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modernhousemiami · 1 year ago
Illuminate your space in style with the LA JOLIE MUSE Candle Warmer Lamp. Elevate your home fragrance experience as the warm glow and subtle design create a cozy atmosphere. Discover a new level of sophistication and relaxation with this unique organic beeswax candle accessory.
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theemporium · 1 year ago
technically the first proper introduction into the charles and blitz world despite how much we talk about them!!
series masterlist
“If you die, can I get your Pista?”
Charles lifted his head, shooting you an unimpressed look. 
“What? I just thought we should cover all bases,” you defended, knocking your shoulder against his. 
You knew exactly what was going through his head. You knew he was overthinking the whole thing, making up the worst assumptions and how it could affect the time he would have to take off training. You knew he was working himself up like he tended to do, falling silent and allowing his only company to be himself.
It was the exact reason you insisted on coming with him.
“And out of everything I own, you want my car?” Charles questioned, his eyebrows raised. 
“Yeah well, you treat that thing like your baby—minus the parking skills,” you said with an innocent smile spread across your face. “Surely that makes me a step-mother or some sort of parental figure.”
“The way your brain works amazes me every day,” he murmured with a shake of his head.
“You love me,” you sang, nudging his shoulder once again and, this time, he lifted his arm to wrap it around your shoulder. 
“Unfortunately, I do. Even when you’ve started planning for my death before I go into surgery,” he mused, but you could hear the underlying hint of fear. The one he didn’t really want to admit, but the one that you saw as clear as day anyways.
“Everything is gonna be fine,” you reassured him and lightly squeezed his knee. “Who else am I gonna look down on the top step of the podium if not you?” 
He rolled his eyes. “It is truly a miracle I love you.”
“I’m the best thing in your life and you know it, Leclerc,” you countered, poking his side. 
Charles’ face softened. “Yeah, you are.” 
“Charles Leclerc!” 
He turned to look at the nurse who was waiting for him by the doors, a kind and welcoming smile on her face. You watched the way his face dropped a little, the way his body tensed against yours and you squeezed his knee again. 
“You’re coming back to me, Charlie. It’ll be fine.”

“Tu es si jolie, mon amour.”
*You are so pretty, my love.
“English, Charlie. My French is lacklustre at best.”
“Tu es l’amour de ma vie!” 
*You are the love of my life!
You sighed deeply, taking a glance at the boy in the passenger seat of the car. He had a lovesick smile on his face, his cheeks flushed pink and a little bit of drool on the edge of his mouth. He looked adorable—and fucking hilarious if the pictures you sent to his brothers were anything.
However, since the second he had woken up from the procedure, Charles seemed adamant on only rambling your ear off in French. No Italian or English to be heard. Just French. Just the one damn language that you were hopeless in, despite the many years you knew the Monegasque.
“J’ai hĂąte de t’épouser,” he sighed dreamily as he stared at you with an expression that made your chest tighten.
*I can’t wait to marry you
“I don’t know what you said but me too, buddy,” you said as you reached over to softly pat his thigh. 
However, the boy was one step ahead of you and quickly grabbed your hand to intertwine with his own.
“Regarder!” He giggled, holding your joined hands up proudly. “Nous sommes connectĂ©s pour toujours maintenant!” 
*Look! We are connected forever now!
“You’re so lucky you’re cute,” you commented, fighting the odd urge to bite back a smile even when you had no understanding of what he said. “I might need to call your mother if you keep up this whole French act.”
“Oui, appelle-la! C’est aussi ta famille, mon amour!” Charles nodded.
*Yes, call her! She is your family too, my love!
“You know, these embarrassing videos don’t work if even I don’t understand them,” you added, shooting him a look but he just smiled back at you, and you couldn’t really be mad at that.
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youremyheaven · 2 years ago
vedic astrology observations
in my previous post, i had observed how pisces rashi and bharani nakshatra gives a native immense acting ability, here i'll provide more examples!!
