#leucothea rp
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
do not worry. Your mother is safe now.
My name is Leucothea, I used to be Halia, your father’s first wife
[ @leucothea-helper-of-sailers , I like your blog it's cool! Also no pressure if ya don't want to rp, I think it's cool!]
(orange had just left from Poseidon being more snappy and acting strange. The child was very worried, especially what this meant for their mom, Amphirite and Aphrodite that they were near tears)
(that's when they heard the strangely soothing voice, as they look up to the stranger with curious child eyes)
You..(sniff) You knew dad? He's acting so strange, I don't know why...
And you're sure miss, Leucothea(?) that mom is okay too?
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thrpr0phetuseek Β· 24 days ago
can you tell me my future oh wise prophet Tieresias?
[ the prophet hums ]
β€œNot yet. The songbirds will not allow. Though, what has strife done to make you search out my barren isle for your own peace?”
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
@gremlinlotusannonhere (throwing back some pain you tossed at me/j (T-T)
(don't open unless want ⚠️angst⚠️ the response finally came)
( you got a letter 🍊)
Dear Rio,
I will not be going with you. I will stay with Leucothea until going back our home. Believe that I thought of this, I thought this so long at night. I don't want to leave you. Not again..
But our family needs help. Running away, won't fix it. Dad already showed us that..And there is still good in him, I still believe in that with everything we all went through together! I'm not giving up on him..
But please, know I love you. That won't change. No matter how disappointed, angry, hurt you will feel, know I wish we could be together. And it will happen soon..just not yet.
So please, please, take care of yourself and the others you'll take with you. Especially petal..give them all my love and support while we're away. I already broke it a long time ago..
I'm sorry Rio, I'll stay in your heart, always. 🍊
(inside is folded pictures of all the ones they both had made together before. The letter also little water droplets at each corner, as it crying)
*Orange.. oh dearest.. I promise to get you back. Always.*
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god-of-the-sea2 Β· 25 days ago
(lmk if you don’t want to rp with me but)
Young! Leucothea (Halia) meeting Young! Poseidon for the first time
(Halia is helping untangle a trapped Hippocampus from a fisherman’s net when she hears footsteps nearby and can swear she saw a shadow dip behind a tree)
Hello??! Who’s there?? reveal yourself!! Are you the sailor that trapped this animal?
No, I would never do something so cruel to such a beautiful animal
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lightning-wielder Β· 15 days ago
(ooc: hello! I was wondering if you were interested in adding to the latest rp.
The context is below. Basically a child trying to get back to Mom figure, who is also despised and cursed by their father at the same time. dramaaaa.
And if you don't feel interested or comfortable that's 100000% okay! Don't want to pressure ya.)
-> https://www.tumblr.com/leucothea-helper-of-sailers/775685165791969280/you-go-with-him-after-everything-he-did-how-can?source=share )
Would absolutely LOVE to, but I don't have any time on my hands for rp these days. I'll totally go to Leu's blog when I get back from school, but that's gonna take hours lol!!!
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cotton-candy-anon Β· 1 month ago
i now have a rp blog :3
Thought you’d want to know since you interact with a lot of those :3
Awwww ty
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 24 days ago
Here is come! (^ ^)
(they excitedly rushed over to join the others)
Tumblr media
Breakfast is ready!!! I made pancakes!!!
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please-be-nice-im-sensitive Β· 1 month ago
Hi :3Β 
I see you’ve met most(?) of the β€œruthlessness kids”!!
And I was curious, have you done rp besides your Leucothea blog?
@best-dressed-on-mt-olympus (bv)
(I'm going to bed now since it's 2 am lol)
Yup. Behold my secret blog I talked about a while back
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 20 days ago
little one, how are you doing?
(the child was busy in the garden this time. Seeming to plant something, and smiling at the flowers, especially the Lotus ones..)
(then hearing the familiar comfort voice, their head lifted up, just like the woven blanket they were still wearing over them. Another lifted expression, both eyes and smile to greet the mother figure)
Oh hi mom! (^ ^)
just waiting right now..
But I'm a little excited and well, a bit sad at the same time. So I wanted to check your garden-er,well, if that is okay?
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
Hello, little one, how are you doing?
Oh! Hello again ! I'm good! (^ ^)
(the child greeted happily, having wakes up to remember they're still at leycothea's castle. Yesterday was actually wonderful, the most wonderful they had. So they wanted to make it up for her.)
"I uhm-, well.. I'm wanting to make something for you.
