ele estava andando pela loja, olhando para diferentes livros, quando notou uma pequena coleção de livros sobre a parte da Inglaterra de onde veio, Warwickshire. Passou a meia hora seguinte olhando e finalmente decidiu comprar um que realmente o interessou, chamado "O Diário de Sr. Poynter, 1710". Pagou pelo livro e depois, olhando para seu relógio, percebeu que tinha muito pouco tempo antes que o trem de volta para Warwickshire saísse, e ele teria que correr até a estação. Ele pegou o trem por pouco.
Naquela noite, sua tia o questionou sobre sua viagem para Londres e estava muito interessada em saber sobre a mobília que chegaria em breve. O sobrinho descreveu tudo em detalhes, mas ainda assim ela não estava satisfeita.
- E as cortinas, James?, ela perguntou. - Você foi ao...?
De repente, James se lembrou.
- Ah querida, ah querida, ele disse. - Essa foi a única coisa que esqueci. Desculpe-me. Veja bem, eu estava a caminho quando, por acaso, passei pela Robins.
- Não Robins, a livraria, eu espero!, exclamou sua tia. - Não me diga que você comprou mais livros velhos e horríveis, James.
 - Bem, apenas um, ele disse, sentindo-se um pouco culpado. - E é um muito interessante, um diário de alguém que morava não muito longe daqui... Mas ele podia ver que sua tia não estava realmente ouvindo.
- Você não pode ir a Londres novamente até a próxima quinta-feira, ela estava dizendo. - E sério, James, até que decidamos sobre as cortinas, não há mais nada que possamos fazer.
Por sorte, ela decidiu ir dormir logo depois e James ficou sozinho com seu novo livro, que ele leu até a madrugada. Ele achou aquele diário, com histórias da vida cotidiana daquela época, muito interessante. O dia seguinte era domingo. Depois da igreja, James e sua tia sentaram-se juntos na sala de estar.
- Este é o livro antigo que fez você esquecer minhas cortinas?,  perguntou sua tia, pegando-o. - Bem, não parece muito bom... O Diário de Sr. Poynter. Hã?
Mas ela abriu o livro e olhou algumas páginas. De repente, para a surpresa dele, ela começou a mostrar algum interesse.
- Veja isso, James, ela disse. - Não é adorável?
Era um pequeno pedaço de papel, preso a uma das páginas do diário. Nele tinha um lindo desenho, composto de linhas curvas que, de alguma forma, chamavam a atenção.
- Bem, por que não copiamos o desenho para as cortinas, já que você gostou tanto?, ele sugeriu, esperando que ela o perdoasse por sua má memória no dia anterior em Londres.
Sua tia concordou e, no dia seguinte, James levou o papel para uma empresa na cidade mais próxima, que concordou em copiá-lo e transformá-lo em cortinas.
Cerca de um mês depois, James foi chamado para inspecionar o trabalho e ficou extremamente satisfeito com o resultado.
- Foi um trabalho difícil?, ele perguntou ao gerente.
- Não muito difícil, senhor.
Mas, para falar a verdade, o artista que fez o trabalho era muito infeliz – ele disse que havia algo ruim no desenho, senhor."
James ficou pensativo, mas ainda assim ele escolheu as cores para as cortinas e então voltou para casa.
Algumas semanas depois, as cortinas estavam prontas e um homem foi pendurá-las em diversos cômodos da casa nova; um deles sendo o quarto de James. Naquela noite, descobriu que não conseguia parar de olhar para elas e, embora fosse uma noite quieta, ele tinha quase certeza que as cortinas estavam se movendo e alguém estava observando-o por trás delas. Ele disse a si mesmo que isso era impossível e para não ser tão burro. Explicou a si mesmo que o efeito era causado pelas linhas curvas nas cortinas, que pareciam longos cabelos pretos e enrolados.