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the legendary indian actor, dev anand was revati moon
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ewan mcgregor has UBP sun
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James McAvoy has UBP mercury and venus with mars in revati
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Anya Taylor-Joy has either UBP/Revati moon and most likely UBP/Revati rising she also has mars and ketu in Revati
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Jessica Chastain has UBP sun with mercury and venus in Revati (amatyakaraka and atmakaraka respectively)
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michael fassbender has Revati sun and venus
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daniel day lewis is a bharani stellium (sun, mercury and venus)
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humphrey bogart was a bharani ascendant
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3 time Oscar winner, Frances McDormand is bharani moon and ketu
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8 time nominee and 2 time Oscar winner, Cate Blanchett is bharani ascendant and has venus in Revati
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Joaquin Phoenix, the absolute GOAT has UBP moon
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Cillian Murphy has Jupiter in Bharani atmakaraka and Ketu in Bharani as well (they're conjunct)
2. expanding on my previous observation as to how many Punarvasu & Pushya women play mistresses/home wreckers or are involved in such dynamics in real life, here are a few more examples;
Revati & Rohini are two other nakshatras that crop up often
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Marion Cotillard played Pablo Picasso's mistress in the movie Midnight in Paris. in real life, she was accused of having an affair with Brad Pitt when he was married to Angelina Jolie (this is a speculation). She has Pushya moon conjunct Saturn and Jupiter in Revati as her atmakaraka
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Dorothy Dandridge's best known role is that of a seductress and here, in Tamango she plays the mistress of a naval captain. She was Punarvasu moon and Pushya rising
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Anouk Aimee often played vamps/seductresses and in one of her most iconic roles in La Dolce Vita, she played the mistress. She has Revati mercury conjunct mars (her amatyakaraka) She was also rumoured to have had affairs with manyyy people including JFK
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Carla Bruni (yes, the woman whose face Bella Hadid stole) has a very chaotic romantic life. She was in a relationship with Raphael Enthoven and was formerly his father's mistress 💀She is Punarvasu rising
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Lou Andreas-Salome was a psychoanalyst, essayist and intellectual. She was muse and lover to some of the greatest European minds of her time (and all time) including Freud, Nietzsche and Rainier Maria Rilke; these men were absolutely obsessed with her and she was a major influence on their work. She has Ketu in Punarvasu
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Wallis Simpson, the woman for whom King Edward abdicated his throne, thereby forever changing the course of history was still married to her second husband when she met Edward. She has Mars in Revati as her atmakaraka and Jupiter in Pushya (exalted)
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Meghan Markle, the woman for whom Prince Harry left the royal family is Punarvasu rising. She has mercury conjunct rahu in Pushya
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Eartha Kitt, the complete siren & seductress, who had affairs with Orson Welles, Paul Newman & James Dean and many other businessmen and heirs was a Punarvasu moon. She was a dark skinned mixed race woman who had established herself as a sex kitten in 50s & 60s America after having grown up in abject poverty; she did something that was impossible and then took it to a new extreme and became the nation's obsession
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Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was muse to Calvin Klein & Ralph Lauren and met her future husband JFK Junior when he was still dating actress Daryl Hannah (unsure if they began dating at this time). Their marriage was short lived as they both tragically passed away in a plane crash in 1999. She is remembered for her timeless style. She was Punarvasu moon.
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Asia Argento played the titular mistress in the movie The Last Mistress, she has Jupiter in Revati atmakaraka and Saturn in Pushya darakaraka
3. I had previously observed how moon ruled/jupiter dominant/cancerian girlies tend to have a large chest 👀
now ill talk about what placements give men a naturally wide, broad, big, buff and bulky frame and body😌😋
men who have prominent Mars/Jupiter/Cancer placements are naturally big, buff and bulky and have wider frames 😌 another important factor is the involvement of a large yoni animal (buffalo yoni, elephant yoni & cow yoni imo)
Hasta & Swati have buffalo yoni
Revati & Bharani have elephant yoni
UBP & Uttaraphalguni have cow yoni
(others have already discussed how our yoni animal influences our appearance so i wont go into that; just know this much, the bigger the yoni animal, the bigger the guy)
i did not mention Mars in my post about voluptuous women because Mars influence gives a big, broad frame and does not really guarantee big breasts or curves (unless affected by other placements) so its very yang in nature
(obviously other placements will also impact a native's appearance and you can look like this and not have these placements as well!!)