(to reveal the breakfast of pancakes and bacon they well..attempted to make)
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 18 days ago
(ooc: yeaaahh, and he's pissed like- red and got Trident pissed. So be careful ! (⁠‒⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠‒⁠;⁠)
(ooc: psst, so what's the plan for getting Amphirite? Lemon got Poseidon out the castle at Leucothea now with orange. So, is there something they should say and not say? Do or not do?)
wait you guys brought him to Leu’s castle? oh no… okay uh- shit. she’ll definitely hear what’ll happen and I bet she’ll come. I got this all under control, don’t worry.!
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 20 days ago
(for the qna) Why did orange decided to go to Leucothea when she offered? Did they regret going? Especially when the others were upset?
(ooc: OOF-welp, I'll try to answer this the best I can to make sense. So fair warning
(⚠️lots of rambling⚠️)
(⚠️ character insight if not interested ⚠️)
(⚠️Rp lore⚠️)!
( Insight from 🍊: )
When Poseidon and Amphitrite left without giving any explaining, orange, like the others, didn't take it well.
Everyone handles grief and loss differently, so orange went a certain route.
Run away.
After all, they're still a kid, and they were confused and hurt at the sudden absence without knowing what happened.
But more, that their considered siblings and family were completely DRIFTING away. Something that they watched, and could do nothing about.
So, when they were given a chance to have what they lost again, by Leucothea, who reminded of a mother for a scared lost child they were, they didn't hesitate. Especially considering the offer of having their siblings back together. As a family.
They regretted leaving, especially their closest, Lotus. But at the time, they were desperate to try to get a family again. since they couldn't stand the idea of being alone at Poseidon's castle, only to face bitterness of Poseidon leaving. Saying he, someone they looked up to, was only one thing now-
So they waited in down the depth of the ocean, at Leucothea's castle. A home. At least until the home above will repair and be back to normal.
The plan was to try to persuade their siblings to join Leucothea, and wait until their mom and dad returned. But rightfully so, they all declined and didn't trust her.
Even when offered to leave by Rio, somewhere away in a town and away the drama, they decided to stay anyways. As a way saying, "I'm not going to leave thinking he is a monster. I still believe good in him. "
determined to try to figure out what caused this and try to at least help, so Rio and Coral and their sibling could at least have a family to come back to.
But the one thing they didn't regret was being with Leucothea, even though the child isn't aware she started the mess (AHEM) And they look up to her like a child to a mother after how she cared and nurture them.
It helped ease the lost they felt with something similar. So why would they want to leave something like that, when they left like they lost it before?
And before they knew it, orange found themselves wishing a future more with the mother figure they grew fond of. So it'll be hard to say goodbye to the goddess they consider a mother now.
(FUN FACT: In this post , I had the headcanon to say both Leucothea n Orange shared the similar experience. that's what drawed them close and why orange went with her, without orange knowing-)
-they both lost something from Poseidon.
Leu lost her children, along the love and trust from the god after breaking s promise and killing her children. Breaking a family. Feeling alone
While orange, had to watch the one they considered a father figure disappear without a explanation. Leaving them feeling betrayed and lost. But also watching his action caused their sibling and mother go separate ways, and be upset. Breaking a family. Feeling alone.
So in conclusion..
"We are the same you and I, (I)"
(Scylla - Thunder Saga (Epic musical)
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
I'm bored so...