No dia seguinte, um amigo de James tinha vindo passar a noite e, depois do jantar, ficaram sentados até tarde, conversando e rindo. Finalmente, eles decidiram ir dormir e James mostrou a seu amigo o quarto de hóspedes, que era bem na frente do seu.
James, no entanto, não queria ir dormir imediatamente e sentou-se na cadeira perto da lareira em seu quarto, lendo. Adormeceu por alguns minutos e, quando acordou, percebeu que alguma coisa estava no quarto com ele. Levantando a sua mão, ele sentiu algo coberto em pelos e pensou que era seu cachorro, que sempre o seguia em todo lugar.
- Como você entrou aqui? Eu pensei que tinha te deixado lá embaixo!, ele disse, olhando para baixo.
Para seu espanto, percebeu que não era seu cachorrinho, mas algo quase humano. Ele pulou e gritou e, ao fazer isso, o rosto da coisa foi em direção a ele: sem olhos, sem nariz, sem boca; apenas cabelo. Gritou novamente e correu para a porta, mas estava tão assustado que não conseguia abri-la. Sentiu a coisa tocar suas costas e rasgar sua camisa. Finalmente, a porta se abriu e ele correu para o quarto de seu amigo, aterrorizado e respirando com dificuldade.
Na manhã seguinte, logo cedo, James foi para o litoral por uns dias para tentar esquecer sua horrível experiência. Ele levou consigo “O Diário do Sr. Poynter”, pois queria ler novamente com cuidado, para descobrir qualquer coisa que pudesse sobre o desenho anexado à página.
Quando chegou nessa parte do livro, descobriu que havia vários pedaços de papel colados um em cima do outro. Cuidadosamente descolou os dois primeiros e encontrou esta história, escrita pelo Sr. Poynter em 1707.
"O velho Sr. Casbury de Acrington falou-me esses dias sobre o jovem Sr. Everard Charllet, naquela época um estudante da University College. O jovem bebia demais e infringiu a lei várias vezes, mas porque ele era de uma família importante, a universidade nunca fez nada sobre isso. Ele costumava usar o cabelo muito longo e curvando-se sobre pescoço e usava roupas atípicas e coloridas. Seu comportamento desagradava muito seu pai. Um dia, encontraram o jovem Sr. Everard morto em seu quarto, com todo o seu cabelo arrancado. Ninguém conseguia explicar por que ou como ele morreu, mas a coisa mais estranha era que, um dia depois de sua morte, o corpo desapareceu completamente, ficando apenas um amontoado de cabelos pretos, ondulados e compridos no chão de seu quarto. Seu pai guardou um pouco do cabelo e fez desenhos com ele, partes dos quais eu anexei a essa página."
Essa é a estranha história por trás das cortinas. Antes de voltar para casa, James Denton ordenou que seus empregados retirassem e queimassem todas elas.
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aldahi-rp · 4 years ago
"Yep! We ate! Can we go to the attic now?" Dawn hadn't forgotten the beautiful, tinkling music that seemed to have been calling to her. She couldn't hear it now, but she bet if she went into the attic she would be able to!
She had forgotten all about her twins idea in leu of this mystery! The thing in the attic seemed to have rattle her father (who didn't rattle easy). So it must have been a really, really big deal! This SHOULD have instilled a sense of caution or even fear in the small child, but it only instilled a sense of intense curiosity.
Rumplestiltskin frowned. He didn't want the girls to go anywhere near the attic, even if he couldn't detect what had been making the music the children had heard, and even if the originator of the music had fled by now...
On the other hand, he knew Dawn was likely to try to go on her own if he told her not to. And if the girls could still hear the music they could direct him to where it was coming from.
He also didn't like the idea of leaving them alone until he had gotten to the bottom of this. He still vividly remembered Pan luring away his boy (and all those other children)
"Only if I accompany you" he told her, very seriously.