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let's start with the legend himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. he has Pushya sun, Punarvasu stellium (mercury, venus and rising) you can say its the steroids making him look this way (im sure they were involved in his Mr World era) but the man is in his 70s and he's a tall, broad shouldered bulky guy😌so go argue with the wall
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Sylvester Stallone is Punarvasu sun and Saturn in Pushya darakaraka. He has Chitra moon conjunct Jupiter
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Vin Diesel is Punarvasu sun and mars in Chitra. He has Ketu conjunct Swati ascendant
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Dwayne Johnson has Chitra rising with venus & mars in Mrigashira, saturn in Rohini and ketu in Pushya
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Jean Claude Von Damme has Chitra sun & rising, Uttaraphalguni moon, mercury (atmakaraka) and venus in Vishaka
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Steve Howey, Punarvasu sun amatyakaraka, jupiter in Mrigashira atmakaraka, ketu in Revati and mercury in Pushya
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Jason Statham, Pushya sun UBP moon Punarvasu mercury atmakaraka, mars conjunct ketu in Swati, saturn in Revati
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Namjoon aka Father of Kpop has Mars in Punarvasu as his amatyakaraka and tropically most likely has Moon in 1h. Anyone who has seen those tiddies knows there is an undeniable cancer influence at play đŸ˜‹đŸ€­ He has mercury in Hasta, venus & jupiter in Swati and Ketu in Bharani 😋😋
tumblr only allows 30 images per post so look out for part 2 <333
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ekman · 7 months ago
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Une trĂšs cĂ©lĂšbre Ă©cole de commerce française communiquait rĂ©cemment vers les entreprises via le rĂ©seau socio-professionnel “LinkedIn”. Elle proposait Ă  d’éventuels prospects en quĂȘte de performance personnelle de “renforcer leur leadership par la posture coach”. Rien de moins. Cette annonce, si prototypique du monde de merde dans lequel nous rĂ©gressons chaque jour que post-Dieu fait, m’a soufflĂ© Ă  l’oreille que la dĂ©cadence s’accĂ©lĂ©rait. Plusieurs indices Ă©maillent le parcours qui m’a conduit Ă  cette dĂ©duction. Sauras-tu les retrouver ?
‱ L’accroche qui coiffe le visuel s’est armĂ©e de “working idioms” du plus bel effet, favorisant une paritĂ© bienvenue entre le langage hĂ©bergeur vĂ©hiculaire (the français) et les “key-words” impactants (l’english). Comme ça, on ne fĂąche personne et cette façon montrera aux maĂźtres anglo-saxons que le français n’est plus, effectivement, qu’un verbiage anecdotique sympathique et inoffensif, donc inoffensant, apte Ă  inclusifier toutes sortes d’impĂ©trants racisĂ©s.
‱ La muse en position debout – c’est Ă  dire en posture dominante – est une crĂ©pue gĂ©nĂ©tiquement adoucie ayant fait le choix d’une posture alpha (position des bras), rĂ©putĂ©e non rigide (la coiffure n’est pas tenue) et indiquant une disponibilitĂ© sexuelle grĂące Ă  son chemisier laissant apercevoir un dĂ©colletĂ© demandeur. On subodore, en complĂ©ment, une croupe marquĂ©e. En dessous de cette laurĂ©ate du “Programme Court Executive”, les pas encore “executive”, avec un cadre blanc cravatĂ© et barbu, tendance gĂ©nuflexion et gay friendly ; Ă  sa droite une jolie dame qui pourrait avoir eu un arriĂšre grand-pĂšre natif de HanoĂŻ, phĂ©notype synonyme de soumission aux puissants ; en face de lui un petit morceau de pimbĂšche française dont on a oubliĂ© jusqu’au prĂ©nom, mais qui transpire sĂ»rement la frustration et l’esprit revenchard. Pour finir, au premier plan, rĂ©solument de dos, un chicanos marocain venu livrer les salades “deetox” Uber-Eats du lundi.
‱ Comme elle a eu du pif pour booster sa carriĂšre, Christine (appelons-la “Christine”, en hommage Ă  Christine Kelly, la jolie journaliste caribĂ©o-bollorĂ©enne) a voulu amĂ©liorer son Ă©coute et adapter son style de leadership, ce qui ne veut absolument rien dire. Elle a, pour ce faire, explorĂ© son cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence et dĂ©veloppĂ© son intelligence Ă©motionnelle, ce qui n’en dit pas vraiment beaucoup plus – sauf que “intelligence Ă©motionnelle” indique un embryon d’altruisme post-industriel de bon aloi.
‱ La signature de ce pavĂ© publicitaire pour le programme “Posture Coach” de cette cĂ©lĂ©brissime Ă©cole orientĂ©e vers les Ă©tudes commerciales d’altitude, spĂ©cifie qu’il dĂ©veloppera l’écoute, permettra de questionner efficacement tout en adaptant son style de management. Une promesse en trois points qui aurait sans doute reçu un Ă©cho favorable rue Lauriston.