Characters as "Epic" quotes I think so far -> Based on recent rp (Where the Sea Drifts 🌊) (I tried the ones I've know, so so sorry for any else I couldn't get (T-T)
@leucothea-helper-of-sailers πŸ‘‘πŸŒŠ-
Need some help? (Little Wolf, The Wisdom Saga)
I can take the suffering from you (Suffering, Thunder Saga)
I've got all that you want here, all you could need here (Love in Paradise, Wisdom Saga)
Welcome to the best part of your life // I've got you, don't worry Circe got you (Puppeteer, Circe Saga)
I see a song of past romance (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
I see your wife with a man who's haunting , a man, with a trail of bodies (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
I've been so gracious, and yet you hurt the son of mine! (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Unless you apologize for all my son's pain and all his cries (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
I am your darkest moment, the monster that always draws near (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Remember me.. (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
You sealed your fate, just to beat me ( Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
How does it feel to be helpless!? How does it feel to know pain!? (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
Look at what you turn me into! (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
To fall is to learn one way (We'll be fine, the wisdom saga)
If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
Now, you're time has come, and you're lucky's run out (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
There you are, coward (Get in the Water, The Vengeance Saga)
You hide a reason for shame (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We must do what it takes to survive (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We are the same, you and I, I (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
For true nature will be revealed (Thunder Bringer, The Thunder Saga)
You fill my heart with hate, all of you, who have done me wrong. This will be your fate! (Odysseus, Itacha Saga)
You've hurt me enough (Survive, The cyclops Saga)
How much longer till your luck runs out? (Luck Runs Out, The Ocean Saga)
@king-of-the-fish 🌊
I am not the man you fell in love with // would you fall in love with me again? (Would You Fall in Love With Me Again, Itacha Saga)
When does a man become a monster? (Just A Man, Troy Saga) ( The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
Your past is always close behind (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
I see a song of past romance (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
I see your wife with a man who's haunting , a man, with a trail of bodies (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
If I became that monster, and threw my guilt away. (Monster, The Underworld Saga)
Then I'll become the monster (Monster, The Underworld Saga)
So close your hearts, the world is dark, and ruthlessness is mercy. (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Look at what you turn me into! (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
Drown in your sorrows and fears. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Consider this, as my goodbye (Goodbye, The Cyclops Saga)
This way, when all is done, you're out of sight and out of mind (Goodbye, The Cyclops Saga)
Brace for a storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
Wash it away like the blood on your hands have known (Dangerous, The Vengeance Saga)
The raging storm inside won't let you get closer (Dangerous, The Vengeance Saga)
@4mph1r1t3 🫧
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Look at all we've lost and all we've learned (Puppeteer, Circe Saga)
You've given me no reason to bestow you with my trust (Done For, Circe Saga)
Nothing's what it seems (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
I see a song of past romance (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
I see your wife with a man who's haunting , a man, with a trail of bodies (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
You are the worst kind of good, cause you're not even great (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Unlike you I've got no mercy left to give (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves (ha) (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
There you are, coward (Get in the Water, The Vengeance Saga)
Look what you turn me into! (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
How much longer must I suffer now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. Breaking the bonds that you've made. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Give up your honor and faith. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Consider this, as my goodbye (Goodbye, The Cyclops Saga)
This way, when all is done, you're out of sight and out of mind (Goodbye, The Cyclops Saga)
Never really know who you can trust. (Keep your Friends Close, The Ocean Saga)
@thatposidengirly 🐚
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
I'll always love you // I'll stay in your heart (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga) (depending to who)
Nothing's what it seems (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
Remember me.. (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Look what you turn me into! (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
How are we supposed to trust you now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
How much longer must I suffer now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Drown in your sorrows and fears. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Give up your honor and faith. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We'll beat the storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
Never really know who you can trust. (Keep your Friends Close, The Ocean Saga)
@coral-daughter-of-amphitrite πŸͺΈ
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
I'll always love you // I'll stay in your heart (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga) (depending to who)
Bye mom.. (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
Nothing's what it seems (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
no longer you (No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
Remember me.. (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Look at what you turn me into! (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
To fall is to learn one way (We'll be fine, the wisdom saga)
How are we supposed to trust you now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
How much longer must I suffer now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Give up your honor and faith. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We'll beat the storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
@1ceyanonhasarrived 🧊
How could you say this? (Would You Fall in Love With Me Again, Itacha Saga)
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Nothing's what it seems // When you come home I'll be waiting (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
This is the price, we pay to love (There Are Other Ways, Circe Saga)