What is Lost and Found
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and-the-nerding-goes-on · 8 years ago
Little Amala
Part 2- Baby Bat
Warnings: mentions of violence, puking
Word Count: 1754
Summary: Damian’s need to avenge the newest face around the family leads to interesting interactions with the Red Hood as he tries to key in on whether or not Bruce should keep the baby.
Jason Todd turned to a tied up boy wonder, covered in blood and freshly plucked from a crime scene he had created himself. Red Hood knew the kid was raised to be an assassin, but what he saw in Gotham’s newest drug den was too sloppy, too angry to be something from the league.
“Alright kid, talk.”
Damian stayed silent, refusing to lift his eyes and look at his older brother.  His mind was still reeling, his arms struggling against the wires around him so he could go back and finish the job.
“You’re not getting out of this kid; talk! You aren’t supposed to kill.”
“Like you do?”
“I’ve got my reasons.”
“I wasn’t going to and even if I did...they deserve it.”
Hood stood over Robin, watching the boy boil in his seat. He sent a message for Bruce to come pick up the demon brat. Damian wasn’t even supposed to be out on patrol tonight, let alone trying to handle a group on his own. The brat never got personal, at least he never blatantly showed it. Jason walked over and sat in front of the boy, holding his small chin in his fist, a silent question. Why.
Damian yanked his chin away and growled, “they hurt a kid.”
“People hurt kids all the time.”
“It was a baby.”
Jason saw Bruce land across the roof and slung Damian over his shoulder. He said, “wasn’t your kid, was it?” Damian scoffed and stayed silent as he was plopped in front of his father.
The big bat began his own interrogation of what happened but Damian stayed silent. While they made their way back to the cave Jason informed Bruce of the attack,how many were injured and how badly. Bruce had expected this, but never thought he’d go so far especially for a baby. It was as if all the progress he had made from when he arrived in his life from the league was gone in an instant. Still, he didn’t have enough evidence to prove if having the infant there was helping or hurting the situation so he agreed to abstain his decision on keeping them for now.
After arriving at the cave Damian was untied and bolted up to the manor, changing out of his uniform in record time before going to check on little Amala. She was in the kitchen with Alfred, who was giving her a warm bottle and plenty of kind words. Damian decided to stay hidden, hoping for a good sign that Alfred would help him convince Bruce to not put Amala in child services.
“There there, better now? I know I always feel better with a good hot bit of food in me. The boys all do as well, you’ll see. You’ve met Master Damian,” he said, walking in circles around the kitchen island to help keep the baby happy. At hearing Damian’s name the tiny infant looked up. It was mere chance, but Alfred didn’t survive this long with Bruce as a ward without believing in more than a few impossible things. “Yes, Master Damian. The one who hasn’t let you out of his sight for three days. You’ll meet the others, I’m sure. Master Dick visits often, and Master Timothy should be back from the Teen Titans’ latest mission soon. Master Jason doesn’t visit hardly at all, moor’s the pity.”
Amala cooed as she listened to the smooth and hypnotic voice. Her small hands felt along the baby bottle’s edges and she tried to grab it. It proved too much for her little arms so Alfred kept a good hold. She only ever seemed to be calm in Alfred or Damian’s arms, being anywhere near Bruce brought a fit of crying and hours without either adult seeing her or Damian. So while the boys were out on patrol, Alfred watched over the soft bundle with the smell of baby powder reminding him of his own daughter.
He continued, “we've all had very harsh lives, little one. I’m afraid a bunch of rowdy vigilantes may not be the best place for you in prospect. But you’re here, and I do think your presence is having a positive effect on Master Damian - yes, that’s right, Master Damian - despite what he’s out doing tonight.” The butler watched as the baby hiccupped, blinking a few times before returning her mouth to the bottle nip. “Yes, I agree, he is being reckless. But I know if Master Bruce decides to send you away he will search the world over for you, so there’s another reason to stay.”