VoilĂ , vous savez tout. La clĂ© du succĂšs de votre carriĂšre tient Ă  bien peu de choses. Il vous suffit de vous conformer aux standards amĂ©ricano-bolchĂ©viques du moment et votre promotion sera garantie. Soyez “open et bienveillant”, massacrez la piĂ©taille avec le sourire, suggĂ©rez une rĂ©ductions des privilĂšges carbonĂ©s pour maintenir la stratĂ©gie Ă©co-favorable sur sa courbe zĂ©nithale, trafiquez vos rĂ©sultats comme Nono-le Rigolo et tout se passera bien pour vous. Enfin n’oubliez pas de souhaiter Ă  vos interlocuteurs une “belle journĂ©e” en conclusion de chacun de vos courriels – pardon, de vos mails.
J.-M. M.
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alexar60 · 2 years ago
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Hey, papillon aux jolies ailes,
Comme tu as de la chance
De virevolter autours d’elle
Sans qu’elle ne s’offense !

Tu voles et tu l’amuses,
Tu tournes attiré par son parfum,
Avant de te poser sur ma muse.
De préférence sur son sein.

Mais tu n’es qu’un papillon de jour
A la recherche de l’amour.
Il ne te reste que quelques jours
Pour trouver enfin cet amour.

Alors tu t’envoles
AprĂšs t’ĂȘtre enivrĂ©
De son odeur, ses phéromones,
Et de sa douce peau sucrée.

Ainsi tu t’envoles
Avec un gout de liberté.
Pour une aventure folle
Et rien ne pourra t’arrĂȘter.
Alex@r60 – aoĂ»t 2023
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ngrgds · 2 years ago
In French we don't say '' I want you'' but
Et le désir ardent de vous posséder qui émane de mes tripes ne fait que de se décupler à force de vous observer. Je ne cesse de penser que vous a mes cÎtés serait la chose la plus exquise et exotique que j'aurais goûté.
Tel le nectar suprĂȘme, vous emplissez tout mon ĂȘtre par votre seule prĂ©sence dans l'univers.
À la fois sauvage et dĂ©licate, vous avez cet aura qui fait de moi pauvre humain que je suis, un chanceux d'avoir le privilĂšge de partager le mĂȘme air que vous.
Je vous veux que ce soit le jour oĂč le soleil brille Ă  son zĂ©nith ou durant la nuit Ă©toilĂ©e, j'aimerais parsemer votre corps de milles baisers.
Soyez à moi, soyez avec moi, faisons de nos ébats la plus jolie mélodie qu'un musicien pourrais jouer.
Je ferais de vous ma Muse au delà de l'éternité.
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comfortmindbody · 6 months ago
Unveil the Art of Elegance with La Jolie Muse ✹🌿
Looking to add a touch of sophistication to your space? 🌾 Discover the elegance of La Jolie Muse—a brand that marries beauty with quality. Here’s what makes their collection a must-have for enthusiasts of refined living:
🌿 Sustainable Craftsmanshipïżœïżœâ€“ La Jolie Muse takes pride in using eco-friendly materials that add both style and sustainability to your home.
🌾 Aesthetic Appeal – Their beautifully designed pieces elevate any room with a unique blend of timeless charm and modern chic.
✹ Uncompromising Quality – Handcrafted and meticulously designed, La Jolie Muse products are built to last, ensuring you enjoy elegance for years to come.
Whether you're refreshing your living space or finding the perfect gift, La Jolie Muse offers something extraordinary for everyone. Ready to unlock a world of elegance? Head over to the blog and see the full review. 🌟
#HomeDecor #LaJolieMuse #ElegantLiving #EcoFriendly #InteriorDesign #SustainableStyle #ChicDecor #HandcraftedBeauty #LuxuryLifestyle #Review
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jbfly46 · 6 months ago
“Illuminati” Term Origination:
Did you know "The Ruspoli Family" have part ownership of the Tijuana Cartel?
Their crimes include:
Illegal gambling
Drug trafficking
The Tijuana Cartel also supply children to Hollywood elite. Do you see where I'm going with this? I want you all to think about "The All White" parties thrown by P. Diddy. And think back to what his neighbors stated regarding children being bussed in at 3am.