I'll always love you // I'll stay in your heart (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga) (depending to who)
No Longer You ( No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
How has everything been turned against us? (Monster, The Underworld Saga)
Get up and fight! (Little Wolf, The Wisdom Saga)
If I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find? (Legendary, The Wisdom Saga)
I know life and fate are scary, but I wanna be legendary! (Legendary, The Wisdom Saga)
If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
How are we supposed to trust you now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
How much longer must I suffer now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
You're quiet today. Not much to say.. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. Breaking the bonds that you've made. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Drown in your sorrows and fears. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Give up your honor and faith. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
You've hurt me enough (Survive, The cyclops Saga)
Push forward! (Survive, The Cyclop Saga)
We'll beat the storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
How much longer till your luck runs out? (Luck Runs Out, The Ocean Saga)
Never really know who you can trust. (Keep your Friends Close, The Ocean Saga)
Fight your way through! Do what you must do! (Dangerous, The Vengeance Saga)
@a-ghostly-ghoul-anon πŸ‘»
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Want to save your men from the fire? Show me that you're willing to burn (There Are Other Ways, Circe Saga)
This is the price, we pay to love (There Are Other Ways, Circe Saga)
I've got people to protect, friends I can't neglect (Done For, Circe Saga)
Nothing's what it seems // When you come home I'll be waiting (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
I'll always love you // I'll stay in your heart (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga) (depending to who)
No Longer You ( No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
If I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find? (Legendary, The Wisdom Saga)
Can I do whatever it takes to keep my mom (family) safe? (Legendary, The Wisdom Saga)
How are we supposed to trust you now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
How much longer must I suffer now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. Breaking the bonds that you've made. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We must do what it takes to survive (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
For true nature will be revealed (Thunder Bringer, The Thunder Saga)
Push forward! (Survive, The Cyclop Saga)
We'll beat the storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
How much longer till your luck runs out? (Luck Runs Out, The Ocean Saga)
Never really know who you can trust. (Keep your Friends Close, The Ocean Saga)
Fight your way through! Do what you must do! (Dangerous, The Vengeance Saga)
@gremlinlotusannonhere πŸͺ·
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
No Longer You ( No Longer You, The Underworld Saga)
Remember me.. (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Look at what you turn me into! (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
Haven't I suffered enough!? (Six Hundred Strike, The Vengeance Saga)
It's just me, myself, and I. Stuck in my bedroom, living in this world you left behind (Legendary, The Wisdom Saga)
If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
How much longer must I suffer now? (Mutiny, The Thunder Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. Breaking the bonds that you've made. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Drown in your sorrows and fears. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We must do what it takes to survive (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Give up your honor and faith. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
For true nature will be revealed (Thunder Bringer, The Thunder Saga)
We'll beat the storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
How much longer till your luck runs out? (Luck Runs Out, The Ocean Saga)
keep your friends close, and your enemies closer (Keep Your Friends Close, The Ocean Saga)
Never really know who you can trust. (Keep your Friends Close, The Ocean Saga)
Fight your way through! Do what you must do! (Dangerous, The Vengeance Saga)
@this-orange-anon024 (orange) 🍊
What have you've done? (Ruthlessness, The Ocean Saga)
Let's just cut our losses, you and I, and let's run (Puppeteer, Circe Saga)
Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road (There Are Other Ways, Circe Saga)
Nothing's what it seems (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart // no matter the place, we can light up the world here's how to start // greet the world with open arms (Open Arms, Troy Saga) (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
When you come home I'll be waiting (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
I'll always love you // I'll stay in your heart (The Underworld, The Underworld Saga)
Maybe you can learn to forgive (Get in the Water, Vengeance Saga)
It's just me, myself, and I. Stuck in my bedroom, living in this world you left behind (Legendary, The Wisdom Saga)
Maybe if life wasn't spent this planned, maybe it's time to lend a hand. (We'll be fine, The Wisdom Saga)
I know we'll be fine (We'll be fine, The Wisdom Saga)
Leaving then feeling betrayed. Breaking the bonds that you've made. (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We must do what it takes to survive (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
We are the same, you and I, I (Scylla, The Thunder Saga)
Mercy is a skill, more of this world could learn to use (Remember Them, The Cyclops Saga)
We'll beat the storm! (Storm, The Ocean Saga)
I still believe in goodness, I still believe we can be kind. (Luck runs out, The Ocean Saga)
But no matter what, keep moving (Dangerous, The Vengeance Saga)
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
Crossover idea πŸ’‘
(The Underworld x Where The Sea Drifts rp 🌊 )
@king-of-the-fish (you shall receive (\u/)
(Ruthless Kids & Sea Kids):
Does a man become a
All of your family and friends,
Who you left without a glance back.
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
(; Β° Β°)
(ooc: so, uh, hypothetical question. How do you think Poseidon would feel knowing one of their kids were persuaded by Leucothea, and now living down and away at her castle now while he's away?.. hypothetically of course. )
Good luck trying to come back, he wouldn't let you within 100 ft of the palace
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this-orange-anon024 Β· 1 month ago
Hey orange heard you are staying with the woman who made the divorce happen how is it there?
Wait..she's the reason it happened?
I..I didn't know.
She just said she knew dad, and he hurt him, but would protect mom. Then said she'd take care of us at her castle.
And I wasn't sure if she was tell the truth, so..I wanted to go see first before telling you..
(ooc: context: πŸ‘‘πŸŒŠ)
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