Damian had never seen Pennyworth look so warm and full of life. It was as if he could see all the love and compassion the man held within him wash over tiny Amala. The sight made him smile. Perhaps he always has that, he thought, he just never gets to show it.
“Would you like something to eat as well, Master Damian?”
Damian was torn from his thoughts as Alfred stood over him. Amala was still sucking away at her bottle but popped the nip out of her mouth to smile and reach for Damian for a moment. He couldn’t help but smile and brush his finger across her palm. Alfred kept his voice low, “I prepared a hearty stew for your return some time ago, it should still be hot, if you’d take the young Miss for a moment?” The boy nodded and took Amala to sit with him in the window. The night air was warm and brushed across the baby’s exposed hands as she ate.
Jason was just leaving the cave when he saw Damian in the window. He didn’t have to wonder what he was holding for long as two tiny hands tried to grab for the demon spawn’s face. It hit him suddenly that Bruce probably got another kid, but the fact that the demon spawn acted so odd around them peaked his curiosity. He was so...gentle. The juxtaposition to his erratic and immature behavior began to piece together as he slipped through the garden to get a closer look.
“I hope Pennyworth was treating you well, Amala,” he said soothingly. Amala giggled and Damian chuckled as he nodded. “Of course he was. Alfred Pennyworth is the best there is, you’ll understand that some day soon.”
Jason Todd could not believe his ears. The demon spawn, complimenting someone? What kind of sorcery is this? The last few pieces clicked into place and he leaned against the wall just behind Damian. “You were being protective,” he said. “They hurt her, and you wanted them to pay, didn’t you?”
The boy wonder had a knife to Jason’s throat as he balanced the baby in his lap to keep a hold of the baby bottle. He would never admit that Amala distracted him beyond paying attention, nor that the Red Hood had ever correctly stated anything about him, but the simple threat was enough to speak bounds about it. Amala whined and started to cry, unhappy with how tense things were and the newfound emptiness of her bottle. Damian relaxed, returning his attention to her and offering a finger in leu of a pacifier. “So what,” he asked, curling in over Amala.
“So it means you had reason for doing it and you weren’t just going back to your old ways,” Jason pointed out, relief flooding his voice. The demon spawn was still just the demon spawn and not some psychopathic prodigy of a madman again. The man’s blue-green eyes darted down to a tiny foot poking through the fabric and wiggling about in the cool night air. He slowly tucked it back in, making sure to fold the fabric securely and earning a murderous glare from the baby bat. “Easy kid, I just didn’t wanna see them catch a chill...they’re cute.”
Alfred had finished warming up Damian’s stew and, upon hearing Jason’s voice, prepared a second bowl before coming over. “Master Jason, it’s good to see you again. I see you’ve met the young Miss,” he said. Once Jason took his bowl Alfred pulled over a few chairs so that he could come in and sit, as he could tell this was going to be quite a conversation. Jason obliged, making sure that he didn’t touch the baby as he jumped over Damian.
“So, Bruce adopted a new brat?” he asked, savoring the home cooked stew that melted in his mouth and warmed him to the bone. Damian slowly started to ignore Jason’s comments, insisting that Amala was not a brat with a voice that got calmer each time. It was hard to keep calm around Todd but every time he would start to get angry Amala would get squirmy or upset. Eventually, Alfred took her from Damian so he could eat something. Jason slowly learned about the situation; the drug den Barbara had found the baby in, how she brought it here thinking Bruce would take it in, Damian’s bathroom debacle, and the ongoing debate whether or not the baby should stay.
“This place is a horrible home for a baby,” he said instantly, taking in a heaping spoonful of steaming spiced potatoes. Normally an argument would ensue, with Bruce having to come break up Damian and he. This time, however, the only sound was the start of a tiny sob that demanded Alfred get up and walk around a bit. Jason was surprised that neither was giving a hint of disagreement. “What, so that’s it? You’re just going to keep them here even though it’s a bad idea?”