Then I want you think about what Ally Carter said regarding the parties where blood orgies were performed where mutilation took place. These celebrities have gangs, criminals, prostitutes, killers, etc., to do their dirty work.
Tau Ruspoli, an Italian-American filmmaker and photographer, is known for throwing exclusive Hollywood parties, often hosting them at his family estate in La Bocca di Lupo, a bohemian-style venue in the hills above Hollywood. Who are some of the guest that showed up at these parties? The same ones connected to JE Epstein.
Robert Downey Jr.
Quentin Tarantino
Angelina Jolie
James Franco
The Tijuana Cartel, based in Tijuana, Mexico, is located near the U.S.-Mexico border just south of San Diego, California. La Bocca di Lupo, being in the Hollywood Hills area of Los Angeles, California, is roughly 140-150 miles (225-240 kilometers) away from Tijuana, depending on the exact location within Los Angeles.
Side Note- People Hollywood is run with dirty money. Think about this. Prince Muzio Sforza-Cesarini is an owner of Stidda Mafia clans, Casamonica Mafia clan of Rome, and a part owner of the Trafficante crime family and Galveston crime family now headed up by the Fertittas.
Prince Muzio also oversees Hollywood and the music industry as well as media. The Sforzas ruled in Milan which is today a major international headquarters for news media. Milan was originally called Mediolanum. Medio like Media. Muzio refers to Muse like music.
Do you see why your news anchors in liberal & conservative platforms can be controlled given that the financing comes from crime families connected to the very things Donald Trump is trying to clean up?
This is why these celebrities felt so invincible doing the crimes they were committing against children. Because the very people who throw the parties they attend to abuse children controlled the networks you would think help expose them if the information turned out to be true.
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syrupsyche · 1 year ago
for the ask au thing: do you have any les mis/greek mythology au? 🙏
ty for this fantastic ask ehehe
Valjean is your archetypal demigod with super strength and the most depressing and traumatising backstory + trials to accomplish that's been thrown onto him by the divine authorities from Above. I think if he was canonically a demigod I wouldn't be surprised either, but for this AU I think him being a demigod who feels abandoned by the gods before eventually accepting that ultimately it is his actions and kindness that dictates his life and not his godly parentage is pretty par for the course! (And as for which god, I'm kinda stumped ngl. Would love to hear other ppl's thoughts but I'm leaning towards Hercules)
In the same line of thought, Javert is also a demigod but doesn't quite take the abandonment well and that in turn fuels his desire to constantly adhere to the law and to the forces Above, in the hopes that he can ascend (a la Hercules, which is quite ironic). No idea about his godly parent either, but I'm leaning towards any of the Cthonic gods!
Fantine is a regular mortal, but Tholomyes is a god. I like to think of him as an Apollo, which makes Cosette a child of light and healing and prophecy (the future).
Les Amis de l'ABC in canon is made up of people from various backgrounds, which means a variety of mortals, demigods, and creatures in this AU! Here's a quick-fire list but I'd love to hear anyone else's opinions:
Enjolras: mortal, but very clearly blessed by the gods. He rejects their blessings, however, and is rumoured to have even rejected their offer to join them Above.
Combeferre: child of Athena; constantly checking with Joly about everyone's physiological differences
Courfeyrac: child of Apollo (making him Cosette's half-brother!)
Prouvaire: child of Erato (muse of love and lyric poetry)
Feuilly: mortal, but blessed by the gods as well. Like Enjolras, he rejects them.
Joly: mortal; constantly trying to figure out the physiological differences between all the Amis
Bossuet: child of Tyche (goddess of luck) because I love irony
Bahorel: mortal who has sworn that he has slept with Every God Ever, including all of the Amis's godly parents. No one finds it amusing.
Grantaire: a satyr (connected with Dionysus, god of wine and madness)
5. Gillernormand was a demigod of some fuckshit god (I'm thinking Zeus, to inflate his ego even more). His daughters were also demigods, so he wanted Marius to be a demigod as well. Alas, his mother married Georges Pontmercy, a mortal, resulting in Marius being a mortal (or 1/4 demigod if you're being anal, but Gillernormand clearly doesn't see it that way). Marius has felt this disparity since his youth, thus fuelling his anger even more when Gillernormand insults his father. As the story progresses, he finds himself interacting with many more demigods (Les Amis, Cosette etc.) and he's finally accepted into this community, despite his parentage.
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dustedmagazine · 1 year ago
Reverso — Shooting Star-Étoile Filante (self-released)
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On previous recordings, Reverso has explored the music of French composers Gabriel FaurĂ© and Maurice Ravel, linchpins of the early 20th century classical repertoire. Here, the trio of trombonist Ryan Keberle, pianist Frank Woeste, and cellist Vincent Courtois are inspired by another French composer, Lili Boulanger (1893-1918), the short-lived but prodigiously talented artist who was the first female to win the Prix de Rome. Such was the grief of her sister Nadia that she gave up her own promising composition career, devoting herself to pedagogy, a teacher to many Europeans and a raft of American expats. Reverso titles the recording Shooting Star as an acknowledgement of Lili’s extraordinary gifts. While the composer would likely have heard little jazz, her work serves as an excellent starting point for the original tunes written in response to it by Reverso. One wonders about balance issues a trio with this complement might encounter, but it never seems to be an issue, with Reverso careful to make every note heard.
“La Muse '' opens the album with liquid ostinatos from Woeste and legato melodies traded between Keberly and Courtois. “Obstination '' has a syncopated Iberian cast that recalls the craze for Spanish traditional music among the Impressionists. The solos use distinct registers, with Courtois flying high and Keberle playing resonant pedal tones. Woeste’s solo is a modal post-bop excursion that celebrates the off-kilter rhythms of the piece. Likewise, “Resilience” explores rhythmic variety, with alternations between quick polyrhythms and solos that vary it. A slow tune serves as an overarching motif. There is a bridge where small, repetitive segments take over before a return to the opening material, Keberle playing the main tune in octaves with Courtois.
The “Nocturne” is a venerable form, usually for solo piano. Reverso captures the mood with sculpted delicacy. A repeated tenor note in the piano underscores a chromatic bass-line alongside melancholy chords, as well as corruscating melodies between trombone and cello. Woeste brings out a filigreed soprano register melody in the bridge before returning to harmonies from the opening. Doubling of the melody by Keberle and Courtois gives way to another varied duet between them, culminating in a high trombone cry and a quick outro of repeated passagework. “Ma Jolie” has a bluesy trombone solo that is repeated with the cello playing liberal slides. The central section is led by Woeste, playing a zesty bit of cabaret music. Keberly returns to his solo while Courtois plays a pizzicato bass-line. The piano drops in with tasty harmonic fills. The quick cabaret music returns, and the piano and cello provide a sinuous take on the main tune to close.
“En Avant” deftly channels the texture and melodic approach of Impressionism, a style that, while not encompassing, appeared in Lili’s music. Courtois’s solo features Eastern sliding tone. Gamelan and other non-Western artists fascinated French musicians, notably Debussy, at the 1889 Paris Exhibition, and they continued to incorporate its signatures for decades. Keberle’s solo, on the other hand, is a more raucous affair, and Woeste plays dexterous small cells and a repeated stepwise progression. The close returns to referencing Impressionism and ends with halting utterances.
“Requiem” is a touching memento mori for Lili, with a haunting minor key melody that is deftly varied in its doublings. “Shine” too has a melancholy cast. However, the somber mood doesn’t prevail. “Lili’s Blues” imagines an introduction of Lili to “Le Jazz Hot,” with a plethora of glissandos and rollicking swing.
The recording closes with “Dernier Moteur” (“The Final Action”) in which bucolic riffs and mysterious, angular melodies are played by Woeste, Courtois adds a sumptuous solo, and Keberly provides countermelodies with slow glissandos that distress the crispness of the rest of the proceedings. A denouement is completed surprisingly, with the piano simply stopping to conclude the piece.
Creating “new standards” of early twentieth century music would be a far less imaginative choice than the approach taken on Shooting Star, where Lili Boulanger’s biography is as much an inspiration as her music. Reverso inhabits a musical space both of homage and innovation.
Christian Carey
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thessalian · 11 months ago
Thess vs Horizon Las Vegas
Took a bit of time this evening to do MORE STUFF.
I could check in on Camp Nowhere ... or I could grab some campfires and do some hunting. Camp Nowhere can wait.
First thing's first - REBEL CAMP.
You guys're riding Bristlebacks. Hooboy. And one, and--
FUCK. Okay I need a smoke cloud, like, NOW.
WHOA what the fuck just--?
Oh. This thing auto-resets to ... advanced spark trap. Well. Other machine and two dudes are proper dead so I guess I can't complain--
I really, really need to figure out how the spiffy melee moves I've been unlocking actually work.