Damian slipped from the windowsill, heading out into the garden to finish his evening meal.
“It’s better than the system, Master Jason,” Alfred finally said. “They won’t take in a child in this poor of care, and any foster family that is currently in Gotham or around would already have multiple infants on their hands. She wouldn’t get the care she needs to recover.”
Jason watched Alfred gently sway on his feet as his eyes never left the baby’s serene and sleeping face. The old man looked beaten to rags from exhaustion but at the same time had more hope and love than he had seen since before he was killed. He spoke quietly, “you need a break Alfred, you’re exhausted.”
Alfred smiled weakly and looked at his surrogate pseudo-son. “On the contrary, Master Jason, I think it’s been quite some time since I’ve felt this kind of peace in this house.”
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portifoliobiacarramillo · 6 years ago
Tradução de Conto
                                                The Curtains
                            (M. R. James. In: The Locked Room)
 Mr. James Denton's greatest love in life was books, old ones most of all. His collection grew bigger and bigger every year, but he lived in his aunt's house, and she was not very happy about this.
Mr. Denton was in London one day to buy furniture for the new house which he and his aunt were building, and he was on his way to a shop to choose the curtains. His way took him, quite by chance, past one of the best bookshops in London, and he could not stop himself going in, just for a quick look, as he told himself.
He was just walking round the shop, looking at all the different books, when he noticed a small collection of books on the part of England that he came from, Warwickshire. He spent the next half an hour looking through these and finally decided to buy one that really interested him, called “The Diary of Mr. Poynter, 1710”. He paid for the book and then, looking at his watch, he realized that he had very little time before his train back to Warwickshire left, and he had to rush to the station. He just caught the train.
That night, his aunt questioned him about his trip to London and was very interested to hear about the furniture which was going to arrive soon. Her nephew described everything in detail, but still she was not satisfied. 'And what about the curtains, James?' she asked. 'Did you go to...?' Suddenly James remembered. 'Oh dear, oh dear,' he said, ‘that’s the one thing I missed. I am so sorry. You see, I was on my way there when, quite by chance, I passed Robins.’ 'Not Robins the bookshop, I hope,' cried his aunt. 'Don't tell me you've bought more horrible old books, James.'
'Well, only one,' he said, feeling a bit guilty, 'and it's a very interesting one, a diary of someone who used to live not far from here…' But he could see that his aunt was not really listening.
'You can't go to London again before next Thursday,' she was saying, 'and really, James, until we decide on the curtains, there's nothing more we can do.
Luckily, she decided to go to bed soon after that and James was left alone with his new book, which he read until the early hours of the morning. He found this diary, with its stories of everyday life at that time, very interesting. The next day was Sunday. After church, James and his aunt sat in the living room together. Is this the old book that made you forget my curtains?' asked his aunt, picking it up. 'Well, it doesn't look very good…, The Diary of Mr. Poynter. Huh!' But she opened the book and looked at a few pages. Suddenly, much to his surprise, she began to show some interest. 'Look at this. James,' she said. 'Isn't it lovely?' It was a small piece of paper, pinned to one of the pages of the diary. On it was a beautiful drawing, made up of curving lines, which somehow caught the eye. 'Well, why don't we get it copied for the curtains if you like it so much?' he suggested, hoping that she would forgive him for his bad memory of the day before in London. His aunt agreed and the very next day, James took the piece of paper to a company in the nearest town, who agreed to copy it and make it into curtains.
About a month later, James was called in to inspect the work and was extremely pleased with the result. 'Was it a difficult job?' he asked the manager.
'Not too difficult, sir. But, to tell you the truth, the artist who did the work was very unhappy about it - he said there was something bad in the drawing, sir.' James was thoughtful but still he chose the colors for the curtains and then returned home.