Sir, I salute you and your armour now FUCK OFF.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand your little friends too.
Right. That's enough of that. Now let's see what we see.
Hrm. More Bristlebacks. And some more parts never hurt anyone. So ... let's see what we can do with ... let's say an acid trap this time. Aloy does keep musing at me that acid is a good thing here.
.........Well. That happened. DAMN. Maybe I should set up traps around my sniper's nests as a matter of course from now on.
There is apparently a slab of greenshine up there and I might be able to climb at least partway to it. Let's see how far I can go.
Okay, so I managed to use a grapple point while jumping off the building. I am definitely getting better at that.
Ooooooh. Behemoth convoy. And that's an Apex Behemoth.
...I wonder if I can shoot it down from here with my sharpshot bow.
.........I can! And there are some very pissed off and confused Ravagers down there who have no the fuck idea where I am and are searching their perimeter at ground level. This is hilarious.
And now they're out of alert mode and back in sharpshot bow range. POONK. POONK. I love my new sniper's nest.
Unfortunately, I cannot stay here forever and I can't find my way up to the grapple point and the greenshine yet so I'mma go down and salvage my kills and keep exploring.
Wow. This is the first time we actually get a look at a heavily built up urban area (or at least, one that's still recognisably a heavily built up urban area) after the apocalypse. I mean, I've never been to Vegas personally so I don't know if there's anything that might be recognisable as a landmark to someone who lives there (at least, not yet) but it's still kind of chilling.
And off we go, getting more campfires-- Ooh. Longlegs.
Aaaaaaaaaand that says Apex. Heeeeeheeheehee.
I love it when I hit them in the concussion sac and take out two at once!
Right. Campfire and-- Settlement. Oseram in trouble. But map says "salvage contracts", so--
Oh. Oh, Runda. I will get you so many things. I would really like it if you won Keruf's little competition but mostly I just don't want you to die because you are so very nice.
Handa? Eh, she can wait. I don't want you dying to Tenakth rebels or starvation. BRB, killing you a Bellowback. Not in my favourite way in the world, but...
Aaaaaaaaand there's my Bellowback.
Okay. There. Dead Bellowback, big cargo sac intact. Running back to Runda to let her know before something, like, eats it or whatever.
After all that, I'd decided I'd had enough. I am exhausted. One way or another, there'll be time for more salvage quests tomorrow. Probably in the later evening, as I have some errands to run after work and I'm actually really hoping I sleep until my alarm tomorrow morning.
(Bet I won't, though. My body's being a shitheel to me about that.)
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modernhousemiami · 1 year ago
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est-ce · 11 months ago
Un temps d'avance sur la beauté 542 le monde est stable pour ne pas tomber 543 abricot intense 544 hommes et femmes sont autant excités par le porno, confirme la science 545 demandez conseil à votre bioprothésiste 546 la créatrice a récupéré son adn et sa muse 547 [machine] : la facette méconnue de la cycliste n'est pas joli(-) à voir 548 laissez-vous surprendre par l'innovation 549 sponsorisé par Brûler ma graisse 550 cette réglementation solaire bouleversante va changer tout en 2024 551
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toshisims · 2 years ago
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EN Hello ! This is my first post for this blog and I hope you will love my makeovers and builds for this save of mine. I could only start with the iconic Goth family. I really want to providing you with complete families with defined relationships, skills and activities.
The Goth are a family of aristocrats whose fortunes have been handed down from generation to generation. Mortimer is a famous poet whose poems have thrilled and brought tears to the eyes of many. His inspiration, his muse, the woman of his life is none other than the mysterious Bella. A wild flower who, despite disappearing several times, always comes back to her lifelong love and her children. So what is her secret? Why does the pretty brunette go out at night? Will their child prodigies manage to grow up healthy and find their place in society, despite their unusual upbringing?
FR Salut ! C'est mon premier article sur ce blog et j'espĂšre que vous allez aimer mes relookings et constructions qui peuplent ma nouvelle sauvegarde. Je ne pouvais que commencer par l'emblĂ©matique famille Gothik. J'ai Ă  cƓur de vous fournir des familles complĂštes avec des relations, des compĂ©tences et des activitĂ©s bien dĂ©finies.