A few weeks later, the curtains were ready and a man came to hang them in several rooms of the new house, one of which was James's bedroom. That night he found that he could not stop looking at them and, although it was a still night, he was almost sure that the curtains were moving and that someone was watching him from behind them. He told himself that this was impossible and not to be so stupid. He explained to himself that the effect was caused by the curving lines on the curtains, which looked just like long, curling black hair.
The next day, a friend of James's came to stay and after dinner they sat up late, talking and laughing. At last they decided to go to bed and James showed his friend to the guest room, which was just along from his own. James, though, did not want to go to bed immediately and sat in the chair by the fire in his room, reading. He fell asleep for a few minutes and, when he woke, he realized that something was in the room with him. Putting out his hand, he felt something covered in hair and thought it was his dog, who always followed him everywhere. 'How did you get in here? I thought I left you downstairs,' he said, looking down. To his horror, he found it was not his little dog, but something almost human. He jumped and screamed and, as he did, the face of the thing came up towards him: no eyes, no nose, no mouth; only hair. He screamed again and rushed to the door, but was so frightened that he could not get it open. He felt the thing touch his back and start to tear at his shirt. At last the door flew open and he rushed to his friends’ room, terrified and breathing hard.
The next morning, early, James went away to the seaside for a few days to try to forget about his horrible experience. He took with him The Diary of Mr. Poynter. He wanted to read it again carefully to find out anything he could about the pattern pinned on to the page. When he turned to that part of the book he found that there were several pieces of paper stuck one on top of the other. He carefully pulled off the first two and found this story, written by Mr. Poynter in 1707.
'Old Mr. Casbury of Acrington told me this day of young Sir Everard Charlett, at that time a student of University College. The young man drank too much and broke the law many times, but because he was from an important family, the university never did anything about it. He used to wear his hair very long and curling down his neck and he wore unusual, colorful clothes. His behavior made his father very unhappy. One day, they found young Sir Everard dead in his room, with all his hair pulled out. No one could explain why or how he died, but the strangest thing was that, the day after he died, the body disappeared completely, leaving only a pile of long, curling black hair on the floor of his room. His father kept some of this hair and had drawings made of it, part of which I have pinned to this page.'
This is the strange story behind the curtains. Before he returned home, James Denton ordered his servants to take them all down and burn them.
Tradução por Bianca Alves Carramillo
                                       O Mistério das Cortinas
                            (M. R. James. In: The Locked Room)
O maior amor do Sr. James Denton eram os livros, principalmente os antigos. Sua coleção crescia cada vez mais todo ano, mas ele morava na casa de sua tia e ela não estava muito contente com isso.
Certo dia, o Sr. Denton estava em Londres para comprar móveis para a nova casa que ele e sua tia estavam construindo, e ele estava a caminho de uma loja para escolher as cortinas. Por acaso, seu caminho o levou a uma das melhores livrarias de Londres e ele não poderia deixar de entrar. “Apenas uma olhadinha”, ele disse a si mesmo.
Estava andando pela loja, olhando as variedades de livros, quando percebeu uma pequena coleção de livros sobre sua terra natal, Warwickshire, na Inglaterra. Durante meia hora, ficou olhando tais livros e finalmente decidiu comprar um que lhe interessou, chamado “O Diário do Sr. Poynter, 1710”. Pagou pelo livro e então, olhando para seu relógio, percebeu que tinha pouco tempo antes que o trem para Warwickshire partisse. Teria que se apressar para chegar à estação. Por pouco, ele conseguiu pegar o trem.
Naquela noite, sua tia questionou sobre sua viagem até Londres e ela estava muito interessada em saber sobre a mobília que chegaria em breve. Seu sobrinho contou tudo em detalhes, mas ela ainda não estava satisfeita.
- E as cortinas, James? – ela perguntou. – Você foi ao...?
De repente, James se lembrou.
- Oh, querida, oh, querida – ele disse – essa foi a única coisa que esqueci. Desculpe-me. Veja bem, eu estava a caminho quando, por acaso, passei pela Robins.
- Espero que não tenha sido a livraria Robins – lamentou – Não me diga que você comprou mais livros velhos e horríveis, James.
- Bem, apenas um – ele disse, sentindo-se culpado – e é muito interessante; um diário de uma pessoa que costumava morar não muito longe daqui...
Mas ele percebeu que sua tia não estava nem mesmo dando ouvidos.
- Você não poderá ir a Londres novamente até a próxima quinta-feira – ela disse – e sério, James, até que nós decidamos sobre as cortinas, não há nada que possamos fazer.
Felizmente, logo depois disso, ela decidiu ir para a cama e James foi deixado sozinho com o seu novo livro, o qual leu até de madrugada. Tinha achado aquele livro, com histórias do cotidiano daquela época, muito interessante. O dia seguinte era um domingo. Depois da igreja, James e sua tia se sentaram na sala de estar juntos.
- É esse livro velho que te fez esquecer minhas cortinas? – sua tia perguntou pegando o livro – Bem, isso não parece tão bom... O Diário do Sr. Poynter. Hã?
Mas ela abriu o livro e folheou algumas páginas. De repente, para a surpresa dele, ela começou a demonstrar certo interesse.
- Veja isso, James – ela disse – Não é lindo?
Era um pequeno pedaço de papel preso a uma das páginas do diário. Nele havia um lindo desenho, com linhas curvas que, de certo modo, chamava atenção.
- Bem, por que não copiamos o desenho para as cortinas se você gosta tanto? – ele sugeriu, esperando que ela o perdoasse pela memória falha do dia anterior em Londres. Sua tia concordou e, logo no dia seguinte, James levou o pedaço de papel para uma empresa perto da cidade, que concordou em fazer o desenho nas cortinas.
Um mês depois, James foi chamado para conferir o trabalho e estava muito satisfeito com o resultado.
- Foi difícil de fazer? – perguntou ao gerente.
- Não muito difícil, senhor. Mas, devo admitir, o artista que fez o trabalho estava muito insatisfeito – ele disse que tinha algo estranho no desenho, senhor.
James ficou pensativo, mas, ainda assim, escolheu a cor para as cortinas e voltou para casa.
Algumas semanas depois, as cortinas estavam prontas e um homem veio pendurá-las em vários cômodos da nova casa, inclusive no quarto de James. Aquela noite ele achou que não conseguiria parar de olhar para as cortinas e, mesmo estando de noite, tinha quase certeza de que as cortinas estavam se mexendo e alguém estava olhando para ele por trás delas. Tentou se convencer, dizendo a si mesmo que aquilo era impossível e que deixasse de ser tão estupido. Começou a explicar para ele mesmo que o efeito era causado pelas linhas curvas que pareciam com cabelos pretos ondulados.
No dia seguinte, um amigo de James foi dormir em sua casa e, depois do jantar, ficaram até tarde conversando e rindo. Finalmente, decidiram ir dormir e James mostrou a seu amigo onde era o quarto de hóspedes, que ficava em frente ao seu. No entanto, James não queria ir dormir imediatamente, então, sentou-se para ler na cadeira em frente à lareira em seu quarto. Adormeceu por alguns minutos e, quando acordou, percebeu que havia alguma coisa no quarto com ele.
Ao estender sua mão, sentiu algo coberto de pelos e pensou ser seu cachorro, que sempre o seguia por todos os lugares.
- Como você chegou aqui? Pensei ter deixado você lá embaixo. – disse olhando para baixo.
Para seu horror, descobriu que aquilo não era seu cachorro, mas algo quase humano. Pulou assustado, gritando e, desse modo, o rosto da coisa apareceu em sua frente: sem olhos, nariz ou boca; apenas cabelo. Gritou novamente e correu até a porta, mas estava tão aterrorizado que não conseguia abri-la. Sentiu a coisa tocar em suas costas e começar a rasgar sua camisa. Finalmente, a porta se abriu e ele correu para o quarto de seu amigo, assustado e ofegante.