Les Gothik sont une famille d'aristocrates dont la fortune se succÚde de génération en génération. Vladimir est un grand poÚte célÚbre dont les textes ont fait vibrer et pleurer plus d'une personne. Son inspiration, sa muse, la femme de sa vie n'est d'autre que la mystérieuse Sonia. Fleur sauvage qui malgré ses diverses disparitions, revient toujours auprÚs de son amour depuis toujours et ses enfants. Quel est donc son secret ? Quelle est la raison des sorties nocturnes de la jolie brune ? Leurs enfants prodiges réussiront-ils à grandir sainement et trouver leur place dans la société malgré leur éducation peu commune ?
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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les-portes-du-sud · 2 years ago
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Le soleil
En mouvement constant
Il tourne autour de la terre...
Mais quel caprice le tourmente?
Est-ce sa muse la lune,
Couverte de voiles
Qui inspire sa toile,
Qu'attends-tu, alune.
Cette demoiselle la lune
A la sublime pĂąleur
T'inspire ,comble ardeur,
elle se consume en ton feu
Flamboyant de ton aveu.
Elle semble mystérieuse,
Serait-ce une ensorceleuse
Avec ses lacs et montagnes
Que tu rĂȘves de gravir
Afin de la faire rosir.
Elle a le visage pĂąle
Aux reflets de l'opale,
Contemple de nuit Ă©toiles
Couverte de son voile.
Loin de son orbite
Tes rayons s'allongent,
Essaient de l'atteindre,
L'attente se prolonge...
Si loin de son orbite.
De dépit, c'est la terre que tu touches,
Du bout des doigts la caresse
Et résolu la couvre de tendresse.
Elle te remercie
Et Ă  l'envie
De chaleur exulte,
Tu deviens son culte.
Elle envoie sa rosée
En doux nuages posée
Pour te rafraichir,
Pour mieux te chérir,
En toi poser les fleurs
Pour adoucir ton désir.
Loin de toi la rage
Que t'inspire l'orage
Au goût si amer
De nombre de ses Ă©clairs.
Ta douce chaleur diffuse
Rien que pour ta muse
Cette jolie terre
Aux délicieux mystÚres.
Tu t'imposes en roi
De joie tu flamboies,
Eclaire l'horizon,
Tu vis Ă  son diapason.
Vis donc notre aimé roi
Impose- nous ta loi
Pour notre plus grand bonheur
Eloigne donc tous les heurts.
Que notre vie se couvre
D'un tapis de fleurs
Qui Ă  l'aurore s'ouvrent
Vers un avenir bonheur.
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aaronburrdaily · 2 years ago
May 20, 1809
Rose at 5. Gueri de mal a T. mais pas bien.Âč A servant recommended by Gahn as speaking English. He asked a dollar banco per day. Sent off. I could not understand a sentence he said in any language. Mr. Bergstrom of the City College came in. Walked with him 1/2 hour. Went to Professor Arnt’s, whom saw. He proposes to walk with me on Sunday to see some objects of curiosity. A note from Professor (Dr.) Gahn asking H. and me to dine on Monday; agreed. Home at 1. H. out. Slept on the can.ÂČ two hours. Read one hour in Acerbi. Tea at 6 pour dineÂł. Great vexation to make myself understood par Madame ou la jolie jungfru⁎. Professor Arnt came in from Baron Munck to ask me to dine at Haga (sa campagne⁔) on Monday, but was engaged to Gahn. Amus. av. jungf. deux heur. Tres b.⁶ H. came in at 11, having dined at the country house of Wennerquiest, where met Slade. Invitation to me was sent but not received in season. Captain , adjutant, called in the forenoon and amused me with details of the disposition of the Swedish forces and those of Russia which are on the frontier. Great vexation about the key. A traverse I’antichambre. U. muse venoit. Ne saur. renvoir.⁷
1  Cured of headache, but not well. 2  For canapĂ©. Sofa. 3  Pour dinĂ© or diner. For dinner. 4  By madame or the pretty maid. From now on Burr talks much of the jungfrus. 5  His country-house. 6  For m’amusai avec la jungfru deux heures. TrĂšs bien. Had fun with the jungfru (maid) for two hours. Fine! 7  Probably for Ă  travers l’antichambre. U muse Venait. Ne saurais [la] renvoyer. Across the hall, maid muse came. I couldn't send her back. (The word muse is used throughout the Journal by Burr in describing his amorous adventures. The literal meaning in French is “the beginning of rutting time.” He evidently uses a very unusual word for the purpose of veiling his meaning.)
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