Na manhã seguinte, logo cedo, James se dirigiu para o litoral por alguns dias para tentar esquecer a experiência horrível. Levou consigo O Diário do Sr. Poynter. Queria reler o livro cuidadosamente para encontrar qualquer coisa sobre o desenho preso à página. Quando chegou àquela parte do livro,  descobriu que havia vários pedaços de papel colados um em cima do outro. Ele, cuidadosamente, descolou os dois primeiros e encontrou essa história, escrita pelo Sr. Poynter em 1707.
‘O velho senhor Casbury de Acrington me contou hoje sobre o jovem senhor Everard Charlett, na época em que era estudante da University College, de Londres. O jovem bebia demais e violava muitas regras, mas, por conta de ele fazer parte de uma importante família, a universidade nunca fez nada a respeito. Usava cabelo longo e ondulado até o pescoço e se vestia de forma incomum com roupas coloridas. Seu comportamento deixava seu pai muito infeliz. Um dia, eles encontraram o jovem senhor Everard morto em seu quarto, porém, o mais estranho é que no dia seguinte à sua morte, o corpo havia sumido completamente, deixando apenas uma pilha de cabelos pretos longos e ondulados no chão de seu quarto. Seu pai guardou um pouco do cabelo e fez desenhos com ele, parte dos quais fixei a essa página.’
Essa é a estranha história atrás das cortinas. Antes de voltar para casa, James Denton ordenou aos criados que retirassem e queimassem todas elas.
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usuallypleasantprince · 7 years ago
Read Sands of Time(24) online free by Sidney Sheldon
Sands of Time(24) Author: Sidney Sheldon
"They have betrayed me," he moaned. "They have all betrayed me. Judge Giovanni Buscetta - I owned him, Lucia! I made him a wealthy man, and he did this terrible thing to me. And Patas. I was like a father to him. What has the world come to? Whatever happened to honor? They are Sicilians, like me."
Lucia took her father's hand in hers and said in a low voice, "I am Sicilian too, Papa. You shall have your vengeance. I swear it to you, on my life."
"My life is over," her father told her. "But yours is still ahead of you. I have a numbered account in Zurich. The Bank Leu. There is more money there than you could spend in ten lifetimes." He whispered a number in her ear. "Leave cursed Italy. Take the money and enjoy yourself."
Lucia held him close. "Papa - "
"If you ever need a friend, you can trust Dominic Durell. We are like brothers. He has a home in France at Beziers, near the Spanish border."
"I'll remember."
"Promise me you'll leave Italy."
"Yes, Papa. But there is something I have to do first."
Having a burning desire for revenge was one thing; figuring out a way to get it was another. She was alone, and it was not going to be easy. Lucia thought of the Italian expression Rubare il mestiere - You steal their profession. I must think the way they da
A few weeks after her father and brothers... Source: Read Sands of Time(24) online free by Sidney Sheldon #Romance #BillionaireRomance #New-Adult #Young-Adult #HotBookSeries #fantasy #Vampires #OthersBooks #ScienceFiction #Thriller #Horror #Classics #NewReleases #Mystery/Suspense #HotAuthors #SandsofTime(24) #99 pages: #Previous #UnfinishedHeroseries #ColoradoMountainseries #Chaosseries #TheSinclairsseries #TheYoungElitesseries #BillionairesandBridesmaidsseries #JustOneDayseries #SinnersonTourseries #Manwhoreseries #ThisManseries #OneNightseries #Fixedseries #AThousandLetters #WastedWords #MyNotSoPerfectLife #Caraval(Caraval#1) #TheSunIsAlsoaStar #Everything,Everything #DevilinSpring(TheRavenels#3) #MarryingWinterborne(TheRavenels#2) #Cold-HeartedRake(TheRavenels#1) #NorseMythology
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